#ygo ship list
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Yu-Gi-Oh ship list (minus the ones I didn't wanna do). For a fic series. See here for a disclaimer/more info
Admireshipping - Ghost/Mokuba
Agileshipping - Anzu/Vivian
Airshipping - TKB/Shada
Akinshipping - Mako/Sugoroku
AlliumShipping - Yugi/Dark Magician
Ambitionshipping - Mai/Anzu/Ishizu
Amoshipping - Mai/Joey/Shizuka
Angelicshipping - Ryou/Raphael
Angstshipping - Ryou/Malik
Antagoshipping - Seto/Yami Bakura
Apprenticeshipping - Mahaad/Mana
Aptshipping - Honda/Ishizu
Archaishipping - Atem/Set/TKB
Ardentshipping - Honda/Shizuka
Argenshipping - Pegasus/Ryou
Arrogantshipping - Seto/Mai
Ateloshipping - Pegasus/Keith
Attentionshipping - Siegfried/Vivian
Atticshipping - Ryou/Mana
Avishipping - Yami/Ishizu
Aweshipping - Mahaad/Ishizu
Axisshipping - Seto/Siegfried
Azureahipping - Anzu/Seto
Babbleshipping - Joey/Kisara
Bakushipping - Ryou/Yami Bakura/TKB
Bangshipping - Yugi/Mai
Battleshipping - Seto/Joey/Yugi
Bereftshipping - Set/Mana
Bikeshipping - Honda/Mana
Bittershipping - Honda/Pegasus
Blindshipping - Yugi/Atem
Bloodshopping - Yami Marik/Gozoburo
Blondeshipping - Malik/Dark Magician Girl
Blueshipping - Seto/Kisara
Bondageshipping - Yami Marik/Ryuji
Bounceshipping - Ryou/Rebecca
Boundshipping - Yugi/TKB
Breathshipping - Shadi/Cyndia
Bribeshipping - Mai/Ryuzaki
Buddyshipping - Honda/Joey
Bugshipping - Haga/Yugi
Burnshipping - TKB/Kisara/Set
Cageshipping - Yami Bakura/Yami/Malik
Candleshipping - Ryou/Yami Bakura/Seto
Carmenshipping - Seto/Yami Malik/Yami Bakura
Castleshipping - Set/Joey/Seto
Cavaliershipping - Yami/Rebecca
Caveshippinge- Keith/Ghost
Celesteshipping - Valon/Anzu
Celestialshipping - Malik/Kisara
Chairoshipping - Valon/Mana
Changeshipping - Malik/Ryuuji
Charmshipping - Shizuka/Mana
Chaseshipping - Honda/Ryuuji
Cheershipping - Ryuuji/Shizuka
Cherryshipping - Joey/Amane
Chibishipping - Yugi/Mokuba
Chuteshipping - Atem/Kisara
Clashshipping - Yami Marik/Yami Yugi
Clearshipping - Seto/Yugi/Mokuba
Cloudshipping - Noah/Shizuka
Clovershipping - Noah/Kisara
Cobaltshipping - Seto/Kisara/Set
Coinshipping - Anzu/Miho
Coldbloodedshipping - Seto/Blue Eyes White Dragon
Conceitshipping - Yami Bakura/Mai
Confuseshipping - Atem/Ryou
Conquestshipping - Valon/Mai
Copyshipping - Mai/Joey/Anzu
Corruptshipping - TKB/Set
Covetshipping - Atem/Set/Mahaad
Crossshipping - Yami Malik/Yugi
Crushshipping - Ryuuji/Honda/Shizuka
Crypticshipping - Shadi/Rishid
Crystalshipping - Anzu/Mana
Cunishipping - Mai/Anzu/Shizuka
Cuteshipping - Shizuka/Rebecca
Danceshipping - Anzu/Mai
Darkshipping - Yami/Yami Bakura
Dealshipping - Yami Bakura/Amane/Ryou
Dedicationshipping - Anzu/Rishid
Defershipping - Malik/Shadi
Delphishipping - Ishizu/Kisara
Delusionshipping - Pandora/Catherine
Destructionshipping - Yugi/Gandora the Dragon of Destruction
Devilfishipping - Yami Bakura/Ryouta
Devotionshipping - Joey/Malik/Anzu
Diceshipping - Yami Bakura/Ryuuji
Distrustshipping - Seto/Shadi
Disturbshipping - Yami Marik/Shizkua
Dollshipping - Yami Bakura/Dark Necrofear
Domashipping - Raphael/Amelda/Valon
Doubtshipping - Seto/Malik/Ryou
Dragonshipping - Yami/Joey
Dripshipping - Mako/Anzu
Driveshipping - Malik/Mai
Dungeonshipping - Pegasus/Ryuuji
Eclipseshipping - Yami Malik/Malik
Effectshipping - Kaibaman/Maiden With Eyes of Blue
Eliteshipping - Keith/Seto
Encouragesgipping - Yugi/Yami/Anzu
Envyshipping - Anzu/Rebecca
Esotericshipping - Dark Magician/Silent Magician
Ettushipping - Seto/Mai/Joey
Euroshipping - Seto/Ryou
Executeshipping - Yami Malik/Shadi
Eyeshipping - Yami Bakura/Pegasus
Fadeshipping - Yami Malik/Joey
Fairyshipping - Leon/Mokuba
Faltershipping - Rebecca/Ghost
Fameshipping - Ryuuji/Vivian
Fataleshipping - Mai/Vivian
Fateshipping - Raphael/Yugi
Feathershipping - Yami/Joey/Yugi
Fearshipping - Yami Marik/Ishizu
Feignshipping - Yami Malik/Pegasus/Ryuuji
Feralshipping - Yami Malik/Ryuzaki
Fillershipping - Noah/Rebecca
Flareshipping - Seto/Yami/Yugi
Flippantshipping - Ryuji/Mai
Floatshipping - TKB/Isis
Flowshipping - Isis/Kisara
Foreignshipping - Noah/Rebecca
Foreshipping - Ishizu/Yugi
Forgiveshipping - TKB/Shizuka
Forlornshipping - Pegasus/Pandora
Fragileshipping - Yami/Ryou
Frazzleshipping - Joey/Rebecca
Frightshipping - Yami Bakura/Joey
Gainshipping - Yami/Mako
Gameshipping - Yami/Ryuji
Gangshipping - Joey/Hirutani
Garagekitshipping: Joey/Hanasaki
Geminishipping - Yami Bakura/TKB
Gemshipping - Ryou/TKB
Gentleshipping - Valon/Shizuka
Glittershipping - Anzu/Kisara
Goldshipping - Atem/Malik
Gothshipping - Ryou/Ghost
Guardshipping - Seto/Isono
Guardianshipping - Ishizu/Raphael
Graceshipping - Ryou/Ishizu
Greedshipping - Yugi/Ushio
Grudgeshipping - Pegasus/Yugi/Seto
Hairshipping - Honda/Yami
Halfshipping - Ryou/Miho
Headdressshipping - Set/Mahad
Heartshipping - Yugi/Ryou
Hellshipping - Ghost/Satake/Takaido
Hideshipping - Pegasus/Yugi
Hostshipping - Anzu/Ryou
Hubrishipping - Yami Marik/Seto
Hustleshipping - Haga/Mai
Identityshipping - Ryou/Rishid
Illusionshipping - Mai/Yami Malik
Immatureshipping - Joey/Noah
Imoutoshipping - Shizuka/Amane
Impressshipping - Mai/Valon/Joey
Impulseshipping - Joey/Mana
Insightshipping - Set/Ishizu
Intentshipping - Mokuba/Yami Bakura
Intimidashipping - Keith/Yugi
Irateshipping - Joey/Malik
Jeershipping - Valon/Joey
Jiishipping - Sugoroku/Aurther
Jinxshipping - Yami Bakura/Dark Magician Girl
Jointshipping - Yami Malik/Dark Magician Girl
Kashipping - Diabound/Dark Magician Girl
Kaashipping - Mana/Dark Magician Girl
Kamishipping - Joey/Seto/Yami
Kickshipping - Joey/Honda/Ryuji
Kiddyshipping - Rebecca/Mokuba
Kingshipping - Yami/Dartz
Kleptoshipping - Yami Bakura/Yugi
Kusoshipping - Yami Bakura/Yugi/Yami Malik
Kyoudaishipping - Mana/Atem/Mahad
Laddershipping - Yami Bakura/Zorc
Lateshipping - Yami Bakura/Amane
Lavendershipping - Siegfried/Malik
Leechshipping - Ryou/Zorc
Lessonshipping - Noah/Leon
Liberashipping - Malik/Yugi
Lingershipping - Atem/Isis
Logicshipping - Set/Isis
Lonershipping - TKB/Mai
Loyaltyshipping - Yami/Dark Magician
Mageshipping - Mahad/Ryou
Magicshipping - Dark Magician/Dark Magician Girl
Manipulashipping - Malik/Anzu
Marbleshipping - Ryou/Ryuzaki
Mastershipping - Seto/Ryuji
Measureshipping - Karim/Shada
Mercuryshipping - Seto/Ishizu/Kisara
Midriffshipping - Malik/Amelda
Midshipping - Yugi/Joey/Honda
Minorshipping - Ryuji/Ryou
Mirrorshipping - Seto/Noah
Misanthroshipping - Yami Bakura/Yami Marik/TKB
Mischiefshipping - TKB/Mana
Misguideshipping - Ryuji/Rebecca
Mistakenshipping - Yugi/Mana
Mistshipping - Mako/Ryuji
Mizushipping - Set/Kisara
Mnemoshipping - Yami/Malik
Mobiumshipping - Yami/Yugi/Atem
