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tntmtheshow · 5 years ago
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#lol #avengersinfinitywar #yomamasofat #thanossnap #nerdyjoke #avengers #infinitywar #yomama #joke #thanos #mcu #nerds #marvelcinematicuniverse #nerdy #yomamajokes #talknerdytome #TNTM https://www.instagram.com/p/B2WsSvXljxu/?igshid=1k9cq7dai9805
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hillarysofhouston · 7 years ago
This kid was cracking #yomama jokes at my son and he got upset, thinking his friend was genuinely being mean and hurtful to him and his mom. I tried not to laugh at his righteous indignation as he recounted the event. I calmly explained to him the satire and history of the friendly banter including several I remembered from my childhood back in the early 90s. When he got home from basketball practice this is what he told me...... (See video) #yomama #yomamajokes #yomamasofat #yomamas #yomamasbigfatbootyband #yomamajoke #yomamasneck #yomamashouse #yomamasosaved #yomamá #yomamaletyoudate #yomamazurakitchen #yomamacray #yomamabelike #yomamarideswithme #yomamassofit #yomamasnapped #yomamaissofat #yomamalovedittho #yomamasougly #yomamalovesme #yomamahouse (at Life Time Fitness - Champions)
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shinnyu8sha-blog · 8 years ago
I'm laughing my stomach out 😂😂😂 #Mamajoke #Yomama #YoMamaSoFat
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aeusoes1 · 8 years ago
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T is for topside. This will bring about a whole new generation of #yomamasofat jokes. Ventures into the solar system will no doubtedly come with novel ways of making special references. Our current geocentric method tends to consider the binary on-Earth/not-on-Earth, but eventually space travelers will need to parse the nuances of whether a body is orbiting another, if it is resting in a LaGrange point, etc. Today's word sticks to the binary which, to be fair, may echo how we still say the sun "sets" despite our knowing that this is a subjective perception. Background image courtesy of TomWalks http://tomwalks.deviantart.com/art/Space-Station-Blender-Gimp-376223010 Like and subscribe for more #skiffydefinitions. Share your own #yomama joke in the comments. Tag a friend who likes words and #sciencefiction. (at Glendale, Arizona)
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hugochamberblog · 5 years ago
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Key & Peele - Yo' Mama Has Health Problems A doctor unintentionally talks smack a... #hugochamber #comedy #comedycentral #comedysketches #doctors #funny #funnysketches #health #insultcomedy #insultcomedykeyandpeele #jordanpeele #keegan-michaelkey #keyamppeele #keyamppeelefullepisodes #keyandpeel #keyandpeele #keyandpeeleinsultcomic #keyandpeeleyomamajokes #keyandpeeleyourmomhashealthproblems #lol #misunderstandings #parents #sketchcomedy #sofat #soold #weight #yomama #yomamajokes #yomamajokes2018 #yomamasofat #yomamasoold Source: https://hugochamber.org/key-peele-yo-mama-has-health-problems/?feed_id=20851&_unique_id=5f44c4a133683
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itssimplyangela · 10 years ago
i didnt choose the thug life, the thug life chose me 👌🏻😂 #thuglife #yomamasofat #yomama
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superlasagnaxd · 10 years ago
Yo mama so fat she got more chins than the Chinese phone book.
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diwprotemp-blog · 10 years ago
Yo momma is so fat, I took a picture of her last Christmas and it's still printing.
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cristianberg · 11 years ago
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louisbrossois · 11 years ago
Yo mama so fat joke 3
Yo mama so fat, she gave Dracula diabetes
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reginozamora · 12 years ago
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Hahaha "That wish is beyond my power" hahaha #dragonballz #shenron #yomamasofat
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louisbrossois · 11 years ago
Yo mama so fat joke 1
Yo mama so fat, if she has sex, she ain't feelin' a thing. U mad bro?
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