#yet they just come in with their dirty shoes and clothes don't even bother to wash their hands and go around touching everything
honeysunchild · 2 years
Wow parents ruin fucking everything don't they
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fluffylino · 2 years
Pay Attention
-requested by a lovely person who i unfortunately cannot tag (limji<3) -
Genre: smut
[chan in his freeze mv outfit? YESSSSSSS]
Warning: everything is discussed before hand, so nothing here is non consensual even if it seems it is, sir kink, slight exhibitionism? Ull know what i mean, a polyamarous relationship
Word count: 2.5k
Summary: online classes can be boring but chan knows a way to keep you satisfied even if that includes other means....
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If you could leave this boring class you would, but you needed to pass these upcoming exams, right?
Thirty minutes into the lecture and you could hardly focus on what the professor was saying.
The only thing keeping you here was this particular professor who was teaching your college batch for two months. He had one lecture every two weeks.
He was decent, the tsundere kinda type and quite strict about attendence. Especially attendence.
On other days, you'd enjoy his sessions but today was not one of those days.
Today, you just wanted to roll into a ball and fall asleep. Chan had shooting for an individual scene, so you couldn't possibly see him before late evening.
Five minutes passed.
Five became ten.
Ten became fifteen.
Until the front door opened, revealing your older boyfriend.
Arousal pooled in the pit of your tummy when he turned around, pulling his shoes off.
Fuck, the suit really accentuated his arms and the fake scars? Along with the slicked back dirty white hair? You knew you were utterly doomed.
"Oh hello baby" he whispered, unsuccessfully trying to hide from your camera's view. You dismissed him.
Checking twice if your mic was muted, you subtly turned your head, pretending to write nonsense into your notebook, as well as started a conversation.
"How come you're still in those clothes?" this man had the audacity to laugh.
"I knew you'd like it" He teased, not even bothering to spare you a glance. The newspaper seemed a lot more important to him.
You were about to retaliate until you heard your name over the microphone. Masking on the best faux expression, you unmuted yourself.
"Have you been paying attention?" Mr Lee asked in a firm voice.
"Sorry sir, I was just noting down some points related to what you were stating" it was a spur of the moment reply and surprisingly he went back to teaching.
"Sir?" Chan mumbles from the side. You don't understand what he means.
"Isn't that title reserved for me?" He says casually. Chan stands up, walking to you until he's just out of the camera's view.
"Chan" it isn't supposed to come out so weakly. You swear it wasn't but his gaze his so strong on you. Its almost as if this was a game.
His phone began to ring and wasting no time he picked it up. In that time, you went back to paying what little attention was left to class.
Professor Lee's microphone and video was off, a very rare thing to happen. Opening the chatbox, you read the message he had sent two minutes ago.
'please revise whatever few textual questions are left, i will be back in a few minutes.'
Flipping through the pages of your textbook, you barely even realised where your boyfriend was until he was crawling on the floor.
"What are you doing"
Pressing a finger to his lips, he makes himself comfortable under medium sized desk.
"Chris no, please not now" you protested although you really wanted him. It was the fear of being caught or potentially heard by all your classmates that turned you on.
"Relax, darling. I'll be quiet, okay? I heard from a little birdie just now. They told me you look tired and need a good distraction"
Your eyes widened yet you kept quiet. His camera turned on and within minutes he went back to explain what was neatly written on his presentation slide.
Chan, on the other hand, had pulled down your shorts. Leaving you in just your panties.
Unconciously you tugged at his hair when he teased your covered slit with his tongue. Gradually sucking on your sensitive clit.
"Keep your legs open for me"
"I can't t-too much, sir"
A moan slipped past when he pushed your thighs apart, holding them there with his hands.
"Be quiet, yeah? I bet you want to be heard by Mr Lee"
Your eyes darted to the laptop screen, noticing how Mr Lee was focusing on you. An unexplainable feeling made its way to your mind.
"Class has ended, miss l/n...you're the only one here"
Almost immediately you left the online meeting, a dark blush settling on your cheeks.
Within the next couple of seconds chan's phone began to ring and you noticed a familiar name on the screen
Pulling away from you, Chan picked up the call, answering right away.
You didn't miss the way his lips were swollen, remnants of your slick all over his chin.
"Well hello there Mr Lee Minho, you're just in time"
Im sorry i got carried away😭
And for the people who didn't get it. minho, chan and the reader are in a relationship.
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benevolentcalamity · 2 years
In Her Eyes [Makima x Female!Reader]
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Disclaimer: I have not watched an episode of Chainsaw Man before writing this. I do plan to sit down and watch it, but I do know enough to have a grasp on Makima and some other characters. (Why does Aki's English voice sound like a Lifetime heartthrob divorce attorney)
Nobody in your life had dared to call you passive. You, a woman just making it in a world where the war against the devils can - and will - risk you being collateral damage. Bouncing around job after job as a direct consequence of the strife, the only reason you've even managed to go on is seeing the Public Safety Devil Hunters cleaning up the mess. The Gun Devil's certainly created quite a mess...
Not to say that this conflict hasn't directly affected you as well, not just in terms of your home being destroyed in crossfire. Your family scattered like ants trying to get out of this place, effectively leaving you to face the music. The irony is most saddening there, considering you're alive and... Well, that song and dance is an everyday one anymore.
Well, all that's passed over and now you're here, free of your bra and pants after a hard day at work. To be specific about the job you work now, you're a mechanic that mostly works with cars. Considering you work in the same city as the Public Safety HQ, your boss had recently decided to train all of you in how to assemble/clean guns as well.
Who knew that today would be the day you got to experience an RPG cannon? And who knew that they were an absolute bitch to clean?
I guess I'd rather work kill me than anything else... You huff.
Eventually your legs fly up, and you 'catapult' yourself onto your feet. That's quite enough of that - you have to get yourself something to eat. If you don't, you'll go to bed hating yourself, which you do not need help with these days.
So you assemble a pot, some vegetables, some meat you had in the fridge... Maybe some bomb beef udon? Getting the pot on the stove, you reach for the dial-
Flying into a panic - you're never keen on greeting people in your underwear - you run around your apartment, eventually saying 'fuck it' and ditching your dirty clothes for a nice shirt and dress pants. A second ding-dong on the door has you shifting into a full sprint, and you wash your face of excess filth and straighten out your hair.
"Coming!" You call, and you're at the door in record time. Taking a deep breath and making last minute adjustments you grab it, composing yourself and opening it prepared to make a million apologies.
Standing there, without the faintest annoyance on her face, is a woman, slender and elegant. Bright pink hair is put up in a bun, some strands framing her face like a delicate portrait. Her lips are shining with recently applied balm, and her faint aroma of paper and perfume reaches your nostrils in a blink.
But it's her eyes that captivate you most. They're a deep, almost glowing amberish-orange, an odd but not unordinary pattern dancing about her pupils. In the time it takes your gazes to meet, she's already torn right into your insides, probing them with just her gentle yet intense stare.
It's like this for a moment, you standing frozen in your doorway, her seeming to just stare straight into your soul and back again, and then you register her head slanting to the side along a crease of her brow, and that's where you realize she just asked you a question.
Blinking out of your stupor, you bow in apology, swallowing. "Please excuse me, ma'am, it's been a long day at work and I'm tired. Can you please repeat that?"
Her head straightens, and again she doesn't look the least bit bothered. "Is this [Name] [Last Name]'s residence?" She asks. She sounds so melodic...
"I am she," You reply with a nod. "Who are you?"
Her lips curve into a perfect smile. "My name is Makima, and I am with the Public Safety Devil Hunters. Do you have time to talk?"
Oh, shit! "Yes, of course. Please, come inside." You stand aside, and she does, taking off her shoes and stepping in. Closing the door behind her, you lead her further inside. "Please, sit down. I'm just in the process of making something to eat. Can I offer you any, or make you some coffee?" The general rules of hospitality are not lost on you, and she doesn't look at all put out or annoyed at your house not being clean. "I'm sorry, by the way, I wasn't expecting company."
"No, it's quite alright." She meets your eyes with that smile never fading. "A little disorganization never bothers me."
Relieved, you can't help but reflect her. "That's a relief. My job takes up a lot of my time."
She pouts in thought, tapping her index to her chin. "You're... one of the mechanics of Hishegawa, aren't you?"
You blink. "How did you know that?"
Not being able to help but chortle, she returns her expression to that smile. "Your work's popular among my group, you know. In fact, I've heard them ask for you specifically."
With your chest swelling with pride, your cheeks are dusted pink and the days exhaustion seems to fall right off your shoulders.
"I'm happy to hear that." You mean it. "I was starting to think that my work wasn't really that important."
"Well you certainly contribute a lot to the war, I should tell you." Makima takes a seat on the sofa, elegantly crossing her one leg. Everything she does seems so perfect... "But then there's your question. I've eaten, but if your coffee pot is going..."
You glance over at it. It's brewing. "Any cream or sugar?"
"No, just black is fine."
Now, something you didn't learn until your late father showed you, it is very safe to pull the pot out while the coffee's brewing. You just need to be mindful of putting it back in time lest it overflow. So you grab a sizable mug, fill it up, and bring it out, placing it in her awaiting hands.
"Thank you very much," She smiles, sipping it without even a wince. It is cold outside...
Sitting down nearby, you tilt your head. "Did you have business with me, Miss Makima?" you ask.
"Ah, yes, that." She sets the mug down and puts her hands in her lap, interlocking her fingers. "I hope you don't mind, but I did ask Hishegawa-san for your information." Ex-pardon me, what? "Nothing too invasive, however. Simply your resume and some background information - the sort of thing that pops up when you interview for something new." Oh. "From what I understand, you've been just about everywhere."
You sigh, head slumping a little. "I've had to learn and do so much training, only for it to go to waste when the devils would attack once more," You explain. "Hishegawa's is the longest job I've had, which might just be the universe giving me a break for once."
"What a shame." Her voice doesn't imply any sort of sarcasm or something like that... Rather, she's attentive, eyes not leaving you for even a moment. "And then you come home and even I can tell you're tired."
"Which proves I made a good choice, to be frank with you," You chuckle. "I'm not fit to fight devils, so I'm way better off just working with weaponry."
"On the contrary." Your brow arches as she scoots forward in her seat, uncrossing her legs. "The shifts are long and arduous, and you've adapted to them to where you can still function when you come home, correct?"
"Uh, yea." What is she getting at?
"And, you know how this sort of weaponry works to be able to clean it, right?"
"So, say you do wind up being a combatant. You'd more specialize in long-ranged combat and artillery, which would be valuable even among those with contracts that can make up for what they're lacking." Her back straightens, and for a moment you're perfectly entranced. "And, the work we do is less arduous because we're not cleaning our weaponry all the time, and the paycheck, you could say, is an additional pace."
She looks right into your eyes, and for a moment there's a sensation like millions of tiny hands holding your head completely still.
"Ah... Yes...?" Your voice grows faint, and she draws a bit closer.
"Join the Devil Hunters."
Your chest tightens, and for the briefest of moments almost imaginary, your very body stills. Something wraps around your heart, pulling it closer to her, almost, as though sensing your slow gravitation to her without even a physical beckon.
Is something wrong with me?
The room's gone completely silent. Even the TV, which is supposed to fill the void that pulls you into your own head, isn't making a peep. Right here, right now, it's just you, held in the allure of this strangely perfect, yet mysteriously ominous, woman. Her very presence is a spell, one even the most vigilant of ladies and gentlemen will find themselves enraptured in.
And for a moment, you wonder if she's even human.
"Your work will be much less tiring, and you'll surely be more satisfied in the day knowing that you'll have a job that won't be stolen from you by the war, and you'll have a bigger paycheck and more energy than you know what to do with. Surely, even, a boss that doesn't pick apart every little flaw is appealing on their own," She adds, voice a bit lower.
Oh... my... gosh...
She makes an almost satisfied hum, smiling, setting her empty mug of coffee aside, the sound pulling you from your stupor in enough time to register her scooping up your hand and placing a business card into it.
"Just think about it for a little bit, and in the meantime we'll be watching over you with great interest." She softly pats your shoulder, passing you by as though you're not making the most calmly disturbed expression a horror movie could never replicate. "And just let me know your answer using the number, or if you know someone that's interested in becoming one, give them a heads-up. But in the meantime..."
Just when she's at the door with her shoes on, she casts her head over her shoulder, her smile only growing.
"I look forward to hearing from you, Miss [Name]. Thank you very much for the coffee, it was delicious."
Your mouth opens and you reach for her, but by the time you've returned to your normal self she's gone.
Trembling, your eyes fall to the card in your one hand. It's a simple business card of the Public Safety Devil Hunters, with her picture on it as a face to refer to and a number, along with some other inquiries and the sort. It's perfectly legitimate, too, with an insignia of governmental approval.
The offer itself is appealing, but Makima's gaze... Refusal doesn't feel like an option, gently teased from your reach the moment she had met your eyes.
Will you abandon the course of your life for a new one, with more danger but possibly new doors of opportunity? A meaningful place to put your newfound knowledge, but a deep dive into the unknown?
You swallow.
As though in a trance, you punch in the number as the water in the kitchen comes to a rolling boil.
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hallofboredoom · 2 years
Is it True?
Nanami x G/N Reader
Domestic life Nanami
Very loving and comforting Nanami, getting cheated on, rough sex, breeding, nipple play, lovely Nanami, dirty talk, pull out, compliments.
You find out your boyfriend is cheating on you, heartbroken you call up your long time friend Nanami for some comfort...you definitely get your comfort along with some long time confessions.
You layed on your couch, sobbing softly as you re-read the text messages your friend had sent you. They were pictures of messages and videos that your boyfriend had sent to another person. Some of the text messages things like, "I can't wait to see you ;)" and "I had such a fun time last night. I hope you can revisit soon <3." Reading them made you sick but yet you kept re-reading them, still in shock that your boyfriend had been seeing another person behind your back.
Defeated, you left the chat and went to your contacts, you only knew one person who could cheer you up no matter the circumstances. Nanami, a long time friend of yours that you had known since high school. You silently hoped he wasn't busy with work and that you weren't disturbing him.
You held the phone close to your ear, still sniffling softly as you listened to the phone ring; eventually he picked up. "Hello" You heard his deep voice say into the phone, you cleared your voice softly and responded, "Hi Nanami." "Do you need something?" He asked. "Uhm yeah. If it isn't too bothersome could you come by my place, I got some bad info as few hours ago and it's really bothering me." You muttered into the phone, sniffling softly after and rubbing your eyes. "Are you home?" "Mmhm" you responded. "I'll be there in 20 minutes. Try to take care of yourself ok?" His said, voiced laced with concerned. "I will. I promise. See you soon." He hummed back and hung up.
You smiled and set the phone down. You wiped your eyes again and set up a little, your rubbed your forehead, feeling a headache forming after you cried for so long. You got slowly from the couch and walked to the bathroom, grabbing some ibuprofen from the cabinet. You brushed your hair quickly then walked to your room; you changed into some comfy but better looking clothes than your pajamas then went back to the living room, dazing out while watching TV.
After some time you were wakend from your daze by a knock at your door, even though you entrusted Nanami with a key to your apartment he always knocked instead. You stood up and made your way to the door, opening it you slighty smiled at the figure in your doorway. You stepped out of the way of the door and let him in. You watched as he took off his shoes and coat then opened his arms towards you, you gladly went into them, hugging him tightly.
Nanami gently patted your head and you let go, he looked down at you concerned, "Your eyes are puffy, were you crying? Are you going to tell me what happened? Do you need me to do something." Nanamk instantly starting bombarding you with questions and you could here the slight worry in his voice. "I'm ok. I uh found out my boyfriend was cheating on me, it's been going for a while and I was none the wiser.' You sighed, rubbing your nose a little as you sniffled.
Nanami nodded, "I understand. Is there anything you need me to do?" You half shook your head, "Can we just like cuddle on the couch and watch a movie or talk about something?" Nanami nodded again, "Of course, anything you need." He responded. You walked towards the couch, Nanami close behind you. You both sat down, you moved closer to Nanami and he wrapped an arm around you, pulling you closer to his chest. "I hope I didn't bother you at work." Nanami shook his head, "Don't worry about my work, I can finish what I need to do tomorrow or later this evening."
You nodded at his response, "If you say so." You looked up at Nanami who then looked down at you, "If it doesn't bother you, can you explain more of what happened with your boyfriend?" Nanami asked, "Yeah. One of my friends texted me earlier this morning with about 30 pictures of text messages and pictures of the person he cheated on me with and him together. He didn't even pull clichè things like, 'I'll be home late' or stuff like that. He did right right under my nose. The text messages were worse, it was sickening to read. They constantly texted and whenever I asked he always had a good excuse. I guess he's done this a few times or learned some other way but I'm starting to get over it, just a little."
You smiled softly, messing with the fabric of your shirt. Nanami hummed softly, "Have you texted him at all?" You nodded, "Uh yeah. I told him I saw all the things you sent them then just left it at that. He hasn't responded." Nanami glared down at your phone on the table, "Hmm. Ok." You turned your body a little so you could more easily look up at Nanami, you noticed he lightly mumbling something under his breath. You couldn't hear exactly what he was saying but when he noticed you were looking up at him he stopped. "You ok?" You asked, "Yes I'm fine. Just thinking about some stuff." You hummed softly. "Like what? Work?" He shook his head, "Then what are you thinking about." You asked, "You."
You were taken aback, but tried to act normal, he was thinking of you? But that's normal you just told him about your now past relationship. "What about me if you don't mind me asking." You asked, lightly messing around the sleeve of his button-up shirt. "Well I guess about you and me. Now that you're single I'm gonna say something that's been on my mind for a while. Can you sit up for this?" You nodded, heart starting to race at the thought, what was he going to tell you? Was it bad? Was it good?
Nanami fixed his sleeves and tie then cleared his throat. "I've been sitting on this for quite a while but everytime I went to you something got in the way." Nanami sighed softly, "I like you. A lot. I've always thought of you as a great friend but I would like to think of this relationship as something more." You stared at Nanami, speechless, you slowly began to nod. "I..I would really like that too." Nanami put a hand on his heart and then held his arms open again. "Thank goodness."
You fell into his arms, smiling against his chest. "Can I kiss you?" You asked as you looked up at him. He nodded and moved up, kissing him. It took you both a second to fully get into it but once you did, you sat their for ages. Eventually you both pulled away, "I have a request. But only if you really want too." You nodded at him, "Of course. What is it." You asked, "Allow me to take you mind off of what happened earlier." You felt heat run to your cheeks at Nanami's response, you figured you knew what way but just to be sure you asked, "In what way.", "Based on your reaction I think you know what way."
You nodded a bit, "That's fine by me. I've been kind of pent up lately if I'm being honest." Nanami grunted, his hands starting to caress your body, groping as he did. His hands slowly started to move up your shirt, caressing and groping at your chest and nipples. You moaned softly, leaning in and kissing him again. You slowly started to grind your hips against Nanami's, the feeling of arousal crowding your mind.
Nanami pushed up against you, groaning softly against your lips. He pulled away from the kiss and started kissing your neck, "You have such pretty skin." He mumbled against your skin; you lifted your neck up as he continued to kiss, moving his way down your collar bone and then your chest. He slowly removed your shirt, pulling it over your head.
Nanami pulled back for a few moments, seemingly to be admiring your body. You felt a slight heat in your cheeks as you did. His hands moved down your waist as began to kiss your skin again, working his way down. Soon he was at your waist, he looked up at you, "May I?" Glancing towards your shorts; you nodded allowing him to take off your shorts and underwear.
Nanami sat back up, then moves two of his fingers towards your lips. You hesitantly opened your mouth, swallowing his fingers inside. Nanami felt his cock harden, straining against his pants as he watched you suck on his fingers. He wanted your mouth futherdown but he was more focused on pleasuring you.
He slowly began to pull his fingers out of your mouth. "You look so pretty." Nanami mumbled, moving his fingers towards your hole. He looked up at you again, silently asking for your permission. You nodded and began to push in one of his fingers. You moaned softly as he did, your back arching slightly off the couch.
