#yoga thoughts in hindi
siriusblack-the-third · 11 months
ok, any headcanons on james that compliment the ones you've done for sirius?
i absolutely loved those and i'm really curious about james
ADHD. This dude has to be moving, fidgeting, doing something, always. It tires him, and he sleeps very soundly for a full seven hours. Doesn't wake up even for earthquakes (Sirius once did a mini earthquake spell on the dorm room floor in the middle of the night as a prank. It did not wake him.)
Wakes up at an ungodly fucking hour. He doesn't own an alarm clock (it has no effect on him), but his internal clock is set to wake him up at exactly 4:30 in the morning for quidditch practice. He is done with jogging through the entire castle, half an hour of yoga, and an hour of quidditch before 7 A.M. rolls around. Sirius calls him "a demon from muggle hell" for it.
The only one who can keep up with Sirius' intelligence. He is scarily smart, but because most of his time is invested in quidditch and pranks, nobody realises just how smart he is until the results are handed out and he's right there next to Sirius on the top of the rankings. Both of them are always exchanging ranks 1 and 2 on overall performance. It annoys Snape and Lily to no end, because those two are always exchanging ranks 3 and 4 on the list.
The definition of Reckless. If Sirius hadn't stopped him, he would probably have turned the castle to rubble in less than five minutes. This was the exact reason why people (who were in the know) were surprised when Sirius was the one that sent Snape to Moony. They had all thought it would be James' fault.
A fucking bookworm. My dude reads literally everything from mystery to romance to encyclopaedias to research papers to fucking dictionaries of different languages. Even when he doesn't speak the language, the weirdo (affectionate and derogatory).
Indian. Specifically, from Pune city, Maharashtra.
About languages, he's learnt a lot of them. The order of learning of languages, starting from his native tongue, is thus: Marathi, Sanskrit, Hindi, English, Ancient Greek, Tamil, French and Latin. He learnt the first six at home, and French and Latin from Sirius. He's good with languages.
Photographic memory. The reason he never has to study, and also the fact that he understands everything he reads on the first try.
He and Sirius both have twelve OWLs and eight NEWTs. They have Outstandings in all of them.
My dude has the widest, largest doe eyes possible. The only people who can withstand them for more than two minutes are his parents and Sirius.
Bharatanatyam dancer. Has his Visharad certificate, and genuinely enjoys dancing. Gives at least three evenings per week for dance practice to keep up his muscle memory.
Doesn't actually hate Slytherins. Neither does Sirius. Both of them have several friends from the house of Serpents, they just hate the ones that actively use Dark Magic on muggleborns, and Snape and his gang are a part of that.
Lmao the sheer arrogance in him, oh my fucking Gods—
Doesn't give a shit about the rules set by other people (unless they're set by his parents), but has a set of rules for himself that he strictly follows. No one can tell what these rules are, but he has them and he follows them. At the top of that list, there is "never betray your loved ones". He followed that one until his death.
Nevertheless, he will break every single rule. Every. Single. Rule. For Sirius. For Sirius, he will do anything, from taking care of him when he's sick to burning the world for him.
The Hat would actually have put him in Slytherin, except he had no ambitions except to cause chaos at the tiny age of eleven years. Otherwise, he's almost a perfect fit for Slytherin— determined, strong willed, cunning enough to pull difficult pranks, resourceful (because how else you gon plan epic pranks?)
He went to Gryffindor for three reasons and three reasons only: Sirius was there, he had no particular ambition, he wanted to be with Sirius.
M O T H E R H E N. Such a mother hen, but only for a select few people (the marauders, Lily, and Harry). He doesn't give a fuck about anyone else, but these are my people and if I weren't here they would literally get themselves killed put of household related incompetence how are you still alive by the Gods—
Follows ancient Vedic religion (because I do hehe)
Very very panromantic. Demisexual.
Had a crush on Sirius for a short while in fourth year, and then on Frank Longbottom in sixth year after he had one (1) glance at the older boy dressed in full Auror robes.
Loved his mother so much omg he was such a Mama's boyyy
Gave shit to Remus for looking like a professor at the tender age of fifteen, but wanted to become a Transfiguration Professor himself. He was also excellent at Potions (another reason Snape hated him) but decided ultimately that Transfiguration was his calling
Was in his last year of his Transfiguration Mastery on Samhain of 81.
Died with a Killing Curse on his lips. He was ready to cast it wandlessly, for his wife and child. Died with a Killing Curse on his lips.
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madamlaydebug · 10 months
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It is believed by many Eastern Cultures that we have life force energy, or “chi” (also known as prana, qi, ki) that runs through us and everything in our world. This idea is not so far fetched when we can see the amazing vibratory nature of our cells through a microscope (which vibrate at an even deeper level when we get down to our molecules and atoms). It is from this perspective that we are able to see the #energetic force that creates our bodies, and ultimately our physical world.
The word Chakra is #Sanskrit and means “wheel” or “turning”. It is thought by the #Buddhists and in the Hindi tradition (in Yoga) that the human body has upwards of 72,000 (or more) #nadis or lines of energy that flow through us and exit at certain points through-out our body. It is believed that the flow of this energy keeps #balance within us, and that each meridian is resposible for a specific function of the body. In this belief, there are seven major energy centers, that govern the well-being our major glands, and are responsible for our emotional, physical, #mental spiritual well-being.
If one of these Chakras are out of balance, either by too much, or too little, it will manifest in our #physical world as dis-ease.
There are many ways to heal the Chakras, including Reiki Chakra Balancing, but here we will focus on what crystals, colours, and sounds are known to help balance each individual chakra. Please click on a specific Chakra for detailed information on each and how you can begin to bring balance to each, healing your life.
Mudladhara – 1st or Root Chakra (Muladhara, Mooladhara)
Svadhisthana– 2nd or Sacral Chakra
Manipura – 3rd or Solar Plexus Chakra
Anahata – 4th or Heart Chakra
Visuddha – 5th or Throat Chakra
Ajna – 6th or Third Eye Chakra
Sahasrara – 7th or Crown Chakra
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jopetkasi · 1 year
Of Yogas, Open Minded Wives and anything in between...
