#yoon jong woo boys planet
ipanji · 1 year
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Princess Yoon and Knight Chang
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greendragon-13 · 1 year
Not a single main rapper in the entire group. Which sucks cuz now a boy who probably wants to be a singer is going to have to move into that role, and the great rappers are left behind.
I want to like this group for couple of them (SHanbin, Matthew, Jiwoong), but as a whole they don't work for me. Hopefully by the time they release a song I'll have had a chance to let the disappointment dissipate. I'm just so sad for Jongwoo, PHanbin and Keita right now.
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jebewonmorelike · 1 year
Being Jiwoong & Jongwoo's Baby
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basically a yujin & matthew pov wc: 400 warnings: as fluffy as cotton candy pronouns: none used; mentions you being a fellow trainee/contestant but we're just having fun pretending here ~bp masterlist~ ♡ ~kofi (no pressure at all)~ enjoy this headcanon of what it's like to be "adopted" by jongwoo & jiwoong. i'm not responsible for the deep sadness you will feel when you realize you can never live this perfectly adorable fantasy. xx
- jongwoo is mother hen and there will be no discourse surrounding that
- dotes on you 24/7; always asking if you’re hungry or thirsty or need rest
- takes tons of pictures of you making the ugliest faces and uses them as blackmail if you try to deny his cuddles
- jiwoong can seem intimidating to some, but he’s always acting like the goofy father around you
- he's even started writing down new dad jokes in his notes app so he won't forget to tell them to you
- he's always met by the loudest groan from both you and jongwoo
- but that's his favorite part
- other trainees want to recruit you for their group each week, but one parent or the other always snatches you up first
- you don’t mind
- except when jongwoo or jiwoong push you too hard during practice
- they can’t help it: they expect more of you
- it’s because they’re the only ones who really see your true potential
- sometimes they scold you or make you repeat a part of the dance so much that you can’t help but start to choke up
- but you get lots of hugs and pep talks after the sight of your tears softens them
- “you could be the best, kiddo. let’s get you to the top together”
- the perks are endless though
- you always have a place to sit (jongwoo’s lap)
- they buy you lots of food and make sure you eat well
- sometimes jongwoo spoon feeds you
- he insists he's just joking around
- (he's not)
- jiwoong gives forehead kisses like his life depends on it
- when mentors give unnecessarily harsh feedback, jiwoong and jongwoo don’t stand up for themselves or each other but…
- they always try to stand up for you
- you’re their baby
- they're willing to risk their pride on your behalf
- late nights spent filming tiktok dance covers together
- they always let you be the center of course
- constant teasing from both of them, you literally get no breaks from hearing how adorable you are
- “seriously! who made you so cute, huh?” jiwoong whines, squishing both of your cheeks together with one hand
- jongwoo squeezing you tighter and replying:
- “i’m comfortable taking the blame"
- “you would be,” jiwoong replies, rolling his eyes. “but you get your looks from your dad"
- “watch it"
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jaiikeu · 2 years
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I can not stop thinking about this guy
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how-to-be-a-tree · 8 months
Yoon Jong woo radiating "I can do both" ENERGY
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kimmysummers · 2 years
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I love you Seobin but I wouldn't mind watching a BL with them two. Nobody said it but Jong Woo is really hot!
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phantomyouth · 1 year
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Everyone stop what you’re doing and go vote for Yoon Jong Woo (while you’re at it, might as well vote for Kim Ji Woong and Han Yu Jin too 🤗)
*Gifs not mine*
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prk-gunwook · 1 year
Your Boys Planet writing is so good! <3 How about another fluffy one? Maybe their reaction to reader doing something cute/romantic for them like buying them a gift without an occasion or baking them cookies or something? Boys of your choice but I'd love if you include Jongwoo & Keita :)
BOYS PLANET — reactions to a gift
INCLUDES || sung hanbin | zhang hao | terazono keita | yoon jongwoo
GENRE || tooth-rotting fluff
WORD COUNT || 2.2k
NOTES || tysm for the kind words !! ofc i will include my fav boys keita and jong woo <3 lmk if you’d like a part two with the other boys— i got a bit carried away writing this, so it ended up way longer than i anticipated !!
ꉂ — 𖥦 ♡ ,, SUNG HANBIN 𖥻 ❛ a new shirt ❜
SUNG HANBIN thinks you are his better half; the blood of his past mistakes spills from his lips and his mind and yet you are always there, ready to wipe away the dribbling crimson from his features with a soft hand and an even softer smile. Oftentimes he feels like a schoolboy with a crush, like he should pull at your hair for attention or kick you from beneath his desk.
Really, what did he do to earn someone so caring, someone so effortlessly generous? You joke you used up all your luck in getting to be with someone like him, but then what has he given for you? His hourglass of luck has been flipped upside down and inside out just to get a glimpse at you.
It shouldn’t be a surprise you gift him something when he hasn’t even asked for it— when he has mentioned needing it briefly in passing once or twice, hardly on his mind for longer than a second, but you picked up on it.
