#yokai songs. that's it that's the tag
odakuram · 1 year
Noppera Music/Lyrics: Hifumi Illustration: Ushirome Singer: Hatsune Miku and Kagamine Rin
'Can't see, don't care, waste of time.'
あの子みたいになりたくて 特徴をなぞっている あの子みたいになりたくて 外見を寄せている 眩しいね 君もさ 釘付けになってるんだ? 最初から不利だと分かってしまった
I want to be like that girl, tracing her features I want to be like that girl, approaching her appearance It’s so dazzling, doesn’t it leave you frozen on the spot too? Alas, I knew from the start that doing all this would be inconvenient
あの子みたいに 可愛い声で笑ってたいな あの子みたいに 輝いた 髪を揺らしたいな 羨望の眼差し 塊の様になって 私 惨めなんだって 気付いてしまったんだ
Like that girl, I want to laugh with a cute voice Like that girl, I want to let my glowing hair sway in the wind The looks of envy I give seem to clump into a ball I’m really miserable, as I’ve noticed.
端から 比べたって 私には 何も無い 君が好きそうなもので 固めちゃおうか
Comparing myself since the beginning There’s nothing I have for myself Let’s solidify the parts that you might like about me
暗闇に 笑顔も 怒る顔も 私らしささえも全部 捨てちゃったら 君に合わせる顔も無いな 空っぽの 私には何も無い 君に好かれたいのに 何が要るのか 答えが分からないまま ぼやいた
My smiles, my angered face, even my entire identity, everything– If I threw them out into the darkness, I’d lose the face I made to match you too I have nothing to my empty self, though I do want to be loved by you What do I need? Still not knowing the answer, I grumbled
何者かになりたくて 特徴を探している 何者にもなれなくて 自分を責めている 悲しいな 君にさ 見て欲しいと思ってるんだ 誇れるようなものは何も無いけれど
I want to become someone, searching for features I couldn’t become someone, blaming myself It’s so sad, I want you to look at me, is what I think Though I have nothing that warrants praise
なりたいものになるため 白く塗りつぶした自分に 取って付けた様 あり合わせの 着色で誤魔化そうと
To become what I want to become, like my entire being was just white I will have on hand the colours I will use to deceive
一つ 一つ 装飾が 増えては 「重いな」って 辛い 辛い 自分を失ったみたいだ でも
One by one, the accessories increase, and I think to myself, ‘it’s heavy’, It’s painful, it’s painful, it’s like I’ve lost myself, but–
飾らない私を 褒めてくれた 君の言葉に救われて どうしてかな 私には響きすぎたんだ 足りない何かに 一つ気付けて 気持ちが軽くなって それだけで良い それだけで良かったんだ 初めから
You praised me when I didn’t adorn myself, and your words saved me Why, I wonder? It resounded too much within me When I noticed the one thing I was lacking, my feelings became lighter I’m okay with just that, I was really glad with just that from the start
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wolfvirago · 1 year
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This is the theme for spooky month on this blog, by the way.
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I was tagged by the wonderful @jqmon ! Thank youuuu and here I go;
Favorite color: Purple, navy blue, and neons in general! They're pretty nice and can stand against a black background.
Last song i listened to: I have just had a random playlist on right now actually, but I think its called A Mask of my Own Face by Lemon Demon!
Currently Reading: "Camouflage of Great Reknown" by RatCandy! Again AUGH i love this fic Zote is me and i am Zote. Anyways, I would go on a tangent about that but this shouldn't drone on longer than my usual ramblings wahahazzzzz Also, "To Kill a Mocking Bird" By Harper Lee.
Currently watching/rewatching: "Yokai Watch!" and "Brave the Animated Series!" I've watched the latter almost 17 times in counting now aodjoeod, it's one of my faves that rivals Yokai Watch (which is pretty impressive if you know me!)
Want to watch/rewatch: "Yo-kai Watch" (OG), "Good Omens", "The Good Place", the new TMNT show and "ROTTMNT"! Quite the list but y'know =u=.
Currently craving: What I would do for some tiramisu right now...
Coffee or Tea: Same as prev, I like em both! I do like them like my chocolate though; a little more on the bitter side!
Hobbies in Mind: Drawing (digital and traditional), singing, playing videos games, and general crafts. I'd try to make anything once ○°w°○ wwwww.
Current AU: I have an unnamed Yokai Watch AU featuring my sona/character Caspian! I like making random stuff for it but I don't have a post or anything on it yet tho aifkoeod. Not to say I haven't fleshed some of it out or come up with a plot+official refs rho! (Fun fact if you've seen some of my posts; the yokai redesigns I showed yall a while ago were mostly just an excuse to show you the AU versions wwwww^) That, and a little personal world thing with two irls that I love <33 (COUGH. @samiisams and @sketchdeath22 ..... they have amazing stuff go look ooooo......)
People who I wanna get to know better: Hope y'all don't mind the tagggggggg!
@analog-smiles @c00kietin @strange0-0storm @amf-studios @aura-bug @suppai-limes @sketchdeath22 @samiisams
Love y'all!/p (hope I didn't accidently tag anyone whose already participated auiemdhjcr...)
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starry-eyed-adam · 9 months
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ART CREDIT: @aversiteespabilas THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH!!
100 follower DTIYS / CTIYS!
