#yippie ki yay posting
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killherfreakout · 2 years ago
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chaosoftheages · 4 months ago
*climbs out of burnout hole*
Hey guys I posted a oneshot :)
Eat up.
*gets dragged into hole of academics*
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melodich4n · 2 months ago
Some personal headcanons for Caesar Clown I have
I think Caesar has ODD + ASD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder, as someone myself has very similar behaviors to Caesar on the mannerism over moral and other key-aspects I do not relate with but can understand. Especially when he comes off as the type that so many people told him "You you don't look or sound autistic" just because he doesn't find into the social stereotype mold of what "autism" looks like in a person. It doesn't excuse his actions though.)
He would love Bleeding Heart flowers for the color and appearance they have of resembling their very namesake title.
He likes yellow, he will always try and find a way that always includes yellow + he has a soft spot for the color pink; it comes more alluring and mysterious. He keeps it to himself because it's objectively a woman's "color" in stereotype and he wishes to avoid anything that can perhaps deter people to judge him harshly.
Big preference to be called "Caesar", or "Caesar Clown" because to just call him by his first name only, it's just a weird "ick" for him despite it's his own name (Okay, "Master" 🙏.)
Caesar getting gifts that are things he actually wants will always make him a bit "emotional". He doesn't expect much despite the fact that he wants things. He wants them for the sake of the desire or merely because he's still human and every human likes to get *something* because it makes their little brain go yippy-ki-yay! Woo-woo!!! It's just a fact that he's very selfish. Yet when someone shows they pay attention to know what he actually wants, it makes him unable to handle the feeling. Which has been only a bare handful of times only In his life.
Caesar Clown would have loved 2010 white girl music. Not arguing this point.
Caesar Clown would definitely have a horrible mid-life crisis. (Surprising to not see him have one yet with how much he wants to be superior over Vegapunk and still not reaching it how he wanted to since he's halfway through his life now . Only so much ego and delusional can hide away a night's restless sleep mental breakdown that leads into such 😂)
I think Caesar would have a very charming singing voice. He sings to himself only in private, I can though imagine he sang to the experiment kids back on Punk-Hazard to make them lured to sleep easier when they weren't going to bed.
Caesar easily swaps his opinions about certain subjects and especially people very easily out of anger and frustration. He can't stick to an objective view for others if they slightly rub him in the wrong way (a part of the ODD HC).
Would've been a frequent 4chan /Pol/ user if he was real and reddit too.
That's pretty much what I have so far in mind to share with everyone here. I will post more eventually but right now that's all I got at the moment that I have. These are made out of assumptions I have for him and random thoughts I ponder on.
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jakeluppin · 8 months ago
the expected uno reverse: if you could only listen to one song off each hippo campus album, which would it be?
All right.... I am sure I'm gonna second guess these once I've posted this but. (thankfully this isn't binding in any way so it's actually not a big deal haha)
Tarzan Rejects - South. One of the first songs I remember hearing of theirs (although not this version) but it’s so good. (And this way I get to pick a different song on South.)
Bashful Creatures - Suicide Saturday. Yeah. That song is bop. So good.
South - Violet. Since I’ve got South covered already, Violet is just such a great song. Especially one to sing at shows like it just seems to really bring everyone in on the moment.
Landmark - Monsoon. Oh man. This was hard. I wanted to pick all of them (obviously) but that doesn’t work. This really is just such a good song. Sad and beautiful.
warm glow - baseball. I just love it so much. I love all the songs but baseball is just The Song to me.
Bambi - Passenger. I chose it as one of my top three songs so obviously it was gonna be picked here. If not that, it would be Golden. But man… I love this album.
Demos I - Golden. Yeah gotta be able to have Golden in my life.
Demos II - Pin. There’s so many songs I want to pick: Ease up Kid, Chapstick, Cellar Door. But for some reason, whenever I start working on my novel, the first song I listen to is Pin. So can’t give that up. Also just really love the song.
Good Dog, Bad Dream - Sex Tape. Is it the mention of Sundance? Is it the overall fun aspects of the song? Who knows. But it’s just such an enjoyable song and so, so much fun to sing along to.
LP3 - Understand. I talked about it before but yeah. I just love the song so much.
Wasteland - Yippie Ki Yay. It’s funny because on first listen I don’t think I really cared for any of the songs on the album. Not that I didn’t like them, just wasn’t In Love like I have in the past. But they all have grown on me so much that picking was really hard. But Yippie Ki Yay is so much fun and I just recall how much fun it was to sing along at the concert just. Good stuff.
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haztobegood · 1 year ago
@jlf23tumble tagged anyone that wants to share and it has been a while since I've looked at my on repeat playlist, so I was curious!
