#yoo seungeon imagines
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jebewonmorelike · 2 years ago
Seungie Tokki
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wc: 2.1k pronouns: none used; n/a warnings: some swearing; lots of fluff; gyuvin, ricky and yunseo large features lol summary: seungeon and bestfriend!reader are obviously in love with each other. will the other '04 yuehuaz be able to finally get them together? ~bp masterlist~ ♡ ~kofi (no pressure at all)~ guys this one is so good lmao. was requested to make a fluffy friends-to-lovers seungeon x reader, but ended up writing iconic comedy quartet '04 yuehuaz instead... luckily, both goals were accomplished so i hope you enjoy :)
"Aw, thank you Seungie!" You coo, taking the little blue and white polka-dotted stuffed bunny from Seungeon's hands. You examine it, turning it around a few times before holding it up to his face. "Doesn't it kind of look like him?"
Gyuvin snorts. "Spitting image."
Seungeon glares at the taller boy, who runs to hide behind Yunseo. "Do you want to die?"
"Now that I think of it," Yunseo poses, smirking as he rubs his chin thoughtfully between two fingers, "isn't it a bit too obvious that you're giving (Y/N) a stuffed animal that looks like you?"
Seungeon blushes furiously and you figure that being falsely accused by his friends of harboring romantic feelings for you for the umpteenth time is as good of a cause as any for embarrassment.
You shake your head. "Come on, guys. Seungeon and I have been friends for years. If he was interested in me, wouldn't you think he'd have done something about it by now?"
"Yeah, you would think; wouldn't you?" Gyuvin replies, stepping out cautiously from behind Yunseo to give Seungeon a pat on the back.
Seungeon sighs. "I'm sorry these idiots followed me along on my walk. I didn't mean to take up your lunch break with their," he narrows his eyes at the two lanky boys beside him. "... Buffoonery."
You laugh, taking a step closer to your friend and pulling him in for a hug. "It's really okay. I'm bored all day here anyway so I really appreciate the company actually. Come back whenever you want!"
Gyuvin and Yunseo grin satisfactorily, the darker-haired boy announcing, "Okay, see you tomorrow!"
"We are not coming back here tomorrow!" Seungeon protests, smacking Yunseo on the arm. "My team is practicing during this time tomorrow."
Gyuvin chuckles. "He didn't say you were invited."
Seungeon rubs his face with his hands in frustration. "That's it. We're leaving now."
"Thanks for coming, Seungie," you say with a smile, checking your phone quickly to see how much time you have left for your lunch break. "Will you come again soon?"
Your friend stares back at you unblinkingly, only nodding slowly at your request.
You swallow nervously, involuntarily biting your lip as you add:
"Good. Cause I miss you."
"Cool," Gyuvin mocks to Yunseo as Seungeon trails behind him down the sidewalk. "(Y/N) said 'I miss you' and he replied... 'Cool'."
Seungeon lets out an exasperated cry.
"Not to mention the googly eyes he was making before that," Yunseo adds. "He went from cartoon hearts flying out of his eyes to 'cool'. A tragic overcorrection if I've ever seen one.
"Damn. And he's been acting like this for years and (Y/N) hasn't caught on yet?" Gyuvin shakes his head disbelievingly.
Yunseo laughs. "They're literally made for each other."
"No, we are not! I don't know how many times I have to tell you guys that (Y/N) and I are just friends. Neither of us are harboring secret romantic feelings for each other," Seungeon exclaims annoyedly, catching up to his friends and pushing his way in between them.
"Oh, come on, Seungie," Gyuvin replies, rolling his eyes at the shorter boy. "
"Yeah, we saw you stand there for twenty minutes trying to grab that specific toy and then when you managed to win a different one first, you literally threw it at the kid in line behind you and shouted, 'TAKE IT! JUST TAKE IT!'" Yunseo recounts.
Seungeon shrugs sheepishly. "It was a purple bunny. (Y/N) would never want a purple bunny."
"Now, remind me Yunseo, did he traumatize the kid before or after he put the purple bunny in a chokehold and whispered, 'This one doesn't look anything like me'?" Gyuvin quips, smacking the back of Seungeon's head. "And who the hell doesn't like purple bunnies?"
"OKAY, FINE!" Seungeon relents, rubbing the spot on his head that Gyuvin had hit. "I did want the blue bunny because it looked a bit like me, yes."
"It actually looked eerily like you," Yunseo says, visibly shivering. "Are you sure that thing wasn't cursed?"
"It's not cursed!" Seungeon protests, throwing his arms down in a tiny tantrum. "I would never give something cursed to the love of my--."
Gyuvin and Yunseo's jaws drop as the words accidentally roll off of their friend's tongue. Seungeon's hand flies to cover his mouth as he realizes what he's just said.
"FINALLY!" Gyuvin shouts, stopping dead in his tracks to jump up and down in celebration.
Yunseo grabs Seungeon's shoulders and shakes him excitedly. "HE ADMITS IT!"
Seungeon's head shakes rapidly as he tries to deny the Freudian slip, but his heart sinks as he realizes its too late to take back now. Gyuvin and Yunseo will never let him hear the end of this.
"You have to say something now," Gyuvin pleads, throwing his arm around Seungeon's shoulders as they continue down the street.
"No, I don't," the shorter boy counters, folding his arms across his chest in defense. "There's no way (Y/N) feels the same way."
Yunseo sighs, throwing his head back in exasperation. "Seungeon, please answer me honestly, is your stupidity willful or are you really this blind?"
Seungeon glares back at him. "What are you trying to say?"
"He's trying to say you're a giant idiot!" Gyuvin says, tossing his empty coffee cup in a trash can.
"Not helpful," Seungeon responds with a frown.
"How are we supposed to help, Seungie?" Yunseo asks rhetorically. "You and (Y/N) are so obviously in love witch each other and you refuse to believe it. You are clearly beyond help."
Seungeon's brow furrows confusedly. "You--... You think (Y/N) feels the same way?"
Just then, Seungeon feels his phone vibrate in his pocket. He pulls it out to see a message notification from you.
Look, Seungie Saram! Seungie Tokki is alerting me when new customers enter the store from his post on top of the espresso machine. He's doing a good job, don't you think?
Attached is a picture of the little blue and white polka-dotted bunny sitting on top of one of the coffee machines at your shop. Seungeon's phone falls from his hands as he clutches his heart at the adorable sight and Gyuvin lunges to catch it in his freakishly large palm.
After he reads your message and gags, he passes the phone to Yunseo who gags as well.
"That's it," Yunseo announces, tucking the phone back into Seungeon's pocket. "You're going back there tomorrow and you're asking (Y/N) out once and for all."
"You're putting a lot of faith in the hope that he'll make it to tomorrow," Gyuvin quips with a snort, both of the boys turning to look at Seungeon who is miming out a whole conversation with you as the other boys talk. "See? He's going insane as we speak."
