#yohaji yanagida
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iggyalfi2319 · 5 months ago
For the laugh and challenge, I tried to make that chemical obsessed floating pennant 🏳️
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ecargmura · 4 months ago
Buff Mame isn't real.
Buff Mame can't hurt you.
Buff Mame:
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However, if Buff Mame can't hurt, why is Sano on the verge of death?
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(and why is Mujina blushing?)
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Yanagida: Shout-out to the clerk at the store who looked at the cookbook I was buying, looked at the book on poison I was also buying, paused, and asked if I had big weekend plans.
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aquaneedsfood82 · 1 year ago
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More yohaji manage coloring because yeah
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apparently-artless · 5 months ago
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okay, so hear me out. ever since i found out that sugita is yanagida's seiyuu, i always end up imagining his voice when i'm reading the manga (i decided to reread the manga from the beginning). XD i think he's really a perfect choice for this character. i failed to notice sugita's voice first because he literally only has this ↑ one line in episode 2. and there's this one kappa extra with sugita's voice and i was like, WHAT?? WHY ARE YOU USING SUGITA'S VOICE IN THIS EXTRA CHARACTER THAT WON'T PROBABLY BE SHOWN EVER IN THE SERIES???. as it turns out, upon rewatching the episode, he was indeed playing yanagida's character. (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) maybe they asked him to voice this extra character because he only has one line for this episode.
anyway, i am enjoying watching the anime so far. some manga readers might not be contented with the art style and how the storyline is being rearranged in the anime adaptation but i'd like to believe that it has a purpose? i personally believe that the key strengths of this series are fully displayed in later parts. so for those anime watchers only, maybe try to stick around a bit more. because i swear this is just like bokuyaba. i watched bokuyaba first before reading the manga and i was about to drop it but decided to watch a few more and i am so glad that i didn't stop. i think you'll feel the same about yohaji. the anime is no doubt removing a lot of scenes but i think they have a goal for this. like maybe they really wanted to animate the episodes that would convince watchers to continue watching.
and if you're not yet convinced, maybe try checking this POST. this was created by the translator that continued yohaji. i only ever dropped the series because there are no more available translated chapters and there was no official translation yet at the time. i also tried reading the official translation but i personally prefer the op's translation. i swear they are doing such an amazing job.
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littlekennycantplaypoker · 5 months ago
it was pretty good tbh!!! only things i want really vibing wiht was how low they made Yanagida's voice???? and the fact that Dr. Takahashi looks/sounds way too young in my opinion. i feel like he's kinda sampo hsr-y yk? like, 30-something year old slut? he just sounds like he's fresh outta teen years its weird
anyway, cat tamao content!!!! and oota!!!
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smallestgalaxylemon · 4 years ago
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Yohaji brainrot y'know what that means
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iggyalfi2319 · 5 months ago
Watched episode 2 of YoHaji...
I guess I have to resolve myself to accept is one of those animes who definitely not follow the same path as the manga besides vaguely sticking to the story ... T_T
Alright, time for reactions:
⚠️ spoiler ⚠️
Meeting with the teacher differently from the manga...
Why did they skip the Youkai study class???
Miki's and Hatanaka's voices are alright I guess.
I definitely didn't expect that O.o
Tamao's and Renren's are a pretty good match.
But I wonder, if they gave Miki his Kansai dialect, didn't they say in the manga that Abe spoke a mix of both of this parents' dialect, much to his brother's annoyance?
Oh, already introducing the sexy "crazy" doctor. That's a shame they didn't use his dodomeki form just like in the manga. I was hoping they would so a "glow up" with the "Woah ✨" SFX when switching to his "human" form.
Okay so that's it, Dr Takahashi is straight on slapped with the "crazy and dangerous character" label, huh...
Oota's voice is surprising but nice! I wonder where I heard it before tho...
....they already switched to the pool?! It's going too fast! 😩
Okay so they totally scrapped out the fact those morons where fooling around while cleaning the class, which would have explained way better why Renren got lumped up with them since he has the bad luck to be on cleaning duty with said group...