Rules: shuffle your on repeat playlist and post the first 10 tracks, then tag 10 people
All This Time - Louis Tomlinson
Shake - Yoke Lore
Little Blue - Swim Deep
Will We Talk? - Sam Fender
Good News (Ya-Ya Song) - MUNA
Where Do Broken Hearts Go - One Direction
Always - The Snuts
Bodies - The Knocks, MUNA
Yippie Ki Yay - Hippo Campus
Second Nature - Lucius
I tag @himynameiszayn @allwaswell16 @queenbeeharry @tangerinequeen19 @sexpollenallergy @outofthewooodstv @zjofierose @hishipsdontlie @definegirlfriends @harryanthus-annuus
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all-seeing-ifer · 2 years ago
tagged by @gorseflowers (thank you for tagging!!!!) to shuffle my on repeat playlist and post the 10 songs that play! now you might think I have already done this tag game recently but also I'm annoying and love telling people about music I listen to so no way I'm passing up the chance to do it again
like before I don't really have an on repeat playlist so i just used my spotify likes. some of these songs I had not listened to in literal years before today and that's ok <3
tomorrow's money - mcr
no children - the mountain goats
easy silence - the chicks
promises - aly & aj
yippie ki yay - hippo campus (i think everyone should listen to hippo campus' silly little cowboy themed ep right now actually)
stray italian greyhound - vienna tang
chant - hadestown broadway cast recording
send them off - bastille (coming up on shuffle just a couple of days after i got to see it live what perfect timing
crush culture - conan gray
breathe - in the heights broadway cast recording
tagging @marblepebble @jammiematazz @toastedstardust @terminalnaps @epos-da-cookie @simptasia @historicallyinaccuratejomarch and anyone else who wants to do it!
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charaznablescanontoyota · 2 years ago
🎵 also johncody I love them.is there a big difference in songs between pre- and post breakup johncody? You can do either idc I'm just curious
THERE IS. A BIG DIFFERENCE. hang on ill pull two of each. starting with pre-breakup
dancing in the dark (cover) - ruth moody
you can't start a fire worryin' about your little world falling apart this gun's for hire even if we're just dancing in the dark
the canopy (green) - the dear hunter
i was falling to the ground when i felt my body breaking but i had fallen in your lap, with my head tilted back so i could see the sun eclipsed by your hair that left a halo hanging, waiting above, so when you go you don't have to wait to get your wings
andddd songs for their divorce era
yippie ki yay - hippo campus
i don't wanna feel bad, feel bad just got through my last round of night sweats pulled the rug, elbows red from lying down pissed you off again, is it my problem now? Is it mine?
goodnight chicago - rainbow kitten surprise
don't shut down on me now, don't shut down on me don't wait until I drown to save me from it goodnight chicago, i killed a man to make you love me
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sylphy · 1 year ago
ah fuck the bastille no scrubs cover is so good thank you for posting that!! i had forgotten it existed
and also Blame Brett by The Beaches
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carsonian · 1 year ago
time to chug a lemonade, go "yippie ki yay" and take some more meds
One ~fun~ thing about having written so much over the past three months (85,272 words !!! wtf) is that I don't necessarily remember all the beats & quotes & things I was going for so whenever I reread a fic, I'm like "what. who wrote this. who edited this. why was this kept in. oh that's a nice enough line. why is this joke still going on? that should've definitely been deleted. that too. why does this fic exist. aw they're in love. oh fuck that's not grammatically correct, i thought i stopped doing that. why are there so many em dashes. oh hey it's that thing i like to see in stevetony fics. oh wait duh i wrote this. damn i've repeated this metaphor for sure. that's a little iddy. that's a little mean. give him a break. give him a break. give the readers a break jfc. aw look at the comments. those are nice. yay. maybe i should write."
Anyway, because of life & stuff, this month (i.e., 12 days) is the longest spell I've gone without posting a fic since JUNE and that is Crazie but also probably good because the fic I'm writing right now gets to properly marinate instead of being put in the toaster, burned and then tossed onto everyone's plate. I don't know where I was going with this. Methinks it's part weird-flex-but-ok, part maybe I should space my fics out more, part quality over quantity shift pls Babes. and wholeheartedly, first and foremost: Zoo wee mama
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hiddenbythegrapes · 1 year ago
yippie ki yay, mf. we are part of an album of the year list!
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killherfreakout · 2 years ago
pulled the rug elbows red from lying down pissed you off again is it my problem now?? is it mine??
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broke-bruce-wayne · 1 year ago
Hmmm… songs for YOU?
Preach by emarosa or Yippie Ki Yay by Hippo Campus
Preach by Emarosa
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
Hmm...not sure how I feel about this one. Also fascinated to find out they used to be post-hardcore, because this is very far from that.
Yippie Ki Yay by Hippo Campus
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
Now this one is more my speed. Really dug this one a lot.
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greatcelestialhieroglyphs · 4 years ago
Okay but What’s Wrong is a bop and I’m so exited that half alive is back
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moneyfor-nothing · 6 years ago
I change the way I text and talk with everyone so much that I don’t even know who I am anymore
And when I mix two groups of friends? Even I don’t know what to expect so be prepared for anything, buckaroo
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dazzln · 6 years ago
okay  but  honestly?    i  need  to  set  up  mains  and  /  or  exclusives.   other  than  bitchass  @ehmets,  i’m  not  mains  or  exclusives  with  anyone  else.    so  like,     maybe  like  this  or  somethin  if  ur  interested?
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whyissupernaturaltrending · 3 years ago
October 12, 2021 - Stud Jensen gets a role in a Western, yippie-ki-yi-yay.
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Jensen Ackles posted on Twitter announcing his role in a Western movie, Rust, featuring Alec Baldwin, written and directed by Joel Souza. Jensen said that "finally his bow legs are in their element."
Danneel Ackles posted congratulating him, Misha retweeted Jensen's tweet with a "yippie-ki-yi-yay" which basically sums it up. He also called Jensen a stud in the comments. Now both of them are trending [x] [x] [x] [x].
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The description of the movie is also rather interesting, though I can't quite put a finger on it...
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