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scarefox · 8 months ago
Remember Y-Destiny? The BL with 7 couples
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waiting-on-mars · 9 months ago
i'm finally watching y-destiny after putting it off for so long, because perth is gonna do a video about it and i like understanding context
the first episode is just talay being sad for an hour while his boss obviously pines for him, and he's so good at being sad, my heart hurts T^T only one cute perthlay scene and then my boy perth is dead, he has two series where he ends up dead ( i hope this doesn't turn into a trend lol)
oh and poppy plays a magical homeless man in a terrible wig
other characters: just believe in miracles and also move on
masuk: no and no
jia: i so obviously love you
masuk: okay cool but im too sad and guilt-ridden to love you back
not enough cute perthlay scenes 6/10
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shawolsos · 1 year ago
Okay so I only really watched the Friday part of Y Destiny and listen the Corpse Bride AU is calling out to me
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namtanlovesfilm · 2 years ago
axelle…for the picking a ship/show thing you just posted. ramking from my engineer or nottpun from yyy 🫣
OOOH, what a blast from the past :'))) I used to love both ships so much omg, but to be completely honest I haven't thought about them in a long time haha. I think back in the day I might have chosen nottpun bc overall I do prefer the yoonlay pairing to perthlay, whoops! but as actual ships I'd deffo choose ramking though bc they were more layered imo & kinda were healing and growing together in ways nottpun weren't since yyy was a comedy. and if we know anything from seanwhite being my favorite ship, is that bitches who cry together have my whole goddamn heart :')
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absolutebl · 3 years ago
Hello! I recently finished My Engineer and I'm, of course, in love with RamKing.
Side note, I saw Perth replied to a comment on his yt channel saying that part 4 of the RamKing retrospective is filmed already, if that's of interest.
I particularly enjoy Talay's acting so I've been wondering if you know where I can watch YYY? I've been searching and I don't find it anywhere official and even the gray versions look terrible.
I just need more Talay (and his lovely hair) in my life
Of course!
And yes, I am a HUGE fan of Talay too.
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Lay Talay Sanguandikul
Here’s his BL back catalogue, sadly challenging to find. 
Bitter Sweet - forthcoming, not sure where
My Engineer 2 - forthcoming, not sure where 
War of Y - soon, not sure where international 
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Close Friend (original) opposite Yoon, grey I originally watched in on DramaCool 
Y-Destiny opposite both Yoon & Perth (because, cheeky), grey I originally watched in on DramaCool 
YYY, YYY Special, YYY Special: Episode 0, original YoonLay grey I originally watched these on DailyMotion but that was a long tiem ago and I really don’t like them 
My Engineer original PerthLay, fortunately for us it’s on YouTube 
Sai Lub Jub Abb - I’ve never seen this one 
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You can also catch him in an Indian web series called Rejctx on Wlext (not BL). He plays the bad boy of the private school and he’s very hot and acts mostly in English. If you see images like the ones below, they are form this series: 
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If you see images like the following it is from a BL series that never happened in which he played the seme role, we are all very sad it never materialized: 
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Others might be able to weigh in with better sources, but for some reason his stuff is all too often difficult to get ahold of. 
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seatawinan · 4 years ago
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Close Friend The Series on 22 April
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wjmild · 4 years ago
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Close Friend coming soon!
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saranghae-hoe · 4 years ago
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are we done now?
...follow me
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konaizumi · 4 years ago
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Ping’s shirt says I love sunshine and Peem’s shirt has sunshine on it 🥺
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jun-apologist · 4 years ago
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[ID: a gif of kimmon, copter, lay, yoon, jimmy, tommy, nat, max, ja, and first doing various poses and motions varying from peace signs to smiles to kisses. END ID]
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scarefox · 8 months ago
We were robbed!!!
The supernatural throuple we could have had. I mean it kinda was there implied, and it already was awkward af but man it would have been neat. lol.
Remember Y-Destiny? The BL with 7 couples
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johnnyneedscash · 4 years ago
it does not IN THE LEAST surprise me that talay has two love interests in this.
(it does make me sad tho and the only solution is a poly relationship with perth, yoon and talay together.)
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namtanlovesfilm · 2 years ago
I was like "oh it's so funny that lay & yacht know each other"............ and then I realized they've both kissed yoon, slay <3
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absolutebl · 4 years ago
This Week In BL
Feb 2021 Part 3 
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. 
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Ongoing Series Thai 
1000 Stars Ep 4 - so flipping lovely, I’ve come entirely around to this show. 
Manner of Death Ep 13 - the penultimate episode was as angsty & twisty as we could want, but it’s starting to feel a bit stretched. Although new tag #oakcake is the best thing ever. 
Brothers Ep 2 - still a mess but there’s a cute foodie side couple (young college student wants cute older baker). As the world’s foremost ChampDoc proponent I am obviously in it for them. The other couples though... eek. 