“Do you like it?” You ask nervously, wringing your hands as Hanbin stares at his reflection in the mirror. You’d brought home a new shirt for him— one that was expensive, of quality you’d never spend on yourself, but that you’d bought because it was for him.
Hanbin rolls the sleeves up, his forearms on display as he examines his reflection.
“I’d love anything from you,” He says, as if it were a simple fact. To him, it was. Your eyebrows furrow inward slightly, a sign of displeasure, and he turns to face you. “What?”
“I don’t want you to like it because it’s from me. I want you to like it because you… well, because you like it,” You say, lamely gesturing at the ground as if it would prove your point.
Hanbin merely smiles at you, reaching up a hand to affectionately ruffle your hair.
“You know me better than anyone. Of course I love it, idiot,” He tells you, his voice cased in a teasing lilt. You bite back a satisfied smile, opting instead to huff as you fix the collar for him (Hanbin had a bad habit of flipping the collar portion of shirts upwards, which bothered you to no end).
You feel the press of a soft kiss to your forehead as your hands move down to smooth out the fabric. “I love you,” He murmurs into your hair.
He needn’t say it; Sung Hanbin loves you so much it emanates off him in waves. He loves you like you are a child of the cosmos, like you are the ruler of his own personal world and life. And you love him just the same.
ꉂ — 𖥦 ♡ ,, ZHANG HAO 𖥻 ❛ hair clips ❜
ZHANG HAO, contrary to what you may think, loves fiercely, like a flame burning bright for only you. His words are liquid amber dripping down your ears, his kisses like a lighter setting your personal wax candle aflame. Zhang Hao is all of wintry branches and warm breezes, sticky-sweet toffee and bitter coffee.
He’s undeniable in his fiery spirit and gripping eyes, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. He shows his love in affirmative words and soft touches— and you reciprocate. Neither of you gift the other things very often, and that’s never been a problem. It’s just not your style.
However, you couldn’t pass by a pack of emoji hair clips Hao didn’t yet own and not get them for him. That would be blasphemy.
You simply drop the pack of emoji clips on his bedside table, not bothering to leave a note or any indication it was you. Your Hao was smart, he’d know.
Likewise, he never gave any indication he ever received them, or that the clips hadn’t been a part of his collection to begin with. But you noticed, of course, that the next day his mess of dark hair was adorned with a new moon emoji clip.
He didn’t say thank you— well, not with words.
Hao looks at you like he’s hallucinating a halo atop your head, like he sees two wings sprouting behind your back and unfolding like a crisp book. And maybe he does; in his world, the sun revolves and spins around you. He is just one of many admirers, because he thinks you must have several hundred with how wonderful you are.
You don’t need to tell him you bought those clips with him in mind. No words are exchanged, but a million are said; “I thought of you and your stupid hair clips”, “These are from me”, “I love you enough to think of you all the time”.
A few weeks later (during which he has not worn a single hair clip not from the packet you bought him), a small box appears on your nightstand. When you open it, a collection of bright and colorful stickers fall out onto your lap. You know, instantly, these are from Hao (who constantly complains about the sheer amount of stickers decorating every piece of furniture the two of you own).
You sort through them, a smile breaking out when you land on the final sticker, not in a pack like the rest. This one was clearly cut out from another, placed deliberately among the others.
“I love you,” in bright, bold letters, with a combination of emojis surrounding it.
ꉂ — 𖥦 ♡ ,, TERAZONO KEITA 𖥻 ❛ blankets ❜
KEITA sometimes wonders if you are a dog. He read somewhere that dogs like to be underneath things or between their owner’s legs because it makes them feel safe; currently, you’re bundled beneath about seven blankets of varying colors and textures, head just barely poking out to be seen.
He thinks he’s never seen anything cuter.
Keita isn’t used to being loved as strongly as you love him— you love him as if something may take him away at every waking moment, as if he will slip between your fingers, as if you are the luckiest person on earth to be able to spend a single second in his presence.
That doesn’t make any sense in his mind. But perhaps it’s like butterflies (he needs to stop comparing you to animals, he thinks to himself), and how they’re unable to see just how beautiful their wings are because they’re always behind them.
“Keita!” Comes your voice, muffled beneath the several layers of fluff. “Open up my backpack, the biggest pocket!”
He gives you an unimpressed look, his thoughts clearly communicated through only his gaze; you seriously can’t do it yourself?
“Just do it!” You huff, trying to move underneath the crushing weight of ten thousand blankets. You remind him briefly of when cats step on sticky notes and start flailing around (yet another animal comparison, he scolds himself), although he follows your orders and treads toward your bag obediently. Perhaps he’s the dog, after all, with how he follows you loyally.
It wouldn’t be the worst thing to be, he muses. Keita would follow you to the ends of the Earth if the situation arose, and he would do so without hesitation.
