#yew y
personalitycreator · 2 years
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ut erat eget odio laoreet faucibus. Nunc viverra justo sed sapien bibendum cursus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
Cras eu risus eget ipsum elementum vehicula quis non justo. Aliquam sit amet convallis urna, at congue augue.
 Sed et sem nulla. Fusce erat nunc, maximus eget tempor et, euismod sed lectus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ut erat eget odio laoreet faucibus. Nunc viverra justo sed sapien bibendum cursus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
Cras eu risus eget ipsum elementum vehicula quis non justo. Aliquam sit amet convallis urna, at congue augue. Sed et sem nulla. Fusce erat nunc, maximus eget tempor et, euismod sed lectus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ut erat eget odio laoreet faucibus. Nunc viverra justo sed sapien bibendum cursus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
Cras eu risus eget ipsum elementum vehicula quis non justo. Aliquam sit amet convallis urna, at congue augue. 
Sed et sem nulla. Fusce erat nunc, maximus eget tempor et, euismod sed lectus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ut erat eget odio laoreet faucibus. 
Nunc viverra justo sed sapien bibendum cursus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras eu risus eget ipsum elementum vehicula quis non justo. Aliquam sit amet convallis urna, at congue augue. 
Sed et sem nulla. 
Fusce erat nunc, maximus eget tempor et, euismod sed lectus. 
 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
Maecenas ut erat eget odio laoreet faucibus. 
Nunc viverra justo sed sapien bibendum cursus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
Cras eu risus eget ipsum elementum vehicula quis non justo. Aliquam sit amet convallis urna, at congue augue. Sed et sem nulla. Fusce erat nunc, maximus eget tempor et, euismod sed lectus.
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Pairing: Past Luke Castellan x daughter of Aphrodite!reader
Instagram SMAU
Part 1
A/N: Hellooooo and good morning/afternoon. i wanted to toy with the idea of the character and reader getting together rather than being in a relationship. Part 2 out next week!
playing Forever & Always by Taylor Swift
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hanging out with laruetheday>>>>
laruetheday: it was sooo pretty omg
-> pageantsmile: not as pretty as you 😘
tstole: let’s just ignore the song choice ig?
-> pageantsmile: what do *you* know about taylor swift?
redlipclassic: so my invite just shredded itself???
-> laruetheday: you were with your BoYfRiEnD
-> redlipclassic: shut up
playing imgonnagetyouback by Taylor Swift
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looking back at the past, i made a mistake
tstole: bold move dude
-> cstole: REALLY bold move
wise_girl: come on luke that’s desperate
redlipclassic: didn’t you cheat on her????
this reply has been deleted by the creator
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laruetheday telling me and pageantsmile the ☕️
-> laruetheday: just doing my part to serve tea and cunt
-> chrissyro: marry me please
-> laruetheday: no. hope this helps 🫶
seaweedbrain: tea? where?
-> redlipclassic: not that it’s any of your business, but ask Annie to check the gc
playing hoax by Taylor Swift
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waking up in the morning, thinking about so many things
redlipclassic: i just wish thing would get better
-> redlipclassic: oh shit the song- IM ON MY WAY GIRL
katie_flower: you look gorgeous, drop the routine ✨
playing i miss you, i’m sorry by Gracie Abrams
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michealyew: off topic but nice jawline bro
-> stealer_of_hearts: thanks dude
pageantsmile: …
-> cstole: WHAT. HOW. WHAT
-> chrissyro: it’s the jawline i’m telling you
now playing august by Taylor Swift
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contractually required beach episode, will return to regularly scheduled plot tmrw
laruetheday: so you’ll invite silena but not me? FAKE FRIEND
-> redlipclassic: she didn’t invite me…
-> laruetheday: but she hates the beach if she goes alone?
cstole: WE KNEW IT
-> tstole: LUKES A FUCKING G
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@ da beach with da boys
michealyew: that doesn’t look like a boy…
chrissyro: there ain’t no boys at that beach bro
tstole: bffr dude
cstole: he really thought he could fool us
-> redlipclassic: thank god
playing This Love by Taylor Swift
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lepetitdragonvert · 4 months
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The Enchanted Island of Yew by L. Frank Baum
Source : typepunchmatrix.com
Artist : Fanny Y. Cory
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appri-dot · 8 months
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fortunateisle · 5 months
h e l l o 🤍
i h a t e h a t e h a t e to do this. but we've reached a t i p p i n g point. i can't s t a n d to stay silent.
and i think or at least h o p e some of you a n g e l s are voting for will without understanding the g r a v i t y of what he did. 💔
i have r e c e i p t s though.
will is dangerous, unstable, unruly, and m e a n .
he is a t h r e a t to me, to you, and to our b e a u t i f u l p r i s t i n e f r a g i l e h e a v e n.
y o u have the power to make him leave peacefully.
don't let him l i e any longer.
