#yoon seol hee
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sqjxnnie · 9 months
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night has come icons
✰ please, like if you save
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whumpetywhump · 1 year
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Oasis - Ep. 12 & 14
"I came back alive."
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stuff-diary · 10 months
Twinkling Watermelon
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2023
Twinkling Watermelon (2023, South Korea)
Directors: Son Jung Hyun & Yoo Beom Sang
Writer: Jin Soo Wan
I loved Twinkling Watermelon so so much. This drama made my Mondays and Tuesdays for eight weeks. The story might not be groundbreaking, but it's incredibly well-written and fun. I was afraid the plot would be too simple to make it through 16 one-hour episodes, but it never dragged at all. There was always something to look forward to, and many of the twists caught me by surprise. On top of that, the writer gave us two fantastic love stories. Seriously, both of them are among the best I've seen in a K-drama. But the real focus of the show is the friendship between all the main characters, and its portrayal of youth was really heartwarming and nostalgic. And the whole cast was incredible too, they absolutely delivered at every turn. The only flaw I can point out is that the representation wasn't perfect, and they should've hired at least some deaf actors. Besides that, I don't have any complaints. I might go as far as saying this is one of my favorite dramas of all time, and I'm gonna miss it so much.
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You Raise Me Up. 7/8
Story: 9
Acting: 10🔥
Chemistry: 2
Comparable to: Love Clinic (kmovie)
This is one of those dramas where I wish there was no romance……like at all. Female lead’s character was a total bitch in this in my opinion. Heck the second male lead was too, both should’ve float off somewhere nice together and rot, but do they nooooooooooo———- For those that have yet to watch, yes the storyline is a tad bit on the more mature side with the main male lead’s -ahem-problem, but it honestly actually deals more on mental health then anything else. Which comes to point out Yoon Shi Yoon did a phenomenal outstanding performance in this role. He may be one of my huge bias’s (Hit the Top top five all time fav dramas) but seriously he was excellent in this. My only regret on this is the finale and the overall storyline on how some of the mental health issues were glossed over. Wished the writers dealt more on that issue then the romance.
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heavens-moonlight · 6 months
Author’s Note: Here’s a new chapter and the next one will be up in another two weeks! It will only be downhill from here...Personally, the ending of this one is my favorite writing so far ♡
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The rest of the hike back to the retreat center is done in silence, no one daring to say a word.
There was no solace found on the journey.
Near death experience.
No way to escape.
Frozen reality.
Where do you all go from here?
Without prompt, Eun-Ha had taken on the responsibility of helping Na-Hee, allowing Hyun-Ho to switch over in support of Dong-Hyun, the latter's arm thrown over the former's shoulder, exhaustion evident in every single heavy step of his.
You can't help but observe how angry your cousin is, more than you've ever seen him before, a deep scowl present on his face. It's typical for him to blame himself when he can't protect someone, and given how you and Dong-Hyun, two of the people he cared for the most nearly lost your lives, you know he's wallowing in self-blame. If the two of you really had passed, you didn't think he'd ever let himself live with that fact.
When your eyes meet, his soften immediately, the dark look on his face passing briefly from the reassurance of the small smile you send his way. You can tell even without his direct confirmation this would become one of the moments that will haunt him forever. Even so, he'll remain strong so as not to worry you and your heart hangs heavy with that knowledge.
Noticing the silent exchange, So-Mi shuffles along in the back while constantly chewing on her nails, glancing between you, Dong-Hyun, and Eun-Ha in succession, more worried for her own life than anyone else's.
When your tears had long dried up, Jun-Hee insisted that he'd carry you on his back the remainder of the way no matter how much you refused. With your arms around his neck, your chin rests on his shoulder and your face is pressed against the side of his.
He's sweating profusely and you pull the sleeve of your blouse down to wipe off the drops that accumulate on his hairline. "Jun-Hee..." you start, a weak whisper.
"Don't," he responds gently. "I know what you're going to say."
"Then put me down, please."
"I won't." He strengthens his hold on your calves, fingers curling and uncurling, itching to touch the scratches, some more severe than others, marring the length of both your legs, the blood yet to dry.
"By the time we make it back, you're going to be in pain."
He turns his head slightly, cheek brushing against yours with an exasperated sigh. "And you think I'm not already in pain when I see you hurt?"
"But I can bear it when I'm hurt alone. I don't want anyone else to suffer because of me. Especially not you."
"Then you, more than anyone, should know how I feel."
Exhaling tiredly, you know there's no point in trying to dissuade him. Relenting, you brush the strands of hair that have fallen into his face out of the way instead, tightening your hold on his shoulders and closing your eyes, succumbing to the deep ache you finally allow yourself to feel.
A few tense minutes later, the group stands in front of the building's glass double doors, everyone stopping to stare.
The trip was pointless and you were all back where you started.
One step forward.
Two steps back.
The moment Jun-Hee pulls at the door, even without opening your eyes, you can tell the hurried footsteps belong to Yoon-Seo and Jung-Won, the two meeting you all by the entrance, having watched and waited the whole time for your return.
You feel a hand on your arm and a gasp follow. "Seol-Hwa..." comes Jung-Won's voice, shocked.
"We saw the notification. What even happened?" Yoon-Seo pats your arm soothingly, backtracking at the look on everyone's faces. "Anyway...it doesn't matter. You don't have to say anything. As long as you're back and safe."
"I'll tell you later," you utter, and Yoon-Seo nods, eyeing your injuries restlessly. Jung-Won's eyebrows are knit in worry, curiosity evident on her face although she doesn't voice it.
The remaining students await in the lobby anxiously and you tap Jun-Hee's shoulders softly to let you down but he doesn't give in. If anything, he only tightens his hold, keeping you close.
Eun-Chan comes running up in surprise. "What happened to Dong-Hyun and Seol-Hwa?" He shifts his gaze between the two of you, eyes widening at the state of Dong-Hyun's ripped clothes streaked with dirt and the bruises littering your skin.
"Say something," Mi-Na presses, voice shaky. "Why do you guys look like this?"
"Dong-Hyun..." So-Mi begins nearly inaudibly, timid. "He thought the line stopped there so he was checking. Then he slipped and Seol-Hwa tried to save him. Both of them..." she pauses, and you bite your lip hard, nearly enough to draw blood, wishing the discussion was anything but this. Her voice alone irritated you. "...Nearly went over the line."
"Funny that you should be the one to recount the story," Eun-Ha states grimly from the back.
"What are you talking about?" Yoon-Seo questions, focusing with rapt attention on Eun-Ha.
"So-Mi here, our role model of a vice president, loves to bend the truth." Eun-Ha's cryptic response has So-Mi fuming, striding over to shove her shoulder back roughly.
"Weren't you the one who told us all to vote for Yool that first night? What about that, huh?!"
"Guys, please calm down—" Yoon-Seo steps in hurriedly to pacify the situation, attempting to pull the two girls apart.
"You love to turn victims into criminals, don't you?" Eun-Ha's eyes blaze with anger, pushing So-Mi's hands away harshly. "As long as it's not you, right?" Eun-Ha crosses her arms and chuckles in So-Mi's face, a sarcastic and dry laugh devoid of humor. "I saw what you did with my own two eyes. Come to think of it, I shouldn't even be surprised. Out of all of us, you would definitely be the one to do it."
"Say it properly so we can understand." Jung-Won walks forward. "Just what the hell happened?"
"She...intentionally led them downhill under the guise of herself having slipped to guarantee that they wouldn't make it out alive." Eun-Ha points between you and Dong-Hyun, the others following with their eyes, the sight matching up.
A few of your classmate's mouths hang open in disbelief while others freeze, trying to process the information as neither you nor Dong-Hyun speak on the matter.
Where you're pressed against his back, Jun-Hee tenses up and you can feel the way his muscles stiffen, jaw clenching and head snapping toward Eun-Ha as he listens, wordlessly seething.
So-Mi rushes over to Dong-Hyun and grabs his hand desperately, the grip unreturned, her hold hanging limply. "Dong-Hyun," she pleads, trying to catch his eye as he avoids it, staring straight at the floor with Hyun-Ho glaring daggers at her. "Tell them that's not what happened."
With bated breath, she awaits his answer but regrets it the moment he speaks up, her face falling. "You didn't catch my hand earlier, so why hold it now?" He looks up at her through narrowed eyes with a look that could kill.
Head shaking, So-Mi drops his hand and falters, taking backward steps toward you as a last resort.
"Seol-Hwa...please." In a crazed manner, she turns to you with an outstretched hand. Before she can so much as graze her fingertips against you, Jun-Hee swivels his body in a way that shields you against her touch.
"Don't you dare lay a hand on her. I won't apologize for my actions if you do." His voice is cold and it makes So-Mi stop immediately, his warning like a slap of cold water across her face.
Not giving up, she turns to the crowd instead. "Are you all really going to believe Eun-Ha, the one who was the first to point fingers at innocent Yool?" She fixes each student with her gaze in turn. "Over me?!"