Hello!! This is a future, Leosagi, Western/Cowboy ROTTMNT au that takes place in Montana, USA. Loosely based on the song linked above. It is a fic on AO3 that is updated every Sunday night CST. Occasionally I will upload early :)
Yuichi Usagi, former samurai, recently relocated to Montana from the headache that was New York, looking for a fresh start. The clear skies and mountain air provides a lot of calm—and new opportunities, he discovers when he meets four turtle brothers down the street from his farm, each with their own captivating personality and kind souls. One in particular has started to make his heart pound a little faster, and yet he can’t shake this strange feeling that he knows him from somewhere…
Leonardo Hamato has lived in the same rural community almost his entire life. His family packed up and left the city when he was seventeen, and there isn’t much he remembers from the months leading up to their move. One thing he does know is that this handsome stranger is about to make his life much more interesting.
Donatello Hamato has been described as a gunslinger, a vigilante, a cold force of unstoppable nature. That’s certainly what he looks like to Yuichi, and the rabbit yokai can’t explain the man’s unwelcoming attitude towards him. But as Donnie begins to block him out of Leo’s life, taking down old pictures from the wall, silently conveying that some things are best stayed buried, well… something is definitely wrong here.
#Head Over Boots, mostly where I draw, write, and reblog other people’s cowboys :))
2058 (CW: death)
parts 1 2 3
more updates to this post to come! if you’re reading the fic, thank you sooo much!!
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flowerbetweenfangs · 4 months
Writings/Stories Masterlist!
I didn't realize how many of these there were. So I decided to put them all here. Note: these are stories as opposed to little drabbles/random thoughts. I might have to make a tag for those as well. @-@
Put under a read more because this list got LONG.
(Most Recent first)
Love Bite: M!Zombie/Ghoul/F! Reader. A woman sneaks into a cathedral on zombie feeding night to confront their leader.
Song of Summer: M!Forest God/Spriggan/F! Human. A woman recounts the summer she embraced her sexuality.
Bring the Storm: M!Djinn/F!Reader. A woman comes to a djinn's lair, seeking knowledge.
Lesson In Discipline: M!Werewolf/GN! Reader. A human decides to douse themselves with pheromones to attract the attention of a local werewolf and gets more than they bargained for.
Of A Feather: M! Harpy/F! Human (One Shot)
Breeding Season: M! Minotaur/F! Cowperson/Hautaur (One Shot)
Traditions: M! Minotaur/F! Human Reader (One shot, part of a script series that I am planning on turning into a series of shorts)
Cream Filling: Reverse Harem/F! Human. A series about a woman who takes up a serving job at a demon run cafe. Between her monstrous coworkers and clientele, she may be in over her head...
Marked by the Moon: M! Werewolf/F! Human/Werewolf. A series about a vet who is scratched by a wolf. During the next full moon, she runs wild... But She's not alone.
Lips of an Angel: M! Angel/M! Human. A man goes out to a bar and finds himself in some... Heavenly company.
Holy Light: F! Elemental/GN! Reader. (Series, Currently on Hiatus) A paladin discovers a sapient flame and decides to take them under their wing.
Caged: M! Lionman/GN! Reader (Series, currently on hiatus) A noble finds themselves in possession of an interesting leonine.
In Shadows: GN! Shadow/GN! Reader. (One Shot) a shadow monster saves the reader.
Disguises: M! Kitsune (although kinda GN? They're an old god)/ GN! Reader. Series. on hiatus. The reader accidentally pleases and weds an old god!
Burning Love: M! Demon/F! Reader. Craving a lover, a woman summons a demon to bewitch him... But finds what she craves may be right in front of her...
Seeds of Harvest: Multiple M! / F! Human. (Two parts) A follower of the old gods finds how possessive they can be.
Cuddles and Comfort: M! Werewolf/GN! Reader. One shot/fluff. The reader comforts their werewolf lover on 4th of July.
Sharkmate Ooh-ha-ha! M! Sharkman/F!Human. A "finder" goes on an assignment to retrieve a merchant ship, but a dragon attack strands her on an island.
(Published Works)
Whispers In Dreams: A paranormal horror about a literary teacher who stumbles into the world of yokai. (Book On Amazon.)
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dancingdonatello · 11 months
hope you’re having a good day! i was hoping to request something romantic w the reader being flirted with at like a fancy party but is kinda oblivious and rise raph gets inexplicably bothered/somewhat annoyed when it happens but can’t really pinpoint why?? until the realisation hits and it’s like the italicised ‘oh’ moment lmao
rise raphael x gn reader
You had been begging Raph for months for him to let you join them at “fighting crime.”
Obviously, he was reluctant. You were small, less spiky, and way more squishy than the rest of them. Raph was so sure that if he hugged you the wrong way, you would pop.
So when his brothers and him decided to go on an intel mission, he decided to finally allow you to tag along. It’d be easy to watch over you that way.
No fighting. No dangerous situations. Just talking to people. You’d be fine.
Except it was at Big Mama’s hotel, below ground, meaning it was Yokai. Raph had no problems with Yokai once so ever. However, they seemed to have a thing for… you.
They surrounded you, patted your skin, twisted your hair, peered at your eyelashes. It drove him insane.
He was so scared one of them were going to accidentally knock you over or poke you in the eye or tug your hair too hard or��
His eyes nearly bugged out of his head when an owl wrapped an arm around your waist and whispered something into your ear.
Or do that.