Nanami used his other hands and let his cock out of his pants, relieving the tightness within them. He groaned softly and started to move his finger. You moaned more and after a while you moved your hips against his other finger. Nanami looked up at you and nodded, adding another finger inside of you. He stretched you out, moving his fingers in and out.
After stretched you for a while, Nanami pulled his fingers out, "Are you ready sweetheart?" He asked, rubbing his socks slowly. You nodded in response, "Please Nanami." Your soft plee did it for him and he was already lining his cock up with your hole. Nanami slowly began to push him, both of your moaning as he did. You leaned your head back against the pillow as he bottomed out.
Nanami panted softly, waiting for you to get adjusted. After a few moments you nodded up at him. Nanami nodded back and began to thrust; he moved slowly at first but began to pick up pace. Both of your groaning and making and you wrapped your arms around Nanami's neck as his speed was increasing.
Nanamk leaned down into your ear, "I love you. I really truly mean it." He said into your ear. You whined softly, his comment causing you to closer. "I...I love you too Nanami. But you have to really...promise me that it's true." He mumbled back, gripping at his back.
Nanami nodded, "I promise. Anything..you want me to do to prove...it I will do." Nanami answered, panting and groaning between his words. You buried your head in his neck, approaching your orgasm. You could tell Nanami was too as he speed increased more and his pace was becoming more erratic. Soon enough, you came, tightly gripping Nanami inside and out as you did, your moans releasing into his chest.
He soon after pulled out his cock and rubbed it virgously until he came, groaning loudly as he did. Nanami pulled back away from you, the both of you heavily panting. After Nanami mostly regained his breath he leaned towards you, kissing your forehead. "I promise you my love is true and I'll never let you forget it."
A/N: Finally pushed out this one. Had been sitting in my notes for days and I finally finished it. Fairly proud of the final product. Again. Any comments or suggestions are welcome as well as requests 💖💖
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littlest-dark-age · 3 years
Human nature takes over me
Tagging @noshame-bb @daddydamiano @mywritingonlyfans
!!!nsfw content!!! Please do not read if you do not wish to consume nsfw content. 18+
includes cream pie, body worship, dirty talk, slight bondage slight jealousy, mentions of alcohol, and if I missed anything please let me know.
Scopami - Fuck me
Mi stai facendo morire - You are killing me
Amo il tuo sapore - I love how you taste
Cazzo, sei così stretto, dolcezza - You’re so fucking tight, sweetheart
Viene per me - Come for me
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Due to all the chaos that had been going on in Damiano's life, the two of you hadn't been able to see one another as often as both of you would like. Which led to the idea for you and the others to go to a small bar in the city, one vic swore by as her favorite and said that you would love it as well. She even helped you get ready whilst the boys were doing the same in the larger bathroom of the house. 
Vic helped you pick out the rather sexy outfit, claiming that you had just the shoes for it and that they would complete your look. From your hair, to your stockings, you felt and looked hot. She claimed that your confidence is what sold the look, that it was the perfect finishing touch. 
Soon enough, the five of you pile into the uber Ethan thoughtfully ordered. Knowing that none of you would want to drive later, nor would some of you be in the shape to. Squishing into the middle seat between Thomas and Damiano, your lover soon realizes that the two of you might be leaving the bar earlier than your counterparts. With distance, comes need. Damiano realizes how long it had been since the two of you were able to go at it as hard as you normally would when you were in his house in Rome, although it doesn't mean the two of you were shy about your affections. 
You were simply not able to be as open as you usually were if you were alone, despite the fact that damiano walks around practically naked already. He wasn't able to have you spread open in the shared spaces, not wanting to risk anything too much. Sure, it wouldn't be the first time one of the others had walked in on you entangled one another in a less than savory place. But he still prefered to keep such accidents to a minimum. 
Damiano is so lost in his thoughts, which were riddled with you, that he doesn't feel the car stop and it's only when you grip his arm does he realize that he zoned out the entire drive.
He shoots you a dazzling smile, shaking off your concern with a promise that he merely got caught up in his mind and that he wanted to be here tonight. 
Holding your hand, the two of you walk into the small bar behind the others. He quickly presses a kiss to your temple before shuffling off to grab your drinks from the bartender, your usual order burned into his memory from the amount of times you've ordered it on dates. 
You follow vic to the small table she managed to snag, looking around at the surprisingly full bar. Turns out, she's not the only one who really likes it. Damiano smiles at the sight of you two talking and laughing with one another before looking back at the bartender and paying for the drinks in front of him. He manages to grab them all and begins to walk back over to the table without spilling them, much more difficult than he thought would be due to the crowd. 
He carefully sets the glasses down before sliding yours over in front of you and vic, bringing his to his mouth for a sip as he focuses on the conversation going between your and her. Shuffling closer to you, he wraps an arm around your waist with a quick squeeze before pressing a kiss to your cheek. Looking around the bar for Ethan or Thomas, trying to make sure they don't get into too much trouble, he's too busy to see the large man stumble over to you. Reeking of a strong alcohol, the man sends you a grin. 
"Hey precious, wanna get out of here?" You can hardly make out his words due to the way they slur and run together, your nose wrinkling at the thought of going home with someone other than your lover, much less a man who can barely keep himself up on his own two feet. 
He leans even closer, letting the smell of his drink grow even stronger as he attempts to wink at you. In his mind, you're sure, an awfully seductive thing. But it comes out as more of a halfway blink, slowed by his dulled senses. His eyes lock onto your chest, licking his lips not so subtly. 
"No thank you, please leave our table." You try to be as polite as you can, worried what the wrong words could possibly lead to.
It seems Damiano has gotten so caught up in looking for Ethan or Thomas that he drifted away from the table, now standing however many feet away. Far enough to not be able to smell the stench of the drunkard in front of you, and certainly far enough so that the only thing he hears is the music bursting through the bar and not your words. He looks at you, a bit of heart break gleaming in his eyes as he watches what he thinks is flirting. Noticing your glass still untouched, knowing you were stone cold sober and that you wouldn't be able to blame the drinks for the 'flirting'. 
Swiftly, he shuffles over towards you and misses the look of relief you shoot him in favor of staring down the large man that had since placed his sweaty hand on your own. His face hardens when he notices the affection. 
"What's going on here, amore?" Trying to keep his words sweet, yet they still come laced with a venom not unknown to you. 
"He was just leaving." You snatch your hand out from under the strangers, scooting closer to damiano to put as much space between the two of you. Eyes flickering between the two men, briefly wondering how far the drunkard would be willing to push your lover. 
The stranger rolls his eyes, mumbling something about you being a bitch under his breath before stumbling off to find the next willing participant for the night. A wave of disgust rolls over you, forcing a shiver from you at the thought of going home with him. 
Damiano looks at you, still assuming that there was something more going on with the two of you than was. Not exactly knowing how to approach the subject. 
Has he been gone too long? Had your flame finally weathered to a mere ember without his notice? Sure, touring and everything is hard on the two of you but he thought the two of you were better than that. He would have brought you with him if it had been allowed, really. Were you so done with him that you would flirt with someone mere feet away from him, not bothering by the fact that if he was to just turn around, he would spot you? 
You can see the thoughts swirl around in his mind, quickly sending a text to vic that the two of you were leaving. Using a piss poor excuse of not feeling well and wanting damiano to take care of you, as he typically did whenever you truly were sick. 
"Let's go home damia, yes?" Slowly you tug him towards the exit of the bar, spotting Thomas and giving him a small wave as you grip Damiano's hand and tug him out of the doors. His body seems to be on autopilot as he zones out for what feels like the hundredth time of the night, not noticing the time it takes for the uber to arrive nor the time passing as you ride in the backseat. Your thumb stroking along his knuckles, running down his tattoo and rings as well.
Damiano only comes out of his trance when he hears you unlocking the door, still letting you lead him as you take him up the stairs and into your shared bedroom. Did you bring him home just so you could break up with him? Did you know the way he would bawl and grovel, just to keep the love of his life in his world? 
You disappear into the adjacent bathroom, he can hear your jewelry hitting the large marble counter and your shoes hitting the cabinets when you take them off. A few moments later, you come out of the bathroom. Fresh faced and wearing a shirt he's sure is his own, a cloth in your hand to wipe away his own makeup the same you did to yours. Evidence on the underside of the cloth.
Walking over to him, you give him a sweet smile before sitting on his lap as your free hand cradles his face whilst the other busies itself with wiping away the dark makeup surrounding his eyes. Soon, you finish cleaning his face and chunk the cloth onto the bedside table before starting to unbutton the simple shirt he chose tonight. Slowly revealing inch after inch of his tanned skin and his tattoos, which you always remind him you adore. 
Damiano shuts his eyes as he feels your soft lips on his neck, relishing in the way you seem to mould yourself into him. Always slotting perfectly in his arms, never feeling like you don't belong in them. His brain, on the other hand, seems to not want to shut off. Not being able to get the image out of his head of that man touching you. 
"Amore, amore, hold on." It pains him the way you look at him as if your touch has burned him. Your brows furrowed with wonder, worried you might be pushing yourself onto him when he just wanted a nice night in bed with you. But he has to know. If he doesn't find the answer, it might drive him mad
"Were…...were you…...flirting with the man at the bar? Before I came over? Have I done something, dolcezza?" 
It takes you a second to realize what Damiano is asking, almost as if you don't even want to think about the meaning of his words. 
"No, no. He was drunk and wanting to take me home, and I didn't want to make a huge scene. Baby no, I turned him down. You're the only person I could ever want." By the look on Damiano's face, you can still see a seedling of doubt lingering. An idea pops into your head and brings a grin to your face as you look into his honey eyes, seeing nothing but love and want in them.
"Can I show you how much I want you?" Comes as a soft whisper, breathed on to his own lips before you pull him into a deep kiss. The kind he's been yearning for the moment he heard of the plans to go out tonight, feeling your hand slide down his chest and rest above his XXX tattoo which is currently hidden by his pants. 
You feel him nod into the kiss and giggle as he chases after your lips when you pull away in favor of kissing his neck once again. Nipping at the sensitive skin, as well as rubbing your hands up and down his chest before going up to his shoulders and pushing the unbuttoned shirt off of his lean body. 
"I need to go grab something, can you handle taking your pants off without touching yourself?" You ask, watching as his eyes slowly open half way before giving you a soft nod. 
Jumping out of his lap and going into the closet in hunt for whatever, Damiano starts to unzip his pants and kicks off his shoes. Walking around the side of the bed, he peaks into the closet just in time for you to find your mystery item. Instantly recognizing the red fabric, one of the scarfs they sell with the månedkin logo printed onto it. Sitting down onto the plush bed, still watching as you walk out of the closet and crawl on top of him. 
Reaching for his hands, you quickly tie his wrists together and make sure they're not too tight before pushing him onto his back and moving his hands above his head. 
"Now. I'm going to do whatever the hell I want so I can show you how much I want you. No, actually. How much I need you." You start to press kisses onto his neck, before going down onto his inked collarbone and tracing the letters with your nail as you go along. 
You feel the vibrations from his whines roll through his chest, where your soft lips meet dark inked skin. His whines draw a smile from you, knowing the effect you had on him. Damiano's mind races, wondering what your next move will be. In all fairness, this wasn't how he expected the night to go so why should he be able to expect what happens to him next. 
Slowly, you kiss down his chest, leaving a trail of sweet and teasing kisses as you go. Stopping when you reach his pierced nipple, looking up into his deep brown eyes as your teeth barely graze the sensitive skin. Damiano exhales a shaky breath as you tug on the bar, his cock already aching with need as you softly grind on him from your spot in his lap. Not enough to give either of you any real friction, but just enough so that he could feel your slick through his soft boxers. 
The thin material doing so little yet so much to keep him from where he wanted most, a wet patch growing from both of you as it started to stick to him. Damiano shuts his eyes and tosses his head back into the pillow which smells like you, not helping how hard his cock is straining against your.
"Scopami, Mi stai facendo morire." Comes out as a groan, his eyebrows pinched together with a pretty look of need. 
"Baby, I'm busy here. Can't you tell? Gotta show my pretty boy how much he means to me, you're never going to forget it again. Gonna mark you up too, let everybody know that I'm yours and you're mine." Purred into his chest, where you finally pull away from his nipple to sit up and look at the mess you've made out of your lover. 
Red marks litter his chest, evidence of where you nipped at the tattoo that spreads across his collar bones. Hands tied together above his head with a måneskin scarf, dark hair a mess from where he has been gripping at it and tossing his head back. Damiano's chest rises with each heavy breath you steal from him, entire body on display except the one area he desperately wants freed from its cloth confinements. 
"I promise, I know I'm yours. Just wanna be in you, I'll be good. Just, please cucciolo…" The words die off into more whimpers, his Adam's apple bobbing with the swallow he does. Unable to control himself, he feels his hips start to buck up into you. Wanting, needing more friction soon otherwise he thinks he might cry, not that it hasn't happened from your passion filled nights before and it certainly wouldn't be the last time he loses himself to you so much that all he can do is cry out your name and let the tears run down his face.
"Well, since you asked me so nicely,…" You completely pull away from his lean body, laughing softly at the pout which quickly forms on his face. ",lift your hips for me baby, gonna get these off of you." Gesturing to the stained material. 
Damiano does as you ask, helping you peel off the sticky fabric before spreading his legs slightly. Giving you a full view of his weeping tip, now resting against his stomach and smearing pre-cum all over the soft skin. Red tip matching the shade of flush covering his cheeks. 
Leaning down, you lick up the underside of his cock with the flat of your tongue before rolling it around his head. You see his grip on his own hair tighten, veins popping in his hands and arms. 
"Amo il tuo sapore." Kissed into the skin of his belly with a grin, not giving the dark eyed man anything substantial yet. 
You sit back and slowly take off the oversized shirt that the two of you would share sometimes, finally revealing your form to Damiano, teasing him with your pace as you have been all night. Shuffling towards him, you straddle his hips before pressing a sweet and soft kiss to his soft lips. Slowly pouring every ounce of love and devotion into the small action, then taking his aching cock and lining it up with your cunt before sinking onto it. 
"Cazzo, sei così stretto, dolcezza." Damiano groans out, unable to believe how well you take him every time and how it feels like you were made for this. Like the two of you were crafted together and meant to be as one, always feeling whole when he's in your embrace. 
He can feel himself already dangerously close to the edge, every shift of your hips threatening to shove him off of it. As you start to bounce, he can feel the coil in his belly twisting tighter and tighter with every movement you make. His cheeks flush even more, embarrassed that he isn't going to last very long but not really being able to do anything to stop. 
"It's okay baby, you can cum. I got you," your movements only slow a bit, focusing on him for the moment like you promised earlier ",cum in me baby."
Your words push him off of the edge, pulling loud and breathy moans from him as he cums in your cunt, shooting ropes of warmth into you. Gently rocking your hips to work him through his orgasm, giving him a moment to adjust to the new sensitivity. Slowly you start to bounce again, making him shoot you a confused look before drawing even more moans from his throat. 
"Oh honey, you didn't think I was gonna stop, did you? That's cute…" You grin down at him, your hands cupping your tits as they bounce with your movements. 
Damiano's eyes start to tear up, slightly overwhelmed by the pleasure and the pain that interwove itself in it. Your cunt still milking him for everything he's worth while shooting sensitivity with every motion of your body. He knows the two of you will be sticky and sweaty by the end of the night, sheets will need to be changed but at the moment he can't seem to care. Too focused on the feeling of your walls sucking him back in and the damn near scorching heat you're radiating. But he can't stop himself from wanting more, more of the pain and sensitivity and the heat. More of you and the way you wrap around him is so divine.
One of your hands snakes down to where you and damiano connect, starting to rub fast circles on your clit as his eyes glue to the action. Watching like this would be the last time he would ever be able to see such beauty. Watching your face twist in pleasure and he can feel you clench even harder around his cock. 
The all too familiar coil springs back to life in the pit of his stomach, your expressions quickly tightening it as well as the sounds you're making. 
"Viene per me, cucciolo. Wanna do it with you." He isn't sure if you're able to put together his slightly slurred words, before seeing you quickly nod your head and pick up the pace. 
Skin on skin and moans echo throughout the room, too caught up in one another to care who might hear. Your other hand leaves your chest in favor to support yourself, speeding your hips even more with the extra balance found on damiano's own chest. 
Your moans grow in volume the closer you get to the edge, unable to hold back the sounds your lover seems to always get out of you. 
Damiano feels the coil burst once more, thrusting his hips up into you, sending you hurdling over the edge yourself. Stilling your movements, you peek open your eyes to look down at him, a soft grin spreading across your face as you feel him cum in you again. Creamy white starting to leak out and down his shaft, but neither of you seem to mind as you lean down to press your cheek against his flushed chest. 
"Now, do you believe me when I say that I only want you?" You peer up at him from your relaxed position.
He nods, before pulling his hands through the loose knot in the scarf and pressing a kiss to your sweat slicked forehead. 
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smittenroses · 3 years
"you make me feel all warm and fuzzy" Mike Morton please 👉👈
Glow || Mike Morton/Acrobat x reader
this request is based upon the endearing prompts
angst ahead ❤
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The manor was unusually quiet today, the jester-esque man not seeming to make himself present in any sort of situation in the morning, and by the time he had revealed himself, it had already been lunch. While he would usually brighten the halls, the frown on his face was something rather jarring to see, especially the way how he didn't greet anyone or make any sort of joke. In fact, he was almost dead silent as he made his way through the rooms to the kitchen, and was equally as quiet as he made his way back to the sleeping quarters.
"What's the matter with Mike?" You whispered to Margaretha as soon as Mike had left, the dancer sighing as she looked towards you.
"He's in one of his moods. You can really tell when he's not wearing his costume." She was right, Mike the Acrobat wasn't even wearing his acrobat costume when you saw him, in fact, he was just wearing a button-up and some slacks, no shoes, and not even a hint of any of his normal clownish makeup. He was rather plain, he was ordinary.
This behaviour continued for a few days, with Mike only seemingly coming out to eat or use any other facilities that he needed. But then one day he just... didn't show up at all. No one had seen him that day, he hadn't gotten any food, used the toilet, and nobody had seen his name card when the shower had been running, and it was becoming concerning really fast. Usually, the Acrobat was able to bounce back to his normal self after a few days, but even those that had known him the longest had mentioned that this was unusual behaviour.
And this is why you found yourself in front of his room, clutching the tray that you had brought along with you. Maybe if you were to go in and leave these on his desk, maybe he'd eat it - and roast was his favourite sort of dish, after all, he maybe couldn't pass up the opportunity to have roasted, honey-covered carrots and chicken and you knew how much he hated to waste food. Yet when you knocked on the door, his voice sounded so... sad and weak, it was almost a shadow of his normal self.
"Mike, I brought you dinner, can I come in?" He didn't answer, but the gentle tapping of feet on the other side let you know he was awake, and when the door creaked open a bit for Mike to peer out an azure eye you gave him a small smile. "It's roast. Murro helped make it." You knew that Mike had a soft spot for the man, and watching as his eye softened a bit before the door shut, you heard the deadbolt [something that all the survivors had installed due to frequent instances of Kreacher stealing things] come undone before the door opened up fully.
"Yeah, it smells good." He was trying to put on a happy face, but as he tried to take the tray you decided to let yourself in, mentioning something about how it was decently heavy, and you didn't want to bother Mike with having to carry it. And oh dear, his room was a mess: clothes strewn all over the floor, empty bowls, plates and even dirty cutlery piling up on his desk, and even his diary seemed to be in somewhat of a shamble, with ink spilt over the pages from the ink well that usually was in the divet in his desk. It almost smelt like death.
This was a depression room.
You had seen many depression rooms happen within the manor, from Emma to Jose, everyone eventually would have a depression room since hope was something hard to keep a hold onto, but this was the quickest one had gone into this much disarray since the day before it had started, his room was basically spotless from you helping with the laundry.
Finding a semi-clean spot, you sat the tray down, having to step over things in order to reach the spot, and then bending down, you began to pile things into your arms.