Monarchshipping - Atem/Yami
Moralshipping - Mahad/Anzu
Morishipping - Yami Bakura/Honda
Mumbleshipping - Ryou/Seto/Ryuji
Museumshipping - Yami Bakura/Ishizu
Mythshipping - Marik/Ishizu
Mystshipping - Ishizu/Anzu
Negateshipping - Yami Malik/Rishid
Nellshipping - Noah/Amane
Nightshipping - Yami Bakura/Kisara
Ninjashipping - Jean Claude Magnum/Mai
Noteshipping - Joey/Anzu/Honda
Nurseshipping - Mai/Shizuka
Occultshipping - Ghost/Yami Bakura
Obscureshipping - Shadi/Ishizu
Offershipping - Yugi/Ryuji
Onyxshipping - Dark Magician/Magician of Black Chaos
Ouijashipping - Ryou/Dark Necrofear
Outcastshipping - TKB/Kisara
Passionshipping - Pegasus/Joey
Peachshipping - Anzu/Yugi
Pestshipping - Weevil/Anzu
Petshipping - Joey/Seto/Ryuji
Pixelshipping - Noah/Adina
Preserveshipping - Ryuji/Anzu
Placateshipping - Ryou/Kisara
Platinumshipping - Pegasus/Kisara
Pleashipping - Mahad/Isis
Poemshipping - Yugi/Miho
Polarshipping - Joey/Mai
Pompshipping - Seto/Miho
Powershipping - Seto/Mai
Prideshipping - Seto/Yami
Prodigyshipping - Seto/Rebecca
Proofshipping - Honda/Mai
Protectshipping - Honda/Ryou
Puffshipping - Joey/Ryou
Puppyshipping - Joey/Seto
Puzzleshipping - Yami/Yugi
Redeemedshipping - Yami/Pegasus
Redeyeshipping - Ryuzaki/Joey
Refineshipping - Mai/Pegasus
Regalshipping - Mai/Yami
Renegadeshipping - TKB/Diabound
Replayshipping - Yugi/Rebecca
Rerunshipping - Yami Bakura/Noah
Respectshipping - Yami/Mokuba
Revengeshipping - Amelda/Seto
Revolutionshipping - Yami/Anzu
Riftshipping - TKB/Ryou/Yugi
Ringshipping - TKB/Mahad
Ripshipping - Ishizu/TKB
Riskshipping - Joey/Mokuba
Rivalshipping - Seto/Yugi
Rodshipping - Set/Malik
Roseshipping - Pegasus/Cyndia
Ruseshipping - Malik/Rishid
Sacrificeshipping - Amelda/Valon
Safteyshipping - Honda/Yami Bakura/Ryou
Scandleshipping - Set/Atem
Screamshipping - Shizuka/Yami Bakura
Sealshipping - Mahad/Atem
Secretshipping - Shizuka/Ryuzaki
Sedateshipping - Malik/Shizuka
Seershipping - Isis/Ishizu
Shadeshipping - TKB/Amane
Shadowshipping - Yami/Shizuka
Shimmershipping - Ryuji/Mokuba
Shoreshippinge - Mako/Shizuka
Shrimpshipping - Haga/Ryuzaki
Siblingshipping - Mokuba/Serenity
Sickleshipping - Yami Malik/TKB
Sideshipping - Shizuka/Anzu
Sightshipping - Pegasus/Ishizu
Silentshipping - Seto/Shizuka
Sinkshipping - Atem/Amane
Slateshipping - TKB/Anzu
Slickshipping - Aknadin/TKB
Snareshipping - Ryuji/Joey
Softshipping - Ryou/Shizuka
Sororshipping - Ishizu/Shizuka
Sparkleshipping - Kisara/Mana
Spearshipping - Mako/Yugi
Spikeshipping - Yugi/Honda
Spraypaintshipping: Yami/Hanasaki
Staffshipping - Malik/Mana
Stageshipping - Anzu/Dark Magician Girl
Stakeshipping - Keith/Mai
Standshipping - Rishid/Joey
Startleshipping - Keith/Anzu
Starchipshipping - Satake/Takaido
Steelshipping - Keith/Yami Bakura
Stepshipping - Noah/Mokuba
Stoicshipping - Set/Seto
Successionshipping - Rishid/Ishizu
Sugarshipping - Mokuba/Mana
Supportshipping - Anzu/Honda
Sweetshipping - Ryou/Mokuba
Swiftshipping - Joey/Ishizu
Switchshipping - Mokuba/Adina
Symbioshipping - Mako/Espa Roba
Tabloidshipping - Seto/Mokuba
Taleshipping - Siegfried/Leon
Tendershipping - Yami Bakura/Ryou
Thornshipping - Yami Malik/Anzu
Ticketshipping: Yugi/Hanasaki
Tieshipping - Honda/Miho
Timidshipping - Yugi/Shizuka
Tombshipping - Malik/Pegasus
Toonshipping - Pegasus/Seto
Toughshipping - Keith/Joey
Tourneyshipping - Yami/Haga
Towershipping - Yami Malik/Seto/Joey
Trackshipping - Yami Bakura/Shadi
Tragedyshipping - Malik/Amane
Trapshipping - Yami Bakura/Yami/Yugi/Ryou
Trashshipping - Yami Bakura/Yami Malik
Tributeshipping - Mahad/Kisara
Trustshipping - Ishizu/Seto
Tuftshipping - Ryuzaki/Mokuba
Twistedshipping - Shadi/Pegasus
Unlockshipping - Shadi/Yugi
Utopiashipping - Aigami/Yugi
Vanishshipping - Anzu/Atem
Vaseshipping - Atem/Mana
Velcroshipping - TKB/Haga
Vigilshipping - Ryou/Mai
Visionshipping - Mai/Ishizu
Vividshipping - Yugi/Kisara
Wingshipping - Raphael/Iatos
Wishshipping - Joey/Yugi
Witshipping - Seto/Witty Phantom
Wreckshipping - Yami Bakura/Seto/Yami Malik
Yamishipping - Yami/Yami Bakura/Yami Malik
Yingyangshipping - Ryuji/Kisara
Yuumieshipping - Yugi/Yami/Malik/Yami Malik/Ryou/Yami Bakura
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The thing about YGO characters is that EVERY character has something in common with each other. Like all of them.
So you can ship anyone with anyone.
Here's an example with some of the main boys:
Yugi, Ryou, Jou, Otogi, Kaiba - gamers
Honda, Jou, Kaiba, Malik - brothers, motorcycles, beating people up
Honda, Otogi, Jou - girls, rescuing people by beating people up, creepy relative, driving
Yugi, Ryou, Malik - Millenium Items, evil spirits
Ryou, Malik, Kaiba, Otogi, Jou - general childhood trauma
Ryou, Otogi, Kaiba - Puzzle-induced trauma, interest in Yugi
Yugi, Jou, Honda - porn, friendship, bad grades
Yugi, Kaiba, Jou - Duel Monsters
Yugi, Kaiba, Otogi - game designers
Yugi, Ryou, Otogi - indie games!
#I like lists#just a bit of fun#YGO#yugioh#random fandom thoughts#shipping#bromance#every way works#yes I know I'm ignoring Atem and Bakura but they complicate everything#I just realised there are no pairs in here lol#at least 3 people hahaha#my tastes are showing#yes I know Kaiba's only canonical game designing skills is basically Death-T but it still counts even if he was being murderous about it
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Tori/Rio commission for a buddy of mine! You can check out his fic that this excerpt is from here! :D
#yugioh zexal#rio kamishiro#rio kastle#tori meadows#kotori mizuki#faintshipping#when i have to open up the holy ship list texts to try and find what the ygo lesbians are called called this time#ygoart#dana art#THE FIC IS SUPREMELY COOL BTW!!! SUMMONING MY RIO ENJOYERS!!!
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You're not alone
Summary: After Atem and Bakhura die they reach a truce, and sometimes Bakhura stays to sleep in the pharaoh's room, that night is the first time they exchange more than two words.
Am I posting a fic on tumblr? Yeah, english is not my first language, sorry if there is a mistake.
Warnings: light angst, they are in afterlife, Atem has a crisis and Bakura comfort him.
His hearing was well trained to detect even the slightest noise, when you were on your own it was the only thing you could do to survive another day of the dangers of the elements, so when the breathing of the person behind him underwent a small change he knew that he had woken up, the truth was that Atem had a very irregular sleeping rhythm, Bakhura knew this because he had observed him during the nights they shared a bed.