He felt the itch to go over there and save you, but when he glanced at Leo, he looked particularly relieved to see what Raph had been so angry looking at.
“Nice!” he grinned happily. “If they like them that means they can get more information!”
He spoke with a sing song tone, clearly joyful over this.
The glass in Raph’s hand shattered.
“Ohhh….” Leo droned as heads snapped towards the two of them.
“Hey… are those the turtles on the Wanted Posters Big Mama put everywhere?”
As the Yokai take time to look back and forth between the two and their respective posters.
“Ugh… Raph!” Leo whined as he opened a portal.
The two landed on their beaten up couch. A second and third portal had brought you and Donnie and Mikey back.
“What happened?” Mikey whined before pausing at the way Raph lunged towards you.
“Are you okay?” He picked you up, holding you up by your arms like some kitten. “I shouldn’t have let them too close to you like that… They wouldn’t stop touching you!”
His brothers snickered behind him.
“This is serious!” He defended himself, clutching you close to his plastron. They shouldn’t be able to touch you like that.
You didn’t know them. Raph didn’t know them. They could be dangerous. They could be too rough. They didn’t know how many tries it took Raph to hug you just right without hurting you. They just weren’t Raph, only he was allowed to touch you like that, he possessively thought before it clicked in his head.
He slowly let go of you, awkwardly patting you on the head at your confused look.
Oh. It made sense now.
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twistedchatterbox · 1 year
Halloween Collab 2023 - 17/31 ; open !
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Why hello there, loyal customer; Today I'm here to announce a collab for everyone's favorite holiday which starts on august and lasts 'till the end of October; spooky season!
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Accepting collaborators 22nd-30th of September; This Halloween collab will be an advent that focuses on canon x reader/viewer content; you can join as an author/artist, with a minimum of 300~ words and no upper limit. -if you're interested, take a seat.
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Here is how it'll work;
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Everyone who participates in this collab will pick a prompt, and post their work on the day corresponding to the prompts number; it is mainly centered around writing, though artwork can be included !
Here are a few other things you should keep in mind v
To join the collab you have to reblog this post + choose a prompt! + You can ask to pick your prompt through replies instead, if you'd like that; as long as you reblog the post afterwards!
Remember to tag me on the post so that I can see it ; All the entries for the advent will be reblogged on @/jade-s-nymph and added to the masterlist !
One prompt per person; each person can only claim one prompt *
No Dead Dove: Don't Eat content !
All entries have a minimum of 300 words but no upper limit ; + Artwork can be entered as long as it is accompanied by writing ! + Your writing can be formatted however you'd like as long as it meets the minimum word count, just have fun with it !
Tag your works properly ! including but not limited to; if there are references to how the reader looks or is described, content warnings, phobia-specific warnings (ex. blood, cramped spaces)
Even though event mainly centers around canon x reader content Original Characters are very welcome to join in; whether it be Fanon x reader / Fanon & reader or just to make a cameo! Take the wheel and see where it leads you. ^^
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Prompts that are taken/claimed by someone will be crossed out in text (like this) ; followed by the @ of the author/artist(s) who will post their work(s) on the prompt's day !
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First Halloween - @magicluckystars
Tricked (or is it a treat..?)
Makeup - @cupids-chamber
Secret invitation - @savanaclaw1996
Love at first fright - @cyn-write
Fangs - @rendy-a
Bewitched - @cecilebutcher
(Love) potion - @bunnwich
Phantom Thief - @yume-yuurei
Opera - @fungifanart
Sleeping Beauty - @siren-serenity
Haunted House - @leonistic
Graveyard - @galra-empress-dowager
Hunting - @snappit-the-snek
Full Moon
Siren's Song - @/twistedchatterbox ie.@/Jade-s-nymph
Yokai - @ginruko
Detective - @fate-muse-club-house
Dress-up (together) - @linawritestwst
Possessed - @darling-in-wonderland
Devilish - @da-birb-writes-sometimes
Red Hood - @juno-of-wonderland
"Once upon a time.." - @whatevermywpis
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Ps. if you'd like to collab with someone on a prompt, you can! * ex. Two authors writing a 2-part fic together or writing 2 separate fics that reference each other / An author writing a fic and an artist making an illustration to go along with it. -Just remember to post the entries on the correct day, yeah?
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Everyone who joins can tag their work with the tag #Spooky Chattering 2023 .
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-Once again, before i finish this post; please Reblog this post so that more people can see and join, even if you don't intend to join in yourself- a collab this size needs a lot of people, after all ^^'' ...
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amf-studios · 1 month
OK, a ton of people tagged me in this but I guess @river-tides did it first, so here we go.
Favorite colors- in no particular order, midnight blue, purple and black
Watching/rewarching- black butler
Want to watch/rewatch- madoka magica
Currently reading/rereading- fanfiction
Currently playing- cassette beasts
Want to play- yokai watch Jam, super dark deceptions
Last song I listened to- not sure, I just listened to a lot of stupendium today
Favorite franchise- definitely yokai watch, been a hyper fixation since I was like 10-12
Current au; my transfem!Nate au, otherwise known as the Natsuki au, obvs. But I've got other concepts for aus that I may do things with later, such as a yokai watch/gravity falls crossover
Hobbies: drawing obviously, writing and reading fanfiction, video games, building city scapes outta lego, stop motion
Others I'd wanna know more about-... not sure what to put here. Most the ones I would tag tagged me. XP
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liekadae · 6 months
Hello my name is LieKaDae. This blog is for MCYT Content, Enjoy your stay!
