#yo mama is cold boi xD
centuryolddoctor · 3 years
🌸 Put a flower in my muse’s hair (from the reindeer son)
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Somewhat soft girn blooms on the old doctor's face as she looks down at her son. She rarely showed any softness but she did reach her hand down to Chopper, gently pulling the front of his hat to cover his eyes. "Tsk....ever the corny one ain'tcha?"
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sassasquashedgrapes · 7 years
Kardashian Dreaming
Had the coolest/most bizarre dream ever. 
I was seated at this meeting with Mama Kris Jenner, Rob was there and prolly the other family members, I can’t remember. And she was gonna hire me or wanted to hire me, and it was an interview or something am not so sure.  But basically my role was to hang around the whole Kardashian-Jenner clan, be on the prowl on the stuff they do, find research backing up evidence that what they do is effective by science (but way better than David Avocado Wolfe levels, more classier and actually backed up by a medical doctor (hello, me!), and yes, blog about it.
Or ghost write articles whatever floats my boat. Basically tag along with them, maybe occasionally take their pics for Instagram/Snapchat as to back up the article I wrote or blogged, but not in a PA kind of way.  I’m more like just like a third party observer, I am to be treated cordially and kindly, not like staff, whom I don’t like as some are bossy, snobby divas (must be competition syndrome who knows?).
I don’t get to be on the show either (Thank God, I wasn’t the type who wanted that sort of attention to begin with), but as a fan of the series, it’s a treat that I get a full-depth view of what goes on in the family for real and ahead from what’s aired on E!, way before everyone else gets to see it (of course I have a disclosure clause tho I can write anything, as long as Mama Jenner approves of the topic of course, like I report directly to her anyway and she does keep direct tabs with me on the stuff that I write).
Well, anyway, going back  to the story: Then Kris goes for the jugular and looks  me in the eye and says “we pay higher than 500 per hour”, kinda making me know she’s done her homework about me and that whatever I’m currently being paid for at my current job,  she’s willing to pay me higher (lol. 600 maybe?) and before y’all start thinking, I knew deep down Mama Kris meant she was gonna pay me at least 600 US Dollars per hour just to “keep up with them”,  and I had a fixed schedule of reporting 3-4x a week at least four hours to a maximum of 8 hours a day, as for specifics on time well, if there are evening events and if I’m free, I can go and would be paid double for night differential. All of which was pretty ok by me.
I learned in my 90 minute snooze that the Kardashian clan are actually pretty generous employers. Like you got free range around the house (of course you can’t enter the private rooms unless you’re invited by the owner to go in and there are CCTVs so they do know when PAs steal their stuff), you can eat whatever food is in the pantry (except stuff that’s labeled with the names of the girls if they’re saving it for later, like Kim writes her name on it labeled as “Kim” or “Kiki”, Kourtney uses a green tape label so you know it’s hers, shit this dream is so detailed, it was beyond!!!
Anyway, so I get the job yo’. I’m hanging out with Kanye West. He’s not even scary. He’s actually very nice and polite, not like the angry dude you always see on the telly.
So he’s going about talking being drawn to different kinds of wall graffitis (I swear I had no idea there were even types to begin with!  Shit there it is on google, people I am just typing this website and googling it down now because I thought that dream was just crack but fuuuucccck nnnhhooo!!!) and showed me this wall written with words like yeezy (yes written in bold with no caps on the first “y”) and a quote, I can’t remember but I know it was a cool quote about believing in yourself and pretty profound one at that. It took me a while to realize while talking to this man that he was in the process of making his own font!! People, Kanye West was designing his own fucking Times New Roman y’all!!! Prolly use the letterings to put it on his shirts, on his album, have it sold on Microsoft Office or whatnot, this shit is superb I simply cannot!!!.  It wasn’t a useless font,  it’s like a relatable font that could be used for making a slogan, a poster, or heck even as a document paper if you don’t mind wasting some ink on the printer.
It was super genius, I tell you. I remember giving him feedback about it (because he asked me, that’s how cool the ‘Ye is, he gets feedback from the masses coz he wants to understand the common people!) that I liked the design on the wall except if I stood at a certain distance, I couldn’t read the first word written on top (I can’t believe I had the nerve to talk up to the ‘Ye) but he was super cool about it and admitted he hadn’t thought about that but was “going with the creative flow” when he was in the moment and having an artistic flair myself, I understood where he was coming from.
Next I’m in the gym. Now I’m pretty certain this is recent, I cannot confirm if Khloe is pregnant but she sure wasn’t working out either.
Out of the Kardashian sisters, she’s the one I genuinely get along with the best. She even calls me by my first name Kristina, opting not to address me by my middle name which Kris and Kim do as I didn’t want to confuse myself into sharing a nickname similar to my new boss (aka Mama KJ). I dunno but I clicked best with Khloe and could honestly imagine that IRL we could be really good pals. She does have one interesting habit: she always has to turn off the lights when not in use.
It’s weird because you think one: these people are ridiculously rich but are stingy with electricity? Two, shouldn’t the Kardashian/Jenner fam invest in motion sensor lights? And Three: according to Khloe, she started getting back into this habit to reduce energy in lieu of Climate Change (of course), and it used to be the one reminder her dad, the late Robert Kardashian Sr  always made her do because, like me, she had a habit of leaving the lights on too.
So basically included on my job description was yep, turn off the lights each time I went out of a room or check if there are unused lights.
