#yoshiko honda
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Musik Atlach Presents Ordvician Wings #3 Saturday, December 2, 2023@Asagaya Yellow Vision charge 2500yen+1drink open 19:00 start 19:30 SACHIKO vDBG (Masami Kawaguchi, Shizuo Uchida,Keiko Higuchi) Yoshiko Honda+Kaori Komura+Jun Kawasaki

SACHIKO 光束夜、OVERHANG PARTYのベーシストとして参加する傍ら、ヴォイスによるドローンを主軸としたソロユニットをはじめる。06年ファーストアルバムを発表後コンスタントに作品を発表。幾つかのフェスティバルに参加、欧州ツアーを行う。他に「Tangerine Dream Syndicate」「Albedo Fantastica」等で活動。レーベル「Musik Atlach」主宰。

vDBG 川口雅巳(g)、内田静男(b)、ヒグチケイコ (ds)の3ピースバンド。 川口雅巳/ masami kawaguchi 1970年生まれ。90年代より東京アンダーグラウンドシーンで活動を開始。現在は自身のロックユニット"川口雅巳ニューロックシンジケイト"を中心にソロによるパフォーマンス、またガレージロックから即興までジャンルを問わず多くのミュージシャンとセッションも行っている。
内田静男/ shizuo uchida 80年代より、触媒夜、滲有無にて活動。現在、Hasegawa-Shizuoやalbedo gravitas、Mai Mao、Archeusなどのユニット、そしてソロで演奏。Bassを中心にした、インプロヴィゼーションを行う。
ヒグチケイコ/ keiko higuchi 身体、声、呼吸のつながりを探求し、即興からジャズまで幅広くこなすボーカリスト。アメリカ・ボストンにて活動開始、'98年に帰国以来、多くのライブやダンス・演劇、作品集に参加。過去には写真や執筆を発表。現在も国内外のミュージシャンとのコラボレーションやソロでの演奏など、活動は多岐に渡る。vDBGにおいてはドラムスを担当。今のところ、とにかくとにかく��くことに専念。

本田ヨシ子 ヴォイス。自らの声を多重録音をして音を作り上げるソロ活動の他、即興音楽家や舞踏 ダンス 映像 ジャンルを問わず、様々なアーティストとの共演を行っている。2019年CDアルバム「01」をリリース。

香村かをり/Korean percussion 高校時代に大熊ワタル氏(現シカラムータ)に出会い「闇射」でドラマーを務め、吉祥寺マイナー等で活動。自身のバンド「子供劇場」、ソロ活動として「天国注射の昼」やG.I.S.M.の初期ギグ等に参加。1986年、韓国伝統打楽器グループ「サムルノリ」に衝撃を受け88年渡韓。漢陽大音大国楽科にて打楽器と理論を学ぶ。2019年6月崔善培氏を日本に招聘、大友良英氏らと共演したことをきっかけに即興演奏活動を開始、伝統リズムの枠を超えジャズ、ロック、ノイズ、民族楽器、ダンス、舞踏などさまざまなアーティストとの表現を試みている。ノイズのKazumoto Endo氏と2枚のアルバムをリリース。

河崎純 音楽詩劇研究所代表。1975年生まれ。早稲田大学文学部在学中に音楽活動をはじめ、ベーシストとして活動。主に舞台作品の音楽監督、構成、委嘱作品の作曲。演劇・ダンス・音楽劇、実験的なパフォーマンスを中心にこれまで100作以上の舞台作品の音楽監督、作曲、演奏を手掛ける。歌、朗���、演劇、コンテンポラリーダンス、伝統芸能の要素を用いた詩劇、音楽劇スタイルの舞台作品の作、構成、演出。近年は特にトルコ、ロシアでの様々なプロジェクトに主要メンバーとして参加。アジアとヨーロッパの境界線上の地からアジアを再考し、新たな国際的な芸術活動に対する視座を得る。2022年は著書「ユーラシアの歌」(ぶなのもり)、韓国、ロシアの歌手を擁する二作の作曲作品CD「HOMELANDS」「STRANGELANDS」(BishopRecords)を発表。
#sachiko#keiko higuchi#shizuo uchida#masami kawaguchi#yoshiko honda#kaori komura#jun kawasaki#Bandcamp#Youtube
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Space Channel 5 Part 2: Sugoku Sugoi Guide Book p. 200-209 (Translation by @lavoszero and myself. Edits and typesetting by myself)
Third part of the character profiles.
Imgur link to all of the Sugoku Sugoi Guide Book translations we’ve done thus far.
Plain text below
p. 200
052: Rescue Police (leader) Recording Location: Report 4: Channel 5 HQ · Approaching A Profile: The strong, dependable leader of the Rescue Police and former professional swimmer. He faces danger and disaster on a daily basis to protect the lives of people across the galaxy. His morning routine consists of 300 sit ups before breakfast. A friend of Ulala's (as a result of seeing each other on the same site so often). Note, Secret Inputs: Information for five secret inputs in Report 4 (see 114).
053: Rescue Police (troop) Recording Location: Report 4: Channel 5 HQ · Approaching A Profile: Members of the organization that serves as both Fire and Police dept. for the entire galaxy. Thanks to the force's recent restructuring, they're far more reputable and at least 40% more dependable. Note: Pine is the organization's top Police Unit and Head Special investigator. Note, Item Received: Gives you the Big Mug item if you check his profile after clearing Report 4.
