#yes this was an Instagram ad and I only took notice bc I wish you would is one of my favorite sons
sadgirlautumn · 4 months
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“Reads like a Taylor Swift song” I’m sure the title has NOTHING to do with that. Taylor needs to start collecting royalties at this point
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thegreatescape · 5 years
Here’s what happened at the Share The Love Con in Milan! :) [Sorry for my terrible English lol]
At the con I was in the front row with my friends. It was amazing but at the same time I felt a little bit observed lol Pietro was the first one who greeted me and then Nicholas recognized me ;; 
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After the panel, my friend and I decided to take a picture with Federico because he was too beautiful with that blue sweater and when we went to take the picture he gave us a tight hug that I will remember forever. I don't know why but I was more nervous than the previous times... maybe because he was even more beautiful than usual lol 
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Then we queued for the Fede + Rocco duo and I don’t know where I found the courage but I showed them a photo in which two people were kissing a girl on the cheek and this happened sdifhoisadpo 
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Damn Fede has really soft lips, I cry just thinking about it. I left the room shaking like a leaf lol Then we went to the autographs of Nicholas, Greta and Beatrice. Greta and Bea were a wonderful surprise. They are both so kind and sweet. When Greta saw my drawing she gave me a hug and said ‘thank you’ a hundred of times. She was sooo cute! ;; 
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Even Beatrice thanked me so much and complimented me and said “You drew me so hot!” And I was like "Well, you are" haha ​​
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Then I went to Nicholas and this happened:
Nicholas: Hi! I'm a big fan of yours!
And I smiled at him sooo embarrassed.
Nicholas: I don't know how to thank you! I’m very tired after a drawing, you draw 10 drawings every day! You're very good.
Then Greta arrived at his table and said: Did you see my beautiful drawing with the pink background?
And he was like: Mine is gray! :(
Me: I made the backgrounds based on the shirt you had in the photos and you always have a black shirt.
Nicholas: I have to do a photoshoot then haha
Nicholas then asked me to show some of my drawings to Bea and when I showed her my Instagram profile she remembered those I had done for her and Greta added: Oh my God you made me the drawing of me and Nini kissing? It's beautiful! ; _;
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This is Nicholas’ autograph. He drew me Luchino eating pizza’s crusts LOL
Then we went to the autographs of Pietro, Fede and Rocco and I have to say that this was one of the most beautiful moments of the Convention. When Pietro saw me he greeted me with an "Hello darling, how are you?" And before I answered he said: "Did you bring me something?" And when I gave him the drawing he said: “Oh my God, it's awesome! This is a new one!”
Me: “Well, yes, I couldn't post it before, it had to be a surprise!”
Pietro: “Can I keep it? ;)”
Me: “Sure it's for you! Also, sorry if I tag you on so many drawings.”
Pietro: “It makes me so happy! You drew the futuristic black and white one, the one where I’m in Venice, the one with the flag you gave me last time and ... this, right? (he remembered all of them ; ___;) And then he added: “But you drew Federico more :( AHAHAH”
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Then I went to Fede and he said: “I know that yesterday was your birthday so… HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” And he sent me a kiss. I died. Then I gave him the drawing and he thanked me and he looked at me with a pleased smile saying: “What can I write here ..?” And he wrote me this beautiful autograph that I’ve to frame. 
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Then, without saying anything, he got up and hugged me and it was a beautiful moment because I didn't want to let him go. Maybe that was the best hug- not only because it lasted longer but because I could tell him how grateful I was for everything.
Then I went to Rocco and he greeted me with a big smile saying: “Hello Giulia, how are you ?!” And I was actually dying inside so I immediately gave him the drawing and he said something like: “Wtf is this a drawing? Oh my God it’s amazing thank you so much” and he showed it to Fede.
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Then in the afternoon there were other panels but for those I will make a special mentions at the end of the post.
Then there was Fede and Rocco meet & greet. It was pretty weird because we were all so shy and we didn’t know what to say so they told us something that happened on set during Marti and Nico reunion on the terrace in 2x09.
Fede: “Ludovico told us ‘Kiss!', so we did it. It was so romantic, but when we stopped, I noticed that I had Rocco's snot on my cheek. So I said: WHAT THE FUCK IS IT? THIS IS DISGUSTING! and the atmosphere was ruined.
