#yoooo thank you for the ask
corpse-water · 5 months
Can we get Vesser Zol's entire backstory/personality? As a treat?
don't mind if i do...
vesser and tivea zol are twins born into middle class corpus life. their parents hadn't really expected twins and, seeing children more as an investment rather than people, kind of set them up against each other? vesser and tivea were never very well socialized as their parents didn't see much of a point in that and they also really weren't allowed to build up any kind of sibling relationship. so they grew up more or less seeing each other as enemies. vesser leaned into robotics as a source of companionship and tivea leaned into ships and ship manufacturing for the same reason (she loves ship cephalons).
more under the cut because this gets long.
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(here they are.)
as vesser got older, he found that he was very good at fraudulent business deals. deals that could often leave his competitors financially crippled or, worse, shelved. and vesser tended to prefer shelved or Permanently Indebted because, hey, less competition for him. vesser was, for a lot of his history, kind of a shitty guy! in fact he didn't really care about people for a lot of the time unless it gave him a one up over someone else. and this is how he takes his sister out of the running, basically. signs a couple bad deals under her name and winds up getting her pretty much kicked out of their family home and sent to work at corpus dry docks for the rest of her life.
with what vesser sees as his main competition basically taken out of the game, he continues to make huge waves in corpus business. he's a market hawk. he's mean, cruel, and just general a real asshole of a guy. on his way up in the ranks, he makes a lot of enemies and doesn't think to rub elbows with anyone. it's here, with a lot of people plotting underneath of him, he meets kurtzel.
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kurtzel (any pronouns) is a corpus spy who works part time as a hired service. vesser likes them immediately because kurt is very open and considerably nicer and more affectionate than other corpus. but while kurt and vesser know each other, they're gathering information on him. because, you know, he's an active threat to a lot of people. but they start feeling increasingly bad about it because vesser is Like That mostly because of corpus dogma and all that. so they keep withholding the info they've gathered on him until they're blackmailed into giving it over.
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^ the face of a man about to be shelved.
vesser zol is arrested and put in jail while his business partners figure out what exactly to do with him. vesser has a big problem where he cannot, under any circumstances, Shut The Fuck Up and winds up digging himself into a much bigger hole. so, his business partners decide to do something much worse to him and partially shelve him. it's cost effective! they don't need a whole cell for him anymore. they can just repossess his arms and legs and store him in a box. hook him up for processing power.
he spends some time in there. ruminating. until one day the corpus prison gets raided by a team of steel meridian grineer. they pop open the box thinking it's ammunition and instead they find the Most Miserable Man Alive in this box. they grab him and steal him away to their base on earth where vesser is given mechanical arms and legs.
unbeknownst to vesser, the man who keeps visiting him and looking over him is this particular team's tenno buddy, arrioe. he's Pink Rhino. written by @tenuit (these guys fall in love)
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(yes those are ayatan earrings).
vesser is... a Huge Asshole to the grineer team that rescued him. in part because he doesn't think they can understand him and in part because he's just like that. he needs to be sat down and told that they Do, in fact, Understand Him and everyone kind of thinks he's an asshole. which makes him feel bad enough that he apologizes.
vesser starts helping steel meridian after some time recovering and takes direction under captain bahj, the team's leader. vesser is their tech guy and builds them ospreys and moa in order to help around on base as well as out in the field.
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vesser and captain bahj (bahj is also written by tenuit) talking MAD shit.
it's at this point that the corpus decide to save face with this particular little man and tell vesser's remaining family members that he's dead. his parents hold a funeral for him (where they basically sell all of his old stuff and robots) and tivea is... weirdly devastated. but as that post implies, they eventually run into each other again. things are different now and tivea has her own list of connections and all including her cephalon buddy, hypnon (written by @crowtatoes ). they're actually able to have a sibling relationship with each other now but there's a lot of like negative feelings they still have towards each other after their childhood and all.
they find that they also have another sibling, eventually. half sibling but he's the result of their father's affair with neighbors when they were both still very, very young. his name is enax (also tenuit's) and he's very very very into orokin technology. mostly for the biomedical field.
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their relationship with him is also very complicated and fraught with... not so great feelings.
REGARDLESS, vesser zol eventually is a good guy but he's never particularly nice. he's poorly socialized and has the tendency to say the quiet part out loud. he has this uncomfortable tendency to say something really hurtful without thinking about it? and then cringe at himself when he tries to make up for it. he never has an easy time or relationship with his family and his siblings and even his other personal relationships are complicated further by his inability to communicate sometimes.
he tries very, very hard but he will never really make up for the things that he did in his past. even though the people around him tell him that he didn't deserve to have Box Time as a punishment for the things that he did, he still feels like maybe... that might have been the right choice. he doesn't know if he would have stopped otherwise or would have chosen to stop on his own since it was benefitting him.
he's an asshole but he has the tendency to be very charming and funny. he's the kind of person to kind of act like a dick but go out of his way to do something very nice for someone else just because he can and he's able to. he just really has difficulty talking with people and making those connections with other people but by god he is doing his best.
also he's trans.
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that's vesser zol!
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zeawesomeness · 10 months
Kendratello Childhood AU
I found someone who dub your whole comic series you should watch it it's so good
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viitlumi · 2 months
❝ flowers are so overrated. they're bright, gaudy, and almost never make good poisons. ❞ // to whomever wants to come forth c: //
The meadow bloomed as if each petal was a bright memory. The bees flocked to the wildflowers that nature had planted for them. They buzzed around the chorus of blossoms, the accord of the wild in these sun-filled moments. Summer was most definitely a nourishing season on Paradis.
 In the golden hush of dawn, where the sky blushed with the first whispers of daylight, Solveig and Hilda found themselves amidst a sea of blossoms. The field stretched endlessly, a vibrant tapestry woven with fragrant flowers and herbs, each petal and leaf glistening with morning dew. The sisters, bound by blood and tradition, moved with a quiet ease, their bond evident in the synchronized rhythm of their work, their sickles—crafted for the impending autumn harvest—gleaming like silver crescents against the soft light. Beside them, Lyanna—a newfound companion whose acquaintance was as fresh as the morning. Though they scarcely knew her, Solveig had felt an intrinsic pull, a whisper from the heart urging her to embrace this stranger and the shared experience of womanhood. Together, the three females gathered nature's treasures, each cut and snip a testament to their unity and strength. It was in this shared labor, beneath the ever-brightening sky, that they wove bonds as delicate yet enduring as the flowers they collected, finding kinship and beauty in the simple act of harvesting life from the earth. Lyanna, the young woman they had recently met, paused and looked around. With a wry smile, she remarked, “Flowers are so overrated. They’re bright, gaudy, and almost never make good poisons.” She didn't appear too enthused to be in this environment, leaving Solveig with a bewildered frown on her pale features. Solveig, her hands gently placing a vibrant flower into her basket, turned to Lyanna with a thoughtful scowl. “Even the prettiest flower shouldn’t be mistaken only for its beauty,” she began, her voice soft but firm. “A flower can be so beautiful, but it can also harbor many dangers.”
She picked a foxglove from her basket, its purple bells hanging delicately from the stem like tiny, enchanted lanterns. “Take foxglove, for instance. In small doses, it can be used to treat heart conditions, mending broken rhythms with its potent touch. But too much, and it becomes a deadly poison, almost instant death. Yet, even this poisonous flower is essential for medicine when respected and understood.”
Moving through the field, advicing Lyanna to follow her, she knelt by another plant, its dark berries gleaming ominously in the morning light. “This is belladonna,” she continued, “used in tiny amounts to relieve muscle spasms, to soothe and heal. My people even use it to widen their pupils by injecting the juiced directly into their eyes, as it helps them to see better while hunting in the night. But its berries can be fatal to those who consume them.” Solveig met her blue gaze towards Lyanna again, her eyes meeting hers, imparting the gravity of her words. “Some plants can be easily confused, like wild parsnip and hemlock, each a doppelgänger to the other, one life-giving, the other life-taking. And the typical bitter taste of a plant can be easily masked, cloaked in honeyed deceit, making them even more dangerous. Remember, the dose makes the poison.”
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As the three women continued their gathering, the field became more than a simple meadow. It was a place of learning and connection, a classroom of the earth where each flower told a story, whispered secrets, and taught lessons of balance and respect. “What you have to get out of the habit of thinking is not to discount the lethality of beauty. It's the way with plants, just like with people. What would be the fun in desiring it instantaneously and without delay?” Solveig chuckled somewhat wryly towards Lyanna before she resumed her work. Each bloom was a dual symbol of life and death, of beauty and peril, a reminder of nature’s intricate dance and the essential role of even the most dangerous flowers in healing and medicine.
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kurolini909 · 1 year
Mmmmmmm a room of your blog
I don't have a very clear image but I'll try
The room is monochrome, painted in white (floor), black (ceiling) and various shades of grey (walls, each wall has a different shade of the color) but it's not cold it's warm
Glowing stars are on the ceiling making up constellations that do not exist but could
There's a very comfy sofa in a corner with a lot of cushions on it, all have cat ears
Along one of the walls you can a glass display of lots of very delicate ball-joints dolls. They're all set up in various situations and can be easily move from one to another.
Another wall welcome a library with books, they are arranged by colors
There are a few beanbags scattered everywhere.
Another wall has plants on it, mainly climbing plants and some glowing mushrooms hanging around. A system is set up to water those. It somehow very much looks like a river but it gets the work done.
A music player sat midair stuck in yarn. It plays waterfall background music but every so often it changes to a random obscure music. It's surprising each time but very nice.
There are splatters of colors shaped like cat paws at random places.
And the door is always half open
That's so cool!!! Everything sounds so cozy and you went into such amazing detail!!! A black ceiling with made up constellations??? That sounds so neat, totally SMT I'd want to have! *^*
You even thought of a plant watering system! Wow Blue, you really didn't spare imagination, I'd totally want to be in there-
Sounds very peaceful... Waterfall as if in, UT Waterfall soundtrack? If so, impressive you guessed, that's my go-to relaxation song! X'D
The idea of a mostly black and white room with splashes of colour from the cat paw stains, beanbags and the books?? Its really the sort of environment I'd like to have in my blog! X'D
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lcftcult · 7 months
"We're stuck in here!" ~Collin
Send "We're stuck in here!" for our muses to be stuck in a small space together~ || Accepting
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"D-Don't worry Collin, we'll get out of here." Black Star spoke calmly, trying to reassure the cherub that everything would be fine. "Let's just.. f-feel around for lights first." The cat would stretch her arms up, gliding her hands side to side to try and feel for a light switch so they could see just where they wound up!
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f4c3l3sstr4g3dy · 1 year
im gay
0 notes
softspiderling · 1 month
est-ce que tu m’aimes? | j.v
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“I am sorry, I-“ you pulled the door open, but to your surprise, you came face to face with the source of your sorrows.
“Jace,” you spoke, voice even, crossing your arms over your chest. “Have you come to throw some more insults? Maybe some at me this time?”
Jace clenched his jaw, his hand on the goddamned sword again. Was he itching to take your head off so badly?
OR; Jace’s reaction truly confuses you, you settle in at Dragonstone and a surprising addition to the team makes themselves known.
pairing: jacaerys velaryon x reader, platonic!daeron targaryen x reader
warnings: Jace being a little mean (we all know he’s capable of it)
word count: 5,6k
author’s note: yoooo pt. 2 is finally here!! i hope you love it sm!!! pls don’t forget to reblog/leave comments etc if you liked it!!!
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“I cannot believe you would let her waltz into our home like that! She’s putting all of us in danger!”
In less than two days, you were sat outside a study as a heated argument about you took place behind closed doors. It was merely a coincidence that it was within the same family.
After Jace had stormed into the council room, meeting you with open hostility, Rhaenerya had asked you to give them some privacy. You had barely left the room before Jace had started spitting ill words about you.
“She saved me, Jace!”
“What if this is some plot for her to put herself in our midst and feed information back to King’s Landing?”
“Was she not residing in Oldtown with Daeron ever since we left for Dragonstone? It is doubtful she has been let in on the plans to usurp the throne.”
Jace let out a frustrated groan and it was silent for a few moments before Rhaenyra spoke again.
“It seems to me you have a different issue with her… Is it because you have feelings for her?”
Your breath stocked in your throat, your hand stilling against the door. Jace’s behavior towards you confused you deeply. It seemed like he harbored resentment, but you weren’t sure when it had started, when you had suddenly become a traitor in his eyes, instead of a friend.
“Don’t be ridiculous, mother.”
The way Jace scoffed hurt you more than ten daggers in your back, and you pressed your lips together, refusing to let the words of a man affect you.
“I only wish to protect you.”
Swallowing thickly, your hands balled into fists and you jumped back when the door suddenly opened, a knight gesturing for you to step in.
Hesitantly, you entered the room, the tensions still high and you looked at Jace, but he refused to meet your eyes, turning his head away.
Rhaenyra on the other hand stepped up you, taking your hand in hers, cradling it gently.
“I will never be able to repay the debt,” she said in a soft voice, her eyes warm. “You saved my son, even though you weren’t obligated to do it. For that, I will offer you a place here, at Dragonstone, and a place in my council, if you wish to take it.”
Rhaenyra ignored Jace’s protest, her voice unwavering. “I believe your insight into our enemies will give us an advantage to win this war.”
“I do not wish to cause a drift between you,” you said honestly. “If Jace does not wish for me to stay-“
“It is not his place,” Rhaenyra said and Jace only scoffed. You fought the urge to glare at him, you didn’t want to antagonize him even further.
“Thank you, your Grace,” you said, lowering your head. “I would very much like to stay.”
Frankly, you wouldn’t know where to go, had Rhaenyra not offered for you to stay, you weren’t sure what expected you, would you return to King’s Landing; it surely wouldn’t go over well.
“And the seat on the council?”
You pressed your lips together. It was an honor, an offer like that, but you could tell Jace wanted you to say no with the way he was looking at you when he thought you wouldn’t notice.
“May I think about it?”
“Of course,” Rhaenyra said, squeezing your hand. “Ser Lorent, escort the Lady to her chambers. I think the ones in the West Wing will be fitting.”
Ser Lorent bowed, before gesturing his arm out to you. “My Lady, if you please follow me.”
You bowed your head to Rhaenyra, turning to leave, but just before you stepped over the threshold of the room, you glanced back. Luke gave you a small smile, but Jace had turned his back to you again. You tried not to let it go to your head, but your mind was racing with questions after Ser Lorent had dropped you off in your chambers.
The sun was shining through the windows when you awoke the next day. You had chosen to take supper in your chambers the night before, trying to give Jace some space. There had been no maid to wake you, so it must still be early. A loud clang of swords floated up from outside and you wrapped a robe around your shoulders as you got out of the bed, glancing out the window.
It turned out that your chambers laid directly above the training grounds, where Jace and Luke were currently in the middle of training. It was nice to see Jace without a scowl on his face for a change, and you took the opportunity to look at him.
He had grown into a very fine Prince, his hair long, curling around his face, his cheekbones high. You had always known he’d grow up to be very handsome. It was hard to imagine he’s the same boy who had told you to write to him every day.
Now, he hadn’t spoken to you a single word after his agitated discussion with his mother.
“Lift your sword up higher when you are in offense, but when someone is advancing on you, make sure to defend the lower part of yourself as well.”
Luke sighed, dropping the point of his sword on the ground, wiping his forehead with the sleeve of his tunic. “We have been training since the sun has risen, can we go break fast now?”
“No, you need this.”
“What am I to do with a sword when Aemond descends upon me with Vhagar? Slash at her wings?” Luke scoffed. “I’m not lacking in swordsmanship.”
You pressed yourself against the window as Jace laid a hand on his younger brother’s shoulder, lending him comfort similar in a way you have done with Daeron.
“It will not happen again, Luke. I will make sure Aemond will not get the chance to get near you again.”
Jace let out a breath, his face pained, you could even see it from a distance.
“It was foolish of me to suggest we go deliver the messages,” Jace sighed. “I should’ve gone with you, you had no protection. I never would have forgiven myself if something had happened to you.”
“Jace…” Luke looked at his brother, his forehead creased. “It wasn’t your fault. Our uncle behaved himself with no honor.”
“I should have expected that.” Jace smiled at him wryly. “You were lucky to escape Vhagar when you did.”
“I wasn’t lucky, I had help.”
Jace let out a loud sigh, giving Luke a squeeze on the shoulder.
“Let us go break fast, then.”
“Oh so now you want to end training,” Luke nagged, resheating his sword. “Because I mentioned Lady-“
“Do not speak her name to me,” Jace snapped, stopping Luke in the middle of his sentence.
Luke only sighed at his older brother.
“Jace… None of this is her doing. You cannot-“
A knock on your door quickly made you push away from the window, your cheeks red, almost having been caught eavesdropping.
The two young women standing in front of your chambers gave you a friendly smile, their hair - already twisted in intricate fashion despite the early hour - immediately told you of their parentage.
“You must be Baela and Rhaena.”
One of them, you assumed Baela, as she was wearing riding gear and last you had heard, Rhaena had yet to claim a dragon, inclined her head in yes. You gave them a smile.
“It is a pleasure to meet you. I’m-“
“Oh we have heard all about you.”
Rhaena gave Baela a jab in the side, glaring at her sister and even though Baela had fallen into your word, it did not seem like she had done it in chargrin, as she had a friendly look on her face.
“We were about to break fast. Her Grace asked us to extend the invitation to you,” Rhaena said and you nodded.
“Thank you. Let me get dressed and I will meet you in the dining hall.”
After getting dressed and making yourself presentable, you made your way to the dining hall. Well, you tried, at least. The keep was much bigger than you had anticipated. Finally you rounded the corner, thinking you had reached the dining hall, but instead you were standing in a hallway that split into three more hallways.
“I could have sworn this was the way to the dining hall,” you muttered to yourself, looking around in confusion, when someone called your name.
“… Are you lost?”
Luke stepped out of his chambers, lingering in the doorway. He must have gotten changed after training in the pit, his doublet a little askew as he walked towards you.
“I was exploring the keep.”
Luke gave you a suspicious look, a grin growing on his face.
“How long have you been wandering around?”
“Why do you assume I wasn’t waiting for you to walk me to the dining hall?”
Luke laughed, offering you his arm, which you accepted gratefully as the two of you walked together. You found it was easy to converse with Luke, he was telling you about Arrax and how he has been faring ever since you got back, and that he wished for some more meat instead of fish. His cheeky grin reminded you a lot of Daeron when he was pulling one of his jests on his uncle. It was nice, to have something to remind you of home in a place that felt so unfamiliar.
“And here we are, at the dining hall,” Luke announced as you stepped into a completely different hallway, the large doors to the dining hall open.
“I never would have found my own way here,” you admitted and Luke laughed.
“I know.”
Judging by the sound of easy conversation coming out of the hall, you were the last to arrive. You were hesitant, unwilling to cause any tension but Luke tugged on your arm, sensing your discomfort.
“Come. You shall sit with me.”
You relented, following the young boy inside. The conversation at the table ceased as you entered, everyone bidding you a good morrow. Well, almost everyone.
“Have you slept well?” Rhaenyra asked as you sat down next to Luke. You nodded, giving her a smile.
“Yes, thank you. I am very grateful that you have offered for me to stay. And for the clothes, of course.“
Next to Rhaenyra, her lord husband Daemon only gave you a subdued smirk.
“It appears we are the ones who have to offer our thanks,” he said, his fingers circling the brim of his cup. “You acted when it was easier to do nothing. You showed true courage.”
“Please,” you said, nearly melting into your seat out of embarrassment. “I did what was right.”
You ignored how Jace visibly rolled his eyes, turning his head as he took a sip from his cup. He seemed incredibly displeased by this all.
“You should have seen her,” Luke said, nodding fervently. “She leapt from Vhagar to Arrax just above the clouds like it was a small jump over a beck.”
“That sounds terrifying,” Rhaena said and you nodded.
“It was. I truly do not know what came over me in that instant.”
“Sometimes we don’t know how brave we are until the moment asks for it,” Rhaenyra said with an encouraging smile and you nodded, your cheeks red. Thankfully this scene of praising you was interrupted by the servants starting to serve food.
“You have been living most of your recent name days in Oldtown, is that right?” Baela asked curiously, leaning towards you.
“Yes, Alicent sent Daeron to Oldtown and asked me to accompany him to make the distance from home easier.”
You have always thought it cruel of Alicent to send Daeron away from his family, his siblings. But now you wondered if Daeron was better off for it.
“It was really different from King’s Landing. The grandmaesters were incredibly wise and I have learned a lot from the them,” you told her, a smile on your face. “Daeron of course always dragged his feet, but I knew he enjoyed it as well.”
“How old is Daeron now?” Luke asked, swallowing his food.
“Eight and ten,” you answered. “Not quite a man just yet, even if he believes otherwise.”
The family laughed, and even Jacaerys cracked a smile, though it seemed more unkind than the rest.
“That seems to be running on his side of the family, no?” he asked, taking a sip from his cup. His voice was so cutting, and the light mood seemed to dissipate at once. “Aegon, Aemond, none of them display characteristics of a what a real man is… I wonder if Daeron turned out any better than his usurping and kinslaying brothers, though I-“
Before Jace could continue, you slammed both of your hands on the table as you stood, the tableware clattering. The table grew quiet, the tension thick as everyone laid their eyes on you, but you paid them no mind, your focus on Jace as you glared at him, and he seemed surprised at your outburst.
“Please excuse me,” you pressed out, eyes gleaming with anger. You barely waited for Rhaenyra to excuse you as you left the table, your food still untouched on your place.
As you hasten out of the dining room, you could hear Rhaenyra raising her voice.
“-unacceptable behavior!”
“Why are you all rushing to her defense? Or Daeron’s? She’s just being sensitive!”
“I have lived with you about as long as she has with Daeron,” Rhaena argued. “Would you not come to my defense if someone spoke ill about me?”
You didn’t wait to hear Jace’s answer rushing past the Queensguard that was standing by the door. By some miracle, you easily found your way back to your chambers, the heavy door falling shut as you threw yourself on the bed, letting out a scream of frustration.
You were at a loss.
Jace seemed to use every opportunity to antagonize you, treating you like an enemy instead of a friend he had grown up with. You were no damsel in distress who couldn’t handle tough words, but it was to hard to hear them from someone you harbored feelings for.
You wished you could talk to someone about this. You wished you could talk to Daeron about this. A part of you longed for the days when you were in Oldtown, before any of this occurred.
A knock brought you out of your thoughts and you lifted your head from the cushions, frowning.
“I wish to be alone for a little longer,” you called out. It was probably a handmaiden Rhaenyra had sent to check up on you. You hoped she would respect your wishes, but the knocking didn’t cease and with a small sigh, you pulled yourself up, heading to the door.
“I am sorry, I-“ you pulled the door open, but to your surprise, you came face to face with the source of your sorrows.
“Jace,” you spoke, voice even, crossing your arms over your chest. “Have you come to throw some more insults? Maybe some at me this time?”
Jace clenched his jaw, his hand on the goddamned sword again. Was he itching to take your head off so badly?
“I have been told that my behavior this morning was unbefitting for a Prince,” he ground out, the words like gravel in his mouth. “I’m here to extend an apology.”
