#yo i need practice in bg and legs
flopsypast · 4 years
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After listening to some latin jazz, I've decided that nah, I won't leave tumblr. I'm interested to see what happens if I remain.
Also, Cowtoss! Toss boy is the best character created in Animal Crossing New Horizons. He's cute and chaotic uwu. Thank u Jackspedicey, for giving me a purpose to live.
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trainspottingsnivy · 7 years
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I made the photo at the top a link to a high res version of the photo so you could see the detail of the white roller coaster to the right of the frame.
The lower picture is a crop I made in 4:3 more along the lines of how I’d actually want this framed, but the “camera” would be down about at “ground level” with H, I’d like for the edge of the water to be visible, perhaps more in the background if need be.
You can skew the steel tower and coaster to any point in the frame or make them smaller and further in the distance to make it visible.
As I’ll state again below, the point isn’t to recreate the photos, its just to give a general enough sense that someone familiar with the area can recognize this as being Cony Island, so don’t stress about “recreating” the photos.
This is a fantasy I’ve had since I was 10 years old and seeing it realized would be really important to me.
10 year old H is out on the beach at coney island in a scene similar to above, but its a much calmer day and early in the morning so the light is a bit softer and there happens to be few people around, except for his parents who are nearby just out of frame.
In the background there can maybe be a few TINY shilouettes of people walking around or getting the ankles wet or a couple of beach umbrellas stuck in the sand, but these are tiny and in the distance.
The POV would be closer on him than in this photo, but at the very least that tall metal tower in the background and the vague outline of the buildings would be visible to make the scene recognizable. Maybe something in the BG suggesting the roller coaster would help but its not necessary.
H is little here little so his hair is only down to his shoulders.
He’s got his backpack on the ground nearby and is laying on a beach blanket/towel and sitting upright on his butt with his legs out in front of him and leaning back on one arm. He’s facing the left side of the frame toward the ocean, so H’s left side is more facing the viewer.
The piece is a very slightly raised side view.
A book is sitting on the towel, “Shapeshifting Magic for Kids”, its a colorful looking book that LOOKS like its for kids, its not a big serious looking tome of magic, its like something that could be a Klutz book, like in this world transformation and shapeshifting is just a cute trick you can learn like yo-yo tricks, doing double dutch, or doing cat’s cradle. 
The level of detail to this book isn’t essential as I know you’re working with limited space to express things, you can even just make the title “Shapeshifting for Kids” or “Shifting Magic for Kids” if you need to shortern the title, as long as it gets the vibe across.
Kid H has got a little blue crystal on a string around he neck that allows him to (with some effort and practice) transform himself into anything he imagines. But it’s a cheap shapeshifting crystal from a toy store so it’s only gonna work for like a few days.
He’s wearing green swim trunks and no shirt.
H’s mom got the book for him from a toy store in Manhattan before they hopped on the train (the crystal was included), and he was reading it enthusiastically the entire subway ride to the beach, and now that he’s here, he’s gonna have shapeshifting fun and have a swim in the ocean as a sea creature!
And since he’s a dorky little nerdy kid, instead of turning himself into something sensible like a fish or a dolphin, he’s turning himself into a Vaporeon!
His Vaporeon form is gonna be about 15% larger than Kid H’s normal human form, and the parts of him that are already transformed reflect that, it’s not like he’s turning into a HUUUGE giant Vaporeon that would dwarf him, just that he’s a big bigger and sturdier.
The transformation is not automatic, he actually has to actively imagine himself transforming in order for the changed to happen, so at this moment the changes are “paused” so to speak because he’s too busy checking out his half-changed body to focus on the changes..
Below the waist he’s fully transformed and covered in blue fur. His legs are the haunched legs of a canine quadruped, and his feet are big, digitigrade, three toed paws with no claws and with black paw pads. (his pads aren’t necessarily visible, just have his legs and feet in a natural looking pose)
He has a big long fishy tail like Vaporeons have, which is presently resting between his legs, and whoops! He forgot to make sure his tail didn’t tear through his swim shorts, so the tail ripped a hole in them.
Mom’s gonna love that, but luckily she brought a pair of jeans for him to switch to once they left the beach anyway, cause moms think of everything.
He’s laying on a little beach blanket that’s about a long as he is tall, but is somewhat wider, to make space for the book to lay on it. He’s sitting halfway down the length of the blanket. So if his feet from about halfway between his hocks and his toes could be sticking out over the end of the blanket a bit that would be a cool way to show how much he’s grown.
His tail is also a bit longer than the end of the blanket.
There’s a pair of sneakers laying on the sand beside the blanket near his feet. He took them off so he wouldn’t mess them up and plus he’s at the beach and about to get in the water anyway.
So basically he’s a giant Vaporeon from the waist down.
He’s leaning back on his right hand, checking out his left hand, which has elongated and grown into a big Vaporeon forepaw with three, stubby clawless toes and black paw pads, but it hasn’t grown any fur yet.
There’s a small patch of blue fur on that same upper arm, but not a lot.
The image I had of this Vaporeon was very sturdy and canine-like, but still somehwat cartoony cause its a Pokemon.
H is checking out his forepaw like “cool this is really working! :D” and he can’t wait to finish transforming himself so he can hop in the ocean and make friends with the fishies.
Frame would be 4:3  in proportion and H would take up most of the frame, it would pretty much be a side view, it would be neat if enough of the skyline can be seen to make it recognizable, if this isn’t possible talk to me and we’ll work something out.
I like 4:3 since it fits in my iPad perfectly but if you need to make it 1:1 or something to fit in the skyline in the upper part of the frame and the tower and can provide cropped 4:3 version that’s mostly just H for ipad viewing that would be cool too.
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