So one time I’m in the family gym, and Kim was there. Now out of all the Kardashian/Jenners (don’t tell Khloe ok, ORZ) Kim is my favourite. IRL she’s not tall, prolly around my height, but has a doll-face and is really curvy but small in the areas that matter. TBH Kim leaves me star-struck, very Kween- like: regal, formal, never losing her shit (unlike me the whole freaking dream sequence) but still approachable and likeable.
Out of all the Kardashian/Jenners, Kim is the most like Kris. Like literally Mama’s carbon copy, even in some mannerisms, except Kim is more reserved, polite, but still approachable without being intimidating, which that part is mostly like her Mom.  Though Kim can be intimidating in a different way.  Let’s just say both women have that Alpha air about them.
Kris Jenner is all business and is the the Queen Mom, kinda like my boss so it’s ironic I leave a job only to be hired by someone who resembles a lot of qualities similar to the former boss. But who can deny BIGGER and BETTER PAY?
As for Kim, I really can’t compare her to anyone I’ve ever met, but she’s definitely got an aura of being something extraordinary. Like Celebrity vibes.  That feeling one gets when you’re in the presence of someone who is gonna either change the world or bring it to its knees and end the rest of humanity, XD. 
 Anyway, I’m in the gym and I dunno why but there are icicles on the machines (the elliptical, the treadmill, the bikes)  I don’t feel cold or anything but it I chose to ignore it prolly coz I was astonished that there were icicles on the machines and yet no one bothers to turn off the AC and plus hello, I’m watching Kimye work out a sweat or rather, breathing cold air like some friggin’ Elsa with her long platinum hair which makes me miss own on bleached Khaleesi mane too.  Kim’s working on the treadmill, she gives me a polite smile and nod, and says hello, addressing me by my middle name (it’s shocking because I’ve barely been in this house or at this job for long, and already Kim knows me by name and face.  It’s like an amazing talent she and Kris have, they remember faces and names of people they’ve just met, whether you’re a Royalty or a servant, they’ll remember.  They’re like natural politicians!).  
Khloe asks me if I could turn off the lights, which was the gym, I dim it a bit, with Kim’s permission, of course.  She doesn’t mind, she’s in her own zone.  Breathing out cold air probably from those iced exercise machines I dunno (I believe I found new material for my writing blogs that I was hired for too).  
I move on to another side of the gym, which is a lounge area.  I see in the corner of my eye Kourtney having a informal business meeting with a blonde long-haired Japanese business dude who gives me Steve Aoki vibes, a translator (who is my friend Aira), and a bunch of other peeps lounging on sofas.  I yell over to Khloe and tell her that someone’s in the lounge room and she goes over to me and says “Oh yeah, leave the lights on.” Laughs off and walks away.
I’m not close with Kourt tho.  I don’t think we have bad vibes or anything, actually we’re the same age, it’s just Kourt and I never had a chance to bond because her top priority are her kids and we just never had time to chitchat, but I think she’s just as nice as the rest of the family, probably even more casual than Kim, but less chummy as Khloe.  She did mention once that I’m a natural with kids even though I never baby sat any of the Kardashian kids, but they’re really sweet and they seem to like me well enough.  
I’ve interacted with Mason, Reign, and Penny; they’re the sweetest kids, Reign and Penny always greet me with hugs, they’re super friendly.  Mason’s already a big boy, so hugs are not in order and he’s usually somewhere off doing his own thing or hanging out with Scott aka The Lord (who doesn’t seem like the douchebag he’s normally portrayed as in the show).  I’ve met North and Saint briefly as Kim was in a hurry, North’s a bit shy, she’s got the cutest smile tho. I just don’t think North warms up to people as easily as compared to Kourtney’s kids do tho.  Saint is adorable, as expected, but it’s too early to tell how he’s gonna be when he’s older, but he’s so darn cute. Saint reminds me of this kid of a friend of mine who was just about the cutest darnest little kid whom I preferred to babysit over his naughty older brother, Andrei, hahaha!
And as for the Kardashian-Jenner girls.  Well, all I can say is Kendall is by far the tallest and prettiest sister and has got the most amazing legs, but she’s moody as f tho.  Like let’s say she’d walk in a room I was in, she’d ignore me (unless I’d be the first one to greet her, then she’d respond with a bored hi or mumble something close to it) then Ken would do her own thing like sit on a corner of a table or lounge on a couch and interact with her sisters but mostly looks bored as if she’d rather be somewhere else more interesting than at home, which is kinda disappointing since I’m a huge fan of hers, but I get her deal.  She grew up into the whole limelight and unlike her older sisters, she never wanted any of it and if you asked her, she’d probably wish she was living a rather normal life. Plus the bad bitterness she has as a model and having to prove to everyone she’s a supermodel because people hate on her for the nepotism even though she really does work hard.  Basically Kendall is the Kuudere of the Kardashian/Jenner girls.  So I get her deal. But compared to Kun-Kuun Kenny, Kylie is more like the typical teen/Generation Z/late Millenial: Always on her phone, not really in tune with anything going on about in the house.  I like Jordyn Woods tho, she’s really friendly and warm that you don’t get an air vibe out of her, like she’s genuinely a nice girl that you’re glad she’s there for Kylie.  Maybe that’s the reason why Kylie’s got a lot more mellow than her older sister Kendall, since Kendall doesn’t have that sort of friendship from what I’ve seen based on that whole dynamic I’ve gathered in that 90 minute dream.
