#yoinks sorry i haven't posted much
vershl · 2 months
Sorry I've been gone for so long, I've been focusing on drawing for myself, as well as having massive brainrot for Sonic OCs and such. I won't be sharing my ACTUAL ocs at the moment, they're a bit personal and-- yeah.
However; I WILL share new blorbos :] -- Let's start with Sonic, Shadow, and Vespera. I haven't drawn more of my dadow or REALLY made a true design for Sonic, BUT Shadow has gotten a tweak. I yoinked an idea from Lancelot artists, and honestly- I'm obsessed with Shadow looking this way asjfgkajsg
cough cough- ignore the sauce asgjasgj
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Vespera also now has a proper reference, so that's fun.
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SOOOO--- She has two new younger siblings now as well, it was spontaneous BUT I love them.
She needs a little more work, but say hi to Maria. She's an albino hedgehog, and unfortunately I don't have more art of her-- YET.
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Well, other than her and her twin brother as babies. :]
And speaking of twin brother; This is Orion. Personality wise, he's EXACTLY like younger Shadow, to a fault. He's egotistical, hot headed, self absorbed, and sarcastic. Very much a neutral-evil aligned dude. He's smelly, but we love him.
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Had to include a close-up of the really nice one ashgajsg IM GONNA EAT HIMM-
-- This is all I have to share.. for now, I'll try to come back soon with more doodles, as well as share some stuff I've done for ArtFight. But I might leave that for tomorrow.
I know my style has changed since I last posted-- but I've been converting from SAI 2.0 to Clip Studio, and it's been a bit of a journey.
Needless to say-- I think SatCG is going to be put on hold for a while, I'm lacking the braincells to work on a comic 💀
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factual-fantasy · 8 months
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@spiritflower-galaxy (Thank you! :DD)
I'm not getting into cookie run! I don't play the games or know any of the lore. Nor am I particularly motivated to really learn much about it on my own time..
I want to clarify that I just really liked the art style! <:D All the colors and themed characters,, it looked really fun! So I scraped together all the knowledge I needed to make some characters for it and then stopped there..
Now I'm not against people rambling in my ask box and doing all the lore research for me.. 👀💅.. just saying that I'm not going out of my way to learn the cookie run lore on my own time- <XDD
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(Post in question)
I didn't have a name in mind for him, no.. :(( though he might be named something moth related. If I could access my files- I would have shown you that he was meant to have moth wings! :00
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I haven't seen chapter 3 or any of the angst about it.. <:( sorry!
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@taizarack (Post in question)
XDD She really is a goblin. And because she is the most powerful member of the group, no one can really tell her no-
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Daww, thank you!! :DD
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I've thought about that! :0 I just never got around to drawing it <XDD 💔 Some kind of leather pads that they tie to his feet. Kind'a like cursed horseshoes <XDD
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Thank you so much!! 🥰🥰 I wish the same for you!! :}}
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.. well? Does she taste good? :0 I imagine a cookie with tomato and meat in it wouldn't taste the best-- XDD
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:DDD Thank you! :}}
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XD Everything is a 10/10 to her!
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:DD THANK YOU! I'm glad you like what you see! :}}}
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I love the art style! And wow, Bluey?? Bingo?? Who let you two into the radiation cabinet?-- XDD /pos
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Idk if they would necessarily.. bond.? Over their similar traumas?.. but perhaps there would be a level of understanding between them.
Like, if Papyrus has these strange specific fears or habits due to his trauma. No one would know how to handle it, or understand it better than Jevil could.
....Maybe that's exactly what you meant by bonding over their trauma and I'm just dumb-- <XDD
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And how easy it was to dispose of them. Thats haunting XD
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(Post in question)
Thank you! :D And aw, what a shame. I had a lot of fun with that movie :(
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XD Well I'm not into the games exactly-- but thank you! I'm very glad to hear that you like my OCs!! :DDD
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(Post in question)
Aw, I'm really sorry actually. I felt the same way in the end. I felt like having this really creepy and twisted story with Papyrus as the focus was interesting and fun!.. But not giving him any kind of salvation.? That made it not fun anymore. It was just plain sad. :(
And don't worry about the "possible" part. Its totally canon now XD Papyrus canonically gets yoinked from his sad AU and finds peace with his new friends. :)
As for Seam and Jevil, its.. complicated.
They kiiind'a keep him at arms length..? And its mostly due to the trauma they associate with him and the fact they feel so bad for having abandoned him. They just don't know what to say..
But of course, Papyrus has such a big heart. He fully understands that they're not super comfortable around him just yet. So he kindly gives them space and avoids the subject around them.
