#yet im so bad at naming characters... one of my characters names is a misspelling of a word..
purplekittybanan · 4 days
Me, resisting the urge to make any of my humanoid ocs have gay yuri...
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For now, their stand alone... but the urge to make it GAY is strong....
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jasontoddsglock · 7 months
( i have favorites - if it got my man beside the name ill prop write more for them - but not all the time )
POC only! - mainly only writing for black woman given - I am one ( like duh) but if y'all feel comfortable I could def write for other pocs
2 - only fem x fem / male x fem !
3 - if your feeling spicy just ask! i do smut!
4 - IF I MISSPELL SAY SUM. (this is so important.)
DC -
Jason Todd - ( my man )
Dick Grayson -
Damian Wanye -
Duke Thomas
Bruce Wanye -
Beast Boy -
Starfire -
Raven -
Miles! ( 42 ) - ( YALLLL DIS MY MANNNNNNN )
Miles! ( 1610 ) -
Izuku Midoriya -
Katsuki Bakugo -
Hanta Sero -
Denki Kaminari - ( my man )
Mina Ashido - ( my lil ho )
Mawata Fuwa - ( dis my queen ri hea )
ADVENTURE TIME - ( i got such a serious deep connection wit this show bruh. )
FINN - ( my sweet boy )
MARCI - ( my beloved )
BRIDGERTON - ( idk yet )
TMNT - ( yes im down bad )
Leo -
Donatello - ( mine )
Mickey -
Ralph -
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fictionfixations · 3 months
im BACk at the wuthering waving
ngl i really want to join scar he seems very interesting (unfortunately we dont have that choice. no but IMAGINE a game like this but choices we make matter. like like yknow uhh. i mean the only one i can think of rn is like. detroit become human, which has a bunch of branching paths. so like imagine a choice can lead to a wildly different outcome. and so like. we can choose to trust scar or something. IMAGINE. i mean that'd probably go into spoiler-y territory considering idk one side might say something, the other might say something contradictory. or like something that players on a different path dont learn so its complicated. and also probably very hard to actually do. but i just. really adore games like that ngl)
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yes i havent even made it to 1.1 yet LMFAO
anyway i dont know what they did but oh my god its so much less laggier (the only thing of note is that im stuck in the loading screens for longer. but i mean honestly i have other things i can do in the meantime while waiting so its not a big deal)
like. i can. actually go through cutscenes and its not just slideshow bullshit that i have to go watch someone else go through it for the cutscene (you know the cutscene where we see general jiyan(?) fighting while we're like nowhere near him? there was so much delay cause it was struggling to shift to jiyan cause it was showing the other stuff with i think the tacet discords? instead so the voices were playing and im just sat here like wtf is going on i dont even see yall what are you doing)
and and i can actually fight and know that my failings are not that its lagging me so i cant dodge. its just that im bad at dodging LOL
also i cant remember but im pretty sure you cant dodge by jumping i think youre meant to dash from it but uhm
i briefly played the solo leveling game so i keep pressing space to either start sprinting or to dodge an attack. which. its kinda funny cause i find myself pressing space playing hsr which is a game you cannot jump in. man, the confusion of playing games with different buttons for actions so when you switch to another you press the wrong button. funniest shit ever ngl (i remember i played genshin and like this one roblox game. decaying winter. and. so they had different buttons for picking up stuff, cant remember which one was e or f. but so. i press the pick up for genshin button out of habit. and then it causes me to place down a bomb LMFAO. i cant pick it up. and if i press f again [its more if i hold it but still] it explodes so i have to pray i didnt spam it, or pray that i didnt accidentally stick it on me because that can happen haha. ..or even that i didnt stick it on a teammate on accident cause friendly fire is a thing)
i feel spoiled though cause hsr and solo leveling have auto so i can just chime in occasionally while something else fights for me. but its like. games like wuwa and genshin (and solo leveling because even with auto i control me. i just have it on because i tend to forget to use like the skills) you have to spam attack. so my hand hates me LMFAO (me typing all this out doesnt help either but uhm i dont know the meaning of giving my hands a break)
anyway pulling plans: Jinhsi, Scar (hopefully), and Camellya..? i think? the the the flower person who called us a seed LMFAO (i keep wanting to think of her as phantylia because for whatever reason the name 'camellya' is hard to remember so uh if i ever misspell..)