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friend: "you should eat my husband's sperm"
me: "ano kamo?"
friend: "he needs to release sexual energy and since I am practicing celibacy, you can do this great service to humanity by entertaining my husband"
me .................
The moment she demanded these things, I know the bitch is smoking a different kind of weed.
remember this lady friend of mine who was upset because i gave her daughter an Elsa Doll (Frozen)? saying her daughter is non-binary and who went ballistic on me because i admitted that her husband and I had sex when he was still single? - turns out the lines she yelled: "walanghiya kayo mga taksil" were part of a script for a play she was rehearsing - which convinced me so much I thought she discovered her husband and mine's little secret.
anyways, this friend of mine who now wants us to call her "Lady Lakshmi Pure Love" is into the new age belief and has devoted herself to the extreme practice of kundalini yoga (google nya nalang) she also gave up meat and is now abstaining from sex because she wants to be pure before Goddess Ganesh - kung sino man sya.
matter of fact before i entered her house, she sprinkled me with water infused with flowers and whatever McCormmick spices there is and rang this small bell from my head to toe to cleanse my chakra and emit good aura as she uttered "alis evil spirit! alisssss!" (tangina talaga ni friend)
so going back to the convo. I was dumbfounded by her inviting me to have sex with her husband. i mean, and no offence but is swinging a normal routine for new-age peeps?
"but he can masturbate, right" - The husband who is sitting in front of me is fnow lushed in sheer humiliation.
"The sperm gets wasted. it has energy, it needs a container"
this time the husband has given up and excused himself and went out to smoke.
I explained to her that i don't think i could do what she is asking and whatever happened between me and her husband was a one-time event in the past; we were in our eighteens, we had raging hormones then. besides, I am ninong to her daughter....and yeah, to bottom is one thing I can't do, period.
"Would you have him sleep with a prostitute?" she bargains further.
sa isip ko "prostitute? eh yan nga gusto ng asawa mo eh, di mo lang alam" - i should know, he frequents Festival Mall for hookups. Thanks to my guy friends who are 100x more chismosa than Cristy Fermin - I got this news from them.
"sorry dear, I can't I have a boyfriend"
"no you don't. look at you, you're fat"
"c'mon this is not right"
"nagmamalinis ka pa eh alam naman namin baho mo"
"nope. hindi ako mag eenjoy"
"pag isipan mo ha"
complete silence. I then slightly diverted the convo and told her I am going home. she on the one hand went back to her lotus position to meditate.
the husband brought me to the door, apologetic.
"You're the 5th and I am sorry"
"okay lang. nabigla lang ako"
and so ended my Monday evening.....
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deeptixbhandari · 11 months
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FULL NAME : Deepti Bhandari ALIAS : AGE : 34 DATE  OF  BIRTH : January 5th, 1989 HOMETOWN : Dehli, India TIME IN EAST HAVEN : Since 2005 RESIDENCE : Claret Park FACECLAIM : Deepika Padukone trigger warning: huntington disorder, bullying
EDUCATION : Business and Management OCCUPATION : Co-Owner and Manager at House of Dehlicasies GENDER : Cis-Female PRONOUNS : She/Her SEXUALITY : Bisexual RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single HAIR COLOUR : Brown/Black EYE  COLOUR : Hazel brown HEIGHT : 5'7" /171 cm BUILD : Slim ACCENT : American with a hint of Indian LANGUAGES : Hindi, English, Punjabi Urdu TATTOOS : Butterfly tattoo on her neck SCENT: Olympea by Paco Rabanne. ZODIAC : Capricorn LOVE LANGUAGE : Words of affirmation, quality time. CLOTHING: Classy, Business Chique HAIR STYLE:  ( x )
CONDITIONS : Huntington Syndrome ALLERGIES : Strawberries EXERCISE HABITS : Yoga and Pilates SLEEPING HABITS : Uses two pillows and a side pilow, side sleeper. ADDICTIONS : None DRUG  USE : None ALCOHOL USE : Occasionally
POSITIVE  TRAITS : Clever, Hard-working, mature NEGATIVE TRAITS : Resentful, blunt, distant PHOBIAS : Athazagoraphobia FEARS : Starting to forget HOBBIES : knitting, puzzles, pilates HABITS : mimicks sounds on the radio or tv. USUAL DEMEANOUR : Composed.
FATHER : Zahir Bhandari MOTHER : Jiya Bhandari SIBLINGS : four siblings. PARTNERS : None CHILDREN : None PETS : None.
Deepti was born in a loving family back in busy Dehli. Her father Zahir, took over the reins of his family restaurant that he ran with his wife, Jiya. Her parents were barely in their twenties when Deepti was born, bringing much joy and happiness to their family, which only grew from that point. Deepti is able to say she counts four siblings, which made for a crowded and very crowded household. In Dehli, Deepti remembers having been the most happy. Looking back fondly to the festivals, the temples she visited with her family. The community and way of life was one she thought she would never have to miss. But when she was sixteen, Deepti’s parents decided to move out of the country for political reasons, and she had to say goodbye to her dear Dehli.
They settled down in Providence Peak, Colorado. A place that barely resembled her old neighbourhood, her own home. Her father had made enough with his restaurant that they were able to settle in a house large enough for the seven of them, even starting a new restaurant within the town’s center: the House of Dehlicasies, a name chosen by her brother who always did love a good pun. Having to finish ‘high school’ in the USA was strange to say the least, and after discussion between her parents and the school she, along with her other siblings, would have to redo a whole year to acclimatize to their new surroundings. Deepti didn’t mind, feeling rather overwhelmed by everything and everyone. Having to survive in the American system definitely hardened Deepti, who along with her siblings were often the target for bullying due to their accents, the fact they had their father’s homemade cooking to school and the fact they weren’t as sharp to American customs and sayings as their peers were. Going to college, Deepti definitely adjusted, standing her ground and not letting anything drag her down. She didn’t have a lot of friends but the few she did create are ones to last a lifetime.  