"What makes you think just being you gives you a pass?!" Eun-Ha slams the backpack she was carrying for Jun-Hee earlier onto the ground, the sound echoing in the still lobby. "Stop acting like you're better than everyone. You would have been a murderer, Kim So-Mi," Eun-Ha spits out with venom, articulating the name like acid that burns her tongue.
"Do you even have any proof, you bitch?!" So-Mi screams.
Calmly, Eun-Ha looks her dead in the eyes. "As if their appearance isn't enough proof," referring to you and Dong-Hyun. "Why are you so defensive then if you're not at fault? The more fervent a denial is, the stronger the confirmation."
"You're cornering me—"
"BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE HELL UP!" Kyung-Jun's voice reverberates in the space and everyone silences. "I don't give a flying fuck what your roles are right now. It's more important whether we can even leave."
He turns to Jun-Hee, regarding you behind his shoulders, eyes flickering over your form, contemplating what Eun-Ha said for a moment before shaking his head. "How far into the village were you able to go? You said you would meet people and call the police. Did you?!" Kyung-Jun's voice gets louder and louder with each sentence.
"We couldn't get anywhere. At least, not a distance that mattered. The entire place is enclosed within the lines and we're trapped here." Jun-Hee's voice is quiet and robotic, clearly hating to be the bearer of bad news.
Kyung-Jun slams his phone to the ground so hard that it ricochets and bounces a short distance away, the screen clattering on the floor.
Yoon-Seo turns in Jun-Hee's direction, looking at him hopelessly. "Then...does it mean we can't leave this place until the game is over?"
Jun-Hee nods remorsefully, the hopes of the rest falling along with his bowed head.
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You're walking up and down the floors of the building aimlessly by yourself when you spot Yoon-Seo tucked into an alcove's corner, sitting in the dark of a resting area with her head down.
Approaching soundlessly, she doesn't notice your presence until you speak up. "Yoon-Seo, are you crying?" You lower yourself into a chair adjacent to hers.
She looks up at you with red eyes brimming with unshed teardrops. The ones that have already managed to escape outline tear marks on her cheeks. "If I hadn't suggested that we could try going to the mountain, neither you nor Dong-Hyun would've almost died. Even Jun-Hee is acting differently. All of you came back like you lost your souls out there." She swipes at her eyes frustratedly, choking up with every word that comes out. "What a stupid thing for me to have said. This is all my fault. I made everyone more hopeless than they already were."
Seeing her so sad hurt your heart as her friend. You didn't blame her one bit. No one could've predicted the events. "You didn't make any of us go, Yoon-Seo." Reaching over, you place your hand over the back of hers, warming her cold ones. "We all volunteered. Even then, at least you were able to think of a solution we could try. You can't resent yourself for not knowing that there wouldn't be a real way out, could you?" You give her a genuine smile as she looks over at you. "So, what will you do? We can't leave this place until the game is over. Are you just going to waste your tears here and mourn our regrets?”
"No," she replies resolutely, placing her other hand on top of yours, making a stack in the middle, both your hands tightening with determination. "We must find another way out, no matter what it takes."
"Count me in," Jung-Won adds as she rounds the corner, joining in, the three of you sitting peacefully and comfortably in each other's presence, discussing what to do going forward. "First, why don't we try searching through the staff lounge again?" she suggests.
As the three of you approach the room, you hear muffled yells mixed in with the sound of the table phones going off.
Swinging the door open reveals Jun-Hee hunched over, screaming into the phone's receiver angrily before swiping all present office materials off the desk's surface and onto the floor.
"Yah! Jun-Hee!" Baffled, Yoon-Seo approaches him and picks up the phone he casted aside.
"What are you doing?" Jung-Won quickly flips the light switch on, bathing the room in a soft yellow glow.
"Why aren't you answering the phone?" Yoon-Seo swiftly presses the phone against her ear, listening before trying a greeting that remains unanswered.
"Forget it!" Jun-Hee yanks the phone from Yoon-Seo's grip harshly and once again, tosses it on the floor to land uselessly amongst the other things he threw away in rage.
Jung-Won glances over at you, concerned. You shut the door and walk toward him, taking his forearms in yours and hold them tight so that he'd stop making a mess of the room. "Jun-Hee, it's Yoon-Seo," you remind, shocked that he would lash out at her like that. Yoon-Seo stands still next to you, staring at him like a stranger.
His frustration boils over, and he withdraws his arms out of your grip, grabbing hold of an empty mug with all intent to smash it against the glass cabinets. Yoon-Seo and Jung-Won clench their eyes shut, prepared for the impact, but before he can chuck it, you throw your arms around his waist, hugging him tight, face pressed against his chest. "Stop! Please, Jun-Hee." In a quieter voice only for him to hear, "For me?" He trembles in your hold before immediately lowering the mug, placing it lightly on the table, all tension finally leaving his body. You pull back enough to look up at him, slightly apprehensive about the repercussions still. "What's gotten into you? You're never like this." He's the calmest person you've ever known, rarely losing his temper when uncalled for.
"It's fake. Everything is," he says, a faraway look in his eyes, irises still burning in anger.
You stretch on your tiptoes and turn his face toward yours so that your eyes can meet. Once his dark eyes focus again on yours, they soften entirely, staring at you deeply.
"What are you talking about?"
Jun-Hee slumps into the chair he was sitting in previously. "The phone lines..." he begins, dishearteningly. "They're severed. Every single one of them."
"What?" you look around the room in incredulity.
Yoon-Seo makes herself busy, going from cubicle to cubicle, confirming that even the computer wires were cut and frayed in the same manner. Closing her eyes, she drags a hand down her face, not sure what to make of the discovery.
"Look at this." Jung-Won flips through file folders and binders organized in a bookshelf by the door, tilting it in your direction. "They're all empty..."
Yoon-Seo sinks into a chair opposite yours as Jun-Hee pulls one out for you, guiding you down by the hand into it before dragging it as close to his as physically possible.
"I'm sorry, Yoon-Seo..." Jun-Hee looks her way guiltily.
"It's okay. I know you were just disappointed." She puts her head in her hands. "I too, feel like I'm about to go crazy the longer we're here." Jung-Won settles atop a desk, turning to Yoon-Seo as her friend voices her ideas. "You know, the person who created this game...What was the reason behind putting us through this? I think we need to find that out before anything else."
Jung-Won spins a pen in her hand, thinking. "Where do you think the creator of this game is? Isn't it just us here?"
"Maybe they sneak in when we fall asleep?" Jun-Hee proposes.
"It's a bit unnerving to think someone is sitting around watching us. Also, what makes us sleep automatically without being able to fight against the feeling?" You revisit the role of the announcements. "If there is someone, how come we never see them but can only hear them?" As an afterthought, you add, "If that's even their real voice or it's modulated."
"They probably killed Ju-Won when we weren't aware."
"No, I don't think so," Yoon-Seo refutes Jung-Won's statement. "We were specifically told that it was done by the Mafia." She shudders at the thought. "Only us students are part of the participants list, so it has to be those hiding among us."
"Right," you agree. "If it was someone else, their name and picture would be listed along with ours."
"They must have also chosen the Mafia members when developing the game." Jung-Won stands up, pacing back and forth. "I don't know how they decided that though, or by what criteria."
"Then, someone in our class really killed Ju-Won in cold blood?" Jun-Hee leans against the chair's headrest.
Yoon-Seo takes a deep breath and exhales heavily. "Unfortunately, according to the rules we all saw, that was more than likely what went down."
A knock interrupts your little gathering before Woo-Ram pokes his head into the room, peeking around the door until he spots Jun-Hee. "There you are. I was looking all over. Everyone's saying it's time to vote, so we should go." He looks around, addressing you, Yoon-Seo, and Jung-Won too. "All of us."
Stepping out into the hallway, Jun-Hee looks at Woo-Ram incredulously. "Yool died after we voted and they still have the heart to go through with that again?"
Sighing, Woo-Ram hangs his head. "What else can we do? We can't leave until the game is over." Na-Hee rounds the corner just then with Hyun-Ho and Dong-Hyun in tow. "None of us have much of a choice."
Yoon-Seo tries to persuade him, regardless of the circumstances. "Still, how can we sacrifice someone? We have to stop them. As a group, we mustn't vote at all."
"Wait, Yoon-Seo." You hold her back from marching off to find the others and talking them out of it. If we want to convince them, we need an alternative otherwise they won't listen."
"I'll do it," Jun-Hee decides with determination. "Are the rest gathered together?"
"No, nearly everyone's in their room," Woo-Ram juts his thumb at the closed doors all down the hallway.
"Can you assemble them for me?"
Woo-Ram nods and Na-Hee agrees to help him round everyone up. "But...there's something you should know." Woo-Ram pulls Jun-Hee aside. "Da-Bum is being cornered by Kyung-Jun's crew downstairs. It was where I saw them last."