also another thing of note. it kinda keeps tripping me up when the dialogue advances without auto. i mean it makes sense cause its going through it along with the character's movement so its not like they can just stop them from moving waiting for you to go to the next dialogue box
but sometimes im doing other stuff and listening to the dialogue but im going to go back to read it because a mix of voiced dialogue and reading the dialogue myself helps me remember best
but uh i get distracted. very easily. so sometimes i need to reread it multiple times to get it to stick, so i kind of wished wuwa had like a log that you could check to go back through peoples dialogue during the actual convo.
genuinely cant remember if its been like that in 1.0 but to be fair theres only so much room (and its still readable anyway)
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i wanted to try speedrunning to act 7 (tbh i dont think im even at a high enough like union level(? i think thats what its called) to go through most of the story) but ive underestimated how tired id be
its probably so pixel-y im sorry its cause i dont play full screen so its all smaller-ized (and probably because im playing on the lowest graphics)
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but like im sorry jinhsi its just. scar. is. so. cool. AGHHHh
off topic but it always bothers me how in slowed down scenes like this or where characters are in a sort of stasis where they're doing an action but its slowed down for whichever reason (you can see it in anime a bunch) and the character talks a shit ton and im just sat here like how are you speaking that much in this time frame what ???
like the card cant be moving THAT slow can it?? or if so couldnt someone just strike it down before it hits or something?? maybe i shouldnt be trying to apply logic to this. or maybe it is possible and im just very tired so i cant think straight idk
now this is in no way a complaint (i do like this scene) im just nitpicky and have never had the opportunity to express my thoughts about things like this ngl
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anyway uh. upside to wuwa in case this turned out to be a very negative post (in which oops)
its never . i. cant recall the terminology. you know when too much is running and your laptop just turns everything off abruptly?
its never done that solo leveling has (and now i never play it without a fan) hsr has but only when ive put it at high graphics cause i wanted to experience it if genshin has, i genuinely cant remember
i cant read roman numerals except 123 idk what act this is but wooo im stopping here now
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pikawrites · 1 year
okay i'm bored, it's a holiday so i'm going to do this one by one.
an extensive list! read while watching.
“idk just read it” or any of the sort: i agree. i don’t even put those in my notes.
“defiantly” instead of “definitely”: big pet peeve. if i see any mispellings that are consistent i exit.
masses of tags and character pairings: i agree, but only to a certain extent. some enjoy putting their specific fandom drabbles in one fic, while others prefer using the series function, it really depends? but yea usually if i just see a huge wall of tags i wouldn’t read it unless the kudos : hits ratio is 1:10.
slowburn: i can’t really say anything because i barely read slowburn? but i do agree that if it’s like. five thousand words before the conclusion that’s probably a bit too few words.
the emoji one: i have never seen this in my life. but sometimes when i read chatfics i get to a point where i don’t even recognise or remember certain character’s usernames and stuff like that, so i eventually leave.
using words and phrases that don’t go with the world: if it’s an au, i totally get it, because if your character is in a modern era they would probably talk in modern language and not like…shakespearean language. but if not, even when i’m writing i like to stick as close to canon as possible. same goes for worldbuilding and facts or information that are readily available to me, i.e. poképuff flavours
bad writing and spelling errors: sometimes if i’m lazy i would put the fic there first then go and edit later, and i’d state that i would edit it later. but i’d never say idc, at some point if i look at my fic and i see so many spelling and grammatical errors i myself would cringe too.
false complete fic: i hate this. i hate authors that do this. i would never do this, unless i suddenly change my mind one day. even so, i’d probably only change it once at put a question mark there if i’m unsure of how many chapters a fic i’m writing would have in the future. i don’t plan, i’m a spontaneous writer, then i edit and edit until it’s satisfactory to put onto ao3.
multifandom oneshots: i am ashamed to say i used to do this. never again. if you catch me doing this it’s not me.
misspelling character names: get out.
no capitalisation of names: if i’m writing my personal thoughts i won’t capitalise, but in the actual story itself i would capitalise.
no reader engagement: i don’t really agree with this one. everybody wants reader engagement, why would you click out just because the author is simply asking you to let them know your thoughts on this fic, like what can be improved, what worked and what didn’t, etc. can someone explain this one to me?
second person pov: lmao. read and choose your ending stories, probably. but, i don’t see why this couldn’t be used as an interactive story to engage your readers. unless it’s that, i agree with this statement.
first person pov: for some reason i can only tolerate first person pov in irl books. if im on ao3 and i find out it’s in first person i immediately press the back button.
wall of text: yeah. pet peeve. big one.
lack of text: also pet peeve. stop making me scroll i just want to read the goddamn story.
rpf: never read.
summaries that are exaggerated: i mean, it is supposed to be a summary after all, you’re supposed to shorten or summarise what happens instead of giving yet another wall of text for the reader to go through before they get to your main wall of text.
