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mirisss · 1 year ago
Droplets of Water & Love
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Oneus OT5 x fairy! afab! reader
Wordcount ≈ 1.6k
Warnings: slight anxiety, kind of stalking but not with malicious intent, I think that’s it
Thank you for the request! I hope you like it! 
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Third Person POV
Living a double life that transcends between the normal and what could only be seen as an imaginary world, is difficult. (Y/n) appears completely human, however, that is far from the truth. (Y/n) is a fairy. A water fairy to be precise. She sneaks out of the home she shares with her five boyfriends, Seoho, Geonhak, Keonhee, Hwanwoong, and Dongju, also known as the idol group Oneus, every morning not returning until late at night. At the beginning of the relationship, the boys didn’t notice (Y/n) leaving early and returning late because, well, they did the same thing, considering their job.  However, after a whole year of being together, the boys began noticing some things, (Y/n) left early every single day, never having a day off it seemed, returning in the afternoon, completely drained of energy, whenever they asked about her job she just answers with something vague, and things like that. Because of this, the boys decided to follow (Y/n) one morning when they had a day off from their idol work.  
(Y/n) got up at 5 am, got dressed, and left the apartment. The five members of Oneus quickly got up as soon as the door closed. All of them were already dressed so they could follow (Y/n). Soon enough, (Y/n) turned into an alleyway that led nowhere, the boys sneaked around the corner to find (Y/n) standing with her back towards them just staring at a wall. The alleyway was dark but something seemed to be glowing around (Y/n)’s hands. The five boys tried to quietly walk closer to their girlfriend, which went well until Dongju stumbled on a rock, making a loud bang with his foot as he found his balance. The ruckus made (Y/n) turn around as she was surprised by the sound. (Y/n) was scared that whoever had made the noise was a drunkard or something, she was slightly at ease when she saw her five soulmates but then she became nervous. 
“What are you guys doing here?” “We wanted to see what you do for your job but whenever we asked you never answered,” Keonhee began, followed by Hwanwoong. “So we kind of decided to follow you, sorry,” “I mean, I guess, it’s okay. It’s my fault for not telling you, it’s just, you see, the thing is… um it’s kind of hard to explain,” (Y/n) wasn’t sure how to bring up the fact that she wasn’t exactly human, she was a fairy, and her job was collecting morning dew and other water droplets for her village so that other fairies could distribute the water. On days when she wasn’t working she visited her family, she didn’t get to see them much so if she mentioned visiting her family around the boys they would surely want to come with her. 
“(Y/n), whatever it is you can tell us,” Seoho said as he took a step closer to (Y/n). “It’s really weird and complicated and I don’t know, I’m scared, I guess,” “What are you scared of? I mean when we first met we seemed sketchy and stuff because we couldn’t tell you about our soon-to-be debut and everything,” Geonhak said. “Just one question, do we have to be in this alleyway for this?” Dongju asked with a small chuckle. “We kind of do,” (Y/n) answered, nerves and something close to shame on her face. 
“Okay, promise to hear me out before you walk away?” “We promise,” Geonhak answered. “We would never just walk away from you, no matter what,” Hwanwoong said as he put a loving hand on (Y/n)’s shoulder, all the boys giving her encouraging smiles. “This is going to sound crazy, but I’m a fairy,” And so (Y/n) explained what she was and what she was doing for work, the boys stood there, at first thinking (Y/n) was just joking with them but as she continued explaining everything she also showed them a bit of her magic. 
“I can’t do as much in my human form but I can do this,” The five idols watched in awe as a baby blue light emitted from the girl's hands, small sparkles danced around her and the five of them. Soon a strong light blinded them, once they opened their eyes, the world around them seemed much bigger. They all spun around, not understanding what was happening. After a few seconds, Dongju laid eyes on (Y/n). Translucent blue wings on her back, her hair shinier than ever, and a marine blue flower-like dress adorned her body. 
“Woah,” Was all the youngest boy could say. The other four noticed (Y/n)’s new appearance as Dongju tried to say something. All of them realized that what (Y/n) just told them, was real. “So, yeah that’s almost everything,” “Almost?” Keonhee asked, wondering what more she had to tell them. “You see, fairies like many other creatures, have fated bonds, a person or people whom they are destined to be with, soulmates I guess you could call it,” As (Y/n) explained the situation to the boys her wings began moving, her now tiny form levitating around the air in front of them. 
“Does that mean that we are soulmates? Or do you have a soulmate somewhere out there?” Geonhak asked, a bit worried that they would lose her. (Y/n)’s wings stopped flickering, her body once again landing on the ground. The fairy took a few steps closer to the five boys that she loved with all of her heart. “I love all five of you, with everything that I am, and I could never imagine my life without you guys now. You are my soulmates, I wouldn’t have been with you guys for this long otherwise, it would have felt wrong,” The five idols all broke out into happy smiles while tears filled their eyes, relief, and happiness flowing through their bodies. 
The boys pulled (Y/n) into a tight and warm group hug, all six of them crying and sniffling. (Y/n) felt safe in their arms, she felt accepted, a huge weight had been lifted off of her shoulders, and she finally felt like she could breathe. “Wait, so all this time, you’ve been sneaking off like this to work? Are we holding you from doing your job right now?” Hwanwoong asked, worry evident in his voice. “Well yes to the first question, mostly, and no for the second one. I was sneaking out to visit my family today,” 
“You’ve never really talked about your family before,” “I know, what was I supposed to say, hey guys my family consists of fairies and they’re tiny,” (Y/n) answered Seoho’s question as she chuckled. “Yeah, I guess it’s hard to explain that one, but just so you know, you can really tell us anything, we won’t judge you, because we love you,” Keonhee ended his sentence with another tight hug. “Do you guys want to come with me? Meet my parents?” “YES!” They all screamed in unison. (Y/n)’s hands began glowing once more, small sparkles erupted around the boys, followed by another blinding light. Once the light calmed down, the boys found themselves dressed in flower-like clothing and blue translucent wings adorned their backs. 
“WOAH! We have wings!” Dongju exclaimed as he and Keonhee jumped around in excitement. “You’re going to need them, the only way to get to my village is by flying there,” “We’ve never flown like this though,” Geonhak said, a bit sceptical. “The wings knows what they need to do, it’s like a copy of my wings, so as long as I know how to use them, you’ll be able to use them,” “Let’s fly then!” Hwanwoong said as he ran up to (Y/n), giving her a quick kiss on the lips. (Y/n)’s cheeks reddening with a blush, even after a year of being in a relationship with them she always blushed after kissing. 
And so the six soulmates set off into the sky, the five boys marveling at the feeling of flying. The wings flickering behind them. The way the world looked from the eyes of a small fairy. They laughed as they danced around with the wind, the sun slowly rising over the horizon coloring the world in a bright yellowy-orange hew. After a few minutes, the group arrived at a clearing where ther saw hundreds of other fairies dancing around in the sky as the collected morning dew and sunlight and whatnot. 
“Come on this way,” (Y/n) showed her soulmates around the village, introducing them to some of her childhood friends before they finally came to a stop at a cute little house. A house that (Y/n) grew up in before she moved to the city, living more as a human rather than a fairy. “It’s so pretty, everything around her is so nice, it seems so right that you come from here,” Geonhak said. “What do you mean?” “You shine just like the sun, it’s like you sparkle. You seem like a goddess, ethereal, as a human but seeing you like this, this place and you just makes so much sense together,” “That’s exactly how I feel when I see you guys standing on stage, singing, dancing, performing,” 
Magic exists in everything alive, the most special magic in the world is the one found in true love and happiness. 
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mirisss · 1 year ago
EVNNE Masterlist
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Terazono Keita
Park Hanbin
My Bad-boy
Lee Jeonghyeon
Heartfelt choices LeeJeong arc
Heartfelt Choices - with Mun Junghyun, Ji Yunseo, Lee Jeonghyeon, & Park Gunwook (ZB1)
Yoo Seungeon
Ji Yunseo
Heartfelt Choices - with Mun Junghyun, Ji Yunseo, Lee Jeonghyeon, & Park Gunwook (ZB1)
Heartfelt choices Yunseo arc
Mun Junghyun
Bloodbound - Vampire! Junghyun x human! reader
Heartfelt choices Munjung arc
Heartfelt Choices - with Mun Junghyun, Ji Yunseo, Lee Jeonghyeon, & Park Gunwook (ZB1)
Park Jihoo (only platonic)
OT7 (only platonic)
18+ line (aka, everyone except Jihoo)
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mirisss · 1 year ago
hiiii can i please have a jongwoo imagine where he gets jealous and kisses you crying when he can't take it anymore and confesses he has been in love with you for a long time? thank you and happy new year!!
Of course you can! You know I'm a sucker for Jongwoo so I just can't resist writing for him!
You can find the imagine ~ here ~
Hope you like it!
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mirisss · 5 months ago
SKZ reaction to their s/o being a loud introvert (ISTP)
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SKZ x gn! ISTP reader
Thank you so much for the request 🐹! I hope you and everyone else enjoy it! 
I tried to write as best as I could and I hope I did it justice. 
I also apologize for switching POV/writing style in the middle of this but for some reason it felt better writing these two styles for the different reactions.
Warnings: None I think, maybe a slight mention of shyness, possibly a bit of anxiety if you squint. 
Wordcount ≈ 1k 
Bang Chan, Changbin, Felix, Han
These four would find it adorable that their s/o was comfortable enough around them to just act however they wanted to. When around strangers (Y/n) would be more quiet, keeping close to their boyfriend, and anxious about meeting new people. However, when it was just (Y/n) and Chan/Binnie/Felix/Han or maybe the other boys around, (Y/n) would be loud and outgoing, feeling safe and comfortable in their presence. Chan/Binnie/Felix/Han all felt their hearts swell with pride and love as they knew they were a safe space for their s/o, just as (Y/n) was for them. 
Han related so much to how (Y/n) acts as they are quite similar personality-wise, so he understands why they sometimes don’t talk as they usually would if someone new is around or if there’s a large group of people. Though he loves that both he and (Y/n) can be outgoing and loud with each other, while it might be harder once the two are out alone as both are introverted, usually Han finds some courage in himself to be the more extroverted one but sometimes (Y/n) is the one to do that. No matter who is the more extroverted one, they both need the other to stand close by, holding their hand, so they don’t have to do it all on their own. 
Changbin loves to talk and do things, he’s not afraid to make a fool of himself so he loves it when (Y/n) can act silly with him, whenever they are out and (Y/n) goes into quiet introvert mode, Changbin is their number 1 protector, always observing their body language and the second he sees them being uncomfortable, he’s picking up his jacket, ready to leave. 
Felix might be an extrovert but many times he’s quite calm, compared to some others in his group, but with (Y/n) he always matches their energy, ready to be whatever they need. If (Y/n) needs him to be super energetic and bouncing off the walls with them, he’ll do it, if (Y/n) needs some quiet time just cuddling and watching a movie, he’s on the couch with open arms ready for a movie marathon. He loves the moments when they’re being silly and loud together but as physical touch and quality time is a big thing for him as well, he truly cherishes their quiet time. 
Chan is a combination of all three boys above, he is a man who will do everything he can to make sure his s/o is safe, comfortable, and happy, so if that means (Y/n) distracting him from work sometimes with random conversations or sudden exclamations, or him being the one to make every phone call for (Y/n), he doesn’t mind it. As long as he gets to be with you, he’s happy to do anything. 
Minho, Seungmin, Hyunjin, Jeongin
These four are wildcards, sometimes you can’t keep them quiet, and other times they’ll just be sitting in the chaos observing the world around them. So having a s/o that is similar to them but also often quite loud when it’s just the two of them or when they are around friends they feel safe with, is shocking at times. It’s easy to forget that your s/o is an introvert when they have been screaming song into the mic at the karaoke for the last 2 hours without a care in the world, but then they are reminded of the introvert they love as they are too shy to order a drink on their own. 
Minho thinks it’s kind of cute and fits well with him, he’s often laid back, preferring to observe the chaos rather than participate in it, a man who loves doing acts of service so ordering a drink for you is just the perfect way for him to show his love for you. Seungmin is similar to Minho when it comes to the acts of service, of course, he’ll sing a song with you, oh you wanna sing it in a silly way, of course, he’ll do that, you want an iced tea and you’re too scared to order it on your own, he’s on it, he’ll even throw in an order for a dessert for you. 
Hyunjin doesn’t understand where you find the energy to run around chasing Han throughout the dorm as you both laugh loudly, he isn’t even sure how this chase started but he will sit on the couch, smiling to himself as he sees the wide smile and the sparkle in your eyes, he loves seeing you like this, just living your best life, and then once you’ve calmed down a little, you go over to him, sitting down in his lap as he wraps his arms around, putting his chin on your shoulder, “Hey love, having fun?” “Yeah, how about you?” “I’m having a wonderful time watching you laugh and smile like this, wish I could paint it, you look so beautiful,”
Jeongin loves running around with his members, acting like a child, what he loves even more than that is when you join in on the playing. Running around playing with water guns, spraying each other, laughing, screaming, other people around on the beach only sigh and shake their heads at the nine young adults acting like 5-year-olds. “Want to go buy some ice cream?” He asks to try and get some alone time with you, “Of course!” The two of you walk away to the ice cream truck, you excitedly look at all the flavors, deciding on (flavor), and Jeongin decided on his own favorite flavor, you stand in line, but once it is time to order, you shyly looked at Jeongin who instantly understood that you wished for him to order for you which he happily does all the time. 
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mirisss · 5 months ago
Atz reaction to their s/o being financially broken
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Ateez x gn!college/university student! reader 
Thank you for the request! I’m sorry it took so long for me to write this but I hope you enjoy this! I wasn’t sure if you wanted this to a poly relationship or not so I wrote it as if the relationships are separate, so each ATZ member has their own s/o. 
Wordcount ≈ 1.2k
Warnings: Anxiety, overworking, exhaustion, financial problems, (Not that angsty though,)
Reactions under the cut
Seonghwa, Yeosang, Mingi, Yunho, Jongho
He had noticed that you didn’t seem to have a lot of time to hang out with him recently as you constantly had to study or work. At first, he didn’t think much of it, thinking it was just because of exam season that you were so stressed. But once this kept happening for over a month, he could barely reach you, you never answered his calls, or barely any of his texts, only answering “Sorry, busy studying, talk to you later”. He understood that something must be going on, his first thought would be if he had done anything wrong so one night, he went over to your apartment, knocked on the door but no one opened it, he assumed that you were at the restaurant/bar where you work so he went over there. Once at the door to the restaurant, he saw you running around inside, immediately noticing that you looked sick and feverish, you didn’t even notice him as he stood in front of you. One of your colleagues noticed him, quickly ushering him over. 
“You should really convince them to go home, they’ve been working double shifts for two weeks, and even trying to pick up more shifts every now and then,” He was shocked to find out just how much you had been working. He walked over to you, gently putting a hand on your shoulder, “Hey, love, can we talk?” You were surprised to see him but said yes and went to the back of the building, where he technically wasn’t allowed to be as a non-employee but you were with him so it was fine. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked as you finally sat down for the first time in probably 12 or 15 hours. “That´s what I want to ask you, your colleague just told me you’ve been working double shifts for 2 weeks straight, you look sick, you definitely have a fever, you’ve been distant for over a month, I just want to understand what’s going on,” He saw tears beginning to form in your eyes. “It’s nothing, don’t worry about it,” “It’s obviously something, please, (Y/n), tell me what’s going on, I’m your boyfriend, you should be able to rely on me,” You sighed and then proceeded to tell him everything. 
“My landlord raised my rent a lot about a month ago and with my old schedule, I couldn’t afford the rent or the cost of uni and everything so I had to start working more to earn enough not to be evicted, but having to work for 20 hours each day doesn’t leave a lot of time to study or sleep so I’m falling behind on classes and I don’t know what to do because no matter what I think of, there’s no solution that actually works,” He just looked at you in shock. “Why haven’t you told me about this? I could help you, I have asked before to move in together, that would help a lot with the cost of living for you,” “I can’t just rely on you for this, it’s my problem,” “Hey, we’re in this together, besides, I earn enough to support us both for a while so that you can focus on studying. I love you, (Y/n), it pains me to see you so overworked, I want to help, so please rely on me,” You couldn’t say no anymore, fatigue, fever, and finally feeling like you could have some rest catching up with you so you just nodded, whispering, ‘yes please’, before falling asleep with your head on his shoulder. 
Hongjoong, Wooyoung, San
They would never let it come to the point of you being financially broken or exhausted mentally, nope, these two are just very attentive or their partner and would notice the second something seemed to be off with you. The first clue was when you canceled last minute on a date he had planned for over a week, to celebrate the anniversary of your first kiss together, he would take you to a fancy restaurant, something you usually enjoyed but this day you canceled on him the morning of the date just saying “I’m not feeling like doing something fancy”. He was shocked but nonetheless, he canceled the booking at the restaurant and asked if you should just order takeout and a movie night at his place, but you shot that down too with the excuse of exams coming up. 
The second, and final clue to something being wrong, was when he walked by the office where you work part-time, in the middle of the day, when you definitely had classes, but he found you at the office, looking more stressed than ever before. 
“Hey, love, what are you doing here? Don’t you have classes today?” “Oh Joong/Woo/Sannie, um, no, I, um, don’t” It was obvious that you were lying to him, and he wondered why, as it never happened before. “I know you’re lying, (Y/n), what’s actually going on?” You just sighed, looking down at the ground. “I’m too embarrassed to tell you,” “I won’t judge you, honey,” “I’m going to be evicted from my apartment, I took a pay cut about a week ago and with it, I can’t afford to pay rent, and my landlord isn’t one to be understanding of me being a student so they’ll kick you out the second even a penny is missing from the rent. So I’ve been taking on more shifts here, even trying to find another part-time job at a café or something, but with that, I can’t go to classes, so I’m falling behind, and I just want to die, because I’m failing everything, even our relationship,” You were crying and almost hyperventilating at this point. He pulled you into a tight hug, to try and comfort you. His heart was hurting, how hadn’t he noticed earlier that it was this bad? “Jagi, no, you’re not failing our relationship, come live with me? You wouldn’t have to pay rent that way,” “I can’t just let you pay for everything,” 
“Then how about this, you move in with me, you keep your part-time job here but you back to your regular schedule, you can pay a fourth of the rent for my apartment, that’s about equal looking at what we each earn, and that way you still have plenty of time for classes, and for me, your boyfriend,” “How can I say no to that?” “You can’t, I’m just that irresistible,” 
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mirisss · 1 year ago
SKZ reaction to their gf being in a car crash
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SKZ OT8 x female! reader
SKZ reaction to their girlfriend being in a car crash and taking care of her
Thank you for the request, hope you like it! 