You bit back a scoff, rolling your eyes. “Fine. Go ahead, then.”
He guffawed at your words.
“If you are going to be like this, I am not sure it makes much sense for me to apologize,” Jace said haughtily and you snorted.
“If I were to believe that a single word of your apology were genuine, I would readily accept it.”
Jace only scoffed, shaking his head but not denying your accusation. His nostrils were flared and you searched for his eyes, but he refused to meet your gaze. Exhaling softly, trying to let go of your anger, you uncrossed your arms, letting them fall to your sides.
“Why are you so angry?”
Suddenly, Jace’s eyes snapped up to yours, his lips parted in disbelief.
“My mother’s claim to the throne has been stolen by her usurper brother, my uncle! Whereas my other uncle tried to murder Luke, and you ask why I’m angry?”
You let out a small sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose.
“Forgive me, I should have been more clear. Let me rephrase,” you said. “Why are you angry with me?”
Jace took a step back, surprised by your question.
“You treat me like I myself have usurped the throne, Jace.”
You looked at Jace expectantly; his mouth opening, like he wanted to say something, before he closed it again, his words unspoken. Before you could demand an answer, hurried steps came down the hallway, Ser Lorent appearing, stopping next to your chambers. Jace seemed relieved at the distraction as the knight inclined his head at him.
“My Prince, the Queen has requested your presence for the council meeting.”
Jace nodded, giving you one last glance before stepping towards Ser Lorent, expecting him to leave right away, but Ser Lorent turned his eyes on you.
“You as well, my Lady.”
Jace let out a scoff and turned on his heel without waiting.
“Unbelievable,” he muttered under his breath as he stalked away. You sighed, glancing at Ser Lorent but he only extended his hand in silent invitation, leaving you no choice but to go with him.
The painted table in the council room was already fully seated, save for one empty space, two seats down from Jace. Most of the council consisted of lords of various houses, who eyed you sceptically as you took your seat next to Baela.
“What is a girl like her doing at a council meeting?” The Lord sat across from you asked, clear disdain on his face. You only stared back at him, not knowing how to answer yourself, but disliking his tone towards you only for the fact that you were not a man.
“This girl,” Jace replied, and you already resigned to another slight at you, “Has saved my brother up thousand feet on the air with no training. What have you achieved for my mother, Lord Bartimos?”
Lord Bartimos only let out an aggrieved sigh as he leaned back in his seat, while you turned to Jace with a surprised look on your face. He didn’t meet your eyes. Luke on the other hand, was ducking his head to hide a grin, failing miserably.
“She can offer us insights into the plan of the usurpers,” Rhaenyra said, effectively stopping any more arguments. “I hope we can avoid any bloodshed.”
“Avoid?” Daemon asked, leaning forward with a crease in his forehead. “They blatantly attacked a messenger after you wished for some time to think about their offer.”
“Daemon is right.”
Jace’s voice was strong as he agreed with Daemon, his shoulders tight.
“This is not the time to sit back and watch their plans unfold. We have come too close to unimaginable tragedy.”
Jace’s eyes flickered to his younger brother, before he turned to look to his mother. “We need to fight back.”
Rhaenyra opened her mouth, seemingly to disagree with her eldest son, but a commotion outside caught everyone’s attention.
“It’s a dragon with a rider!”
Everyone at the table looked at each other, unsure of what was happening when a knight from the watch outside came storming into the room.
“Your Grace!” he called, bowing quickly. “There has been a dragon sighted with a rider, he’s headed straight for Dragonstone.”
Rhaenyra’s forehead creased in concern.
“Do we know who it is?”
“No, your Grace.”
Rhaenyra stood, her strides quick as she walked outside, the rest of you were not too far behind her. Outside, the folks were rushing in, trying to get to safety from an imminent attack from the dragon.
“I will mount Moondancer,” Baela said, already turning on her heel but Rhaenyra stopped her, shaking her head.
“No. We do not know his intention yet, another dragon might provoke him into attacking.”
You lifted your eyes to the sky, sight blinded by the sun for the first few moments. The dragon’s movements seemed familiar to you, and as your vision adjusted, you let out a laughter, relief coursing through you.
“That’s Tessarion!” you exlaimed, turning to Rhaenyra with a smile. “It’s Daeron!”
You broke out in a run, skirt of your dress lifted as you skidded down the stoney hill, ignoring how Jacaerys was yelling after you to wait.
Tessarion landed on the green grass, stretching her orange-blue wings, as Daeron slid off his saddle, feet on solid ground again. He oriented himself looking around, before relief took over his face when he saw you.
You fell around his arms like countless times before and he held you so tightly, you were afraid he’d never let you go.
“You promised,” he whispered into your neck in a choked voice. “You promised you wouldn’t abandon me.”
“I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry,” you mumbled, squeezing Daeron. You didn’t let go of him until his hold on you lessened, knowing he needed to realize that you were, and not gone. Pushing his hair out of his face, you gave him a watery smile.
“How did you know I was here?”
Rhaenyra’s voice brought you back to reality, as the both of you stood straight, Rhaenyra’s face null of emotion. Jace was furious, his eyes flitting between you and Daeron continuously, while Daemon stood behind Rhaenyra.
“Are you here to deliver a message from the false King that is your brother?”
“I am not a messenger,” Daeron said, his voiced heated. “And as I recall he’s your brother as well.”
His tone is starting to border on disrespect so you glanced over to him, your eyebrows creased. Daeron let out a small sigh.
“I hold no loyalty to my brother,” he added, his voice softer. “Nor am I here to deliver any messages.”
“Then what is your purpose of being here?”
“I’m here because she is,” Daeron answered simply, squeezing your hand. “She has been more kin to me than either Aegon or Aemond. I want to stay on Dragonstone, if you allow it. Fight alongside you.”
“Are we offering shelter for anyone who comes here now?”
Jace’s voice was directed at Rhaenyra, but Daeron narrowed his eyes at him.
“What happened to him?” he muttered to you under his breath. “I do not recall him being this miserable.”
“Daeron!” you hissed, the corners of your mouth tugging up anyways. Jace scoffed, taking a step forward, only to be stopped by Rhaenyra.
“If you are willing to trust me, you have to trust Daeron,” you said, looking at Rhaenyra. You understood that she was wary, she and Daeron barely spent any time together, he was a stranger to her. But you hoped that her trust in you was only half as strong as your trust in Daeron. “If anything, it adds another dragon on your side.”
Rhaenyra regarded you with a impressed smile, giving a small nod.
“Very well. You might stay, Daeron,” she said; behind her, Jacaerys and Daemon exchanged a look, neither of them happy about her decision. “However, I wish to speak with you, alone.”
Daeron nodded, and you squeezed his hand as you followed Rhaenyra back inside the keep, trying not to let Jace’s piercing eyes on you bother you.
“I think it odd. Seeing Rhaenyra again after all this time. My sister.”
You were sitting out in the grass, Daeron’s head in your lap as he talked. He had spent the last two hours in the council room speaking to Rhaenyra. You weren’t sure what exactly they had talked about, but when they both came out, they seemed calm, almost peaceful. You didn’t pry, knowing that Daeron would share whatever he felt comfortable with.
“Does she feel like kin to you?” you asked, knowing how distant Rhaenyra was to Alicent’s children, even when they were younger.
Daeron shrugged, ripping up a blade of grass with his hand.
“She was polite enough. She knows what advantage she has having me on her side. I cannot see us become closer,” he said. “Like us.”
Daeron peered up at you with a grin and you rolled your eyes. Something was still nagging at you, and you knew it wouldn’t leave your head until you had answers
“What happened when Aemond got back? How did you know I was here?”
Daeron’s smile dimmed a little and he looked away, his eyes focusing on the blue sky above you.
“I was already searching for you by the time Aemond returned. I could tell by the look on his face that something had happened, so he told me that he had been out in Storm’s End to secure pledges for Aegon, and that you had come with. Luke had arrived just shortly after Aemond had negotiated with Lord Borros and he got angry, starting a fight, bringing up what had happened at Driftmark.”
Your brows furrowed. You had suspected that Aemond wouldn’t tell the truth, but blaming Lucerys for his bad temper? Anything to paint you as the villain.
“Aemond said you took Luke’s side, your feelings for Jace swaying you.”
Your cheeks reddened. You hadn’t realized that your affections for Jace were so apparent that Aemond would take notice. Daeron continued, unperturbed.
“- and that was when Aemond returned to King’s Landing.”
“That’s not-“
Before you could finish, Daeron interrupted you, his eyes finding yours again.
“I know, Rhaenyra told me what truly happened.”
“But did you really believe what Aemond had told you? That I would just go with Luke because of an argument, leave you?”
Daeron shrugged with his shoulders, his eyes downcast.
“I did not want to. But what was I supposed to do? Call Aemond a liar? I don’t think that would have gone well,” he argued. “I did not have choice but to accept his truth as mine.”
“Then why did you come here if you thought me a traitor?”
Stilling, Daeron pressed his lips together.
“Helaena… She was behaving peculiar… I was sitting with her in the day room, watching Jahaerys and Jahaera play, and all she kept saying was “To save her brother, you must trust your sister” while looking between me and Jahaera,” he told you and you frowned.
To save her brother, you must trust your sister?
“What does that mean?”
“I am not quite sure,” Daeron said, shaking his head. “But I knew it must mean that Aemond was not telling the truth, that you had left because of something else.”
You bit back a smile; it amused you how Daeron did not hesitate to think of you when someone mentioned his sister, but hummed in thought, unsatisfied with his words.
“What if she did not mean me? What if she was talking about Rhaenyra?”
The sound of footsteps crunching on the gravel leading up to the small cliff made the two of you paused. You both looked up just to see Jace arrive to the top, stopping at the edge of the field stiffly. Daeron propped himself up on his elbows, glancing to you, then back to Jace slowly before he got to his feet, dusting off his clothes.
“I should go to the dragon mount. See how Tessarion is faring.”
You knew exactly what he was trying to do and you shook your head quickly, pulling yourself up.
“Daeron…!” you almost shouted, but the young Prince already departed. As he passed Jace, the older gave him an almost imperceptible nod, before Daeron disappeared down the hill. You let out a small frustrated huff, your eyes flickering to Jace before you turned away again. His steps were careful as he came closer, and you wrapped your arms around yourself, not looking at him as he came to a stop next to you.
You were the first to speak.
“I am surprised you didn’t call Daeron a traitor as he passed you.”
In hindsight, you could have chosen less biting words. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Jace clench his jaw.
“I wouldn’t.”
“Don’t patronize me.”
“I am not!” Jace sighed. “I did not come to argue with you.”
“Then what have you come for?”
Jace fell silent again and you shook your head in exasperation. It was hard for you to read him; he seemingly had made it a habit to guard his emotions. When Jace finally spoke again, his words surprised you.
“I always envied him.”
“Daeron,” he clarified. “When you wrote to me that you were to be sent to Oldtown with Daeron, I was furious. I begged mother to let you come with us, but she said it would be seen as disrespectful towards Alicent. She wanted to avoid a fight.” Jace scoffed, shaking his head. “The irony does not escape me.”
He paused, his gaze on the horizon. Two dragons had made their way out of the dragon mount, flying in the sky, stretching their wings. One, you were able to recognize as Vermax, with his orange green scales. He had grown exponentially since the last time you saw him. The other dragon was unfamiliar to you, but the dragons seemed to have a bond as they flew around each other playfully. You took your eyes off of the dragons to look at Jace. He was already looking at you, his cheeks pink.
“I looked forward to your letters every day,” Jace admitted, ducking his head. “… It eased my longing, if only slightly.”
Your lips pursed into a pleased smile.
“You longed for me?” you teased.
“Did you not long for me?” he asked quite bluntly, his eyes searching yours. “Or was what you had enough for you?”
Letting out a small huff, you shook your head, knowing what he was insinuating; the same thing that Aemond had hinted at only a few days prior.
“Daeron and I are like brother and sister, I do not long for him in any way than you do for Luke.”
Jace nodded, his smile delighted. But you let out a sigh, wringing your hands.
“If you truly felt like this… Why have you treated me so horribly ever since I’ve been here? Why have you stopped replying to my letters?”
“It’s not…” Jace trailed off, pulling his face into a frown. “After we received the news of my grandsire’s passing, mother has been on edge, preparing for war. We all have. And I felt guilty, I didn’t want to be distracted by anything, and whenever one of your letters arrived, I couldn’t get my mind on anything else than sitting down to write back to you. So I just… Stopped answering. And I thought I could write to you when all of this is over, but then you were suddenly… Here.”
Jace broke off, pressing his lips together. “You were supposed to stay in Oldtown, far away from the war that is brewing. Now you quite literally launched yourself right into the middle of it all. I thought it incredulous that you would just show up and save my brother… Like in a dream.”
Your chest ached. You had not realized how worried Jace was for you.
“But you thought I was spying for information,” you reminded him.
“I didn’t really believe you would be capable of doing so… But I couldn’t let my feelings cloud my judgement. Mother counts on me, and as her heir, I have to fulfill my duties.”
Biting your lip, you nodded, your chin low. While you understood why Jace had been behaving the way he was, it still hurt to be treated that way.
“I dislike causing you anguish,” he said quietly. “Can you find it in yourself to forgive me?”
“The way to forgiveness may not be easy,” you warned him, a small smile on your face. “I am not known for being very forgiving.”
“Then it will be so much more rewarding,” Jace quipped, smiling at you.
The both of you fell into a comfortable silence, staring out in the distance, the dragons dancing in the sky. You almost flinched when you felt Jace hesitantly reach for your hand; it was the first time he let go of the hilt of his sword since you got to Dragonstone. Swallowing nervously, you laced your fingers with his, feeling the tension bleed away from his limbs. For a while, you just stood there, hand in hand, lending each other comfort in the silence. A silence Jace soon broke.
“Do you want to go for a ride on Vermax?”
Your eyes lit up at the sudden invitation, but you held your excitement at bay, not wanting to seem too eager. Seeing Jace’s face however, it told you that you better work on masking your emotions. While the imminent war brewing in the near future scares you, you didn’t want to forego small moments of happiness, you were sure the war held plenty of misery and frustration. You would enjoy every single smile you could shed.
“I’d love to.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
author’s note: before you ask, i’m not planning on writing another part! maybe a few drabbles in the future! 🫶🏼
1K notes · View notes
makoodles · 2 years
ミ tìtunu
part one | part two | part three (nsfw) | part four (nsfw
🍓pairing: tsu'tey x human fem reader
🍓word count: 9k words (oops)
🍓warnings: alien courting rituals, misunderstandings, accidental sexy touching
yoooo i was not expecting people to like this ahhahahaha but thank you all so much for all your lovely excited comments! they've been so fun to read and honestly pushed me into writing this faster! pls forgive me if i forgot to tag you (i tried to include everyone that asked) 🍓 masterlist
reblogs are always enormously appreciated!
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Tsu’tey is beginning to wonder if he had received some irreparable damage to his head in the fall from the sky that had nearly killed him all those months ago. It’s the only explanation for what’s gone so terribly wrong with him.
After his failed first attempt at courting, you don’t come back to the village for a few days. It’s probably a good thing, Tsu’tey tries to convince himself; he needs to decide what it is he truly wants, and how far he’s willing to go to get it. But even though he tries to use the time to himself productively, he finds himself on edge and impatient.
His foul mood is clear to the whole village to see, and so it’s only a matter of time before someone confronts him about it. 
It’s just his luck that the person who approaches him about it is Jakesully.
“So,” The new Olo’eyktan drawls as he sidles up to where Tsu’tey is watching a group of young warriors training with their longbows, “Word has it that you’ve chosen a mate.”
They may be brothers in arms and tentative friends, but that doesn’t mean that Tsu’tey is pleased to have him poking around his business. His ears flatten back in a wordless warning to back off, but Jakesully pays no heed to it.
The bastard is grinning, as though this is the most entertained he’s been in weeks. “Word has it that your chosen mate is human.”
“Do not speak on matters you do not understand.” Tsu’tey bares his teeth in a move that is bold at best, considering he is speaking to his clan chief.
But Jakesully just laughs, his stupid shoulders straightening. He has become so confident since becoming one of the people, and Tsu’tey envies him for it. He was sure of himself just like Jakesully once, but now it seems like all he does is doubt himself.
“Relax, brother.” Jakesully says casually, leaning on one leg as he follows Tsu’tey’s gaze out towards the young warriors. “You are too tense. How could she want someone so grumpy?”
Tsu’tey turns to him then, his tail coiled in a tense loop as he glares. “She is a demon.”
Jakesully just rolls his eyes. It's a gesture so human that it’s almost jarring. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that he is alien, just like you.
“Everyone sees the way you look at her.” Jakesully says, raising a brow at him. “It’s a different kind of scowl than you give everyone else.”
Tsu’tey doesn’t think that he scowls that much. He tries to force the frown off his face as he turns to look at Jakesully head on.
“It does not matter what you think you see,” He bites out, frustrated and on-edge with embarrassment. “She is tawtute. Sky demon. She does not see, cannot connect with the People or with Eywa.”
Jakesully is nodding, but he still has that infuriating smirk curling around his mouth that suggests he understands Tsu’tey’s feelings better than Tsu’tey himself does.
“That hasn’t stopped you so far, has it?” He points out with a faux-innocent tone that is utterly unconvincing. “I mean, you certainly seem happier to show her around and explain things to her than you ever were with me.”
“That is because she listens, Jakesully.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Jakesully waves this away as if it’s inconsequential, before his expression shifts. 
The next look he levels at Tsu’tey is uncomfortably sober. 
“Look. I know that you’ve been having a hard time since...” He trails off, and his eyes dart down towards the harsh, ugly scars that cover Tsu’tey’s torso from where the brutal human weapons called bullets had nearly torn him apart. “Look, who cares what anyone else thinks? The People are still wary of the humans left over, but they’re looking to you as an example on how they should act. You could set a precedent here.”
Tsu’tey clenches his jaw as he stares out at the warriors. Instead of answering, he shouts out to one of the younglings near the edge of their makeshift firing range. “Netu’li, keep your elbows up.”
Netu’li fixes his posture, and the next arrow he looses hits home in a perfect bullseye. Tsu’tey nods in satisfaction.
Jakesully is still staring at the side of his face, and Tsu’tey realises that there is no way for him to escape this conversation. He takes a breath, and tries to ignore the resentful embarrassment coiling in his belly.
“She did not accept my advances.” He mutters, his ears flattened against his skull.
Irritatingly, Jakesully doesn’t seem bothered by this in the slightest. 
“Oh yeah?” He drawls. “Hm. Well, I never thought you’d give up so easily. I’m surprised.”
Tsu’tey flicks a quick glance his way. What a ridiculous, painfully transparent attempt at goading him into admitting the interest he’s been trying to deny. The worst part is that it might actually be working.
“I did not say I was giving up.” Tsu’tey says sharply, well aware that he’s playing right into Jakesully’s hands right now. “I am just… I am thinking.”
Jakesully raises his stupid eyebrows, but Tsu’tey is studiously avoiding looking at him now. This whole situation was mortifying enough when it was all going unsaid; now that it’s being discussed, Tsu’tey feels like climbing inside of a yomioang plant and never coming out. 
“Well,” Jakesully sounds smug, which should be a warning in itself, “You’d better do some thinking quickly, because I believe that’s her coming now.”
Tsu’tey straightens quickly, and tosses a look over his shoulder. Sure enough, your familiar figure is standing awkwardly by the treeline. It seems as though you’re reluctant to step further into the village; you’re fidgeting with your fingers, eyes darting around until they finally find him.
Something in his lower belly leaps, and he finds himself taking a sharp inhale through his nose at the sight of you. It’s been days since he’s last seen you, and he had been beginning to wonder if you would ever seek him out again. The sight of you here is a ridiculous sort of relief, one that he doesn’t even want to fully think about. Even better is the fact that you look alright, you look healthy. It doesn’t seem as though he’s done lasting damage to you with the meat.
You smile at him, and even from across the village he feels his heart thump against his ribcage. Perhaps you don’t hate him after all.
Aware of your eyes on him, Tsu’tey hefts his longbow from his back and shoots an arrow. It flies straight through the target, and hits it with a heavy, satisfying thump.
Jakesully just laughs. “Wow. Impressive.”
“Be silent.” Tsu’tey grumbles, his tail coiled tightly around his leg. He is anxious in a way that is entirely unbefitting of a warrior, and he resents you for being the cause of it. “I do not wish to speak to her.”
“Oh, come on!” Jakesully tilts his head back, shaking his head as though Tsu’tey is nothing but a child. “I thought we just talked through this!”
Tsu’tey ignores him. He can feel your gaze on his back like a weight, and though he stands straight and tall he cannot bring himself to turn around and meet your eyes. It’s all too much – even from across the camp your presence needles at him, and he hasn’t even decided on what he’s going to do just yet.
Jakesully’s eyes on the side of Tsu’tey’s face don’t help very much either. “Where’s all your confidence from the other night gone, when you practically declared what you wanted in front of the whole clan?”
Tsu’tey’s tail lashes restlessly. That had been a moment of pure madness. “It was rash of me.”
Jakesully just makes a face. “Whatever. Look, if the People could accept a skxawng like me as Olo’eyktan, why wouldn’t they accept your interest in a human mate? They respect you; they’ll respect your choices.”
It’s a reasonable point, but Tsu’tey remains stubbornly silent. It rankles, the way that Jakesully is trying to insert himself into his business. Tsu’tey’s thoughts and feelings about you are confused and conflicted, but they’re private. The way Jakesully speaks about you as though he knows you makes Tsu’tey’s skin prickle.
“I must think on it.” Tsu’tey says at last. It’s a weak response, but he just wants to buy himself some time.
Perhaps Jakesully is right. Tsu’tey has always been strong-willed and stubborn, and has always known exactly what he wanted. Now though, he's floundering. Now he doesn’t know what he wants, and he’s casting about desperately in the hopes that someone will advise him on what to do. After having his life and expectations so soundly upended, he just wants to make his clan proud. He wants their approval, but Jakesully is right – when has he ever given up on anything just because it posed a challenge?
“Fine.” Jakesully says, jarring Tsu’tey from his thoughts. He had nearly forgotten the Olo’eyktan was still there, and it’s unnerving to realise that he’s being watched with a smug sort of smirk. “I’ll keep her company for today, then. Considering you need your space.”
Tsu’tey’s jaw clenches hard but he does not protest. He can’t, not after making such a big deal out of not wishing to speak to you today. His pride is hurt, and all he can do is double-down on his position. Besides, Jakesully is mated to Neytiri, and Tsu’tey knows that he would rather die than stray from her.
That doesn’t stop him from turning his head as Jakesully leaves his side, watching with sharp eyes as the Olo’eyktan approaches you. Even from this distance, he can see the little smile on your face through your mask as you tilt your head up towards him. The sight of it causes something to curdle in his low belly. 
That should be him on the receiving end of your sweet little smile. It’s a selfish thought, but one that he can’t quite shake off. The sense of possessiveness surprises even him, and he watches with narrowed eyes as Jakesully leans down to say something to you.
When Jakesully’s stupid five-fingered hand touches upon your shoulder to lead you away to somewhere else within the camp, Tsu’tey feels his tail whip around his ankles in aggravation. 