‘or [insert basic summary]’: i disagree. some of these authors are funny enough to do a punchline here, why wouldn’t they? (i’ve never seen anybody use it for overselling or undersummarising, so…but maybe it’s just me.)
author’s note summary: i like to say this first or give my personal thoughts before i summarise the story below. it’s like a nice anecdote, y’know?
the self deprecation thing: i’m guilty, i still do it sometimes. yes, some of us still do this because the insecurity in us sometimes takes over the passion to write and be confident in our writing. although we may not be confident, we may still want to put it up to see if the reception is good or not, although i do agree that putting those kinds of things in the tags is kind of…not good for the engagement of your fic. recently, i’ve also been trying to take more pride in my work and getting to say fewer words of self-deprecation. it takes time, and a lot of new authors struggle with this because they’re inexperienced or don’t know how to write and are just experimenting. some of these authors don’t know how to tag.
bragging word count: some authors are in the dark about exactly how long a chapter should be, and it really varies for everyone as well. some authors feel like they should be catering to the majority audience, they feel obliged to reach thaat word count because if not they would feel like their story is not worth the read. let me turn the question around and ask you something––if you were to see a chapter or a drabble with less than a thousand words, would you click on it? drabble authors do this quite often; collecting multiple drabbles that they’ve written and simply dumping all of them into one chapter. because they feel the need to cater to the masses, who undoubtedly, enjoy longer chapters that are over two thousand words. it’s not every day you see a kudos top fic with less than a thousand words. if the writing is good,we should celebrate it, right?
what if x happened instead of y: usually this would come after actual summaries, so i’m fine with it.
too many tags: listen here. being funny while tagging is not for the no-nonsense people, but instead for the silly goofies. it’s easy to spot what is expected in the fic vs. being funny, if you can’t stand people in tags being funny that’s like saying tumblr tags should only be used for proper tagging and not being silly goofy. which i know tumblr is famous for their tags being silly goofy. and i totally agree with the bottom statements, it shouldn’t be the whole tag list, maybe ¼ is fine.
mpreg thing: i have. never seen. mpreg fics like that. probably just me.
crossovers with 2198419057139573810 fandoms: listen. some of us have wild ahh imaginations. i personally wouldn’t read it, but i used to write a fic on wattpad that had like a bajillion fandoms. i’m telling you, we don’t do it to please you, we’re doing it to please us. this is our self-indulgence time, so leave us alone.
fancop: yup. agree.
anything that isn’t mine: opposite. for me at least.
friendly reminder: real and true. all of this is my opinion, not factual or anything. highly subjective stuff here.
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kob131 · 5 years
“Oh wow so we’re back to “it’s canon until it isn’t” that the manga was experiencing, except the comics literally struck out in their first issue? Isn’t that amazing?
Hey RoosterTeeth do y’all actually care about consistency in your show or can I just take my own liberties whenever I want too?”
Did Rooster Teeth have ANY say what happened with the comics?
Do ANY of you have any proof that this was suppose to be canon? Because considering the fact that I can’t find Miles or Kerry’s names on this project anywhere, only coming across Matt announcing it which contrasts the After The Fall book which was openly stated to be worked with by Miles and Kerry: I’m gonna make a bet that this is an ‘artist’s interpretation’ thing and that Miles and Kerry weren’t involved with this at all. So I have no reason to believe this is canon.
“The problem isn’t even fully the comics fault, Miles and Kerry don’t bother committing their lore to memory.”
Of course not! Why would it be the comic’s fault despite the creator of the comic apparently never hearing about RWBY beforehand when you can jack off the ol’ MK hateboner?
“This is considering alot of lore from the WOR is constantly called into question by both the fans and reviewers/critics etc.”
By this same logic, if a bunch of SU crits all repeat some misinformed and mistaken info then that means the show failed, because it has been ‘constantly called into question.’
“ Iila pulls her unpassword protected phone out in the middle of a fight for no reason.”