054: Space Cheerleading Captain Recording Location: Report 4: Channel 5 HQ · Cheerleader Corridor A Profile: The envy of every Space Junior and High School student. An idol in her own right. Her element moves and staccato voice that makes even the ladies blush sets her apart from other the cheerleaders. Her high kicks give her black-belt potential, so keep your distance if you value your jawbone. Note, Secret Inputs: Information for several secret inputs (24 if you rescue everyone, 16 if not) in Report 4 (see 114).
Perfect! 195 Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Honda Honda Honda
p. 201
055: Space Cheerleader 1: Hitomi Recording Location: Report 4: Channel 5 HQ · Cheerleader Corridor A Profile: She exploded in popular after becoming the assistant for Channel 5’s hit morning show “Go! Go! Channel 5!” However, much to her annoyance, this new role is all smiles and no cheer. Note, Secret Input: Information for a secret input in Report 4 (see 114).
056: Space Cheerleader 2: Futaba Recording Location: Report 4: Channel 5 HQ · Cheerleader Corridor A Profile: It’s a cheerleader’s job to wear a cheerful smile all the time, no matter the situation. To the untrained eye, all cheerleader smiles look alike, but subtle differences can create dozens of smiley variations. Futaba’s signature "Smile of the Sun" routine reinvigorates viewers like magic. Even the most downtrodden of fathers will want to get up and go, go! Note:
057: Space Cheerleader 3: Mimi Recording Location: Report 4: Channel 5 HQ · Cheerleader Corridor A Profile: She spends most days contemplating methods to get her legs to kick higher and her hips to swing more swiftly. She performs most of her daily practice sessions in costume. Maybe that’s why she has so many fanatics. Note:
Perfect! 196 Honda Honda Honda Honda Toyota Toyota Down
p. 202
058: Space Cheerleader 4: Yoshiko Recording Location: Report 4: Channel 5 HQ · Cheerleader Corridor A Profile:A diligent worker with high hopes that her appearance on "Go! Go! Channel 5!" will lead to a debut as an actress. She also has a bit of an attitude problem, which some fans frankly don’t care for. If you look closely, you’ll notice that her pom-poming needs some work, too. But maybe that’s part of her charm. Note, Secret Inputs: Information for a secret input in Report 4 (see 114).
059: Space Cheerleader 5: Satsuki Recording Location: Report 4: Channel 5 HQ · Cheerleader Corridor A Profile:A bright girl with excellent announcer skills. She brings smiles to all those around her, and has fans young and old. Rumor has it that she’s received offers to become a cheerleading comedienne through her agency. Note:
060: Space Cheerleader 6: Moonie Recording Location: Report 4: Channel 5 HQ · Cheerleader Corridor A Profile: Only appears on Thursday editions of “Go! Go! Channel 5!” She claims to be very busy, but in reality, she keeps her TV appearances to a min. due to an extreme case of stage fright. She adores squishy things, always fiddling with a water balloon in her hand behind the dressing room door. Note, Game Hints: Open OPTIONS and select KEY ASSIGNMENT, and assign CHU, HEY, and UP all to the same button. It'll make the game a bit easier!
- Perfect! 197
Up Right Left Down Toyota Toyota Toyota
p. 203
061: Space Dog 1 Recording Location: World 2, Report 2: Space Park · Fountain Square B Profile: A super robot dog called Funny who hates walks. When his Angry gauge is maxed out, he refuses to walk, spending the rest of the trip on his belly being dragged around. Prefers monkeys to dogs. Note:
062: Space Dog 2 Recording Location: World 2, Report 2: Space Park · Fountain Square B Profile: Temjin is so snarly that you’d think he came from a bad-attitude parallel universe to spread his evil rudeness across our reality. Won't budge his tail for anyone except his sweetie, Alumi. When he's dancing with her, it's wagging a mile a minute. Note:
063: Space Dog 3 Recording Location: World 2, Report 2: Space Park · Fountain Square B Profile: Before being adopted by goth girl Mihoko, Rug was a stray fighting dog. Now, Rug and her owner fight together in search of the true meaning of happiness! She was planning to take on the Rhythm Rogues but was tricked into dancing instead. Note:
- Perfect! 198
Up Right Left Down Toyota Toyota
p. 204
064: Space Dog 4 Recording Location: World 2, Report 2: Space Park · Fountain Square B Profile: Tabi, an old dog whose walking pace has slowed down in recent times. He’s terribly frightened by dog-house-shaking storms, begs to be let inside during them. On the flip side, he loves afternoon naps and generous snack-givers (so long as said snack meet his standards). Note:
065: Space Dog 5 Recording Location: World 2, Report 2: Space Park · Fountain Square B Profile: Alumi, the dangerously carefree dog. Dances with the expectation that her efforts will be rewarded with some jerky. She’s so upset about the rumor that she’s in love with Space Dog 2 that she bites the next-door neighbors. Note:
066: Couple (man) Recording Location: World 2, Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: Newly married and already under his wife’s thumb. But that’s just the kind of guy he is; he thinks being obsequious is cute. His dream is to have his wife increase his monthly pocket money to 48 Space Dollars. Note: Only appears during the Space Symphony · Lounge B segment in World 2, Report 1 on set 018 if a mistake is made during set 017.
- Perfect! 199
Up Right Left Down Toyota Toyota
p. 205
067: Couple (woman) Recording Location: World 2, Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: Newly married woman. For her, every weekend is a shopping spree and a chance to be on the verge of bankruptcy. She feigns guilt like clockwork, telling her hubby, "Sorry, I didn't think I'd spend so much again today." Don’t worry though, according to other women in their neighborhood, he loves it. Note: Only appears during the Space Symphony · Lounge B segment in World 2, Report 1 on set 019 if mistakes are made during sets 017 and 018.