I will try again, He thinks wildly as he turns back around to stare unseeingly at the practicing warriors in front of him. And this time I will not fail to impress.
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Now that Tsu’tey has reached the decision to court you (officially), there is much to be prepared. He has never been one to take half-measures, and initiating a courtship is certainly no exception. You may not be Na’vi, but he will court you with all the respect and courtesy as he would if you were one of the People. 
Part of him wonders if his decision is written across his face somehow, because the People of the village seem to know. When he begins searching for materials to make an official courting gift for you, he begins getting help from unexpected places. 
Some of the children have started leaving pieces of twine and plant fibre in his treehut, and he is pleased to find that it is of good enough quality to begin weaving immediately. The old woman, A’nayla, who is the best at carving beads in the whole village, slaps his hands away impatiently when he attempts to pick out a number of beads for your gift. She directs him instead to some of her shiniest and most vibrant beads, and refuses to make any trades. A gift, she had insisted, her old face crinkling in a knowing smile as she had waved him away.
He feels supported, even more so when Neytiri visits him in his treehut one evening after dinner. It has been a few days since you visited the encampment, but Tsu’tey is determined to have everything in good order before he approaches you in earnest. 
When Neytiri enters the small hut he had built in the trees when they first settled in this encampment, she takes a moment to peer around with a neutral expression.
Tsu’tey has been sitting on the woven mat in the middle of the room, but he looks up and waits for his old friend to speak.
“My Jake has told me about your intentions with the tawtute.” She says after a long moment, stepping forward and sinking down to sit in front of him with her legs crossed. “Many people speak of it in the village.”
Tsu’tey’s ear twitches at that, embarrassed, but he just focuses back on his weaving. There’s no point denying it; he does not plan on hiding it for much longer, anyway.
“Yes.” He says simply. “My first attempt was… not successful.”
Neytiri hums. He thinks he can hear an undercurrent of amusement. “Yes. I saw.”
His ears flatten in earnest at that. He had hoped that no one had witnessed that particular humiliation, but that’s no matter. People will soon forget, and he will soon have you distracted with his second (and surely more successful) attempt. 
Her eyes fall on the half-finished woven piece in his hands, and she eyes it carefully. “That is too big. She is small, remember.”
“Of course I remember.” He snaps, before raising the half-finished jewelry to his face and squinting at it. “You think it will not fit?”
“Give me.” Neytiri demands, and stretches out her hand. 
Tsu’tey passes it without complaint. They have known each other since birth, certainly long enough to forgo any passing formalities and niceties. He trusts Neytiri with his life, his best-friend and once-potential-mate, and he finds himself waiting with his tail curled protectively beside him as he awaits her judgment; not only on his half-finished gift, but also on his choice of a mate.
“This decision I have made,” He says suddenly. “To court the sky demon. It is madness, isn’t it?”
“Yes.” Neytiri speaks with hardly a hesitation, though she doesn’t raise her eyes from his weaving. She starts picking out a loop where he had made a mistake, and begins reweaving it with deft fingers. “But I will not be the one to judge you for that.”
“And Mo’at?”
“She thinks you are a skxawng.” Neytiri says easily, “But she loves you like a son.” The next look she darts at him is quick and sharp out of the corner of her eye. “Out of everyone in the village, your heart was the most firmly closed against the Sky People. Does that not make it all the more meaningful, that you have chosen a sky person as your mate?”
Tsu’tey is silent. He used to think that he knew exactly how his life was going to work out; he would be Olo’eyktan, he would mate with his first love Sylwanin, they would be happy and prosperous and strong together. But that future evaporated like mist before his eyes; not all at once, but gradually, until he could barely see the vapours. His reality is very different now; he clings almost desperately to the idea of you. There have been many people that Tsu’tey has not been strong enough to protect, but you are so small and soft – you need protecting more than anyone he’s ever known, and he’s determined not to let you down.
“She will accept,” Tsu’tey murmurs, before casting an uncertain glance in Neytiri’s direction. “Do you think so?”
“I see her look at you.” Neytiri murmurs back, her mouth curving. “She will accept.”
That brings a rush of relief so sudden and unexpected that Tsu’tey feels it like a physical blow. He keeps his head bowed in the hopes that it will not be so obvious, and hums absently as though he’s only half listening. It’s not enough to convince Neytiri, but he hopes that it works to recoup at least some of his pride.
“You have redecorated.” Neytiri comments, though her eyes stay focused on fixing the small section of the necklace that Tsu’tey had messed up. “Your kelku is inviting.”
That pleases Tsu’tey, and he sits up straighter. Decorating has never been a strong suit of his, and it presented more of a challenge than he had initially anticipated to decorate in such a way that it would appeal to a human. He knows you are very interested in the plants of his planet, considering the amount of time you spend studying them, so he has effectively cushioned the rough wooden walls and floors with softer wide leaves. From the ceiling hangs intense blue eanean flowers and hippophae leaves, lending a soft phosphorescent glow to the small space.
“Humans are weak,” Tsu’tey grunts. “Soft bones, fragile skin. She needs soft surroundings, too.”
Neytiri hums her agreement, before finally lifting her head. In her hands, the knot in the half-finished necklace has been unpicked and resolved. She hands it back, and Tsu’tey takes it cautiously into his hands before peering carefully at her work. Her hands are far more practiced in the art of weaving than his; she has done a wonderful job.
“Thank you.” He says quietly. He is appreciative on several levels; for her weaving, for her company, for her support.
She seems to pick up on what he isn’t saying, as usual. “You should approach her again soon. My Jake says that she is sad – she thinks she has upset you, and that you are angry with her.”
Tsu’tey raises his head sharply at that. He’s not sure if he’s more displeased at the idea that you are upset or the fact that you have apparently been confiding in Jakesully. It is difficult to push past the feeling that you should be confiding in him, that he should be the person offering you comfort. But how could you approach him when he was part of the problem?
“I will find her tomorrow.” He decides. The thought of him losing his chance is sickening – he can’t afford to wait until everything is perfectly prepared. He will just have to do his best with what he’s got so far.
Neytiri grins at him, her lips peeling back of her teeth in a way that is both joyful and intimidating.
“Sìltsan tìtaron.” She says, and Tsu’tey finds himself grinning back without conscious thought.
It is a customary saying in their tribe, used for both chasing prey and courting mates. Good hunting.
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When the next day dawns, Tsu’tey curses himself for feeling nervous.
The last time he felt this way was the night before his iknimaya, when he was a fledgling warrior. Even then, he was so confident, his ego inflated by the simple fact that he had never experienced a loss before. 
This time is different. He finds himself anxious in a way that he is utterly unused to experiencing, and it makes him bare his teeth in frustration as he bounds down from his treehut into the village properly. It is already a hive of activity, and the familiar buzz of conversation and laughter eases some of the tension out of his shoulders. 
He will take this slow, he’s already decided. Slow and careful. 
The thought of you refusing him is something that he can’t bring himself to consider; he needs to show you that he is strong, that he is thoughtful and caring, that he can provide for you and keep you safe and make you happy. He has to convince you that there is no one who can care for you better than he can. 
Finding you is easy enough; the human scientists that have remained on the planet follow a routine, and you are no different. Besides, as some of the children in the village tell him, you have been lingering close to the village for days now. Ostensibly you are studying the plantlife, but Tsu’tey knows that you have likely been waiting to catch a glimpse of him. The realisation has a hollow feeling of guilt gnawing at his stomach, but he tries to push it aside – he will apologise soon.
He finds you in the forest, only a little while outside of the village. You are not alone; as is standard procedure, you are accompanied by three other scientists and a dreamwalker. 
Norm is as awkward as ever in his Avatar state, discussing whatever he is reading from his demon technology with wide eager eyes. Tsu’tey is familiar with Norm now, mostly against his will – Jakesully is fond of the scientist, and he has been invited to take part in village life on several occasions. Tsu’tey will begrudgingly admit that the dreamwalker is respectful of Na’vi life and culture and he has come to accept his presence both on his planet and around his people, but seeing him around you is making him fidgety.
One of the scientists is armed (and the sight of the gun makes his skin itch from the memory of bullets tearing flesh) and Norm is at least Na’vi-sized, but that is the extent of the protection they have brought. Tsu’tey’s fingers twitch. It is not enough. You are so small and fragile, entirely unsuited for his world. Don’t you know that? Don’t you know how dangerous it is to be out here like this with so little to protect you?
You’re so preoccupied with the helicoradian you’re studying that you don’t seem to notice anything else around you. Your head is bowed, your eyes bright and shiny with interest as you inspect the orange pigment dusting the leaves. 
The dappled light that filters through the trees casts shadowy patterns across your face in a way that is nearly mesmerising, and he ends up staring at you for a longer moment than he had originally intended. You are strange-looking and alien to him, and yet his fingers itch with the desire to touch you.
Tsu’tey leaps from the branch he had been watching you from, and lands neatly on the balls of his feet. His movements are nearly soundless, and none of the humans raise their heads. They don’t seem to sense his appearance at all.
His brow furrows in dissatisfaction. Anything could creep up on you, and you would not see it coming until it was too late.
He reaches out one leg and steps purposely on a twig. The snap is resounding, and the man with the gun whirls around and hoists the weapon higher, aiming at Tsu’tey’s chest.
He just bares his teeth in warning.
“No!” You yelp, throwing your hands up as soon as you realise what’s happening. “Don’t shoot him!”
Despite the situation, he’s sure that he looks quite smug. It feels good to experience you standing up for him, even if he doesn’t really need it – he could knock this puny little gun-toting tawtute into the dirt with a single backhand if he wished, though he refrains. He’s trying to be on his best behaviour.
“Fuck!” The little man yells, clearly spooked. “What does he want?”
That makes you falter, and you look up at him with uncertainty. It seems like you’re waiting for an explanation as well. All of the scientists are silent are apprehensive, eyeing him cautiously as they wait to see what he’s going to do. Their eyes linger around the knife strapped to his waist and the longbow strung over his shoulders.
Norm is looking at him with raised eyebrows, his ears perked up. Judging by his expression, Tsu’tey assumes that Norm has guessed exactly what he’s doing here.
“I wish to speak with you,” He tells you in Na’vi – he knows that some of the other scientists will be able to interpret his words, but it brings an illusion of privacy all the same.
You blink, but hesitate. When you don’t agree immediately, Tsu’tey feels his ears pin back. Your uncertainty is surely a bad sign for him – has he misjudged how upset you were?
He turns to the other humans and narrows his eyes at them. “Leave.”
They burst into motion satisfyingly quickly. The moron with the gun looks as though he is about to start arguing, but Norm hooks the long fingers of his demon body into the back of his collar and tugs him away. For once, the scientist is not being a nuisance.
You’re still standing there, turning to stare in apparent bewilderment at your comrades, who are practically fleeing. “What-”
“Come.” Tsu’tey says. Now that it’s just the two of you, he loses some of the edge in his voice.
 When he turns away and begins to lead you into the forest, you follow after him without complaint. Out of the corner of his eye, Tsu’tey can see you twisting your hands nervously. Your clear anxiety has him frowning – he wants you to be comfortable with him, not on edge.
Once he’s determined that you’re both far enough away from the other humans that they could not hear you, he turns to you. You’re already looking at him, fingers twisting as you bite at your lip.
 Calm and steady, Tsu’tey thinks to himself. Just apologise for ignoring her.
Apologising does not come easy to him, but he rolls his shoulder and takes a breath before opening his mouth.
“I’m sorry!” You blurt before he can make even a sound.
That throws him, and he ends up staring at you with his mouth ajar for a long moment like an absolute moron. Why are you apologising? This isn’t how this was supposed to go.
“I didn’t mean to get sick,” You continue, a little desperately, “I really did appreciate your hunting, it was very impressive and the meat was very nice, I swear I didn’t mean to come across as ungrateful-”
Oh no, are those tears he sees shining in your eyes? 
Tsu’tey feels as though he’s been frozen in place. He knows that his face is stuck in a confused scowl, but he can’t soften his expression no matter how hard he tries. Panic starts to curdle in his stomach. He may be a seasoned warrior, fearless in the face of fearsome opponents, but he finds himself at a total loss in this situation.
You just keep going – his silence seems to be making you even more upset. “I never meant to offend you, and I’m so, so sorry if I have. I never meant to make you angry-”
Finally, Tsu’tey manages to find his voice. “I am not angry.”
Even he has to admit that he doesn’t sound particularly convincing, but he’s never been an eloquent person. How does he explain that he’s not angry at you, he’s frustrated with himself? Right now, with you staring up at him with your eyelashes all wet and clumped together as your lower lip trembles, he feels like kicking his own ass.
He needs to make his move now, he realises wildly. Be conciliatory, he thinks. Let her know you are interested.
His voice sticks in his throat, but he manages to push the words out. They come out slightly strangled, but semi-confident all the same.
“Would you like to come fishing?”
You hesitate, and Tsu’tey feels his heart seize in his chest – you’re not going to turn him down, are you?
“Would I-” You begin, face crumpling. “What?”
Despite all the similarities in your bodies and faces, Tsu’tey finds himself floundering when it comes to reading your expressions. Is that disappointment? Confusion? Anger? It’s so difficult to tell with your tiny blunt ears and lack of a tail.
“Fishing.” He repeats. His own tail lashes restlessly, the only part of his body that moves at all. “Come and watch me fish.”
It doesn’t come out quite as smoothly as he had planned in his head the night before, sounding a little more like an order than an invitation, but Tsu’tey thinks it’s a victory just to get the words out at all.
You look a little lost, but you nod all the same. Your tears are blinked away, your expression smoothing a little. Is Tsu’tey imagining it, or do you look hopeful?
“I- alright.” You swallow, and your hands reach up to tug at your hair in what appears to be a compulsive sort of movement. “Yes. Fishing. Right.”
Tsu’tey barely stifles his reaction. A success. He can’t stop his ears from pricking up, but otherwise he tries to appear neutral – he doesn’t want to scare you off. 
“Come then.”
Just like before, you follow him readily through the jungle. He is careful to keep his back to you – it is a display of trust, to show off his conviction that you will do him no harm. It is mostly symbolic in your case, considering that you are unlikely to cause him any real harm even if you wanted to, but he is determined to carry out these courting rituals correctly even if the rest of this courtship is unconventional. 
His ears are pricked the whole time for signs of danger or any other signs of life approaching, and to ensure that you are close behind as the two of you make your way towards the river winding towards the Omaticaya stronghold.
“You don’t have a fishing rod.” You say when you both finally reach the river.
Tsu’tey has no idea what you’re talking about, but it sounds as though you’re doubting his ability to fish. 
He frowns, turning to squint at you – is this a challenge? Do you require him to prove his prowess right away? Displays of physical prowess and skill are part of the courting process, but he had thought that he had already done that with the hunt you had witnessed. But then again, the meat from the prey of that particular hunt had made you sick – perhaps you had decided not to count that hunt as an official courting display. 
You stare back at him, looking perfectly innocent, if a little confused.
Fine. Tsu’tey straightens his back, and pulls his bow from his back. If it’s a display of prowess that you want, that’s what you’ll get.
In one smooth movement, he draws, nocks, and looses an arrow. It lands true, hitting home in the sleek, smooth body of a large fish that has just darted out from behind a stone lodged in the riverbank. 
You let out a startled sort of sound, but lean forward quickly as Tsu’tey strides into the water and reaches for his catch. He had been planning on drawing this fishing display out a little longer, but it seems that you’re a demanding little thing. He doesn’t mind that; if anything, it will make satisfying you all the more exciting.
He retrieves his catch and holds it up for you to see. The fish is a large one, and it glints in the sweet sunshine that streams through the canopy of trees above you. It is a catch to be proud of, but he is careful not to be too pleased with himself until you react.
You laugh at the sight of the smooth glinting silver surface of his catch, clapping your hands together.
“Oh!” You call out, and you sound delighted. “Amazing! You make it look so easy!”
The praise sends a pleasant warmth effusing through his chest, and he feels a slow, hesitant grin begin to spread across his face.
“I am good at providing.” He tells you earnestly, stepping forward. He snaps off the long shaft of the arrow before proffering the fish towards you for your inspection.
You glance down, still smiling, but you don’t look particularly closely at his catch. That dulls some of his satisfaction – he glances down at the fish himself, wondering if there was something about it you found lacking.
“I know.” You murmur, tilting your head as you gaze up at him with lidded eyes. “You’re strong.”
His ears twitch like a child’s, and he nods, pleased. Hearing those words coming from the person he has chosen as a prospective mate fills him with a type of excitement that he has never experienced before. As a tawtute, you cannot connect with Eywa or with the People; but in this moment, Tsu’tey feels as though you see him anyway. 
He swallows, and sets his catch aside in the pouch at his waist. He feels flustered in a way that is entirely unlike him, and he has to push his reactions down deep. He doesn’t want you to think of him as a silly little youngling – he wants you to see that he has taken this decision to court you seriously.
Time for the next step.
“We are close to an area where the Tsahìk gathers her herbs for medicine,” He says, clearing his throat as he turns to look at you with wide, earnest eyes. “I have offered to collect some for her. Would you like to help?”
Plants have always fascinated you – he knows that the original reason that you came to his planet was to study the wildlife and the flora. He waits, hoping that he’s right in thinking that this is something you will enjoy.
Your strange, sweet little face brightens. “Really?”
Tsu’tey nods, relieved by your reaction. “You would like this?”
“Yes!” You breathe. For the first time since he had approached you, you relax in earnest and Tsu’tey finds himself mirroring you. 
He reaches out and cups your elbow as he helps you step over a log, and he doesn’t miss the little shiver and quick glance that you send towards his hand where it’s wrapped around your arm. It seems like you’re just as taken with the size difference between you as he is, and his lips begin to curl in excitement at the realisation. 
This is good, He thinks, biting at the inside of his cheek. He is very slow to remove his hand, and you make no move to shake him off. Very good.
Tsu’tey does not want to speak too soon, but he feels as though his courting attempts are going very well indeed.
You had loved gathering the medicinal herbs with him, even more than he had hoped – you had badgered him with questions, curious about the names of the plants and their properties and their appearances, and you had bounded along at his side with a bright grin the whole time. It had pleased him greatly to experience your interest in the ways of the Omaticaya and the life of his planet; it was proof that you could be taught, that you were willing to learn.
And most thrillingly of all, you were receptive to his advances. Over the next couple of days, he continues with his cautious attempts at approaching you with little gestures.
When he gives you flowers and pretty leaves, you take them with brilliant, near-blinding smiles. Every time he shows off by flexing or practicing wrestling with the other warriors, you watch with interested eyes and tiny smiles. Whenever he tentatively touches you, small brushes to your shoulders or hands or waist, you never flinch away – on several occasions, you lean into him. 
He tries not to let it go to his head, but it’s difficult. Since he’s started to admit his urges and his attraction to you, he swears it’s gotten worse. It feels like all he thinks about is you. He’s distracted during training, during his duties, during meals. He thinks about your reactions to his offerings, to your smiles, your scent, your voice. It really does feel like an illness, but it’s one he’s beginning to come to terms with if it means having you close by.
It’s beginning to get more difficult to keep his hands to himself. Traditionally, at this point in a courtship it would be acceptable for a courting pair to exchange flirtatious touches and other little intimacies, but Tsu’tey is aware that this is not exactly a conventional courtship. 
He’s trying to be careful, to avoid spooking you or making you uncomfortable or uneasy, but it’s beginning to wear on him. Though he’s getting bolder with his little touches, it’s not enough to quench the skin-hunger growing in him.
But no matter. The courtship is going well, and moving at a good pace. The next step is one of the most important ones. 
His carefully woven courtship necklace has been completed. It is customary to present a potential mate with a statement piece of jewelry, and Tsu’tey has spent several late nights fussing over the finishing touches. He recognises on some level that he’s stalling; it’s not in his nature to be nervous, but he’s beginning to grow nearly obsessive about getting the necklace as perfect as possible. It has been crafted to fit you exactly, with fibres and beads selected by him personally based on what he thinks you would like and what he thinks would suit your features. 
The finished product is eye-catching, and Tsu’tey feels nearly delirious at the thought of it decorating your neck. 
He crushes any semblance of nerves as best as he can, just like he might have done before a big hunt.
Of course you will accept his mating advances. Why wouldn't you? He is a strong warrior, a protector, desired by a great number of women. He could likely pick any woman he wanted out of the available women in the clan, and they would be honoured. Why would you be any different? You may be difficult to read at times, but he has laid his intentions out loud and clear and you have not shied away. You would accept him. 
His mating necklace for you feels like it’s weighing him down as he steps through the village. It’s tucked safely into the pouch at his waist, though his hand keeps drifting to his hip to check that it’s still there. He’s not unaware of the looks he gets as he makes his way towards the edge of the encampment, but he ignores them. No doubt many of his people have guessed at what he’s up to, but he can’t give them his attention right now; he’s too focused on you, now that he spots you sitting next to one of the large pxiut trees.
Your head is bowed over your silly little notebook, lost entirely in your own world. Tsu’tey’s steps slow as he approaches you, taking the opportunity to drink in the sight of you while you’re unaware of his gaze.
His eyes track over the curves of your strange features, the slope of your alien nose, the arch of your neck. Your features may be exotic, but he’s finally beginning to admit to himself what he’s been trying to deny for a while now – you’re attractive to him.
He likes your weird little face, your odd five-fingered hands, your thick silly accent when you speak his language. He likes that you are so much smaller than him, he likes that you are soft. 
He appreciates that you are patient with him, too. He knows he can be gruff and surly, and most people find him off-putting or intimidating, especially when they don’t know him. But you – you’re so calm and sweet, and you never seem to care when he’s stoically silent beside you. Most of the time when he’s around you, most of his brain-power goes into trying to keep his hands to himself, and he doesn’t have much intellectual power left to attempt conversation. He’s content with simply listening to you about whatever it is you wish to talk about, occasionally chiming in to ask a question or just to hum gently to show you he’s listening.
As he watches, you shift where you’re sitting and reach up to scratch absently at your neck. Beneath your odd human garments, your skin is glowing lightly with a thin sheen of sweat. Tsu’tey finds his eyes tracking over your exposed skin like a moron, and he clenches his jaw as he pulls himself together.
You're a warrior, you're a warrior, you’re a warrior, he chants in his head. He would not be cowed or intimidated by a tiny human.
You raise your head as he approaches, and a smile unfolds across your face. Your expression is bright, full of pure innocent happiness just to see him. He wavers, and nearly turns right back around.
“Hey, big guy.” You call out, setting your notebook aside as you beam at him. 
You’re waiting for him to join you, he realises. He jolts forward, his previously confident stride turning a little jerky under your sharp eyes.
“Hello, little demon.” He murmurs, keeping his voice low and level.
You bite at your lip, still watching him with that little smile on your face. He watches you back just as closely, even as he sinks down to sit next with you. Your smile melts into a little look of surprise; usually, when he comes to you it’s so he can invite you somewhere else, either to show you something or to give you something. Joining you as you just sit is new for both of you.
For a moment, you’re both quiet. It seems like you’re waiting on him to speak, but he stays silent. He’s trying to compose himself, to appear cool and calm as he reaches his hand towards the woven bag slung around his waist.
Finally, he says, “I have something for you.”