Hyun-Ho curses under his breath. "Those bastards. I never liked them." Without waiting any longer, he walks away, Dong-Hyun and Jun-Hee hot on his heels.
You, Yoon-Seo, and Jung-Won all fall into step behind, hoping that nothing had befallen Da-Bum yet at the hands of the cruel group.
It doesn't take long to locate the boys, screaming and shouting heard loud and clear coming from the cafeteria.
Jun-Hee swings the doors open, nearly hard enough to throw it off its hinges as it slams into the wall behind. "That's enough! What on earth are you doing?" Jun-Hee pulls Kyung-Jun away from Da-Bum, jostling Jin-Ha and Seung-Bin away in opposite directions. "What's your deal with him anyway? Is it fun for you to belittle others?"
You run in and help Da-Bum to his feet. "Get up, Da-Bum." A quick glance-over reveals he hasn't suffered too much yet, your group having arrived in time to prevent disaster. Yoon-Seo is by your side in mere moments, assisting to take him away not within reach of the three bullies. Jung-Won directs him backward further from the entrance so that he's blocked by your group, standing where someone would have to go through everyone before getting to him again.
Hyun-Ho steps up, leaving Dong-Hyun to look over all of you. "Three on one guy? Aren't you ashamed of yourselves?" he scoffs with disdain.
"Where do you think you're going?!" Kyung-Jun balls his fists up and makes a beeline for Da-Bum, but Jun-Hee elbows his chest hard, forcing him back.
"Cut it out."
"You can't stop me even if you are the class president." Kyung-Jun slides his upturned eyes over angrily. "Why do I have to listen to you?"
Wanting to help out his friend, Hyun-Ho further adds fuel to the fire by shouldering Kyung-Jun until he lands on the floor.
"You're not the boss of me either." Kyung-Jun balls his hands tightly, staring Hyun-Ho down as he gets back up. "Understood?"
You watch with trepidation, sensing a huge blowup about to take place and not being able to do anything to stop it without escalating the situation.
"You jerks never get it when I say it nicely. Guess I need to teach you a lesson, huh?" Hyun-Ho turns around to grab a metal container off a well-organized display of snacks, smacking Kyung-Jun on the head with it before proceeding to launch him over the very same counter, the table collapsing inward under Kyung-Jun's weight, products flying every which way.
Usually Kyung-Jun would back off and take revenge in some other way when spectators are none the wiser. However, with the presence of so many people, he needed to prove his point and show the control he had, which was in reality, very little. You rear back, knowing that to jump into the middle of this would both be stupid and pointless. Hyun-Ho and Kyung-Jun's rivalry has simmered for a long time with no one truly knowing the real reason behind it.
Seung-Bin looks around, eyes settling on a trash can, immediately upending it to smash against Hyun-Ho. It hits him square in the back and he wavers slightly but doesn't give up.
A kick behind from Kyung-Jun has him pivoting on his heel as the former grabs one of the foldable metal chairs scattered throughout the room to hoist overhead, trajectory sailing toward his opponent.
Luckily, Hyun-Ho ducks right as it brushes atop his head, the chair collapsing into itself and thumping with a loud clang into the opposite wall, sending bagged chips and snacks falling from the shelves upon impact.
The food rains down and Hyun-Ho quickly tosses them in succession at Kyung-Jun's face, the two ending up engaged in a fistfight on pure strength alone, no more creative petty methods as distraction.
Kyung-Jun winds up no match against Hyun-Ho and gets flipped onto his back, crashing into the ground harshly. Seung-Bin and Jin-Ha also get tossed to the side easily, incapable of retaliating for the time being.
Hyun-Ho hovers over Kyung-Jun to pin him to the ground with a tight grip around his collar, forcing him down to the spot.
"Let go of me," Kyung-Jun grits out, thrashing around in vain as Hyun-Ho has no intention of freeing him. "I said let go, you son of a bitch." Though he tries to appear threatening, you watch the rapid rise and fall of his chest, knowing the fight has left him. He's aware that he has lost, fair and square.
Hyun-Ho tightens his hold, squeezing Kyung-Jun's neck hard enough that he starts sputtering, glaring up revengefully. "Then, are you going to finally listen? Will you do as I say?"
Kyung-Jun uses his last spurt of energy to bat Hyun-Ho's fists away from his throat, kicking him off. "Fine, you bastard."
Hyun-Ho brushes off his hands and pants, all the more disgusted at the sight of the messy cafeteria. As he turns to everyone waiting by the door, Kyung-Jun grabs something from the counter, hiding it out of view beside his leg before making a beeline toward Hyun-Ho.
Jun-Hee dashes over and bends his arm back before the rest of you can even register he has in his possession.
You look up to see him wielding a pair of scissors meant to stab Hyun-Ho by way of petty retribution. Without hesitation, you drag Hyun-Ho out from the room, knowing the more Kyung-Jun sees him, the angrier he'll become. "Gaesaekki, get back here! I'm not through with you yet.”
Having had enough of standing around as a mere spectator, you step into the room before Hyun-Ho can stop you, moving Kyung-Jun away from Jun-Hee and stand between them. "Will you give it a rest for goodness' sake?!" He simply fixes you with a steely glare but halts, gauging your reaction. "Can I tell the others what you just did? What do you think they'd say if they knew you were willing to kill someone?" You keep your tone even and face neutral, wanting to appear reasonable rather than confrontational as much as possible. Kyung-Jun relents after a short pause, albeit reluctantly, weighing the consequences. "Come to your senses."
Jung-Won sidles up beside you in support. "What's the point of talking to him?" She points a finger, jabbing it against his chest. "If we vote on you now, everyone else will follow suit. Do you want me to press your name?" Taunting him, she goes so far as to pull out her phone. "I can do it easily. Say the word and I won't think twice."
"You bitch," he grits out between clenched teeth, trying to snatch Jung-Won's device.
You grab his balled-up fist even as he tries to evade it, fingers clenching around the scissors in his right hand. "Drop this now and I promise I won't let the others know." Not backing away from his glare, you stand your ground. "Just stop here."
Surprisingly, Kyung-Jun yields to you, his curled knuckles loosening in your grasp as he thinks better of his odds against your large group. Removing your hand from his, you turn it palm side up, tilting your head toward it. Getting the hint, Kyung-Jun slaps the scissors into your outstretched fingers and steps closer threateningly, lowering his head down to look straight into your eyes. "You better keep to that promise or I won't sit still."
"Aish shibal," Seung-Bin spits out from the corner where he's slumped in a heap nursing his sore arm, forced to surrender.
You regard Kyung-Jun for the last time as you turn to leave, his eyes following when you stop short to mention, "We're all going to gather in the assembly hall in a short while. Come once you've all calmed down."
As everyone files out, Hyun-Ho throws one final remark at the bullies. "You better leave the cafeteria door open and accessible for everyone to use unless you want a repeat of this."
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After the confrontation, you had dragged Hyun-Ho and Dong-Hyun by the ears to the infirmary despite the two of them protesting all the way.
Once there, you push both of their shoulders down onto the beds so hard they bounce back up before settling into the mattress, their weight dipping the material.
You stand before them with arms crossed, eyeing their identical meerkat expressions in all seriousness.
The two look back and forth between one another before glancing back up at you inquisitively, entirely confused.
"Why are we here again?" Hyun-Ho speaks up.
"This is like couple's therapy," Dong-Hyun mumbles under his breath and Hyun-Ho elbows him as you roll your eyes.
"You guys never listen," you scold, flicking both of them above the eyebrows.
"Yah!" They say in unison, hands coming up to their foreheads in sync.
"Always getting into trouble. Making me worried," you mumble, busying yourself around the room gathering supplies.
"Talk about yourself," Hyun-Ho retorts, touching his forehead where a red mark is still imprinted. You press the q-tip you were holding dipped in antiseptic and squish it against his cut lip hard, narrowing your eyes as he winces in pain and flinches away from you. "Watch it! Can't you be a bit gentler?"
"Oops, my bad," you tease with a sarcastic smile. "Tough love."
Dong-Hyun tries to hide his chuckle before you also turn to him with an ice pack in your extended hand and he swallows the next fit of laughter immediately. "It's not funny," he says, suddenly stoic. "Nothing is funny." Looking to the side and up at the ceiling, he begins to whistle, hoping to avoid the same fate as Hyun-Ho.
You laugh, hiding your smile behind your hand. "I don't know. This is pretty funny." You place the ice pack lightly down into his lap, pressing it against his stomach where he slipped face-first down the dirt hill earlier on the cliff.
"Why is he being treated better than me?" Hyun-Ho sulks.
"Because he has more injuries, none of which he intended to have." Dong-Hyun sticks his tongue out at Hyun-Ho, enjoying being off the hook. "And you," you start, tapping your forefinger against Hyun-Ho's forehead, shoving it back lightly. "You willingly put yourself into less than desirable situations without thought and get hurt for fun."