The poisonous glow up scene is perfect 👍🤣
Mame sure would be handsome 👀 But that's besides the point 😂
Aw that little catchphrase to go giant XD ❤️
And of course, since they skipped the club episode, there is no correlation that can be given to Mame's experiments and the human faced fish 😑
Okay, they kinda skim it but still, I really wish they didn't cut off a literal chapter
... What kind of position is that?! Also, why is he wearing shoes if he was in the pool??
... In overall, I should probably try to detach the anime from the manga. I won't be enjoying it much otherwise TwT
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ecargmura · 4 months ago
A Terrified Teacher At Ghoul School Episode 7 Review - Uniform Power Overcomes All Hurdles
Never underestimate the power of uniforms. For Haruaki, it can make him into something even more terrifying than a youkai. I’m glad Class 2-3 knew about this and even had to use it as a last resort in order to motivate their teacher. The way he climbed that pole, swam through a pond of alligators and even traversed through hellfire because of them was hilarious. I also love how the faculty and the other classes reacted.
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This episode also showcases Haruaki as a character. He’s a kind teacher and he will go out of his way for his students like how he suddenly got superhuman strength to throw logs and carry Sano and then feel bad about it to the point of him becoming a slime. Because he’s someone who cares so much for his students, he even does his best to replace Sano as the anchor for the final course of the relay race despite his huge disadvantage of being a human.
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Some of the other students got their fair share of screen time. I adored all of Tamao’s screen time with the way he fell into his feline instincts with the log, but when he learned the log was what hurt Sano, he snapped out of temptation and avenged him. My favorite Tamao part was the abrupt art change that even Marshmallow points out. I also liked Yanagida. If you read the manga, Yanagida is one of the craziest characters because of his penchant for chemical reactions. Glad it’s showcased here a bit. He starts getting more screen time after this  arc, so I can’t wait to see anime-only viewers witness the terror that is the cloth youkai. I felt bad for Maeda for getting puked on. Also, Mouse-sensei getting paid in cheese is the most hilarious revelation I’ve learned so far. I also liked all of the Takahashi screen time. He’s everyone’s favorite freaky doctor for a reason.
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Also, I do notice the drop in animation quality towards the end where background characters start becoming gray humans. Satelight isn’t really known for producing high quality television series—look at Cherry Magic—and I do get that there are way too many characters in the show, but at least animate the rest of Class 2-3 and not a select few.
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Haruaki’s voice actor, Ryota Osaka, needs to be studied for his lung capacity and the strength of his throat. How can he scream like that? Remember that he voiced Gyutaro from Demon Slayer, where he had to produce a croaky, creaky voice. This man truly has range. I honestly can’t wait to hear him voice Tsubaki from Wind Breaker next year. Another standout voice actor is Tomokazu Sugita as Yanagida. While Yanagida didn’t have much screen time, just the fact that Sugitan is in this anime is crazy in itself.
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Now that the Sports Day arc is finished, I do wonder what will be shown next. There are 24 episodes, which means a fourth of the episodes have aired so far. Will they show more arcs? What are your thoughts?
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iggyalfi2319 · 5 months ago
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By definition, a Yakubyougami is a spirit that spread misfortune and disease .
I kinda find hilarious they portrayed Sano as germaphobic despite his nature XD
I wonder if there's a story behind it...
(also, overhanging sleeves >///< ❤️)
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ecargmura · 2 months ago
A Terrified Teacher At Ghoul School Episode 17 Review - The Last Days Of Summer
The summer vacation arc is coming to a close as the students spend their final days going to the beach and doing their remaining homework. It’s a fun episode overall as the boys get into shenanigans as well as having Sano and Haruaki learn a lot about youkai lore.