It comes out impressively calm and level. While he’s not a man prone to nerves or to doubting himself, this is entirely new territory for him. When your expression brightens into a look of excitement, he feels a new little seed of confidence build in his chest. You’re anticipating his gift, you want it. 
When he slips his hand into his bag, you sit up onto your knees so that you can watch him. Over the last few weeks, you’ve gotten used to receiving little flowers, plants, beads, or little carved figures. You accept each one with your usual brilliant, sweet smile; the thought of how you may smile at him when he gives you the necklace makes Tsu’tey’s tail flick eagerly.
He pulls it carefully out and hands it to you. As you take it your fingers brush his, and he twitches slightly as he stares at how small your hands are next to his.
“Oh,” You breathe, lifting up the necklace to eye level so you can get a good look at it. “I… Really? For me?”
“Yes.” He says simply, his eyes sharp and alert as they drink in every minute flicker that crosses your face. What are you thinking? 
“It…” You begin, and then pause. Tsu’tey is just beginning to feel like crawling out of his skin when you slowly continue. “Tsu’tey, it’s beautiful.”
You so rarely say his name, choosing instead to call him variations of big guy, and he feels a near physical jolt run down his spine at the sound of it in your mouth. He wants to hear you say it again.
He just hums, still watching your face. You are examining the necklace intently, fingering the beads and the weavework, and he feels his pride inflate the longer you inspect his work. You are giving real, earnest thought to his offering rather than simply making your decision rashly. He respects this, and revels under the careful consideration you’re giving his proposal. 
“You like it?” He murmurs. His voice comes out rougher than he had intended, and you jerk your head up to look at him.
Like this, your faces are very close together. Tsu’tey had leaned closer unconsciously as you were examining the necklace, and he makes no attempt to back off. Likewise, you make no attempt to retreat either, blinking up at him from behind the odd clear surface of your bubble-like mask.
“Yes,” You whisper, a shy, cautious smile beginning to bloom across your face. “Did you make this yourself?”
Tsu’tey just huffs. What sort of fool wouldn’t make their mating offering themselves?
 “Of course.”
“Oh.” You bite at your lip. You seem to be trying to suppress your smile, though he can’t imagine why. He wants to see it, now more than ever.
You are certainly not racing to give him an answer. Your fingers trace over the beads, taking your time to admire the craftsmanship. Your obvious appreciation is certainly inflating his ego, but the longer you go without giving him a firm answer, the more agitated he gets. He hides it as best as he can, aiming to appear cool and unflappable. He is a warrior – he doesn’t want you to think of him as someone who is easily ruffled.
When you finally turn to look up at him, your eyes are shining. He can’t help but sit up a little straighter, watching you very carefully as he awaits your decision.
You proffer the necklace back to him, and Tsu’tey feels his stomach positively plummet. He truly hadn’t considered what he would do if you refused him.
“Will you help me put it on?” You ask, a little shyly.
The relief nearly bowls him over. Tsu’tey swears his stomach jolts so violently that he nearly makes a truly undignified sound. You are not refusing him – you wish for assistance. 
“Yes.” He says lowly and seriously, taking the necklace back. 
You beam again, then turn your back to him and bow your head to give him access to your neck. Tsu’tey’s heart thumps dully in his chest at the display of trust and vulnerability, though he keeps his face carefully still.
As he reaches out and slips the necklace around your neck, he gives in to his weakness and allows his fingers to drift over your shoulder. Your skin is so soft, your frame lacking the lean hard musculature that is so common among his own people, and he allows himself a moment to admire the feeling of you beneath his hands before finally beginning to tie the two ends of the necklace together.
He can feel you breathing carefully beneath his hands, the steady rise and fall of your chest matching the thumping rhythm of his own heart. The blood is rushing through his ears as his knuckles brush over one of the knobs of your spine at the base of your neck and you shiver in response.  
Success, his instincts are screaming at him. Success.
When he finally pulls his hands back, you turn to look at him through your eyelashes behind your breathing mask. The corner of his mouth twitches as he eyes the way the necklace sits above your collarbones; a perfect fit.
It probably goes without saying that you have accepted his advances, but the customs of the Sky People are odd and he wants to make certain.
“You accept, then?” He asks, reaching out and settling his fingers over the woven fibres of the necklace. You’re small under his hand – his fingers reach one of your shoulders and his palm reaches the other, dwarfing you. 
Your head tilts, a little frown creasing your brow, before you smile and nod. “Of course I accept it. It’s very lovely. I’m honoured. I didn’t know that you made your own jewelry.”
The last piece of mating jewelry he had crafted had been a bracelet for Sylwanin. It’s not something that he wants to think about right now, so he shrugs roughly.
“I do not, usually. This is different.”
“Oh.” You say, a little breathlessly.
Tsu’tey’s tail twitches recklessly. It’s time for the next step.
“I would take you to my hut.” He begins cautiously, watching your face. “It is finished now. I have made it comfortable.”
You blink, and take a careful breath. He wonders what you’re thinking. 
“I would like that.” You say quietly, your eyes drifting towards his tail, which is twitching as he awaits your answer.
Triumph soars in his chest, and a slow smile begins to spread over his face. This feels better than any hunt, any accolade, any success he has previously enjoyed. This one is his and his alone – you see him, you want to be his just as he wants to be yours.
You appear to get flustered, and look down at his twitching tail in an apparent effort to distract yourself. You watch the movement, your own lips beginning to curve, before you reach out to touch it.
Tsu’tey goes entirely still, his eyes flaring wider in surprise. He doesn’t pull away, watching intently as your fingers trail over the thin, sensitive skin of his tail. It is bold of you, so bold it nearly steals his breath away. 
“You’re like a cat.” You say, and laugh.
Tsu’tey has no idea what that means, and just continues to stare at you. You’re still holding his tail in your warm, soft hand. The fact that he isn’t pulling away seems to embolden you even more, before you start to bite your lip as you look up at him. 
Tsu’tey takes a soft, quiet breath – do you even know what you’re doing to him right now? Desire is beginning to pool, dark and hot, in his belly as your fingers stroke absently over the thin skin of his tail, your liquid eyes gazing up at him with that shy, enigmatic little smile playing over your face.
Slow and steady, he tells himself firmly, fighting to stay composed. He doesn’t want to scare you away by moving too quickly, but your soft warm hands and sweet little smiles are making it terribly difficult. He wants to touch you back, but he doesn’t want to startle you.
“Sorry,” You murmur, apparently growing self-conscious. You begin to pull back. “I didn’t mean to-”
“You may touch me.” He interrupts before you pull too far back. He has been intimate with women before, but this moment with you feels infinitely more intimate and illicit than anything he has experienced before. 
You watch him in return, eyes bright. Is he imagining the excitement on your face, mirroring his own feelings?
Slowly, you trace up his tail. His skin shivers under your touch, but he doesn’t pull away. In fact, he leans in a little closer as your fingers move from his tail to his chest, tracing over the lighter stripes on his skin. It feels as though your touch is leaving trails of heat in its wake, and he fights to keep his breathing steady and even as your eyes follow the path of your fingers.
His own fingers twitch, but he keeps his hands to himself. He wants to give this to you, to allow you the opportunity to be in charge of this moment. You’ve always been curious, and watching you exploring his own body only stokes his desire – but he holds back. He will be patient, and he will take this slow. He wants to do this whole thing right.
Your fingers trail down over the defined muscles of his abdomen, and he flexes entirely on instinct. You must like what you see, because your smile turns bashful as you trace your way around his waist.
He’s so preoccupied with watching your face that he doesn’t watch where your hands go next. It means that he is taken entirely by surprise when he feels your delicate, small fingers wrap around his kuru.
His back goes ramrod straight, his eyes flaring wide in shock. It was an innocent touch, only wrapping around the protective braid curiously, but the sheer fact that his prospective mate, wearing the mating gift he had made, holds the most intimate and sacred part of him in their hands has his toes curling into the dirt where you sit. 
A jolt of pure, liquid elation jolts down his spine. No partner of his has ever touched his kuru – it was saved specifically for a mate. And though you may not be capable of making tsaheylu with him, the sheer sensation of you holding this sacred part of him nearly makes his vision white out.
“Oh!” He hears your voice say as though from a distance. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to overstep-!”
He’s sure his pupils are blown wide, his ears alert and hot. He wants to reassure you that your overstep is most welcome, but it feels as though his brain has half-melted.
He comes back to himself, though his thoughts are still scattered. As he regains some of his awareness, he realises that his desire is beginning to grow obvious beneath his loincloth. 
Fuck. He was meant to be taking it slow! He couldn’t invite you to his hut and then grow so visibly aroused in front of you; it was not honourable, and he did not want you to feel pressured.
He lurches backwards, nearly sprawling in the dirt. It’s a graceless movement, ungainly and unlike him, but then again all of this is entirely outside of his realm of experience. 
You’re staring at him with wide eyes and an open mouth, your hand still raised in midair.
“I have to go.” He says sharply, pushing himself to his feet. It’s all he can think to do to preserve both of your dignities before he ruins his careful courtship plans with his own reckless desires.
“But-” You start, your face crumpling. “Am I still invited-”
“I must go,” He repeats, hastily angling himself so that you can’t see his front. 
He takes several firm steps away before hesitating, then turns back to look at you. “Tomorrow. You may come back tomorrow.”
You still look utterly bewildered, but Tsu’tey hurries away all the same. As he goes, he adjusts his tewng as surreptitiously as possible. 
Despite his tactical retreat, he feels more optimistic than he has in a long time. As he approaches the village he feels a feral triumphant grin begin to grow over his face. That likely could have gone smoother at the end, but overall he finds himself feeling impossibly pleased with himself. 
He has succeeded at his attempt at courting a human, and he has done so without Jakesully’s help. You have accepted all his gifts, you agreed to come and see his hut, and judging by the way you had groped at his tail and his kuru, physical attraction certainly wouldn’t be a problem for either of you.
 It has left him excited for tomorrow, and yearning for more of your soft little hands against his skin.
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captainfern · 1 year
Give It To Me
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x fem!reader
["Give It To Me" by Timbaland]
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• summary - you've always had a crush on your best friends older brother. looks like he has a crush on you too lol. • rating - 18+ • wordcount - 4.7k • warnings - fem!reader, best friend's older brother!gaz, unprotected piv, oral [f!receiving], fingering, praise, alcohol consumption, you smoke weed with gaz, you fuck while you're high too, strong language
ok ok there are not enough fanfics of gaz on this bloody app and enough is enough i say. proud gaz whore right here 🙏 gaz nation rise up !!! also i LOVE timbaland like early 2000s music has no right to slap that hard.
this wasn't requested at all lol but hey maybe it's just a 1k special. lots of luv x
the hat stays on while we fucking— yoooo who said that that's crazy ????
You had always had this stupid crush on your best friend's older brother.
How could you not? Just look at him.
He was nice, funny, a bit shy but yet still such a social butterfly. He was ridiculously attractive, too, obviously. Pretty dark eyes, a perfect smile and— good lord— abs that you could see whenever he wore that tight compression shirt during his morning workouts.
Spending the night at your best friend's house was always so much fun. Yeah, your friend was the best and you always had such a good time with her. But, if you woke up at just the right time and, conveniently, went downstairs to get a glass of water, you'd run into Gaz. Compression shirt on, dampened slightly with sweat, as he stirred up his protein shake at the kitchen counter.
You'd feign innocence. Hi Gaz, what brings you up at this hour? Real subtle, you thought, considering you'd found yourself in this exact situation four times. But hey, you can't blame yourself. He just looked... so good.
So, for the longest time, it was always a stupid crush. Nothing more than that.
Until it was more than that.
The ball began to roll the day he returned home from deployment a month or so ago.
You were lounging on the couch, your best friend in the shower, when he stumbled into the house, looking absolutely beat. He saw you first as he closed the front door.
"Hey." He smiled.
"Hey, Gaz," you smiled back. "Welcome back."
"Thanks," he laughed breathlessly. "I'm so happy to be home."
He looked around the quiet, empty house. You could only just hear the shower upstairs running. Gaz exhaled through a laugh, shaking his head slowly.
"So much for a welcome committee." He joked.
"Hah, were you expecting one?" You asked, smiling.
He shrugged. "I mean, it would've been nice. I've been gone for three and a half weeks, you know, risking my life and all."
"Oh, I'm sorry, thank you for your service," you mock saluted from the couch, much to his amusement. He smiled at you, finally dumping his duffel bags in the hallway near the door. You cocked your head at him, jokingly saying: "Would you like me to be your welcome home committee?"
He faked appreciation, placing a hand to his chest and pouting. "I would be honoured. Thank you."
"Oh my god." You rolled your eyes, and the both of you laughed while you got off the couch.
You crossed the room, clearing your throat as you stretched your arms wide. "Sergeant Garrick! It's so great to have you home!"
He laughed again, smile stretching wider as he wrapped his arms around your middle, your arms wrapping around his shoulders. He leaned back, your feet leaving the ground and making you release a noise of surprise. After hugging you tight, he gently lowered you back to the floor.
"Thank you." He smiled.
You pat his chest. "Of course. Thank you for your service."
He still had his hands on your waist when you said that.
And that was only the beginning.
The ball was rolling slowly, but steadily. A few weeks later, after days of joking with one another— flirting? you weren't sure— and throwing banter back and forth, it happened again. A moment between you two that contributed to the shift in your dynamic.
He stumbled into the house in the early hours of the morning, drunk as fuck. You and your friend had been up all night watching movies, and she had only just fallen asleep upstairs. You told her you were going to get a drink of water so, as Gaz staggered into the house, you were at the kitchen sink, a half-drunk glass of water in your hand.
He was tripping over his feet, muttering something, laughing to himself. You watched him silently, as he reached the bottom of the stairs. He dropped to his knees, failing to crawl up them. He gave up, and slouched against the bannister.
"Rough night?" You asked him, placing the cup in the sink.
"Mhm," he muttered, pulling himself away from the stairs and into the kitchen. "V-very rough."
He sank onto one of the barstools, swaying slightly.
You shook your head at him, grabbing a fresh glass and filling it with water. You slid it to him, and he happily accepted.
"Thanks," He slurred, and chugged the whole glass. He pushed the empty glass back towards you. "More?"
You gave him a look as you took the glass. It was meant to be a “slow down” kind of look, but he clearly took it a different way.
"More, please, love." He said, resting his head on his arms, watching you with hooded eyes as you refilled his glass.
"Drink this one slowly," you said, giving it to him. He did, sipping at the water as you watched. "Special occasion, was it?"
He swallowed his mouthful. "Not really, but Soap's in town. He... he can drink me under the t-table, Jesus Christ. He had like... f-five hundred more pints than... than me and he walked outta there fine."
You laughed quietly. "Your fault for taking him on."
He hummed, finishing his glass. When he passed it back to you, he gave you a lazy smile. "Thanks, love."
"Sure." You said calmly. Your stomach was doing fucking backflips.
He hummed again, watching you place the glass in the sink. When you turned back around, his eyes dropped for just a moment. Not enough to make you uncomfortable, but long enough to make you say—
"My eyes are up here, Garrick."
His lips quirked further, smirk unfaltering. "I like your pyjamas."
You rolled your eyes. Short shorts, a loose fitting tee that you have no idea where it came from, fuzzy slippers.
"Whatever." You scoffed.
"No, I do," he said, still smiling. "That's my shirt."
Your body went hot.
"Mhm..." He chewed at his bottom lip.
Your best friend had loaned it to you. That bitch—
"I'm so sorry. Do you want it back?"
"Oh my god, no, don't even worry," he sounded sincere for just a moment, before: "It suits you better, anyway."
Moments like these continued to happen.
And eventually, the ball rolled to it's final destination: today, your best friends birthday.
She was pretty popular, considering she did a whole bunch of extra-curricular activities and made friends with quite literally everyone she met. So her house was packed full of people, most of whom you knew, drinking and dancing to music that would most likely cause a noise complaint further into the night.
You had had a fair bit to drink. Not enough to be absolutely pissed, but enough to have your body buzzing and your eyelids fluttering if you sat down for a bit too long. Your best friend, on the other hand, was drunk as hell. You spent half the night making sure she didn't somehow end up on the roof like last year. But that was a whole other story.
Later into the night, your friend had wandered off— safely, thank god— to join a game of beer pong in the dining room. You needed some fresh air, so you made your way onto the front porch, devoid of any people.
You could still hear the people and music pulsing together inside, and you took a deep breath, cool air filling your lungs. You felt yourself sobering up as the chilled air hit your bare skin. Probably for the best, anyway.
"Had enough, eh?"
You recognised the voice. The voice you were weirdly attracted too. Was it weird to be attracted to a voice? Probably. Maybe you were over thinking—
Gaz sat down beside you on the front step, your knees brushing.
"Yeah, just wanted to chill for a bit." You told him, the warmth of his body beside yours really making the alcohol clear out of your head.
"Fair enough," he said. "Birthday girl's had a bit to drink, hasn't she?"
You bit out a laugh. "You have no idea. I don't think I've seen her touch anything other than alcohol all night. She's gonna have one hell of a hangover tomorrow."
"Her fault." He said, humour in his words.
He looked over at you, taking in your face for a second. You met his eyes, head cocked slightly as he smiled at you.
"What?" You smiled.
"You smoke?" He asked.
You shrugged. "Depends."
Gaz laughed. "Depends on what?"
"Depends who I smoke with," you replied. "By myself? Sure. With your sister? Sure."
"What about with me?" Gaz asked, patting his jacket pocket.
"Sure." You said simply, the two of you fighting smiles.
A little while later, you were sitting on Gaz's bed, right beside the semi-open window. You'd never been inside his room before, so you were intent on playing it cool. It was much how you expected it to be. Simple, but him. Photos from his high school days, from his days in the military. A punching bag in the corner— which, on any other day, would have been a red flag if it wasn't Gaz we were talking about here.
He passed you the joint, fingers brushing yours. He was slouched against the bed, too, head resting on the windowsill, peering out the window. Wisps of smoke furled from his lips, disappearing into the night.
You giggled at the sight before inhaling, taking a couple of hits before rolling the joint mindlessly between your fingers. Your slightly hooded eyes watched Gaz and the way his own eyes darted across the sky, looking at the stars. Then, as you put your lips around the tip of the blunt again, his eyes fell on you.
"You good?" He asked, sitting up as you passed the joint to him.
You smiled at him. "Mhm."
The music was loud downstairs. You could feel the vibrations coursing through the walls as you leaned your head against it. You had butterflies in your stomach, a warm, fuzzy sensation in your brain and your cheeks were beginning to hurt from the strength of your smile.
Gaz took a few lazy hits from the blunt over the span of a couple of minutes. You watched him in silence, chewing at your bottom lip. You watched the way his eyelashes fluttered, how his pupils had expanded in the moonlight, and how he wet his lips with his tongue after every inhale. You now had a second heartbeat deep in your core, and you released a shaky exhale.
"You're so pretty..." You sighed, watching the way he twisted the narrow joint between the knuckles of his index and middle finger.
He hummed, eyes darting across your face. "I think that's supposed to be my line."
You giggled behind your hand, body heating up more than it already was. You shifted against the mattress of his bed, blankets bunching beneath you, smelling of him.
"You think I'm pretty?" You asked in a whisper, reaching over and plucking the blunt from Gaz's fingers. He watched you take a hit, his tongue pressed to the corner of his mouth in concentration.
He nodded as the joint tip glowed. He kept nodding, slowly, lazily, until you passed it back to him. You held it out to him, fighting a smile, wiggling it in front of his face, fresh embers flickering.
Instead, he gently grabbed your wrist— as though you were the most fragile being on earth— and pulled you closer to him. You obliged, shuffling along the bed on your knees until they knocked against his own, your silhouettes framed by the moonlight streaming in from the partially opened window.
Still holding your wrist, Gaz lowered his mouth and took a deep hit, eyes locked to yours. Your stomach flipped, brain feeling extra fuzzy and warm as you locked your eyes onto his glossy brown ones. Then, without exhaling, he gently pried the rest of the blunt from your fingers and placed it on the ashtray on the windowsill.
He pulled you closer until you were straddling his lap, thighs beneath yours. He placed one hand on the small of your back, the other cupping the side of your head. He guided your face down to his and you parted your lips in a small gasp. When your lips brushed— not quite a kiss— he exhaled the smoke into your mouth, tendrils of ghostly white passing between your mouths. You released a sound, low in your throat, as you felt the smoke swirl, bitter, into your mouth, your eyes fluttering while you struggled to maintain eye contact. Gaz responded to the sound, pulling your hips closer to his own.
You were the first to pull a way a bit. He watched you closely, eyes moving all over your face.
Your core was pulsing, your body was warm.
"Jesus..." Gaz whispered, hand rubbing carefully along the side of your face, along your jaw. "M'gonna... m'gonna kiss you, okay? Is... is that okay?"
It was your turn to nod slowly, wetting your lips.
"Mhm." You hummed, trying to hold a poorly timed giggle at bay.
He exhaled deeply, breath fanning across your face before he leaned in and captured your lips with his own. It was tame, in the beginning. Then, he licked his tongue along the seam of your mouth and you opened for him, letting him explore. You and him both moaned in unison when your tongues connected, warm and solid, tasting both bitter from the weed and sweet from the cheap alcohol. His hand moved to the back of your head, bringing you closer, tilting you in a way that he could sink his tongue deeper.
The kiss was now the furthest from tame— all tongue, teeth and spit. The wet sounds, combined with his soft whimpering and your low whines, made the kiss much more pornographic than intended. You pressed your hands down his strong shoulders, feeling the muscle, scratching your nails against the cotton of his shirt.
The hand Gaz had on your lower back moved southward, brushing along the curve of your arse and squeezing the flesh there gently. He kneaded it through the material of your skirt while you ground yourself onto his lap.
You tried to pull away from the kiss, but he chased it; eyes still closed, seeking the heat of your mouth. You let him as he whined into your mouth, the hand on your arse moving back to your lower spine.
"Gaz..." you whispered once you finally broke your lips away from his. He blinked up at you, lips wet with your shared saliva, breath coming in shallow pants.
Wordlessly, you reached around and grabbed the hand that he had on your back. You moved it between the two of you, urging him beneath the front of your skirt. His eyes grew wide in excitement, letting you guide his hand to your underwear. He cupped your core, and, for the second time that night, you moaned in unison. You were wet and warm against the skin of his palm, even through the material of your underwear.
"Bloody hell..." He muttered, dipping his fingers past your underwear, dragging them lightly against you. His eyes flicked up to yours, trying to gauge your facial expressions as he made his touch firmer, sliding two fingers through your slicked folds.
Is this okay?, his deep brown eyes asked.
You hummed a moan, your eyes finding his, replying; obviously.
His two fingers languidly sunk into your cunt without resistance, your core slick and dripping, still maintaining a steady heartbeat, which made you squirm in his lap. He sunk his fingers to the knuckle and he let out a low whine before pulling them out and repeating his actions. You keened into him, chest flushed with his, tossing your head back as his fingers began a steady pace.
His thumb crept up your core and pressed against your clit, already puffy and swollen with your arousal. Gaz moved in slow circles, listening to your body, listening to your sounds. Much like your kiss, the sound of his fingers entering your hole were loud, even over the bass of the music. Wet. So fucking wet. You could feel the glide of his fingers, the arousal that leaked into your underwear.