"I'll do it," Seungeon exclaims suddenly, an excited grin spreading across his face. "I'll ask (Y/N) out tomorrow!"
"Holy shit," Gyuvin whispers in awe. "We fixed him."
Yunseo laughs, patting Gyuvin on the shoulder. "Now we can work on fixing you."
"Seungie!" You greet happily as your friend walks through the door of your coffee shop the next day with his friends again. "I thought you had to practice today?"
"Oh, uh..." Seungeon fumbles, eyes locked on the Seungie Tokki plushy facing the door from the top of the espresso machine. "I bartered my temporary freedom in exchange for bringing my whole team coffee."
You laugh, following his gaze up to the bunny toy. "He's my guard rabbit. Much less expensive than a real security system."
"And much less effective," Gyuvin mumbles, pulling out his wallet. "Can I get an iced Americano?"
"It's (Y/N)'s lunch break!" Seungeon scolds. "I'm already about to order six iced coffees as it is..."
"Then what's four more?" Ricky scoffs. "I'm only here in the first place because you promised to buy me coffee today."
"Good to know your support is entirely dependent on material gain," Seungeon replies with a glare.
"Support?" You ask, head tilting to the side cutely. "Why do you need support?"
All of the boys' heads snap back to you quickly, as if they'd already forgotten that you were standing there.
"Um," Yunseo responds awkwardly, grabbing Ricky and Gyuvin by the backs of their shirts and pulling them towards a booth in the corner of the shop. "We're gonna sit over here."
You sigh, attention returning to your friend. "Your friends get weirder every day."
"Tell me about it," Seungeon agrees, sheepishly scratching the back of his neck. "Sorry to ask you to make all this coffee when you're supposed to be resting."
You shake your head. "Don't worry about it. I'm closing early today anyway since it gets too slow on Tuesday evenings to justify staying open."
"Oh," Seungeon replies, nodding slowly as you make your way back behind your counter and start to prepare the coffee orders. "So are you saying you're free tonight?"
You laugh, holding a cup underneath the espresso machine spout. "Yeah, I am. Why? No way you're not busy. You're always busy now."
You watch as Seungeon's face falls. "I'm sorry," he says sadly. "The show has me on such a tight schedule."
You shake your head. "It's not your fault! I'm proud of you, ya know? I just miss you is all."
Someone coughs loudly from the back booth and Seungeon turns around to glare at his friends for being rowdy.
"Cool," Seungeon replies in the exact same fashion he had the day before. He shakes his head. "No, I mean--."
"He means he misses you too!" Gyuvin shouts.
Seungeon presses his lips together awkardly. "Uh, yeah. That is what I meant."
"No, no. What he actually means is that he really misses you. He spent twenty minutes at a claw machine yesterday trying to win you that ugly ass bunny that looks like him, because he wanted to give you something that reminds you of him," Yunseon explains further.
"Well, I don't think you had to say it was ugly--," Seungeon says but he's interrupted by his blonde friend.
"Seungeon is in love with you," Ricky announces definitively, looking up from his phone only when he doesn't hear anyone reply. As the other boys glare at him, he just shrugs. "What? It's true. Isn't that the whole reason we're here? Right, Seungie?"
Seungeon's head falls to his hands. "What a disaster," he groans, before taking note of your silence and looking back up at you cautiously.
Your eyes are wide as you blink back at your friend. "Is that all true?"
He grimaces, before nodding slowly. "Yeah."
A small smile surfaces on your face as you process the confession. "So, what you're saying is... I can actually bring this bunny home and put it on my bed and not feel weird about it?"
"Oh my god," you hear Gyuvin whisper in awe.
Seungeon's eyebrows raise in shock. "I--... Um... Yes. Yes! Absolutely. Yes, you can totally do that. I would be so honored if--."
"And can you get out of practice tonight for a bit?" You ask, packing the coffees into a cupholder tray. "We can go to dinner and you can tell me how you feel without all of your tall friends' commentary."
Seungeon nods vigorously. "Yes. Yes I'd love to ditch my tall friends and sell my soul to my team to have dinner with you."
The rest of the boys stand up from the booth they're at and make their way to you and Seungeon at the counter. Gyuvin wraps his arm around Seungeon's shoulder.
"He's all grown up now," he says, picking up one of the coffee trays. "Please invite us to the wedding."
"I think Dongyeol will let you out of practice for the sake of love," Yunseo says, picking up another tray. "Just be thankful Park Hanbin isn't your leader this week."
Ricky grabs one of the coffees out of Yunseo's tray and pokes a straw in it right away. "We're gonna fix Gyuvin next, right?"
"Okay, everybody keeps saying that and I just don't understand how you could want to fix perfection," Gyuvin replies, giving you a wave as they shuffle out the door and onto the street-- leaving you alone with Seungeon.
"So, uh," he says, picking up the last coffee tray from the counter. "I'll see you around 8?"
You nod, chewing your cheek to keep yourself from grinning like an idiot. "Yeah. 8 is good."
He nods also, walking toward the door and pushing it open. "Make sure Seungie Tokki gets a premium space on your bed."
"I'll send you a picture," you say, unable to hide your smile now.
He laughs. "Are you trying to kill me?"
"See you later, Seungie," you respond with a wave.
"Can't wait, (Y/N)."
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sparklingparadise · 2 years ago
lipstick trend with some of the trainees
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request: anon - doing the lipstick stain trend on tiktok with some bp trainees?
pairing: boys planet trainees x gn!reader
genre: fluff, headcanons
word count: 0.4k words
warnings: kissing (nothing suggestive)
notes: i got this ask at the beginning of april so i apologize for how overdue this is 😭😭
lee seunghwan
- you showed him the video and it was an instant yes
- he adores anything you do so you catch him staring at you as you’re trying to make yourself look presentable
- that smirk he always does omg it would not leave his face for hours
- when you’re finally filming he gets all shy and hides into your neck
- this keeps happening so you have to keep filming it over and over again
terazono keita
- you showed him the video and you swear he was the happiest boy on the planet at that moment
- he kept getting sleepy when you were leaving lipstick-stained kisses on his face so you had to keep waking him up
- he has the cutest pink round cheeks when you're practicing
- when the camera films him he catches you by surprise and leans in to kiss you but covers the camera before he did
lee jeonghyeon
- took almost the whole day to convince him to do the video (he’s so shy omg)
- tries to act all nonchalant but he gets the biggest butterflies every time you kiss him
- eventually, he breaks and he can’t stop giggling like a little girl
- he gets a boost of confidence out of nowhere and kisses you at the end of the video
- but then gets shy all over again when you post it and wants to hide from everyone
yoo seungeon
- he was a little hesitant at first when you showed him the video but he would do anything for you so it took a small amount of convincing
- soooo clingy, he holds your hands as you’re covering his face with kisses
- he’s a little giggly and ticklish
- during the first take he forgot he was supposed to kiss you but when the camera panned toward him you catch him staring hard at your lips
kum junhyeon
- surprisingly he would approach you first with FULL confidence but then get all shy after he’s done asking
- he gets so embarrassed that he can’t even look at you so you have to calm him down
- he is so bad at hiding how excited he is for something so he is looking at you with the biggest heart eyes as you apply lipstick
- the biggest blushing mess after you only cupped his cheeks
- it’s like he fell in love with you more each time you left a kiss mark which led to him forgetting about the video and attacking your face back with kisses
- the video was never posted 💔 but it’s okay cause he got a lot of kisses from you without having to beg
© taeraecore 2023
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leejeongz · 9 months ago
🫧 fake texts with evnne - you tell him that your ex called you 🫧
genre: crack, fluff
warnings: jealousy
pairing: boyf!evnne x gn!evnne
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starrypen · 1 year ago
who do you think are the hard doms and who are the soft doms in evnne? either way i’m on my knees for hanbin🧎‍♀️
warnings: smut, fem!reader, dom!evnne x sub!reader, bondage, “slut”
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THE hard doms :
˚➶ 。˚ hanbin
incredibly mean and sly. loves to spank and laughs at your reaction. scolds you when you do something that isn’t up to his satisfaction. teaches you how to use your body to make him cum. “stupid slut, you know what i need.”
