#yet she wanders still... plush and huggable
mekanikaltrifle · 1 year
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in honour of @its-sixxers wonderful addition to the bunny costume one-panel, I had to. Consider it my curse. My clan curse. :D
RIP Baby-Eating Jimmy the Sadist Nosferatu. You won't be missed.
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She is reconsidering her alliance with Cody Nowak specifically.
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vampyaloha · 5 years
The Misadventures of Aloha Chapter 2. Lets make Lemonade
“Army? Can we sell lemonade?”
That was the question Aloha asked him as Army looked at the child next to him. “Why do you want to sell lemonade, Aloha?” Army asked as Aloha thought about it. “Ummm I wanna get those squiddy plushes! The ones on the tv~!” He replied as Army look at him confused. What plush were he talking about? “Why do you want them? Army asked as Aloha swung around from side to side. “Ummm~ They look huggable!” Aloha replied with his answer, Army putting down his manual. “And you want to sell lemonade to buy them?” Army asked as Aloha nodded, making him sigh. He didn’t even know how to make lemonade!
A quick search up help Army figure out what they needed to make lemonade, finding the lemons and sugar. Right when he was about to cut the lemons, Skull came to the kitchen. “What are you doing, Army?” Skull asked, scaring Army and catching Aloha’s attention. “Skull~!” Aloha climbed down the step stool and running towards him, “we’re making lemonade~!” Lemonade? It was the sugar Skull noticed, and right before Skull could do anything, Army spoke up.
“Skull, don’t take all the sugar either. You wouldn’t want Aloha to be sad, right?” Army said as Skull look at Aloha, who’s smiling up to him curiously. Skull shook his head no. He didn’t want to be the one to make Aloha cry, as he patted the child’s head, getting a smile in return. “Is Skull gonna help~?” Aloha asked, Skull nodding his head. “Yes, I am.”
Aloha cheered, happy Skull was going to help as well. While Army and Skull helped make the lemonade with Aloha, Mask took the job of fixing the table, being mindful of Aloha’s artwork this time. Thirty minutes passed as everything was set up outside, Aloha squealed. “Wow~!” Aloha couldn’t wait to get those plushies now! “Aloha” Army’s voice caught his attention as the child look up. “I need to get a few things at the store while Skull needs to do something. We’ll be back soon, but Mask is going to watch you?” Army told Aloha as he nodded, his small hands patting the table. “Okay~” Aloha replied, sitting down on the small chair they put out.
Aloha soon became bored, even after selling a few cups of lemonade. Army and Skull haven’t returned yet and he didn’t want to bother Mask right now. Now that he thought about it, Mask was pretty quiet during his sales. Just as he was about to check on Mask, two figures came close to his stand.
“Awww Pearlie look!” A voice spoke as Aloha look up seeing two figures coming up to him, an inkling and what he thinks is an octoling. “Isn’t he adorable?
“Hiya~ Would you like to buy some lemonade?” Aloha asked as Marina squealed. “Of course we can, right Pearlie?” The inkling, which Aloha assumes is Pearlie, “Of course we can, ‘Rina! It’s pretty hot out here after all” ‘Pearlie’ said, before turning her gaze to the kid in front of her, “Yo! How much for two lemonades, kid?” Aloha thought about it before giving his answer. “Ummm it's only 50 coins!”
“Wow only that much? What are you doing kid?” Pearl asked as Aloha patted the table. “It’s for squiddy plushies! They remind me of my friends~” Aloha replied with a bright smile. “Oh is that so?” Pearl asked before looking at Marina before leaving a lot of extra cash. “Good luck on your goal kid!” Pearl said as she and Marina waved goodbye and head off, Aloha looking at how much he has. “Wow~! I can get those now!”
“Ugh, don't tell me those idiots lost you again” a voice spoke, Aloha recognizing who it belongs to. “Uwaa! It’s Rider!” Aloha pointed out, getting a small tsk in return. “What are you even doing right now?” Rider questioned as Aloha hummed. “I’m selling lemonade!” Aloha answered, patting both of his hands on the table, “does Rider want to buy lemonade?” Rider seemed taken aback by this as he slowly nodded paying for his cup, taking a sip before he asked his question. “Where are the others?”