Gaz had his mouth agape, watching raptly as you breathed out whine after whine, face inclined towards his ceiling. He kept you firmly in his lap, having moved a hand down to your hip to keep you steady. His other hand, knuckle deep in your sopping cunt, searched for the spot inside you that'd have you seeing stars.
He found it.
He knew he did when you choked on a gasp, a beautiful moan falling from your kiss-bruised lips. You tilted your head forward to look at him, and you whined a sickly sweet "Gaz" that had his pace increasing and his cock hardening.
"S-so good, Gaz, oh my god..." you whimpered, his fingers hitting that spongey spot within you that caused your tummy to tighten, thighs beginning to quiver against his.
He applied further pressure to your clit as the blunt force of his fingers nudged you closer to climax. He was still looking at you— admiring you— basking in how pretty you looked all for him.
"Cum on my fingers, baby, that's it," Gaz whispered, leaning forward to kiss you. It was gentle, and lasted for less than five seconds, before he was pulling away to suck a hickey onto your neck. "That's it, come on. Know you can do it... know you can, love, come on. Give it to me."
You fucking gave it to him alright.
"Mmm—Gaz—!" You moaned as you hurtled over the edge, your orgasm hitting you hard and hot. Your hole clamped around his fingers, making him grunt into your neck as he fucked your through it.
He pulled off of your neck. "That's it, good girl, there you go..."
He sounded equally as fucked as you as he thrusted his fingers into you once more, then retreated. You kissed him, your mouths moving without real intent, just swapping spit with weed-tainted tongues. While you did that, he pushed you backwards onto his bed, shifting you so your head rested on his satin pillow. He crawled over top of you, only breaking the kiss to drag his mouth down your neck.
"More." You whispered to him, a smile creeping along your face as you clamped your legs around his hips.
"Yeah?" Gaz leaned back on his heels. "More?"
"Pleaseeeee." You dragged out, ripping your shirt over your head as impatience bubbled inside you. He laughed when you tossed it across the room, then quickly unclasped your bra, also throwing it away.
Tits exposed, his eyes dropped from your face, jaw slackening.
"My eyes are up here, Garrick." You laughed.
The familiar words struck Gaz across the face. He smiled at you, leaning down without words to take one of your nipples into his mouth. You exhaled a pleasured sigh, holding his head carefully as he kissed and sucked along your left tit, before moving to the other. He rubbed your waist and hips as he did so, fingers skimming the band of your skirt.
Eventually, the pleasure mounting in your core was making you impatient, so you pushed him away with as much strength in your shaky arms as you could. Gaz just chuckled. He flipped your skirt up and slipped your drenched underwear down your legs, untangling them from your ankles and flinging them across the room.
He blew out a breath, catching sight of your cunt, slick folds fucking glistening in the moonlight.
He couldn't resist. He didn't even give you a warning.
He slid his head between your thighs and licked a stripe up your cunt, sucking briefly on your clit before dragging his tongue down your folds and thrusting into your leaking hole. You cried out, hand immediately coming to clasp the back of his head, hips bucking. His nose pressed to your clit as you did that, making you whine deeply. Your thighs fastened firm around his head. He groaned, continuing to fuck his tongue deeper into you.
Your mind was warm and full of Gaz, Gaz, Ga—
He moaned into your cunt, the vibrations making your tummy tighten.
"Fucking hell," he moaned again, and you gasped in return. "So fucking good, baby, holy—"
His tongue cut him off, stuffing back into your cunt, lapping up as much of your arousal as he could with messy slurps that made your cheeks sting with pleasure. You were far too gone to be embarrassed.
His hands gripped your thighs, indenting the soft flesh. He quickly swiped his tongue upwards, circling your clit and skimming his teeth across it.
"Fuck, Gaz," You keened. "M'not gonna last, please—"
"S'okay, love, s'okay, come on," he groaned into your cunt, tongue sliding back into your leaking hole. "Come on, baby, wanna taste more. Let me— f-fuck, baby— let me h-have more."
Your second orgasm, much like the first, hit you like a fucking freight train. As the chorus of whatever song it was downstairs reached it's tempo, you came in his mouth. Your thighs trapped him to your cunt as you rode the continuous waves of pleasure, his tongue solid inside you. You bucked against his face, orgasm simmering, his nose nudging your overstimulated bundle of nerves.
When you finally loosened your hold on him, he placed one last wet kiss to your swollen clit, before literally lunging over your body and slamming his mouth onto yours. Hastily, and with little words exchanged between the pair of you except for moaned curses, Gaz stripped. His clothes meshed with yours on the floor, and soon, the solid weight of his cock was in your hand as you helped guide it to your cunt, your legs parted for him.
He watched you stroke him, notching his cockhead at your dripping entrance with a soft giggle-turned whimper. He smiled, fucked out, as he took your hand and brought it back to your face. He made you lick it, before wrapping it back round his cock and moaning loudly. He used your hand to pump himself, his own fingers large over yours. Pearls of pre rolled from his tip, smearing against your fluttering hole.
His other hand adjusted the way your skirt was still flipped up over your lower tummy. He played with the material of it while you pumped his cock.
"Pretty..." he remarked, tugging at the soft fabric.
"Mmm... wore it for you." You drawled, nudging his sensitive tip through your slick folds.
He whined a fuck. "Did you now?"
He removed your hand from his cock, pressing a kiss to your knuckles. He wrapped his own hand around the base, languidly pushing the tip to your cunt. He slowly pushed in, and you whined, wrapping your arms around him and dragging your nails down his back. He moaned through gritted teeth as you sucked him in. His hips soon came flush to yours as he bottomed out with a deep utter of your name.
"C-can't believe I didn't... fucking hell... didn't do this sooner," he pulled out of you, slowly pushing back in. "Waited s-so long for this pretty cunt. So... so long."
He was taking his time fucking his cock into you. Your gummy walls tightened around him, your arousal easing the glide. He huffed each time the head of his cock reached far enough inside you that a small bulge appeared in the soft mound of you lower tummy.
"You feel so good, oh my god—" He whimpered.
"Please, Gaz, need more—" You whined. "Please, faster—"
His pace increased instantly. It wasn't the most graceful and rhythmic— possibly a factor of weed and alcohol, making you fight off a grin— but it was fucking good. He nailed that spot inside you with each thrust. You moaned his name, over and over, throat beginning to become sore. He fucked you to the drumming of the music downstairs, bed creaking. The room smelt of weed, sex, you and him. You could get high off that combination alone.
He was breathing hard, whimpering into your neck as he sucked another hickey. Your best friend's older brother. A moan slipped out of your mouth at that thought alone. What were you doing?
Whatever it was, you were fucking loving it.
"So good, Gaz. Feels so good." You told him through a whine, his cock slamming repeatedly into the plug of your womb, balls slapping against the curve of your arse.
He moved away from your neck, focusing now on your pretty face as he fucked you.
"Yeah? Feels good, love?" He asked, snaking a hand away from your hip to toy a finger against your puffy clit.
"S-so good, fuck—!" You almost screamed at the sensation, your nerves on fire.
He rutted into you, again and again, hooded eyes raking down your body with each arch of your back and buck of your hips. He loved how pretty you looked right now. All for him. His imagination these past few weeks had nothing on what he was looking at right now.
"Mmm that's it, good girl," he said lowly as he felt your cunt begin to pulse around him. He pulled all the way out and slammed back in, making you toss your head back and moan. He moaned too, your silk walls clinging too him. So needy. "Want you to cum, please, baby. You can do it. Want you to cum 'round my cock. Come on, give it to me."
Gladly, you came a third time.
"Gaz!" You moaned, pulling him tighter over you as your entire lower body spasmed, legs clamping around his waist and cunt squeezing around his cock. He groaned at the sight of you, at the feel of you, as your climax rocked through you, amplified by the swimming warmth in your brain. Cosy. Safe.
"Gaz..." You finished with a whimper, soft and barely audible. He kissed you, passionate and slow, continuing his pace, removing his finger from your sensitive clit.
"I know, I know, good girl, baby," he whispered, cooing. "Did so good. Almost there... almost there... good— girl—" he punctuated the good girl with heavy thrusts, making your mouth drop open.
It seemed like it had been mere seconds since your third orgasm when your fourth crept into your lower abdomen, coiling tight. You don't think a man has ever made you cum this many times.
You couldn't help it. It was so sudden that you had no time to warn him. You gushed around him, fourth orgasm leaking out of you with each rut of his cock. He groaned, deep and breathy, feeling the slick escaping from your cunt as he pounded into you, his thrusts only just beginning to falter.
"That's a good girl, there you go, feels so fucking good," he rambled. "M'gonna cum, holy fuck, m'gonna cum—"
He sounded so desperate. You kissed him.
He buried his cock to the hilt inside you, hips flushed with yours. As you kissed him, he came, moaning into your mouth. Warmth filled you deep, the sensation making you arch against him. Warm dribbles of his cum slowly seeped out of you as he softened, still buried inside you while his body dropped onto yours, face buried in your neck. He kissed you there as you kissed his forehead.
After a while of just holding each other and listening to the music downstairs, Gaz got up. The joint was basically lying dead in the ashtray, but he still ground away the remnants of live embers. He closed the window.
"You reckon someone heard us?" You asked lazily as he dipped into his bathroom, remerging a few moments later with a cloth.
"Doubt it," he said, dabbing the warm, wet cloth to your core, cleaning you gently. "They're too pissed to even notice we're gone."
He cleaned you, then discarded the cloth. Soon, he was shimmying a pair of his clean boxers up your legs, then grabbing a fresh tee and helping you into it. Then, boxers on, he slipped into bed beside you and pulled the covers up. He placed a kiss to your forehead, cheek, then finally your lips.
"Need anything?" He asked, rubbing his thumb across your cheekbone before kissing you softly again.
"Just you," you smiled at him. "All I need is you."
"Perfect," he smiled back. "All I need is you, too."
lol x
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helluvapoison · 7 months
Yoooo, so I just read your Birds of a Feather ask, and I LOVED it.
But now my need is itching for something, so, may I kindly request Adam, Lute and Sera/Emily (either or) with a reader who’s wings and magic that’s akin to a Phoenix?
Would love something with them cuddling and flying with their fiery bird lover.
˚✧₊⁎ Adam ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• There’s nothing in Heaven quite like you and he’s not sure what to do with that
• As The First Man, the first to experience everything, he can’t help but be drawn to originality
• He attempts to come off as casual but, as we know, when Adam is intimidated, he overcompensates
• You were responsible for teaching him how to use his magic but he was frustrated with how different yours was from his
• Purest light could beam from his palms but he envied the fire that illuminated from yours
• “Don’t focus on me,” You would say when he was about to give up
• (As if that was an option)
• “Kind of impossible when you’re so hot, you’re probably responsible for global warming,”
• He thinks he’s hilarious but he’s downright insufferable when one manages to make you smile
• “You’re incorrigible, Adam.”
• The way you speak to him, even when you’re displeased, is coated in a summery tone he just loves to hear
˚✧₊⁎ Lute ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• It’s usually quite hard to impress her upon impact so color her overwhelmed that you managed to do so
• Lute’s poker face is immaculate but when provided with the opportunity to see you in action, she takes it
• Your wings may not be golden or pure white, but Heaven save her are they gorgeous
• Mortified by her own gawking, Lute immediately reverts back to feigning indifference
• You’re no better than anyone else here in Heaven— That’s not a diss, it’s a rule! Everyone is equal here!
• And yet
• You’re so uniquely resplendent she can’t help but be drawn to you and feel… special when you make time solely for her
• “You look happy today,” You comment with a beam, “Anything to report?”
• “No.” She replies bluntly, like always
• “Oh? Then could it be that you're finally relaxing?”
• “Doubtful.”
• You hum almost knowingly and it sets her entire body on edge, “There’s always tomorrow.”
˚✧₊⁎ Emily ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• Did you know you’re very warm? Like, super duper warm!?
• You give the best hugs, Emily makes you a ribbon that says so!
• (Maybe don’t wear it around others? Favoritism doesn’t look good around here but she just had to let you know!)
• Heaven is the perfect temperature all the time. Not too cold or too hot; everything is just right
• If you could keep a secret for her though? Wait, secrets aren’t really allowed so maybe it’s less of a secret and more of a compliment? She feels the most comfortable standing beside you
• “You’re like a campfire— but a person! You’re so cozy and nice to be around. I bet we could toast marshmallows on you!”
• “Wanna try?” You ask with a raised brow
• “Yes please!”
• So much of her time is spent making everyone else happy (which she’s grateful she can provide!) that she doesn’t realize how draining it is until she gets to sit next to you and relax
• Emily’s most favorite part is when your wing stretches out and drapes over her shoulders
╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ thank you so mochi for your kind words! sorry i could only fit cuddling for emily (who was very fun to write by the by!) the rest i wanted to try something with, i hope it calms your itch friend ehehe!
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the-regressor · 1 year
My adventure to see the Super Mario Bros movie~
Flies to another state to see it with friend...
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...Been waiting for this day all my life...
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...Get in loser, we going to stop Bowser...
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10 min walk from the car to theater:
*Group of 8 or so teens* -"Yoooo! The Super Mario Bruhas!" -"Its Mario and his brother!" -"Can we get a photo!!!" "Sure!" *multiple photos taken* -"Yo yo yo, I don't know you dude *pulls out phone, starts live streaming* but I got my mans Mario *shakes hand* and my mans Luigi *shakes hand* out here representin'! Thank yall for bein out here!" *Car driving by slows down, rolls down window*: *Small kids hands wave out* "Its MARIOOO!!!" -Hello~! *we wave back*
*Another car lets down windows* *More small hands waving* -"Mariooo!!! Luigiiii!" -"Wahoo~!" *we wave back*
-Theater Lobby, before the Movie-
*Family; 2 adults 3 small kids approach* -Small girl insta hugs Mario, not saying anything at all & didn't want to let go, before the family can even ask for a photo xD *Takes multiple photos with 3 or 4 other families with small kids, back to back before we can actually get to the theater screen*
*As we walk to our seats, in front of the screen* hear kids chatter "Look Mario and Luigi!" "Ooooooo!" "Mario's here!"
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-We saw it in a packed 4D theater, families of all ages in audience! -Theater cheered and clapped a few times during awesome moments in the movie! -The crowd and energy was wholesome and feel-good the entire time, I was grinning ear to ear throughout!
-Theater Lobby, after the Movie-
-We get stopped by 3-4 families for more photos with their kids
-One kid was wearing this awesome suit (we did not get a chance to get a photo of him for ourselves) but more families passing by took many photos of us together, for almost 5 min
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*One dad after taking photos for his kids* -"How long will you guys be out here?" -"We just got out of the movie ourselves, we're about to leave" -"Wait, you don't work here?" -"No, we just dressed up to see the movie xD" -"Well they need to be paying you!" -"The manager needs to hire yall, I'm serious!" -"Nah, we just dressed up for fun, to put some smiles on faces :D"
-While that was going on: One of dad's girls tried to stealthy tip Luigi a few dollars for the photo ops, Luigi respectively declined xD
10 min walk back to the car:
-More kids wave from windows exclaiming "Mario and Luigi!" -Few more teens, excitedly ask for photos -Ran into another Mario and Luigi heading to the theater, but they were wearing nice red and green suits with the hats.
All in all an 11/10 movie experience! We loved every moment!
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-Mark (Mario) and Jaryd (Luigi)
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cupidcures · 3 months
When Tulips Kiss | Hwang Hyunjin SMAU
CHAPTERS: 𝜗𝜚 5teen | 6teen | 𝜗𝜚 7teen
WORD COUNT: 5.6k (not proofread)
wish you were sober
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It was the night of 3RACHA’s album release album, and you were standing in front of Jisung’s house with your arm linked to Jeongin’s and Seungmin’s, you being in the middle. It’s been a hot minute since you last went to a party like this, so you were a bit overwhelmed. Actually, you’ve noticed that you were always at least a little overwhelmed when it came to being surrounded by a crowd of people you weren’t familiar with, but it was something you needed to suck up in order to have that full “college experience.”
The last time you were at a party like this, you ended up in somebody’s bed that you didn’t know. Scary. You didn’t even bother saying bye to him when you left in the morning, hell, you don’t even remember his name.
Parties, drinking, sex, and emotions. That sounds about right!
“Hey Y/N! So glad you could make it!” You heard a voice calling out to you, causing you to snap out of your thoughts. When did we get inside? Well whatever, we’re here now, might as well have fun.
“Hey, Chan! I wouldn’t miss it for the world!” You smiled and unhooked your arms from your friends’, leaning into Chan and giving him a shoulder hug, as he returned it.
“Jisung and Changbin are in the kitchen making drinks. Those idiots are making all sorts of concoctions, so be careful with the amount you drink.” He chuckles before walking away to greet more people coming in.
“Are you drinking tonight?” Seungmin asked you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder as you leaned on his. Jeongin was long gone, you assumed he went to some of his other friends, or maybe went to the kitchen to drink already.
“Yeah, gotta get shit out my mind you know? Why don’t you drink too?” You nudged his side as he groaned in feigned annoyance.
“Me? Drink? Nah. At least not when everybody else is, somebody in the group has to look after everyone, and it’s me.” Seungmin shrugged as you pouted and dragged him along to the kitchen.
“I could stay sober this time so you could have fun! Let loose a bit!”
“It’s okay Y/Nnie, I appreciate it but I’d rather stay sober, to be honest. I like to have full control of myself and full awareness. So drink to your heart’s desire. I enjoy taking care of you guys anyway, as much as I hate to admit it.” Seungmin ruffled your hair as you whined, gaining a laugh out of him.
“Okay okay okay, you’re seriously the best Minnie. I hope you know we all love you so much.”
“Yuck, stop with all the sappy stuff.” He rolled his eyes but failed to hide the soft smile on his face.
“Yoooo Seungmin! Y/Nnie! If I didn’t know any better, I would assume you’re trying to take my wife away from me!” A voice, who you know as Jisung’s hollered out as you both looked in his direction before walking to him.
“You should keep a better eye on your wife then.” Seungmin joked before nuzzling his nose to your cheek as Jisung gasped dramatically, letting out a joyous laugh right after. He took a red solo cup from the counter before filling it up with the… “concoction,” as Chan described it, and handing it to you.
“Taste it,” Jisung smirked as you and Seungmin looked at each other with an uncertain look on your faces.
“Umm... Minnie!! A little sip won’t hurt. Why don’t you try it first?” You held the cup to Seungmin’s face before he fake barfed to the side. “Hell no.”
“Hey! I’m serious, it’s good!” Jisung crossed his arms in an attitude, looking to the side. Then, as quickly as he turned his head to the side, he turned back to look at you with pleading eyes. “Please taste it! It’s not poison I swear.”
“Okay okay okay I’ll taste it.” You laughed as he cheered and waited in anticipation as you took a sip. You widen your eyes in surprise before nodding at Jisung with an impressed smile.
“It’s good! What did you put in it?”
“I have no idea! Thank you for being my guinea pig wifeyyyyy~~~” Jisung grinned before running away as you took a sniff at the drink, trying to figure out what was inside of it. After a few minutes of thinking, you gave up on trying to figure it out and ended up chugging it all in one go. You squeezed your eyes shut and shuddered as the alcohol left its sensation down your throat, opening your eyes a few seconds later only to see Seungmin looking at you in worry.
“Woah. You took that like a champ. Are you doing fine? Do you always drink like this? I’m surprised you trust Jisung’s drink that much. Man doesn’t even remember what he put in it.” He rambled as you giggled and nodded your head to his questions.
“It’s actually pretty good! I like the ratio of alcohol to juice, it tastes better instead of just tasting like straight liquor you know? Not sure what that guy put in the drink, but it’s good.” You went to get more, but Seungmin grabbed the cup out of your hands and poured you more himself, proceeding to take a sip out of it. You waited to see his reaction as he took another sip and nodded in approval.
“You’re right. Too bad he doesn’t remember what’s in it, maybe I would drink more often if it always tasted this good.” Seungmin complimented, giving the cup back to you as you downed it all, once again.
“Damn, no hesitation.” He chuckled as you smiled shyly, the buzzing feeling slowly creeping up on you. Your cheeks started heating up rapidly, catching Seungmin’s attention.
“Are you okay? Do you need a seat?” He asked with concern laced in his voice as you shook your head.
“I’m just getting started, baby!” You booped his nose before pouring yourself another cup as he stifles a laugh.
“What are you laughing at?” You pouted as Seungmin raised both his arms up in innocence.
“Nothing! Let’s get you to sit on the couch though, just in case. You don’t drink like this often.” Seungmin wrapped his arms around your waist to keep you steady as you clung onto his shirt, letting him lead you wherever.
He was right, you don’t usually drink like this, let alone this fast. If you were being honest, you couldn’t forget about what you and Hyunjin talked about in the bathroom. You’ve kept it inside and haven’t talked about it with anyone, and it was getting to you.
But tonight, you intended to get fucking wasted. Why talk about it when you have alcohol?
Seungmin ushered the people shoving their tongues down each other’s throats off the sofa, gaining a nasty look from them, but he couldn’t give a fuck. He sat you down on the sofa and proceeded to take his jacket off to cover your thighs before sitting himself down next to you.
“What are we?” You asked jokingly as Seungmin rolled his eyes. Man, he sure does that a lot. You chugged your drink for the third time that night, and most certainly not the last. You felt the room spinning around you, your vision getting blurry.
Aaaaaand you’ve done it. Maybe you shouldn’t have drank so much in such a short amount of time.
“Want me to refill it?” Seungmin chuckled as you stopped to think about it. You should probably stop, but you weren’t drunk enough, so you nodded your head with a soft smile.
“Thanks.” He nodded back at you before taking the cup out of your hands and heading towards the kitchen.
“Are you guys always that cuddly? Am I blind to have never noticed it before?” A female voice talked to you as you turned to see who it was.
“Chuu! When did you get here? A few minutes ago?” You guessed as she nodded. Your eyes drifted from her face to her hand, which was connected to another person’s hand. Oh?
“Oh, who’s this?” You asked politely, referring to the slightly taller woman that Chuu was holding hands with, noticing how both their faces turned bright red. Ohhhhh.
“Y/N, meet Sooyoung! My girlfriend!” Chuu beamed as the girl next to her, Sooyoung, smiled and stuck her hand out as you shook it.
“It’s so nice to meet you! Take good care of her, she can get a bit crazy sometimes.” The three of you laughed together before it died down.
“We’re gonna get going now Y/N! Stay safe!” Chuu walked away hand in hand with her girlfriend, leaving you alone to your thoughts.
Where was Seungmin?
As if on cue, his hand landed on top of your head as he handed you the cup.
“Y/N, I know this is so sudden but something came up, and I’ve got to go. Can you take care of yourself??” You sensed the panic in his voice as you stood up to hug him.
“Yeah don’t worry about me! I’ll be fine just go! Let me know what’s going on tomorrow.” You reassured as he hugged you back and thanked you. He pulled away and pinched your cheeks, as he always does to say goodbye instead of waving, and left the party, but not before telling you to keep his jacket with you just in case you get cold. Seungmin was always looking after you, and it was times like that when you would think about the future, and how lucky his future girlfriend would be. He never hesitates to take care of you, even if you guys are arguing, and it has always been like this since you were kids. Now you were really alone. You decided to take little sips of your drink this time since you were already far gone enough, you had misjudged it when Seungmin asked if you wanted more earlier.