˚➶ 。˚ jeonghyeon
handcuffs and blindfolds. keeps you wondering what he’ll do to your body next. bratty behaviour is not tolerated, he will happily starve you of touch or deny you of your orgasm. lots of edging, then smirking at how needy you are. “look at you, so pathetic.”
THE soft doms :
˚➶ 。˚ keita
gives you permission to play with yourself. patient and respectful, strokes your hair while you’re giving him head and traces his finger over your body in admiration while fucking you. encourages self love. “who’s my pretty girl hm?”
˚➶ 。˚ seungeon
touchy and cuddly. he takes the lead by default by taking responsibility for both of your pleasure, yours always coming before his (literally 🤭). tortures you with your own orgasm. “just one more, baby, i know you can.”
˚➶ 。˚ yunseo
reassuring and caring. your pleasure is his pleasure. loves to praise you for everything you do like taking his cock well or wearing his favourite lingerie set. lots and lots of compliments. “you make me feel so good, baby, fuck.”
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zhng96 · 1 year ago
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↳ rq: bae can u pretty please do leejeong or seungeon bf texts plsplspls i’ll give u my firstborn<3
↳ pairing: yoo seungeon x gn!reader
↳ warnings: im not funny, swearing, kys joke
perm taglist: @tzuberry @hrtattcker @yueriots-deactivated20230921 @neohyxn @avocarua @dwcljh @uyujns @knrejj @taeraemisu
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lil-elle · 1 year ago
This is a request from my gf hehe ☺️
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group: evnne
pair: seungeon x fem!reader (feat. the other members)
genre: childhood friends x lovers, fluff, slight angst (itty bitty)
word count: 3.1k
content: smooches hehe
a/n: she's obsessed with him guys trust me
“Just confess to her, dude.” Keita insisted, placing a hand on Seungeon's shoulder. “How long have you liked her for? Since you were kids, right?”
Seungeon stood silently, head held low with his friends gathered around him, lecturing him. But he couldn't listen, he had too many thoughts running through his mind. Thoughts of your smile, thoughts of losing that smile if he laid his heart bare and you didn't feel the same way. He couldn't lose you, not after all these years.
“It's obvious, she totally likes you back. I can see it when she looks at you!” Jihoo rambled, attempting to reassure his worried friend.
“You don't know that.” Seungeon sputtered out, maybe a little more aggressively than he intended.
“Quit being a pussy, man.” Hanbin interjected, setting something off within the lovesick boy.
“What the hell do you guys know anyway!? All of your silly crushes have been so fleeting…I…love her…” His voice trailed off, cracking slightly. He quickly felt overwhelmed, glancing at his friends' shocked faces. He took a careful step back, heartbeat quick in his chest. Quickly, he spun around and stomped towards the door in large strides, almost running away. He threw the door open and yanked it closed behind him, not sparing his friends another glance, mostly out of guilt but he couldn't deny the frustration he felt. They couldn't understand how it felt.
The boys stared back at the closed door, almost sighing in unison while looking to each other for a solution.
“We're getting nowhere with him…” Jeonghyeon muttered, throwing his head back in exasperation.
Yunseo suddenly clapped, startling the innocent Jihoo standing right next to him.
“What if,” he began, grabbing the others’ attention, “we flirt with her~” a playful smirk spread across his face. The rest stared at him for a moment, the gears turning in their minds.
“What?” Keita questioned first, followed by Junghyun.
“Yeah what the hell would that even do?”
Yunseo stuck his hands out in appeal.
“Hear me out!” He exclaimed. “Even if Seungeon insists he's never going to confess, in the back of his mind, I'm sure he still thinks he has a chance with her.” The others listened expectantly as Yunseo explained his plan. “So…we make him feel like his chance with her is being threatened!”
“That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.” Hanbin blurted out, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow.
Keita stuck a finger out, eyebrows furrowed in thought.
“Wait…that's actually not a bad idea.”
“HUH?!?” Hanbin exclaimed, utterly shocked that Keita, being as rational as he was, would even give a single thought to Yunseo's ‘plan’. Jihoo, on the other hand, was all for it, smiling and chuckling while already pulling out his phone to google ‘best pick-up lines’. The others slowly came around as well, although reluctantly, and eventually they were all listening intently as Yunseo described a whole operation to finally get Seungeon to pull his act together and confess. They were doing this, and they weren't going to half-ass it.
And so it started rather tamely, with Jihoo approaching you shyly just outside the practice room, a bouquet of flowers in hand. At the same time, Jeonghyeon led Seungeon through the halls under the guise he was going to help him learn the new choreo, only for them to stumble right into Jihoo's attempt to ‘make you swoon’ as he called it.
Seungeon pulled Jeonghyeon back behind the corner they just rounded before peeking around, eyes immediately being drawn to your shocked face. They darted from you, to Jihoo, to the flowers in his hands, and back to you, an uneasy and uncomfortable feeling of jealousy building in his gut.
“What's up man?” Jeonghyeon asked, knowing full well what was up and smirking a little at Seungeons scrunched expression.
“What-” Seungeon cut him off, shoving a finger against his lips as he desperately tried to hear what the hell Jihoo was saying to you. It was a fruitless effort, however, as he quickly shoved the bouquet into your arms and hurried away in the opposite direction, leaving you stunned. Seungeon stared at you for a moment, watching you mindlessly fidget with the petals.
“You good?” Jeonghyeon asked, before having his arm firmly grasped and being dragged back in the direction of the building entrance. He couldn't keep a smirk off his face from how he could practically see the steam rising from Seungeon's head as he stomped his way out of the building.