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The beach portion of the episode was just fan service and comedy in one. Remember how we had reverse fan service in Episode 8 where the girls were peeping at the boys? Well, we finally get the usual anime fan service with the boys being the stars. They go to the beach to try and hit on girls using Sano as bait, but things go awry when Mame acts like a rabid Tanuki around some girls approaching him. Not only do the boys get fan service, but the girls of Class 2-3 also show up in cute swimsuits! I have to say, Renjou was serving cunt in that swimsuit and hat combination. The chapter that this half of the episode was based on is actually an earlier chapter that took place at the same time as Haruaki going to Rintaro’s family’s home.
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The craziness of the beach portion comes in the form of two sea youkai trying to hit on some of the girls, so the boys step up to try and save them from the pests. Although Satelight’s art for this show isn’t the prettiest, I do admit that the watery effect for the two water youkais were really nice. The Funayurei is voiced by Jin Ogasawara who is a rookie. The Umibouzu is voiced by Fumiya Imai; if you’re familiar with Project Sekai and/or Given, he’s Akito Shinonome and Hiiragi from those respective media. Since Taito Ban voiced Shizusumi from Given, it’s basically Shizu throwing mud at Hiiragi in a way. Though, the Funayurei was quite a threat with his abilities. The Umibouzu didn’t show his ability as Fuji froze the water and getting him and some of the boys stuck. Unfortunately, the Funayurei messed with the wrong guy as destroying the sand tanuki that Sano and Mame were making caused the former to summon his lighting magic to electrocute everyone. Never bother Mame or Sano will throw hands.
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I did like the transition from the beach segment to the homework segment. The second half takes place in the last day of summer vacation, August 31. Sano is struggling with his youkai studies homework as he needs to write a report about youkai birth. So, he and Haruaki decide to go to the homes of the Class 2-3 students to learn about how they are conceptualized. In Yanagida’s case, he’s born from spirit magic that his parents put in an object; the fact that all the Yanagida family are voiced by Tomokazu Sugita is hilarious. Animal youkai like Mame normally produce a lot of offsprings, so it’s normal for them to have a big family with many siblings. I think Odawara’s story of how he became the first chouchin-kouzou and how he creates them was so interesting; he basically asexually reproduce them! 
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Starting with Odawara, the topic of how youkais came to be become a topic of interest as there are many theories. Odawara says that he was born from a soul of a sinner. Takahashi says that youkais are born from the souls of sinners. Yamazaki says that gods curse humans into youkai as punishment. This gets Sano down as it’s revealed that he’s not a youkai but a god. Despite the serious confession, Haruaki already knew since the beginning as there was a note in his roll call file; he never brought it up because he felt as if it was a sensitive topic for Sano. I do like that Haruaki is considerate of his feelings and never reveals people’s secrets. I think the whole lore of how youkais come to be is so interesting because as a viewer, you’ve adjusted to them for a while that how they come to be feels like a question in the back of your mind.
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Though, there is a topic of interspecies relationships when Haruaki and Sano go to Hijita’s place. While Hijita’s sister did marry a human man, their future child would be half youkai. Interspecies couples like the Hatanakas could either have youkai genes from either parent, or they could be a new hybrid altogether. However, if a human and a youkai were to marry and conceive, it’s more straining for the mother if she’s human. Given how this topic cuts to Nyuudou when brought up, it’s foreshadowing something; I know what it is, but I’m not spoiling for anime-only people.
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The ending was hilarious. First we had Yanagida finding the serious atmosphere awkward as he just learned about secrets he feels as if he shouldn’t hear them, so he grabs the fireworks and blows it up. Then, we have Hatanaka destroying Hijita because he didn’t do his homework. RIP, Hijita. You’ll be seen next episode.
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Now that summer vacation has come to an end, there are seven episodes left. What will be shown for the last remaining episodes? If you’re a manga reader, do you have any predictions? Let me know your thoughts as well!
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ecargmura · 2 months ago
A Terrified Teacher At Ghoul School Episode 15 Review - Shutendouji
To be honest, I have mixed feelings about this episode. The things I like about it and my dislikes about it are honestly balanced. It’s strange how I like an episode, but I also don’t like it. Maybe reviewing a lot of anime for several years has started to affect me… Though, the one thing I am confident about is that Haruaki’s hair antenna is the strongest force in the Yohaji universe. Just look at it!