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Ongoing Series Not Thai 
You Are Ma Boy Ep 6 (Vietnam) - second week running with no new episode and no indication as to why. If it ended at 5 then it ended on a cliffhanger. Grrr. 
Amore Ep 27 (Pinoy) - FINALLY finished its run at 27 episodes! TWENTY SEVEN. I stopped watching it ages ago but it’s done now so if you’re a binger and you need to see the “everyone wants Joey” show, it’s all on YouTube. We salute your bravery. 
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Stand Alones 
Finally watched Korea’s Step For You from 2018 (in preparation for You Make Me Dance). OMG it’s SO CUTE. And who says Korea can’t do kisses? Oh wait, that was me. Anyway, no dead fish here. School newspaper journalist has to interview the next big thing senior dancer and falls in love with him. Short af but ADORABLE. 
I got my brains back and decided to FINALLY watch 2015 Japanese BL Seven Days. It comes in two parts: Seven Days: Monday - Thursday & Seven Days: Friday - Sunday. You can watch it eng subbed on YouTube. It’s one of the best Japanese BLs ever made (FIGHT ME) and that’s because it has a lot of the breezy style of something like 2gether (with, sadly the same heat level - low). The leads have a similar comfort level with each other which yields up fantastic on screen chemistry. It’s a charming af high school story with none of the usual stalker/obsession/rapey elements (nor the egregiously cartoonish humor) I’ve come to expect from Japanese BL. Despite the setting, it’s a lot more in the Cherry Magic vain than, say, Takumi-kun. GO WATCH IT. The hair is bonkers, but if that’s all I can think of bad to say, you know it must be good. 
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The TharnType Wedding Special PPV dropped last week. Champ & Doc officially got together so I was happy. They hit a bunch of tropes, said I do, and that was that. I pronounce it... 
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 Breaking News - So Many Teasers & They Dark AF 
More promos for HIStory 4 keep dropping so I think we can assume this is coming sooner rather than later. (Taiwan doesn’t raise funding the way Thailand does with test teasers, so we only see promo when the thing has started filming.) 
We Best Love 2 dropped its trailer. It’s a doozie. We’re all hoping for a happy ever after but frankly Taiwan means 50/50 chance at best. They love pathos and many of us will never recover from HIStory 3: Make Our Days Count. I’m terrified by the season 2 trailer. 
You Make Me Dance dropped a teaser, that’s our next one out of Korea. 
Lovely Writer showed its dark underbelly with a new angst-riddled teaser... what’s that? A wheaser? 
Secret Admirer the Series dropped its first teaser. I had this one on the rumors list but not actual, so I bumped it up in the upcoming 2021 BL master post. It’s only a taste, it could be gunning for 2022. The director can’t be trusted with happy endings - so I’m not sure about it. 
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Wild rumors persist that there will be a new 2gether installment in which someone gets married. I wouldn’t be surprised to see GMMTV milk that cash cow especially if F4 is delayed. (With all these BLs featuring marriage, maybe the Thai government will legalize it on account of the boost destination weddings would give the tourist industry post covid?) 
Bad Roommate dropped a teaser for all you Gen Y Padlock lovers out there (waves at @heretherebedork​). Do we trust Star Hunter after the Gen Y debacle? Maybe? I don’t know. Who cares, it’s fresh content. 
More rumors of a We Best Love special episode before season 2. If they’re true my guess is it’s another behind the scenes thingy. 
Fish Upon the Sky is reported to drop ep 1 on Friday, April 9th, 2021! This is the rivals to lovers BL I’ve been waiting for! 
Initial murmurs about Close Friend - a 6 ep run featuring established BL ships from an unknown director: KimCop (2Moons & Gen Y), OhmFluke (Until We Meet Again), JimmyTommy & MaxNat (Why R U), JaFirst (TharnType 2), and YoonLay (YYY). Either each couple gets their own episode (like Our Skyy) or it will be more like You Never Eat Alone. Ships may or may not be playing the same characters as previous. 
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A few more promo shots posted for Y-Destiny. It looks more serious than director Cheewin normally goes for (YYY & You Never Eat Alone). I don’t know if that means anything or if it’s just a mature styling we’re seeing in Thai BL as a result of the actors getting older and the influence of Manner of Death and KinnPorsche. 
Speaking of You Never Eat Alone is supposed to be finally dropping official Eng Subs somewhere, and ep 9 features Prem & Boun. I’m not bothering with this one so I don’t know where it’s posting. 
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Next Week Looks Like This: 
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Upcoming 2021 BL master post here. 
Links to watch are provided when possible, ask in a comment if I missed something. 
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seatawinan · 4 years ago
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aylinaliens · 5 years ago
Pun, watching Nott sleep: I just love him so much. He’s my everyth–
Nott: *snores*
Pun: I can’t live like this.
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