“He's giving me the silent treatment.” Jihoo pouted to the other members, minus Seungeon, gathered in the living room that night. “And he won't even leave his room now!”
“I mean, that's what you get for being so charming and stealing his girl.” Jeonghyeon teased, bumping his shoulder lightly.
“Come on man! You know she doesn't see me like that,” he mumbled, arms crossed over his chest, “She thinks I'm a kid!”
“Because you are.” Hanbin interjected with an amused smirk.
“I'm not!” Jihoo protested eagerly.
“Alright guys, shut the fuck up,” Yunseo cut in with an impatient voice and a wave of his hand, “me and Keita are trying to scheme over here.”
“Scheme faster, I'm hungry.” Junghyun whined as laid stretched out over the couch. Yunseo leaned over him, his lip twitching with annoyance.
“Well, then you can eat my-”
“That's enough!” Keita called out, clapping his hands. “Damn I thought I signed up to be an idol, not a kindergarten teacher.”
“Says the shortest one here…” Hanbin mumbled before quickly receiving a sharp elbow in the ribs from Jeonghyeon and a death glare from Keita.
Keita cleared his throat. “Anyways. Jihoo said he refuses to leave his room now, and while you might think that makes our plan pretty much impossible…,” the members nod their heads in agreement, “this is ACTUALLY the perfect opportunity!”
The other members just stood and stared at him motionlessly before Hanbin's snarky voice cut through the silence once again.
“Maybe we should just shove Jihoo in that room with Seungeon and maybe he'll fall in love with him and forget all about her.”
“HE'LL BEAT ME UP?!?!” Jihoo exclaimed dramatically.
“You're actually not far from my idea with that.” Keita pointed out with a surprised tone.
“HUH!?” Jihoo shouted, taking a step back.
“Oh relax, this has nothing to do with you.” Yunseo grabbed his wrist, pulling him forward again.
Keita cleared his throat once again, drawing the attention of his members back to him. “The plan is…”
You knocked on the door to the dorm clumsily, hands taken up by grocery bags filled with containers of home made food and medicine you'd brought with you. You listened to the lock click as the door opened, craning your neck to see Jihoo smiling shyly at you.
“Hey.” He said with a slight awkwardness in his voice. You smiled happily at him.
“Hey!” Silence hung in the air for a few moments before you stuttered out some words to cut through the awkward tension. “C-can I come in…?”
“Oh! Yeah, duh. Sorry.” He quickly moved out of the way and held the door open for you to shuffle in, the bags in your hands rustling loudly. “What's all that?” He questioned, closing the door behind you.
“Just some food, because Seungeon's always liked my home cooking, and some medicine for his cold I picked up on the way here.”
“O-oh right! Y-yeah. His cold…” Jihoo glanced up and made eye contact with Yunseo, smiling proudly at him and throwing him a double thumbs up. He sighed softly, turning back to face you.
“Can I…put these down somewhere?” You held up the bags, which were becoming increasingly heavier with each passing moment. A voice from behind you made you spin around, your eyes landing on the kind face of Keita.
“I'll take them!” He quickly took the bags from you and carried them into the kitchen, placing them carefully on the bench.
“Y-you should go check on Seungeon!” Jihoo blurted out behind you, startling you slightly. His eagerness confused you but you couldn't deny that you were worried about him, images of a weak, feverish Seungeon filling your mind.
“Y-yeah…yeah I will.”
You made your way to the dorm, familiar to you only from all the time you and your best friend would spend goofing around and doing TV show marathons back in his trainee days. When you arrived in front of his door, you lifted your fist to knock, hesitating for a moment as you felt the tiny flutter of butterflies in your stomach. Swallowing down the feeling, your hand collided with the door.
“What do you want?” His voice sounded snarky, raspy, and slightly nasally, making pictures of sick Seungeon appear in your mind once again.
“I-It's me…” You suddenly heard a loud thump, followed by rustling bed sheets and various other sounds of scrambling that you couldn't place. The door swung open, and before you could even say hi, he'd grabbed your wrist and yanked you inside, almost slamming the door behind you. You quickly turned and stepped close to him, hand landing on his forehead.
“A-are you okay?” You could see the remnants of what seemed to be tears hanging on his eyelashes, along with redness in his eyes and nose. He'd usually hate the idea of you seeing him all teary eyed in such a way, but this time he was grateful that it was distracting you from the deep blushing rapidly creeping onto his face.
His soft fingers clasped around your wrist and slid your hand from his forehead, pressing your palm against his cheek as he looked down at you with soft eyes. “H-hey…why are you…” your other hand came up to his face and your thumb brushed at his eyelashes, clearing them of any tears still remaining. He swallowed nervously, mind working to try and figure out an excuse as to why he had been crying. “L-listen…this is-”
“It's okay. The guys told me you were sick. That's why I'm here.” You smiled at him warmly but his face just fell, a familiar feeling of annoyance at his members resonating within him once again.
“I'm not.” His voice was slightly harsh as he spoke those two words.
“I'm not sick.”
You looked at him in confusion and he sighed, removing both of your hands from his face and stepping around you to sit back down on his bed. “Those guys…” he mumbled, frustration clear in his voice. Your mind spun with questions as you made your way over to him and sat down next to him. The two of you sat silently as he held his head in his hands and you stared at the ground, trying to make sense of everything.
“I'm sorry.” He suddenly spoke up, lifting his head to look at you with apologetic eyes. “I'm sorry you came all the way here for nothing.” You placed a hand on his back and failed to notice the way he shivered, his ears burning bright red. “It's so late too…they really made you come all the way here in the dark…what were they even thinking…” His voice trailed off into a mumble as he looked back down at the floor.
“Hey, it's fine. I'm just happy to see my best friend.” You bent down to peer into his face and smiled happily at him. “I brought you some of my cooking. We could just eat and watch a movie together.” His eyes met yours and suddenly he was battling with his sense of guilt for making you come all the way here and his desire for you to stay and be close to him.
“But…it's already late…”
“I can sleep over!” You quickly interjected, making his eyes widen. “On the couch! When was the last time we had a sleepover? Middle school?” You giggled and he couldn't stop a smile from spreading over his face.
“Yeah..okay.” He chuckled, sitting up straight. “That sounds fun.”
You jumped up happily and made your way to the door. “Yay! I'll go grab the food now! I made a lot.” Right as you reached for the handle, Jihoo's quiet voice slipped through the cracks, perking your ears up.
“Why me again??”
“Shhhhh just say it!”
You stood frozen, your hand hanging in mid-air as Jeonghyeon's whispered voice rang out too.
“You good?” Seungeon asked, standing up from the bed and taking a few steps forward before Jihoo's voice appeared again, slightly louder this time.
“I-I can't confess to her tonight!”
Your heart almost stopped completely at his words.