Wordcount ≈ 1.5k
Warnings: Car crash, broken leg, bruises, a little angsty, mentioning of anxiety, 
Part 2
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(Y/n)’s POV
“Hey, I’m going to be running a bit late. I have a bit left that I need to do on this project, so I’ll order some food and eat here,” “Are you sure? How late do you think you’ll have to stay?” “I’m not sure, Binnie, I think I need another 3 or 4 hours before I’m done,” “Mmm, okay, do you want some of us to come and pick you up?” “No, I’ll be fine and besides you guys have had a long day, I’ll text you guys when I leave,” “Alright, be careful,” “Love you,” “Love you, too,” 
After hanging up the call with Changbin, I got back to working on my project. If I did this project great then I could be in for a promotion at work. And if I got this promotion, my life as the girlfriend of a very successful kpop group would be a bit easier. With this promotion, I could go with them on tours, at least more than one stop. So I had to get it. I needed it. I ordered some food and got back to work, most of my colleagues had left the building leaving me and a handful of others behind. 
3 hours and 25 minutes later, I was finally finished. I submitted my project, packed up my things, sent a text to Seungmin as he was the last person I texted with, letting him now that I was leaving the building. I went down to the garage and got into my car. Seungmin responded as I started the car, saying he and all the others missed me and were waiting. 
I began driving, I couldn’t wait to get home to my boyfriends. I was exhausted and missed their embraces. I came to a stop light, the streets were surprisingly empty, even at this late hour the streets were usually filled with cars. The light turned green and I began driving, suddenly I noticed headlights of another car approaching from my left, the car was speeding, seemingly out of control, I realized that no matter what I did, we would collide, still I tried to step on my gas hoping the other car would miss me. The last thing I remember was a loud bang and feeling pain. 
Third Person POV
Over at the SKZ dorm, the boys were waiting eagerly for (Y/n) to come home. They had prepared snacks, blankets, and a movie. All of them ready for a cuddly movie night. They kept checking their phones and out the windows, expecitng to see either a call, a text, or (Y/n)’s car. Yet no matter how many times they checked they found nothing. 
“It’s been 30 minutes since she texted, it only takes 15 minutes here, and that’s on days when the traffic is bad,” Minho noted, concern evident on his face, his body was restless. Changbin was pacing around the room, feeling like he should have gone and picked her up even if she said it wasn’t necessary. “I’ll try calling her,” Hyunjin said as he held the phone up to his ear, whishing she would pick up, however he was disappointed as he was met with (Y/n)’s voice mail. 
“Her phone could be dead and she’s just buying snacks,” Han said, trying to be hopeful, yet his hands were shaking, his breathing irregular, anxiety taking over his body as he feared the worst had happened. “Yeah, she’s gonna come any second now, I feel it,” Felix said, he sat beside Han, trying to find comfort in his bandmate and boyfriend. Jeongin stood by the window, staring down at each passing car, analyzing each one to try and find the one belonging to his dear girlfriend. 
Another 30 minutes passed by, an hour since (Y/n) said she would be coming home. Yet there was no sign of her. A few minutes more passed by when Chan received a call from an unknown number, he answered it, half expecting it to be from a fan who had managed to get a hold of his number. He was surprised that the one on the other line was a doctor, or at least someone working at the hospital. 
“Hello, is this Bang Chan?” “Yes, who is this?” “I am calling from the hospital, your girlfriend (L/n) (Y/n) has been in an accident,” “WHAT?” The other boys all stood up, shaking with fear and worry at Chan’s shout. “There was a car accident, miss (L/n) is still being examined, could you come over to the hospital?” “Of course, I’ll, or we’ll be there as soon as we can,” “Only her boyfriend will be allowed inside the room,” Chan gave an awkward forced chuckled. “You see we’re in a poly relationship,” “Oh, I’m so sorry, of course all of you will be allowed inside then,” 
Chan hung up and explained to the other’s, they all left the dorm within a minute. Hearts racing, minds expecting the worst. Was she badly hurt? Was she even alive? Would she be okay? When they arrived at the hospital they all rushed to the front desk, asking for (Y/n). As they came upon the door that lead them to the room (Y/n) was in, a doctor just stepped out of it. “Excuse me, is (L/n) (Y/n), in there?” “Yes, might you be her boyfriends?” “Yes, doctor,” “She just woke up, she’s a bit shaken but she’ll be fine,” “How badly hurt is she?” “Considering the circumstances, not bad at all. She has a broken leg and some bruises over majority of her body, but other than that, she is physically fine, mentally though might be another story. First and foremost, she needs support from those who love her,” The doctor gave the boys a kind smile before she left, allowing the boys to step inside. 
“(Y/n), we were so worried,” Jisung began crying the second he layed eyes on her, the cast on her leg, the bruises on her arms and even her face, he just wanted to wake up from this nightmare. (Y/n) too began crying as she saw the worry and tears on her boyfriends’ faces. “I’m sorry,” “No, don’t apologize, darling, it wasn’t your fault,” Minho wiped away some of the tears that stained the girls cheek, his smile only causing her to cry more. Relieved to finally be within their presence again, close to the people she loves and feel safe with. 
2 hours later, (Y/n) was allowed to go home as the doctors had examined her and ruled out a concussion and other injuries. Bang Chan was given a long list of things that (Y/n) wasn’t allowed to do for a few days and how to care for her leg. Changbin had sent an email to (Y/n)’s boss, letting them know of the accident and that (Y/n) wouldn’t be able to work for 2 weeks, and after those 2 weeks she would only be able to work from home for another 2-3 weeks. 
(Y/n) was given crutches to use for moving around, she struggled a bit with them as she wasn’t used to it. In the end, to get out to the car, Felix and Seungmin ended up acting as her crutches, half carrying her. Jeongin sat beside (Y/n) in the car, holding her hand as she seemed a bit stressed over the situation. He could only imagine, she was just in an accident and now she had to go in a car again. “Hey, you’re okay, we’re here with you. Want me to sing to you?” (Y/n) couldn’t give a verbal answer but she simply nodded her head and squeezed his hand. 
Jeongin began singing lowly, the rest of the boys soon followed and joined in on singing, all to help (Y/n) calm down. (Y/n) closed her eyes and focused on the sweet voices of her boyfriends, the warmth they brought her overpowered her fear from the accident. Soon enough she felt her heart slow down and her breathing followed right after. Relaxation and safety soon consumed her mind as she focused on the singing. Before she knew it, the car was parked, they were home. The boys helped her out of the car and supported her all the way to their dorm. 
“Don’t worry, sweetie, we’ve got you,” Hyunjin said as he handed her some of the snacks they had prepared earlier. “I’m so happy I have all of you,” “We’re happy to have you too,” Felix answered. And so, the nine lovers spent the night cuddled up on the couch, finding safety in one another, happy that they get to experience tomorrow together.
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mirisss · 5 months ago
SKZ reaction to their gf being in a car crash part 2
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SKZ OT8 x afab! reader
Here is part 2 of this request, it’s been quite long since I wrote the first part but I hope you all enjoy this second and last part. It’s not very good in my own opinion because I kind of ran out of ideas for it but I still hope you can enjoy it. 
Wordcount ≈ 740
Warnings, mentions of a car crash, anxiety, sort of PTSD, 
Part 1
Third person POV
A week had gone by since the accident, (Y/n) had some trouble moving around in the dorm as her leg held her back, however, she had finally gotten somewhat of a hang of how to use the crutches in the best way. 
It’s been a week, and while her mental health hasn’t been too bad, she had avoided going in a car, and she barely left the apartment. Coming home with all eight of her boyfriends on that day was hard, but she managed to do it, now, she was terrified of getting inside a car. Her whole body would tremble when she thought of having to drive again. 
Today, she had to face that fear. (Y/n) had an appointment with a doctor who had to check up on her injuries, to see how they were healing, and if they needed to adjust the pain meds. (Y/n) had barely slept anything that night, anxious over having to go in a car. 
“Hey, honey, everything will be okay, we will be there with you every step of the way,” Hyunjin said as he tried to calm (Y/n) down. “Everything will be fine, just breathe, we won’t leave your side,” Felix added as he gently squeezed (Y/n)’s hand. “What if something happens to you guys as well?” (Y/n) was crying, trembling, and shaking, anxiety had completely clouded her mind, and the monster inside her had shifted from focusing on more bad things happening to her and now it focused on something happening to her boyfriends.
“I understand that it might seem scary, but how long have you been driving without an accident?” Bang Chan asked, “A few years,” “Right, so the probability of getting in an accident isn’t that large, of course, anything can happen but try to see it positively, like it won’t happen again,” He continued as he gave (Y/n) a reassuring smile. 
(Y/n) took a deep breath and nodded, shaking out her arms in an attempt to calm herself. “We’re here every step of the way with you,” Jisung said, his own eyes trembling with worry, worry for her, he understood her anxiety more than most of the others, having struggled with it for a long time himself. “I’ll sing for you all the way if that helps,” Seungmin and Jeonging both said at the same time, this caused (Y/n) to finally crack a tiny smile as everyone looked shocked at the two youngest who lightly chuckled. “We’ll take it nice and slow, extra carefully,” Changbin said. “We’ll get through this together, just like we have with everything else,” Minho said as he gently put his hand on (Y/n)’s face, stroking his thumb over her cheek, his eyes holding nothing but love in them. (Y/n) took a deep breath, with her eight boyfriends there to help her, she would fight this fear, she would try to atleast. 
“Okay, let’s go,” She said, body still trembling, glossy eyes, and clenched teeth, she was determined to try and do this, no matter how scary it was. No matter how much her body wanted to fight it, her mind had to be stronger, and it was, with the gentle help of her eight amazing boyfriends, who helped steady her on the way down to the car, who helped her when she wanted to run away at the sight of the garage doors, who helped her get into the car with her eyes closed to try and fight the fear. With them all singing in the car, holding her hands, gently whispering in her ears, anything to distract her from the panic rising in her as she heard the motor starting and felt the car move. 
It wasn’t easy, but eventually, (Y/n) would be brave enough to travel normally in a car, until then, she had SKZ to make her feel safe. 
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mirisss · 4 months ago
So Sweet, Darling Ours
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Poly! Vampire OT5 Boynextdoor x human! female! reader
Thank you so much for the request 🩰, I really appreciate it! You didn’t specify if it should be a female reader or a gender-neutral reader, I did write this with female pronouns, if you wanted it to be gender-neutral, send me another message and I’ll write another one but with the correct pronouns. 
I do use ‘brothers’ like ones or twice when describing the boys to one another but it’s because they are a part of the same coven, not because they are actual brothers, saying lovers in that context just didn’t sound as good, so I hope everyone understands what I’m going for and it’s not incest just for context. 
I didn’t include Woonhak because this felt a little too suggestive for him, at least in my opinion. 
Wordcount ≈ 13.1k (I got carried away, so enjoy)
Warnings: Blood, blood-sucking, some stalking, murder, violence, being tied up (not in a sexual way), it’s suggestive, mentioning of someone’s bulge, kissing, I think this is it, let me know if I’ve missed anything.
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Third Person POV
The skies were clear, the streets buzzing with life, and every shop in sight was decorated with pumpkins, ghosts, and other Halloween things. Everyone was out enjoying the autumn market, children as adults, all were happily walking around looking at all the crafts, vegetables, and baked goods. Far down the line of stands, a young woman had her stand filled with pies and other autumny goods. She was smiling brightly at all who passed by, excited every time someone stopped to look at what she was selling, and even happier once someone bought something. 
“Oh dear, this pie smells delicious, it’s just like one my late mother used to bake,” An old lady approached the stand with a nostalgic smile as she smelt the familiar scent of her childhood. “Would you like to taste a bite?” “I would love to,” The young woman handed the old lady a spoon with a bite of a pie she had made to allow customers a taste. “It’s even better than the one my mother used to make, I’ll take one,” “I’m flattered, I’ll pack it up for you in a box so it’s easy to carry!” 
A little bit away from the young woman’s stand, stood a group of five young men, the group had been drawn to the market by a scent. A scent so sweet and alluring, that they couldn’t resist staying away. It was a scent no human creature could have noticed but their supernatural senses easily picked it up. The scent was so sweet that the men could barely hold back their fangs, the fangs that longed to taste the blood that had drawn them there. 
It took a while for them to locate the exact location of the human with the sweet blood, but once they did, they were all taken aback by the beauty of the woman who was the owner of the blood they now craved. Her smile rivaled the sun in brightness, and her seemingly warm and kind personality as she greeted and spoke with the old lady, all that combined with her sweet blood, she seemed like a gift from the moon goddess herself. 
The five vampires just had to have her, and not just her blood. 
“Ahhh, her blood must be made of gold or something, how can it smell so sweet and strong, she’s not even bleeding,” “Pull yourself together, Jae, we can’t just go in there and take her,” Sungho, as the oldest, reprimanded the leader of the group. “Ya, I know, but come on, have you ever smelled something like her before? I’m going crazy, being so close yet so far away,” “We have to be smart about this, we can’t take her here and now, but in a few hours, the market will close, she has to pack up and head home, that’s when we take her,” Taesan said and as he revealed his plan, the others nodded and smiled excitedly, it was the perfect plan. 
Easy, just wait a few hours, don’t let her leave their sight, and then kidnap her when no one else is around. Easy. 
Barely five minutes later
“I’m so bored already, are we really just going to stand here and stare at her? Shouldn’t we at least walk around so we don’t look suspicious?” Riwoo asked. “I wanna go look at the fish stand,” “Leehan, those are dead fishes, you do know that, right?” Taesan asked. “Mm, it’s better than nothing,” The youngest answered. The entire group turned and looked at their leader, waiting to see what he would say. “I mean, it wouldn’t hurt if we walked around, so long as someone is always keeping an eye on her so that no one else can snatch her before we do,” Jaehyun answered. “And how are we going to know if anyone is keeping an eye on her if we all walk around?” Sungho said. “I mean, we can take turns?” Sungho shook his head. “I’ll go and buy a drink from the stand beside hers and take a seat there, so the rest of you can walk around,” “Thank you, hyung!” The four others said before they moved away. 
It wasn’t long until the oldest of the group was joined at his table by Taesan who had had enough of the market already. “Find anything of interest?” “Nope, not a single quality item, or well, book, or something like that, so I’d rather sit here and enjoy the sweet, sweet scent of this one's blood,” “Hmm, I must say after moving closer to her stand, those pies and cakes, doesn’t smell too bad either, of course not as good as her blood, but I wouldn’t mind having a taste of those too,” The two continued sitting there in silence as their eyes were trained on the young woman who was moving around in her stand, selling item after item. 
A few minutes before the market closes
“Oh, I’m sorry sir, but the customer before you just bought the last apple pie, I still have a blueberry, a raspberry, and a pumpkin, if you would like one of those instead?” The middle-aged man scowled at (Y/n), upset that he didn’t get to buy an apple pie from her, he had come very late to the market and most stands were running low on their stock. “I don’t want blueberry, raspberry, or pumpkin, I want apple pie, so give me an apple pie,” (Y/n) tried her best to stay calm and kind. “As I just said, sir. I don’t have any more apple pies, the woman before you just bought the last one, all I have left is a blueberry, raspberry, and a pumpkin pie,” The man continued raising his voice, now almost screaming at (Y/n). 
Sungho and Taesan were still sitting at the same table, both now quite tired, ironic considering they’re vampires, but hell, those get tired too. They had been half-dozing off until they heard the commotion, they instantly noticed the man standing in front of the stand owned by the girl with sweet blood. Their instincts screamed at them to rush in and protect her, but listening to their instincts right now would end in a blood bath. But they had to do something. 
“Are you stupid, girl? How many times do I have to tell you? I WANT AN APPLE PIE!” The man raised his arm, ready to slap or hit the young woman in front of him, but before he could bring his arm down, it was grabbed in a very tight hold by someone else. The man furiously turned around to look at whoever was stopping him from taking out his anger. He was surprised to meet the glowing red eyes of what looked like a young man, the young man was quite tall, and he sported a smile on his face but anyone could tell it was fake, thanks to his smile, the man could see the fangs protruding out of the young man’s mouth. 
(Y/n) closed her eyes, expecting to feel the impact of the man’s hand or fist. But when nothing but a frustrated gasp came, she dared to open her eyes again, and she found a young boy standing close to her, he looked nice, he smiled brightly at her, behind him, (Y/n) could see another guy around the same age as the one before her, holding back the angry man. “Hi, are you okay? He didn’t hurt you did he?” “Um, no, yeah, I’m fine, thanks,” (Y/n) was mesmerized by the beauty of the guy before her. “I’m Sungho, by the way, that’s Taesan back there,” “I’m (Y/n),” “Nice to meet you,” Sungho held out his hand, (Y/n) hesitated a little but she thought she might as well shake his hand as he and his friend just saved her. 
Taesan pulled the man with him as he made sure to go somewhere where he was hidden from the girl’s sight, (Y/n)’s sight, (Y/n), what a pretty name, he thought. The angry man was terrified as he stared into the eyes of an angry monster. Or at least, a bloodthirsty one. “I’m sorry okay, you don’t need to do anything, please let me go,” “Mm, I could have let the screaming pass but, using violence because you were too late to buy a pie, nah I can’t do that, and, I’m actually quite hungry, so this is a win-win situation,” “How is it a win-win situation?” “It is for me, I get to eat - win, I get to make sure you can’t hurt anyone ever again - win,” Taesan’s smile was terrifying, like a maniac’s smile, the man knew that he only had seconds left to live, there was no negotiating with a vampire. 
“Any last words?” “I-” “Too slow,” And just like that, Taesan leaned in, and like a starving man, fed on the blood of the man, he wouldn’t leave a single drop, not when he could justify this death more than any other. Don’t hurt the things that he and his coven hold dear. Once he was finished emptying out all the blood the man had, Taesan dropped his body on the ground, wiping away the stray drops of blood from his chin, he retracted his fangs and calmed down himself so that he could go and face, (Y/n). 
