#yes yes esther and her ‘glowing grin’ !!!!
wexhappyxfew · 2 years
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And the only solution was to stand and fight
And my body was bruised and I was set alight
- only if for a night; florence + the machine
In my experience, Esther Armstrong was always valiantly independent, determined, fiercely loyal and if anything, could exude a hint of Joan of Arc when times were a fair bit desperate. She had a glowing grin that radiated in any room she was in; anyone who was anyone always seemed to mention that about her. She was always kind when I was with her one-on-one, withholding a realm of wisdom and knowledge on such situations that many people did not have time to ponder about. She found the little things among whatever rumblings the papers discussed, and she used that to her strengths and would headline papers for weeks there after. Because that was Esther; she told you the story as if it were your own son or daughter on the other side of the world. She wanted you to be able to feel what someone you loved was going through, in a way where you were not only comforted, but equally being put at a humbled peace for the time being. Just like herself; humbled in her own respects, bringing upon comfort and content, and her warm, glowing grin.
- Cameron Farley, in his article, Conversations with Esther Armstrong (1945)
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library-graffiti · 6 days
Getting My Goat, Chapter 1
“Esther still has some almond croissants if you hurry,” my landlord and neighbor greeted me when I opened my front door that morning. He was sweaty, almost glowing in the light coming up from the street-level door that led to our apartments. He’d obviously been out on a run, but it seemed he’d also stopped at the bakery downstairs to pick up breakfast.
“Good morning to you, too, Leander,” I teased him.
When he got to the top of the stairs, the man faced me, stuck one of his muscular legs out and bowed with great flourish. He should have looked ridiculous. Instead, it was the opposite. With his tan skin, startling green eyes, and hair the color of a crow’s wings, all he needed was a change of clothes to look like he just stepped off the set of a drama that took place in ancient Greece. Instead, he wore loose shorts and a faded graphic tank. Not that I would ever complain about the eye candy. Leander Costas’ appearance was exactly how you’d expect the scion of a wealthy Greek family to look, which was what I knew him to be. Of course, he shattered the image every time he talked. “Good morrow, fair Maya, Lady of Applebaum. The bakery you doth seek yonder is yet replete with thine favorite confection.”
He maintained his bow through his entire speech then looked up at me with a huge grin on his face as he stood. “Was that better?”
I laughed. How could I not? His grandfather, my previous landlord, had been great, but Leander did as good of a job—plus, he made me laugh. “You’re a doofus.” I shook my head at him and moved toward the stairs. “Oh, and thanks for fixing the fire escape yesterday. It didn’t creak last night during that windstorm.”
“Anything for you, fair Maya, Lady of Applebaum. Also, it was a good workout. You see how toned my arms are getting?” He turned and flexed like a body builder, but then he performed another flourish and made a shooing motion. “You don’t want to miss the croissants.”
“Since when does Esther have croissants on Mondays?”
Leander shrugged and made his way into his apartment, finally, leaving me to my errand. He was an odd man, my landlord. But a Monday morning when I had a busy day ahead of me wasn’t the time to think about it. I had a croissant to procure and a meeting to attend.
The bakery downstairs wasn’t the reason I rented this apartment, but it was definitely one of the benefits. Esther, the owner of the eponymous Esther’s Eats & Sweets, grinned at me from behind the counter. “Guessing you’re here for a croissant? I had leftovers after filling a special order for a customer, and luckily Leander reminded me that almond croissants are your favorite. I might have sold my last one otherwise.” She wiggled her eyebrows at me. "I noticed how he watches out for you."
“What is that about?” I gestured to her face. “And yes, I’ll take your last almond croissant.”
“Hmph,” she said. “Like you’re going to tell me he’s not pretty. I’m absolutely and completely a lesbian, but even I can see he’s pretty.”
I handed her cash for the croissant as she bagged it for me. “Sure, he’s pretty. That doesn’t merit a suggestive eyebrow wiggle.”
I waved her hand away when she started to give me my change, and pointed instead to the tip jar.
Esther smiled as she dropped the dollar and change into it. “Didn’t you once tell me that you also like men that way?”
I rolled my eyes at her. “Yes, on our one ill-fated date, I mentioned being bisexual. It may have come up once or twice since, like, I dunno, that time I went out on a date with a man you introduced me to. Doesn’t mean I want to date every man out there. Especially not ones who are inappropriately younger than me. He can’t be any older than his late thirties, and I’m going to be fifty-three soon.”
“Speaking as your friend, you need to get laid. Of course, I can’t help you. You’re the one who wanted to be my friend instead of my girlfriend—”
I interrupted her. “I’m going to stop you right there. First, that decision was mutual. We agreed the spark between us was friendship and not romance. Don’t think I don’t know that you’re bringing it up to tease me about Leander. Second, just because he’s kind and watches out for me doesn’t mean anything. He watches out for all his tenants. And you know it.”
Esther opened her mouth to speak again, but I held up a hand. “None of your faff.”
“Have to tease you. Requisite for our friendship.” She grinned at me. “By the way, I’m doing a trial run with a new baker. Mouse got into culinary school and is leaving, and I’m happy for them, but I can’t go back to two bakers again. Too old for that shit. The one I like best is this woman who claims to be able to make all the Greek sweets I’m lacking in our offerings.”
“And on that note, I have to go. Got a meeting to run to,” I called over my shoulder as I headed out and back up to my apartment. “Save me some baklava if she works out.”
I made it upstairs and let myself get lost in the rhythms of my day. I’d been with this software company for a little over a year now, and the truth was I loved what I did. We developed software for educational purposes—fun games to teach young kids their letters and math and to teach older kids chemistry and even typing. I wasn’t quite as fulfilled by this as my former job, where I taught others to code, but the pay was better and I got to work from home.
Around noon, I heard Leander leave the apartment building. Leaving or coming into the building was about the only time I heard him. Heck, I heard the bakery more than I heard my landlord—especially when they were cleaning at the end of the day and Esther blasted her seventies rock.
I set my status to “away from computer” and went to reheat some leftover delivery Thai for lunch. I let my mind wander to Esther’s earlier comments about Leander. Even if I wanted to take a lover, it wouldn’t be Leander. As much as the man flirted with me, I didn’t think it was serious. He was like a golden demigod: perfect and untouchable. Especially to me. Even though I didn’t hear him bring lovers home, a man like that had to be getting some touch somewhere. And if he wasn’t? It was neither my concern nor problem.
I sat at my kitchen table to eat, a mystery novel my dining companion. I was almost done with my pad Thai when there was a knock at my door. I tucked my bookmark into the middle of a scene with the detective looking for murder clues to answer that knock. I didn’t bother with the peephole since I knew who it was. Unless I’d buzzed them in, the only person who ever knocked at my door was my landlord.
“Yes, Leander?”
The man in the hallway was freshly showered and dressed in what could only be described as casual chic. Jeans with rips that showed off his muscular runner’s legs, bright white sneakers, and an olive-colored Henley that stretched picture-perfectly over his chest. The man also had the nerve to smell distinctly like sandalwood. He made my leggings and plain T-shirt combination look shabby.
Leander smiled and held out an enormous spider plant in an exquisitely decorated hanging planter. He smiled. “It’s not dead,” he announced with no further explanation.
I, of course, didn’t take the plant. I just looked at my landlord. “Obviously it’s not dead. It’s a beautiful spider plant. But I kill those things.”
“No, you don’t. You didn’t.” He took a half-step into the apartment and continued to hold the planter out. “I rescued the one you threw out. It needed to be repotted.”
I stared at the man and his smile faltered, but he seemed to rally and tried again. “I like plants?”
“Wait. Are you saying this is the one I threw out? But why would you do that?” I stared at him and, somehow, he looked completely different. Leander was still unspeakably handsome, but in place of the cocksure thirty-something was an awkward man whose cheeks took on a pinkish hue as I watched. “I mean, thank you. You didn’t need to do that.”
I finally took the planter and was about to tell Leander it was time for him to go when a thunderous sound came from my hallway. Once the noise got closer, Leander crouched to greet the source of the cacophonous gallop—my enormous, former alley cat, Nimoy.
“Hello, handsome boy,” my landlord crooned as the scruffed-up tabby purred an outboard motor’s song and drooled in happiness.
I left the two of them to return the spider plant to its former home, hanging above the divider between my enormous living room and my much more modest kitchen. When I turned toward them, Nimoy rolled on his back with all four stripey legs up in the air like a golden retriever and begged for tummy rubs.
I cleared my throat and both males jumped as if they’d forgotten I was there. I had to swallow the laugh that bubbled up before I could speak. “Thank you, Leander, for bringing my dead plant back to life, but I need to finish my lunch and get back to work. I’ve got a major deadline this Friday so...” I pointed toward the door.
He stood and gave me a half smile. “I probably should have waited until this evening, but I saw the planter at that little hardware store up at the other end of South Avenue and was excited to bring it to you.”
I looked over at the planter. It was gorgeous, painted in perfect imitation of a Grecian urn with satyrs and nymphs dancing around the sides. It looked expensive. “How much did it cost?”
“You aren’t supposed to ask that about gifts.”
I watched him for a moment then let out a long sigh. “The resurrected spider plant isn’t enough of a gift? Fine. And thank you again, but you need to get out of my apartment now.”
“Of course.” He gave Nimoy one last scritch behind the feline behemoth’s half ear, waved to me, and was gone.
I waited until I heard Leander’s door open and close and I turned to Nimoy. “What was that about? Do you know?”
I shook my head as the closed door but I heard my computer chime with a reminder for my next meeting. It was a major code review, and for the first time since I’d started with the company, I would be the one to run the meeting. I took a couple more hurried bites to finish my lunch, grabbed a can of seltzer from the fridge, and planted myself back in front of my computer.
I told myself I had more important things to think about than confusing gifts from my handsome landlord, so I tore my gaze from the planter and focused on my work.
All through the afternoon, my eyes repeatedly drifted back to the planter. During the larger code review meeting, I managed to pay attention to what was going on. But as soon it was over, I stared at the planter again. I’d had plenty of landlords in my life but none of them had been anything close to as nice as Leander. Not even his grandfather.
When my workday ended, and I powered down my computer, I left my desk to stand in front of the planter. It was a PG version of the typical Grecian urn. The ones I’d seen in art museums were way more sexual, including full-frontal satyrs—some blessed beyond comprehension. These fellows on my planter all had loincloths. I turned it to see if the design was any different on the back and a piece of paper fell out of the leaves.
The note, in Leander’s handwriting, read: “Check to see if the soil is dry to the touch once a week. If it is, water it until moist. If it isn’t, wait another week.” I reached up and found the soil moist. Of course he’d watered it before returning it to me. I smiled at the thought of him taking what I thought was a dead plant, nursing it back to life, and returning it to me. I told myself that Leander was just being nice. No matter what my hormones might have wanted, I wasn’t going to sleep with the man. I put the note down and forced myself to get on with my evening.
Want more? This book is now available for preorder!
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Fluffy Friday
More fluff to balance out the angst some more.
Tagging so people see it. No pressure to share anything @trench-rot @inafieldofdaisies @socially-awkward-skeleton @voidika @strangefable @direwombat @madparadoxum @poisonedtruth @josephseedismyfather @redreart @detectivelokis @g0dspeeed @aceghosts @beautiful-delirium sorry for anyone I forgot and the long tag list. I know I post a lot.
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John stared at the open luggage sitting half packed in his bed. He knew it was only a visit when she'd come. A chance to get to know his family, his friends. But two weeks had gone by so quickly. Too quickly. One more day and she'd go home. One more day and he'd be alone. The ranch suddenly felt both far too large and too small. Somehow echoing in its emptiness and constricting, like he couldn't breathe.
He turned away, fiddling with the small velvet box in his pocket and went downstairs. He could hear her singing happily in the kitchen. It was an awful, horribly off key sound and it instantly brought a smile to his face. The warm smell of cookies wafted through the air as he leaned against the doorway, watching her dance around while she worked. The golden afternoon sun lighting the copper waves of her hair.
How could ever watch her leave when all he wanted was for her to stay. He made his way across the room to wrap his arms around her waist. Pulling her back tightly against him. Nuzzling her neck and taking in the scent of her hair and skin. Smiling as he placed a light kiss to her shoulder.
"Smells good in here." He noticed the goosebumps that rose across her skin when he whispered.
She giggled softly snuggling back into him. "I didn't hear you come in hummingbird."
He hummed.
"Gotta pull the cookies out soon." Her tone shifted, a little sad. "Then I should finish upstairs I guess."
His brows furrowed, his smile fading into a frown. "In a hurry?"
"No. Just it'll be harder to actually..." She sighed, her shoulders slumping. "Just harder."
He'd made plans. Elaborate plans. Music, dinner, candles and flower petals. All spread out in the meadow not too far off that she seemed to like so much. Nick and Jim were at this very moment out there setting it all up.
It was supposed to be a perfect romantic evening under the stars. A beautiful place to ask her to stay. Stay here with him, forever. It wasn't though.
This was. Here in the warm soft glow of sunlight streaming through the window. Sweet smells dancing in the air. No plans, no elaborate show and dance. Simple and real. Just like everything else with her had always been. The way he wanted every moment of the rest of his life to be.
He pulled away from her. "I had planned...for tonight."
She turned to him, her hands going to her face in surprise when she found him kneeling behind her. Grinning nervously, light blue velvet box in hand.
"Esther I don't want you to go. I can't bear the thought of spending even one day without you. I want your smile to be the first thing I see every morning and the last thing I see every night for the rest of my life."
He paused for just a second, afraid to actually ask the question now that the moment to ask it was here. She stared down at the ring when he opened the box. Overwhelmed by the delicate gold band that looked like woven vines. The rose shaped morganite set a top it, a small diamond in its center.
"Please marry me?"
"Oh John" She lept forward embracing him, knocking him to the ground, tears of joy welling up in her eyes as she kissed him fervently. She pulled away to wipe the tears from her cheeks.
"So is that a yes?" He grinned at her.
"Yes John. I'll marry you. Of course. Yes." She laughed, nodding as he slipped the ring on her dainty finger, kissing her hand.
Both of them happy, excited for the road that lay ahead of them. A lifetime of joy that awaited them.
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(Commissioned another screenshot edit from @paimaniagalaxia (I'm in love with her art! ^.^). Here we have a screenshot edit from the Victor and Valentino crossover episode. Little Esther is so happy to see her Uncle and he's more than happy to cradle her in his free arm (Cuteness overload!). Here's how I think the ending scene in that episode would play out with Esther in it.)