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Let’s start with the things I liked. Mainly, Rintaro fans are eating well and that includes me because he’s one of my favorites. I also ship Haruaki and Rintaro together, so I’m eating extremely well. This episode just solidifies them potentially becoming canon, but given that this is a gag manga, the possibility is only head canon for now. This episode showcased how much of a good person Haruaki is that he doesn’t get angry when Rintaro brings him to his house for ulterior motives, but it ends with them solidifying their bond. It’s so nice to see how much Haruaki loves people, whether they be youkai or not, despite being a loner growing up and having weird fetishes.
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It’s also an episode where we learn more about Rintaro in that why he acts the way he does and what caused him to be the way he is. While he is friends with Haruaki, there’s still a wall between them as he doesn’t want to get close to others and doesn’t like getting too close. It’s all because of trauma that happened when he was young in that he brought a human friend but he died due to his mother, the Shutendouji, who ate his spirit energy. This was why he became closed off to others and only opening up his doors for a few people in his life. Though, if you look at the post-credit scene, the kid that he brought was Haruaki. This means that Haruaki and Rintarou have met twice before their official meeting as adults. That’s some odd fate these two have—they’re definitely going to be canon (delusional on my part).
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There’s also the introduction of Abe no Seimei, Haruaki’s ancestor. If you see the beginning, you can see two people who look vaguely similar to the principal and Ranmaru Karasuma in background. It’s definitely building up for interesting lore that was only briefly mentioned in previous episodes like Episode 5 where Amaaki mentioned reincarnation and Episode 9 where Ranmaru mistook Haruaki for Seimei. I’m not sure there will be further Seimei lore, but it’s nice to see full confirmation that he is Haruaki’s reincarnation—though, I do wonder where Amaaki comes into play with this lore as Ame and Haru look identical, yet all the spiritual powers are in Haru and not Ame.
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The last thing I liked is the introduction of Ibara, Izuna’s wife and Rintaro’s fifth older sister. While Rintaro is stated to be afraid of older women due to his older sisters, it seems that he’s quite close to Ibara. She seems the most rational one in the family as she was reprimanding Rintaro for using a friend and wanted Shutendouji to stop hurting Haruaki because she knows how much her brother cared for him. From their small interactions alone, you can tell that Izuna and Ibara are in a happy marriage and that they love each other very much. I liked how he pushed her out of the way when Shutendouji was about to attack so she wouldn’t get hurt. She’s also strong if she’s able to pull back one of the chains.
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What I mainly disliked from this episode was the pacing. This is a mini-arc with three chapters, but it was heavily condensed to squeeze everything into one. I feel like they took out a lot of things, especially important details about Rintaro in order to squeeze everything in. Rintaro only brought a human boy to his home because he complimented how pretty he looked. Not only that, the fast-pacing sort of takes away the serious and suspenseful vibes the arc was supposed to have. Shutendouji doesn’t feel as intimidating as she is supposed to be because of this. The animation quality is also a little rusty in this episode so all the emotional scenes like Haruaki and Rintaro crying don’t feel as impactful as they should be.
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For the voice actors, Shutendouji is voiced by Yoshiko Sakakibara, who you might know as Gigan from Yona of the Dawn, Joshu Kasei from Psycho-pass and Gina from Gangsta—she’s quite prolific in a sense. Ibara is voiced by Yuki Tanaka, a relatively new face, but I really like her voice so I hope she gets good roles later on!
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Other than that, I do like how everyone played some sort of part in this episode; even Marshmallow and Yanagida played a role! Hopefully, the next arcs they’ll adapt won’t be as butchered as this one, but I seriously doubt it. Regardless, this is definitely an episode for the Rintaro fans. Anyone watching this episode will definitely come out shipping Harumiki. That’s the best part about it. What are your thoughts on this episode?