@williamy3w what do y o u have to say about t h i s❔
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memory-and-sky · 11 months
hey if youre still doing writing requests, could you do hobie helping ftm!reader with dysphoria? maybe helping him fix his hair in a more masc way or helping him voice train
thank you so much for this ask, anon! i love this so so so much :3 i tried my best, i hope you like it!!
word count: ~1.6k
containing: swearing, user is transmasc/ftm, user has dysphoria, hobie is literally the sweetest, i don’t really know how to voice train even though i am transmasc myself xp
the rest of the fic is under the cut!
dysphoria fucking sucks. hobie x ftm!reader
You were rotting away in bed again. Jesus, dysphoria was really kicking your fucking ass. You rolled over, checking the time on your phone. 11:06 AM.
The bedsheets were all hot, as it was a warm, humid day today. You'd been overheating like a dog for awhile now, but you had no real reason to get up.
Until, all of a sudden, you heard a window open, and boots walking in your living room. It was definitely—
"Oi-oi, love? Where are ya?" Hobie.
You quickly jumped up, pulling over a hoodie and pajama pants; your go-to dysphoria outfit, and greet him.
His gaze caught on you, and he looked confused. "Mate, are ya really wearin' tha' in this bloody heat? Yer gonna boil to death, hun." He walked over to you, and ruffled your too-long hair.
"Um.. yeah. I dunno, I kinda don't feel the best right now.. I feel pretty gross," You shoved your hands in the hoodie pocket, already sweating buckets under it.
"Well, yer hair is gettin' t' be quite long, mate. Wouldn't mind cuttin' it, y'know." He began to take his boots off. "'N I'd be plenty chuffed t'help ya with tha'. Jus'... take tha' shit off, love, 's too bloody hot to be doin' allat,"
You shake your head. "I-... I have.. pretty bad dysphoria today. I don't want to see my... my body."
Ah. Yeah, Hobie understands what's happening now. "I see, hun. Why don'tcha wear 'n oversized tee, and them shorts I gave ya?" He asks, crouching down to meet your eye level, offering a lopsided smile. "Go, mate. Be quick, yeah?" Hobie firmly pat your shoulder as you went to your room to change.
When you came back, Hobie put his closed fist out for a fist bump. You gave him one, and he grinned down at you, putting both his thumbs in the front belt loops of his pants.
"Ya look wonderfully masculine, love,"
"I don't feel like it." You sighed, looking down at your feet.
A shiver ran through your body as Hobie held your chin, and angled your face upwards. "Look at me, swee'heart." He examined your face. You were miserable in your own body, tired of feeling like a girl. "Tell ya what, love. We'll chop at ya hair, 'n I think I know a few tricks t'get ya voice soundin' deeper."
You glanced up at him through your eyelashes. "You do..?"
"Sure do, mate! Had plenty 'a trans bloke mates, even now," Hobie let go of your chin. "Ya still 'ave them scissors I gifted ya, don'tcha?"
You nodded. "In my bathroom."
"Let's go there then, yeah? Ya ready t' feel abso-fuckin'-lutely han'some?" He pat you on the back, still grinning.
You attempted to hold back a big smile, nodding. "Yeah,"
Hobie patted the cold countertop after he finished getting your hair adequately wet in your sink, his rings clinking and making a nice sound on the porcelain. "Siddown, mate. With yer back facin' the sink,"
As you sat on the counter, he rummaged through a few drawers, grabbing the trimming, layering, and normal scissors. "Oh, my good sir, what would you like? 'M at yer service," He bowed to you teasingly.
You rolled your eyes, smiling. "Whatever. Uh.. I dunno, somethin' that makes me look like a boy. Like myself. I definitely want it shorter," You looked over at Hobie, as he evaluated what would suit you best.
From your perspective, now, he was suddenly getting suuuuper fuckin' close to your face, and messing with your hair. You were surely beet red by now.
"Aight, doll, think I know wha' I needa do for ya," He finally backed up, softly chuckling at your flustered demeanour. Then, he grabbed a towel from over the shower rod, and wrapped it around your shoulders, so that hair wouldn't go down your shirt. "Hold righ' here, love,"
So you obeyed, and held the towel in place.
"Good boy. Let's see, now, hmm..."
You felt like you were going to explode. 'Good boy'? When had you ever seen Hobie call anyone a good boy?! Before you even had time to fully process that, he was getting close to your face again.
Hobie began to chop at your overgrown hair with the normal scissors, cutting big chunks of your hair and moving your head around a bunch as you fidgeted. But god, you couldn't help but stare at him. He looked so attractive when he was deeply concentrated, you couldn't deny it. Well, he always looked attractive, and confident... so effortlessly.