Esther and the others gathered around the now 'normal' baby that was Cacao. Flug raised his weapon and fired a net at him. He quickly tied the opening shut and picked him up. Esther merely looked at the now tearing up 'baby'.
"Thanks to your help, we have nullified the threat." Praised the scientist.
Victor seemed to be having trouble fully processing the situation. "I just can't believe that Cacao was a monster in disguise this whole time."
"I kinda knew it ever since we did time together." Added Valentino. "By the way, where's my robot butler?" Right on queue a hat butler rolled up next to him. The younger brother grinned. "Butler!" He briefly placed a hand on the robot's shoulder. "I'm going to name you, Butler."
Flug got a stick and tied the bagged baby to it and slung it over his shoulder. Victor gave him a confused look. "I still don't understand. Cacao was a bad guy?"
Flug looked at him. "Um. What do you mean?"
"I'm actually wondering that myself." Said Esther.
Before the scientist could answer the children the sky turned red and dark. Everyone looked up to see red swirling clouds and familiar evil laughter filled the area. Lightning crackled across the sky and everyone was thrown back as a vast thunderbolt struck where they were.
A silhouette of a tall man in a hat holding a cane stood where the group once was. Lightning thundered behind him, revealing the man as Black Hat. Everyone with the exception of Esther and Dementia was terrified of this sudden assurance.
Victor lightly screamed in fright and Flug tried his best to keep a level head. "L-Lord Black Hat!" He shifted to his knees. "We apprehended the hero just as you asked, sir."
Victor looked at him as he bowed in respect to him. "You work for this guy?"
Esther grinned. "Uncle Black Hat!"
She happily ran up to him and he scooped her up in his free arm. This caused Victor to become even more confused. "That's your Uncle?!"
Valentino looked at Black Hat curiously as he held his new robot's hand. "Hey Butler, you kinda look like that funny hat guy."
Black Hat scowled as he turned towards the child. Esther was completely oblivious to everything as she snuggled against her Uncle's form. She placed a hand on his chest as his monocle briefly glowed green a couple of times.
The robot's eyes turned green and exploded. Valentino was taken aback. "B-Butler?!" He knelt down next to the ashes. "Butler?! No, Butler!"
Esther was brought back to reality upon hearing Valentino's crying. Before she could see what was going on Black Hat turned his body away from the scene so she wouldn't see it. Dementia scurried over to Flug and Victor. The scientist was saluting and had a nervous expression on his face. Black Hat walked closer to them with Esther still nestled in his free arm.
"Bring that hero to me." He commanded. He summoned his cane back in his shadow and motioned for his employees to come to him.
"Yes, my Lord." Said Flug and both he and Dementia trotted over to him.
"Cacao." Said the baby as he looked at Victor.
This did not sit well with Victor, who was becoming more confused by the second. "Hero?! But, what about nerd squad and he-he was a monster and-"
Dementia turned to him. "Oh, didn't anyone tell you, kid? We're the bad guys. Except Esther. Tootles." She ran over to Black Hat and put her hands on his shoulders. "Let's go home, hot stuff."
Black Hat scowled at her and placed his other hand around Esther to keep her in place. A bolt of lightning struck where they were standing and they were gone.
Victor was at a loss for words. "What? But, how could? How-how could? How could they be the bad guys? Why was Esther with them if she isn't bad and-and-"
Valentino walked over with the ashes of his robot in his hands and let it drop to the ground. "I'm bad now?"
His brother gave him a hard look. "No! Noooo!"
"I'm bad now."
He grinned. "I'm bad now."
Meanwhile, at Black Hat manor, the gang was transported into Flug's lab. The scientist put the captured Cacao onto one of the tables. He gave the baby a curious look. "Hero, huh? If I may, my Lord, what has this creature done to earn the title of hero?"
Said man looked at him, Esther still in his arms. "Apparently he has a fascination for chocolate and likes to guard cacao trees. Although, I question the decision of giving this creature the title of hero myself."
Esther looked up at her Uncle. "What makes you say that?"
As if right on queue, purple tentacles slithered out of the baby's mouth and tore through the net. Flug stepped back as the baby rose into the air using his tentacles.
Black Hat merely looked at the creature with a neutral expression. "He has a nasty habit of causing massive collateral damage. From the reports I've read, he went undercover because he kept on destroying the towns he lived nearby and the residents weren't too happy with him. This is why that client reached out to us."
Just as Dementia pulled a weapon out of her hair Black Hat turned to leave. "I'll leave you two to clean up this mess. I want that creature contained by dinner time." He looked down at his niece with a soft smile. "He's not really a hero. Just a creature who claims to be. Now, how about we get you cleaned up and have some tea?"
She grinned and hugged him. "I would love that. Thank you, Uncle Black Hat. I love you so much."
He returned the hug. "I love you too, sweetheart."
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nyotasaimiri · 2 years
Arc Two (redux) 81
“Hey—Mihre, heads up.” Marcy jolted upright in her seat as the new message icon flashed on screen. The avatar was totally strange to her, though. Some kind of green star? “It’s something new. But who sent that?”
Mihre chuckled and tapped it. “One way to learn that, ssilly.”
Two images opened up and a line of text. Heya, this is Sonny! I’m part of Nyota’s crew. Guess you’re her friend, huh? Nice to meet you! Arrow and I, we found more stuff, and old Esther said send it your way, so here you are.
The first image was a bright green novakid with a brand shaped like a four-pointed star, waving at the camera. Marcy guessed that was supposed to be this Sonny. The second image looked like an ink sketch of some kind, a handful of characters traced out by a very neat hand. “It’s a transcription, I think. A title? This mark here, that denotes a name, and I can see the character for guardian.”
Mihre leaned over her shoulder. “Guardian, is it?” They tapped the screen, very careful not to scratch it. “Floran use this character, the first, for ice. Lasst character, I saw it once, as a ssprout. Very old Floran used it to mean house, I think.” They hummed, deep and rattling. “But guardian, no.” They touched the mark that Marcy had indicated. “Floran ssay warden.”
Marcy frowned. She knew the guardian mark well from Esther’s notes. It was repeated several times in the carvings that Esther had found over the decades. But something in Mihre’s words stuck with her, and stuck hard. “So we have a name, ice warden—yes, I think that ice describes warden—and house. Doesn’t quite feel complete, but it’s a start.”
A second message popped up. Marcy laughed and opened it. “Ah, right on cue. This Sonny is very prompt.”
Mihre smiled in fond amusement. “And ssweet on that glitch there. Ssee?” They were grinning at the first item attached to the new message, a short video that showed Sonny tugging a blue-silver glitch into view. The glitch’s eye bulbs glowed like stars. Was he blushing?
Oh right, this is Arrow. And here’s the next set he got down. I think it’s the last of this batch. Any luck yet?
Mihre snorted. “Impatient, yes?”
“Novakid tend to be,” Marcy said absently as she pulled up the second new attachment. More carefully drawn characters, one very similar to the guardian-warden mark. “A verb, this.” She enlarged it. “This mark here changes it from a state of being to a state of doing. It was really quite the sophisticated language, wasn’t it?”
Mihre shook their head, marveling. “If you ssay so. Floran use ssscent for that, not marks. I see nothing to help with here. Ssorry.”
“That’s fine, I think I’ve got this bit.” Marcy settled back into the sofa and grabbed her drink. The mild sugar helped her focus. “Altogether, it’s something’s name, then I think, roughly, it goes something like this.” She touched each symbol in turn; it wasn’t a linear language, but the marks made the path plain for her to read. It was like following a constellation. “The frozen warden guards its home. Vaguely ominous, that.”
The floran rattled deep in their throat. “Ominous, yes. You should tell Captain Ssaimiri.”
Marcy frowned. “I’ll try. I’m not getting much signal from her right now.” It hadn’t worried her before. With Mihre’s words, though, it did now. Hope you’re fine, Nyota. Please.
The air was beginning to warm, and that made Nyota nervous. Warmer air meant warmer snow, which turned to slush and sudden falls. “Keep close to me,” she told Arjun. “My weight will pack the snow down tighter.”
“Right.” Arjun followed behind, stepping in her steps. “Nice to have my own personal snowplow.”
Nyota snorted and made sure to clear the snow for him better. He hadn’t complained yet, but he was old, even if he refused to tell them his exact age. Probably too old to comfortably slog through dungeons like this. The least she could do was make sure he stayed safe. Her vow to make sure they all got out together, that included him too.
Then the snow stopped, as if something had just swept it off the path. The steady blue light of from the ceiling panels didn’t reach well and Nyota almost froze up; it looked like the floor had opened into a pit for a long moment.
“It’s warm here,” Arjun muttered, catching up. “Still pretty cold, but it’s like a wall, right as you walk in. Might be able to feel my fingers in a minute. Pretty spooky, though.” He stopped just shy of her and patted her back; Nyota wasn’t quite sure if he was trying to reassure her or just find her in the dark. “Right, right. Apex eyes aren’t good with the dark, yeah? Stick with me. There’s a door over there.”
“Thank you.” Nyota put a hand on his shoulder. She could see him just fine by his white hair, almost glowing under the faintest bit of blue light that reached them, but she did not mention it. Humans could be touchy about that. She found herself remembering again that he had quite a few apex friends. Had he guided them like this before? He offered it so readily.
The door slid open at a touch, eerily silent. Nyota realized that they hadn’t heard anything but their own footsteps and breathing for a while. No alien creatures around here, then. But something told her it was not yet safe to relax.
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legendsofmyriad · 1 year
Legends of Myriad: Arc One - Chapter 12: Cornered
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Chapter 11 | Chapter 13
Arc One Masterlist
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Every time the over-saturated glow from the thin holo-projector flickered, an intense throb stabbed the back of Esther’s eyes. She had never been fond of vivid lights, and Lumen was teeming with them. The waving stream of light wobbled over the open books and her stomach churned, her leg tapping against the other stack of tomes waiting to be consumed.
She massaged her temples and slouched. The rickety chair groaned into the quiet hush of the media centre and she shifted forward. It creaked again, and the surrounding patrons shot her accusatory glances.
In the corner, a group of students exchanged excited whispers. One of them read a passage from a book and poked at the graphs on their projector. Summoned by their enthusiastic chatter, the centre’s curator hissed for quiet and they quickly offered her their meek apologies. 
Part of Esther longed for the libraries of the Citadel. The floors upon floors of bookcases and the gold-edged bannisters that glistened a glossy white in the evening sun. Fireplaces crackling in the snowy months. The smell of citrus and saltwater drifting through the arched windows on serene afternoons. Not this lifelessness, this dingy hall with blinding projectors and prowling shadows. How much she was supposed to find from sitting alone in this unpleasant place she didn’t know, but Professor Spark had insisted she learn from records and archives. 
She closed the bulky volume she’d been attempting to read for the past half hour and propped her elbows on the desk, resting her cheek on her palm. Beyond the window, feet raced to seek cover from the rain, droplets and pollution smudges mingling on the glass to distort and merge their shapes. Cars ferried their important passengers and did little to avoid coating the citizens on the pathways with dirty water. 
“Have you finished with these?” 
The shaky voice shocked her from her pondering, and she jolted to the custodian patting the pile of books beside her. Kindly grey eyes watched her, and a dimpled smile greeted her startled surprise. 
“I have,” Esther replied after settling her stunned nerves. “Thank you.”
“You’ve been studying quite hard over here,” he noted, collecting the texts two at a time and balancing them on his arm. “Got an important exam coming up?” 
“Yes, yes. Um… it’s a big one.” 
“I don’t envy you. Finished my studies last year and I’m glad they’re over.” He hoisted the final book and planted it on top of the bundle in his firm hold. 
“I should help you return those,” Esther said, scrambling until he chuckled and waved her back into her seat. 
“It’s fine. All part of the job.” He paused and shuffled his polished shoes. “Can I get you anything else?” he asked, his thumb brushing idly over the spines of the books and his gaze meeting hers for a fraction of a second before it flew to the dappled windows in a flurry of blinks.
“No, thank you.” 
“If you need any help, I won’t be far. Good luck with your exam.”
Esther smiled politely as he took the used volumes of Delorem history down the steps and hastily faded into the aisles. She stifled a snicker at the warm flush in her cheeks and cleared her throat, driving her attention to the holo-advert. 
A woman with an over-the-top grin held a tube of toothpaste up to the camera, and Esther questioned whether this type of advertisement actually worked. Show this to anyone in Mora, and they’d have avoided the product altogether, maybe even mocked its absurdity. Proof. That is what her people flocked to. But Lumen seemed veiled in fake smiles and wonder solutions, and it hadn’t taken her long to figure out it was a smokescreen for the true corruption that governed the city. 
Outside, the rain slowed, reducing to a foggy mist. As silently as she could, she arranged the rest of the textbooks into a neat pile and stuffed her notes into her backpack. Books would only provide her with so much. The written word only let her see what it deemed necessary. The truth lay in the sodden streets, with the workers that walked them. It hid in the alleyways, in the inky misery the industry families didn’t want anybody to notice. And she was determined to dissect the city and unravel its secrets thread by thread. 
* * *
Blotches of dusky orange marred the shine of the rain-soaked pavement. Cars drove by in sprays of oily water, blaring headlights chasing greasy trails. In the background, echoes of the factories hummed. No matter how noisy the roads became, the steady vibration followed to sing against the soles of every citizen of Lumen, a consistent reminder of their masters. Your streets are ours, the whir spoke. Your lives are ours. 
It had taken some getting used to, but Esther didn’t notice it as much anymore. For weeks, she’d wandered the pulse of the city on unsteady legs, sticking close to walls and railings until she’d found her footing. Now, it was nothing more than a distant whisper in her bones. 
As she arrived at the business sector, the peaceful silence broke into a tumult of chatter and scuffles. Market stalls filled the widened path, draped canvas dangling wet and lifeless from wooden struts. With the work day over, the street became a hubbub of weary employees seeking a few necessities before trundling home. Grills sizzled with meat and the aroma of freshly baked bread tantalised her senses. 
She followed the scent and purchased two crisp rolls, indulging in the first as she roamed. Sat outside a bordered-up office complex, a bearded man shook his empty, upturned hat to passers-by and aimed his pleas at anyone in an industrial uniform. On the night she’d arrived, a homeless woman had mistakenly asked an affluent proprietor for help and ended up covered in deep cuts and split bruises. Esther had attempted to assist her, but frightened and wounded she had fled before she could offer any substantial reassurance.
“Here,” she said softly to the man, placing the second bread roll and a few coins into his soot-stained hands. He meekly bowed his head and hastily retreated to eat in solitude. 
