sickiesope · 1 month
Hey:) Could I request sick Yoongi with caretaker either Jin or Namjoon? Thanks already!
Had a busy summer but catching up on my writing! Thank you for requesting anon I hope you're still around! 💜
Sick and tired
Sickie: Yoongi
Caretaker: Seokjin
TW: emeto
Yoongi was hoping for a productive weekend. He got a lot done on Friday and planned on doing the same for Saturday. But his plans are abruptly thrown off by a random illness. Yoongi gets home feeling tired and nauseous. He doesn't even want to look at his laptop.
"Ugh, I'm only halfway done. This stupid headache is slowing me down." He huffs.
"When did you get this fever?" Jin feels Yoongi's forehead. "You really shouldn't be working tomorrow."
"I mean, I'll probably just sleep it off" Yoongi claims. But his mouth is filling with saliva, that's his stomach warning him he's about to be sick.
"What? Sleep it off?? Yoon, are you--"
Yoongi gags and rushes to the bathroom. He barely makes it to the toilet and a spout of vomit shoots out, mostly in the bowl but a little got on the floor. "Ah, shit.."  Yoongi scrunches his face as his stomach twists and forces up his dinner.
Jin looks pitifully at Yoongi hunched over the toilet. The retching and despairing moans in between make his heart sink.
"It's okay Yoon, let it out.." the oldest rubs his back.
Yoongi sputters a few times and sighs heavily. His back hurts and Seokjin helps him up. The older wipes the floor and flushes the toilet. "Do you think you're done, baby?"
Yoongi looks at his sickly complexion in the mirror. He holds his middle and puffs his cheeks. Truth be told, he knows he's going to be sick again.
"Mm..not sure hyun--" Yoongi suddenly gags and throws up a waterfall in the sink. "Oh no--" he vomits with another thick wave rushing out of him. He's caught off guard by how fast his stomach flipped. Jin is just as surprised. The sink's now a pool of brown murky liquid with little pieces settling at the drain. It's not a pretty sight.
"S-sorry hyung, I didn't mean to--" Yoongi's stomach cuts him off with another heave. He retches and brings up another layer of slop, coated with a sour taste. His stomach contracts harshly as it forces it all out.
"Awwh don't worry about it Yoongichi" Jin assures. "That sounded pretty rough, does your tummy hurt?"
Yoongi nods with a pitiful epxression. "Mm..yeah.." he groans, holding his stomach.
"Let's get you to bed" Seokjin murmurs. Yoongi is exhausted and desperately wants to sleep.
"Here, this should help a bit." Seokjin gives Yoongi the hot pack to help his tummy pain but the weight of it on his stomach is too much.
"Ahh" Yoongi winces, hastily taking it off and grabbing the bin as his stomach tenses up and he pukes again.
"Oh no, I'm sorry Yoongi!" Jin frets.
"It's okay hyung" Yoongi murmurs, laying back down. "You're right, I can't work tomorrow like this. I'm so tired.."
Seokjin changes the garbage bin and brings Yoongi water and medicine to help ease his stomach. "There you go Yoonie, try and get some sleep. I bet you want me out of your hair now"
"No hyung, please stay with me" Yoongi whispers, gently pulling his arm.
Seokjin smiles warmly. "Sure thing" the oldest climbs into bed with him.
Yoongi is usually so introverted but right now he wants all the comfort there is. He's so thankful for Seokjin taking care of him and he would do the same. Yoongi yawns, the nausea's fallen enough that he can relax. His stomach is tired and finally calming down inside. Yoongi falls asleep with Jin loosely holding him. He hasn't slept this comfy in forever. He could spend the rest of the weekend in bed.
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mikrokoskooks · 1 year
when ur request are open, can i request jin with a high fever and yoongi caretaker? tysm <3
Hi, thank you for the request :) sorry that it's taken so long hopefully it's to your liking.
After a long day of work, all Yoongi wanted was to go to sleep, 6 hours of dance rehearsal, 2 company meetings and 3 hours of recording can really tire a guy out. Luckily for him, it's all over he and he can finally rest. The rapper checks the time on his phone, It's 10:55 pm he switches off the device and starts to drift off.