Deepti graduated college in a degree for business and management, always having been great with schedules and numbers. She worked for numerous of companies through her life; ranging from law firms to an accountant firm and even for the government at some point, which is where she met Lewis Negan, a gallant officer in the U.S. Army who swept Deepti off her feet. Out of the flings and short relationships she had, she never pictured herself to be able to fall as hard as this. It didn’t take them long to get engaged, getting him as far as to want to settle in Providence Peak so she could be close with her family, which was a good call.
Her mother began to forget things, and not in a way where she couldn’t find her keys or mixed up the names of her children, but important chunks of information. When the twitching in her hand started, Zahir took her to the hospital where she was diagnosed with Huntington’s disease. This being an inherited disorder, Zahir and Jiya brought their children up to speed as soon as possible, leaving it to each of them to get tested or not. Deepti decided to do so, and was faced with the horrible truth that she was indeed a carrier of the mutation, meaning that she would start showing symptoms between 35 and 55 years old. Being thirty-four, Deepti felt her clock had begun to ran out at a rapid pace. She hoped for the support of her Lewis, but not being able to deal with the idea of having to take care of his wife at an early age, Lewis decided to end their engagement and left Providence Peak.
For the last year, Deepti has put her energy into renovating her home that she now inhabits alone. She’s also quit her job so that she can help her father run the restaurant and is working there fulltime so he can spend time with his wife. Deepti has definitely become bitter about the newfound information of her health and the inevitable ending of her life. Why make memories when in the end she will forget them after after all? With her 35th birthday coming closer, Deepti definitely feels like she is spiraling.
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31.07.2023 || Trying to gain enough momentum to get dressed, leave the house and go get some Important Documents from driving school. If I wait much longer it will be way too hot to go out.
Here is other stuff I need to do today, btw.
Things I've already done today:
26 min of yoga
Things to do today:
Get dressed
Throw away old uni notes :D
Go to driving school
Create an August calendar page to stick on the wall
Take pictures of stuff to sell online
Publish new travel blog post
Upload ads for that stuff on the various websites
Dust my room everywhere
Vacuum under my bed
Write letter to B
Study languages (Hindi, German, Portuguese)
If I manage to do all of this today, tomorrow I'll be able to start working on my dissertation with 0 intrusive "you need to do this!!!!" thoughts in my head.
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nice2meetyouu · 1 year
Nagsimula ang araw ko at 5:30 am. Gusto ko nang matapos 'yung assessment sa bago kong inapplyan. Parang majority ng post ko ay about sa mga inaapplyan ko. At parang hindi ako natatapos mag-apply ever. Pero baka nasa isip ko lang 'yon.
Random thoughts: Sana may parang upperdeck din dito malapit sa bahay. Miss ko na 'yung dati. Everyday may ganap. Yoga, zumba, pilates, at ang pinakakakaibang nagawa ko sa buhay ko probably: ang pole... dance? 'Di naman kami sumasayaw, umaakyat lang sa pole tapos may mga pose ka na kailangang gawin. At the time parang gusto ko nga i-try 'yung lubid-lubid lang maliban sa pole, pero walang ganoon sa studio.
Natapos ko na 'yung assessment ngayong mga 8:30 am or so, tapos nag-overthink pa ulit ako for another 30 minutes bago isubmit at mag-email kay SF (siya 'yung nag-contact sa akin) na nagsubmit na ako. Since napagod na ako sa mga pinaggagagawa ko, siguro sa June na lang ako ulit magpapakaactive. At 'yon ay kung hindi pa rin ako matatanggap sa isang masayang second job within this month.
Sabi ng ka-work ko, bakit daw andami naming nadidiscover noong isa pa naming teammate? Saan daw ba kami naghahanap ng mga 'to?
So after ko sa isang laptop, sa next laptop naman ang punta para sa regular job.
May dalawa akong application this month na mukhang promising. Unique 'yung both roles, 'yung tipong hindi alam ng mga tao na may gano'ng trabaho ever or para saan 'yon or anong ginagawa. Happy ako na nakakakita ako ng mga gano'n kasi precisely 'yun nga 'yung hinahanap ko—mga bagay kung saan magmemake sense 'yung pagiging doktor pero wala ka sa ospital. For example, dun sa isa, meron silang tinatawag na text-based at asynchronous consultation. 'Yung isa naman ay about design thinking.
P.S. Gusto ko na talaga bumili ng Balbo kaso ang mahal.
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drkashikajainmeerut · 19 days
OCD Ko Kaise Door Kare
Overcoming OCD: A Journey of Hope and Healing
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can feel like an insurmountable mountain, casting a shadow over every aspect of life. However, there is hope. Recovery from OCD is not only possible but can be achieved without medication. Let’s explore how to embark on this journey of healing and self-discovery.
Understanding OCD:
OCD is characterized by intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors (compulsions). These thoughts can be distressing and the behaviors time-consuming, leading to significant impairment in daily life. But remember, you are not alone, and many have walked this path to recovery successfully.
Self-Help Strategies:
1. Mindfulness and Meditation: Mindfulness helps in becoming aware of your thoughts without reacting to them. Meditation practices can calm the mind and reduce the intensity of obsessive thoughts.
2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT, especially Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), is highly effective in treating OCD. It involves gradually exposing yourself to the source of your anxiety and refraining from performing compulsive behaviors. This method helps in breaking the cycle of OCD. For those wondering “ocd ko kaise theek karen in hindi,” seeking a CBT therapist who can provide guidance in your preferred language can be beneficial.
3. Journaling: Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you understand your triggers and patterns. It also serves as a therapeutic outlet for processing emotions.
4. Physical Exercise: Regular physical activity can reduce anxiety and improve your mood. Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural stress relievers.
Building a Support System:
5. Connect with Others: Joining a support group, either in person or online, can provide a sense of community and understanding. Sharing your experiences with others who are going through similar struggles can be incredibly comforting.
6. Educate Your Loved Ones: Helping your family and friends understand OCD can create a supportive environment. They can offer encouragement and help you stay accountable in your recovery journey.