068: Green Circle Recording Location: World 2, Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: A nice young man who looks outstanding in the ancient garment "Kimono." His parents are the headmasters of the honorable Venus School of Space Tea Ceremony. He ran away from home to escape taking over said family business. Too much pressure for his nervous heart. Note: Only appears during the Space Symphony · Lounge B segment in World 2, Report 1 on set 018 if a mistake is made during set 017.
069: Black Square Recording Location: World 2, Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: Former Space Civil Servant leading a comfortable life thanks to his hefty savings. He enjoys nothing better than a good space muffin along with some galactic tea at the Open Café. He's very soft-spoken. Note: Only appears during the Space Symphony · Lounge B segment in World 2, Report 1 on set 019 if mistakes are made during sets 017 and 018.
- Perfect! 200 Up Right Left Down Up Right Left Down Up Right Left Down Honda
p. 206
070: Spaceship Lounge Girl Recording Location: World 2, Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: The subtle care she gives customers makes her the favorite waitress on the Space Symphony. She currently devotes her nights and days to the perfection of her space manners. That said, she also holds the record for the highest amount of broken glass cups in one day at 485 glass cups (apparently she crashed into the party table). Note: Only appears during the Space Symphony · Lounge B segment in World 2, Report 1 on set 021 if at least one mistake is made during sets 017 through 020.
071: Space Tour Conductor Recording Location: World 2, Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: A tour conductor for Super Galactic Travel Agency. Single. After she was captured by the Rhythm Rogues and met their leader, she often daydreams about falling into a romantic relationship with him. She'd like to keep her current job, even after getting married. Note: Only appears during the Space Symphony · Lounge B segment in World 2, Report 1 on set 022 if at least one mistake is made during sets 017 through 020, and if a mistake is made during set 021.
072: White & Yellow Woman Recording Location: World 2, Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: A world-class neatness freak that always carries a portable disinfectant on her person. Refuses to hold her boyfriend’s hand until it is sterilized. Frustrates her to no end that she can't disinfect his personal mess. "Oh, if only I could clean your heart too." Note: Only appears during the Space Symphony · Lounge B segment in World 2, Report 1 on set 019 if a mistake is made during set 017 or 018.
Think all the hard work is over? Think again, moro!
p. 207
073: Woman in Black Recording Location: World 2, Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: Space Fashion Designer. Said to have icy eyes with an astute aesthetic sense and devil’s fingers with a heightened sense of touch. Performs hands-on examinations of passersby’s clothing whenever the opportunity arises. Why? Because she’s always on the hunt for new fabrics. If you spot her, watch out for those eyes and fingers! Note: Only appears during the Space Symphony · Lounge B segment in World 2, Report 1 on set 022 if at least one mistake is made during sets 017 through 020, in addition to making a mistake on set 021.
074: Woman in White Recording Location: World 2, Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: A newlywed housewife who loves her dear hubby. Hobbies include shopping and cooking. She’s taken up a Space Yoga diet to lose the weight gained from her baked sweets addiction. Note: Only appears during the Space Symphony · Lounge B segment in World 2, Report 1 on set 019 if a mistake is made during set 017 or 018.
075: Woman in Yellow Recording Location: World 2, Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: Leader of Team Pheromone and owner of the space bar "Honey Pod." Her bar is the lead source of the galaxy’s pheromones. Her contrasting personas as leader and owner have created a mystifying beauty whispered to be the best in the galaxy. She has many fans that can be seen as her followers. Note: Only appears during the Space Symphony · Lounge B segment in World 2, Report 1 on set 022 if at least one mistake is made during sets 017 through 018, in addition to making no mistakes on set 021.
Ulala's Dance fever never stops, moro.
p. 208
076: Reporter: Mr. 88 Recording Location: Report 2: After clearing the report Profile: A robot reporter for Channel 88. He’s equipped with the latest advanced AI technology. With his steel alloy body, he can report anywhere. He may be mechanical, but he still understands intense emotions (apparently)! He even had an upgrade to his emotional regulation processor recently. Note, Secret Inputs: Information for a secret input in Report 3 (see 113).
077: Cameraman (Channel 88) Recording Location: Report 2: After clearing the report Profile: A super cameraman whose aim is to use his lens to capture the truth. He never misses his mark, no matter the environment, thanks his adaptive, agile body. Zero-gravity, hyper speed, underwater, if you can think it he can handle it. Presently lives with Space Dog Temjin. Note, Secret Inputs: Information for two secret inputs in Report 2 (see 112).
078: Reporter: Tachibana Recording Location: Report 2: After clearing the report Profile: Works for Channel 01. Full name: Tachibana Shinichiro. He's a veteran reporter with both excellent common and keen senses. Previously hosted "Space Children News," which Ulala used to watch when she was little. Note:
p. 209
First, put the Morolian Suit, then let's play! Go for it, moro!
079: Cameraman (Channel 01) Recording Location: Report 2: After clearing the report Profile: Has known Reporter Tachibana for two decades, and they're known as the most dependable team in the station. His preferred mode of transporting equipment is his large Starbike; it lets him rush onto the field faster than any other reporter. He’s an 8th degree archer. Note, Secret Inputs: Information for two secret inputs in Report 2 (see 112).
