boynextdoors · 6 months
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haomnyangz · 23 days
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thank u hanbin
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haesunflower · 1 year
be careful, don't fall | sung hanbin
genre: fluff
pairing: reader x sung hanbin
about/tags: clumsy reader and student nurse hanbin (700+ words)
university setting, hanbin volunteers at the school clinic, reader has no sense of balance, hopeful relationship, idk if i'm good at fluff, celebrating leader hanbin!
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Sung Hanbin is an incredibly attentive person. 
In fact, the first thing he learned about your personality is how you have zero spatial awareness. Your shoulders are bruised every other day, to which he eventually learns is from bumping into the corners of the walls and lockers. So when you became closer friends, he naturally found himself walking by your sides, placing you in the middle of the hallways – just so you no longer bruise into the wall. 
The second thing Hanbin learns about you is that you’re always on your phone. Whenever you walk to classes together, he finds himself slightly guiding you in the right direction. Such as gently pushing you to the side to avoid stepping on puddles or pulling you away from the trashcan you’re about to bump into. You often call him your lifesaver, and he beams at the compliment each time.
The third thing Hanbin learns about you is that you get overly excited about everything. When you arrived at the restaurant by the university for the club meeting, you jumped out of the car too fast. You ended up hitting your head at the top of the car door, at the mere premise of food. 
“Tsk tsk, slowly next time please y/n” he says as he pats and coos at your head. You giggle because he looks so serious, his eyebrows are furrowed as he’s examining the bump that’ll appear on your head. He gets ice from the restaurant and wraps it in a handkerchief, before holding it to your head. 
“Again, you’re a lifesaver Hanbin” you say as you lean your head into his hands holding the ice pack. He’s smiling at you cutely, as you laugh at yourself over this predicament. 
By now, Hanbin is well used to the routine of making sure you don’t hurt yourself. And while you insist that you are more careful now – Hanbin still carries bandaids, tissues, and an empty ice pack in his school bag everyday. Just in case, he thinks. 
So when one day you show up at the school clinic limping, he approaches you with a face that says “what happened to being more careful huh?” But because he is Hanbin, he doesn’t actually gloat. 
Instead, he sits you down on the bench, and bends down to examine your foot. Before he can ask anything, you defend yourself with an “I know, I know, I wasn’t watching where I was going and I ended up missing a step on the stairs.”
Hanbin looks up at you sympathetically and you see your own reflection in his glasses. His lips break into a thin line before saying “well thankfully, it’s not broken. It might just be a sprain.” He makes sure to smile widely, cheek dimples on full display to make you feel better about the situation. He stands up to get an ice pack and some gauze to wrap your foot with and you watch him as he busies himself getting all the supplies to fix you right up. 
When he has what he needs, he bends down again and lifts your foot for elevation, asking you to hold the ice pack to your ankle. In that moment, he notices that you skinned your knee as well. “Y/n you’re bleeding” – he rushes up to get some cloth, water and iodine. When he gets back to you, he blows gently on your wound before dabbing the medicine on it. You hiss, and your leg spasms slightly. 
“Stop moving, it’ll hurt less that way”. He continues to blow on your knee, allowing cool air to relieve the sensation of pain. Though it’s supposed to be painful, you smile softly at a gentle Hanbin who looks so focused on the injuries you caused yourself. He catches you staring at him, and looks right back up at you. 
“I should really be more careful huh....” you begin. 
Hanbin isn’t thinking, isn’t thinking at all when he tucks the strand of hair that fell from your face. Your breath hitches, your heartbeat picks up its pace, and your cheeks start to pink.
“yeah, or maybe just hold my hand so you don’t fall as often.”
There’s a silence, a beat, before you respond with “I’d like that. I'd like to hold your hand often” Even though his ears are bright red, he bravely takes your hand in his. “Okay, we start now” he says it less like a question and more like a fact. 
"Okay, starting now" you repeat, interlocking your fingers together. You watch as Hanbin's eyes smile before his lips are able to catch up, and he tightens his grip around your hand before helping you up. He brings his arm around your waist, supporting you as you both walk out the clinic together.
After that day, he learns something about himself this time – that he really, truly, likes you.
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A/N: lil cute scenario to celebrate leader hanbin! also, tips for fluff please ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
✎ mobile masterlist ✉︎ request
tagging: @honghongbri -> join my taglist so you don't miss out!