His fingers move deftly to unzip the bag, a mass of fluffy white greeting him. His first thought is, My god, did I manifest her getting a dog?, followed by, My god, it’s another blanket!
“You can’t be serious,” He says, pulling the blanket out from the bag. He feels a bit like a magician pulling a scarf out of a jacket pocket for a second, with how the blanket seems to just keep coming. You nod eagerly, wiggling around like a caterpillar in a cocoon (seriously, what is wrong with him? That’s the fourth one in five minutes) in an attempt to free one of your arms. You give up after a few seconds of struggling, instead opting to nudge your head in his direction.
“It’s for you!” You exclaim, as if you’ve just gifted him the greatest prize on earth. He can’t help the huff of laughter that escapes him as he examines the blanket. It’s similar to one you own, he realizes, your favorite blanket that he tends to steal when he gets cold. “Come on, join me in the blanket pile!”
“You are so dumb,” He comments, even as his smile grows ever bigger, eyes transforming into crescent moons. The gift is so innocuous— so entirely you— that he can’t help but treasure it.
When he turns to you, there’s a split second you can sense you’ve made a mistake. In the next second, he’s on top of you.
You can barely feel his body through the separation of all your blankets, but his weight crashes onto you violently and you fall off the couch, wriggling your cocooned-body around in an attempt to shake him off.
“Heathen!” You scream, turning around and around like some kind of spinning top. Keita just laughs, clinging onto you like a koala (that’s the fifth one, he counts in his head), as he spreads the blanket over both of your bodies.
Several hours later, you’re both still on the ground (but now you’re laying fully on top of Keita in an act of belated revenge, both of you snoozing peacefully in an outrageously large pile of blankets).
ꉂ — 𖥦 ♡ ,, YOON JONGWOO 𖥻 ❛ cookies ❜
YOON JONGWOO is pretty sure he’s a guardian angel fallen from heaven and you’re the human he was sworn to protect. Not only because he loves you so strongly it has to have some kind of explanation behind it, but because you’re dumb as a brick and surely would have died by now if he wasn’t always there to set things right.
Yes, Jongwoo loves you so strongly he’s sure if his admiration for you was a physical object it could stop bullet trains and shatter diamonds. He is eternally, devastatingly in love with you.
And as he watches smoke rise from your oven and you frantically wave a towel at it like it’ll do anything, he thanks whatever being let him fall down to earth to protect you. Because lord, how have you survived this long?
A tray of something (he thinks they’re supposed to be cookies, from the bag of chocolate chips on the counter and vaguely circular shape they take on) sits on the counter, burnt to charcoal and permeating the air with the smell of burnt sugar.
“You’re so goddamn stupid,” Jongwoo deadpans. You scream a little, whipping around to face him with an expression of both mortification and excitement (an interesting mix that he somehow finds endearing. Curse you and your stupidly attractive face). “Open the windows before the fire alarm goes off.”
“I’m sorry!” You squeak out, hurrying to follow his directions. He notices now that flour dusts your cheeks and nose, the apron hanging virtually useless on you. In fact, you seem to have gotten ingredients everywhere on you but the apron. It’s almost impressive. “I was trying to make cookies for you, but I took a nap halfway through and slept through the timer and—,”
Jongwoo interrupts you with a laugh, throaty and genuine, as he takes in the scene.
The kitchen; an absolute mess, a plethora of ingredients he doesn’t even think belong in cookies decorating the counter and floor. The oven, a steady stream of smoke still emanating from it, and the tray full of lumps of charcoal. And then you, hair a mess— is that an entire chunk of brown sugar in it?—, eyes wide, clothes stained and breathing heavy as you run around trying to open every available window. And, somehow, you’re still the most beautiful sight he’s ever seen and ever will see. He wonders for a moment if you’re the real angel between the two of you.
“It’s fine,” He says, stopping your long tirade of frazzled excuses and explanations. “I appreciate it, really. But…”
He grabs a ‘cookie’ using a paper towel, banging it against the counter and hearing a loud ‘thunk’ greet him in return.
“I don’t think we should eat these.”
You seem on the verge of tears, lip quivering and breathing shaky, so Jongwoo crosses the bit of space between you and wraps his arms around you.
“I really did try my best,” You say, worried that he was upset with you—or worse, thinks you incapable of basic motions. You’re usually a decent cook, you swear!
“I know,” He says, trying to discreetly pick the chunk of sugar from your hair since he’s pretty sure you haven’t noticed it yet. “And I love the thought.”
“If you really loved me you’d eat them,” You argue. He can tell you aren’t serious, but even the thought makes his nose scrunch up— he’s pretty sure he saw marmite out on the counter.
Jongwoo instead picks a cherry from the basket left untouched (probably the only thing in the kitchen left unscathed from your endeavor), and eats it.
“Does that satisfy you?” He asks, giving you a sweet kiss before you have the chance to answer. You can taste the cherry juice on his lips, and you’re sure he can taste the chocolate on yours, considering how many extra chocolate chips you ate.