Second Blog future Fanart/Fandoms:
Various shonen anime X-men Movies / Deadpool (I'm as shocked as you are) Destiny 2 A Song of Ice and Fire Star Wars Stray Kids / other kpop artists
Tags I use to sort things:
'Liekadae' for my own artwork 'Not my art' for art I reblog 'Asks' for asks (lmao) (I will add to this list when need be to help keep this blog organized)
About Me:
They/Them pronouns
22 yrs old
I use Photoshop for my digital art but Adobe is a piece of Shit
Feel free to talk to me in asks or dms
if we're mutuals don't question it, I like ur stuff
Current Projects:
Divine Concrete | Boat Boys Cyberpunk/Yokai AU:
This will primarily be a fanfic. It has been put on hold until the bases are built by Joel and the surrounding cyberpunk/industrial city complex that's happening around there. I've already drawn some concepts of Joel with cyber enhancements, and the Kitsune Etho is basically how he appears in the AU.
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dandelionterminal · 3 months
Invisible String (Sebastian x OC) Part 1: Prologue I
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link to next part
tags: not beta read, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, like demon ranking stuff, Demon Deals, demon biology, Mentions of Myth & Folklore, Family Feels, Platonic Relationships, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Song: invisible string (Taylor Swift), Cross-Posted on AO3, eventually part of a collection
characters: Sebastian Michaelis, Original female character
-One single thread of gold tied me to you-
Demons, angels, and grim reapers roam the streets of London in the latter half of the 18th century. Adelaide DuPont knows that whatever killed her parents was not human. Someone, or something, killed them and left no trace. Adelaide and her brother, Luca, are left almost desolate. Their only hope is to get the Earl of Phantomhive on their side as an investor in their parents' company. Sebastian Michaelis is a leashed demon. However, that does not stop him from smelling his mate. He will not let the fate of humans in this world take her away from him. He can balance two goals at once. He can care for his master and convince his mate to return to the pits of Hell with him.
Every faith in history holds some shred of truth. No one faith holds all the answers to the way of the world. No one being that exists on the mortal plane can answer all questions. No piece of folklore is entirely true. Many creatures exist, from the yokai of Japan to the Selkie of Europe. Many wives' tales are also true. Our story is based on a few shreds of folklore and faith. Demons, angels, and grim reapers roam the streets of London in the latter half of the 18th century. Within these streets, one earldom houses many strange people and… entities. 
Ciel Phantomhive, a dark-haired young man with fair skin, houses a rather odd band of servants. Mey-Rin, an outwardly bumbling and clumsy maid with maroon hair and wide glasses, has extreme farsightedness. She has an impeccable vision for seeing afar and is an invaluable sniper. Baldroy, a former soldier with dirty blond hair and lightly tanned skin, is a very headstrong man. He is stubborn and determined to prove himself, but he could be a better cook since he is a chef. Finnian, a walking ray of sunshine with equally sunny hair and freckles, is abnormally strong. Having previously been an experiment subject, he is not used to his strength and breaks objects easily. Tanaka, a butler from Ciel Phantomhive’s younger childhood of Asian descent, does not provide much in the form of serving. And finally, there is the “leader” of the servants. Ciel Phantomhive’s personal butler, Sebastian, is not human. He blends into the human servants well, given that they are all so peculiar. Their own non-human characteristics may help them ignore the russet red eyes and sharp fangs that protrude from his lips. The dark hair on his head matches the dark color of his nails and contrasts his inhuman pale skin. 
As we take a peek into their lives, we may observe the servants preparing for guests. The non-human butler cleans up the messes the bumbling staff make as they lay out provisions for these guests. He glances around at all of the staff, taking note of the auras that glow around them. Mey-Rin and Bard glowed with bright red energy, Finny glowed a brilliant yellow, and Tanaka a soft blue. He watched as his young master came down the stairs, speaking in that too-grown-up tone that masked the young boy inside, as he glowed in muted colors that were filtered by his blocked energy. The servants, including our demonic butler, all bowed to their master. 
“Where are our guests, Sebastian?” the young master asked.
“They should be arriving any minute, my young lord,” the butler answered. As if on cue, a knock resounds on the door. Mey-Rin scrambles to open the door for the guests. On the doorstep stood a young woman with light skin like fine porcelain. Her cheeks were hollowed and her emerald green eyes were dull and sunken. She wore a dress of cheap blue material that highlighted her strawberry blonde hair. Next to her stood a boy with matching hair and eyes who wore a suit of the same material. His figure was much healthier than that of the young lady, though. 
Sebastian took stock of the pair. The boy’s aura glowed a vibrant indigo, but he oozed introversion and anxiety. The female’s aura was a dull, almost black shade of grey. It was a dulled shade of white, a very rare aura color. He looked her up and down when he noticed a shimmer of gold near her hand as she curtsied to the master of the house. He did not hear her words, however, as his ears rang and hummed with his pulse. His heart raced as he took a deep breath, smelling the most alluring scent of discontent mixed with florals and musk. His eyes traced the thread as it flowed into the manor. His mind raced as he saw the thread reach him and go around his neck, tying and binding him to the thing human female standing before him. His face briefly showed his shock before he masked it in a smile. 