Meanwhile, Sungho tried to keep (Y/n) occupied in her stand by talking and trying to help her clean up, considering that the market was closing down in just a minute, he didn’t calm down until he saw Taesan emerging calmly from the woods, alone. Sungho immediately knew what Taesan had done, he wanted to say it was the wrong method, but deep inside, Sungho knew he would have done the same thing. 
Just as Taesan came up and stood beside Sungo, the other three vampires also came into sight. As they saw their two brothers standing by the young woman with the sweet blood, they knew something must have happened because it wasn’t any part of their plan to interact with their soon-to-be victim. 
Sungho noticed the others and decided that it was probably time for them to emerge back into the shadows and wait for a better time to grab (Y/n). “We must be on our way, it was lovely to meet you,” He said with a charming smile and warm voice, (Y/n) felt a little sad at the revelation that the kind guy had to leave. “Thanks for the help with that man, here, take a pie as a thank you, it’s all I have that I can give you,” (Y/n) handed Sungho one of the pies that he had helped her pack up. “It was our pleasure,” He gently took the box from her hands and then he turned and left along with Taesan who hadn’t spoken a word since he returned, alone, after dragging away the angry man. 
Once the two boys had reunited with their other three brothers, Jaehyun and Riwoo looked a bit upset, while Leehan just looked bored. “How… Why…. When… Ahh, I don’t know what to say,” Jaehyun said frustratedly. “We know, we messed up the plan, but there was a valid reason for it,” Sungho began, followed by Taesan. “There was a man who was screaming at her and he was going to hit her, we had to step in,” “And where is the man, now?” Riwoo asked. Taesan just smiled as he showed his fangs which were still slightly covered in blood. “Um, guys? She’s leaving,” Leehan interrupted. “We’ll discuss this further tomorrow or something, for now, we continue with the plan,” Jaehyun said, as the five boys retracted into the shadows, almost becoming invisible so that they could follow the girl. 
(Y/n) clueless to the five vampires who were following her, happily picked up all of her things from the market and began her walk home. It would have been easier with her car but it decided to break down just the day before the market. “Ugh, my phone is almost out of battery as well, just my day, no car, an angry customer, and now no music on my way home,” She sighed, but continued on her way. Sungho heard her complaints from the shadows, and it almost made him feel bad about what they were going to do. 
(Y/n)’s arms were really starting to hurt because of the boxes she was carrying, she was exhausted and wanted nothing more than to lay down on her bed and sleep for a week. She put the boxes down on the little bench outside her door, trying to get her keys out of her pocket, when she suddenly heard the creaking of the floorboards on the porch, something that only happens when more than one person stands on it at a time. She tried to not panic but it only got harder when she saw another shadow joining her own, on the ground. 
When she finally grasped her keys, her heart was hammering, it was so loud that even her neighbors must have heard it. She unlocked her door, the plan was clear in her mind, abandon the boxes of pies and just try to get inside before whoever was behind her could follow, then slam the door, and lock it. Easy. 
She held the door handle in her hand, she felt her whole body shake, what if it was the man from before? What if he had followed her to get his revenge over a stupid pie? What if it was a serial killer? She had to try to survive, she couldn’t just give up, no matter how tired she was. (Y/n) gripped the handle just a little harder before she opened the door, she ran inside and slammed the door behind her, she didn’t dare breathe until she had locked the door. But her heart didn’t calm down at all, even though she was inside, because the moment she turned around to make sure the door was closing behind her, she still saw the shadow on the porch, but there was nobody to create the shadow. 
(Y/n) quietly walked over to a window to peek outside at the porch, and just as she feared, the shadow was there. It even moved around. Soon enough, the one shadow was joined by another, and another, and another, and even more more. Now there were five shadows. She sank down, hoping whoever, or whatever those shadows were, didn’t see her. But her hope was fleeting, the shadows already knew she was inside, there was no escaping them. 
Outside on the porch, the five boys were waiting, scheming, planning, and stalking their prey. “Hmm, should we have grabbed her before she got inside?” Leehan asked. As vampires, they can do a lot of things, but entering a home without an invitation was not one of those. “Probably it’s going to be much harder now, we need to come up with a new plan,” Riwoo answered. “I might have an idea, all we really need is to get invited inside,” Sungho said, he didn’t really explain any further, only that the others needed to hide. 
Sungho walked over to the road, he was still hiding in the shadows, so no one could see him. The other four were hiding in the shadow of a tree outside (Y/n)’s house. Sungho emerged from the shadows, now visible to anyone. He jogged up to the woman’s house, to seem like he had been jogging or running for a while. He stopped at the door and knocked. (Y/n) was confused inside, scared to open the door, but she slowly stood up and looked through the keyhole, surprised to find a familiar face. Sungho, one of the boys from earlier who had helped her, he was out of breath and seemed stressed. (Y/n) was still hesitant but she unlocked the door and opened it. 
“Sungho?” The young woman said in a confused tone. “Oh, (Y/n)? What a lucky day this is,” (Y/n) found nothing but genuine surprise in Sungho’s eyes, most of her anxiety washed away as she once again gazed into the warm eyes of this handsome young man. “What’s going on? Why are you here?” “Taesan is missing, we left the market together but now I can’t find him anywhere, we’re new to this town, so I thought maybe he had wandered into the wrong neighborhood instead of the one we live in, I’ve been running around for maybe an hour now, but no sign of him,” “Have you tried calling him?” “I would but my phone is dead,” (Y/n) contemplated her options, he and Taesan had helped her earlier so he was probably a good person, right? 
“Mine’s about to die as well, but if you come inside, we can hook it up to a charger and then you can call him,” Sungho smiled, (Y/n) saw a glint of something in his eyes, but she brushed it off. Ignoring all the red flags. “That sounds great,” Sungho said before he stepped inside (Y/n)’s house. (Y/n) didn’t know that she had just invited a monster into her home, but she would soon find out. 
“Where did you see him last?” (Y/n) asked as they walked into her living room, she sat down on the couch and plugged her charger into the phone, then gestured for Sungho to take a seat as well, which he did. “At the market, when we left your stand, we walked together for a little bit but then suddenly he was just gone,” (Y/n) thought it was weird, but then again, she didn’t know these guys, maybe it was normal for Taesan just to wander off. 
“Well if we just wait a few minutes for it to charge then you can try and call him,” “Sounds good,” Sungho said as he still held his charming smile, he seemed very calm now compared to when he was at her door, but (Y/n) didn’t think much of it. “So, is Taesan your brother or just a friend?” (Y/n) tried to make conversation, to ease her growing nerves. “It’s a bit complicated to explain, in a sense we are brothers because we belong to the same group, but we’re actually more like boyfriends I guess,” For the first time, (Y/n) saw uncertainty and maybe even embarrassment on Sungho. “Oh, that’s cool,” “How about you? Do you live alone?” “Yeah, I do, I used to live with my parents but they passed away so now I do everything I can just to keep the house, but it’s hard,” 
Sungho, once again, felt a bit bad about what was to come, but he knew, there was no stopping this, it was inevitable. “Could I borrow your bathroom?” “Of course, it’s the first door to your left if you go back toward the front door,” “Thank you,” Sungho got up from the couch and walked toward the hallway, he really did feel bad about this but he knew, or hoped, that everything would be fine, eventually. 
Once he was hidden from (Y/n)’s sight, he carefully opened the front door, happy that it didn’t make a lot of noise, and then he gestured for the others to come to the door, which they did. “Come on in,” Sungho whispered, and so the other four vampires stepped inside the house. The other four hid in their shadows so that (Y/n) wouldn’t notice them until it was too late. Sungho walked back into the living room, where he found (Y/n) looking at her phone. “It’s finally charged a bit so you can call Taesan!” She sounded so kind, so happy, so unaware of what was to come in a few seconds. 
Suddenly, the temperature in the room seemed to drop, it went from warm and friendly to cold and hostile. The lights were flickering on and off. The wind picked up outside, now howling angrily against all the bushes, trees, and houses. That was when (Y/n) noticed the four shadows traveling across the floor, from the hallway, toward her. She noticed that one shadow was missing, there had been five of them on the porch, and now there were only four, she looked at Sungho, finally noticing the conflicted look on his face. He was one of them. 
Finally, her fight or flight system kicked in, and (Y/n) tried to run, but how do you run and hide from shadows? You can’t. (Y/n) ran as fast as she could from the couch toward the kitchen, hoping that maybe grabbing a knife could help her a little, but before she could even take three steps from the couch, Taesan stood before her, he appeared out of nowhere. (Y/n) screamed, desperate for someone to hear her, but no one would, for no one else on the street was alive. The boys had made sure that no help would come, that no one would stand between them and what they wanted. 
(Y/n) turned around, hoping to run in another direction, but she was met with three unfamiliar faces blocking her path. And then there was Sungho. She felt anger taking over her body, almost pushing away the fear she felt, she had trusted him, and she had been a fool to do so. 
Just as (Y/n) was going to try and scream once more, one of the unfamiliar men stopped her, as he reached out a hand and gently caressed her cheek. “Shh, no one’s going to come, we’re the only ones here,” “Just kill me then,” (Y/n) managed to say, her body wouldn’t move, it wouldn’t push the stranger's hand away, she was frozen to the spot. “No, no, we don’t want to kill you, darling, we want you, all of you,” The man in front of her sent a chill down her spine as his eyes went from a deep brown into a glowing blood red color, fangs grew in his mouth, and as she saw this, she realized what they were. Vampires. 
Now as she looked around at all five men standing around her, she saw the same features on all of them. Blood-red eyes and fangs. That’s what Sungho meant by ‘brothers’ and ‘group’ he meant a coven. They belonged to the same coven. “Please, just let me go,” “We can’t do that, you see, Sungho and Taesan saved you earlier, therefore you are in debt to us, and the only way to repay it is to become ours,” Another one of them said, (Y/n) was frustrated and wished she knew their names so that she could curse them out. 
“I never asked them to help me,” “No, but they still did, therefore the debt remains,” “Can’t I just, give you money or something?” “No, darling, that’s not how it works, we name our price, and our price is you, we want you to be with us,” “Mm, we can’t let anyone else have this sweet blood of yours, you see,” Taesan spoke from behind her, his breath warm on her neck as he leaned close to her. “I’m sorry, (Y/n), but this is what fate wants, everything will be fine, just close your eyes,” Sungho said, his eyes went from red to more of a purple hue, and as he spoke, (Y/n) felt her eyelids grow heavier, his words seemed to be magic. And soon enough, (Y/n) could fight it no more, as her knees grew weaker, she fell asleep. Jaehyun caught her body, and so they carried her away from her home and brought her all the way to theirs. 
“I know it seems hard, Sungho, but this is what we had to do,” Leehan tried to comfort Sungho after they returned to their home. “I know, but the way she looked at me, it hurt more than it probably should, how is she ever going to forgive us?” “It will come eventually, once she understands, but I agree, we might not have acted in the best way,” “We can’t change the past, so we have to live with the consequences now,” Taesan said as he came into join Sungho and Leehan on their couch. “How’s it going?” “Jaehyun and Riwoo are making sure she can’t harm herself on anything when she awakens, Riwoo thought she might wake up in an hour or two,” “Okay, good,” 
After a while, the trio was joined by the other two vampires, who also sat down on the couch, it was a tight fit with all of them, but they didn’t mind cuddling to make space for one another. 
The five vampires soon fell asleep, tightly huddled together on the couch, just how they liked it. It wasn’t until a few hours later that they woke up to a loud scream coming from the other room. The room where (Y/n) was resting. The five vampires shot up from the couch, Jaehyun fell to the floor at the force of the others waking up before him. “Ow,” “Hey, you okay?” Riwoo asked as he reached out to help Jaehyun off the floor. “Mm, just tired,” “Let’s go, or our neighbor three towns over is going to hear her screams,” Leehan said, a bit annoyed both at being woken up and at the other’s not moving fast enough. 
Once the five boys opened the door to the room (Y/n) was in, they found the human girl lying on the bed, with an angry look on her face, ready to scream again but she stopped once she saw the five boys. “What the fuck is wrong with you? Why would you tie me up?” “So you wouldn’t hurt yourself,” Riwoo said, not seeing the issue. (Y/n) glared harder at the boy, she still didn’t know his name, it bothered her. “It’s uncomfortable, it hurts, so please, untie me,” The vampires looked at each other, regretting their choice of tying her up in the first place. 
Sungho walked closer to her, ready to untie her, but he stopped abruptly as the human glared at him, her eyes held many emotions swirling around in them. Hurt, sadness, anger, betrayal. He felt frozen by her gaze, he couldn’t move, he couldn’t do anything, his once human heart hurt as he realized just how much his actions had hurt the human. Maybe they should have gone about this differently, perhaps then, she wouldn’t hate them. Hate him. 
Leehan observed the eldest, and the conflict in his eyes, once the younger realized that the elder wouldn’t move, he himself stepped closer to the human. (Y/n) glared at him too, but Leehan didn’t care, he just did what he needed to in order to untie her. “Thanks,” (Y/n) said angrily as she carefully rubbed her wrists where some red marks began to show. Jaehyun and Riwoo gasped as they realized they had tied the restraints too hard, their eyes trembled, they never wanted to actually hurt her, but they had, in more ways than one. 
“First of all, we’re sorry, about everything,” Taesan said, shame written clearly on his face. “What the hell is going on? Why did you kidnap me?” (Y/n), scowling at the five boys, no monsters, in front of her. “Promise to hear us out?” Jaehyun said, shame overtaking him as well, so much so, that he couldn’t even meet the human’s eyes. “I will, if you tell me everything. And I mean everything about what is going on…” Leehan looked around, realizing that this is going to take a while to explain and it was uncomfortable standing around the bed. “Could we talk about this in the dining room or the living room? So we all can sit down?” He quietly asked. (Y/n) only nodded to answer the question before she carefully got up from the bed, observing the monsters around her, in case one of them would pounce. In case this was all just a game. 
All the vampires, except for Sungho, walked out of the room, thinking (Y/n) would follow them, Sungho waited for the human to leave before him. His heart hurt as she walked past him, not even sparing him a glance. He tried to reach out to her, but his hand froze mid-air, as he didn’t know how to reconcile this. Whatever they built up in a few hours, he completely ruined in a matter of minutes. Maybe he didn’t deserve her forgiveness, maybe none of them did, but Sungho felt the burden more than the others, for none of them had seen the way she looked at him. Sungho followed after her, but he kept his distance, not wanting to hurt her more than he already had. 
Soon enough, Riwoo, who led the group, arrived in the living room, he turned around to the group and gestured toward the couch. It wouldn’t fit all of them, it barely fit the five vampires. Riwoo sat down on the floor, facing the couch, Sungho followed him, deciding that it was probably best if he didn’t sit close to (Y/n). Taesan sat down on the couch, gently patting the space beside him as he looked at (Y/n), she glared at him but she still sat down beside him, trying to keep as much space between them as possible, Jaehyun then sat down on her other side, prompting Leehan to sit on the floor along with the two eldest. 
“Alright, tell me the story of how we ended up here, I’ll stay quiet until the end,” At this point, (Y/n) seemed to be so over this entire thing. It was kind of cliche. She had moved past the point of being scared, for the most part at least. 
“We’re vampires if you haven’t figured that out yet. We belong to the same coven, you know, like, group or family, though unlike most covens, we are all romantically involved, and um, yeah,” Jaehyun began, he didn’t know how to continue this though, it felt awkward. He’s been alive for far more years than it would seem, yet he still acts like that somewhat awkward and shy yet confident 21-year-old he was when he was turned. Riwoo sighed, but continued explaining. 
“I don’t know if you’ve ever heard about soulmates, but that’s kind of what we are, we are not only together because of normal feelings but because we are destined to be together. However, we have always felt like we are missing one final piece to our puzzle, and a few days ago when we arrived in this town, we began smelling this sweet scent, one much stronger than any other, which always happened when we found each other, basically it’s a sign to help us find our soulmates,” He paused for a second, inspecting the look on the girl’s face, seeing no clear confusion, he continued. 
“We searched for days, but couldn’t exactly pinpoint the scent to a single person or place, until the market. That’s when we found the source of the scent, you. You were the person who smelled so sweet and alluring that we couldn’t stay away. You are the final piece to our puzzle if you get what I am saying. However, none of us knew how to approach you, with the rest of us it was easy, seeing as it was always a mutual pull to one another, seeing as we all were vampires when we met, you are not.” That’s when Riwoo stopped, finding it hard to continue talking. So Taesan took over. He gazed at (Y/n) with powerful eyes, the same look she saw him with at the market after the ordeal with the angry man. 
“I stupidly suggested this plan, thinking it would be fine, however not everything went according to plan. Sungho and I weren’t supposed to talk with you, but we had to intervene when that man threatened you. You said you wanted to know everything so I’ll tell you what happened with him, he’s dead,” Taesan didn’t even flinch at the mention of the man’s murder, (Y/n) on the other hand, gasped, covering her mouth with one hand, the other cradling her chest, her heart beating rapidly. 
“I was so caught up in everything, first being so close to our final mate and not being able to actually be with you, then the protective instincts just took over, and before I knew it, he dropped to the ground, dead, empty, I sucked him dry of all blood he had, then I returned to see how you and Sungho were doing. And I was happy to see that Sungho had managed to make you smile again because your smile is really pretty, and then when we left you, we didn’t really leave, we followed you from the shadows, to, well, bring you here,” (Y/n) couldn’t deny the way her heart skipped a beat as he smiled as he mentioned her smile. She was still vary of them, but anyone would have melted for the charming and sweet smile that spread across the boy’s, vampire’s, lips. 
(Y/n) still felt like there was more she needed to know, so she turned her gaze away from the charming smile on Taesan’s face and instead zeroed in on Sungho, who met her eyes for a second and then looked away. “I never meant to hurt you, I didn’t, we didn’t think that this would be a problem, we forgot that kidnapping someone because you like them, isn’t a smart move, it’s just, when our instincts take over, it’s hard to see things rationally. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry for hurting you, for everything,” 
Leehan was the last one to speak, “Well, um, they kind of said everything, but yeah, we’re really sorry, we should have done this differently,” (Y/n) took that as her cue to be allowed to speak again. 