“Take out for dinner?” You suggest against his lips. He nods, smiling into the kiss.
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boysplanetrecaps · 1 year
Boys Planet Eps 9-10 Recap: Switch
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Hello, lovies! As you may know, I already wrote a recap/master post for episode 9, and another one for episode 10. This recap focuses just on the stuff that’s relevant to team “Switch” -- so their rehearsal period in episode 9 as well as their rehearsal footage and performance in episode 10. But you’ll have to switch to the full post first, which is my cheesy way of saying to click read more! 🙂
The Trainees Here’s a list of the trainees in this group along with their rank as of episode 8 and their two previous missions:
Kim Tae Rae 7 / Back Door -K / Man in Love
Keita 8/ Kill This Love - G / Zoom
Park Hanbin 13/ Hot Sauce - K / Law
Yoon Jong Woo 15 / Back Door - K /Home
Na Kamden 20 / Back Door - G / Law
Zhang Shuai Bo 23 / Back Door - G / Feel Special
The First Rehearsal Segment
At 31:45 of episode 9, we visit with team Switch for four whole minutes!
They start by deciding who would get the killing part, and Yoon Jong Woo says he doesn’t want it because it’s all about confidence, and he has none. Also, I kind of get the feeling that he's a little over the whole thing. Can't blame him, but I hope he shakes that off.
But you know who does want the killing part? - the formerly blue haired Park Hanbin. 
Surely, though, he won’t be able to do a good audition? He can’t learn the choreo that fast? 
But he gets up and does the killing part for his team and does it flawlessly. Better than Kamden, who has had a week to prepare. TaeRae, comparing Hanbin’s dance to the video on the tablet, says, “how much did he practice?” (We’ll come back to that in a second….) 
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What happened is this:
Park Hanbin looked at the numbers. He knew his initial team, En Garde, would almost certainly lose all or most of Ji Yun Seo, Lee Ye Dam, Oh Sung Min, and Hiroto. Hanbin knew that if Hiroto or one of the other three survived elimination, then his team would have one extra trainee. They’d probably vote out Hiroto, or whoever else survived, which would mean that Park Hanbin would be stuck with his 10 seconds of subvocal 3 as his only contribution to the team. There was a vanishingly slim chance that Kum Jun Heon or Park Gunwook was going to yield the killing part to him, or that his team would award it to him from merit. So, betting on the chance that at least one of Hiroto, YunSeo, YeDam, or Sungmin would make it, Hanbin learned the choreography to Switch, while also learning the choreography to En Garde, with the plan of volunteering to switch to Switch. 
You guys, I told that story to my fella, and he was like, “that is some Rian Johnson, Knives Out, Poker Face level of machination and plot surprise,” and I was like, yeah. Accurate. 
I don’t think that Park Hanbin liked Switch better the whole time or anything like that. He asked the Star Creators to put him in En Garde. But Hanbin wanted a Killing Part, and he was willing to work twice as hard as anyone else in order to get it. 
Now, what about Kim TaeRae? I think that Hanbin and TaeRae talked about this ahead of time. Remember, they’re both with WakeOne. They auditioned together at the Star Level Test. TaeRae is a vocalist and probably relies on Hanbin to help him with choreo when needed, at the agency. Hanbin knows that TaeRae isn’t a hyper-social butterfly, nor is he hyper-audacious, pushing for the parts he wants. TaeRae somehow or another didn’t get main vocal in Backdoor. Like, what the fuck? So Hanbin knew that someone other than TaeRae was likely to end up with that juicy subvocal-1 part in Say My Name. Not great for TaeRae. But meanwhile, Hanbin also knew that TaeRae is much beloved by the Star Creators, and is an excellent singer and a decent dancer. Hanbin knew that he, Hanbin, would be able to teach anyone how to dance. He also knew that having TaeRae on his team will benefit both his team and TaeRae, because it’ll ensure that TaeRae gets a main vocal part and it’ll ensure that his team has at least one top-9 trainee and at least one trainee who can sing really well. It’s win/win/win for Hanbin, TaeRae, and their team. Also, having TaeRae on his team meant that he’d have one more chingu who would be sure to vote for him to have the killing part. And also also, since TaeRae and Hanbin are both at WakeOne, what’s good for one is good for the other, because they’re undoubtedly going to debut together eventually and their fame and future success is tied together.
Notice how TaeRae asked, “How much did he practice?” when Hanbin did the killing part -- not “how does he know this?” or “did he practice this?” TaeRae already KNEW that Hanbin had been practicing this. He was only surprised as to the extent of it. That’s further proof that they talked about this in advance. 
I love this so much, and I just love Park Hanbin. That kid is the Jeon Soyeon of this batch of trainees. I mean, not necessarily in terms of song composition or whatnot, but in terms of brilliant strategy. Whether he debuts in Bepler or not, he’s going places. 
Also, Na Kamden is just a sweet guy, isn’t he? Losing the killing part, he just says, well, Hanbin is really good. You’re good too, Kamden! This whole team is pretty strong, and this is the performance I’m actually looking forward to the most at this point. 