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gunhaos · 2 years
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boys planet is a fierce competition
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jebewonmorelike · 1 year
Devil by the Whiteboard
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wc: 4.2k (so i was way off lmao) pronouns: none used; n/a warnings: MEAN!hanbin he is not nice so be forewarned but the ending suggests he can possibly be fixed maybe but no promises; being alone with a mean person in a hallway; light swears; angst but only towards the end; i wrote that they go to an academy but it could be a university it doesn't change the story summary: booksmart!reader is ready to finally win the scholastic decathlon, but a series of coincidental unfortunate events that couldn't possibly have anything to do with studentbodypresident!hanbin threaten to ruin their chances once more. ~masterlist~ ♡ ~kofi (no pressure at all)~ guys i did it, i finished my masterpiece. i hope you like it. academic play on the title of the txt song, i know-- clever. the scholastic decathlon is inspired by the one in high school musical. also pls don't make fun of me for not knowing how science or chemistry works, i was literally advance in science but my chem teacher in high school was on academic probation for being such a bad teacher and we all nearly failed our regional exams so. anyway pls excuse this or lightly roast me in the tags or comments. i hope you enjoy mean!shanbin... this one might need a part 2... or a prequel. or both. I'M SO EXCITED I FINISHED THIS OMFG I HOPE YOU LOVE IT!
(part two— “i didn’t think you had it in you”)
It's 7 P.M. on a Friday and there's nowhere in the world you'd rather be than at the Regional Scholastic Decathlon Finals. You're about to partake in your favorite extracurricular activity: more academics. There's only one thing you wish you could change...
"I'm so honored to be competing as a team leader in the Regional Scholastic Decathlon Finals," Hanbin says into the handheld microphone. "And I'm even more honored to be competing against who I believe to be the most worthy opponents."
You fight the urge to gag at the Student Body President standing next to you on the makeshift stage.
"And you know each other well, I've been told," the announcer adds with a laugh. "You and (Y/N) are something of academic rivals, yes?"
Hanbin laughs, smile lines on his cheeks only adding to his innocent, clean-cut image. "In the most respectful way. Wouldn't you agree, (Y/N)?"
There are, in truth, very few things you'd agree less with. Coming from a private academy for gifted students, there were several different Scholastic Decathlon teams at your school. The Green Team, the Red Team and the Yellow Team had all already been eliminated this semester, which left the Blue Team (led by Hanbin) and the Pink Team (led by you).
There had also been a new Purple Team formed at the beginning of this year, but they were disbanded when the headmaster found out the "experiments" they were conducting in the science labs were a bit unorthodox.
You honestly weren't sure how much of a "worthy opponent" the Pink Team was at this rate. The Blue Team had won Regionals for three semesters straight and it didn't seem like their streak would end any time soon...
Not with Sung Hanbin on their side.
You glance at the walking, talking cinnamon roll standing next to you and wish fervently that all his teeth would fall out. "Right. Respectful," you chime quietly into your own microphone.
"And (Y/N)! It seems this is always where the Pink Team meets its demise under your leadership," the announcer notes, a bit too happily if you're being honest. "What makes you think you can beat Hanbin this time?"
The audience of family, friends, and teachers laughs awkwardly at the dig of a question. You swallow nervously, taking a deep breath to steady yourself before you answer.
You and Hanbin were total opposites, both competing for the tile of top student since your first year at the academy. He was friendly, outgoing-- a networker, even. When the election for Student Body President came around each year, there weren't any votes cast for anyone except Sung Hanbin (and you knew that for a fact since you were the one counting them). You were more of a behind-the-scenes overachiever. Acing every class, developing plans and putting them into action, and keeping your head down in the hallways to avoid any unwanted social interaction.
Though President Hanbin had been asked to recite a speech for Teacher's Appreciation Week, it was Secretary (Y/N) who had stayed up until the wee hours of the morning writing it.
"I don't think I can beat Hanbin," you say finally. "But I do think the Pink Team can beat the Blue Team. I think that's what you meant to ask, right?"
There's a moment of uncomfortable silence before Hanbin grins, extending his hand for you to shake. "I couldn't agree more. This event is about our teams, not us. Every team member has worked hard to prove their abilities tonight."
You watch as the audience absolutely melts at the handsome boy's charming smile and his words of camaraderie that were merely a more attractive repackaging of your previous reply. You pull your hand back from his as quickly as possible.
The announcer smiles in admiration at the boy to his right. “You are entirely correct, Hanbin. My mistake. And what a wonderful sentiment for you to share with us.”