He never bothered to know why and Atem never tried to explain it, maybe it was something unspoken between them like everything else, like the meals left in the kitchens, the gold and jewelry objects and the silent invitation to sleep together with a small space in the king's bed.
Bakhura never wanted to know and Atem never wanted to talk, until that night.
"Do you ever miss him?" Bakhura could pretend to be asleep, he would be coherent and Atem would probably go back to sleep after a while, but the tired voice squeezed the former thief's heart.
"I don't know" and it was true, he was never able to form a healthy bond with his host, Zorc had taken it upon himself to make him insensitive to use as he pleased and then Bakhura had disappeared from Bakura Ryō's life.
"How you do not know? You should" Bakhura rolled his eyes that he still had closed, these were the most words that both had exchanged in a long time.
"Gods, go to sleep" the movement of the body behind him startled him and then he was lying on his back with the pharaoh sitting on his lap glaring at him, Bakhura did not feel intimidated, he never had.
"No! How do you stand it!? There is so much space, so much silence! I hate him!" He sobbed, burying his hands in his hair, Bakhura observed his face contorted in that grimace of despair and agony, until a while ago he would have enjoyed it, he would have laughed and humiliated him, Today? Today he only felt sorry for the poor boy who, like him, had seen everything he loved and longed for destroyed and turned into ashes without being able to do anything about it.
Bakhura raised his left hand, placing it on the Atem's sweaty neck, pulling the pharaoh down against his chest and holding him like that, in a tight, uncomfortable embrace that made them both tense.
How long had it been since they touched another human being? It seemed like more than three thousand years.
In the end Atem relaxed, leaning his head on the thief's chest and looking out the balcony, at the always perfect night full of stars.
"I don't want to be alone" Atem's fists clench and Bakhura felt the slight wetness of tears wetting his skin, he kept his hand on the back of the boy king's neck and upper back.
"The chocolate," he whispered in a low voice, fearing to ruin the peaceful atmosphere in which they had immersed themselves, Atem made a noise in his throat that Bakhura interpreted as meaning that he would continue speaking. "In winter Ryō liked to make hot chocolate with mint sticks, it's something I wouldn't mind having again."
Bakhura hoped that this would serve to express that perhaps somewhere in his being he did miss the child who had housed his soul in his body and had tried to make him feel welcome even if it hurt him.
Atem moved over him, moved his hand away, letting him move freely, maybe he had helped him because yes, he missed his host, so Atem wasn't the only one who couldn't stand loneliness, he would probably get exhausted again and sleep for the rest of the night in peace, until Atem held his cheeks, the look Atem was giving him was too soft, his eyes looked even deeper than they normally would be and Bakhura choked on the air he tried to breathe when the Pharaoh's face approached his.
Bakhura closed his eyes, he was sure that with how fast his heart was beating it would burst out of his chest, and when their lips touched, oh, how perfect it was, so soft, like the touch of a feather on his skin.
Then Atem pulled away and they looked into each other's eyes, and Bakhura, greedy as he had always been, wanted more, he lifted himself up enough to reach the pharaoh's warm lips again and his hands went to the lower back to support the lithe and thin body close to him, his lips moved awkwardly revealing the characteristic inexperience of a first kiss.
The second time they separated they leaned their foreheads together trying to process what had happened, Bakhura couldn't hold back the words that came out of his mouth before he could think about them.
"You're not alone, not anymore" yet, he knew it was true, after all, they would always be connected beyond what was humanly understandable.
Spanish version available:
#This is part of an event on a Facebook page#They called it “Kisspril”#Do you know how funny it is that I chose all the Kisspril ships with a list and role dice?#Anyway#I wanted to share my fics here too.#yugioh#ygo#thief king bakura#pharaoh atem#Casteshipping#first kiss#kisspril#my writing
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Yubel/Yuuki Juudai | Jaden Yuki, Johan Andersen | Jesse Anderson/Yuuki Juudai | Jaden Yuki Characters: Yuuki Juudai | Jaden Yuki, Yubel (Yu-Gi-Oh), Hane Kuriboh | Winged Kuriboh, Johan Andersen | Jesse Anderson, Elemental Hero Neos, Austin O'Brien | Axel Brodie, Saotome Rei | Blair Flannigan Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, someone else gets left behind, diverges from episode 130 of gx, One-Sided Relationship, Angst, Non-Consensual Touching, light Violence, slight reincarnation mentioning???, bc idk maybe i like infiniteship, roleswap sorta Series: Part 1 of GX CANNON DIVERGENCY Summary:
Waking up alone after the duel with Yubel wasn't a good thing for Judai. Nor exactly is the realisation that you're alone with them which is exactly what they wanted.
Everyone knows Johan was the one that was supposed to be left behind so why is it Judai instead?
#yugioh gx#ygo gx#judai yuki#gx#jaden yuki#yubel gx#fanfic#YEAH BET NOBODY EXPECTED ME TO BE POSTING FANFIC AGAIN#WELL IM FINALLY FREE AFTER TWO MONTHS#Wayy longer than i meant it to be though lmao#but hey i have other stuff in the oven to eventually finish#maybe#idk depends on how things go#could tag the listed ships buuut#the souls pretty one sided#and the spiritships more of a wink and nod sorta deal#anyways hope you enjoy if you do decide to read it haha
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Emeraldshipping Ramble
Because I'm stressed because I have no way to work and I'm worried I'm gonna get fired for it even though I have PTO LMAO and this ship makes me feel safe and happy. --- I like to imagine that she found him lying face-down in the ground after the Millennium World arc with a fresh adult body, dubious mortality, and a chip on his shoulder a mile wide.
She looked after him and nursed him back to health. He repays his debts, so he sticks around. Then he starts getting...attached. She's an older woman, but what the hell does that mean to someone who's thousands of years old? Compared to Bakura, she's a mayfly. And they just have this very comfortable existence together. They have a quiet understanding that they're sticking together, and Izuku even accepts him as "Mom's friend Bakura" (and Bakura definitely doesn't see Izuku as the son he desperately wants with Inko, nope). As she starts to get older, Bakura realizes he can't age. He's immortal. And after he finds Inko crying one day, she confesses her feelings. She's in love with him, even though she knows she shouldn't be; he's handsome and so, so much younger than she is. But he tells her that it's okay, because he loves her too. And there may be a way for them to be together, even with their age difference... Cue him using magic and begging (well, more like demanding, but they see it for the desperation that it is) the Gods to bind his immortal soul with hers, so that they may have a shared existence. They take pity on the two lovers and allow their souls to be bound, with Inko's apparent age matching Bakura's. The stipulation for this is simple: They must do their will on Earth. They must protect the afterlife from interference after Kaiba decided to fuck with everything and bring the Pharaoh back to have a mortal life. They accept this, and continue to live a very quiet life together. Izuku is confused but happy for them. ... Though he does wish they'd act a little less like newlyweds whenever he's around...
#crossover ship#crossover au#Yugioh#ygo dm#yugioh duel monsters#yami bakura#inko midoriya#emeraldshipping#my hero academia#nnnngh don't judge me I just really love this ship okay#Ancient Wraith + Awkward Housewife is one of my favorite flavors#my writing#100 percent Bakura does this to mess with Izuku#Because even when he's in love and happy he's a little shit#Inko knows how to keep him in line though when she needs to#Also Bakura just adores the shit out of her and anyone who slights her is on his shit list#He adores Izuku too but he's waaaaay more tsun about it
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And another one suggestion to the VR Ship List...
It's funny that we never learned anything about Yusaku's past or his family and why he lives alone in a room instead of a house. The only family he has is Roboppy and Ai, a pair of artificial intelligences that changed his life completely.
Possible name: Homelikeshipping.
Collage made by me!
#ygo#yu gi oh#yugioh vrains#ygo vrains#vrains#yusaku fujiki#roboppi#ai#ai yugioh#homelikeshipping#ship list#vrshiplist#suggestion
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my YGO crossbody bag preorders are now open!! 🥺🎉let's GOOOOOO (๑>D<)و ⌒*.☆~!!!! 🐉store link🐉 multiple bag discount codes are listed in the product listing! please read the description carefully 🥰❤️ preorders close august 26th and the bags will ship out late september-early october. if you have any questions, please DM or use the contact form on my store! thank you so much everyone again for your patience on these - im so excited!!
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Fic Writers' 20 Questions
I was tagged by @lumeha. Thank you!
1) How many works do you have on AO3? 117, apparently.
2) What's your total AO3 word count? 146,273. That's less than I thought. I really should work on writing some more hahaha.
3) What are your top five fics by kudos? Support (And Other Ways to Make Friends) [FE3H] "Cheated" [YGO] "Unseen" [Danny Phantom] "Concrete Faith" [Pathologic] "Of Cats and Ribbons" [Fairy Tail]
4) What fandoms do you write for? As you can kind of see from the above, just...a lot of anime and video games. I was a bit sad none of my top 5 were FF14, but then I remembered that I actually haven't published any of Inky's stories on AO3. Besides, OC ship fics usually don't get as many hits, so they probably wouldn't be on that list...most of the ones that are there only have so much attention because they're old. Or, in the case of "Concrete Faith," because it's kinky.
5) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes, I always respond to comments. It means a lot that someone took the time to write to me about their thoughts, so I try to write back.
6) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? If we don't include micro-stories, then this is probably a toss-up between "Ashes, Ashes," and "Descent." I don't really write sad endings because I don't usually like them. It's not what I want out of fiction.
7) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I can't possibly choose. Most of my stories have happy endings. I'm not sure I can meaningfully rank them.
8) Do you get hate on fics? No, thankfully.
9) Do you write smut? Yes, but most of it doesn't get published under this pen name. Someday I'd like to change that, but we'll see.
10) Do you write crossovers? Theoretically, sure, if the crossover is compelling enough. I don't think I've published anything that was explicitly a crossover, though...?
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of. I'm sure it's happened, though, especially since I took a little too long to lock my fics behind the sign-in requirements.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes, a couple of times.
13) Have you ever cowritten a fic before? Lumeha and I had a pretty compelling post-Patho-2 world, but it was never published. I've been part of collaborative projects before, but I don't think I've published anything that was cowritten, exactly. Anything I write that features Helvi/Rinoire (@sayonaramidnight) or Aurelle/T'Nali (@orime-stories) or Kaede (no active tumblr) is technically co-written, though, since I'm borrowing their characters. I've written fics featuring other people's OCs for Speaker as well.
14) What's your all time favourite ship? I don't know. I couldn't choose. Maybe I'm just too tired and this is a cop-out answer, but there are too many ships I like that are important to me for different reasons.
15) What's the wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I don't keep a lot of WIPs. If I can't finish a project for some reason, I tend to trash it. If I start writing something, I do my best to see it through.
16) What are your writing strengths? I think I'm pretty good at writing dialogue and conveying emotion. Sometimes I even get inspired with some good similes.
17) What are your writing weaknesses? I really struggle with different tone styles. All of my writing has a semi-serious narrative voice, even when my POV character shouldn't necessarily be like that. Writing as Inky has helped me a little in that regard, but I still struggle adapting my narrative voice to different genres. I could never write pure comedy, for example.
18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I don't know if this means writing the dialogue in another language and leaving it in that other language, or using another language to write the dialogue. Generally, I think I currently come down on the side of, there must be a really good in-universe reason for dialogue in another language to be notated in that other language (or a romanized approximation). If the POV character can understand what's being said, I think the dialogue should be written in the same language as the rest of the fic with a notation that the speaker is using a different one, recognized by the listener. If the POV character can't understand, then I don't think there's much to be gained by writing out syllables they probably can't even think of in their own linguistic terms--unless, for example, you really want the dramatic irony for people who also speak the language in question, or maybe if there's some kind of untranslatable phrase that holds specific value, (e.g. Keelah se'lai in Mass Effect) or something similar. There are also cases where dialect mixing and language evolution might make it reasonable for a character who primarily speaks Dwarvish to know a few Elven words and mix them into their own speech...or with real-world language, sometimes I choose not to translate honorifics specifically, but it really depends on the tone of the story and the target audience.
Tl;dr I think it's a little silly to just write a whole sentence in another language if the POV character doesn't understand it.
That said, I also tend to sometimes translate my dialogue into another language, then re-translate it back to force myself to think about what is REALLY important about what's being said. It's also a bit like the "turn everything to comic sans" trick to catch typos--if dialogue is sounding awkward, switching to another language sometimes gets things un-stuck.
19) First fandom you wrote for? Neopets.
20) Favourite fic you've ever written? I can't choose.
I will tag (if you like!) @orime-stories @sayonaramidnight @undyingembers @captainofthefallen @queen-scribbles @dragonologist-phd and @clefaiiiry.
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I mentioned in a post before that I made a Dartz playlist, and now it’s time I share my Yami Yugi Playlist! (A playlist that relates everything to him as a character, his personality, vibes and so on!)
I’d imagine if he were to be staying with yugi + the gang in the modern world and live his life, he’d listen to a broad range of music tastes/genres, so I suppose he isn’t too picky on anything - as long as the song is either catchy and has a good beat, relaxing or just down right have meaningful lyrics that relate to him personally - But if were gonna lean into specifics, here would be a few artists/genres I’d headcanon he’ll listen to.
Genres I headcanon him listening to:
Pop/pop punk
hip hop/rap (?)
80’s/90’s music
traditional Egyptian music
alternative/alternative rock
video game/anime OST’s
Examples of artists I think he would listen to:
• Imagine Dragons
• Utada Hikaru
• The Cranberries
• Michael Jackson
• Avicii
• Coldplay
• Porter Robinson – particularly that of the ‘Nurture’ album
• One Ok Rock
• Linkin Park
• Alec Benjamin
• Ed Sheeran
• Gavin Jones
• Fall Out Boy
It’s currently in a wip, so it will get updated periodically, though I’m happy to hear others suggestions! I’m also currently working on a self ship playlist for him, so if anyone is interested I’ll be posting it in a seperate post/link.
For now, here is the current playlist I’ve got so far, with songs in no particular order.
YAMI YUGI PLAYLIST (That give off vibes + aesthetic + personality)✨🌟💜:
• Michael Jackson – Unbreakable
• Michael Jackson – Threatened (SBMJ’s Remastered and Extended) – (This remix particularly gives me Season 0 vibes and I’m here for it!)
• Jake Daniels - God (Gives me post DSOD vibes)
• Sandy Martin - Camel by Camel (Little V Metal Cover)
• Porter Robinson – Everything Goes on
• Elton John – I’m Still Standing
• Fleetwood Mac – Seven Wonders
• The Cranberries – Linger
• Bruno Mars ft. Lady Gaga – Die with a Smile
• Foo Fighters – The Pretenders
• Fall Out Boy – The Phoenix
• NANO - All Eyes On Me
• NANO - A Thousand Words
• Last Dinosaurs - Apollo
• Bentley Jones - Dreams Of An Absolution (The LB vs. JS Remix)
• Imagine Dragons - Whatever It Takes
• OneRepublic - All The Right Moves (Danger Remix)
• OneRepublic - Counting Stars
• OneRepublic - If I Lose Myself
• Kendrick Lamar ft. SZA - All The Stars
• Megumi Ogata - Solitary Hide and Seek (Yes, the Seiyuu/VA for Dark Yugi in Season 0! (I just found out about it! I know she's more well known for playing Nagito from Danganronpa, Shinji from Evangelion, Sailor Uranus from Sailor Moon and many others, but I figured fans of YGO Season 0 deserve some love too, so this one goes out to the Season 0 Dark Yugi girlies!🫡 Plus the song kinda fits for him as a character - for season 0 anyway.)
#cosmic posts stuff#him 💜#yugioh#yami yugi#yugioh atem#and now here’s the main yami yugi playlist! by yours truly!#it’s still a wip but I’m happy for any suggestions!#UPDATED: 1/3/2025
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A Small Introduction
I'm OmeCat. I also go by Yuyu or Sunny. I write and I draw.
I am a massive fan of and will draw art of: YGO (Both show and TCG) and Cookie Run Kingdom.
For yugioh, I predominantly ship:
Puzzleshipping, Blindshipping, Prideshipping, Rivalshipping, Flareshipping, Puppyshipping/Violetshipping, Mobiumshipping and Monarchshipping
I don't mind other ships outside of those, I am just not very inclined to draw/write for it unless specifically commissioned to. My only hard limit is tabloidshipping.
For Cookie Run Kingdom, I predominantly ship:
Golden Smoke, Burning Cheese, Pure Shadow, Pure Lily and Mystic Cacao.
I don't have any hard limits shipping wise in the CRK fandom. (At least as of right now.)
Boundaries / Warning
I suppose you can call this my 'dnf'. I am, as will slowly become apparently, not a very online heavy person. I try to limit my time spent on social media to at most 2 hours. I'm not very quick on the trends because of that and I also keep my nose out of drama. So this is a mix of 'Don't follow if you are' and 'Don't follow me if you don't like' type of list.
Don't follow me if:
You are underaged.
You are uncomfortable with depictions of mature themes such as but not limited to: Abuse (of all kind), Power Imbalanced Relationships, Complex/Complicated Relationships, Violence, Self Harm (mainly in non-physical manners), Infidelity, etc. HOWEVER! If you feel that I am romanticizing / incorrectly depicting it, please feel free to DM me. I would not mind a civil conversation about it. I strive to learn and grow as a creator.
You are uncomfortable with any of the ships listed above.
As for Boundaries:
Please don't harass me over my art or ships. I'm making content for free, if you really don't like it, please just block me.
Please don't DM me and ask me personal questions. I'm a private person and while I don't mind a friendly chat, don't ask me about my age, real name, location or anything that can potentially be used to reveal my identity. I like my anonymity.
Please don't DM or Tag me images of Loli/Shota/Cub. It's weird.
Tags To Black List
Black list any of the below tags if you don't wish to see it:
#OmecatOriginal : My Original Content
#YGO : My Yugioh Content
#CRK : My Cookie Run Kingdom Content
Commission / Requests / Art Trade
As of right now, I am not accepting commissions. I am in the process of opening them up soon however; I will be accepting payments through Ko-Fi and Cashapp.