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So here’s the part distribution -- wait, Keita is sub rapper 3? At first I thought that Keita must have been planning something, but as I watched more, I became less sure. Oh no...
Anyway, they start practicing, and the editing focuses on how TaeRae is having a little trouble learning the choreo. It's! Shocking! That a Main Vocal! Would have a little trouble! Learning choreo!!!! 
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Even his hair won't cooperate. Don’t worry. He has Hanbin there to beat the steps into him! 
Now, let’s skip to 30:00 in to Episode 10.  It’s D-Day and the boys come out on stage, all dressed in super bright colors.
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Key asks Hanbin about rehearsal, and we jump back to the team’s first meeting with the psychopath dance teacher. We’re reminded of how the team ended up together, and the dance teacher says that this is a good team, with several trainees who got a good result in the second challenge mission -- Hanbin came in first for Law, TaeRae came in first for Man in Love , JongWoo came in first for Home, and Keita came in first for Zoom. 
But their dancing isn’t perfect, how dare they not be perfect after like 12 hours of rehearsal?
Especially TaeRae, who at some points didn’t dance at all but just sort of walked because he is a VOCAL and was going to be SINGING at that point. (1) Aren’t they allowed to adjust the choreo? Isn’t that part of the assignment? And (2) Let me get this straight, you fucking psychopath -- you want TaeRae to be dancing “powerfully” WHILE HITTING THE B ABOVE MIDDLE C? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? That’s several notes higher than that high F# they made the boys hit in Na BiNa. This is fucking falsetto territory, and you want him to dance “powerfully” AT THE SAME TIME? I hate these dance teachers so much sometimes. Human beings have human bodies. Jesus Christ. This is why singing in Kpop is going down the drain -- because they want people to dance “powerfully” while hitting B4. 
The judge guy actually helps a bit (shocker, right?) by suggesting a modification for the choreo for TaeRae, but TaeRae doesn’t understand, so he makes him do it over and over like 19 times before getting off his lazy evil ass and showing him. 
That night, Hanbin asks Keita why Keita didn’t go for a bigger rapping part…
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Hey, I know what you readers like. 
… and Keita says, “I don’t have any energy left.” Keita interviews that he’s lost a lot of confidence. Oh no, Keita!! Oh NO!!!!  
Back at rehearsal, Na Kamden, who is really a good guy, hands over leadership to Park Hanbin, because he thinks -- no, he KNOWS -- that Hanbin will do a better job. Everyone at home is like, “wait, Hanbin wasn’t already the leader?” 
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They work on the dance, both the big picture and the details, sometimes over and over and over. 
Then, like the fucking genius and sweetheart that Hanbin is, he gets Keita involved in fixing up the choreo, which does two things: (1) re-energizes Keita and (2) utilizes their resources! Yes. 
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Just a little nudge from a friend seems to spur Keita back into action, and soon they’re all involved, all dancing. 
40:30 The Performance
So we skip to D-day. 
The judges are looking over the stage, which is set up to look a bit like an arcade, with bright day-glow colors. There’s an elevator door that is going up to the 9th floor -- referencing their desire to go up to the top9. 
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Out in the audience, Wumuti is spoiling it to the audience that the concept of the performance is that the boys are stuck in a video game world. The fact that he knows that is an indication of how much of the performance was determined by the boys who were in each group before The Great Reshuffling. This implies that a lot of the stuff the various teams are doing might be the result of the hard work of trainees who aren’t in that group anymore. This is all really messed up, MNET. 
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And the boys come out on stage to perform. It’s time!
My Take:
I know I’ll be in the minority here, but I actually like this song. I know, I know. But listen to the studio recording of it and maybe it'll grow on you. It's like a weird NCT song mated with a Black Pink song and had a child that mostly took after its father. But I'm fine with that. I also really liked the dance practice. I feel like I can focus more on how good their dancing is -- especially Yoon JongWoo, who is wearing white here, and seems to be trying his best to remind us that he would have been fucking fantastic in Over Me. They look like they’re having fun, like I just sort of want to jump up and join them dancing. They just have good chemistry and seem like friends. It’s one of those things that makes Twice so fun to watch, is the feeling that you’re watching a group of friends having fun rather than a group of coworkers forced to work together.
As for the Stage Performance: 
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Overall, they do a great job. I wish we saw more of Keita, and I wish the camera work and outfits let us more easily see their dancing, but it was a cute, fun, lively performance. I don't have a ton to say about it, but I enjoyed it. Hanbin was the standout for me in the live performance -- though I'm telling you, Yoon Jongwoo stands out in the dance practice I linked above, and I think he would have stood out a lot live as well. Kamden, Keita, and Z-Bo did well too. I thought it was all really cute and cheerful.
