#yes u get a capital G God there bc i am referring specifically to Her as She appears in Good Omens
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queermarzipan · 1 year ago
Oh my GOD
i might have found the most dedicated (brainrotted) good omens fan.
Hey y'all my beloved maggots, so in the spirit of having too much time and still recovering from my illness, your beloved Mascot was lurking on the lovely world wide web. I ended up, as one does, looking up what the fictitious '1810 clerkenwell diamond robbery' might have alluded to.
Of course I ended up with a bunch of tumblr and/or good omens results and then one bloody other search result. Which is what I'm sitting in utter bewilderment thinking about.
I'll link it at the end of the post, but to brief you on it, it was an article with an impressively detailed description of the supposed 1810 robbery, with the mastermind being (rather than Jane Austen, which is what I'd have expected the fake story to have) Richard Turpin. I didn't know who the fuck this was, so I looked him up, and found he was a highwayman who was executed in 1739 (there was a wee bit of bodysnatchin' involved, too). One of the diamonds in this article/story was also called the Star of South Africa, which when I looked it up, apparently is a diamond that was not discovered till the second half of the 19th century.
Which is all good lovely article impressive gonchposting but then I glance through the rest of the website and it seems to have actual articles about crime? I know nothing about stuff that happened after the Roman empire, so you are free to tell me about the legitimacy of the articles, but the fact remains that there are many articles, dating from July 2023 to February 2024.
I hear Good Omens season 2 came out on 28th July 2023, so this person set up an entire site in a few days, wrote an article with an anachronistic highwayman and diamond, and then proceeded to actually fill the rest of the site with articles? Am I in the correct timeline here? Has the internet lost its hivemind?
Please can someone explain this to me? Is this the final stage of the brainrot? Is this what I'm doomed to experience? Because if so I'm suing the entire Good Omens fandom, yes, you all, for infecting me with it.
Or have I lost it and I hallucinated this entire internet experience?
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ghosty-schnibibit · 5 years ago
much earlier in the day than usual taz liveblog! ^o^
the only reason this is going up so early is i haven’t slept yet lmao, i fixed my sleep schedule for about a month and then went right back to being nocturnal.
i've spent the last four nights or so staying up til around ten in the morning binging the magnus archives (i'm about halfway through season three right now) and enjoying the hell out of it. for anyone who followed me bc of my taz liveblogs, rest assured i'm still going to be keeping up with graduation and taz in general :P
without further ado, here we go!
i fucking forgot about “thundermen”
awww, argo made friends with the kitty ^u^
snippers my sweet prince
"i think i take a great deal of delight in that" fitzroy you lil bastard man ilu
clint asking the important questions here lol
you've just described hell travis
did clint already forget the name of the school
jesus that's depressing argo
god i wish i'd had a gary during college to remind me of stuff
i vill tell you the story of melon
i love firbolg and argo so much, they are my favorite best of friends
aww firbolg ; _ ;
fitzroy i am suspicious of where your folks even are
yes fitz get your cloak back you silly boy
i love firbolg so much holy shit
i hope we get to see the boys hang out over spring break, that sounds like a fun episode
"that's good narrative!" travis ilu
oh god the capitalism owl is back
“i vill not do this thing” mood
justin's about to hit us with that sad shit i just know it
called it ; _ ;
... well damn that made me sadder than i expected
i'm still very suspicious about that dog
fitzroy you dumb little shit ilu
make sure higglemis isn't pulling a sazed lmao
you are being very paranoid fitz but that’s okay
"you don't curse well" he's a good sweet boy
jesus christ fitz maybe don't say this to the dude in charge of the school
fitzroy my sweet boy what is your deal, please tell us
... so fitzroy basically wants a venue to prove himself to be a good person that doesn't revolve around performance and artifice. he wants a way to gain power on his own merits without relying on status to boost him up, and felt knighthood was a better way to accomplish that than going to a school where he’s basically being trained to fit a specific role in life
i can see where higglemis is coming from with his worldview given that he's been forced to play second fiddle to his brother for so long
i have a sneaking suspicion that hieronymus thinks he can better manipulate or keep fitz under his thumb in the villian track
fitzroy you dumb himbo baby, my sweet stupid son who i love so much
well that was fucking tense as hell, jesus fuck
yes, on to my sweet boy
c r e e e e e p y
ilu jackyl
why would he want a pocket watch though?
i feel significantly better in argo's ability to do challenge this now that there aren't any life altering consequences
this is going well so far
argo this is such a dumb plan, you are smarter than this my boy
"i'm drawing a word picture" ilu clint
argo this is a dumb and bad plan and you need to roll for this!!!
clint my sweet son
yeah!!! that is how it works!!!
A R G O  W H A T  T H E  F U C K
i cannot fucking believe that worked holy shit
idk if it's just because the creepy voice is gone but i'm trusting jackyl more and more
take your caffe back to chicago 
he got a fuckin tattoo holy shit
what is this reference justin
argo is deeply committed and i love it
this whole bit has been so good
oh damn that was quick edit, holy shit, i didn't even realized we were going into the money zone
there we go, there's the regular intro, i missed it
yay! my favorite girl's birthday :D
awww, argo and firbolg being bestest buds is so wonderful
a knight's tale is the only one of those movies i've seen, please juice don’t dunk on me like this
i know i keep saying this over and over but i love their friendship so much, it warms my heart dearly
fitzroy my sweet boy, he cannot cuss for the life of him 
"as partners" y'all
i love them so much, my sweet loves
god this is cute as shit, i am sold, i am sailing away on the fitzrain ship
... argo were you about to give her the same thing???
argo where the fuck did you- oh okay, nevermind lol
oh firbolg my sweet son
oh my god this is the best holy shit
rainier is my sweet darling girl and i love her so much
i need art of this so bad this sounds so cute
argo why are you busking at your dear friend's birthday party
good god argo really is shaping up to be the magnus of this campaign in terms of rolling and bonuses
yay! festo is back :D
what was that noise travis
festo is going to dance with the wee crabby, i love this so
i need this as a ringtone asap 
i am so bad with names, is buckminster the nice one or the malfoy one??? oh yay good he is the nice one
oh no, what happened to leon? D:
"he wouldn't leave me!" ... are they together?
gross griffin, gross
yes! show love to your sweet crab!
i love these sweet dumb friend boys
oh dang, so the blacksmith professor is in the group too??? interesting
not liking that emphasis on "when someone needs stopping," this is extremely interesting but i'm worried about the narrative implications of this, vís a vís argo being made to turn on his friends
this is so powerful, wow
i'm gonna cry but in a happy way ; u ;
oh snap this is already so cool, wow wow wow
how many teachers are in on this, dang
WAIT WHAT??? why do they want dirt on fitzroy?????
so higglemis was the one who controlled him???
"you may forget" WHAT IS GOING ON
dang there was a lot of development this ep, plot and character-wise! i’m very worried for literally all three of my boys, but also very excited to see what travis has planned from here on out now that some conflict appears to be brewing!
see you guys next right thursday~ ^u^
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