“Why not dude? She's here, it's the perfect time! If you like her so much, then do it!” Jeonghyeon responded loudly.
Their voices trailed off and you stood completely motionless, eyes boring holes into the wooden door in front of you. Seungeon's hand on your shoulder startled you out of whatever trance you were in and your blood almost ran cold when you saw his expression. His eyebrows were pulled tight, his eyes dark, and his jaw clenched so tightly that you could see one of the veins running down from his jawline to the base of his neck.
“...I-is that true…? Does Jihoo…like me…?” You questioned in a quiet tone. Seungeon could barely even form a single coherent thought. His train of thought had crashed and burst into flames as soon as he heard Jihoo's words, and the sight of the slight redness on your ears only made his blood run even hotter.
“Oh I'm gonna kill that kid.” He muttered, earning a shocked expression from you. You grabbed tightly to his shoulders, leaning forward.
“So it's true?? He does??”
“What do you care?!” He yelled, making your heart sink to your stomach. He'd never, in the history of you two being friends, yelled at you like that.
“Because he's my friend!” You spat back. “If he has feelings for me…I'm not just going to ignore that…” you looked down at the floor, arms going limp and falling to your sides. Seungeon's heart pounded in his ears, panic setting in.
“S-so what? You're gonna go out there and accept his feelings? Go ahead.” He took a step back and looked away from you. A white hot pain rose up from within you and tears stung at the back of your eyes.
“N-no I'm-” your voice cracked and you swallowed your feelings down before speaking in a much quieter tone. “What if I was? Why do you seem so upset anyway?? Shouldn't you be happy for your friends?” You don't know where this sudden pettiness came from, but your heart just couldn't handle how he was so willing to let you go like that.
“Happy?! Seriously?! He'd be taking you away from me!” He raised his voice and you raised yours in unison.
“We could still be best friends if I became someone's girlfriend y'know!!”
“Obviously! But if you became someone else's girlfriend, you couldn't be MY girlfriend!” He yelled, taking a sudden step closer.
“H-huh?” Your heart dropped to your stomach and heat quickly rose to your cheeks. You must've heard him wrong…right? Suddenly he placed his hands on your cheeks, lifting your head so you kept your eyes on him.
“Gosh, I knew you were dense, but do I really have to spell it out for you?”
The butterflies in your stomach went wild as he spoke and your face felt like it would burst into flames at any moment. You stood there for a moment before nodding gently. He chuckled lightly before speaking in a completely serious tone.
“I like you- no…I love you…and not the ‘best friend’ kind of love since I know that's how your silly brain will take it…”
You stood for a moment, your brain going into overdrive as you attempted to process his words.
“O-oh…” That was all you could muster and he sighed, taking his hands off you and stepping back. He ran his hand through his hair and threw his head back.
“God…this was their whole plan wasn't it…” he chuckled weakly at himself as you stood still fighting your own pounding heart and muddled thoughts. “I’m sorry…,” he turned away from you, “you should probably go…I doubt you feel comfortable sleeping over now…”
“N-no!” you blurted out before even really registering what he said. He looked back at you, shocked, and heavy tension quickly filled the room.
“I…don't want to go…”
He smiled wryly at you, his cheeks going slightly pink and his eyes turning glossy like he could burst into tears at any moment.
“Stop…,” his voice was quieter than ever, “you're gonna give me false hope…” You took a step towards him and held your hands up, instinctively wanting to wipe his eyes and ease the pain he was feeling.
“I-It's not…false…” you squeaked out, watching immediately how his eyes widened at your words and he trembled.
He stepped towards you and, within the blink of an eye, his lips were on yours. You squeezed your eyes shut and he held gently to your wrists, allowing you to pull away at any moment if the kiss was something you didn't want. But it was. After a few seconds without you stepping away from him, he brought his shaking hands to your cheeks, holding you gently yet firmly as he kissed you with slightly more passion. The two of you had fallen into your own little world. A world where only you two existed. A world that was suddenly shattered by a knock on the door to Seungeon's room.
“Are you two okay?” Keita's concerned voice questioned. “I heard yelling.”
Seungeon pulled his lips from yours with a wet smacking sound that made you blush with embarrassment and glanced over at the door. Your voice had completely betrayed you, not a single sound coming up from your throat no matter how hard you tried.
“We're alright!” Seungeon suddenly spoke, glancing down at you before looking back up to the door. “Just…watching a drama!”
The two of you listened to his fading footsteps before giggling to each other.
“Watching a drama?” You repeated, chuckling. “We ARE the drama.”
He laughed, rubbing his thumbs against your cheeks. “Honestly, they're the drama. Making you think Jihoo liked you so we'd argue and I'd confess.”
“Wait…so he doesn't like me?”
“No!” Seungeon exclaimed. “It was just a stupid plan to get me to admit my feelings for you…” He glanced away, blushing red and embarrassed. You giggled lightly.
“Well it worked, didn't it?”
He looked back down at you and smiled adoringly, leaning his forehead on yours.
“Yeah…it did…”
@chocoeon @hyunukitty @ihyeokzu @cake1box @chiiyuuvv @shortnstupid
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taeraemisu · 1 year ago
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if your message comes through, i wanna read your text ! ★彡
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disclaimer ! any weird requests about the members would not be taken lightly !
☆ keita
nothing here . . ?
☆ hanbin
nothing here . . ?
☆ lee jeonghyeon
nothing here . . ?
☆ seungeon
nothing here . . ?
☆ yunseo
nothing here . . ?
☆ mun junghyun
nothing here . . ?
☆ jihoo
nothing here . . ?
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mirisss · 1 year ago
EVNNE Masterlist
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Terazono Keita
Park Hanbin
My Bad-boy
Lee Jeonghyeon
Heartfelt choices LeeJeong arc
Heartfelt Choices - with Mun Junghyun, Ji Yunseo, Lee Jeonghyeon, & Park Gunwook (ZB1)
Yoo Seungeon
Ji Yunseo
Heartfelt Choices - with Mun Junghyun, Ji Yunseo, Lee Jeonghyeon, & Park Gunwook (ZB1)
Heartfelt choices Yunseo arc
Mun Junghyun
Bloodbound - Vampire! Junghyun x human! reader
Heartfelt choices Munjung arc
Heartfelt Choices - with Mun Junghyun, Ji Yunseo, Lee Jeonghyeon, & Park Gunwook (ZB1)
Park Jihoo (only platonic)
OT7 (only platonic)
18+ line (aka, everyone except Jihoo)
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geonppangi · 2 years ago
boys planet as seventeen songs pt 2
um so i was a clown and started making this before eliminations came out. but i thought ckj’s was too good so he’s staying!!
