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reverend-tholomew · 6 months ago
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I'd like to know who are the Murcielago fans here !
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thetremblingroofbeam · 3 months ago
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eleemosynecdoche · 1 year ago
Hypothesis: the reason "yuri experts" have the most middlebrow tastes you can imagine is that by defining "yuri" in advance, they understand the quality of yuri-ness as being about conforming to their prescriptive definition.
Thus, something which moves outside of the genre boundaries is under their radar or dismissed, unless it becomes enough of a trend to force a redefinition of the genre by expansion, at which point their tastes probably settle on a mid second- or third-generation copy.
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problematic-yuri-poll · 2 months ago
Problematic Yuri Tournament Season 2 - Finals
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Malcatras' Maiden vs. Murciélago
Malcatras' Maiden (visual novel by Nadia Nova)
thriller, action, erotica
Sexual Content: HIGH; Gore: MODERATE; Violence: HIGH // Note: contents in question are mainly described in text.
Mod submission.
Mod-submitted problematic elements:
A doggirl maid is in love with her master and adoptive mother, and overall navigates complicated and toxic relationships with her family.
Official content warnings:
Malcatras' Maiden is a game for adult audiences only. This work contains intense themes of toxic relationships, manipulation, child abuse, regular abuse, dubiously consensual sexual acts, incestuous themes and explicit bloody acts of heavy violence, including death and murder.
Mod-submitted propaganda:
Battle maid visual novel with cool powers... We love messy relationships and toxic incest yuri and messed up broken maid girls... we love Liliana.... trans puppygirl maid who just wants a place to belong..
Murciélago (manga by Yoshimurakana)
action, comedy
Sexual Content: HIGH; Gore: HIGH; Violence: HIGH
Submitted 2 times.
Submitted problematic elements:
Main character is a serial killer lesbian. theres incest, rape, body horror, emotional manipulation, among others
Protagonist is a serial killer, sexual predator, and a pedophile. She's basically the worst woman of all time. She also manipulates several women into sleeping with her.
Submitted content warnings:
oh yeah i mean tw for violence, incest, rape, bullying, children in peril and others
Extreme violence and gore, explicit sex, sexual assault, pedophilia, child murder, cannibalism, and just a general mess of nasty stuff
Submitted propaganda:
Its got an actually evil lesbian MC who has a lot of depth. Its funny as fuck and its got really interesting narrative, amazing action and compelling characters. Its also very sexy and beautifully drawn
Kuroko Koumori is the best character in yuri history and absolutely nobody does it like her.
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ladygwyndolin · 10 months ago
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#4: Reiko Kuchiba
I would give at LEAST three internal organs for her spinoff to be translated. I'm fucking devastated that it's not. Please I need more of her. She's proof that Yoshimurakana is fully capable of drawing every manner of woman from androgynous to voluptuous which further adds to the comedy of Kuroko's appearance. Reiko is the epitome of "too cool for you" and every time she shows up I'm like omg reiko hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii o//////o she rules so much. need her unbelievably. if she was in any other manga she'd easily be #1.
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makudageek · 1 year ago
Recenzja mangi "Murcielago"
Recenzja "Murcielago" już jest! Niebanalna manga, która łączy akcję i klimaty yuri 😉 [Współpraca z wydawnictwem Wanek☺️] RECENZJA:
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getrend · 3 months ago
100%笑顔になる「ポジティブ変換術」は絶対マネしたいw 7選
マイナスなこともプラスに変換! 頭を柔らかくして思いついた、みんなの「ポジティブ変換術」をご紹介。このスキルさえ身につければ、ネガティブにならずずっと笑顔でいられることでしょう。 1. 太ってきたまるまるしてかわいくなってきた — . (@gomi_nerd) October 17, 2024 2. 前から思ってたんだけどさ「ガラスの少年時代の破片が胸へと突き刺さる」ってさ黒歴史を思い出してのたうち回るってこと? — よしむらかな@オリャー°˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°オリャー (@yoshimurakana) December 18, 2017 3. 労働のことをお金作る遊びって言い換えるとちょっと気分よくなる — 鈴木ノリアキ (@NORIAKIISGOOD) May 13,…
0 notes
terriblewomanyuri · 8 months ago
this gibbous moon is honestly more cinematic than a full moon would be... yoshimurakana is such a good artist
Just started the Deep One arc of Murcielago and... damn Kuroko must be in love with Chiyo (at this moment) to NOT take a chance to have lesbian sex with someone else
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hatsumishinogu · 3 years ago
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Murcielago Vol.21
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lgbtqmanga · 4 years ago
December 22 New Releases
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BL Metamorphosis vol. 3 by Kaori Tsurutani
After a little push from Ichinoi, Urara finally takes a step toward something she has only dreamed about! They might be over fifty years apart, but Urara and Ichinoi prove that age means nothing when it comes to the support of a good friend!