"You don't have to-"
"Mike, you need help here. I'm just going to help you, you need to eat." There was no room for discussion on your decision, and as Mike cleared away some of his clutter and began eating, you made quick work of the clothing scattered around the room, throwing them into the nearby hamper to be taken down to the laundry room later before beginning to stack the dirty dinnerware that most likely had been sitting there for a while.
The way he hunched himself in his spot, gently picking at the food that sat on the tray in his lap, it was obvious that the man was ashamed for how he had to get help, but sighing as you finished stacking the plates and bowls on top of the nightstand, you sat down next to Mike now on the semi-clean bed. "Listen, you don't need to tell me what's on your mind, but please know that I'm still here to help you." Grasping his shoulder and giving it a firm squeeze, you smiled slightly at the small hint of a smile that showed on his scarred face, the man finally taking a bit of the lukewarm carrots on his plate.
"I know but, sometimes, things can't be helped." It most likely revolved around the rest of the surviving hullabaloo cast members, as you weren't stupid, you knew how Mike would stare at them as if they were a piece of dirt on the bottom of his shoe, you knew that despite the other cast members wanting to try and have a friendship with him were pushed away. Yet none of them held malice for him. Yet he held onto his. "... Thank you..." The man mumbled, having a mouth full of chicken as he spoke, "you shouldn't help me though." We're all criminals, after all you finished in your head, already knowing what he was thinking; when you had first came to the manor, you didn't know why everyone else was here, but over time, finding out that the manor seemingly was here for them to repent for their crimes, it always seemed a bit more homely, and as much as everyone else had came to terms with what they've done and working to redeem themselves. And that included him, as much as he still held onto something.
"Mike, we live together- we have to work together, we have to look after each other, I care for you, Mike." Mike almost choked on his food in that moment, the acrobat thumping a closed fist against his chest as he coughed, bits of spit drooling from his lips as his face flushed a gentle red and only seemed to grow redder when you began to rub his back.
"Ya know..." The acrobat began once he had gotten his breath back, "you make me all warm 'nd fuzzy when you say stuff like that." There was that smile, bright as ever as he looked at you, "Be careful before someone catches feelings, or has to rival them." Watching as he set his tray aside, you blinked for a moment before letting out a gentle yell, feeling yourself being dragged back on his bed by a pair of thin but firm arms.
"Stay a bit, I have a lot to tell ya." There was his glowing smile, just for you.
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blossom-tonic · 3 years
Don't leave me too~
-> Kaeya x GN!reader
Credit's for the pic: 優雨 on pixiv
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It was a warm sunny day in Mondstadt. The sun was brightly shining in the clear sky on the Plaza as the famous Calvery Captain of the knights of Favonius was through Mondstadt. His destination? Angel Share.
As usual Kaeya Alberich is going to his favorite and only one bar in Mondstadt on his free day. One of the reasons was to go and see his "dear" brother Diluc Ragenvindr and purposely annoy him but also he wanted to have taste of dandelion wine.
As he opens the door if the bar he expected to see Diluc, scrowling at the sight of him but instead he saw (y/n).
A very dear person to him.
But still it's unusual for them to be sitting in angel share in the middle of the day and especially with a wine glass in their hand. (y/n) was never a drinker they always accompany Kaeya and Rosaria to the bar but never has seen Kaeya the young traveller drinking.
This thought concerns him a little bit which made him go to the said person having his charming smile as he began talking
"what's the famous traveller from (your region) doing on a sunny day in angel share with a wine glass in hand?" He said with a smile putting his weight in his left hand as he put it in the table where (y/n) was sitting.
They heard the familiar voice if a good friend if theirs which put a major smile on their face
"well... original i wanted to go see Diluc and talk to him for the last time but unfortunately he was absent today so now I'm enjoying my first and last dandelion wine. Which i must say it's the only alcohol that actually is tasty in my opinion" they explained rather jokingly while giving the cryo vision Bearer their typical closed eyed smile which would lighten the Calvery Captains day anytime but the fact that (y/n) wanted to go see Diluc was itching him but it wasn't the main thing that's bothering him
"wait, what do you mean by "talking to Diluc the last time,, or "my first and last wine,,?" He asked while having a puzzled expression on his way, which was rare to be honest since all of the Mondstadt knows him as the "calm and charming Calvery Captains,,.
"oh so Master Jean didn't told you? I'm leaving Mondstadt for a little while. I want to go home and see how things are there... You could say i got a little homesick. I was planning on leaving tomorrow so i wanted to at least try the famous dandelion wine from dawn winery" they explained while slowly circulating her glass and looking at the red substance.
Kaeya didn't know which fact hurted more... The fact that (y/n) is gonna leave or the fact that they didn't even wanted to tell him in person but trusted the Acting Grand Master.
"but... you're coming back right?" He asked not letting his upset aura showing and hope they say yes
"well...to be honest, i don't know."
This answer made his heart stop. It was like one arrow was shot directly at his heart.
"i was planning on staying in (your region) for awhile but the maybe continue to travel" they explained while still looking at the wine glass. They weren't keen on leaving either especially since they already felt like home in Mondstadt but they wanted to see the family again to make sure they're alright.
The Calvery Captain was not a dumb man, he knew what his was feeling towards them was and he hated himself for getting this kind of connection towards somebody but still... (Y/n) made his life not seem dull anymore, and the fact that another Person is leaving him again is making him feel devastated.
"well... It was nice seeing you Kaeya but i have to go now. I need some money and the commissions aren't doing them by themselves" (y/n) said joyful as they put the glass on the table and was standing up to go out if the bar.
Instantly Kaeya wanted them to stop walking or making them stop, to convince them to stay here in Mondstadt, to stay with him but he held himself back. Deep down he knows that this is what is right for them, being in a close relationship with him was dangerous and he knows how family is important to them.
So he just let go, watching their frame getting closed by the door.
The sky was getting darker as the traveller was walking to their home while surpassing a yawn. They took a lot of commissions, each one harder then the lady but the amount of Mora was worth it.
As they opened their House door they immediately took off their shoes, and made their way to the bath to get some dirt of their body. As the water ran slowly into the tub, (y/n) took of their clothes and began slowing getting in the tub. They sigh in bliss as the warm water was in contact with their body.
As they relaxed in the tub, the conversation with Kaeya came into their mind. It was wrong for them not telling him in person and they knew that but honestly deep down (y/n) didn't want leave Mondstadt, they didn't want leave their new home, their knew friends and most importantly they don't want to leave Kaeya but even tho Mondstadt became their new home (y/n) could never abandoned their original home.
After some time, the traveller was out of the tub and already in their sleeping chambers, changing out if their dirty clothes to something comfortable as they heard a loud but damp knock. They immediately got of the room and made their way to the front door. With a puzzled expression on their face, since they weren't expecting anyone, they slowly open the door just to see Diluc infront of the door with a passed out Kaeya on his back.
"come in and lay him on the couch." (Y/n) just said calmly, thinking that Kaeya's just passed out bc he drunk a lot like always.
Diluc just nodded as thank you and made his way to the couch and put his brother on it while sighing
"i assume that he just drank a lot and passed out and because your such a good brother you decided to drag him to his dear friend so they can take care of him" (y/n) talked with some joking sarcasm in her tone if voice but Diluc could only sigh. He didn't show it but he was worried about Kaeya.
"he was mumbling some nonsense, while sulking around so...just take care if him please" he said without emotion what was typical but this time the hint if worry was heard in his voice but before (y/n) could ask what he meant he already got out of the house.
(y/n) was now more clueless then before, usually they saw Kaeya as joyful drunk, always laughing, enjoying his time and also shamelessly letting his charm out but to hear him sulking while being drunk was something the traveller couldn't imagine.
As they trying to think about what Diluc said, they were also filling a glass full of water to give for the cryo user. They put the glass down on the little table which was beside the couch and slowly shaking the Calvery Captain. The said man was slowly waking up, tiredly open the one eye that was visible slowly adjusting to the light. He was trying to get up but a soft hand was lightly pushing him down again while also spoking in a soft voice
"lay down. You need the rest." Said (y/n) while also handing him the glass of water which Kaeya gladly took and also began drinking it. The cold water that was slowly going down his throat was helping with burning sensation from the alcohol and made his head pain a little bit bearable.
"what am I doing here?" He asked after putting the glass down but he refused to look into (y/n) eyes
"well diluc said-" she couldn't continue her sentence as Kaeya sighed in annoyance
"Diluc should mind his own business."
"well you know that he doesn't like passed out costumers in his bar but that's not the point. He said you where "sulking around"...so what wrong? I kinda felt that you were off since our conversation in angels share..." The (your vision) user asked with worry. It was rare that they showed they worry about anything really but it's about Kaeya.
"it's nothing really, i shouldn't be hear in the first place. You need the rest so I'll just leave you be." He shortly explained already sitting up and standing up which leads to him wobbling a bit since he still feel the alcohol in his body.
(y/n), worried that he might hurt himself, wrapped one arm around his waist to steady hin and also taking one if his hands and sitting him down again.
"No. You're staying here for to night, i know that you are capable of walking but I don't trust your drunk self." They calmly explained still holding his hand but letting go of his waist.
Kaeya now looking at the their hands while turning his and and wrapping it around (y/n)'s while slowly stroking it with his thumb. It felt nice holding their hand. It made him feel warm and calm and made him forgot that this person who was bringing him happiness for change is gonna leave him soon.
"(y/n), it's maybe the drunk me talking right now but...can I ask you something?"
"of course. You can ask me anything." She answered truthfully, the fact that he sounds so vulnerable made them worry even more.
"Can you stay? I mean stay here in Mondstadt....stay with me...." He asked. Now was (y/n) sure that he was completely drunk. He didn't sound like the Kaeya they knew, he sounded like sad little boy who was in pain.
"Please don't leave..." he said and suddenly the traveler felt themselves being pulled into his chest. His arms wrapping around their frame pulling the close in fear that they would suddenly disappear.
"Please don't leave me too. My father left me, the person who took me in died and my brother hates my guts... you're the only who didn't abandoned me yet...so please don't let me loose another Person i love"
He whispered the words into the crook of their neck, (y/n) could now clearly smell the alcohol but this time she didn't mind it. The Kaeya they saw know was the real one. A broken boy who is afraid to loose again and doesn't know what to do about that.
(y/n) wrapped their arm around the man's body pulling him closer, it was the first time both of them was so close to each other.
"I'm not leaving Kaeya...at least not tonight. We can talk about it tomorrow if you want...let us just stay like this for the night ok?" They whispered, trying to calm the man while softly playing with his blue locks.
Kaeya just nodded closing his eyes and savoring this moment. He would clearly be embarrassed tomorrow of showing this side of him especially infront of you but that didn't matter now. He was just enjoying being closed to you and that's everything he could ask for.
Ok so kaeya could be a little ooc and the ending could be a bit rushed since once again i wrote this in the middle of night bc my sleep schedule is trash c:
Anyways i hope you guys like it and don't forget you can always leave request if you want me to write something :)
Have a good day/night :3
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baeklination · 3 years
Room 4
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Date: 210621
Warnings: SMUT🔞, masturbation, mouth-fucking, standard fucking, voyeurism(-ish?)
Pairing: Baekhyun x F. Reader
WC: 1, 9k
You whistle in jest when he comes out into the kitchen.
"I thought you were going to a fundraiser, not a hedonistic sex fest…"
Baekhyun's clothes are perfectly fine to wear where he's going, but he always makes things extra fine; his thin v-neck, nonchalantly tucked into the front his black leather trousers; a simple black blazer for a bit of class - and two silver necklaces for a little pizzazz. He's had a thing for the darker tones since he dyed his hair gray.
"If you don't hurry up I might bolt the door shut so you can't get out."
"As if you're not dying to have a night off", he smiles into the mirror, meeting your reflection while tidying his hair.
"I was..."
You can tell when he gets a feeling, just like now. He looks you straight in the eye - albeit via mirroring - with the tiniest narrowing of his eyes.
"Sleep in four tonight."
You lean back, happy.
"Do you know what time you'll be home?"
"No. Late", he says, going to wiggle his feet into his shoes. "But don't stay up too long."
"I won't. Maybe I'll read Lee's dissertation on why dadaism really is the true impressionism…", you snort.
"Ooh, I know how you've been waiting to get your hands on that riveting read..!", Baekhyun jokes and gives you a kiss goodbye. "See you lat- tomorrow. Eight?"
"That's so long", you frown. “But okay.”
His delicate fingers push gently on the nape of your neck when he kisses you again.
"So touch yourself", he moans into your mouth before pulling away and leaving.
Having to wait until tomorrow to see Baekhyun isn't much fun, but knowing it's number four - actually - knowing that makes it worse, makes your underwear soaked as you keep replaying what you did last time:
“Where will you be?”
“I know you’ll keep looking over if I tell you”, he says. “You don’t know I’m there, remember?”
You skip clothes altogether save for a white satin robe; there isn’t much point in getting all done up when it’s coming off so quickly. And besides, Baek will no doubt assume you’ll be wearing something, panties at least, so he’ll choke when he finds out you aren’t.
You’re a bit jittery - pleasing yourself when you know he’s watching makes you a bit embarrassed, but it’s also what arouses you. Thinking about his cock getting so hard he has to release it and pump with a steady hand, careful not to come, as he looks on makes you slick and you can feel it as you walk around. You take a calming breath and open the door.
Luckily, you turned the light on beforehand, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to see a thing. And trying to look to see where Baekhyun might be hiding would be impossible - it’s near pitch black in your garden. You give the daybed a shove so it stands by the wall and prop some pillows up before you lean back, play-acting as if you’re just having a quiet night in. You don’t have to look to know how swollen your clit is, how the thick strings cover it and everything else. It may have been Baekhyun’s request - but it’s your pleasure. Putting on a show for him, you pretend to be a little coy. Pretend you’re embarrassed at being so aroused you HAVE to touch yourself. The truth is closer to you by now having to pace yourself, closer to your core pulsating - almost hurting - ‘cus you want it so bad.
You undo the knot on the robe and let the thin fabric fall from your shoulders to expose your breast. Your nipples are hard pebbles in your fingers, sending jolts down in between your legs as you stroke and pinch them. For him you wet your fingers, pushing them in and out of your mouth a few times before circling your nipple again. You can’t wait any longer. You spread your legs and caress your thigh downwards with one hand, the other still stroking your breast, and pull at your folds for Baekhyun to see the state you're in. Lightly you run a finger over your ass. You’re wet all the way down. Reaching under one of the pillows your hand finds the treasure you’ve put there previously; smooth, metallic silver - a perfect fit in your hand. Without any playing around you put it to your entrance and watch as the top slides in. Your hips lift instinctively as you drop your head back and let the dildo fill you completely. There is no resistance at all, you can easily hold it with just two fingers. Almost completely lost in the moment your first thought is that you’ve turned the vibration on, but see the lit screen on your phone when you look down. A text from Baekhyun: “Call me, don’t say anything. Put me on speaker.”
He picks up, saying nothing, so you put the phone by your legs and continue. You put a little extra volume in your moan to make sure he hears it; Baekhyun gets excruciatingly turned on by everything that has to do with you masturbating. Knowing he’s out there listening to the wet sound of your pussy, agonizing over whether to control himself or to just let himself go and orgasm makes the dildo a rather futile replacement. But a replacement nonetheless, so you turn the vibration on - jolting with a moan - and push it up to touch your sweet spot over and over, your chest rising higher, hand squeezing your breast harder. You put it on max and thrust as quickly as you can. The muscles in your ass tighten until you’re pushed over the edge, shaking, muscles going on and off without control as your orgasm pierces through you, stopping your breath in your throat.
You ride it out, even more fluids running out and look at your phone: Baekhyun’s ended the call. And no wonder - you can already hear him tearing through the house. He opens the door, his torso already naked and shakes his head with a smile as he walks up and pulls the rest off; his cock barely sways, that’s how stiff he is.
“How was it?”
Baekhyun rolls his eyes in appreciation and forces his cock down for you to take it in your mouth. Holding your head in his hands, he fucks you. Not violently, as if trying to get a gag reflex, but unhurried, because what he wants today is to be in your mouth, not have you choke and stop.
“Oh, baby…”, he moans, stroking your hair. “Oh, baby, you looked so pretty.”
His length fills you comfortably, lets you appreciate the veins and smoothness, the hardness contrasted by the bounce of the head, pre-cum brushed out on your tongue.
“I know you just- mmh...I know you just fucked yourself, but I’m gonna be a bit rough...”
You meet his eyes to tell him it’s okay. It’s more than okay - who wouldn’t want a man who loses his shit over you?
“Just bend over here.”
The daybed is lower than your kneeling position, so you get a natural arch in your back with your ass high up. Baekhyun groans with pleasure when he gets down behind you, eyeing the bottom of your swollen clit and drenched holes.
“Fuck, you’re so pretty…”, he says, and fills you up with his cock.
Different from before, where he wanted to be wrapped up in every bit of sensation, this time he pounds, pulls - practically claws at - you. It takes a lot to brace yourself, even with him holding you, but you don't mind - on the contrary - because you know what's going on in his mind when he's like this: "...as if I just have to come in you. I need my cum to be in you."
"Ah, shit… Aish…"
He pulls you back, arm around your neck, pulling on your waist to meet his shattering thrusts as he finally gets to orgasm.
You're already wide awake and waiting when the clock strikes eight. The day is like the room: gray and beautiful. One of those days you'd drive down to the Farmer's Market and pick up homemade foods like bread and marmalade to cosy down with back home, safely sheltered from the rain undoubtedly on it's way.
You get a jolt when your phone buzzes. It's a snippet from Baekhyun, four seconds of him stroking and slowly pumping himself, hard as a rock. That's all it takes - would take if you weren't already ready. You make a painting of yourself, laying on your side, letting the blanket drape off your legs, just about showing a bit of cheek.
When the door opens you keep looking out the window. A gust of cool air hits your back when Baekhyun lifts the blanket and presses himself up against you.
“Good morning”, he whispers with a voice still husky from sleep, pressing his groin against your ass.
“Morning, B.”
“I’m throbbing”, he groans, dragging his teeth on your neck. “I want you so bad…”
You press yourself closer to him, press his ass closer.
“Why didn’t you come in last night?”
“I did.” His breathing is so heavy behind your ear it’s only a matter of time before it gets damp with condensation. “The window. Look at it.”
It stirs deep in your core. Right in front of you there’s a translucent white stain, having dried in the midst of running down the window. So he was here last night. Probably pretending he wasn’t going to do anything, that he just couldn’t help himself when he saw you; he had to inch down those leather trousers and stroke himself. You could just imagine him leaning against the window while you were asleep...
"What got you so hot and bothered, Baekhyun?"
"I was thinking about how you couldn't keep your hands off this tight little pussy last time you were here…"
"If you'd come home earlier last night…", you say, opening your leg over his, feeling the cool air hit your juices.
Baekhyun runs his hand down your thigh.
"What did you do?", he asks in a deeper voice and slaps your pussy.
You yelp from the exhilarating pain.
“Always so dirty when you think no one’s looking...”
He nearly swallows you with his sloppy open-mouthed kisses before he moves on top of you, putting one leg over his shoulder, letting the other one rest between his legs. Holding on to your thigh, the angle allows his pelvis to push his cock deep inside, the head continuously landing in that pocket of pleasure: light as air, yet full at the same time.
“Don’t stop…”, you whisper faintly, stroking your breasts as you feel his thick length fill your inside over and over. “Fuck… Don’t stop, I’m gonna come...”
Baekhyun moans, picking up his speed, driving himself in hard and towards his own edge, but you get there first; the muscles in your lower body lock, spasming, to the beat of your chopped up whines. Baekhyun, being right after you, pulls you up to a half-straddle; leaning backwards on your arms you pray your shaky legs won’t give out from his pounding. Luckily, he trembles.
“Mm, baby...fuck”, he moans, keeping control of his tempo until he pulls you down on top of him, pressing tightly.
He lays his head against your forehead for a moment, before turning your face up to kiss you.
“Let’s stay in here today.”
