#xenoblade yew
frickingnerd · 1 year
nights at garfont village
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pairing: vandham x gn!reader (+yew & zuo)
summary: vandham and the others drink and talk on a quiet night in garfont village...
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"you know…"
the petals of the saffronia tree were glowing in the night, slowly sinking to the ground. in the distance you could hear laughter and music. yew, zuo, vandham and you sat around a table underneath the stars, drinking one beer after another together and telling stories. 
"i don't think i can remember a time where i didn't know you. not sure i want to either…"
it was quiet at the table for a moment, before the three man started laughing and vandham resting a hand on your shoulder. 
"did you drink so much you've gotten sentimental, kiddo~?"
he teased, getting a small chuckle out of you as well. 
"maybe i did… but i'd rather say it now than miss my chance~"
"you'll have plenty more chances. none of us is going to bite the dust any time soon!"
vandham assured you with a big smile, before pulling his hand away and grabbing his beer again. the three men kept talking and laughing, but you were lost in thoughts for a moment longer, praying that vandham's words were the truth…
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sturthepotofmadness · 2 months
I got a random idea for a Xenoblade Chronicles 2 au I want to throw out into the world, since I'm not too sure if I'm going to write it or not. There's technically two, but one is more of a Xenoblade 3 au and even then it's even more canon diverge-y than this one, so only the xc2 au for now.
The divergence point is a bit weird, since it would take place before Rex gets pulled into the mission to find Pyra and I'm assuming story salvager ranks works differently compared to gameplay salvager ranks (mainly that story salvager ranks go from E-D-C-B-A-S-SS in order from lowest to highest and the weird extra titles don't exist, just rank letters). Other than that, the only spoilers are the events of chapter 1, the very beginning of chapter 2, and a boss and group from chapter 3. You've been warned if you care about early game spoilers.
Anyways, time to actually talk about the au idea. Also cut after the second paragraph cuz this is long.
So let's say Rex is 14, maybe a few months out from 15 here, he's known within the Argentum salvager community, and being salvager rank C is impressive for someone so young. He's having trouble reaching a higher rank, if only because his only way to protect himself is an old sword he scraped together and getting higher ranks means salvaging at risker points, which means dealing with stronger monsters and needing a better weapon, but he doesn't want to spend what money he has on getting a better weapon.
For some reason, Vandham's Merc Group has an influx of kids that don't want to become mercenaries, so they send a group out to gather people to explain jobs to this group of kids they're taking care of. One of the groups was led by Yew since the Argentum Trade Guild can be a hot mess if you talk to the wrong person by accident and Yew is good at sorting through people. Yew sees the salvager community here and is impressed by how supportive they are of each other.
When Yew talks to one of the salvagers there and he brings up the idea of teaching some kids about salvaging. The salvager asks, "We talking Rex's age, or we talking younger?" Yew asks who Rex is and that just so happens to be the time when Rex pulls into the docks and the salvager points him out. Yew (and the mercs with him) have to process that as the salvager comments that Rex is really damn good to salvaging and probably would have a higher rank if would use his gold on getting a better weapon instead of sending it back to his home town or repairing damage to his hut on Azurda.
Yew's crew decides to speak to Rex once he's free and before he leaves, so continue talking around Argentum. They're... really unimpressed with 97% of the Nopon, with the only ones they aren't unimpressed by being Zuzu (makes those noodles all by himself) and Falala (is a chef wanting to be something greater). However, they can't really ask either of them if they want to speak to said kids because Zuzu can't leave his job due to the popularity and Falala has a full time job.
They see Rex finishing up with the stuff he wanted to do at Argentum and Yew goes over to him. Rex sees him and asks what he's up to and Yew explains he's looking for people to explain to some kids about some jobs they could do and how unimpressed he's been with everyone from Argentum except the salvager and exactly two Nopon too attached to their job. Rex comments "yea that's Nopon for you" and asks if they found what they're looking for. Yew says that one of the other salvagers suggested Rex because Rex is closer to the kid's age and might have their attention more than some random adult. Rex thinks about it, then says that he's willing to do it, but only if it's fine if he brings Gramps along. Yew doesn't know who Gramps is, assumes it's someone important to Rex, and asks if he can speak to this Gramps. Rex drags him off to Azurda, who is Gramps, which Yew has to accept that of course the kid calls this titan something else.