Towards the looming warehouse in the centre of the district, a crowd clustered, necks straining to see over the person in front and ears open to the passionate words of a worker pacing a stretch of pallets. His tattered coat rustled as he reached out his taut fingers to his devoted audience. 
“We are servants of a great and mighty domain,” he declared. “We brothers and sisters of metal and oil should rejoice in the graces given by our masters. The industry families provide us with jobs, teach us the virtue of hard work, and those who go against them deserve nothing.”
A series of agreements trickled through the crowd. Esther remained on the outskirts and finished the rest of her bread, tucking the packaging into her pocket. 
“Every single one of us should be on our knees in worship of our betters,” the man continued, his voice rising above the bustle of the market behind them. “Instead, conspirators spread their vile disrespect, chanting for this ‘Green Flame’ to save us. I say we do not need saving. We are honoured by our duty and our service. Down with these traitors! Down with the Green Flame!” 
Shouts of ‘down with the Green Flame’ answered his impassioned speech and Esther pulled her hood over her ponytail, making sure the mace on her belt was concealed by her cloak. She hadn’t wanted to find trouble, but it had found her, disrupting her thoughtful research and irritating her conscience. Every time she thought Delorem couldn’t sink any lower, another horrifying truth revealed itself. In her reports to Professor Spark, she neglected to mention her part to play in resolving these ordeals and asked him for advice on handling the horrors she encountered almost daily. Disappointingly, he’d instructed her to remain vigilant and emphasised she was not to get entangled in their concerns. 
“The Green Flame is a danger to our society. It must be extinguished!”
The crowd took up the chant and dozens of voices cried out in blind loyalty to the families pulling on their chains. Esther withheld from screaming, from letting them know that this was not what liberty was supposed to be like. This is not freedom, she wanted to yell. If you were free, you wouldn’t need a rebellion. 
She slunk back and collided with a member of the cluster, swiftly apologising before hurrying to the outer districts. The loud chorus pursued her, harassing her ears and reverberating through her body, and a twinge of remorse stabbed at her. She shouldn’t have got involved. She was there for research, not to find fights and spur a rebellion. 
If they want to fight, they have to fight for themselves, she reminded herself. You can’t save people who refuse to see their own shackles.
Hurried steps drove Esther to the outer regions of the trade sector, her mind swimming with violent chants. Inhaling the nauseating scent of rust and fuel, she wondered whether it was time to return to The Core. She’d done her part. She’d collected the data on Delorem Professor Spark wanted, and the longer she stayed, the more of a liability she became. No, she told herself. You’ve only seen the surface of this place. There’s more. Find it. 
Overhead, the bulky ducts that transported water between the warehouses clanked. Beads of condensation flowed down the corroding metal and fell into the rain puddles in the dented slabs. 
A second line of stalls extended along the back alley of a textile storehouse, lit by weak lanterns swinging from the beams. Vapours oozed from the piping attached to the mismatched brick, and waves of sticky heat clung to her as she wandered the confined walkway. 
Most of the traders there offered repairs instead of goods, mending clothing, creating prosthetic limbs, and fixing electronics. For Esther, this was the soul of Lumen. Compassion met with knowledge, and those adept in restoring and reviving used their abilities to support those in need. A pocket of humanity among the blood and persecution. 
With no law enforcement or zealous eyes to spot her, she lowered her hood and headed for the textile stall at the far end. She took a handful of bolts and fasteners from the pouch on her belt and placed them down on the table near a pile of flowery fabrics. “Finally managed to find these,” she said to the owner. “I can get more. They’ll only be melted down for scraps otherwise.”
“You’re a doll,” Mariane said, scooping up the spare parts and dropping them into the front compartment of her apron. “What do I owe you for them?”
“Nothing. I’ll call in a favour if I need it.”
“You sure?” 
Esther nodded. Behind her, a tiny shadow crept closer, and she glanced up at Mariane. The textile trader gave a subtle incline of her head in response to her questioning look. A little hand reached for the purse on her belt and she whirled around. The child startled and retreated, her concentration contorting into a mask of fear. 
“What do you think you’re doing, Corrin?” Mariane said sharply as Esther stooped down to the girl. “You know better than to steal.”
“I’m hungry,” she replied. “We all are.” 
In the shadows between two stalls, half a dozen starved faces emerged. Esther took some coins from her pouch and placed them in Corrin’s palm. “I’d recommend getting some bread from across the way or some noodles. It’ll keep you fuller for longer. If you can, buy some fresh water too. Can’t have you becoming dehydrated.” 
“And eat slowly,” Mariane called after them as they raced off to fill their empty stomachs. “Don’t you go making yourselves ill.” She scratched at an itch beneath her bandana and hoped they’d heard her, huffing as she folded another set of fabric squares. “You’re kinder than most. There are many who would have given them a whack for trying to take what wasn’t theirs.” 
“They’re starving,” Esther said. “I’d rather give them something than risk them heading up to the trade district and snatching from the wrong person.” 
“Nasty fuckers up there,” Mariane muttered in agreement. She wafted a piece of linen and paused, watching the commotion at the intersecting alleys. “Don’t their lot know not to come troubling us?” 
Esther peered over her shoulder. A group of stocky bodyguards bulldozed their way through the marketplace, the buckles on their coats catching the soft lantern light. At their head, a scrawny-faced man turned up his nose and sneered. His dark, calculating gaze swept outwards, scouring the sea of scowling faces until it locked onto her. He gave a languid gesture in her direction and the guards moved swiftly to comply with his silent commands. 
“No time to flounder,” Mariane instructed, guiding her around the side of the stall and encouraging her into the adjoining street. “Go down Maynard Way. If you head for the river, you should be able to lose them and get straight to Lucy’s. I’ll try to send them elsewhere.”
With a quick thank you, Esther fled. She tore down lengthy roads and sprinted the meandering paths of Maynard Way, drifting to a halt at the river railing. An evening mist teased the water to carry the biting stink of overworked machinery and oil. 
Flurried footfalls came to a standstill, and she silently unclipped the mace from her belt. She slowly rotated to confront the advancing bodyguards and the spectacled man they protected. 
“Please,” he panted, “there is no need for such animosity. I would like a chat. That is all.” 
Esther guided a cord of magic to her free hand and twisted her palm to the sky, strengthening the whispers into a sinister swell. “Funny. Seems to me like you want a fight.”
The man motioned for his bodyguards to move away and they obeyed, withdrawing from the water’s edge. “I did not follow you here to cause you harm. Truly. I am aware of your prowess, Green Flame, but that is not what I wish to discuss.” 
“What are you here to discuss, then?” Esther asked, refusing to back down. 
“A… proposition,” he answered. “One I believe will be of great benefit to you.” 
-- -- -- -- --
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Princess {Fred Weasley x Plus Size Reader}
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Plot: Requested by anon: Fred Weasley asks you to the ball and treats you like the most beautiful one there.
Characters: Fred Weasley x Plus Size Female Identifying Reader
Part of my Plus Size Reader x Character series.
The Winter Ball was coming up and all over Hogwarts, girls were freaking out about who was going to ask them to the dance. No one had asked you to go to the ball yet and honestly, you weren’t expecting anyone to. You weren’t the typical prim and proper, dainty and petite girl that a lot of boys wanted. You were louder, heavier with rolls of fat and wobbly bits. You’d long since grown used to your body but you knew that a lot of boys at Hogwarts, particularly the shallow ones, really only cared about looks.
Hermione had asked that you go together as friends with Ginny and Luna and a couple of your single friends to make a stand that being single was okay and normal. You agreed, thinking that was a lovely idea. You were in the year above Hermione, Ron and Harry and the year below Fred and George and you were friends with all of them which made for interesting stories.
At Hogsmeade, one of your friends, Esther, helped you look for dresses. Esther had no both finding a dress, she seemed to suit any colour and any style but you... you were a little harder to buy a dress for. You hadn’t wanted anything too tight, although you were okay with your size and shape, you didn’t want it to be on show for the world to see. Esther had plucked various dresses of various styles and colours for you to try. As you looked in the mirror, you tried not to focus on the parts of yourself that you hated but more so the ones you did like. 
“What do you think?” You asked, stepping out of the changing room and twirling.
“Bloody hell,” a voice said. You looked up seeing Fred.
“Fred? What are you doing here?”
Fred’s eyes were wide, “Helping Ginny out. You look... Wow.”
“Is it too much?” You asked, looking down at the red silk that adorned your body.
“No!” He exclaimed a little too fast, “It’s... It’s bloody perfect.”
You smiled, thanking him, enjoying the way he gaped at you. It boosted your confidence a little. You had felt a little self conscious about your arms but the way Fred looked at you, you felt a lot better.
“Who’s taking you to the dance?” Fred asked as you looked in the mirror and twirled.
“No one. Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Esther and I are going together as single girls-”
“Let me,” Fred interrupted. You looked at him confused, “Let me take you to the dance.”
You frowned, confused. As far as you knew, you and Fred were just friends. I mean, sure, you’d had a crush on him for years but you knew that wasn’t going to happen so you were over it now... right? “Together?” You asked, “As friends or-”
“Let me take you to the dance,” Fred repeated, stepping closer, “as your date.” He wore that charming smile, a glow in his eyes that you could never say no to.
From behind Fred, you could see Esther bobbing her head up and down excitedly, “I... Yes.” You decided, “Okay, I’ll be your... date.” It felt a little strange to say that about your friend but butterflies erupted in your stomach. A date! You and Fred! A date!
Fred grinned, “Perfect,” he stood up straighter feeling rather boastful now, “Wear that dress, it’s perfect.”
You looked down at it, running the fabric through your fingertips, “I will.” Fred grinned at you once more before turning and going to find his sister.
Esther rushed to you, “Oh my goodness!” She exclaimed, “I told you he fancies you!”
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Tonight was the night of the ball. Nervous was an understatement; you were petrified, “There should be a potion to make me stop being nervous,” you muttered as you pinned parts of your hair up.
“There is,” said Esther, “it’s called vodka.” You rolled your eyes, continuing to fix your hair nervously checking the time every thirty seconds, “When have you to meet Fred?”
“Ten minutes.” You were excited but you were absolutely terrified. You’d barely seen him in the last week, apparently trying to get everything in order for the dance, George told you. You were confused about what all of this meant. Fred had said it was a date but was it? Were you going to go as friends or more than that? Did he like you? Oh Merlin, you hoped he did but you tried not to think about that so that you didn’t get your heart crushed.
“How do I look?” You asked Esther as you stood up, smoothing down your dress.
“You look lovely,” she grinned, “Oh, he is going to just melt for you!”
“He’s already seen me! He won’t care anymore!”
Esther rolled her eyes, “You’re seriously underestimating how good you look and how much Fred fancies you! Now go or you’ll be late!”
You were meeting Fred outside of the Great Hall so you walked out of the common room and down the halls. You passed by various friends of yours, including Hermione and Ginny, who squealed with excitement and gushed over how good you looked, “Fred’s bricking it,” Ginny laughed, “It’s so funny.” After chatting to them briefly, they sent you to go find him.
And find him you did.
There he stood at the bottom of the steps with a single rose and a wide smile. You walked down the steps slowly, careful not to fall, when he rushed up them to get to you, “Hi,” he said with a smile, “you look... you look like something out of a fairytale, like a princess.”
You couldn’t help but smile widely at him, “You look awful handsome yourself,” you said, reaching out to brush his shoulder off. He must’ve bought himself a new suit and tie. The tie was red, the same red as your dress, and he even bought new shoes, “Did you buy these new?”
Fred nodded, “Yeah, been saving up. I wanted to look good for you.”
“Fred,” you said softly, “you always look good.” You didn’t realise how much that meant to him as he cleared his throat and held out his arm. You gladly took it and he walked you down to the bottom of the steps.
“Oh, this is for you,” he said, holding out the rose, “I bought you a bouquet, I had Esther hide them but when you return to your dorm room, they’ll be there.” 
You thanked him, telling him that was too much but he just grinned at you, “Anything for you, princess.”
Together, you walked into the ball. It was beautifully decorated, whites, golds and silvers all around. You pulled Fred to get a drink and bumped into George on the way who winked at Fred and told you that you looked lovely.
The music changed to something slow, of course it would, and Fred stuck his hand out and bowed low, “Can I have this dance?”
Smiling, you put your empty cup on the table and curtseyed to him before accepting his hand and allowing him to lead you to the middle of the dance floor. It wasn’t exceptionally busy yet so the dance floor was half empty but as soon as you and Fred stepped onto it, the floor emptied. 
“I don’t really know how to dance,” you said as you held one of his hands and rested the other on his shoulder. Fred’s other hand fell to your waist, it felt like a very natural thing.
“I’ll teach you,” he grinned as you started to dance together. It was a slow song yet had a bit of a build up. Fred led you and as you began to grow more confident, you both got a little bolder. Fred twirled you around, making you laugh loudly as he spun you, that’s when you realised you were the only two on the dancefloor and everyone was watching you both.
He pulled you in close as you said, “They’re all staring at us.” He could see that you were feeling self conscious.
“They’re all staring at you, princess,” he said as he spun you again before dipping you with such ease, “You look absolutely gorgeous and they can’t take their eyes off of you... nor can I.”
You looked up at him, still in the dipped position, feeling that surge of butterflies in your stomach and all you could think about was how bad you wanted to kiss him. Fred looked down at you, eyes fleeting to your lips, realising that you had been staring at his lips the whole time. He smirked before pulling you back up to dance to the final part of the song. He wouldn’t kiss you yet, he wanted it to be more private. You sucked in a breath as you melded into his embrace laying your head on his chest. Your heart hammered against your ribcage as people began filtering back onto the dancefloor. Fred Weasley made you feel like the most beautiful girl in the world.
The song melded into another and another and you stood, slow dancing with Fred with your head on his chest. The tempo was faster and now the dancefloor was flooded with people but you were too wrapped up in your moment together that you didn’t quite care.
“Would you like to go a walk?” Fred asked after a few more songs, “I’d like to talk to you.”
You nodded and allowed him to navigate you both through the crowds before walking outside. The cold breeze hit you hard, Fred was quick to shrug off his jacket and drape it around your shoulders, “You’ll get cold,” you tried to say but Fred shook his head and told you he’d be fine.
You linked your arm through his as you walked before sitting on a bench in Hogwarts gardens, “Why me?” You asked him quietly.
“What do you mean?”
“Why did you ask me to be your date? I know Angelina and a lot of other girls were lining up to be your date... They’re much prettier than I am... skinnier too.” 
Fred scoffed, “You truly don’t get it, do you?” You frowned, “(y/n), I fancy you. I fancy the absolute pants off you. I’ve fancied you for years! You are the most beautiful, funniest, most down to earth girl I’ve ever met. You’re so kind and helpful, so pretty without even trying. You are beautiful inside and out. I love the way you look. Hell, you could be twelve feet tall and have bogies for hair and I’d still fancy you!”