Oh, and as for Kylie being pregnant? Let’s just say, I can’t say :P
Lol.  If I had to make Dere-s out of them
Tsundere Type A: Kourtney
Himedere: Kim
Formerly Kamidere/ but now mostly Dandere: Kanye
Yandere: Khloe
Deredere but really Mayadere: Rob
Kuudere: Kendall
Undere/Ultimate Shota: Kylie
Sadodere: Kris Jenner (for sure!! Lol)
That dream was so awesome!!  Too bad I had to get up after dozing off when the alarm reminded me that I had to leave the house early because I had an exam. I woke up feeling shitty because I didn’t get enough rest and as I took a cold shower, it suddenly hit me that I had dreamed about this during that 90 minute accidental snooze and I found myself having to write it down, and added more of my personal in-depth thoughts because tho it was such a vivid dream that happened so fast, I’m amazed by how much insight I actually got based from those details that I decided to write it all down and post it on tumblr/twitter with hopes that I do wonder if any of this shit was accurate. 
 Hit me up to tell me what your thoughts are.  
I’m out!
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kelpie-keeper · 7 years
Title: Dark Desires pt 3 of 3 Rating: NC-17 Pairing/Characters: Yonekuni & Shirou Series: Sex Pistols Part of: Alt Universe; Continuation fic to A surprise for two: 1 & 2 and Little Known Secret. Third part to Dark Desires 1 & 2. Notes/Warnings: Set three years after Little Known secret. Someone has found out about Shirou and Tadakuni. Someone who wants to steal Shirou away. Story is smutty, corny, maybe a little dull (okay, maybe really, really dull) and dark. There’s kidnapping, attempted rape and a chase scene. Since Shirou’s parents names have never been revealed, with the help of two certain people, Shirou-mama & Shirou-papa now have names. Shirou’s mother is now Mischa and Shirou’s father is now Soujirou.  I have a habit of fostering Tadakuni on other people to give Yonekuni and Shirou some private time XD.  Yonekuni is a little OOC.  Will make that up in the continuation.
Tasting blood in his mouth, Shirou glared up at Mikkel.  But from the corner of his eye, he caught Tadakuni peeking out from the closet.  He couldn’t say anything there, couldn’t mouth the words or Mikkel would find out.  Franticly shouting the words in his head, telling his pup to stay in the closet.  Struggling harder to get his arms free of Mikkel’s grip, the sudden sound of pain and frustration caught his attention.  The grip on his arms loosened a little and Shirou was able to see the reason why.  His pup had let his soul out and sunken his teeth into Mikkel’s arm.  Though his teeth where still baby teeth, they where sharp enough to sink into Mikkel’s skin and draw blood.  Wide eyes watched the male shook his arm, dislodging the pup off his arm and threw him against the wall.
“You stupid little bastard,” Mikkel raged from the bed, his attention on the slumped, unconscious pup.
Shirou knew he couldn’t miss this opportunity, he never knew if he would be able to get another chance.  The perfect moment came as Mikkel leaned back, giving him enough room to draw back his knee then slam forward, straight into Mikkel’s exposed crotch.  He watched with satisfaction as his kidnapper’s face paled and curled up, trying to relieve the sudden pain.  A shove, pushing the stunned male away and off of him as he scrambled off the bed and pulled up his pants.  Grabbing his unconscious pup before making a break for it.  Tadakuni heavy in his arms, he ran down the stairs, ignoring the maid with cuts across her face and the guards, he made it out the door.  Trees in every direction, a dirt path that would lead him to the main road.
Hearing shouting, Shirou took off, making it to the trees before putting his back to a pine.  Grey eyes opened, looking up at him.  “Tadakuni,” he whispered as softly as he could, trying to keep his voice from being over heard.  “Just stay still,” setting his pup down, he forced his soul out and dropped his head, picking his pup up by the scruff of his neck.  Holding his son as carefully as he could, he started running parallel to the road, hoping to get away from his pursuers.  His paws flying under him, forcing himself to run faster, dodging trees and fallen logs.  Eyes narrowing, sounds from the road deterred him away from the dirt path.
Roaring sounds from above chased him deeper into the woods, his only goal was to get his son to safety.  Breathing deeply, he could smell others in the air.  The sound of gunfire and gunpowder strong in the summer breeze, he ignored the pain from a bullet grazing his cheek and the exhaustion he was feeling, he pushed himself on further.  He couldn’t ignore the feel of a large body tackling him to the ground.  Another wolf, just a slight size bigger than him glaring down at him.  Amber eyes blazing, he knew who it was.
Managing to dislodge him, he picked up his pup again and took off, slower than before.  Swallowing down the pain, he continued only to be stopped by a second tackle into a tree, hitting his back against the wood and dislodging Tadakuni from his grip.  The howl of pain from both his child and his son, his soul retreated leaving him half naked.  Through pain fogged eyes he could make out the faint shape of the rest of his pursuers and Mikkel, crouching in front of him as his own soul pulled back.  Pulling himself closer to where Tadakuni laid, Shirou pulled the pup into his arms.  Ignoring the pain in his back and ankle, he gently touched the pup’s forehead, dispelling his soul and brushed aside soft, blond hair.  His arms tightened around the boy as reached out for him, breathing hard and ordered the gard that flanked his side to keep any eye out.
“Thanks to your little brat, you got away for the time being.  But Once I’m done with you, your song is going to pay.”  Amber eyes watching as Shirou pulled back as much as he could.  He could see the exhaustion on his face, the pain in his eyes and smiled to himself.  Trailing his fingers down Shirou’s chin then clenched his fingers in short, blond hair.  “I know some people would pay for a young boy like this.  Would pay so much for a taste of him.  I’ll even bring you to watch-”  Roaring sounds from above stopped Mikkel as he spoke.
A large military helicopter descended from the air, intent on landing in the clearing.  A figure didn’t wait for the machine to land and instead, jumped down.  His heart pounding, Shirou recognized the large figure.