"This time there was a reason!" Hyun-Ho argues. "It's not fair for them to act all mighty when they're really nothing."
You sigh, dabbing his lip and some scratches visible on his face with ointment so that it'll heal faster. "I know there is," you concede. "But do you think Kyung-Jun cares about that?" You step back and look at the boys in front of you. "This game...we don't know how it will end. It's best if we try to avoid conflict as best we can. We can't begin to imagine what anyone is capable of with ill intent and a deep-seated grudge that refuses to go away."
"We can protect you!" Dong-Hyun chimes in. "I owe you my life."
You run a hand through your hair, fond but exasperated. "I don't want you guys to have to risk your own wellbeing for mine. I can take care of myself, you know?"
"We know," Hyun-Ho answers. "But that doesn't make us any less worried for your safety."
"Then, can you at least promise me to put your safety before my own? Please?" you plead, knowing how the boys are, unyielding in their principles. You step forward and pull them both into an embrace, their arms coming around you immediately and squeezing tight, the circle becoming smaller in the group hug.
"Are you trying to convince us with your affection or what?" Hyun-Ho's voice comes out muffled where his face is pressed into your shoulder.
"Depends," you say. "Is it working?"
"Feels weird. We never hug."
"Don't get used to it."
For once, Hyun-Ho is solemn, hugging you tighter. "Promise."
"I don't hear anything from you Dong-Hyun," you tease.
He pats your back firmly. "I promise."
"We'll all make it out of here together," you say to them quietly. "Wherever we go, as long as we have one another."
With one last squeeze, you release the two of them, insisting that they head to the auditorium first while you clean up the infirmary. By how the game was already going, you felt like this was as good a place as any to know like the back of your hand. Heavens knows more and more will be injured the longer this goes on.
You've only just started looking through the medical supply cabinet when the door to the room slams open, bounding off the wall with a hard thump.
A hand placed over your heart in shock, you swivel your head toward the sound, seeing Kyung-Jun with one foot nudging the door open, keeping it from swinging shut.
Looking behind him with his hands in his pockets, he hasn't yet realized you were even in the room at the moment. As he sighs and lifts his head from the previous position, his hand also reaches up toward his face, touching his split lip.
You're gawking still, bandages in one hand and antiseptic in the other. It was unusual to see Kyung-Jun look, if you dared to say it, so down and defeated.
Finally, he steps over the threshold and kicks the door closed behind him, looking up and stilling as his eyes make contact with yours. You don't miss them widening slightly, clearly expecting the room to have been unoccupied.
Without saying a word, he turns on his heel about to leave, but putting the clues together, you stop him in his tracks.
"You clearly came for something."
"That's none of your business," he replies evenly, one hand on the doorknob.
"Then, I'll leave so you can stay," you offer.
You see his fingers slackening from the handle before he spins around again, analyzing you. The silence is uncomfortable, and his penetrating gaze, suffocating. Whatever it is he was searching for in your expression finally settles a look of indifference over him, his shoulders slumping.
"No." He takes a few steps forward, still staring at you. "You were here first."
Your eyebrows knit together, not quite understanding. "Come again?"
He purses his lips together, clearly regretting having remained in the room when he should've left. "Stay and do whatever you need to do and I'll wait until you're done."
Kyung-Jun plops himself on the bed Hyun-Ho and Dong-Hyun were just seated on earlier and the atmosphere is such a stark difference, you're tempted to pinch yourself to see if you happened to be hallucinating. Never in your right mind would you ever think you and Kyung-Jun could be in the same place at once without the former going on a rampage. You two were not the type of people who belonged together in any type of setting.
He leans against the hospital bed frame and kicks his leg out on the length of it, remaining quiet.
Decidedly, You don't say anything more and go back to sorting through the supplies, earnestly wanting to get out of the room as soon as possible. The only reason you didn't go escaping at the first sight of Kyung-Jun was you didn't want him to think you feared him at all in any capacity. He always used others' distress as leverage against them to remain in control and you weren't going to fall prey to that trap.
"When will you be done?" he asks, and you can feel the slight irritation in his voice rising.
"Soon," you counter curtly, disregarding his presence. Despite that, you can feel his stare fixated on the back of your head.
You hear rustling followed by liquid sloshing and you turn around just in time to see Kyung-Jun about to smear something on his face from a suspicious bottle that looks a lot like the one you told Na-Hee to use for her foot. You scurry over in a haste and yank it away from Kyung-Jun.
"What the fuck?!" He curses, as a q-tip drops from his hand, tumbling to the floor. His eyes are narrowed in slits as he glowers at you. "Didn't I tell you to do your thing and I'll do mine?"
"This..." you reveal to him in an even tone, pointing to the brown bottle, "...is for the feet only."
His eyes shift over to the label on the bottle he definitely did not read earlier in your grasp. If you didn't know any better, you would say he looks a little sheepish and embarrassed at the blunder.
"Aish," he groans, hand once again going to his lip as the wound stretches from the movement of forming words.
Shaking your head, you walk back to the cabinets, setting the bottle on a high shelf and grabbing the antiseptic you stored away earlier. With new cotton swabs and circular bandaids in hand, you approach Kyung-Jun and place it on the bedside table.
"I'll do it for you."
"I didn't ask."
"First, you came here to the infirmary for an obvious reason," you start ticking off on your fingers what you've observed. "Two, you could've kicked me out like you usually do to others that are in your space." He makes to speak but you plow on, unperturbed. "And finally, the third and most important point, you clearly don't know what you're doing." You look at him with a pointed stare. "Isn't that why you allowed me to stay? You weren't going to ask for help, but on the off chance you swallow your pride and decide to, it's better to have someone here. Am I wrong?"
"No, but I don't like to admit that I am."
"You can try, starting from today."
That draws a smirk from Kyung-Jun. "I like you better than Hyun-Ho." He glances up at your face again from his seated position, swinging his legs over the side and onto the ground, scooting to the edge and closer to you. "You have guts," he says, tapping his forefinger near his lip. "Go ahead." He visibly has to bite his tongue after, inwardly reprimanding himself for having said it at all. Shaking himself out of it, Kyung-Jun closes his eyes and lifts his chin up, inclining his head toward yours.
He's tall even as he's sitting, and you have to lean forward, bending at the waist to be able to clean both his lip and his forehead wound. It wasn't hard to fall out of favor with Kyung-Jun who more or less saw everyone like a thorn in his side, yet for some unknown reason, he tolerates you—back in the cafeteria and even now.
You pause with a swab in hand, not exactly sure how to touch his face. The wait has him opening his eyes, one at a time until they're focused on you, gaze steadfast. "Don't get scared now." He pulls your free hand against the side of his face in a much gentler manner than you expected. "I don't bite."
You look up at him, considering, and he lifts his brows at you. "We'll see."
The corner of one side of his lips quirk up in amusement, but he doesn't say anything else, opting to stare straight at you as you work, easily disinfecting the hurt areas and applying ointment after, waiting for it to dry before you can cover it up. Kyung-Jun's eyes lazily trail the path of your pupil's movements as you inspect the wounds, but he sits still otherwise, not flinching at all, no matter how deep you press the q-tip in certain spots.
"You sure have a high pain tolerance," you intone more so to yourself, having a habit of voicing your thoughts at times.
"I do, but I can't lie that this still hurts like a bitch."
"And you decided to not say anything?"
"You're gentle."
You tilt your head at him in perplexity, and he runs a frustrated hand through his hair. "Don't give me that look."
"What look?"
He doesn't say anything anymore, and you don't push it, bewildered and curious all at once. You were genuinely confused. His labile personality was giving you whiplash but you power through it and finally place the bandaids on him, stepping away.
"You didn't give me weird themed ones, did you?" He inquires suspiciously, tapping both bandaids to make sure.
"Of course not. That would be a waste of the nice ones."
He studies you for a moment, halting his movements before finally getting back up to his feet. "Don't tell anyone I was here." Gone was his usual bravado and you finally understand why he had ditched Seung-Bin and Jin-Ha back in the cafeteria, along with the explanation for his shifty actions prior to entering the room. He didn't want to be seen as weak.
"I wouldn't dream of it," you confirm resolutely, finding no necessary reason to ever bring it up to anyone anyway.
"I mean it." Kyung-Jun points a finger at you. "If you do, I'll kill you."
"People who truly want to kill someone won't announce it beforehand. They just will."
Kyung-Jun lowers his arm, having been caught in his bluff and contemplates your very nature at the core, stare lingering before shaking his head to himself and striding toward the door. As he opens it to step outside, he pivots and casts his attention on you once more. "That look... I hate it like crazy." It finally registers to you that he was circling back to what he said earlier. "Your eyes...." he pauses, gaze flitting back and forth between your own. "Some people will misunderstand and think you actually care."
With that, he leaves, and you're left in the dark wondering if by some people he was referring only to himself.