Not to worry though. Eventually the tension will dissolve and he will build true friendships with the both of them. :)
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Its nice to not have to do any of the research myself I tell you what! XDD
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XDD Ok so the story with that is-- in my Sister Location AU I'm thinking that William Afton is using his circus as a front to go from town to town murdering kids..
What I mean about Funtime Freddy being safe to hug "for now".. is that I haven't fully decided if I want William to murder kids by having the animatronics snatch them up.. Ooorr if he just uses them/the circus as one big lure and distraction and does all the murdering himself.
So far I kiiind'a like the idea that the animatronics are innocent and aren't used as tools to murder kids. But that could change. So Freddy is safe to hug!.. For now.. :)
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If they somehow ended up there they'd probably just hide in the shadows. If it seems safe and they can find food? They'll stay a while! :}
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(Post in question)
Same here! Ngl I was expecting a negative response to those drawings. Considering how insane the movie is- Glad I'm not the only one who had fun with the movie or at least saw its potential! :D
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:DDD THANK YOU!!! I'm so glad you like how I reimagined them!! :}}
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XD I remember that ask, I shall respond to this one with the same images!
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"But you haven’t seen my face before..
(WOW these drawings are old. Bibi isn't even there! <XD💔)
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I wish I actually had anything to tell you XD those 3 characters are a bit underdeveloped--
So far though I've planned that Urchin and Cuttlefish are besties. Think Bratty and Catty from Undertale..? I had plans for Cuttlefish to be an experienced pirate that came from another crew. She somehow became indebted to Seafoam and by the time she paid her debt.. she was really attached to the crew. So she stuck around.
Though with her personality being sly and crafty.. I would expect her to find a way to slip through the crew fingers and escape instead of paying her debt. Soooo that backstory might be given to another character or at least has to be altered in some way..
For Spider Crab I'm playing around with the idea that he is the crews medic. Also I think him, Louis and Octo would be friends. I can see Louis always dragging Spider into doing fun activities with the rest of the crew XD Also Him and Octo are close becuase they both understand/respect each others space... that and Octo isn't loud and obnoxious like Louis is XDD
That's unfortunately all the info those characters have atm.. thank you for taking interest in them though! :DD It makes me very smile :}}
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GASP!! :000 THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :}}} Right back at you!! :DD 👉👉✨✨✨
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
So I was going to start working for school, but have some vampire related asks before I leave:
Anyway, some questions: where to they find these damn kids to turn? Who turning kids into vampires? Are they just yoinking them? Like do they just decide “Iwant a kid now” and claim one? (this one’s for all the known kids btw.)
Do most covers work with like a coven leader (who seems to be the oldest and turns all the others)? Is that a regular thing and does that then make Phil (ancient) and exception.
Also how did Missa get stuck in a well for 3 centuries? How?
Do I want to know why Quackity turned Wilbur and how he ended up in Phil’s coven? Also, why is Quackity alone? Is he that much of a bitch. Was it an non-consensual turn?
Are turns usually consensual?
Also, Forever is a werewolf, but he’s still part of a vampire coven?how’d that happen.
Sorry if these are too many questions in one ask.
All the kids were turned for different reasons! It depends on the individual vampire. Some hold onto less human morals and if they find a kid they like and feel a bit lonely they might just yoink them bc they have shit impulse control. Others though might do it to save the child's life if they're in a life threatening situation.
For example: Missa found Chayanne after he'd been attacked by another vampire, and was horrified because almost no vampires ever attack children. To save his life he turned him, and then realized he didn't know jack shit about taking care of a kid especially when he was still getting over the whole being stuck in a well thing. It was a good thing Phil took pity on them
I have backstories for how all the kids ended up with their parents with most falling in the saving their life category, but a few are, uh, morally questionable (looking at you Cellbit). If I went into them here though it'd take up sm room so I might make another post for that lol
I'll answer the rest of your questions under the cut
for your next question, it depends on the coven tbh! Bigger covens might be more structured with an unofficial 'leader' who helps guide the group (Etoiles is the unofficial leader of the French, Cellbit is technically the leader of the Brazilians but only in the sense that he's the oldest), but for the most part there's not one person they all obey. Also, in the past most covens used to be made up of one sire and several vampires who were turned by them, but in present day it's a lot more varied.
ngl I haven't decided exactly how missa fell in the well, but I like the idea of him getting discovered as a vampire back in like the 17th or 18th century or something by this really small and remote village, and subsequently got chased into a well so he wouldn't be able to harm any of them. then they all just. forgot about him. and he couldn't get out.