His master, the owner of the contract binding him to the mortal plane, spoke to him, “Sebastian, show Ms. DuPont and Mr. DuPont to their seats. We will dine and then discuss business,” he said sternly. His visible eye glowered at him, noticing his flustered state. 
Sebastian’s heart raced in his chest, thumping rapidly with excitement. The need to claim his bondmate was strong in his veins. 
“Of course, my lord,” the demon said. He glanced up at the siblings, “Please follow me, my lord and lady.” 
He led them to the dining room, desperately trying to ignore the scent that was filling his nose. The scent of his mate. The one who held the thread of his fate.
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itsyagurlchip · 6 months
٠ ˚ ※ ๋࣭ ᯓ⚝ ⋆ .˚✰Scent Fantasies ٠ ˚ ※ ๋࣭ ᯓ⚝ ⋆ .˚✰
✰⋆⁺warnings: fem reader (!) reader is a cat yokai(!) fluff(!) odd actions(!) if you can call it odd(!) cussing prolly(!) idk i wasn't keeping track!)
✰⋆ I just wanted to be gay for a min okay? (*chokes on raph ice cream thingy*) it's super short, but heartfelt. Btw if you want a better ref, reader is sorta like a golden retriever person; bc thats how i feel everytime i see april on screen. I hope you enjoy ❤️❤️
✰⋆⁺ You reminisce through the smells and sight of that damned thing. Luckily this is a normal thing and you definitely weren't embarrassed by the end of it.
You were searching through April's closet searching for one thing, and one thing only. It was sacred to you, no one knew what power it had over your emotions. This item could- Oh, there it is!
That oversized hoodie. The first one you ever created for her. The fabrics were expensive, the design was a bit cheesy, but April loved it all the same.
She didn't care about the amount of hearts you out on the breast pocket. She absolutely loved that black cat, sown into that forest-green background. She hadn't minded that you changed the boring white hoodie aglets to shiney neo chrome ones.
You carefully brushed your claws over it, minding to avoid creating holes in it.
And the whole thing just smells like the wash and perfume she uses. You snatched the poor thing from its hanger and stuffed it to your face. Using muscle memory, you walked towards her bed and plopped yourself right on top.
You could tell it was worn, by the dingyness at the ends of the sleeves, the pilling around the cuffs.
April, with her beautiful smile, would wear this for her sad days. Or even when she wasn't shy enough, she'd do so on public dates.
God- her smile. It just does something to you that you could never explain into better and enough words. Nothing could ever compare to how that girl made you felt. Your tail swished back and forth, sticking high in the air.
The way she talked, or the way she walked. How her lips quirk upwards at a horrible pun, or how her feet step to the beat of a song as she sits in a chair.
Whenever she talked to you, or when she pecked you to sleep. Where her hands were as you kissed, or when she held your face lovingly. You took another breath in and held the hoodie tighter.
You couldn't help but kick your feet, helplessly falling in love all over again. Your chest thrumbled out a pathetic giggle, your smile getting wider by the millisecond.
Hearing the door open, you slowly lift your head towards the person this whole thing was about! April chuckled at your doped out face, your wiggly smile, the occasional jiggle or kick your body would give.
"Hey baby girl, you okay? ha- you look dizzy" She smiled softly, looking down at you.
All you could do was nod, before promptly failing to keep your head up any longer. You hummed deeply, spoiled by the smell of the hoodie. April reached down to touch your head, helping you (somehow?) relax even more.
Not even a second later your were nuzzling your hand and purring like crazy. Suddenly, you pounced on her, taking her by hip, and nuzzling her chest. Your tail was curling around one of her arms.
April, despite being on her back, pulled you closer. She noticed how blissed out you seemed. The dilation of your pupils, the way you sighed so lovingly, how your fur seemed to relax even further with every brush of her hand.
"You got stuck in those scent fantasies, huh?" You nodded quickly, a mewl spilling out, looks like you rendered yourself non-verbal. "If you wanna cuddle just ask- okay?"
Its like weren't even hearing her, she could tell. It was always hard to snatch you from those clouds, but April never minded.
After all, she loved you just as much.
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(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و tags: @kittykittyanon @radicallxser @oleander-nin @towomatos @thealphagirl @ziipzeepzop-eez @amorvincitomnia-14 @spongejuice. if you would like to be added, check my blog.
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deluxinn · 5 months
I got tagged by @within-its-cave thank youuu
last song I listened to: Fuwa Fuwa Time
currently watching: Technically nothing really other than Dungeon Meshi though I did finish my undead yokai girlfriend
currently reading: Nothing actively but I do like friend's fics!
currently obsessed with: It's just gonna endlessly be Gintama, Octopath and Like A Dragon. Hopefully Persona again once they announce 6 soon and metaphor refantazio
favorite color: Red and Black
I tag @ruruss @repulsiveimp @lnszhl @octoberkuba @queenaidee
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nei-ning · 11 months
Thank you, Niu! :D
Tag nine people to get to know better
Three ships: Belle & Beast, Raphael & Mezcaal, Raphael & Leonardo
First ever ship: Raphael and Ninjara in early 90's.
Last Song: Been listening instrumental Christmas songs from 3h long video on Youtube :)
Last Movie: The Earthsea Cycle (Ghibli).
Currently reading: Does my own fic count? :'D Trying to spot writing mistakes, ahah!
Currently Watching: I watched few episodes of Onimusha on Netflix with mother. As much as I dislike that video game styled animation, and the fact enemies are more like humans than yokais (demons), it has been very entertaining so far!