Hobie gave you serious debilitating gender envy, in addition to you maybe having a little tiny crush on him. You wanted to be like him so bad it hurt.
"D'you mind turnin' around fo' me? Needa cut the back of yer hair now," Hobie snapped you out of your daze after several minutes of him chopping off your hair.
"Somethin' wrong, love? Ya seem kinda ou' of it.." A sweet, lopsided smile spread across his gorgeous face, and he tilted his head slightly.
You shake your head. "I'm just.. I dunno. I'm happy that I'm finally getting a haircut again. I really feel like a girl with all of this hair, 'n.. this was long needed. And I'm tired,"
Hobie chuckled softly as you turned to sit criss-cross on the counter, back facing him. "I feel ya, mate. Jus'... yer not a girl, 'kay? You've never looked like a girl t'me, 'n ya never will, yeah?" He began cutting your hair, combing and messing around with it. "I love how ya look 'n present yourself. Yer so confident in yer style, ya look real peng, y'know."
"Yeah...?" You blushed furiously, so thankful that your back was turned to him at the moment.
"Yeah, mate."
It didn't take Hobie too long before he finished cutting your hair, and thinning the ends out with the layering scissors.
"Turn around, love," He ruffles your hair as you turn around, now leaning in close to your face to fix your hair up all nice. He grinned down at you. "Ya look proper han'some. 'Ere, c'mon down. Look in tha' mirror fo' me."
So you hopped down, and evaluated yourself in the mirror. You felt euphoric, and just really happy with your new haircut.
Hobie placed both his hands on your shoulders, leaning over so that his head was next to yours. "You happy with it?"
"Mhm! Thank you so much, Hobie,"
"Say ya look han'some. I wanna hear ya say it." He smiled his lopsided smile.
"I... isn't it a bit vain? Selfish?"
Hobie shook his head, standing back up to his full height to stretch. "Confidence ain't vain. It's quite alrigh' to be sickeningly confident in yerself, y'know. I am. C'mon, swee'heart, say it,"
"I... I look handsome..." You clearly didn't believe those words, evident from you looking down at your feet, and mumbling.
"Like ya believe it. Look yerself in the mirror, 'n say it, nice 'n loud fo' me,"
You groan. "Hobes—"
"(Y/n). C'moooonnn~" He shook you lightly, holding onto your shoulders.
"U-um... I look handsome..." You sighed, smiling despite yourself at Hobie's adorable excitement.
"Tha's more like it. Gooood boy," Hobie giggled like a little girl as he patted your back reassuringly. "Still wanna learn how t'make yer voice a pinch deeper?"
"Yeah, of course I do,"
Hobie smirked. "Aight, let's sit somewhere more comfortable then, yeah?" He gestured for you to exit before him, turning off the light after you both left.
As you both sat down, Hobie was manspreading. You took notice of this, and mirrored him.
"Y'know how t'make yer voice deeper, yeah? Tha's pretty easy," He smiled, and demonstrated it for you.
"Jesus! That's unnatural," you giggle, but test it out a little.
"Yeah! Yeah, you got it. Okay, so keep tha' in mind. How you do that wit' yer throat. Don't force it too much, don't make yer voice too unnaturally deep, kay?"
"Make yer pitch a bit more... monotone. Keep a plain, calm, controlled pitch, yeah?" He grins down at you, leaning in a little bit too close for a 'normal' distance for friends as he put his hands gently on your shoulders.
"How does this sound..?" You mumble, embarrassed.
Hobie grabbed your hand with both his hands, genuinely happy for you. "Yeah! Bloody perfect, mate! Awe, lookit you! Such a natural. A li'l louder f'me?"
"I sound stupid." You took your hand out of his grasp, groaning as you ran your hands down your face.
"Honey, no... you don' sound stupid at all." He gently touched your hand. "Sorry. Can I use 'honey'? Anyways, mate, you'll get the hang of it eventually. Ya don' have to use it righ' away, but... keep it in that noggin of yers, yeah?"
Hobie teasingly poked your forehead, and you couldn't help but smile, looking up into his big brown eyes, messily lined with black eyeliner.
"You, um... you can use honey. Whatever. Thanks, Hobie. I mean... yeah. I appreciate it a lot," You suddenly avoided his gaze, looking at the details and patches on his pants.
He smiled as he saw your eyes avoiding his.
“Awh. ‘n I’m happy t’do it for ya!” Hobie patted your shoulder firmly. “Yer perfectly masculine love, ‘n don’t you forget it,”
You smiled despite yourself at Hobie’s kindness towards you. How he was so caring towards you, no matter what. When you had came out to him, you’d been so fucking scared, and now… you really only felt completely safe with him. You could tell him anything, and even things you didn’t tell him, he’d gently coax what was wrong out of you with his stupid charm and tender personality.