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eggluttony · 3 years
Casino Egg living at his max weight of like around 550 lbs is just constant bliss or excitement every moment, it feels unreal with his wildest dreams come true. his clothes are huge yet so strained while barely containing his huge belly, tits, and ass, he has an adorable double chin, he only wears suspenders that really show his big soft gut off beautifully because he's so proud, he takes up so much space and accidentally bumps into things when underestimating the size of his belly and ass, he waddles and his whole fat body jiggles lots! he loves the feeling and how much attention it brings to him.
he loved every second of the process of getting this big. when his longest belt snapped and decided to ditch them for good for suspenders, when he gets too easily out of breath from a pathetically small amount of activity, how everything loudly creaks under his weight, how he's too fat to pick things up or reach down to put his pants, socks, and shoes on by himself, when he gets big enough to get stuck in doors he's overjoyed and gets a big boner. he just giggles when he bangs his head on the floor when he breaks another chair because he's already dizzy from the pleasure. he loved every sign that he was getting fatter and fatter and too fat to do things.
not long after he just reaches this huge impressive goal, he gets stuck in the door on the way into his office for a meeting, then the chair lowers a lot and creaks so loudly when he sits with the other person and moves in it even just a little, he messily eats and burps while talking to them, accidentally pops a button or two, then gets his fat ass stuck in the seat and they notice he can't get up. they're judging the whole time and ask him if he's considered losing weight before they go. it's all too much for him to handle happening at once all in one meeting, it gets him so horny. Boom Eggman comes in curious after and when he tells him what happened, he teases him on top of all that!
he loves being so massive and fat, all the challenges that come with it don't bother him when he thinks it's worth it, in fact it just makes him even more excited. he loves inevitably getting into a bunch of embarrassing situations when he's this fat and people pointing out and teasing him for his weight that he can never hide really gets him going. his cock is throbbing so hard, twitching and leaking precum and Boom tells him he's such a dirty boy and teases and calls him affectionate names relating to his fat as he jerks him off. he feels so good after cumming hard and at the height of the bliss, he smiles at Boom Egg with eyes full of love and breathlessly sighs "you've made me so big, I love it~" 💜💕
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yumehoxo · 4 years
Convinced- eren x reader
(⚠️WARNING⚠️ -this story contains substance use, strong language, sexual content and more)
-Yo imma pick you up at around 7:30-ish to be ready.
"Ughh I hope I'm making the right decision" you thought to yourself.
It's was already 7:12 pm and you haven't even gotten up to change yet, you look at the time one more time and see how late it has gotten and frantically rush to your closet to get something to wear. 'This is such a drag. Why did I even bother to say yes'. You chose a short miniskirt and a cropped shirt and put them on as fast as you can. You ran to the bathroom and fixed your hair and makeup. As your in the middle of doing your make-up Connie calls you. 'Oh no. don't tell me he's here already it's only 7:20' you whined. You pick up the phone call and Connie says.. "Yo I'm in the neighborhood but I'm having trouble finding your complex, mind giving me some directions again?" you sighed, " You have been to my apartment over 20 times now how do you not remember??" You asked. "Look bruh it's really confusing and you already know ian good with directions!" Connie said frustrated. "As soon as you enter the neighborhood you take a right, then two lefts." You said pissed off. "OH YEAHH I REMEM-" you ended the phone call. As you finished off your lipgloss, you grabbed your bag and debated on if you should wear shoes or heels 'I don't even know if I remember how to walk in those' you said looking at your heels, you grabbed your shoes instead. Then you heard it, a rapid knocking at the door, indicating Connie was here. You grabbed your things and did a little jog to the door.
"Woah you smell so good!" Connie said. He was wearing sweatpants and a Dolce & Gabbana long sleeved shirt. You couldn't lie he was a good looking guy and he knew how to dress, and on top of that he's one of the most funniest people you know.
"Thanks Connie" you said sarcastically, rolling your eyes. "Who's hosting this party anyways?" You ask as you lock your door.
"It's this guy named Jean or something like that" Connie says.
Your eyes widen to the name 'well now I know Alessia is going to be there'. "Wow I guess that's just my luck huh?" You say.
"What do you mean that's 'just your luck'?"Connie asks. The expression on his face is pure confusion.
"We used to date in high school, that's all" you state with a relaxed attitude.
Connie presses the elevator button to get back down to the first floor and he asks "Isn't that, kind of a big deal, like what were the odds that you both went to the same out of state University?" Connie asks.
"I dunno I guess it is." you shrug. 'I mean he isn't wrong I haven't seen him since senior year and I'm now a sophomore, that like what almost 2 years?' Your thoughts get interrupted... "Y/n ... Y/n... Y/N??" Connie basically shouts, gaining your attention back to reality.
"W-what do you want, goddamn?" You ask irritated by his loud tone.
"You weren't answering me, I was trying to ask you are you going to drink tonight?" Connie asks.
"Uhh I don't know yet, I'll see how crazy the party is when I get there, and if it's bad then I probably won't drink much" you say as you open his passenger side car door.
"Drink much?? SO YOUR GOING TO DRINK?" Connie asks excitedly.
"Why the fuck are you screaming I'm literally right next to you? But yeah I am." You respond back.
"O-oh sorry I don't realize how loud I get..." he says scratching the back of his head with a nervous expression.
As you guys are driving you don't even realize that it's almost dark outside as the yellow sunset hits your skin in the car. Connie's music was playing way to loud but you would have to get used to it anyway once you get to the party, 'at least his taste in music isn't bad' you think to yourself. As (s/n) plays in the background. You've been to parties before but since it's been so long, your nerves are through the ceiling and the butterfly's in your stomach are giving you mild cramps. 'Just take a deep breath, you've done this before.'
Before you know it, you and Connie are already at the party, it's being hosted in a big house with it's own gate (that was left open). You can see the flashing lights coming through the windows and as you drive closer you can feel the bass of the music. Connie parks his car off to the side so it's easy for him to get out, and you both exit the car.
"We won't be on the first floor, all the secondary people who didn't get invited personally by the owner or the owners friends stay on that floor" Connie says.
"Reiner invited me since we've been friends since Freshman year" he states.
"Oh okay, hopefully it's more calm upstairs.." you say as you guys walk to the front door.
As soon as the the huge double doors open you can see a sea of people partying. All packed together like it was a concert or something. You see couples making out, girls grinding on guys, people throwing up because they can't take what's in their cup any longer, there are girls without any clothing on waist up exposing their breasts to a group of guys. Connie grabs your hand and leads you threw the crowd. He can see the look of concern and disgust on your face.
"Sorry that you have to see this." He says rolling his eyes.
He grips on to your hand a little tighter since the crowd was getting more packed the further down you go. The finally you guys reached it, the stairs. There is a velvet rope indicating that only a certain few are allowed up there. Two men stood there, one of them smoking a cigarette and the other holding a list of names.
"Name?" The man with the list asks coldly. He had dirty blonde hair and tattoos on the sides of his face.
"Connie. Connie Springer." Connie says back equally as coldly.
You can feel the eyes of the other man landing on you, you can feel him looking at your body and then breasts.
"Your good to go." The blonde boy states.
'Finally' you think to yourself in relief. Just the fact that someone was probably just thinking of having sex with you without even knowing you made you feel uncomfortable. You start walking up the stairs and you can still feel his eyes on you, specifically your ass. You were fuming up 'does he have no shame?!' You think angrily to yourself. You've had just about enough you were about to turn around and tell him off.. then Connie walks right up behind you so it's blocks the mans view. You sigh out in relief.
"Sorry about that, some people just have no self control." Connie whispers in your ear so the man doesn't hear anything.
You and Connie make your way up the spiral staircase, you can imminently feel how much more quieter it gets when you get up there. In front of you guys is a hallway with 3 doors on each side and double doors at the end of the hall. You notice the doors have signs on them. "Vacant" or "Empty". Only two of the doors had the sign flipped to "Vacant".
"There for people who want private rooms, like if only a certain group of people wanted to do something together or if you wanted to hookup with someone." Connie says.
"Yeah I figured, that's really smart." You respond back. You can feel the vibrations of the music downstairs at your feet.
"Thank god were not down there" you say in relief.
"Yeah, that place is crazy all the time I don't know how people find that fun." Connie says rolling his eyes.
Connie opens the door for you. To the right there's a T.V hooked onto the wall and a group of 10 people sitting together just talking. To the left is a mini kitchen. You can see that behind the kitchen is a table with food, drinks, and cups there. You noticed the cups were color coded, three colors, neon blue, neon pink, and neon green. In front of each cup was a sign. In front of the neon blue cups was the sign "Taken", I'm front of the of the neon pink cups was "Not looking for any relationship", and in front of the Green cup was "Single". Connie went ahead a grabbed a blue cup and poured himself the fruit punch and alcohol mixture. Connie was currently dating Sasha but she was on a trip with her family for the holidays leaving Connie all alone. You went ahead a grabbed a green cup for yourself and poured (f/d) in it instead. You weren't going to have alcohol until a little later since it was only 8:13 pm.
"Come on let me introduce to everyone I know" Connie says taking your hand leading you to a room in the back.
Connie leads you to the room which contained a Billiardo table to the very right which two men were using and there was a couch at the back that had a group of people sitting there. You could see Jean sitting on the floor in between a black haired girls legs while throwing darts to the wall. His hair was grown out and he looked much more mature. Next to the black haired girl on the couch was a blonde boy with an undercut. On the couch on the other side was a brown haired boy with long hair tied back into a messy bun, he has tattoos on his right arm and some on his left, and he had stud piercings in his ears. He was wearing grey sweatpants with a shortsleeved shirt with the word "Primitive" on the front. They shirt wrapped perfectly around his sculpted biceps. You looked away to make sure nobody notices that your staring. Next to him is a blonde girl she was somewhat tall and had facial bangs. There are two girls on the floor, another blonde girl but she was short and more petite and another girl next to her with brown hair and freckles flirting with her making the blonde one blush. You realize Jean and the black haired girl cups are blue. You also see that The blonde boy and the girl next to the brown haired boy guys are also blue. Everyone else's cups were green. 'A lot of taken people' you think to yourself.
"WOAH NO WAY" you can hear Jean scream locking eye contact with you "IS THAT REALLY YOU Y/N?" He says while getting up. You can tell the black haired girl is staring him down.
"Y-yeah. It's been so long!" You say while side hugging him. You can smell the faint scent of marijuana on him. The black haired girls eyes reach you staring you down, looking at your breasts and body figure. You turn your head to the back of the room Where a tall brown haired boy and blonde hair boy make their way to you.
"Yo Reiner!" Connie says while dapping him up.
"Yo Connie!" He says back. His eyes land land on you, locking eye contact.
"Connie who'd you bring with you?" He said with a smirk on his face looking at Connie and then right back at you.
"Oh this is y/n, she's normally a homebody but she finally agreed to come with me to one party" Connie said while rolling his eyes.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Reiner." He said while sticking his hand out indicating to shake hands with him. You shake his hand, and he holds on a little longer instead. You manage to let go without being awkward or rude a flash a smile at him. 'What the fuck.' You think to yourself . You can see the brown haired boy next to him seems nervous and a little shaky. He look at him and smile and he gives you a nervous smile back.
"H-hi my n-name is Bertolt" he says clearly shaken up. Connie slaps his hand onto Betolt's shoulder and says..
"No need to be shy Bertolt just be yourself! Nobody is going to like you if your going to act so shy." Connie said with a cheeky smile on his face.
"Hey, I'm Y/n" you say with a smile on your face, making him blush even harder.
"Anywaysssss enough of that" Connie says while taking you to the group of people at the sofas.
"Everyone, this is Y/n L/n" Connie says 'I can introduce myself dickhead' you think to yourself.
"I'm Armin, nice to meet you!" The Blonde boy says sweetly. 'He's like a cute cinnamon bun' you think to yourself. You smile sweetly back at him.
"I'm Annie. I've actually seen you around we have a class together." She says with almost little to no expression on her face but you can tell that's the way she is. "Actually i remember you; you sat next to me in that chem lecture one time!" You say back.
" I'm Mikasa." She stated coldly. 'Damn mad at me already? I barely fucking did anything.' You think to yourself but not daring to say it out loud. You force yourself to smile  'I hate these type of things everything seems so forced' you think. "Nice to meet you" you say while giving her a fake smile.
"H-h-hi I'm H- histori-a" the blonde girl said barely managing to get any air as the brown hair girl is choking her from behind. "And I'm Ymir" she says with a huge grin across her face. You start laughing at their greeting. "Y'all seem close " You say as you sit yourself next to them Connie following behind you, finding a seat facing it backwards, and then sitting in it so his chest could be resting in the back side.
"I'm Eren, Eren Yeager." The brown haired boy said in a relaxed tone but you noticed his eyes went to the top of you, to your feet, and back up. 'Goddamn who gave him the right to be so hot' you thought to yourself. "Nice to meet you, Eren." you say in a relaxed tone making sure you hide your nervousness.
As the night went on, Reiner and Bertolt came to join you guys. After many attempts of Reiner trying to flirt with you he gave up as he got a drunk. They talked about all the drama that's been going around, who's dating who, who got arrested, who got so fucked up "that one time". They more they talked the more they drank. After awhile you saw it was 11:15 pm and you finished what was in your cup. You left the room and made your way to the kitchen to see if they had any good alcohol drinks, you open the fridge and grab and vodka bottle and pour yourself a shot. You jump up and sit on the counter and took a look around, everyone who was once watching infront of the T.V were either asleep or on the balcony outside. 'Ahhh some peace and quiet' you think to yourself then you remember that Alessia told you she hooked up with a guy named Jean 'wait a second something doesn't add up how could have she hook up with Jean if Jean has a girl friend?'  You go on your phone to see if she put anything on her story and she did.. she was a black haired boy who was tagged with the name "Jean". 'ohhh okay so it wasn't the Jean I knew' you thought to yourself relieved. You grabbed your bag to get the blunt that you rolled before you came... as your looking you realize you can't find it, you frantically search through your bag"what- where is it I swear I brought it?!" you say frustrated.
"Brought what?" A familiar voice asked, you froze for a slight second startled by it. You turned to to see who said that, it was Eren. He was even taller then he looked when he was sitting down.
"O-oh my god you scared me" you responded back sounding startled.
"Oh sorry I didn't mean too, I thought you heard me open the door." Eren said. 'Wait is that piercing on his-' you realize your staring too long.
"It's fine don't worry about it, but I brought a blunt with me before I came but I can't find it now." You say back.
"Damn maybe you dropped it somewhere." He responded not breaking eye contact with you as he comes into the kitchen.
"Y-yeah maybe.." you say back. 'Why's he coming over here?' . He walks over to the fridge and grabs a drink, leans his back against the fridge (which is right in front of you). After 15 seconds of silence he strikes up a conversation
"If you want I have a blunt? But we have to share." Eren says.
"Wait are you sure?" You ask him feeling guilty.
"Yeah it's no big deal" he says while smiling at you.
You were right he does have a tongue piercing.
"Thank you so much" you say back.
As you guys share the blunt you both start talking about your school schedule, turns out that you have the same lunch break and most of your classes are the same just with different teachers. By the time the blunt is finished both of your eyes are bloodshot. You look at his arm he has a tattoo of a dragon, 'that's the same one I have' you think to yourself in utter shock 'how did I not notice?'. Just to make sure you ask him..
"Do you mind if I see your tattoo really quick? You ask him.
He walks closer to you and lifts up his sleeve exposing the whole tattoo and arm. 'Wow he's so built' you think to yourself. You take a good look at his tattoo it confirms your theory, it's the same tattoo that you have. You got it the second you turned 18, it symbolizes 'strength' a lot of people have it but it's still quite rare to see someone else have it.
"Wow I was right!" You say excitedly.
"Right about what?" Eren asks confused. You lift up you one side of your crop top exposing the right side of your rib cage, showing him your tattoo. He puts down his drink next to you and asks..
"May I take a closer look? Only if you don't mind though." Your face turns a little red the thought of him being that close to you kind of scared you.
"Y-yeah s-sure." You say nervously. He brings his face closer and looks up at you realizing how red you are. He smirks. He traces over your tattoo with his thumb. Just his touch makes you shiver a little 'goddamn why do I have to be so nervous he's not even doing anything!'  You feel your face getting hotter as he traced it. Then you feel it, he places his whole hand on your waist and pulls you closer.
"W-what are you doing? You ask him super embarrassed as your face flushes an even darker shade of red. He gets up close to your ear and whispers.. "What? Are you just going to act like you haven't been thinking about this all night? I've seen the way you've been looking at me." Eren said with a smirk on his face. Just the way his breath feels on your ear made you shiver. You slightly spread your legs a little open so he can fit right in front of you. He grabs onto both of your thighs and pulls them more towards him making your entire body come closer to his. You can feel your skirt slight hiking up the more you legs spread apart. He looks you up and down before leaning in and gently kissing you once, his lips felt soft against yours, you can smell the scent of mint and weed mixed together, you can feel him smile against your lips. He clearly knows how much  your enjoying this. He kisses you again this time more passionately, you feel his hand move to your lover back pulling you even more closer, you wrap your hands around his neck and give in. He bites softly on your bottom lip making you moan slightly, he takes this chance to force his tongue inside, asserting his dominance. You fight to not let him win,you try your best, but you lose. He slowly stops, and kisses your lips tenderly one more time. Then he places his lips on your neck playfully nibbling at your neck, he finds your sensitive spot, causing you to stifle a moan, you can feel his smile against your skin. The coldness of his piercing against your skin makes you want more. He continues sucking,kissing, and licking your neck for a little longer and then he stops. He gets up close to your ear and says...
"Why don't we take this a private room? I would hate if anyone interrupted us." he said with his eyes full of lust.
                                                                                                          Authors note:
This took me awhile to write I have a headache now lmao
Anyways if y'all could please lmk if I should change anything or if there any errors I would appreciate it 😌💞✨
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oftenderweapons · 4 years
Stress Reliever  - Namjoon
Tumblr media
Pairing: Namjoon x reader (nicknamed Vixen)
Wordcount: 3.9k words
Genre: smut, angst, fluff
Rating: 18+
Hello! As I mentioned in a previous post, I’ll be publishing longer scenarios which could actually be considered small one-shots. The first theme will be stress-relieving/angry sex (’cause let’s admit it, that’s one great way to blow off some steam and ease some tension) 
I’ll be following the official order, so I’ll start with Namu uwu. 
I don’t really think I need to say this is smut, and filth and an unedited mess. Let’s just move on to trigger warnings. 
TRIGGER WARNINGS: swearing; unprotected sex within an established relationship (wrap it before you tap it, and please get checked for STIs regularly) lingerie kink, DADDY kink (like, how could I not) plus Joon is fucking packed and we all fucking know it, dirty language, allusions to cheating (but like, not really, how could one possibly cheat on daddy big dick Joon? Ha, not me), spanking, ddlg/bdsm dynamics, brat!reader, oral (female receiving, mentions of male receiving), peaches and cream (don’t look at me like that, how could I NOT do this) marking, biting, overstimulation and ruined orgasm (listen, daddy makes the rules, it’s not my fault, next time be less of a brat), cumplay, mild angst (lack of attention, abandonement issues). RIP to y/n’s deceased La Perla set. I suppose this is all? This is quite pwp, but not really. About 3900 words.
Also, here you can find my masterlist. Enjoy!
Your day had been phenomenal, your boss had complimented you and assigned you a new office as you joined your new team. You had celebrated going out for lunch with your new colleagues, getting to understand the dynamics and roles within the groups. Since you were given a free afternoon to receive a general briefing and celebrate your promotion you went off work earlier than usual, deciding to get yourself a nice new dress and some celebratory lingerie, all Italian lace and silken bows.
But your mood was sour. Namjoon didn't even bother reading your text, ignoring you all day, which normally would not bother you, but considering how hard you had been working for that promotion and how tired you were, but most importantly considering he knew how much it mattered to you, it really upset you. And you were meaning to make him pay for it. 
As you arrived at home you started getting ready, you bathed and did a face mask, hair all pretty and soft, fixed your nails. You felt gorgeous. Gorgeous and furious. Which was normally a very entertaining combination when you added Namjoon, who was currently absent without justification. He should have arrived home twenty minutes ago. 