Quackity and Wilbur met at a nightclub one night and did quite a bit of dancing and flirting together. Quackity was originally planning on feeding from him, but they got interrupted by other people before he could bite him and then Wilbur got dragged away by his friends, so Quackity was like "well shit." He ran into Wilbur a few more times at the club and quickly decided he didn't wanna feed on him because he liked Wilbur and didn't wanna risk killing him by accident (Quackity tries not to kill people when he drinks from them but he's, uh, bad at it). Then one night when he was leaving the club he found Wilbur bleeding on the side of the street because he got mugged and stabbed, so Quackity turned him to save his life. When Wilbur woke up he stayed with Quackity for a few days before the reality set in, and he got pissed at Quackity for not letting him die. So he ran and Phil found him a few weeks later starving in an alleyway and was like "goddammit why do I keep taking in strays"
Quackity has friends in the vampire 'community' (he hangs out with Jaiden and Roier a lot) but he was abandoned by his own sire so tends to stick to himself. He's lonely but pushes people away and all that fun stuff.
Again it depends on the situation if turns are consensual or not. Like if someone is dying they need to be conscious to be asked if they want to be turned and then give their consent, but they aren't always able to do that. If the situation isn't dire like that though, it's generally a good idea to get consent before turning someone or they'll be pissed afterwards, like Wilbur was
Ah Forever... he's a fun part of this au. Werewolves are WAY more rare than vampires in this world. Like, so rare that most of the vampires in the group don't even think they exist until they meet Forever. Werewolves used to be a lot more common, but there was a whole vampire werewolf war a few centuries back that the Federation led that mostly killed them off. The Federation no longer actively hunts werewolves, but some older vampires still do on their own time. Forever's mom was the one who was a werewolf in his family, and she got killed by a rogue vampire when he was a teenager. He's never met another werewolf since, but he met Cellbit and the two ended up becoming friends when he realized Cellbit hated the Federation just like he did. Cellbit already had Tazercraft with him at this point, so eventually Forever pack bonded to the three of them, and the way a werewolf ages is dependent on who they view as part of their pack. If a bunch of werewolves are in a pack, they age like humans. If their pack consists of just humans, again, they age like humans. But if a werewolf's pack is made up of vampires, they age so slowly they're practically immortal. Hence, Forever's situation.
ty for the questions!!!
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asmrtist-brainrot · 10 months
Give me any and every Scythe thought. I want to see if our thoughts are matching up (the video notes are kicking my ass)
First of all, I haven't been looking too hard at the YouTube hints that Scythe left in the community posts, so I had no idea about the puzzle apparently leading up to the announcement???
Also, video notes?
I was on the polls for the first universe to travel to so.... I did end up voting for the World of Witches because I was curious about how he'd handle the Siren.
Jay-Jay is my baby, one of my favorite bois, and I'm really worried about him, and I've been so on edge since the beginning of this whole thing.
I've been trying not to post anything about the Patreon stuff because Maverick's got hold on most of Scythe's social media right now.
I might know a lot of things y'all don't but I'll keep them to myself unless you wanna go into DMs for it.
(Putting it under the cut for the people that haven't listened to the Reddening yet. :3c)
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I've been crying about Marcus for forever, I am very sad. He ded now but hasn't stopped me from simping before, so, I guess it doesn't change much?? Seriously, I have so much suppressed brainrot for him, and I am devastated he is gone.
I would have also loved more Cole because, well... He was just a silly little guy, and he was really funny. 😭
I also kind of got like a separate idea of how the World of Witches storyline will go, but it's more my interpretation. More so, the forward move for Creed and the Chosen Witch.
I feel so badly for Creed, man, this is gonna be rough.
I'm happy Siren had the mind to just... Fly away because he's got self-preservation.
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It's interesting to know that Maverick can overpower Celestials.
... And strong enough to blow up a planet! (It actually feels very DragonBall Z.)
I really liked Killian and Sparkles too, so I'm sulky. I'm kind of relieved Blaine is okay, and very interested where Dominic and the Goddess of Decay will shoot for after they find out Zappy is gone. :T
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Maverick had literally dropped into the Demon Hunter universe just to get Hunter to unravel and fucking off elsewhere is a little funny.
Also the small bites of...
[MatPat voice] LOOOORE.
//clears throat
Sorry about that.
But uh, also live for the thought Scythe is just angrily floating in a void - it brings me so much amusement.
He was literally just chilling in his home, and Maverick just yoink.
But anyhow, finding out who Maverick's shooting for next made my heart fuckin' drop.
