#yes this video contains content from a certain stage production <3
henrysglock · 9 months
she's on youtube <3
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spellscarred · 5 years
So here’s a list of games that help me get through bad days, whether it’s just being out of spoons, or being triggered, or just needing to not think for a hot second, it doesn’t matter. I’ll make sure to tell you why they might appeal, because not every game will work for every mood/situation.
STARDEW VALLEY [ PC / XBOX1 / PS4 / SWITCH / IOS / ANDROID ] — of course, this is the ultimate good mental health game. It’s very relaxing, it’s involved enough that you can focus on it without having to do anything intensive. You can play at your own pace, and you can even play with a friend, if you need that extra support.
GRAVEYARD KEEPER [ PC / XBOX1 / PS4 / SWITCH / IOS / ANDROID ] — this game is here for the same reason as stardew valley, but with an entirely different vibe. You play a man from our time who’s mysteriously transported to medieval times, who has to run a graveyard to find his way back. If Stardew Valley is too soft and cutesy for you, you’ll like Graveyard Keeper’s more morbid twist on it. Steeped in dark humour.
NO MAN’S SKY [ PC / XBOX1 / PS4 ] — surely everyone’s heard of this game from its disastrous launch back in 2016. Since then, Hello Games has worked tirelessly to bring existing and new players free updates and turn it into the game that they’d promised from the start. I’d say they’ve delivered. This game is vast, with plenty to do, plenty to see; you can get lost exploring planet after planet, learning more about the other civilisations that inhabit the galaxies (yes, plural), trading, hunting pirates, raiding freighters, owning freighters, base building, playing with friends... This game can initially be very overwhelming, but the key to this game is to just focus on one thing at a time.
ASTRONEER [ PC / XBOX1 / PS4 ] — if No Man’s Sky is too vast for you, then you might want to try your hand at Astroneer. It’s a lot more contained, much more stylised, and since there’s less content, it’s a lot harder to lose yourself in how much there is to actually do and thus get overwhelmed. Just a fun, lowkey planetary exploration game with cartoon-y graphics. Also with co-op options.
CITIES: SKYLINES [ PC / XBOX1 / PS4 / SWITCH ] — if you’re looking for something to just relax with but still get the sense you’re doing something productive, then you might want to try your hand at Cities: Skylines. The goal is to make a functional city, down to managing the flow of traffic and meeting the zoning demands of your citizens, et cetera. It’s easy to pour a few hours into this once you get the hang of it. Of course, you can also go the Sims route and just give yourself infinite money to design a city to your wishes.
JURASSIC WORLD EVOLUTION [ PC / XBOX1 / PS4 ] — so this is like the old Zoo Tycoon, if the animals were large long-extinct creatures that have a habit of breaking out of their habitats if sufficiently agitated. There’s two ways you can play the game; you can follow the story line, which slowly seeks to reclaim the islands lost in the Jurassic Park trilogy, right down to wrangling the now wild dinosaurs roaming the islands and turning the GenSec bases into functional parks. Or, once you get a 4 star rating on Isla Matanceros, you go sandbox mode on Isla Nublar, which provides you with ample space and neigh unlimited money to go wild on.
BORDERLANDS 2 [ PC / XBOX1 / PS4 / IOS / ANDROID ] — if you’re more into shoot and loot, you’ll find Borderlands 2 (and the Borderlands franchise in and of itself) quite satisfying. I recommend BL2 especially because while it’s dated, its graphics and gameplay still holds up, it’s on older gen consoles as well, and its price tag is a lot less costly than immediately going for Borderlands 3. The game’s funny, it doesn’t really require you to think a lot, and it’s just great fun shooting AI in the face and blowing things up. Even if you’re self-reportedly ‘bad at FPS’, there’s no expectations where Borderlands 2 is concerned. Just sorta aim and shoot, no doubt something will die and give you a shiny prize for it. Endorphines galore.
SPORE [ PC ] — disclaimer, Spore is great up to a certain point, and after that it becomes absolute garbage. Most people agree that the microbial and creature stages of Spore are absolutely fantastic and there’s some whacky fun to be had creating ridiculous-looking creatures and getting them to survive in the direction you’ve decided to take them. Generally, after the Creature Stage comes the Civilisation Stage, which is about the time I restart the game, which is a pity. The longest stage, which is the Space Stage, is arguably also the worst stage. But it’s cheap, and the first two stages are really just that iconic.
TWO POINT HOSPITAL [ PC / XBOX1 / PS4 / SWITCH ] — if you’re like me and you’ve been playing video games on PC for 25 years, surely you’ll remember a little game called Theme Hospital. The weirdest, most ridiculous hospital simulation game ever created. This is that, but from 2018, opposed to 1997. I’ve spent hours upon hours in Theme Hospital trying to save patients, make my layouts make sense, and keep people from littering everywhere, you heathens! In later levels, it can get pretty stressful, but particularly earlier levels, it’s just good ol’ fun.
THE SIMS 4 [ PC / XBOX1 / PS4 ] — speaking of the Sims, the franchise is obviously the most well-known ‘I know I’m in a depression hole because I played for the past 21 hours and I haven’t eaten yet and I probably won’t shower for the next 5 days’ game. Granted, I list the Sims 4, but any iteration of the Sims works for this purpose. Just motherlode and go, my friends. Cure the emptiness by creating a house you’ll never be able to afford. (Personally I use it to create my characters from toddler and making them meet and kiss their SOs, but you know.)
PLANET ZOO [ PC ] — I likened Jurassic World Evolution to Zoo Tycoon but with dinosaurs. Planet Zoo is Zoo Tycoon on steroids. That’s it. Planet Zoo is incredibly robust and in-depth, but the idea is simple: manage a zoo, help animals get off the endangered species list, and release them into the wild where you can while keeping visitors happy and keeping your park clean (why are visitors in sim games always such terrible raccoons)! Go creative mode and just create a zoo to your own wishes with no constraints and you’ll have a great mental health game.
PLANET COASTER [ PC / XBOX1 / PS4 ] — if Planet Zoo is Zoo Tycoon on steroids, then Planet Coaster is Rollercoaster Tycoon on steroids (which, in turn, was a more robust version of 1994′s Theme Park, from the same devs as Theme Hospital mentioned above). Like with Planet Zoo, you make a theme park, create rides that kill people and desperately try to hold back the tide of litter that’ll inevitably happen. But really, just go creative mode and make rollercoasters with so much G-force that it’ll kill everyone that rides them.
RAFT [ PC ] — a co-op game set in an Earth enveloped by oceans, you’re essentially a scout on a raft and that raft will become your home as you build onto it. You go from island to island to collect materials, seeds for food and trees, and discover the lore of the world. Your only enemy is hunger, thirst, and the ever-present shark that really only wants to hug you with its teeth. It’s a friend. Promise.
So do you have any games that you think should be on this list? Games that help you get through days where it’s just really hard to be a person? Feel free to add onto this post. Just make sure you let people know the name, the platforms its available on, the general gist of the game, and why it helps you through tough days.
Enjoy your good mental health days and good luck on your bad mental health days, everyone. 💛
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thecradlerocks · 5 years
Baby Sleep Miracle Review: Does This Truly Get Baby To Sleep?
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"If you are a new sleepless mother, then you should read the Baby Sleep Miracle review. This will offer you a program that will literally save your mind" - Martha Devos (new mother). Tired of those sleepless nights because your child doesn't let you sleep? Do your child's sleepless nights frustrate or irritate you? I am sure this is the case and that is why you are reading this, searching to find an effective solution to your intolerable nights. Ask a mother the simple question: What is the hardest part of being a mother? The most common answer given by almost all mothers is the sleep of their babies. This is often the case because not all mothers have the proper expertise or techniques to put their babies to sleep at night without crying and fusing.
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I need to sleep.... grrrr Most parents, especially the first time parents face many difficulties with young children because it is at this age (from one to three years) that babies bother parents the most. Tired of your little child who wakes you up over and over again overnight? Do you think it's time to end all this drama and get some rest? If your answer is YES, you will benefit from this Baby Sleep Miracle review. This program is the solution to your night problems. It will teach you many techniques you can use to put your baby to sleep perfectly. It also contains some helpful tips and advice on how to care for your child's health. I decided to write an in-depth review of this program, as I still use the information I learned from breastfeeding my 4-month-old baby. After reading my review, you can decide whether this product is right for you or not. One of the main reasons I decided to write this Baby Sleep Miracle Review is that when I decided to buy it, there were lots of biased reviews with endless product ads. On the other hand, my review is neutral and only provides a real truth about this product. Now that you've heard about me a little bit, it's time to learn more about the Baby Sleep Miracle. What is it and who is it for? At the end of this article, I can be sure that you can determine whether this product will work for you and your little one as one of the best sleep training methods.
Who is Mary-Ann Schuller? The Author Of Baby Sleep Miracle Book
Mary Anne helps your baby sleep. The writer is a lady named Mary Ann Schuller. Mother of two children and a psychologist by her profession.
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With over 20 years of experience in child psychology, she definitely knows what she's saying. From her long experience in psychology, when it comes to dealing with the sleep of babies, she first developed these simple instructions that will turn mothers into experts. Mary-Ann fully understands the feelings of deficiency that most parents, especially mothers, experience when their children cannot stop crying and sleeping. Guilt overwhelms them as they begin to see themselves as bad moms. Therefore, she invented tested techniques to help parents cope with the sudden changes in their children's sleep. If you have finished reading your book, get ready to experience your child's miracle while you sleep at night and be less angry when you wake up. Of course, you cannot emphasize the amount of rest that can help increase the mood of most mothers. When stress is less and you rest very well, motherhood is fun for all mothers. The information shared by Mary Ann came from numerous studies and research at the Stanford Sleep Science and Medicine Center and Harvard Medical School. Having said that, it's time to figure out what this product really is. The funny thing is that before I bought this product, I thought it was an online course because all the references and reviews I watched were all in video format. What does this program look like?
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Baby Sleep Miracle is an e-book that you can download or print after the purchase. To be honest, discovering that the software is an ebook disappointed me a bit as I expected a full price recorded video course. I found the price of this ebook is way too high compared to the three eBooks I bought before, none of them priced more than $ 40. The high price of this ebook surprised me, but I chose to ignore it as the content of the ebook is the most important thing. If this were my products, maybe I would give a respectable name like Baby Sleeping Miracle pdf so people know exactly what they get after the purchase. But still, the most important thing is the content of this book, which I will share with you shortly after discussing who this product is meant for. Who Is This For? The reason I searched for such a product is that when my baby reaches about two months, my sleep was destroyed. In the first weeks after my son was born, I woke up every night to feed him. But with the baby sleep miracle, your child can finally sleep overnight At a very thin age, children still haven't known the world, so my child wakes up most part of the night. Nothing changed until it got two months. Then he started waking up all night long. Things got so bad that I was always exhausted every day and night and had to find a good way to put a baby to sleep.
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I almost gave up but I knew I couldn't because this innocent little person trusts and depend on me. This product is for every mother who suffers from night sleep literally due to her baby. However, if the book does not match its claims, all of this is meaningless. In short, the Baby Sleep Miracle review is an ideal review for parents that are Don't want to wake up all night and have enough rest. Attentive, loving, flat-headed and ready to complete education Being willing to take time to apply various techniques discussed in the e-book By applying the techniques discussed in this ebook, you will benefit greatly from the simple and direct guidance given to the baby's sleep. Later in this article, I will explain how this product works for my child and why these are some of the best baby sleep training programs out there. What does it contain? As mentioned earlier, this product is just an ebook and is structured like most ebooks available on the Internet. I do not underestimate the ebooks, because it depends on what the value of each ebook is, but I am somewhat surprised after reading this product as a program which I thought was a video format.
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In addition to the real product, I also bought the upsell around $5 and it turned out to be an e-book with useful information about newborns. The ebook itself is $40 and is about 110 pages long. You will need a couple of days to finish reading the books. However, this product contains a variety of valuable information that you can start applying right away. The e-book consists of three additional products, a kind of calm miracle music and two other e-books. These three books give you a lot of information and advice to take care of your child. The 3 e-books provides tips and tricks about caring for your little one and you'll definitely enjoy your sleep, moving forward. This ebook provides a comprehensive overview of the following baby sleep topics: The importance of napping for babies. Why is it important for children to get enough sleep? The different stages of development and how it affects children's sleep. Negative effects associated with lack of sleep. How to prepare for sleep training. An important technique for your child to sleep. Positive effects of routine. Simple sleep rules for kids. Comprehensive sleep guide for children up to five years old. The benefits of feeding children consistently. The importance of a safe environment for babies.