As you finally make it to the gymnasium, everyone is congregated in a circle, the atmosphere tense and somber. You slip in beside Jun-Hee with Yoon-Seo to your right cradling her phone.
"I gathered all of you here not to decide whom we should vote for, but to give up on voting for good," Jun-Hee starts, hushed murmurs spreading through the crowd.
"Abandon voting?" someone probes with uncertainty. "Are you sure about that?"
"If we vote, one person is guaranteed to die. If we don't, we all stay alive."
"What if we agree to this but someone votes in secret. What will you do then?"
Although Mi-Na wasn't outrightly rejecting the idea, you didn't think she was really in favor of it either, going by the questions she brought up, her wariness ran high. You didn't blame her for you could count on one hand those you without reasonable doubt one hundred percent trust.
"She has a point," Ji-Soo concurs. "How can we truly believe you that this is the best option for us all?" Yu-Jun doesn't chime in, settling for taking glances at his girlfriend as he quietly debates the suggestion.
"We should at least try to trust one another," Jun-Hee resolves. "We can collect the phones so no one will be allowed to vote."
Eun-Ha nods, deep in thought. "He's right. That'll work." You look over at her, analyzing her actions and statements up until now. Call it your astuteness or pure instinct, but she in no way, shape, or form struck you as a Mafia member.
Ji-Soo continues to dissect Jun-Hee's idea, not so readily agreeable. "Who's going to guard the phones, then? The person in charge might change their minds last minute."
She's not wrong per se, given that your classmates were willing to go through with murder, a small betrayal like this didn't seem too far fetch.
Yoon-Seo gestures with her phone to the center of the court. "In the middle. We can all keep watch over it."
"What if someone steals it?" Mi-Na adds in, looking around at everyone's faces lacking confidence. "I'm not doing it." She takes a step back, crossing her arms and hiding her phone. "Don't count on me handing in my phone."
"I think it's a decent plan," Yu-Jun speaks up weakly, daring to take a peek at his girlfriend this time, linking arms with her. "Let's give our phones, yeah?"
Ji-Soo retracts her arm, rounding on him, her open blouse flapping wildly. "Are you crazy?!"
As the couple argues back and forth much less strained than you expected, probably due to Yu-Jun's calm demeanor and ability to recognize Ji-Soo's short temper, it helps her simmer down somewhat, the two going on to hold a conversation despite their differences.
"Can't you live without your phone for a few minutes?!" Joo-Young outbursts against Mi-Na, reaching out toward her friend's mobile device.
Mi-Na evades Joo-Young's hands and sidesteps the circle. "Why the hell are you yelling at me?!" Angrily, she tugs her hair roller out from its strong hold on her bangs and tosses it to the floor in a show of defiance.
"Gosh, you all are noisy and annoying," Kyung-Jun bellows, everyone immediately shutting up. "Banjang is actually making sense for once. Why won't you cooperate?" Looks are thrown around the room, curious as to why Kyung-Jun is siding with Jun-Hee. He doesn't agree with anyone or follow the rules, gladly making his own to follow. When no one says a word, Kyung-Jun grits his teeth and fixes everyone with a menacing stare. "I'm not asking. I'm telling you to do it, and you better damn well listen to me when I'm being nice." He emphasizes the end of his sentence, purposefully throwing it in Hyun-Ho's direction, echoing the words relayed to him previously.
The wait that follows is excruciating after Kyung-Jun collects phones and thumps the trash can haphazardly into the center ring. You and Yoon-Seo had tied white ropes in a line and placed it around the receptacle, enclosing it within, almost like no-man's land.
[ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ɪs ᴀ ᴍɪɴᴜᴛᴇ ʟᴇғᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴠᴏᴛᴇ. ]
No matter how many times you hear the announcement, it still makes goosebumps run across your skin and your hair stand on end, habituated to expect the deathly siren to follow.
"Yah Prez, are you sure we'll be alright?" Seung-Bin probes, head in his hands and fingers running through his buzzed hair repetitively, visibly anxious.
Calmly, Jun-Hee replies to him but doesn't take his eyes away from the collection bin. "Let's just wait a little longer. It's not midnight yet."
"Fuck this shit..." Seung-Bin curses as he settles down, trying to manage his restlessness by wringing his hands in his lap instead.
All around you, your classmates are either sitting frozen with eyes unmoving from the center, biting their nails to the nub, or pulling their hair out in worry, scattered in various spots. Some are in chairs, others are on the floor, and the remaining are lying down like they've given up already.
You're no better, sitting cross-legged with your eyes transfixed on the clock by the exit sign, unwilling to remove your eyes from the second hand. 30 seconds to go. Every tick of the black plastic has your heart beating along with it, palpitations irregular and resoundingly loud in your ears. You don't realize you're bouncing your leg repeatedly against the heel of your foot below it until Jun-Hee lays a warm palm on the exposed skin of your knee, just below the cover of your skirt and you turn to him, his eyes silently questioning.
You nod and smile back, trying to not make it as strained as it feels. His touch is a welcoming distraction in forcing you to stop staring at the numbers on the clock you've been so focused on that the printed dots and dashes begin to blur into a swipe of black and white, hypnotizing you.
All of a sudden, Woo-Ram springs up, his metal hair skidding back as the legs screech against the wooden floors. He points with a shaky finger toward the clock. "Hey, hey, hey." He pats those next to him hurriedly. "It's past midnight now and there was no announcement. Did it work...?"
You whip your head toward the clock and sure enough, it was now well past twelve, time ticking by so much faster than when you were waiting on it.
"Have we made it?" So-Mi's eyes widen in shock, the first time you've seen a true reaction from her not screened by her fake acting.
"We did it..." Jun-Hee whispers as you both spring to your feet, unable to believe in the miracle of a loophole.
Joo-Young turns to Mi-Na, grabbing and shaking her in excitement. "It's over! We've beaten the game!"
Jun-Hee draws you into a triumphant hug, holding you close. You can feel the smile on his face as he presses his cheek against yours. He's squeezing you so tight, it almost lifts you off the ground, your arms winding around his neck as you stretch on tiptoes, celebrations breaking out all around you.
In a matter of seconds, the smile drops right off of your face and your throat closes up as the alarm blares incessantly, signaling a broken rule.
Jun-Hee's arms fall from around your waist as he falters back, staring at the intercom, almost wishing he could will it away.
[ ᴘᴀʀᴛɪᴄɪᴘᴀɴᴛs ᴍᴜsᴛ ᴠᴏᴛᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ɪᴅᴇɴᴛɪғʏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀғɪᴀ. ]
Without a second thought, Joo-Young scurries toward the trash can of phones.
"What are you doing?!" Hyun-Ho yells to closed ears.
"What does it look like I'm doing?" Joo-Young counters, spinning around to look at him, crazed. "Nothing else but grabbing my phone." She gestures wildly at everyone's sheer panic. "And if we do nothing only to die? Are you going to take responsibility?!"
"You can't return lost lives and you know it," Mi-Na reiterates, hastily moving to where Joo-Young is standing right on the ropes acting as a barrier.
"Wait..." Jun-Hee splutters.
"For what are we hesitating? We're still doomed," Joo-Young says with frustration.
"Stop blaming Jun-hee and settle down," So-Mi states from her spot on a chair, unmoving. Her friends listen to her for the time being and you wonder what she has over their heads that they willingly cater to her and heed her every beck and call.
Mi-Na's abrupt scream pierces the room as a body unexpectedly drops from atop the bleachers onto the floor with a sickening thud.
Your blood runs cold as you eye your fellow classmate, knowing a drop from that height would've crushed her organs resulting in internal hemorrhage with only fatality as the outcome.
There's no salvation.
Your hands shake and you have to clasp them together hard enough that your knuckles lose all color. Even then, they continue to tremble.
You wonder belatedly if in this position you could pray. Would the gods offer saving grace, or have they abandoned you too?
Instantaneously, another body plops down on top of the previous one, the impact so hard the corpses rebound off the ground before plopping with listless limbs back to the floor, the cracking of bones clacking.
Blood pools, a sea of red expanding vaster and vaster.
[ ғᴏʀ ʙʀᴇᴀᴋɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴜʟᴇs, ʟᴇᴇ sᴏᴏ-ʙɪɴ ᴀɴᴅ ᴘᴀʀᴋ ᴊɪ-ʜᴏᴏɴ, ᴡʜᴏ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ʙᴏᴛʜ ᴄɪᴛɪᴢᴇɴs, ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴇxᴇᴄᴜᴛᴇᴅ. ]
"Grab your phones if you don't want to wind up like them!" Kyung-Jun shouts across the gymnasium as someone chucks the trash can overhead and phones scatter every which way.
Complete pandemonium and utter chaos ensue as every single person resort to crawling on all fours to locate their phones, no less like grave sinners atoning for their wrongdoings, groveling for leniency and forgiveness.