“Yes, you guys should have done this differently. Firstly, I always believed that vampires and such were true but never imagined I’d met one, nevertheless five. Secondly, you can’t just go around murdering people,” She directed a pointed glare at Taesan, who just shrugged his shoulders, still not regretting it. “Thirdly, how about talking, see this wasn’t that hard right? I would have listened to you even without the whole kidnapping thing. Fourthly, Sungho you really hurt me because I trusted you, I know that wasn’t part of your plan but instead of lying and doing what you did, you should have talked with me, that wouldn’t have hurt me. How am I supposed to trust you now? And that actually goes for all of you,” 
“You didn’t say anything about the soulmate thing?” Leehan stated though it still sounded like a question. All five of them eagerly waited, hoping, for her to say that she was okay with it, if she didn’t, they die, that’s unfortunately how it works with soulmates, but they didn’t want to pressure her, so they never mentioned that part. 
“I’m not fully sure what that meant, so correct me if I’m wrong. But does it mean, that we all date each other? Like a poly-relationship?” “Well, it’s more than just dating, it’s more like a marriage, not to pressure you or anything, but if you accept us, it’s kind of for life, no turning back,” Riwoo answered. “How does that work with me being human? You know, not immortal?” “We would turn you, so make you a vampire, if you accept us,” Jaehyun answered, hope shining brightly in his eyes as he gazed into (Y/n)’s. 
“It’s a lot to grasp, and I’m sorry but I can’t give you guys an answer right now,” The five vampires all felt their hearts breaking, but they still had some hope, right now. For now. “You guys haven’t really given the best first impression, so everything in me is screaming to say no. But I’m willing to give you guys a second chance of showing me that you’re not just stalker creeps that kidnap people,” 
“We’ll take it, it’s better than nothing, we promise to show you that we are better people, or vampires, than this,” Sungho said, daring to smile just a little at the thought of being able to reconcile with his final soulmate, he couldn’t hold himself back from hugging Leehan, needing to feel the closeness of one of his mates. Leehan was shocked at the act but still welcomed the skinship. (Y/n) once again recognized the Sungho she met at the market, but she wasn’t ready to forgive him just yet. 
(Y/n) returned to her home, setting up a deal with the vampires that they would meet every other day for 2 weeks, having dinners together, hanging out, and just getting to know one another. The vampires weren’t too happy about the fact that she wouldn’t stay with them, but they had to hold back their instincts if they wanted to make this work. 
Tuesday came and the five vampires were on their way over to (Y/n)’s house, they all felt nervous, like they were fifteen-year-olds once again, having a crush on a girl who didn’t even know them. They were determined to make this work, to make (Y/n) fall in love with them, the human way. From now on, there will be nothing but truth between them. 
They knocked on the door as they stood on the same porch they had been at a few days earlier. (Y/n) opened the door and smiled at them, though she was confused when they just stood there even though she had opened the door for them. “Um, right, we didn’t tell you, so, in order for a vampire to enter a human’s house, we need a verbal or written invitation, just opening the door isn’t enough,” Jaehyun explained, a rosy hue covering his cheeks, he didn’t know why he was embarrassed. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t know that, welcome in? Does that work?” “Yeah, that’s fine, or ‘come inside’ or anything like it,” Riwoo said as he stepped inside, the others following him. 
(Y/n) gestured toward her dining table for the boys to sit down, while she walked into the kitchen, stirring something in a large pot. The vampires all took a deep breath, not only were they surrounded by (Y/n)’s sweet scent but also whatever food she was making, smelled almost as good as the human herself. “Do you need any help with anything?” Taesan asked as he too walked over to the kitchen, while the rest of the boys took a seat at the table. “Um, I don’t think so, or actually, could you carry this over to the table? It’s quite heavy though,” “It might be heavy for you but not for me, you know, vampire strength and all,” (Y/n) chuckled at the joke but was delighted to see the boy taking the large pot and carrying it to the table without any struggle. 
“I hope you enjoy the food, I also made an apple pie for dessert,” “Woah, it smells so good, I haven’t been this hungry for human food for years,” Leehan said, quickly putting some of the food on his plate and immediately digging in, the others smiled at the action but followed suit. “Mmm, this is delicious, omg, I’m in love with your cooking skills,” Jaehyun exclaimed. “Oh, thanks, but it’s nothing special, just a stew,” “Just a stew? It’s the best stew I’ve ever eaten and I’ve been alive in a time where you ate nothing but stews,” Sungho said, the other three agreeing as they kept stuffing their mouths happily. 
And so throughout dinner, the six of them held some causal conversations, talking about everything and anything, the boys helped clean off the table once they were done eating. (Y/n) had underestimated how much they would eat, thinking she would have plenty of stew left but once everyone was finished there was not even a full portion left in the pot. She heated up the apple pie a little in the oven, but before she could remove it from the oven, Sungho came over and said he would do it, not wanting her to risk getting burnt. “Hey, I bake more pies than you’ve eaten in your lifetime, I won’t burn myself,” “You might and you might not, still, I’d prefer if I could do it for you, at least this one time,” Sungho tried to convince her by giving her the most charming smile he could muster. “Fine, can you take it to the table as well then?” “Of course,” 
And so the conversations continued for another 2 hours before it was time for the five vampires to leave. They all wished they could have stayed longer, but they knew they needed to comply with her wishes. 
The two weeks flew by in the blink of an eye, and before any of the six knew it, it was time for (Y/n) to make her decision on whether or not she would accept the five vampires, forever. 
(Y/n) was nervous as she walked up to knock on the door to the boys’ house, they might not have met in the best way but these past 2 weeks have been nothing short of a fairytale. In the 2 weeks, (Y/n) had seen beyond their monster, vampire, sides, and she had seen them being more human.  Even though there were still parts of her that screamed for her to run away, she didn’t listen to the warnings, she listened to her heart, and it said quite the opposite of her brain. 
“Hello there, darling,” Taesan said as he opened the door for (Y/n), the girl would be lying if she said the pet name didn’t affect her, cause it sure caused her to blush bright red. “Hi,” She whispered as she looked up at him. “Come on inside, here, give me your bag, I’ll bring it inside,” “Thank you,” Taesan took her over-night bag from her hands, his heart skipping a beat as his hand grazed hers, she was so warm, and soft, he wanted more, but he had to wait. 
(Y/n) walked inside, she somewhat remembered her way around since last time, when they kidnapped her, she found her way into the living room where she was met with the adorable sight of Jaehyun and Leehan half-sleeping on the couch, closely cuddled together. They smiled when they saw her, both of them raising a hand, giving her a small wave, before they settled back down into one another. (Y/n) heard some noise from the kitchen, assuming it was either Sungho or Riwoo, or both of them. 
(Y/n) began walking toward the noisy kitchen, but she was startled when someone tapped her on the shoulder, she whipped around fast enough to cause a whiplash. She was met with Taesan who smiled at her mischievously as he leaned down a little to meet her eyes. “Hi,” He said, his eyes sparkling with joy. “Hi, again, Taesan,” The boy smiled even wider as he looked into her eyes. “I’ve never seen you be so, I don’t know, excited in the 2 weeks I’ve known you,” (Y/n) said as she began walking once again, Taesan quickly caught up with her, walking side by side. 
“I’m just happy because you’re going to accept us,” “And how do you know that’s my answer?” “1. You brought an overnight bag, filled with stuff. You wouldn’t stay over unless you’re going to say yes. 2. You know how Sungho put you to sleep the night we kidnapped you? That’s his power, he can use a command and make people do some different things, mine is reading thoughts, so I know what you’re thinking. And thank you for thinking my smile is charming, it’s all for you,” He finished his sentence with a wink. “Omg, why didn’t you tell me that earlier?!? Ahh, I can’t be around you if you’re in my head,” “I promise I won’t poke around for the rest of the night, I can turn it off just like Sungho can choose when to use command and when not to,” “Mm, I’ll trust you, so you better keep that promise, and you can’t tell anyone else, I want to tell them,” “Of course, I won’t say anything,” 
Just as they finished talking, they arrived at the kitchen, (Y/n) could now clearly hear both Sungho and Riwoo talking and walking around. Taesan held the door open for her, Sungho and Riwoo both smiled happily as they saw (Y/n) in the door. “Hey, (Y/n)!” They both said in unison, causing everyone in the kitchen to laugh. “Hello to you too, Sungho and Riwoo!” “We hope you like [Your favorite food], we tried our best to make it,” Sungho said as he continued rushing around with ingredients. (Y/n) looked over at Taesan who had a sheepish smile on his lips, oh she knew that this was his doing. “Yes, it’s my favorite actually, but I’m sure you already know that thanks to someone,” “So, he’s told you then?” Riwoo said, feeling a little embarrassed. “Yeah, he just did,” “Sorry, we just, wanted to impress you, we would have told you after, though, after all, no more lies was one of our promises,” 
“About that, Taesan can read minds, Sungho has ‘command’ or whatever you call it, what’s your ability, Riwoo?” “I can heal other people’s injuries, so let’s say you get a cut, I can heal it in a few seconds, more severe injuries take more time but I can pretty much resurrect someone from death if they died within five minutes of me using my power,” “Ohh, that’s so cool,” “Yeah, but also not that useful when you live with four other vampires who have supernatural healing, I rarely ever get to use my power,” “It’s still cool though,” “I guess,” 
“What powers do Jaehyun and Leehan have?” “Leehan has the power of ‘copy’, if he touches someone who has a power he can copy that power and use it for a few minutes,” “So if he touches Taesan, he too can use mind reading?” “Exactly,” (Y/n) nodded, that must be quite useful, to be so versatile. “Jaehyun has the power to summon and control fire, probably one of the stronger powers we have in our group,” “What do you mean, summon?” “He can conjure fire out of nowhere, so he doesn’t need an already existing fire to manipulate it, he can create it from his own body. Which is why he’s warm, like a human, and not cold, like the rest of us,” (Y/n) had noticed the difference in temperature, but she never mentioned it. 
“Hmm, I don’t know which one I’d say is the most powerful, command and copy seem quite useful, of course, fire is good too, mind reading can be very helpful in many cases, being able to save someone from death is super cool, so I don’t know, seems like they all are very useful,” (Y/n) said. “Mm, we shouldn’t complain, not all vampires get an extra power, some don’t even get the standard enhanced strength or speed, some just get the immortality and the blood thirst,” Sungho said, not thinking too much about his phrasing. 
“About the blood thirst, just how bloodthirsty are you?” The three vampires laughed, soon followed by two more laughs from outside the kitchen, the extra laughs belonged to Jaehyun and Leehan who had decided to end their nap time, they walked inside the kitchen, standing close behind (Y/n) and Taesan. Jaehyun wrapped his arms around Taesan from behind, leaning his head against the tall boy’s back. “Not much, I should have said it better. We very rarely indulge in human blood, only doing it when we really have to, like the incident with the angry man, other than that, we do just fine with some animal blood, every other month or so,” “Oh, so you won’t just attack me for my blood?” “No, we would love a taste because it smells so sweet and delicious, but as long as you’re not comfortable with it, we won’t do anything,” Jaehyun answered, his voice a bit muted by Taesan’s back. 
“Dinner’s ready!” Riwoo exclaimed loudly, causing Jaehyun to jump out of surprise. (Y/n) laughed at the reaction, finding it cute how a creature so dangerous could be so incredibly cute. “Leehan, help us carry these out to the table, Taesan take the cups, and Jae, why don’t you lead the way,” Sungho said, not trusting their leader to be awake enough to carry anything. “Should I help carry anything?” (Y/n) asked, but all five of the boys looked at her, with hurt in their eyes. “NO! You’re a guest here, you don’t have to do any of the job, just enjoy the service,” Riwoo said, a little harsh in the tone to prove a point. “Alright,” (Y/n) turned back around to follow Jaehyun who began walking toward their dining room. 
Dinner went by smoothly, conversation flowing like it had for the past 2 weeks, four of the vampires were nervous, eager to know what (Y/n) had decided, they didn’t know that Taesan already knew, but they wondered if he did, his mannerisms not showing any hints. No one asked about her decision during dinner, not wanting to break their own hearts too early, if she said no. She seemed so happy, so comfortable, surely she would say yes, they thought, but who knows, this could be the calm before the storm. 
As Leehan and Taesan began cleaning off the table, Riwoo, Sungho, and Jaehyun, nervously sat around the table with (Y/n), staring at her intently. “I’m not gonna say anything unless everyone is here, it’s better if you all find out at the same time,” (Y/n) said, not mentioning the fact that Taesan already knew, and she wondered if Leehan knew too, considering he could have copied Taesan’s power, but he still seemed nervous when he left the room, so maybe he hadn’t. 
“It’s hard to wait, especially when we really wish for a certain turnout, but don’t know what you’re thinking,” Jaehyun said, as a nervous smile took over his face. “Mm, one of you can know what I am thinking though, or actually make that two,” “Mm, but Taesan would never spill, especially if you aren’t accepting us, he barely ever tells anyone else about what he hears, he knows thoughts are supposed to be private. And Leehan rarely copies Taesan’s power, he finds it too weird, the way he hears the thoughts,” Sungho answers. “Mm, it’s true, it’s so creepy, it gives me the chills,” Leehan said as he walked back into the dining room. “That’s the downside of copy, the manifesting of the power isn’t the same for Leehan as it is for the owner of the power, for me, hearing people’s thoughts doesn’t sound the same for me as it does for him,” Taesan said as he too emerged back into the room. 
“Okay, we’re all here, so, what have you decided?” Riwoo said. All of the boys sat eagerly in their seats, leaning forward, closer to (Y/n), hoping to hear the words they yearned for. 
(Y/n) took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a second, she was nervous, nervous about how her life would change, but also excited, the two weeks she spent with these five boys, had been two of the best weeks of her life, so she was sure, what followed would be just as good, or maybe even better. 
“I -” The vampires could barely take it, wishing she would just spit it out already, too nervous to wait any longer. The anticipation ate away at them. 
“- accept you,” 
All five of the boys shot up from their seats, cheering loudly, happy that they were finally whole, they weren’t missing a piece of their souls anymore. 
Taesan who had known the outcome the entire night, couldn’t hold himself back anymore, so he walked over to (Y/n) who looked at the others with delight and shock in her eyes at their reactions. Taesan wrapped his long arms around her, bringing her close to his body, his heart soared at the closeness, her scent bringing him to cloud nine. He looked deep into the human’s eyes, smirking as he saw (Y/n)’s eyes flickering between his own and his lips. He took it as an invitation, leaning in, and finally placing his lips on hers in a passionate yet calm kiss. 
The others gasped at his boldness, almost upset they weren’t the first to taste their newest soulmate, but they still felt happy, because they knew, she loved them all, just like they loved each other, including her. 
Taesan was eager, he wanted more from the kiss, but he felt (Y/n) lightly grasping his shoulders, so he broke the kiss, not wanting to overwhelm her too much, after all, they would spend eternity together, so they had time to take things slow. 
Riwoo was the next one to walk up to (Y/n), asking gently if it was okay for him to lean in, (Y/n) didn’t answer him, instead, she was the one who leaned in, Riwoo happily accepted the kiss, his hands finding solace on her waist, he barely put any pressure, afraid that he would wake up from this dream, the dream of being whole. 
(Y/n) broke the kiss with Riwoo, her knees feeling weak, overwhelmed after just kissing two of her, boyfriends? Soulmates? She wondered what she should call them, but the thought quickly went to the back of her mind as Taesan caught her before she fell, her knees truly had gone weak. “Sorry, I accidentally listened to your thoughts again, the kiss broke my blocking,” “It’s okay, it was good that you did this time,” Taesan smiled and nestled his head on her shoulder. “Maybe we should calm down, and maybe also take this to the living room instead of the dining room,” Jaehyun said, concern evident on his face, it was different bonding with a human, vampires can take so much more before it become too much, so they had never had to wait for something as they do now. 
“Actually, I think I need to lie down on a bed for a while, this is a lot and I’m feeling lightheaded,” (Y/n) said, ashamed that she shouldn’t even kiss them without almost fainting. “Hey, don’t worry, it’s okay, we knew from the start that this would be different from when we bonded, if you need a minute, a day, a week, even a year, we’re fine with that because we know that we will always be together, we don’t need to rush this,” Sungho said as he walked over to (Y/n) and Taesan who was still holding her close, Sungho caressed her cheek as he gazed lovingly into her eyes. “Come on, we’ll help you to the bed,” Sungho and Taesan helped her walk to the same bedroom she had woken up in a few weeks ago, once inside the room, (Y/n) found the bag that she had brought, waiting on the bed, this must have been where Taesan brought it when she arrived at their house. 
“So, you’ve known since she came what she would say?” Sungho said, giving a pointed look to Taesan, while (Y/n) sat down on the bed. It was still just as soft as it had been two weeks ago, but this time, she accepted the feeling of it, instead of trying to escape. “Yeah,” “Mm, we assumed you would have, but this would have let us all know her intentions,” “We all agreed that she should tell us on her own, so when I saw the bag, I hid it away, to make sure, that we could at least eat dinner in peace,” “Thank you, for that, by the way, and for helping me walk here,” (Y/n) interrupted their conversation, she moved further up the bed, making herself comfortable as she laid down. 
“You’re welcome, and just call our names if you need anything, we’ll come in the blink of an eye,” Taesan said as he walked out of the room, Sungho turned around to follow the younger vampire, but he hesitated, he turned back around, facing (Y/n) who was giving him a curious look. “Is it okay if I sit down for a while?” “Yeah, of course,” He sat down at the foot of the bed, close but still keeping his distance. 
“I just wanted to apologize again, I know that I hurt you, more than the others, and I hate that I did that, so I just wanted to apologize again, even though I’ve said it many times, I really am sorry,” (Y/n) sat up again, leaning forward, taking Sungho’s hand in hers, “It’s okay, I was really hurt, and I was angry, but you’ve made up for it, and you’ve apologized enough for it, I understand why you did what you did now,” Sungho almost felt like crying, finally part of that burden lifted from his shoulders, maybe he could reconcile with her. 
“I should let you rest now,” He said as he stood up, but (Y/n) gripped his hand even stronger, almost trying to pull him back down, though she couldn’t because of his strength. “Stay with me?” And who was he to refuse such a wonderful request? Sungho walked to the other side of the bed, laying down beside (Y/n), though he stayed on top of the blankets, still wanting to give her the space she needed. His heart skipped a beat as the human crawled a little closer, resting her head on his chest, and so she slowly but surely fell asleep as one of his hands gently rubbed her back. 
Taesan heard the interaction, but he wouldn’t ever tell anyone exactly what he had heard, instead he simply told the others that (Y/n) had wanted Sungho to stay with her. The other four made themselves comfortable on the couch, some movie playing in the background as they took a nap, nuzzled in one another’s embrace. 