“Army went to the store real quick! Skull needed to do something! And Masky is..Masky is..” Aloha started before he noticed Mask wasn’t nearby. Where did Mask go? “I dunno where he went!” Rider wanted to slap himself. “Man those idiots still-“ Rider mumbled, before looking back at Aloha. “Why is it you wanted to sell lemonade?” Rider asked as Aloha drummed his hands on the table. “For squiddy plushies~!” Aloha cheerfully smiled, Rider giving him a look. “You mean those squid plush that act like cushions?” Rider replied as Aloha nodded. “Mmhm~! I’ll be okay Rider! I could throw the lemonade and run!”
“You’ll get lost if you’ll run” Rider reminded him, making Aloha gasp. “Oh! I don’t want that!” Aloha replied, remember the time he got lost. Rider had no clue what to do now. He assumed Mask was supposed to watch Aloha, seeing Aloha had no clue where he went. Just as he was about to ask Aloha something else, a familiar cyan inking came walking down the sidewalk. “Masky~!” Aloha waved as Mask walked to his stand. “And where were you?” Rider demanded, Mask getting annoyed by his presence. “Noooone of yoour business!” Mask replied before turning to look at Aloha.
“Looook Aloha” Mask said, holding four bags with something in it, piping the child’s interest. “Ooooh! What is it! What is it?” Aloha asked curiously. What were in the bags Mask was holding? He got his answer as his eyes widen, seeing the four plushies he wanted to get taken out of the bags. “Why don’t we go baaack inside?” Mask asked putting the plushies back in the bags, Aloha nodding excitedly as he waved goodbye to Rider, carrying the remainder cups and the earnings while Mask took the pitcher of lemonade.
The two were waiting for Army and Skull to return, Aloha playing with the plushies while Mask look through his phone. Soon enough, Army returned, holding different bags before he closed the door. “The line was so long!” Army said, putting the groceries before putting them all on the table. “Sorry I took so long! I needed to get some-“ Army stop, looking at the three squid plush around Aloha while he was holding one of them. “How did you get these?” Army asked, Mask looking over with a shrug. “Who knooows?” Mask went back on his phone while Aloha decided to draw, Army noticing one person was missing. “Where’s Skull?” He asked as the two had no clue where he was. That was until the front door opened, Skull entering with something. “And where were you?” Army asked as Skull closed the door, locking it.
“I went to get this” Skull said, holding up a squid plush. “Isn’t that based on the old special, Kraken?” Army asked, Skull nodding. Aloha soon saw what Skull was holding as he got up from
the floor and ran to Skull. “Oooh! It looks soft! Can I pet it? Can I, Can I~?” Aloha’s eyes sparkled, as he tiptoed by Skull, Skull nodding. He sat on his knees letting Aloha pet the kraken plush, his eyes gleaming. “It so soft! It almost looks like you!” Aloha said, smiling. Skull decided to put the plush down next to the others and Aloha went back to drawing, Army deciding to make a snack for everyone.
An hour passed when Aloha soon fell asleep, sleeping by the kraken plush while holding one of the four plushies nearby. “I didn’t expect him to fall asleep on the floor” Army said with a sigh, picking up the sleeping child, going to his room to lay him down on the bed, Skull carrying the plushies and laying them on the floor. They returned back to the living room, only to see Mask passed out on the couch. “Why was he even tired? It’s not tiring just to keep an eye out” Army sighed, Skull not knowing the reason either. Army decided to clean up while Skull sat on a chair, his mind wandering off.
It was until late at night when a package was delivered to them, Skull and Army confused on what it was. They don’t remember ordering anything but it was delivered to Aloha’s house. Curious, they opened the package seeing two plushies. A white pink squid and a green and light brown octopus with a little note ‘For the lil pink kid’. “Who sent these?” Skull asked as Army looked for a name but found two strange names. “A MC Princess and DJ Hyperfresh? Not sure who they are, but maybe Aloha would love these when he’s awake in the morning” Army replied before putting the plushies in Aloha’s room quietly.
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