[ ғᴏʀ ʙʀᴇᴀᴋɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴜʟᴇs, ᴏʜ ᴊɪɴ-sᴇᴏᴋ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴇxᴇᴄᴜᴛᴇᴅ. ᴏʜ ᴊɪɴ-sᴇᴏᴋ ᴡᴀs ᴀ ᴄɪᴛɪᴢᴇɴ.]
Jun-Hee's legs give out and he falls onto the floor, staring lifelessly into the void of the room, unblinking, overcome by the burden of guilt and the deaths he sentenced innocent individuals to inadvertently.
"Jun-Hee..." you call out weakly as you kneel beside him, receiving no answer for the first time.
A deafening silence befalls upon the room as bodies continue to barrage down with every passing minute from the rafters, lifeless forms hurtling to the ground with abandon amidst the crimson flashing lights.
The danger.
The warning signs.
Red as pure evil.
Why didn't anyone see it sooner?
Why didn't you?
But how could you? When Jun-Hee's still here in front of you, dressed in white, like a fallen angel succumbed to watching human suffering. Your eyes can only see him even in the shroud of red, but you're forced to remove your rose-tinted glasses. No, this shade of red isn't the color of love, of ardor, or of vitality.
It is the color that dyes the remnants of anger, uncontrolled flames, and stains of blood.
Not even the gentle flashes of white associated with light, goodness, and transcendence can mask the deep hue permeating all around.
Instead of peace, you see madness.
Instead of bliss, you see misery.
Instead of life, you see death.
No more did the divine exist in white.
The gods aren't here—you're all alone.
Yet, try as you might, how can you dare to blame the gods when humans are the most dangerous of all?
Plain naïve.
You had hoped—hoped so desperately.
But to hope is to risk disappointment. Now it's gone and left, leaving you exposed and vulnerable, clinging onto the shreds of previously existing innocent expectations.
The space has become a battlefield littered with bodies and drenched in torrents of blood.
Red meant war.
And you're losing the fight.
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© 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭 𝐠𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐟’ 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞. 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨, 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞, 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫-𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭. 𝐀𝐥𝐬𝐨, 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐞, 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞, 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐞, 𝐨𝐫 𝐮𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐢𝐭 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐚 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞.
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cornsoupflavour · 3 months
Which idol/celebrity has your favourite:
Side Profile
Overall Body
very long list of answers ahead
Eyes - Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie could look in my general direction and I would vaporise instantly. I would lose every staring contest with this woman, ever.
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Mouth - Jang Wonyoung
I don't have a particular favourite pair of lips, because I genuinely think all kinds are pretty. But if I had to choose, it'll be Jang Wonyoung's plump limps.
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Face - Momo Hirai / Sana Minatozaki
I couldn't really decide for this one, there are just so many I would put in this category, but if I had to choose, it's a tie between Momo Hirai and Sana Minatozaki.
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Bust - Momo Hirai / Kwon Eunbi / Jeewon
I'm somehow even more indecisive for bust. There are so many idols and celebrities I could've put here, but I managed to shave it down to just three of my all-time favourites; Momo Hirai, Kwon Eunbi and Kim Jiwon/Jeewon.
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Midriff - Jeon Somi / Sullyoon
I'm not really a midriff kinda guy, it usually doesn't occur to me if I do find someone's midriff attractive. But I think of all the midriffs I've seen, Jeon Somi's and Seol Yoon-A/Sullyoon's have definitely stood out. Sometimes they look unreal, but that's commentary on the K-Pop industry and not the idols themselves.
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Back - Mina Myoi / Hayley Atwell
Mina Myoi has that sexy slender back and Hayley Atwell has that muscle mommy back. Two different types of backs that are still as beautiful as the other. Love me some Captain Carter.
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Butt - Kim Chaewon / An Yujin
I struggled hard with this one because there are many for this category. But I've got it down to two, not by how big they are, but by how much I like them for what they are. Presenting Kim Chaewon and An Yujin.
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Thighs - Sunmi
Thighs could be anyone, to be very honest. But I do remember my first proper idol Neuron Activated moment being Lee Sun-mi/Sunmi from her feature in the song Full Moon.
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Legs - Sunmi / Im Nayeon
Legs were another category I never really looked at but I usually would group them up with thighs. While on that note, Lee Sun-mi/Sunmi and Im Nayeon I feel have the best looking legs.
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Side Profile - Jurin
Side profile was much easier because, it's also another aspect I don't really look much at. But I'll have to give it to Jurin.
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Overall Body - Momo Hirai / Jeon Somi / Kwon Eunbi / Kim So-hee
This was the hardest for me. I didn't exactly have a favourite. There were so many more idols I would put here. But I limited it to being at most 3-4 per category. And the four for this category is Momo Hirai, Jeon Somi, Kwon Eunbi and Kim So-hee.
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so those are my answers for that. a lot of struggle with this list, i never had to think so hard to pick favourites before, i generally just like them all equally. there were some that i would say are honourable mentions like aespa, SECRET, EXID. maybe when i do another rendition of this.
also found out sohee's getting married and i physically fell to my knees and sobbed
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kdramaspace · 1 year
🔁 please consider reblogging to increase our sample size
as always, if you’d like to submit a potential POTW question, you may send in your submissions here.
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wysteriahigh-rpg · 8 months
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⛧ A-B-C-D ⛧
Anatchaya Suputhipong (Natty) - Brekker
Anton Lee - Gaku
Bae Joo Hyun (Irene) - Aqua
Barbara Palvin - Stone
Cha Eun Woo - Garfield
Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul (Ten) - Kira
Cho Mi Yeon - Serenade
Choi Beom Gyu - Destrie
Choi Soo Bin - Labyrinth
Choi Ye Na - BILLIE
Choi Yeon Jun - BILLIE
Chou Tzu Yu - soul
⛧ E-F-G-H ⛧
Fukutomi Tsuki - Brekker
Han Dong Min (Taesan) - Helyg
Han Yu Jin - Mimi
Hanni Pham - Labyrinth
Hong Eun Chae - Hina
Hwang Hyun Jin - Avalond
Hwang Ye Ji - soul
Kai Kamal Huening - Wari
⛧ I-J-K-L ⛧
Jake Shim - Gaku
Jang Won Young - Wari
Jeong Jun Ho - Rancid
Jeong Yun Oh (Jaehyun) - Mei
Jo Yuri - Baptism
Johnny Seo - Riv
Kim Dong Hyun (Lee Han) - Iridescent
Kim Jennie - Labyrinth
Kim Ji Woong - Howling
Kim Ji Soo - Zodiac
Kim Jong In - Kazu
Kim Min Ji - Helyg
Kim Min Jeong - BILLIE
Kim Sun Woo (Sunoo) - Helyg
Lalisa Manoban - Starlight
Lee Hee Seung - Rancid
Lee Ju Yeon - Helyg
Lee Min Ho (Lee Know) - Shota
Lee Tae Min - AKJ
⛧ M-N-O-P ⛧
Myoui Mina - Wari
Nakamoto Yuta - Ganamides
Ning Yi Zhou - Sillhvee
Nishimura Riki - Wari
Nakamura Kazuha - Bambi
Park Gun Wook - Silvergray
Park Sung Hoon - Baptism
Park Won Bin - Pierrot
⛧ Q-R-S-T ⛧
Park Jong Seong (Jay) - Mimi
Scarlet Leithold - Stone
Seol Yoon Ah - sweet.bubbles
Shen Quan Rui (Ricky) - Pantenom
Shin Ryu Jin - Gato
Son Chae Young -Gato
Song Ha Young - sakura
Sung Han Bin - BLOSSOM
⛧ U-V-W ⛧
Wen Junhui - soul
⛧ X-Y-Z ⛧
Ye Shuhua - Kuromi
Yang Jung Won - Brekker
Yoo Ji Min - amnesia
Zhang Hao - Mimi
Dracul - Wari
De Nile - Brekker
Emberfall - Rancid
Pierrot - Rivers
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shinyempirerpg · 1 year
