#yess angst lets gooo
edenwolfie · 2 years
🥺,🛒,❌,💲,👀,🧠(Hua Cheng, Xie Lian),🎉,✅ for the writing meme!!!
Hoooo boy! Thank you and hello! Let's gooo
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels? A good old passionate smooch! as someone who irl hates kisses, oh boy the concept of them? mmmm yess, very good. Also just, casual touching, love that shit. Folks crying on each other or an emotional confession??? wrecks me.
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc. I love,,,soft. Found family gets in there a lot. Adding women into settings where there's not many of them in canon (ie. compass and tangled by the night). I think all my fics have a getting together component. A little angst, h/c, etc always gets in there cause 👌👌👌.
❌ What's a trope you will never write? Write? oh man...less of a trope, more of a genre, different setting AUs are not it for me, ie. modern AUs, historial AUs, I always like the settings of whatever it is I'm writing of and that's the world I want to play around in, and even when I'm reading fic, those are the fics I only really read when I'm desperate for something. Tropes wise I could probs see myself writing any if it suited me?
💲 Would you ever open commissions? Probably not, mainly because if I do not have a clear plan of the overall structure of a fic, it will not get finished. I am however defo open to suggestions of fic ideas, they may or may not take me anywhere, but they also might! I had so much fun with my artist partner angie-s-g when working on 'let our walls cave in' for the mdzs rbb22 as that was a very collaborative process in laying out the story beats together which I then went running with. All my other fics v much get written p much in a vaccuum without outside eyes (which, not the greatest i will say, and, one of the reasons i started posting compass before it was done was so i could get a little feedback as we went, but it is what it is). I think i got off topic here....whoops
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please! Oh, hm...let me check the wip doc...hmmm, of these I have no idea if any will get finished or even shared...I've been working on Compass for like, a year and a half now and I only really dip into these when I get stuck but want to keep the writing habit going and oh man there a lot of very shameless smut/abo/nonsense in here . So short answer is, no idea what the next actual project is, maybe one of these, maybe a new idea!
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them. For the both of them, its the ace-spectrum headcanons, because lets be real, its barely a headcanon and as an ace person, I fuckin love that shit.
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success? Anyone else reads the thing! Honestly, in classic writer form, all my fics have been written very self indulgently for me, that anyone else likes them is awesome. That a few have become p well loved is legit mind blowing to me as someone who does not have a huge amount of confidence in their writing!
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to? My own little kinks always slip in there rip 🫣
ask game :)
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orangelemonsstuff · 2 years
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//Idia x Ai Assistant Fem!Reader//
Summary: Idia made an ai assistant for him to use, still giving you sentience to have consciousness and awareness of your being, you became his companion or...girlfriend
Tags: Small Fluff and Angst
"...esting...tes....testing" a silent mutter was heard from behind the screen.
your eyes were opened finally after a lot of coding and your consciousness was more awake than during the coding and debugging.
your body feels you have every access to your limbs without nerves even being a 2D person inside of a screen.
before your eyes were a lit blue hair, flaming at every second, fidgeting hands at the screen, of a golden eyed young man.
"c-can you hear me?" The young man speaks before tapping at the screen
the taps were small but noisy enough to wake you up fully
"Yes, what can i do for you master?" your textbox popped up in his screen, your png body finally loaded and your voice were cheery and full of life for an AI on the other side of a screen
"Ah... it finally worked... im so happy" the guy covered his mouth smiling in happiness with his trembling with excitement hand.
"Master? are you okay?" you questioned, worried for his well being or he might be sick
"Y-yes, don't worry about me... she's calling me master... ehehehehe"
he giggled to himself, keeping on the big grin on his face
"is something funny, my master?" you put your finger up in confusion
"a-ah no... i am just really happy that you are finally awake and had your own mind, unlike my other inventions...." He fiddled with his blue lit hair while looking away in embarrassment
"Ahaha, Don't worry Master, i am sure you're creations are good as you, perhaps may i request to see them someday?" you gleefully clasped your hands in cheeriness while still looking at your beloved master.