The Baby Sleep Miracle Review
If you are in the market before, reviewing and researching various tips and tricks online to help you put your baby to sleep, then you're probably motivated purely by self-interest rather than acting for honorable or unselfish reasons. . You may not believe that something is working out there. This is pretty good because most articles, ebooks, and videos with baby sleep routines often contain tips that don't work. This is because they're not written by mothers or those with relevant academic / scientific backgrounds to provide useful advice. They're not based on real research. But the baby sleep miracle is not part of them. This is very different. It was written by a famous child psychologist and is based on extensive research. Just two or three weeks after reading, you will know why most Baby Sleep Miracle reviews on blogs and social media are so positive. Why Because the tips and tricks in it are very useful and effective. They are also very easy to follow and give you solid advice, for example, when your baby will sleep through the night. But this is not what I am going to show in this section of baby sleep miracle review. . This is the in-depth part where I everything in the e-book for you. Thus, the e-book is divided into sections. Just four sections, and the entire book is only one hundred pages, so that reading will not take much time. Just in case 100 pages sound too much, don't worry about it. There are sub-chapters for certain ages, where you can easily find advice and tips about sleep for a specific child's age.
More In-depth Look At The Product
When I decided it was a product I needed, I went out for it. I started researching on the internet and looking for blogs that share information about whether it's a good program / book or not. Because there are certain blogs with links to premium products, I decided to buy from a particular blog. But when I click the link, I was taken to a page that looks like this:
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One page contains a video with a robot-like sound that explains how to get your baby to sleep through the night. To be honest, I think it looks like a scam, but I assure you that it's not, because I have bought the books and it's all real. But it looks like that to me then. Then I search the page to see if I could find links to text pages or anything, as watching videos is not my thing, especially if it's not a real person. And of course I found the link right below the video, as you can see in the image below:
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Baby sleep miracle link to text page When I got to the text page, I was surprised that it really looked really good. And that is what drives me to ignore the tacky looking video, because the text pages are very inviting and decorated with beautiful colors. But the most important question is: does it really explain whether it can solve my problem or not?
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Yes, that's for sure, and that's why I bought it. This page has several useful tips that are different from the usual feathers that seem to float around the Internet. There were also several testimonies from real mothers who also took the program and got desired results from the teachings that were included in the book. Sections included in the baby sleep miracle ebook: Chapter 1: Risk of sleep deprivation 2: Understanding Sleep 3: General sleeping rules for infants and children 4: Sleep at every age (there are many different methods of sleep training in this)
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Snippet of Table of Contents page from Ebook Baby Sleep Miracle Review: Chapter 1 Section 1 of this book explains the dangers of sleep deprivation. If you are a new mother, you will be able to immediately understand the dangers of sleep deprivation in this chapter. Lack of sleep can lead to frustration, stress, depression, anger, marital problems, even divorce. Lack of sleep can also cause severe weight loss and depression. This is how you can hate yourself. In short, it can make you very sad. Mary Ann Schuler explains the lack of sleep, and relies on work experience in this chapter. She has shown how a lack of sleep can interfere with the mother's relationship with her newborn and partners. She also explained how a lack of sleep can lead to neurological diseases. After reading this section, you can say that it is necessary to take immediate steps to overcome the lack of sleep when you are a new mother. You can also say that having overcome sleep deprivation, you can return to your flow, you can be happy again, and return to a healthy conversation with your partner. Baby Sleep Miracle Review: Chapter 2 This section focuses on the interpretation of sleep. It is based on the science of sleep and explains how we sleep. This explains the importance of sleep for a healthy life and that is why we all become zombies if we do not get adequate sleep. I like the chapter in this book, because it is well researched and very simple to understand, despite being scientific. The most important thing in this section - is a foundation upon which Mary Ann bases her overall sleep rules, suggestions and recommendations. This is a fairly informative part of this book. Baby Sleep Miracle Review: Chapter 3 This part of the book explains the basics of good sleep. Also, if you do not understand the circumstances and conditions that could put you baby to sleep, then you will find this chapter most interesting. If you want to dispel the myths and misconceptions about children's sleep immediately, this chapter may be of interest too. This is because it contains full description of everything about baby sleep from the creation of the program to creating sleep soothing techniques to the application process and to favorable conditions for sleeping, The information that you will learn from this part of the book will help you learn about the little things that you can do so there will be no need to wake up at night and also make your child throughout the night. Baby Sleep Miracle Review: Chapter 4 Now, this for young mothers, especially, those that are very busy, they will find this chapter very interesting. Why? Because it involves age-related procedures, tips and tricks on how to makw your baby sleep well. This information is placed in series in the sub-section. There is information to get your baby to sleep as they are a month old, up until they are five years old. I really like this part, because it helps me with my baby. My child was four months old when I bought this book, and he gave me a lot, as in two weeks in a row without sleeping. Because I was so sleepy I didn't have time to read the rest of the e-book at first, and it was too much effort for me too. I was told by a friend to buy it, since it has age-specific tips and tricks of baby sleep. So I did, and when I received it, I immediately skipped to the desired page. And there I saw information and advice that helped me turn my baby from a mid-night screamer to a peaceful and loving all-night sleeper. In short, I think the most important information or part of this book is the 7-steps tips to put any baby to sleep immediately. If you won't read anything else after purchasing the book, make sure that you read this guide. This is the tips and tricks to die for (of course, you do not need to die for sure, but you get the gist)!
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baby sleep miracle sound Additional Content In addition to the Baby Sleep Miracle e-book, I have free extras, including e-books in multimedia files that let you easily listen to the program, do other things and let the baby sleeps, noise/ miracle sound mp3 to soothe the baby to sleep.
Baby Sleep Miracle Pros And Cons
I have previously used and reviewed many sleep programs and children's books, although I haven't found the best one, but this one come as close to being perfect. To learn about the pros and cons of this baby sleep miracle book, see below. Pros It has lots of useful tips, tricks and practical information to help your baby sleep well. It is a well-structured program that combines the content of a child's model with the age-specific baby sleep information at which is easy to find from the table of content. It comes with a video review of the product recommended to mothers. (It's hard to tell if the mothers are honest or have paid critics) . This creates reasonable and realistic expectations. No program promises success anywhere. This research project was conducted in a study at the Harvard University and Stanford University. It was written by a child psychologist who is the mother herself. It provides effective solutions. It comes with three baby materials for babies and a 60-day money-back guarantee (to get your money back if you feel it is not worth it). Many positive baby sleep miracle reviews are available online. Comes with a fair price, this is a great value for money. This will probably save you from a lack of sleep and make your baby cry less and be happier. Cons This is mainly an e-book. I would have love to see a video demonstration with tips and techniques. You will need to read the book and practice the information provided in the book for it to work. This may take a while. The book is available only in specific languages, such as English, French, Spanish, and German. Learn More Here
Where To Buy Sleeping Baby Miracle
If you have been impressed by this Baby Sleep Miracle review, then I'll share a special link to help you get the e-book and some bonus materials, including the Miracle Sleep MP3 Sounds that soothes your baby to sleep.. But before I do that, I think I need to share my opinion on the program with you. in case you are still unclear with the way I presented this review, I like the baby sleep miracle. I like it because it is accurate, effective and age-specific. This is probably the best $ 37 dollar I've ever spent, and it really showed how to get the baby to sleep. Click here to purchase the program and receive the bonus contents, including a special sleep noise. Remember the mentioned $37 is a promotional offer. The program is usually $100.
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Baby sleep bonus packs with deals
Is This Baby Sleep Miracle Legit Or Just A Scam?
I can confidently say the baby sleep miracle is 100% legit. If you have also read this fantastic overview of the baby sleep miracle, you know it's legit. This is an excellent program with actionable tips and tricks to follow step-by-step. This is because the information is very different from other similar products. The tips and strategies are also very effective. They helped me make my baby less fussy. They also help me achieve a healthy state by gaining back my sanity. I could tell that just three or four weeks ago I was probably in a bad situation with sleep deprivation. But I'm happier now than I ever was since my baby came into this world. Therefore, this program is legit. And if you don't believe it! On the Internet, there are many people whose reactions show that it is working, check the videos below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmyM_bWdbjk&feature=youtu.be Testimonial from a real mother And here is another testimonial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOiYB6TDrSE&feature=youtu.be testimonial from another new mom If you still don't know the tips and information you can get in this program, read the following excerpt from the e-book. “But you’ll always need a bedtime routine. Predictable routines not only help babies relax, but they also cue the brain to slow down and make the necessary sleep “arrangements” – just like a good book does that for you.” “Developing a bedtime routine early – by about six weeks – is absolutely essential." At first, it will be very simple. With the above information, you will probably know that if you buy this program you will gain a lot. Therefore, if you suffer from sleep deprivation, your child does not sleep well at night and your partner feels sleepy due to lack of sleep in the night, buy this program. It is legit and can help you change your current situation. This has helped me and I believe it will help you too on how to get your baby to sleep through the night.
Final Thought
Can I recommend this product to a close friends or relatives? Yes, I can. Why? Because I have tested it and it worked for me and my baby. This is surely the best tip and information on how to get your baby to sleep through the night. The book is also quite cheap, compared to its value and you will see when you start using it. Child psychologist, Mary-Ann Schuler, uses her professional education and experience as a mother to create this well-researched yet an easy-to-read book and an easy-to-implement program. Great and useful information from the first page to the last page. It also comes with additional materials such as electronic books and MP3 sleep noise to calm your baby to sleep. In short, it is an excellent program that is good for whoever that is searching these topics on the internet: How to get your baby to sleep through nightHow to get your baby to sleep without being heldHow to get your baby to sleep at nighthow to get your baby to sleep on their own and so on. A few nights after applying the baby's principles, tips and tricks, you will begin to notice that your baby sleeps more, cries less and is happier than before. It is a program worth every dollar spent. I highly recommend this baby sleep miracle program to mothers that are trying to get their baby to sleep through the night. Get it with all the bonuses here for just $37
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Disclaimer: If you buy through my link, I will get a small affiliate commission. This doesn't make the product more expensive for you in any way, but it helps me support my blog. The review is honest and my personal experience with this product and I would never recommend a product that I have never used and 100% satisfied with. Please enjoy the review with this route and let me know in the comments if you have any questions. Read the full article
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cesarcwqr668 · 3 years
Finest Understanding Scientific research Programs Online
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Certification is the quickest and most handy pathway for school students to obtain knowledge science training. These are usually more targeted towards a selected place or gaining competence with explicit software program and hardware within the field. A extensive number of certification is out there through specific distributors, similar to Microsoft, Google, IBM, Cisco, and more.
$295 per-term charges include Resource Fee of $145 (covers all e-books and studying assets, saving you hundreds per term) and Program Fee of $150 .
Completing the program requires participation in a 4-credit capstone course.
Since I share the most effective studying sources to assist students and professionals such as you, naturally my content might contain affiliate links for products I use and love.
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— Projective Technology (@ProjectiveTech) May 29, 2019
Formerly with Avid, David Frasco has over 30 years of experience in editing, post production and building out marketing and sales teams for solutions that have transformed content creation and production workflows. For the past 14 years Frasco served as Avid’s director of enterprise accounts, assisting clients to deploy file-based workflow and production systems. He was instrumental in the debut of game-changing solutions for the past four Olympic games. A large portion learned, or at least honed their skills, by getting a free version, taking it for a spin over a few months and creating some personal projects at home. Film schools may teach the fundamentals of post, but it takes tinkering, exploration and months of practice to become comfortable enough to put in on your resume.
Stage Two in Post-Production
However, full-time editing professionals will certainly want to upgrade to the full version of Media Composer. When running software products such as Avid Media Composer, if you receive an error that says No Media can be written to any mounted drive.
An Editor can choose to lock their bin container to the top, bottom, left, or right of the source/record.
Once you're in the web editor, you'll have access to most iWork app tools to make changes.
Once you get over that 25-weddings-a-year mark, it makes a lot of sense for you to seriously look at outsourcing your jobs to a company that can guarantee you fast turnaround and consistent results.
While it is now quite common for directors, producers, and clients to give feedback remotely, it’s less common for the editorial team itself to be distributed across multiple locations.
Most editors drop footage into their library alphabetically, so any naming convention should keep this in mind.
Every system includes unlimited built-in media management software, file automation, cloud integration, and collaborative features for Adobe, FCP X, Avid, and Resolve.
Everything has worked https://www.diigo.com/rss/user/projectivetech fine the way it is, but let’s look at cars as a good example. I would compare this update of Media Composer to going from a Chevy to a Tesla. The release of Media Composer 2019(.6) (MC2019), is one that Avid has been pushing for a while now.
Going to IBC? Visit us at Hall 3 A.28 and see how Strawberry Skies will dramatically improve how media productions create and share media content! https://t.co/utOdCiSYAw pic.twitter.com/7x8FhVZ9GL
— Projective Technology (@ProjectiveTech) September 5, 2019
” Today we’ll look at Avid, as they have many supported options, so you can cut with Media Composer from just about anywhere. Post House Creative is a full-service video production and animation boutique. On a recent project for the Columbus Blue Jackets, Post House Creative had an opportunity to try something new.
How do I mount a bin file in Windows 10?
The . bin extension is commonly used with CD and DVD backup image files and certain anti-virus programs. The BIN files contain binary code that is used by the different applications on your computer. In some cases, the BIN files are saved in basic binary format and can be opened with a text editor.