He didn’t pause when he landed on his feet, his eyes darting from the strange male to his partner and mate, then to his son.  Both covering in blood, scratches and marks covering their skin.  His hands clenched tightly, fingernails digging into his palms before leapt upon the offending male, forcing him to release Tadakuni’s hair.  Grabbing the male from the back of the throat, he pulled him away from Shirou before slugging him, watching as he went flying.  Watching with hate filled eyes as the male slowly got up, wiping blood away from his lip.
“I told you that you couldn’t watch him all the time.  I was right,” A small smile before he leapt at Yonekuni, starting to fight the blond earnestly.  He needed to win, had to win.  He knew he had to as he put up with the pain hits, fighting back as hard as he could.
Neither saw the maid from before, sneaking up behind the injured heavyweight and his son.  The small hand on his mouth and the cold metal against his bare neck told him to stay quest.  The sound of a gun cocking, the muzzle of the barrel moving from his bare neck to his head.  Heart pounding, he looked over his shoulder when the gun fell away, seeing his mother standing there with her heel digging into the back of the maid’s head.  Both of them ignored the sound of pain before his mother waved over the officers to her position.
Breathing heavily, Yonekuni’s tail slapped to the side as a deep throated rumble escaped his chest.  He took pride in seeing fear flash in those amber eyes before an answering sound from the wolf as they circled each other again.  As he lunged for Yonekuni’ the blond’s tail slapped him away hard enough to force himself on his back.  Standing above the downed wolf, Yonekuni glared down and lifted his foot to step on Mikkel’s throat.
“I should just kill you now.  Nice and slow so you can feel yourself die slowly, drowning in pain.”  Blue eyes narrowed, slitting into reptilian eyes as the animal inside took over.  “You took my partner and mate, my wife.  And you wanted to force him?”  His foot pressed harder down.  “And you where going to sell my son?”  Any more pressure down and he could have crushed his wind pipe, would enjoy watching him suffocate.  Would enjoy watching him struggle until the very end.  But the federal agents that pulled up minutes before had pulled him away .  “You’re no mate for a top heavyweight like me.  There’s no way you can beat me,”  He turned his back to the downed male.
“He may not kill you,” Mischa announced as she knelt down and jerked Mikkel up.  Her eyes narrowed as she looked him up and down, smirking to herself.  “I don’t know why you think you should mate with my son, you’re not that impressive.  But then again, you’re nothing but a disgrace.  You give those who are wolves a bad name,” she smiled, revealing a mouth full of sharp teeth as her soul flared.  Lips pulled back in a snarl, shoving her snout in his face before pulling her soul back.  Her fingers crawled up to his neck, digging into his skin and with satisfaction, watched as her nails pierced his skin.  “You didn’t do your homework, did you?  If you did, you wouldn’t have messed with my son, my grandson or my family.”
She watched as Mikkel’s face paled even more as he came finally understood.  “I’ve seen you before, yo- you’re the head of the International Committee for Wolves!”  He referred to the organization that kept track of the wolves through out the world.  “I see you finally get it.  But tell me, what made you think you get away with this?  Either way, you’re future is now in my hands.  You’ll never recover from this,”  She didn’t look up when Soujirou joined her and instead, growled at the male.  Her husband joined her growling as they stared down the one that tried to destroy their family.  It was a pitiful sight to see a top heavyweight being subdued and cowering when intimidation failed.  Her hands covered in Mikkel’s blood, she tossed the defeated male to the federal agents feet as they kept guard while others took care of the hired guns.
Though he was chilly, Yonekuni stripped off his outer shirt to cover his son as the tracker pulled an emergency blanket from the helicopter, handing it to him.  Blanket in hand, Yonekuni wrapped it around Shirou’s shoulders while his hands brushed away dark hair.  Trailing his fingers down Shirou’s cheeks, stopping when he  came to the shallow scratch from the bullet that grazed Shirou’s cheek.  Attempting to wipe away the nearly dried blood, Yonekuni closed his eyes and rested his forehead against  Shirou’s.  His lips moved, speaking softly to Shirou.  Words that only his lover could hear.  He wanted to kiss him in reassurance, to know that Shirou was right in front of him and not just an illusion and settled for rubbing his thumb along the heavyweight’s bottom lip.
“I hate to break up your reunion,” one of the agents interrupted, stepping back from the glare that Yonekuni shot him.  Swallowing, he continued.  “They both need to be taken to the hospital,” pointing to the helicopter that sat waiting for them.  The same one that Yonekuni had jumped from earlier.  Not giving Shirou a chance to stand on his own feet, Yonekuni lifted the wolf in his arms while Shirou held onto Tadakuni and carried them to the waiting aircraft.  Setting the wolf into his own seat, Yonekuni took a seat right next to him and took the pup from Shirou’s arms as he saw his lover start to nod off.  Feeling the helicopter lift off the ground and with directions from one of the agents that jumped into the Co-pilot’s seat, they where off to the nearest hospital, several hundred miles away.
She heard the helicopter start up, the blades rotating  before lifting off as she kept her full attention on Mikkel.  Watching as his hands where jerked behind his back, ignoring the grimace of pain as the handcuffs where tightened enough to dig into the skin of his wrists.  “Lets just see what type of excuse you come up with in the next couple of days.  We’ll be waiting for your expensive lawyer to try to get you out of his.  Its not just us that you messed with, by taking my son you’ve incurred the wrath of a country.  You didn’t know you stole a national treasure, did you?”  She smiled to herself, seeing that the male refused to look her in the eye.  “It’ll be a show you don’t want to miss,” watching as he was shoved into the back of the vehicle and slammed the door closed.  Joining her husband in the last vehicle, they followed them back to the city and the preparations for a trail by a committee that her great grandmother had started so long ago.