Gramps and Yew talk for a bit before Gramps gives his go ahead and they head off to Uraya.
One travel later and all the merc groups have the people they managed to convince to speak to the kids and meet at Uraya's capital before they all start heading down to Garfont Village. There's 6 people (including Rex) they convinced, but it's better than nothing.
Once they get close to Garfont village, Rex notices a massive spider thing with a golden glow further up the cliff, with the road splitting off there to up there and to Garfont Village. Rex asks about the giant spider thing, some of the mercs look over and promptly go "why the hell is there a giant Elder Arachno with a blade". They get to Garfont Village, throw the volunteers at the kids, then tell Vandham about the spider Rex spotted (and also admitting that they wouldn't have gave a second glance at it if Rex didn't mention it).
Vandham takes some mercs to go demolish the Elder Arachno while the six visitors talk to the kids, though they're clearly only interested in the talks given by Rex and some Driver from either Mor Ardian or Gormott.
Vandham and who he took with him return with the meat, shell, and drops of the Elder Arachno as the last lecture ends. It took so long to kill the spider since it called friends and they wanted all of that meat for rations. The visitors are free to stay for the night before heading back home or just head back now without any help from the mercs. They all decide to stick around and Vandham asks one of the mercs to pull aside who pointed out the spider.
Yew grabs Rex, mentioning the boss wants to speak to him since Rex was the one to point out the spider. Rex is confused but follows as they go over to Vandham. Vandham makes sure Rex is the one who pointed out the spider and Rex is like "yea, i saw something glowing in the distance and i saw it was coming from some sort of spider". Vandham pats his shoulder, thanks Rex for pointing it out before it could become a problem, and drops the Beastly Core Crystal in Rex's hand. Rex is confused but Vandham explained the glow was from a Blade and that's the crystal the Blade went back into and Rex is free to keep it. Rex does decide to hold onto it and Vandham shooes him off after telling him to "awaken it when it glows or do smth with it".
One night and travel time later, Rex is back in Argentum and one of the salvagers ask how the trip was. Rex says all he had to do was explain the basics of salvaging to a group of 6-10 year old kids and he got a core crystal because he pointed out some spider that ended up being dangerous kinda close to the village. The salvager is surprised Rex got gifted a core crystal and asks what he'll do it with. After a moment, Rex says he's going to hold onto it until "it glows", since the village leader mentioned awakening it once it starts glowing. The salvager says that if it does start glowing to do it in Argentum so the other salvagers can see. Rex agrees and they head their ways.
About a week or two later, the core crystal starts glowing again after Rex had to smack some crabs back into the Cloud Sea. He goes back to Argentum to turn in his haul for payment (and paying the dock person) before going over to where the salvagers are meeting up. The salvagers greet Rex and ask if anything interesting happened. He takes out the now glowing core crystal and someone asks if he's gonna try and awaken a blade. Rex thinks for a moment, then says yea. Some Nopon nearby hear that and ask to see Rexrex attempt to awaken blade. Azurda moves to get a better look at the happenings as a group starts forming to watch.
Rex holds the Beastly Core Crystal out and begins to focus on it and attempting to resonate with it. They watch as the crystal begins to glow and, after a burst of light, Rex is holding a special Megalance and Wulfric has appeared in front of him. The crowd is silent as Rex says hi to his blade and Wulfric introduces himself, causing a few members of the crowd to recoil.
Congrats, Rex, you're now a salvager driver before the main plot begins. Rex starts bonding with Wulfric so they can be stronger together and learning how to use the Megalance. He finds it come weirdly naturally to him, but whoever he's sparring with just says that weapons created by a Blade you trust feels more natural than some random wepaon. Wulfric also learns to be "softer" for the lack of a better term so he can calm people if they find him scary. Rex also starts salvaging in more dangerous locations once he feels ready with Wulfric's weapon and he begins getting higher ranks, managing to get to rank A before the main plot finally shows itself.