“You fancy me?” You asked incredulously.
Fred laughed as he nodded, “Obviously! I’d be daft not to fancy you! Add ‘oblivious’ to your list as well,” he teased as he grabbed your hand and pulled you up to dance with him again. You could still faintly hear the music from the Great Hall as you swayed with him. This time it was a different sort of dance. It was more of a sway really but it was more intimate. Your head lay on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as his hands wrapped around your waist pulling you close.
“You really genuinely like me?”
“Course I do, princess,” he whispered, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, “You’re so bloody brilliant and have no idea!”
You pulled your head back to look at him, “I’ve fancied you for years, too.” You told him quietly, “I never thought you liked me back...”
The two of you laughed, “What are we like?” He asked, “Couple of numpties.”
You smiled up at him as he smiled back at you. Your eyes drifted to his lips again and he began to lean in close. He kissed you gently and unusually nervous. You kissed him back eagerly and that’s when he pulled you close and dipped you once more.
You yelped, getting a fright, and breaking the kiss to see him grinning at you, “I know you wanted me to kiss you when I did this in there,” Fred teased as your cheeks burned, “I thought I’d make you wait.”
“Bloody git,” you whispered before pulling him to you to kiss you again. Yep, Fred Weasley made you feel like you were the most beautiful girl in the world.
490 notes · View notes
zodiyack · 4 years
Requested by anon: Hey love, if you’re up for writing some Kol Mikaelson then could you do one where it’s set before they’re vampires and Kol’s still a witch and fancies a village girl at the time. Just lots of innocent fluff between reader and Kol, and it being a really adorable relationship. Maybe they’re even promised to marry.
Pairing: Witch/Pre-Vampire!Kol Mikaelson x Female!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, me not proof-reading
Words: 1,733
Summary: (See Request)
Note: I may’ve strayed from the request, I’m not sure, it feels like I did but I also just convince myself random things quite a lot- Anyways, I hope you guys like it and I hope, whomever requested this, that you got what you wanted (meaning I hope you like it 😅)! and, historical error, i have no idea when rings n stuff were a thing
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Taglist: @matth1w​, @redspaceace-writes​, @fandom-puff​, @darling-i-read-it​, @simonsbluee​
Masterlist | The Originals Masterlist
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Y/n walked through the woodsy forest stealthily, reminding herself to not give into her urge to run as the branches already snapped under her feet. Sneaking out was the easy task; managing to stay out was a little more advanced. However, by now, Y/n was a pro. She snuck out almost every night.
As did Kol. Their parents approved a great deal of their relationship, but that didn’t prevent them from wanting to spend more time with one another. During the day, Y/n was usually busy helping Esther gather herbs and food or helping her mother in whatever chores she had. Kol was either helping around, practicing witchcraft, or doing whatever he wanted.
Most of the time, one would be doing work and the other would be watching from a distance, always with a smile on their face. If one got hurt, the other would be there within a second, by their side and asking if they needed anything. Hugs and kisses, other forms of PDA included, were exchanged whenever possible; a day where there wasn’t work, a small break, passing each other while heading to wherever they were going.
Villagers, both children and parents, spoke of the two in adoration. Couples and people who weren’t spoken for often expressed a slight envy mixed in with their thoughts of admiration for the two.
They were whispered about even as children. A girl, born unto a human family, and a boy, born unto a family mixed of witches and humans, always near each other. The people of the town would be lying if they claimed they weren’t rooting for the Kol and Y/n. Now becoming a man and a woman, and having expressed their feelings, the gossip of the two only grew.
But as soon as the sun said goodbye and the moon, with it’s twinkling children, said hello, they were together as much as they wanted. Even so, it wasn’t the kind of sneaking out one would expect from two love-struck village kids. The couple, innocent to the public, had nothing to hide.
“Y/n?” Kol whispered. She followed his voice until her form met a chest. It was warm, and the arms connected to the torso wrapped around her softly. “There you are.”
She pushed him slightly, giving herself enough room to pull his head into hers for a long-needed kiss. As their lips molded together, stress from the day left their bodies. Much to their displeasure, they had to separate in order to breathe. “What are we going to do tonight?”
Kol pulled away from her completely and turned to retrieve a torch he’d prepared. He returned with a wide smile upon his lips, now visible in the orange-yellow-mixture colored flames.
“You’ll see.” From there, he grabbed Y/n’s hand with his free one and started to lead her to a surprise location. The further they got, the more Y/n recognized the path. It was no surprise location at all. It was the little fort they’d set up many years before.
It’s wooden base and walls still held, tied together by enchanted twine and other building materials they could find in the nature around them. Back then, Y/n and all the Mikaelson children would play in it, but now, it was just her and Kol. It seemed like they were the only ones who even remembered it. But Kol didn’t have a problem with that; he rather liked having it to Y/n and himself.
“Sit,” He opened the door and gestured to one of the chairs, “you’re going to love this.”
“Am I?” Although Y/n’s question held the meaning of doubt, her laughter showed her genuine reaction.
“Eh... Okay...I hope you’ll love this..” Kol closed the door behind him and sat in the chair opposite to Y/n. He grabbed a small pouch and poured it’s contents into his hand. Y/n moved her head in an attempt to see what the bag had held, but Kol flashed her knowing grin. He shook his head and held his hand close to his chest until she moved back.
Slowly, he breathed in and out, focusing into what he was doing. His hand opened carefully. With a small smirk at Y/n, he wordlessly told her he was ready; the golden dust began to glow as it formed a butterfly and flew around Y/n, causing her to giggle.
It landed on her nose and flapped it’s wings softly. She stayed still, not wanting to scare the beautiful creature off despite it being magic rather than a real butterfly. She’d never seen one up close; so she relished in the moment with the faux version.
Whilst Y/n was distracted with his magic-trick, Kol dug through his bag as quietly, yet quickly, as he could. The frantic look on his face was replaced by a loving smile when he found the item he’d been searching for.
The butterfly made up of golden dust flew away from Y/n, still holding her in a trance; her eyes following it as it fluttered about. It crumbled back into dust and landed on the ring Kol held between his thumb and pointer finger.
“What is that?” She was stunned by both the magical creature and the ring it just helped create.
“It’s...a gift. From me to you...well...it’s not that simple.” Kol’s ring held a miniature version of the butterfly. “I want to ask you something.”
Y/n was truly entranced by the ring, but she still functioned nevertheless. Her head snapped up and her eyes doubled in size. “You’re kidding.”
A small chuckle escaped Kol, “No, my love, I am not.” His lips parted to speak once more, but a tackle knocked him off his chair and the words out of his throat. They both laughed loudly, thanking their past selves for asking the town witch for a silencing spell. The look she gave them all made them choke on their own laughter.
His arms wrapped around her torso and held her closer to him. The sound of her giggles and the feeling of her smile against the crook of his neck sent shivers down his back and multiple little golden butterflies to his stomach.
Though their laughter had ceased, their contact remained. Neither of them had separated from the other. They stayed there for a bit. It just felt right. Their intimacy felt right. The feeling of their hearts beating rapidly in their chest felt right. Their smiles felt right. Their refusal to part felt right. The entire night just felt right.
Eventually, they did end up parting, only it felt like hours had passed. Y/n stood up and pulled Kol up with her. He opened his hand and reached for her left one with his unoccupied hand.
“We’ve fancied each other for a while...” Kol studied her face, watching for any negative facial expressions. “Tonight, I brought you here to ask you the question that’s been on my mind nonstop, preventing me from doing any work aside from spells like that,” he referenced the butterfly, “and others I’ve made up for you.”
“You made that up?”
The youngest Mikaelson looked down shyly. “Yes.”
“It was beautiful!” Her exclamation was quiet and soft, but still all there.
“I’ve never been more distracted in my life. And as my mother had to be the one to point it out to me; I suppose if you say yes, I owe her a great deal of gratitude.” He scoffed through a failed attempt of preventing the corners of his mouth from lifting. “So. With this ring, gifted to me by my mother, and it’s magical components, which I’ll explain, I ask you, Y/n L/n, to...become a Mikaelson?”
Y/n nodded eagerly, allowing him time to slip the ring on her finger before surging forward and crashing their lips together. Her arms wrapped behind his head, one hand holding the nape of his neck, and his own holding her waist against his body firmly.
The butterflies in their stomachs that danced around happily had no effect on them now. They became good-feelings, feelings that let them know their love was still alive and thriving.
Y/n and Kol ended up cuddling to sleep, the night still innocent and pure as they discussed their future whilst laying on the sloppily-crafted-bed in the fort. The two agreed that one day, whenever it came, they’d marry and have children. Kol didn’t hesitate when it was his turn.
His tone expressed his excitement as he explained how he wanted to teach little witches how to use their magic and to clean after themselves to spare their mother the trouble.
Kol’s smile held as he finished his story of wishes, watching Y/n fidget with the band on her finger. “You want to know what the magic is for now?” She nodded. “So, the butterfly appears when I’m near. It’s spelled to sense me, as well as you.”
“Why me?”
He grew nervous, but continued, “Well...like we were discussing. If we were to have children, it would sense them too, and the butterfly would show.”
“Smart.” Y/n glanced at Kol. Though her responses were short, she made sure to reassure him in whatever ways she could. Spending years with him, Y/n learned to notice when he was hiding something; be it emotion or other things.
“Thank you, darling. I have to say, it was inspired by my fear of losing you.” He felt her head, which was lying on his shoulder, turn towards his and continued speaking out of embarrassment. “That’s a story for another day. The butterfly turns into a normal looking knot in the ring when I’m not near.”
She glanced at her ring and bit her lip. “I love it. But...I do have one question.”
“How would you be able to know when I’m around?”
Kol chuckled and played with the necklace hidden under his tunic. It’s charm was a matching butterfly, no detail differing from her ring. “Already ahead of you, love.”
“And why the butterflies?”
He paused. “Well...uh...” Red flooded the witch’s face, his smile growing, “I thought it should be something important. And um... You, my dear, give me butterflies. Their happy little wings fluttering about in my stomach. How do you do it?” His smile showed his sarcasm, already having knowledge of the answer. He couldn’t even hide it. He could not hide it and he didn’t care, for it was the butterflies that would not let him.
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somedayonbroadway · 4 years
I feel like Davey would cry the first time Race calls him 'Uncle' and I KNOW Jack would cry the first time Race calls him 'Dad' (or something like that)
An Angel Come to Save Me Masterlist
David bounced his nephew up and down on his leg, laughing along with the giddy child who was making silly faces at him and cooing in content. It was Tyler’s first birthday.
Jack had insisted they didn’t need anything. That Tyler wouldn’t even remember this years from now, but David couldn’t help how much he loved this kid.
Being an uncle at sixteen wasn’t something David had planned on. Being an uncle to his best friend’s little boy had been even less anticipated. But now, here he was, his nephew and godson giggling happily as the seventeen year old played with him.
He was sitting on Jack’s couch while Jack stood in the kitchen with David’s twin sister, Sarah, and their parents. Medda was over with them too, laughing with Jack about something David couldn’t hear. Though they all knew Tyler was too young to eat cake and really understand what was going on around him, Mayer and Esther were still insistent on spoiling the child rotten, just as the kid deserved.
Not too long ago, David could vividly remember his father shaking his head in disappointment at the news that Jack would be a teenage father. Most every adult in Jack’s life had reacted that way, save for Jack’s own stepfather who had taken the news so much worse. Jack had tried to keep it from him. That had all just made it worse.
But the second this baby had been born, the second Jack had introduced him to the Jacobs family, everyone had fallen in love with him.
It was impossible not to.
So there was a cake with Tyler’s name on it and a big candle in the shape of the number one and there were presents set out on Jack’s small kitchen table, filled with little toys and stuffed animals and blankets for the child that had won all of their hearts so quickly. And David was so glad that he could be a part of this child’s life.
“Dada…” the boy in his lap called, glancing over and grasping at the air for his father with a wide grin. He clapped his hands, only recently finding that it was the best way to get everyone’s attention.
Jack turned back to him and his smile made the boy laugh, as though he was proud of himself for being able to get his father’s attention. David tickled the child’s sides. It wasn’t the first time he’d called for Jack that way. The first time he’d said his first word, Jack had actually broken down into tears. He’d gotten out a camera and taped the boy saying it again. Even still, Jack glowed with pride whenever that small word left the boy’s innocent lips.
Coming rushing up to the child, Jack scooped him off of Davey’s lap, earning a sound mock offense from his best friend as the other boy stood. “Wow, Tyler James… I feel betrayed,” he laughed as Jack ticked the small boy in his arms who loved to climb all over him.
“Oh, you can’t be mad at him, Davey,” Jack cooed, making little noises and faces in order to get more laughs out of this happy little boy. “He just wan’ed his daddy.” Jack nuzzled his nose against his son’s.
Sarah came up behind Jack, placing a hand on his shoulder as she scrunched up her face in a smile. Tyler reached out to tug at her hair, only making her laugh. “Oh, he really is just like his dad, isn’t he?” she teased, reminding them all of when Jack had pulled Sarah’s hair in middle school constantly. It’s how he met Davey. The skinny kid had threatened him, warning him to stay away from his sister.
Jack adored the two ever since, though he spent most of his time with Davey.
“Well, he wants attention n’ he knows how ta get it,” Jack shot back playfully, helping Sarah untangle her hair from Tyler’s tiny fingers.
The boy let himself go limp in his dad’s arms, falling upside down laughing even harder when he saw the world that way. Jack pressed a kiss to his tummy before the boy cocked his head at his godfather, letting out a squeal of delight at the sight of him. “Unca’!” he cried.
Everyone in the room froze at that.
Especially David.
Jack was the first to recover, lifting his boy back up to his chest as he pointed to his best friend. “Who’s that, Tyler?” he asked, his heart swelling when he saw the tears in David’s eyes.
Looking around, almost looking shy, the boy didn’t speak, letting his big blue eyes land back on David who reached out for him. The child’s smile came back immediately. “Unca’!” he squealed, proud of the word once again, saying it with so much confidence that David laughed with pure joy, taking his nephew back into his arms.
“Yes, kid! Yeah, that’s me,” he laughed, a tear or two trailing down his cheek.
Jack let out a breathy laugh as Sarah took out her phone and began to record this moment, wanting this boy to know just how loved he was as he grew up.
David grinned and bounced his godson in his arms, letting the boy reach back for his dad before he reached back for him seconds later, calling out for his uncle without a shred of doubt.