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An Yu Jin (IVE) — Sugar Rush Cha Eun Woo — sunflower Christopher Bang — bluehour Choi Beom Gyu — LittleJoanna Choi San — sonogong Choi Soo Bin — Bonvoyage Choi Ye Rim — Cherry Choi Yeon Jun — Nahida
Fukutomi Tsuki — Eunoia
Hanni Pham — Kamek Han Yu Jin (ZB1) — Dumpling Hirai Momo — Kamek Hwang Hyun Jin — Némesis Hwang Ye Ji — Dalí
Jake Sim — Darimda Jang Won Young — jellypop Jeon Jung Kook — genos Jeon So Yeon — Bluey Jeon Won Woo — Zag Jeong Yun Oh — Blue Joshua Hong —sonogong Jung Woo Young — wang Kang Seul Gi — bluehour Kang Tae Hyun — shinyland Kim Chae Won — Kamek Kim Jennie — Promqueen Kim Ji Woong — Gaku Kim Ji Soo — Lynx Kim Min Ji— Hype Girl Kim Min Gyu — Than Kim Min Jeong (Winter) — Leixah Kim Seon Woo (Sunoo) — shinyland Kim Tae Hyung (V) — Bonvoyage Kim Yoo Jung — Pebbles Lalisa Manoban — Peach Lee Chae Min — Rotten Lee Chan (Dino) — Gatitos Lee Felix — shinyland Lee Min Ho (Lee Know) — Bonvoyage Lee Hee Seung — badlands Lee Ju Yeon — Nahida
Min Yoon Gi — Gatitos Minatozaki Sana — ReiRei Miyawaki Sakura — soul Myung Jae Hyun — Hype Girl Na Jae Min — poppy Nakamura Kazuha — ReiRei Naoi Rei — Darimda Ning Yi Zhuo — jellypop
Park Ji Won (ESteem Model) — Gaku Park Jong Seong (JAY) — butch Park Sung Ho — Hype Girl Park Sung Hoon — Dumpling
S-T-U Seol Yoon Ah — kitty Shen Quan Rui (Ricky) — Disaster Shim Ja Yoon — Nahida Shin Yu Na — Peach Sung Han Bin — Sugar Rush Song Yuqi — ReiRei Stephen Yoon (Keeho) — soul
Wang Yi Xiang (Nicholas) — Gaku Won Ji Min — whiskerssmile
Yang Jung Won — caracolcito Yoo Ji Min (Karina) — whiskerssmile Yoon Jeong Han — Darimda Zhang Hao — whiskerssmile Zhou Tzu Yu — darum
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
After a deadly earthquake turns Seoul into a lawless badland, a fearless huntsman springs into action to rescue a teenager abducted by a mad doctor. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Nam-san: Ma Dong-seok Yang Gi-su: Lee Hee-jun Choi Ji-wan: Lee Jun-young Han Su-na: Roh Jeong-eui Lee Eun-ho: Ahn Ji-hye Kwon Sang-sa: Park Ji-hoon Teacher: Jang Young-nam Tiger: Park Hyo-joon Yeon-su: Seong Byeong-suk Madame: Jung Young-ju Ju-ye: Lee Han-joo Director Choi: Park Sang-hoon Director Oh: Ahn Seong-bong Ju-ye’s Father: Jeong Gi-seop Ju-ye’s Mother: Kim Young-sun Western Grandfather: Sin Sin-beom Western’s Mother: Hong Yi-joo Film Crew: Production Design: Jo Hwa-seong Sound Supervisor: Kim Suk-won Editor: Nam Na-young Special Effects Supervisor: Jung Do-ahn Adaptation: Ma Dong-seok Lighting Director: Song Hyun-suk Director of Photography: Byun Bong-sun Production Sound Mixer: Jung Gun Producer: Choi Won-ki Makeup & Hair: Nam Ji-soo Special Effects Makeup Artist: Pi Dae-seong Digital Intermediate: Lee Hye-min Production Design: Park Gyu-bin Original Music Composer: Kim Dong-wook Editor: Ha Mi-ra Martial Arts Choreographer: Heo Myeong-haeng Writer: Kim Bo-tong Executive Producer: Byun Seung-min Martial Arts Choreographer: Yoon Seong-min Original Story: Kim Dong-gyun Adaptation: Kim Chang-hoon Writer: Kwak Jae-min Executive Producer: Choi Byeong-hwan Special Effects Makeup Artist: Seol Ha-un Props: Kang Shin-hong Key Grip: Lee Hyun-gyu Special Effects Supervisor: Im Jong-hyeok Line Producer: Choi Su-im Visual Effects: Yuk Gwan-woo Movie Reviews: Chris Sawin: The film features some hard-hitting and explosive action sequences that will rightfully cater to fans of the genre. The battle in the basement of the apartment building, where we see Nam-san use a shotgun to blast his way through some of the doctor’s ‘enhanced’ individuals, is a total exhilarating blast. Ma Dong-seok has been a powerhouse for most of his career post Train to Busan, but he sends people flying whenever he throws his fist or pulls the trigger. _Badland Hunters_ also has to break a record for most decapitations in a film. **Full review:** https://bit.ly/bdlndhntr MovieGuys: Badland Hunters does something things well, others just passably. Action is wall to wall and well choreographed.Special effects are excellent. Characterisations are solid if predictable and the acting is not to be sniffed at. However, the story is unremarkable, with a climax that feels, well, anti climatic. In summary, an okay but hardly exceptional watch, that would have benefited from more creativity on the storytelling front. Ritesh Mohapatra: “Badland Hunters: A Visually Striking Action Spectacle with Narrative Shortcomings” In this post-apocalyptic action thriller, Badland Hunters, while suffering from a repetitive and clichéd plot and uninteresting characters, excels in stunning hand-to-hand choreography and scintillating action set pieces. The film benefits greatly from the expertise of its veteran stunt coordinator turned director, known for his work on Train to Busan. Commendable world-building, visionary concepts, and excellent VFX are hindered by conventional writing. The short, crisply edited runtime avoids unnecessary elements. Don Lee’s exceptional portrayal of Nam-san, with exhilarating action sequences, overshadows the film’s narrative weaknesses, making it a guiltily satisfying popcorn-worthy entertainer, particularly for adrenaline enthusiasts. Instagram & X @streamgenx.
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junksoxee · 4 months
1. Heavy Snow (2023)
Role: Seol
1. Reunited Worlds (2017)
Role: Lee Seo-won
2. Money Flowers (2017)
Role: Yoon Seo-won
3. 100 Days My Prince (2018)
Role: Kim So-hye
4. After the Rain (2018)
Role: Soo-jin (Cameo, one-act drama)
5. Abyss (2019)
Role: Jang Hee-jin / Oh Su-jin
6. The World of the Married (2020)
Role: Yeo Dakyeong
7. Nevertheless (2021)
Role: Yoo Nabi
8. My Name (2021)
Role: Yoon Ji-woo / Oh Hye-jin
9. Soundtrack #1 (2022)
Role: Lee Eun-soo
10. Gyeongseong Creature (2023)
Role: Yoon Chae-ok
11. Gyeongseong Creature Season 2 (2024)
Role: Yoon Chae-ok
Music Video
1. “Tell Me What To Do” by Shine (2016)
2. “That Girl” by Jung Yong-hwa (feat. Loco) (2017)
3. “The Hardest Part” by Rok Kim (2018)
4. “You & I” by MeloMance (2019)
5. “Seven” by Jungkook (feat. Latto) (2023)
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chants-de-rome · 5 months
Elegance de Muse
Name: Kim Ji Won (김지원) Birthday: October 19, 1992 Zodiac Sign: Libra Height: 164 cm (5’5″) Instagram: @geewonii Facebook: OfficialKimJiWon1
Kim Ji Won Facts: – She was born in Geumcheon District, South Korea. – She has an older sister. – Education: Dongguk University. – She is a former actress under Agent Lionmedia. – She is now currently under King Kong Entertainment. – Her nickname is “Little Kim Tae Hee” as she is alike to her. – She would like to shoot a household appliance commercial in the future. – She made her acting debut in Japan in 2012. – She is friends with actress Park Shin Hye. – She likes to listen to 70s and 80s music. – Kim Ji Won’s ideal type: Someone who makes sacrifices for their significant other.
Kim Ji Won Movies: Detective K: Secret of the Living Dead (조선명탐정: 흡혈괴마의 비밀) | 2018 – Wol YoungHorror Stories 2 (무서운 이야기 2) | 2013 – Sa Tan Hee Horror Stories (무서운 이야기) | 2012 – Herself Romantic Heaven (로맨틱 헤븐) | 2011 – Choi Mi Mi
Kim Ji Won Drama Series: Arthdal Chronicles (아스달 연대기) | tvN / 2019 – Tan Ya Mr. Sunshine (미스터 션샤인) | tvN / 2018 – Hui Jin (cameo ep. 1)Fight for My Way (쌈 마이웨이) | KBS2 / 2017 – Choi Ae Ra Descendants of the Sun (태양의 후예) | KBS2 / 2016 – Yoon Myung Ju Hidden Identity (신분을 숨겨라) | tvN / 2015 – Min Tae Hee (cameo) Gap-dong (갑동이) | tvN / 2014 – Ma Ji Wool The Heirs (상속자들) | SBS / 2013 – Rachel Yoo To The Beautiful You (아름다운 그대에게) | SBS / 2012 – Seol Han Na What’s Up? (왓츠업) | MBN / 2011-2012 – Park Tae Yi High Kick 3: Revenge of the Short Legged (하이킥: 짧은 다리의 역습) | MBC / 2011-2012 – Kim Ji Won
Kim Ji Won Awards: 2017 KBS Drama Awards | Excellence Award, Actress in a Miniseries (“Fight for My Way”) 2017 KBS Drama Awards | Female Netizen Award (“Fight for My Way”) 2017 KBS Drama Awards | Best Couple Award with Park Seo Joon (“Fight for My Way”)2016 KBS Drama Awards | Excellence Award, Actress in a Miniseries (“Descendants of the Sun”) 2016 KBS Drama Awards | Best New Actress (“Descendants of the Sun”) 2016 KBS Drama Awards | Best Couple Award with Jin Goo (“Descendants of the Sun”) 2016 APAN Star Awards | Best Supporting Actress (“Descendants of the Sun”) 2013 SBS Drama Awards | New Star Award (“The Heirs”)
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consumeronionbulletin · 6 months
You Raise Me Up (2021)
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This show is different. It's a short comedy-drama about a guy who is going through it.