Rocco: “It's true HAHAHA”
Fede: “I had your snot on me all the time! You were always crying!
Rocco: "Yes, there was an important exchange of body fluids. AHHA”
Then we went to eat the pizza with the cast. The first one who sat at our table was Federico. I was the first one to get the pizza and he said: “Well you're the birthday girl that’s why they gave you the pizza first”. I just smiled like an idiot and he said: “Eat it or it gets cold!"
Me: "No, I'm waiting for you …"
He: “But if it gets cold, it sucks”. (it sucked anyway haha)
Then me and my friends started arguing with him bc Federico claimed that the pizza has to be cut in 8 pieces (and we were cutting it in 4). Thankfully Pietro arrived and supported us and told Fede: “Stop being so annoying” ahah.
After that, there was the most embarrassing interaction that I've ever had with him. We looked at each other and he smiled, so I smiled back but I was too nervous to say anything. Basically we kept smiling for like 15 seconds and it all ended with an embarrassing silence :))))
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Then Rocco sat right next to me and he was so… excited? Haha
Rocco: “Did you eat today?”
Me: “No, we were anxious…”
Rocco: “Why? C’mon we know each other now! We’re friends!” (I almost cried, I swear).
Then I showed him a bracelet that my friends bought me for my bday (a heart with the word ‘Sbedemmic’ written on it) and he enlightened and said: “Nooo! Oh my god! Sbedemmic !? A-ma-zing!”
Then we asked him how to pronounce “Maxence” and Rocco called him at out table and Maxence rushed to us leaning towards us and we were blown away because he has really beautiful eyes and honestly I didn't even listen to what he said ahaha
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Then Nicholas joined us and said  "I want to sit right next to Giulia” (I wanted to hug him ;u;) and we talked about drawings and it was wonderful. Then at a certain point I don't remember what he wanted to ask Bea and he started to call her addressing a girl at the table next to ours and only after a while we pointed out that Bea was sitting on the other side of the room and he was like: “Who was I calling? The girl doesn't even have hair like Bea!” HAHAH
Before he left we hugged each other tight and we  thanked each other for everything.
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Maxence is literally an elf. He is nice, funny and he gave me a lot of positivity. We asked him to take a photo all together and he immediately put the glass of wine down because “If my mom sees the picture she gets angry” xD He said he never had the chance to interact so much with the fans at the events and that he thinks it’s amazing to create a bond with us.
Then I apologized bc I tag him on a lot of drawings and he asked me “Wait, what did you draw?”
Before I answered him he started to jump on the chair saying “The raccoon one!?”
Me: “Yes, even the-”
He: “The one with the shirt! Come on, let me see it!”
So I showed him the drawing and he exclaimed: “YEEEEES! THIS ONE! YEEEEES! THE SHIRT!!!”
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He thanked me and I closed instagram, but I had forgotten to change my background and I had a photograph of me with Federico.
Maxence saw it and said: “Is that your boyfriend?"
And I said: “I WISH!”
I swear I didn't want to say it out loud, but it was spontaneous. He widened his eyes and literally burst into laughing while I turned RED. I apologized saying it wasn’t my intention to say it out loud but he said that he got that bc he read the panic in my eyes as soon as I realized it, but he appreciated my spontaneity and he said that it will be our little secret xD (then we talked outside and we took a couple of photos, he even chose the poses AHAHAH but then we got caught and the staff told him to go inside xD).
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1 December
The second day in the morning we went to the autographs of Robin and Lukas and they both thanked me so much for the drawings (I will never forget their expressions ;;). 
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After giving Lukas the drawing he stood up and hugged me tight and he was the sweetest, with his beautiful and kind smile :’)
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Then I took a photo with Nicholas 
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and a duo with Maxence and Rocco where I asked for a group hug and Maxence said: A POLIPATA ?! (an Italian word that idk how to translate. Obviously Rocco taught him that haha it’s like “hugging like an octopus” lol)
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The last photos were those with Federico. When I showed him the photo I wanted to do he made an expression that I will never forget a mix between a smile and ;) and he said: “Uh, today we are in the mood for kisses”. And of course I turned BRIGHT RED :DDD
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The last activity of the day was the autograph with Maxence. He thanked me for the drawing and said "You made me a beautiful drawing, so I will also make your own beautiful drawing" and he made a stylized character of me ahaha
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At the cocktail party Maxence was the first one to sit with us! He didn’t know what to say so he asked us to do a toast and we all said in chorus 'cin-cin' and he said: "Do you know that ‘cin-cin’ means vagina in Chinese?” Ahah This was the highlight of our conversation.