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getting closer - park gunwook
after his outfit in the first episode, i already knew that this would be the concept for him
i think his voice would fit really well in the chorus and he'd also get to show off his rapping skills!!!
also there are so many hard moves like the pushup flip?? and the jump that i trust that he could pull off
also i just know that he would look so good in this
i am definitely not biased because he’s my favourite and getting closer is my favourite seventeen concept
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my i - chen kuan jui
we already know
dancing with props, especially ribbon is very difficult
and coordinating that with a partner? even more difficult
this dance requires a lot of smooth movements and flexibility
and that's perfect for ckj because those are some of his strengths
now for who he would perform this with?
tbh i'm not too sure, if you have any suggestions lmk!
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smile flower - lee hoetaek / hui
okay i had to think for a really long time about this one
hui definitely has the vocal skills to perform any seventeen song but i wasn't sure what concept would fit him the best
but honestly i would love to hear hui do an arrangement of smile flower with his own lyrics potentially
i think there are some songs that require the singer to have experienced what they are singing about to truly capture the spirit of the song
and i think from what we've seen of hui throughout the show, he would be more than able to pull this off
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home run - jay
okay i don't know if it's just because of the baseball reference, but something about home run just feels very distinctly american to me
so ofc who better than our american boy to cover it?
also the chorus has such powerful vocals and i think that his range + colour would really suit this song
like something about his voice is very smooth??? like i can see him fitting into the retro concept really well
you cannot tell me that jay would not do dk's lines justice
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ready to love - zhang hao
ahhhh our two flower boy centres
lowkey just want to see zhang hao surrounded by flowers as he deserves
i think that his voice also fits a lot of different genres
like he has a very clean voice
and i think this would be really good in ready to love
also i know a lot of carats don't like ready to love but i absolutely love this song and i just think he would look so good in this
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thanks - yoo seungeon
honestly seungeon could do any svt song
like i imagined him singing any of the choruses and he can do all of them
i think it's either thanks or don't wanna cry for me, since he has shown that he has really strong vocals and i think he can best show them off in these songs
honestly just insert any svt song though
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check in - na kamden
kamden would suit a hip hop unit song!!!
as we all know he is an amazing rapper
check in also has a lot of english lyrics which i think he would do really well
it's a more laidback vibe than some other hhu songs
also after seeing his performance in switch, i think that his voice would work really well in wonwoo's verse (and obviously the rest of the song)
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hit - han yujin
he is such a good dancer!!!!
i am in awe every time i watch him dance
i think it'd be really fun to watch him cover hit
he can show off his dancing skills
also idk i just think that his voice works really well for the hit sound hit hit hit hit sound part
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fear - yoo jongwoo
okay hear me out
do you guys remember when jongwoo sang the verse but an octave lower in mirotic
you cannot tell me that wouldn't fit so well in fear
like jeonghan's part after the first chorus
also i think he would look really good in this outfit
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my my - seok matthew
matthew did such a good job in say my name!!!!
like his smile is truly one of his best features
i feel like my my is another bubbly song that can highlight his charms
his clean vocals would also fit well in this song
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blossominghunnie · 2 years ago
☀️ Imagine 🌙 Fanfic
🌼 Fluff 🥀 Angst 🌷 Comedy 🍄 Suggestive 🧚🏼‍♀️ Popular
Fantasy Boys
Hong Sungmin
Coming soon
Yu Junwon
Coming soon
Park Jihoon
Fate 🌙 🌼
My love ☀️🌼🧚🏼‍♀️
Moving along ☀️🥀 (soon)
Woodz/Cho Seungyoun
Coming soon
Lucas Wong/ Wong Yukhei
Coming soon
Yoon Jongwoo
Blonde ☀️🌼
Jay Chang
20:00 ☀️🌼
Skateboard ☀️🌼
Chasing that feeling 🌙🌼🥀
Build Up ☀️🌼
Lee Yedam
Coming soon
Lim Sejun
Coming soon
Jung Subin
Lover of mine ☀️🌼 (soon)
Terazono Keita
Coming soon
Park Hanbin
Super shy ☀️🌼🧚🏼‍♀️
Lee Jeongyeon
Coming soon
Yoo Seungeon
Coming soon
Golden Child
Y/Choi Sungyoon
Coming soon
Bae Seungmin
Coming soon
Choi Bomin
Coming soon
Nakamoto Yuta
Coming soon
Jung Jaehyun
Coming soon
Kim Jungwoo
Coming soon
Winwin/Dong Sicheng
Coming Soon
Xiaojun/Xiao Dejun
Coming soon
Na Kamden
Coming soon
Coming soon
Choi Jiho
Broken Heart ☀️🌼🧚🏼‍♀️
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leejeongz · 2 years ago
🫧 small things evnne would do as your boyfriend 🫧
pairing: boyf!evnne x gn!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: mentions of food
a/n: just a reminder that i don’t write for 06 and younger (jihoo), see rules
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⋆ hanbin
⋆ he’s the BIGGEST flirt and loves to see you panicking and blushing
⋆ but he just laughs in your face instead of calling you cute he just cannot help himself 💀
⋆ the most supportive bf, he will be your personal cheerleader no matter what the event and he will never get tired of it
⋆ PDA and lots of it, but if you initiate it he’s gonna tease you for it (he loves it tho fr)
⋆ “it reminded me of you and i missed you so much so i had to buy it” gift giver vs “hanbin, you were gone for an hour” gift receiver
⋆ tries to teach you to dance sometimes and is very honest about it… but sings your praises to everyone else even if ur trash
⋆ bro literally gets cute aggression whenever your around, he just gets the urge to eat u in a cute loving way lmfao
⋆ this man always knows what to say to you like he just says the right thing at the right time and you immediately feel comforted
other members under the cut
⋆ keita
⋆ he’s obsessed with you i mean OBSESSED everything about you is just so fascinating to him
⋆ star gazing + cloud spotting <333
⋆ gets extremely sulky when you watch an ep of a show without him and makes you rewatch it by his side
⋆ when you’re feeling down, he orders your favourite pizza and cuddles you on the sofa until you’re ready to talk
⋆ let’s you be in his studio while he’s recording or composing because he wants to show off
⋆ and also because he thinks it’s cool when you show off your musical talents in there too
⋆ gets lost in your eyes when you talk and half stops listening for a brief moment until you pull him up on it
⋆ gentle pecks on your shoulder when he can tell you’re getting nervous/anxious
⋆ you and his family become SOOO close, he takes you to visit all the time, you’re so precious to all of them
⋆ jeonghyeon
⋆ subtle matching couple items that he’s just waiting for someone to ask him about so he can tell them about you
⋆ the way he looks at you gives you butterflies, of course it does, but the way he looks at you when you’re not looking gives other people butterflies he literally adores you and everything that you do everyone is envious
⋆ speaking of, he gets jealous when you give absolutely anyone else more attention than you’re giving him in that moment
⋆ i’m talking full pout and a passive aggressive comment under his breath which he most certainly takes back when you hear him
⋆ even tho he’s ur boyfriend he still tries too hard to impress you sometimes 😭 styling his hair with wayyy too much gel for example
⋆ nags. but in a teasing “you should’ve brought your own” kinda way
⋆ needs you to kiss his nose 24/7 but will he ever admit it? no absolutely not.