Lifestyle Adjustments:
7. Balanced Diet and Sleep: Maintaining a healthy diet and ensuring adequate sleep can greatly impact your mental health. Avoiding caffeine and sugar can help in reducing anxiety levels.
8. Limit Stress: Stress management techniques such as yoga, deep breathing exercises, and progressive muscle relaxation can be effective in managing OCD symptoms.
Positive Affirmations:
9. Use Affirmations: Daily affirmations can reinforce a positive mindset. For example, saying “ocd ko kaise door kare” (how to eliminate OCD) can remind you of your goal to overcome the disorder.
10. Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself. Understand that OCD is a part of you, but it does not define you. Celebrate small victories along the way.
Seeking Professional Help:
While many can manage and even overcome OCD without medication, seeking professional help is crucial. Therapists can guide you through techniques like CBT and ERP, tailored to your specific needs. If you are searching for “ocd ko kaise roke” (how to stop OCD), a professional therapist can provide you with the tools and strategies necessary for lasting recovery.
Recovery from OCD is a journey, not a destination. With determination, the right strategies, and a supportive environment, you can manage and overcome OCD. Remember, “ocd kaise thik ho sakta hai” (how can OCD be cured) depends on your commitment to the process.
Believe in your ability to heal. Each step you take towards understanding and managing your OCD brings you closer to a life free from its grip. Stay hopeful, stay strong, and keep moving forward.
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tantratshirts · 3 months
Funk it Up with Style: 5 Coolest Funky T-Shirt Trends You Can’t Miss
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Funky t shirts have turned into a canvas of creativity and style in this evolving fashion industry. Such t-shirts can be used as a medium to express your mood, personality, occasion, or anything you like or dislike. Modern graphic technologies on clothes have made it incredibly easy for customers to create their own funky designs. In this article, we give you the 5 most funky ways to make your t-shirts speak for you.
5 funky designs to suit all moods
Read through the article to know the different ways you can make your everyday t-shirts look eye-catching. Shared below are the top 5 ideas to make your t-shirts look funky.
Express with memes
To make the mood light around you, wear t-shirts with funny memes. From face memes to caricatures of your favorite cultural icon, humorous memes can be your funny language to break the ice. For example, you had a bad fight with your dear friend the last day and you go to meet her wearing "In my defense, I was left unsupervised". It's a great way to put serious thoughts across in a funny way.
Bollywood drama
Whether looking for funky t shirts for men or women, you can find both printed in Bollywood style and wear them to show off the fully filmy side of you. From catchy one-liners of Hindi movies to flaunting your favorite hero or their poses, such T-shirts have a huge fan base. These t-shirts can make a statement with the right attitude. You can wear them on cinema dates, dinner dates, or a special occasion with family or friends. Sporting such tees instantly creates a vibe and lifts the mood.
Hilarious quotes and parodies are an absolute stunner for your funky t-shirts when you are entering a club for partying or camping with your friends. A rightly-quoted t-shirt can also make special days memorable. Such t-shirts can be bought online for occasions like Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, Valentine's Day, Graduation Day, etc.
Picture play
Is any special day of your dear friend or family member around the corner? How about bringing back the nostalgia of special memories through pictured t-shirts? You can capture your special moments and get them printed on blank tees online. A childhood picture, a picture of your pet, or a family photo getting imprinted on a t-shirt makes it extra special. It is a cool way of expressing love and also serves as a great gift.
Display of your interests
It is quite in trend to wear things of your interests printed on your t-shirt. For example express your love for yoga, pets, playing guitar, or any sports through t-shirts. It helps in striking an easy conversation with people of similar interests. You can check Tantra TShirts for buying such cool and funky t shirts for women and men. Attractive designs and cool color choices make these tees even more tempting.
By following these cool t-shirt trends you are sure to turn heads and give your personality and aura that extra edge. The super cool ways to up your t-shirt game are now a fingertip away. Wear your humor on t-shirts to make life more interesting.
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yogaindepth · 3 months
yoga is living life skillfully
There is duality in the Human nervous system, one part of our nervous system tries to react to external stimulus, other part tries to normalise the nervous system and bring it back from reaction mode.  Toning and Training of Vagus Nerve can help bring balance between these DUAL parts of our nervous system.  Doing Yoga / Surya Namaskar / Meditation can help tone  our Vagus nervous system.  By doing Yoga we tend to do our work in the best possible way
Patanjali Yoga Sutra #16     -  Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
‘Yogaha karmasu kaushalam’ Skill in action is yoga 
As you all know, there are three gunas or qualities. They are sattva, rajas and tamas. Three gunas come into our life in cycles. When sattva comes, there is alertness, knowledge, interest and joy in everything. When rajo guna comes, more desires, selfishness, restlessness and sadness arise in us. When tamo guna comes, delusion, attachment, lack of knowledge, lethargy, all this comes. These three come in life, turn by turn. But one who is centered will watch, witness and just move through that very naturally, innocently, without being averse to it.
When aversion comes what happens? You are promoting it. Whatever you are averse to, you stay with it and whatever you crave for, you continue to crave for it. You allow the craving to continue. Without craving or aversion, moving through the guna is pure skill and that is yoga. It is said: ‘Yogaha karmasu kaushalam’ - the skill in action is yoga. Yoga itself means skill. Yoga is the skill to live life, skill to manage your mind, skill to deal with your emotions, skill to be with people, skill to be in love and not let love turn into hatred.
Everyone loves in this world. Everything loves, but that love does not stay too long as love. It immediately becomes hatred, almost immediately. But yoga is that skill, that preservative which maintains love as love throughout.
Question from the audience: Dear Guruji, if a habit is developed of separating oneself from everything in an artificial way, you will lose spontaneity, attunement with nature and will not be fully engaged in life by giving your 100 percent. How do you walk this tightrope? How do you know if you are too far from one side and the other?
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Dispassion does not divide you. In fact, it connects you. It connects you to the present moment totally. When you are not dispassionate, you are linked to the past or future. So, you are not connected to the present. Therefore, you are more divided.