When he finally came through the front door, you were lounging annoyed on the sofa. 
You did not answer. And he didn't even notice, nor look at you. 
He went straight to the bedroom, got rid of his clothes and wore something comfy, going straight to the kitchen. 
"No dinner?" He asked. 
"I'm going out." He looked up to where you were sitting, a little baffled. 
"And no dinner?" 
"I called at the Garden, booked a table for two at nine. You could get ready in fifteen. It's on me."
His forehead creased. "I'm a bit tired."
You raised a brow. "I'm going out anyway." 
He huffed out. "Okay. Let me wear something decent."
Five minutes later he headed out, in jeans and a white shirt. He looked completely insane, the sleeves slightly rolled up, his hair pushed back. "Am I okay?" 
"You look divine." You were too turned on to deny him a compliment. "I'm sorry I made you dress up. I really wanna destress." 
His half tired look in his eyes had disappeared, probably thank to the brief shower he had taken. "It's good, baby."
You headed to the restaurant, his hand perched on your knee during the drive, his head heavy on your shoulder. He still hadn't mentioned your promotion. 
A nice waiter welcomed the two of you, he must have been new, considering you had never seen him before and you and Joon were pretty much two regulars there. 
He accompanied the two of you to the table, your hand reaching for your man, while he looked absolutely lost, completely disconnected from you. Even at the table you tried to spark a conversation but he was entirely unresponsive, only mentioning that he had been working on his new collaboration and he had been late because he had to meet the singer. The fact that it was a woman low-key triggered you. It's not like you were jealous, or maybe you were, but jealousy was a feeling you had felt before and you had always had the self control not to act upon it. However, mixing that mild jealousy with the disappointment of him not acknowledging your promotion and your special effort for your looks, together with his detached demeanour had you starting something you never thought you would have the guts to do. 
You started being excessively polite -- borderline saccharine -- to the cute waiter, asking for his name and behaving in an almost too friendly way, offering him nice smiles and sugary 'thank you's. 
Not that Namjoon seemed to notice. 
You were getting half an idea to gently grab the waiter's wrist and write your phone number on his forearm just to see what your boyfriend would do. 
By the time you finished your main course and got ready to close your meal with dessert, you were so upset you gave up on your usual tiramisu, telling Geonwu -- the waiter -- to hand you the bill. Namjoon seemed to get out of his bubble for a second, as you turned down the dessert, suddenly triggered by your strange change of habit. He must have really upset you, he thought as you gave the waiter your card and waited for the payment to be processed. 
A few minutes later you entered your apartment, kicking your shoes and heading for the bedroom. You hoped he would trip over your discarded shoes. Damn him. 
In front of the mirror in your ensuite, you started taking off your makeup, slowly undoing your hair. You hated him. 
He reached the bedroom too, standing in the door between your room and the bathroom, looking at you through the mirror. 
"I know what you were trying to do at dinner." He crossed his arms. "I don't like it at all." 
"I wouldn't have done it if you had payed attention to me." You took off your earrings and your watch. The necklace he had given you for your first anniversary. "But you were… Busy."
"So you wanted me to pay attention." He came up behind you, pressing himself against your backside. "Sorry thing I already knew you would land that promotion." He kissed your neck, slowly starting to unbutton the mother pearl buttons on your silk camisole. "So I thought I could keep you on edge and make you snap at me, make you so angry you would finally take all that tension off on me."
You held your breath as he nibbled at your neck. "And I know you were trying to rile me up and make me jealous just to get me to fuck you like crazy, uh?" 
He finished with the buttons and untucked your shirt, discovering the black lace corset underneath. 
"Was this part of the plan, little vixen?" He toyed with the strings of the undergarment, his sex now hard against your back. 
You nodded eagerly. 
"Then bend the fuck over cause Imma teach you a lesson." He lifted up your pencil skirt. "These are new, aren't they?" He said teasing the fabric. 
"Yes, daddy. I bought them for you." You just wanted him to snap, hoping that your submission would spark up his dominance. 
You saw a shiver ran down his spine. "So kind, but you didn't bend over yet. And this won't save you from your punishment." He said, pressing a heavy hand between your wing blades and pushing you down. "You know daddy likes giving you attention, so why didn't you ask?" 
"I didn't want to bother you, daddy." You already felt a whine in your voice, a petulant, bratty tone emerging. 
“I still don't get whether I should treat you like the brat you are or like the good girl you’re desperately trying to be.” Suddenly you felt the heavy smack of him delivering the first hit. You moaned out in relief and arousal. “You better keep quiet. You kept quiet while you should have told me you wanted me, so now that you wanna talk you’d better keep it down, brat.” he delivered another spank, making his point clear. “Understood?”
“Yes, daddy.” You lifted your head, your eyes rolling up from under your lashes.
He licked his lips and used his spare hand to hold your chin up high, so to maintain eye-contact. “Good girl.” He caressed your bum delicately. “Shall we say that you received your promotion at nine a.m., and now it's almost midnight. That makes it fifteen hours of you keeping it from me. Considering that you’re always so eager when I spank you I won’t include the first two blows I already gave you. Now hold tight because dirty girls like you don’t learn their lessons from soft punishments.”
By the thirteenth blow you were gripping the sink, knuckles white, face blushed with effort, a coat of arousal and sweat slickening your thighs. Namjoon’s tempo had slightly slowed down in order to softly brush your sensitive skin between a spank and another. “Come on, two more, ____. Enjoy them.”
He hit you with full force. Considering that you’d got used to the pain, your tolerance adjusting to his attack, he must have really put some fury in the last two. 
Now finally done with your punishment, he moved you slightly to the side, so to use the sink to cool down his palms. “Next time I should use a paddle. No use hurting my hands for punishing a spoiled brat.” Some part of you already felt a dark craving, moaning at the thought. He snickered at how hungry you always were for him.
He passed the cool skin of his hands on your glutes, offering you a small reprieve, taking care of you without giving any explicit sign of your punishment being over. You knew it wasn’t, and it didn’t surprise you when he hooked his fingers in your panties and dragged them down your legs, kneeling to unhook them from your feet. “Those don’t deserve to be ripped.” Now at perfect eye level with your slit, he couldn’t help but give in to the smell and taste of you, licking up your soaked thighs, nuzzling his lips against your sex, delivering one sweet kiss. “Can you take it like a girl good and make daddy happy or do you wanna slow down?”
He probably knew how exhausted your muscles must have been from the position you were into. However, you wanted it your way. “Make daddy happy.” You murmured.
He smiled like a madman, still between your thighs, biting one of the few spots that weren’t bright red on your behind. He raised to his feet, towering over your bent shape, his nimble finger undoing his belt and jeans, gripping his hard on and using the tip to tease your entrance. “Baby, you got me so hard, watching you take your spanks so well, your ass so soft, quivering like jelly. You should see yourself right now, baby. Looking like a wet dream.” 
He caressed down your shoulders, using his free hand to hold your waist. You knew he wouldn’t bend down to kiss you, that would be so out of character. And considering he hadn’t stretched you out, you also knew it would hurt. 
You nodded. “Yes, daddy.” He offered you his hand in your own and you gripped it hard as he slowly sinked in. It took him half a minute to bottom out. A deep groan followed. “So good, babe.” 
You released a heavy breath, squeezing you inner muscles lightly. “Woah baby, fuck.” He swore viciously, carefully beginning to roll his hips, both his hands on your waist, one of yours joining there, reaching for his fingers, craving for a small sign of affection while he was being careful not to hurt the bruises already forming on you ass. His thrusts were slow and deliberate, looking for the smallest sign of discomfort on your face and posture. Once adjusted, you arched further, allowing him a shift in angle that had him hissing and throwing his head back. His beautiful, dark hair followed, catching your attention in the mirror. His chest, still covered in the shirt, inflated, straining the buttons on his sternum. You would have done anything in that moment to kiss the small triangle of skin appearing at the base of his neck. 
Now newly focused, his eyes opened and fixed on you, while one of his hands moved to your breast, still covered in the corset, toying with your nipple, then gripping the flesh with his big palm.
“Joonie,” you dared murmur as his pace intensified. 
“You good baby?” He slowed down again, in fear he was hurting you. 
“So good, Joonie, I just—” You shut up a second, needing to focus before you continued your sentence. “I wanna cum, daddy.”
“It’s okay baby, let me take you there.” He made you turn your face and caressed your cheek tenderly, using his other hand to reach between your thighs, drawing taunting, tight circles on your clit, with just the right pace and pressure. God only knew how he did that. 
“Keep squeezing me baby, so close.” He gripped the back of your neck for leverage and his thrusts got stronger and faster, you completely losing it over the way his hips stayed closer to yours and pushed harder, pulling out just an inch before plunging in again. 
Your orgasm washed over you with sweet relief and you were sure it would have gone on for a bit less than a minute hadn’t Joon pulled out of you, his hand still toying with your clit, his vicious fingers way too skilled not to know how much he was affecting you -- and how wrong it all felt. “Joon, inside!” You cried out, barely coherent, only now noticing in the reflection that his arm was moving aggressively, his lower lip caught between his teeth before it slipped out, his jaw angrily clenching in a way that made you want to turn around and suck him into oblivion. 
“This ass still needs something.” He spat out through gritted teeth. 
Your mouth opened in wonder as you felt him press his tip to your skin, his hot flesh turning even hotter when he groaned out almost desperately, one hand still on his shaft, milking out his cum. 
“Do you like that, daddy?” You teased, wanting nothing but his fucked out babbling to praise you. 
“Love it, vixen, you nasty little fucker. I’ll put a damn ring on your dirty finger someday.” He muttered, his high almost over, the hand on your mound parting your labia before he slipped in sloppily, some drops of his orgasm ending inside you, while the rest made a sticky mess between the two of you.
He crumbled forward, mouth at your neck, his spine arching up away from you as he kept pushing his hips against yours, chest deflating with heavy breaths. One of your hands removed the fingers still massaging your sex into overstimulation. You were both a sweaty bundle of limbs, exhausted and brainless. 
“I’m so in love with you, ____.” He whispered in your ear. “My perfect baby.” The hand under you slipped to your chest, helping you handle the weight of your upper body. “Can you wait like this a couple seconds? I need to clean you up before we make a mess.”
You nodded sleepily while he stretched towards the closest towel, wetting the cloth under the tap and placing it against your skin as he slipped out. The arm under you helped you rise up, his mouth immediately kissing your cheek. 
“Did I go too hard?” He asked, his free hand touching you in tenderness and devotion, stroking your heated skin. He used a clean corner of the towel to swipe the dirty spots on your behind, then cleaning himself roughly.
“It was amazing.” Your head propped on his shoulder, your neck stressed because of your previous position. 
“Let me take you to the bathtub and ease out the knots on your muscles, yes?” He discarded the cloth and turned you around, kissing you softly and fondly. “I’m so proud of you.” He kissed you again. “You’re amazing.” He pressed his mouth to your forehead, “and now I wanna take care of you.”
He took off your corset with care, knowing how sensitive you were, but also how tired your body was, incapable of handling any violent push and pull to undo the garment. 
“Tell me you didn’t ruin it.” You said, voice imploring. 
“No. I was careful. I still regret ruining that La Perla I got you for your birthday. The colour looked so good on you.” He blushed, completely oblivious that two minutes ago he had been an unbelievably sexy, self-confident man spanking you and ruining your orgasm without the smallest hesitation. 
“I feel so spoiled, I took a bath this afternoon.” You murmured, thinking of all the wasted water. 
“Would you prefer a shower?” He asked, already closing the tap.
You nodded. Your muscles were sore but your conscience was still awake.
Opening the enormous shower he loved so much, he helped you sit down on the wide seat on the wall, flinching as the cold marble made contact with your bruising skin. 
Namjoon looked at you with wide eyes, feeling sorry for the pain you were feeling because of his selfishness. 
“Can I make it better?” He asked, caressing your face gently before pushing your hair back. His concerned tone made your insides melt. 
“I think that having a proper orgasm with your tongue between my legs would help.”
“You’re a spoiled brat. Never gonna learn.” He tried sounding angry, but the smile on his face told you otherwise. “You’re lucky I love you.”
You opened your legs wide as he kneeled before you. “You mentioned putting a ring on it, Joonie.” You teased, the inside joke between the two of you now sounding way too serious after he said it in that context, with that voice just an orgasm ago. 
“Careful or I’ll wife you.” He kissed your inner thigh, biting playfully. “Fill you up with babies.” He bit the other side. “Have you barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.”
“Please do, kind sir.” You begged, laughter spilling from your mouth.
He positively laughed at that, his fit of giggles tickling your skin. You were overflowing with love for him.
“Sounds shady coming from a lady who was flirting with the waiter at dinner just tonight.” He started sucking at your skin, the tissue bruising easily after his harsh treatment. “Do you think I forgot?”
Here he was again: gone Joonie, welcome daddy. “I’m sorry.”
He laughed sarcastically against your other thigh, now just a couple centimetres away from your heat. “Do you think he could have done you like that?” His hand grasped your breast, squeezing it viciously. “Like I did tonight?”
“No, daddy.” Your mouth opened as he started rolling your nipple between his thumb and forefinger. 
“Do you think he could discipline you?” He asked, his voice matching the love bite on the soft skin of your crotch where your thigh met your pelvis. 
“Of course no, daddy.” You repeated, shifting delicately in your seat to accommodate his mouth.
“Good.” He perched your legs on his shoulders, then his tongue licked your labia forcefully, your flesh and his adhering perfectly, the bridge of his nose rubbing your clit deliciously. 
The angle was difficult, and if it hadn’t been for the whole sink ordeal, you would have probably balanced yourself on your arms and used your hips to fuck his face midair, but from the way he was looking at you, you could tell Namjoon knew he couldn’t trust your body like that tonight, the risk of you slipping because of a lousy grip or tired muscles too high. 
Much to your dismay, he parted his mouth from your cunt, meeting your gaze. You loved seeing how blissful he got when he was using his mouth between your legs, his brain too focused to think of anything else. It was his go-to stress reliever.
“Hold tight. Be careful.” He said with intention, as he moved an arm behind your back and brought you closer to his face, making you plant your feet on the ground as he laid down on the empty floor. With some attentive adjustments, following his lead, you ended up straddling his face, his head luckily away from the stream of water falling from the shower head. 
“I need you to ride daddy’s face, little vixen. Show me how much you wanna belong to me.” He teased with a dark growl. 
“That sounds so good daddy!” You squealed enthusiastically. “I’m going to make you so proud.” You promised, smiling at him before his mouth latched on you, his arms snaking around your waist and dragging you down. 
“I’m so happy when you lick me, daddy.” You said, voice mischievous, while he enthusiastically picked up his pace.
“I’m the luckiest girl in the world.” His tongue lashed on your clit mercilessly as he kept pumping your most sensitive part with the muscles of his cheeks, hollowing them with the force of his movement. 
“I’ll learn...” Your breath caught in your lungs. “I’ll be so good to you.” 
His hands helped you balance yourself attentively, chasing your high, until you felt your eyes closing, the room spinning around you and your hips moving on their own command, your climax already possessing you. 
“Daddy, please, that’s...” The breathiest moan exited your mouth, your arms collapsing, Namjoon’s hands on your hips the only thing keeping you from smashing face first against the tiles. He moved his head with wide sweeps upwards, accompanying you through your high. In the meantime you managed to readjust, your weight now again in control, you eased Namjoon’s arms, thinking of how tired he must be. 
You lifted yourself up, sliding away from his face, down to his lap. 
He was incredibly hard, once more, quite unusually. “Please, let me ride you, daddy.” You tried to persuade him. “I’ll do all the work.” You were literally batting your eyelashes at him. 
He laughed breathlessly. “How can I tell you no, baby, when you sound so nice?”
“Can I?” You pouted. 
“Yes, baby.” He groaned.
You were on him in two seconds, grabbing him, squeezing him gently in your palm -- at which he shut his eyes tight -- and holding his tip towards your entrance, sliding on it flawlessly. 
“You feel amazing, ____.” He breathed from his spot on the floor, still in the same position as you’d left him after your mind-blowing climax.
You moaned out at the sound of your name, going already pretty fast to make sure that you both came as soon as possible. Namjoon’s hands led your vicious pace while your hand, already toying with your core, made sure that you could come to the edge of your third high within a few minutes. “Joonie, tell me you’re close.”
“Keep going, baby, almost there. Use your-- oh that!” His mouth opened, eyes scrunched. “There!” 
You smirked naughtily as you worked him with your kegels, hips gyrating on him.
“Joonie, help.” You called out, noticing that his arms were going slack. 
Exhaustion was getting to the both of you, but as he pushed up, chasing his sensations, you felt the change of angle and in a couple seconds you felt his hot cum fill your every crevice, your own orgasm mixing with his as your upper body collapsed, mouth searching for his neck. “Joonie.”
“Here.” His arms wrapped around you, holding you close as your legs started shaking and giving out. “I’ve got you, ____ baby.”
Your nose brushing against the side of his jaw, teeth scraping gently against the vein on his neck, you let your body be lulled by his breathing. 
“Love, let’s finish this shower and head to bed, yes?” He caressed your hair back, lovingly.
You have little memory of what happened afterwards, except his weight beside you on the mattress, the lights switching off his heartbeat calling you to sleep.
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fortheloveofkuroo · 4 years
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Part 1 Part 2
Karasuno boys are having a sleepover in your place, their Manager!
7. Hinata Shouyo
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Aweee look at those adorable face TwT
I'm a huge softie for first year tbh like.. WHO DOESN'T.
You know how Hinata supposed to ride his bike trough the mountain for half an hour and nu-uh baby you don't have to do that.
He doesn't mind though, he got his trusty rain coat stored back in his bag.
You insist at having the boys staying over night in your house. Watching you and Daichi having an argument it's like watching his parents quarelling.
"What about the others with a far house? Like Hinata, huh?"
DING DING DING! You - 1, Daichi - 0.
Hinata, being the most happy-go-lucky boi he is walks to your house with the most brightest grin.
You two are basically close enough, a lot of the first years really adores you. Because of your motherly side and well, your scary sides sometimes almost scares them more than Daichi's.
But Hinata, boy he is your favorites. He's the most brightest cheerful boy you've ever met and he's just like a baby brother..
To you, at least.
"Na na (Y/n)-senpai, do you have any siblings?" He asked. You nods. "Mhm i have one. He's on junior high. He's about your height." You jokes, knowing so well that Hinata will be pissed about it. And he did, he start complaining and protesting despite the rainy weather.
God you love him so much.
After unlocking the doors, you all entered the house quickly because the weather is just getting more worse. After distributing the towel, you went to bath.
While Hinata and the others busy looking around your house.
"Woaaah.. So this is what a girl's house look like.." he accidentally blurts out his thought. "Well yeah, never see a normal house before?" Tsukishima scoffs.
"Damn it Tsukishima. Shut up!" "Hey don't talk to Tsukki like that!" Yelp Yamaguchi.
After waiting for a bit the boys finally got to shower. Some of the third years showers first so he waits. But his sharp nose picks up something. Something smells delicious. The third years are back from his bath too.
So he follows his instinct and trails the delicious aroma and he ended up in Kitchen. He was about to walk past the Kitchen but then..
His eyes- Oh my for the love of Asahi's beautiful hair. He witness someone's cornering you. He panicks. He saw the gorgeous golden karaage that's been served on the plate and quickly snatch a few of them.
Before any of you could say anything, he bowed so many times and left the kitchen at ungodly speed. Leaving both of you in awkward position.
He was munching the Kaarage only to realized that his face is still in panic state. So he went to the trusty ol' buddy. Kageyama lol.
"What happen? You run into a ghost or somethin? That's what you get for cutting the line dumb-" "Kageyama.. In the kitchen.."
Ah shoot, is he really going to tell him this?
"They were in the kitchen.. They.." But before he could explained, Kageyama already assumed first what he was going to say.. incorrectly.
"Sugawara-san is cornering (Y/n)-san.." he whispered. Maybe his whisper is a tad too loud. Someone might have heard that. Kageyama clench his towel and gets up.