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Bloom into You: Regarding Saeki Sayaka (light novel) vol. 3 by Hitoma Iruma and Nakatani Nio (FINAL VOLUME)
Saeki Sayaka is no stranger to unrequited love. What she’s not used to is having someone confess their feelings for her—until Edamoto Haru, an underclassman, does exactly that in Sayaka’s second year of college. Haru is forward and unhesitating in her affections, the opposite of cautious, reserved Sayaka—but if she can find the courage to reach back, this time, she might find what she’s been waiting for all along.
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Syrup: A Yuri Anthology vol. 2
Secret love is sweeter! The second volume of this popular yuri anthology goes dark, with stories about love between women that’s hidden, unrequited, fantasy-based, or even taboo. Explore the forbidden side of love with new and returning artists in Volume 2 of Syrup.
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Whisper Me a Love Song vol. 2 by Eku Takeshima
Himari is starting to realize that she and Yori have two very different things in mind when they talk about being in love, and Yori can tell that things aren’t quite the same between them since she asked Himari out. But if they want to stay together, whether as friends or something more, they’ll have to hear each other out and see if they can get back in harmony. With band practice cutting into their time together and Himari making a new friend who tugs on Yori’s deepest insecurities, both girls start to wonder: how can one little word make everything so complicated?
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reverend-tholomew · 6 months ago
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Woman's Perfection
Art by : Yoshimurakana
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thetremblingroofbeam · 2 months ago
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eleemosynecdoche · 2 years ago
See, the thing with the oil fire is that it's taking relatively grounded character aspects: Sanae is explicitly a nerd and is frequently called out as out of her depth, trusting, and guileless. Tsukasa is a weak youkai who works as a professional evil minion and tries to establish power in a situation through finding people's vulnerabilities and pressing them there.
So you put those things together, and Tsukasa plainly can't really do much to manipulate Sanae, who's much stronger than her, but Sanae is also goodhearted and unwilling to use that strength to smack Tsukasa around. (That would be Tsukasa/Reimu as written by Yoshimurakana.)
But because Sanae is a nerd and Tsukasa is kinda sexualized in her design and portrayal (in a ZUN way), it is funny to conceptualize these interactions as Sanae having awful sex with Tsukasa and Tsukasa falling in love but not becoming a better person, because Sanae has no clue how to encourage that. And then project some of our own experiences or experiences of people we've known into that bad sex and loving relationship.
Now you want a fucked-up Touhou ship? I've got Seiga Kaku right here.
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problematic-yuri-poll · 4 months ago
Problematic Yuri Tournament Season 2 - Round 3
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Murciélago vs. Malcatras' Maiden
Murciélago (manga by Yoshimurakana)
action, comedy
Sexual Content: HIGH; Gore: HIGH; Violence: HIGH
Submitted 2 times.
Submitted problematic elements:
Main character is a serial killer lesbian. theres incest, rape, body horror, emotional manipulation, among others
Protagonist is a serial killer, sexual predator, and a pedophile. She's basically the worst woman of all time. She also manipulates several women into sleeping with her.
Submitted content warnings:
oh yeah i mean tw for violence, incest, rape, bullying, children in peril and others
Extreme violence and gore, explicit sex, sexual assault, pedophilia, child murder, cannibalism, and just a general mess of nasty stuff
Submitted propaganda:
Its got an actually evil lesbian MC who has a lot of depth. Its funny as fuck and its got really interesting narrative, amazing action and compelling characters. Its also very sexy and beautifully drawn
Kuroko Koumori is the best character in yuri history and absolutely nobody does it like her.
Malcatras' Maiden (visual novel by Nadia Nova)
thriller, action, erotica
Sexual Content: HIGH; Gore: MODERATE; Violence: HIGH // Note: contents in question are mainly described in text.
Mod submission.
Mod-submitted problematic elements:
A doggirl maid is in love with her master and adoptive mother, and overall navigates complicated and toxic relationships with her family.
Official content warnings:
Malcatras' Maiden is a game for adult audiences only. This work contains intense themes of toxic relationships, manipulation, child abuse, regular abuse, dubiously consensual sexual acts, incestuous themes and explicit bloody acts of heavy violence, including death and murder.
Mod-submitted propaganda:
Battle maid visual novel with cool powers... We love messy relationships and toxic incest yuri and messed up broken maid girls... we love Liliana.... trans puppygirl maid who just wants a place to belong..
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ladygwyndolin · 10 months ago
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#2: Sabiura Ran
Honestly I could just say "she's 7'7"" and it'd automatically justify this ranking. But no, she's not just 7'7". She's an honorable warrior, an extremely friendly person, a total himbo, and, of course, absolutely fucking shredded. I know we aren't taking personality into account, which is a shame, but like...even without her personality...fucking look at her. She's huge. She's buff. She's powerful. She's got a winning smile. She's got Noi energy. An absolute 12/10 and I would die for her. Please give us a bedroom scene with her and Kuroko Yoshimurakana i'm begging you
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manjuu2003 · 4 years ago
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I’m the Murciélago girl
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