Shivering, feeling the chill in the air, he lifted part of the blanket that was wrapped around Shirou and pulled the heavyweight closer to him while keeping him in his seat.  Leaching off the heat Shirou gave off, he rubbed his nose against the bare neck.  The hint of a different scent riled him.  It wasn’t a heavy scent or deep enough but still.  Closing his eyes, he thought as they headed to the hospital of how he hadn’t been to one since Shirou had been rushed to one when he was carrying Tadakuni.  The landing woke him up and he wondered when did he actually drift off before helping the doctors get Shirou and Tadakuni on the stretcher, following behind them.
Staying behind as Shirou and Tadakuni where wheeled in for x-rays and cat scans, he took a seat and looked down at his hands.  Scratches, mostly shallow and dried blood, mainly belonging to the one he defeated.  Heading to the bathroom to wash off the blood, he was glad that the gun shots he heard when he landed didn’t hit his lover.  The one that grazed Shirou’s face though, he didn’t want to think about it.  Didn’t want to think about nearly losing him.  Returning to the waiting room, he ignored the curious looks that the nurses gave him.  The smell of their pheromones when they saw him did nothing for him and when the doctor came in, helping his patient walk, he held his breath in both worry and jealousy.  As the doctor explained everything, that Shirou had suffered from just a sprained ankle.  The sigh of relief  that everything was fine with his lover and as Shirou took care of Tadakuni, who had started to squirm, the doctor turned to him.  He told him to keep an eye on the both of them before leaving.
Taking their pup from Shirou, Yonekuni walked slowly as Shirou limped along side him.  He could see Shirou biting his bottom lip as every step put weight on his ankle and in turn, pained him.  Looking away from his lover, never seeing Shirou’s eyes searching for his and then becoming down cast.  Flagging down a taxi and checking into a hotel, feeding Tadakuni before setting him down on the second bed when they say him start to nod  off, finally keeping his hands away from the bandage on his throat.  Handing Shirou a glass of water along with some painkillers the doctor prescribed Shirou before helping him to the bathroom.  Stripping off Shirou’s clothes, feeling the heavyweight leaning on him for support.  Bringing Shirou under the spray of warm water, feeling Shirou’s hands on his shoulders as he slowly washed the wolf’s body, removing the smell that damned bastard had left.
A look as Shirou’s leg, soaping the skin up and then down, gently touching the swollen ankle.  Tender touches as he washed away the dirt, glancing up to see a bite mark under Shirou’s chin and bit his tongue to prevent himself from saying anything.  He knew his partner already knew about it, the shame in his eyes told him.  Once he was sure that he removed as much of the offending scent as possible, he dried his lover off carefully, softly patting his ankle.  The wince and the slight hitch in Shirou’s breath as he apologized.  Holding back his own want and desires, his wolf’s scent pulling him in, drawing him to do more.  Helping Shirou dress in clothes that had been delivered while they had fed Tadakuni.
As Shirou got into bed, Yonekuni checked over to the next bed, seeing his son sleeping deeply before climbing in right behind Shirou.  Pulling the heavyweight into his arms, fitting him to the curve of his body.  Softly rubbing himself against the curve of the ass, setting for this until they could be alone.  His movements slow, deliberate as he grabbed Shirou’s chin, turning and baring his neck, showing the bite mark that the male made.  Licking the area, only tasking Shirou’s clean scent before nosing the area, sinking his teeth down, biting and overriding the mark.  Leaving only his mark.
The gasp and shudder as his name left Shirou’s lips, licking away any blood that came from the bite.  Nuzzling his nose up to the back of the male’s ear, trailing the tip of his tongue over the shell as his hands slid past Shirou’s clothes.  Fingers curled around the flesh he found, feeling his lover tremble in his embrace.  Licking the back of Shirou’s neck as his fingers swept up and down the flesh he held.  Watching in the darkness as one of Shirou’s hands clutched at the bed while the other reached over, sliding over his hip to pull him closer.  Licking at Shirou’s neck again, he matched his hand with the movements of his hips, pushing himself, a little harder against Shirou’s backside.
Feeling his partner shudder in his grasp, the hot liquid covering his fingers and the harsh breathing, Yonekuni slowed his hand as his other hand slid between them, palming the bulge in his own shorts.  The feel of a second hand joining his surprised him, seeing Shirou looking over his shoulder at him.  Both hands slid inside, curling around Yonekuni’s cock.  His hand’s abandoning Shirou’s, his hips moved as he forced himself deeper into the wolf’s grip.  A lick to his lips as Shirou’s grip tightened, his movements hard and quick as he came, grunting under his breath as his cum spilled, staining Shirou’s hand.  Eyes closed, he didn’t see the look of wonder.  Didn’t see the want in those gray eyes.
By the time he awoke, Shirou was still sound asleep as Yonekuni looked at the clock.  Late in the morning, snagging Tadakuni on his way to the bathroom.  Cleaning the pup, washing the boy carefully.  Washing the blond pup’s hair carefully, his fingers gentle around his son’s bruised back and head.  Once he was sure Tadakuni was clean, he set about cleaning himself.  Glad that the water had washed away the dried evidence from the night before, Yonekuni quickly washed up.  He didn’t have time to waste in the bathroom, not when he had something he needed to do before Shirou awoke.  Dressing the pup then himself, leaving a note on the nightstand, telling Shirou that he would be back soon and that he took Tadakuni with him.  Walking quietly out of the hotel room, he phoned Mischa and found out her location and where the trial would be held.