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Then Nicholas and Rocco came at our table and we talked all the time about medicines and reflux lmao We looked like the geriatric department bc they said that all the cocktails tasted like medicines lol 
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Then Pietro and Fede arrived, both sooo tired, but Fede greeted us with "Hello rays of sunshine!" And we were literally dying . Pietro said he was worried about not being able to return home because he would have arrived after midnight and he didn't have the keys. "I can't call someone and say "Hi, I'm the guy who lives upstairs" ahaha
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Then we talked to Lukas and Robin and they were so cute ;; Lukas is a very interesting person, he has a pure soul and it was a pleasure to know him ;; 
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In the end, Bea and Greta arrived and we gossiped a lot, especially about boys haha
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Best moments of PANELs:
-Nicholas said his favorite word is Australopithecus Robustus and Greta said "Fregno" (it’s a slang for ‘hot’) xD
-Fede said his Spirit animal is a Golden Retriever and that Martino’s is a fox
-Fede made fun of Rocco because he spoke with metaphors that didn’t make any sense so Fede was like: Enough Rocco, enough! Stop it! THAT'S ENOUGH!
-We made a video for Bea and everyone cried in the room
-Fede said that Rocco didn’t know how to ride a bicycle and they had to shoot that scene a lot of times
-Fede complimented Rocco and then he gave the microphone to him saying: “Come on, I’m waiting.” Because he wanted to get compliments too haha
-Rocco sat in the audience and asked Fede the story of Bambi and Fede called him “Er Lucertola (lizard)” in revenge and said that the name of Bambi was born because of a toxic (Rocco haha)
-Pietro who answered BOH to all the questions haha
-When a girl mentioned the 4th season (even if we couldn’t) and everyone said to keep hoping and thanked us for fighting so much during these months and then Rocco said: Yes, thank you very much for the support. Without you it wouldn't have been pos— Everyone: ROCCO !!!!! haha
-When another girl talked about Massimo Reale -Dr. Spera- (referring to the photos he posted from the 4th season’s set) and then Bea said: She just wanted to know the name of Dr. Spera and yes, it’s Massimo Reale xD
-Rocco screaming SBEDEM
Here’s some pics I took at the panels :) 
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Everything was AWESOME! I miss them all so much ;;
Please if you want to use one of these pics tag my instagram account:  here
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spooky-skz · 6 years
Fanboy!Hyunjin AU
HELLO GUYS! It’s 2 something in the morning where I live and I’m itching to post an au for hyunjin aside from the au’s I have in progress ( the nephilim!au and youtuber!au are coming soon i promise.) SO WHAT BETTER TO DO THAN AN IDOL AU
•so you’re a very popular member from a girl group called, A+. (ik, it’s lame, bare with me its 2 am)
•your music can be heard blaring out from many shops, restaurants, cafe’s, etc.
• and the group has received nothing but praise for the hard work you all put in during your trainee days to the present.
•skz are all stans of your group but each boy has a different bias.
• hyunjin is a very proud stan. he has you as his lock & home screen. it’s a photo your company first released of you when they were announcing the members of the group.
•he picked you to stan bc of your cool personality and amazing talents! you weren’t just a pretty face uwu
•collects every album/photo card of yours no matter how many versions your company releases.
• a cashier asked him once why he had ten copies of the same album and his reply was simple. each album has the possibility of having a signed photocard.
•he held his breath every time he opened an album, however he found a different member’s signed photocard.
•not gonna lie, he was kind of bummed but nevertheless still happy that he got the rare chance to own such a precious product.
•texted in the skz group chat who he got.
• then his phone started ringing and it was jeongin.
•he had to move the phone away from his ear bc the kid was screaming his dolphin scream from the other line.
•”YOU GOT HEYOON’S PHOTOCARD?!” the younger boy asked, panting from his battle cry.