TaeRae’s live vocals sounded great, because I love his vocal color, but still, they are just a bit shaky here and there. I hope he gets some more vocal training because he really could be great. Baekyhun wasn’t perfect when he debuted either and with more time, he has better learned how to control that powerful instrument he was born with. TaeRae needs to work on his mix, and his agility, but I know he can get there. 
Afterwards, we find out that Zhang Shuai Bo got the lowest score, with an obviously punitive 402 points. You and I and he and all the other trainees know that this is the audience punishing Z-Bo for his “bad behavior” in earlier episodes, and I’m really sad for him, actually. I’ve come around to him -- yeah, it wasn’t cool to be passive aggressive with Solji, or to leave Woongki to sing the whole chorus by himself. Not cool, Z-Bo. But on further review of the situation, I think I was wrong to think that Z-Bo was being rude to Woongki in general -- Woongki has no animosity toward Z-Bo, so why should I? Plus, Z-Bo did a good job in his Switch performance and didn’t deserve such a low score. This was actually the first time that I really understood why some people are big fans of his -- he looked great on stage, actually! The dumb hair extensions really worked, the ugly pants looked good on him, I don’t know, he made it all work. But he seems resigned to his fate. 
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Who came in first? Well, obviously Park Hanbin, with 741 points. 
This is his third straight time coming in first in the mission.
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He’s slightly less amazed each time it happens.
He interviews that he’s starting to gain confidence. Well, I should hope so, lovey! 
That brings us pretty much to the end of this recap, but I do want to say that if you like slightly weird kpop songs, give Switch another try, ok? Listen to the official studio audio and use headphones. It’s actually a pretty cool song. It’s ok if it’s not your thing, I totally respect that, but I think the live performances on this show are consistently hampered by a poor mix -- the vocals stand out like it’s karaoke, and that’s not great for your overall enjoyment of the song. So it really can’t hurt to just give the song another try when you can really hear all the cool touches on the low and high ends. I’ve come to really like it. 
And that’s really the end! 
See you in the next one, lovies! It's Say My Name .
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k-nonsense · 2 years
My Current Boys Planet Top 9
(changes weekly)
1. Keita
2. Sung Hanbin
3. Seok Matthew
4. Park Hanbin
5. Yoon Jong Woo
6. Jay
7. Haruto
8. Zhang Hao
9. Kim Tae Rae
What is your current top 9?
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onepactbrasil · 1 year
O grupo masculino novato composto por ex-concorrentes do 'Boys Planet' atrai os fãs com sua inesperada formação de membros
Outro grupo masculino novato composto por ex-concorrentes do ' Boys Planet ' está se preparando para estrear em breve, seguindo nomes como ZEROBASEONE  EVNNE e  TIOT.
Estreando sob o selo Armada Entertainment , o grupo novato atende pelo nome de ONEPACT. Um aspecto que está chamando a atenção para este grupo é a sua formação inesperada de membros, revelando as consequências de uma série de mudanças de gravadora que parecem ter ocorrido após o fim de 'Boys Planet'. 
Os primeiros membros do ONEPACT, revelados na semana passada, em 26 de setembro, são Yoon Jong Woo , que apareceu no 'Boys Planet' como um trainee sem gravadora. Ele também é conhecido como ex-membro do grupo Black Level e terminou em 18º lugar geral durante 'Boys Planet'. 
Em seguida, ONEPACT anunciou Oh Seong Min como seu segundo membro, confirmando que o ex- membro do TO1 (conhecido como Jerome durante seus dias no TO1) se juntou à Armada Entertainment após se separar do Wake One no início deste ano.
O terceiro membro do grupo, revelado em 4 de outubro, é o ex- membro do Ciipher, Tag , também conhecido como Uhm Tae Gyun do 'School Rapper 4' da Mnet . Logo após o fim de 'Boys Planet', Tag deixou a Ciipher e a gravadora do grupo, Rain Company .
Por fim, o quarto membro do ONEPACT, apresentado em 5 de outubro, é Lee Ye Dam, vocalista principal da equipe. Tendo aparecido como trainee da LM Entertainment durante ‘Boys Planet’, Lee Ye Dam também já fez seu nome conhecido no programa de sobrevivência da SBS ‘ Loud ’. 
Com esses quatro membros revelados até agora, o ONEPACT apresentará mais membros do grupo em breve, em preparação para sua estreia oficial. 
fonte: https://www.allkpop.com/article/2023/10/rookie-boy-group-comprised-of-former-boys-planet-contestants-appeals-to-fans-with-its-unexpected-member-lineup
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greendragon-13 · 1 year
On the bright delusional side could we get a Jongwoo, Keita, PHanbin, Kamden, Seungeon, Jay, Haruto debut please. Screw whatever company they're currently in. Make it happen.......with a better name.