~ Dari
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delicateartisantrash · 2 months
aaaaAAAA: Author Struggle Bus
(If you don't want to see my personal posts, my tag for these is "#dat rambles")
Not me pulling at my hair smacking my forehead on the desk because I am well into the next chapters of Gladiators of Kaon; and I am unsure if my representations of the Precious Beans are accurate enough because confession I haven't actually watched all of G1 yet I've seen like 1 episode and a half and then I got distracted writing fanfiction and reading o o p s but the story floooooows
(author ramblings continue after the cut)
and now here I am with many chapters and it's adorable and I love it but also p a n i c because it's my first time writing them. I hope ya'll don't have specific expectations for characters because OPE I SORRY I AM JUST WRITING WHAT I SEE. And reading a lot of wiki pages. (Whoever does the captiosn for images on that site, oh my goodness, they are SO WITTY. I LOVE IT. Sarcasm, puns, sattire, my sides are hurting from how much i've laughed while reading up on transformers i've never actually heard of or met before and researching lore ideas to yoink for the world building of this story's universe and setting)
I have read a stupid amount of wiki pages.
still though
it's like
my favorite chapter rn because ADORABLE SPARKLINGS UGH EEEEEEE and it's so friggin' cute I can't stand it (comfy chair and blanket acquired, one parrot loose and one happily eating noms \o/). I hope it goes over well but if not oh well
writing Soundwave when he's not in Perfect Composure Mode is an entertaining and endearing experience.
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ethtyn · 2 years
ll2 liveblog: etho's pov
love the way he just throws us into the action with "you have 24 hours to live, good luck," everybody scatters. you're so right king the rest of the rules are totally unnecessary <3
fucking. then he makes skizz explain the rules. girlboss behaviour tbh (LOVE that we get the boogeyman back !!!!!!)
"(keeping all of the moss) is what i wanted to do too, but i didn't want to get blamed for it, is pretty much what it boils down to" me as fuck. also, second of the three G's (gatekeep).
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like. look at them.
i know it's like asking a fish to breathe normal air but Etho please i am trying to manifest a Martho (Etyn?) team up PLEASE stop making him think you're boogeying 😖😖
(i'm five minutes into the episode btw aren't u so glad i haven't been doing individual posts this whole time)
NAURRRRRR NOT SKIZZ ALREADY 😭😭😭 Grian's "i see the rules don't apply to you?" lmfao
WAIT i didn't even realize this breaks timmy's curse, at least for first green death of the server. n*ce
Scar with the fall damage 💀 ppl are dropping like flies LOL
bro the fact that Etho's stuck with Martyn this long. i am going to THROW UP. pleasepleasepleasepleasePLEASEPLEASEPLEASE...
"i'll give you some wood as a...as a reward" ayo ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
it's actually really interesting seeing exactly how much video is being cut out. we're 11 minutes into the video but 30 minutes have already gone by in the session. i don't remember exactly but aren't sessions 2-3 hours? cutting that down to 44 minutes is fuckin impressive in that case actually
"okay so we've proven that none of us are the boogeyman right now" HAVE WE GRIAN?? because i heard Tango super unconvincingly say he wasn't and NO ONE ELSE.
"did you flinch? did that freak you out?" you little freak. i love you and am kissing you on the mouth
KCMXKFKD Grian buying Etho's loyalty with a diamond sword..."i will serve you however you wish"...GRITHO ENJOYERS WINNING
I'M CRYING i paused to write that last point and then IMMEDIATELY upon unpausing Grian's like "good, now kill Martyn 😈" and Etho's like. "actually? 🤔 Martyn wya 👀" STOP IT. STOP KILLING MY MARTHO DREAMS.
aaaaand they left him in the Nether. i hate it here OTL
i was so focused on Skizz whispering sweet nothings into Etho's ear (giving him a lovely compliment) that i didn't even notice Jimmy and Joel dying in lava until Martyn asked if it was a boogey kill LMFAO helpppp
"oh, so you're gonna make a boat with a new friend, hey Joel?" [Bdubs voice] ETHO STOP IT.
Jimmy's "sorry Rancher 🥺" after Joel kills the cow 🥴🥴🥴
wait where tf is the enchanter this season? did Grian finally get a clue and use spawn protection if they did a single enchanter again?
hello again Martyn 👀
"can i buy your silence about this spot." "i guess so. you got any diamonds?" "how 'bout wood, you want some wood?" Etho stop trying to give Martyn your wood 😩
oh RIP Cleo, they really are playing on hard mode from the first episode this season
Scarcledubs teamup? 👀👀👀
the way Etho looks at Bdubs after he says the breed stock comment. the dismissive "i'm not interested". i need to lie down (is already lying down)
i am so sorry 👇🏻
"do you wanna be our dad?" "...i don't think i could handle it."