It'd been a few hours since Yoongi finally managed to fall asleep but he's suddenly startled out of his nap by a rustling sound. Probably Seokjin, looking for something or shutting the bathroom door maybe. When he turns on his bedside light, however, it's not what he expected.
Seokjin was on the other side of the room twisting and turning uncomfortably in his bedsheets, his cheeks looked flushed and his head was slightly sweaty. Yoongi gets up and goes over to the vocalist's bed, "Hyung are you okay? Are you having a nightmare?" He asks.
"Yoongi...? Is that you?" Jin mumbles before letting out a small whimper that almost shatters the younger boy's heart. "I don't feel very well"
"Why, what's wrong?"
Jin lets out a shaky breath, wiping his forehead before he speaks, "My head hurt Yoongs, and my stomach feels so upset"
"Wait here," Yoongi says softly walking over to the medicine cabinet and grabbing a thermometer, he places it gently under his hyung's tongue. Before his temperature is read a small burp travels up the oldest's throat unfortunately more than air comes up
Seokjin kicks off his covers and runs to the bathroom managing to collapse in front of the toilet just in time. He gags painfully bringing up a torrent of sick It hits the toilet bowl making an awful splattering sound.
Yoongi sits behind him rubbing his back and stomach till he's finished. "Do u think you can handle the thermometer this time?" Seokjin nods, he thinks he can at least. The machine beeps revealing the cause of Jin's problems. "39 degrees, that's pretty high... I think you've caught the flu or something hyung"
The vocalist only nods sleepily in response before whispering "Yoongi I'm tired."
"I know hyung, I know let me take you back to bed okay" Yoongi helps Seokjin up and guides him back to his bed tucking him back under his covers. After doing so Yoongi goes to the bathroom and wets a washcloth to bring down Jin's fever, he also brings some fever reducers to help as well.
"Here you go," He says placing the cloth on the sick man's forehead, "Sit up so u can take these yeah"
Jin does as he's told and takes the medicine. He smiles slightly and pulls Yoongi into weak hug. "Thanks for taking care of me Yoongichi, I love you"
Yoongi's heart is filled with joy at his hyung's cuteness, he truly hopes he'll feel better tomorrow. "Anytime hyung and I love you too"
He gets ready to move away but Jin has already fallen asleep in the hug. He'd never dare to pull his sick hyung of off him so he guesses he's stuck hugging him to sleep all night.
Not a problem at all. x
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bubmyg · 1 year
these are so pretty I’ve been following along w this since the first one 🥺🥺 such a neat idea too!!!
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foxymoxynoona · 1 year
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That is so specific but I completely understand and agree with it! What a sot connection.
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Not J!nk00k shippers coming for TK's bond....LMFAO 😭😭😭😭😭
"Hard Landing"
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Do they forget all the times Tae has only ever posted about JK on weverse? Or even ever since he started his insta?
Short Memories
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naekkeoyoongi1993 · 1 year
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230526 Jakarta ID, ICE BSD
©️ yoongichy
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weird-bookworm · 1 year
ᴛʜɪʀᴅ ᴛɪᴍᴇ'ꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʜᴀʀᴍ (ᴀ ʙʀᴜɪꜱᴇ ɪꜱ ᴡᴏʀᴛʜ ɪᴛ)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
a/n: and here is the second part. lemme know what you think!
pairing: kim seokjin x park jimin, implied!taegi, cousins!jinkook
genre: high school students!bts, fluff, a tiny bit of angst, too much platonic love, pining
word count: i have no idea ✌🏻
warnings: mentions of injury (it's just a slight bruise), yoonjin being soft because yes that deserves a warning of it's own
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“I swear to God, he is the cutest person to ever exist on this Earth.” Seokjin pouted. “You’ve been saying that a million times a day everyday for the past three months.” Yoongi grumbled in reply.
“Aw, Yoongichi, don’t worry, you still occupy the second place in my ‘Cutest People Ever List’.” Seokjin cooed teasingly at his best friend, as said best friend gave him a stink eye and grumbled (but cutely. Seokjin did have a point).