I’ve seen some posts in the Avid Editors of Facebook page that “Nobody cares about Docked panels, they’re making a big deal about nothing”. Remember, for Media Composer editors, many of them who have been editing on their Media Composer systems for over 20 years (yes, that’s me raising my hand), they don’t need change.
What does finishing mean in post production?
Post Production Scripts (Pps) A Post Production Script is your film on paper, shot by shot, word by word. Whether you are a Production Company, Broadcaster or Distributor, we can tailor a script that is right for you, including shot-lists, timecodes, dialogue, voiceover, captions, credits and music cues as required.
0 notes
laurelkrugerr · 4 years
What Should You Do When A Web Design Trend Becomes Too Popular?
About The Author
Suzanne Scacca is a former WordPress implementer, trainer and agency manager who now works as a freelance copywriter. She specializes in crafting marketing agency, web … More about Suzanne Scacca …
By now, you’re probably used to seeing design trends come and go. But have you ever given any thought to what passing trends do to a website when left there for too long? As a web designer, you have a few choices. You can ignore popular design trends altogether; you can adopt them, but pull them out of rotation the second they go stale, or you can put your own unique spin on them. This guide will help you figure out which approach makes the most sense for your site.
I read an interesting article on Forbes recently about language saturation. Here’s the problem:
Consumers don’t always understand the technicalities of what businesses do or the solutions they’ve created for them. So, copywriters use jargon that translates something like “Internet-connected devices with computing capabilities” into “smartphones”, “smart watches” and “smart speakers”.
Some of these buzzwords spread like wildfire and it soon becomes impossible to find a brand or website that doesn’t use them. When that happens, the words — and the associated product or service — become meaningless in the minds of consumers because everyone is saying the same thing.
The same thing happens when design trends become too popular. This is something Vitaly Friedman talked about last year with regards to cookie consent notices and banner blindness.
But what choice do you have? Are you supposed to hop on the design bandwagon anyway so your website doesn’t get left behind? Today, we’re going to look at what your options are.
What Should You Do with Too-Popular Design Trends?
To be clear, I’m not suggesting that you ignore any and all rising design trends.
There are certain trends that we absolutely need to adopt across the board. Like minimalism and mobile-first design. When there’s substantial, quantifiable proof that a design technique is needed, please don’t ignore it.
What I’m talking about are design trends that aren’t aimed at strengthening the web. Instead, they’re solely about driving up engagement on websites.
Brutalism. Facebook Messenger pop-ups. Home page hero sliders. The second that popular websites begin to adopt these trends and once writers and designers start including them in design trend roundups, it’s only a matter of months before consumers are inundated with them. And this is when banner blindness kicks in.
So, what are your options when you learn about a new design trend that promises big results?
Option 1: Ignore It and Stick with What Works
There are a few reasons you should consider going with this option:
You work on short-term website projects.
For those of you who build websites, hand them over to clients and then wish them luck as you move onto the next, it’s probably not a good idea to play around with fad-like design trends.
You know how quickly design trends change, so why put your client in a position where they have a website with an outdated design? One of three things is going to happen:
They’ll leave the outdated feature as is and have no idea that it’s costing them conversions.
They’ll ask you for help in removing the feature not too long after launch and won’t be happy about needing a rework so soon.
They’ll ask another designer for help because they’re upset you put them in this less than ideal position.
Unless your client has a very good reason why they need to exploit a passing design trend, try to dissuade them from it. If they understand the fleeting nature of some of these trends, as well as how banner blindness develops from oversaturation, they should be onboard with you sticking to what works.
You’re designing (or redesigning) a site for a very well-established company.
When building a website for a company that has a long-standing reputation with its audience as well as a tried-and-true formula for success, adopting a passing trend could be risky.
Take Zillow, for example.
The homepage for Zillow on mobile (Image source: Zillow) (Large preview)
This is the mobile homepage as it stands today. It’s simple, sleek and intuitive by nature.
Can you imagine what would happen if the designer decided to add a video background to the hero banner? Or to interrupt the property browsing experience with a pop-up advertising a free ebook download?
You have to really think about what disruptions to the expected design would do to the flow of things. So, when building something for a brand that’s known for its consistency and convenience, it’s best to ignore passing trends.
This doesn’t mean that a website like this shouldn’t be redesigned. Like I said before, lasting design “trends” can’t be ignored as they enable us to move websites in the right direction (like responsive design). For example, this was Zillow in 2017:
The mobile homepage for the Zillow website in 2017 (Image source: Zillow) (Large preview)
See how far we’ve come in terms of making websites mobile responsive and mobile-first in just a few years? These are the kinds of popular changes that don’t require debating.
The company’s goal is to build relationships; not to increase sales.
I realize that every website needs conversions in order to survive. However, many business models can’t sustain with just one-off sales. It costs too much money to constantly market to new customers, which is why some businesses focus on building long-term relationships with their customer base.
And that’s why you need to steer clear of conversion-boosting design trends on these kinds of websites.
Take, for instance, Gary Vaynerchuk’s website:
The mobile website for Gary Vaynerchuk is free of passing design trends and elements. (Source: Gary Vaynerchuk) (Large preview)
Remember when every website seemed to have a pop-up containing two buttons — one of which would be super-positive like “Yes, I want to change my life!” and the other which was meant to shame the visitor with something like “No, I like living in squalor.”
How do you think Vaynerchuk’s always-growing loyal following would feel if the site displayed one of those pop-ups? Not only would they be annoyed by the disruption keeping them from the content, but they’d probably be upset that he’d use such a shameless ploy to bully them into signing up.
If the brand you’re building a website for is on a similar mission — to build long-lasting and meaningful relationships — you don’t want to sully that with bad design decisions.
Option 2: Adopt the Trend But Keep an Eye on Market Saturation
Patrick Ward, the author of the Forbes article mentioned above, explained that many writers in the fintech space have had to pivot towards a simpler style of writing:
“At first, new startups used jargon and buzzwords to highlight their brand new tech and give themselves a competitive edge.”
I think this is a good lesson for designers as well. It’s not always a bad thing to hop on a design trend’s bandwagon — especially if it’s proven to work and it’s still in the very early stages of public awareness.
So, while there are clear cases where it makes sense to avoid design fads, I think there are times when it makes sense to take advantage of them. The only thing is, you can’t just implement the design and then leave it be.
For instance, this is the 15 Finches website on desktop:
A walk-through of the animation on the 15 Finches website on desktop. (Source: 15 Finches) (Large preview)
Now let’s compare this same animated experience to what users get on their mobile devices:
A walk-through of the 15 Finches website on mobile with layering errors and no animation. (Source: 15 Finches)(Large preview)
There are a number of design choices made on this mobile site that should’ve been long phased out.
The vertical typography in the background should go. It might add texture to the desktop site, but it’s just a confusing distraction on mobile.
The animation on the desktop site doesn’t translate to mobile. To present visitors with a consistent experience, the designer should commit to mobile-first design.
There are also layering errors all over the mobile site, with text often covering other bits of text as well as missing call-to-action buttons.
As I said, there are some sites where it’s okay to adopt short-term design trends. Just keep an eye on them.
For example, the Hubspot site design is always changing, but any design trends it adopts never seem to overstay their welcome. Hubspot tends to cut out just before they become too much. And that’s a key thing to remember.
Hubspot’s mobile site continues to use a chatbot widget to guide prospective customers in the right direction. (Image ource: Hubspot) (Large preview)
As you can see, the mobile site still uses a chatbot widget. For a business that sells sales and marketing agency software, it’s an important element to retain even if other sites have since ditched theirs.
That said, I’m positive that Hubspot keeps close tabs on its user data so it probably has confirmation that the element continues to work well. This is just one of the things you should be mindful of when monitoring a trend.
If you want to utilize popular design trends, you need to be in it for the long haul with your clients. That way, the second you start to notice:
Oversaturation in the market,
The trend has gone completely stale,
Or your users aren’t responding positively to it.
You can immediately move the website to safer ground.
Option 3: Go in a Similar But Different Direction
When a design technique or element immediately and universally becomes popular, there’s more value to it than just its ability to increase conversions or create a prettier design.
Take a look at why it’s caught on the way it has. If you understand what’s driving the popularity of the fad, you can leverage the strongest parts of it, make it your own and have something with real staying power.
Do you remember the New York Times’ Snow Fall article in 2012? This was shortly after parallax scrolling started to pick up speed in web design. And despite some websites utilizing the trend, it was the way the NYT creatively integrated it along with interactive and animated images that really blew people away — so much so that it won a number of journalism awards for it.
Notice that the NYT didn’t try to redesign its website with parallax scrolling or interactivity. It took the basic principles gaining in popularity and applied it to one groundbreaking story. By considering how the trend could be best used for maximum impact, the NYT turned a short-term fad into something that would make its story memorable.
If you understand what’s driving the popularity of the fad, you can leverage the strongest parts of it, make it your own and have something with real staying power.
Let’s take a look at a more recent example of a site using this approach.
You’re all familiar with the trend of split-screen design, right? It worked really well on desktop, both in its static form as well as when one half of the screen would remain put while the other moved. But on mobile? It wasn’t so great.
While we’ve seen a lot of split screen designs get phased out, EngineThemes has made the trend its own:
EngineThemes has put a playful twist on the once-trendy split screen design. (Source: EngineThemes) (Large preview)
Upon entering the site, it’s a look we’re familiar with as consumers. But it doesn’t take long to realize that this is going to be a different experience.
For starters, the bobbing bird and red double-headed arrow are something you don’t see much of, if at all, on other sites. I can’t imagine many visitors scroll past this banner without engaging with it.
Secondly, there are no words in this banner on mobile. (There are on the desktop website.)
One of the reasons why this design trend doesn’t work anymore is because it can’t be used on mobile sites — there just isn’t enough space to split the screen and fit enough words in there. Or is there?
EngineThemes has hidden a message in its animated, split screen graphic. (Image source: EngineThemes) (Large preview)
Eagle-eyed visitors will notice that there’s a message carefully hidden in the bird graphic when the arrow is moved to the right. Granted, the text should be bigger, but mobile visitors can zoom in if they’re struggling to read it.
It’s a string of code that reads:
"EngineThemes provides effective business solutions with simple and powerful WordPress app themes."
But do you see what I mean? When a design trend suddenly becomes popular — for a short or long while, too — it doesn’t necessarily mean you need to use the same exact version of it like everyone else. This is why oversaturation quickly turns once great-looking websites stale.
By taking what’s so innovative about a design trend and making it your own, though, you can give the trend real staying power while making your site a standout in the process.
Wrapping Up
When we overdo it by leveraging the same design trends as everyone else, we put our websites at risk of becoming redundant or, worse, invisible. So, how do we establish a cutting edge if we can’t make use of design “jargon”?
The truth is, there’s no one clear-cut answer. You need to be able to read the room, so to speak, and figure out which approach is best for you. You could leave the passing trend alone, you could adopt it temporarily or you could make it your own.
Further Reading on SmashingMag:
(ra, il)
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/what-should-you-do-when-a-web-design-trend-becomes-too-popular/ source https://scpie1.blogspot.com/2020/03/what-should-you-do-when-web-design.html
0 notes
riichardwilson · 4 years
What Should You Do When A Web Design Trend Becomes Too Popular?
About The Author
Suzanne Scacca is a former WordPress implementer, trainer and agency manager who now works as a freelance copywriter. She specializes in crafting marketing agency, web … More about Suzanne Scacca …
By now, you’re probably used to seeing design trends come and go. But have you ever given any thought to what passing trends do to a website when left there for too long? As a web designer, you have a few choices. You can ignore popular design trends altogether; you can adopt them, but pull them out of rotation the second they go stale, or you can put your own unique spin on them. This guide will help you figure out which approach makes the most sense for your site.
I read an interesting article on Forbes recently about language saturation. Here’s the problem:
Consumers don’t always understand the technicalities of what businesses do or the solutions they’ve created for them. So, copywriters use jargon that translates something like “Internet-connected devices with computing capabilities” into “smartphones”, “smart watches” and “smart speakers”.
Some of these buzzwords spread like wildfire and it soon becomes impossible to find a brand or website that doesn’t use them. When that happens, the words — and the associated product or service — become meaningless in the minds of consumers because everyone is saying the same thing.
The same thing happens when design trends become too popular. This is something Vitaly Friedman talked about last year with regards to cookie consent notices and banner blindness.
But what choice do you have? Are you supposed to hop on the design bandwagon anyway so your website doesn’t get left behind? Today, we’re going to look at what your options are.
What Should You Do with Too-Popular Design Trends?
To be clear, I’m not suggesting that you ignore any and all rising design trends.
There are certain trends that we absolutely need to adopt across the board. Like minimalism and mobile-first design. When there’s substantial, quantifiable proof that a design technique is needed, please don’t ignore it.
What I’m talking about are design trends that aren’t aimed at strengthening the web. Instead, they’re solely about driving up engagement on websites.
Brutalism. Facebook Messenger pop-ups. Home page hero sliders. The second that popular websites begin to adopt these trends and once writers and designers start including them in design trend roundups, it’s only a matter of months before consumers are inundated with them. And this is when banner blindness kicks in.
So, what are your options when you learn about a new design trend that promises big results?