An hour later, (Y/n) woke up again, feeling more energized, though her face was painted red as she realized she was cuddling Sungho. She admired his handsome face as he slept peacefully, though he was cold because of his vampire traits, (Y/n) still felt undeniably warm, she had half a mind to just nuzzle back into him and fall asleep again, but just as she was about to do that, Sungho opened his eyes, smiling. 
“Admiring the view?” (Y/n) blushed even more, there was no denying it, he had caught her red-handed. “I… um, yes?” “No need to be embarrassed, darling, you can look at me just as much as you want, you can do whatever you please, I’m all yours,” “Mm, not all mine though, I share you with the others,” Sungho smiled even wider at that. “That’s true but… Right now, I’m all yours,” The look that Sungho gave (Y/n) was intoxicating, it was addicting, she couldn’t hold herself back from straddling his lap, her lips quickly finding his. 
Sungho wasted no time in responding to her kisses, his hands finding solace in her hair and on her waist. Having her so close, drove him crazy, her scent, her taste, her warmth, everything was making his instincts run wild. Before he knew it, Sungho had begun to shift, his fangs now sharp and visible, his eyes a glowing red. (Y/n) gasped as she broke the kiss in need of air, her eyes trailing his face, looking in on his red eyes, he thought she might be afraid but he found no fear in her eyes as she dove back in to continue kissing him. 
His fangs lightly poked her lips as they kissed, causing a tiny cut, and a single drop of her blood spilled past it, into his mouth, the taste of her sweet blood, almost made him lose control over himself. He wanted more, be he had to slow down. Sungho managed to break the kiss, he gently caressed her cheek, leaning her forehead against his. “As much as I love everything that’s going on right now, we should probably calm down, or I won’t be able to hold myself back,” (Y/n) could feel his bulge against her, but she said nothing about it, she felt almost embarrassed but only almost, because mostly, she was feeling excited, happy, almost like she was drunk on the taste of him. 
“Yeah, maybe we should,” Now, as she came down from her high, (Y/n) felt a little shy, she had never been so bold with anyone before. Just as she was going to move away from his lap, Sungho’s hands shot up and stopped her. “Um, just stay still for a little while,” (Y/n) felt less shy as she saw that he too, was struggling in this situation, but so she settled down again, laying down with her head in the crook of his neck. 
They stayed like that until Leehan came into the room to let them know that he and Riwoo were heading out for a while, and that Jaehyun wanted to talk with (Y/n) before she fell asleep again. (Y/n) imagined she’d be embarrassed because of the position they were in, but she didn’t, she felt more like inviting Leehan into joining them on the bed, the vampire looked so tired and cuddly but she only whispered ‘okay’ before he was gone. 
“Okay, let’s get up, you go find Jaehyun and I’ll go make you some tea, how’s that sound?” “Good, thank you,” Sungho just smiled at her as he helped her climb off him and the bed. He missed her warmth immediately but he knew that they would be back soon enough. 
They walked out of the bedroom, Sungho’s supernatural hearing easily picking up Jaehyun’s voice from the living room as he was bickering with Taesan about something. “He’s in the living room, Taesannie’s there too, I’ll be in the kitchen for a little while if you need me,” Sungho said before leaning down and planting a loving kiss on (Y/n)’s temple, he straightened up himself after that and left toward the kitchen. (Y/n) continued toward the living room, and as she came closer, she too could hear the playful bickering from inside. 
“What are you two fighting about?” (Y/n) said as she walked into the living room, Jaehyun and Taesan sat on the couch, close together yet they seemed to be playfully glaring at one another. “Nothing important, just some stupid thing about whether cats or dogs are better,” Taesan answered, a dopey smile on his face now that (Y/n) was there. “Mm that is a silly argument, anyway, Leehan said that you wanted to talk with me,” (Y/n) pointed at Jaehyun as she said it. Feeling a little nervous, not knowing what this would be about. 
“Right, yes, we were supposed to talk about this earlier but then everything else happened and we thought that we might as well wait for a little, but it is important that you know these things,” (Y/n) sat down on the other couch, facing Jaehyun as he spoke, though he wore a serious look on his face, the tense atmosphere was easily lifted by Taesan who was laying half on Jaehyun’s lap, almost looking like a cat. 
“So being mated to vampires is a bit complicated with the whole immortality part of it, as well as our blood thirst, when we spoke earlier we said that we would turn you into a vampire as well if you wished for it, we should have let you know that if you chose not to turn, you stay human, but the day that you die, we will follow soon after because we can’t survive without our soulmate, in our case, soulmates, not to pressure you but you should know all the facts. We can wait a bit with turning you if you don’t want to do it right this second, but we shouldn’t wait more than a year or two. We should also say that we can’t become fully intimate unless you’re turned because well, vampires aren’t very good with holding back when it comes to those moments,” 
Jaehyun blushed as he ended his little speech. (Y/n) did too, now understanding why Sungho’s eyes had turned red the second they did more than just innocent kisses, and why he was adamant about slowing down. “Oh,” Was all she said in response. “Yeah, people think werewolves are wild in bed, but they are nothing compared to vampires,”  Taesan said, still keeping his tone light and playful. “OH,” (Y/n) said again but louder, blush taking over even more of her face. 
Sungho appeared in the room just as he heard the loud exclamation from (Y/n). “Ya, what are you two telling her?” He went over with the cup of tea and put it down on the table in front of (Y/n) and then he took a seat beside her. “We’re just talking about if and when to turn her, and why it would be beneficial to do so,” Sungho glared at Jaehyun for a second but then he eased up and turned to (Y/n). “What they told you is true, but you should think about this on your own, without us pressuring you to choose what we want,” 
“I actually figured, even before we spoke earlier, that you would have to turn me, I mean none of you were born as a vampire so surely the turn is the most reasonable answer. It will be a big change but I don’t mind it, I know I’ll be safe with you guys,” 
The three vampires looked at her with shocked expressions on their faces, they never assumed a human would be so calm about this. They sure hadn’t been when they first turned. They all panicked and tried to fight it, so they assumed it would take time for (Y/n) to come around as well, if she ever did, but to see her so calm, almost scared them. 
“Are you sure?” Jaehyun asked, still believing this to be some sort of lie, a calm-before-the-storm type of feeling. He looked down at Taesan, giving him a sign to use his telepathy on (Y/n) to see if this truly was her thoughts or if she was simply saying it to please them. Taesan understood the sign and opened his mind focusing on (Y/n). 
“Taesan, if you are in here, get out, I told you not to read my mind…” Taesan jumped in his seat, leaving his comfortable pillow - aka Jaehyun’s lap-,  as (Y/n) spoke directly to him through her thoughts, only Jaehyun had done that before, and that was a creepy feeling, more similar to what Leehan felt when he copies the power. “Ahh, I’m sorry, he told me too,” Taesan held his head with one and and pointed the other at Jaehyun. “Why?” Jaehyun sighed, looking down at the floor, feeling ashamed. “We have never encountered a human willing to just turn, like this, not even we wanted to, we all fought it, thinking it was the last thing we wanted, needed, now we love it, but we didn’t always, So it feels wrong to see you accept it, so quickly,” He explained. 
“So, you tried poking around in my brain to see if I was hiding something?” He just nodded, still looking at the floor. “What I said is my true thoughts, sure it seems scary but I’m not doing this alone, I have all of you by my side, and when I think of that, it’s not too scary anymore,” Jaehyun dared meet her eyes again, he was nothing but sincerity in them, and with that, his anxiety over this completely vanished, she was right, they had all been alone, she isn’t, and they aren’t anymore either. They can do this together. 
“Are you still too tired for some more kissing or could I maybe, just possibly, if you want, and care for it, maybe I too could, you know-” “You want a kiss, Jae?” (Y/n) interrupted his rumbling, chuckling at how cute he was, a minute ago he looked ready to cry, the minute before that he was a serious as an owl, and now he was as excited as a puppy. “Yeah, but it feels wrong to ask for one,” “I don’t know how much energy I have, your kisses seem to take a lot out of me, but I think I have enough for at least a little kiss,” 
Jaehyun happily stood up from the couch, poor Taesan almost falling off as he was still sitting very close to the older vampire. Jaehyun carefully dragged (Y/n) up to a standing position, Sungho stared at the action, cautious of the teacup in front of them. “I’ll be careful, just hold onto me,” Jae said as he then leaned in, (Y/n) looked up at him, feeling nervous, but she brushed it away as their lips met. His lips were soft and warm, so different from the others, his firepower really showed in his body temperature, it was welcoming, and intoxicating, it spread butterflies and fireworks throughout her stomach and entire body. 
Jaehyun kept his word, keeping the kiss light and careful, but even so, (Y/n) began feeling weak in the knees once more, the overwhelming warmth she felt in his embrace combined with the warm sips of tea she had taken, caused her to overheat, she gripped onto his arms but it wasn’t enough to keep her standing, Jaehyun sensed it and released the kiss, holding onto her as he helped her sit down on the couch once more. 
“Are you okay?” Sungho asked as he felt her cheeks and forehead. “Damn you’re burning up, I didn’t think you’d react so much to Jaehyun’s heat, I mean we don’t, so we didn’t consider that you would either,” He continued. “I’m fine, just a little warm, and well, as I said, kissing you guys, is a lot, I like it, but it’s a lot,” Taesan stood up from his spot on the couch. “Do you want something cold to drink then? Water, juice, soda?” “Water is fine, thank you,” Before she could understand what was happening, Taesan left the room so fast she couldn’t even blink before he was back with a glass full of ice-cold water. 
She accepted the glass, “Woah,” Taesan smiled at her. “Yeah, you know, supernatural speed and all that,” He returned to his seat on the other couch, once again cuddling up to Jaehyun, who had sat down once he knew (Y/n) was alright. “Right, forgot about that for a second,” (Y/n) took a sip of the water, the cold felt very refreshing for her throat. “Thank you, for the water, and for the tea,” “No worries, we’re here to serve you, my lady,” Taesan joked. “We’ll do anything to help you settle in, and anything even after that, because we want to take care of you, give you the princess treatment,” Sungho said after Taesan’s joke, giving the younger boy a playful glare. 
“Riwoo and Leehan’s back,” Taesan said out of nowhere, “How do you know?” (Y/n) asked, Taesan only pointed to his head and looked at (Y/n). “I’m very in tune to my soulmates, so I can hear you guys from quite a distance, the second any of you steps onto our territory, it’s like I get a signal and I just know you’re back, even if I don’t listen for it,” “Oh, that’s pretty cool,” “It’s a way of finding each other if we ever get lost somewhere,” 
“Hello there, talking about us?” Riwoo said jokingly as he and Leehan stepped into the living room with two bags filled to the top with groceries. So that’s where they went. (Y/n) thought. “Mm just talking about how nice it was without you guys here,” Jaehyun jokingly said, to which he got a mad glare from Riwoo in response. “If that’s the case then we’ll leave again,” Jaehyun immediately looked apologetically at his boyfriend, “NO! We don’t want that, I was just joking, you know how much I, we, love you,” 
“Just messing with you Jae, we wouldn’t ever leave, now come help me with the groceries, Leehan is too tired to do it,” Jaehyun wanted to argue that he too was far too tired but he figured it would be for the best, if he just did as Riwoo had asked. “Alright, Hannie, you go sit down and rest,” Leehan happily handed over his bag of groceries to Jaehyun and went over to the couch, though he went to the one where (Y/n) and Sungho sat, instead of the half-empty one with only Taesan on it. Leehan smiled shyly as he looked at (Y/n), asking with his eyes if it was okay for him to sit down beside her. 
“Do you want to sit down here?” (Y/n) asked as she slightly hit the spot beside her. Leehan smiled wider and nodded, still feeling a little shy. Sungho smiled gently at the youngest, he chuckled slightly before he got up from his seat, moving over to Taesan who happily draped himself over the eldest. “There, now there’s plenty of room for you on the couch,” Sungho said as he sent a wink to Leehan. “Thanks,” The youngest said before he sat down beside (Y/n). He kept some distance between them, not wanting to make her uncomfortable, yet he yearned to feel her closer. 
“I, would it be okay, or, um, never mind,” (Y/n) looked at Leehan a bit confused, this was not the same guy that she met that first night, he seemed confident and fearless whereas this one, right here beside her, seemed so timid and cute, it was shocking how stark the contrast was. It was intriguing, she wondered if he was always this way when more in control of his vampire side, or perhaps this was the vampire and the other, the human. 
“Hey, you don’t have to be shy around me, I’d love to hear what you have to say,” (Y/n) moved closer, their legs now touching, a shiver shot through her body at the contact, she reached over to grab one of his hands in hers, gently holding it, marveling at the difference in size. Leehan too felt a shiver run down his spine at the contact, though he imagined he would feel even more nervous at this, the hand-holding at the legs touching, made him feel grounded, safe, loved. The same feeling he gets from the other guys. The guys he loves more than anything, the people most important to him. And now there’s one more person to add to that group, and she was sitting right here, beside him, holding his hand, looking lovingly into his eyes. 
“I just wanted to ask, if you wanted to, maybe, cuddle with me?” Leehan tried to keep eye contact but at the end of his sentence it became too much and he looked down at their hands. Finding that they fit just perfectly together. (Y/n) squeezed his hand in her hold a little, hoping he would return his eyes to hers, but he stayed locked in on their hands, a lovesick smile on his face. “I’d love to,” (Y/n) answered, and before she knew it, Leehan had maneuvered them into a spooning position with him lying behind her, his strong arms holding onto her, keeping her close to him, making sure she wouldn’t fall off the couch, his face nuzzled tightly into the crock of her neck, he sighed happily as he quickly drifted off to sleep, exhausted from the day’s events. 
(Y/n) stifled a laugh as she settled down in his arms, exhaustion catching up with her as well, the closeness to Leehan brought comfort and safety with it, making it very tempting for her to simply, close her eyes and fall asleep with him. But she fought it in order to at least say good night to the rest of her new-found boyfriends. (Y/n) looked over at Sungho and Taesan who were snuggling on the other couch, both of them just a step away from falling asleep, Riwoo and Jaehyun returned from the kitchen just then, smiling as they saw their lovers, their family, so happy and cozy, they wished they could join the two pairs but their couches were too small, so the remaining couple whispered good night, and then left to sleep in one of the bedrooms, leaving the rest to sleep where they were. 
And so, the six soulmates fell asleep, finally able to rest peacefully as they were now complete, no longer missing a piece, or five, drawn together by the sweet smell of one's blood, now forever entangled with one another, forever together.
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mirisss · 2 years ago
Stray Kids Poly Headcanon
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Wordcount ≈ 600
Warnings: talk about food, clinginess, I think that’s it let me know if I missed something, 
Pairing: Stray Kids OT8 x gn! reader 
Thank you for the request @kai-lee08, hope you like it!
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If you’re a STAY you know how close the members are. I mean they’re pretty much glued together to each other. The same thing will happen with you, their partner/girlfriend/boyfriend. Some people have emotional support animals, SKZ has an emotional support partner. All eight of them love being close to you and if two days go by when they don’t see you, they become anxious. They feel incomplete without their partner by their sides. 
Dates are often executed in pairs or trios if they involve going out. Movie dates are always all of you together. Some date pairs/trios: 
Shopping dates always include Jeongin, he’s the fashionista of the relationship after all, and often times Hyunjin too. The two love going out with you to look at clothes and see how good you look and also being able to buy matching outfits for all of you. Changbin joins every now and then, and the times that he joins, don’t you dare try to pay for anything, he will be offended if you even think of paying for your food, clothes, whatever. The same goes for Hyunjin and Jeongin, if they reach for their wallets, Changbin will glare at them. 
Café/picnic dates include Minho, Felix, and Jisung. If it was a café date, Felix or Jisung would have spent hours searching for some cute café that’s sort of hidden away from the public, then they would order every cake, cookie, and everything that the café had so be prepared to be there for hours. If it’s a picnic date, Felix and Minho will have spent a couple of hours in the kitchen baking and making food for the date. Felix will make brownies and cookies, and Minho will prepare any food that you mentioned you wanted, sandwiches, salads, pasta, pizza, whatever it was he fixed it. Jisung and you were in charge of choosing the location and fixing the blanket for the date. As long as the weather allowed it, the four of you would stay out for hours. Playing games like hide and seek because why not? 
Bang Chan and Seungmin are sort of wildcards, they can do whatever as long as it is with you. While the two often work they love having you around. If Bang Chan is busy working on making songs for the group, he would love it if you surprised him by showing up with lunch and then staying with him, sitting beside him, or just in the studio, he might not be able to talk too much as he is so focused but knowing you’re there helps him, he becomes more inspired and suddenly the song he struggled with was finished in a few minutes. Seungmin takes his job very seriously and he always schedules extra vocal training sessions during which he is very happy when you decide to join him to listen to his silky warm voice and get lost in the sound. During the breaks that they take they always give you hugs and kisses, thanking you for being there with them. 
Your favorite dates are those spent at home with all eight of them though. Choosing movies, ordering food, eating snacks, snuggling close on the couch to them, the hugs and kisses, the hand holding, the innocent touches, the not-so-innocent touches, the deep talks, just everything with them. Let’s just say that being in a poly relationship with SKZ will be fun, filled with laughter, and you will rarely be alone because Stray kids have separation anxiety.
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mirisss · 1 year ago
Haunting Shadows prequel
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Vampire! Mafia! Ateez OT8 x afab! reader
Wordcount ≈ 2.2k
Warnings: mentions of weapons, blood, violence, mentions of someone being unalived, being chased, involuntarily put to sleep, I think that’s it, 
Thank you for the request! I hope you like it! I wrote it at 4 am when I couldn’t sleep so the ending isn’t the best. 
Please reblog!
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Third Person POV
In a deep dark alley, somewhere downtown. A group of six men gathered around a seventh man lying on the ground. The man on the ground tried to shield himself from the haunting red glowing eyes staring down at him. The blood-red eyes paired with the guns pointed in his direction, made him realize that he was not getting out of this alley alive. One of the six men took a step forward as two others seemed to appear out of nowhere, or rather, they seemed to be appearing from the shadows. The man who had stepped forward had red hair that almost seemed to glow but right in front of the scared man, the hair morphed from red to black and the facial features of the previous red-haired man changed too. He went from someone the scared man had never seen to someone he recognized quite well. 