I DO however accept Art Requests, especially if they're interesting ideas. Whether or not I fulfill them is up to me in the end, but if it's for any of my hyperfixations listed above (ship, character, fandom), then I can safely say that I am most likely to do it. Feel free to send an Ask, a DM or a comment. (To those that need a little more assurance, I understand the social anxiety, I really really mean it. I don't mind requests. I'll update this if at any point I don't want any.)
I am open to doing Art Trades / Writing Trades. I am not picky, for Art I don't mind beginners. For Writing, I don't expect matched lengths. Just getting to create something and share it is fun for me. I'm not doing this to get big, I'm creating because I like doing it.
That's all. Thank you so so much for reading.
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Yugioh Ship List (DM/Ask if I missed one/You have a name for one)
Abandonshipping: Gozoburo/Noah/Mokuba
Admireshipping: Ghost/Mokuba
Adoptshipping: Gozoburo/Seto
Agileshipping: Anzu/Vivian
Airshipping: Thief King/Shada
Akinshipping: Ryuota/Sugoroku
Alliumshipping: Yugi/Dark Magician
Altershipping: Malik/Ryou/Yami Malik
Ambitionshipping: Mai/Ishizu/Anzu
Amoshipping: Mai/Joey/Shizuka
Anagramshipping: Karim/Malik
Analogshipping: Honda/Ryou/Anzu
Angstshipping: Ryou/Malik
Angelicshipping: Ryou/Rafael
Annoyshipping: Seto/Joey/Noah
Antagoshipping: Yami Bakura/Seto
Apparishipping: Ghost/Espa
Apprenticeshipping: Mahaad/Mana
Aptshipping: Honda/Ishizu
Aquaintanceshipping: Honda/Espa
Archaishipping: Atem/Set/Thief King
Ardentshipping: Honda/Shizuka
Argenshipping: Pegasus/Ryou
Aromashipping: Ryouta/Honda/Joey
Arrogantshipping: Mai/Seto
Ateloshipping: Pegasus/Keith
Atlantisshipping: Darts/Iorei
Attachshipping: Kisara/Mokuba
Attentionshipping: Siegfried/Vivian
Atticshipping: Ryou/Mana
Avishipping: Yami/Ishizu
Aweshipping: Mahaad/Ishizu
Axisshipping: Seto/Siegfried
Azureshipping: Anzu/Seto
Babbleshipping: Joey/Kisara
Bakushipping: Ryou/Yami Bakura/Thief King
Balanceshipping: Ryou/ishizu/Shadi
Balladshipping: Ryouta/Ryou/Shizuka
Bandageshipping: Yami Bakura/Ryou/Shizuka
Bangshipping: Yugi/Mai
Barbacueshipping: Ryouta/Honda
Barriershipping: Noah/Seto/Yami
Barshipping: Keith/Joey/Yugi/Honda
Batteryshipping: Yami Bakura/Joey/Ryou
Battleshipping: Seto/Joey/Yugi
Bayshipping: Set/Noah
Beachshipping: Joey/Ryouta/Shizuka
Beehiveshipping: Mai/Rebecca
Behalfshipping: Espa/Ryou
Bereftshipping: Set/Mana
Bickershipping: Malik/Seto/Joey
Bikeshipping: Honda/Mana
Bittershipping: Honda/Pegasus
Bladeshipping: Pandora/Yugi
Blessedshipping: Mahaad/Shizuka
Blindshipping: Yugi/Atem
Blindfoldshipping: PaniK/Vivian
Bloodshipping: Yami Marik/Gozoburo
Blondeshipping: Malik/Dark Magician Girl
Blueshipping: Seto/Kisara
Bondageshipping: Yami Marik/Ryuji
Boothshipping: Keith/Seto/Joey/Shizuka
Bounceshipping: Ryou/Rebbeca
Boundshipping: Thief King/Yugi
Boxshipping: Mokuba/Anzu
Breathshipping: Shadi/Cyndia
Bribeshipping: Mai/Ryuzaki
Bruiseshipping: Honda/Joey/Ryuzaki
Brutalshipping: Keith/Ryuzaki
Buddyshipping: Honda/Joey
Bugshipping: Haga/Yugi
Butterflyshipping: Ryou/Mai/Anzu
Burialshipping: Ghost/Thief King
Burnshipping: Thief King/Kisara/Set
Burntshipping: Keith/Yami/Yugi
Cageshipping: Yami Bakura/Yami/Malik
Cakeshipping: Cyndia/mokuba
Candleshipping: Ryou/Seto/Yami Bakura
Cardshipping: Sugoroku/Yugi
Careshipping: Honda/Shizuka/Yugi
Carmenshipping: Seto/Yami Malik/Yami Bakura
Casteshipping: Atem/Thief King
Castleshipping: Set/Joey/Seto
Cavaliershipping: Yami/Rebbeca
CEOshipping: Pegasus/Ryuji/Seto
Caveshipping: Keith/Ghost
Celesteshipping: Valon/Anzu
Celestialshipping: Malik/Kisara
Cemeteryshipping: Yami Bakura/Ghost/Ryou
Chairoshipping: Valon/Mana
Chanceshipping: Seto/Yugi/Ryuji
Changeshipping: Malik/Ryuji
Chaosshipping: Set/Thief King/Yami Bakura/Seto
Charmshipping: Shizuka/Mana
Chaseshipping: Honda/Ryuji
Cheatshipping: Joey/Espa
Cheershipping: Ryuji/Shizuka
Cherryshipping: Joey/Amane
Chibishipping: Yugi/Mokuba
Chimeshipping: Thief King/Malik/Mai
Chuteshipping: Atem/Kisara
Circleshipping: Honda/Joey/Miho
Citronshipping: Thief King/Malik
Clashshipping: Yami Marik/Yami
Clearshipping: Seto/Yugi/Mokuba
Clingshipping: Yugi/Anzu/Mokuba
Cloudshipping: Noah/Shizuka
Clovershipping: Noah/Kisara
Coastershipping: Espa/Ryuzaki
Cobaltshipping: Seto/Set/Kisara
Coerceshipping: Ghost/Strings
Cockroachshipping: Yami Bakura/Haga
Coinshipping: Anzu/Miho
Commitshipping: Set/Isis/Seto/Ishizu
Coldbloodedshipping: Seto/Blue Eyes White Dragon
Concietshipping: Yami Bakura/Mai
Conditionshipping: Gozoburo/Mokuba
Confuseshipping: Ryou/Atem
Conquestshipping: Valon/Mai
Conscriptshipping: Gozoburo/Seto/Mokuba
Conspireshipping: Yami Malik/Malik/Yami Bakura/Ryou
Controlshipping: Malik/Noah
Copeshipping: Keith/Anzu/Shizuka
Copyshipping: Mai/Joey/Anzu
Corruptshipping: Thief King/Set
Counselshipping: Yami/Ryuji/Ishizu
Covershipping: Keith/Pandora
Covetshipping: Atem/Set/Mahaad
Creamshipping: Joey/Ryou/Yami Bakura/Thief King
Creepshipping: Haga/Ghost
Crestshipping: Seto/Ishizu/Shadi
Crossshipping: Yami Malik/Yugi
Crownshipping: Pegasus/Anzu
Crushshipping: Ryuji/Honda/Shizuka
Crypticshipping: Shadi/Rishid
Crystalshipping: Anzu/Mana
Cunishipping: Mai/Anzu/Shizuka
Curveshipping: Rishid/Malik/Joey
Cuteshipping: Shizuka/Rebbeca
Danceshipping: Mai/Anzu
Darkshipping: Yami/Yami Bakura
Dealshipping: Yami Bakura/Ryou/Amane
Deathshipping: Yami Malik/Ryou
Dedicationshipping: Anzu/Rishid
Defershipping: Malik/Shadi
Deignshipping: Shadi/Yami/Yugi
Delphishipping: Ishizu/Kisara
Delusionshipping: Pandora/Cathrine
Demiseshipping: Keith/Isis/Malik
Denyshipping: Yami Bakura/Anzu/Yami
Depthshipping: Gozoburo/Pegasus
Destructionshipping: Yugi/Gandora the Dragon of Destruction
Devilfishshipping: Ryouta/Yami Bakura
Devotionshipping: Anzu/Joey
Diceshipping: Yami Bakura/Ryuji
Diamondshipping: Yami MAlik/Mai/Yami Bakura
Digshipping: Arthur/Ryou
Distortshipping: Aigami/Zorc
Distrustshipping: Seto/Shadi
Divulgeshipping: Yami Malik/Thief King/Atem
Disturbshipping: Yami Malik/Shizuka
Dollshipping: Yami Bakura/Darknecrofear
Domashipping: Rafael/Amelda/Valon
doodleshipping: Rebecca/Amane
Doomshipping: Yami Malik/Yami Bakura/Mokuba
Doubtshipping: Seto/Malik/Ryou
Downshipping: Keith/Cyndia
Dragonshipping: Yami/Joey
Dragonicshipping: Hermos/Critias
Dramashipping: Joey/Ryouta
Dreamshipping: Mai/Joey/Yugi
Dripshipping: Ryuto/Anzu
Driveshipping: Malik/Mai
Droidshipping: Yami/Strings
Dulcetshipping: Mai/Ishizu/Shizuka
Dungeonshipping: Pegasus/Ryuji
Dustshipping: Yami Malik/Mai
Dynamicshipping: Ryouta/Rebecca
Eclipseshipping: Yami Malik/Malik