When your mind is hoping for something or when you regret the past, you are not with the moment. But when you are centered, you are in the moment. So, when you are eating, you can taste every bite. You can enjoy every bite. Every look, every sight is fresh and new. Your love is like the first love. You look at everything like it is the first time.
WHAT IS VAGAS NERVE , HOW TO BALANCE OUR DUALITY, ATTAIN CHITTA VRITTI NIRODHANA AND attain  चित्त प्रसन्न - pleasant happy mind, which is free from obstacles / cyclical thoughts stated in patanjali yoga sutras 1.29 to 1.36
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Video 2
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salasarjigemsllp222 · 3 months
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Benefits of Wearing Natural Citrine (Sunela) Stone
Citrine is formed when amethyst, another variety of quartz, is heated. The heat causes the iron impurities in the amethyst to transform into the yellow, orange, or brown color that is characteristic of citrine.
Citrine is known for its associations with success, abundance, and prosperity. It is said to help with manifestation and to attract wealth and good fortune. It is also believed to have cleansing properties, helping to clear negative energy and emotions.
In addition to its metaphysical properties, citrine is a durable and affordable gemstone, making it a popular choice for jewelry designers and collectors alike. It is often used in rings, earrings, pendants, and bracelets.
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Benefits of Citrine Gemstone
Citrine is a beautiful yellow-orange gemstone that is known for its many benefits. Here are some of the most commonly cited benefits of citrine:
Positive energy: Citrine is believed to promote positive energy and help eliminate negative energy from one’s environment. It is thought to be particularly useful for people who suffer from depression, anxiety, or other emotional issues.
Wealth and abundance: Citrine is often called the “merchant’s stone” because it is believed to bring wealth and prosperity to its wearer. It is said to enhance creativity, increase motivation, and attract success and abundance.
Physical health: Citrine is said to have a positive effect on the physical body, particularly on the digestive system, the circulatory system, and the immune system. It is believed to help regulate hormones, improve metabolism, and detoxify the body.
Mental clarity: Citrine is believed to enhance mental clarity and focus, and to help one make better decisions. It is said to promote self-confidence and self-esteem, and to help one overcome fears and phobias.
Spiritual growth: Citrine is often used in spiritual practices, such as meditation and yoga. It is believed to help one connect with the higher self, increase intuition, and promote spiritual growth and enlightenment.
Overall, citrine is a beautiful and versatile gemstone that is believed to have many beneficial properties. Whether you are looking to improve your physical health, enhance your mental clarity, or connect with your spiritual side, citrine may be worth exploring.
Citrine stone benefits Sunela stone price 7.50 Ratti Natural Citrine stone price Original Citrine stone price in India Citrine stone in hindi Citrine price per ct Buy Natural & Certified Citrine Sunela Gemstone Buy Citrine (Sunela) Stone online at Best Price Buy Citrine (Sunela) Online at Best Price in India
Address: 1185-87, Shop No. 9 Gems Plaza Chhatta Madan Gopal, Maliwara, Chandni Chowk, New Delhi, Delhi 110006
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deshbandhu · 4 months
From Screen to Real Life: Bollywood Actors' Hobbies and Interests
The glitz and glamour of Bollywood often leave fans curious about what their favorite actors do when they're not in front of the camera. While their on-screen personas captivate millions, the off-screen lives of Bollywood stars are equally fascinating. Many Bollywood actors have diverse hobbies and interests that showcase their multifaceted personalities. For those who crave Bollywood news in Hindi, exploring these lesser-known aspects can provide a fresh and intriguing perspective on these stars.
The Fitness Enthusiasts
Fitness is a significant part of many Bollywood actors' lives. Regularly featured in Bollywood news in Hindi, these stars inspire their fans with their dedication to health and wellness. Some actors are avid gym-goers, sharing their workout routines and fitness tips on social media. These glimpses into their fitness regimes highlight their commitment to staying in peak physical condition for their demanding roles.
Others prefer yoga, an age-old practice that not only keeps them fit but also helps maintain mental peace. By sharing their yoga sessions, these actors promote a balanced lifestyle that combines physical activity with mental well-being, inspiring fans to adopt similar practices.
The Artistic Souls
Many Bollywood actors channel their creativity through various forms of art. Painting, for instance, is a popular hobby among several stars. They often share their artworks on social media, showcasing a different side of their talent. This interest in painting not only provides a therapeutic escape from their hectic schedules but also allows them to express their innermost thoughts and emotions.
Similarly, some actors have a deep passion for music. Whether it's playing an instrument or singing, these stars find solace in melodies. Their musical endeavors, often highlighted in Bollywood news in Hindi, add another layer to their artistic personas, showing that their talents extend beyond acting.
The Culinary Connoisseurs
Food is another passion for many Bollywood actors. Some enjoy cooking and experimenting with new recipes in their kitchens. They often share their culinary creations with fans, offering a peek into their personal lives. This hobby not only allows them to unwind but also to connect with their cultural roots and share their love for food with their audience.
Others are avid foodies who love exploring different cuisines. These actors often document their culinary adventures on social media, providing fans with recommendations and reviews. This interest in food, frequently covered in Bollywood news in Hindi, highlights their appreciation for diverse flavors and culinary traditions.
The Travel Buffs
Traveling is a common hobby among Bollywood stars, offering them a break from their busy schedules and an opportunity to explore new places. Many actors are passionate about discovering new destinations and cultures. They often share their travel experiences through vlogs and social media posts, giving fans a virtual tour of exotic locations.
These travel escapades not only provide relaxation but also serve as a source of inspiration. Whether it's hiking in the mountains, exploring historical sites, or lounging on pristine beaches, their travel stories are a favorite topic in Bollywood news in Hindi, showcasing their adventurous spirits.
The Sports Aficionados
Sports play a significant role in the lives of many Bollywood actors. Some are passionate about cricket, a sport that holds a special place in Indian hearts. They often participate in celebrity cricket matches, demonstrating their skills and love for the game. These events, widely covered in Bollywood news in Hindi, bring together the worlds of cinema and sports, much to the delight of fans.