The only real ideas of how the main story would go once it gets kicked started are:
-the Torna crew being surprised by Wulfric not returning to his core crystal and promptly rampaging on them because Pyra yoinked Rex before he could die,
-Malos and Jin failing miserably to stop Wulfric from wrecking the shipwreck while Nia, Dromarch and Sever try and make sure none of the other people on the shipwreck aren't harmed and get off the wreck,
-Rex and Pyra have a bit of an easier time against Malos thanks to Wulfric wrecking shit but still needing to be saved by Nia and Azurda,
-and Pyra not being able to wake Rex up herself after they crash on Gormott because Wulfric is very protective of his driver that nearly died but is somehow alive thanks to this new blade that randomly decided Rex is now her driver.
Not too sure how much else the story would change, other than they would probably have to come up with something to hide both pieces of green core crystal on Rex and Pyra when they have to disguise Pyra since their original excuse in canon wouldn't work because of Wulfric (... and also Rex being more well known because of the whole salvager driver thing with a high rank).
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satoaiandsonaze · 2 months
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Headcanons: Going Our Own Ways
Last time, I concluded that the gang all said their goodbyes and went their seperate ways. But before I do that, I'm going to explain who owned all the Rare Blades. The whole gang owned them all, but they all split them equally between each other.
Rex: Roc, Wulfric, Praxis, Theory, Godfrey, Agate, Kora, Azami, Adenine, Zenobia, Akhos, Patroka, Mikhail, Sever, T-elos, Crossette, Corvin
Nia: Boreas, Ursula, Sheba, Vess, Electra, Floren, Obrona
Mórag: Perceval, Vale, Kasandra, Perun, Newt, Finch, Perdido
Zeke: Gorg, Dagas, Nim, KOS-MOS, Herald, Dahlia, Cressidus
Rex obviously keeps Pyra and Mythra, Roc, and can use Nia as his own Blade, Nia keeps Dromarch, Mórag keeps Brighid and Aegaeon, Zeke keeps Pandoria, Tora can't resonate with anyone, and Poppibuster can be used on anyone.
Now that I've mentioned all the Rare Blades, let's find out where everyone now lives in Elysium.
Gormott: Tora and Poppi to live with Tora's father and his own Artificial Blade, Lila, Vess to live with the kids of her past driver, Electra to play with all the children of Torigoth, as well as using her powers to help people in need, Kasandra to just bring good luck to all of Torigoth, Ursula to play the Torigonda and sing with Kiara, in which they eventually start a band, and Poppibuster to protect Tora's family.
Uraya: Gorg to continue to run the desserts shop he set up in the game, Agate just roams around the country, studying Mineralogy, Roc and Wulfric to help lead the Garfont Mercenaries along with Yew and Zuo. Floren also now lives in Uraya, and he teaches an Forestry class in Fonsa Myma to kids about protecting the trees of Elysium and how to properly care for them.
Mor Ardain: Mórag, Brighid, and Aegaeon all go back to their home to help lead and protect Mor Ardain along with the Emperor, while Perdido and Newt become Generals to the Ardainian army. Eventually, Mórag embraces the lesbian side of her transgender bisexuality, and ends up marrying Brighid. I'm including this, because it's probably canon in the base game storyline. Sheba also now lives in Mor Ardain, and oftenly throws female-only parties, as that's just Sheba's personality; Hating men and loving women.
Temperantia: Dagas, now as a Flesh Eater, and an army/civilization of Common Baldes that he created all live in Temperantia, eventually creating a brand new version of Regideria that Dagas rules over as king!
Leftheria: Rex, Pyra, Mythra, Nia, and Dromarch all stay in Fonsett, now raising children of their own. Praxis and Theory also stay to live in Fonsett, as Praxis is still secretly married to Rex. Kora and Azami stay in Fonsett and they always try to seduce men into liking them, but it usually fails. Obrona stays as the Village Comedian, Vale so that she can continue teaching kids and even adults about her weaving. Crossette never leaves Pyra; she's too much of a fan girl to just leave her hero, and Corvin stays as well, because at this point, he's now dating Crossette. T-elos also chooses to stay in Leftheria, as the Village Warrior, protecting Fonsett from any monsters or villas attacking the village.
Tantal: Zeke and Pandoria officials come home to Tantal, and now Zeke rules over Theosoir as the new king, and he eventually marries Pandoria. Cressidus now lives in Theosoir as the city's Botany Master, Herald becaomes the city's Guardian, and even though the people now know about the incident that took place in the past, the people all love and look up to Herald. Dahlia now lives in Tantal, and even teaches Kastina, a girl who admires Dahlia in the base game, how to be a properly beautiful lady. Last but not least, KOS-MOS lives in Theosoir as well, acting not just as a right-hand Blade to Zeke, but also a friend to Astelle, Zeke's cousin, who admires KOS-MOS in the base game.