It barely even phases you anymore: the hold Hanbin could have on people. Maybe you’d have been captivated too, if you weren’t the one person who--.
“(Y/N)?” The announcer prompts, his tone indicating that this isn’t the first time he called your name. “Any words for your team?”
“Oh,” you mumble, mentally shaking off the embarrassment of daydreaming during a regional competition. "Let's do our best! No matter the outcome, though we will strive for a good one, I'm incredibly proud of the work my amazing team has done so far this year and you all should be as well. Fighting!"
"That's just swell," the announcer replies rather unenthusiastically. "Hanbin?"
Hanbin nods, smiling graciously at the announcer and the crowd. "We've put in so much time and effort this semester and I truly believe our labor of love has blossomed into a winning fruit. And, even on the chance that we don't take this win, I will still be so proud of that fruit that is my amazing team. Fighting!"
The audience applauds and the scream sitting in your throat is now desperately trying to claw its way out. Instead, you just smile.
"Hanbin has such a way with words, doesn't he?" The announcer muses to you.
"He does," you agree politely, muttering under your breath, "If that 'way' is stealing them."
"Then let's get this Regional Final started!" The announcer's words are met with applause as you rejoin your team behind your table.
"We've got this," your teammate Maria encourages, patting you on the back gently. "It's our turn to win!"
You nod, smiling at your team and giving them two thumbs up. "Let's win this! Fighting!"
The first subject of the Super Relay is mathematics, an event where each team's members must rotate in a line to solve a new equation while racing against both their opponent and the clock. As the team leader, you are last in line as you will have the least amount of time left on the clock to solve your equation.
Unfortunately, Sung Hanbin is also at the end of the Blue Team's line. While you're better at economics, history, literature, and geography, Hanbin has a slight leg up on you in the math and science departments. But you had been studying overtime and, even if you didn't manage to beat his time in this round, you were confident you could follow closely enough behind that your team would not be hurting for points.
As soon as both teams are set in their positions, the announcer raises one arm. "On your marks, get set..."
"Go!" He signals, lowering his arm as Maria rushes to the shared whiteboard.
Her equation flashes on the screen and you exhale with relief. Maria was the weakest at maths on your team, so she always went first in relays so the other four team members could make up the time. This equation is fairly straightforward and in her wheelhouse, so you're able to relax for awhile.
Each team member finishes their equation, placing their markers on the whiteboard shelf and joining the end of the line until it's finally your turn to solve. David throws his marker down too harshly and it falls to the ground, rolling to the other team's side.
Hanbin is now racing up to the whiteboard for his team, but on his way he bends down and reaches under the chair that your team's marker has rolled under. After a moment, he resurfaces; marker in hand as he smiles at you sweetly, holding it out to you as you run up to the whiteboard.
"I think you might need this," he jokes politely. You give him a nod and tear off the cap as you quickly memorize your equation, smiling to yourself as you realize you've practiced this exact problem in a workbook just last week.
"And look at this sportsmanship from Sung Hanbin!" The announcer commends. "He's the Student Body President for a reason, folks."
You put your marker to the board, attempting to copy your equation as you ignore the adoring audience's endless mumbling about Hanbin. As you write, however, you suddenly realize that the marker in your hand isn't producing any ink.
Panic flows through you as you scribble it desperately against the whiteboard trying to get the ink flowing again, but your efforts are fruitless. You turn to the announcer in a frenzy.
"Please, my marker isn't working!" You exclaim, looking to the judges' table for assistance.
"It worked fine for the previous team member," the announcer contests, watching as you show him the lack of ink. "But, yes, it seems to be out of ink."
He walks to the judges table as your heart sits in your stomach, terrified that some fluke could completely ruin your team's chances of finally beating the Blue Team. You glance over at Hanbin, who, much to your surprise, is looking back at you concernedly.
A judge brings you another approved marker and you resume solving your equation frantically, despite the judge relaying that you would have ten seconds added to your permitted time due to the mishap.
After about 45 seconds, you check Hanbin's progress and your spirit is renewed when you see how quickly you've caught up to him. You're now only two lines behind him in the equation and you can tell Hanbin is caught off guard by your speed.
After another thirty seconds, Hanbin steps back from the whiteboard and nods as he double checks his math. He circles his answer and lays his marker down on the shelf, running to the stop clock and hitting his team's timer.
The audience cheers at the Blue Team leader's probable victory, but you don't let it throw you. Another nine seconds and your answer is circled on the board as you run to the buzzer and stop the clock. Your team surrounds you excitedly, praising you for your focus during the stressful situation and your noticeably quick solving of the equation.