Other actors are enthusiastic about different sports like football, badminton, or even more niche activities like scuba diving or martial arts. Their involvement in sports not only keeps them fit but also reflects their competitive and adventurous nature.
The Social Activists
Beyond their glamorous lifestyles, many Bollywood actors are deeply involved in social causes. Their philanthropic efforts and activism are often highlighted in Bollywood news in Hindi. Whether it's supporting education, healthcare, environmental conservation, or animal rights, these stars use their influence to make a positive impact on society.
Their commitment to social causes demonstrates a sense of responsibility and compassion. By participating in various charitable activities and raising awareness about important issues, they inspire their fans to contribute to societal betterment.
The hobbies and interests of Bollywood actors reveal that there is much more to these stars than what meets the eye. From fitness and art to culinary pursuits and social activism, their off-screen lives are rich and diverse. For those who follow Bollywood news in Hindi, these insights provide a deeper connection with their favorite actors, showcasing their humanity and multifaceted talents. Exploring these aspects of their lives reminds us that behind the glamorous façade, Bollywood stars are individuals with passions and interests that enrich their lives and inspire their fans.
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myastronastrology · 5 months
What Does Kemdrum Yoga Mean in Vedic Astrology by Date of Birth Free?
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​In Vedic astrology, Kemdrum Yoga is a critical planetary mix that can significantly affect a singular’s life. This yoga is frequently connected with sensations of forlornness, disconnection, and absence of help in one’s life. Understanding what Kemdrum Yoga addresses and how it can appear in an individual’s graph is essential for crystal gazers to give exact direction and cure astrology by date of birth free. What is Kemdrum Yoga? Kemdrum Yoga happens when there are no planets — either in a combination or viewpoint — on one or the other side of the Moon in a singular introduction to the world outline. This planetary blend is viewed as ominous and can cause difficulties in one’s day-to-day existence. The presence of Kemdrum Yoga in an individual’s introduction to the world graph is said to show an absence of help from loved ones, as well as troubles in framing significant connections free astrology online. How does Kemdrum Yoga influence an individual? The effect of Kemdrum Yoga can shift contingent upon the position of the Moon in an individual’s graph and the generally speaking planetary arrangement. A few normal topics related to Kemdrum Yoga include kundli matching with name: Sensations of depression and seclusion Battles in shaping cozy connections Absence of everyday reassurance from loved ones Trouble in tracking down joy and happiness throughout everyday life Solutions for Kemdrum Yoga While Kemdrum Yoga can present difficulties, there are a few cures that people can practice to relieve their belongings. A few normal solutions for Kemdrum Yoga include kundli matching in hindi by name: Adoring Master Shiva Reciting the Chandra Mantra Performing thoughtful gestures and good cause Wearing a pearl gemstone  ​All in all, Kemdrum Yoga is a critical planetary mix in Vedic crystal gazing that can significantly affect a singular’s life. By understanding what Kemdrum Yoga addresses and carrying out proper cures, people can explore the difficulties presented by this yoga and lead a seriously satisfying life love problem solution in mumbai.
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businesspromoting · 6 months
Nasha mukti Kolkata
"Nasha Mukti" is a term in Hindi that translates to "freedom from addiction" or "addiction liberation" in English. It refers to the process of overcoming addiction to substances such as alcohol, drugs, or tobacco. Nasha Mukti encompasses various approaches and interventions aimed at helping individuals break free from the cycle of addiction and lead healthier, substance-free lives. Here are some common elements of Nasha Mukti programs kolkata:
Detoxification: Detoxification, or detox, is often the first step in Nasha Mukti programs. It involves the removal of addictive substances from the body while managing withdrawal symptoms safely and comfortably. Medical supervision may be necessary, especially for severe withdrawal symptoms.
Counseling and Therapy: Counseling and therapy play a crucial role in Nasha Mukti programs by addressing the psychological and emotional aspects of addiction. Individual counseling, group therapy, and family therapy sessions help individuals understand the root causes of their addiction, develop coping skills, and learn strategies for relapse prevention.
Behavioral Therapies: Behavioral therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), motivational interviewing, and contingency management are commonly used in Nasha Mukti programs. These therapies help individuals identify and change unhealthy thought patterns and behaviors associated with addiction.
Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT): For certain types of addiction, medication may be prescribed as part of Nasha Mukti programs to help reduce cravings, alleviate withdrawal symptoms, and support long-term recovery. Medications such as methadone, buprenorphine, naltrexone, and acamprosate may be used under medical supervision.
Peer Support Groups: Peer support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), and SMART Recovery provide valuable support and encouragement for individuals in recovery. These groups offer a safe and non-judgmental environment for sharing experiences, receiving support, and learning from others who have overcome addiction.
Holistic Approaches: Some Nasha Mukti programs incorporate holistic therapies and practices such as yoga, meditation, art therapy, and mindfulness-based techniques. These approaches address the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of addiction recovery, promoting overall well-being and resilience.
Aftercare Planning: Successful Nasha Mukti programs include aftercare planning to support individuals as they transition back to their daily lives after completing treatment. Aftercare may involve ongoing therapy, support group participation, sober living arrangements, vocational training, and relapse prevention strategies.
Nasha Mukti programs can vary in duration, intensity, and treatment approaches depending on individual needs and preferences. It's important for individuals struggling with addiction to seek professional help from qualified healthcare providers or addiction specialists to begin their journey toward recovery.
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proofofgods · 9 months
Harmony Unveiled: The Quest for Divine Synchronicity in 'Proof of Gods' Chronicles
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Embarking on a transformative journey in our pursuit of the Divine, we navigate the vast landscapes of thought, light, and will, immersing ourselves in the profound depths of our innermost heart's feelings and emotions. The convergence of both—mind and heart—serves as the fulcrum, elevating our entire being towards the Divine.
The essence of this spiritual expedition lies in a focused alignment of enlightened thought, resolute willpower, and the intense emotions of the heart, all directed towards a singular, expansive goal. This goal encompasses the pursuit of knowledge, a connection with the luminous source, and an unwavering inspiration for our actions, all emanating from the Divine. The starting point is a concentrated unity of these faculties, consciously or subconsciously drawn by the inherent aspirations of our inner nature towards the Divine.