👆🏻 sorry again.
this bit is going weirder places than i just took it tbqh
Etho confirmed not 43 (yet)
Pearl & BigB teamup??? also Pearl double-fisting diamond hoes on the serial killer server is objectively so funny
Etho sowing discord and distrust wherever he goes my beloved <3
HELLO AGAIN MARTYN...BELOVED...PLEASE STAY. look Etho is even setting up by himself... there's room for you too...
"got me...got me excited" ETHO I AM BEGGING YOU.
Martyn accidentally killing their last cow with the fucking lava bucket 😭😭 you can tell he's genuinely sorry too JFNFJCKFKF
SOMEONE DROPPING A FUCKING LIT BLOCK OF TNT DOWN A HOLE AND PRAYING IS SO FUCKING FUNNY. no way that was a Martyn boogey attempt he's so much more calculated than that?????
it's so endearing to me that Etho's first instinct is to call people by a nickname out of their usernames (that isn't what everyone else calls them) unless they're a closer friend (Littlewood, Skizzle, etc). also RIP BigB (it was Martyn, turns out 😩)
this whole negotiation with Cleo. "Cleo let me steal your cows 🥺" "no." "🙄🙄🙄🙄 FIIIIIIIIINE" god the POUT. obsessed. also SO proud of him for getting over his fear of Cleo one attempt at stealing her cows at a time <3
i haven't watched Martyn's POV yet but if he fucking fell down one of Etho's holes to his death i am going to CACKLE WILDLY especially considering Etho made a comment about it TO HIM (i think) earlier in the session. "i've done this in every smp i've ever joined and people fall down them and get mad at me" LMAOOOOOOO
we got a "take care, bye-bye" 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💖💖💖💖💖
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koppiki · 11 months
I've started trying my hand at cleaning a bit (not because I've given up on finding someone else to do it- I just thought it would be a Fun New Experience, and a nice breath of fresh air from what has been feeling to me as a period of Translatory Stagnation), and it's honestly pretty enjoyable! It definitely helps that Shinozaki raws are quite high quality (thanks in part to Takeshino upscaling them, and also thanks to JamzDoge ripping them well... speaking of, I'm gonna need to figure out how he did that, on account of him being... essentially no contact with me at this point, probably because the idea of further scanlation-related obligations stresses him out, if I had to guess), and so the whole process isn't too crazy with regard to tones and leveling and all that (since they get super duper muddled with lower quality raws).
Anyways, look at how cool I am (following images are from the first page or so of chapter 32):
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Truly, I am amazing... well, more accurately, the people that Taught Me How to Do It are amazing. Thank you kindly to my friends (Kai especially) at Second Life Scans (another group I am a part of) for that. I very much appreciate their willingness to teach me, even if they do poke fun at me along the way at times. Such is the process.
Chapter 31 should be out pretty soon, assuming nobody's house explodes. Which could happen. Probably won't, but it could. After that, assuming cleaning goes as planned (that is, if I can pull more people in so it's not just Me and whatever Assemblage of temporary volunteers I can yoink from the various scanlation-related servers I am a part of), chapter 32 should be out in a far more reasonable timeframe than that which has been seen these past few months. Sorry about that, by the way.
After that is a whole different story (on account of it not being translated yet- honestly, I haven't translated anything in over a month, I think), but... I should be able to get back into it. Almost certainly, actually.
Anyhow, I have an exam tomorrow. This post is me procrastinating on either a) studying more for it or b) sleeping. Considering that at this point it is in... 6 hours? 6.5? I... really ought to get to bed. Like, now. Right now. Eesh.
I wonder if I should try to recruit more translators. Not for Shinozaki, of course, that's my child. Mostly for Q. I like Q, but... I dunno if I can handle three projects at once. Three translation projects, that is. I PR other stuff, but PR is a lot easier for me (less second-guessing of the self, more being critical of other's interpretation- the latter's a whole lot easier to deal with than the former).
Uh... goodnight, I guess. Wondering if I have anything else to say...
Oh, I'm pretty sure the final volume of Shinozaki (that is to say, the physical release, with the cover and everything) comes out in December. I will of course be picking that up the instant it becomes available. You can rest assured of that.