After the judges finalize the results of the mathematics portion of the Super Relay, they hand the announcer a script card. "The results are in! The winner of the mathematics Super Relay is... The Pink Team!"
Your team starts to cheer, jumping up and down ecstatically around you as you remain absolutely shocked at the unexpected win.
You watch as the announcer's eyebrows furrow confusedly, rereading the script card to check if the result is correct.. "Huh. Mathematics is usually where the Pink Team has the most trouble, but with the additional ten seconds added to their time clock... The Pink Team wins by just 0.45 seconds."
You can't help but notice that the announcer looks concerned by the results, but before you can analyze him further you're pulled into your team's celebration. Out of the corner of your eye, you catch Hanbin chewing his lip nervously at the Blue Team's defeat.
You're halfway through the Science portion of the Super Relay when your beaker begins to boil. You watch as it bubbles furiously when it's merely supposed to be simmering on the hotplate.
You hover your hand over the hotplate, panic turning into confusion when you feel a low amount of heat that couldn't possibly be boiling the solution in this beaker. Unfortunately the alternative to a hotplate turned up too high was much worse...
"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit," you whisper, taking the beaker off of your hotplate with your gloved hands. As expected, the beaker continues to bubble over even after being removed from heat and you stare at the mixture in horror.
Where had you messed up?
You look around at the different tubes on your table, reading the labels of each vial carefully to see if you'd poured in the wrong liquid by mistake. You check each empty tube, verifying that they were in fact the liquids you had thought they were.
But there's one label that catches your eye in particular. The side of it is sticking up slightly and, cautiously, you peel it off to reveal another label underneath.
Thankfully it wouldn't kill you, but it was a huge nuisance. You'd have to remake the solution and, as you glance at the time clock, you realize your prospects of finishing are hopeless.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1...
Hanbin hits his team's buzzer in the knick of time, the crowd erupting into applause for the school's golden boy. You chew your cheek, willing yourself not to cry as your team members begin to comfort you. Just as you compose yourself, you hear shouts coming from the other side of the room.
"(Y/N) couldn't even finish the experiment!" One of the younger Blue Team members taunts, smirking at you. "Pink Team is going down!"
"Maybe they should consider appointing a new leader," another Blue Team member jeers. "(Y/N) is clearly--."
"That's not very kind, Ilsung," Hanbin interrupts, placing a hand on the shoulder of both of the younger team members sternly. "Everyone here is trying their best and, unfortunately, mistakes are very easy to make under pressure."
"I didn't make a mistake. The--," you start to correct, but Hanbin has already stepped up onto his metaphorical soapbox once more.
"Whether we are winners in the competition or not, we are the losing team if we don't treat our opponents with the respect they deserve," Hanbin concludes, turning back to face the audience.
"Once again, Sung Hanbin proves his humility and kindness," the announcer coos as Hanbin shakes his head to politely deflect the compliment with a smile. "Exactly what we'd expect from the Fall Regional Scholastic Decathlon champion."
"What!?" You exclaim. "He didn't even win yet!"
"Anyway," the announcer continues as the judges hand him the results, "the winner of the science portion of the Super Relay is... The Blue Team! Obviously!"
You laugh hopelessly. "Obviously, he said."
"It's alright," David reassures. "Double the points in the final Humanities portion. The Blue Team has nothing on us!"
You nod, smiling reluctantly. "You're right. We can still win this! I believe in all of you. Let's do this!"
Pink Team is ahead 44 to 36 when you finally step up to the podium to answer your set of twenty humanities questions. Hanbin steps up to his podium, picking up his buzzer and breathing deeply in preparation for the upcoming questions in his weakest area.
You pick up your buzzer, placing your thumb on the trigger comfortably so that it doesn't cramp when you press it rapidly.
"Good luck," Hanbin says, smiling at you cutely.
"Yeah," you manage to reply without throwing up. "You too."
You fire off the five economics questions easily, hitting the buzzer a full second before Hanbin each time. You're on a roll and you don't have any intentions of slowing down.
"Now we'll move onto literature," the announcer prompts, rearranging his script cards.
"One second, please," Hanbin calls suddenly, shifting uncomfortably on his feet. "This is embarrassing but I think there's something in my shoe. Can I be allowed to remove it?"
The judges look at each other momentarily before nodding. "Quickly," one agrees.