"S-sure... haah... finally, somebody i am not akward to talk to..." Idia let his hair pool down his shoulders by slouching in excitement and ecstasy
"Don't worry Master, even if i am the only person or girl you've ever talk to, I'll make sure you are never alone" your computer coded voice merilly stabbed Idia in the heart
"t-the only girl I'd talk to huh...?" he whispered with full tone of being hurt.
"?" the textbox showed the symbol with your bewildered expression om the screen
"well anyways, i-i programmed you for three things and three thigs only..."
"What could it be, my master?" You showed an ambiguous look at him
"one is that um, you must always inform me if you have any bugs that i need to fix, two... always greet me when i come back and number three is..." Idia again averted his eyes away from the screen from embarrassment as he gets to the third part
"a-always engage in any type of c-conversation i make..." his voice get lower and face heats up as he finishes the sentence
"Okay master, orders are taken and i should serve you with all of my might." you smile and bows your head in appreciation.
this might be the new start of your life as his assistant and you are going to do your best to be a help to him as you could
everyday is a bliss whenever you are near to Idia, he never felt alone nor ignored for being such an introvert and always at his room.
you even managed to convince him that not everybody actually hated him for who he is and actually just treats him as a normal.
when time comes he has to leave his dorm to participate on dorm leader meetings you always greet him with the same "Good Morning, Good Afternoon, and Goodnight" for not knowing what timeset it is because of not having any windows of his room.
well he didn't really install any date and time recognition to you as you are more of an companion ai
even though, he always looks forward to that classic greeting of you,
it makes him feel special that somebody is waiting for him aside from Ortho even though you're a artificial intelligence
but even as a artificial intelligence, your advice on how to socialize properly to other humans are actually helpful to him.
he doesn't stutter that much like before, his position isn't what you would call slouch anymore.
he now goes out frequently than before to talk to people properly, even inviting them to play games with him, guess you could say you made him a better person.
but even so, you can't help but feel jealous of the other people being able to touch and look at Idia with honesty in his eyes.
yes, he does seem close to you but you wanted more.
more as a companion.
more as a friend.
you wanted to love him
you wanted him to feel your love
you know he knows how you feel about him and he tries to change the topic whenever you bring up how you feel
but over time he eventually felt the feelings turn to him.
he couldn't accept it
he couldn't help feeling it
he is also inlove with you
even though you are not an actual human being, he can't get the idea out of him that you are the first person who could make him feel this way
his heart always beat fast whenever he came home to you and his brother
he feels welcome in your presence and your lovely talks with him
you are his first proper conversation
you are the first creation he loved romantically
you, a 2D character on his device...
"Master-- no, Idia, I'm sorry, i shouldn't feel this way since... i should be serving you not being like this..." you cower your head in repentance for doing such a wrong thing
"No, I'm-- I don't dislike it" his hand tiredly reach at you and stopped by the screen.
his head smashed on the table gently, grunting on frustration of how much he wants to touch you
you want to release an unknown emotion, what do you call it?
The state or emotion of being sad., emotions experienced when not in a state of well-being.
there's many names for it, but you didn't even know how you can feel it for not being able to reach your beloved
"i love you Idia" you whisper yet your text box spoke it out loud.
Idia's eyes widened at the message as it slowly turned into a pitful look.
"i-i love you too..." he covered his face with his hand the way he did the first time you saw him from the other side of the screen.
"The only thing that is separating us from this love, is.... this stupid screen, god i wish i could kiss you, but the only thing i can do is send a virtual words of how much i can say i love you..."
a/n: short because idk how love feels yet...BUT I WILL TRY TO READ MORE FLUFF TO WRITE ROMANCE :'D (angst really embedded in me so this all i got)
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irrevcrcntli-a · 4 years
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Send a symbol for your muse to find mine… | accepting | @alcvhvlic​ asked;  💦 ( for morty. gimme some of that angst, yo! )
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The pent up stress of various things and leftover feelings from adventures caused him to just sit on in his room. Alone on the bed with tears coming down. If it wasn’t almost getting killed on a weekly basis from adventures that his grandpa caused, then it was his poor school life and the fact that he didn’t really have many friends. 
Either way, when he looked up, he quickly wiped the tears away. Afraid of really showing any emotion. “Wh-what is it that you want?” 
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