Currently consuming: Fried little pork pieces in home-made Japanese sauce. However my stomach INSTANTLY started to give me warning growls... Well, I AM SORRY I WANTED TO EAT BECAUSE I WAS HUNGRY!
Currently craving: Something fresh... like cucumber. Luckily I've mini watermelon! I hope it helps :3 (label said it's seedless but what did I see when cutting it open!? Lines and lines of seeds! T_T)
Tagging these darlings: @sinathaaa, @ninjakittycomics, @sherenelle, @carol1826, @drdelicatetch2, @blood-and-pepper, @hummerhouse, @elenilote and whoever of my followers wants to do this! <3 If you do, tag me! I want to see your answers :D
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the-tragic-heroine · 1 year
死鬼祭 | Shiki Matsuri
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fandom: tokyo revengers
characters: kurokawa izana, kakucho, haitani ran, haitani rindou, madarame shion, kokonoi hajime
pairings: tenjiku x female reader
cw: blood, violence, major character death, supernatural elements, mass murder, angst with happy ending, kinda, she/her pronouns used for reader
tags: @akemiixx01​
The villagers say that you cursed them all. You believe that they were the ones who cursed you. (Or, in which the circumstances of your unfortunate birth woke a forgotten, slumbering god.)
Very vague depictions of the supernatural here, and a few cameos of specific yokai if you can spot them! Title is based off of a song by KODOKULOVE! More characters may be added as the story progresses.
Read on AO3 Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six
“Welcome back,” Izana said as you settled back into your own body again. “Are you with me?”
You nodded, staring straight ahead.
“Good. How do you feel?”
“Awful,” you replied bluntly. Then, “Was that really me?”
Izana hummed. “Who knows… but I like to think that it was. Some way or another, you came back—and I believe that somehow, I was given the chance to make things right.” When he looked at you, you were transported centuries back to those same amethyst eyes: divine and ethereal in its majesty, but shedding tears like a heartbroken human man.
“It hurt,” you told him honestly. “It hurt more than the day I was bashed over the head and burned with a torch. I should hate you for making me go through that. Yet…” You trailed off. “Yet, I can’t. I can’t hate you because now, I understand.”
The you who grew up with nothing would have never been able to comprehend the pain of losing absolutely everything.
“The Sano household still stands, even to this day,” you said. “But my family’s old home has long since been built over. They erased both you and us from history and replaced it with the legend of a cunning fox, who tried to disguise itself as a human woman so it could kill the village lord. Not even my mother knew the truth, as it died along with me that night.” You met his piercing gaze. “But you knew, didn’t you? You knew the second you saw me and the blood that came out from between my legs. And the guilt of it followed you forever.”
Izana said nothing.
“I’m sorry,” you said. “I’m sorry for deceiving you. I’m sorry for leaving you all alone.” You smiled at him, eyes dry and free from tears. “But I’m here now, so let me help you.”
This time, when Izana smiled back, you found that he had never looked more lovely.
The remaining walk to the village did not take very long, and when you both arrived, you could not even be shocked anymore at the sight that awaited you.
It was as if the entire village, from the rooftops to the streets, had been doused with foul, oozing tar. The malevolent spirits clung onto the sides of buildings, adhered themselves to the weary, zombie-like villagers who appeared to have lost all will to live. None even seemed to notice me as I peered out from behind the trees near the village entrance. Farther into the distance, I recognised the looming presence of the painfully familiar Sano household and its demons, sitting at the very top of the sloping hill.
“How unfair,” you said, “that one man’s sin would be enough to doom an entire civilization.”
“Such is the nature of man,” Izana replied, voice carried by the breeze.
Perhaps the long dream had broken something deep inside of you, because when your gaze came to rest on a crumpled heap along the side of an alley, surrounded by bloodied sticks and stones and with a cloud of both flies and demons hovering overhead, you did not even blink. Probably because the body reminded you a bit of yours, all those centuries ago… and you could no longer find within yourself any remaining ounce of sympathy left for the villagers who had shunned you and your bloodline, tortured you throughout your entire life, for a crime you had never even committed.
You did not feel human when you turned to Izana and said with a smile, “Burn them all.”
It was the night of a full moon when you and Izana led an army of a hundred yokai to descend upon the village—but the only person the villagers saw was you. As if in a trance, they watched silently as you walked through the center of all the buildings, eyes set straight ahead, ignoring the chattering monsters that began to crawl close behind. When you reached the foot of the hill leading up to the Sano household, you finally turned around.
Behind you, Izana was already waiting, invisible to the eyes of the mortal men. All he had to do was raise one hand—and then, the massacre began.
Screams blended together with the laughter of Izana’s contracted spirits as one-by-one, the houses burst into flame. Wooden rafters creaked and groaned, snapping and smoldering while people desperately scrambled for safety—only to run headfirst into the jaws of the eagerly awaiting yokai, who devoured their souls and left only empty husks behind. The demonic entities that clung to the village were swept up into the chaos, latching onto and attacking both humans and yokai alike—but they were nothing more than fodder for Izana’s army, who quickly consumed them as well.