Poor bby tried to stop him but gets thrown away instead. He never know what happen when Kageyama went to the Kitchen. All he want to do now is get to the hot shower and eats.
"Hinata you can go." A voice told him, it was Nishinoya. Hinata thanked him and went to bathroom. Before he can get to the bathroom, he get past the kitchen. Preparing himself to witness another 'intense moment' as he past by.
But he locks eyes with you instead. You eyes was a little gloomy. His heart suddenly got a little pinch when he see your unusual facial expression.
After showering, he went out. Fold his dirty clothes and join the others. Somehow your unusual expression gets him that hard. He hardly can focus on food when you and Sugawara served the main dish.
Of course he still talks and jokes around but you're the only one who noticed that Hinata's not as cheerful when he first enter your house.
"Um.. Due to lack of the space, one of you have to sleep with me."
As usual the two second years that are going after you fights over who's the one who gets to sleep with you.
Untill you pull Hinata from the crowds and grins.
"I choose Hinata, he's like my baby brother so i trust him!" You smiles as you hang your arms on his shoulder. Hinata cannot believe you just did but everyone strangely agrees.
"He's too dumb anyway, he won't do anything weird to (Y/n)-san." Ouch, He heard that.
You leave the door open as you prepare the mattress for him. Ofc he helps too. You two pull the mattress out and prepares it.
"Here's your pillow and blanket. Do you need anything else?" You kindly asked. Hinata shakes his head.
"Kay then, i'll turn off the lights!" Once you cut off the light, the dim room suddenly got so different. You jumped to your bed and wrap yourself in your soft fluffly blanket as you face Hinata's side.
"Hehehe, i feel like sleeping with my brother, it's somehow exciting." You chuckles. Hinata looks up, he tried to find your face in the dim room. Thanks to the moon that unexpectedly shines over you two, you both able to see each others faces.
You're surprised after seeing Hinata's face. He got that serious calm face just like when he about to take over the courts. It sometimes scares you how the loud boy can be so calm yet serious.
"Do i look like that to you, (Y/n)-senpai?" He asked. Sitting right up.
"Do i really look like your baby brother?" He asked. You jokingly agrees. But when he gets up. You know he's serious now. Oh fuck.
"Did you forget that i'm a boy too?" His fast movement plus the dim room causing you to lower your guards and just in a second, he's already on top of you. Wait how?
"You know.. I saw how Suga-san cornering you like this in the kitchen earlier." He explained. Ah he did witness that.
"Don't treat me like a child, (Y/n)-san. I'm- I'm a man too!" He stated while making a manly face.
You can't help but smiles. Damn, you misunderstand him. You always thought that he just adore you because you're his senpai, turns out you're wrong. He got thus serious yet commited face. And don't forget a lil' flushed cheeks.
"I'm not a kid..." those were his last word before he falls down on your body and fall asleep.
You laughed and hugs him. Hugging him close to your chest.
"Of course you're not, Shouyou.."
8. Tsukishima Kei
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Salt boi is here yall
He doesn't bother to say no when you offer him.
"Hah? No thanks. I'm not in the mood for sleepover."
But oh well you insist him to go in the end. And he does.
As expected, Tsukki didn't say much or even complained. Because he kept it inside. Pfft.
"Dang it why do i have to do this?" "i should've decline." "This is just a club, duh." "How many times i have to deal with this bunch of idiots."
"ThIs iS jUst A ClUb"
He places his shoes and went in. Leaving everyone behind and drop himself to your couch.
While everyone are looking at him with the 'what-the-fuck' face and Daichi is ready to beat his ass, but you stopped them.
"It's alright you all. Tsukki is actually visited my house a lot so he gets used to it." You explained and everyone are shooked.
Everyone asked him why did he get to visit your house. He simply shrugs "Our parents are friends with each other."
Everyone never knew that you both are actually childhood friend. Well you and his older brother is. But you consider Tsukki's your childhood friend too because he used to tag along with his older brother and play together with you. Since middle school, he often visits your home. Along with Akiteru.
No one really notice this because of your rare interaction. Sure you often scolds him and talk ti him but no interaction outside the club activity.
While the other are making a ruckus he wondered. "It's been so long after i came here. When was it? Around Junior high i guess? Well, doesn't matter."
"Tsukki! You came here a lot? How come i never know??" Yamaguchi protest. He doesn't believe that his bestfriend is actually close with anyone.
"None of your bussiness Yamaguchi." He simply shut him up and dried his blonde hair.
His eyes wander around your living room. Nothing change since his last visit. He hates to admit it but it brings so much memories.
"Nee-chan, I like you!"
He snaps out. Fuck why is he remembering that now. He takes off his glass and massaged his temple as Hinata rushing back from the kitchen.
It didn't take too long for him to figure out everything because of Hinata's loud whispering. He knows what happen between you and Sugawara in the Kitchen.
It's none of his concern. Or is it?
So he didn't think about it and left to bath. Before he able to enter the bath, you tried to stop him and offer him a clean towel for him but ofc he refuse wdy expect.
Once he shut the door close, gotta admit he kinda hate seeing Sugawara touchy touchy with you. But tch, what's his problem. It's your problem, not his. So what if you date someone from the voleyball club, right?
He left the bath feeling a little better and less annoyed. When he's back to the living room he saw how close you are to the senpais. Deep down, it honestly irks him. But oh well.
Just when he place himself infront of the table, you hand him his portion of rice. "Not too much, right? I still remember!" You smiled.
He thanked you then starts to eat. Tsukishima probably is the calmest when eating. While everybody laughs, jokes, and talks he keep quiet and focus on his food. Sure he add a littlr insults here and there but it doesn't distract him from his focus.
You love that side of Tsukishima. If only he can take Voleyball that serious, you thought to yourself.
After cleaning up and washing the dishesh, it's time to sleep.
Again, "Um... Due to the lack of space, one of you have to sleep with me."
Again, Tsukishima already prepared himself for sleeping anywhere. Anywhere is fine really. He just want to call it a night. Sleeping with you? It's out of his boundaries. He can never do that-
"Tsukishima? You alright?" Your voice snaps him out.
"Huh oh, me?"
"Yeah. You seems spacing out a lot lately." Tsukishima denies, only to realize that he's in your room and no one is around him.
"Wait. Where's everyone?" He wonder. You laughs. "They've gone to sleep. And you should too, Tsukki." You tap his back, giving him a little rub.
After you pulled the mattress out, Tsukishima helps you with the sheet and stuff. He didn't say a word. Is he okay, you always wonder.
"Can you turn the lights off, please?" You ask him. He reach for the lights and turns it off. When darkness hits you. It's like you're in a different room.
10 minute have passed and none of you made any sound. Ony the sound of your body turning over and over and the soft blanket.
"What is it? Can't sleep?" Tsukishima suddenly spoke out. You're kinda surprised a little. But you nods.
"Hey, don't you remember our first sleepover?-" "I didn't. Goodnight." He cuts you off and turns his back on you. Guess he's that tired afterall.
For god sake you've tried to close your eyes arpund hundred thousand times. But it won't. Tsukishima presence is making you hard to behave.
You face him. Looking over his broad back. He grew so fast. You barely stands a chance. You remember how you and him used to compare your height and he beats you. You remember how he used to play with you and Akiteru will suggest a weird yet fun ideas. And how that day, he... confess to you.
You snaps out when you feel a sudden hit in your hand. You look over to him and find his eyes looking at you. "Are you okay? Staring at the ceiling, not blinking for almost a minute now. I'm almost having a heart attack." He said followed with a laugh of yours.
"Sorry, reminiscing old times."
"What do you mean?"
"You know, our old times."
He suddenly became quiet again. You turn over him and rest your head at the corner of the bed. "Why.. Are you avoiding me?" Tsukishima scoffs. "Avoiding you? When?" "3 summers ago. When we're having our first sleepover. And you..."
Your heart and brain are niw deciding whether you should remind him or not. Not noticing your body being so close to the edge and boom.
You fell right trough to his body. What a coincidence right. "What the- Get off me!" He pushed you off. Ouch..
You sits on his bed. Your heart is still aching from him raising his voice. You looks away.
"Do you hate me that much? I tried to talk to you but you never listen." Tsukki looks over to you. His blurry gaze didn't help so he sits right up too and faces you.
"What is your problem? Can't you just sleep quietly?" "I cannot!" "Well then stop bothering me!" ..He might have gone too far.
Is that you've been doing? Bothering him..?
Ah fuck, never knew getting told off like this will hurt your heart that much.
"Fine, Sorry. I'll stop." You climbs up to your bed. Ignoring your aching heart you decided to close your eyes.
Until you feel a warm presence behind you. You know it's him. "What are you-" "Shut up and listen. Don't cut me off and let me finish." He stated. Your silence showing that you agrees.
"I still remember our first sleepover. I remember how we can't sleep untill 2. While Akiteru-nii is sleeping, we talk and jokes until the night goes away. But one thing that i want to forget that night is when i..." he stops for a while, seems lost. His left hand is resting on your waist. You holds his hand. Calming him.
"When i confess to you. I want to erase that memory from my mind but lucky me huh, we met again. So it's a fail." You turn around and cups his face. "..Are you assuming that night that i rejected you, Kei?" He didn't expect this. What the hell?
You chuckles, seeing his clueless face is funny. "You stupid giraffe. It's my first confession dummy. I don't know how to react so i just left you off and sleep without thinking about it. But now that i think about it.." your cheeks heating up. Ah shit.
You two are so close. There's barely any distance left. His arms suddenly pushed you into his hug. Resting your head in his chest.
"In case you want to know. My feelings haven't change a slightest."
9. Yamaguchi Tadashi.
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Look at that. You've been blessed by his precious smile.
Cutie didn't want to bother you at first. But Tsukki's joining so why not?
As you already know, the first year are well obsessed? Not really, but all of them put you in a special place in their heart.
Especially for Yamaguchi.
You know his struggle. His pain. His grieve when he failed that pinch serve.
You're the one who calms him down and be there for him. His panic, he almost burst out to tears and he did, he tried to leave but you stopped him and hugs him while he's crying like a baby in your hug.
And of course after that he developed a huge crush on you.
He's amazed on how you're able to handle most of them from the craziest, loudest one to the saltiest and quietest one.
When he step into your house, he barely even realize that his face shows how happy he is. Spending a night in your house, what is this a dream?
'Till he found out that his bestfriend, Tsukishima is your childhood friend. And he never knew anything. At. All.
"Tsukki? You came here a lot? How come i never knew??" And as usual Tsukishima shuts him up
He lost a little bit of his hope. Poor baby :(
You and Yamaguchi is always a good.. friend? I mean you both comfort each other. But being their Senior and their Manager, it's your job right?
But then he heard that Sugawara-senpai is- what? Cornering you? What is going on?
His heart immediately panicks and over-thinking.
It's true that everyone want to have you, but.. He cannot lose. He won't.
For a whole day he keeps himself quiet. More quiet than the usual. From the bath to dinner. And you don't even notice. Weird, usually you notice right away.. But oh well, he can talk to you later, right?
And the time came.
"Um.. Due to the lack of space, one of you have to sleep with me."
His heart jolts up. His chance for talking to you.
He locked eyes with you. Hoping you notice him. But.. You didn't. And in the end, you decided to sleep alone. Shoot. "There goes my chance." He thought.
The coldness in the living room is not comfortable at all. His mind is still going around on you, you, and only you. He need to talk to you. So he made up his mind.
He sloowly make his way to your room. Knocking it lightly to inform you. But no answer. A minute has passed since the last knock went on your door. "She's probably asleep.." But the door's open. And he got a glimpse of you in your bed. Getting sleepy but still a little awake.
Then your eyes met. Yamaguchi squeak and tried to run away. "Wait! Yamaguchi!" And he freezes on the spot. You walk over and opens the door.
"What is it?" Your gentle smile flies is a cure for his worries and thoughts.
"I-I.. But you already asleep, i shouldn't bother you, I'm sorry.."
"No no! It's alright. Come here." You says with a smiles. God his heart feel at ease. He quietly walk closer and enter your room.
He's embarassed and it shows. His fidgety moves and the sweaty palms.
You pull the mini mattress below your bed and Yamaguchi immediately helps you. You both then sits on top of it.
"What is it you want to talk, hm?" You look over to the shy boy. He let out a sigh and then his arms wraps around you. You're quiet a bit surprise seeing him hugs you first. Usually you're the one who hugs him first if he's having a breakdown.
"Let me recharge, senpai.." Yes. You're his source of battery. Being around you or near you giving him energy that will make him last a whole day.
"Sure thing, Tadashi." You ruffles his dark green hair. You can feel his breath tickling your neck. And it's the time. "Okay now, go to sleep-" "No. Wait, don't pull away.. Not yet." He hugs you tighter, not letting you go.
"You're warm, Senpai.. And you look really cute in that pajamas." He whispered to your ears. Causing your face to turns into a blushing mess.
"What the hell Tadashi, when did you learn to sweet talk like this, huh?!" You hit his head lightly.
"Ow! I didn't, i mean it.." the boy green haired boy rubs his head as he snuggles to you.
"I know Tadashi. And it works."
Hey hey hey! FINALLY DONEEE! Oh my enjoy everybody. And remember, stay save!
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althememelord · 6 years
Crazy Rich Asian: Honest Reviews
As a South East Asian watching Crazy Rich Asian one would think I would be very proud that Asians are becoming more seen in Hollywood, and I am. But and this is really where the big BUT comes in, the film (like many other Hollywood films adaptations) was dissapointing.
First of all, I need to clarify that there is a difference between Asian-Americans and South East Asians. The way we speak, act, dress etc. For a story set in Singapore, the fact they spoke English and Cantonese is frankly degrading. Let me make it clear that Singaporean speak English, Malay and Hokkien. Yet the later two languages make zero appearances in the film. In addition, the story is called crazy RICH asian yet the story had the characters riding in a beat up jeep like wth. It's as if they read the spark notes of the book and then made it into a film. Not cool.
Second on my list of pet peeves was the church scene. Ah yes, the church scene. Tell me, what RICH ASIAN would want their expensive shoes to get wet or would want to get married in a paddy field. Seriously, who the fuck do you think we are. Asians don't even wear shoes in the house cause it's dirty and you expect us to just willingly make our expensive shoes wet.
Thirdly, the fashion. Guys, this is a perfect time for you to get sponsors from fashion brands yet all the clothes, bags, shoes used for the film looked like it came from a thrift store. Asians don't wear those type of clothes. Rich Asians wear couture from the runway and anyone who actually gave a rat's ass to actually look into this would know that.
Fourthly, the way they act is really hilarious. Not in the haha kind of way. In the, ROFL you think that shit will fly. If you think your parents in a western country beat your ass hard think about in Asia where you are allowed to discipline your kids through caning.
Overall, the film was more American then actually South East Asian. Frankly speaking I hope Singapore's mediacorp pick up the story for a short 12 episode TV show and actually do it justice because this film gets a 4/10 for me. I'll watch it to support my fellow Asian but I won't waste my time watching it a second time. Don't bother with a sequel until you put an actual Singaporean director behind the camera.
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area50dununiverse · 7 years
Angsty smut prompt! Sorry if this is too far don't feel like you have to fill it! But instead of going on X factor John and edward are desperate for fame and become cam boys lol like they live stream themselves kissing or doing dirty stuff or undressing or whatever and their parents find out and are disgusted themselves so they have to move out etc to still be together but have no money so have to keep doing stuff online to get money but they are really ashamed of it and loads of angst!
Hello! Sorry for taking forever!! I got a bit carried away and made it longer and fluffier (and a bit more smutty) than I intended! Hope you like it and I didn’t just get carried away with myself and missed the mark completely!!!! I’m so nervous about this one and I don’t even know why!!
Also, I will fill any prompt, honestly, just ask!
Below as always! xx
It was originally John’s idea. Edward would sit on his bed, watching him from across the room and trying not to laugh. He worked so hard; every night, sitting in front of the webcam, dancing, pouting and taking off clothes. He never really made much money, even though he seemed to have a small following and Edward could see how frustrated he got.
“How else are we gonna become rich and famous?” John would snap when Edward told him to give it up, before turning his cam on and going into performance mode. He was naturally flirty and charming so Edward could see the appeal. Of corse, John had lied when he signed up, saying that he was eighteen; although they were still six months away from actually turning eighteen.
It was purely an accident when Edward got into the shot. John had re-positioned the cam, not realising that Edward’s bed was in view until the messages came trickling in. ‘You have a twin?’ The first one said followed by 'that’s so hot’.John had laughed and reached forward to move the camera when someone popped up saying how sexy it was that Edward laid there and watched John perform his cam shows.Edward sat up and started reading the messages beside a half-naked John, one hand on his bare shoulder.
He found it funny yet strangely exciting as John’s credits started going up with requests for Edward to join the shows. John started to shake his head; telling them, no, but Edward put his hand on John’s to shut him up before pulling his t-shirt off, over his head with a smile.John looked at him with a slight frown as he covered the microphone. “You don’t have to-”“I want to” Edward smiled “how else are we gonna become rich and famous?”
John smirked before turning back to the camera and uncovering the microphone, “okay, but he’s special so pay up if you want him to take any more clothes off.”Edward watched the credits raise and giggled while he slowly undid his jeans. John watched him, looking amused and mumbling “you’re a natural” and that’s how they both became camboys.
They became popular, but as not as popular as most cam workers and it still frustrated them. The money trickled in but they spent it as fast as they earned it. They wanted more popularity, more views and ultimately, more money. They would start the shoes fully clothed and finish them in their tiny briefs, sometimes even without them when they dared to go fully naked.It was fun and Edward had to admit that he loved the attention, loved to hear exactly what people wanted to do to him and just how they wanted him. John would sometimes put viewers in their places, snapping at the more derogatory comments and protecting Edward.
That’s how Edward gained the 'twink’ label. Someone had sent a message about Edward being John’s twink and after he had googled it to find out what it was, he naturally slipped into the role of cute and sweet. John would put a protective arm around him or grabbed him while they danced and the viewers would love it. Comments would steam through, telling them to kiss or touch and they were so close to it a few times that Edward’s breath hitched in his throat.
They eventually kissed one night when someone offered them extra money. It wasn’t strange or unnatural, just a kiss with John which, to Edward, actually made sense to share his first kiss with the one person he trusted. It was soft and slow, chaste and sweet but as the laptop chimed with another message asking for more, John was quick to deepen the kiss.
Edward worried that they might be doing it wrong, but the viewing numbers went up as well as their credits, so Edward made a show of licking into John’s mouth and twirling their tongues together. John made a small noise as Edward dominated the kiss, pushing into the kiss; too wrapped up in it to notice the messages coming in.
“You’re not supposed to be the forceful one,” John mumbled when they finally pulled apart. “They’re saying you’re my twink, I’m supposed to dominate you.”Edward gave the camera a sweet smile just as a message popped up for John to punish him. They laughed and John grabbed Edward’s chin with his hand, this thumb and fingers swishing his cheeks and making him pout before he roughly pulled him into a crushing kiss. Edward could hear their credits popping up.
They performed every night and gained quite a following. They were in a routine of disappearing upstairs as soon as they had eaten dinner, locking themselves in their room and turning on the laptop. No one bothered them, their parents were used to them spending all their time alone so didn’t ever question it.Edward would recognise the usernames and the big tippers. They knew when, what and how to do stuff to make money. More and more requests starting coming in and it was Edward’s idea to up their game. It was like an addiction, the comments, being wanted and lusted over and Edward wanted to keep that. So John agreed; they had to be more sexual, maybe do more than kissing. Edward was excited and he could see John was too.
“Okay,” John smiled brightly at the camera “today, we’re doing something extra special.” Edward sat behind him on his right side and rested his chin on John’s shoulder, looking perfectly sweet. “We’re taking a request from one lucky viewer!” John said, “we will do whatever the highest  bidder wants us to.” John practically purred before adding a quick “within reason.”
The messages came flooding in and so did the credits. Edward scanned the comments over John’s shoulder and huffed out a laugh. What was so sexy about twins anyway?