⋆ seungeon
⋆ he thinks you’re the funniest person ever istg
⋆ like he’s laughing all the time when he’s with you
⋆ a hugeeee prankster (but he knows ur limits) you’ll hear him giggling at your reaction and you’ll definitely want pay back lmaoo
⋆ when you get sick, he makes you soup (pours it out of a can and heats it up in the microwave ) and waits by the side of your bed for a compliment
⋆ he is 100% the type to kiss you once on the cheek or the lips and then not be able to stop kissing you
⋆ is gonna be singing to you half the day and it’s always gonna sound so damn good you’ll run out of ways to tell him how amazing he is
⋆ the other half of the day he’s complaining that his throat hurts and he needs you to make him some tea (because no one makes it like you do and he’s grown far too attached to you and your tea lol)
⋆ squishes your cheeks when you’re least expecting it
⋆ yunseo
⋆ this man 😭
⋆ loves his physical affection, having his arms around you when you’re doing absolutely anything, holding your hand, his hand on your thigh/knee when you’re sitting together 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
⋆ he finds comfort in being close to you and being able to hold your hand
⋆ gets sO shy when you compliment him, he’s gonna be blushing and questioning you the whole time with a cute little smile he cannot BELIEVE
⋆ buys your fav ice cream when he gets in from practice late hoping that you’re still awake so you can watch some disney+ together while eating the ice cream
⋆ he takes serious relationship talks very seriously and always wants to be a better boyfriend to you so he listens and apologises very sincerely (he can definitely hold his own tho don’t get me wrong)
⋆ glances at your lips when you talk, thinks he’s being subtle and discreet but he’s defo not
⋆ buys you a teddy bear for your birthday every year without fail to cuddle in bed when he's not there (but tells you it doesn’t beat the real thing (it doesn’t))
⋆ junghyun
⋆ pet. names. all of them. any that you can think of and more. without shame !!
⋆ (okay maybe he’s a bit shy at first but it doesn’t take him long before he’s firing them out left right and centre)
⋆ goes absolutely crazy for a forehead kiss and will give you puppy eyes if you don’t deliver
⋆ his hoodies = your hoodies
⋆ in fact, he gets a bit offended if you say that you don’t wanna wear them
⋆ rests his head on your shoulder and pretends to sleep
⋆ but he’s actually just laughing to himself about how fast your heart is beating cos of him
⋆ his first i love you being the most embarrassing thing ever for him that he’ll never live down (you MUST tease him for his shyness)
⋆ he’s gonna learn to bake for you and you’re gonna love the cookies he makes 🫵🏻
⋆ random trips to get fast food
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leejeongz · 1 year ago
evnne “must be your other gf” fake texts please
🫧 texts with evnne - “your other gf” 🫧
pairing: bf!evnne x gf!reader
genre: comedy and fluff
warnings: reader is their girlfriend, she/her pronouns, jealousy, sarcasm
a/n: i had to use a different app than usual so i hope they don’t look too unrealistic 💀 and i also had to change some of their contact pictures cos the app stretched them to look strange …
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leejeongz · 2 years ago
🫧 evnne reaction to you asking for a hug 🫧
pairing: boyf!evnne x gn!reader
genre: fluff (a bit angsty but not relationship angst)
warnings: pet names, mentions of food (seungeon)
a/n: acc most of these were kinda sad because i couldn’t think of happy scenarios 😭 sorry !
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⋆ hanbin
“im in my room, angel!” hanbin shouted as he heard you close the front door.
you spied him lying on the bed, waiting for you to come in, which made you smile immediately. hanbin always looked a little bit mischievous, but he was definitely planning something right now.
“please not today,” you groaned, “i’m not in the mood for pranks.”
“what’s wrong? did something happen?” he asked, concerned.
“just a long day,” you sulked, dropping your bag off of your shoulder so it fell into its usual place, beside his desk, “hanbin, can i have a hug?” you asked, which caught him off guard.
more + other members under the cut
“uh yeah of course you can!” it was the quickest you’d ever seen him move off his bed for anything. he flung his arms around you and you rested your head on his shoulder sloppily. he hummed, his chin coming to rest on your head. his arms squeezed you slightly as he felt your head droop further, aa if to remind you that he was there, which made you smile instantly.
“is that better?” he asked, pulling away slightly.
“thank you,” you nodded with a pout.
he smiled back at you sweetly, taking your hand and pulling you to the bed. “or maybe we should cuddle for a bit longer, i was thinking we could watch high school musical again?!”
⋆ keita
“y/n it’s your birthday, why are you here on your own?!” keita finds you in your room, re-reading the birthday card he gave to you. “hiding from hanbin?” he laughs.
you laugh with him as you stand from the edge of your bed. “it’s just a lot to take in, you know?” keita nods, edging closer to you with a sympathetic look on his face, which draws the question out of you that you’ve been wanting to ask him all day. “can i have a hug?”
“a birthday hug?” keita asks, opening his arms as he stops right in front of you.
“just a regular hug,” you respond, your arms wrapping around his torso as he kisses your shoulder.
his embrace feels so familiar. comforting. it makes you forget about all the overwhelming events of the day. his hand gently moves down your back and up again, his breathing syncing with your own as the hectic day stops for just a moment.
“i love you,” keita whispers.
you pull away, content and ready to face the music once again.
“i love you too,” you whisper back, your hands finding his.
“i know.”
the smirk on his face reminds you of the keita you met on your first date, so rightfully confident, yet incredibly soft. “good.”
⋆ jeonghyeon
jeonghyeon was working away on his laptop, his earphones plugged in with his concentration face in action. you walked into the room as he was shuffling in his seat, before he tugged his earphones out and got up off the sofa.
“you made me jump,” he laughed, hoping it wasn’t too obvious as he almost bumped into you.
“babe, can i have a hug?” you pouted, without even meaning too.
“of course, baby,” he responded.
his arms welcomed you into his chest immediately, which you rested your head against. you always felt comfortable in his arms, they were so secure, but not suffocating, they wrapped around you so perfectly, you never wanted to be anywhere else but in his arms whenever you hugged him. his hands gently rubbed at your back in a soothing way, almost lulling you into a dreamlike state.
“are you tired?” he asked softly.
“just needed a hug,” you spoke against his chest.
“well, i’m always here when you need one,”. you looked up to him with a gentle smile and he placed a kiss onto your forehead, smiling back at you proudly. “i needed a hug from you too.”
⋆ seungeon
“seungeon,” you whispered, crouching next to his bed. he was completely out when you left to go to the store and now that you’ve come back, he’s just beginning to stir. your hand finds his hair, a little damp from sweat, but you think it’s cute.