The boy knew them. The boy knew his family. And he knew they’d never let him go.
Some Uncle Davey fluff for the soul
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bisexualterror · 4 years
me n @bravelittleflower were talking about our crossovers and then i wrote this. hope u like it babe. (also it’s been years since ive watched anything tvdverse so forgive me if it’s ooc)
When Nova got the call, she was having a really good dream about Aldis Hodge and Megan Fox, like - a really good dream - so she was naturally upset by someone interrupting said dream by calling her at one am in the morning
“What the fuck is it now?” Nova answered the call without looking to see who it was - these assholes couldn’t give her one night off could they?
“It’s Grace. They took Grace.” The voice said, their voice clipped with an edge of utter desperation to it.
She recognized the voice after a few moments, it was Kol.
Nova sat up in bed and pulled on her sweat pants in five seconds flat, using her shoulder to hold her phone to her ear as she pulled on her combat boots and a nearby leather jacket.
“Who took Grace? Do you know where? And where are you?” Please nature below her, don’t let him do anything too stupid.
“My wench of a mother and cretin of an older brother took her. To try to control me, like I’m a bloody dog.” She heard him say, and wanted to scream at their fucking never ending luck but if she was deal with fucking Esther she was going to need a cool head.
She ran out of her room, leather satchel in hand, almost stopping to get Bonnie but the last thing she wanted was for her sister to get tangled in more Mikaelson drama after the week she’s had, so she crept past her room, hoping her twin would forgive her.
“They made it clear that if I tried anything they were going to hurt her. More than they have already.”
“Fuck,” she muttered in reply, getting a strangled noise of agreement in response.
Fuck cool heads she guessed?
She felt more than saw Merlin creep up behind her, following her as she walked out of the apartment complex and into the streets of New Orleans still alive as a mix of regular party goers and tourists bar hopped.
Nova didn’t have to go far as Kol appeared in front of her, his appearance far more manic than he sounded on the phone. There was a bloody hole in the his shirt, tears fell down his face and he looked ready to kill someone.
“Do you know where she is?” Nova asked, the sight tugged at her heartstrings sure, but she was more interested in getting Grace back.
Kol paused, appearing to think on the question, a snarl on his lips as he realized something.
She picked up Merlin and grabbed a hold of Kol’s shoulder. “Good. You Superman speed us to the area and I.. will take care of the rest.”
Esther has crossed a line. She was so fucking done playing nice.
Kol for once in their entire friendship didn’t protest or joke about her demanding requests and did as told.
When the supernatural Uber drive was over she was glad she had three tight french braids in her hair.
She looked around and rolled her eyes when she noticed it was the cemetery, someone was very lacking in the originality department.
Merlin left her arms but not without scratching her hands - which, fair, but she noted with a pleased look in her eyes that he didn’t make any noise as he got to tracking Grace on his own.
Nova followed Kol instead of Merlin, after so many years she was in tune with her Familiar enough to know that they were on the same page.
She pulled out some vials out of her bag as they walked, popping the cork on them before downing all of them at once.
It tasted like dirt, brussel sprouts and vegemite put together to make a vomit inducing dish, but still she swallowed. It would in theory fend off the threat of Magical exhaustion for at least an hour.
In theory, it could also just be giving her bad breathe.
When they were close to the somewhat familiar Mausoleum, she halted and grabbed Kol’s shoulder before he could storm inside.
“Wait,” she whispered, despite knowing it was useless and that if Finn had not heard heard them, his mother had definitely felt her arrival.
But still she waited for just a moment, and watched Kol grow increasingly impatient, ready to shake her off and storm inside but it wasn’t long before they appeared.
Finn seemed bemused by the sight of her, as she dropped her bag to the ground, or maybe it was her lacy pajama top not doing it for him?
Esther for her part seemed serene at the situation, but considering their last interaction, she wondered if the elder Witch was just really good at hiding her fear.
“You handle your bootlicker brother. I’ll take care of your mother.” Again, she thought but did not say to Kol who grinned at Finn with a joyfully maniacal look in his eyes.
“With pleasure,” Kol replied, wasting no time in charging towards his brother.
“I thought I was really fucking clear about what would happen if you tried to use or hurt me and the people I love again, Esther!” Nova yelled against the high winds that she supposed the opposing Witch thought would stop her.
“The girl was the only way to control Kol and his violent impulses,” Esther said, showing no regret on her face. Annoyingly serene.
She kept her booted feet firmly on the ground as she slowly walked towards the older woman, who she saw had put up a boundary spell on the place Grace was being held inside.
She smiled though, making a frown appear on Esther’s face, it was much too late for that; her Familiar had made his way inside when their eyes and ears had been focused on Kol and Nova.
He would help and protect her until they could get inside.
Nova, tired of the wind making her long braids hit her in her face, broke the other woman’s concentration by setting the grass at her feet on fire, the wind only making the flames grow until it burned at Esther’s clothes.
Nova felt herself being pushed by an invisible source back and well, she’d give the older Witch credit were credit was due, her reaction time was perfect.
Nova didn’t move as the force kept her painfully writhing on the ground. She even smiled, baring her teeth happily as Esther came closer until she stood above her.
“You shouldn’t have come here,” Esther said, something like pity on her face.
“That’s funny, I was about to say the same thing.” Nova finally broke the forceful hold on her, and stood up quickly grabbing the older woman’s throat with telekinesis before she could move back another inch.
“Corporis potestatem claudere, virtus in medio eius claude,” she whispered the chant at first before growing louder and louder.
Poor Esther grabbed at her chest, searching for her powers now locked away inside her and let out a wail of pure frustration when she could feel it but couldn’t quite grasp at it.
It would come back eventually of course, couldn’t keep a Witch from her natural born gift for long. Which is why Nova was quick to move on to the next spell.
“Anima mea in sempiternum, erit abierunt,” Nova chanted, all but shouting, the words of the spell making Esther to look up at her with pure horror in her eyes.
She ignored the look and continued to wrap her Magic around the Soul in the body Esther was inhabiting until she felt her grip was strong enough to pull.
Nova flinched back at the noise of both Esther and Finn’s screams, but only watched somewhat impassively as the body seemed to glow from within until the light died and dropped to the ground. Empty.
She walked over the body and ran to the Mausoleum to find Grace, tears eyed and already at the boundary, the rope on her wrists chewed off by Merlin.
“Hey, Grace,” she said lightly, tapping at the boundary with her Magic until it broke like a hammer to glass. “Fancy seeing you here!”
Grace half laughed half sobbed at her terrible attempt at levity and dropped into her open arms, shaking like a leaf in the reincarnated girl’s arms.
Kol soon appeared by her side, his wounds still healing even as he offered Grace his blood to heal her many wounds.
“What did you do, to Mother?” Kol quietly asked, holding Grace to his chest as she fed from him.
“...don’t worry, all you need to know is that her spirit won’t ever haunt us or anyone else ever again,” she replied just as quietly, almost smiling as a look of wariness and fear spread across Kol’s face.
What? It was funny. She could only hope it served as a reminder to him that her threats of castration were very real if he ever chose to harm a hair on Grace’s head.
“Fuck I’m starving! Is anyone else hungry? I’m craving steak!”
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cilliansaccent · 5 years
Class of Temptation - CHAPTER ONE
Leave a like, reblog or comment below to show your support and love! Enjoy...
No mention of Cillian's true family or relatives. All names are made up. 
This is a TEACHER x STUDENT fanfiction, it's going to be kinky and very taboo! 
I will write whenever the mood grabs me, so I apologise if there are long breaks between chapters :)
——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——-
Background: Tessa is a twenty-three-year-old model from a broken-up family, living in London with her best friend and starting a course on Drama and Theatre. Though, when she gets closer to the super hot Mr Murphy who is her much older teacher, there is a battle of lust and love between them. They’ll have to figure out what to do with their tight relationship as other issues begin to rise and nip at their heels... 
Word Count: 1,977
!!Warnings!!: None. 
Chapter Name: Happy Birthday
Brief Chapter Outline: Tessa celebrates her 23rd Birthday with friends and her two eldest sisters. 
——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——-
The pretty apartment was full of people chatting and drinking champagne or wine or beer. Pop music played from the stereo which set the mood pretty well. Esther had thrown her best friends twenty-third birthday party and invited all the girls and guys they had worked within the modelling agency. So it was well over twenty people. She looked over to make sure Tess was enjoying herself and spotted her chatting with her two older sisters. 
"Yeah, I am quite nervous though holy crap," Tessa laughed, pushing back her black hair behind a multi-pierced ear, "I start under three weeks now." "What course you gonna do again?" Aria asked, sipping her wine. "I picked Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies. I've also nailed myself in their band as a cello player." Tessa nodded, twirling her bubbling beverage between her fingers. "Oh! Right! I very happy for you." Aria gave her youngest sister a smile and a hug. Aria tends to forget things. "Yeah, I wanted to do more than just modelling. I want to expand." Tessa smiled. "Wonderful. It's good to do something different." Mila agreed, "Like me. I got out of modelling and now I own a cute boutique in Dublin showcasing Irish culture with the hubby." "I have yet to come down and see it. Maybe when I am on break." Tessa grinned, "Could show it off." "Ooo, you can! And Aria can show off her jewellery to." The girls let out soft laughter. Tessa was glad she had her two sisters here. It made her birthday's so much better to celebrate and no matter what they always got her something as if it was her twenty-first all over again. Mila had moved to Dublin when she was twenty-five with her then-boyfriend whom she had married about three years ago, they opened a shop together and now run a successful and famous store for about six years. Aria went to Glasgow with her fiance who been engaged since she was twenty-four, now shes thirty. There she makes hand-made jewellery and accessories for all sorts of people, no gender tags attached to it. And Tessa looked up to them the most, they were honest and hard-working and she aspired to be like them. So she would work hard in her new course and start a life that she was able to finally claim her own in some way. Though, within her, she would always miss her father who was forgotten in Amsterdam. Despite the bad falling out she had, she hoped one day to find a card or something from him. But nothing since she was nineteen. "Tess! Get your damn ass to this table! We got you your fave cake!" Esther called out. She was a beautiful girl, pale skin with freckles and rust coloured hair. Her eyes reminded Tessa of the emerald that Esther wore around her neck. Bright and ever-glowing. She came over and plopped down on the chair, giggling at the huge chocolate cake that had professionally made flowers that decorated the top. "Oh my god, I love it!" Tessa laughed and clapped her hands. "I'm glad you do, babe." She kissed her cheek. Tessa and Esther were... not really a couple but they acted like one. Neither of them was good with men so they pleasured each other on a daily occasion. But there were times when Esther would bring a man home, but Tessa wasn't jealous either. All she cared was that he was treating her right. She gazed up at her bestie, "Always knows what I like." She said and everyone began to sing Happy Birthday to her. She blew out all twenty-three candles after she made a wish, a wish that she would one day make her father proud. She thought of that every day. Everyone cheered and then took photos with her and made sure to update their social media. Tess had a large following on Instagram, it happened when you worked for pretty big fashion brands. And it seemed the majority lived in London for some reason and she would find some people walking up to her and asking for photos. Didn't happen all the time but it does happen. A good pro of being a model was that she got to travel, mostly to America or France for fashion shows or to model brands or make an ad. She loved it despite the tiresome work, she loved it a lot. "Tess, hey. I wanna tell you something super important." Mila came over as the cake was cut up and sent around. "Okay, sure." Tessa got up and walked with her back to Aria who seemed to be also waiting for this news. Mila took in a deep breath, her smile wide, "Jordyn and I are expecting our first child!" Aria and Tessa gasped, "Oh my god! Mila!" Aria cuddled her sister tightly, "Oh congratulations!" "Yes! I'm gonna be an aunty!" Tessa cried with joy as the three sisters hugged each other. "Oh god. Its been like two months now but I had to tell you guys. I wanted to like, keep it a secret and throw a surprise party but you know how I am." Mila laughed. "No wonder you aren't drinking." Aria laughed, "Usually you finish like five bottles by now." "Shut up, I am so not like that." Mila jabbed her shoulder with a finger. "Ow!" Aria pouted. "But no, seriously. Congrats. That is so cool. Are you going to find out the sex?" Tessa asked. "Oh, no. I want that to be a surprise for all of us." Mila nodded, "I'll make sure to throw the baby shower while you are on break so you don't have to stress out from exams or anything." "Okay, sounds like a good idea. But I'll also help out with ideas." Tessa said. "Same here," Aria chimed in. "Awesome. This is gonna be great." Mila beamed. The night continued on, rain pelted outside but it didn't take away the warmth inside the cozy, boho styled apartment. Esther loved her plants and animals, so she really made it nice when they had gotten enough money to start decorating. Plants hung around and colourful carpets beneath super soft couches that had fluffy throws and equally colourful pillows with animal patterns. They had a wall that was dedicated to just books which were Tessa's must-have. The whole apartment had a very chill and spiritual vibe, which made it so good to come home after a long and stressful day. The main room was all open, kitchen, dining and living room all visible and easy access. Opposite each side was their bedrooms and had their own private balconies. Most nights Tessa spent in Esther's bedroom in her bed. Naked. Esther's bedroom was also boho-inspired, white walls and dark grey ceiling and a low double bed with plenty of soft sheets and throws. More plants and a large desk with her laptop and other little items scattered across it. The french doors that led to the balcony had fairy lights that hung between the door and the heavy curtains. She had polaroid photos on a wall that she took when they were overseas, Tessa counted over a hundred photos that were still going higher. But when it came to Tessa's bedroom, it was more minimalist but had that touch of rustic. Mostly white with light grey tones and splashes of reds, browns or blues. Her bed was also a double but raised up with an oak coloured frame. Esther wanted some more colour in the room so she had added some pretty hanging pots off the wall above the bed, a crawling vine that outlined the doors to the balcony. She had said that it would make the photos she takes in the room to stand out more on her Instagram. Both rooms had a walk-in wardrobe that still didn't seem big enough from the clothing they had. That's what happened when you became a model, couldn't get enough with the fashion. The party died down as people began to go home, Tessa said good-bye to her sisters that were leaving early in the morning to go back home. Tessa came back inside and helped Esther clean up. "No, let me do it. You go pour a glass of red wine and I'll be right over." Esther said. "You sure? It's a lot to clean up." Tessa frowned. "I'll do some then do the rest tomorrow. I wanna see what you got." Esther kissed her lightly on the lips. "So eager." Tess laughed and went to the couch, poured herself a glass and waited. It wasn't long when Esther came over, "Okay let's see what everyone got you." Tessa began to open the mountain of presents, she got clothing and jewellery and shoes and money. Her sisters had a joint present of a super nice Prada hand-bag that Tessa always wanted. "So much nice stuff. Here is mine." Esther handed her a little gift bag. Tessa opened the letter and read it before she looked into the bag. She pulled out a box and inside the box was a pretty gold chain with a small diamond pendant. About half a centimetre in length. "Oh wow! Thank you, Esther! It's so pretty!" Tessa gasped. "Here, let me put it on." She said as she took the chain and slipped it around Tessa's neck. She kissed her soft skin gently. "Perfect," Tessa nodded as she turned and gave her a kiss on the lips. "Better than the rest of the presents?" Esther smirked. "I love all my presents equally, Es." She nudged her and gathered the wrapping paper in a bag and left it beside the front door. She yawned, it was already past midnight. "I might head to bed," Tessa said, as she left her empty glass in the sink. "Yeah, same. Today was busy." She nodded as they met in the middle of the room. "Thank you," Tessa hugged Esther tightly. "I appreciated what you did today." Esther beamed and hugged her back, "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself! I'll see you in the morning, beautiful." She kissed her cheek and they parted ways. Tessa changed into flannel pants and a shirt before she combed her hair and cleaned her make-up off. As she came over to her desk she spotted an envelope with her name written neatly on it. She didn't think someone would come in here, unless it may have been her sisters or Esther. But who could this be from? Why wasn't it given to her right away? Either way, she opened it up. It was a birthday card and quite a lot of cash fell out. At least a thousand pounds. And she knew who would be able to afford that much money and send it. Her father. She read the words as she sank into her chair. She had not heard from him for so many years since the day she left. So why now and send a heartfelt card? He had left an address on the envelope. She picked up the money and stared at it. More than a thousand. She sighed and laid it on the desk. She wasn't sure what to make of the card or the money. He had written how much he has been missing her and her sisters and how only Aria wasn't still speaking to him but Mila has. Tessa's gut feeling told her something was up, but she wasn't going to let this shit eat her up again. She wasn't going to fall into that dark hole she had managed to crawl out of. She left the money on the table next to the card. She didn't know what to do with it so she crawled into bed once she turned off the lights and tried to get some sleep.