You observe your surroundings and all the people around you, watching how everyone is in their own world despite being in a room full of people. You enjoyed people-watching, it was always nice to see how people act differently and so uniquely. You watched the couples in the room, unwillingly of course because who would want to watch PDA? And you couldn’t help but think about how it was when you were in a relationship, and you found yourself missing it. Your brain automatically thought of Hyunjin but you quickly shut that thought down.
Why are you thinking of him? You drank the remaining drink in your cup before setting it down on the coffee table, leaning back down onto the sofa, and letting yourself sink in. You spotted Jeongin chatting with Felix and Minho, then Jisung with Chan and Changbin. Looking a bit more to your left, you found that Chaewon finally made it to the party! Though, she came with another friend of hers, Sakura? If you remembered correctly. Maybe it was the alcohol making you feel this way, but you felt lonely. Lonelier than usual. The air in the room was starting to feel stuffier and stuffier, so you went upstairs to where you knew Jisung’s balcony was and went outside to take a breath of fresh air. All the stars were sparkling and it felt like they were all closer, but maybe it was all the drinks playing tricks on your eyes. You were even able to see the planet of love, Venus, so you thought that was cool.
You don’t know how much time passed since you’ve been standing out here on Jisung’s balcony, but it was long enough for someone to notice and approach you.
Oh. That voice. You were almost completely certain that it was— “Hwang.” You mumbled without needing to turn back to see who it was as you heard their footsteps approach you and stood by your side, staring at the night sky as well.
“The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?” Hyunjin spoke softly before turning his head to look at you.
“Yeah, I agree. It’s so alluring, don’t you think?” You look back at him as the both of you lock eyes, and suddenly it feels like nothing else exists besides the two of you. Hyunjin takes this time to take in your features, something he wasn’t able to do for the past four years. A privilege, if you will. Your perfectly blushed red cheeks, and the shape of your nose. Your adorable eyes and the lips he loved kissing so much, it was all coming back to him. You had grown up so beautifully, there was no denying that. You have always been a beautiful woman, but it’s different now, and he doesn’t know how to explain it.
“Yeah, it really is alluring.” He murmurs, all his attention directed towards you. You smile up at him and he can feel his heart stop.
“What are you staring at?” You giggle quietly and look away, a bit flustered that he was staring for so long. But he couldn’t help it, who wouldn’t stare at you?
It was this night that gave him the feeling deep down inside that no matter how many years passed that you guys were apart, it will always be you. It has always been you. Will he ever admit it out loud? Hell no. At least, not right now…? He hates the fact that it’s still you that he wants to spend the rest of his life with, even after you had hurt him so fucking much in high school. His heart and his mind were always conflicting with each other, and his mind would win every single time. Hyunjin shrugged the feeling off, excusing his racing heartbeat and blaming it on how much he hated you. He didn’t care if it didn’t make sense, just as long as he was believing anything BUT the fact he was still in love. He told himself that he couldn’t be in love with you and that he SHOULDN’T. It was silly to get back together with someone who hurt you, but the confused and lost look on your face every single time he brought up the past messed with him. He wasn’t able to tell if you were playing dumb or not, but he chose to protect his heart and not give in to temptations, convincing himself that you were just playing dumb.
“So what brings you out here?” You asked the boy next to you, catching him off guard that you would still continue a conversation with him.
“Oh uh. I’m not sure. I just felt like wanting to get away from everyone else for a while. You?”
“Same.” You nodded, and the both of you stood in comfortable silence.
Well, you assumed it to be comfortable silence. But for you? Oh no. Oh no no no, your mind was flooded with thoughts going hundreds of miles per hour. You couldn’t think straight and your heart was pumping, you felt like it was loud enough for even Hyunjin to hear. You and Hyunjin were actually talking face-to-face with no tension between you guys, and all it did was take you back to when you were happy together.
“Do… do you wanna get out of here?” Hyunjin asked in a shy manner as you looked back at him and pondered before responding.
“Hm… sure. Why not? Lead the way, Hwang.” You accepted the offer as he smiled his oh-so-cute smile at you before gently taking your hand and leading you out the front door, to his car.
Hyunjin opened the passenger door for you and buckled you in before getting in the driver's seat to drive off to someplace quiet.
He’s only inviting you to go somewhere else because he didn’t want to be at the party anymore, and you were already with him so he might as well bring you along. Not because he felt the need to look after you while you were drunk and didn’t want to leave you alone or anything… nothing like that!
The two of you were silent the entire car ride, the only sounds in the car were the static coming from the radio and the hum of the car engine. It was peaceful though, and you enjoyed it. You felt like you could float away from how light you felt, the glow of the streetlights was a blur, as for everything else around you.
It didn’t take long, probably around 15 minutes, until the car finally came to a halt. Hyunjin turned the engine off and looked at you, checking how you were feeling.
“You feeling okay?” He asked as you turned your head to him and nodded. He gave you a small, subtle smile in response before getting out of the car and quickly going over to your side to open the door for you as you giggled at his actions.
“So what is this place?” You hummed, stepping out of the car and spinning around to look at your surroundings. Unfortunately, that didn’t help, as your vision was still impaired at the moment.
“I go here a lot whenever I need to clear my thoughts. Or when I just want to be alone.” Hyunjin muttered before placing his hand at the center of your back and holding your hand with the other, leading you to the bench and sitting you down.
“You could see the city lights from here, it’s a beautiful thing. Plus, the stars are brighter out here, so that’s nice.” He expressed and sat down beside you. He turned his head to look at you and admire your side profile, his breath hitching.
“You look….. decent,” Hyunjin mumbled as you looked at him as well, a darker shade of blush creeping on your cheeks, on top of the blood that rushed to your face due to the alcohol, and he chuckled at the look of it.
“Why’d you bring me out here?” You questioned and fiddled with your fingers, staring into the glint of his eyes, to his plump lips, then back to his eyes.
That action didn't go unnoticed by Hyunjin, and he could feel his face quickly heat up before clearing his throat. “I uh, just thought you might want to see it. Also, we’re friends by force.” You couldn’t help but let out a giggle at his last statement, and he laughed along with you. You felt so relaxed around him. Perhaps it was the alcohol? Contrary to feeling relaxed, it also felt like your heart could pump out of your chest. You don’t know what came over you, but you grabbed his hand and placed it on your chest, where your heart is of course.
Hyunjin looked away, flustered at your actions. Why would you put his hand on your chest? Are you testing him?
“Can you feel my heartbeat?”
Oh. Duh.
“Yeah, I can.” He spoke in an embarrassed tone, mentally scolding himself for thinking of something different. Out of all the things that Hyunjin was in denial of, one thing that he couldn’t deny was his physical attraction to you. You were the most beautiful being he had ever laid eyes on, and you still were. He hopes that you think the same way about yourself.
“Why do you hate me so much?” You slurred your words out before your head fell limp on his shoulder. Hyunjin stayed quiet for a while before finally answering, “You hurt me.” He rests his head on top of yours.
“You already know.”
And it comes to a complete circle, once again. You sighed in frustration, you weren’t sure how to ever get his side out of him. No matter how much you asked, he wouldn’t tell you how you hurt him and it frustrated you.
“I don’t. I don’t know what I did to hurt you. But I’m still sorry nonetheless.”
Hyunjin hums in response but doesn’t answer to your apology in words.
The two of you cuddled under the starry sky, surrounded by the chilly night air. Friends do this kind of stuff, this is normal! You've cuddled with Seungmin, Chaewon, Jeongin, Chuu, and Jisung. But? Why does it feel so different now?
“Wow, you called me by my name for once.” He chuckled and held your hand, giving it a light squeeze.
“Can I kiss you?” You asked under your breath, but you were certain that he heard you with the way he stiffened.
“Wha… what?” Hyunjin stuttered as you lifted your head and leaned in dangerously close. He felt your warm breath hit his face, and he could feel himself leaning in towards you as well, until he noticed it. The scent of alcohol in your breath.
Fuck. Hyunjin totally forgot you were drunk, and he cursed at himself for nearly kissing you. He stood up and ruffled his hair back, not looking back at you. “We should get going.”
You couldn’t help but feel disappointed when he rejected your advances, but you shrugged off the heavy, aching feeling in your chest and followed him as he walked towards the car. Even after all the built-up tension that you created between the two of you, he still opened the car door and buckled you in before tending to himself. You were well aware of how he was constantly sleeping around, as he’s very well-known and popular around campus. It only made you wonder if he treated every single girl he was with like this. You would be lying if you said that he wasn’t a gentleman, so you wouldn’t be surprised if he DID treat every girl like this, but little did you know that you couldn’t be any more further from the truth.
As Hyunjin started the car and began driving, you picked up your phone to check if any of your friends had texted you, and to no one’s surprise, they did.
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“Hey, Hyunjin?” You called for his attention as he nodded and hummed to indicate that he was listening. “Can I… stay over tonight? My friend is bringing her girlfriend over and she asked if I could sleep somewhere else for tonight.” You asked coyly as he paused for a while, before nodding once more. “Yeah, you can stay over.”
You muttered a thank you and looked out the window, admiring the scenery. Before you knew it, you were knocked out and snoring softly.
When the sounds of your quiet snores reached Hyunjin, he looked over for a second to sneak a peek to confirm his suspicions, and he was correct. You did fall asleep, and you were sleeping soundly in the passenger seat. The passenger seat of HIS car. He chuckled silently and continued on driving, unable to wipe the fond smile on his face.
When Hyunjin finally pulled up to the house he shared with 5 other people. He got out of the car and went to the side that you were on, unbuckled you, and gently lifted you up in his arms, making sure he didn’t wake you up. Closing the car doors and locking it, he brought you inside as silently as he could so as to not attract any attention. After all, what kind of reaction would his friends have to see him carry the person he hates into his bed and tuck her in? They would probably accuse him of being in love. Yeah right.
When he finally brought you to his room and closed the door successfully without anybody noticing, he delicately placed you on his bed like you were a fragile porcelain doll, before heading to the bathroom to wet a cloth and making his way back to you. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he made sure to wipe your makeup off as gently as he could, and when he was finished, he threw the damp cloth in his laundry basket and untied your braids to let it all fall back in place.
Hyunjin stayed next to you for a while, admiring your natural beauty and your sleeping state, you looked so serene and peaceful. This was the first time in years when you didn’t look at him with annoyance in your eyes, and he was grateful. Your beauty never failed to fascinate him and leave him in awe, and he could slowly feel the cold exterior he has constantly shown you, melting away. You made him feel sick. So sick. He was usually so sure of himself when it came to what he wanted, but for you, it was different. He didn’t understand why his heart yearned for you, but it did. Your messy hair, your long eyelashes, and your slightly parted lips as you slept pulled him in even more, and he hated it. He hated the way you made him feel despite everything he did to try and move on from you. He hated how despite the amount of years that had passed, you still had him wrapped around your finger. He hated everything that you made him feel, and yet he’s here taking care of drunken you. He gave in so fast, and it’s pathetic.
Hyunjin lets out a sigh before getting up to grab you a shirt to change you into. Taking a deep breath in, he squeezed his eyes shut before undressing you carefully and so very tender. After successfully doing so, he pulled a fresh shirt over your head and shoulders as it covered all of you. He opened his eyes once he knew you were completely covered, proceeding to tuck you into his blankets and pulling a chair from his desk to the side you were on. He stopped to stare at you once more before hesitantly planting a careful kiss on your forehead as if he were scared to break you.
“I wish you were sober,” Hyunjin muttered quietly before sitting down on the chair to take your hand and intertwine your fingers with his, laying his head on top of your stomach.
“Friends do this kind of stuff. It’s fine..” He fluttered his eyes closed and eventually drifted off to sleep.
Sometime later, Jeongin wakes up in the middle of the night with a groan. His head was fucking killing him from all the drinking so he did the first thing that came to his mind, which was to go into someone’s room for hangover pills. The most sensible thing for him to do was go to the person who got drunk the most, and so he did. Exiting his bedroom and knocking on the door softly just in case he was sleeping.
“Hyunjin? Do you have any hangover pills?” Jeongin asked but was met with silence, and so he slowly opened his bedroom room, only to be greeted with a not so surprising surprise. Hyunjin was sleeping on a chair pulled up beside you with his head on your stomach, his hand holding yours, and your other hand entangled in his hair.
Jeongin slowly creeped out and shut the door while giggling and rolling his eyes. “I fucking knew it would happen.”
When you finally opened your eyes, you were met with a pounding headache and a throat dry as a desert. You could barely open your eyes when you sat up and looked around the room, but it didn’t look familiar to you, at all.
Oh right… You asked Hyunjin if you could stay over.
You rolled over and hid your face in his pillow, before rolling again for the last time and staring up at the ceiling. You didn’t remember much before asking him if you could stay, besides the fact that Hyunjin took you to an overview of the city, but that’s pretty much it. You were lightheaded and the consequences of drinking… whatever Jisung made… finally caught up to you.
At least you didn’t throw up last night, that would have been embarrassing. Where is Hyunjin anyway?
And as if on cue, the bathroom that connected to his bedroom opened up as steam poured out from being trapped in there. “Oh, you’re awake. I put a glass of water beside you and some hangover pills, you must be dying right now.” Hyunjin spoke casually as he stepped out of the bathroom, revealing his exposed torso with a towel covering his bottom half. Before you could even register that you were staring, practically drooling, he raised an eyebrow at you.
“Are you just… going to keep staring or are you gonna turn around so I could put some clothes on?” Hyunjin chuckled and you squealed and turned around, apologizing for staring. You took this time to take the pills with the water he gave you as you finished all the water in one go, probably what you should’ve done last night instead of alcohol.
“I’m finished, you can turn back around. Are you hungry? I could make you something real quick and bring it to you here, since, well, nobody knows that you’re here with me. The pills will probably upset your stomach if you don’t eat.” He informed as you agreed.
“Yes please.”
“Do you want anything specific?”
“Nothing, I’m fine with anything you give me.”
“Okay, I’ll be right back then. Stay right here.” Hyunjin leaves the room soon after that and so you’re left alone. You notice that he plugged in your phone for you, and you mentally thanked him for doing so before getting on it. You were scrolling on your phone for a while, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, you name it, and you eventually got bored so you got up to explore the room. Honestly, you probably shouldn’t have done that considering the two of you weren’t close anymore, but that didn’t come to your mind. You admired the decor on the wall, as it was covered with portraits that you could only assume were painted by him. Hyunjin has always been into art and painting even while you guys were together. Instead of buying actual flowers and bouquets since you already have a lot, he would paint you all different kinds of bouquets instead. Hyunjin was truly one of a kind, and you smile fondly at the memories of when you were together.
“Y/Nnie~~” A voice from behind startled you as you turned around, only to find NOT Hyunjin, but Jeongin.
“Oh… hahaaaa… hi Innie…!” You laughed nervously and twiddled your thumbs as he laughed and hugged you, rocking you side to side.
“Did you guys sleep together?” Jeongin smirked slyly as you hit his shoulder in embarrassment, the poor boy yelping at the impact.
“No, we didn’t. I took care of her because all her FRIENDS,” Hyunjin appeared from behind him, pausing to give Jeongin a glare before continuing, “Left her all alone while she was drunk. I may hate Y/N but I’m not a monster. Do you know how dangerous it is to leave a drunk girl alone at a party?? I took her out to get some fresh air and took her here. I would never sleep with a girl if she’s not fully sober and if she doesn’t have the full capability to fully consent to it.” Hyunjin scolded Jeongin as he hugged you tighter, causing you to lose your breath.
“Can’t… breathe…”
“I’M SO SORRYYYY. I thought Seungmin was gonna stay with you!!!” Jeongin cried and hid his face in your neck as you looked at Hyunjin while giggling. “Look what you did!”
“He needs to know! That’s stupid and not everybody is as kind and wonderful as me.” Hyunjin praised himself with a smug look as you rolled his eyes. Jeongin pulled away before patting your head.
“Okay… I’m gonna leave so you two could be alone.” Jeongin winked and left the two of you laughing together.
“He’s so unserious.” You giggled more as Hyunjin laughed, nodding in agreement before passing you your food with a lap desk so you could eat properly.
“Now get back in bed so you can eat, and take a shower. You reek of alcohol, you’re lucky I let you sleep in my bed.” Hyunjin scoffed, going back to his “hateful” facade.
“Where did you sleep?” You questioned while bringing a spoonful of rice to your mouth and chewing.
“Beside you. Same bed. You were cuddled up next to me.”
You nearly spat out your food as Hyunjin fell to the floor laughing. Still just as dramatic as he was in high school.
“I’m kidding!! You should’ve seen the look on your face! I slept on the chair right there.” Hyunjin pointed at the chair that was pushed into the desk as you gave him a concerned look.
“What the fuck? That’s so uncomfortable, I wouldn’t mind sleeping in the same bed as you. I’d prefer that than stealing your bed from you.” You sigh, feeling bad that he most likely had the worst sleep of his life on that chair, not noticing the faint blush that decorated his cheeks as he clears his throat.
“Yeah well, I just didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.” He mumbled before sitting down at the end of the bed. “Now hurry up so I can drop you off back at your dorm.. your friend must be worried that you’re not home yet, it’s already 3pm.”
You nodded at shared a smile with the boy in front of you.
Maybe being together isn’t so bad after all.
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a/n: i finished this quicker than i thought i would lol! i hope you guys liked the fluff! don’t get too comfortable tho
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wholoveseggs · 7 months
Yoooo!! I don’t even have like… a big idea for this so sorry, butttt maybe just anything showcasing a nice domestic life with elijah? Fluff, angst, smut, anything you want!
Piano Lessons
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18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
You come home after a long day at work and Elijah helps you unwind with a song.
♡♡ Thanks for the request anon and the lovely @msveronicag for giving me the piano sex idea! ♡♡
2.4k words - Warnings: smuttt, Elijah playing the piano, oral sex, blowjobs, silly musical references, this was just an excuse for me to thirst over piano Elijah (the lighting, the white shirt, that face!!! so hot... its ridiculous)
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You arrived home from work, rushing through the rain to get inside. The sound of it pattering against the windows as it was calming and the house was dark, save for the candles that were scattered around. For a moment you thought your husband was out, but then the sweet melody of the piano filled the air.
You made your way upstairs, leaning against the door frame as you watched Elijah. He was lost in the music, eyes closed and lips parted. He looked relaxed, his hair a little messed up, the top few buttons of his shirt undone and his sleeves rolled up to his elbows.
Elijah was an excellent musician. He knew how to play practically every instrument there was, but he was especially good at the piano. Sometimes he'd write a song just for you, one that expressed his love and devotion to you. It was how he charmed you when you first met, performing at a bar you were drinking at with some friends.
When he noticed you in the doorway, he stopped. "I didn't know you were home."
"I just got back," you said, walking over to him and leaning down to kiss him. He smiled and tugged you down to his lap, kissing you softly. You wrapped your arms around his neck, fingers tangling in his hair as his hand went to rest on your back.
"I hope your day wasn't too terrible," he said, his thumb rubbing circles on the small of your back.
"It wasn't bad. Just a little stressful, I'm glad to be home." You kissed him again, then rested your head on his shoulder.
He went back to playing, just a soft and simple tune now, one he knew well enough to play with his eyes closed. You watched the way his hands moved along the keys, how his long fingers moved and the veins and tendons stood out.
As he played, he slowly turned his head to look at you, catching your eye.
"Can you show me how to play?" You asked, sitting up and looking at the keys.
Elijah nodded, shifting on the bench and moving you between his legs. His hand gripped your waist and pulled you close so that your back was flush against his chest, his hands moving to cover yours.
"Your hands are much smaller than mine," he whispered, "so it will be more difficult to stretch to some of these notes, but we can try.”
"Now, these keys right here are the major notes. They are the basic ones you want to know for every song." He continued, placing your index finger on one of the keys and pushed it down, then guided your other fingers to play along with it.
He was patient with you, letting you practice the simple notes. Every once and a while, he would press a kiss to your shoulder or neck.
"Now, why don't we try something more advanced?" He whispered into your ear.
You nodded, turning your head to kiss him. You kept your eyes on him as your lips met, and when you broke apart, he smiled and pressed another kiss to the corner of your mouth.
He brought one of your hands to the higher notes, his own hands guiding yours over the keys. You tried to focus on what he was teaching you, but you kept getting distracted. The way he breath ghosted against your neck, the way his lips grazed the shell of your ear, it was making you all warm and flustered.
He seemed to notice, because he started leaving more lingering kisses along your neck and shoulder, nipping at the skin and soothing the bites with his tongue.
"Elijah," you moaned, your hand dropping from the keys. He took them and guided them back to where they were, pressing the keys and making a pretty melody.
"Focus, sweetheart. You're doing great." His voice was low, and it was making you clench around nothing. "Try on your own," he said, letting go of your hands and resting his on your hips.
You tried to replicate the sound, but your mind was too hazy. His hands now free, they roamed over your body, pulling up the hem of your dress and stroking the smooth skin of your thighs. You gasped and closed your eyes, pressing the keys down a bit harder than you meant to.
He chuckled and slid his hands under your dress, running his fingers over the fabric of your panties. "I didn't say you could stop playing," he said, his voice firm.
"You are a terrible teacher, you know that?" You said, pressing down on the keys.
"Yes, but you enjoy it." He slipped his fingers under the waistband of your panties, and ran the pad of his index finger over your clit. You whimpered and pushed your hips into his hand, desperate for more.
He stopped moving his hand, nibbling on your earlobe. "Keep going. I know you can do it."
You continued to play, your hands trembling and your breaths coming out in soft pants. He began to move his hand again, his fingers barely brushing your sensitive bud. "You're doing so good for me," he praised.
You stopped playing, your hands gripping his thighs. He smiled against your neck, and pushed a finger inside of you.
"Fuck, Elijah," you moaned. He added a second finger, pumping them in and out of you in a firm, steady pace. Your legs were shaking and your knuckles were white as you clung to his knees.
"To play any instrument, you must have discipline. Focus." His words were punctuated by his fingers curling inside of you. "Keep playing."
Your hand reached out, finding the keys and pressing down on them. It wasn't so much music you were making, but a jumble of sounds. But Elijah was pleased nonetheless.
"Listen to the music you're making, my darling," he said, his breath hot on your ear. "That is your melody."
You could feel the coil inside of you getting tighter and tighter with each pass of his fingers. Elijah pressed a kiss to your neck and took his thumb, pressing it against your clit and rubbing circles.
Your hands crashed down on the keys, your legs shaking, and Elijah held you to him as he continued his pace, keeping you upright as you came around his fingers. You leaned back into him, panting, as you tried to catch your breath.
"You are a natural," he teased, pulling his hand out of you and resting it on your thigh, his mouth pressed to the skin of your neck.
You hummed and turned around so you were straddling him. You pulled him in for a kiss, nipping at his bottom lip as you unbuttoned his shirt, pushing the material off his shoulders and tossing it aside. You pulled off your dress and dropped it on the floor, your lips returning to his at once.