Not only does this NOT have anything to do with lore but Illa ALREADY HAD THE PHONE OUT. I will admit that in the scene it does disappear from the previous episode and reappear...but you never point that out do you?
“In vol 5 yang has a talk about blake with yang and tells weiss how no one ever blamed her for anything. Miss “the innocent never run yang.” Schnee. (Btw she still never apologized to blake.)”
Disingenuious considering that they were referring to the events at the Fall Of Beacon and Weiss openly showed concern and a disinterest in Blake’s past when they found her, indicating taht she was trying to bury the hatchet.
“ Hazel’s whole motivation is that he’s mad that ozpin let his sister become a hunter and she got killed by grimm…sooooo he works for the creator of grimm.”
A bad guy having a shit reason for fighting against the good guys, probably indicative of Hazel running from his problems considering he looks and acts more and more unhinged alongside his Semblance being about BLOCKING PAIN? Wow, how unheard of!
“Salem’s dumb backstory is that she challenged the gods cause she couldn’t accept people die.”
You mean that recurring theme in mythologies or that basic human response to the cruelty of death?
“ In that same backstory she falls in a Grimm poop and it’s established that she turned “evil” yet until ozpin finds here has spent eons living in a hut not bothering anyone.”
Where was it said again that Salem never hurt anyone? Because if my memory, or you know THE RWBY WIKI ( Jinn: During his years of travel, he heard the same frightened whispers that spoke of a terrifying sorceress who commanded dark powers in the wilds among the beasts and monsters. Ozma was convinced that this witch was Salem, and decided he needed to see what she had become.) serves me correctly: Salem is never stated one way or another.
“ Regardless of all that and the fact that RT miles and kerry were asked by arksys games if they could put rwby characters in and when they asked for info they stated “read the manga”? “
Citation needed: liars don’t get the benefit of the doubt.
“They don’t give the people directions, if you listened to one panel you’d know this, they just say “go for it.” And let the manga go where it lands.”
Bitch, I have hundreds of examples of you either screwing up basic info on RWBy, being intellectually dishonest about RWBY or straight up LYING about RWBY.
You do not get to say anything without at least one source.
“ Cause they don’t care, I see people continually doing this and it’s gotta stop. Rwby was never consistent and it obviously shows, and instead of blaming properties that had to make due- why not blame the people who never bother writing anything down or expanding on lore? Rooster teeth.”
A. How many SU crits have said that EXACT same thing about Rebecca Sugar? Better start harassing her then.
B. You’re own argument has shown an inconsistency itself as you conflate ‘Miles and Kerry” with “Rooster Teeth”.
And C. You’re a known liar. You aren’t reliable in the slightest.
“ This us why so many videos like these exist fellas.”
A. That video is 70% bullshit
And B. You misspelled ‘is’. According to you, that means your arguments are invalid.
“Again you all should listen to writers commentary on the recent DVD vol, they barely remember a thing and are so dishonest to their fans for no reason. “
AKA I’m going to be as vague and inconvenient as possible so when my bullshit rebounds on me, I can dodge like Neo.
“ I’ll never understand why they choose to sabotage themselves”
Hold on, you misspelled somethings:
“ I’ll never understand why I choose to sabotage myself.”
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polygon-streams · 5 years
April 25th 2019- Mortal Kombat 2nd Stream
Summary: Pat plays Mortal Kombat 11 on his Twitch channel and an interesting story line ensues
Content warnings: blood, gore, violence, and death (in-game)
Stream starts at 5:17 (starts 10 mins in)
Pat is reminded to turn on subtitles!
Welcomes some peeps in chat (including faith!)
Sets up some block words so as to help others avoid spoilers for the new avengers game (leading to chat posting wildly untrue avengers spoilers “snape kills bumblebore”)
Pat: “Hmmm… uhhh… I’m now realizing i don’t know much about the marvel cinematic universe.”
Piss! from unlimitedpastapass
this takes a few minutes as he accidentally writes all blocked words as one and has to fix it!
People in chat are cheating their way past the filter by misspelling character names. Pat: “thangus?”