Hanbin bends down, untying his shoelace and shaking out his shoe. You look out at the audience, who are all both visibly and audibly fawning over how adorable the Blue Team leader is.
"So endearing, that Sung Hanbin," the announcer remarks fondly.
Hanbin finally hops back up to his feet, nodding at the judges and the audience respectfully. "Please forgive me for the delay."
"No worries at all. Let's jump right back into it then," the announcer segways. "Question six: What is the name of the collection of 85 articles written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay—.”
You smile as you press your buzzer, but confusion sweeps over you when Hanbin’s buzzer sounds first.
“The Federalist Papers,” he answers, but you can hear a bit of uncertainty in his voice.
“Correct,” the announcer says. “Question seven: Name the correct order of the three cantos of The Divine Com—.”
You press your buzzer, Hanbin’s buzzer ringing out again.
“Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso,” the Blue Team leader answers correctly again.
You go through five more questions like this— knowing the answer to them all immediately only to somehow be beaten by Hanbin’s buzzer.
“Um, excuse me?” You ask before the start of the history round. “I think… I think there’s something wrong with my buzzer!"
The announcer turns to the judges who allow the complaint with a nod. "Please test your buzzer several times," the judge on the end requests, gesturing for you to proceed.
You press the button on your buzzer and hear it ring. You press it once more and it rings again. The third time you press it, your cheeks heat up with utter embarrassment. You could've sworn it wasn't working just a moment ago...
You smile uncomfortably. "I'm sorry," you apologize quickly, mortified as your bottom lip tucks between your lips shyly.
"It's okay," Hanbin answers, smile lines appearing on his perfect cheeks. "I know this last section is usually not my best, but I promise it's just because I've been studying so hard. I would be thrown off guard too!"
The audience laughs at his humorous compassion, your error only making way for another opportunity to boost Hanbin's morale. You swear you feel yourself shrinking down, down, down to the size of an ant as Hanbin gets every last point in the final round of the Super Relay.
You pressed the buzzer in the middle of every question.
"It's okay, (Y/N)," Maria says, resting her head on your shoulder. "I'm sure all of that stuff with the marker just threw you off. That wasn't your fault."
You shake your head, completely perplexed by how this had happened and now also beginning to questioning your sanity. "I was pressing the buzzer," you assert, fighting off another round of tears welling up in your eyes as the adrenaline of the competition wheres off.
"I pressed the buzzer every time."
"We'll get 'em next semester, (Y/N)!" David encourages. "And they'll never see it coming."
You force yourself to smile, not wanting to to show the team your real emotions. Had you really not been pressing the buzzer? Were you actually going crazy?
"Mm," you agree quietly. "Pink Team: Spring Regional Scholastic Decathlon Champions! We'll make it happen!"
Your team all puts their hands into the circle, shouting, "1, 2, 3: Pink Team on Top!" After saying your temporary goodbyes, you walk through the empty hallway behind the gym and hang your lab coat up on the designated rack. As you secure your lab coat on the hook, you hear a mumbling coming from around the corner.
"Here's five hundred," you hear a familiar voice say as you tiptoe quietly to the end of the hall. "I'll get you the other half by Monday."
"Are you kidding me? You said you'd have it in full! Should've known the kid that was paying me to help him cheat in a Scholastic Decathlon would end up screwing me."
You peak your head out slowly around the corner, taking care not to make any loud sounds that might get you caught.
"Guess that's on you then. By Monday."
As the two men start to go their separate ways, you duck back behind the wall and try to control the rampant beating of your heart. You desperately attempt to silence your breathing as you hear one set of footsteps approach, closing your eyes and exhaling with relief when they continue down the hallway and past your hiding spot in the adjacent corridor.
With your hands over your eyes, you rub your face as tension bubbles to the surface. "Oh my god," you squeak out as the interaction you just witnessed sinks in.
Suddenly, something slams down above your head on the locker you're leaning against and rips you from your thought spiral.
"I'm glad you're finally starting to see my appeal," Hanbin says with a smirk, both hands pressed firmly against the locker on either side of your head. "But I think god might be a bit too much, even by my standards."
You swallow nervously, having had the displeasure of being confronted by Hanbin like this numerous times before. You look around to check if by some miracle there's anyone still lingering in the hallway that's witnessing this.
"Just me," Hanbin seemingly reads your mind. "That's not a problem, is it?"
"Y-you--... You..." He tilts his head expectantly, waiting for you to stop tripping over your own tongue. "You cheated?"
"Oh," Hanbin coos mockingly. "Did I?"