Elijah reached around and unclasped your bra, his fingers ghosting over the sensitive skin as he slipped the straps down your shoulders. He tossed it to the side and kissed your shoulder. His mouth trailed down, stopping at your breasts and giving each nipple attention. You ran your fingers through his hair, gently tugging him away and grinning down at him.
You pulled away from him, getting on your knees between him and the piano, and looked up at him through your eyelashes as your hand worked to undo his pants.
You ran your hand over his boxers, smiling when his hips bucked slightly. It was your turn to tease him now. You nuzzled his cock through the fabric and kissed the outline of it. You took the waistband between your teeth and tugged, freeing his cock. He groaned and closed his eyes, head falling back as you licked his length, kissing along his shaft.
"Will you play the song you were playing when we first met?" You asked, batting your eyelashes at him. He chuckled and nodded, positioning his hands over the keys, and began playing. You wrapped your fingers around his cock and pumped slowly, waiting until you heard the song pick up the slightest bit of speed to take him into your mouth.
He faltered a bit, the music not quite right, and you smiled to yourself as you swirled your tongue around him. You took him deeper and deeper each time you went down on him, your tongue massaging the underside of his cock.
He groaned, trying his best to keep up the song, but failing miserably. When it was just a jumble of notes, he gave up, taking a fistful of your hair in his hand as you bobbed on his cock.
You stopped moving, looking up at him and raising your eyebrow as if to challenge him to finish the song. He smiled and groaned, then returned to playing. The song was off and disjointed, but you could still tell what it was, he was truly talented. You hummed around his cock pushed him all the way into the back of your throat, causing him to moan and buck his hips up into you.
His movements became sloppy as he neared his climax, the melody not coming out as well. You relaxed your throat and sucked, pushing him over the edge. You swallowed every drop, keeping his cock in your mouth as he finished riding out his high.
He looked down at you with a satisfied grin, and pulled you to him. His thumb swiped along your bottom lip as you straddled him and he leaned in, capturing your mouth in a kiss.
"How's my performance?" You asked with wide innocent eyes.
"Simply divine," he answered. "How was mine?"
"Terrible," you teased, leaning forward and kissing him. He chuckled into your mouth, hands gripping your hips and lifting you up onto the top of the piano, your feet landing on the keys. The sound made you laugh against his mouth, and he smiled. He pulled off your underwear, letting the fabric pool around your ankles, then he sat back down on the bench, pulling you to the edge.
"Spread your legs," he instructed. You obeyed, placing your feet on the keys again, the piano playing a discordant tune.
Elijah smiled, looking up at you from his seat between your thighs, his hands returning to the keys, playing a beautiful melody as he watched you squirm under his gaze.
You rested on your elbows and bit your lip. "Elijah, please."
"You are the perfect muse, my love." He pressed a kiss to the inside of your thigh, then placed a few more kisses on your clit and you moaned.
You could feel the vibration of music under you, it felt strange and wonderful combined with Elijah's tongue, lapping at your clit, slow and leisurely. He was teasing you again and you were enjoying it immensely.
Elijah continued playing, and you started moving your hips, desperate for any sort of friction. You feet moved and the sound from the keys changed. The melody he was playing changed to match your own disjointed notes, a new song starting.
"Inspirational," he hummed, his eyes meeting yours as his tongue flicked against your clit. You whimpered and thrashed on top of the piano as his mouth explored every inch of your cunt.
“I never thought to combine my two favorite activities before," he said with a soft chuckle. You could tell he was smirking, he was proud of himself. You laughed and grabbed onto his hair, pulling him closer and grinding your hips against his mouth.
You felt your orgasm building, your legs started to shake and Elijah's tongue moved faster and faster. His fingers still playing a perfect tune on the keys.
He sucked your clit into his mouth and you fell over the edge, your thighs gripping his head. Your heel hitting the low notes as you shook, like a clap of thunder, while the music swelled to a crescendo.
Your orgasm finally subsided, and you collapsed on your back, gasping as you tried to catch your breath.
Elijah smiled at the sight and closed the cover over the keys, climbing up on top of the piano. He hovered over you and pressed a kiss to your lips. He smiled and rested his forehead against yours. "Now that's what I call an improvised concerto."
You giggled and rolled your eyes, kissing him again. He parted your legs with his knee, rubbing himself along your slit. You sighed into his mouth as he pushed in, slowly until his hips were flush against yours.
Elijah propped himself up on his elbows, one hand cushioning the back of your head and the other entwined with yours, pressing it into the cool wood as he began to thrust. He looked deep into your eyes, not breaking contact as he picked up his pace.
You wrapped your legs around him and ran your free hand down his back. He leaned down and kissed you again, the two of you panting into each other's mouths as he rocked into you.
You were still sensitive, and with each movement he made you moaned, each noise you made he swallowed into a kiss.
He changed the angle of his thrusts slightly and the head of his cock hit your sweet spot. You gasped and clenched around him as you neared another orgasm.
You could feel the tension in your stomach as he rocked his hips faster and faster. His pace became a bit sloppy, but he kept the same angle, and you fell over the edge.
Your toes curled and you arched your back off of the piano. Your free hand scratched down his back, leaving red marks. He kissed you to silence your moan, and you felt him spilling inside of you as your walls contracted around him.
His thrusts slowed, his cock sliding in and out of you as the both of you came down. He placed soft kisses on your face, the side of your head, your jaw. When you opened your eyes again he smiled and kissed the tip of your nose. He rolled onto his back and you curled up next to him. He held you close and ran his hand up and down your back as you listened to his steady heart.
"That was quite a lesson, you have a unique way of teaching," you teased, propping yourself up on your elbow to look down at him.
"I find it hard to believe you learned anything," he retorted with a grin, running his fingers over the swell of your hip.
"Maybe if we practice enough I'll start getting the hang of it," you replied, biting your lip.
"Practice does make perfect. Why don't we have another session?" He pulled you on top of him and you laughed, ready to be his muse once more.
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♡♡ Tag-List ♡♡
♡ @gorgeouslydangerous ♡ @starkleila ♡ @lydia1369sworld ♡ @notleylaaa ♡ @vampiresluv ♡ @vamprium ♡ @myanmy ♡ @xflowerbombxo ♡ @maryvibess ♡ @always-and-forever-daydreaming ♡ @criminallminds ♡ @theesexystallion ♡ @rosemarypotion ♡ @spnaquakindgdom ♡ @amournoir ♡ @loving-and-dreaming ♡
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baby come back
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This is a sequel to "Careless Whisper"
✧ Summary : they say "you should leave all the past behind" but what if they deserve a second chance?
✧ Word Count : it might be long but I hope it's worth it
✧ Warnings : 18+ MDNI‼️ Past!Ex-Boyfriend!King Steve! Harrington x FEM!reader, eventual smut, cursing, mentions of bad household, complicated father & son relationship, slight emotion invalidation & misogyny, cheating, separated parents, alcohol consumption, mentions of smoking, child neglect, trauma, intense confrontations, fluff, angst, not giving away anything! don't wanna give you guys ideas 🤭
✧ What to Expect : ANGST, FLUFF AND SMUT‼️reader will be so unsure of him but she'll get there ;)) I promise this will so fast paced, the story goes back to present and past!
✧ Note To Reader : YOOOO y'all making me inspire to write more for Steve! THANK YOU FOR ALL THE LOVE AND SUPPORT omg- even it's just small numbers of recognition is enough for me 🥺🫶🏻✨
✧ Author Note : I literally tried to think of a better song to associate the next part and my god- my brain was like zapping up to Baby Come back and I was like "THAT'S IT!" 🤩🙌🏻
"Henderson, I already told you not to wipe your feet on the inside of my car"
"Must've slipped off my mind"
"I've been your chaperone- wait a second- I'm your goddamn babysitter for the past 3 years!"
"Just step on it, already!"
"Remind me why I'm being friends with you" Steve turns on the engine of his car and held onto the steering wheel
"It's because I'm a great person"
Steve chuckles as he shakes his head but a fond smile is evident on his lips
"What time should I pick you up?"
"The usual"
Dustin talks about his night yesterday after school with the whole segment of the D&D Campaign, while listening as he kept his eyes on the road, I think he could make a word count on how many times he mentioned Eddie
Steve watches his young friend steps outside of his car, "Okay, see ya"
He's heading on his way to Family Video, where she meets Robin sitting on the front stairs
"What are you doing?" He asks as he gets outside of his car and puts his keys inside of of his pocket
"I guess, we're both too early, too early that Kevin hasn't even arrived yet" Robin stood up as she walks closer to Steve
Steve looked behind him, there's a new diner in town that he hasn't been it yet
"Wanna go there and eat some breakfast?" He nudge his head on the facility that he's looking at
Robin follows his gaze and clasps both of her hands together "Let's go, I'm getting bored here for waiting"
Once they get inside, the smell of brewed black coffee invades both of their noses and the sweet scent of pancakes and waffles
Robin already got an eye on the waitress who is serving some delicious fully packed breakfast plate, she swore that she is drooling over it and it made Steve chuckle
Steve is always been a pancake and bacon kind of a guy, he likes the combination of sweet and salty, so, that's where he is aiming for
Both of them saw a table that is near to window, they sat together across from each other
The male waiter was about to gave them menu's but they dismissed it
He nods gladly as he calls someone else to fill up their order
"Hello, goodmorning, what's your order-"
"Hi, can I get-"
Oh my fucking god
Holy fuck
It's you
His mind is going ablazes because he pretty much knew himself that he has a 20/20 vision
But at this time? All of his insides are overheated
He hasn't seen you since....the prom
Fuck, the memories starts to take him back
You just finished your last school year on that history that you both happened before and you move out of the school
Not only moved out of school, but you also left the town, Hawkins Indiana
Yes, you left.... without sparing him a single word about your departure
The town that you've never wouldn't have thought you could ever get back to
But, this is your hometown where you truly grew up in
You only decided to comeback since
You got homesick
You missed your family, that's why you take the chance to finally be with them
You clear your throat, you try to mask up your expression as you completely forgotten his companion that you briefly glanced and you noticed her confused look at you
She darts back and forth on you and Steve
You remained civilized, "What can I get for you?"
You say softly as you clicked your pen and holding up your notepad
He blinks as he takes a deep breath, "Uh- Pancake and Bacon and Coffee"
Damn, you wished there's a machine to mind sweep your entire memory of him
You still remember it
He still eats the same way
"Okay, um, should I bring creamer and sugar?"
"Yes, please"
Shit, he still makes his coffee the same way too
Fuck, fuck, fuck
Who in the right mind that you chose to have your vacation here?
When you could do it somewhere else
You trust yourself too much that you thought you won't be able to see this familiar face again
You nod but you can feel his eyes on you
You look incredible
Of course, he'll take every chance to look at you
You cut your hair shorter, you even changed it into different shade of color, your natural dark brown is gone, it turned into more lighter brown
The wavy length and the bangs looks so perfect on you is shaping your face that he still does love until now
You dress so differently now too, he could tell by your silver rings and....
A piercing? You have three earlobes now
He adores how you wear your makeup, not too flashy but it enhances your features
He is delighted to see your face again, he never thought that the universe will give him another glimpse of you even is just like this
A part of him that made him sad for a sec, it's understandable that you changed your whole appearance
You changed because you want to forget who you were before
You have to remove every single thing about how you look that reminded of him
Maybe in another life....
You're happy together
You motion to Robin who is still absolutely puzzled from the not so obvious look of recognition form the both of you
She could already tell that is something is deep between the two of you
Before she tells her order, he catches Steve who is not even afraid to gape on you, he's not even trying to hide it until she spoke up and he heard her voice
He got shy all of the sudden and runs his fingers through his hair
"The Breakfast meal?"
"Yeah, right that one"
"A drink along with that?"
"Oh, a cup of coffee too as well"
You nod as you clicked back your pen as you tear off the paper from your notepad
"It'll be ready in a minute" you say, you offer the both of them with a small smile as you finally take your leave
Robin leans forward with her hands together, "Okay, what was that?"
"What?" He acts clueless, he knows Robin won't drop the scenario that just happened
Robin chuckles in amusement "Well, you tell me" she nudges her head to you
He glances at you with those eyes, you can still freaking feel them on you
You start cleaning the table and picked up the tip from a another customer
"Don't you dare "Robs" me and don't you ever lie to me" she throws her hands up as she raises both of her eyebrows at him
He sighs as he scratches the back of his neck
"Do I really need to tell you?" He shuts his eyes for a second as he takes a deep breath
"Uh yeah? Because that look it isn't something that is far beyond that you just know the person"
"You knew her"
She leans backward as she crosses both of her arms
She can't even tell if she just struck off a nerve or offended him
"I'm just messing with you, dingus, it's okay-"
"No-No, it's just-" he exhales
"it's been a while since I saw her" he speaks in a voice that his bestfriend couldn't ever expected to hear
It sounds so broken, it increases her pique of interest even more
What happened?
"I hesitated because-" he looks at her with guilty eyes "I think you're not going to look at me in the same way ever again"
Robin listens intently as she gestures her to keep going
"I am here to reassure you that I'm not going to judge you"
"I did something bad in the past, Robin, but I've changed"
"We all have done something wrong in our lives, Steve, the right way to do is to face it, hold yourself accountable for it, and learn from it, but that doesn't make you a bad person"
He looked at you again, you are now serving someone else a vanilla milkshake
"Yeah, you're probably right, but to her? I am"
Flashback to 1986
He spent all of his allowance that his father gave to him
All of his money going out all night in the town
The prom was one month ago
One month ago
He trying to do anything to get you out of his mind
He drank a lot of alcohol and gets drunk most of the time
But when the morning comes, it felt like he needs to start it all over again
He realizes that trying to forget you, it's just a waste of time
He wants you to come back, he needs you to come back
He'll do anything for it
Anything at all
He knows it won't be easy
He angrily crumpled and tear off all of the pictures that he had with his friends
Friends that aren't not even real
He knows that you're right about him, it's just his own stubborn mind who refuses it
He hates himself
No, scratch that, he loathes himself for becoming like this
His mom's words were very dear to him even it's just a simple phrase
"Don't try to be something that you're not"
Don't be a fucking people pleaser
Now, he got the point why you don't like these titles at school
The social cliques at the campus
It's also his own fault that he got into this
He wanted to be somebody
Even it hurts people that he loves the most
So, that same morning, he is so determined to be different this next coming school year
He trashed everything that upsets him, he even ditched some of his varsity jackets, all of his trophies he put them all in a case and placed them on the attic
Everyone is going crazy how he acted so differently at school
He just rolls his eyes at it, god, now he really fucking gets it why you're so ick to this
"They're so overdramatic at this stuff, I mean- what's the damn point?!?" your voice echoes to his mind
That's where he retired of being King Steve
Everytime he heard someone mentioning it, he just grimaces, winces and even cringed at it
He doesn't even Iike to be called on that name anymore
Sure, he is still good at his academics and sports but now ever since he pulled that "dropping his title" at school?
He is now getting the treatment of true colors
Now, he is out of that barrier of being on the top popular guy at school
His eyes and mind opened at your perspective
He can see it why, fuck, that adds more salt to the wound
He cannot even blame anyone for making him being this way
Maybe, high school is tough that's why he did it
But then, he notices a pattern of events on his life
Fuck, he is just like his father
He rarely visits the house and just talking about his work and didn't gave him a chance to speak what is going with his only son
He never paid attention, never even cared, not even felt any affection to him
But when he does, he just snaps at him, and tell him that being emotional is weak
Having feelings are weak?
How fucked up is that?
So, he kept his mouth shut even though he wanted to yell at his father
The only parent that he felt being loved is his own mom
His mom that left them both behind, he can still remember it
Because why?
His father cheated on her too
It's like a damn cycle, it making him violently vomit at the thought of it,
History repeats itself
He made a promise to himself that he won't ever be like his father
But, he already done it and it angers him even more
"Hey, Steve" he opens and locks the door behind him
Not "Hey, son" am I even your son? He thinks to himself as he keeps his eyes on the television his own father doesn't even noticed the obvious scowl on his face
"There's this woman at work, who-" he chuckles in a salacious way and it sends shivers down to his spine
"Who slapped me right after I kissed her and told me that she isn't interested in me" he chuckles yet again as he removes his coat
"She wears that outfit and expect me not to do anything? She did that in order to seduce me, she wants it" he scoffs as he shakes his head
He gotten so uncomfortable, he starts shifting from his seat
Steve needed this bottled up emotions to blow up
He wants and he needs his father to hear him out
"That's what you did to, Mom, too, huh?"
The silence is too loud, Steve is so fucking insane for doing this confrontation but he has to do it or else he will lose his mind
"What the fuck did you just say?" His dad grumbles as he stares down at his son with a fire on his eyes
He glares at him as he chuckles dryly, "You're so messed up that it hurts" he spats
"What are you even talking about?" He pushed him by the shoulder
"I hate that you're my dad!" He does the same action as he stumbles back, Steve thought his mind playing tricks at him but he swore for a brief moment that he saw his dad cracked
He is guilty, he is ashamed of it, he knows he is not a perfect father, he is not proud of it
15 year old, Steve would've been shitted on his pants for doing this but he is not afraid of it anymore
He is completely appalled, lost for words, the way his narcissistic exterior washed out on instant
"I lost the girl that I ever truly loved because of you!" He points at himself with anger and sadness swirling into his eyes
"Do you think it's easy for me to live out my life there knowing that my own fucking father is proud to have this mindset?!?" He steps closer as he makes hand motions to his head
"I can't just push you away because why? You're my dad, I-I can't just do that" He throws his hands up as he sighs in exasperation
"I-I have so much things that I wanted to scream out loud for you to hear because I've been carrying it for a long time and it really sucks because this argument isn't going to change anything" He is trying to so hard not to bawl in front of his old man but it his voice wavered badly but he didn't care
This is the most unfiltered thing he has ever done in his life and he knows for sure this will help him....A lot
"You've gone soft, Steve, that's the real world"
He looks at him with furrowed brows as he shooks his head
"I'm not gonna grow up to be just like you, asshole" He laughs incredulously as he starts picking up his shoulder bags and luggage
"Where do you think you're going, young man?"
"I'm going to leave because I'm sick of you and this big house"
"You're not able to survive out there without my help"
"You know for the first time in forever made me realize having a enormous fortune isn't necessary in life sometimes"
"You listen here-"
"What is fortune when you don't even have a good fucking relationship with your parents and household"
That's where he slams the door shut and breathes out a really long satisfying sigh with a proud smile on his face
He feels good, he feels great, he feels he has done something wonderful in his life
This is just the start of it
He takes his car keys and drove away like nothing ever happened
"Steve! Earth to Steve!" Robin clapping her hands right across to her bestfriends face
"What- I'm sorry" he says as he began shifting on his seat
"Okay, so to be clear, y'all are highschool sweethearts before-" Robin squints her eyes as she make gestures to her expressive hands
"and I was...." His shoulders slumped down, he doesn't even want to finish the sentence
"King Steve" Robin shrug both of her shoulders as she gave a sympathetic smile
"yeah" A small but sad smile flashes on his lips as he ducks his head down in shame
Robin is obviously needs some more information to fully understand what happened to your relationship with him
"Is it so bad?"
"is far more than bad, Robs"
"Did you kill someone?"
Steve eyes widened as he genuinely laughed, "N-No- I didn't!"
She chuckles but she is glad she made him laugh, "So, what is it then?"
He just made this one look to Robin and as she tries to read his eyes, her smile drops
As if you we're on cue, you placed their orders on their table as Robin made a stressful brush up to her hair as she glances at you
"Your order's are complete, just call me if you're ready to-"
"We can pay now" Robin's voice is firm but a hint of disappoint surrounding at the tone of her voice
You looked over at Steve for a sec who still gave you those pleading eyes as you tried your best to look away as you gave the receipt to them
You've taken both of their payment as you walk away quietly
Did just Steve talked about you to her?
"Robin- I"
"I know it's in the past, It isn't my place to open up the wound again" she sighs as she tug up a smile to him
He smiles as he nods to her words, he is worried that this could ruin their friendship
"But I am fond that you chose to change, Steve, you changed for her" she places her palm on top of his as she pats it gently
"Do you still love her?" Robin asks him as she tries to search his eyes
She can see it, the same devotion is still there, it never died and it never will be
His last words to you echoed into his mind
"I can't never love again, I only want you"
And it truly did
He still does
Robin chuckles slightly to Steve with those lovesick eyes, "Of course, you do"
"You can't never get over with your first love"
You're done with the night as you put on your jacket along with your sling bag on the shoulder
But when the time you got inside of your car, your vehicle won't start up everytime you try it won't ever run
You sigh in frustration "Goddamn it!"
You look over to the other side of the road, you saw Steve locking up the doors at the Family Video
Shit, the universe is really testing you
You walked outside of your car as you close the door with a slam as you start to pace around it
You fumbled with the stuff inside of your bag as you pulled out a cigarette stick and you flick the lighter in your pocket
You inhale deeply as you blow out the smoke, you massage the back of your neck as you try to figure how to get the fuck outta here
You're mad that you're hopeless to get home
The last thing that you wanna do and the last option is to get ride home with Steve
You felt a hand behind you, you shrieked as you almost punched him in the face
"Woah- it's just me!" He held both of your wrist as he takes as step foot back to dodge your aim
You huff as you tap off the excess from your cigarette, you mumbled a small "sorry"
Well, isn't this great? Your first conversation with him after what??? 3 years???
He doesn't want to react because he hasn't seen you smoke before, I mean- you can do what you want but both of you really did changed
Did you developed anything else such as bad habits? that added another pang into his chest seeing you do things that you've never done before
He looked over to your car, "What happened?"
You blew out the smoke as turn your head into the other side, you try your best to remain calm but it feels all too much when he is this close to you "My car won't start"
"I can take you home, I know a place that can fix your car tomorrow" he suggest as he offers you a ride home respectfully, you can see that
Something is not right to him and it's giving you the creeps not in a bad way but why do he seems so nice? Is it because of you or he changed too?
You have no other choice, the terminal closes up pretty early, so, there's no train or bus to take
Only for tonight, just this night
You blew out the last smoke as you stub the cigarette into the nearest ashtray near the trash can
His eyes are glued to you, he watches your every move, of course, he knows that you wanna wrap this all up and forget all of this ever happened
As much as he wanted to talk to you ask you if you're okay, he respects your peace and boundaries
"Okay" you walk back up to him as the both of you crossed the road
What the fuck? Is he a gentleman now? You're not used to him like this, opening up the car door for you?
You flashed him a small but also confused smile as he jogs into the driver's seat
You saw the oh so familiar necklace that hangs on the rearview mirror
You made that necklace to him
Why does he still keep it?
He starts the engine as he put his hand over the headrest as he drives backwards
The drive was....so awkward and how quiet it is ringing to his brain
You just busied yourself watching all of the scenery outside in the car window as you passed by into different places
He takes his chances to glance at you
My god, he can't believe that you can still made him feel like this way
You crossed your leg that made your skirt rides up a little, he clears his throat
"Uh, so, which way should I go to?"