“Mike, here’s the secret about my content, it doesn’t have to be good”
Catches up on subs and follows
Says he hasn’t gone far enough in mk to get to microtransactions yet
Starts again in mk story mode
Mentions how you can finish a specific chapter of mk to unlock frost
“There’s kainos beard”
Compares a mk character to austin aries
“He definitely wants to kiss himself”
Wants the next chapter to be a gone home style with Jax
Is drinking water and a jarritos watermelon
Mentions how favs are lime and grapefruit
“He is really going after his grandpa instincts”
Long cutscene which included pat saying aw at how jade wouldn’t betray kitana
“She's been norted”
Everyone in chat loves this bug woman character until she spits out bugs
Pally9x then plays ‘they put bugs in him’ sound which causes a pat laugh
“Those guys gotta hit the gym” - pat @ really buff characters in a cutscene
Memeshart brought up their love for a bunch of characters being in a ‘Stealth conga line’
Pat laughing at enemies being “stupid” during a cutscene
“Whoops” after a character stabs an enemy
“I'm just smashin buttons for the most part”
“Thats uncool” - Pat after a coatl calls for an execution
Theo, a staff member of Twitch enters the stream! “Oh rad it’s that guy who hangs out with BDG”
A character enters the cutscene with ‘Piss!’ sound happening at the same, perfect time
Mentions how a character with a hat sounds exactly like Xavier Renegade angel
Mentions how he doesn’t think that any of the characters in MK11 are canonically gay, but did have one in MKX
Some dudebro character named Johnny tries to make moves on a female in a very bad way, cuts to the whole team looking at him, promptly making him embarrassed (as he should be)
The dudebro Johnny gets slapped and gets his glasses knocked off, promptly puts on a second pair he had in his pocket, causing Pat to laugh
The chat roots on pat to “destroy this fuckboy clown”
Pat laughs and says “it��s so stupid” at cutscenes
Faith in chat: “lotta piss in this stream tonight!”
“Oh, here comes yeehaw.”
“I’m the anti kissin cowboy, aint nobody kissin on my watch.”
We apparently have a new character called the ‘abstinence cowboy’
More cutscene confusion and laughter, “What the fuck is going on in this game”
Nut punch in the cutscene, followed closely by a ‘Piss!”
“I just stabbed that man with a trophy of myself.”
“Oops, that’s my organs, he got all my organs”
Character: “I’m the star” Pat, mockingly: “Im ThE sTaR”
“Hey guys what’s going on I just showed up I hope nothing bad is happening here” Many bad things are happening
Chat goes buckwild over sheeva and her very good big four arms
Pat agrees with Memeshart in that a cutscene char. Is definitely liu kang wearing disguise
“I need that blood!” -Pat after getting fatally stabbed
Pat earns a halfway point trophy!
“Yeah alright, so I gotta beat this guy’s ass in front of his whole family”
“ouchie , stabby stabby”
‘Donkey kong has died’ plays after Pat dies in game
“Just fucking threw a dude at him”
Mentions how he had ‘cheap-ass’ chinese food that was very good and will reheat it tomorrow
“Whoops, shish kabobed” after getting stabbed with a long katana
“Big torso on that one”
Pat gets to a big arena battle in main storyline with a lot of characters fighting each other
“I love tournament anime”
“Ah the bear hug, nobody escapes the bear hug!”
“I wanted Jared’s wife (?) not his heir.” Pat: ProJared?
“That’s a good message...and kicking them in the head is a nice touch”
Pat, looking at the chat chanting for two characters ( kotal and ..green nina lady ) to kiss: “Uhh don’t think we’ve had any kisses yet. Haven’t had any kisses in a while”
“Think you can get away with it cause you’re hot?” -Pat @ character calling sonya some not nice words
Mentions while you cannot use additional outfits in story mode, you can unlock them
Sonya fights a very beat up 80s Johnny fuckboi before they team up to try and get out of the fight ring they’re in
“Just guys bein dudes”
“Mmm.. howdy. I heard rumors that folks were kissin’ in here..” - Pat is bringing back the abstinence cowboy
Pat laughs at @moyeraidan’s comment: “why does sonya look like one of the college admission scandal moms”
Mentions how mk has good fighting choreography
“Rub my tummy”
“The absolute madlad, dropping the gun”
“He’s just making him sleepy that all” after a cutscene char most definitely kills someone
“He’s critical with a K”
“My bones”
“stummy hurt”
“Oh, he needs that to think!” in regard to a character getting his head squeezed to death.
Chat compares ocean with green mist to,,,farts
“This ocean’s got stink lines coming off it.”