I'm excited to see what the cover will be. Usually that's all shown ahead of time (was the case for vol 9, at least) but I don't think that it is happening here. I could also just be extremely forgetful, but I'm pretty sure I would remember seeing it if it was there. And I'm pretty sure it wasn't.
Trying to think of a good way to end this whole speech I've written here is impossible, so I won't. Well, I will. It'll just be a goodnight. Again.
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ofnifflersandkings · 7 years
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Title: Subtle Jealousy Character: Danny Rand A/n: I didn’t wanna make it exclusive so the author character in this is totally made up.
“So, what’s happening again?” Danny asked as he watched you run around the main floor of the shop, shoving books into shelves with impressive speed and accuracy. He had offered help, but you refused, wanting to get it done as soon as possible.
You huffed, placing the last few books where they needed to go and turned to him. “One of my favorite authors came in earlier today, him and I started having small talk whenever I ran him up and he invited me out to coffee whenever I was finished here.”
Danny looked up at you. “I thought you always locked up the shop? Unless it was an emergency.”
“I told Layla about what happened and she offered to cover for me,” You explained, smiling at whenever you were finally finished. “Besides, I think I’ve earned a night off to myself don’t you think?”
Danny gave you a small smile, watching you hop about the shelves. “What’s his name?”
“Neil Melville, he wrote these great couple of books a couple years ago when he was still in college,” You explained, your fingers flittered around a couple shelves until you located the first one and tossed it to him. “But he’s really great, you’d like his stuff.”
Danny looked down at the cover, it was brightly colored and showed various mystical creatures all over it, so he knew it was fantasy.
“Where are you two going?”
There a short humming noise from your end while you tried to get the store situated before you left. “I don’t actually remember the name, I’m gonna give him a ring before I go.”
“You have his number?”
You gave Danny a short smile before passing him with a short nudge on his shoulder. “Listen, I’ll make sure to call you if anything happens. But you really shouldn’t worry.”
Danny looked over to you and saw that you were adjusting the collar of your shirt over your cardigan and fixing up your hair. He didn’t even notice he has started to frown whenever he looked up and saw how grumpy he looked in the mirror.
He hopped down from the counter, sliding the book on to it. “I think I’m gonna head out,” Danny said, placing his hands into his pockets and giving you a small smile. “But lemme know how it all goes.”
“Why exactly does this matter to you so much?” Colleen asked as she tried to measure up how much duct tape she would need to fix the one arm of her punching dummy. “And more importantly, why did you think to come to me? I get I’m your friend, but relationships aren’t exactly my specialty.”
Danny, who was sitting crossed legged on the floor, looked down at the mat and shrugged. “I dunno, you’re the only person besides (Y/n) that I talk to.”
Colleen tore a long peice of duct tape from the roll and turned back to him. “From what I’ve heard, this seems like a textbook example of jealousy, my friend.”
Danny’s posture straightened up and he frowned. “Why would I be jealous? That doesn’t make any sense.”
Colleen gave him a coy smile. “Yes it does. You have feelings for your old childhood friend, simple.” She turned back and began taping the wooden arm to it’s proper place.
Danny jumped to his feet. “No I don’t! I’m just concerned about her well being!”
“Mhm,” Colleen looked up at him skeptically. “Alright then, answer me this,” She started, leaning against the center of the training dummy once the arm was secure. “If (Y/n) were to continue to see this guy,” She instantly saw the shift in Danny’s eyes but kept going. “And eventually she starts spending more time with him than you, how would you feel?”
Colleen smriked at the grumpy frown that started to take up his face. She knew all about Danny’s feelings for you when she saw the way he looked at you when he brought her to your shop one day.
You and her got into a lengthy discussion about some novel and while you were going on a tangent, Colleen glanced over at Danny and saw him giving you the most enamored expression she’d seen on a person that wasn’t in a film.
Danny thought about it, and the answer was pretty simple. He hated the thought, it was bad enought that tonight was when the two of you usually went out into the city to do something together, but now the idea that someone would take up all of your time made him upset.
“I wouldn’t like it at all.”
Colleen nodded, pointing the roll of duct tape at him. “Then I hate to break it you, but you’re jealous.”
Still in denial, Danny looked up at her. “I don’t think she’d start going off with someone all the time, she’s not the type.”
“People change when they’re in love.”
“Who said anything about love?” Danny’s tone might have been a tad more sharp than be anticipated because Colleen was smirking again.
“Oh yeah, classic case of jealousy.”
Danny looked across the street at the coffee shop where you were seeing Neil. Not long after you got there, you sent Danny a small message letting him know where you were and that everything had been fine so he shouldn’t worry.