• hyunjin responded with a yes.
•”I’LL TRADE YOU, I GOT (Y/N)!” jeongin shouted.
• cue both of them screaming at the same time after they agreed to trade
• this guy jams to A+’s songs while doing anything.
•going grocery shopping? he’s listening to it w/earbuds.
•eating dinner at a restaurant by himself? still listening.
•driving to pick up his dog from the groomers? the people outside his car can hear the song and see him TURNING UPPPPP to every bop y’all had ever released.
•he knows every line you have by heart. can recite it backwards too, true talent.
• first to open a fansite for you and it became a vERY big thing for your fandom????
•this guy, he’s like the ideal fansite everyone wishes to exist.
•he doesn’t white wash photos because he firmly believes that you are beautiful just as yourself, no lightening of skin necessary.
•he lets people edit his photos too but as long as they don’t crop out his infamous cute pencil and paper logo that has a red, “A+” written on it.
•he also runs an instagram that is dedicated to updates for your group.
•everyone is always like… “how tf does he get this info so fast? like your company just posted about the news of your comeback two minutes ago and he’s already got a whole post about it with his own personal concerns and hopes.”
•unbeknownst to the company, your group always keeps up with social media posts. you and the rest of your own members have secret accounts that you use to follow fans who like to give detailed inputs on your recent performances and interviews. all their cute edits and encouragement fill your heart full of love!
•you actually took notice of hyunjin’s account first because he was one of the most popular fan accounts in the fandom. EVERYONE could count on his posts bc he didn’t publish any info till he verified it as true.
•you appreciated how he wrote about the little extra movements you made in your dance choreos that really make the overall concept of your song pop. the tiny habits you hadn’t noticed about yourself were things he wrote about as well. he also wasn’t creepy in his writing too. you could really sense how much this boy adored your music.
•btw he posted one selfie after hitting a milestone of 2 million followers and you might of… choked on your drink for a bit bc wow! this guy is behind all them posts?!
•ooooof don’t get me started on the first fanmeet your company held.
•hyunjin’s palms were sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy (bahahaha sorry i had to put in a little eminem in there.) because he was literally going to come face to face with the individual who brightened up his life with her jokes, performing abilities, and more!
• the plane touched down and your group was led out into the airport lounge area where he and the numerous fans already waiting there, IT WAS INTENSE.
• security were doing their best to keep everyone calm but most of the fans were shoving and pulling to get a closer look at y’all.
•not hyunjin though. he was just nervously waiting for your group to make a turn in the corner of the large hallway with a small present in his hand.
• the second he saw you round the area where he stood, he didn’t try and take advantage of the fact that the security were only covering one side of the hallway from the crowd, leaving you completely exposed to simply walk in front of him with no one to hold him back if he invaded your personal space. which he totally didn’t :D
• see? The fansite every group deserves lol
•you paused when he called your name because… you’ve seen that face before!!!
•tbh he didn’t expect you to stop bc his words got caught in his throat when your eyes met his and instead his hand held out a small neatly gift wrapped box.
•you accepted the gift with a smile, a thank you, and a bow. your fingers brushed against his wrist for a moment and you both felt static surge through your hands.
•”no worries! we’re both okay and that’s what matters.” he said looking very flustered.
•you were called to by heyoon bc the other members were already in the van just waiting for you.
•while the stylist was adding some finishing touches to your outfit, she asked, “do you have a specific jewelry piece in mind today?” you held up the gift hyunjin had given you and it was a beautiful necklace with a pendant that had the words, “side by side, or miles apart, your fans are always connected with you through the heart,” engraved onto it.
•this guy had the biggest smile on his face when he saw you wearing the gift he thought about for a while.
•”cute necklace!” he heard a member beside you say.
• “thanks, it’s my favorite.” you replied, and now it was his turn to kneel in front of you, his heart beating faster/harder than earlier.
OOF! would you guys like a part 2, ya girl is totally open. it’s like four minutes to four am here now, ahaha took me a while to make this. hope you enjoyed it! if you’re going to kcon la on saturday and sunday, let me know bc i’ll be there!!!!! time to sleeeeeeep. i might edit little errors here and there when i wake up later on lol. sweet dreams, my precious cabbages.
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