080: Space Park Staff Worker Recording Location: Report 2: Space Park · Fountain Square B Profile: The gardeners who take care of the greenery in Space Park. They're second to none in their use of the shovel and watering can. They’re often heard shouting, "It’s time to photosynthesize!" Note:
081: Pudding Bodyguards Recording Location: Report 2: After clearing the report Profile: Boys who have devoted their lives to the Channel 42 reporter, Pudding (who they’ve been fans of ever since her idol days). Treated as official employees of the station, if Pudding is reporting, then they’ll be always there to act as her back-up dancers. Unfortunately, membership has been on the down-turn (sobs). Note, Secret Inputs: Information for a secret input in Report 2 (see 112).
You can get lots of costumes from clearing stages in "Ulala's Dance", moro.
#space channel 5#translations#Sugoku Sugoi Guide Book#space channel 5 part 2#//Soooo sorry about the 5 month gap
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Information regarding the first IJIGEN FES 2023 live has been revealed! The live will occur in the TOKYO DOME on the 9th and 10th of December 2023. This first fes will feature three branches of IDOLM@STER performing with four branches of Love Live!
The voice providers participating in this stop are as follows:
IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS Kotomi Aihara (Shiki Ichinose), Hiromi Igarashi (Anzu Futaba), Asami Takano (Frederica Miyamoto), Yuki Nakashima (Yuuki Otokura), Yuko Iida (Kanade Hayami), Honoka Inoue (Nanami Asari), Sumire Uesaka (Anastasia), Aya Suzaki (Minami Nitta), Miyu Tomita (Akira Sunazuka), Ru Thing (Syuko Shiomi), Teru Ikuta (Natalia), Hina Tachibana (Nagi Hisakawa), Nanami Yamashita (Yui Ohtsuki) IDOLM@STER MILLION LIVE Haruka Yamazaki (Mirai Kasuga), Azusa Tadokoro (Shizuka Mogami), Machico (Tsubasa Ibuki), Momo Asakura (Serika Hakozaki), Kotori Koiwai (Tomoka Tenkubashi), Atsuki Nakamura (Roco Handa), Emi Hirayama (Reika Kitakami), Yui Watanabe (Nao Yokoyama) IDOLM@STER SHINY COLORS Karin Isobe (Kogane Tsukioka), Chisa Suginuma (Mamimi Tanaka), Anna Yamaki (Sakuya Shirase), Shio Watanabe (Yuika Mitsumine), Yuina Mizuki (Kiriko Yukoku), Honoka Kuroki (Amana Osaki), Ryoko Maekawa (Tenka Osaki), Noriko Shibasaki (Chiyuki Kuwayama), Yuu Wakui (Toru Asakura), Rio Tsuchiya (Madoka Higuchi), Saran Tajima (Koito Fukumaru), Miho Okasaki (Hinana Ichikawa), Azusa Shizuki (Nichika Nanakusa), Aya Yamane (Mikoto Aketa)
IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS Ayaka Ohashi (Uzuki Shimamura), Ayaka Fukuhara (Rin Shibuya), Sayuri Hara (Mio Honda), Amina Sato (Arisu Tachibana), Tomoyo Kurosawa (Miria Akagi), Hana Tamegai (Risa Matoba), Makoto Koichi (Haru Yuuki), Asaka Imai (Chie Sasaki), Natsumi Haruse (Kaoru Ryuzaki), Misaki Kuno (Nina Ichihara), Yuri Komori (Koharu Koga), Mina Nakazawa (Yukimi Sajo), Maki Hanatani (Kozue Yusa) IDOLM@STER MILLION LIVE Aimi (Julia), Miku Itou (Yuriko Nanao), Ibuki Kido (Kana Yabuki), Arisa Kori (Kaori Sakuramori), Yuri Komagata (Sayoko Takayama), Rie Suegara (Fuka Toyokawa), Saki Minami (Tsumugi Shiraishi), Rikako Yamaguchi (Rio Momose) IDOLM@STER SHINY COLORS Hitomi Sekine (Mano Sakuragi), Reina Kondo (Hiori Kazano), Mayu Mineda (Meguru Hachimiya), Hiyori Konno (Kaho Komiya), Haruka Shiraishi (Chiyoko Sonoda), Mariko Nagai (Juri Saijo), Wakana Maruoka (Rinze Morino), Akiho Suzumoto (Natsuha Arisugawa), Yuki Tanaka (Asahi Serizawa), Eri Yukimura (Fuyuko Mayuzumi), Sayaka Kitahara (Mei Izumi), Rina Kawaguchi (Luca Ikaruga), Haruna Mikawa (Hana Suzuki), Rena Ozawa (Haruki Iketa)
DAY 1&2
AQOURS (LOVE LIVE! SUNSHINE!!) Anju Inami (Chika Takami), Rikako Aida (Riko Sakurauchi), Nanaka Suwa (Kana Matsuura), Arisa Komiya (Dia Kurosawa), Shukai Saito (You Watanabe), Aika Kobayashi (Yoshiko Tsushima), Kanako Takatsuki (Hanamaru Kunikida), Aina Suzuki (Mari Ohara), Ai Furihata (Ruby Kurosawa) NIJIGASAKU SCHOOL IDOL CLUB Aguri Ohnishi (Ayumu Uehara), Mayu Sagara (Kasumi Nakasu), Kaori Maede (Shizuku Osaka), Miyu Kubota (Karin Asaka), Natsumi Murakami (Ai Miyashia), Akari Kito (Kanata Konoe), Coco Hayashi (Setsuna Imura), Maria Sashide (Emma Verde), Chiemi Tanaka (Rina Tennoji), Moeka Koizumi (Shioriko Mifune), Shu Uchida (Mia Taylor), Akina Homoto (Zhong Lanzhu). Support Member: Hinaki Yano (Yu Takasaki) Liella! (LOVE LIVE! SUPERSTAR!!) Sayuri Date (Kanon Shibuya), Liyuu (Keke Tang), Nako Misaki (Chisato Arashi), Naomi Payton (Sumire Heanna), Nagisa Aoyama (Ren Hazuki), Nozomi Suzuhara (Kinako Sakurakoji), Akana Yabushima (Mei Yoneme), Wakana Okuma (Shiki Wakana), Aya Emori (Natsumi Onitsuka), Yuina (Wien Margarete), Sakura Sakakura (Tomari Onitsuka) HASUNOSORA SCHOOL IDOL CLUB Nirei Nozomi (Kaho Hinoshita), Kokona Nonaka (Sayaka Murano), Nina Hanamiya (Kozue Otomune), Kotoka Sasaki (Tsuzuri Yugiri), Kanna Kan (Rurino Osawa), Kona Tsukine (Megumi Fujishima)