“Hello, Lee Jaejoong,” Jaejoong tried to move backward but his back met with a wall stopping his tried escape. “Who are you?” The eight men around him all smirked, revealing sharp fangs, causing him to hold his breath. “My name is Wooyoung, and these are my blood brothers, you may know us as Ateez,” Jaejoong’s heart sank as he recognized the name, Ateez, the largest mafia in the country. Ateez, a mafia group known to not leave anyone who has wronged them alive. “Please, please, I’ll do anything, just please, don’t kill me,” A shorter man stepped forward, giving a silent cue to Wooyoung who immediately stepped back again. “Yeosang, are you sure he is the one?” “Yes, captain, his scent is a complete match to the blood we found,” “Jaejoong, Jaejoong, Jaejoong… mm… and here I thought our partnership was going so well but you just had to mess it up, what a shame” The one called captain, moved around a little while sending a terrifying glare to the man on the ground. “Yunho, Mingi, take care of him. Jongho, keep guard. Seonghwa, San. Go fetch the car, no need to waste any more time on this one,” “Hongjoong, captain, someone’s getting close,” 
It was around 10 pm when (Y/n) decided to leave the university library to head home. Her back hurt from crouching for a few hours, trying to study as much as she could for an upcoming exam. Only a few students were still around, most of them studying with a few just hanging out with their friends. (Y/n) walked along her usual path, soon approaching the part she hated walking by. It was a dark alley downtown. While she had never seen or heard anyone there, she always felt uneasy walking past it but there were no other paths she could walk to get home from uni so she couldn’t avoid it. She took up her phone, prepared to call for help should anything happen. 
For the first time, as (Y/n) came close to the alley she found a light coming from deep within the alley. Her unease increased, that could only mean that someone was down there, she thought. Just as (Y/n) came to the opening of the alley, she saw two dark figures walking in her direction as she heard a loud noise. It sounded frighteningly familiar to a gun being fired, followed by a scream. Or rather two screams. One from whoever was shot and one from (Y/n). 
(Y/n) ran as fast as she could away from the alley, continuing her way home. Hoping that whoever had been walking toward her from the alley wouldn’t follow her, but if they were following she hoped they wouldn’t be able to catch up with her. 
“Hongjoong, captain, someone’s getting close,” Hongjoong turned to Yeosang who looked worried after picking up an unfamiliar scent coming closer to them. “Hwa, San, check it out on your way,” “Yes, sir,” As they began walking away, they could make out the shape of a girl or woman in the distance. Just as they were within eyesight of the human, a gunshot rang through the alley followed by a scream that bounced off the walls out toward the road. Within a second, another scream resonated through the eight vampire’s ears. Seonghwa and San saw the human look at them and then run for their life away from them. “Catch her,” Seonghwa muttered to which San ran full speed after the human. 
(Y/n) was terrified as she heard loud footsteps in pursuit of her. Please, I don’t want to die, not like this. She was getting tired after running for a few minutes, not even the adrenaline pumping through could keep her going for much longer. (Y/n) turned her head to try and see just how close the person behind her was only to find no one, feeling hopeful she turned her head back thinking she was safe, only to see a man standing a few meters in front of her. He seemed completely unfazed while (Y/n) was panting loudly, coming to a complete stop only three steps away from the man. What the hell? How did he get in front of me? (Y/n)’s eyes shot open as wide as they could when she looked into the, very attractive, man’s eyes only to find them shifting from a deep brown to a glowing purple. 
San was surprised by the overwhelming warmth that emerged throughout his entire body when he met the human’s eyes. His sight disappeared for a second only to come back a bit hazy, a purple tint now colored the world. A tint he had experienced before when he first met the other seven vampires in his group. This human, was their final soulmate. The missing piece of their connection. 
“Please don’t hurt me,” (Y/n) didn’t know what to do, her legs felt weak from the running and suddenly her heart was beating fast not only from fear and the running, but from the way this man was looking at her. While his gaze was threatening, it didn’t seem malicious, no it seemed more like longing. Another pair of footsteps could be heard approaching from behind (Y/n), but she didn’t dare look away from the man in front of her. “San, what’s going on?” “Hwa-hyung, it’s her,” “I may be older than you but I am not dumb, obviously this is the one who overheard our business,” “No, hyung, I mean she’s the final one,” Seonghwa stared at San a bit confused, it wasn’t until Seonghwa looked at his younger soulmate’s eyes that he realized what he meant. “Our soulmate?” San couldn’t do more than give a slight nod in answer, to captivated by the woman in front of him. 
Seonghwa carefully approached the human and put his hand on her shoulder, applying a bit of pressure to turn her toward him. (Y/n) was surprised both by the action but also by the handsome face she was now only mere centimeters from. The deep brown eyes of this man also shifted into a purple color, making the human gasp. Seonghwa shivered from the feeling of experiencing the first look at his final soulmate. The vampire quickly gathered himself though, shaking away the lovesick feeling that had made San freeze. The purple color in his eyes slowly faded back to brown only to shift into a glowing red. Seonghwa looked deep into (Y/n)’s eyes before he whispered: Sleep. (Y/n) immediately felt drowsy as her legs grew even weaker and her eyelids grew heavy, before she knew it she faded into unconsciousness. Seonghwa captured her body as she fell asleep. “Let’s go to the others,” San had finally managed to shake away the shock and could finally move and think freely again. 
The two vampires didn’t make it far before their six other soulmates approached them with questioning looks as they noticed the unconscious woman in Seonghwa’s arms. “Boys, let me introduce you to our soulmate,” Mingi gasped loudly while Wooyoung shouted out of joy. Yunho and Jongho looked at each other with happy smiles as Hongjoong and Yeosang both only looked down at the woman. No one said anything more as they simply walked to their van, bringing the human with them to their home. 
When (Y/n) woke up she could barely recall anything from the night before. Her memory felt foggy, she remembered walking home from uni but somewhere in the middle of the walk, everything turned black. The bed she was sleeping on was unfamiliarly soft and big. (Y/n) sat up and tried to shake off the sleepiness to focus on her surroundings. She quickly realized that this was not her bedroom nor any room in her apartment nor was it any of her friend’s homes. Hell, this room was pretty much as big as her entire apartment. (Y/n) looked around for her phone as quietly as she could but to no avail, she couldn’t find it anywhere. 
“She’s awake,” Yeosang said as he walked into the kitchen where the other seven vampires were gathered. “Earlier than usual,” Yunho pointed out. “It might not have been as effective because of the mating bond,” Seonghwa responded, usually when he used his gift of absolute command the effect wouldn’t subside for at least 12 hours, especially not the sleep command. Yet this time, it had only worked for about 8 hours. “That’s most likely it, the mating bond is known to mess with the effectiveness of gifts,” Hongjoong said before taking a sip of his coffee. “Should we go meet her?” Mingi asked, quite excited to finally meet the missing piece of their bond. “Yeah, let’s go,” Jongho said excitedly. “Come on, I really want to see her,” Wooyoung whined, he was ready to break down the door just to see her. “Let’s do it,” Hongjong said, as the leader he was the one to have the final say on most decisions they made, though sometimes Seonghwa as the oldest would be the one in charge, it depended on the situation. 
The eight vampires walked toward the room in which (Y/n) was still trying to find her phone. She didn’t stop searching until she heard the door creaking as it opened. (Y/n) turned toward the door coming to face eight unfamiliar men, six out of these men caught her attention one by one as their eyes slowly blossomed from brown to purple. This awakened a memory from the prior night, brown eyes turning purple, she also faintly remembered something red too. It took her a few moments until everything came back to her. Walking home, seeing the alley being lit up, hearing a gunshot, screams, running, facing two of these eight men before becoming unconscious and waking up in the unfamiliar room. 
Hongjoong, Yunho, Yeosang, Mingi, Wooyoung, and Jongho were all overcome with the euphoric feeling of meeting their soulmate. Seonghwa was the first to step into the room, a kind smile grazed his lips as he tried to make the human feel less scared. “I apologize about all of this, what happened yesterday and us barging in like this. All of it will make sense in a few moments if we may explain it to you,” He stopped speaking for a second, clearly indicating that he expected an answer from (Y/n) to his half-question-half-statement. (Y/n) didn’t dare deny it so she simply nodded her head. “Good, my name is Seonghwa, and you remember San from last night, the red-haired one is Wooyoung, the tall blonde one is Mingi, the other tall one is Yunho, the buff one is Jongho, this is Hongjoong our leader, and finally we have our handsome Yeosang. What is your name?” 
“I’m (Y/n),” (Y/n) couldn’t help but notice the fangs that protruded from Seonghwa’s mouth as he smiled and spoke. Eyes that turn purple and red, super speed or something like it, making me fall asleep just like that, fangs, soulmate… What kind of freaky fantasy book have I fallen into? Are they vampires? No way, right? “(Y/n), what a beautiful name,” Yunho said as he smiled brightly, showing his fangs which only confirmed (Y/n)’s delusional thought. “Are you vampires or am I going crazy?” They all chuckled at (Y/n)’s question, a little surprised that she had put it together so quickly. 
“You are correct, we are, indeed, vampires. And you dear (Y/n), are our soulmate,” Wooyoung said as he sent a wink her way as well as a beautiful smile, a smile that revealed yet another set of fangs to the human. (Y/n) just nodded before she turned her back to the men, counting her fingers to try and see if she was dreaming but she found 10 fingers confirming she was awake. She turned back to the alleged vampires. “Please explain all of this in detail because I still think I am asleep,” After a lengthy explanation and discussion on how they were vampires and what a soulmate meant with more. The nine soulmates began their relationship that would continue for eternity as (Y/n), even though she is human, was gifted immortality to be able to accompany her soulmates forever. 
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mirisss · 11 months ago
Cuddling with Ampers&One
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Ampers&One x reader
Thank you for the request! I hope you like it! 
Wordcount ≈ 923
Warnings: None I think
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Na Kamden 
Kamden is the type of guy who would always have an arm around you. Walking on the street? Boom, he has his arm around your shoulders or your waist, sometimes when it’s more convenient he’ll hold your hand. Movie night with the friend group? Kamden’s arm is around you. It brings him comfort to hold you in his arms, knowing you’re close and can’t be separated. 
When it’s just the two of you, home alone, on the couch, Kamden loves to cuddle with him laying on his back and you on his chest. He will run his fingers through your hair and every now and then, he will strain his neck to give you a kiss on the head. 
He Brian
Brian is more for subtle touches in daily life, no more than holding hands out in the open. Walking beside each other, only your pinky fingers touching each other as the two of you share nervous smiles. It doesn’t matter if you have been together for only a week or 5 years, you’re both as innocent as ever. 
Though when you are home alone, in the comfort of your home, Brian loves to hug you, back hugs are his favorite as he whispers in your ear or sings your favorite song lowly as you dance around the kitchen. In bed, Brian is the type to rest his head on your chest as you fall asleep, his arms tightly wrapped around you as he listens to the beating of your heart. 
Choi Jiho
Jiho is a wild card when it comes to cuddling or skinship in public. Some days he will keep an arms length between the two of you no matter what and other days he will be hanging on to you as if he would die without having you pressed against him. 
In the safety of your home, Jiho will be all over you. If you’re in the kitchen, he’s back-hugging you, if you’re brushing your teeth, he’s back-hugging you, any time he can he will be giving you a back hug. In bed, he will love spooning, but also sleeping in the sweetheart’s cradle. Any position where he can hold you in his arms, he loves. 
Yoon Siyun
Siyun will be a bit more reserved in public, however, he will hold your hand. It feels safer that way, especially if you’re out walking on the street, he has to hold your hand or he will worry that the two of you will become separated. In front of the boys, he can hug you and maybe a quick kiss every now and then. 
At home, Siyun is still a little more reserved than some of the others. He wishes he was as bold as Jiho or Mackiah but it feels weird to be so clingy, but eventually as your relationship grows he will become braver and more comfortable. When sleeping, he prefers the two of you laying beside each other and just your hands touching. 
Choi Kyrell
Kyrell will be really shy at first but try to act bold. He will watch different romance movies and series to try and get some tips on how to act romantic with physical touches. Each movie and series will give him a number of moves to try, however whenever it comes to it, he always gets to nervous to actually try it. One of the few things he managed was the “helping you reach something on the highest shelf”, it wasn’t intentional though but when he came into the kitchen you were trying to reach a certain mug that Kamden accidentally put on the wrong shelf, so Kyrell walked over and reached over you to get the mug. You were in awe of his action but Kyrell only smiled and handed you the mug. 
Even at home alone, when it comes to sleeping, Kyrell is a bit shy, so you often have to initiate the cuddling but once you have initiated it, you’re stuck. Because he won’t let go until he truly has to. He will lock you in his arms and keep you there until the morning. 
Mercer Mackiah
Mackiah is similar to Kamden, he must have some sort of skin contact at all times. Mackiah will hold your hand wherever you guys are, have an arm around you, and drape himself over you from behind, he’d put you in his pocket if he could. 
When the two of you are lying in bed, about to sleep, Mackiah has to spoon you because he can’t sleep unless he’s holding you tight and close. He will also give you about a thousand kisses on the neck and the head before falling asleep. 
Kim Seungmo
He’s the youngest but one of the boldest when it comes to PDA, he just doesn’t care what others think. If he wants to hold your hand, he will, if he wants to hug you, he will, if he wants to kiss you, he will. The only time he is embarrassed is around the other boys, mostly because they tease him, but he still holds your hand/hugs/kisses you. 
When it comes to sleeping, Seungmo will either fall asleep on top of you, spooning you, or in the sweetheart’s cradle. He loves falling asleep on top of you, with his head on your chest and with one of your hands scratching his head.
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mirisss · 11 months ago
Ampers&One confessing to their crush
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Ampers&one x gn! reader 
Warnings: None I think, really fluffy
Wordcount ≈ 2.1k
Thank you for the request 🍩! I hope you like it!
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Na Kamden
Kamden would have done his research on how to ask someone out both from asking his friends, looking up tips on the internet, watching romance movies, reading books, and even asking your friends if you had mentioned any scenarios of how you wanted to be asked. 
The result was him choosing to slowly warm up to it. It began with the two of you studying in the library, he was helping you with a subject you struggled a little with, as the sun set and it was getting late, Kamden asked if you wanted to eat dinner together. You said yes, wanting to get closer to the boy who made your heart beat a little quicker. Kamden paid for your food, wanting to be a gentleman. The two of you ate and spoke, laughing and enjoying the moment. Once dinner was done and it was time to head home, Kamden walked you to your door, you hugged him saying goodbye, but then he suddenly stopped you. 
“Wait, (Y/n)!” “Huh? Oh, yeah, what’s up?” He walked closer. “I really like hanging out with you and I would love to spend more time together, as more than friends, if you want that too?” Kamden smiled nervously as he held out his hand, in it he held a necklace with a small flower charm, it was a (your favorite flower). “I’d love to do that too, Kamden,” 
He Brian
Brian would not be as well prepared as Kamden. Nope, Brian would kind of just do it without realizing it. The guy barely knew he had feelings for you before Mackiah and Jiho pointed it out to him. “Hey, lover boy stop staring at your lover and go ask them out already!” His two friends said as they laughed at the shocked face Brian gave them. “What do you mean? (Y/n) isn’t my lover?” “Obviously, because you haven’t asked them out, but you should cause they like you too,” Jiho said. 
Brian thought about that conversation for the next couple of days, but he didn’t know how he should do it, well until today. Brian was about to walk home after his classes had ended, as he walked by the basketball court he saw you standing there alone with a basketball in your hand, staring angrily up at the net. Brian smiled because he found you so cute. He walked over. 
“Hey, (Y/n), what are you doing?” “Oh, Hi Brian! For my gym class next week, we’re playing basketball but I’m really bad at it, and my gym teacher told me today that I have to do somewhat well next week to get a good grade, but as I suck at anything ball-sport related, it’s not looking good for me,” “Mm well, I could try to teach you some moves,” “You could?” You happily said, finally feeling a glint of hope. “Yeah, I used to play basketball almost professionally, until I moved,” “Thank you, Brian, I owe you,” 
For almost 2 hours, Brian gave you a private lesson on how to play basketball. After 2 hours, he noticed that you were getting tired so he decided that would have to be it for today. “Thank you for today Bri,” “No worries, hey, um, do you want to get something to eat?” “Yeah, sure, it’s on me though, as I said, I owe you!” “No, I’ll pay,” “No, I should paaay, Bri,” “What kind of gentleman am I if I don’t pay on a date I asked you out on?” “It’s a date?” That was when Brian realized what he had done. “Yeah, if you want it to be?” “I’d love that,” 
Choi Jiho
Jiho first met you through his younger friend, Siyun. Siyun and you shared a class and during a lunch break, Siyun brought you with him to the table where his friends sat as your other friends were sick or busy that day. All the boys were super nice and you especially took a liking to Jiho, finding interest in his major. Jiho immediately fell in love with you, it was love at first sight for him. He would be a little nervous around you but you didn’t notice. Jiho was just a little bit jealous too, jealous of Siyun who got to see you all the time. Therefore, Jiho did everything he could to show you that he was better than his friend. 
After you were invited to a movie night with the seven boys who made up your classmates friend group, Jiho got to find out something that helped him out. 
“Come on, please can we watch a horror movie? Please guys,” Seungmo really wanted to watch a horror movie but some of the guys were against it, Jiho wanted to hear your opinion before he stated his own. “(Y/n), where do you stand on the horror movie? Do you like them or not?” “Um, both, I kind of like them but I also get scared so if I wanna watch one, I’ll always need someone beside me that I can hold onto,” You laughed a bit nervously, making Jiho smile as he found it cute. “You can always hold onto me if you want,” The way he said it and the way his eyes looked so warm as he gently gazed into your eyes made your heart skip a few beats and a blush crept up on your cheeks. “Then I want to watch a horror movie,” “Same, so that means the majority wants to watch the horror movie,” 
Everyone sat down in their designated spots, you stood a bit awkwardly on the side wondering where you should sit. Jiho waved you over to the couch where he was sitting, Siyun on the other end. “Come on, you can’t hold on to me from over there,” At the beginning of the movie, Jiho was disappointed as you just sat in the middle of the couch with him on one side and Siyun on the other seemingly totally fine. As the movie was approaching its middle point, the first real jump scare happened and you were very frightened almost jumping onto Jiho as you hid your face in his chest. Jiho’s heartbeat was racing but he felt happy, he embraced his arms around your frame, hugging you tightly to him. 