Option 1: Ignore It and Stick with What Works
There are a few reasons you should consider going with this option:
You work on short-term website projects.
For those of you who build websites, hand them over to clients and then wish them luck as you move onto the next, it’s probably not a good idea to play around with fad-like design trends.
You know how quickly design trends change, so why put your client in a position where they have a website with an outdated design? One of three things is going to happen:
They’ll leave the outdated feature as is and have no idea that it’s costing them conversions.
They’ll ask you for help in removing the feature not too long after launch and won’t be happy about needing a rework so soon.
They’ll ask another designer for help because they’re upset you put them in this less than ideal position.
Unless your client has a very good reason why they need to exploit a passing design trend, try to dissuade them from it. If they understand the fleeting nature of some of these trends, as well as how banner blindness develops from oversaturation, they should be onboard with you sticking to what works.
You’re designing (or redesigning) a site for a very well-established company.
When building a website for a company that has a long-standing reputation with its audience as well as a tried-and-true formula for success, adopting a passing trend could be risky.
Take Zillow, for example.
The homepage for Zillow on mobile (Image source: Zillow) (Large preview)
This is the mobile homepage as it stands today. It’s simple, sleek and intuitive by nature.
Can you imagine what would happen if the designer decided to add a video background to the hero banner? Or to interrupt the property browsing experience with a pop-up advertising a free ebook download?
You have to really think about what disruptions to the expected design would do to the flow of things. So, when building something for a brand that’s known for its consistency and convenience, it’s best to ignore passing trends.
This doesn’t mean that a website like this shouldn’t be redesigned. Like I said before, lasting design “trends” can’t be ignored as they enable us to move websites in the right direction (like responsive design). For example, this was Zillow in 2017:
The mobile homepage for the Zillow website in 2017 (Image source: Zillow) (Large preview)
See how far we’ve come in terms of making websites mobile responsive and mobile-first in just a few years? These are the kinds of popular changes that don’t require debating.
The company’s goal is to build relationships; not to increase sales.
I realize that every website needs conversions in order to survive. However, many business models can’t sustain with just one-off sales. It costs too much money to constantly market to new customers, which is why some businesses focus on building long-term relationships with their customer base.
And that’s why you need to steer clear of conversion-boosting design trends on these kinds of websites.
Take, for instance, Gary Vaynerchuk’s website:
The mobile website for Gary Vaynerchuk is free of passing design trends and elements. (Source: Gary Vaynerchuk) (Large preview)
Remember when every website seemed to have a pop-up containing two buttons — one of which would be super-positive like “Yes, I want to change my life!” and the other which was meant to shame the visitor with something like “No, I like living in squalor.”
How do you think Vaynerchuk’s always-growing loyal following would feel if the site displayed one of those pop-ups? Not only would they be annoyed by the disruption keeping them from the content, but they’d probably be upset that he’d use such a shameless ploy to bully them into signing up.
If the brand you’re building a website for is on a similar mission — to build long-lasting and meaningful relationships — you don’t want to sully that with bad design decisions.
Option 2: Adopt the Trend But Keep an Eye on Market Saturation
Patrick Ward, the author of the Forbes article mentioned above, explained that many writers in the fintech space have had to pivot towards a simpler style of writing:
“At first, new startups used jargon and buzzwords to highlight their brand new tech and give themselves a competitive edge.”
I think this is a good lesson for designers as well. It’s not always a bad thing to hop on a design trend’s bandwagon — especially if it’s proven to work and it’s still in the very early stages of public awareness.
So, while there are clear cases where it makes sense to avoid design fads, I think there are times when it makes sense to take advantage of them. The only thing is, you can’t just implement the design and then leave it be.
For instance, this is the 15 Finches website on desktop:
A walk-through of the animation on the 15 Finches website on desktop. (Source: 15 Finches) (Large preview)
Now let’s compare this same animated experience to what users get on their mobile devices:
A walk-through of the 15 Finches website on mobile with layering errors and no animation. (Source: 15 Finches)(Large preview)
There are a number of design choices made on this mobile site that should’ve been long phased out.
The vertical typography in the background should go. It might add texture to the desktop site, but it’s just a confusing distraction on mobile.
The animation on the desktop site doesn’t translate to mobile. To present visitors with a consistent experience, the designer should commit to mobile-first design.
There are also layering errors all over the mobile site, with text often covering other bits of text as well as missing call-to-action buttons.
As I said, there are some sites where it’s okay to adopt short-term design trends. Just keep an eye on them.
For example, the Hubspot site design is always changing, but any design trends it adopts never seem to overstay their welcome. Hubspot tends to cut out just before they become too much. And that’s a key thing to remember.
Hubspot’s mobile site continues to use a chatbot widget to guide prospective customers in the right direction. (Image ource: Hubspot) (Large preview)
As you can see, the mobile site still uses a chatbot widget. For a business that sells sales and marketing agency software, it’s an important element to retain even if other sites have since ditched theirs.
That said, I’m positive that Hubspot keeps close tabs on its user data so it probably has confirmation that the element continues to work well. This is just one of the things you should be mindful of when monitoring a trend.
If you want to utilize popular design trends, you need to be in it for the long haul with your clients. That way, the second you start to notice:
Oversaturation in the market,
The trend has gone completely stale,
Or your users aren’t responding positively to it.
You can immediately move the website to safer ground.
Option 3: Go in a Similar But Different Direction
When a design technique or element immediately and universally becomes popular, there’s more value to it than just its ability to increase conversions or create a prettier design.
Take a look at why it’s caught on the way it has. If you understand what’s driving the popularity of the fad, you can leverage the strongest parts of it, make it your own and have something with real staying power.
Do you remember the New York Times’ Snow Fall article in 2012? This was shortly after parallax scrolling started to pick up speed in web design. And despite some websites utilizing the trend, it was the way the NYT creatively integrated it along with interactive and animated images that really blew people away — so much so that it won a number of journalism awards for it.
Notice that the NYT didn’t try to redesign its website with parallax scrolling or interactivity. It took the basic principles gaining in popularity and applied it to one groundbreaking story. By considering how the trend could be best used for maximum impact, the NYT turned a short-term fad into something that would make its story memorable.
If you understand what’s driving the popularity of the fad, you can leverage the strongest parts of it, make it your own and have something with real staying power.
Let’s take a look at a more recent example of a site using this approach.
You’re all familiar with the trend of split-screen design, right? It worked really well on desktop, both in its static form as well as when one half of the screen would remain put while the other moved. But on mobile? It wasn’t so great.
While we’ve seen a lot of split screen designs get phased out, EngineThemes has made the trend its own:
EngineThemes has put a playful twist on the once-trendy split screen design. (Source: EngineThemes) (Large preview)
Upon entering the site, it’s a look we’re familiar with as consumers. But it doesn’t take long to realize that this is going to be a different experience.
For starters, the bobbing bird and red double-headed arrow are something you don’t see much of, if at all, on other sites. I can’t imagine many visitors scroll past this banner without engaging with it.
Secondly, there are no words in this banner on mobile. (There are on the desktop website.)
One of the reasons why this design trend doesn’t work anymore is because it can’t be used on mobile sites — there just isn’t enough space to split the screen and fit enough words in there. Or is there?
EngineThemes has hidden a message in its animated, split screen graphic. (Image source: EngineThemes) (Large preview)
Eagle-eyed visitors will notice that there’s a message carefully hidden in the bird graphic when the arrow is moved to the right. Granted, the text should be bigger, but mobile visitors can zoom in if they’re struggling to read it.
It’s a string of code that reads:
"EngineThemes provides effective business solutions with simple and powerful WordPress app themes."
But do you see what I mean? When a design trend suddenly becomes popular — for a short or long while, too — it doesn’t necessarily mean you need to use the same exact version of it like everyone else. This is why oversaturation quickly turns once great-looking websites stale.
By taking what’s so innovative about a design trend and making it your own, though, you can give the trend real staying power while making your site a standout in the process.
Wrapping Up
When we overdo it by leveraging the same design trends as everyone else, we put our websites at risk of becoming redundant or, worse, invisible. So, how do we establish a cutting edge if we can’t make use of design “jargon”?
The truth is, there’s no one clear-cut answer. You need to be able to read the room, so to speak, and figure out which approach is best for you. You could leave the passing trend alone, you could adopt it temporarily or you could make it your own.
Further Reading on SmashingMag:
(ra, il)
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/what-should-you-do-when-a-web-design-trend-becomes-too-popular/ source https://scpie.tumblr.com/post/614116349056368640
0 notes
scpie · 4 years
What Should You Do When A Web Design Trend Becomes Too Popular?
About The Author
Suzanne Scacca is a former WordPress implementer, trainer and agency manager who now works as a freelance copywriter. She specializes in crafting marketing agency, web … More about Suzanne Scacca …
By now, you’re probably used to seeing design trends come and go. But have you ever given any thought to what passing trends do to a website when left there for too long? As a web designer, you have a few choices. You can ignore popular design trends altogether; you can adopt them, but pull them out of rotation the second they go stale, or you can put your own unique spin on them. This guide will help you figure out which approach makes the most sense for your site.
I read an interesting article on Forbes recently about language saturation. Here’s the problem:
Consumers don’t always understand the technicalities of what businesses do or the solutions they’ve created for them. So, copywriters use jargon that translates something like “Internet-connected devices with computing capabilities” into “smartphones”, “smart watches” and “smart speakers”.
Some of these buzzwords spread like wildfire and it soon becomes impossible to find a brand or website that doesn’t use them. When that happens, the words — and the associated product or service — become meaningless in the minds of consumers because everyone is saying the same thing.
The same thing happens when design trends become too popular. This is something Vitaly Friedman talked about last year with regards to cookie consent notices and banner blindness.
But what choice do you have? Are you supposed to hop on the design bandwagon anyway so your website doesn’t get left behind? Today, we’re going to look at what your options are.
What Should You Do with Too-Popular Design Trends?
To be clear, I’m not suggesting that you ignore any and all rising design trends.
There are certain trends that we absolutely need to adopt across the board. Like minimalism and mobile-first design. When there’s substantial, quantifiable proof that a design technique is needed, please don’t ignore it.
What I’m talking about are design trends that aren’t aimed at strengthening the web. Instead, they’re solely about driving up engagement on websites.
Brutalism. Facebook Messenger pop-ups. Home page hero sliders. The second that popular websites begin to adopt these trends and once writers and designers start including them in design trend roundups, it’s only a matter of months before consumers are inundated with them. And this is when banner blindness kicks in.
So, what are your options when you learn about a new design trend that promises big results?
Option 1: Ignore It and Stick with What Works
There are a few reasons you should consider going with this option:
You work on short-term website projects.
For those of you who build websites, hand them over to clients and then wish them luck as you move onto the next, it’s probably not a good idea to play around with fad-like design trends.
You know how quickly design trends change, so why put your client in a position where they have a website with an outdated design? One of three things is going to happen:
They’ll leave the outdated feature as is and have no idea that it’s costing them conversions.
They’ll ask you for help in removing the feature not too long after launch and won’t be happy about needing a rework so soon.
They’ll ask another designer for help because they’re upset you put them in this less than ideal position.
Unless your client has a very good reason why they need to exploit a passing design trend, try to dissuade them from it. If they understand the fleeting nature of some of these trends, as well as how banner blindness develops from oversaturation, they should be onboard with you sticking to what works.
You’re designing (or redesigning) a site for a very well-established company.
When building a website for a company that has a long-standing reputation with its audience as well as a tried-and-true formula for success, adopting a passing trend could be risky.
Take Zillow, for example.
The homepage for Zillow on mobile (Image source: Zillow) (Large preview)
This is the mobile homepage as it stands today. It’s simple, sleek and intuitive by nature.
Can you imagine what would happen if the designer decided to add a video background to the hero banner? Or to interrupt the property browsing experience with a pop-up advertising a free ebook download?
You have to really think about what disruptions to the expected design would do to the flow of things. So, when building something for a brand that’s known for its consistency and convenience, it’s best to ignore passing trends.
This doesn’t mean that a website like this shouldn’t be redesigned. Like I said before, lasting design “trends” can’t be ignored as they enable us to move websites in the right direction (like responsive design). For example, this was Zillow in 2017:
The mobile homepage for the Zillow website in 2017 (Image source: Zillow) (Large preview)
See how far we’ve come in terms of making websites mobile responsive and mobile-first in just a few years? These are the kinds of popular changes that don’t require debating.
The company’s goal is to build relationships; not to increase sales.
I realize that every website needs conversions in order to survive. However, many business models can’t sustain with just one-off sales. It costs too much money to constantly market to new customers, which is why some businesses focus on building long-term relationships with their customer base.
And that’s why you need to steer clear of conversion-boosting design trends on these kinds of websites.
Take, for instance, Gary Vaynerchuk’s website:
The mobile website for Gary Vaynerchuk is free of passing design trends and elements. (Source: Gary Vaynerchuk) (Large preview)
Remember when every website seemed to have a pop-up containing two buttons — one of which would be super-positive like “Yes, I want to change my life!” and the other which was meant to shame the visitor with something like “No, I like living in squalor.”