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2024年1月ライブのお知らせ shows in January 2024
●January 5th, 2024 (fri)
ハチヤマキ x ヒグチケイコ 初DUO hachiyamaki x higuchikeiko the first duo @ なってるハウス knuttel house (入谷 iriya)
蜂谷真紀 maki hachiya (voice, electric voice, pf) + ヒグチケイコ keiko higuchi (voice, pf, ds)
open: 19:00/ start: 19:30
charge: 2000 yen + drink (in advance) / 2300 yen + drink (at door)
なってるハウス knuttel house: https://knuttelhouse.com/
●January 12th, 2024 (fri) 落合 Soup
Noise for Kelly: 10 – Day 1
Open/Start 19:00/19:30 | Door: 2500 yen
■ ヒグチケイコ | Keiko Higuchi + 田畑満 | Mitsuru Tabata + シマジマサヒコ | Masahico Shimaji
■ SXQ (松本健一 | Matsumoto Kenichi + 吉田隆一 | Yoshida Ryuichi + 藤原大輔 | Fujiwara Daisuke + 立花秀輝 | Tachibana Hideki)
■ 高橋保行 | Yasuyuki Takahashi + 栗田妙子 | Taeko Kurita + 伊藤啓太 | Keita Ito + 池澤龍作 | Ryusaku Ikezawa
soup: http://ochiaisoup.com/
東京都新宿区上落合3-9-10-B1 tel: 03-6909-3000
●January 27th, 2024 (sat)
DUODUODUO デュオデュオデュオ@ひかりのうま hikari no uma(大久保/kubo)
open: 19:00 / start: 19:30
charge: 2500 yen + drink
本田ヨシ子 yoshiko honda(voice) x Jan Mah (g)
細田茂美 shigeyoshi hosoda (g) x 赤い日ル女 akaihirume(voice)
森重靖宗 yasumune morishige (voice) x ヒグチケイコ keiko higuchi(voice)
ひかりのうま hikari no uma : https://hikarinouma.blogspot.com/
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Design giapponese
Una storia dal 1950
Kathryn B. Hiesinger
Collaborazione di Akiko Fukai, Diane Minnite, Shutaro Mukai, Julia Smith, Yoshiko I. Wada.
Biografie di Felice Fischer, Kathryn B. Hiesinger, Tom Currie, Diane Minnite, Julia Smith, Yoshiko I. Wada.
Octavo, F.Cantini Firenze 1994, 263 pagine, 30,5x30cm, 255 ill. a colori, 81 ill. b/n n.t. , ISBN 978-8880300656
euro 28,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Catalogo della mostra di Milano, Triennale di Milano, Palazzo dell'Arte, Viale Alemagna 6, 17 Marzo - 14 Maggio 1995
Sommario :
Il Design Giapponese: dal Meiji al Moderno - Felice Fischer Il Design Giapponese: una storia dal 1950 - Kathryn B. Hiesinger Design e Governo - Shinichi Arai Design e Marketing - Motoo Nakanishi Organizzazioni di Design - Kyo Toyoguchi L'insegnamento del Design - Shutaro Mukai Design Industriale - Shukuroo Mukai Arredi - Mitsumasa Sugasawa Tessuti e Kimono - Yoshiko I. Wada Moda - Akiko Fukai Packaging - Katsu Kimura Grafica - Yusaku Kamekura Dichiarazioni del Designer - Kazuo Kawasaki Dichiarazioni del Designer - Riki Watanabe Storia di una Società: il gruppo di Design GK - Kenji Ekuan Storia di una Società: Honda - Shinya Iwakura Storia di una Società: Kenmochi Design Associates - Tetsuo Matsumoto Storia di una Società: il Nippon Design Center - Kazumasa Nagai Storia di una Società: la Sony - Matami Yamaguchi
#design giapponese#design exhibition catalogue#Triennale Milano 1995#design books#designbooksmilano#fashionbooksmilano
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2024.10.26 Terry Riley In C 60th Anniversary Concert in Yokohama
開場:19:30 開演:20:00
会場 : BankART Station 横浜市西区みなとみらい5-1 みなとみらい線「新高島駅」 B1F
前売¥3000 / 当日¥3500
出演者: Marcos Fernandes - marimba 波多野敦子 / Atsuko Hatano - viola 林あけみ / Akemi Hayashi - piano 本田ヨシ子 / Yoshiko Honda - voice 今西紅雪 / Kohsetsu Imanishi - koto 石川寧 / Yasushi Ishikawa - trumpet 岩崎佐和 / Sawa Iwasaki - trombone 小林豊美 / Toyomi Kobayashi - flute 小森慶子 / Keiko Komori - clarinet 金剛督 / Susumu Congo - sax 小滝みつる / Mitsuru Kotaki - synth コヤマナオコ / Naoko Koyama - harmonium Chu Makino - voice 松下尚暉 / Naoki Matsushita - shakuhaci 中西文彦 / Fumihiko Nakanishi - guitar 大澤イツト / Itsuto Osawa - Mongolian bass 塩野えりさ / Erisa Shiono - violin Keikin Shu - mandola 鈴木美紀子 / Mikiko Suzuki - guitar 田中悠美子 / Yumiko Tanaka - shamisen tomoca - oboe 山田あずさ / Azusa Yamada - marimba ほか
前売りはこちらから https://bankart1929-in-c.square.site/
主催:Accretions 協力:BankART1929
問い合わせ [email protected] 045-663-2812

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2024. Oct. 26th sat.