Pulling his jacket and son closer to absorb more of the wolf pup’s heat, Yonekuni fed the hungry boy.  He still couldn’t believe how messy the pup could be and wondered where he got that from.  Cleaning up after Tadakuni was done, they set off.
Paying the cab fare and carrying Tadakuni up the steps to Soujirou who was waiting for them.  A whine and wiggling to get loose, Yonekuni handed his son to Soujirou, watching as the older male handled the boy with ease.  The sound of a happy yip as Tadakuni laughed in his grandfather’s arms.    Once the blond boy quieted down did Soujirou escort Yonekuni down the hall towards the meeting room, which was being treated like an interrogation room.  All sounds died down when the doors open, Yonekuni and Soujirou walking in, the pup clutching onto his grandfather tightly.  He understood the atmosphere in the room and the familiar aura he had escaped just yesterday caused him to shiver as his tail tucked and ears flattened.
Mikkel, who was fully restrained even more so than when they shoved him in the back of the car, avoided cold, blue eyes.  The disgust and hate rose up in him at this pathetic creature.  His back to the restrained madararui, he didn’t see the nasty smile he wore but when he chanced a look over his shoulder though, he could make out the words Mikkel mouthed.  And before he knew it, his fist clenched and he swung around.  Hitting the male’s jaw, the sound of a crack filled the room.  Immediately, muffled sounds of pain, Mikkel’s jaw hanging as Yonekuni broke it.
Ignoring the shocked silence Yonekuni grabbed the male by his broke jaw and jerked his head up.  Looking into narrowed amber eyes, his eyes flashed, narrowing to slits as he whispered.  “If you ever think about getting close to what’s mine, I won’t even hesitate to more than just break your jaw.” His eyes flashed again before he dropped his hand from the broken jaw.  Not bothering to hear what Mikkel’s lawyer was trying to say or the whispers among others, Yonekuni gathered his son and parted ways with his in-laws.  He knew it would be a while before he would see them and headed back the way he came.  Though it felt good to break his jaw, he couldn’t forgive himself for not protecting Shirou when he needed him.
On the way back, booking their return tickets home, stopping to pick up something to eat, hoping that Shirou hadn’t woken up yet and ordered room service . Unlocking the door, he gave a silent sigh of relief to find Shirou still sleeping.  He knew his lover was tired, but he needed to wake Shirou up.  Setting Tadakuni down on his bed, he shook Shirou’s shoulder softly, slowly waking him from his sleep.  After making sure that Shirou was indeed okay for now, he handed him a pain killer.  Watching as Shirou took the pill from him before grabbing his right hand and examining it.
It was as if his lover knew what he did, the look in his gray eyes.  He swallowed and looked away, embarrassed that Shirou could read him that easily.  As Shirou ate, Yonekuni told him about the flight back before helping him dress, making sure that he kept weight off his sprained ankle.  Slowly making the way down to the lobby, checking out being heading to the airport.
The two ignored the looks they received.  The envious glances from both madararui and monkeys alike.  The curious looks when they passed by, catching the titillating scent and when they leaned in to catch more of that scent, the glare from the blond sent them scurrying.  As they waited for their flight, the televisions provided by the airport for their entertainment flashed to static.  Though, only madararui saw through the static to the news bulletin that showed the one who kidnapped Shirou, being escorted out of the meeting hall.
Shirou adverted his eyes, not wanting to see the one who tormented them.  Fingering the bandage on his cheek, watching as Tadakuni look up from his toys.  The bright smile on his face before picking up the pup, as if he was making sure that he was all right.  Feeling a small hand touch his neck, the mark that Yonekuni had left on him, the one he made to override the one that Mikkel had left on him.  Out of the corner of his eye, Shirou could see the flush Yonekuni wore.  Taking their seats as they boarded, the look Shirou gave the flight attendantsent her running when she approached, attempting to flirt with the blond.
With Tadakuni asleep in his arms, Yonekuni slide a glance at Shirou.  “Who knew that you’re sexy when you’re jealous.”  He whispered, his free hand resting on Shirou’s jean covered knee.  Which that they where alone, somewhere he could tease the wolf with his touches.  To see Shirou claw at the bed and push back against him, to beg for more from him.  Spending the rest of the flight exchanging looks and fleeting touches.  By the time their flight landed and they disembarked, they had manged to get those in first class somewhat hot and bothered.
Not having bothered to tell Kunimasa when he would be back, he thought of a plan.  Flagging down a taxi, he ordered Shirou to go up and head up the back way.  Watching as the vehicle took off, he flagged down another taxi.  Within minutes, he was on his way towards the Kagetsu restaurant with Tadakuni in his lap, looking out the window and becoming anxious as he started to recognizing the surrounding area.  Paying the taxi, he headed up the steps.  Tadakuni’s eyes widened as he wriggled out of his arms, letting the pup down and watched him take off.  Following close, Yonekuni saw Karen quickly shove some plates into a passing employee’s hands.
She bent over and swept the pup off his feet and kissed his rosy red cheeks.  She paused, seeing her son walk up.  “Where have you been?  Kunimasa called up two days ago, demanding to know what was going on,” her voice died down when a dark look crossed Yonekuni’s face.  “Yonekuni?”  She walked up to the blond, laying her hand on his shoulder and looked away when he rubbed his eyes.  Ordering everyone to continue, telling Shinobu to run everything in her place, she led Yonekuni to a private room.  Taking a seat next to him, watching him as looked down at his hands before he started.  Listening closely as Yonekuni told her what happened, the emotions that where easily visible in his blue eyes.