Still, everything about the situation seemed off to him. There was a nagging feeling in his chest that screamed that it didn’t like what was going on.
But it was all new to him, he had never felt this sort of way before.
But he knew he didn’t like it.
Especially since even across the street he could easily you and Neil sitting at a table next to the window. You and him appeared to be chatting up a storm, and Danny had never seen your eyes light up so much around another person.
Deciding to take the initiative, Danny crossed the street and entered into the busy coffee house, hiding himself behind a tall bookshelf so he could see exactly what was happening.
You two must have been discussing one of Neil’s books, because you began bringng up character arcs and other literary terms Danny didn’t fully understand.
But then, there was a brief moment when Neil’s hand brushed against yours and it prompted Danny immediately to walk over to the table without even thinking.
You saw him instantly due to your seating, and you gave him a confused expression when you did. “Danny? What are you doing here?”
Danny blinked, not exactly sure why he came over or how he was going to talk his way out of it.
“Are you a friend of (Y/n)?” Neil asked, prompting Danny to turn his attention to him instead.
“Yes! I am! A very close childhood friend!” Danny said, introducing himself as the two of them shook hands.
“I hate to interrupt, but Colleen had something happen at the dojo and we could really use another hand.”
You turned back to Neil and gave him an apologetic smile. “I’d hate to cut this short, but would you mind if I stepped out?”
Neil shook his head. “Of course not, we can always make time to talk again.”
Danny watched the two of you bid each other goodbye before Neil left the coffee house.
“So, what’s up with Colleen?”
Danny’s eyes widened for a moment when he remembered his small white lie. But his phone went off and when he looked at the screen it was a message from her asking where he ran off to.
“Actually, she just let me know that she called a guy to come over to look at the thing.”
You looked puzzled again. “Really? Maybe I should call Neil again then.”
Danny perked up. “Well on my way here, I saw that the movie theatre down the street is showing your favorite film, thought you might be interested in going with me since we’re already here.”
You smiled at him. “Today’s when we usually go out isn’t it?” You asked, to which Danny eagerly nodded and held his hand out to you, making you chuckled and placine your hand in his. “Lead the way.”
Danny laughed and the two of you left the coffee house, once outside you gave his hand a small press.
“You don’t have to go through all that trouble and lie to hang out with me, just let me know next time.”
Danny flashed you a guilty smile. “It worked though, didn’t it?”
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ofnifflersandkings · 7 years
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Title: Not Like This Character: Danny Rand A/n: Agnst, may or may not be total shit but I like it. I also hate writing fights but it was a necessary evil.
Danny brushed his hand through his hair, weaving past some of the people who were still out on the streets that evening. His steps were quick as he tried to get to Colleen’s dojo as soon as possible, a little smile on his face at the prospect of seeing you.
Earlier that morning, Danny took you to meet her and Claire for the first time. He knew you the change of scenery would do you some good and since Joy had forced him to come into the office that day. It seemed like the perfect plan to get you out for a little.
Plus, the two of them were more than thrilled to meet the girl Danny wouldn’t shut up about and get to ask you questions about what he was like when he was younger.
And when he mentioned you were learning to defend yourself, Colleen practically lit up at the idea of getting to teach you.
Danny missed you throughout the day though.
He had become so accustomed to having you around him all the time that when a full day passed and all he had to do for the day was paparwork, he was more than thrilled to see you again and hear everything about your day.
He didn’t even notice when some guy directly knocked into him, briefly apologizing before carrying on his way.
The delight was short lived though, because as soon as he made to into the building of the dojo, it was unnervingly quiet. Colleen almost always had music playing and the inside of the building was pitch black.
Using the light on his phone, Danny managed to find his way through the building. But his blood ran cold when the door of the main dojo was hanging open, several of the screws on the hinges loose or on the floor.
Danny slowly stepped inside, the light from the street lamps streaming in from the windows, letting him see that the room was empty. He reached into his coat to grab his phone to look for any messages from any of you, but in the pocket his hand grabbed onto a card.
It was a small bit of stiff paper with an address written out in mismatched letters and numbers, he flipped it over to a symbol he was becoming far too familiar with as of recently.
He took one more glance around the room before bolting out of the building.
It was a warehouse.
Why is it always warehouses?
Danny parked his car a bit of distance away, taking a moment to stake out the place and noticing that one was stationed outside, but the card told him he was in the right place.
He quickly made his way to the enterence, looking around and noticing that different sections of it were blocked off by rows of shipping units.
Whoever took the three of you must have gassed the room, Colleen and Claire were capable of handling their own and you might not have been the best fighter but you were smart enough to know how to work your way of dangerous situations.