"Just turn here" you point out to him
He brings the car around the different small houses and his breath staggered he recognizes it
Oh, you're here because of your family
You're only having a vacation
"Stop here!" The tires screech as he stops abruptly and you accidentally bring yourself closer to him that he almost almost can kiss your lips in just one move
His breath hitched at the gap between the two of you
Your eyes flit to his and to his lips
It felt like eons that you both just stare for each other at the moment
You know and he knows
Fuck, you still love him
"I-I gotta go" you slowly move back up as you open the door but before you get outside, you softly say "thank you" and closed the door
You didn't give him a chance to reply as you quickly grab your house keys to unlock the front door
He sighs as he massages his forehead, he rolls up the windows before you get inside
"Take care" he says as you only nod and closed the door behind you
You squeezed your eyes shut at whatever that was inside of his car
"What are you even looking for?" He says not looking at you as he looks at a Nazareth vinyl
"Michael Jackson's Bad album" you say as you squealed gleefully when you found the one you were looking for
"We're going to be late for the movie, sweetheart" he hold both of your shoulders to grab your attention
"They're aren't going to start without us, Eddie" you say as you smirk at him as you walk away
"We have to buy popcorn-" he whines jokingly as he kept being all dramatic while he slings his arm around yours
"and drinks and other goodie stuff, I know, I'm just gonna pay this, stay calm" you giggled as you excitedly take the purchased album into your hands
"Hey, Eddie!" The same girl with the dusty blonde hair greets him the same time as you both are about to leave the record store
You can't never avoid him, huh?
She looks at you and your hand is wrapped around his forearm as she gives you a small wave
You only nod and smile, Steve is right behind her
"Dude, what's up?" Eddie greets him, right you forgot they studied in the same school
Of course, they knew each other, except for you because you left
You're nervous because of what Steve might think of you but you can't see anything on his face and his eyes
He doesn't seemed to mind that you're with someone else, there's no jealousy, mockery, sarcasm as he talks to Eddie
He doesn't even noticed how close you are at the metalhead
Meanwhile, Robin saw how you study him, but you look away you don't want to make him realize that you still care for him after all of this time and as she does as well
"Where are you two going?" Steve beams as he takes in how divine you look, Eddie didn't even catches it
"To the movies!" Eddie grins as he pulls you by his side as you roll your eyes playfully
"Are you guys going to watch Batman?" Robin gasps as she watches Eddie eyes goes big in excitement
"Yeah" you nod at her, Robin who is surprised that's the first ever interaction that you just had with her, so, she decided to introduce herself to you
"I'm Robin, by the way, I'm the bestfriend of Steve- ow!" He hits her by the shoulder as you chuckle in amusement in the way Robin punctuates and emphasizes the words to you
"We gotta go now" Eddie chuckles as he wraps his arms around you, but halts his tracks as he remembers something
"Sure, see you later" Steve nods as he purses his lips together as the both of them step inside
"Harrington, you could invite her to your party!" Eddie points at you and your close your eyes in embarrassment
You didn't tell Eddie about your history together with Steve but you did kinda....throw some hints at him about your past but didn't reveal the real name
Party? He still does that? you think to yourself
You saw how Steve became jittery all of the sudden as he tries to drop the topic right away but Robin, a glint of mischief on her eyes as she snaps her fingers at Eddie
Damn, you got yourself invited but you grew amused to the mystery girl
"I can't fucking believe you did that" he glares at his bestfriend who is pretending to be innocent as she walks away from him
"Oh- please, don't act that you didn't want that" she scoffs at his in denial behavior as she saw a vinyl that is similar to his situation
"You still want her, right?" Robin smirks as she gives the vinyl to him who is now gauging at his reaction
He takes the vinyl out of her hands without looking at it first but he laughs as soon as he saw the title
"Baby Come Back by The Player"
She wiggles her brows at him, he tries to kick her by the leg but she managed to dodge it
"Don't fuck it up this time, dingus"
"Trust me, I won't"
You had fun watching Batman with Eddie, he'll be right back with you as he headed at the men's restroom
You overheard a kid who is very defensive with his bestfriend, you try not to pry but until you heard the name "King Steve"
You've never looked around so fast in your entire life and your eyes fall onto the boy
"You're being friends with a douchebag-"
"He is not a douchebag!"
"Yeah, right, I heard he break girl's hearts like it was nothing-"
"T-That's not true!"
God, your mind is saying no but your heart is making you walk towards him
Curiosity got the best of you as you listen closely, but you stay alerted when things get heated
The poor kid, huffs as he shifts on his stance as he watches the two young ones left him
"He doesn't even like that name anymore, what a bunch of assholes"
"Hey, are you okay?"
He quickly swipes the tears away "Y-Yeah, I'm good"
He probably doesn't even remember you, "Dustin, right?"
You smile sweetly at the kid, you really shouldn't ask a lot about him but you feel mystified of what you just witnessed, "Was that true? about what you said at Steve?"
"He cares a lot, he loves a lot, he is willing to do anything just to protect- Wait a second- who are you anyway?" He was getting into until he realizes that he is talking to a stranger and he paused
The kid missed the endearment on your eyes as you blink rapidly, you looked over your shoulder as you saw Eddie searching for you
"I'm gonna go now, bye" you say as he tries to chase you but you got lost in the crowd until he can't no longer see you
"Whoever that person is, that's so bizarre" he speaks for himself
"I have to tell this to Steve at the upcoming party"
He is not looking forward to it
But he wishes you were
He doubt that you will show up over at his house
But, honest to god, he thought the time stopped when I saw you walking by alongside with Eddie and Robin
His brain is muddled and his heart rate is increasingly so fast
"Hey, Steve-" Dustin jogs over to him but his mind is elsewhere as the door swings open
"Here we are" Eddie does his classic antics as he opens his arms as you chortled
"Welcome" Steve steps aside as he lets you all walk in
"Where's the drinks?" Robin feels so at home like she unashamedly looks through his refrigerator
"It's literally 7pm- don't you dare drink-" He puts his hands over his hips as he reasons with Robin
"Not that- I'm just thirsty" Robin rolls her eyes as she tries to explain
"You?" Dustin loudly made a sound that all of the guests caught their attention
You give him a small wave and a crooked smile and now you're regretting attending this
Steve clocked your reaction as he hold your shoulder leading you away from him
"Why are you pointing at her, Henderson?" Eddie is perplexed as he tries to understand the situation
"You mean- you didn't know?" Dustin bunches up his eyebrows at the metalhead
Steve glares at Robin who winced at the look that his bestfriend just gave him
"I think, you might want to sit down, Munson"
Steve has taken you in the backyard as he slides the door close
Oh, hell no
Not this place
Steve cringes what he just realized but he tries to keep his composure
"You still do parties, huh?"
He stare at you for a second, are you actually having a conversation with him?
"Uh no- we're going to have a movie marathon, not a party"
"Oh" you nod slowly in understanding as you stare at the swimming pool, you breathe in deeply as you keep your hands to yourself
Your sight of vision fell into Eddie, Robin, Dustin bickering at each other as you saw the guilty look on your metalhead bestfriend directed at you as you send him a small smile as you look away yet again
"I see that you told them"
"I-I'm sorry, I only told Robin-"
"Save it, Steve" your voice has gotten serious unlike earlier, but he can see it in your eyes that you're fighting between your emotions
You're trying your best to resist yourself for giving yourself away too fast
Steve's shoulders tensed as he looked up into the sky to find the right words to say to you
You deserve to know that, he needs you to know that him and Robin are nothing more than a platonic friendship
"Robin is just my bestfriend, she helped me"
"Help you?....with what?" You knit your brows together as you look at him in question with your arms crossed
"I- uh- I moved away from my dad after we- to live on my own independently" He suddenly became shy as he scratches the back of his neck as he averts his gaze somewhere else
That's where he truly see your eyes soften as your eyes went everywhere to his face
He can communicate properly with you now?
He is actually saying the truth to you?
You're not used to it and he knows he doesn't blame you
Before you can reply, Dustin calls out at the both of you as Steve sighs when you're the first one to walk away from him
"Hey, are you okay? dude?" Dustin asks him sincerely
"Yeah, man, I'm good" He lies, as he gives his young bestfriend a forced smile
False bravado, that's the mask that he's wearing all the time ever since you reappeared again
Tryna' keep up a smile that hides a tear
He wants you so bad, but how he will ever to win you back?
"Sweetheart, I'm so sorry, I didn't know-"
"It's fine, Eddie, it's not your fault"
"Do you want to leave?"
"No, I'm gonna stay, Eddie- it's alright, I promise"
"Just tell me, if you're not up for it anymore, okay?"
Everyone is a blobbering mess after seeing Dead Poets Society, except for you and Steve
You caught him giving you those eyes yet again like he was begging for you
Begging for you to give him a chance
He wants to talk to you, the scariest thing you could ever say to him that your doors are chained and he'll understand
But the thing is that, he can't live without you
He'll do anything to persuade you, convince you, make you believe that he is nothing like the "Steve" the one you've met before
If he could go back in time, he would redo everything
The moment when everyone is leaving and saying their goodbyes
He took your hand and he must swallow his shock because you let him hold you for the first time in forever
Eddie even talked to him while you were distracted by Robin, by him saying "I don't know what happened between the two of you that much but.... I'd get her back, man, whatever it takes"
"Can we talk?" He whispers as he puts you in the corner where no one else can see you both
"Just give me the chance to make you see-"
Oh, Steve's brain just mushed down
Because you're fucking kissing him
He recovers as he cupped both of your cheeks as he gives into you
Your hand gets lost to his hair, god- he misses that a lot, your sweet scent, he's inhaling it so much that electrocutes his brain
The kiss went into seconds, minutes and feels like an hour
You don't know what's gotten into you but you know you're going to blame yourself for this
You already told yourself that your guard is up
But, your heart tells no otherwise and your body reacted, so, positively that it flushed down closer to his
You stopped yourself as you saw him chasing after your lips but then he saw how hurt you look, his heart drops to his stomach as he gulped
He is flustered and so are you, but he sees the recognition in your eyes, the realization
He flinched the way you angrily punched him in the chest all of the sudden as you wept in front of him
No words thrown out between the two of you
It's the same damn kiss
It never changed, it still feels the same, moves the same, the way both of your lips melded into one another is a complete shocker to you
He didn't care about your outburst as he let the tears fall from his face as he embraces you instead
He starts caressing your head as he tries to keep you calm on his warm hug
You held onto his shirt in a fist that you violently sobbed face flat in front of his chest
As much as you wanted to stay in that area
You begrudgingly dragged yourself away from him as you walked outside, not giving him a second look
He knocks off one of his picture frames as he slides his back down against the wall as he started crying
Love is embarrassing, isn't it?
3 years, 3 goddamn years, you both still yearn for each other
Your first kiss after 3 years invaded his mind the entire night, he stares at the empty space of his bed
God, he wishes that you were here next to him on his arms
You've never packed up your stuff so fast in your entire life
You're ready to leave first thing in the morning
The door bell rings and you hold your breath for a second
"Oh no, not you- Steve-" you tried to close the door but no to avail as he stepped his foot to prevent you from for not letting him in
He glanced at your luggage and bags that makes his stomach twist
"Have you used up all of it?" He says as he kept his eyes on you
"W-What are you even talking about?!?" You threw your notepad in the near table, fuck- you shouldn't have double checked too much on your lists before going out
He got you now, you can't escape this
"All the love in your heart"
That's where you avoid his eyes as he moves closer to you
"Ain't there nothing left for me?"
"Steve- stop!"
"That's right-"
"A lot of people that I know what I did to you was foolish, anyone can see it"
You let your stubborn attitude subside as you listen to him
"There's was something and everything about you"
You take out a shuddering gasp as your eyes burn from the threatening tears
"You can blame it all on me, I was wrong, baby, I-I just can't live without you"
He could've done this before
Take the responsibility of his actions and not to sugarcoat every word and have the guts to hold the accountability of his mistakes
"Steve, you gotta move on-" you lie what you truly feel, what's stopping you?
"Baby come back, come back to me, please"
"S-Steve, I don't know if I can trust you-"
"I didn't realized what I had when you're were mine!"
Your guarded demeanor has shunned off as you let your arms dropped to your sides
"I-I confronted my dad after one month ago when we go on our separate ways, I-I know this is unbelievable but I removed everything that you didn't like with me, my friends, my title, all of it, and it did helped me to become a better person"
He looks straight into your eyes, he never looks away as he tries to make you understand
"And I'm so very sorry that pulling up that fucked up shit that I did before just so I can improve myself and to have a character development was utter bullshit, hurting you was never right"
You purse lips together as you shake your head in disbelief
"What I said back there was still true too"
"What do you mean?"
"That no matter what you do to me, whatever happens to the both of us, I'd still love you"
He cries, his face glows so red as he takes in every feeling that he's receiving
You're the first one yet again to kiss him
He yelped as he brings you closer to him, your hands went through his hair as you throw your arms around him, he dives in deeper earning a moan out of you
He breaks out of the kiss, your face went pale but he shuts off your thoughts with the words
"You sure, you want to do this?"
"Steve, yes, I do, I want you like you want me, I need you like I need you-"
You're about to dove back on him aggressively but something feels so different on his touches, it's not foreign but it's making you want to bawl at how he is so soft with you
His eyes crinkle in awe and delightment as he couldn't get anymore happier
He carries you upstairs as he puts you onto the bed carefully
He removes his shirt and his pants, you get out of your shoes and when you're about to remove the straps of your dress, he beats you to it as he slowly takes it off but not without kissing your neck
His hands goes under your skirt as he plays with the garter of your panties
You spoke his name so decadent that he nearly melted down on you
You held onto him by the shoulder blades as he finds the zipper on the back your dress, he unzips carefully and lovingly as he takes his sweet time to adore and treasure every single moment of you
This is not just sex, he never looked at you like the one from before only filled with lust
This is love and admiration and it touches your heart so deeply that it might've been stop beating for a few moments
It's unreal that he is doing this to you, it's also unreal that you let him do this to you
When all of it's left is your paired black lacy undergarments
You both stare together for a while as you held his cheeks as he rests on it
He smiles so wide that it actually hurts and so are you, your smile lingered everytime he looks at you
You raise yourself using your elbows as he unclasp your bra, he threw your bra across the floor somewhere, he can't help but to kiss you again, you mewl as you fall back down on the mattress, you grind yourself against him as he groans when felt how wet you are
You kept grinding yourself onto him as he grants your wish as the friction increases more
Next thing to remove is your panties, you whine, when he licked a stripe into your cunt
"Yes, baby?"
"I wanna feel you"
You don't need him to ask him twice as his boxers flew off somewhere
He carefully enters your sopping aching hole as you both moan in pleasure
Your jaw falls slack as your furrowed brows crumpled up even more as you adjust to his size
He kisses every part of your body, worships it while you're losing your mind of how it feels so fucking good just like before
"F-Fuck" he curses, praising you as he kisses your jaw
He watches how your cunt clamps sucking him inch by inch, he grunts when you start clenching around him
You're drooling, your eyes are fucked out, you're brain is mashed up
You're a fucking goner
He kneads your breasts as you moan even louder, the squelching sounds that comes in and out of you is music to his ears
"S-Steve, pleas-e move!" you squeal and your voice becomes so tiny that you bit your lip
He spreads your legs far more wide as he grabs your hips harder
You arch your back when he picks up the pace and hitting the spot were you're mostly addicted
Your eyes roll backwards as your mouth hangs "0" shapes as Steve watches your expression contorts in pleasure
Breasts are jiggling, he goes faster and faster, he places himself on the crook of your neck as he puts lovebites all over it
You locked him in place as you can't keep your suppressed screams any longer
You scream his name so loud that his brain shortcircuit as you both came undone
He peels himself off of you but you held him close
"No, don't pull out just yet"
You tap him by the shoulders as you switched positions, he let out a sharp gasp at the angle that you're on top of him
Despite the overstimulation, you grind yourself onto him
"Woah- baby, fuck-"
"Don't give me that look- I'm gonna bust"
You giggled as you close your eyes at the sweet sensation as your brows pulled together and you moan when you start to bounce on his cock
Holy fucking shit, you rocked up his world
His hands are everywhere literally setting you on fire, he brings you closer as you continue to do your job as you look at him with blacked out eyes
His eyes got even more darker as he copies your move making your head fell onto the side allowing him the access to kiss your neck
You both went off to one another as you both entered another climax
You fell asleep together after 3 years
The scenario you'll never thought you could experience again
You woke up in a cold empty bed as you look around in your room, you can't see his clothes anymore, maybe he's in downstairs
The last night events flashes right before your very eyes as you bring your knees up
A tinge of pink on your cheeks as you try to remember every detail happened last night you were so beyond elated and in a complete bliss
You wore your dress again as you went downstairs only to find Robin
"Robin?" You ask in confusion, not that you don't want her here but it's just so random
"Hi" she waves awkwardly as she scratches her head
"What are you doing in here? Where's Steve?" You look for him again but it seems like he left
"Don't freak out-" She breathes out
You raise both of your eyebrows as you motion for her to continue
"He's at the airport" She says as she starts following you making you stay focus but she has no power to control you
"What?" You take your car keys as you went inside the vehicle and turn on your engine
"Wait- stop! He didn't told me the reason why! He just said he'll be at the airport!" She shouts out loud as she rests her back against your front door
"Okay, I'll be here at your house! Steve and his ridiculous lovelife- I swear to god- I'm gonna kick him in the ass" she slumps down in defeat as she mutters words under her breath
Why would he leave you?
Fuck, no- did he regret it again?
Tears well up in your eyes as your stomach began to churn as you fighting for your dear life to get into the airport as fast as you could
No, Steve wouldn't- stop overthinking- maybe, he has a reason
He won't just leave you like this, you felt how soft and he made you feel like you're the only person on his life
He made you think that the both of you had a future
So, why would he leave without a word?
You ran as your feet can take you, but when you saw the airplane takes it flight, you rest your head against the window and sobbed
The familiar voice calls your name and you look around a bewildered Steve who is now walking towards you
"Baby, what are you doing-"
"I thought you left me" you hold him tight as you looked at him in the eyes
"You're not going to leave me? Are you?" Your voice sounds so small that he doesn't want to see you crying anymore
"Honey, I'm here, I would rather jump off a cliff for leaving you all alone again, okay?" He reassures you as your worried features decreases but there's still uncertainty on your eyes as he takes a deep breath
"Robin is in the house, I don't-" he cuts you off as he tuts
"Ah-ah, let me speak- the airline called me in the morning and told me that the schedule that I booked in for is going to take off and of course, that would be a disaster since I used half of my expenses for the flight right? So, I made a decision on the spot- I called Robin to accompany you because you were peacefully asleep, baby, I don't wanna wake you and I was about to come back to you and tell you that you're coming with me" he held up in front of your face of two airplane tickets
Your unsureness totally fades away as you look at the ticket, you read aloud what it says
"Yeah, I'm going to take you with me while I study for college"
"I actually want to take master's degree too"
"Yeah? We can go together"
A big smile grows on your lips as you step forward to him as he closes the gap and gives you the most promising kiss
"We better start packing up soon"
"We sure are"
"I love you"
He kisses your cheek, "I don't think I could love you more, baby, I love you more than anything"
special mention to @savage-aespa, this person here is the main reason why I made this fic! literally giving me an idea that there's a possibility for them to be together and I hope I did my job alright! I'm sorry, it took me a month to finish this up and if you made it here, thank you so so much for reading, your support and your kindness will always be appreciated! take care always! 🥹🫶🏻✨
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lcftcult · 8 months
" why are you down here ? you seem so nice ! and an excellent friend to be ! "
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The sinner was first scared of Emily when she introduced herself. Despite being a kindred soul, the other was still an Angel and as far as Black Star was aware, Angels wanted to kill sinners like her. But after some conversation and gentle reassurances, Black Star had begun to open up to Emily. She reminded her of Charlie, which was a great thing.
"That's ah.. well.. kind of a weird question." The sinner wasn't offended by it, but Black Star answered that it was weird since the answer for it was, well, a bit complicated. "F-From what I was told, um.." hands nervously fiddle together while Black Star communicates, the fur on the tip of her tail bristling. "I, ah.. broke one of my mom's rules." Ears lower to the side as Black Star begins to explain her life on Earth. "I mean.. a-at first, I thought I deserved it, but.." now Black Star was feeling conflict, looking uneasy.
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yeonjunszn · 1 year
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PAIRING! mark lee x f!reader
GENRES! fluff﹒crack﹒slice of life?
WARNINGS! as per usual, it is not a yeonjunszn smau without my sailors mouth — so mature language, coffee shop!au cause i work in one and couldn’t resist myself, this smau is actually a recreation of a yeonjun smau called cool it! by my bff past tumblr user yuitaru, manager mark era, kinda dumb reader (affectionate) era, milf lover jeno, insane jaemin and hyuck, chenle in his nepotism baby era tbh, there’s a fight scene somewhere, also annoying fluffy cute disgusting scenes here and there, an overt amount of coffee shop/barista references bc i am a master at my craft, mr. choi yeonjun has a cameo to pay homage to the original cool it!, ignore time stamps cause i was lazy lol, lmk if i missed anything!
FEAT! the rest of nct dream, yangyang + xiaojun + hendery from wayv, chaewon from le sserafim, sumin from stayc, mingi + the rest of the ateez ‘99 line, and yeonjun from txt
SUMMARY! you’re not exactly the best barista at zhong coffee, but for some unknown reason (his massive crush on you), mark thinks you can do no wrong. sick and tired of his favoritism and your lack thereof due to absolute obliviousness, your coworkers are determined to fix this problem. asap.
STATUS! completed!
BEGINNING! june 1, 2023
END! august 31, 2023
MORE! HELLOOOO im back bffs 😵 did u miss me??? i have a quick little disclaimer for u guys so i don’t get accused of stealing 😻😻😻🫶
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thank u so much to rina my bff bestie soulmate for giving me the rights to recreate cool it! and sort of bring back such a fun smau </3 i’ve been working on asap! for quite some time now, between work and school, and i’m so excited i can finally share her with all of u 🫶 i do plan on going back to all my works that are on hold (including my 1k event LOL) but i was sort of burnt out for a while which is why i did all this in absolute silence 😋👍 anyway!! i hope i did her justice <3 send an ask to join the taglist!!
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PROFILES! mark’s biggest haters | espresso patronum | the rest of chenle’s coffee maids
ONE! please no tweeting on the clock, y/n!
TWO! manager zoned is crazy
FOUR! go work at mcdonald’s or something
FIVE! common chenle L
SIX! i always knew u were a furry
SEVEN! call me karen from mean girls
EIGHT! mark antis 1 - mark 0
NINE! the best ever (1.1k)
TWELVE! i don’t owe u shit freeloader
THIRTEEN! force and sheer determination
FOURTEEN! yoooo mark how it be? what it do?
FIFTEEN! pick me choose me
SIXTEEN! lunch break (499)
EIGHTEEN! hey guys this is god
NINETEEN! i will force his hand into a blender
TWENTY! chocolate croissant (841)
TWENTY ONE! #xiaojun_out
TWENTY TWO! grinders and coffee beans (951)
TWENTY THREE! what is a marky/n
TWENTY FOUR! shaking shivering sobbing
TWENTY FIVE! every summertime (1.08k)
TWENTY SIX! worlds worst barista. fired.
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