He told her of his emotions, of the thought of losing him.  Of the feelings he hadn’t had since Tadakuni was born.  Of the rage he felt when he saw what had happened to him and of what he did.  “I don’t know what I would have done if I had lost them both”
Her fingers touched the bandage on Tadakuni’s throat, seeing the man she raised from a baby to a fine adult.  It humbled her to know that Yonekuni had such emotions.  That he could put aside his pride and show a side of himself that hardly anyone knew.  A side many thought heavyweights like him didn’t have or wasn’t capable of having.  “Yonekuni, everyone has worries like that.  I would be more worried if you didn’t show any emotions.  What you need to do is show him how worried you where and still are.”  Setting down the pup, watching him play with a few toys left lying in the room for occasions that children would come over.  “Go home.  Go home and tell him what you told me.  Forget your pride and tell your mate your feelings of what happened.  Right now, he maybe worried that you’ll look down on him because of this.  Don’t make him feel that way.”  She smiled, though she kept it to herself.  Understanding his fears at the thought of losing one of the most important person to you.  “I’ll watch Tadakuni tonight.  Go home and be with him.”
Nodding hesitantly, Yonekuni got up and left, promising to pick up the pup the following day.  Taking a taxi back, stopping a small shopping district to buy something before walking back.  Pausing at the corner of his shop, watching from the outside and seeing his brother struggling to make coffee.  Sneaking around to the back and up the stairs, unlocking the apartment door.  Softly closing the door behind him, he found Shirou curled upon the couch, a blanket covering him up.  At Shirou’s questioning look, Yonekuni explained of leaving Tadakuni with Karen before taking a seat next to Shirou, seeing him unfold his legs and scoot closer to him.  His arm snuck around Shirou’s shoulders, pulling him onto his lap.  Burying his face into his lover’s neck, feeling arms wrap around him.  His mouth moved and he found himself telling Shirou his fears.  His fears of losing him.  His voice low, Shirou’s hands sliding up his back, to his neck and into his hair as if he was silently soothing him.
His heart felt lighter when he didn’t hear the laugh of mocking tone.  Sliding his hands from Shirou’s back, down to lift the edge of the shirt to touch the skin of the heavyweight’s back.  The shudder as Shirou seemed to rub against him, pushing against him.  As if he was showing him how much he turned him on.  A nip to his ear lobe, the stroke of a warm tongue to soothe the pain.
“Yonekuni,” Shirou whispered, nuzzling into the blond’s strong neck.  He could feel the blond throb as he slowly rubbed against him.  Words left his lips as his hands unbuttoned the shirt Yonekuni wore, parting the clothing to bare the blond’s chest.  Pushing the shirt further away, off Yonekuni’s shoulders, his fingers slipped down.  Pausing to play and rub pale, flat nipples, teasing them as he enjoyed the low sounds escaping Yonekuni’s chest.  The deeper, rumbling sound as his touch went further south on the blond.  “You’ve showed me the dangerous side of you,” he ducked his head, flicking the hard nipples with his tongue.  “You’re so sexy fighting him.  I found myself a little excited,” Shirou admitted, a little embarrassed as he told his lover how he was turned on watching Yonekuni fight back for what was his.
Eyes looked up, seeing he had Yonekuni’s attention, trailed his tongue down.  Dipping the tip of his tongue into Yonekuni’s belly button, nibbling on the edges as he knelt down on the floor, mindful of his ankle.  Hands slid over Yonekuni’s lap, palming the blond’s growing flesh.  Leaning in, rubbing his cheek against the cloth covered bulge.  The hand on his head and the fingers in his hair, though rough as he twisted his hair around long fingers.  Pressure against his head, urging for more.  Hands made quick work of the pants, lowering the zipper and parting the flaps.  Dropping a kiss on the head of the blond’s flesh that peeked out from the top of underwear.  His mouth moving, licking at the head and tasting the blond’s beading fluid as his hands pulled Yonekuni’s underwear enough to give him plenty of access.
Tightening his fingers, mindful of the still painful and rather large knot on the back of Shirou’s head.  Waiting as the heavyweight’s lips parted, watching closely as Shirou guided him close, slipping the head past his lips.  Resisting the urge to push himself deeper into his lover’s mouth.  To fuck his mouth and feel Shirou swallow him down.  Feeling that tongue tracing up and down him, nibbling and gently scraping along sensitive skin.
He tried to concentrate while Shirou seemed to distract him as he reached for the bag he set off to the side when he sat down earlier.  His hand reached inside the back, fingering the lubrication he bought before coming home.  Teeth scraped against him gently as he pulled himself from Shirou’s mouth.  Rubbing the tip against Shirou’s lips, watching as a tongue snuck out to lick the head that pushed and rubbed against his lips.
“Come here,” he murmured, helping Shirou up while making sure that Shirou kept all weight off his ankle.  Watching as Shirou pulled away slowly, Yonekuni watched as his lover stripped off his clothing, one piece a time.  He found himself slowly stroking himself as each piece of clothing fell away.
Pushing his pants down past his hips, letting the clothing slide down his long legs to pool at his feet.  His thumbs hooked on the edge of his underwear, taking care to pull it down as Yonekuni’s hand reached out to help, freeing his flesh from the confines of the clothing.  The last piece of clothing fell, stepping away form the pile to kneel on the couch, facing his husband.  Dropping his head, softly kissing the blond before licking at his lips, feeling them part for him.  Slipping inside, his moan muffled when he felt Yonekuni’s hands cup his ass, strong fingers gently massaged his cheeks.