How do you think Vaynerchuk’s always-growing loyal following would feel if the site displayed one of those pop-ups? Not only would they be annoyed by the disruption keeping them from the content, but they’d probably be upset that he’d use such a shameless ploy to bully them into signing up.
If the brand you’re building a website for is on a similar mission — to build long-lasting and meaningful relationships — you don’t want to sully that with bad design decisions.
Option 2: Adopt the Trend But Keep an Eye on Market Saturation
Patrick Ward, the author of the Forbes article mentioned above, explained that many writers in the fintech space have had to pivot towards a simpler style of writing:
“At first, new startups used jargon and buzzwords to highlight their brand new tech and give themselves a competitive edge.”
I think this is a good lesson for designers as well. It’s not always a bad thing to hop on a design trend’s bandwagon — especially if it’s proven to work and it’s still in the very early stages of public awareness.
So, while there are clear cases where it makes sense to avoid design fads, I think there are times when it makes sense to take advantage of them. The only thing is, you can’t just implement the design and then leave it be.
For instance, this is the 15 Finches website on desktop:
A walk-through of the animation on the 15 Finches website on desktop. (Source: 15 Finches) (Large preview)
Now let’s compare this same animated experience to what users get on their mobile devices:
A walk-through of the 15 Finches website on mobile with layering errors and no animation. (Source: 15 Finches)(Large preview)
There are a number of design choices made on this mobile site that should’ve been long phased out.
The vertical typography in the background should go. It might add texture to the desktop site, but it’s just a confusing distraction on mobile.
The animation on the desktop site doesn’t translate to mobile. To present visitors with a consistent experience, the designer should commit to mobile-first design.
There are also layering errors all over the mobile site, with text often covering other bits of text as well as missing call-to-action buttons.
As I said, there are some sites where it’s okay to adopt short-term design trends. Just keep an eye on them.
For example, the Hubspot site design is always changing, but any design trends it adopts never seem to overstay their welcome. Hubspot tends to cut out just before they become too much. And that’s a key thing to remember.
Hubspot’s mobile site continues to use a chatbot widget to guide prospective customers in the right direction. (Image ource: Hubspot) (Large preview)
As you can see, the mobile site still uses a chatbot widget. For a business that sells sales and marketing agency software, it’s an important element to retain even if other sites have since ditched theirs.
That said, I’m positive that Hubspot keeps close tabs on its user data so it probably has confirmation that the element continues to work well. This is just one of the things you should be mindful of when monitoring a trend.
If you want to utilize popular design trends, you need to be in it for the long haul with your clients. That way, the second you start to notice:
Oversaturation in the market,
The trend has gone completely stale,
Or your users aren’t responding positively to it.
You can immediately move the website to safer ground.
Option 3: Go in a Similar But Different Direction
When a design technique or element immediately and universally becomes popular, there’s more value to it than just its ability to increase conversions or create a prettier design.
Take a look at why it’s caught on the way it has. If you understand what’s driving the popularity of the fad, you can leverage the strongest parts of it, make it your own and have something with real staying power.
Do you remember the New York Times’ Snow Fall article in 2012? This was shortly after parallax scrolling started to pick up speed in web design. And despite some websites utilizing the trend, it was the way the NYT creatively integrated it along with interactive and animated images that really blew people away — so much so that it won a number of journalism awards for it.
Notice that the NYT didn’t try to redesign its website with parallax scrolling or interactivity. It took the basic principles gaining in popularity and applied it to one groundbreaking story. By considering how the trend could be best used for maximum impact, the NYT turned a short-term fad into something that would make its story memorable.
If you understand what’s driving the popularity of the fad, you can leverage the strongest parts of it, make it your own and have something with real staying power.
Let’s take a look at a more recent example of a site using this approach.
You’re all familiar with the trend of split-screen design, right? It worked really well on desktop, both in its static form as well as when one half of the screen would remain put while the other moved. But on mobile? It wasn’t so great.
While we’ve seen a lot of split screen designs get phased out, EngineThemes has made the trend its own:
EngineThemes has put a playful twist on the once-trendy split screen design. (Source: EngineThemes) (Large preview)
Upon entering the site, it’s a look we’re familiar with as consumers. But it doesn’t take long to realize that this is going to be a different experience.
For starters, the bobbing bird and red double-headed arrow are something you don’t see much of, if at all, on other sites. I can’t imagine many visitors scroll past this banner without engaging with it.
Secondly, there are no words in this banner on mobile. (There are on the desktop website.)
One of the reasons why this design trend doesn’t work anymore is because it can’t be used on mobile sites — there just isn’t enough space to split the screen and fit enough words in there. Or is there?
EngineThemes has hidden a message in its animated, split screen graphic. (Image source: EngineThemes) (Large preview)
Eagle-eyed visitors will notice that there’s a message carefully hidden in the bird graphic when the arrow is moved to the right. Granted, the text should be bigger, but mobile visitors can zoom in if they’re struggling to read it.
It’s a string of code that reads:
"EngineThemes provides effective business solutions with simple and powerful WordPress app themes."
But do you see what I mean? When a design trend suddenly becomes popular — for a short or long while, too — it doesn’t necessarily mean you need to use the same exact version of it like everyone else. This is why oversaturation quickly turns once great-looking websites stale.
By taking what’s so innovative about a design trend and making it your own, though, you can give the trend real staying power while making your site a standout in the process.
Wrapping Up
When we overdo it by leveraging the same design trends as everyone else, we put our websites at risk of becoming redundant or, worse, invisible. So, how do we establish a cutting edge if we can’t make use of design “jargon”?
The truth is, there’s no one clear-cut answer. You need to be able to read the room, so to speak, and figure out which approach is best for you. You could leave the passing trend alone, you could adopt it temporarily or you could make it your own.
Further Reading on SmashingMag:
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Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/what-should-you-do-when-a-web-design-trend-becomes-too-popular/
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mccartneynathxzw83 · 6 years
Best Cryptocurrency Investment Strategy for 2019: Surviving the Bear Market Edition
Best Cryptocurrency Investment Strategy for 2019: Surviving the Bear Market Edition
Don’t know what smart contracts are? Learn about the nuts and bolts of smart contract technology: its origin, advantages, peculiarities and applications
Since blockchain was invented, it has served many useful purposes, including the creation of smart contracts. This is an outstanding technology, but not so many people understand what it is, and how it functions. Are you in the dark about the idea of a smart contract blockchain? This ultimate guide is a must-read.
Without further ado, let’s start.
What is a smart contract?
25 years ago, Nick Szabo, a crypto enthusiast, discovered that decentralized ledgers might serve for the implementation of so-called digital ‘smart contracts’. These contracts exist in the form of a computer code and can run over multiple nodes. Devices controlling the blockchain could be used to supervise a smart contract. Consequently, that would facilitate transactions, fund transfers, and the delivery of services and goods.
For better understanding, you could refer to the smart contract definition given by Wikipedia. Seem too complicated? In layman’s terms, blockchain smart contracts are pieces of computer code that include certain contractual clauses that can self-execute and self-enforce. Like any other decentralized ledger, smart contracts make data totally safe – it’s impossible to forge or change. Many cryptocurrencies started implementing this technology, and the most commonly used variation is the Ethereum smart contract.
How do smart contracts work?
A smart contract does not remind one of its paper analog. Yes, it can also be applied to order services and products, perform currency exchanges, or buy/sell property. However, unlike the stacks of traditional documents, a blockchain smart contract executes itself – it comes into force automatically as soon as particular conditions are met.
If you want smart contracts blockchain explained in clearer terms, check out this use case:
To comprehend the principle of how blockchain contracts function, imagine the function of a penny-in-the-slot machine. You decide to buy a cappuccino and insert coins into the slot. Once you press the corresponding button, the machine instantly performs your order. Blockchain contracts do a similar thing. They automatically execute some actions upon particular conditions triggering them.
Key benefits
Blockchain and smart contracts are revolutionary technologies that have brought about a myriad of opportunities and advantages. So, what exactly makes smart contracts useful for us? The list of benefits is mile-long:
1.    The accuracy of data. When people handle paper contracts, there’s always a risk of human error. Smart contracts ensure the accuracy of data: the details of the terms won’t be altered by mistake. The omission of conditions can cause transaction errors, but automatic contracts exclude this risk.
2.   Straightforward, clear communication. Smart contracts should be accurate and detailed – when everything is explicit, following conditions is simple. Therefore, smart contracts facilitate communication, and participants have a total understanding of conditions and events.
3.   Total transparency. Digital contracts’ details are displayed to all concerned participants. No conditions can be changed once such contract once it was activated. That excludes the threat of data forgery, and all operations are visible for concerned parties.
4.   Excellent speed. Since digital contracts run their code on the Internet, they can perform transactions with an exceptional speed, which saves hours or even days for businesses.
5.   It’s a paper-free process. Good news for haters of bureaucracy and lovers of nature. With smart contracts, there is no need for manual document processing. Businesses are getting more and more concerned about their environmental impact, and going digital is the easiest way to go green and cut down on paperwork.
6.   Great efficiency. Due to their high cost and 100% precision, smart contracts are very efficient and can process a lot of transactions per one unit of time. Again, that eliminates the need of third parties.
7.    Exceptional security. Automated digital contracts leverage the most advanced levels of encryption currently developed, and set the standard for modern cryptocurrencies. That turns smart contracts into one of the most reliable things on the web.
8.   Data integrity. Since every record in smart contracts contains details about transactions, this is a great solution for data storage and backup. Once you use some information in a smart contract, it is added forever and used for further records. In case of data damage or loss, it can be retrieved in a jiffy.
9.   It’s economically beneficial. What is smart contracts’ main advantage for institutional users? Automatic contracts exclude the need for middlemen, which results in lower expenses.
10.  It is trustworthy. Smart contracts are totally transparent because no information can be changed once it’s established. That excludes the risk of manipulations and errors. The parties agree to follow the contract’s rules and regulations – the rest is done by the code.
No drawbacks so far?
Like any innovation, smart contracts’ blockchain system isn’t devoid of disadvantages – the coin has two sides. Some of its benefits pose difficulties:
A smart contract is an innovative technology that addresses a wide range of problems.
→ Users are not familiar with the technology and are afraid of using it. Decentralized ledgers appear to be too complicated.
Once data is registered, records are irreversible.
→ If a user has suddenly changed his mind about contract conditions, it would be technically difficult to correct it. Besides, such changes pose the risk of mistakes and make the smart contract less safe.
Use of code excludes the risk of human errors.
→ But there is always the risk of errors at the stage of coding – the code is written by people. First, they can write the code to serve their malicious purposes. Secondly, eventual mistakes put the whole system in danger.
No need for third-party agents.
→ Middlemen don’t disappear entirely – they just need to change their role. For instance, there’s a need for IT-savvy lawyers. Programmers of smart contracts will also need to consult people.
Spheres of application
Smart contracts have enough potential to revolutionize many industries. Use cases are found in:
1.    Insurance. Companies automate their insurance policies by transforming them into smart contracts. Under certain events, the claims process is triggered immediately.
2.   Content & copyright. Smart contracts are used to register ownership of content (images, music, texts, video, etc) and transfer rights automatically. Fees and royalties for content usage are delivered instantly and transparently. That establishes trust in true ownership.
3.   IoT. Smart contracts help to store data obtained from devices, transfer it via the Internet, track delivery, record possession of devices, and so on.
4.   Banking. Cryptocurrency smart contracts allow for performing fast, cheap, and transparent transaction. That helps to cut back on transfer expenses.
Aside from that, smart contracts are being used in telecommunication, art, education, e-government, energy, and many other spheres.
Smart contract examples
Now with technology of smart contracts explained, you may wonder if it is being used anywhere already. Yes, smart contracts are gradually being implemented by some companies. The following examples prove that.
How do smart contracts work in particular cases?
AXA, the French airline, utilizes blockchain for flight insurance. In case of delays, users with the proprietary application are notified about compensation options. The amount of insurance and compensation depend on the triggering event.
Propy is a real estate agency that performs operations with digital contracts. It allows users to sell and purchase property offers and negotiate over them. Both parties can participate in the smart contract and buyers can reserve the properly by paying $5,000 to the escrow. Third-party payment processors can be involved to make transactions legitimate, and local authorities are present as well to make all protocols.
Populous uses digital contracts for invoice issuing. The role of technology is the elimination of risks, people’s mistakes, and document duplication. As soon as an invoice and its terms are settled in the system, users order it and transactions are performed via the digital contract.
DAO is another case in point. This project leverages the most complicated form of code – decentralized autonomous organizations. DAO serves to store and manage registries (documents, certificates, etc).
Ethereum smart contract: the backbone
Ethereum smart contracts are the most widespread. This code was invented by Vitalik Buterin in 2013, and published two years later. Turing-complete virtual machine runs the codes: it simulates a PC using its own logic. That makes the Ethereum contract way more advanced than Bitcoin, which uses simple mechanisms for transactions.
So, what is a smart contract Ethereum? This is a code written in the Solidity language. It’s close to JavaScript, the code executed in the Ethereum virtual machine for creating contracts.  