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outsidereveries · 1 year
Among the 9 who didn’t get in the debut lineup for boys planet, who do you think will be able to make their debut (for those with no groups)? and maybe a general reading for their future career path (Park Hanbin, Jay, Yoon Jongwoo, Na Kamden, Yoo Seungeon, Lee Jeonghyeon, Kum Junhyeon) and Keita +Hui who are in groups (future career)
if you can request in 2-3 separate asks about their career readings (i did keita and jay’s career readings recently here), i’d love to do them. i have like 10 requests or so but i’ll do it anyways lol
anyway, since you asked about my opinion, i’d love to tell you about it! /g(en)
by jay and keita’s readings i did, keita might take hiatus bc of the idol monotonous days he has, or will leave ciipher while jay will have good opportunities, i believe that.
when i asked will hoetaek debut, i saw death, tower in the bottom and i assumed “is pentagon disbanding”? so about his future i am uncertain what could happen tbh
junhyeon will have apparently fan meetings in the nearby future so i’m sure he has the chance of doing great too!
about the rest of them, everything depends imo
i think park hanbin, lee jeongyeon, na kamden and yoo seung eon can be treated either great or really worse, while about yoon jong woo, everything depends on himself, because he’s apparently independent trainee(?).
seung eon might have some hiatus and after zb1 disbands allegedly, he could debut with the rest of zb1 + the other yuehua trainess who appeared with him too, but other thoughts about hanbin and jeongyeon i don’t really have. wakeone is .. idqk, questionable? fnc though.. idrk. kamden can be either fucked up or will be treated so and so.
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naneundede · 1 year
타임어택 1분 자기소개 ✧ Time Attack, 1 Min. PR
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✧  K Group
Bak Do Ha : https://youtu.be/Bdm8bVWnYQg
Cha Woong Ki : https://youtu.be/I0oF3feyb4c
Choi Ji Ho : https://youtu.be/34W9BZ3ICcU
Choi Seung Hun : https://youtu.be/_eS1B-tSz-U
Choi Woo Jin : https://youtu.be/gNsA8SG7KCY
Han Seo Bin : https://youtu.be/-XFaIaj7Gxg
Han Yu Jin : https://youtu.be/yD-1-04n5yE
Han Yu Seop : https://youtu.be/xyY19-48mTo
Hong Keon Hee : https://youtu.be/RwQujHVRQO0
Jang Ji Ho : https://youtu.be/5tWf_9wEm2I
Jang Min Seo : https://youtu.be/LjVqpdL6-f4
Jang Yeo Jun : https://youtu.be/BcC3LL3HuTo
Jeon Ho Young : https://youtu.be/Pl5tIoHjj74
Jeon Woo Seok : https://youtu.be/T8GY0h0IOfU
Jeong I Chan : https://youtu.be/zoV37PdCaPk
Ji Yun Seo : https://youtu.be/iFVxRna3LKs
Jung Ho Jin : https://youtu.be/kSb6vgDqGPw
Jung Hwan Rok : https://youtu.be/ej6kiundfJc
Jung Min Gyu : https://youtu.be/-bwwMJ8vV9o
Jung Seyun : https://youtu.be/DB0MuZkkVVk
Kim Gyu Vin : https://youtu.be/xnw0sbiiyjg
Kim Ji Woong : https://youtu.be/pOP5k5JTD1c
Kim Min Hyuk : https://youtu.be/FRMfQi3Qvaw
Kim Min Seoung : https://youtu.be/xBRWY7UJzo4
Kim Tae Rae : https://youtu.be/D2sTOzPZ7gk
Kum Jun Hyeon : https://youtu.be/MVU5SDvjUkw
Lee Da Eul : https://youtu.be/ua2OeaQ14CE
Lee Dong Gun : https://youtu.be/LH_cvLtfuys
Lee Dong Yeol : https://youtu.be/zQy270g60LI
Lee Hoe Taek : https://youtu.be/BwxcboDCGxg
Lee Hwan Hee : https://youtu.be/nvk60sSGZiY
Lee Jeong Hyeon : https://youtu.be/bRlBhjGaZto
Lee Seung Hwan : https://youtu.be/ptsz-M1v1S0
Lee Ye Dam : https://youtu.be/hJSX8ZYUa14
Lim Jun Seo : https://youtu.be/0Iy-T0e2QIc
Mun Jung Hyun : https://youtu.be/lujLHn0dqiQ
Oh Sung Min : https://youtu.be/7YqqvKoyDoA
Park Gun Wook : https://youtu.be/tElDOgg1K-Y
Park Gwan Young : https://youtu.be/2IjpvV28vzM
Park Han Bin : https://youtu.be/qaCCMuM_JcI
Park Hyun Been : https://youtu.be/vA_9Fc9XX4A
Park Ji Hoo : https://youtu.be/vA_9Fc9XX4A
Park Min Seok : https://youtu.be/YBabjIH3iIE
Seo Won : https://youtu.be/l9qG5qp6Pi0
Sung Han Bin : https://youtu.be/suD2NfKRq3U
Yoo Seung Eon : https://youtu.be/tjO6v6XOYag
Yoon Jong Woo : https://youtu.be/pEAfs0m_ujE
✧  G Group
Anthonny : https://youtu.be/EcgeMI68oT0
Brian : https://youtu.be/sE3pw4scU0Q
Cai Jin Xin : https://youtu.be/sjHuJT6rZ-c