Effectshipping: Kaibaman/Maiden With Eyes of Blue
Egoshipping: Keith/Mai/Seto
Eliteshipping: Keith/Seto
Endshipping: Ryou/Yami Bakura/Zorc
Enigmashipping: Shaada/Shadi
Encourageshipping: Yugi/Yami/Anzu
Envyshipping: Anzu/Rebbeca
Esotericshipping: Dark Magician/Silent Magician
Ettushipping: Seto/Mai/Joey
Euroshipping: Seto/Ryou
Evilshipping: Yami Malik/Yami Bakura/Rebbeca
Executeshipping: Yami Malik/Shadi
Exodushipping: Joey/Yugi/Haga
Eyeshipping: Yami Bakura/Pegasus
Fadeshipping: Yami Malik/Joey
Fakeshipping: Yami Malik/Joey/Malik
Fairyshipping: Leon/Mokuba
Faltershipping: Rebbeca/Ghost
Fallenshipping: Pandora/Malik
Falseshipping: Strings/Cathrine
Fameshipping: Ryuji/Vivian
Familiarshipping: Critias/Kisara
Fataleshipping: Vivian/Mai
Fateshipping: Rafael/Yugi
Faultshipping: Seto/Anzu/Mokuba
Fawnshipping: Haga/Pegasus
Feathershipping: Yami/Yugi/Joey
Fearshipping: Yami Malik/Ishizu
Feignshipping: Yami Malik/Pegasus/Ryuji
Feralshipping: Yami Malik/Ryuzaki
Fetishshipping: Yami Bakura/Yami Malik/Malik
Figureshipping: Ishizu/Mai/Anzu/Shizuka
Fillershipping: Noah/Rebbeca
Flareshipping: Seto/Yami/Yugi
Flippaintshipping: Ryuji/Mai
Floatshipping: Thief King/Isis
Flowshipping: Isis/Kisara
Flurryshipping: Ryou/Yugi/Mokuba
Fogshipping: Set/Ryouta
Fontshipping: Malik/Ryouta
Foreignshipping: Leon/Rebbeca
Foreshipping: Ishizu/Yugi
Forgiveshipping: Thief King/Shizuka
Forlornshipping: Pandora/Pegasus
Fossilshipping: Ryuzaki/Ghost
Fractureshipping: Yami Bakura/Thief king/Ryou/Malik/Yami Malik
Fragileshipping: Yami/Ryou
Frazzleshipping: Joey/Rebbeca
Frightshipping: Yami Bakura/Joey
Furyshipping: Yami Malik/Joey/Yami/Seto
Gainshipping: Yami/Ryuto
Gambleshipping: Joey/Ryuji/Ishizu
Gameshipping: Yami/Ryuji
Gangshipping: Joey/Hirutani
Garagekitshipping: Joey/Hanasaki
Geminishipping: Yami Bakura/Thief King
Gemshipping: Ryou/Thief King
Gentleshipping: Valon/Shizuka
Gentiansjipping: Malik/Ishizu/Shizuka
Ghostshipping: Noah/Ghost/Amane
Giftshipping: Honda/Joey/Yugi/Miho
Gingershipping: Keith/Shizuka
Glassshipping: Thief King/Shadi
Glittershipping: Anzu/Kisara
Goldshipping: Atem/Malik
Guardshipping: Seto/Isono
Guardianshipping: Ishizu/Rafael
Gracehsipping: Ryou/Ishizu
Gravityshipping: Malik/Ryou/Thief King
Greedshipping: Yugi/Ushio
Grudgeshipping: Pegasus/Yugi/Seto
Hairshipping: Honda/Yami
Halfshipping: Ryou/Miho
Halucinoshipping: Pandora/Noah
Hangshipping: Yami Bakura/Seto/Keith
Hateshipping: Yami Bakura/Atem
Hauntshipping: Yami Malik/Ghost
Hazelshipping: Yugi/Ishizu/Ryou
Hazeshipping: Ryouta/Ryou
Headdreassshipping: Seto/Mahaad
Heartshipping: Ryou/Yugi
Hellshipping: Ghost/Satake/Takaido
Heroshipping: Jean Claude Magnum/Joey
Hideshipping: Pegasus/Yugi
Hikarishipping: Malik/Yugi/Ryou
Holeshipping: Yami/Seto/Malik
Honorshipping: Ryouta/Yami/Yugi
Hospitalshipping: Ryou/Hanasaki
Hostshipping: Anzu/Ryou
Hubrisshipping: Yami Malik/Seto
Hustleshipping: Haga/Mai
Hydrashipping: Ryouta/Ryuzaki
Identityshipping: Ryou/Rishid
Illogicshipping: Seto/Ishizu/Shizuka
Illusionshipping: Mai/Yami Malik
Immatureshipping: Joey/Noah
Imoutoshipping: Shizuka/Amane
Impressshipping: Mai/Valon/Joey
Impulseshipping: Joey/Mana
Incestshipping: Seto/Ishizu/Joey/Mokuba/Malik/Shizuka
Insightshipping: Set/Ishizu
Instentshipping: Mokuba/Yami Bakura
Interfereshipping: Yami Malik/Joey/Mai
Intimidashipping: Keith/Yugi
Intrigueshipping: Aknadin/Set
Invalidhsipping: Shadi/Ryou
Irateshipping: Joey/Malik
Issueshipping: Joey/Seto/Ishizu
Itemshipping: Yami/Seto/Ishizu
Jackleshipping: Shadi/Joey
Jadeshipping: Ryuota/Ishizu
Jaspershipping: Yugi/Seto/Mahaad/Set
Jasmineshipping: Thief King/Kisara/Malik
Jeershipping: Valon/Joey
Jiishipping: Sugoroku/Arther
Jinxshipping: Yami Bakura/Dark Magician Girl
Jointshipping: Yami Malik/Dark Magician Girl
Kashipping: Diabound/Dark Magician Girl
Kaashipping: Mana/Dark Magician Girl
Kaibashipping: Gozoburo/Seto/Noah/Mokuba
Kamishipping: Joey/Seto/Yami
Kickshipping: Joey/Honda/Ryuji
Kiddyshipping: Mokuba/Rebbeca
Kindleshipping: Seto/Ishizu/Malik
Kingshipping: Yami/Dartz
Kleptoshipping: Yami Bakura/Yugi
Kusoshipping: Yami Bakura/Yugi/Yami Marik
Kyoudaishipping: Mana/Atem/Mahaad
Lableshipping: Haga/Mokuba
Labryinthshipping: Mei/Kyuu
Laddershipping: Yami Bakura/Zorc
Lateshipping: Yami Bakura/Amane
Lavendershipping: Malik/Siegfried
Lawshipping: Aknadin/Isis
Leadshipping: Keith/Joey/Yami
Leafshipping: Ushio/Yami
Leathershipping: Keith/Yami
Legendaryshipping: Timaeus/Critias/Hermos
Lessonshipping: Leon/Noah
Leechshipping: Ryou/Zorc
Lessonshipping: Noah/Leon
Liberashipping: Malik/Yugi
Liftshipping: Joey/Honda/Ryuji/Mai
Lineshipping: Seto/Honda/Miho
Lingershipping: Atem/Isis
Linkshipping: Set/Yugi
Loathshipping: Thief King/Yami
Logicshipping: Set/Isis
Lonershipping: Thief King/Mai
Lotusshipping: Seto/Mokuba/Noah
Loquashipping: Kisara/Rebecca
Lossshipping: Ryouta/Espa/Haga
Loyaltyshipping: Yami/Dark Magician
Lynchshipping: Thief King/Yami Malik/Malik
Mageshipping: Mahaad/Ryou
Magicshipping: Dark Magician/Dark Magician girl
Mahoshipping: Pandora/Espa
Mainshipping: Seto/Yami/Joey/Yugi
Mallowshipping: Ryou/Ishizu/Shizuka
Manipulashipping: Mailk/Anzu
Marbleshipping: Ryou/Ryuzaki
Marshipping: Rishid/Pegasus
Mastershipping: Seto/Ryuji
Measureshipping: Karim/Shada
Mercuryshipping: Seto/Ishizu/Kisara
Mechashipping: Keith/Espa
Mentorshipping: Sugoroku/Joey
Memoryshipping: Ryou/Aigami
Messageshipping: Yami/Yugi/Seto/Mokuba
Midriffshipping: Malik/Amelda
Midshipping: Yugi/Joey/Honda
Mindslaveshipping: Keith/Strings
Minokenshipping: Karim/Set
Minorshipping: Ryou/Ryuji
Mintshipping: Espa/Haga
Mirrorshipping: Seto/Noah
Misanthroshipping: Yami Bakura/Yami Malik/Thief King
Mischiefshipping: Thief King/Mana
Misguideshipping: Ryuji/Rebbeca
Mistakenshipping: Yugi/Mana
Mistshipping: Ryuto/Ryuji
Mizushipping: Set/Kisara
Mnemoshipping: Yami/Malik
Mobiumshipping: Yami/Yugi/Atem
Monarchshipping: Yami/Atem
Moneyshipping: Seto/Seto
Moralshipping: Anzu/Mahaad
Morishipping: Yami Bakura/Honda
Motivateshipping: Keith/Joey/Mai
Motorshipping: Joey/Honda/Malik
Muddleshipping: Honda/Seto/Ryuji/Ryou/Shizuka
Mumbleshipping: Ryou/Seto/Ryuji
Museumshipping: Yami Bakura/Ishizu
Mythshipping: Marik/Ishizu
Mystshipping: Ishizu/Anzu
Mysteryshipping: Shadi/Amane
Nakamashipping: Yugi/Anzu/Joey/Honda
Naiveshipping: Ryou/Yugi/Anzu
Necroshipping: Yami Malik/Ryou/Yami Bakura
Negateshipping: Yami Malik/Rishid
Nellshipping: Noah/Amane
Nibelungshipping: Siegfried/Valkyrie Brunhilde
Nightshipping: Yami Bakura/Kisara
Ninjashipping: Jean Claude Magnum/Mai
Noteshipping: Joey/Anzu/Honda
Nurseshipping: Shizuka/Mai
Occultshipping: Yami Bakura/Ghost
Obscureshipping: Shadi/Ishizu
Obstinateshipping: Seto/Honda/Ryuji