“What about me, hyung?” Hoseok pitched in. “Yeah hyung, tell him I’m on third place!” Jungkook didn’t usually care about such stuff, but Seokjin could tell his competitive spirit was roaming free. “Oh would you look at that, neither of you are on third place.” He gave them a smile.
Jungkook pouted at the answer, as Hoseok whined at the eldest, who just laughed at them along with Yoongi. Teasing the youngers, it seemed, was Seokjin’s favourite pastime.
“But anyway. Is it just me or did anyone else see Jimin carrying confectionery items and a bouquet in the morning today?” Hoseok suddenly sounded a little concerned. Seokjin sighed sadly, “I’m one hundred percent sure he’s going to either confess or propose to someone. Looks like today’ll be the last day I can ogle at him freely.”
“You’re shameless anyway.” Yoongi muttered and rolled his eyes.
“Sorry hyung.” Jeongguk softly mumbled. “Whats are you sorry for Gguk? It’s just a silly crush, I am fully capable of moving on.” Seokjin chuckled in reassurance.
He felt a hand on his shoulder, and recognised it as Yoongi’s without even looking (the things that happen after you know a person all your life). The younger had sensed the sad undertone to Seokjin’s statement.
“Well, no matter what, at least I get the best Best Friends in the World.” Seokjin has always been an emotional person (a drippy, gooey sap, as Yoongi usually liked to call him), so the others were pretty used to him having his moments of fondness towards them.
“Excuse me?” A foreign voice interrupted. “Ah, no, no, go away we’re having a moment.” Yoongi shooed the guy away with his hand without even glancing his way.
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Jimin took a deep breath to calm his nerves. There was chatter all around them, and it was not helping his nerves. Both Taehyung and Namjoon were hyping him up with warm, encouraging words.
With their help, he managed to balance both the boxes of sweets on one of his hands, while the note sat on top. With his other hand, he held the bouquet. “Remember Jimin, you can do it. Seokjin is just another human, not anyone superior.” It was safe to say that Namjoon had slightly weird ways of encouraging.
(Well, technically, he is a senior, and we’re all juniors to him… Jimin’s brain (un)helpfully provided.)
“He’s just around the corner Jimin-ah, you’ll be fine!” Taehyung gave him a slight push.
Jimin took hesitant steps towards the elder, slightly trembling. Seokjin was, it seemed, searching for something inside his locker, his back to the corridor. Jimin let out a tiny cough to get his attention, as both his hands were occupied.
Seokjin turned around in surprise, and his eyes widened when he saw it was Jimin, and that too with all his 'romantic things', as Jeongguk had taken to calling them, he’d been carrying since morning.
Jimin was sporting a super adorable expression, with wide puppy dogs eyes filled and nervousness, and lips pulled subconsciously in a pout.
“Yes?” Seokjin came back to his senses when he noticed Jimin getting fidgety. He wondered how long had he been staring for.
“I-I just wanted to let you know s-something. You totally don’t h-have to reply or any-anything! I-I just couldn’t handle keeping it myself an-anymore. So I came here t-to tell you. Sorry I’m rambli— uagh!” A hand shoved him away mid-rant.
Seokjin’ expression quickly went from fond to angry, his eyes blazing with fury when he saw that Jimin had been pushed over quite awkwardly right on his head.
The boxes and note had flown over in a completely different different direction, while the bouquet was crushed under his weight. He groaned in pain as he straightened up.
Loud shouts of “Jimin!” rang through the corridor as Namjoon and Taehyung came tearing in. They were looking forward to the outcome of the confession, which is why they were watching everything from around the corner instead of going to the cafeteria like Jimin had asked them to.
Just as Seokjin was about to bend down to help Jimin up (after a short but intense debate with himself if he should help Jimin or kill whoever had pushed him first), a body slammed into him, the same one which had pushed Jimin, and pinned him to his locker.
He recognised the intruder as Jiseop, the annoying fucker who liked to believe that having his father's money made him better than everyone else.
