wwounu · 5 years
vhc | why should we date?
✧˚ * . pairing: vernon x reader
✧.⊹ * prompt: “why should we date?” (“because we’re attracted to each other” “i’m attracted to pie, but i do not feel the need to date pie”)
✧· . ˚ word count:
✧⋆.+ dedicated to, @yooniegalaxy
[ from: oh my | you made my dream m.list ]
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“If coconut oil is made out of coconuts and almond oil is made out of a variety of almonds, would that mean baby oil...”
Vernon stops bouncing his wall towards the wall — mainly because it hit him in the stomach as he had to process your question — staring at you with eyes widened, but mouth shaped as if he tasted an overly spoilt banana split.
But he burst into laugher, clutching his stomach and the ball in his hand so hard that he loses his balance. “Oh my god, why did you even think of that?”
“I dunno! My cousin told me that the police took babies who misbehaved to make baby oil when I was a kid, so that’s why I never wanted to make her mad because I was scared she’ll call the police and take me away — I didn’t want to be taken away, Vernon, I was five!”
Your best friend wipes the tears from his eyes, taking deep breaths to calm himself. He even pulled his beanie over his face because he’d start giggling if he looked at you. “That’s so dumb.”
“Whatever! At least your best friend is here and not being used as oil for babies right now.”
“Right, so,” clearing his throat, Vernon goes back to throwing his baseball to the wall and catching it, “it’s my cousin’s wedding next week-”
“The one who gave you their fish to look after and you accidentally let it down the drain or the one that you ate their weed brownie without knowing?”
“Not those two, god no, it’s the one you met at the mall with me, remember?”
“Oh the model?”
“Stop calling my cousin that, they’re engaged.”
“But it doesn’t take an idiot to admit that your cousin is a dreamboat — how in the hell are you related?” You click your fingers quickly. “Got it. Sorry to tell you Vernon, but you’re adopted— AH!”
You shriek at the ball flying your way, luckily catching it as Vernon only laughs, yourself feeling offended by the action and throw it back with anger.
“Creep.” Vernon mumbles, appalled. You stick your tongue out at him before he continues. “Okay, but, I was thinking you should come as my date.”
“C’mon, it’ll be fun!”
“Why should we date?”
“Uh...” Vernon pauses after an awful try to juggle his baseball with small rocks. “Because we’re attracted to each other?”
“I’m attracted to pie, but I do not feel the need to date pie.”
“Just be my date!” Your best friend shouts, arms waving like a child. “If I said my cousin wanted to meet you again, would come?”
“Oh really?! Dreamboat said that?!”
“No, but you’d still come if I said that?”
“You!” You choke, standing up within seconds to chase Vernon until you catch him, jumping on his back to mess up his hair under that eyesore yellow beanie of his.
Vernon protects his hair with his hands, grabbing your wrists with one hand as you wriggle, the other hand having trouble with carrying you. “Not the hair! Truce, truce! I’m sorry!”
Eventually you get down, panting as all your energy was used on trying to mess up Vernon’s hair.
“But seriously, half of my family wants you to come. They’ve been wondering when you’re coming back ever since my grandparents’ golden.”
“Ah, I’m just the people’s favourite,” Vernon nudges your arm as a reply, “huh, I do miss them too though. If you have something to offer in return, I’m all ears.”
He looks at you dead in the eye, totally given up at your behaviour. Giving in, he holds out his hand which you gladly take. “To the ice cream parlour we go...”
“And the arcade!”
“And the arcade,” Vernon begins to walk with you, swaying side to side, “wait, what’s happening over there?” 
You move your head to see nothing mildly interesting going on behind you, and when you turn back, your vision goes black, fading into an eyesore yellow, followed by the crazy giggle of your best friend, his voice getting further away.
“You never said I had to pay! Last one there does, so better catch up loser!”
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wwounu · 5 years
vhc | why are you being so difficult?
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✧˚ * . pairing: vernon x reader
✧.⊹ * prompt: “why are you being so difficult?”
✧· . ˚ word count: 548
[ from: you make my day | you made my dream m.list ]
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“For crying out loud, you aren’t allowed to jump on my back!”
Vernon only replies with hiccuped giggles as you drag him inside his apartment with the key you had to fight for from him. “Where are we? This looks familiar— AH!” The male slurs, only to trip over his shoes thrown all over the floor.