Offershipping: Yugi/Ryuji
Oliveshipping: Karim/Rishid
Onyxshipping: Dark Magician/Magician of Black Chaos
Opticshipping: Pegasus/Shizuka
Oracleshipping: Ishizu/Rebecca
Orchaidshipping: Ryuji/Cyndia
Orchisshipping: Anzu/Ishizu/Shizuka
Orphanshipping: Mokuba/Miruko
Ouijashipping: Ryou/Dark Necrofear
Outcastshipping: Thief King/Kisara
Overlookshipping: Espa/Mokuba
Paleshipping: Kisara/Amane
Parasiteshipping: Joe/Haga
Passionshipping: Pegasus/Joey
Passiveshipping: Mrs. Ishtar/Kisara
Pastelshipping: Malki/Espa
Peachshipping: Anzu/Yugi
Perserveshipping: Ryuji/Anzu
Pervadeshipping: Cyndia/Amane
Pervertshipping: Sugoroku/Anzu
Pestshipping: Haga/Anzu
Petshipping: Joey/Seto/Ryuji
Phantomshipping: Noah/Cyndia/Amane
Philtreshipping: Yami Bakura/Mana
Pillowshipping: Ryuzaki/Haga/Mai
Pixelshipping: Noah/Adina
Preserveshipping: Ryuji/Anzu
Placateshipping: Ryou/Kisara
Pleashipping: Mahaad/Isis
Platinumshipping: Pegasus/Kisara
Platoshipping: Critias/Timaeus
Pleashipping: Mahaad/Isis
Plundershippping: Yami Bakura/Yami/Joey
Poemshipping: Yugi/Miho
Polarshipping: Joey/Mai
Pompshipping: Seto/Miho
Powershipping: Seto/Malik
Powdershipping: Seto/Shizuka/Ryou
Pressureshipping: Satake/Ghost
Prideshipping: Seto/Yami
Prizeshipping: Seto/Yami/Mokuba
Prodigyshipping: Seto/Rebecca
Promiseshipping: Yugi/Mokuba/Yami
Prongshipping: Set/Haga
Proofshipping: Honda/Mai
Prophetshipping: Ishizu/Espa
Protectshipping: Honda/Ryou
Psycheshipping: Mai/Espa
Puddleshipping: Ryouta/Kisara
Puffshipping: Joey/Ryou
Pullshipping: Keith/Yami Bakura/Malik
Puppetshipping: Malik/Strings
Puppyshipping: Seto/Joey
Pushshipping: Noah/Seto/Ryuji
Puzzleshipping: Yami/Yugi
Razorshipping: Pandora/Yami
Reachshipping: Karim/Isis
Redeemshipping: Yami/Pegasus
Redeyeshipping: Joey/Ryuzaki
Refuseshipping: Mr. Ishtar/Rishid
Refineshipping: Mai/Pegasus
Regalshipping: Mai/Yami
Regressshipping: Pegasus/Cyndia/Pandora/Catherine
Relayshipping: Joey/Shizuka
Rendershipping: Pegasus/Joey/Seto
Renegadeshipping: Thief King/Diabound
Replaceshipping: Gozoburo/Noah/Seto
Replayshipping: Yugi/Rebbeca
Rerunshipping: Yami Bakura/Noah
Rescueshipping: Kisara/Shizuka
Respectshipping: Yami/Mokuba
Resurrectshipping: Cyndia/Catherine
Revenantshipping: Yami/Amane
Revengeshipping: Amelda/Seto
Revertshipping: Set/Joey
Revolutionshipping: Yami/Anzu
Rewindshipping: Set/Yami
Rhythmshipping: Mei/Kyuu/Joey/Yugi
Ribbonshipping: Honda/Ryuji/Miho
Riddleshipping; Mei/Kyuu/Yami
Riftshipping: Thief King/Ryou/Yugi
Ringshipping: Thief King/Mahaad
Ripshipping: Ishizu/Thief King
Riskshipping: Joey/Mokuba
Rivalshipping: Seto/Yugi
Rivetshipping: Keith/Pegasus/Rishid
Rodshipping: Set/Malik
Rogueshipping: Yami Bakura/Thief King/Malik
Roseshipping: Pegasus/Cyndia
Rougeshipping: Pegasus/Siegfried
Ruffleshipping: Pegasus/Ryuji/Mokuba
Ruseshipping: Malik/Rishid
Rustshipping: Ryou/Yami Malik/Thief King
Sacrificeshipping: Amelda/Valon
Saftyshipping: Honda/Yami Bakura/Ryou
Saffronshipping: Malik/Joey/Mai
Sailshipping: Ryouta/Mai
Scaleshipping: Shadi/Karim
Scandleshipping: Set/Atem
Scarshipping: Rishid/Thief King
Screamshipping: Shizuka/Yami Bakura
Screechishipping: Mai/Rebecca/Anzu
Sealshipping: Mahaad/Atem
Searchshipping: Ishizu/Yami Malik/Rishid/Malik
Secondshipping: Pegasus/Ryuzaki
Secretshipping: Shizuka/Ryuzaki
Sedateshipping: Malik/Shizuka
Seershipping: Ishizu/Isis
Sepulchershipping: Yami Bakura/Rishid
Servantshipping: Yami/Mana
Shabonshipping: Joey/Ryouta/Noah
Shackleshipping: Malik.Mai/Mokuba
Shadeshipping: Thief King/Amane
Shadowshipping: Yami/Shizuka
Shakeshipping: Takaido/Ghost
Shameshipping: Rishid/Malik/Ishizu
Sheildshipping: Joey/Seto/Shizuka
Shimmershipping: Ryuji/Mokuba
Shinkanshipping: Aknadin/Karim/Mahaad/set/Shaada/Isis
Shivershipping: Anzu/Shizuka/mana
Shoreshipping: Ryuto/Shizuka
Shotshipping: Ryou/Keith
Shredshipping; Sugoroku/Joey
Shrimpshipping: Haga/Ryuzaki
Shroudshipping: Atem/Thief King/Isis
Siblingshipping: Mokuba/Shizuka
Sickleshipping: Yami Malik/Thief King
Sideshipping: Shizuka/Anzu
Sightshipping: Pegasus/Ishizu
Silentshipping: Seto/Shizuka
Silvershipping: Sugoroku/Pegasus
Slaveshipping: Mokuba/Pegasus
Sinkshipping: Atem/Amane
Sirenshipping: Yami Malik/Set
Slateshipping: Thief King/Anzu
Slickshipping: Aknadin/Thief King
Slipshipping: Joey/Miho
Slumbershipping: Ryou/Noah
Snapshipping: Joey/Seto/Miho
Snareshipping: Ryuji/Joey
Soarshipping: Dark Magician Girl/Spiria
Softshipping: Ryou/Shizuka
Soloshipping: RIshid/Mai
Sombershipping: Ryou/Amane
Sororshipping: Ishizu/Shizuka
Sparkleshipping: Kisara/Mana
Spatshipping: Seto/Joey/Mokuba/Shizuka
Spearshipping: Ryouta/Yugi
Spiceshipping: Keith/Seto/Shizuka
Spikeshipping: Yugi/Honda
Spoilshipping: Pegasus/Rebecca
Sprayshipping: Seto/Ryouta/Shizuka
Spraypaintshipping: Yami/Hanasaki
Staffshipping: Malik/Mana
Stageshipping: Anzu/Dark Magician Girl
Stakeshipping: Keith/Mai
Stalkshipping: Seto/Ryou/Miho
Standshipping: Rishid/Joey
Startleshipping: Keith/Anzu
Starshipping: Seto/Yami/Ryuji
Starshipshipping: Takaido/Satake
Steelshipping: Keith/Yami Bakura
Stepshipping: Noah/Mokuba
Stifleshipping: Yami Malik/Noah
Stoicshipping: Set/Seto
Stubbornshipping: Honda/Seto
Successionshipping: Rishid/Ishizu
Sugarshipping: Mokuba/Mana
Summonshipping: Rishid/Yami Malik/Malik
Supplyshipping: Gozoburo/Sugoroku
Supportshipping: Anzu/Honda
Sweetshipping: Ryou/Mokuba
Swiftshipping: Joey/Ishizu
Switchshipping: Mokuba/Adina
Switchshipping: Mokuba/Adina
Symbioshipping: Ryuto/Espa
Tabloidshipping: Seto/Mokuba
Taintshipping: Seto/Noah/Ryou
Tangleshipping: Ryouta/Espa/Ryuzaki/Haga
Taleshipping: Siegfried/Leon
Taphoshipping: Mr. Ishtar/Mrs. Ishtar
Tassleshipping: Seto/Espa
Tauntshipping: Pegasus/Yami Malik/Yami/seto
Teaseshipping: Seto/Joey/Ryou
Tendershipping: Yami Bakura/Ryou
Thiefshipping: Yami Bakura/Malik
Thornshipping: Yami Malik/Anzu
Threadshipping: Yami Malik/Malik/Strings/Yami
Ticketshipping: Yugi/Hanasaki
Tieshipping: Honda/Miho
Tiltshipping: Kieth/Joey/Yugi
Timelapseshipping: Yami Malik/Seto/ishizu
Timidshipping: Yugi/Shizuka
Tipshipping: Yugi/Joey/Sugoroku
Tombshipping: Pegasus/Malik
Toonshipping: Seto/Pegasus
Tornshipping: Yami Bakura/Ryou/Malik
Toughshipping: Keith/Joey
Tourneyshipping: Yami/Haga
Towershipping: Yami Malik/Seto/Joey
Trackshipping: Shadi/Yami Bakura
Tradeshipping: Seto/Sugoroku
Tragedyshipping: Malik/Amane
Trapshipping: Yami Bakura/Yugi/Yami/Ryou
Trashshipping: Yami Bakura/Yami Malik
Trenchshipping: Honda/Haga
Trendshipping: Miho/Anzu/Shizuka
Tributeshipping: Mahaad/Kisara
Trustshipping: Ishizu/Seto
Tuftshipping: Ryuzaki/Mokuba
Turbulanceshipping: Seto/Yami/Ryou
Twistedshipping: Shadi/Pegasus
Unlockshipping: Yugi/Shadi