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ecargmura · 3 months ago
A Terrified Teacher At Ghoul School Episode 12 Review - The Lost Teacher
Just a head’s up, this is the last episode of the first half of the show. The show has two cours back-to-back, so the rest of the season will be aired in Winter 2025. There won’t be an episode next Tuesday, December 31 due to it being New Year’s Eve. The second half will resume January 7 with a new opening and ending!
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Anyways, it can’t be a Yohaji episode without Haruaki getting into some kind of trouble wherever he goes. This time, he gets lost while Class 2-3 is on a field trip to Tokyo. This guy’s sense of direction needs to be studied alongside his voice actor’s lungs. Anyways, this episode is mainly Haruaki and Class 2-3 trying to find and reunite with each other as the kids split up in all directions while Haruaki himself gets help from an unlikely stranger.
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This episode introduces Ebisu, but he never introduces his name to Haruaki. However, you can tell that this man is Sano’s brother as he appeared in the flashback in the previous episode. Nine years later, he still has disdain for youkai. He seems intrigued by Haruaki as he knows he’s a human teacher at Hyakki Academy and he also knows that Sano is attached to him (not that Sano will ever admit that). I wonder how he knows all about this; he’s probably stalking his brother or something… Also, Ebisu is not a youkai, which means that Sano isn’t one either—Sano not being a youkai was established back in the first episode where the Yakubyougami wasn’t in Haruaki’s encyclopedia and that he wasn’t affected by Yanagida’s perfume that he sprayed on Momoyama back in episode 8.
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Anyways, it’s interesting to see the differences Ebisu and Haruaki have when it comes to youkai. Ebisu hates them but keeps it a secret, while Haruaki is afraid of them, but keeps persevering because he’s kind and wants to do his best as a teacher to guide his students, youkai or not. That’s why Haruaki went to save the little Zashiki-warashi trapped in the fire despite the fact that he doesn’t have to. He wants to do it because it’s both the right thing to do and that he cares a lot about youkai. The little girl could be a future student of his in the future, which means that Haruaki still imagines himself teaching at Hyakki Academy years from now, which is honestly massive character development for him. The way Haruaki is a misfortunate magnet, yet is managed to be saved by an amulet given to him by the God of Misfortune feels like some sort of Uno Reverse card of sorts.
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It’s sweet that Class 2-3 didn’t rejoice over losing their teacher and doing whatever they want and took the time to look for him, even if meant costing them their trip. I know for a fact that not having a teacher around is a student’s biggest joy and that realistically, students would be happy to do whatever they want without teacher supervision, so it’s nice that these kids aren’t about that. They split into different groups and search different areas to look for their teacher. Youkai students function a bit differently when in human territory; they have their own set of rules implemented too like humanoid youkai need to hide their non-human features like how Nyuudou needs to wear a mask despite looking mostly human while the non-human looking youkai have to be disguised as objects or mascots like how Yanagida is disguised as a pennant and Daisy and Marilyn are mascots following Utagawa around. Though, the kids do get to explore Tokyo while searching for their teacher. Though, Hijita spends his day searching the sewers, which keeps the running gag of him getting the short end of the stick in situations at times.
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Though, there is a little detail that there are youkai living in Tokyo as Akira and Yamazaki disguised as him are going to a cafe they visit every six months that have actual youkai in them. And the rules of youkai are a little odd when some are doing their magic out in the open without being concealed like how Yamazaki is showing off his wrappings while there are people around. I also find that there is an air patrol youkai to be hilarious.
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My only gripe is that this episode actually removes a little detail that was in the manga regarding Fuji and another character, but it makes sense because that other character hasn’t been fully introduced into the story yet. In fact, they skipped that chapter, but given what I’m seeing in the second cour’s trailer, maybe he’ll finally get that spotlight.