This journey into Yoga unfolds through a comprehensive concentration of thought, perception, vision, and the soul's realization, converging on the singular Divine. Simultaneously, the heart ignites a passionate concentration in the pursuit of the All and Eternal, leading to a profound immersion into the possession and ecstasy of the All-Beautiful. The will, strong and unwavering, concentrates on attaining and fulfilling all aspects of the Divine, while remaining open and adaptable to manifesting the divine intentions within us. This threefold approach encapsulates the essence of the Yoga path.
Collections like 'Proof of Gods' transcend the boundaries of intellectual and spiritual quests. They symbolize transformative odysseys, inviting seekers to explore life's mysteries and offering experiences that serve as guiding lights for introspection. Through these collections, individuals embark on fresh journeys, aligning with the profound truths of existence, transcending mere knowledge, and fostering a renewed and deepened connection with the divine.
Explore more: [OpenSea Collection] - https://opensea.io/collection/proof-of-gods-unleashed?tab=items
📺 Watch in English: [Divine Transcendence with Mahakaal and Mahakali] https://youtu.be/mVuiZp9LpUo?si=XGDFRARVI2mm2d4Q
📺 Watch in Hindi: https://youtu.be/K_osi5AI9gg?si=6CSGnQkRGVLPFgvH
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boloorsportsmania · 11 months
#866 Pre-Independence born and ex IISc graduate turns 80 !!
In era where upgrading skill is core aspect of career and life , my dad has done it all. A man who was born in pre independence era , having heart of 60s and 70s but mind is as active as new GenAI era. He was rank holder in BSc Maths and completed engineering in IIsc via scholarship. He started his career in electrical later moved to marketing. He retired as AGM in SAIL.
We celebrated his 80th birthday in style which he loves. A banana leaf meal with family. 90% of food is home cooked with contributions from all. A day to cherish for him and us as well.
Time for some flashback now. A few memories of dad which has and will stay with us forever.
Till 1992, we always thought that Radhakrishna Rao ( my dad) was born on 25-Dec-1943. Even dad had the feeling that this was his birth date as it was in all his records. My grandfather had a family book where DOB of all Boloorians were kept as record. We all of a sudden realized in 1992 that he was born on 29-Oct-1943. He was a Scorpion like mom. Mom was born on 31-Oct-1950. We saw it as 2 days difference between their birthdays. Dad had another jovial angle to describe it. He used to say mom was born 2 years after independence. He had a wicked sense of humor sometimes!!
Today that great man is turning 80 !! Time has flown too fast for this Bsc Maths rank holder, engineering student in prestigious IIsc , retired AGM of VISL (a subsidiary of SAIL) , stocks champion, “Can talk on any topic !!“ master, a thorough gentlemen , a self-proclaimed YOGA guru and sweet-loving guy. By sweet loving, I really meant sweets. He can’t live a day without eating a sweet which he totally adores !!. He might still manage to live without sweets but don’t think he can without yoga and stocks study. He has been investing in stocks since 1981 (if I am not wrong !! ) . He never shows his excitement or anger when stocks jump or dips !!. Probably his body language gives an indication. Just for the love of stocks, he learnt to use Microsoft XLS at the age of 60, tablet at the age of 72 , laptop at the age of 74 and even boasts a google finance account which he monitors through his mobile (bought a smart phone just for this !!). His past time always goes in calculating capital gains and analyzing what stocks or MF to buy !! . I am completely opposite to him. I do like finance but not to the extent this freak does !! (I do call him freak sometimes). Once newspaper comes in the morning, he detaches the sports edition and hands over to me. He calls me an Urdu sports freak sometimes!!! In all newspaper, sports edition is there in last few pages. I always read the newspaper from last page to first. So the name Urdu Sports freak !!
It’s impossible to list down moments with dad which I cherished as there are so many. One of the most memorable one was the day Seema won 2nd prize in Hindi debate (2nd in entire Karnataka) . He was so happy that day that his eyes was glowing. He was immensely proud. Each time Seema would win a competition ( I felt she was born talented. She would win most competitions, was a charm in plays and was always topper in studies. It was a deadly combo and I always felt she was a magician), dad looked very happy proud. Her multi talent is evident in her career too. She was a BSC Zoology student, worked in IMRB for IA Flying returns and now running a host of sessions on story telling very successfully. That’s as varied set of talent a human can get. Seema was always dad’s pet due to this rare talent. He would proudly tell about her deeds to his friends. I was a kid who was born other side of planet probably. I hardly won any events, was an above average student (thanks to mom for that!! ) and was a sports fanatic. I owe my passion for sports partly to dad’s interests as well. 2 instances was the real trigger for that.
1982 Asian games and 1983 world cup were 2 key calendar years for India. Dad had literally got TV imported from north India just to watch these events (at least I always felt that he bought TV for these events !! ). It looked like a magic box for me. None of our neighbors had TV . Even our rich landlord was watching our TV. How cool was that !! 1982 Asian games was held in India for the first time. It was a grand spectacle. Best was 1983 world cup which India won as underdogs. Host of dad’s cousins had come from native to watch the finals. Our house was small . TV was kept in hall. There was a huge window which was opened to allow neighbors to watch TV. Atleast 30-40 people watched the finals. Snacks would come from all the houses. I just can’t imagine watching a match like that in current generation. Crackers was burst across Bangalore when India won the finals. I was all but 6 by then. That day was the first instance which triggered the sports madness in me. Post that I got bat and ball from dad.
2nd instance which triggered another nerve of sports madness in me was when I first watched tennis. It was era of Martina and Mconroe. I hardly knew a thing about tennis. It was dad who taught me on how points worked in tennis. In mid 80s, only Wimbledon was telecasted in DD post SF matches. We used to wait for that weekend with eagerness. The first finals which I saw was Martina vs Evert. Martina won the match after losing her first set. It was her 6th Wimbledon title and 12th slam overall. In men’s tennis, a new 17 year old kid had made great stride to reach finals where he faced Kevin Curren. It was a tight 4 setter but Becker won in 4 sets. It was amazing to see him serve with so much power, dive around the net with ease and play with such soft and silk touch around the nets. He was named BOOM BOOM Becker after this win !! He was in all sports headlines that week.