“Terry Riley In C 60th Anniversary Concert”
開場:19:30 開演:20:00
at BankART Station
(横浜市西区みなとみらい5-1 みなとみらい線「新高島駅」 B1F)
前売¥3000 / 当日¥3500
Marcos Fernandes -marimba
波多野敦子 / Atsuko Hatano -viola
林あけみ / Akemi Hayashi -piano
本田ヨシ子 / Yoshiko Honda -voice
今西紅雪 / Kohsetsu Imanishi -koto
石川寧 / Yasushi Ishikawa -trumpet
岩崎佐和 / Sawa Iwasaki -trombone
小林豊美 / Toyomi Kobayashi -flute
小森慶子 / Keiko Komori -clarinet
金剛督 / Susumu Congo -sax
小瀧みつる / Mitsuru Kotaki -synth
コヤマナオコ / Naoko Koyama -harmonium
松下尚暉 / Naito Matsushita -shakuhaci
中西文彦 / Fumihiko Nakanishi -guitar
大澤イツト / Itsuto Osawa -bass
塩野えりさ / Erisa Shiono -violin
Keikin Shu -mandola
鈴木美紀子 / Mikiko Suzuki -guitar
田中悠美子 / Yumiko Tanaka -shamisen
tomca -oboe
山田あずさ / Azusa Yamada -marimba
問い合わせ [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> 045-663-2812

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Danganronpa:Ransei's Tears
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/eh0H1nG
by Spinnetossa_Shipper
After the great Ransei War, it is believed that peace has returned to the region. However, as the 38 Warlords and Junior Warlords suddenly vanish without a trace, peace seems unlikely. Waking up in an unknown environment, these warlords must now fight for their survival. What will it take for these closely bonded warriors to kill once more?...
(This is more of a Pokemon Conquest centric fanfic so you do not need to be a Danganronpa fan to understand this story)
(First Chapter is an authors note and not part of the story)
Words: 187, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa Series, Pokemon + Nobunaga no Yabou | Pokemon Conquest
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Multi
Characters: Shujinkou | Hero (Pokemon), Shujinkou | Heroine (Pokemon), Oda Oichi, Maeda Keiji, Fukushima Masanori, Ishida Mitsunari, Katou Kiyomasa, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Kuroda Kanbei, Takenaka Hanbei, Mouri Motonari, Chousokabe Motochika, Tachibana Ginchiyo, Tachibana Muneshige, Imagawa Yoshimoto, Shimazu Yoshihiro, Uesugi Kenshin, Naoe Kanetsugu, Aya Gozen, Takeda Shingen, Sanada Yukimura, Kunoichi (Samurai Warriors), Houjou Ujiyasu, Narita Kaihime, Fuuma Kotarou, Nene | Toyotomi Yoshiko, Hattori Hanzou, Date Masamune, Saika Magoichi, Tokugawa Ieyasu, Honda Tadakatsu, Komatsuhime | Honda Inahime, Saitou Nouhime, Izumo no Okuni, Akechi Mitsuhide, Hosokawa Gracia, Mori Ranmaru (Historical RPF), Oda Nobunaga
Additional Tags: Crossover, Killing Game (Dangan Ronpa), Character Death, Original Character(s)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/eh0H1nG
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先日、ドラムの清水くんと、おそらく7、8年ぶり?くらいに一緒に演奏する機会があり、今度何か一緒にやろうかという話になりまして、音響的にな試みに興味があるとのことだったので、もう一人誘うなら本田ヨシ子さんが良いのではないか、ということで企画しました。どうせならヨシ子ちゃんと時々やっているデュオとも少し違った内容にしたいので、いろいろ考えているところです。とても楽しみです。 ●2022-06-06(mon) 江古田 Cafe Flying Teapot "Sound Between" act: 本田ヨシ子(voice, electronics) 高橋直康(electric bass) 清水亮司(drums) open 19:30 / start 20:00 charge 1500yen(+1d)
#Live#Improvisaiton#Ambient#Ekoda#Cafe Flying Teapot#Sound Between#Yoshiko Honda#Naoyasu Takahashi#Ryoji Shimizu#即興演奏#江古田#フライングティーポット#本田ヨシ子#高橋直康#清水亮司
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●Yoshiko Honda/Naoyasu Takahashi - so far/so near (2021) 1. so far #2 2. so near #1 3. so far #1 4. so near #2 release date: April 17th, 2021 release style: CD-R performance: Yoshiko Honda(voice, electronics), Naoyasu Takahashi(electric bass) recorded, mastered, artwork: Naoyasu Takahashi UNDO-0024 unexamined doodle record https://unexamineddoodle.tumblr.com/ © 2021 Yoshiko Honda/Naoyasu Takahashi Digital album is available on bandcamp. https://unexamineddoodle.bandcamp.com/album/so-far-so-near
#release#unexamined doodle record#improvisation#ambient#drone#experimental#avant-garde#Yoshiko Honda#Naoyasu Takahashi
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DDT Grand Prix in Ota-ku 2021.11.03
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So here we have DDT’s version of a bra and panties match. In which you are also blindfolded because of course you are.