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If I had a nickel for every media that has Ryota Osaka and Ryohei Kimura in it together, I’d be a millionaire by now because it’s happened so often, whether they be characters that have interacted with each other or not. Like I mentioned in my review of the previous episode, Kimura and Osaka have been in several media together where they voice characters that have a lot of chemistry like Haikyuu with Bokuto and Akaashi, Tales of Zestiria as Sorey and Mikleo and now Yohaji with Ebisu and Haruaki. This makes a voice actor fan like me happy. Keep at it—keep casting these two together!
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Also, the trailer for the second cour is on Youtube if you want to watch it! I’ve never heard of Sou before, but there are a lot of people excited for him singing the second opening. I honestly can’t wait to see what the second half of the show will bring in terms of what they’ll animate and how it’s presented. Let me know your thoughts on this episode!
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ecargmura · 3 months ago
A Terrified Teacher At Ghoul School Episode 10 Review - School Camp Exam
Last week was a mini-arc adaptation and now this week’s episode is also a mini-arc adaptation. I feel like they’re trying to get to the characters that had their voice actors revealed before the first half of the anime ends. What I mean is that there are two characters who hadn’t have a speaking role despite their voice actors being revealed with the first finally having a speaking role (Fuji) and the second will probably be introduced either next week or the week after.
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This episode is mainly about Class 2-3 going on a school camp. However, the camp is also the students’ spookology class final exam for the semester. That’s why Hatanaka is there as he’s in charge of the course, so he’s like a proctor as well. I kind of like that the exam is essentially something relating to physical activity and that they have to solve an escape room-like situation with vague hints about the key. Not all students participate as some are asleep. Basically, the setup is that if the students that are awake can solve the mystery of who has the key to leave the building, the class passes; if they don’t, they have to be stuck doing remedial classes for the first half of summer break. However, it’s not an easy task as Hatanaka and Miki got the help of various Hyakki Academy alumni—this means that all the youkai the class encountered were all school alumni.
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For this episode, one of the more obscure students gets his spotlight: Touya Fuji. He’s a guy is often seen wearing the girl’s uniform as he likes crossdressing. He’s a yuki-onna, but male (yuki-otoko is the Japanese term for the abominable snowman, apparently). While he looks beautiful, he’s a bit hot-tempered and can be foul-mouthed, but he’s a good kid. His ice powers are super handy. The anime actually omits this, but he dreams of opening up a drag queen bar and wants to recruit Miki. But yeah, Fuji is one of my favorite characters because he’s confident and sassy despite his demure appearance. He doesn’t get much screen time later on, but there’s actually one chapter I hope they’ll adapt which involves him and another obscure classmate—they have the cutest relationship ever.
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Oh, by the way, Fuji’s voice actor is a rookie named Saku Hyuga. If you check his instagram page (which you can click here), you can see from his pictures that he’s a crossdresser like Fuji—a perfect match in a sense. I also really like Hyuga’s voice; it’s a perfect mix of gender ambiguous but still convincingly male. I feel like he has potential to be big if he manages to get good roles. He could easily be the new gen Shouta Aoi and Ayumu Murase in terms of voice that can cause gender confusion.
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I also like the other segments of this episode like Haruaki gushing over the ghost girl that he can only see, the cute little HijiBeni moment, and Akira being a freak like he always is. Though, my favorite part was the part with Mame’s group and how they were trying to solve who the real Yanagida is; while they do solve the mystery, they still get kaboomed by his chemicals. No one ever wins when they’re with Yanagida. I also like that small detail of Haruaki having his own cell at the police station. Haha.
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Speaking of police, another new character is introduced, Yamazaki, the police officer. While he did appear in Episode 3, this is where he has the most screen time. He’s a doppelgänger, meaning that he can transform to whoever he wants. It seems like an interesting ability to have as a cop. He’s voiced by Tomoaki Maeno, another prominent voice actor.
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This was a fun episode in all honesty. I wonder what sort of storyline they’ll show next as most of the chapters in Yohaji are episodic unless they’re part of an arc. It’s surprising that we’re already at the double-digits in terms of episode count. I feel like they’ll introduce another prominent character next week just so they can finally have all of the announced voice actors appear in the first half, like I mentioned. I wonder if they’ll change the opening for the second half… What are your thoughts on this episode?