They got all the way up to £200 when the credits finally stopped rolling in. Edward gripped onto John’s arm, excitement bubbling in his chest. “Lucky you, Mr-” John hesitated at the username on screen before finishing his sentence with a laugh, “Mr Come-Guzzler-2017!” Edward huffed out another laugh and waited for the reply. He was suddenly nervous. He had no idea what this man wanted them to do and as the message came in Edward suddenly thought that they should have at least practised before going online.
“I bet your twink loves sucking your cock,” John read out loud “let us all watch him swallow.” John side-eyed Edward and Edward gave him a subtle nod that he knew only John would pick up on. He knelt in front of John while John repositioned the camera and pulled down his tight, black pants. John’s breathing was shaky as Edward threw his underwear off to the side.
John was already getting hard, which was a little intimidating; staring down at something that couldn’t possibly fit in your mouth. Edward opened his mouth and looked up at John’s face, holding eye contact as he took the tip between his lips. John made a long low sound that seemed to rumble through his body as Edward sucked, inching down further.
Afterwards, when Edward read through the viewer comments, he realised that everyone loved the eye contact between them while Edward blew John. Edward was glad it came across as sexy because the only reason he was looking up to John was for comfort, reassurance and for a boost of confidence.
John moaned and groaned, his hips twitching on a few occasions and making Edward heave. He could feel dribble running down his chin and his eyes were watering from when he gagged. John was stroking his hands through Edward’s hair, watching closely and he felt safe, like it was the most natural thing to be doing. He could feel himself getting hard and inwardly cursed his body.
Edward only remembered that he had to swallow right before John came and panicked a bit. From the things he had seen, it wasn’t supposed to taste nice and he didn’t want to fuck it up right at the crucial point. John’s fingers tightened in his hair, his breathing unsteady and his hips rising from the chair. Edward braced his hands on John’s hips and sank down, his eyes streaming as John hit the back of his throat, trying his best to swallow him down, pushing John over the edge while he did it.
John came loudly and Edward prayed that no one in the house had heard, his thoughts lost as he desperately tried to swallow John’s come, some of it running down his chin and onto his chest. John was still stroking his hair, looking down at him with big eyes and a smile as Edward sucked off.He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and wrinkled his nose at the bitter taste. John was typing a goodbye message before he signed out and closed the laptop, flopping back in his chair, looking blissed out.
Edward sat himself up on the edge of the bed, tracing his tongue around the inside of his mouth and tasting John. John looked at Edward and smiled before asking “want me to do you?” In such a casual tone, It took Edward a few seconds to actually understand what he meant. He looked at the laptop and frowned. “We’re not online though?”“So?” John shrugged “it’s for you, no one else.” Edward flicked his eyes away from John’s and gave a quick nod because really, there was nothing in the world he wanted more.John just smiled brightly before getting to his knees in front of him and pulling on his pants. Edward lifted his hips in order for John to remove them, and John went straight to work; taking Edward in his mouth and sinking down.
It was wet and warm and Edward thought he was going to come as soon as John’s lips were around him. John gagged and Edward hummed, his eyes falling shut. He thought about when he had gagged while he was doing it to John and how annoyed he felt by it. What he didn’t realise was how good it felt when you’re on the receiving end; John’s throat contracting around him, producing more saliva, making it wetter and ten times better.John sucked back up, stopping only half way before sinking back down, determined to bottom out. He gagged again and it was the best thing Edward had ever felt.
John sucked back up and Edward moved his hand from where it was resting on John’s shoulder, stroking up his arm and cupping his cheek. John looked up at him while slowly sinking down and Edward could feel his mouth filling up, could feel himself sliding into his mouth. Edward slid his hand down, tracing the tight seal of John’s lips with his index finger, feeling himself tightly engulfed by his lips. He bit his lip and whimpered as John sucked back up, Edward’s finger still resting on John’s bottom lip. Edward came suddenly and harder than ever before, his hips bucking up into John’s face, everything around him disappearing for a few seconds of pure bliss. John swallowed just like Edward had done for him and when Edward opened his eyes, he was looking up at him and licking his lips.
He couldn’t breathe or even think, all he could do was take in how debauched John looked. His lips were plumper than usual, shiny and red, almost like he was wearing lipstick. His eyes were glistening and his hair was sticking up in all directions and all Edward wanted to do was kiss him.
“Everything okay boys?”Edward’s head snapped towards the door at the sound of their mother’s voice. He had never been so glad that they had a lock on the door.“Yeah, Edward’s just messing around,” John called with a smirk, his voice rougher than usual, hoarse. “Sorry, we’ll keep it down,” John added and Edward thought he could listen to his rough voice all night.“Okay, get some sleep now.” Their mum said through the door “night.”
Edward heard her footsteps pad away before her bedroom door closed. John stood up and pulled Edward by his hand, pulling him up and leading him to John’s bed. Edward got in, followed by John and they wrapped themselves around each other, fitting perfectly against one another and that’s how their relationship changed.
They spent every night together from then on, John’s bed becoming their bed, Edward’s bed becoming a spare. Edward could spend hours at a time kissing John. He loved his lips and the way they felt against his own. Sometimes John would just randomly kiss him, even if he was half way through a sentence, but Edward didn’t mind because he would simply melt against him.It was on one of these nights, just after their eighteenth birthday, that John told him that he loved him. Edward wasn’t really working too hard on kissing John, he was just laying there letting John kiss him, just enjoying the feel of his lips when John pulled back and smiled. “I love you,” John whispered, his eyes burning into Edward’s.
“I love you too,” Edward returned straight away, leaning up to connect their lips again.“No,” John said, “this isn’t like every other time I’ve said that, it’s different.”Edward smiled, his stomach fluttering. “I’m in love with you too,” Edward said back before pressing his lips to John’s and kissing him.
They had done everything they could do without actually having full on sex. Edward’s favourite night being the one where John taught him what a sixty-nine was; laying flat on his back and positioning Edward on all fours above him.They wouldn’t do these things on cam, both of them preferring to save these moments for themselves.They would kiss and suck each other off for the camera but didn’t want to take it any further. There was a time when John had spanked Edward because a viewer had paid them enough for Edward to actually agree.
Edward positioned himself on all fours, holding onto the headboard and dipping his back, creating the perfect arch accentuating the curve of his arse. John had hovered behind for a moment or two, before hesitantly and very gently smacking him. Edward groaned loudly, just for the sake of the camera.John soon got into though and suddenly Edward’s moans and groans were as real as the red hand marks covering his arse cheeks.Much to Edward’s surprise, he had loved it; so much so, that as soon as the camera was shut down for the night, he was pushing John down roughly and fingering him hard and fast, making him come within minutes.
Edward spent all day looking forward to when they could lock themselves away. They stopped doing shows every night, only really doing them when they remembered to, but even then, Edward didn’t feel like it was as fun. John would get even more protective over him and had snapped the laptop shut in the middle of a show in a temper, on a few occasions.“I don’t think we should do shows anymore,” John said after one particularly demeaning comment towards Edward. “I don’t like people looking at you like that, I want to be the only one that gets you see you like this-” John gestured to Edward’s naked body and stepped forward “I don’t like people speaking to you like that.”
Edward smiled at him and nodded. “We won’t do any more shows.” He said before kissing him. Edward felt John relax against him and held him tight, grateful that he had John looking out for him. “Love you” Edward whispered, his stomach fluttering as John said it back.John didn’t wait to close their account, opening the laptop and doing it as soon as Edward let go of him. He didn’t post a goodbye message or give any explanation and Edward felt a wave of relief wash over him as the account was deactivated.
Two weeks later, they were called downstairs by a very angry sounding dad. When they got to the kitchen they saw their mum sat at the table with her laptop open, their dad standing behind her, not looking at them. Edward gave John a confused look which John returned before asking, “what’s wrong?”Their mum looked up at them, tears in her eyes. “Can you please explain this?” She gritted out, pressing the space key on the laptop and turning it to face them.A video of the two of them filled the screen, Edward, on his knees, sucking John while looking at the camera; John’s moans and groans filling the air around them. Edward’s heart stopped beating, he felt sick and quickly grasped John’s hand in his.
She stopped the video and put her head in her hands. “It’s not how you think it is,” John spoke up, his voice shaky. “We only did it for a little while-”“It’s wrong!” Their mum shouted, slamming the laptop shut. “The link was sent to me this afternoon and I opened it to see…” she cut off, looking away from them both. Edward swallowed down the lump in his throat and looked at his shoes.“We’re sorry that we filmed it,” John said, Edward, standing frozen to the spot beside him. “But not that we did it.” Edward looked at John, who was looking straight at their parents, standing tall and confident. Edward just felt like crying.
“What?” Their dad piped up, putting his hand around their mum for support.“Me and Edward, we love each other and it’s not wrong,” John said evenly, making their parents look like they were going to explode.“You’re brothers!” Their mum said, getting to her feet “it ends now.”
Edward gripped onto John’s hand. No one was going to split them. “No,” John said, “I love him and we’re going to be together.” Edward stared harder at the floor, wondering if he should say something. But what? He couldn’t speak, couldn’t get his brain engaged; all he could do was pray that John didn’t let go of him.
“Then leave.”Edward’s head snapped up at that, looking at his mum. “If you want to-” she cut off with a sigh before saying “You’re not doing it under my roof, so get out.”“Fine.” Edward heard John say before he was being dragged back upstairs, his brain trying to catch up on what was happening.He watched John angrily stuff clothes into a bag, cramming as much as he could into the holdall before putting the laptop inside and zipping it up. He caught Edward’s eye and froze, his face sad. “Is this what you want?” He whispered, “if not, just say and it can be over, we can stay here and not be-”“I choose you” Edward quickly said “always.” John smiled and stepped forward to kiss him before taking his hand and marching him down the stairs, straight out the front door and slamming it behind them.
They walked hand in hand for a little while, John leading Edward into town. Edward didn’t care that they were holding hands and no one even paid them any mind. He guessed that to outsiders, they just looked like two twin brothers; one making the other hurry by pulling him along. He still felt like he was going to cry, anger, sadness but also immense pride and love for john, bubbling inside of him. They had never been alone before, never had to be independent or look after themselves and Edward wasn’t sure how they would cope. They would look after each other, Edward knew that and he had a feeling they would be okay.
“Wait here,” John said softly, putting their bag down and going to the atm. The thought occurred to Edward that they probably didn’t have a lot of money left and he wondered where they would stay. Family members were off the cards.“Is it bad?” Edward asked as soon as John got back, putting their card back in his pocket and looking stressed.“It’ll be okay,” he said forcing a smile and Edward thanked God for him for trying to protect him from reality. “No five-star hotels though.” He laughed making Edward smile.
John took his phone out and mumbled something about finding a place to stay while Edward waited, looking around at the passing people. “Here’s one we can afford,” John said, “it’s the other side of town.” Edward nodded and followed John, letting him take the bag from his hand.
It took half an hour to get there. The building was run down and dirty. Edward soon realised that is was some sort of hostel that was used by drunks. “We only have one room with one double,” the lady that greeted them said. She looked tired but hard, Edward wouldn’t mess with her, he knew that.“That’s fine,” John said, gripping on to Edward’s hand, “we’ll share.”She handed them a key and directed them upstairs, second door on the left. There were only three rooms upstairs, maybe only two downstairs.
They got in and put down their bag, looking at the dull room. There were just a bed and some broken draws and suddenly Edward felt like breaking down. “It’s not too bad,” John said brightly. Edward looked at him before bursting out laughing, laughing so hard that his sides hurt. He figured this was his break down but at least he wasn’t crying.John laughed too and they both ended up standing the middle of the room, holding on to each other and laughing, tears running down their faces.“It’s awful John!” Edward laughed, holding onto him to support his weight.
John stepped over to the door to lock it before opening the window. “Smells in here,” he commented as he pulled the quilt back and frowned down at the stained bed. “Gross.”“We can lay on a towel,” Edward said, his turn to be the optimistic one.“It’s only for tonight, I promise,” John said turning to look at him. “I’m sorry.”“For what?” Edward frowned, brushing the hair from John’s face. John sighed and shrugged so Edward kissed him, “I’m proud of you.” He told him “I’m glad we’re together.” John gave him a sad smile and said “me too” as he kissed him again.
Edward didn’t dare shower that night. The bathroom was shared and it looked like Edward would get out dirtier than he got in, so he skipped it and hurried back to the safety of their room. John was laying in bed when Edward got back so he joined him, laying on the towel that John had laid out. It wasn’t until Edward was in bed that he realised John didn’t have a towel and he had used the only one they had for Edward to lay on. He didn’t say anything, just kissed him.
Edward cuddled up against John, his head on John’s chest and thought about what had happened and what they were going to do. He felt the sadness building again and finally let himself cry. John held him tightly, defiantly staring up at the ceiling as they listened to the sound of people arguing downstairs.
When Edward woke up the next morning, he was alone. He sat up, swinging his legs out of bed and looking at the door. He knew that John had only gone to the bathroom, but he hoped he wasn’t going to be long. The door clicked open and Edward stood up, smiling and saying good morning as John walked in, locking the door behind him. Edward’s smile dropped as soon as he saw John’s ashen face, dark circles around his eyes. He looked like he hadn’t slept a wink and Edward stepped forwards to pull him into a hug.
“Get back to bed and sleep-” Edward hushed “I will stay up and make sure everything is okay.”“I’m fine” John smiled, even though Edward could see otherwise. “We need to go shopping, get some food and I think-” John sighed and bit bottom lip, worrying it between his teeth. “I think we need to stay here another night.”Edward’s heart sank but he couldn’t let John see so he smiled and shrugged. “As long as we’re together I could be anywhere.” He said truthfully.John grabbed their bag on the way out, not wanting to leave anything in the room. Edward was hungry and felt his stomach rumbling as they headed outside, making a quick exit so they wouldn’t meet any of the other occupants.
They went to a cheap supermarket and brought dry noodles and some snacks, doing the sums as they walked around the shop to make sure they weren’t overspending, before going back to their room. Edward fixed them some noodles and while he ate them, John picked at his looking very unsatisfied.“Edward-” John said putting down his bowl, “I think we need to go back online.” Edward paused, mid-spoonful leaving a long noodle hanging from his mouth. He could see why and knew it made sense but he didn’t want to go back to doing that. “We can make some money, get out of here-”“What about mum?” Edward asked, sucking some more noodles into his mouth “what if she sees?”John scoffed and shrugged “you think she’s going to talk to us ever again anyway?” He said, “it won’t make a difference Edward.”
Edward nodded, that sad feeling twisting in his gut again. He didn’t want to think about never talking to their parents again and the image of his mother’s look of disgust flashed behind his eyes. “Okay.” Was all he said concentrating on his noodles to keep himself from crying.“I’m so sorry,” John said, his own voice on the edge of tears “I would do it on my own but we made so much more together and-”“It’s okay, honestly.” Edward looked up and smiled, putting a hand over John’s. John gave him a sympathetic smile and reached for their laptop.“Wait-” Edward ran his fingers through his hair before doing the same to John, wiping away some noodle juice that John had dripped down his chin. “Okay go.”
John opened the site and logged in, re-activating their account. They sat and waited for an hour before someone popped up and Edward recognised the username from last time.John plastered a smile on his face, saying a cheery hello while Edward leant on him just like they used to do. A message popped up saying hello and that the person had missed them so John made some “we’ve been so busy, but we’re back” comment and soon the viewing numbers rose.
Edward was surprised at how quickly he slipped back into it and how comfortable he felt in front of the camera. John took a little while to relax into it but they were soon watching their credits going up as they danced sexily together, John’s hips gyrating against Edward’s from behind. Edward hoped this would mean they could afford a proper hotel or even a bed and breakfast and he did everything he could to be sexy, to try and make things better for them.
They ended the show after three hours and Edward was delighted when he saw how much they had made. John grabbed him and pulled him into a crushing hug while laughing and kissing Edward’s cheek. “We can soon say goodbye to this place!” He smiled “as long as we keep up the shows, I can also look for a job and we’ll be okay!” Edward’s grinned back at him before saying “I love you John” and kissing him on the tip of his nose.
That night didn’t feel too bad. Edward kept reminding himself that it was short term and they wouldn’t have to stay there for much longer. There was more arguing coming from downstairs. Edward could hear things being thrown against walls, every bang and crash startling him and making him flinch. John gave his a squeeze every time, letting him know that he was there and nothing was going to hurt him.They considered doing another show but Edward wasn’t in the mood, couldn’t bring himself to even get up. He just wanted to lay with John, let John hold him and press firm kisses to the top of his head.
They performed the next morning not long after they had woken up. John was grumpy and Edward had a feeling he hadn’t slept again. Edward woke up and turned to face him, before pressing small kisses to his face and chest, his hand gripping John firmly, intent on making him relax a little. He wanted to give John a moment where he didn’t have to think, didn’t have to worry and as John came, his eyes screwed shut and long moans falling from his slack lips, it was a relief for Edward too.
John climbed on top of Edward and started grinding down on him while Edward quickly pressed the laptop to go live. John was focused on nothing else but Edward, huffing out little breaths next to Edward’s ear and groaning quietly.Edward arched up into John and moaned, needing John to go harder and faster but also needing it to last as long as possible for the viewers. The laptop was chiming and John acknowledged it for the first time, sitting himself up so he wasn’t completely covering Edward. He swirled his hips, slowly, teasingly and Edward groaned loudly, his hips bucking up against John. Edward wanted to be inside, to fuck him but he didn’t want to do something so personal whilst online. He wanted to keep sex special, intimate and loving; not for people to get off to.
Edward came without warning, hard and hot against John, John following a few seconds later for the second time that morning. Edward pulled himself up to check the laptop and felt his heart stop as he looked at the credits. “John” he mumbled, nudging him “look.”John sat up and gave a lazy smile, his breaths coming in little puffs. “You guys are the best” he smiled as he addressed the viewers and Edward smiled too. They stayed for a bit longer chatting to the viewers before logging off. Edward was excited and bounced around the room as he got dressed with John watching him from the bed an easy smile on his face.
It took a few hours for the money to clear which they spent looking for somewhere to stay. Renting was still out of the question so they looked at budget hotels and b&bs. Edward fell in love with a traditional bed and breakfast complete with rose bushes and a little old lady who owned it so John booked them in, earning an excited kiss and a high five.“Oh my God, she has dogs!” Edward smiled as he scrolled through the photos “and we will have our own bathroom!” John didn’t say anything, just watched him with a smile.
Edward pounced on the bed and wrapped himself up in the many blankets that were draped over the double.The lady, who they had nicknamed Mrs Potts, had tried to talk them into a double room with two singles but John politely insisted they shared, earning a strange look in return. He eventually told her that he suffered from nightmares and Edward had to be close to wake him up and cue the forty-five minute long conversation about her daughter’s terrible nightmares when she was a kid.Edward liked her right away, the sadness creeping in as he thought about their nan and whether she would ever talk to them again.
John headed for the bathroom and ran the shower, stripping off and leaving a trail of clothes in his wake. “What time are we going online?” Edward asked from underneath a big floral throw.“After dinner?” John called from the shower and Edward nodded, even though John was in another room.“It smells like fresh sheets in here,” John said as he walked out of the bathroom, fully naked and dripping.“That’s because it’s clean.” Edward watched John approach and lifted the throw for him to get under.
“This was the best idea you’ve had,” John said as he wrapped himself around Edward. Edward held John’s hands against his chest, pressing his back against John’s chest. John entwined their legs and Edward felt his breath steady against the back of his neck. Edward let John sleep, trying not to move too much but he soon became bored with no one to talk to and his thoughts wandered. He thought about his family and wondered if they missed them.No one had tried to call and Edward wondered whether they should try calling home. Maybe that’s what their family were waiting for, John and Edward to call first.
Edward would choose John over anything in the world and he didn’t regret leaving but he missed home and he really missed their mum. The realisation hit Edward, that even if they patched things up with their parents, things would never be the same again. They would have still left home, with probably no chance of going back and everyone would still know about his and John’s relationship. Edward wondered if their parents had told anyone else, and if not what reason they would have given for the babies of the family leaving home so suddenly.