Why do companies trust Ethereum with their infrastructure?
●   It’s the most commonly used tech of its kind, the ancestor of other blockchain contracts.
●   Solidity is comprehensible and can be mastered by experienced programmers.
●   Ethereum leverages the ETH cryptocurrency, which is often used as an inner currency.
●   When it comes to the versatility of smart contracts, Ethereum is an absolute leader. It can be applied literally in any sphere without limitations.
●   Ethereum allows for creating decentralized applications (dApps) that make data safe and transparent.
Today, over 1,300 dApps are created or being developed on the basis of this tech.
Ethereum smart contract examples include:
1.    IOST (The Internet of Services) – a byproduct of Ethereum that provides tools and the environment for the creation of decentralized applications. Being built on top of the Ether blockchain, it allows for excluding intermediaries.
2.   MEvU is a decentralized P2P betting software. No matter what you stake on – Ethereum makes users confident that their wagers are totally safe. This application was created to prevent unfair gaming.
3.   CryptoKitties is one of first apps using smart contract Ethereum technology. This game allowed using digital “collectibles” stored in the blockchain – users breed their kitties using Ether tokens to run a digital contract. Sound like nothing serious, but this app has shown the potency of Buterin’s creation.
Also, let’s not forget that Ethereum has a huge network of supporters who would potentially use the smart contracts. The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance unites some Fortune 500 enterprises, such as Intel and Microsoft, as well as numerous startups.
Bottom line
Now that you’re aware of what are smart contracts, you can imagine how much potential there is to be fulfilled. Digital contract technology has caused a stir in the crypto community and opened a legion of possibilities for small and large companies, regardless of their specification.
Smart contracts blockchain is in its infancy: not many companies understand what it is and realize its benefits. The number of enterprises actually implementing it is even lower. However, in the following decade, we are likely to see massive leveraging of this tech in various niches.
Source link http://bit.ly/2DHYMDq
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courtneyvbrooks87 · 6 years
Best Cryptocurrency Investment Strategy for 2019: Surviving the Bear Market Edition
Best Cryptocurrency Investment Strategy for 2019: Surviving the Bear Market Edition
Don’t know what smart contracts are? Learn about the nuts and bolts of smart contract technology: its origin, advantages, peculiarities and applications
Since blockchain was invented, it has served many useful purposes, including the creation of smart contracts. This is an outstanding technology, but not so many people understand what it is, and how it functions. Are you in the dark about the idea of a smart contract blockchain? This ultimate guide is a must-read.
Without further ado, let’s start.
What is a smart contract?
25 years ago, Nick Szabo, a crypto enthusiast, discovered that decentralized ledgers might serve for the implementation of so-called digital ‘smart contracts’. These contracts exist in the form of a computer code and can run over multiple nodes. Devices controlling the blockchain could be used to supervise a smart contract. Consequently, that would facilitate transactions, fund transfers, and the delivery of services and goods.
For better understanding, you could refer to the smart contract definition given by Wikipedia. Seem too complicated? In layman’s terms, blockchain smart contracts are pieces of computer code that include certain contractual clauses that can self-execute and self-enforce. Like any other decentralized ledger, smart contracts make data totally safe – it’s impossible to forge or change. Many cryptocurrencies started implementing this technology, and the most commonly used variation is the Ethereum smart contract.
How do smart contracts work?
A smart contract does not remind one of its paper analog. Yes, it can also be applied to order services and products, perform currency exchanges, or buy/sell property. However, unlike the stacks of traditional documents, a blockchain smart contract executes itself – it comes into force automatically as soon as particular conditions are met.
If you want smart contracts blockchain explained in clearer terms, check out this use case:
To comprehend the principle of how blockchain contracts function, imagine the function of a penny-in-the-slot machine. You decide to buy a cappuccino and insert coins into the slot. Once you press the corresponding button, the machine instantly performs your order. Blockchain contracts do a similar thing. They automatically execute some actions upon particular conditions triggering them.
Key benefits
Blockchain and smart contracts are revolutionary technologies that have brought about a myriad of opportunities and advantages. So, what exactly makes smart contracts useful for us? The list of benefits is mile-long:
1.    The accuracy of data. When people handle paper contracts, there’s always a risk of human error. Smart contracts ensure the accuracy of data: the details of the terms won’t be altered by mistake. The omission of conditions can cause transaction errors, but automatic contracts exclude this risk.
2.   Straightforward, clear communication. Smart contracts should be accurate and detailed – when everything is explicit, following conditions is simple. Therefore, smart contracts facilitate communication, and participants have a total understanding of conditions and events.
3.   Total transparency. Digital contracts’ details are displayed to all concerned participants. No conditions can be changed once such contract once it was activated. That excludes the threat of data forgery, and all operations are visible for concerned parties.
4.   Excellent speed. Since digital contracts run their code on the Internet, they can perform transactions with an exceptional speed, which saves hours or even days for businesses.
5.   It’s a paper-free process. Good news for haters of bureaucracy and lovers of nature. With smart contracts, there is no need for manual document processing. Businesses are getting more and more concerned about their environmental impact, and going digital is the easiest way to go green and cut down on paperwork.
6.   Great efficiency. Due to their high cost and 100% precision, smart contracts are very efficient and can process a lot of transactions per one unit of time. Again, that eliminates the need of third parties.
7.    Exceptional security. Automated digital contracts leverage the most advanced levels of encryption currently developed, and set the standard for modern cryptocurrencies. That turns smart contracts into one of the most reliable things on the web.
8.   Data integrity. Since every record in smart contracts contains details about transactions, this is a great solution for data storage and backup. Once you use some information in a smart contract, it is added forever and used for further records. In case of data damage or loss, it can be retrieved in a jiffy.
9.   It’s economically beneficial. What is smart contracts’ main advantage for institutional users? Automatic contracts exclude the need for middlemen, which results in lower expenses.
10.  It is trustworthy. Smart contracts are totally transparent because no information can be changed once it’s established. That excludes the risk of manipulations and errors. The parties agree to follow the contract’s rules and regulations – the rest is done by the code.
No drawbacks so far?
Like any innovation, smart contracts’ blockchain system isn’t devoid of disadvantages – the coin has two sides. Some of its benefits pose difficulties:
A smart contract is an innovative technology that addresses a wide range of problems.
→ Users are not familiar with the technology and are afraid of using it. Decentralized ledgers appear to be too complicated.
Once data is registered, records are irreversible.
→ If a user has suddenly changed his mind about contract conditions, it would be technically difficult to correct it. Besides, such changes pose the risk of mistakes and make the smart contract less safe.
Use of code excludes the risk of human errors.
→ But there is always the risk of errors at the stage of coding – the code is written by people. First, they can write the code to serve their malicious purposes. Secondly, eventual mistakes put the whole system in danger.
No need for third-party agents.
→ Middlemen don’t disappear entirely – they just need to change their role. For instance, there’s a need for IT-savvy lawyers. Programmers of smart contracts will also need to consult people.
Spheres of application
Smart contracts have enough potential to revolutionize many industries. Use cases are found in:
1.    Insurance. Companies automate their insurance policies by transforming them into smart contracts. Under certain events, the claims process is triggered immediately.
2.   Content & copyright. Smart contracts are used to register ownership of content (images, music, texts, video, etc) and transfer rights automatically. Fees and royalties for content usage are delivered instantly and transparently. That establishes trust in true ownership.
3.   IoT. Smart contracts help to store data obtained from devices, transfer it via the Internet, track delivery, record possession of devices, and so on.
4.   Banking. Cryptocurrency smart contracts allow for performing fast, cheap, and transparent transaction. That helps to cut back on transfer expenses.
Aside from that, smart contracts are being used in telecommunication, art, education, e-government, energy, and many other spheres.
Smart contract examples
Now with technology of smart contracts explained, you may wonder if it is being used anywhere already. Yes, smart contracts are gradually being implemented by some companies. The following examples prove that.
How do smart contracts work in particular cases?
AXA, the French airline, utilizes blockchain for flight insurance. In case of delays, users with the proprietary application are notified about compensation options. The amount of insurance and compensation depend on the triggering event.
Propy is a real estate agency that performs operations with digital contracts. It allows users to sell and purchase property offers and negotiate over them. Both parties can participate in the smart contract and buyers can reserve the properly by paying $5,000 to the escrow. Third-party payment processors can be involved to make transactions legitimate, and local authorities are present as well to make all protocols.
Populous uses digital contracts for invoice issuing. The role of technology is the elimination of risks, people’s mistakes, and document duplication. As soon as an invoice and its terms are settled in the system, users order it and transactions are performed via the digital contract.
DAO is another case in point. This project leverages the most complicated form of code – decentralized autonomous organizations. DAO serves to store and manage registries (documents, certificates, etc).
Ethereum smart contract: the backbone
Ethereum smart contracts are the most widespread. This code was invented by Vitalik Buterin in 2013, and published two years later. Turing-complete virtual machine runs the codes: it simulates a PC using its own logic. That makes the Ethereum contract way more advanced than Bitcoin, which uses simple mechanisms for transactions.
So, what is a smart contract Ethereum? This is a code written in the Solidity language. It’s close to JavaScript, the code executed in the Ethereum virtual machine for creating contracts.  
Why do companies trust Ethereum with their infrastructure?
●   It’s the most commonly used tech of its kind, the ancestor of other blockchain contracts.
●   Solidity is comprehensible and can be mastered by experienced programmers.
●   Ethereum leverages the ETH cryptocurrency, which is often used as an inner currency.
●   When it comes to the versatility of smart contracts, Ethereum is an absolute leader. It can be applied literally in any sphere without limitations.
●   Ethereum allows for creating decentralized applications (dApps) that make data safe and transparent.
Today, over 1,300 dApps are created or being developed on the basis of this tech.
Ethereum smart contract examples include:
1.    IOST (The Internet of Services) – a byproduct of Ethereum that provides tools and the environment for the creation of decentralized applications. Being built on top of the Ether blockchain, it allows for excluding intermediaries.
2.   MEvU is a decentralized P2P betting software. No matter what you stake on – Ethereum makes users confident that their wagers are totally safe. This application was created to prevent unfair gaming.
3.   CryptoKitties is one of first apps using smart contract Ethereum technology. This game allowed using digital “collectibles” stored in the blockchain – users breed their kitties using Ether tokens to run a digital contract. Sound like nothing serious, but this app has shown the potency of Buterin’s creation.
Also, let’s not forget that Ethereum has a huge network of supporters who would potentially use the smart contracts. The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance unites some Fortune 500 enterprises, such as Intel and Microsoft, as well as numerous startups.
Bottom line
Now that you’re aware of what are smart contracts, you can imagine how much potential there is to be fulfilled. Digital contract technology has caused a stir in the crypto community and opened a legion of possibilities for small and large companies, regardless of their specification.
Smart contracts blockchain is in its infancy: not many companies understand what it is and realize its benefits. The number of enterprises actually implementing it is even lower. However, in the following decade, we are likely to see massive leveraging of this tech in various niches.
Source link http://bit.ly/2DHYMDq
0 notes
bobbynolanios88 · 6 years
Best Cryptocurrency Investment Strategy for 2019: Surviving the Bear Market Edition
Best Cryptocurrency Investment Strategy for 2019: Surviving the Bear Market Edition
Don’t know what smart contracts are? Learn about the nuts and bolts of smart contract technology: its origin, advantages, peculiarities and applications
Since blockchain was invented, it has served many useful purposes, including the creation of smart contracts. This is an outstanding technology, but not so many people understand what it is, and how it functions. Are you in the dark about the idea of a smart contract blockchain? This ultimate guide is a must-read.
Without further ado, let’s start.
What is a smart contract?
25 years ago, Nick Szabo, a crypto enthusiast, discovered that decentralized ledgers might serve for the implementation of so-called digital ‘smart contracts’. These contracts exist in the form of a computer code and can run over multiple nodes. Devices controlling the blockchain could be used to supervise a smart contract. Consequently, that would facilitate transactions, fund transfers, and the delivery of services and goods.
For better understanding, you could refer to the smart contract definition given by Wikipedia. Seem too complicated? In layman’s terms, blockchain smart contracts are pieces of computer code that include certain contractual clauses that can self-execute and self-enforce. Like any other decentralized ledger, smart contracts make data totally safe – it’s impossible to forge or change. Many cryptocurrencies started implementing this technology, and the most commonly used variation is the Ethereum smart contract.
How do smart contracts work?
A smart contract does not remind one of its paper analog. Yes, it can also be applied to order services and products, perform currency exchanges, or buy/sell property. However, unlike the stacks of traditional documents, a blockchain smart contract executes itself – it comes into force automatically as soon as particular conditions are met.
If you want smart contracts blockchain explained in clearer terms, check out this use case:
To comprehend the principle of how blockchain contracts function, imagine the function of a penny-in-the-slot machine. You decide to buy a cappuccino and insert coins into the slot. Once you press the corresponding button, the machine instantly performs your order. Blockchain contracts do a similar thing. They automatically execute some actions upon particular conditions triggering them.