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ecargmura · 4 months ago
A Terrified Teacher At Ghoul School Episode 8 Review - Girls' Love Affairs
It’s nice to get some spotlight on the female students that aren’t Beniko for once. Class 2-3 has a lot of students, but there are more males than females. I’m glad that they’re able to shine, even if their focus is mainly on romance. Despite the topic of love, the episode does deliver on the comedy.
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Also, Amaaki makes another appearance as he decides to be Haruaki for a day. I can’t believe he actually went to Hyakki Island and even chloroformed his own brother to swap places with him. By the way, the chloroform scene is anime original and isn’t present in the manga. You’re probably wondering what his purpose in this episode is since he bails out halfway after realizing how good of a teacher Haru really is. It’s because Koizumi, the Rokurobi, develops a small crush on him despite thinking he’s Haruaki. The difference between Ame and Haru is that Ame is actually a naturally lady charmer. He did make Beniko swoon a bit back in Episode 5 and now Koizumi is swooning over him. Too bad he’s a brocon. However, the author, Mai Tanaka, did post on her official X page that she is interested in making a Koizumi arc for the manga that features Ame, so their little subplot might continue in the future. I think the best part about the Ame portion is that the way he’s not reacting to a sailor uniform caused the class to believe an apocalypse was coming.
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Next girl in the spotlight is Momoyama who developed a crush on Sano after he gave her his handkerchief to wipe off Hijita’s vomit during Sports Day. Momoyama is cute and hilarious. She’s a futakuchi-onna meaning that she has a mouth behind her head. While Momoyama herself is timid and doesn’t talk much, her second mouth is crude as heck. It’s funny how she would gag the other mouth if she needs to talk normally. I do wonder if her second mouth speaks her inner thoughts, but through a crude way. Momoyama is hilarious because she makes some of the funniest expressions throughout the episode.
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Also, this episode also highlights how much of a menace Yanagida is. In the first part of the episode, he tries to cure Haru’s amnesia, an excuse Sano made just to not reveal Ame’s identity, but Sano uses it on him, which causes him to melt into a puddle and then got flushed. He also then creates more chaos when he creates perfume and sprays it on Momoyama, causing the male students and teachers to fall in love with her. It doesn’t work on Haruaki because he’s a human and on Nyuudou and Yanagida because they don’t have noses. It also doesn’t work on Sano because he’s not a youkai. I feel like Yanagida and Takahashi are competing to see who is Yohaji’s craziest character.
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It was nice to see Momoyama get a nice moment with Sano. I don’t ship these two, but it was a cute moment when he carried her and jumped down to the water tank. I felt bad for her because what she thought was a handkerchief was actually panties. Damn, I can’t believe she didn’t double check where she was going. That gotta be second-hand embarrassment of the century.
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I did like the third part of the episode where the class goes to the public bath. Why I like it is because it does a reverse trope where the girls try to peek at the boys rather than having the boys peek at the girls, which you’d see in most manga or anime. Mai Tanaka is a person of culture. It was hilarious that there was a double context of Haruaki being “big” down there, but they were talking about feet. Utagawa got the “pleasure” of accidentally unleashing her youkai form to glance over at the boys’ side, making her get an eyeful of everyone and called it a ‘safari park’. The way the boys started reacted like girls was hilarious.
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A lot of the girls’ voice actresses are rookies aside from Beniko (voiced by Akari Kito), Renjou (voiced by Nanako Mori) and Koizumi (voiced by Miyuri Shimabukuro), so I can’t really say much about them. I do like Momoyama’s voice the most with the way she can be meek but also boorish with how vulgar her second mouth is.
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I honestly can’t wait to see what Yohaji has in store for future episodes. If you’re a manga reader, the manga is almost done adapting the first four volumes. Since there are 24 episodes, I do wonder how much they’ll be adapting. This episode adapted three separate chapters into one. What are your thoughts about this episode?
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smallestgalaxylemon · 4 years ago
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