After the movie was over, Jiho reluctantly removed his arms from around you as it was time for people to head home. He walked you over to the door, hugging you to say goodbye. “Thank you for being my human shield tonight, it was really nice, you’re a great hugger, whoever gets to date you is lucky,” “Do you wanna be lucky?” “What do you mean?” “Want to go on a date?” “Seriously?” “Yeah, (Y/n), do you want to go on a date with me, Choi Jiho?” “Yes, I do,” 
Yoon Siyun
Siyun and you would be friends, studying together or just belonging to the same friend group. The two of you both enjoy photography, so sometimes, the two of you tend to stray away from the group as you wish to take photos of the clouds or nature. Without realizing it, Siyun began snapping photos of you as he fell for your passion. He thought you looked really cute as you concentrated on getting the perfect photo of a flower as a gentle breeze was blowing. It would take him a few weeks to realize that he was doing this, it wasn’t until he needed to go through his pictures to find one for an assignment in school that he found the majority of his camera roll from the last month was just photos of you. 
When he realized this, he knew that he had feelings for you, and he knew the perfect way to confess. He would print out all of his favorite photos he had taken of you and even some photos of the two of you together. He made a small collage of them, decorating it with flower stickers and other cute stickers. Next time he met up with you, he would ask if you wanted to see the photos he loved the most, and you, of course, said yes. He took out the collage and gave it to you. In the middle of it, he had written, I love you. “I love you too, Siyun,” 
Choi Kyrell
He wouldn’t be the one to confess first, he would want to but he would also be too scared to ruin things with the person he liked. For more read Your warm embrace. 
Mercer Mackiah
Mackiah would be totally whipped for you, he would try to act cool and impress you but the second you look away he is following you with puppy eyes. Whenever you asked for something he would get it in a heartbeat. 
“Uh I could really use a snack right now, I’m so hungry but I still have two more classes before the day is over,” “Uhm, I just need to go to the bathroom, be back in a sec,” Mackiah would run over to the cafeteria and buying you a snack then run back with it, luckily the boy has a lot of energy and he’s a fast runner. “Here, I got you a snack,” He’d smile brightly as he handed you the snack, his eyes sparkling with joy at being able to get you a snack. “Thanks, Mackiah, you didn’t need to,” “But I wanted to,” 
Other times it could be during an evening hangout, your friend group was at a park just hanging out and talking. Later on, a chilly breeze passed by, reminding you of your lack of a jacket. “I’m so stupid, I didn’t bring a jacket even though I knew we would be out for a long time,” “Hey, it’s okay, here, I brought a blanket, we can share it,” Mackiah quickly opened his bag and took out a blanket, he then walked over to you, wrapping it around your shoulders as he sat down very close to you. “Thanks, are you sure you don’t mind sharing it?” “Of course not, I’d love to share it. Anything for you,” “You’re so sweet, Mackiah, you’re like every person’s dream boyfriend,” “Even yours?” “I mean, yeah, you’re nice, sweet, caring, funny, not to mention handsome, loyal, oh-” Mackiah suddenly stopped your rambling by leaning in and kissing your cheek. “Can I be your boyfriend then?” “Yes, please,” He tried to stay cool but the second he turned his face away from you, he was turning as red as a tomato as he cheered internally. 
Kim Seungmo
Seungmo would be really afraid of rejection so he wouldn’t dare ask you face to face. No, he would write a letter with the help of his friends. He rewrote the letter many times because he wanted it to be perfect. 
Once he had his perfect letter, that basically just said: 
“hey, (Y/n), I’m in love with you, wanna go out? Love Seungmo, but like no pressure if you don’t” 
His friends wondered why he opted for such a simple letter instead of the three pages long once he had them help him write, but no one was surprised. They knew Seungmo, he’s young and terrified of confessing to his first love. 
Seungmo ended up leaving the letter in your locker, waiting behind a corner to see your reaction to the letter. When you opened your locker and found the letter you locked around a little confused but figured that it was for you. You opened it and read the sentence, laughing a little and blushing. You looked around to try and spot the tall boy with now blonde-blue hair, and while he was hiding behind a corner, he wasn’t really hidden. You walked over to him, he was nervous and ready to bolt out of there. 
“Hi, Seungmo,” “Hey, (Y/n),” “Yes,” “Yes?” “Yes, I wanna go out with you,” “Really?” “Yeah, and I like you too!” Seungmo nervously put his hand out toward you, looking shyly between it, your eyes, and your hand. You smiled at the shy boy before putting your hand in his, and so you walked out of the school together, hand in hand, shy smiles and red cheeks, nervous giggles could be heard every now and then.
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mirisss · 1 year ago
Fated No More
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Enhypen OT7 x afab! reader
Soulmate au, angst, Enhypen are still idols in this though you can think that their ages are a little older than in reality - specifically Jungwon and Niki, 
Warnings: angst, sad, Enhypen members being very rude/mean to reader, talk of depression, Lies, Enhypen kind of getting scammed, 
Summary: In a world where everyone has a soulmate some people have multiple, but what if the one you’re fated to be with doesn’t want you? 
Wordcount ≈ 3.4k
Thank you for the request @lene03! I hope you enjoy it and that it lives up to your expectations! I’m sorry if it turned out a bit too angsty.
Part 2, Part 3
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Third Person POV
(Y/n) knew early on in her life that she was blessed with more than one soulmate. The day she turned 5 a small tattoo appeared on her right shoulder of the initials of her soulmate, L.H. It was strange for someone to receive their soulmate mark so early, though it all made sense as she received another one on the day she turned 7. This time the initials appeared on her left wrist, P.J. The next one appeared on her 10th birthday, S.J., and this one was placed on her right wrist. The fourth one appeared on her 12th birthday, this one like the first was placed on her shoulder though the P.S. was placed on the left shoulder. K.S. Was the fifth initial to appear, this one came on her 14th birthday and was placed on her right ankle. (Y/n) wondered how many soulmates she could possibly have as five was more than usual. If someone had multiple soulmates it was usually no more than three, at least that’s what she could find when doing research. Nonetheless, she was ecstatic and hoped that these boys lived close to her and to each other so they could quickly find one another. On her 15th birthday, she examined her entire body wondering if maybe she had received another name, but she found nothing, perhaps she didn’t have a sixth one. A year later as she woke up on her 16th birthday, she was shocked to find a pair of new initials on her thigh. Y.J. A sixth soulmate. That must be it? Right? I can’t possibly have more, right? Was what (Y/n) thought. Two years passed and it was now (Y/n)’s 18th birthday, last year she had not received any new initials but she wasn’t calm yet as she figured out that the initials only appeared every 2 or 3 years. This meant, that today was the last day she could receive an initial as after you turn 18 you can’t receive anything more unless your bonding is from scars or something like that. Tattoos are not included in that category. (Y/n) got up out of bed in the morning first looking at, the now familiar, initials she had received over the years. She then began searching for a possible new one, and she quickly ended her search as she only had to look in the mirror on her left collarbone, where she found N.R. as a small yet noticeable tattoo. Seven. Seven soulmates. That’s a lot, but (Y/n) couldn’t be happier. All her life, that hasn’t been that long, she had felt that she had a lot of love to give, more than just one person could receive. And she was ready to feel that love from her seven soulmates too. She just had to find them. Are you looking for me too? 
*A month after (Y/n)’s birthday, at school*
“(Y/n)! (Y/n)! (Y/n)!” “Moa! What’s up?” (Moa is (Y/n)’s best friend, change the name if you want to,) Moa sat down beside (Y/n). “You have to help me vote during lunch,” “What are you voting for? The next prime minister?” “No, something important! It’s for a survival show!” “Of course it is, haha, alright, here, download whatever app I need or whatever and show me a performance of the one or ones you want me to vote for,” “You’re the best (Y/n)!” Moa showed (Y/n) a few performances pointing out her favorite trainees, (Y/n) had to admit everyone was very talented and handsome. (Y/n) didn’t notice at the time that the seven people that Moa was fangirling for matched the initials on her body though it hit her ones one of them, Park Jay, was particularly close to the camera with one of his hands and she saw multiple initials on him, ones that just so happened to be matching hers. “Moa, do you also see my initials on Jay’s wrist? Or am I just crazy?” “HUH?!?” Moa paused the video and moved close to the screen. “We might just be delusional but yeah I definitely see your initials and also two others that match some of the ones on you,” “Is it possible that he’s one of my soulmates?” “I mean it could be anyone so yeah it’s possible but at the same time, it could just be a coincidence that the initials match your own and the ones on your body,” “But if he’s an idol, or becomes an idol, it’s going to be all the more difficult to meet him,” “Yeah, it will be really hard,” A few weeks passed by with nothing much happening except the survival show ended and Enhypen was formed. (Y/n) kept up with the show after that day and she was convinced that it wasn’t a coincidence that all the members matched the initials on her body, along with her finding her initials on Jay, that first day, and later on seeing them on Heesung and Sunoo too. (Y/n) was trying to find out if the boys had found out they were soulmates or if maybe it was just a coincidence that the initials matched. So far, she got nothing. 
* At the Enhypen dorm * 
The boys found out as soon as they met that they were soulmates as their tattooed initials slightly burned and began glowing until they touched each other to stop the burning and calm down the glowing. They had a conversation regarding the last initial that they all shared, speculating over whether it would be another guy or if it was a girl, or maybe someone non-binary. “I think it will be a girl, I can just feel it,” “Yeah? Feel what? The bullshit you’re pulling out of thin air?” “Oh shut up Niki, you don’t understand the things I know,” “Hyung, you sound like you’re sixty years old or something,” Heesung and Niki were sitting on the couch just talking when they suddenly entered the topic of their eight soulmate, causing a friendly bicker between the two. “No matter what gender they have, I’m sure they will fit in just great with us,” Jungwon said as he entered the living room to end the bickering. The boys couldn’t wait to find their final soulmate, though they knew it would be difficult to find the last soulmate since they were idols. 
* A year later *
During one of Enhypen’s fan meetings, Jake noticed that the fan in front of him had a tattoo with matching initials of his own, he hadn’t felt any burning sensation nor seen either his own or the girl's tattoos glowing. Yet he felt obliged to ask for her name to see if maybe fate was just slow with reacting to them being so close to each other. “Excuse me, what was your name?” The girl giggled and blushed before answering. “(Name)” (Aka, a name matching your initials) Jake gasped as the name matched the initials he and the other boys had tattooed on them. “Excuse me, manager-nim,” Jake called over their manager who quickly came over to him, worried that the girl had done something bad. Jake whispered to the manager about the situation and that he suspected the girl might be their soulmate, The manager nodded his head and after the girl finished speaking with all the members, the manager arranged for her to come backstage. The girl was then informed of why she was given this chance. The girl knew that she hadn’t felt anything from her initials meaning she wasn’t Enhypen’s soulmate but feeling a bit greedy and wanting to meet with them she agreed, lying by saying that she had felt some burning when meeting with the members. She thought she would be stupid to not take this chance, she didn’t care about the truth for now, after all, she could only benefit from this situation. Once the members got to the backstage area Jake had already told them of what he saw and their manager said that the girl had experienced some burning. While the boys thought it was strange that they hadn’t felt it they played it down to that perhaps they got used to the burning from experiencing a strong burning sensation when they met each other. Soon enough, they had fallen in love with the girl. 
* Yet another year later *
(Y/n) had studied hard with the determination to attain a job at HYBE in order to meet her soulmates and after two years of finding out who her soulmates, probably, were, she had succeeded. “Moa! I can’t believe this! I got the job!” “WAAAHH! CONGRATS!” After graduating from high school, Moa and (Y/n) moved in together, it was difficult getting by but they managed. Now though, everything would be better because (Y/n) finally got a well-paying job. “Let’s order some good food and celebrate!” “Yes!” 
“Ah! I can’t believe it’s your first day already! I feel like a proud mother sending her daughter off to the first day of school!” “Haha, you look like the part too, good luck at the shop later, I’ll see you for dinner!” And so, (Y/n) headed out for her first day at HYBE. She knew it might take some time before she could meet with Enhypen, though it was worth it as long as she could find out eventually if they were her soulmates or not. This was a step in the right direction. 
* 2 Months later *
“(Y/n), good job, You’ve really shown how skilled you are during such a short amount of time. Manager Sung here is in need of a new assistant manager and after seeing how tenacious you are I believe you would be a great fit for that position,” (Y/n)’s boss was praising her, she surely did deserve it for everything she had done during just two months. Manager Sung, does he work with a debuted group or with the trainees?” “Oh, right. I didn’t tell you about that, Manager Sung works with Enhypen,” (Y/n)’s smile widened so far her cheeks hurt. Finally, she thought. 
A few days later, (Y/n) was heading to the practice room in which she would meet Enhypen for the first time. She was to be in charge of their schedule for the day as Manager Sung was busy with meetings. (Y/n) stopped right outside the doors, “Deep breath, (Y/n), deep breath,”. The second (Y/n) opened the door and stepped inside, she was met by all her soulmate tattoos burning like crazy as well as glowing like a raging fire during a pitch-black midnight. The Enhypen boys also felt the burning and saw the glowing. They didn’t understand why it was happening now as they already had their eighth soulmate. Soon the burning calmed down and the seven boys turned to the door to find an unfamiliar girl standing there with tattoos that were glowing just like theirs. “Hi” Was all (Y/n) said as she was in awe of how handsome they all were. “Who are you?” Sunghoon asked while the boys all moved closer to each other, not wanting to be too close to the unfamiliar girl. “I’m (Y/n), I’m Manager Sung’s new assistant manager. Nice to meet you,” They introduced themselves as Enhypen, keeping it very formal. (Y/n) was confused over why none of them had mentioned the whole soulmate thing yet, she knew that they had felt the burning based on what she saw and heard as she stepped into the room. (Y/n) cleared her throat and began explaining her assignment for the day, the boys’ schedule for the day mostly consisted of dance practice and some vocal training. “Yes, we know our schedule for today, thank you for reminding us though. I guess we will see you for lunch, bye,” Jungwon’s words were sharp and cold, just like the stares all seven boys directed toward (Y/n). “Oh? Uhm, I was told to stay with you all day so I’m just gonna sit in a corner, out of your way,” The only response (Y/n) received was a single nod from Sunoo before Jay prepared the music and Niki began showing them some good warm-up moves. (Y/n) sat down in a corner as she had said, sighing and wondering why the boys seemed to be so cold toward her. 
All too soon the day was over and Enhypen as well as (Y/n) were meant to go to their separate homes. “Wait! Can I talk with you guys?” “What? You a fan or something?” “I guess you could call me a fan, yes, Niki, but that wasn’t what I wanted to talk about. Please? Can we just sit down and speak for a few minutes? It’s really important,” “Alright, 5 minutes. Then we have to leave,” Heesung said while Jungwon took up his phone alerting their driver of the short delay. The eight of them sat down by a table in the corridor, the boys all seemed to have bored looks on their faces while (Y/n) was giddy with happiness. “So, um. Did you notice anything special when we met each other?” “No, not that I can think of,” “Are you sure?” (Y/n) began doubting herself as they denied her suspicion of them being her soulmates. “Yes, we are sure. Was that all you wanted to talk about? If so, we’ll take our leave,” “No, wait. Please. The second I stepped into that room the seven initials I have tattooed on my body began burning and glowing, the initials matches yours exactly. That should mean something, right? That should mean that you guys also felt something,” “Look, (Y/n), was it? We already have our eighth soulmate, we don’t have a ninth,” Sunoo usually looked so sweet whenever (Y/n) had checked variety shows that Enhypen joined yet now, his words were almost mocking and mean. “No, but, I’m your soulmate,” “Maybe fate got it wrong this time because we love her and we’re fated with her,” (Y/n) could feel her heart breaking at Jake’s words, the smile she once wore was turned into a shaking frown as she tried to hold back her tears. “We’ll leave now, goodbye, miss assistant,” They got up from the table and walked away without turning back once to check on her. 
That night as (Y/n) got home, Moa noticed the glum look on her best friend’s face and the tears waiting to fall from her eyes. “(Y/n)? What happened? What’s wrong?” Moa rushed toward (Y/n) as (Y/n) collapsed on the floor after getting her shoes off. “They have someone else,” “What? Who?” “Enhypen, Moa. They have another soulmate, they rejected me,” “No, that’s not possible, how could they have someone else if you’re their soulmate? Did you feel the burn?” “Yeah, it sure did burn and glow, and I saw theirs glowing too yet they still deny it,” “Maybe they are just confused, try talking with them a little every day so they can warm up to you and realize that you are their true soulmate,” “I’ll try, thanks Moa,” “Everything will work out, don’t worry,” 
(Y/n) continued trying to have small conversations with Enhypen though her attempts resulted in nothing but cold shoulders and the silent treatment. It was clear that they wanted nothing to do with her, (Y/n) tried to remain positive through it all, and hoped that the next day would be better. However, each day seemed to only get worse. Working so closely with them made it all the more difficult to ignore their icy attitude. Three months after their first meeting, Enhypen had grown tired of (Y/n)’s constant tries at getting close to them. They were over her. Their girlfriend, (Name), was not happy once the boys had told her of (Y/n). They said that they knew (Y/n) was their true soulmate and not (Name) but that they loved (Name), not (Y/n). (Name) was happy that they chose her over their true soulmate considering she had done the same for them, though she had yet to meet her true soulmates. “Hi boys, great work on the music video so far, want to eat lunch together?” “WHY CAN’T YOU JUST LEAVE US ALONE? IS IT SO HARD TO ACCEPT THE FACT THAT WE DON’T WANT YOU? WE ARE COMPLETE, WE DON’T NEED YOU, FIND SOMEONE ELSE TO BOTHER,” They all took turns yelling at her, fortunately, no one else had seen or heard their outburst. Once they had finished screaming, (Y/n) was crying silently, her whole body was shaking. The boys felt their soulmate marks itching and hurting, most likely a sign of them rejecting (Y/n) and being so harsh to her. “I’m sorry, I’ll leave,” (Y/n) turned around and left the location, telling Manager Sung that she wasn’t feeling so good and needed the rest of the day off along with the next day, Manager Sung agreed and hoped she would recover quickly. 