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Deals with the Devil- 11
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Author: Amanda Preston
Summary: A need to fill a void and an encounter to start something new, Elijah and Katya never knew that a simple one night stand would wind up into a love affair filled with family drama and side deals gone wrong.
Deals with the Devil Masterlist        
        “Where’s the fire and how do I put it out?” Marcel greets as he enters the conference room. He was dressed as handsomely as ever and caught a few admiring looks from a few editors as he walked by the cubicles.         
       Katya couldn’t help but laugh at him having grown accustomed to his dramatic entrances and the lingering stares in his wake. 
        “I really need to destroy that knight-in-shining-armor mentality you have when it comes to me,” Katya responds. “I think it’s going to your head.” 
        Marcel just shrugs as he settles down into his seat. 
        “Where’s D?” he asks as he looks around the vacant room. “Thought she’ll be here.” 
        “She’s getting her sketchbook,” Katya answers. “I told her she’ll need it.” 
        “You’re finally getting her off the bench,” Marcel notes with a grin. “That’s good.” 
        “The girl deserves it,” Katya tells him. “Plan on hiring her the moment she graduates.” 
        The conversation comes to stop as Davina enters the conference with her tablet and sketchpad. The excitement of the unknown task ahead very evident on her face. 
        “Ok let’s get started,” Katya states as Davina takes the seat next to Marcel. “I’ve gathered all of you here today because Vikings Co. has decided to dump a very big and important project on MoonStone: Online Publishing.” 
        “Understood,” Marcel responds. “But why am I here for it?” 
        “Because I need your networking skills to get me the best of the best when it comes to Web Design,” Katya answers. “I need a web guy.” 
        “You already have one of those.” 
        “I have an IT guy which is a completely different playing field,” Katya clarifies. “I need a web expert that has experience from design to coding.” 
        “Alright,” Marcel acknowledges as he pulls out his blackberry and starts to scroll through it. “I can put out some feelers and see who reaches back.” 
        “Oh, I… I think I know of someone,” Davina speaks up. 
        “Who?” Katya asks. 
        “He’s a friend,” Davina answers gaining a bit more confidence. “His name is Josh and he used to be the TA in one of my classes.” 
        “Used to be?” 
        Davina’s nerves come back at the question and shrugs. 
        “I mean… he hacked into our school system and got asked to depart on his own account,” Davina explains. “But I swear, it was for a good reason.” 
        Katya couldn’t help but share a look with Marcel who just shared her amusement. 
        “And what was this reason?” 
        “A student identified as non-binary but the school refused to change the gender specification on their transcript. Josh did so easily but he got caught.” 
        “And what is this Josh up to right now?” 
        “He’s bartending,” Davina states. “But he was just shy away from graduating, at the top of his class too, and I promise he’ll be on his best behavior. That is… if you give him a chance.” 
        Katya can’t help but share a look with Marcel again. They were both enamored with the headstrong girl and it was hard to resist her request. 
        “Alright,” Katya gives in. “Let me meet him for myself and if he fits the MoonStone mentality then we’ll go on a week trial to see if he can keep up to our standards.” 
        Davina tries to calm her excitement but it was evident through her smile. 
        “Ok, I’ll reach out to him,” Davina answers. “I promise he won’t let you down.” 
        Katya chuckles at the girl’s promise and nods. 
        “Onto the next order of business,” Katya states. “I have no idea what the next step for this is so I was hoping someone might clue me in?” 
        Marcel chuckles and nods. 
        “I can do some research on the legal side of online publishing but that’s about it,” Marcel offers. “I could probably start on some patents for the name MoonStone and it’s affiliation with Viking Co. but it seems to me that as long as you don’t have your web engineer, then you’re stuck.” 
        Katya sighs and nods. 
        “Yeah… that was what I was afraid of.” 
        “I can start making some mock-up designs for the website?” Davina offers up. “I just need some insight as to what direction you want me to take.” 
        Katya nods at Davina’s offer as her drive returns once more. 
        “Alright, well… I was thinking we keep to our origins,” Katya states. “Our colors, our logos, our language. This is still MoonStone so we have to represent ourselves online as we are in person.” 
        Davina takes in the notes and is quick to start sketching out ideas. Katya’s mind roams free as her creativity flows endlessly. Marcel remained silent as he watched two of his close friends glow beautifully as their passions took over them. 
        The business day was already done but Elijah remained in his office working. Gia had bid him goodbye a while ago but he couldn’t recall how long ago that was. Elijah ignored the glaring clock on his desk and continued to read through his paperwork allowing that to fill up his time and mind. 
        A soft knock breaks him from his concentration and he looks up to find an unexpected guest. 
        “Hello, son,” she answers as she steps into his office. She looks around the space analyzing the decor and ambiance before her focus returns to Elijah. “Like what you’ve done with the office.” 
        Elijah finds himself fixing his tie as his mother’s stare landed upon him. 
        “Thank you,” he answers. “How did you find me here?” 
        “Oh, I called your assistant,” she states as she takes her seat across from him. “She told me you were still at the office.” 
        Esther removes her gloves and tucks them into her designer purse. She doesn’t smile nor does she frown as she picks her next words. 
        “Nice girl, your assistant,” she comments. “Wonder why such a thing would put me on hold all day when I’ve been trying to reach you?” 
        Elijah refrains from sighing knowing the hidden accusation from his mother’s words. 
        “Mother, I…” 
        “No, need to explain,” Esther cuts him off. “Children grow up. They don’t need their mother’s looking over them.” 
        Elijah knew there was no excuse he could use to appease her. She would hold this betrayal over his head before she found another source of power. 
        “What can I do for you?” 
        Esther takes her time to respond even though Elijah already knew what she was here for. Her eyes stray to the window behind Elijah that illuminated the other buildings around Viking Co. She hums pensively before looking back at him. 
        Even though they were both seated at equal height, Elijah couldn’t help but feel like he was being looked down upon. 
        “I assume Niklaus came to speak to you on my behalf,” Esther states. “He came by the house for a quick moment before disappearing again.” 
        “Yes,” Elijah answers. “He paid me a visit. Told me that something was going on with Kol.” 
        “That boy,” Esther sighs out. “I’ve done everything I can for him and he remains ungrateful. He’s gotten kicked out of Stanford for selling answer sheets. He did the same thing at UCLA and now he refuses to go to Yale after I made a very impressive donation. I told him I could get him into whatever school he wants but he refuses to go back. I’m at my last wits which is why I need your help.” 
        “I can try to speak to him…” Elijah starts to offer but his mother is quick to interrupt him. 
        “Oh, dear, noble Elijah,” his mother responds. “Speaking to him won’t help him much. Kol needs structure. The kind of structure you gained when you came to work with your father when he ran the company. I need you to give him that and perhaps that will stick.” 
        Elijah was at a loss of words. 
        Kol was a hurricane of a person. He created disorder wherever he went. There was no stopping him. 
        A characteristic that came from their very stubborn mother. 
        “He needs this, Elijah,” his mother pleads. 
        Those words were the final nails to his coffin as Elijah had no other choice but to agree. 
        “I’ll take him under my wing,” Elijah reluctantly states. 
        “Good, I thought you would,” Esther praises as she starts to pick up her things to depart. Now that she had achieved her goal there was no reason for her to stay any longer. She slides her gloves back on and stares down at her son as she rises from her seat. 
        He looked tired. A little worn out. Too much work and not enough life could do that to you. 
        A soft gaze crosses her face at the thought but she’s quick to diminish it. 
        “You work too much,” she comments with a scowl. “Perhaps that’s why Katerina left you. Such a good girl, that one. Very well connected, good genes… Should have tied her down when you had the chance.” 
        Elijah doesn’t respond not knowing that the truth would only serve as ammunition to his mother to shift or change him into what she wants him to be. 
        “We weren’t a good match.” 
        “Hmm,” Esther hums as she turns to leave. She stops by the door and lets out a sigh. “Gia, your assistant, she’s a pretty one. It’s cliche to marry the secretary, I know, but the girl’s got potential.”
        “Mother…” Elijah sighs out. 
        “Alright,” she mutters. “I’ll stop… for now.” 
        The threat lingered in the air as she left leaving Elijah drained at the potential future meddling fro his mother. It didn’t help that his mind was soon occupied to the incoming presence of his brother Kol. 
        The workday had certainly grown longer in the span of five minutes.
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A Winter With You- Newsbians Holiday Fic
@klaineharmony, @stab-me-with-a-sword, and @wingedprunepsychiclawyer for showing such support and interest in my writing and other arts!
It was the eve of Christmas, finally! Sarah loved Christmas now, and it was even better with her wonderful girlfriend of four years asleep by her side. Sarah grew up Jewish, Esther and Mayer being very strict about their religion. After years of aging, though, Sarah abandoned her religion entirely, she became an atheist. It didn't matter that she was dating a slightly religious girl, it didn't matter if she celebrated Christmas instead of Hanukkah now, what mattered was that she had her Katherine.
Katherine Plumber-Pulitzer, a wonderful girl of excitement and dorkiness. Her with her auburn curls that were absolutely glowing when the snowflakes caught in it, her with her bright eyes that were luminous under the winter moon. Her with her freckles, smile, clothes, personality, her everything was perfect.
Sarah turned over a bit in the bed, shaking Katherine excitedly but softly. “Kath! Kath! Wake up! It's Christmas Eve! We have so much to do! You've put off tree decorating long enough!” Sarah pouted, still shaking Kath with urgency. She heard a noise of frustration come out of her girlfriend as she rolled over in their bed, head now lying on Sarah’s chest. Sarah looked at her for a moment with appreciation and love, before shaking her off her chest.
“Dearesttttttt,” Kath whined as her eyes fluttered open, seeing her girlfriend eye to eye.
“Babyyyyyyyy,” Sarah mocked the whine, shuffling closer and wrapping her arms around Katherine’s waist, pulling her upwards. Katherine turned at her, a pout playing on her features. Sarah sighed, shaking her head, a smile still on her face. “I'm sorry, Kathy, but we have things to do today…” Sarah reminded again, leaning down to give the smaller girl a gentle kiss on the lips. Katherine smiled into the kiss, kissing back for the short amount of time it lasted.
“Fine, you win, sweetheart.” Katherine smiled, now completely awake, stretching as she hopped out of their bed. “C’mon, now! I'll get the tree decorations from the basement!” Katherine rushed off quickly, leaving Sarah to giggle at her shenanigans as she made her way to the living room. Sarah adored the apartment she and Kath shared. It was small and homey, just right for the couple.
Katherine came up from the basement a few minutes later, still smiling as dust stains plagued her cheeks and nightgown. Sarah giggled again, dimples on show as she strode over to Katherine, taking the very few boxes out of her hands. “I'll take these, dear. Go clean yourself up! Your cheeks and pajamas are a mess!” Katherine giggled at Sarah, striding closer, making sure she helped Sarah drop the boxes with gentleness.
“Why should I clean? Don't wanna kiss someone with dirt on them? Didn't seem like a problem when you and Jack-,”
“We promised not to mention my questioning phase!” Sarah exclaimed, feeling a soft blush cross her cheeks. It embarrassed her that she and Jack were ever even a couple, especially now that they each had their own romantic partners. Katherine giggled at Sarah, poking at Sarah’s cheek playfully.
“Aww, is someone embarrassed her girlfriend is talkin’ about old relationships?” Sarah snorted as Katherine wound her arms around Sarah’s neck, tugging Sarah down, closer to her.
“Just go get changed, love. I'll start decorating.” Sarah gently brushed a hand through the reporter’s curls before escaping out of the firm grip Katherine’s arms had on her neck, making her way to the living room with the boxes. As Katherine made her way to their room, she started hanging ornaments, giggling at some. One ornament that prompted this reaction was an ornament with a picture of Katherine, four years old, holding a doll of some sort and grinning. Sarah had to muffle her giggles after a while, cause man, her partner is just so cute and precious, even as a child. She hadn't even known this decoration existed until now, Kath probably hid it on purpose.
On that ornament, little Kath had frizzy pigtails in, and her eyes were alight with enjoyment. Sarah set it down on the armchair beside her and the tree, thinking she’d tease Kath about it. She hung up the rest of the ornaments, wondering where Kath was. Just as she picked the angel up out of the box, Kath came into the room, absolutely beaming. She was wearing a green dress with sleeves up to her wrist, red accenting the edge of the neckline and the ends of the sleeves.
