yyh4ever · 10 months
I keep hearing Togashi originally planned the ending of Three Kings to be an all out war arc that Kuwabara would come back for, but I can’t find anything from Togashi or anything to confirm. Is any of it true?
If not, how would you have changed the Three Kings arc?
I've heard something similar, but I've never seen Togashi saying anything like that in any interview. I doubt that's true. He wanted to end Yu Yu Hakusho right after Yusuke fought Sensui, because he was already exhausted at this point, and had already explored every possible direction for the yyh characters. So, JUMP and Togashi agreed on having six more months to conclude the series.
Maybe, that's because in Yoshirin de Pon he says he had the idea to start deconstructing the characters, something Jump turned down, so people started to assume he wanted to do an all out war similar to what he's been doing in the Succession Contest Arc in Hunter x Hunter? I have no idea how this rumor started.
"If I ever manage to have a long serialization in Jump, I will end it on my own terms". That's what the man said. I beg everyone to read the "Yoshirin de Pon!" interview to understand more about his feelings at the end of the Yu Yu Hakusho series.
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Source: translation by brickme
I think the all out war arc with Kuwabara is something people wanted, not Togashi. At the end of the bunkoban edition (2011), when letters arrived asking for more Yu Yu Hakusho content, Togashi replied with a short comic, killing most of the main characters and showing he was really done with Yu Yu Hakusho.
I don't think I would have changed the 3 Kings Arc. Sometimes, I think I would have wanted a war, then it would be an arc focused more on Kurama, my favorite character. But, Yusuke wouldn't have much space in a cold war, full of military strategy. I believe tournaments and face-to-face confrontations suit more the spirit of Yu Yu Hakusho, and that's one of the reasons Togashi wanted to end it, to avoid repeating the same storylines over and over.
But, now I am curious, how would you all have changed the Three Kings Arc?
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kurameshii · 2 years
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Deleted scene from episode 107.
Shinjo is actually the name of Yusuke's "actor" as seen in Togashi's Yoshirin de Pon.
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chinchillasinunison · 2 years
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I just found out that a scrapped YYH ending where they're all actors in a TV show was considered by Togashi but his editors shot it down, and these four pages in the Yoshirin de Pon! doujinshi are all that remains. These are up on manga websites but I had difficulty finding them because I didn't know the title, so I'm putting them here for posterity's/ease of access's sake.
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folkloregirlfriend · 2 years
yoshirin and michi from shinchan are so annoying
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minanimals · 16 days
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nendo yoshirin for 2024’s Pokemon TCG Illustration Contest
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nararain · 1 year
i gotta be crushed into some more malleable so the Life Size Pokémon guy, Clay Yoshirin (beloved) can turn me into something cool and give me the works; Power and wet sanding, a good hose off with the shower head, and a new shiny paint job <3
I think that will fix me frfr
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kjs-life · 2 years
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# Today's #Supper #Tomato #Mozzarella #Genovese #Yoshirin's #Pakuri #今日の夕飯 #トマト #モッツァレラ #ジェノベーゼ #よしりんさんの#パクリ (Yokohama) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca4lSu5PgXb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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honeyujin · 4 years
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"but as one that can become alive"
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inahochi · 4 years
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Atsumu Yoshinaga
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yyh4ever · 2 years
From what I understand Yu Yu Hakusho was really big in the doujinshi community at the time. I was curious if you knew anything about what that community was like, or how Togashi interacted with it. I figure he must've been somewhat aware of it if he handed out his letter to fans at comiket. Thanks for posting all this great information!
Even nowadays, you'll find many Yu Yu Hakusho booths at the Comiket with merch and doujinshi. Also, good cosplayers at the cosplay area. I feel the YYH community is still huge.
But at the time of the serialization, there were many circles, people discussing the chapters in real time, and even famous manga artists like Yun Kouga drawing doujinshi under pen names. Moreover, in an era when internet was not a big deal yet, it was a great place to fans and artists come together.
I honestly don't know much about the community, as I've only visited the convention many years later and never applied for any circle. I vaguely remember that when an article about the characters from the Black Chapter Arc came out in 1993, with Togashi's comments, there was a fuss over Itsuki and Sensui. The comments about Itsuki said: "Itsuki was almost defeated by Sensui, but after that, they started going out".
At the time, the MiG-21 Special circle published this doujinshi called "WSJ - Yu Yu Secret File", with reprints of the original articles published in the Weekly Shounen Jump, and highlighting the verb tsukiai "つきあい".
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It's a tricky verb, as its meaning depends on the context. It can simply mean "to accompany someone" without any form of romantic relationship, but it's mainly used when you're going out on a date with someone. The doujinshi authors mention that the intimacy level of this "going out" lies in the fact Itsuki calls Sensui by his first name, Shinobu. So the "going out" verb may have a romantic undertone.
There was also a famous Yu Yu Hakusho Chronology with dates and years created by fans, based on Itsuki and Sensui's first meeting the day before Jun Togawa first appeared on "Hit Studio". It's really interesting, I may translate it some day. Even though that performance really happened on a certain date, I bet Togashi didn't pay much attention to that level of details.
Other things like changes from the magazine version to the comic edition were also heavily discussed. An example is the "Shinobu Sensui Death Scene Uncensored Version".
I feel the yyh fans have a great eye for detail and scrutinize everything. The contents of the doujinshi have always been amazing, as well the fanfics. Sometimes, I feel like reading an official story.
However, I don't know much about Togashi interacting with the community. I was told (can't confirm because I wasn't there) that when they handed over Yoshirin de Pon! at the Cokimet in 1994, it was a restricted area. The organizers only authorized the line a few minutes before. The copies ran out in a few minutes and many couldn't get one.
Togashi and his brother also joined Kazushi Hagiwara's doujinshi circle around 1997. But, I have no idea how it was. If he talked to the fans or so. There's a photo of him with two HxH cosplayers in one of the HxH volumes, so he's probably interacted a little bit with the fans.
When asked about the Comiket in the "Yoshirin de Pon" interview, Togashi replied he's a fan of parodies, but values more those who are creating original content. He's a very reserved person, so I could be wrong, but I've the impression he didn't interact directly with the doujinshi community. But, he's definitely aware of it.
Sorry, I couldn't help much!
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yyh-revival · 6 years
From Yoshirin
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Hanayo and Hanamaru being extremely gay in front of Yoshiko and Rin
they KISS they GIGGLE they BLUSH AND SMILE it would have made YOSHIRIN JEALOUS if they weren’t KISSING and CUDDLING and BLUSHING TOO
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arts-cryptid · 3 years
Are you totally sick of my Karakura fanart? It’s ok, you can tell me. I’m an adult. 💀
Ok but anyway, here’s a redraw, or a draw this in your style…I dunno what you want to call it. But mine is in color. The original is from Togashi’s Yoshirin De Pon.
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yyhockeyshow · 4 years
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From Yoshirin De-Pon (a doujinshi Togashi made post-YYH).
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thelinelemon · 5 years
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we’re all talking about ships and our favourite dynamics when we’re forgetting the REAL MVPs... MICHI and YOSHIRIN from shin chan.
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ryansbedroom · 2 years
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