Though he was sarcastic and cocky most of the time, Hobie could be really kind and gentle... which he definitely was with you, when you needed it.
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this has been in my drafts for 4 months now
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whatudottu · 1 month
to be honest one thing I really wanted in uaf was someone call out the fact that Pandor is named after Pandora(the Greek goddess) I know it isn't really necessary but I am a huge Greek mythos fan so have them make a small pun about it would have funny like when kevin was making fun of the fact that Ben's cousins are both named ken and gwen I just feel it would have been a nice call back to that joke and kinda funny
As funny and as nice as it would be for characters in universe to comment on others names with meta-references, the thing about Ben 10 is where will it stop lmao! Take the Andromeda 5 again, P'andor is not the only one with a name referencing something with meta-context, we have Andreas who's in meta named after Andreas Fault (AKA why Andreas' Fault the episode is named that way), and hell... Bivalvan is literally named after bivalves like clams and such-
Also, there's Kevin pointing out Ben, Gwen, and Ken's names for a fun little jab, then there's calling out every alien name who's languages are literally non-existent and have stand-in English (or whatever relative language the show is translated into) names that make reference to things an audience might be aware of and making fun of it :P Not to ruin a funny goofy ask by mentioning lampshading lmao-
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pawbeanies · 2 months
I got distracted yesterday and had to catch up with the "observing you" thing (thats my gimmick now till i figure out how to talk to you normally)
the fact you say silly things like "goodness gracious" makes me really want to do silly things to you to see how far you can get till you break
just just thinking about doing stuff like putting you on my lap and teasing you and trying to get you into outing yourself on being adorable and a good boy (which you are), maybe i could get you to blush to all hell but hold your hands so you couldnt hide your cute flustered face, and then i could ramp up on the compliments till you can only make little noises in responce
i dont think id rail you like some of these other anons but id love to break you enough to beg for me to, then instead of doing that i get to just sit you down on my lap and get you to pass out between my tits by petting you and whispering little things at you
anyhow youre legitimately cute and adorable and being on top of you sounds immensely silly, you have a good (timezone)~ ;3
hhh. hh oh good heavens. anonnn youre too mean ... youre so mean this is PUPPY TORTURE ..!!!! puppy torture that i will put in my braincell. forever and ever. using it for Thoughts i think oughh please ... i will take passing out and having a little nap and not getting railed that is PERFECT to me .!!!!
awawa. thank you so much dearest anon i cannot Wordssss but you are so. sweet and also very cruel and do you heae that. thats my brain breaking into 499294 little pieces. its melting into goop
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lumpyflakycum · 4 months
She mentions historical bow-woods on my Kipling poetry till I infodump churchyard mold
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twistedappletree · 8 months
idk why but i have such a hard time listening to and understanding british accents in youtube vids, like if it’s accents like Indian, Spanish, Malian, Korean, Chinese, etc. i can understand fine but every british accent just sounds like “shambaaaayyyy oingot poony oyoyaur bloit awight ahahaha pomfoufou yeh yaknew wot imeme?”
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darabeatha · 10 months
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frickingnerd · 1 year
nights at garfont village
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pairing: vandham x gn!reader (+yew & zuo)
summary: vandham and the others drink and talk on a quiet night in garfont village...
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"you know…"
the petals of the saffronia tree were glowing in the night, slowly sinking to the ground. in the distance you could hear laughter and music. yew, zuo, vandham and you sat around a table underneath the stars, drinking one beer after another together and telling stories. 
"i don't think i can remember a time where i didn't know you. not sure i want to either…"
it was quiet at the table for a moment, before the three man started laughing and vandham resting a hand on your shoulder. 
"did you drink so much you've gotten sentimental, kiddo~?"
he teased, getting a small chuckle out of you as well. 
"maybe i did… but i'd rather say it now than miss my chance~"
"you'll have plenty more chances. none of us is going to bite the dust any time soon!"
vandham assured you with a big smile, before pulling his hand away and grabbing his beer again. the three men kept talking and laughing, but you were lost in thoughts for a moment longer, praying that vandham's words were the truth…
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lepetitdragonvert · 2 years
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The Enchanted Island of Yew by Lyman Franck Baum
Artist : Fanny Y. Cory
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swordmaid · 9 months
WAIT. wyll romance act 3 scene where he’s proposing with an acorn from the wilden oak tree … yves name means yew - the yew tree an evergreen tree that’s long lived just like the wilden oak tree
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sturnslesbo · 3 months
and yes i do indeed be reading the smut, what about it? well written smut makes me giggle n kick me feet idgaf who it’s abt HAND IT OVER
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