“Ah shit here we go again” after a character says,, “here we go again”
Characters walking through a desolate wasteland, “seems fine”
Plugs Thomas’ stream !! And mentions he’ll be back either Saturday or Sunday and starts to host Thomas’ stream
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cinderspewed · 7 years
                        If you’ve been following me for many moons, you know that I have NEVER made a callout post for anything or anyone. I have established myself in such a way, that when I tell someone to leave me alone ( aka: politely fuck off ), they do. I have also befriended the blocking button and have been good at leaving peoples names out of my mouth. Because talking about hurtful people isn’t worth it and usually the problem goes away when you avoid someone. However, my efforts for this particular situation have NOT been fruitful. I will be placing my experience under a read more.                         Prior to me addressing anything, I wanted to state that I am NOT asking anyone to do anything out of line, not to send anonymous hate, nor to even block a certain person. All I ask is that you be very mindful of the anonymous messages you might receive regarding certain users. Chances are, they probably didn’t send them and the context of the anonymous messages has gotten too out of line for us. You might think “what’s the big deal?” while you’re reading this. The big deal is this: if someone blocks you, you take the hint and leave them alone and you don’t send asks/IMs constantly asking about them no matter how “innocent” they seem.
                        Once upon a time, I was minding my own business when I noticed a certain user ( @coffeeiisms ) had followed me. They have since then deleted their blog, but at the time, they were sending me asks and IMs. I ignored them, because they were not a mutual and because their character was the type that would receive negative feedback from my own character. While I know Dei can be mean, I don’t LIKE having him be mean if I haven’t really established a connection with someone, because usually people think it reflects the muns feelings, so I ignored it all. It wasn’t until they IMed me asking to write that I politely told them no (x).                         I went out to get ice cream from the store. And I returned to a string of IMs essentially guilt-tripping me for not wanting to write with them (x). Unfortunately, I did not take screenshots, because I was content with the idea that I would never have to interact with this person EVER again. However, I did copy and paste their words in a skype conversation I was having, as you see in the previous statement. I remember making a post saying you should NEVER guilt trip someone or put them down for not wanting to write with you. To which, my friend Loke ( @loketratan ) messaged me and asked if I was having an issue with, YOU GUESSED IT, coffeeiisms. They were receiving the same kinds of messages from them. Loke was not interested and chose to politely decline as well (x, x). However, they also received guilt-tripping as well (x, x). Again, we didn’t think this would escalate, so we have minimal screenshots, just copy and pasted segments of their IMs to us.                         At that point, Loke BLOCKED that user. We thought we were finished. Unfortunately, we were not. At that point, coffeeiisms contacted a mutual of Loke and proceeded to, out of the blue, ask if this person knew Loke and explained that they had been blocked by them (x). Then proceeded to call her a jerk. First and foremost, you don’t do that to anyone. If you get blocked, you get over it and move on. You DON’T walk into another users IMs and name drop them like that.                         You know what you also don’t do? You don’t send someone an anon shaming them for blocking you (x). Which is what coffeeiisms did. It’s not impossible guys; as much as I wish people couldn’t contact you when they’re blocked, they DEFINITELY can. And that’s exactly what they did. And I’m bringing this up for a reason as well ( foreshadowing much? ).                         Loke and I foolishly assumed that nothing would escalate after this point. Realistically speaking, how often does this even happen? Things seemed pretty quiet. Until another user ( @thepureststar ) happened to follow Loke and then myself. We instantly noticed a pattern. This user also sent an influx of random asks that ultimately went unanswered and they also IMed us wanting to write or just randomly talk. But something suspicious came with these asks. . . We received odd anons asking about particular users. The anons I got were usually about Loke. However, the anons Loke got were usually about me and other users (x, x, x, x, x, x) and consisted of very inappropriate, sexually-charged, romantic-driven questions/commands. And that’s just some of the one’s we SAVED, honey.                         Some of you may be wondering what the big deal is. Don’t people like to receive anonymous messages regarding connections certain characters have with others? Sure. For the most part. However, you also have to realize some people are NOT comfortable with that attention and they are not comfortable with romantically implied content. Especially when it comes out of the blue. WOW, it’s almost as if I have that somewhere in my rules-. . . Oh wait. I DO. And all you were doing was making me extremely anxious and uncomfortable. But, fuck my feelings right? You think that just because I have you blocked, this doesn’t apply to you.                         