Pulling his hands away, Yonekuni reached inside the bag for the second and last item he bought.  Removing it from the box, enjoying the embarrassed look Shirou wore when he saw what Yonekuni had.  Glad that the egg vibrator came with batteries, he switched the toy on.  Trailing the toy along Shirou’s neck, collarbone and down as his lips followed the toy.  Rubbing it against Shirou’s nipples, his tongue along side the toy, flicking the hard nub while the toy teased Shirou on further.  Hands clenched his shoulders tightly when he slipped the toy down, teasing Shirou’s flesh.  Licking up the side of the arched neck, Yonekuni smiled against Shirou’s neck as his free hand quickly worked the cap off the tube of lubrication.  Managing to get some onto his fingers aside, he set the tube off to the side.  Pressing and rubbing the toy against the weeping head, soaking the vibrating toy with pre-cum.  As his lube covered fingers pressed against Shirou’s hole, he brought the toy up, turned if off and caught Shirou’s eyes.
Bringing the toy close, he sniffed and smelt the pure essence, th pure musk that belonged to the wolf.  A low sound, licking at the toy, tasting Shirou’s cum.  He could see the embarrassed look Shirou had, the widening of gray eyes as he cleaned the toy free of Shirou’s fluid.  Stetting the toy to the side, his fingers pushed deeper inside his lover, his fingertips brushing against  Shirou’s spot.  Feeling him nearly jump, arching his body into him.  Before pulling his hands away, he brushed the spot again, hearing his name leave those lips.
Handing the lubrication to Shirou, watching as his cock was taken in Shirou’s hand and lightly covered with lubrication before seeing Shirou kneel upright.  Holding the wolf steady, watching as Shirou looked behind him, reaching and guided him.  He held his breath as Shirou slowly lowered himself.  Licking at Shirou’s bottom lip when the heavyweight bit down to stifle the sounds that wanted to come out.  His hands slid down, grasping at Shirou’s ass, helping him move slowly.  Their rhythm slow and pleasurable, Yonekuni memorized everything.  From seeing him lick his upper lip, to Shirou tossing his head back as he cried out when his fingers teased the stretched hole before slipping around to curl around hard flesh.
The tight clenching of Shirou’s body did it for him as he grabbed the canine by the hips and pulled Shirou further down on him.  His body shuddering as he came, the tightening body around him accepting his seed as his movements slowed.  The surprising feel of hot cum on his stomach as Shirou followed after him.  Dragging his fingers through the fluid that stained his skin, he held it up to show Shirou before licking his fingers clean.  He found himself twitching, wanting more.  Wanting to flood Shirou with his seed.  As he pulled out of Shirou, a low groan of protest from the wolf before he stood up, keeping most of his weight off his foot.  The couch groaned when Yonekuni stood up, offering his hand to the heavyweight, helping him to the bedroom.
Yonekuni pushed Shirou down when they reached the bed, fingers trailing up the bare back.  Tracing the wolf’s spine before sliding around.  Shirou’s cries and begging rang in his ears as he brought him around again and again.
It would be a few weeks later, customers still saying that they’re glad that he was back and inquired about his little “vacation”.  He didn’t bother to correct them, it wasn’t any of their business anyway.  When the morning rush slowed, Yonekuni took a break for lunch and left the barista to handle what customers they had.  Once upstairs, he found Tadakuni napping quietly while Shirou was no where to be found.  That was, until he heard sounds from the bathroom drew him to their bedroom.  The light from the bedroom window gave him just enough light to see Shirou’s figure in the dark bathroom.  Running water as he got closer, seeing Shirou splash his face with cool water.
A brief touch to his forehead, finding the wolf running a high fever.  A pale completion and a little week, he helped him to bed, waiting until Shirou fell asleep.  Checking in on Tadakuni before heading back down, Yonekuni sighed to himself.  The rainy season had just started, the last customer had left, leaving him and the barista working.  When an hour had passed and not one person walked in, he decided to close early.  Dismissing his employee, he clocked up and cleaned, drawing the blinds and shutting off the lights before heading upstairs.
Opening the door, the sounds of frustrated grunts and struggling.  His heart pounding, moving quickly to the noise and stopped suddenly.  “Tadakuni?” surprising the three year old, watching as the pup spun around, spilling the water he had in his hands.  His ears laid back and his tail tucked, knowing he messed up.  Kneeling down and handing the boy a towel, showing him how to cleaned up.  Ears that had been laid back perked up as the pup watched.  He reached for the towel but shook his head and reached for the dropped cup.
Seeing Tadakuni reaching up on his tip toes, straining for the door handle.  The whine of disappointment, turning those gray eyes on him.  Those wide, gray eyes and he found himself giving in.  Lifting his son up, telling him to hold onto the cup, he grabbed a bottle of water and poured what Tadakuni wanted.  The smile of happiness as he placed the pup down, picking up the down and followed behind.  Cleaning up the small spills that Tadakuni left in his wake as he walked.  When his son entered their bedroom, the voice that he knew so well reached his ears.
Standing in the doorway, he watched as his son handed the cup to his mother, nearly half empty.  Joining the two on the bed, he could see the faint glow, the barely there spark of life.  Sitting on the opposite side of his partner, resting his hand on Shirou’s stomach.  With his other hand, he felt Shirou’s forehead, hiding his worry when the fever Shirou had didn’t go down.  He swallowed and leaned over, whispering into the male’s ear.  His words where meant for his lover only, not for little ears that sat on the other side.  Hands sought each other, fingers intertwining as the laughed at Tadakuni.  Watching as he lifted the cup to his lips, trying to take a drink but ending up spilling it on himself.
They never knew that in the coming weeks and months, their life.  No, their world would change forever.
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