I will never get over Daisuke’s DAMNATION-purple bra.
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Space Channel 5 Part 2: Sugoku Sugoi Guide Book p. 084-089 (Translation by @lavoszero and myself. Edits and typesetting by myself)
Second part of Report 4.
Imgur link to all of the Sugoku Sugoi Guide Book translations we’ve done thus far.
Plain text below
p. 84 Channel 5 HQ · Cheerleader Corridor A
Ulala’s Hearts: 13 Detecting a lot of cheerleaders… This route's tough when it comes to rescuing everyone, especially if you don't have the tune well memorized. You'll need to drill the input timings into your head. Once the cheerleaders are rescued, there's a secret input right at the "Yeah!" as per usual… Looks like there are even more secret inputs awaiting you after that. Even more than the Rescue Police’s.
020 🠬 x x x 🠩 x x 021 🠮 x x 🠩 x x x
022 🠬 x 🠩 x 🠮 x x 023 🠮 x x 🠩 x 🠬 x
024 🠮 x 025 🠬 x 026 🠮 🠬 o 027 🠬 🠮 o
Rescue 083: Channel 5 Peon 055: Space Cheerleader 1: Hitomi 056: Space Cheerleader 2: Futaba
Sweet! 080
Up Toyota
p. 85
028 🠬 🠮 o 029 🠮 🠬 o 030 🠬~ o 031 🠮 o
032 🠬~ x x 033 🠮~ x x 034 🠩 🠩 o
Rescue 057: Space Cheerleader 3: Mimi 058: Space Cheerleader 4: Yoshiko 092: News Presenter (Male) 093: News Presenter (Female) 059: Space Cheerleader 5: Satsuki 060: Space Cheerleader 6: Moonie 054: Space Cheerleading Captain
Yeah! [8]
Sweet! 081
Toyota Toyota Toyota
p. 86
Go! [9] Go! [10] Go! [11] Go! [12] Space [13] Channel [14] 5 [15] Let's Dancing [16] Let's Shooting [17] Sexy [18] Ulala [19] Yeah! [20]
Sweet! 082
Toyota Toyota Toyota
p. 87
Second verse, same as the first, repeat for hidden inputs 21~32
Sweet! 083
Toyota Toyota Honda
p. 88 Channel 5 HQ · Cheerleader Corridor B
Ulala’s Hearts: 1 No, the shutter's closing! Slide with me, baby, when I say!
Sweet! 084
Toyota Honda Honda
p. 89 President Peace on: Space Michael, Behind the Scenes
A youthful dynamic singer and dancer. A talented director of stage shows, movies, and other forms of entertainment. Space Michael is truly an inimitable superstar that's transcended the limits of ordinary people. I first saw his actual face three years ago, in 2496, at the Space Woodstock's backstage during the Space National Holiday. I noticed that Michael had a calming aura around him. He was very kind and hospitable to the all people that were invited. "My purpose and goal in life is to give happiness to people," is what I said to him.
When I told him that, he told me a story in return (he was still surprisingly friendly despite having recently lost money). "You may not believe me when I say this, young man, but this happened around 500 years ago (laugh). Anyway, about 500 years ago, I was allowed to play a game that was just three weeks away from completion. I remember it well, because that was a rarity to do in itself. The game was so mesmerizing, that I asked, out of the blue, if I could be in it. The producer of the game said apologetically, 'I'm afraid we wouldn't have that much time. We could give you a small role, if that's okay?' I replied, 'Of course, I'd be happy to!' Because I really loved that game! You know what I mean?"
Michael turned his gaze to the ground as if I'd laugh at him for acting like a mischievous child. A person living for over 500 years? That's impossible! But there was something in Michael's modest smile that made me think that he'd be a person capable of doing that.
Sweet! 084
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«¡Es igual de ancho que de largo! Las cosas que llevan los niños…» Keiko escudriñaba la prenda por primera vez mientras desvestía a Yoshiko. Aquella mañana cuando le quitó la camisita le había puesto el vestido al revés y la había dejado salir a jugar así.
«¡No me irás a decir que ese vestido lleva un bolsillo detrás! ¿no?» La vecina hizo sonar la alarma cuando estaba agachada recogiendo verduras para la sopa del desayuno.
«¡Anda que…!», Keiko no pudo menos que echarse a reír. Pero sintió como si se hubiera abierto una rendija en su pecho que dejara entrever sus sentimientos, lo que la abochornó no poco.
Circunstancias imprevistas habían traído a Yoshiko a su vida. Aunque Keiko había aceptado a la chiquilla con los brazos abiertos, lo inesperado de su llegada no le había dado tiempo de prepararse. Carecía del conocimiento básico sobre la ropa infantil propio de una madre, y, en general, de nociones sobre la crianza de los niños. En realidad, no sería una exageración decir que Keiko era una hoja en blanco sin marca de amor materno. Cada movimiento que hacía la pequeña criatura, cada nueva expresión, era una fresca primicia para ella. En cada ocasión una chispa de maravilla prendía en su corazón, diminuta, como la que salta del pedernal, pero chispa al fin… y eso entusiasmaba a Keiko.
