#yes. k2 is subject to tea parties. yes. he lets them happen
astromechs · 10 months
Au where they survive Scarif and have kids after the war
1. after the war, neither jyn nor cassian are able to go live a totally uninvolved, quiet life, because there's still so much to be done for the galaxy. cassian works with new republic intelligence, repeatedly turning down promotions to general because that would mostly keep him behind a desk. jyn works in a more civilian capacity to help people displaced by war — which has her engaging with politics/the senate quite a bit (and which she's much better at than she'd ever given herself credit for). things are stabilizing; they have a home and they're happy together.
2. and their sense of that does start to evolve. eventually, after much time and deliberation (and lbr character development to acknowledge that his chronic pain from his old injuries is only getting worse over time and he can't push his body in the field so much anymore), cassian accepts the promotion. jyn takes a coordinator's position, which has her traveling a lot less. it's then, and only then, that they start to talk about having a child, because given... everything, this isn't something they're walking into lightly; the last thing either of them would want to do would be in a position that would risk abandoning their child.
3. kerri andor-erso is born about a year later. she's extremely willful and hell on wheels — which is to be expected, given who both of her parents are. she is, and they would say this with all the fondness in the galaxy, to be their only child. jyn and cassian are both getting a taste of their own medicine from early on, and she's absolutely wearing them both out lmao who is the only force that could take them out? yeah, their own kid
4. cassian is absolutely a girldad; man was born to be a girldad. the girl has him completely wrapped around her little finger and he knows it, and he puts her hair up in fancy little braids and makes her all her favorite lunches. jyn, meanwhile, is absolutely delighted to have a little mini-me she can teach everything she knows to — and i mean everything she knows. she doesn't have a favorite parent or one she's closer to more than the other, necessarily. and she also has a wealth of uncles and aunts who are all part of the family she knows.
5. and of course there's k2, who's now made it his life's entire directive to protect kerri at all costs. she puts hats and costumes on him and giggles about it, and he doesn't say one word. one word.
send me a potential AU, and i'll give you five facts that would happen in the story!
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