He looked at Jimin smugly and chuckled. “Huh, loser.” He smirked. Namjoon looked up at him venomously. Taehyung got up and looked like the only thing on his mind was killing.
Jimin, the timid creature he was, tugged Taehyung’s pants before anything overly drastic could happen. Jiseop chuckled at Jimin’s action and turned to Seokjin.
“Hey, pretty boy, wanna go on a date with me?” He shamelessly raked Seokjin’s body. Being the popular guy that he was, Seokjin was used to getting proposals, but this was a whole new level of shameless.
He tilted his head, a fast plan forming in his head. “Sorry not sorry love, I already have a boyfriend.” Seokjin gave him an obviously fake smile. This time, it was Jimin who looked up in shock, his hand still cupping the side of his forehead which had hit the ground. That was going to bruise bad.
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namchyoon · 2 years
LMAO we're not ready oh god !!!!! https://twitter.com/yoongichy/status/1640323049785528320?t=O4zMB_M4khuEzN6pXRxEWg&s=19
suddenly i can't read
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taebear24 · 2 years
Happy birthday Min Yoongichi 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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enniewritesnsk · 2 years
Namseok potatoe #9
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What about lawyer Namjoon who spots in his everyday 8AM bus this cute guy who is knitting in the front row. First he was just curious because he never saw a guy who masters the art of knitting, but with time passing by, he starts to find him so endearing, tongue out while he's going through some complicated pattern or a new knitting technique. What attracts his eyes are also the color of the skeins, always so bright and colorful. Through the months, he saw beanies, scarves, gloves, and even layette in soft baby blue.
And then, one day, after a really hard day trying to deal with a case, his colleague Jimin (wouldn't he be hot as a lawyer please...) suggests him to try knitting, this is what he does every night with his boifies (taekook) and he realizes that it was great. And he recommends Joon this pretty yarn shop around the corner where the sellers are really cool and have good advices. Our Joonie being really open minded is ok and then follows his friend's advice and goes to that shop. And meet that really tired guy trying to get rid of a handsome one (is he a model? Yeah ofc you recognize Yoonjin...). The tired one's face lits up once he catches Namjoon's eyes because hey here is my savior. "What can I do for you, Sir" he asks. Namjoon is a lil bit lost, the yarn shop is pretty and colorful and full of flower plushies and Snoopy.
"Hi!" Stutters Namjoon "my friend recommends me your shop, I would like to learn how to knit..." The other man smiles at him, gummy smile provoking the model guy sigh and murmur "you're so pretty Yoongichi please, let's have that drink..." "You're in the right place! Lemme help you choose your yarn and needles. My friend and co owner of this shop teaches knitting lesson so you can definitely learn with him." Then they choose some grey skein that is so fluffy Joon can visualise as a wonderful scarf... and maybe show it to his bus guy? They would finally have some common subject to talk to each other? And finally someone enters the shop, making Yoongichi (is that really his name tho) smile with relief and yelps a "Hobah!!!" Joon turns and then time stops because right on front of him is...
His bus knitter guy.
So ofc Joon takes his knitting lesson, ofc he spends more time with his bus guy, ofc he succumbs more n more under his charms. Add a lot of soft touches, lingering stares and whipped sighs from both side please. And then one day Joon mans up bc Jimin let him know that the guy told him he has a crush and it's a big No No for Joon because he still wants his chance so splurts a not-so-chic proposal for a date, after coming directly after his drink with the said collegue, totally tipsy -- no, drunk "bc I know you crush on someone but please give me a chance." Turns out the said crush was him. So ofc Hobi accepts the date and ofc they fall in love and get married and adopt a bunch of bonsais and kaws figurines.
End 😉
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yooonwithluv · 4 years
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Some of my favourite yoongi moments from In The Soop EP.6 🥺💞
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bangtansmagentawolf · 3 years
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bubmyg · 2 years
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himboksj · 3 years
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impeachonent · 5 years
Okay i'm fine.
Cre: fistbump_suga
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u3u-springday-u3u · 5 years
I will forever be weak for Yoongi’s smile 😣❤️
Credits to @/KINGM0RIARTY for the video 💜
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