Still, Danny could feel how hard his heart was beating, practically knocking against his ribcage at the thought of you all being hurt or worse.
Then came the scream.
It was you, he just knew it.
The sound rang in his ears and everything in him just stopped. When Danny heard it again his feet took off, trying to follow the noise. He could make out distict yelling and the overall noise of struggle echoed against the dull walls of the warehouse.
He ran passed a unit but jumped out of his skin whenever something was thrown against it, he skidded back to the opening.
Danny didn’t even notice he fist was glowing until it went through the steel of the lock, practically shattering the whole thing as the doors limply hung open.
All he could see was Claire strapped to a chair and several men holding various weapons try and take on Colleen
She had managed to get herself loose of the restraints and was trying to take care of them.
Danny was only pulled out of his daze when one of them managed to punch him right underneath his ribs.
After catching his breath, Danny took out all of the men in the front of the unit. Once that was taken care of he broke off the restraints for Claire.
“Where’s (Y/n)?” Danny asked as he helped her to stand.
“Some of them took her to the back of the unit, I’ll help Claire. Go get her.” Claire ordered, pushing him away and grabbing the nearest weapon she could find.
While Claire and Colleen kept the men busy, Danny jumped over some boxes and immediately saw you slumped against the corner of unit wall.
One of the men landed a kick into your stomach and Danny leaped into action. Trying his best to keep his focus on the task at hand, but the sound of your screaming was still etched into his subconscious.
One guy had managed to pin him against the wall, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw another man walk up to you again.
It took a minute to get himself out of the hold, but just as Danny was about to go to you. You were standing againt the wall now, the man limply leaning against you.
Danny’s brows scruched together, but once you pushed the man off of you and he fell to the ground, blood pooling around he knew something was wrong.
Something clattered onto the ground and Danny watched you staring blankly ahead until you slowly sunk the floor.
Danny ran to you, his hands grasping onto your shoulders while he resisted the urge to go absolutely ballistic at the sight of you.
Bruises trailed down the one side of your hairline and your lip had been split, and he didn’t even want to think about all the injuries he couldn’t see.
But what made him the most heartbroken was the way your gaze was fixated upon your hands. They were covered in blood and your fingers were trembling terribly.
“(Y/n)?” He asked again, his voice much shakier now. “Please look at me.” He begged, hands coming up to cradle your face, his eyes starting to water when he noticed your skin felt like ice.
He could see the terror in your eyes but your expression remained cold. It took a moment but your gaze slowly came to meet his.
“I’m fine.” You whispered, gaze flittering down to your hands.
“Danny,” Claire said, coming up behind him while her hand rested on his shoulder. “She’s going into shock, you have to get her out of here she calm down. We took care of the rest of them.”
Danny only nodded, standing up before he arms wrapped around you in a protective hold, helping you walk out of the storage unit.
He could see you were breathing heavily and you kept mumbling to youself. All he could was tell you over and over again how sorry he was.
Claire lead the whole operation from there, checking everyone’s wounds before putting her sole focus onto you. Danny had given you his jacket and all three of then were doing their best to bring you back.
Once you were starting to come to, Claire ordered Danny to take you home as soon as possible and gave him strict instructions to take care of you and help you rest.
He made sure both Claire and Colleen were completely safe before taking you home.
It was so strange, he couldn’t recall a time when you were completely silent around him. Unless you were lost in a book, you wanted to know everything that was happening with him or the world around you.
But now, to see you look so lost made his heart ache.
It wasn’t until you were safe inside his apartment, sitting on his bed in a new change of clothes, that Danny tried to talk to you again.
“I thought you would be safe at Colleen’s, I had no idea something like this would happen to any of you,” He started. “I am so sorry.”
You placing your hand on top of his. “It’s okay, you didn’t know.”
Danny couldn’t help but shake his head. “Are you okay? I just heard you screaming and I took off running.” His fingers lightly traced the banaged Claire had placed on your hands.
“I never wanted to hurt anyone.” You said, your voice breaking off at the end. “And now I’ve killed someone.”
Danny hands reached out to you and pulled into a tight hug. “It wasn’t your fault, that person deserved what he got and you only did what you had to.”
He could hear your muffled cries, and he didn’t know how to make the pain go away.
“I’m so sorry this happened to you. I never wanted to put you in danger,” He whispered, pulling back and resting his forehead against yours. “This doesn’t change anything about you. You’re gonna be just fine, okay?”
You wiped at your eyes and only offered him a weak smile, not having the heart to give him a proper response.
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