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Was born to box....not. Maybe that's why I stick to Muay Thai and them kicks 😛#harderthanitlooks #boxingprodigyfail #turbobox #learningsomethingneweveryday #yogifighter #bestofbogor #bogorboxing #bogorgyms #muaythaiindonesia #bodycontrol #crosstrain #loverandfighter #indonesianfighter #traininsaneorremainthesame #fitindonesia #fitchick #sportygirl (at UrbanFit BootCamp Sentul)
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Batik Negara (fabric of our nation)-the Silat style of Bali. My Bali master showing me how to foil a kick. 💪🙏🏻#realbali #balisilat #silatmasters #balimagic #pencaksilat #batiknegara #yogifighter #silatlover #martialarts
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This is what we call the FriYAY fight stance 💁🏻👾 . . . . #tgif #friyay #yogifighter #martialartsmissy #moveitorloseit #loverandfighter #pencaksilat #tigaberantai #indonesianmartialarts #alwayslearning #healthyhappygirls (at GOR Kecamatan Cempaka Putih)
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Flying yoga to flying elbows..anything in mid-air, I dig 🙋🏻🥊🦅 . . . . #flyingelbow #muaythaigirl #sweatismagic #martialartslover #yogifighter #loverandafighter #takeflight #strongerthanyesterday #sportysister #muaythaiindonesia #flowstateliving #strongisthenewskinny (at Jakarta Muay Thai & Mma)
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"You're not a dog, stop rewarding yourself with food" I read this line once that made me laugh. But hey, whatever keeps me motivated with my sports which is the foundation of my flow 🤷🏻♀️🐶🔄💖 . . . . . #whateverworks #endorphinaddict #balancebaby #findyourflow #yogifighter #martialartslover #indonesianmartialarts #girllovesherfood #girlfighter #baliisalifestyle #healthyhappygirls (at Lewis & Carroll Senayan City)
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My first #canggufightnight and I just loved how the best fighters were the Asians and femme fatales! Great entertainment and so looking forward to getting back to my training soon back in Jtown!🥊🥋 . . . #handsoffmydrinkstash #chunli #yogifighter #balifighters #loverandfighter #girlfighter #greatentertainment #bestofbali #gugirl #sportslover #strongisthenewskinny #endorphinaddict #fitchick #asiawellnesspreneur #baliisalifestyle #crosstrain #muaythaigirl #fightlikeagirl #badassbabes (at Bali MMA)
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Just don't get Bev in rage 😅 Makasi coach @muse_valentino_ for reminding me it's time to get back to fighting form 💪 . . . #pocketrocket #dontgethermad #chunli #yogifighter #kickingbuttandtakingnames #notsoinnocent #girlskickingass #tougherthanshelooks #fistsoffury
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At the rate of high intensity sports-Muay Thai, surfing, Ashtanga, Pencak silat I was doing the last six months, at the back of my mind I was always cognizant about the possibility of injury . Never would have predicted that I'd be sidelined by a tiny sea-urchin probably just chilling in his coral home oblivious to the damage he's inflicted to my fast-running life😛 But am actually glad my hardworking body is actually able to take a vacay completely for at least a week or so. Plus it makes me appreciate SO much all the sports that make my life so much stronger, vibrant and happy. It's crystal clear without my health and body, I would have none of this. So I'm officially saying I love you, body 😘😘 . . . #lovelettertomybody #mybodyisatemple #iloveyouthighsandall #unconditionallove #selflove #sograteful #healthyhappygirls #endorphinaddict #missmysports #yogifighter #muaythaigirl
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30 years apart but not sure how this little fella became my best mate in Thursday night Pencak Silat class 😆 . . #unlikelybesties #pencaksilat #crosstrain #indonesianmartialarts #tigaberantai #intraining #keeplearning #manypassions #youngatheart #martialartslover #yogifighter #girlfighter (at GOR Kecamatan Cempaka Putih)
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Warrior pose battles inner weakness and wins focus. You see that there is no war within you. You are on your own side. You are your own strength . -Krishnamacharya Let's keep fighting for ur dreams and happiness, guys. Happy Tuesday!! 💪🤛🏼🚀 . . #warriornotworrier #loverandafighter #fightforyourdreams #makeithappen #warrioroflight #girlboss #girlfighter #yogiinthecity #yogifighter #hustleandflow #healthyhappygirls #dreamcatchers #dreamitliveit #onelife #morningrituals #yogastrong
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Love it when he does that@the end, esp on an unmotivated and low-energy day 😄😄. . #goodteacher #mademelaugh #pushyourself #martialartslover #justshowup #yogifighter #sweatresets #fitchick #girlfighter #jakartamuaythai #crosstrain #therapy #endorphinaddict (at Jakarta Muay Thai Camp)
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Love it when he does that, esp on an unmotivated and low-energy day 😄😄 . . #goodteacher #mademelaugh #pushyourself #martialartslover #showup #yogifighter #sweatresets #fitchick #girlfighter #jakartamuaythai #crosstrain #therapy (at Jakarta Muay Thai Camp)
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Azra:Wushu-8 years🗡 x Bev:Muay Thai-5 years🥊 Now:Pencak Silat ~6 months🥋🤓 . #lifelongstudent #dojodarlings #beginneragain #martialartslover #girlfighters #pencaksilat #indonesianmartialarts #loverandfighter #martialartsgirls #yogifighter #crosstrain #spiritualgangster #inpractice
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Dinner with the One Pride FC Chairman, David Burke and crew was a enlightening altho sometimes charged talk about the state of MMA and martial arts. Gotta love a good conversation and leaders deeply passionate about their sport. Thank you for supporting our local fighters!! 🥊🥋 #indonesianmartialarts #martialartslover #indolove #yogifighter #jakartaadventures #asiawellnesspreneur #loverandafighter #supportlocal #fuelledbypassion (at Sofia At the Gunawarman)
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Yoga meets BJJ🥋united by the common love for wave-riding.🏄🏻♀️🏄🏻Awesome finally meeting up in Bali, Saulo! Congrats- new gym looks fantastic. Keep spreading martial arts and health in China and beyond!!🤜🤙 For those who's New Years resolution is to get fit, check out Absolute MMA in Jingan district if you're in Shanghai folks!👲🏻🇨🇳💪 #asianwellnesspreneurs #wellnesswarriors #activelifestyle #getfit #bestofshanghai #chinawellness #balisurfers #goodtimes #hustleandflow #entrepreneurlife #lifebydesign #dowhatyoulove #followyourbliss #martialartslover #yogifighter
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Messy hair don't care, post Sunday morning Martial arts with the other most regular girl in class💁🏻🥋 #indonesianmartialarts #pencaksilatgirl #tigaberantai #sportslover #yogifighter #versatile #manypassions #fitchick
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