“‘mm” he muffles, swatting your hand away gently.
after a couple of seconds, he manages to wake up and turn onto his back.
“can i have a hug?” you ask.
he’s still not completely wide awake, and so he just holds his arms out above him and waits for you to climb onto his bed and into his arms. you flop on top of him in a playful manner, careful not to hurt him. his arms soon encase you, flush against his body. he took a long inhale and then let it out, clearly very happy with his life currently.
“why?” he wondered aloud.
“you just looked so cute wrapped up in there,” you answered. seungeon rewarded you with an aww and a very faint, innocent kiss on your ear. “and also because they didn’t have the chips you wanted at the store.”
⋆ yunseo
“you won?” he asks, a huge smile across his face as you nodded.
“they didn’t stand a chance,” you bragged, flicking your hair and rolling your eyes sassily.
“i don’t doubt it,” he encouraged, “let me treat you to something special,” his flirting never failed to make you embarrassed, especially when his hand came to your arm, caressing it gently.
“maybe a hug?” you asked innocently.
“really?” his smile fell softer, “you want a hug?” his head tilted and reached out for your hands, pulling you closer into him and placing your arms over his shoulders. his hands soon found your waist, pulling you even closer until you were almost flush against him. as you looked up at him, yunseo couldn’t help but place a little kiss on your lips before his face displayed a proud smile.
“you’re so…” he had so many compliments in his head, but felt shy to say any of them. instead, he wrapped his arms around you tightly, swaying you side to side.
⋆ junghyun
“oh,” junghyun greets you with an awfully hidden shocked face, “you look…” he searched for the right word when you finished his sentence for him.
“… dreadful? i know, i haven’t slept. this stupid assignment,” you point at the computer screen, “junghyun, can i have a hug?” you ask, almost in tears.
he doesn't answer, instead he just walks towards you, waiting for you to open your arms while you’re sat down. you tuck your head between his waist and his arm as he strokes your hair with one hand, the other swooping over your shoulders. he reads over your work as you hug, your writing never fails to impress him, but it’s devastating to know that you stayed up all night to create it.
“babe,” he started. you look up at him once again as the arm over your shoulders becomes a hand stroking the top of your back, “let’s take a break now, okay? i’ll run you a bath, or you can nap, it’s completely up to you.”
“a nap sounds great,” you pause to think for a second “so does a hot bath,” you sulk, “but i can’t.”
“please, y/n, you’ll feel better when you get back to it anyway.”
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leejeongz · 10 months ago
🫧 your stories if seungeon was your bf 🫧
soft launch -> hard launch
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more under cut
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leejeongz · 9 months ago
texting evnne after you got fired from your job?
🫧 fake texts with evnne - you tell him that you got fired 🫧
pairing: boyf!evnne x gn!reader
genre: crack, fluff
warning: mentions of food, swearing, sarcasm
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leejeongz · 1 year ago
how do you think evnne show and live to receive love? like their love language? i think leejeong’s is words of affirmation but idk about the others 🥺💛
🫧 evnne’s love language 🫧
pairing: boyf!evnne x gn!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: mentions of food (hanbin)
a/n: this is so cute omfg, i totally agree abt jeognhyeon !!! i was talking to a friend about it last night actually, great minds think like hehe
giving : how they show love
receiving : how they would like to be shown love
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𓆉 keita
⋆ giving - quality time - keita has a very hectic schedule most of the time, but he’ll always find time for you. he’ll dictate to other people what hours he’s working or seeing them just to be with you. your dates are usually just you two talking for hours, getting lost in silly conversations that eventually become such a sweet memory for you both to look back on.
⋆ receiving - acts of service - without you, he always felt like something was going wrong. with you by his side, he feels prepared for anything. you’re always one step ahead when it comes to doing things for him, like, you know hours before him if he’s forgotten something, and you manage to get it to him before he can even realise.
other members under the cut
𓆉 hanbin
⋆ giving - acts of service - doing your hair, making you food, taking pictures of you, closing your backpack when you forgot to, he’ll do anything he can to show you how much he cares, and it all comes so naturally to him sometimes he doesn’t even realise that he’s doing it. he just hopes you don’t feel guilty because he genuinely enjoys doing these little things for you.
⋆ receiving - physical touch - sure, hanbin likes big hugs and long cuddles, but he also likes the way you rub your thumb on his when you hold hands, and how you lock arms with him in busy crowds, how you absentmindedly spin his rings on his fingers when your sat together. small touches that let him know that you need him and genuinely like having him around. they’re so meaningful to him.
𓆉 jeonghyeon
⋆ giving - gift giving - (honestly, i see him doing all 5 an equal amount). he always picks up things that make you question does he know you better than you know yourself!? everything that he chooses to buy you is perfect for you, and he knows it, but he still hands it to you with a shy smile and waits to see your reaction.
⋆ receiving - words of affirmation (everyone act shocked) - jeonghyeon relies heavily on being told and reassured that he is doing well, that he’s looking good and that you still really like him. he finds comfort in being told that you’re proud of him, too, it makes him feel all warm inside. even though, sometimes, hearing it can make him tear up, he’s smitten whenever you compliment him.
𓆉 seungeon
⋆ giving - quality time - seungeon doesn’t get easily distracted when he’s with you, you’re all he cares about and so whenever you spend time together, you have his undivided attention. he plans dates like picnics or stargazing, where there’s not too much to do other than talk to each other and be with each other in that moment.
⋆ receiving - physical touch - combined with quality time, you try to encapsulate them both in the moments you spend together. he loves nothing more than being held, protected by you, because he feels safe and cosy with you. there is absolutely no where else in the world he’d rather be than in your arms, probably chatting about something completely irrelevant.
𓆉 yunseo
⋆ giving - physical touch (everyone act shocked pt.2) - bro literally cannot keep his hands off you when he likes you. and you’re the only one he wants to hug and cuddle and hold hands with, of course. he likes how it calms you and grounds you after a long or stressful day, and how his touch can instantly make you blush. he wants you to know that he’s always there for you, literally a shoulder to cry on whenever you need.
⋆ receiving - quality time - honestly, just be there for him. he knows you both have pretty busy schedules now that you’re adults, so any time you do get to spend together is so precious, and if you make time just to be with him, well that definitely shows him how much you really love him and want to be with him.
𓆉 junghyun
⋆ giving - words of affirmation - junghyun is never too shy to tell you how you make him feel. he’s forever telling you how much he admires you, how he looks up to you just for being the person you are. although his intention is never to make you shy, he loves how you blush at his honesty, he hopes it’s building your confidence, because you definitely deserve it.
⋆ receiving - gift giving - you thought of him when you saw something? you got it just because you thought he’d like it? it’s personalised without the creators even realising because it’s a silly little inside joke between you two? oh he’s head over heels in love with you, so lucky to be able to call you his, literally swooning over you.
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