“Moa, I’m gonna quit my job at HYBE and move somewhere else. I’m sorry for the inconvenience this will cause you,” “(Y/n), no. We’ll fix this. You can find a job somewhere else around here until you do I can cover rent, with my raise I received recently that will be fine, We might have to cut down our food expenses a little but we’ll manage,” “I can’t stay here, I can’t be close to them, it hurts Moa. I can barely breathe, my body is numb and heavy, I can’t move it, I would rather die than stay here,” “Okay, we’ll find a way. I’ll help you, We promised to stay with each other so wherever you go, I shall follow,” “I wish you were my soulmate, Moa, it would have been so much easier, don’t you think?” “Yeah, it probably would,” And so, (Y/n) sent in her resignation letter to HYBE, saying it would be immediate and the reason was because of a family situation. The two friends began searching for new jobs abroad and apartments as well until they finally found two jobs perfect for them and an apartment in (Country and city of choice). (Y/n) had become severely depressed but having Moa around helped a little. 
A year goes by and one day when (Y/n) wakes up, she comes to realize that the once vibrant soulmate tattoos have begun fading. The marks hurt the first weeks after the rejection but now they only brought her emotional pain as she looked at them. With every day the marks faded more and more until they were no longer visible. (Y/n) knew she wouldn’t receive a second chance in this lifetime yet she was relieved that she at least no longer had to stare at the initials who broke her heart. The Enhypen members had not been as blessed as (Y/n) when it came to the marks, theirs were constantly itching from the day that they screamed at her. The marks were bringing them a lot of discomfort yet they still stayed with (Name), refusing to leave her because they loved her too much. Perhaps fate was punishing them for the way they acted toward (Y/n), the truth might never be known, but the thing that is certain is that they are fated no more. 
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Hope you liked it, please reblog!
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mirisss · 3 months ago
Morning Routine
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Seok Matthew x 10th female member! reader
Thank you for the request! I tried my best to write it, I hope you enjoy it!  
Wordcount ≈ 1k
Warnings: None I think,
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(Y/n)’s POV
Being the one female member of a group with nine male members isn’t always easy, though it helps that most of the guys are very chill and like my brothers. It also helps that one of them happens to be my boyfriend. It felt weird to live with the nine of them in the beginning but now, about one and half years later, it’s become normal and comfortable. We have all created our own routines with one another. 
Mornings were always a fun experience, Matthew loves to sleep in for as long as possible, he also has a talent for falling asleep in a second, so making sure he stays awake in the mornings can be a handful. However, now that Matthew and I are in a relationship, I have found some ways to get him to wake up quickly. 
As my alarm goes off, I wake up and turn it off, I feel Matthew’s strong arms around my waist and hear his soft snores from behind me, I try to turn around and face him, but this particular morning, his grip was extra strong so the only thing I could do was manage to pry his hands off from around me and slip out of the bed. A frown formed on his face at the loss of contact but he quickly shook it off and he returned to his peaceful slumber. I walked over to the bathroom, happy to find it empty, so I slipped inside and finished my morning routine, once done in the bathroom I opened the door to find Jiwoong waiting. “Good morning, Woongie,” “Morning, (Y/n), is Matthew up yet?” “I doubt it,” We joked, and then I walked back to Matthew’s and I’s room. 
Once inside our room, I found Matthew still sleeping on the bed, I walked over to him, and gently shook him a little, saying his name, “Matthew, baby, time to wake up,” He mumbled something incoherently, but soon enough he opened his eyes, smiling widely at the sight of me, I assumed at least, he opened his arms, wanting me to crawl back into the bed with him. But I stepped back so that he couldn’t reach me. “Come on, Matt, we have to leave soon, even Yujin is up and ready, so come on, hurry up, you can sleep more in the car, but only if you get up,” “Mm, just five more minutes, please???” He gave me his best puppy eyes, but I knew not to fall for it, five minutes usually end up being more like an hour, or until Hanbin comes in and drags us both up from the bed angrily. 
“Either you get up now, or no kisses or hugs for the entire day, not even from Gunwook,” We both laughed at the joke because Zeroses are convinced Matthew and Gunwook have something going on, no one has even mentioned the possibility of Matthew and I, which is, in a way, positive, but outrageous at the same time. Matthew shot up out of bed and ran to the bathroom with some clothes in his hands at the ‘threat’ of no kisses. It works every time. I finished packing my bag with things for today's shot and walked out to the kitchen to see if someone was making breakfast, I found Hao and Hanbin in the kitchen. 
“Binnie, are we eating breakfast here or in the car?” “I think either in the car or we’ll get something on the way, it’s quite a long trip today, but they said not to eat beforehand,” Hanbin said as he took out two glasses and filled them with water, he gave one of the glasses to Hao and the other to me before he took out another glass and filled it with water for himself. “Alright, and thanks,” “Have you managed to get Matthew up?” Hao asked. “Yeah, he’s in the shower right now, other than him, are we waiting for anyone?” “Not really, Taerae is packing up his things and waiting to brush his teeth but both bathrooms are occupied, the rest are supposedly done,” Hanbin said but he didn’t sound too convinced, Gyuvin has a reputation for being late, and so does Yujin. Gunwook is usually one of the first to be ready, only late when he ends up having to help someone else with something. 
“I’ll go and pack Matt’s things up so that we can leave soon,” “Sounds good, (Y/n), we’re lucky to have you, Hao, and I’ll go check on the other as well, our manager just texted that they’ll be here in 10 minutes so we need to hurry up,” I just made a joking salute before I went back to my room and packed my boyfriend’s things. As I was packing an extra hoodie into his bag, I suddenly felt two strong arms around my waist, the familiar arms didn’t surprise me, this was part of the morning routine, “Good morning to you too, Mattie,” “Good morning, darling, can I have a kiss now? I got up and I’m ready to leave,” I turned around in his hold to find his signature charm smile, and who am I to resist it? “Of course you can,” 
He leaned in, and soon enough, our soft lips met, in a sweet passionate kiss, that was interrupted by Ricky who stuck his head in our room, “Ew, wrap it up lovebirds, Hanbin is calling for everyone,” Matthew broke the kiss of only to glare at the younger boy, “Yeah yeah, we’re coming,” He mumbled before giving me one final quick peck on the lips, grabbing both his and my bag as well as one of my hands. And then we left our room, walking out to the hall, where we found the rest of our 8 group members. Oh, how I love our morning routines.
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mirisss · 1 year ago
Enhypen's reaction to their asexual gf’s sleeping habit
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Enhypen x aseuxal afab! reader
Worcount ≈ 900
Thank you!
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Heesung would be a bit flirty, never crossing any boundaries that you have, just some playful flirting. “Ohh, who let such a princess come into my room?” “What am I seeing? A goddess, for me?” “Has an angel been sent my way?” The thing is though, he isn’t doing it because of what you’re wearing, nope, he does these things constantly. It could be 6 in the morning as you wake up, your hair looking as if it hasn’t been brushed or washed in a year and he would still ask “Who is this angel that stands in front of me?” Of course, he finds his girlfriend absolutely breathtakingly beautiful but he would never do anything that makes you uncomfortable, so if you don’t like the flirty pick-up lines then he will stop using them immediately. 
Let’s be honest, Jay falls asleep in seconds. You’d be lucky if he stayed awake long enough for you to change into your “pajamas” or what we should call it. He wouldn’t care, as long as it doesn’t interrupt his sleep, you can wear or do whatever. Jay isn’t one to worry about such things, all he really cares about is his own sleep in these moments. However, if he was awake and saw the pajamas he would really react in any way. Neither “OMG you’re half naked let me touch” nor “Ew, put some clothes on” He would just look at you and ask if you were gonna lay down in bed or stand in the middle of the room half the night. Of course, he wouldn’t react like a sex-crazed monster because he knew that wasn’t something you were interested in and of course, he wouldn’t find you disgusting, he was in love with you after all. 
Cuddlebug. As long as he gets to cuddle you like a teddy bear, he is a happy boy. You could be dressed in whatever, an overall, nothing, a dress… he doesn’t care as long as he can cuddle you. “Ohhh, (Y/n) you look good. Now come here, I wanna cuddle!” Jake was as excited as a golden retriever puppy when seeing a tennis ball. The second you get within arms reach, he will pull you down on the bed and he won’t let go until morning. It will get warm, so perhaps shorts would be better than sweatpants if you run warm. 
Being a former ice skater, Sunghoon has seen a lot of people dressed in revealing clothing so in a way he was used to it. However, seeing the girl he was in love with dressed in a sports bra and sweatpants, made him blush. He wasn’t much of a cuddler when sleeping but this day, he couldn’t help himself from embracing you in a tight hug. Just knowing that you felt comfortable enough to be seen this way around him made him incredibly happy and giddy inside. “I love you,” “I love you too, Sunghoon,” It was the first time those words were spoken between Sunghoon and you as you lay in bed cuddled close together.
“Are you sure you won’t be cold? What if I move and steal the blanket?” “Sunoo, you lay on the edge of the bed not moving most of the time, it’s more likely that I steal the blanket from you than the other way around,” “Alright then… Btw, is it really comfortable sleeping in a bra? I’ve heard that it isn’t, would it be better with something else? Like one of my t-shirts or something?” Sunoo would be more concerned over your comfort than anything. He didn’t find it awkward or weird, as long as you were comfortable and didn’t get sick. 
Cuddlebug #2. Jungwon is very excited to finally spend a full night with you. Cuddling, talking, cuddling, just enjoying each other’s presence. He did squeal and blush when you came out of the bathroom in a sports bra and a pair of his sweatpants, the sleepover had been a bit spontaneous so you weren’t really prepared. “Are you sure you don’t want one of my hoodies or t-shirts?” “Yes, Jungwon, I’m sure. I usually sleep in this but, you know, with my sweatpants,” “Oh, nice. We should buy matching colors so it’s like matching pajamas” The squeal wasn’t because of the bra, nope, it was because you were wearing his sweatpants. He barely even noticed the bra until his eyes traveled from the pants to your eyes.
Cuddlebug #2. He may have stopped cuddling his older members, but you? Oh no, you’re his personal teddy bear. The first time he saw you coming out of the bathroom in a sports bra and sweatpants, he blushed a bit and felt a little nervous but he quickly got over it as he imagined how nice it would be to cuddle with a little more skin contact for that extra warmth. It also gave him opportunities to joke around and tickle you a little. He’s young but he knows what boundaries are, if you don’t want anything more than just hugs that’s fine with him. 
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mirisss · 1 year ago
A Love Worth Waiting For
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TXT OT5 x soulmate! afab! reader
Wordcount ≈ 1.9k
Warnings: angst, death threats (nothing explicit), mentioning a saesang following TXT & (Y/n), I think that’s it. 
Thank you for the request! This was so cute! I hope you like it! 
Please reblog! 
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Third Person POV
(Y/n) (L/n) debuted as an actress in early 2019. Her popularity grew gravely with each show and movie she did, as did her roles in them. She started out as someone who only had one line to being the lead. Netizens and international fans all fell in love with the young actress, especially once she joined some variety shows and showed the fans her personality. 
In the same year, 2019, a new 5 member boy-group debuted under Bighit Ent. Tomorrow X Together, also known as TXT. TXT just like (Y/n), grew in popularity and soon had quite the fanbase. 
The moment that all the members of TXT met each other they found out they were soulmates as a light red string appeared, it gently wrapped itself around their wrists as a bracelet. As they studied the string they found that it seemed to be searching for another wrist to wrap around yet it could not find it. The boys all looked at each other, happy to have found one another, albeit a little disappointed to be missing one soulmate. “Hey, we’ll find our missing soulmate soon!” Beomgyu said, trying to cheer everyone up. “Yeah, we’ll find them!” Kai exclaimed happily as all of them smiled. 
Two years passed and TXT’s Soobin had become an MC for Music Bank, the members were really proud of their leader for accepting it and branching out a little outside of his comfort zone. Soobin really enjoyed and he was very excited when it was announced that (Y/n) (L/n) would join him as the new MC for Music Bank. All members of TXT found (Y/n) very cute and they loved her acting, so Soobin was happy about getting to work with one of his idols - though Bebe Rexha probably would have been his first choice if he could choose. 
Soobin’s POV
I woke up feeling super excited. Today was (Y/n)’s first day as an MC and I would finally get to meet her! I really hoped we would get along well. The other boys joked around with me at breakfast, saying I was too energetic and outgoing to be the real Choi Soobin. I just smacked Beomgyu on the head as he said that before leaving. On the way to the studio I practiced how I would introduce myself to (Y/n), I wanted to make a good first impression. My whole body was tingling with excitement. 
I hurried inside the studio as soon as the car was parked, turned out, (Y/n) hadn’t shown up yet. She was running late because of traffic. Hopefully she would just get here before we have to go on stage. I was nervous, more than usual, probably because I would meet (Y/n). 3 minutes before we had to go on stage, (Y/n) came running inside the studio. She was even prettier in person than on tv. My whole body felt warm, I felt butterflies in my stomach, a similar feeling to when I met the other boys for the first time. As I took a glance at my hand, I saw the familiar red string that I hadn’t seen in years, wrapped around my wrist. My eyes followed the string as it stretched outwards, looking for the person who would complete it. Soon enough the string found the wrist it wished to rest around, as my eyes traveled from the wrist to the person’s face, I gasped. I met the shocked eyes of none other than (Y/n). (Y/n) was our final soulmate. 
Before we had a chance to speak we had to go on stage. It was a bit awkward but I knew we would be able to speak after the show. I was a bit anxious, what if she didn’t like me or the others. No, I shouldn’t think like that, we’re soulmates. She will like us. Just like we like her. After the show ended, (Y/n) and walked of stage and just stood awkwardly beside each other. I didn’t know what to say and I guess neither did she. I thought of what Yeonjun or really any of the others would do in this situation. “Hey, I’m Choi Soobin, I’m a member of TXT if you’ve heard of us,” (Y/n) giggled as I put my hand out for her to shake. She looked down at my hand before she met my eyes once more, she took my hand and gently shook it. “I’m (Y/n), I’m an actress if you’ve heard of me,” “Of course I have, I love your dramas,” “I love your songs too! Especially Runaway!” We continued talking for a few minutes, I told (Y/n) that I’m not her only soulmate but all members of TXT are. (Y/n) gave me her number and told me to text her so she could meet the others too. 
As I got home that day and told the others that I had met our soulmate, the other four were very jealous. “THAT’S SO UNFAIR WHY DID YOU GET TO MEET HER BEFORE US” Kai and Beomgyu yelled in unison. Taehyun and Yeonjun didn’t believe me at first but as they saw how serious I was they began jumping around in happiness. “WE’RE GONNA MET OUR SOULMATE, WE’RE GONNA MEET OUR SOULMATE” We all jumped around, chanting happily as we celebrated finally meeting our final soulmate. 
Third Person POV
The day after, Soobin texted (Y/n) and so they arranged a day when they could all meet up. The six of them were happy and spent the entire day chatting, getting to know one another, and possibly a hug and kiss happened too. They told their managers and so it was arranged for them to meet regularly. This then turned into (Y/n) moving in with TXT, she didn’t switch agencies just to keep it hidden from the public. The managers thought that it might be too suspicious for (Y/n) to swap agencies before her contract was over. 
The soulmates were happy to live with each other. Loving every second of their lives. All was good in their paradise, until a saesang found them on a date. The soulmates had been discussing with the companies a plan on how to announce their relationship, them being soulmates and all meant that the chance of them breaking up was just about zero so it would be better to just announce it and hope that the fans would congratulate them rather than hate on them. 
It was a late autumn day, getting colder and closer to Christmas each day. A few snowflakes had fallen earlier in the day. Now, the sun had set and the sky had been cast into a deep darkness. Our six soulmates were out on a date, they had a table booked at a nice restaurant. Unbeknownst to them, an upset fan had been following the group since they saw their favorite idol parading around with his group and a girl. A girl the fan knew quite well, everyone knew who (Y/n) was. The fan followed them, capturing picture after picture in hopes of destroying the young actress for hanging out with the fans favorite idol. 
(Y/n) and the boys of TXT had a nice dinner together. As they went home they were all happily laughing, enjoying the cold evening together. It was quite peaceful outside, most people staying inside to escape the cold breezes of late autumn. As they got home, they changed into their pyjamas and went to bed all cuddled together. Happy and more in love than ever. 
The morning to come though, was not as happy as the night before. 
The six soulmates woke up to all their phones blowing up with texts and calls from their managers and friends from their companies. (Y/n) and Soobin were the first to answer the calls from their respective managers while Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Kai checked the texts and found the pictures of them out with (Y/n) the previous night. Also pictures of comments from thousands of fans sending hate to them but mostly to (Y/n). Threats of boycotting the actress’ works or the boys, however majority of the threats were death-threats directed toward (Y/n). 
“Hello,” “(Y/n), were are you?” “I am at the apartment, with the boys. Why?” “Stay there. We’re sending a car with security to get you to the company,” “What’s going on?” “Someone exposed your relationship and people aren’t happy. You’ve been receiving death threats all night with people saying they’re gonna seriously hurt you,” (Y/n) gasped as she dropped her phone, her arms shaking. She had been half asleep as she answered the call but now she was wide awake. Yeonjun put his phone down and rushed toward (Y/n), enveloping her in a tight hug. Shushing her with soothing words, hoping to calm her down. 
Soobin too ended his call. The same information had been relayed to him, a car was being sent for them. A crisis meeting was to be held between their company and (Y/n)’s to figure out how to deal with the situation. Never before had a soulmate relationship been announced this way to the public, never before had such a big controversy arroused from it. 
Soon enough, they had all gotten dressed. Just in time for the two cars to arrive for them. Fortunately, no one knew where they lived so it was safe for them to walk out to the cars. The problems would be once they arrived at the companies. Because that’s where the public can get to them. 
For three days, the members of TXT and (Y/n) had to stay at their company buildings for safety reasons. During the first day, the companies had written up an explanation and proof of the soulmate bond that excited between TXT and (Y/n). After the response to the saesangs post was published, majority of the public calmed down. The soulmate bond had not been included in the saesangs post as they didn’t know of it so once it was announced netizens found their relationship sweet. However, a smaller group of people still threatened the safety of (Y/n) and TXT. That group couldn’t accept that their favorite idol or actress had found their forever person/s. 
After three days, it was safe enough for the soulmates to return to their home. A new article was published, announcing (Y/n)’s transfer to HYBE as her exclusive contract with her company had come to an end. Now, the public was celebrating their relationship as most people dreamed of finding their own soulmate. Of course, a few people were always going to be against their relationship but they were happy together and now that they could go on dates outside without worrying about being seen, they went out as often as possible. 
It was a love worth waiting and fighting for. A happy ending for (Y/n), Soobin, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun and Kai. Six souls bound together into one thanks to fate.
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