You caught glimpses of your shrine’s men in the crowd; Ran and Rindou were all too happy to stomp the demons flat, not caring if any humans were in the way. Shion killed any creature who crossed his path, human or demon, occasionally having to be yanked aside before he could attack an ally by accident. Kokonoi mostly stayed on the sidelines, away from the violence, but did not hesitate to crush any victims who strayed too far from the center of the battle. And you watched as Kakucho, whose eyes once swam with guilt and remorse, guarded the village border—catching whoever made it far enough in their attempt to escape and ripping their hearts from their chests. When he raised his head and briefly caught your gaze, you saw that he wore an expression of nothing but cold dedication to his duty.
As buildings and villagers collapsed and burned alike, you stood at the center of it all. Dying people cried out and begged for their lives like you were a god. How ironic, you thought to yourself as they perished like ants beneath a merciless heel; you had once died here, too, like nothing but a wounded animal, without even the chance to plead to your own beloved god for salvation. You wondered, if you could have chosen how you died, which you would pick: burning together with your people, or bleeding out alone in front of an entire village’s scrutiny.
The sudden touch against the back of your hand dragged you from your thoughts and you found yourself blinking up at Izana, who slipped your hand into his. As he interlaced your fingers together, he leaned in and rested his forehead against yours—mirroring the night of your death. You closed your eyes, letting the sounds of destruction fade into the back of your mind as he spoke.
“This is not the end,” he said, his voice a gentle caress. “This is only the beginning. Let this be the day of our rebirth.”
“Our rebirth,” you echoed, and closed the gap between your lips. In that moment, encircled by death and fire, you had never felt happier.
The Sano manor was the only building still standing after the rest of the village was reduced to piles of smoldering ash. You stood before it, matchstick in hand, facing the same doors you had once been thrown out of.
“You tried to erase our bloodline,” you told the house, lifting the match into the air. “How funny that instead, mine will be the only one that remains.”
The match sailed through the air, flame dancing to a familiar melody. When the manor began to burn, instead of the crackling of flames, you heard the humming of your mother while she brushed your hair, woven together with the whimsical laughter of your little brother and sister.
You sat and watched until the house was no more, until all that was left of the fire was the curling of smoke into the air. Until you could no longer hear your family’s song.
“Goodbye,” you said, and cried.
“Go sit down,” Rindou snapped at you as you tried to help sweep up some of the debris. “You shouldn’t be here anyway! You should be resting back at home.”
“She’s not a doll, Rin Let her do what she wants,” Ran piped up, standing so that he could stretch from where he had been moving rubble off to the side. “Ugh, some of this stuff is getting into my hair…”
You rolled your eyes at the two of them and huffed. “You guys are absolutely useless at cleaning. Especially Ran. That’s why I’m here, because the mess should have been cleared by now so we can actually start rebuilding everything!”
“Oh, come now,” Kokonoi laughed, sticking out his tongue at your bickering. “Why not pay for some more help? Not that I’m offering to spare some of my own money, though.”
“You’re useless too,” you grumbled right back. “I can’t believe you have the audacity to ask us to pay you to help! Why does Izana still keep you around? Also, where the hell did Shion go?”
As if on cue, a bloodcurdling screech erupted from a rubble pile a short distance away, before Shion popped into view with a disgruntled tanuki dangling by the tail from his clenched fist.
“Ever since we destroyed everything, this place has been crawlin’,” Shion said, eyeing the wriggling creature. “Might as well eat some of ‘em, right?”
You dropped your broom. “Shion! Let it go!”
“It’s lively here, but somehow, it seems that even less work is being done,” came Kakucho’s smooth, deep voice from behind you, right as Shion begrudgingly dropped the poor tanuki. It scampered back into the forest.
You sighed. “It’s like wrangling with children. I don’t know how you and Izana manage it.”
Kakucho laughed, and you were once again struck by the raw beauty of his happy face. “Well, when you’ve been together with these guys for hundreds of years, what’s just a few minutes more in comparison?” He patted your shoulder. “Take a break. I know you’re excited to get things finished, but there’s no real rush. There are no people left aside from you now, after all. And, well, except for…”
A loud yell and crash interrupted him mid-sentence, the two of you looking up just in time to see Izana cheerfully kicking Shion into a mountain of splintered wood. Ran and Rindou guffawed while Kokonoi snickered into one of his fluffy tails. Kakucho rolled his eyes and set off to help Shion up, who was now loudly complaining about splinters, leaving you to watch the scene with a little shake of your head—but unable to wipe the affectionate smile from your face. You were still smiling when Izana made his way over to your side.
“You look happy,” he murmured, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear before wrapping his arms around you with a sigh of contentment.
“That’s because I am,” you replied, laughing softly. “I never thought someone like me could ever be happy in this lifetime… but thanks to all of you, I’ve been proven wrong. Even though it took a lot of pain and heartache to get here.” And human sacrifices, your mind added helpfully, though you chose to ignore it.
Izana rested his chin on your shoulder with a pleased hum. “If anyone deserves happiness, it’s you.”
You closed your eyes and smiled. “If you say so. And what about you? Are you happy?”
You felt the curve of his lips against your neck as he responded without hesitation. “Of course I am. And so are the others. We’ve waited centuries to find our happiness again—and now that we found it, we don’t plan on letting you go.”
“I’m… your happiness?” Your words came out in a shaky whisper.
“…Always have been, from the very start.”
The tears of joy rolling down your cheeks became glistening sparkles underneath the warmth of the noontime sun. “Then, don’t. Don’t let me go. Let me stay by your side for the rest of my life—and for the rest of yours.”