Keiko tomó el vestido de Yoshiko por el dobladillo y se lo sacó por la cabecita. Antes de coger el paño tibio para frotarla de pies a cabeza, le apretó abstraídamente los bracitos, le palmeó los muslos. La piel suave y elástica de Yoshiko le recordaba a Keiko la carne de los becerros y corderos. Recordó el sabor delicado, casi insustancial de su carne. Keiko se había criado con animales, habían formado parte de su vida desde que tenía memoria. Ahora, cuando intentaba entender a los niños, lo más socorrido para ella era pensar en términos de crías de animales.
Yoshiko se meneaba y chillaba tan feliz con las cosquillas de Keiko que casi se orina encima. Por fin, cuando ya no aguantaba más, grito: «¡Tengo frío!». «¿Si? Vale, vamos a lavarte.»
Keiko desplegó el paño y, aguantando con una mano la carita de la niña como si fuera una fruta, comenzó a lavarla con la otra. Los centelleantes ojos de la niña eran más lustrosos que el espejo mejor pulido. Son hermosos, reflexionó Keiko, porque apenas han tenido tiempo todavía de reflejar el mundo. Sus pezoncitos eran como uvitas de verano. Keiko imaginaba cómo dormían en el interior las glándulas y los nervios, finos como hebras de seda, retesos con la promesa de floración. Aquellas pizpiretas yemas no cambiarían de forma sino que se hincharían al madurar, como calabazas en el emparrado.
El ombliguito de la niña era tierno, turgente; pareciendo sugerir que el punto de conexión entre madre e hijo todavía no se había ajado y secado. No estaba muerto sino que todavía crecía con vida propia, aparte de la de la niña. Keiko no tuvo más remedio que compararlo con la pasa que ella tenía de ombligo. Le pareció que hablaba elocuentemente de la distancia que ya la separaba de su propia madre.
Cuando terminó de lavarla le volvió a poner el vestido por la cabeza. Yoshiko salió brincando a pata coja hacia la sala. Sus mejillas rosa brillaban al sol que colmaba el cielo azul y se derramaba por la ventana.
Desde el primer momento Keiko fue consciente de que la mirada que dirigía a Yoshiko era incluso demasiado límpida. La mayor parte de las madres son miopes cuando se trata de sus hijos: cortas de vista como las gallinas de corral. El instinto maternal dispersa ante ellas una niebla que lo enturbia todo. Keiko no podía más que reírse de aquello, pero al mismo tiempo lo anhelaba.
[…] Cuando lo pensaba bien, lo único que podía concluir era que los niños hacían la vez de intermediarios, y poco más: te toman de la mano y te conducen a algo, algo por lo que Keiko tenía la más honda veneración. Por eso sentía tal temor, a la vez que vergüenza, en presencia de los niños.
¿Y qué era aquel algo al que te conducía el niño? Keiko no podía definirlo con exactitud, era un concepto demasiado vago. A falta de término mejor se refería a aquello como una tercera entidad, algo más allá del progenitor y del niño. Sólo podía decir que aquello, siendo ella mujer al fin, hacía que sus pechos se hincharan como el pan levado y le había abierto una ventana a una sabiduría nueva y osada, una ciencia que hasta entonces ni siquiera sabía que existía.
Hirabayashi Taiko
#Hirabayashi Taiko#literatura japonesa#maternidad#infancia#desnaturalizada#ogresa#traducción©ochoislas
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ヒグチケイコ 12月ライブのお知らせ/ keiko higuchi shows in december
●December 2nd2023 (sat) @阿佐ヶ谷Yellow Vision
Musik Atlach Presents Ordvician Wings #3
open 19:00 start 19:30
charge 2500yen+1drink
vDBG(川口雅巳 masami kawaguchi, 内田静男 shizuo uchida, ヒグチケイコ keiko higuchi)
本田ヨシ子 yoshiko honda(voice)+香村かをり kaori koumura(Korean perc)+河崎純 jun kawasaki(bass)
●2023/12/03(sun) @Ochiai soup
New Cassette Tape Release Event
open 18:30/ start 19:00
charge: 2,000+1drink ¥500 order
(Yoshio Machida+CaLyall)
[Satellite Rides, Night Lies]
(w/Drop liquid painting:Yutsuki Suyama)
ヒグチケイコ keiko higuchi +TOMO
Atsushi Reizen
●December 25th, 2023 (mon) @ Ogikubo velvet sun
Albedo Gravitas presents
増渕顕史 takashi masubuchi (g. harmonica/ Kawol Samal Oandi (g)
池上秀夫 hideo ikegami (contabass)
Albedo Gravitas (keiko higuchi: piano, voice, vocals、sachiko: voice, electronics, etc、shizuo uchida: 4 strings)
open: 19:15/ start: 20:00
charge: 2000 yen + 1 drink (in advance)/ 2500 yen + 1 drink (at door)
●December 26th, 2023 (tues)
内田静男 shizuo uchida + isshee bass duo / 共犯者 KYOHANSHA (ヒグチケイコ keiko higuchi (ds, vo) + isshee (bass)
open19:30/ start: 20:00
投げ銭制 baksheesh (plus 500 bar charge + drink order)
予約方法 for reservation:
予約受付メールアドレス:[email protected]
you can book your tickets via
writing to [email protected] with its title as 「12/26予約」along with the number of people coming (max. 2 persons) and the phone number.
Bar Isshee: http://www.bloc.jp/barisshee/
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Thank you Tora Con. I have stuff from my best girls, and I never ever thought I would have a Nesoberi.
#toracon#tsushima yoshiko#yohane#nozomi tojo#love live#merchandise#tohru honda#fruits basket#mari ohara
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