Here’s also another kicker. When people namedrop on anon, some people might think that THAT PERSON was the one who sent the anon in the first place. In other words, if you’re asking someone what they think of cinderspewed on anon, that person might very well assume I might have sent that, because who else really knows me or talks about me with said person?                         Something peculiar also occurred: thepureststar was also contacting other people in IMs asking if they knew Loke (x). And, WOW. . . Would you look at that? They misspelled Loke’s URL the SAME way coffeeisms did. It’s almost as if-. . . GASP. They were the same person. Spoiler alert. THEY ARE. They also sent other people asks about Loke as well (x), which again were romantically charged. Again, please keep in mind...some people aren’t comfortable with this direct namedropping and attention, especially with people they are just starting to interact with. This gives off a negative impression, as if to imply that all Loke’s character wants is to have sex or get romantically involved with another muse. You obviously know nothing about her portrayal if you assume the mun is that kind of person.                         Loke had already blocked thepureststar. The similarities were too uncanny to coffeeiisms. In that moment, they had sent a personal blog to send Loke a message asking why they blocked thepureststar. However, we suspect that this personal blog was indeed YOURS, purest. Because, WHAT A COINCIDENCE, it’s deleted too. And thankfully for you, we don’t have the screenshot. Maybe that makes us fools, sure. But we wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt that you would kindly fuck off, leave us alone, and that you would cease your stalking tendencies when you went unanswered and ignored. You purposefully picked people you thought wouldn’t do a damn thing to defend themselves and you should honestly be ASHAMED of yourself. Just because we don’t publicly dismiss you, DOESN’T mean we tolerate you. We were trying to help you SAVE FACE, because we’re not assholes. We’re adults, we know when to put things to rest and move on. But you don’t.                         The the invasive anonymous messages kept coming ( as displayed previously ). Anything from Loke’s sexuality to who he’s writing with. You even sent me an anon about Loke as well...and then proceeded to send another message off anon just 2 minutes after (x) so I know it’s you. After all. . . I had already answered an ask regarding my thoughts on Loke. . .because Loke was the one who fucking sent it in the first place (x). I blocked you. I blocked your IP. I did it to help you save face, but it seems NOTHING has changed. Despite Loke’s efforts to completely detach from you, your invasive asks still keep coming (x) and we know it’s you, because you’ve asked questions like this before to the person you reference (x).
                        YOU’RE STALKING LOKE’S BLOG. It’s obvious and it needs to stop. A user who innocently wished Loke a happy birthday even got an anonymous message from you (x). They haven’t even interacted or written with each other yet! So it seems you’ll just hit up anyone just to keep Loke’s name in your mouth. And that’s disgusting. Your asks may seem innocent on the outside, but I see RIGHT through them. It’s almost as if you want to write with her so bad and interact with her. . .that you’re willing to go through other people to live out this facade and just have her respond to you in general. That’s obsessive, that’s extra, and you’re asking so many awkward questions without taking into consideration the person you namedrop’s comfort or Loke’s comfort in general!                         It’s Loke’s fucking BIRTHDAY today. And she has to wake up to your bullshit. And she has to live through this nightmare all over again, gathering proof to the best of her ability, about yet another stalking incident she’s unfortunately had to endure. I pray that this incident isn’t as severe and serious as the one she had to deal with in real life. I want to think of you as a desperate joke for letting things get this far, letting things get this big. You could have just walked away, but for some reason. . .you latched onto Loke and me. And you honestly found the two worst people to fuck with.                         So this is just a precaution to everyone. If at any point, you get an anonymous message about Loke or myself or even another mutual that says “do you know so and so?” or anything of that nature. . . All I ask is that you ignore it. That’s it. It’s honestly a simple request. Because I don’t want anyone getting involved with someone who could potentially become obsessed with them and incorporate them into inappropriate asks.                         I am well aware that we are all doing the same thing, we’re all writing and engaging in a fictional world. . . But we’re also human beings and we also know when to step out of this magic circle of fiction we’ve created. Or rather, we SHOULD. There are rules for a reason and we should all be considerate and mindful. And when someone blocks you. . .we should know NOT to pursue them or try to gain their attention. Because enough is enough. No one deserves to feel anxious over something so immature and petty. And I love my friends too much to see them get affected by this, especially someone as strong and outspoken as Loke. I PRAY I don’t have to make a part two for this. I PRAY we’re done here. I PRAY this is the most minuscule thing I have to ever encounter. Because this isn’t even me being ugly. . . But I damn sure can be.
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