Key benefits
Blockchain and smart contracts are revolutionary technologies that have brought about a myriad of opportunities and advantages. So, what exactly makes smart contracts useful for us? The list of benefits is mile-long:
1.    The accuracy of data. When people handle paper contracts, there’s always a risk of human error. Smart contracts ensure the accuracy of data: the details of the terms won’t be altered by mistake. The omission of conditions can cause transaction errors, but automatic contracts exclude this risk.
2.   Straightforward, clear communication. Smart contracts should be accurate and detailed – when everything is explicit, following conditions is simple. Therefore, smart contracts facilitate communication, and participants have a total understanding of conditions and events.
3.   Total transparency. Digital contracts’ details are displayed to all concerned participants. No conditions can be changed once such contract once it was activated. That excludes the threat of data forgery, and all operations are visible for concerned parties.
4.   Excellent speed. Since digital contracts run their code on the Internet, they can perform transactions with an exceptional speed, which saves hours or even days for businesses.
5.   It’s a paper-free process. Good news for haters of bureaucracy and lovers of nature. With smart contracts, there is no need for manual document processing. Businesses are getting more and more concerned about their environmental impact, and going digital is the easiest way to go green and cut down on paperwork.
6.   Great efficiency. Due to their high cost and 100% precision, smart contracts are very efficient and can process a lot of transactions per one unit of time. Again, that eliminates the need of third parties.
7.    Exceptional security. Automated digital contracts leverage the most advanced levels of encryption currently developed, and set the standard for modern cryptocurrencies. That turns smart contracts into one of the most reliable things on the web.
8.   Data integrity. Since every record in smart contracts contains details about transactions, this is a great solution for data storage and backup. Once you use some information in a smart contract, it is added forever and used for further records. In case of data damage or loss, it can be retrieved in a jiffy.
9.   It’s economically beneficial. What is smart contracts’ main advantage for institutional users? Automatic contracts exclude the need for middlemen, which results in lower expenses.
10.  It is trustworthy. Smart contracts are totally transparent because no information can be changed once it’s established. That excludes the risk of manipulations and errors. The parties agree to follow the contract’s rules and regulations – the rest is done by the code.
No drawbacks so far?
Like any innovation, smart contracts’ blockchain system isn’t devoid of disadvantages – the coin has two sides. Some of its benefits pose difficulties:
A smart contract is an innovative technology that addresses a wide range of problems.
→ Users are not familiar with the technology and are afraid of using it. Decentralized ledgers appear to be too complicated.
Once data is registered, records are irreversible.
→ If a user has suddenly changed his mind about contract conditions, it would be technically difficult to correct it. Besides, such changes pose the risk of mistakes and make the smart contract less safe.
Use of code excludes the risk of human errors.
→ But there is always the risk of errors at the stage of coding – the code is written by people. First, they can write the code to serve their malicious purposes. Secondly, eventual mistakes put the whole system in danger.
No need for third-party agents.
→ Middlemen don’t disappear entirely – they just need to change their role. For instance, there’s a need for IT-savvy lawyers. Programmers of smart contracts will also need to consult people.
Spheres of application
Smart contracts have enough potential to revolutionize many industries. Use cases are found in:
1.    Insurance. Companies automate their insurance policies by transforming them into smart contracts. Under certain events, the claims process is triggered immediately.
2.   Content & copyright. Smart contracts are used to register ownership of content (images, music, texts, video, etc) and transfer rights automatically. Fees and royalties for content usage are delivered instantly and transparently. That establishes trust in true ownership.
3.   IoT. Smart contracts help to store data obtained from devices, transfer it via the Internet, track delivery, record possession of devices, and so on.
4.   Banking. Cryptocurrency smart contracts allow for performing fast, cheap, and transparent transaction. That helps to cut back on transfer expenses.
Aside from that, smart contracts are being used in telecommunication, art, education, e-government, energy, and many other spheres.
Smart contract examples
Now with technology of smart contracts explained, you may wonder if it is being used anywhere already. Yes, smart contracts are gradually being implemented by some companies. The following examples prove that.
How do smart contracts work in particular cases?
AXA, the French airline, utilizes blockchain for flight insurance. In case of delays, users with the proprietary application are notified about compensation options. The amount of insurance and compensation depend on the triggering event.
Propy is a real estate agency that performs operations with digital contracts. It allows users to sell and purchase property offers and negotiate over them. Both parties can participate in the smart contract and buyers can reserve the properly by paying $5,000 to the escrow. Third-party payment processors can be involved to make transactions legitimate, and local authorities are present as well to make all protocols.
Populous uses digital contracts for invoice issuing. The role of technology is the elimination of risks, people’s mistakes, and document duplication. As soon as an invoice and its terms are settled in the system, users order it and transactions are performed via the digital contract.
DAO is another case in point. This project leverages the most complicated form of code – decentralized autonomous organizations. DAO serves to store and manage registries (documents, certificates, etc).
Ethereum smart contract: the backbone
Ethereum smart contracts are the most widespread. This code was invented by Vitalik Buterin in 2013, and published two years later. Turing-complete virtual machine runs the codes: it simulates a PC using its own logic. That makes the Ethereum contract way more advanced than Bitcoin, which uses simple mechanisms for transactions.
So, what is a smart contract Ethereum? This is a code written in the Solidity language. It’s close to JavaScript, the code executed in the Ethereum virtual machine for creating contracts.  
Why do companies trust Ethereum with their infrastructure?
●   It’s the most commonly used tech of its kind, the ancestor of other blockchain contracts.
●   Solidity is comprehensible and can be mastered by experienced programmers.
●   Ethereum leverages the ETH cryptocurrency, which is often used as an inner currency.
●   When it comes to the versatility of smart contracts, Ethereum is an absolute leader. It can be applied literally in any sphere without limitations.
●   Ethereum allows for creating decentralized applications (dApps) that make data safe and transparent.
Today, over 1,300 dApps are created or being developed on the basis of this tech.
Ethereum smart contract examples include:
1.    IOST (The Internet of Services) – a byproduct of Ethereum that provides tools and the environment for the creation of decentralized applications. Being built on top of the Ether blockchain, it allows for excluding intermediaries.
2.   MEvU is a decentralized P2P betting software. No matter what you stake on – Ethereum makes users confident that their wagers are totally safe. This application was created to prevent unfair gaming.
3.   CryptoKitties is one of first apps using smart contract Ethereum technology. This game allowed using digital “collectibles” stored in the blockchain – users breed their kitties using Ether tokens to run a digital contract. Sound like nothing serious, but this app has shown the potency of Buterin’s creation.
Also, let’s not forget that Ethereum has a huge network of supporters who would potentially use the smart contracts. The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance unites some Fortune 500 enterprises, such as Intel and Microsoft, as well as numerous startups.
Bottom line
Now that you’re aware of what are smart contracts, you can imagine how much potential there is to be fulfilled. Digital contract technology has caused a stir in the crypto community and opened a legion of possibilities for small and large companies, regardless of their specification.
Smart contracts blockchain is in its infancy: not many companies understand what it is and realize its benefits. The number of enterprises actually implementing it is even lower. However, in the following decade, we are likely to see massive leveraging of this tech in various niches.
Source link http://bit.ly/2DHYMDq
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thecradlerocks · 5 years
Baby Sleep Miracle Review: Does This Truly Get Baby To Sleep?
"If you are a new sleepless mother, then you should read the Baby Sleep Miracle review. This will offer you a program that will literally save your mind" - Martha Devos (new mother).
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Tired of those sleepless nights because your child doesn't let you sleep? Do your child's sleepless nights frustrate or irritate you? I am sure this is the case and that is why you are reading this, searching to find an effective solution to your intolerable nights. Ask a mother the simple question: What is the hardest part of being a mother? The most common answer given by almost all mothers is the sleep of their babies. This is often the case because not all mothers have the proper expertise or techniques to put their babies to sleep at night without crying and fusing.
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I need to sleep.... grrrr Most parents, especially the first time parents face many difficulties with young children because it is at this age (from one to three years) that babies bother parents the most. Tired of your little child who wakes you up over and over again overnight? Do you think it's time to end all this drama and get some rest? If your answer is YES, you will benefit from this Baby Sleep Miracle review. This program is the solution to your night problems. It will teach you many techniques you can use to put your baby to sleep perfectly. It also contains some helpful tips and advice on how to care for your child's health. I decided to write an in-depth review of this program, as I still use the information I learned from breastfeeding my 4-month-old baby. After reading my review, you can decide whether this product is right for you or not. One of the main reasons I decided to write this Baby Sleep Miracle Review is that when I decided to buy it, there were lots of biased reviews with endless product ads. On the other hand, my review is neutral and only provides a real truth about this product. Now that you've heard about me a little bit, it's time to learn more about the Baby Sleep Miracle. What is it and who is it for? At the end of this article, I can be sure that you can determine whether this product will work for you and your little one as one of the best sleep training methods.
Who is Mary-Ann Schuller? The Author Of Baby Sleep Miracle Book
Mary Anne helps your baby sleep. The writer is a lady named Mary Ann Schuller. Mother of two children and a psychologist by her profession.
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With over 20 years of experience in child psychology, she definitely knows what she's saying. From her long experience in psychology, when it comes to dealing with the sleep of babies, she first developed these simple instructions that will turn mothers into experts. Mary-Ann fully understands the feelings of deficiency that most parents, especially mothers, experience when their children cannot stop crying and sleeping. Guilt overwhelms them as they begin to see themselves as bad moms. Therefore, she invented tested techniques to help parents cope with the sudden changes in their children's sleep. If you have finished reading your book, get ready to experience your child's miracle while you sleep at night and be less angry when you wake up. Of course, you cannot emphasize the amount of rest that can help increase the mood of most mothers. When stress is less and you rest very well, motherhood is fun for all mothers. The information shared by Mary Ann came from numerous studies and research at the Stanford Sleep Science and Medicine Center and Harvard Medical School. Having said that, it's time to figure out what this product really is. The funny thing is that before I bought this product, I thought it was an online course because all the references and reviews I watched were all in video format. What does this program look like?
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Baby Sleep Miracle is an e-book that you can download or print after the purchase. To be honest, discovering that the software is an ebook disappointed me a bit as I expected a full price recorded video course. I found the price of this ebook is way too high compared to the three eBooks I bought before, none of them priced more than $ 40. The high price of this ebook surprised me, but I chose to ignore it as the content of the ebook is the most important thing. If this were my products, maybe I would give a respectable name like Baby Sleeping Miracle pdf so people know exactly what they get after the purchase. But still, the most important thing is the content of this book, which I will share with you shortly after discussing who this product is meant for. Who Is This For? The reason I searched for such a product is that when my baby reaches about two months, my sleep was destroyed. In the first weeks after my son was born, I woke up every night to feed him. But with the baby sleep miracle, your child can finally sleep overnight At a very thin age, children still haven't known the world, so my child wakes up most part of the night. Nothing changed until it got two months. Then he started waking up all night long. Things got so bad that I was always exhausted every day and night and had to find a good way to put a baby to sleep.
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I almost gave up but I knew I couldn't because this innocent little person trusts and depend on me. This product is for every mother who suffers from night sleep literally due to her baby. However, if the book does not match its claims, all of this is meaningless. In short, the Baby Sleep Miracle review is an ideal review for parents that are Don't want to wake up all night and have enough rest. Attentive, loving, flat-headed and ready to complete education Being willing to take time to apply various techniques discussed in the e-book By applying the techniques discussed in this ebook, you will benefit greatly from the simple and direct guidance given to the baby's sleep. Later in this article, I will explain how this product works for my child and why these are some of the best baby sleep training programs out there. What does it contain? As mentioned earlier, this product is just an ebook and is structured like most ebooks available on the Internet. I do not underestimate the ebooks, because it depends on what the value of each ebook is, but I am somewhat surprised after reading this product as a program which I thought was a video format.
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In addition to the real product, I also bought the upsell around $5 and it turned out to be an e-book with useful information about newborns. The ebook itself is $40 and is about 110 pages long. You will need a couple of days to finish reading the books. However, this product contains a variety of valuable information that you can start applying right away. The e-book consists of three additional products, a kind of calm miracle music and two other e-books. These three books give you a lot of information and advice to take care of your child. The 3 e-books provides tips and tricks about caring for your little one and you'll definitely enjoy your sleep, moving forward. This ebook provides a comprehensive overview of the following baby sleep topics: The importance of napping for babies. Why is it important for children to get enough sleep? The different stages of development and how it affects children's sleep. Negative effects associated with lack of sleep. How to prepare for sleep training. An important technique for your child to sleep. Positive effects of routine. Simple sleep rules for kids. Comprehensive sleep guide for children up to five years old. The benefits of feeding children consistently. The importance of a safe environment for babies.