In the first episode, the main lead (Yoon Shi Yoon as Do Young Shik) meets his high school sweetheart (Ahn Hee Yeon / Hani as Dr. Lee Ru Da) who is an erectile dysfunction doctor and is going to help fix him. Only not really. She is also going through it a bit because she keeps trying to break up with her current boyfriend who's a bit of a d-bag. He's a doctor at the clinic so she has to see him all the time. Ugh....
The two leads are pretty good with the humor and their chemistry is okay, though the show is definitely more of a comedy than a romance. The rest of the cast is a mixed bag, though Kim Seol Jin (who plays a trans-femme Shaman named "Jennifer") is pretty entertaining.
The show has a love triangle running throughout (which I hate), but the series is pretty short and there's not a whole lot of "Which one will she choose???" drama going on, so it was less offensive than most love triangles. That whole thing is more about how they both screwed up and should just admit it's broken and move on.
If you like dick jokes, jokes about being a jobless loser, jokes about incompetent doctors, and seeing 30 year olds in bad wigs pretend to be in high school, then this show has you covered. The episodes and series are short enough that you can pick it up and give it a try without alot of investment, which I also appreciate.
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korelist · 1 year
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı : 8,1 Benim puanım:  9
Drama: Fight for My Way (English title) / Fight, My Way (literal title)
Hangul: 쌈, 마이웨이
Director: Lee Na-Jeong
Writer: Im Sang-Choon
Producer: Moon Joon-Ha
Episodes: 16
Date: 2017
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Park Seo-Joon, Kim Ji-Won, Ahn Jae-Hong, Song Ha-Yoon, Jeon Bae-Su, Kwak Dong-Yeon, Choi Woo-Sik
2017 KBS Drama Awards - December 31, 2017
Excellent Actor (mini series) (Park Seo-Joon)
Excellent Actress (mini series) (Kim Ji-Won)
Best New Actor (Ahn Jae-Hong)
Best Supporting Actor (Kim Sung-Oh)
Netizen Award (Park Seo-Joon & Kim Ji-Won)
Best Drama OST
Best Couple Award (Park Seo-Joon & Kim Ji-Won)
2017 (10th) Korea Drama Awards - October 2, 2017
Excellent Actress (Song Ha-Yoon)
 Birinci bölüme 3 kere baştan başlayıp daha sonra izlemek için ötelediğim bir diziydi. İtaewon Class izledikten sonra bu dizide de Park Seo-Joon ‘un oynadığını öğrenince izlemek için nedenim olmuş oldu. Hatta oyuncunun o olduğuna çok zor ikna oldum diyebilirim. Gerçekten tipinden önce oyunculuğunu beğendiğim aktörler arasında bir numaraya yerleştirdim. Kısaca konusundan bahsedip yorumlara geçeyim. Çocukluktan beri arkadaş olan 4 kişinin hayallerinin peşinden koşma macerasını izliyoruz. “Slice of life” diyebileceğimiz tarzda bir konusu var. Aslında birinci bölüme 3 kez tekrar başlamamdaki neden de biraz bu durağanlıktan kaynaklanıyordu. 3.bölüme geldikten sonra dizi akmaya başlıyor.
Dizide hikayelerini anlatmaya lise yıllarından başlanıyor. İlerleyen bölümlerde dahada küçüklüklerine dair flashbackler de gösteriyorlar. Senaryo da ikinci kadın, ikindi adam hikayeleri olsa da sinir bozucu değillerdi. Gereğinden fazla uzatılmıyor. En kendine çeken tarafı ise genç yaşta büyük başarılar elde etmiş ütopik karakterler yerine, listede kurdukları hayallerin hiçbirini gerçekleştirememiş hayatın içinde bocalayan karakterler olmasıydı. Eskiden beri refleks olarak birbirlerini koruyup kollamaları izleyicide güzel duygular uyandırmayı başarıyordu.
Zengin, kariyer sahibi karakterler yerine daha normal hayatları görmek, dizinin içine çekilmeye yetiyordu. İlk bölümlerde Kwak Dong-Yeon’u namı diğer Vincenzo’nun brother’ını konuk oyuncu tadında görmek beni mutlu etti. Ayrıca hikayede kendi ayakları üstünde durabilen kadın karakterler görmek her zaman artı puan kazandırdığını söylemeliyim. Yan karakterler olsun, ana karakterler olsun hepsi güçlü bir resim çiziyordu.
Park Seo-Joon’un oyunculuğuna o kadar kaptırıyorsunuz ki, dizideki gizli özneler gözden kaçabiliyor. O nedenle bir tanesini belirtmekte fayda olduğunu düşünüyorum. Park Moo-Bin karakterini canlandıran Choi Woo-Sik. Hem sevimli, hem sempatik olmasının yanı sıra eğlenceli bir oyuncuydu. Tanıştığıma memnun oldum. Bir nevi ikinci adam olarak diziye girdi.
Konuya dönecek olursam; Ko Dong-Man(Park Seo-Joon), lise yıllarda tekvando sporu ile ilgilenen başarılı bir öğrencidir. Bir turnuva sırasında sakat kardeşi için şike mevzusuna karışır ve bilinçli bir şekilde yenilir. Bu olaydan sonra kendisine bu durumu yediremediği için tekvandoyu bırakır. Onun adına; olmak istediği kişi ve olması gereken kişi arasında kendi ile yaşadığı mücadeleye tanık oluyoruz. Choi Ae-Ra(Kim Ji-Won)’nın ise lise yıllarında tek hayali spiker olmaktır. Ancak büyüyüp hayatın içinde kaybolmuştur. Hayatını devam ettirebilmek için geçici işlerde çalışmış, hayali olan mikrofonu ise bir mağazada resepsiyonda kullanabilmektedir. Baek Seol-Hee (Song Ha-Yoon), lisede hayali evlenip anne olmak olan bu kızımız ise, bir şirkette yoğun saatler mesai harcayan bir çalışan olmuştur. Yükselme hırsları olmayan kendi halinde bir kızdır. Choi Ae-Ra’nın yakın arkadaşıdır. Aynı zamanda Ko Dong-Man’ın yakın arkadaşı olan Kim Joo-Man (Ahn Jae-Hong) uzun zamandır sevgilidirler. Kim Joo-Man (Ahn Jae-Hong) ise Seol-Hee ile aynı şirkette yönetim kadrosunda çalışandır. Şirkette sürekli üstleri tarafından kullanılan, yükselmek için her türlü muameleye göz yuman bu arkadaşımız, hayatta bir şeylere adım atmak için pozisyonunun düzelmesini beklemektedir.
Aslında izlerken beni rahatsız eden bir şey olmadı. Gereksiz duygusallıklar, hırslar, tripler, yanlış anlamalar yani olumsuz hiçbir şey yoktu. Oyuncular ve oyunculuklarda çok yerinde ve dozundaydı. Kimse dizi içerisinde olmasaydı keşke demedim. Kim Ji-Won’u “Descendants of the sun” dizisinde sert asker rolü ile hatırlıyorum. O da Park Seo-Joon gibi bambaşka bir karakter ve oyunculuk ile bizi şaşırtmayı başardı. Başrol dörtlüsünün enerjileri öyle yüksekti ki, her biri parıl parıl parlıyordu.
Başrolün sürekli kazandığı, en başarılı olduğu, en güzel, en zengin olduğu bir yapım olmadığından izlerken ne olacağını kestiremiyorsunuz. Hayatta her an her şey olabilir tadında bir ilerleyiş var. Örneğin dövüş sahnelerinde başrolün kazanacağının hiçbir garantisini vermiyorlar. Tabi ki kurgu bir hikaye olması nedeni ile normalde başımıza gelmeyecek güzelliklerin gerçekleşmesine de şahit olmuyor değilsiniz. Dizinin belgesel olmasını bir yerde engellemeleri gerekiyor, o yüzden kabul edilebilir güzelliklerdi.
Günün sonunda toparlayacak olursak, Kore dizilerinin genelinde ilk 3 bölümü atlatmak diye bir kavram var. Bu dizi de hayattan bir kesit anlatmasından dolayı bir iki bölümden sonra açılıyor. Güzel zaman geçirtiyor. Tavsiye eder miyim, evet ederim.
BTOB - Ambiguous
Raven Melus
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