Unearthshiping: Yami Bakura/Ryou/Ghost/Thief King
Utopiashipping: Aigami/Yugi
Vanishshipping: Anzu/Atem
Vaseshipping: Atem/Mana
Veershipping: Keith/Ishizu
Velcroshipping: Thief King/Haga
Venganceshipping: Keith/Malik
Vexshipping: Yami Bakura/Anzu
Vigilshipping: Ryou/Mai
Villageshipping: Mei/Kyuu/Joey
Virtualshipping: Gozoburo/Noah
Visionshipping: Ishizu/Mai
Vividshipping: Yugi/Kisara
Vortexshipping: Atem/Aknadin
Wallshipping: Rishid/Shizuka
Walkshipping: Ryou/Miho/Honda
Warnshipping: Yami Balura/Ishizu/Ryou
Watchshipping: Joey/Isis
Willowshipping: Arthur/Kisara
Windshipping: Ryou/Yugi/Shizuka
Winshipping: Pegasus/Yugi/Joey
Wingshipping: Rafael/Iatos
Wintershipping: Mokuba/Amane
Wishshipping: Joey/Yugi
Witshipping: Seto/Witty Phantom
Wrapshipping: Thief King/Joey
Wreckshipping: Yami Bakura/Seto/Yami Malik
Yamishipping: Yami/Yami Bakura/Yami Malik
Yingyangshipping: Ryuji/Kisara
Yuumieshipping: Yugi/Yami/Ryou/Yami Bakura/Malik/Yami Malik
#yugioh#yu gi oh#yugioh dm#yugioh duel monsters#Yu-Gi-Oh ship list#ship list#adding ships every time they get a name#ygo#ygo dm#I probably added some more than once... oh well!
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Day 5, crossover!
Blowing the dust off my ygo arc v x project moon crossover!
Ruri with ego gear- Fourth Match Flame and Fragments from somewhere. Sora has an ego gift from a fan abno.
These two are travelling together- along with Yugo, Serena and Yuya - chasing Ruri's curiosity about the phenomenon of the distortion and rumours of Golden Boughs...
Ruri may not have much experience in combat, but she's incredibly compatible with EGO in general, so finding pieces for her to wear is pretty great.
Sora sticks to the weapons he knows... his story is cruel, but this is the start of a turn up!
They fight very well together.. maybe I should do some ruina edit of these two someday....
Also, anyone got ideas for how to call this ship? I always write it down as just "Soruri" in my WIPs and the list of people interested in this is Just Us so there's been no fancy name for it or anythin...
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happy aro visibility day btw. this dog *pointing at self* is aro bi and it bleeds into everything i do. anyway making an updated tier chart of all the ygo guys i’ve hit with at least some degree of my POWERFUL ARO BEAM!!!!!!!!!!
#ygo posting#doing unhinged aro maneuvers with my favorite ygo ships like you wouldnt believe. i know what im doing stand back!!#cannot wait to see who else ends up on this list. which other spinoff guys ive got locked in my sights
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How shipping in ygo dm started for me and where it's at right now:
Puzzleshipping - yeah, I just went with the standard most obvious option at first
Blindshipping - kind of a continuation of the first one
Thiefshipping - my friend was really into it, and I kinda got dragged along, but I don't ship them as hard as I used to 😅
Puppy/Violetshipping - I don't even remember how I stumbled in there, but I also don't ship this as hard as I used to, maybe a bit more than thiefshipping though
Deathshipping - now this is where it started getting good. I latched onto as hard, if not harder, than Puzzle/Blindshipping and I tore through fics about them at a concerning, dare I say near obsessive rate. I was introduced to deathshipping through thiefshipping media, but I didn't really start shipping them until I read a fic specifically dedicated to them because in the thiefshipping fics I read in ye olden days Ryou always seemed not as into the whole relationship thing as Yamima.
Tendershipping - ah, yes. My original actual brain consuming obsession that made me start binding fics for myself. Also, the reason I read the full manga series back to back because everyone online said that they have even more interactions in there. I very specifically remember the fic that introduced me to tendershipping (although I completely forgot the title, and I haven't a slightest clue which platform it was on). It was a deathshipping fic where Bakura played the role of Ryou's crazy stalker ex. He was the villain in the fic that Yamima got to save Ryou from. This ultimately got me acquainted with the idea of Ryou and Bakura being together and I just kinda fell down the rabbit hole from there.
Conspireshipping - it was bound to happen with the fics and art I was consuming lol...
Gemshipping - technically an extension of the tendershipping thing that somehow ended up outgrowing its original instigator but also weirdly enough spurred on by another deathshipping fic that was going towards a rustshipping endgame.
Rustshipping - I mean it did kinda happen...
Caste/Kingshipping - I genuinely have no idea how I got here. One day, I just thought "I like enemies to lovers but prideshipping isn't exactly for me... who else could Atem be paired with?" BANG. THIEF KING. (All the fanart circulating probably didn't help lol. I didn't fell into this shipping hell hole as hard as I did with gemshipping, but it turned out it just needed some time to fester because by now those ships are equally my favourites XD
Rubyshipping - If you know, you know. (I mostly blame Iams for this XD) But those three are literally my favourite characters, and how I haven't thought about putting them in a single ship faster is completely beyond me.
Honourable mentions that I just ship cause XD:
Suckershipping - my absolute beloved
Yuumeishipping - how many characters are too much in a ship...?
Clashshipping - clawing my eyes out clawing my eyes out I NEED MORW OF THEMMMMMMM
Monarchshipping - hehe my sillies
Widowshipping - Because they deserve a second chance at love XD
Lilacshipping - saccharine sapphic goodness
Buddyshipping - because of Evening The Score... it's.... it's really good, okay? I'm not crying you are
Divulgeshipping - in all it's messed up glory
Leechshipping - sometimes, the mind wanders to darker places, I guess
Endshipping - I have no excuse for that one...
Eschatonshipping - I also have no excuse for that one....
Sunriseshipping - there is a dedicated fanfic for this
I ship other things too, but these are the ones that I could think of right now, I haven't even gotten through half of my totally existing list XD
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Where does the term vexshipping come from for Yami Bakura and Téa?
According to the ygo dm master shipping list it's named vexshipping because "the two are likely to vex one another due to their differing moral viewpoints." Isn't that just tasty
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