“You don't have to dress up for tree decorating. Plus, you took so long that I'm done.” Sarah informed with a half glare playfully, settling the glittering angel on top of the tree with ease. Sarah grinned, picking up the last ornament. “Except for…” Sarah trailed off, holding up the ornament with four year old Kath, smirking. Katherine’s face went bright red, grabbing it quickly.
“I thought I'd moved that outta the box!” Katherine stammered out, her blush only growing a shade darker. Sarah smiled, moving behind Kath and wrapping her arms behind the journalist’s waist, settling her chin on the top of Kath’s head. Katherine yelped, dropping the glass ornament, watching as it cracked, thankfully not shattering.
“It's broken! Hallelujah!” Kath called out, untangling herself from Sarah’s grip, before grabbing the ornament and throwing it away quickly. Sarah shook her head, smiling as she plugged the lights applied days before in. The bulbs sparked to life, illuminating the tree and making the ornaments glow. Kath returned to Sarah’s side, settling them both down on the armchair. “It's beautiful…” Katherine whispered, settling her head on Sarah’s shoulder, before quickly tucking her head into Sarah’s neck.
“Not as beautiful as you.” Sarah commented in an equally hushed tone, brushing through Katherine’s curls. Kath’s blush returned strong as she bolted up, taking Sarah’s hands in her own. “Hm?” Sarah hummed in question.
“Let's go make hot cocoa!” Kath exclaimed, dragging Sarah into the kitchen by her arm. Sarah smiled, drinking in the moment. She loved when Kath got this excited about something, it was so undeniably adorable.
“Okay, so, you want me to make two mugs of cocoa?” Sarah questioned, tilting her head, taking two mugs out when Katherine answered with a nod. She quickly found the packets of hot chocolate she kept in their special cupboard of drinks for soothing times, mixing the powder with the water. Katherine watched from the table, head propped up on her hand as her girlfriend worked at their drinks. She was completely enchanted with the way Sarah smiled, dimples and all, usually matched with a flash of her perfect, pearly white teeth. Sarah turned after a few more moments, holding two cups of hot cocoa. She held one out to Kath, keeping the other for herself, as she carefully settled by Kath on one of the bar stools in their kitchenette.
“Kath, I've a question.” Sarah stated after taking a long sip of her drink, eyebrow arching in question.
“Could we give each other a gift tonight?” Sarah rushed out, smiling still. Katherine, though confused, nodded.
“Yeah, yeah, sure…” Kath mumbled, sipping the rest of her cocoa out of her cup before leaning in for a kiss.
Sarah was happy to oblige. -------- “Aaaaand, the cookies are done!” Sarah called as she walked into the bedroom where Kath was, setting a plate of cookies on the nightstand, before hopping onto the bed with Kath. Kath smiled softly at her, leaning forward so their lips met. Sarah hated to break the moment of loveliness, but she eventually did press a hand to Katherine’s chest and pushed her away. “Gift exchange?”
“Oh, right!” Katherine exclaimed, reaching under the bed and taking out a large box. Sarah smiled, taking it gently. Her fingers worked at the paper, slowly ripping it apart. And once she got to the end…
“This isn’t…”
“It is!” Katherine bounced up and down, looking at the item in her girlfriend’s hand. In Sarah’s grasp was a violin, a new one. Sarah’s old one was destroyed by some boy a few months back, and Kath had saved every cent she could to get her another one. Sarah turned to her girlfriend with glee, hugging her tightly. Sarah nuzzled her face into Katherine’s hair, pressing a small kiss to the top of Kath’s head. Kath blushed slightly, pulling Sarah away, looking up at her with a wide smile. “Okay! Okay! What's yours?”
Sarah took a breath, getting out of her side of the bed and going in front of Katherine. “Kathy… Four years ago we met at one of my concerts and I was instantly smitten. I was in love with your eyes, your smile, your laugh, your freckles, your everything… And then you asked me out, I couldn't have been more overjoyed. We shared our first kiss in your car when you drove me home, here in my driveway.” Sarah laughed a bit, taking in Katherine’s stunned look.
“And, tonight,” she glanced at the clock, at how it now read midnight.“Christmas Day, I must ask something of you.” Sarah dug into her pocket, getting down on a single knee. She opened a velvet box, revealing her gift.
Inside was a gorgeous yellow band, with a diamond cut as a heart in the middle.
Kath couldn't contain her tears.
“Will you, Katherine Plumber-Pulitzer, make me the happiest woman alive and marry me?” Sarah asked, voice cracking, face wet with tears.
“Yes!” Kath exclaimed, voice at least one octave higher, for sure. Sarah smiled, sliding the ring on her new fiancée’s finger before standing up. Katherine pulled her into a long kiss, enjoying the moment with the taller girl as if it was the last moment she’d ever have with her Sarah.
The cookies were long forgotten. Instead the night was filled with kisses, cuddling, and I love you’s.
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bramblepatch · 5 years
(October 2019′s featured character’s short story, crossposted from my Patreon. Thank you to all my patrons for their generous support! If you’d like to join them, for a few dollars per month you can vote on which characters you’d like to see me develop, and get early access to stories like this!)
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The rain had stopped a little before sunset. The sky was clear enough, now, for the last streaks of color to catch in the last shreds of cloud, and in the cool autumn dusk the standing puddles and wet pavement caught hints of orange and pink. Before long, they’d be reflecting the yellow glow of street lamps instead, and the sometime flash of white headlights.  
It was lovely. Sunset had a tendency toward loveliness in this neighborhood, in the past few years. Maybe it was just confirmation bias, that a certain teenager noticed how things fell neatly into place to provide a picturesque backdrop on evenings where the nagging awareness that there was a monster somewhere out there prompted them to sneak out. There was no proven link between ambient meteorological anomalies and an active case of Transformative Adolescent Empowerment Syndrome, but Blair was pretty sure this was their doing anyway.
On the other hand, no one else ever seemed to make the connection – practically no one; Blair had brought it up once with some of the TAES veterans in the area, and gotten a sure, that could be happening. Just as well, really. Blair had absolutely no desire to make their case to their aunt as to why they ought to be allowed to go monster-fighting on a school night when with a little luck and a little finesse they could sneak out and slip back in before she noticed they were gone, so the less of a tip-off that Aunt Lizbet had that tonight was a Sunset Knight kind of night, the happier Blair was.
In point of fact, the stocky teenager almost made it out of the building without anyone catching them. Once they’d managed to slip out of their own apartment unnoticed, the hallways of the apartment complex were quiet. The back stairwell should have been even quieter, but as Blair descended to the first-floor landing, the door to the hallway eased open to let a dark-haired kid, already dressed in a practical and slightly sparkly magical girl costume and carrying an armful of raccoon, through.
There was a long beat of shared acute awareness of their delinquency, before Esther spoke up. “So. Team up?”
Blair sighed, and continued past the younger teen toward the ground floor and the exit, although they answered as they went. “Don’t you have a team already?”
“Yeah, uh, Hoshi sprained her ankle in gym class,” Esther replied, and before she could continue, from her arms, Sparkle added brightly, “And Magic Medic Star✧Balm is visiting his grandsire in the far-off land of Canada!”
Blair paused, and looked over their shoulder. “How in the heck did she just make that star sound with her mouth.”
“She’s a raccoon, how does she make any of the sounds with her mouth?” Esther pointed out. Blair considered for a moment, and shrugged; like suspiciously appropriate weather and symbolic costume changes, the exact nature of animal companions was probably without rational explanation. Esther certainly didn’t seem to be waiting for an answer. “Anyway yeah Sterling’s out of town until next week.”
As much as they’d have liked to, Blair couldn’t find fault in that reasoning. Nor could they really justify keeping Esther away from a monster that clearly they’d both sensed the presence of, although they made one more token objection as they reached the back door. “Aren’t you a little young for the whole magical girl thing anyway?”
Esther huffed indignantly. “I mean, a monster crashed my bat mitzvah and I had to fight it, I think that counts for something.”
Blair was pretty sure that did not in fact count for anything, but also they were way too lapsed Methodist to feel comfortable arguing the point. “Whatever. Just don’t get yourself hurt, I don’t have any healing abilities,” they said, holding the door open for her. “Give me a moment, I need to suit up.”
When their transformation sequence had first shifted, Blair had been surprised how simple the new Sunset Knight transformation was. Princess Sunset had been elaborate and overwrought, a multitude of tiny details and dramatic poses; Sunset Knight’s sequence was barely three seconds long, flannel fading into mail, and then armor and sword glowing into existence. A moment later, Blair was on their feet again, grinning with the brief wash of euphoria that the magic always brought with it.
“Dang, you’ve got a cape now,” Magic Fighter Star✧Strike breathed. “That is so cool.”
“Not bad, huh?” Sunset Knight agreed, propping their sword against their shoulder. The cape in question fluttered in the light evening breeze, as the colors of the sunset sky glinted off the wet pavement. “Let’s go kick some monster butt.”
The monster, it turned out, was perched on top of a bus shelter two blocks away.
“Do they usually… hybridize like that?” Blair wondered, studying the monster from a safe distance. The serpentine, winged form was definitely typical of one of their own common adversaries – but the glowing, shifting galaxy patterns across its scales marked it as one of the space-themed monsters that the Star Squad encountered frequently.
“I don’t know, you’ve been doing this longer than me!” Esther hissed back. “I usually don’t team up outside my team, unless you count Nova! And she doesn’t magic anymore!”
“Ok, ok,” Blair said. “I guess it’s still a dragon. If it’s like mine, magic weapons should do fine against it.”
“Right. Yeah. Magic.”
“Esther, that hammer you’re carrying is part of your magical girl thing, right?”
“Uhhh...” Esther didn’t deny it, exactly, but she took long enough not denying it that Blair kind of figured that was their answer.
“Not everyone has a special magic weapon as part of their transformation, ok?” she demanded, and Sparkle added, “The hammer’s full of truth! And realness!”
“That’s not anything, I don’t think,” Blair said.
“Yeah, no, probably not,” Esther agreed reluctantly. “I mean, it is a couple of pounds of solid steel on a wooden handle. It’s still pretty good for hitting things with.”
Blair did some rapid mental arithmetic of dragon versus totally unmagical blunt instrument and also of their own willingness to face the irritation and disappointment of Esther’s mentor if literally anything went wrong. “Ok, look, I know you’re the tank of your little team, but you are not getting in close quarters with that thing,” they hissed.
“Blair!” Esther objected, managing to draw the name out to the same cadence as Sparkle whined, “Sunset Knight!”
“Seriously. You can be like, the distraction or something,” Blair insisted. “But I know my sword’s gonna take that thing out, and I have no idea if some hammer you found somewhere will have any real effect. So be the bait or go home.”
Esther pouted. Down the street, the dragon stretched its wings, dark against the fading sunset. Blair gave their temporary teammate a stern look.
“Ok. Fine. Meanie,” Esther conceded. “I get to yell at it, though, right?”
“...yes. You get to yell at it,” Blair agreed.
They had kind of assumed that there would be more strategizing involved, and was a little taken aback when the thirteen-year-old just took off toward the monster, trailing a scattering of starlight as she picked up speed. Blair sighed, and hurried to keep up, glad that whatever magical stuff their costume was made of, it didn’t restrict their breathing the way their mundane binder did.
Esther kept to her word, though, stopping at the curb on the opposite corner to wave her arms and start shouting at the dragon. Blair was thankful that the streets were almost eerily quiet, although they were pretty sure that they saw movement at some of the windows in nearby buildings. So much for no one noticing that they were out superheroing this evening; Blair didn’t expect anyone to interfere, especially if they wrapped this up quickly, but there was a good chance that word would get back to their aunt, and fast. They weren’t sure how public Esther was with her magical girl identity, but they’d been less that subtle with their alter ego.
The dragon spread its wings and took off, in a motion that only mostly seemed consistent with its apparent mass. Esther turned on her heel and started running away, with the raccoon weaving around her ankles in a way that made Blair wonder how she didn’t trip. Not that they wondered long; with a dragon to fight, they put the question quickly out of their mind. They planted their feet and raised their sword, staring down the rapidly approaching starry monster. As they’d suspected, the creature seemed entirely focused on its quarry; if its galaxy theme was any indication, it was as attuned to Esther as it was to them, and their monsters tended to be fairly single-minded.  For a moment, they were afraid that the creature wouldn’t be within stabbing range – but even forbidden to actually engage, Esther had good instincts for drawing a monster where she wanted it, and she ducked behind Blair, placing them firmly between her and the dragon.
Just as they liked it.
“At thee, foul beast,” they growled through gritted teeth, the words drawn out by the same instincts that guided their actions while transforming, and as the dragon swooped down, Blair drove their blade through the creature’s chest.
The starry patterns across the dragon’s hide flared brighter for a brief moment, and then it seemed to dissolve in a rush of wind that ruffled Blair’s hair and set their cape flapping behind them.  
A moment later, there was nothing left of the monster but a faint coating of shimmering stardust across Blair’s sword, and a brief clattering rain of something onto the sidewalk at their feet. Esther hurried to gather up the fallen items as Blair wiped off the sword on the lining of their cape.
“Here, you take some!” she said, holding out a couple of what appeared to be claws.
“What are they?” Blair asked, a little suspiciously; usually, their monsters didn’t drop loot.
“Meteorites!” Esther explained, and sure enough, when Blair accepted the claws, they certainly seemed to be made of dark, pitted iron – although the tips were more than sharp enough to make them glad that the dragon hadn’t gotten in clawing range of either of them. “Our monsters keep leaving them behind. We haven’t figured out if they’re for anything, yet, but they’re cool.”
“Yeah, I guess so,” Blair agreed, as Esther put the rest of the fallen claws into her pockets; Blair’s own costume didn’t have pockets, which suddenly felt like a pretty significant oversight, so they just palmed the ones they’d been given. “Thanks.”
“Soooo… team up again some time?” Esther asked.
Blair sighed, casting their eyes up at the fading sunset colors. Nova was going to tear them a new one for taking the kid along to fight a dragon, they were sure, and usually they fought alone. But it had been kind of fun working as a team. “Maybe. I guess. If you bring the other Stars, no more of this ‘two melee fighters and no support’ nonsense.”
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nyotasaimiri · 2 years
Arc Two (redux) 74
Modifying the Matter Manipulator’s tracking system was quick and easy work, much to Nyota’s relief. It was almost like the functions had been planned, but never turned on.
“That’s probably right,” Arjun said when Nyota raised her thoughts aloud. “The Protectorate had a lot of little back-room thoughts they never got the time to finish out. Always looking at farther stars. That’s how Esther put it.”
“It’s a good phrase,” Nyota said. She closed the casing up and stretched her stiff wrists, trying to swallow the anxiety. She did not want to spend too long in this strange place. She had packed plenty of rations, in case of emergencies, but there was no telling what a pocket dimension could do to the body even without standard survival concerns.