World Tree: Adenine is the only Blade who actually stays in the World Tree, as she constantly does research on all the mystery data inside the World Tree.
All of Elysium: Patroka and Mikhail go together as a dating couple, exploring more of the new world. And while Akhos wanted to join them, he chose to stay in Leftheria to teach his theatre class. Zenobia explores the whole of Elysium, looking for extremely tough monsters to fight, joined by Sever and Finch. Boreas goes on a gourmet tour around all of Elysium, looking for foods he can eat. Perceval, Perun, and Godfrey form a Justice Trio, and they search for any remaining evil in Elysium for them to exterminate.
And so, that wraps it up entirely on my headcanons for Xenoblade Chronicles 2! Well, maybe... Either way, I hope you enjoy them all! If you don't know the story of Xenoblade Chronicles 2, go look up the stories or play the game yourself; It's a very good game with an astounding story!
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cavewolf · 2 years
xenoblade's british voice acting is sooo funny KILLIN GRANDAD NOT ENOUGH FOR YEW?!
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xyztrio721 · 2 years
As promised, here are my thoughts/screenshots pertaining to the second half of Chapter 1 of Xenoblade Chronicles 3.
Warning: Chapter 1 Spoilers Under the Cut
I have multiple screenshots of the battle between Noah, Lanz, Eunie, Mio, Sena, and Taion. This first one was meant to capture Mio, Sena, and Taion in their armor after the Keves group broke their helmets, but as you can see, I didn’t quite time the screenshot correctly, so you can’t see Mio’s face.
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I don’t remember why I took this next screenshot, but if I had to guess, I was trying to add another screenshot of Noah to my collection of Noah screenshots (which, by the way, I took four new screenshots of Noah over the course of Chapter 2. Can you tell that he’s my favorite character in the game?).
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Speaking of screenshots of Noah, here’s one I took of him and Mio right before Gunerica Vandam stopped the fighting between the Keves and Agnus groups. So far, this is one of my favorite shots in all of Xenoblade 3.
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And now… Wild Ride, A.K.A D.
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I can’t tell you how PUMPED I was to fight him, not only because he was the first true boss of the game, but because of this:
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I LOVE to fight as the Ouroboros. They’re freaking awesome to use, and every time I land an Art as an Ouroboros, I feel a great amount of satisfaction.
Too bad the excitement only lasted until D fled the battle, because after that… the tears began to fall. Here are three screenshots of Noah and Mio sending off Gunerica Vandham.
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The above screenshot… its so tragic, yet so beautiful…
If I remember correctly, this shot was seen at the end of the second trailer for Xenoblade 3, right before the release date and Special Edition were revealed. It feels bittersweet to finally be able to see this scene in context, considering what said context was…
Oh, and I almost forgot. Here’s one final screenshot, featuring N’s first appearance in the game. You can barely tell that it’s him, but trust me, it’s him.
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N… who are you? Do you and Noah have some kind of connection, considering your design and how you appeared in Noah’s trailer but not Mio’s? What is your goal? Are you truly on the side of the Consuls, or are you going to pull an Alvis and lead Noah to victory behind the Consuls’ backs? 
I haven’t seen N since this cutscene, but maybe I’ll get a better look at him and catch a glimpse of his motives in Chapter 3 (assuming he shows up in the chapter at all).
I have two more things to say, and that will be it for this post:
1. The moment they showed Mwamba’s Timestamp and everyone started talking about his Homecoming, I just KNEW he wasn’t going to live to see that day, and sure enough, I was right.
2. Gunerica Vandham had two fellow soldiers named Yew and Zuo, which if you’ve played Xenoblade 2, you would recognize those two as the two people who assisted XC2′s Vandham with the Garfont Mercenaries. Makes me wonder if the two Vandham’s are connected somehow…
But that can’t be possible, right? If you’ve played Xenoblade 2, you know what happened to Vandham in that game. There’s no way he could have been brought back to life only to die in Alfeto Valley, right…?
So many questions, so few answers… maybe Chapter 3 will begin to provide some answers as to what the hell is going on with the war as Chapter 2 did to some degree.
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