“You’ve gotten better with your words since becoming one with me,” Izana said. “Do you feel any different, now that you’ve joined me in becoming a god?”
“Not really,” you said, after some thought. “I feel exactly the same. Who knows, maybe I was actually god all this time! After all, gods are formed from the power of belief, right?”
Izana hummed. “Indeed. This world works in mysterious ways—but that’s the beauty of it, isn’t it?”
“At the very least, I do feel like I’ve been reborn, like you said.” One of your hands found its way atop of Izana’s, where it rested over the slight swell of your stomach. “So I hope that it’s a sign of this village’s eventual rebirth, as well.”
“I’m sure it is,” he replied, closing his eyes. His long eyelashes brushed against your skin in a fluttering kiss. “We’ll rebuild it together, piece by piece.”
a/n: Sorry if the ending was rather abrupt kdasjlsl I ACTUALLY HAVE ANOTHER FIC I PLAN ON DROPPING SOON SO I JUST WANTED TO FINISH THIS UP QUICKLY SO I CAN GET TO IT!! also, what do you guys think of an epilogue?and btw, before anyone asks about the logistics of how they're gonna rebuild an entire village with just y/n and the boyz, there are neighbouring villages and travelers who will eventually move in and settle permanently! as for how repopulating the village with humans as a god is gonna work, idk just go with it LMAO THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR READING THIS WAS A WILD RIDE AND BY FAR THE LONGEST FIC I HAVE EVER WRITTEN I HOPE YOU ENJOYED IT!!! NOW ONTO MY NEXT ONE!!!
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risingshine · 7 months
Share at least five songs that remind you of your muse, or that you associate with your muse's character arc. Including lyrics is optional.
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Love Generation - Bob Sinclair
Peace on earth to everyone that you meet Don't you worry, it could be so sweet Just look to the rainbow, you will see The sun will shine 'til eternity I've got so much love in my heart No one can tear it apart, yeah
This song is full of chiasa vibes: a woman with love she wants to share with everyone, and a belief that the world is better with love in it. Even if she doesn't know you, odds are she loves you anyways - despite everything that's happened to her.
2. Soap - The Oh Hellos
I’ve heard if I werе tougher Then maybe I’d makе it alive I got a tender side I’ll need a harder shell to survive But if seeing is believing I don’t know I’ve seen a thing grow Without an open coat Not without a softness showing
This song is about chiasa's hope for people - people keep telling her that you need to be hard to survive, that people can't change, that only the strong make it in the world: and life being about being stubborn about the exact opposite - the best things in life come when you have a soft side.
3. Humanity - Dan Bull
You’re a cell in a body of a humanity That will expand beyond your mortality You say you’d like to live forever Then give whatever it is That makes you bigger and better Whether it’s just having written a letter Or knitting a sweater Or developing interstellar inventions Bringing us fresh frontiers to venture into, get up Through effort and sweat and in grit and endeavor These are things that bring us together From king to beggar
This is a perfect representation of Chiasa's beliefs: that people as a whole are beautiful and the most powerful force in the universe - and that the power comes from collaboration and relationships. Her kindness isn't just because of a piety: its because she knows it will bring another up, and they will aid others, and so forth until helping one person could aid hundreds.
Many hands make light work, and enough people could move the mountains themselves. Her relationships are far stronger than aything she could do on her own.
4. Strangers Like Me - Phil Colins (Tarzan).
I can see there's so much to learn It's all so close and yet so far I see myself as people see me Oh, I just know there's something bigger out there
I want to know, can you show me I want to know about these strangers like me Tell me more, please show me Something's familiar about these strangers like me
Chiasa's Curiosity! She is an endless excitement to learn things, especially from other people! She wants to learn all she can from people she knows, and experience what the world has to offer.
It is also a feeling of separation yet familiarity, being a 'yokai' that wasn't anything like the other yokai she knew. Even becoming a Kami, she still feels separate from the gods she has worshiped for all those years.
5. Who Do You Know In Heaven - The Ink Spots
Who do you know in Heaven That made you the angel you are Who did you see I wonder That made you just the cutest little charmer by far Where did you get those good looks Those eyes that glow like a star It seems they made the sun shine only twice In your sweet smile and Paradise So, tell me, won't you, Darling Who do you know in Heaven That made you the angel you are
Chiasa's just a romantic at heart, and is a sucker for old-fashioned loves: this is the kind of vibe that her heart gives when she's in love with someone.
tagged by: @piltover-sharpshooter
tagging: @ira-sturm @steel-forged @dethdvncer @puelluna @pure-patissiere and you!
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wingwaver · 1 year
Favorites meme
thanks for the tag @fighter-spirits
Favorite color: Pinks and blues
Currently reading: I Favor The Villainess
Last Song: Rasputin by Boney M.
Last Series: Beast Wars Neo
Last Movie: The Night Eats the World
Currently working on: A Lot. Trying to find the motivation to finish up Far From Home and pick What Do You Gain? back up but I'm also working on an unnamed Digimon fic rn plus brainstorming more ideas for Transformers Desolation and I have a pokemon WIP that idk if I'm gonna make a series or what. Oh! Also still working on a fic for Court of Darkness about my OC for it and trying to figure out how to start one for another OC for Soul of Yokai
Tagging: @thecosmiccherrycoke, @xobitouya, @mamayaga, @boordfles, @cuppajj, and anyone else who wants to do this!
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