You nod, feeling your bottom lip shake. "You paid that announcer to give you all the answers."
"What?" He asks, face scrunching up in confusion. "He didn't give me the--... You think I, the reigning Regional Champion, need someone to give me the answers? Come on, (Y/N), I know you're smarter than that."
You blink back at him silently, watching as his face lights up in amusement.
"Do you actually have that little self-confidence?" He asks, shaking his head at you in amazement. "You really think your marker just happened to stop working right when it was your turn to solve? Or that the glycerin tube was just coincidentally mislabeled?"
Your lips part as Hanbin pieces the truth together for you.
"You and I both know you pressed that buzzer first every single time," he says earnestly, pouting at you sadly. "Are you really that insecure that you'd believe you were going crazy before you'd believe that I'd rigged your buzzer while I was fixing my shoe?"
"You... you..." You attempt to protest, but once again your stammering proves why you're always just Hanbin's ghostwriter.
His eyebrows furrow in concern and it's unnervingly genuine. "Seriously, (Y/N)? Now you're kind of just making me sad."
The patronizing from Hanbin is the last straw. He can steal your words, he can call you names, he can even sabotage your efforts...
But the moment Sung Hanbin begins to pity you is the moment you can no longer just stand there and take it.
"I'm gonna tell everybody," you threaten, but your voice comes out far too soft and shaky for him to take it seriously.
"I'm sure you are," he mocks, smirking at you. "I'm sure this time you won't just suck it up like you always do."
You lean forward, your face now just a couple inches from Hanbin's and you swear you see just the smallest flash of panic in his eyes at your action. "You're right," you agree. "You're always right, Hanbin."
He stares back at you, unmoving.
"That's why I'm so disappointed," you admit, sentiment suddenly shifting. "It wasn't my lack of confidence that made the possibility that you cheated unfathomable to me. It was honestly that, even after everything we've been through, I've always thought a bit more of you than that."
Hanbin leans back, hands falling to his sides as he continues to frown at you.
"I really don't like you, Hanbin, and I don't like always being in your shadow, but the truth is: you make a much better leader than I would," you confess, everything you've wanted to say now flowing freely out of your mouth. "And up until tonight, I thought that if I had to stand in a shadow, at least it was of someone who on some level deserved to be casting one."
Hanbin just blinks, his lips parting slightly as you study him. When he continues to refuse to react, you turn on your heels and begin to walk back down the hallway in the direction that you'd come from. You're halfway to the doors when Hanbin's voice suddenly rings out behind you:
"Join my team next semester."
You turn around quickly, one eyebrow raised in shock. "What!?"
"You heard me," he replies calmly.
"That's--... That's ridiculous! And your team is full anyway."
"Not for you, it's not," Hanbin quips, walking up to you.
"But--... But--."
"Come on, (Y/N). You just said it yourself: you were never meant to be a leader," Hanbin says as he stops in front of you. "But you're smarter than me. That's why I needed to set you back. There was no way I could've beaten you fair and square this time and you know it."
You stare at him wordlessly, wondering what you did in your past life to have to suffer the acquaintanceship of such an infuriating man.
"Even being thrown off by your stupid marker, you knew that equation like the back of your hand," he continues definitively. "If you had spoken up about the mislabeled tube. If you had trusted yourself about the buzzer..."
"But you knew I wouldn't."
He nods. "So join my team. Anyways, I... I could really use you," he says, a sheepish look on his face that you've never seen him wear around you before. "Blue Team is always able to win Regionals because I know how to beat the Pink Team-- I know how to beat you. But we always lose at Sectionals because the smartest person at our school was on the team we just beat."
You bite your lip, chewing on Hanbin's words as you feel both intensely offended and unfortunately flattered. But you could never let him know the latter. "What about anything that I just said makes you think I would join the team of some cheating asshole?"
To your surprise, he just laughs. "I've never heard you swear before. It's kind of..." He clears his throat, trailing off before he finishes his sentence. "If I'm being honest, your sudden display of willpower is kind of throwing me."
"Well I hope it throws you into another dimension, you self-righteous prick," you respond, turning back around furiously and continuing to walk down the hallway towards the exit doors-- shaking your head at the audacity of the boy called Sung Hanbin.
"Then can I pitch an alternative?" Hanbin calls as your fingers grip the door handle.
You pause, not realizing the mistake you've made as Hanbin's voice ricochets off the walls of the gym hallway:
"Go out with me."