If people blame me for being crazy for sports, dad had a great hand in that!! In mid 90s, when I started watching golf, he started staring me with a look “ Its game for retired people!!..Why are you watching it?? “ . Moving on, other than sports he has inspired me in a lot of other things. Money management, time management and health focus being key of them. I can’t recall a phase in his career when he had a tummy which is crazy. Half my life, I have stared at my tummy when I bend my head down !!! He never visited a gym but ensured he walks, jogs or does yoga throughout his life. He had slip disc when he was in mid-40s but that didn’t stop him from exercising. He couldn’t jog anymore. So he did loads of walking and yoga. He was so addicted to walking that he once walked at 330 AM in the morning thinking it is 530 AM. His alarm had rung 2 hours early. He reached home asking why sun was not rising !!. Mom gave him a stare and told that it was not even 430 AM !!
In Pre TV era, all he made us do was walking which we sorely miss in today’s life. After dinner, we would walk for 30 min , chat all along and then come back home and sleep. Gone are those days !! My son Shreyas can’t believe we lived such a life !! Another thing which I owe to dad is love for food. Irrespective of how the situation of his purse was, he ensured that he took us out for dinner in regular intervals. In mid 80s, when we were in Bhadravathi, a new restaurant had started which served North Indian food. It was first of its kind in the small town of Bhadravathi. We made regular visit there. Eating Manchurians, naan and various sabji was just a treat to my tummy. I have always been a fast eater. It helped me immensely when I visited hotel with my parents. Once I finished my share of food, dad and mom would some share of theirs too to my plate !!. The era of fast-eating-by-Mr-Sandeep has not stopped since then. I enjoy eating fast now and just can’t eat or drink anything slowly !! The secret behind that is revealed now !!.
Dad’s work ethics is 2nd to none. Since he has got retired, he virtually plans what work he needs to do each day. His usual work starts with a watch of NASDAQ stock numbers before 8 AM. That gives an idea of how Indian markets would fare. He would then walk along to Geojit office to get some analysis of some stocks. He does further study of that stocks fare over a period of time. Based on the analysis, he does day trading of few stocks here and there. It is not the amount of stocks sold or bought that counts but the process. One can do for 1 day or at the max for 50 days. But has done this for 90% of the days since 2001 (when he moved to Bangalore post retirement). That’s some discipline. If I am able to achieve even 50% of the discipline which he has, I would pat my back.
Even 8 years is not enough to write about “Man of Steel “ Dad. For now, I need to logically end this blog which is a tribute for his 80th birthday. Hope this blog bring him an inch of happiness which would make my day. Having said that, mom is turning 74 two days later as well. A year later, another blog would be presented.
Entire boloor clan wishes him a grand a fabulous 80th birthday. Just like his kids and grand kids say , 80 is just a number. Cheers !!
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drkashikajainmeerut · 29 days
OCD Ko Kaise Door Kare
Overcoming OCD: A Journey of Hope and Healing
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can feel like an insurmountable mountain, casting a shadow over every aspect of life. However, there is hope. Recovery from OCD is not only possible but can be achieved without medication. Let’s explore how to embark on this journey of healing and self-discovery.
Understanding OCD:
OCD is characterized by intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors (compulsions). These thoughts can be distressing and the behaviors time-consuming, leading to significant impairment in daily life. But remember, you are not alone, and many have walked this path to recovery successfully.
Self-Help Strategies:
1. Mindfulness and Meditation:Mindfulness helps in becoming aware of your thoughts without reacting to them. Meditation practices can calm the mind and reduce the intensity of obsessive thoughts.
2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT):CBT, especially Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), is highly effective in treating OCD. It involves gradually exposing yourself to the source of your anxiety and refraining from performing compulsive behaviors. This method helps in breaking the cycle of OCD. For those wondering “ocd ko kaise theek karen in hindi,” seeking a CBT therapist who can provide guidance in your preferred language can be beneficial.
3. Journaling:Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you understand your triggers and patterns. It also serves as a therapeutic outlet for processing emotions.
4. Physical Exercise:Regular physical activity can reduce anxiety and improve your mood. Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural stress relievers.
Building a Support System:
5. Connect with Others:Joining a support group, either in person or online, can provide a sense of community and understanding. Sharing your experiences with others who are going through similar struggles can be incredibly comforting.
6. Educate Your Loved Ones:Helping your family and friends understand OCD can create a supportive environment. They can offer encouragement and help you stay accountable in your recovery journey.
Lifestyle Adjustments:
7. Balanced Diet and Sleep:Maintaining a healthy diet and ensuring adequate sleep can greatly impact your mental health. Avoiding caffeine and sugar can help in reducing anxiety levels.
8. Limit Stress:Stress management techniques such as yoga, deep breathing exercises, and progressive muscle relaxation can be effective in managing OCD symptoms.
Positive Affirmations:
9. Use Affirmations:Daily affirmations can reinforce a positive mindset. For example, saying “ocd ko kaise door kare” (how to eliminate OCD) can remind you of your goal to overcome the disorder.
10. Self-Compassion:Be kind to yourself. Understand that OCD is a part of you, but it does not define you. Celebrate small victories along the way.
Seeking Professional Help:
While many can manage and even overcome OCD without medication, seeking professional help is crucial. Therapists can guide you through techniques like CBT and ERP, tailored to your specific needs. If you are searching for “ocd ko kaise roke” (how to stop OCD), a professional therapist can provide you with the tools and strategies necessary for lasting recovery.
Recovery from OCD is a journey, not a destination. With determination, the right strategies, and a supportive environment, you can manage and overcome OCD. Remember, “ocd kaise thik ho sakta hai” (how can OCD be cured) depends on your commitment to the process.
Believe in your ability to heal. Each step you take towards understanding and managing your OCD brings you closer to a life free from its grip. Stay hopeful, stay strong, and keep moving forward.
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