Chen Jian Yu : https://youtu.be/LAJHqARlasw
Chen Kuan Jui : https://youtu.be/EtCp9rUEqho
Chen Liang : https://youtu.be/vXwYCApgqcU
Chen Ren You : https://youtu.be/-PeKmKiZgFI
Chen Yu Geng : https://youtu.be/8F8Wg45RdiI
Cong : https://youtu.be/0ljIEXXa-NY
Dang Hong Hai : https://youtu.be/qgbIozwsp6s
Dong Dong : https://youtu.be/XSTsYc935-A
Feng Jun Lan : https://youtu.be/u7RjAM94N_w
Haru : https://youtu.be/uUAuI4m09-Y
Haruto : https://youtu.be/u_lc8HBM7lE
Hiroto : https://youtu.be/Wb0Q17Qq2MI
Hyo : https://youtu.be/lI_CF7RXhU0
Ichika : https://youtu.be/k5EkcmFEY7Q
Itsuki : https://youtu.be/kyEWK_t36No
Jay : https://youtu.be/iLibl6cbHbg
Kei : https://youtu.be/RVu6zlu5vjw
Keita : https://youtu.be/kSHT009TsFc
Krystian : https://youtu.be/03vCmVhf_E8
Lin Shi Yuan : https://youtu.be/fPtzEFb1gek
Ma Jing Xiang : https://youtu.be/wKwL12Oigks
Min : https://youtu.be/kqa0S2qfMiY
Na Kamden : https://youtu.be/InYMLYuN34g
Nice : https://youtu.be/TckeqHI5vKA
Ollie : https://youtu.be/lcXxF-U5Nqo
Osuke : https://youtu.be/2I-w1yoYnzs
Ouju : https://youtu.be/QsSfSZ8A18U
Qiu Sheng Yang : https://youtu.be/Y0PdpGbQivU
Ricky : https://youtu.be/a9fMfGigkPE
Riku : https://youtu.be/tpEuVhf-jLo
Seok Matthew : https://youtu.be/kF1NKaN3Z4s
Takuto : https://youtu.be/KdI9wZ_teW0
Toui : https://youtu.be/-4Cw-WDU-bI
Wang Yan Hong : https://youtu.be/o9RYNdHyqGU
Wang Zi Hao : https://youtu.be/KDQgcMZESXE
Wen Ye Chen : https://youtu.be/B6ec66Xa9bA
Winnie : https://youtu.be/PqNcGa0l5qU
Wumuti : https://youtu.be/q3vf-q7tP2w
Xuan Hao : https://youtu.be/_8Kjw-M5V8Y
Yang Jun : https://youtu.be/Vqiv8N0cens
Yuki : https://youtu.be/HFy1sbCtlUQ
Yutaka : https://youtu.be/dIJi6cNlbTI
Yuto : https://youtu.be/XGE7wqXTzr8
Zhang Hao : https://youtu.be/e4Y22OQbMU4
Zhang Shuai Bo : https://youtu.be/6XzEnGZB9n8
Let’s Shine! ✧
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sungtaro · 2 years
I don't know if you've been asked this but how do you feel about keita being on boys planet?
I told myself I wasn't going to watch the show because I just watched an audition show (&audition) and I wasn't ready yet but sung han bin caught my attention and last weekend I caught up with boys planet. I love keita!!! but my fave pick is definitely yoon jong woo <3
I'm really impressed with how keita's teams DELIVER a performance. it's really good. oh and his tone is insane. he never misses.
I don't think you're watching the show but I wanted to know if you have any thoughts about keita or about the show if you've seen any clips?
- seungzie
[ @jseungz ] you're the first inquiring mind on this one ! but i think i've been pretty vocal abt the fact that i don't like that keita is on bp 😭
i'm not watching the show, even for woonggi who is one of my ults, but i know that he and keita are doing well - as they should, they're super talented ! but for keita specifically i just hate that they took him out of ciipher and put him through ANOTHER survival show (he was on ygtb in 2018) ... for him and for all the other boys there who are in active / more recently debuted groups, it feels like a huge step backwards to push them toward a temporary group rather than let them promote with the groups they are already in and let those groups build their own reputations. like i do understand that it does give them more recognition if someone likes keita, looks him up, and then learns he's in ciipher, but it just bums me out bc it kind of feels like a crappy way for a company to go about that, and for keita to go through the survival show wheel again when imo he shouldn't have to. that's part of why i'm not really interested in watching 🥲 but, that's not a knock at anyone who i know is enjoying the show -- i'm glad you are, and i am really glad to hear that my boys are well liked! i'm sure they're also making the most of it (and of course slaying the stages like i know they always do) <3
i'm also not opposed to seeing clips, esp if you have any particular performances you think i should check out where keita / woonggi really shine, feel free to send them my way !!
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