“Are you crying?” John stirred from behind Edward, sitting up on his elbow to look at him. Edward hadn’t even realised that he was crying and wiped his face.“Sorry, I-”“Don’t say sorry,” John soothed, pulling him around to face him “is it home?”Edward nodded and closed his eyes against the tears. “I was just thinking about everyone and that they hate us now, our own parents hate us.”“They don’t hate us, they’ll cool down,” John whispered but he was lying, Edward could tell.“They haven’t even called. Anything could’ve happened to us and they don’t care.” Edward cried against John’s shoulder. John stroked Edward’s hair, his fingers getting caught in the wax Edward had styled his hair with two mornings ago.“We’ll be okay. I’ll look after you Ed, I promise.”
Edward looked up at John and smiled. There was something about John that made him smile even in the saddest moments and all Edward could put it down to was just how happy John made him; how much he loved and trusted him. Edward leant up to kiss John’s minty lips and wished he had showered too. He pushed John back and straddled his hips, leaning over him to kiss him.John returned the kiss, slow and sweet. There was no rush and they felt safe where they were. Edward climbed off John and quickly stripped his clothes off before getting back into his lap and reconnecting their lips.
John whimpered, his hips pushing up into Edward’s and making him moan quietly. “Fingers,” Edward whispered, knowing what he needed. John complied, sucking his fingers into his mouth to wet them before trailing them down to Edward’s entrance and circling. Edward grunted, pushing back on John’s digits, silently asking.John slipped in his index finger, making Edward moan as he pushed himself down, circling his hips and licking into John’s mouth.
Their kisses became sloppy and open-mouthed, John adding another finger; adding one more after a while more. Edward lifted himself up before pushing back down onto John’s fingers, his lips never leaving John’s. Edward had forgotten everything, in that moment, all that mattered was John and Edward couldn’t help but think he was all that mattered in every moment.
Edward spat on his hand before reaching behind himself to grasp John, slicking him up before guiding him to where his fingers were buried inside of him. John’s eyes widened as he realised where Edward was heading. “Are you sure?” He breathed “we don’t have to-”“I’m ready.” Edward gritted out. He had never been so sure of anything in his life and as John pulled his fingers out, he lifted himself up and positioned himself before sinking down onto John. John made a noise like no other Edward had ever heard and it was probably the best sound he had ever heard in his life.
Edward sucked a breath between his teeth at the sudden stretch and was glad John was always slow with his fingers. Edward bottomed out and let out a long whine. He felt full, like John’s delicate fingers had been replaced with a fist, but it was a good feeling. John was holding his breath underneath him, his chest and cheeks flushed and eyes screwed closed. “Don’t… Move…” He panted, making Edward smile. Edward wondered what John was thinking about to stop himself from losing it too soon. It was usually the memory of him accidentally walking in on a naked teacher while at boarding school, her old saggy body always working to defuse the situation.
“John..” Edward breathed, desperate now “please?” John opened his eyes and gave a short nod, giving the go ahead. Edward experimentally lifted his hips a little before sinking down again, lifting a little bit more the next time.John could hardly breathe and Edward knew he had to make it quick to get the best out of it before John came so started bouncing slightly.It was better than Edward had ever imagined it to be and suddenly it got a lot better as John hit his prostate, sending sparks through his body. Edward went harder, faster, needing more and hitting the same spot over and over before he was coming messily over John, moaning John’s name like some sort of mantra, not caring who heard.John came more or less at the same time which Edward felt inside of him and it just added to his climax.
Edward flopped down on top of John, gasping for breath. His hair was sticking to his forehead and he was sweaty and sticky but he didn’t care. “I need another shower now.” John mumbled, “we can’t get the bed messy, imagine poor old Mrs Potts.” Edward chuckled against John’s chest, too out of breath to speak.They lay together for a while until John eventually pushed Edward off and lead him into the bathroom so they could both shower. The water was nice and Edward let John wash him, enjoying the feel of his hands on his skin while stealing kisses.
Edward felt different. Like they werecloser. He felt happier, like he was walking on a cloud and he hated the cliché but he couldn’t compare how he felt with anything else.He wrapped his arms around John’s neck just to touch him, relishing in the full body contact. John was more than happy with the contact, humming into the crook of Edward’s neck where he buried his face.
“I’m hungry,” John mumbled, “can we have dinner?” Edward groaned, the thought of leaving the hot stream of water and letting go of John making him pout. John kissed Edward’s lips quickly as he turned off the water, so Edward got out and wrapped a towel around himself.John lay on the bed eating a packet of crisps, his eyes on Edward while he dressed. “What?” Edward finally smiled, his cheeks pink. He could feel John’s stare and it was making him blush.“I can see why all those men online want you, you’re beautiful,” John told him, his eyes meeting Edward’s.
“They want you too-” Edward said, his cheeks heating up.“Not as much as you. You just have something better and I love it.” John was smiling but Edward didn’t like him talking like that. Edward didn’t want John to feel like he was second best because he was perfect. He didn’t compare to anyone, and Edward had always thought of him as the better-looking twin anyway.“No, I don’t John.” Edward mumbled as he buttoned up his jeans “you’re so much better than me.”Edward knelt on the bed and helped himself to one of John’s crisps.
“I don’t want to go online” John mumbled, “I don’t like doing it.”“Me neither” Edward sighed “but it’s just temporary.” John nodded and reached for the laptop, plugging it in on the dresser and positioning it. Edward huffed. All he wanted to do was hang around with John, he didn’t want to be sexy or get paid for strangers to look at his body and he certainly didn’t want strangers looking at John.John logged on and they waited for viewers to join, feeling flat. Edward had felt so happy, so relaxed but as he watched himself on the screen, all he could think about was how they got into this mess in the first place.
John’s eyes were focusing somewhere to the left of the laptop and Edward wondered if it was because he couldn’t bring himself to look at them both on the screen.The laptop chimed, letting them know that they had viewers and John’s wide smile was back in seconds as he looked at the screen and greeted the people logging in.
They didn’t make as much money as earlier that day but Edward knew they had enough for their room. A few people logged out, telling them that they weren’t as bubbly as they normally were. Edward wanted to flick the finger and tell them to fuck off and never come back but he knew he couldn’t, after all, these people were keeping a roof over their heads.John shut the laptop and flopped down on the bed with a sigh, pulling the floral throw up over his bare chest. Edward watched him for a moment, wanting to say something but it knowing what.
“Does it make you feel dirty?” John asked after a while. Edward shrugged. He wanted to say yes but didn’t want to make John feel worse. “It was fun before,” John said, “but now it feels dirty like we are making something dirty out of what we have.” Edward got the feeling that John wasn’t really talking to him, just voicing his feelings so he didn’t speak.“Like people get off watching us, does that freak you out?” John’s eyes met Edward’s for the first time so Edward gave a nod. “Why isn’t it fun anymore?”
Edward got into bed beside John and rested his head on his shoulder. He wanted to tell him that it wouldn’t be forever, it was only until they find their feet and get a job but Edward wasn’t sure if he believed it himself.
John was still in a bad mood when they woke up the next morning. He was quiet as he dressed, his face flat. Edward didn’t know what to do, John was always the one that made him feel better. He was the one that kept his spirits up no matter what and Edward couldn’t stand the thought of John being so unhappy. They dressed in silence.They had to be out of their room for 10 am so Mrs Potts could clean it, so they headed into town.Edward was nervous, just in case they bumped into any of their family. He didn’t say anything though, just walked close to John, their arms bumping against each other’s as they walked.John had started to relax; chatting and smiling which made Edward relax.
They went into a few shops and Edward was excited to actually buy a few things. They didn’t buy anything special or expensive, but it made Edward feel normal, like they hadn’t just been disowned and made homeless.They were walking through the shopping centre when John stopped to get them both a smoothie. Edward wanted to wait outside because the smoothie place was too busy so John gave him the bag he was carrying and disappeared.Edward wandered to the next shop to look in the window. It was a jeweller and Edward scanned over all the sparkles, none of it really impressing him.
“Hey!” Edward jumped at the sudden voice and turned to find a man walking towards him. “Hey! Edward? It’s Edward isn’t it?” The man smiled, stepping close. Edward frowned and nodded, his brain trying to work out if he knew him.“Hey” Edward mumbled feeling awkward and wishing John would hurry up.“I love you, you’re my favourite one,” the man said, his eyes running over Edward’s body and his tongue swiping across his bottom lip. He was tall and Edward felt himself shrink down a little. “You’re so innocent and soft.” He whispered, leaning in a bit too close, making Edward back up into the jeweller’s window. The man’s hand reached out and Edward wanted to run but he couldn’t.
“Don’t touch him.” Edward heard as John appeared out of nowhere, grabbing the man’s wrist and pushing it away. Edward breathed a sigh of relief, stepping behind John.“You’re both here!” The man smiled, obviously unfazed by John’s fiery eyes. He turned around to another man who was waiting for him and smiled before calling “look it’s the twins who fuck each other online!” At the top of his voice.Edward ducked further behind John, wanting the ground to just swallow him up. A few people glanced their way but Edward didn’t dare meet their eyes.
“Shut the fuck up” John hissed, “we do not fuck online, we never have and what gives you the right to come over and try touch my-” John cut himself off and Edward’s heart sank a little. Was John too ashamed to call him his brother? “Now fuck off.” John snapped making the man step away, having the cheek to actually look offended. John stared him down until the finally left and turned to Edward looking concerned.
“Are you okay? Did he touch you?” John asked, handing Edward a smoothie from the cardboard cup holder.Edward shook his head “no, you got here just in time. Thanks.” He mumbled, his heart racing. He flicked his eyes around the shopping centre, embarrassed and ashamed of himself. That horrible twisting sadness was back in force and he couldn’t quite catch his breath. He could see passing people looking at them, judging them. What if they recognised them too? Edward didn’t want to be knowing a low rent slut that ducks his brother for cash. He suddenly felt faint.
John met his eyes and put his hand on his back saying “Okay?” And Edward didn’t know so he just nodded and started to walk, needing some fresh air, his feet taking him away. John followed as Edward weaved his way through the people, desperate to get to the exit and praying the man wasn’t following them. God, what if he found out where they were staying? What if he did follow them?
“Are you ashamed of me?” Edward asked as soon as they were outside. John turned and frowned at him, looking taken aback and Edward almost wished he hadn’t said anything.“Never!” John stressed, “what would make you ever think that Edward?” Edward gave a one shoulder shrug, knowing full well he was sulking but not caring. “Why didn’t you call me your brother?” Edward asked quietly “when you were telling that man, you told him not to touch your…” Edward fixed John with a dirty look “you couldn’t even say it. someone recognised us and you were ashamed.”
John’s face fell at Edward’s words, breaking into a little smile. “Is that what this is about?” John asked looking slightly amused. Edward didn’t want to answer, so he turned away. “You know why I didn’t finish?” John said softly, stepping towards Edward and pulling him by his hand. “Because I almost said 'don’t touch my boyfriend’ and that would’ve looked strange.”Edward’s head snapped up, his eyes meeting John’s. He had never thought of that and now John had said it, his stomach was doing that fluttering thing again and he felt giddy. “Really?” Edward smiled, feeling just a little stupid for sulking. John nodded and kissed his cheek before pulling him in for a hug.“You had me so worried.” He mumbled into Edward’s hair.
“Can we go back to Mrs Potts’ now?” Edward asked as John let him go. They started to walk in silence, Edward’s mind running over John’s words again and again. It was a strange situation to be in. When had John stopped thinking of him as a brother? Edward loved being a twin, loved being John’s other half but he was now also his other half in terms of a relationship. This didn’t mean that they weren’t still brothers though and Edward couldn’t decide if that made it better or worse.
“We don’t have to go online tonight.” John said after a while, a welcome destruction from Edward’s own thoughts.“Are you kidding?” Edward smiled “I love Mrs Potts’ place and I’m not leaving, so unless you have a load of money you haven’t told me about, we’re going live.”John smiled but Edward could see the concern behind it, the worry in his green eyes. John didn’t say anything though and they continued on in silence.
“Hi” John smiled at the camera later that evening, “the strangest thing happened today,” Edward flicked his eyes towards John. This wasn’t planned.“A fan of ours recognised us in the street!” The messages came popping up, most of them along the lines of 'I wish I could meet you’ and 'I bet you looked so sexy in person’ but John ignored them. “He came up and started harassing us, shouting our business for the world to hear…”
Edward read the messages as they came in, all outraged and sticking up for them. Edward didn’t think for one second that they were sincere; anyone of these viewers would do the same. “-and I just want to let you all know that if you do happen to see us around, say hi, give us a wave and politely move on or we will never do another show again.” John’s voice was calm, even with a hint of anger.The messages all supported them and Edward was glad John set the rules, told them where they stood. He suddenly had the urge to jump John and fuck him but knew he couldn’t. He groaned and someone commented on Edward being 'ready for action’, making John look down at his lap with a smirk. “Patience,” John mumbled and Edward huffed.
The next day, John went out without Edward. He said they needed more food and Edward told him that he was too comfy to get up. He didn’t tell him that he was scared he would see that man again. He didn’t tell him that he was too embarrassed to leave the safety of their room.Mrs Potts was kind enough to let them stay in their room all day even though the rules stated to be out by 10 am and not back until 3 pm. She liked them and Edward loved how sweet she was and he knew john had a soft spot for her too.
So Edward stayed in bed while John headed out, warm and content in bed. Their phone rang and Edward frowned as he leant over to answer it, seeing that it was home calling. “Hello?” He answered nervously, his voice unsteady.“Edward?” Edward started crying as soon as he heard his mums voice. He wanted John to be there and he wanted his mum. “How are you both?” She asked, her own voice quivering.“Good” Edward answered, instead of telling her how really was. “how are you?”“Are you eating well? Staying safe?” She pressed, ignoring his question. Edward smiled and told her about Mrs Potts and the rose bushes, leaving out the parts about their webcam shows and being harassed.
“I’m glad you’re okay” she sighed, sounding sad “maybe we can try and call once a week to start?” Edward’s heart sank a little but he was also hopeful that they were willing to start fixing things.“Sounds good,” Edward said, hearing the school bell ring in the background.“I have to go and teach, love you. Tell John I love him.”“Okay, love you too,” Edward mumbled, feeling sad as he hung up. He sat in bed for a while before getting up and venturing downstairs.
He found Mrs Potts in the garden doing some weeding and walked over. “Can I help?” He asked, kneeling beside her and pulling on a dandelion.“That would be lovely” Mrs Potts smiled so Edward set to work, telling her all about the call from his mum and how he thought she hated them but leaving out the parts where he and John were more than just brothers.
Edward was washing his hands when John returned, an excited smile on his face. “Guess who got a job!” He shouted before looking at the mud and frowning “why are you so dirty?”“Oh my god, what job?” Edward asked, turning to face him while he rinsed his hands.“A cafe was looking for staff so I went in and they said I could start tomorrow!” John grinned “I told you that I would look after you.”
Edward jumped on John, wrapping him tightly in his arms and kissing his lips, maybe a bit too hard. “I’m so happy for you!” Edward beamed as he kissed him again.“So why are you dirty?” John asked again, making Edward shift on his feet.“I helped Mrs Potts in the garden. Her name is Rose, hence all the roses.” Edward said before adding “mum called.”
John’s smile was gone in a flash and Edward wanted to eat his words and forget it ever happened. “She wants to call us once a week, start talking again and take it from there. She told me to tell you that she loves you.”John wordlessly nodded, using a washcloth to clean up Edward’s muddy fingerprints from the sink.“That’s good… Isn’t it?” Edward tried to gauge John’s reaction but couldn’t.“Yeah” John finally smiled “yeah it is.” Edward knew that John was only saying it for his benefit so he dropped the subject.“Where’s the cafe?” He smiled, walking John back into their room and sitting on the bed. John told him about the cafe, his eyes lighting up and Edward only half listened, the other half of him relishing in John’s happiness.
The next morning, John was up and out early, leaving Edward alone in bed. He kissed Edward goodbye, which Edward had made him promise he would do the night before. John didn’t want to wake him but Edward wanted him to say goodbye.“Good luck” Edward stirred, stretching as he smiled up at John. “I’ll miss you.”“I’ll miss you too,” John told him before giving him another kiss. “Love you.” Edward heard him whisper just before the door closed. Edward couldn’t get back to sleep without John. He always felt too alone without John beside him and although he was happy for him, a small part of him wished he hadn’t got a job.
Edward got up and dressed before going downstairs to where Mrs Potts was making breakfast for the guests. “Can I help?” Edward asked, just like he had the day before and just like she had the day before, Mrs Potts gave him a kind smile and found him something to do.“Did you tell your brother about your mother’s call?” She asked as Edward whisked some eggs.“We didn’t really talk about it, he froze up.” Edward told her “I don’t think he wants to talk to her. He’s angry.”Mrs Potts moved around the kitchen like it was a complex dance, gracefully moving from one thing to another, perfectly timed. “I don’t know what happened between you two and your parents, but I do know they are a precious thing and if you can, you should make amends.”
Edward nodded, looking at the bowl in his hand. He had no idea what he was even doing and hoped that there wasn’t a wrong way to whisk eggs. “I want too, but John… I’mNot sure.” Edward said, whisking faster.“He’ll come around. Some people just need more time to heal.” She took the eggs from him and Edward felt a sense of pride when she told him that he had done well, even if all he did was mix a few eggs. “Can you go and take orders?” She asked, handing him a paper pad and a pencil. Edward smiled and nodded, taking the paper and going into the dining room.
He enjoyed helping with breakfast service. Mrs Potts had him taking out the plates and collecting the dirty ones and Edward felt helpful and needed. He wondered how John was getting on and felt that familiar flutter in his stomach. He couldn’t wait to see him again.“Thank you for your help sweetie,” Mrs Potts said, interrupting his thoughts “the help was gratefully received.”Edward gave her a smile but didn’t take off his apron. “I’ll help with the rooms?” He offered, hoping she wasn’t sick of him yet. She just smiled and handed him a duster.
That’s how he ended up perfecting the art of making a bed and cleaning a toilet. As they cleaned out the last room, Edward ended up telling her about the nickname she had been given after accidentally calling her Mrs Potts. “From Beaty and the Beast?” She asked and Edward nodded with a grin, making her laugh.
“Your brother has a job now doesn’t he?” She asked as they put away the cleaning supplies. “What time does he finish?”“Three” Edward sighed. It felt like a lifetime away.“Then how about you work here for me? Finish at three.” Mrs Potts suggested as she turned to Edward.“Really? You want me to work for you?” Edward smiled, excitement bubbling in his chest.“I’m getting too old to do this alone. You’re a natural.” She smiled as they walked back to the kitchen “I can’t afford a full wage, but you and John can have your room free of charge for as long as you need and I will pay you the rest in wages, how about that?”
Edward took a breath to calm himself but it didn’t work as he let a few tears slip before pulling her into a hug. “Thank you so much, Mrs Potts.” He cried as she hugged him back. He had missed this kind of hug. It was so different to John’s hugs, it was maternal and gentle.“You’re both very sweet boys.” She said, rubbing his back.
Edward watched the door excitedly. As soon as it opened, he was up and pouncing on John asking him how his day was. John looked happy and smiled the whole way through telling Edward about his day. Edward hung on every word, pleased to finally have him back.“I got a job too, you’re gonna love it,” Edward told him before telling him about Mrs Potts’ and her offer. John’s eyes sparkled in a way Edward hadn’t seen for so long and he leant in to kiss him, Edward could feel the sparkle in the kiss.“You told me everything would work out.” Edward mumbled against him “you promised me and it has.”
“No more cam shows.” John told him “we don’t need to do it anymore Edward.” John said as he held Edward close. Edward felt that same flutter again and squeezed John.“I’m glad we’re together.” He said, “I love you.”“I love you too,” John said before kissing the top of Edward’s hair. He closed his eyes and held onto John. He felt happy and positive, like things were truly going to be okay. John’s breathing evened out and Edward could tell he had fallen asleep and as he lay against him, he couldn’t help but think that they had made it. They had proved to the world that all they needed was each other and they can get through anything.
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