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seoulicons · 10 months
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like or reblog pls ♡ | cr: @moon_taeiI
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geumibear · 1 year
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ELLE as emoji with zerobaseone
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yutito · 2 years
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our perfect duo !! ♡・゚: *✧・゚:*・
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10hrs26mn · 2 years
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Boys Planet ☼ Episode 2
Sung Hanbin
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starrzhao · 1 year
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masterlist  ❛ CURRENTLY WORKING ON . . .
oneshot ! love theory — park gunwook. ( fluff )
people always ship you with your best friend, gunwook. you've always told other people how you would never see him more than a friend and that it'd be quite impossible to happen. however one day, he started to act strange, pulling all his tricks in hopes of showing his potential as a boyfriend
oneshot ! kiss me, you fool — shen quanrui / ricky. ( fluff )
wherein you ask your best friend, ricky to pretend to date you to fulfill a bet.
oneshot ! as the world caves in — shen quanrui / ricky. ( angst )
it is your last week on earth as a meteor has been reported to strike on earth soon. you had no plans for the last of your days knowing that you had no future to look forward to, thinking that you have nothing to lose. however your first love comes back and you start reliving the joy of the past once more, thinking of the what ifs and now, maybe you’d think otherwise. ( based on the songs, old friend, two slow dancers by mitski, smile in the face of the devil & as the world caves in by matt maltese )
oneshot ! stupid cupid — shen quanrui / ricky. ( fluff, angst, humor )
you had been harboring feelings for gyuvin for awhile now but due to your fear and lack of experience in romance, you were hesitant to even approach him. you download some new mysterious matchmaking app, an app with the goal of teaching someone how to ask someone which you found embarrassing to download but felt was a need to have. it was stuck on a loading screen so you thought it was some scam but on the next day, you find a random man in the living room of your apartment, proclaiming himself as your personal cupid.
— requests
oneshot ! — sung hanbin ( fluff , slight angst )
enemies! to lovers. you and hanbin absolutely despise each other. hanbin is known as the glorious top student in your class while you on the other hand…was the least brightest. One day, an incident occurs where one thing leads to another and true feelings are revealed.
oneshot ! — shen quanrui / ricky ( fluff )
ricky’s been trying to court you for a year but you always shut him down, never saying why.
oneshot ! — kum junhyeon ( fluff )
based on the kdrama of the same title. wherein you decide to leave the bustling streets of the chatic city and move to a small town to gain some rest and peace from all the chaos in your life. There, you meet an introverted boy who you find solace in.
oneshot ! — han yujin ( fluff )
friends to lovers au wherein yujin thinks you have feelings for someone else.
— other wips
oneshot ! academic rivals! to lovers — zhang hao
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kiau-n · 1 year
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awkward... ?!
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haesunflower · 1 year
the way he loves | sung hanbin
genre: a little angst, mostly fluff, comfort
pairing: reader (gn) x sung hanbin
about/tags: hanbin has no time for himself and is exhausted. though reader is worried about him, hanbin fears reader will leave him (1.1k words)
hanbin is overworked and spread too thin, yujin matthew and hao are mentioned, sleepy boy hanbin, he's doing his best for everyone 100%, y/n is just worried for him
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“You need to stop doing that to yourself, Hanbin”
Hanbin looks up at you, confused. His eyebrows slightly knit together and he tilts his head to the side, as if questioning what exactly you mean. 
To be fair, you did bring it up out of the blue. You couldn’t help it though, he just looks so exhausted. Without any makeup, you can clearly see his dark undereyes, and his skin has gotten so much paler. His eyes are slightly red too, you presume from rubbing it to stay awake. Albeit the obviousness of sleep deprivation, he still showed up to your date today. 
You can tell he’s trying so hard for you. With that, you let out a deep sigh – hand extending across the table to get ahold of his. 
“I’m worried for you Hanbin-ah, I think you’re overworking yourself”
Taking your hand, he softly smiles at you. He brings the back of your hand to his lips, kissing it gently before saying  “Thank you for worrying about me, love. But I’m okay.” 
The vibrancy of his smile, while still plastered on his face, isn’t really there. But Hanbin changed the topic, and you let it go. You listened to him as he told you about the new choreography they’ve been learning and how they’re flying to Japan soon. He tells you that he’s been practicing his Japanese to communicate with fans more. 
Hanbin has always been the kind of person to always put other people before himself. It’s the way he loves. He’s never been the type to be burdened to help another person, it just comes so innately with him. Truthfully, it’s why you fell in love with him in the first place. To be loved by the most selfless person on the planet is something you were grateful for everyday.