“We’re home.” You reply, still dragging Vernon so that you can enter his room.
When Vernon lands face-first on the best, loudly wailing, you take a moment to stare at him and wonder what influenced him to drink — he hates drinking and this is the reason why.
“Alright Vernon,” beckons you, “sit up. I’m going to find some clothes.”
“But your clothes are there!” He points, high-fiving the fabric your shirt. Due to his drunk state you refuse to reply, heading to Vernon’s closet to find more loose-fitting clothes. 
You come back with the suitable clothing and kneel in front of him, “Take off your clothes Vernon—”
“WOAH!” Exclaims the other, his rise in volume being enough to make the neighbours complain. “Ask me to dinner first! Tch, no respect these days.”
Okay, now he was speaking complete nonsense. You reach to take off his shirt but he backs away, covering his chest.
“My body is a temple! No one has permission to touch this scared being.”
“Um... Can I please take off your clothes?”
“Yes, yes you can.”
He wiggles out of his clothes and you give him his pyjamas to put on himself — suddenly regretting that choice as he’s managed to wear them backwards, the wrong side up and inside out.
“Why are you being so difficult?” You stress as he rolls left and right on the bed without a shirt, giggling uncontrollably.
He calms down in a snap, suddenly feeling tired once you’re trying to take off his socks.
“Hey,” Vernon calls and you look up, knowing what’s coming when you see that look on his face, “are you free tonight?”
“Other than looking after a big child, I am.”
“You’re very beautiful you know,” he leans in close, a drunk hiccup escaping his lips as his eyes grow hearts, “I think you,” he points a finger, slowly moving it to himself, “and me should meet up sometime. It’ll be on me, we can have breakfast, lunch, or dinner, I’m not a dinner man myself but—”
You couldn’t help but laugh so you cup his cheek, letting your thumb caress his face. “We’ve been going out for two years, in case you’ve forgotten.”
“Really?” Vernon’s lips part, pure of surprise. “Oh. Well then.”
He goes quiet again and he’s (finally) fully dressed in his sleepwear, making the job more easier as he grows tired, yawning while mumbling the lyrics to a girl group song.
“Guess what!” Tiredly exclaiming, Vernon still doesn’t shut his mouth.
“I think,” Vernon pauses, a wide smile painting his face, “I think I have the best and most beautifulest partner ever. I would be nothing without them.”
“I’d be nothing without you too.”
Watching his form slowly fall to sleep, you leave a kiss on his alcohol-smelling cheek (he’s going to complain about that tomorrow) and drape the duvet over him before you leave and make a hangover-remedy meal for Vernon tomorrow.
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wwounu · 5 years
vhc | i shouldn’t be here, but…
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✧˚ * . pairing: vernon x reader
✧.⊹ * prompt: “i shouldn’t be here, but…” + cupid!au
✧· . ˚ word count: 749
✧°̥∗⡱ warning: mild angst
[ from: you make my day | you made my dream m.list ]
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It was like stones being thrown at your window; Thud, thud, thud.
No one could throw rocks to your window with that arm power, but you knew someone who could — minus the rock part.
You hastily get dressed prior to searching for your keys to the balcony window, an instant breeze hitting your skin. Bending over to run your hands along the floor, you hand is marked with light pink dust that shines once reflected in moonlight. Someone was here.
He was here.
“Alright,” calls you, “where are you?”
It wasn’t like you were mad — maybe you might’ve been — but it’s been a while since you and Cupid have had a moment like this. You stand, now exposed to all air and sounds from outside, waiting.
Reappearing in front of your eyes is the chocolate-haired boy dressed in white, pearl white wings sparkling like the dust on your fingertips, just noses away from touching. “I shouldn’t be here, but…” He speaks as shy and meek, knowing the trouble he’s in.
“I told you to knock, Vernon. The arrows are too much.”
Vernon turns sullen in return, “But you know they aren’t harmless, look,” a silver, glowing arrow appears at hand as he draws it with a translucent bow, looking like it was formed out of stardust.
(It was, actually.)
When he lets go, the arrow hits the window again, only to be dissolved away in glitter after hit. You sigh, giving the benefit of the doubt, “What are you doing here?” You question yet hold him close — you longed this, you were longing for him.