“SAIL, test the relay,” she said into her microphone. “Send down some apples from the kitchen.”
A few moments later, the transmitter flashed, followed by her Matter Manipulator. Nyota caught the apple out of the air and smiled. Still crisp and firm, no damage at all.
Arjun almost grinned. “Not bad at all for the first try.”
Nyota nodded, but she wasn’t satisfied yet. “Now for the hard part. SAIL, send them back up.”
The Matter Manipulator flashed, then the transmitter. A startled whistle echoed through her earpiece. “What the gol-dang—Captain? Did ya beam up some fruit?”
Nyota stifled a soft chuckle. “Yes, Lumen. Sorry about that, I should have warned you.”
“Well, I ain’t one to pry, so I’m not gonna ask what for,” he hummed. “I figure it’s a darn good reason for such a strange thing.”
The earpiece clicked off. Sonny started laughing.
“Classic Lumen,” she fizzed cheerfully. “Ain’t much in this world that’ll faze that man.”
Nyota smiled. “That’s why he is my second. It leaves me room to be as strange as I like.”
Arjun was rubbing at his scruff again though, and frowning. “Hate to burst your bubble, ma’am, but we’re still not in the clear. Someone will have to stay close to the gate.” He jerked a thumb over his shoulder toward the entrance. “Don’t trust this place to leave the transmitter alone if we just drop it there.”
That did burst the bubble. Nyota had realized it, but hearing it aloud brought the thoughts all shoving for attention. “I do not want to split up, either,” she said. “It will be unsafe for whoever stays behind.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Sonny said. She puffed up a little, glowing warm and bright. “I’ll stay here. I’ve been in worse scrapes, right? Besides, it doesn’t look too bad anyhow, out here.”
Nyota floundered in the face of Sonny’s determination. The dangers, Sonny’s inexperience, all of them hit that bold glow like glass hitting steel. She knew from Lumen’s cautions that it was hard to change the girl’s mind once she set it to anything. Warnings wouldn’t stop her at all. “You will get bored out here,” she tried.  
Arrowmail scuffed a foot on the stone. “Helpful. I could stay with her,” he offered. He put a hand on the sword at his hip. “If anything comes to bother us, I can at least buy time for you to come help. I have gotten better at fighting.”
Defeated, Nyota raised her hands in surrender. “Very well. Just be careful, both of you. It seems safe enough here, but seeming is not always being, do you understand?”
Sonny cheerily saluted her. Arrowmail followed suit a moment later with a quiet clink. “Sure thing, ma’am,” the novakid said. “We’ll keep it on the down low, don’t you worry.”
“Good.” Nyota turned her earpiece back on to bring Lumen up to speed.
His first response was a very static-loaded sigh. “Dangit, lil’ Glowbug. I know the pair of ya wouldn’t mind a romantic getaway an’ all, but ya could pick a safer spot than this. Could hook ya up proper with some nice colony barkeep pals or somethin’.”
“Lumen!” Sonny flared almost blindingly bright and fizzed sharp enough to make the earpiece whine over his chuckles. “It ain’t that! We’re workin’ hard here.”
“Sure, sure,” he hummed as Nyota bit down a laugh. “I believe ya. Still, ain’t no harm in mixin’ work with pleasure as long as ya can get both done. Keep them senses sharp though, Glowbug,” he warned, humor fading. “We still don’t know what was behind the drone that hurt Hadley. Might be malfunction, might be more’n that. I’ll keep the comms open, ol’ Ferny and I are just a buzz away. We’re here for ya.”
“Thanks, Lumen,” Sonny said, quieter as the mood sobered. She didn’t’ stay somber for too long. “Well, you heard the fella, ma’am. We’re okay. Go have fun crackin’ this place open, why don’t ya?”
Nyota accepted her loss gracefully and turned back toward the ice room. “Very well. We’ll stay in touch. Arjun, you’re with me.”
Arjun nodded and followed after her. “Yes, ma’am.”
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shewrites-sometimes · 6 years
Chapter One: Esther (Part 1)
Jesus once said, "You don't understand what I am doing, but someday you will." That's exactly how I felt when the little pink plus sign appeared on the pregnancy test.
It was one time. The one time I give into Cullen, God gives me a baby.
I picked up my phone and called Cullen. He picked up on the last ring.
"Hey, wanna chill for a bit tonight?" He asked. I could hear him popping gum in his mouth.
I knew what "chill" meant in his vocabulary. No. No more chilling with Cullen. I had to tell him about the baby, but this was big news. I had to ease into the announcement.
"I'm pregnant." I blurted.
"What!" He shouted into my ear.
I winced and held the phone away from my ear while he went on a curse word-laced mini rant. I waited until he was finished yelling before bringing the phone back to my ear.
"I don't want a kid." He huffed.
"Tell me about it."
"I can take you to a clin-"
"No." I shut down the idea as fast as it had arrived.
There was silence for a long time. I sat down on the toilet lid and shook the pregnancy test, willing the plus sign of misfortune to get out of my life. But it was too late. We had done the deed. The damage was irreversible.
"I have to get ready for church." I told him before hanging up the call. I buried my head in my hands, willing myself not to cry. I couldn't cry.
A knock on the door startled me back into reality. "Esther? Are you okay in there, Honey?" Mom's voice was so soft and filled with concern on the other side of the door that it made my heart break.
"I'm fine." I flushed the toilet and dropped the test into the trash. I would tell them. Just not today.
Mom stopped me at the door and held my head in her hands. She studied my face. I forced an innocent look onto my face, but she could always tell when something was wrong wit me.
"Are you okay, Honey? You look a little sick."
*You have no idea.*
I gave her a smile. "I'm fine, Mom. Just a little tired." I pulled her hands from my face and pushed past her.
It felt like I was in the all clear when she suddenly remembered something.
"Oh, by the way, I invited Cullen and his parents over after church."
I gave her an awkward smile and thumbs up before disappearing into my room and shutting the door.
I collapsed onto my bed and couldn't hold the tears back any longer. I sobbed onto my pillow for a good five minutes before pulling it away and seeing that it was soaked with tears.
I still couldn't believe it. How could this happen? I was seventeen. This couldn't possibly be happening to me. I was always the role model. The one who never made mistakes. The one everyone looked up to. And now what was I? A whore. That's what everyone would call me.
"Ten minutes!" Mom called.
I took one last deep breath before forcing myself to sit up and wipe my tears away. No one had to know. At least not yet. I figured I would be able to wait a couple of weeks before ruining my relationship with my parents forever. Yes. I could do that.
I walked to my closet and picked out my most modest church outfit for when I had to face Cullen. My eyes were still puffy from crying when I swiped on my mascara, but there was nothing I could do about that now. I grabbed my purse on the way out.
My parents, who were having an intense conversation about some Psalm, hardly noticed me when I slipped past them through the door and went to the car. In fact, they hardly noticed me for the entire car ride, to which I was eternally grateful.
We arrived to church twenty minutes early, like usual. I snagged our usual seats in the second pew while my parents spoke with some of their friends. Normally I would have been there, too, but i just couldn't bring myself to talk to anyone.
Instead, I took my notebook out of my purse and tried to focus on the notes I had taken last week about Daniel. I started to highlight phrases that Pastor David had said that were important to me.
"Did you know that excessive highlighting isn't all that effective?"
I stopped and realized I had highlighted almost the entire page. I groaned in frustration.
"Someone's not having a good day." I turned to see my friend, Jesse, leaning over the back of the pew studying my notes intently.
If only you knew.
I shut the notebook, suddenly embarrassed.
"What's going on?" He asked. "You're not talking to anybody."
"If one of your friends did something bad - like really bad - would you still be their friend?"
"Like what kind of bad?" He asked, jumping over the pew and sitting down next to me.
"Well, not criminal-bad, but bad sin-wise."
"The way I see it, we all make mistakes. Wasn't that the whole point of Jesus dying on the cross? 'Cause if not wow do we have something to tell Pastor David." He teased.
I sighed. He didn't understand. He was going to abandon me. "Okay," was all I could say.
Before Jesse could ask any questions, church started and his mom called him back over to their pew. People started shuffling in the doors, their voices and footsteps echoing throughout the room.
Pastor David began making his rounds, greeting everyone who came in with a few kind words and a charismatic smile. Just the sight of him made me giddy. I had had the silliest crush on him when I was younger. I even announced to him at one of our barbecues that I would marry him one day. He thought I was the cutest thing.
"Good morning." He said to be as he walked by.
"Good morning." I did my best to imitate his wide grin, but it only made me feel awkward. Pastor David made his way up to the pulpit, gripping the podium sides in his hands. His grin was so large it almost looked goofy.
"How's everyone doing today?" He asked the church. He got a round of yeses and yeahs, and someone even whooped. The whole church laughed.
This is what I needed. Church. These people weren't so bad. They weren't the monsters I had built them up to be in my mind. They wouldn't judge me.
"Good, I'm feeling pretty good today as well. Now, onto today's sermon. In the next coming weeks we're going to be closely examining each of the Seven Deadly Sins. We're going to be starting this week with lust.
This should be fun. At least Cullen has to sit through it, too.
"Lust is described as a usually intense or unbridled sexual desire. Now, why is lust bad, you may ask?"
Beside me, my phone buzzed. I flipped it over and read a text from Jesse: I'm lusting for a hamburger right about now.
I covered my mouth to stifle a giggle. I replied, It's 10AM, way too early for a hamburger.
Him: You don't know my life.
Apparently Jesse had been paying at least a little bit of attention to the sermon, because he stopped replying just before we were told to open up our hymn books to page 51. I see stood up, hymn book in hand, ready to sing, but couldn't help to look back at Jesse, who had a faint smile on his face.
Church continued like this for another two hours. Pastor David preaching about lust, Jesse and I texting, singing hymns, and occasionally taking notes, not that I wanted to, but because my friends and I always compared them afterwards.
We sang one last hymn before we prayed, took Communion, and we dismissed.
I hurried up to pack my things and meet my friends outside. They were already in the middle of a game of soccer with some of the smaller kids when I reached them. I sat down under a tree near where they were playing.
"Why don't you come join us?" Jesse shouted in my direction.
I shook my head and took out my notes. "No, thanks, I have some stuff to go over." Even though I had already gone over everything in my notebook numerous times.
I flipped over to today's notes. My stomach growled, interrupting my train of thought. How could I have possibly been so hungry? Oh, that's right, I skipped breakfast and bought the pregnancy test instead.
After every church ceremony, Pastor David and a few other people were in charge of a huge lunch. I usually didn't eat at these things but my hunger was demanding my attention.
I walked to the back of the line. The person in front of me handed me a plastic cup.
I reached out to grab it. "Thank --" Cullen gave me an unfriendly smile. "...you." I finished.
"You're welcome." He replied.
When I came to the punchbowl, I drowned a whole cupful of the stuff, hoping I didn't have a red mustache afterward. I refilled my cup.
Cullen handed me a plate, which he had already put salad on. "Be careful not to gain too much weight." His voice was so low that I thought I had imagined it, but the small smile on his lips told me otherwise.
The thing about Cullen was that he was really sweet and caring -- when he wanted something from you. And the thing is that he was so good at manipulation, you could never tell when he was being sincere. In fact, I wasn't even sure he had ever been sincere about anything as long as he'd be alive. I was pretty sure that his entire life was one manipulation after the next.
I took a deep breath and held back my anger. He wouldn't see me mad at him. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. I was the bigger person here.
"Esther!" Cullen's mom, Jen, who had been in line in front of Cullen this whole time, had just noticed I was standing there. "Honey, you're glowing!"
I choked. Cullen's face went pale.
"What?" I croaked out.
"I mean, you've always been so beautiful, but you look absolutely radiant today."
Cullen looked noticeably relieved, and I'm sure I did, too. I put on a smile. "Thank you so much. You're too kind."
She shot me a smile and moved up in line.
I got the rest of my food -- macaroni salad and a cheeseburger -- and joined my friends back near the tree. They were comparing notes now. I sat down and chowed down on my burger. I didn't bother opening my notebook, I had inadvertently memorized everything I had written down.
"What, are you eating for two or something?" My friend, Lydia, joked.
I choked on my burger. A drink of punch washed it down. My friends had never seen me eat so much before, which made sense. I'd always been self conscious about my weight.
"So, what did Cullen say to you?" My other friend, Sabella, asked, giddy with excitement. She knew I had had a crush on Cullen since seventh grade. Looking back, it had turned out to be a huge waste of my time -- and my future.
I shrugged nonchalantly and took another bite of burger. Now I remembered why I never ate at these things. The meat was practically raw on the inside. Would that hurt the baby? Was it even old enough to get hurt yet?
Now Lydia and Sabella both knew something was up with me. Up until three weeks ago all I ever talked about with them was Cullen. Jesse, however, could not have looked less interested. He was still adding onto his notes.
"Something happened between you guys." Lydia blurted out. Sabella nodded her head in agreement.
I shrugged. "I just realized he's not that great is all. It's not a big deal."
After five more minutes of this awful conversation, Mom called my name, signaling it was time to go. I said goodbye to my friends and stuff led the rest of my plate in a garbage can.
Unfortunately, my parents no longer had anything to talk about, which meant they focused on me.
"What's wrong, Honey?" Dad asked, looking at me through the rear view mirror.
I forced a small smile. "Oh, I'm fine. That burger just isn't sitting right on my stomach is all." I gave my belly a light pat. Dad stared at me for a moment too long, and I didn't think he bought it, but he let the subject drop anyway.
We got home a whole three minutes faster than Cullen's family. I used my free time to run to the bathroom and puke my guts out.
By the time I was finished cleaning up, the bell rang. I answered it and led the Smiths to the family room and kept them entertained while my parents were preparing hor d'oeuvres. Luckily Cullen's dad, George, was a talker.
"So, Esther, how's school going?" He asked.
"I'm doing really well this year. All of my teachers are so great at helping me." I replied with the best fake smile I could muster. Like most kids, I hated to talk about school.
Just as my parents were coming in with the food, Jen excused herself to go to the bathroom. Now it was my parents' turn to ask Cullen questions. And there wasn't anything going good for him in school. I reveled in his squirming when my parents asked him about his GPA.
Suddenly there was a shriek -- yes, a shriek -- of joy coming from the bathroom. All of is shot up when Jen came running in with a pregnancy test in her hand.
"Congratulations!" Jen almost knocked Mom down trying to hug her.
My eyes went wide with shock. Cullen gave me a look that said it all: you idiot.
Tagging: @seas-reading-nook
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