Little by little, you start to understand how Hanbin got himself to this position. When they moved in at the dorms, he spent his nights helping Yujin with his homework after practice. You learned from Hao that Hanbin has been helping him with his Korean as well. On top of that, Hanbin has still been showing up to school, attending classes left and right. Yesterday, when he visited his mom at the café, he even picked up a few shifts in the kitchen for a part-timer that didn’t show up that day. And right now, he was carving out time for you when he could be resting.
You spend the next few days distancing yourself a little so that he has more time to himself. You don’t communicate this with him, because you know he’ll continue to insist that everything is fine. 
When you don’t respond to his texts with your usual energy, or stop making plans with him on the weekends, Hanbin genuinely starts to think he’s losing you. He feels like he’s grasping at straws when he invites you to come over at the dorm to watch a movie with him. He’s scared you’ll say no.
But you agreed mainly because you miss him, and you felt kinda guilty for icing him out like that. You rationalized that you would both just be at arm's length from a bed or a couch anyway. So when you arrive at the dorm for your movie date and find him peacefully asleep on his bed, you let him sleep. You patted his head, and tucked his blanket tighter against his body before turning off the lights in his room. 
When Hanbin wakes up, he thinks he messed up.
He looks around the room and wonders how he got there. Checking the time, it’s been 4 hours since he’s invited you over. He frustratingly puts his face in his hands, hating himself for falling asleep. 
He hears voices coming from the living room. Slowly following the sound, he finds both you and Matthew laughing at some Hollywood romcom he hasn’t seen before. There’s popcorn and beer laid out on the floor where you're both seated, and an array of pillows and blankets.
It looks like they’ve been at it for hours, Hanbin thinks to himself. It’s Matthew that notices him standing there first.
“Oh hyung, you’re awake!”
Even though he  says it excitingly, Hanbin can’t help but take it as a dig. You’re smiling at Hanbin and gesturing to him to sit down next to you, but he doesn’t notice. He’s too in over his head, thinking that he fucked up and thus easily replaceable. 
He needs water to clear his head. So he doesn’t respond and just walks to the kitchen. Confused, you get up to follow him.
Hanbin is opening the fridge when you wrap your arms around his waist, head resting in the middle of his back. He stands there and feels your embrace, placing his hands atop of yours as he lets out a deep sigh. Fridge door long forgotten, he says sorry first. 
“Sorry I fell asleep love, I didn’t mean to”. He sounds defeated. His head is hanging low, and he doesn’t turn around to face you, fearing your reaction. You simply hug him tighter and press a small kiss on his back, making sure he feels loved. 
“I didn’t wanna wake you, don’t beat yourself up over it”
Arms still holding him, you crane your neck to the side to see his face. He’s looking down at the floor and biting his lip, as if punishing himself. You use your left hand to force him to look at you instead. 
His eyes are searching yours, as if trying to read you. He looks anxious, as if his next words were crucial. 
“Don’t leave me, Y/N” 
His voice cracks at the slightest, and your heart breaks. Your eyes soften and you run your hand through the back of his head, gently stroking against his scalp. 
“I’m not leaving you silly, I love you too much”
He just gently nods repeatedly, relieved to hear you say that. This time, he engulfs you quickly into his arms, head resting atop yours. You can hear his heartbeat as you rest your ear to his chest. When it slows down, you ask him what he wants to eat for dinner.
You look up at him and he presses a chaste kiss to your nose. It tickles and you can’t help but smile widely at him. His arms are still resting at your waist when he responds.
“Anything you want, love.”
Even in moments like these, he simply yields to what you want. You nod at his response and decide to order his favorite food. You’ll have to have another conversation with him about prioritizing himself for once, but right now, you gladly do it for him.  
He cups his hands on either side of your jaw and brings you to a kiss. Only then, he finally smiles. 
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A/N: This one is more fluffy and longer than I thought it would be. Thank you to the person who requested!
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
✎ mobile masterlist
✉︎ request
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gunhaos · 1 year
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SUNG HANBIN Debut Congratulatory Photo
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wonwonyoyo · 1 year
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୨ ֹ ִ comfort ֹ ִ 🌃 . ֹ ִ ♡𝆬
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to: s.hanbin
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seoulicons · 10 months
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like or reblog pls ♡ | cr: @moon_taeiI
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sunghanbinnie · 1 year
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the softest vs pls step on me hanbinnie
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