“Can’t I spend some time with you? For a god of love, I sure don’t get that myself y’know.”
And he’s right. He’s a cupid who’s not allowed to love, let alone loving a human. Not meant to be, some say. Forbidden, is what you called it. 
News like that in itself is dangerous and just the slightest thing going wrong, both of you would have to face consequence. Vernon more-so, being stripped of his abilities and punished for eternity, while you carry on with your life, except there’s no more Cupid.
You would be forced to forget him.
To the first encounter full of stolen glances, ‘by chance’ meetings (now knowing they weren’t by-chance), and stumbling words during when you had courage to ask him for coffee, to the first time he revealed his precious wings, trinkets he’d give you from when he did his ‘abroad work’ and the warmth you felt when your whole world came back to you.
He was everything to you and he certainly was aware of it, but god, one slip up and you think you could never forgive yourself for letting Vernon have to go through so much pain just by being with you.
“You’re thinking,”
“About you.” You finish, looking straight at Vernon with eyes of sorrow and adoration. This might’ve been your drowsiness, but he was glowing in your perspective, his wings above him like a heavenly figure.
“Here.” Vernon walks backwards, leading you with him until his wings touch the glass edge.
“What’s happening now?”
“Do you trust me?”
Falling silent, you think, but you already know the answer. I trust you with my life.
Vernon takes your hand as he falls backwards and you’re pulled with him, now falling down a tall storey apartment, just you and Cupid. 
The rush of going down so quickly was scary, feelings running up, down and all over the place until arms grasp around you, the sudden fall stopping as your socked-feet dangle in the air, not ready to be breath-taken by the whoever miraculously saved you.
So when you did, you weren’t surprised at your own reaction, melting once you see his glistening pink lips form a smile. “I want to take you on a... Special trip around Korea. You in?”
You nod without delay, being carried further into the sky as the lights from below get smaller and smaller, the shine from the moon beaming above, Vernon holding you tighter than ever while his wings, now doubled in size (he usually makes the illusion to make them smaller as grand wings are too much to handle), keep you two in the air.
It was a dangerous world — a world of conflict concerning ideas of ethereal entities clashing with humans — but this was your world with Vernon; our world.
You certainly fell in love.
Must be a cupid thing.
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wwounu · 5 years
vhc | if they mess with you, they’re messing with me
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✧˚ * . pairing: vernon x reader
✧.⊹ * prompt: “if they mess with you, they’re messing with me”
✧· . ˚ word count: 374
[ from: you make my day | you made my dream m.list ]
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Vernon meets you outside your lecture hall, sitting by the fountain parallel to the entrance. When you walk out, he’s prepared for a hug, but doesn’t expect it when you pass him without a glance followed with a murmur under your breath.
He trails behind, wondering what was wrong with you. You were a bit scary when angry, as if you turned 180 degrees in personality. It’s not until he and you arrive to the local takeaway store that he decided to investigate this change in behaviour.
“Tell me what’s wrong.” He pokes you — your bag, to be correct (you could get very sensitive if he’d constantly poke you) — desperately wanting an answer by the look on your face.
“Nothing,” Sighing, you try to take a step before you bump into a figure blocking you, meeting eye to eye with Vernon. Giving up, you show your surrender by suddenly pulling him to you, head hitting his chest. “These guys were being real jerks today. I’ve never seen them before but, god, they got on my nerves.”
A hum is followed after your brief rant, consoling you with a few pats on your bag (again, because of the touching thing). Vernon pulls away first, telling you that you should walk with him somewhere.
Eventually agreeing, you walk side by side with him, not really caring where you were going as long as it wasn’t—
“Vernon,” a sour huff escapes your lips, “why are we back here...”
“Point out the guys for me. I’ll do a thing or two to them.”
“We both know you can’t do that.”
“Spilling coffee on ‘accident’ works like a charm every time.”
“It’s not a big deal. I’ll get over it.” Just as you were going to leave once more, Vernon curls a finger around the carry handle of your backpack, pulling you to stay.
He looks at you, a serious expression playing on him. “If they mess with you, they’re messing with me.”
“How heroic,” A reassured smile looks back at him, really thankful to have someone like Vernon in your life. He’s one in a million
“We can get takeout and ice cream after this, deal?”
“... Sure. Thank you, my hero.”
“Anything for you.”
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