The Baby Sleep Miracle Review
If you are in the market before, reviewing and researching various tips and tricks online to help you put your baby to sleep, then you're probably motivated purely by self-interest rather than acting for honorable or unselfish reasons. . You may not believe that something is working out there. This is pretty good because most articles, ebooks, and videos with baby sleep routines often contain tips that don't work. This is because they're not written by mothers or those with relevant academic / scientific backgrounds to provide useful advice. They're not based on real research. But the baby sleep miracle is not part of them. This is very different. It was written by a famous child psychologist and is based on extensive research. Just two or three weeks after reading, you will know why most Baby Sleep Miracle reviews on blogs and social media are so positive. Why Because the tips and tricks in it are very useful and effective. They are also very easy to follow and give you solid advice, for example, when your baby will sleep through the night. But this is not what I am going to show in this section of baby sleep miracle review. . This is the in-depth part where I everything in the e-book for you. Thus, the e-book is divided into sections. Just four sections, and the entire book is only one hundred pages, so that reading will not take much time. Just in case 100 pages sound too much, don't worry about it. There are sub-chapters for certain ages, where you can easily find advice and tips about sleep for a specific child's age.
More In-depth Look At The Product
When I decided it was a product I needed, I went out for it. I started researching on the internet and looking for blogs that share information about whether it's a good program / book or not. Because there are certain blogs with links to premium products, I decided to buy from a particular blog. But when I click the link, I was taken to a page that looks like this:
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One page contains a video with a robot-like sound that explains how to get your baby to sleep through the night. To be honest, I think it looks like a scam, but I assure you that it's not, because I have bought the books and it's all real. But it looks like that to me then. Then I search the page to see if I could find links to text pages or anything, as watching videos is not my thing, especially if it's not a real person. And of course I found the link right below the video, as you can see in the image below:
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Baby sleep miracle link to text page When I got to the text page, I was surprised that it really looked really good. And that is what drives me to ignore the tacky looking video, because the text pages are very inviting and decorated with beautiful colors. But the most important question is: does it really explain whether it can solve my problem or not?
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Yes, that's for sure, and that's why I bought it. This page has several useful tips that are different from the usual feathers that seem to float around the Internet. There were also several testimonies from real mothers who also took the program and got desired results from the teachings that were included in the book. Sections included in the baby sleep miracle ebook: Chapter 1: Risk of sleep deprivation 2: Understanding Sleep 3: General sleeping rules for infants and children 4: Sleep at every age (there are many different methods of sleep training in this)
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Snippet of Table of Contents page from Ebook Baby Sleep Miracle Review: Chapter 1 Section 1 of this book explains the dangers of sleep deprivation. If you are a new mother, you will be able to immediately understand the dangers of sleep deprivation in this chapter. Lack of sleep can lead to frustration, stress, depression, anger, marital problems, even divorce. Lack of sleep can also cause severe weight loss and depression. This is how you can hate yourself. In short, it can make you very sad. Mary Ann Schuler explains the lack of sleep, and relies on work experience in this chapter. She has shown how a lack of sleep can interfere with the mother's relationship with her newborn and partners. She also explained how a lack of sleep can lead to neurological diseases. After reading this section, you can say that it is necessary to take immediate steps to overcome the lack of sleep when you are a new mother. You can also say that having overcome sleep deprivation, you can return to your flow, you can be happy again, and return to a healthy conversation with your partner. Baby Sleep Miracle Review: Chapter 2 This section focuses on the interpretation of sleep. It is based on the science of sleep and explains how we sleep. This explains the importance of sleep for a healthy life and that is why we all become zombies if we do not get adequate sleep. I like the chapter in this book, because it is well researched and very simple to understand, despite being scientific. The most important thing in this section - is a foundation upon which Mary Ann bases her overall sleep rules, suggestions and recommendations. This is a fairly informative part of this book. Baby Sleep Miracle Review: Chapter 3 This part of the book explains the basics of good sleep. Also, if you do not understand the circumstances and conditions that could put you baby to sleep, then you will find this chapter most interesting. If you want to dispel the myths and misconceptions about children's sleep immediately, this chapter may be of interest too. This is because it contains full description of everything about baby sleep from the creation of the program to creating sleep soothing techniques to the application process and to favorable conditions for sleeping, The information that you will learn from this part of the book will help you learn about the little things that you can do so there will be no need to wake up at night and also make your child throughout the night. Baby Sleep Miracle Review: Chapter 4 Now, this for young mothers, especially, those that are very busy, they will find this chapter very interesting. Why? Because it involves age-related procedures, tips and tricks on how to makw your baby sleep well. This information is placed in series in the sub-section. There is information to get your baby to sleep as they are a month old, up until they are five years old. I really like this part, because it helps me with my baby. My child was four months old when I bought this book, and he gave me a lot, as in two weeks in a row without sleeping. Because I was so sleepy I didn't have time to read the rest of the e-book at first, and it was too much effort for me too. I was told by a friend to buy it, since it has age-specific tips and tricks of baby sleep. So I did, and when I received it, I immediately skipped to the desired page. And there I saw information and advice that helped me turn my baby from a mid-night screamer to a peaceful and loving all-night sleeper. In short, I think the most important information or part of this book is the 7-steps tips to put any baby to sleep immediately. If you won't read anything else after purchasing the book, make sure that you read this guide. This is the tips and tricks to die for (of course, you do not need to die for sure, but you get the gist)!
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baby sleep miracle sound Additional Content In addition to the Baby Sleep Miracle e-book, I have free extras, including e-books in multimedia files that let you easily listen to the program, do other things and let the baby sleeps, noise/ miracle sound mp3 to soothe the baby to sleep.
Baby Sleep Miracle Pros And Cons
I have previously used and reviewed many sleep programs and children's books, although I haven't found the best one, but this one come as close to being perfect. To learn about the pros and cons of this baby sleep miracle book, see below. Pros It has lots of useful tips, tricks and practical information to help your baby sleep well. It is a well-structured program that combines the content of a child's model with the age-specific baby sleep information at which is easy to find from the table of content. It comes with a video review of the product recommended to mothers. (It's hard to tell if the mothers are honest or have paid critics) . This creates reasonable and realistic expectations. No program promises success anywhere. This research project was conducted in a study at the Harvard University and Stanford University. It was written by a child psychologist who is the mother herself. It provides effective solutions. It comes with three baby materials for babies and a 60-day money-back guarantee (to get your money back if you feel it is not worth it). Many positive baby sleep miracle reviews are available online. Comes with a fair price, this is a great value for money. This will probably save you from a lack of sleep and make your baby cry less and be happier. Cons This is mainly an e-book. I would have love to see a video demonstration with tips and techniques. You will need to read the book and practice the information provided in the book for it to work. This may take a while. The book is available only in specific languages, such as English, French, Spanish, and German. Learn More Here
Where To Buy Sleeping Baby Miracle
If you have been impressed by this Baby Sleep Miracle review, then I'll share a special link to help you get the e-book and some bonus materials, including the Miracle Sleep MP3 Sounds that soothes your baby to sleep.. But before I do that, I think I need to share my opinion on the program with you. in case you are still unclear with the way I presented this review, I like the baby sleep miracle. I like it because it is accurate, effective and age-specific. This is probably the best $ 37 dollar I've ever spent, and it really showed how to get the baby to sleep. Click here to purchase the program and receive the bonus contents, including a special sleep noise. Remember the mentioned $37 is a promotional offer. The program is usually $100.
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Baby sleep bonus packs with deals
Is This Baby Sleep Miracle Legit Or Just A Scam?
I can confidently say the baby sleep miracle is 100% legit. If you have also read this fantastic overview of the baby sleep miracle, you know it's legit. This is an excellent program with actionable tips and tricks to follow step-by-step. This is because the information is very different from other similar products. The tips and strategies are also very effective. They helped me make my baby less fussy. They also help me achieve a healthy state by gaining back my sanity. I could tell that just three or four weeks ago I was probably in a bad situation with sleep deprivation. But I'm happier now than I ever was since my baby came into this world. Therefore, this program is legit. And if you don't believe it! On the Internet, there are many people whose reactions show that it is working, check the videos below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmyM_bWdbjk&feature=youtu.be Testimonial from a real mother And here is another testimonial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOiYB6TDrSE&feature=youtu.be testimonial from another new mom If you still don't know the tips and information you can get in this program, read the following excerpt from the e-book. “But you’ll always need a bedtime routine. Predictable routines not only help babies relax, but they also cue the brain to slow down and make the necessary sleep “arrangements” – just like a good book does that for you.” “Developing a bedtime routine early – by about six weeks – is absolutely essential." At first, it will be very simple. With the above information, you will probably know that if you buy this program you will gain a lot. Therefore, if you suffer from sleep deprivation, your child does not sleep well at night and your partner feels sleepy due to lack of sleep in the night, buy this program. It is legit and can help you change your current situation. This has helped me and I believe it will help you too on how to get your baby to sleep through the night.
Final Thought
Can I recommend this product to a close friends or relatives? Yes, I can. Why? Because I have tested it and it worked for me and my baby. This is surely the best tip and information on how to get your baby to sleep through the night. The book is also quite cheap, compared to its value and you will see when you start using it. Child psychologist, Mary-Ann Schuler, uses her professional education and experience as a mother to create this well-researched yet an easy-to-read book and an easy-to-implement program. Great and useful information from the first page to the last page. It also comes with additional materials such as electronic books and MP3 sleep noise to calm your baby to sleep. In short, it is an excellent program that is good for whoever that is searching these topics on the internet: How to get your baby to sleep through nightHow to get your baby to sleep without being heldHow to get your baby to sleep at nighthow to get your baby to sleep on their own and so on. A few nights after applying the baby's principles, tips and tricks, you will begin to notice that your baby sleeps more, cries less and is happier than before. It is a program worth every dollar spent. I highly recommend this baby sleep miracle program to mothers that are trying to get their baby to sleep through the night. Get it with all the bonuses here for just $37
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Disclaimer: If you buy through my link, I will get a small affiliate commission. This doesn't make the product more expensive for you in any way, but it helps me support my blog. The review is honest and my personal experience with this product and I would never recommend a product that I have never used and 100% satisfied with. Please enjoy the review with this route and let me know in the comments if you have any questions. Read the full article
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vanessawestwcrtr5 · 6 years
Best Cryptocurrency Investment Strategy for 2019: Surviving the Bear Market Edition
Best Cryptocurrency Investment Strategy for 2019: Surviving the Bear Market Edition
Don’t know what smart contracts are? Learn about the nuts and bolts of smart contract technology: its origin, advantages, peculiarities and applications
Since blockchain was invented, it has served many useful purposes, including the creation of smart contracts. This is an outstanding technology, but not so many people understand what it is, and how it functions. Are you in the dark about the idea of a smart contract blockchain? This ultimate guide is a must-read.
Without further ado, let’s start.
What is a smart contract?
25 years ago, Nick Szabo, a crypto enthusiast, discovered that decentralized ledgers might serve for the implementation of so-called digital ‘smart contracts’. These contracts exist in the form of a computer code and can run over multiple nodes. Devices controlling the blockchain could be used to supervise a smart contract. Consequently, that would facilitate transactions, fund transfers, and the delivery of services and goods.
For better understanding, you could refer to the smart contract definition given by Wikipedia. Seem too complicated? In layman’s terms, blockchain smart contracts are pieces of computer code that include certain contractual clauses that can self-execute and self-enforce. Like any other decentralized ledger, smart contracts make data totally safe – it’s impossible to forge or change. Many cryptocurrencies started implementing this technology, and the most commonly used variation is the Ethereum smart contract.
How do smart contracts work?
A smart contract does not remind one of its paper analog. Yes, it can also be applied to order services and products, perform currency exchanges, or buy/sell property. However, unlike the stacks of traditional documents, a blockchain smart contract executes itself – it comes into force automatically as soon as particular conditions are met.
If you want smart contracts blockchain explained in clearer terms, check out this use case:
To comprehend the principle of how blockchain contracts function, imagine the function of a penny-in-the-slot machine. You decide to buy a cappuccino and insert coins into the slot. Once you press the corresponding button, the machine instantly performs your order. Blockchain contracts do a similar thing. They automatically execute some actions upon particular conditions triggering them.
Key benefits
Blockchain and smart contracts are revolutionary technologies that have brought about a myriad of opportunities and advantages. So, what exactly makes smart contracts useful for us? The list of benefits is mile-long:
1.    The accuracy of data. When people handle paper contracts, there’s always a risk of human error. Smart contracts ensure the accuracy of data: the details of the terms won’t be altered by mistake. The omission of conditions can cause transaction errors, but automatic contracts exclude this risk.
2.   Straightforward, clear communication. Smart contracts should be accurate and detailed – when everything is explicit, following conditions is simple. Therefore, smart contracts facilitate communication, and participants have a total understanding of conditions and events.
3.   Total transparency. Digital contracts’ details are displayed to all concerned participants. No conditions can be changed once such contract once it was activated. That excludes the threat of data forgery, and all operations are visible for concerned parties.
4.   Excellent speed. Since digital contracts run their code on the Internet, they can perform transactions with an exceptional speed, which saves hours or even days for businesses.
5.   It’s a paper-free process. Good news for haters of bureaucracy and lovers of nature. With smart contracts, there is no need for manual document processing. Businesses are getting more and more concerned about their environmental impact, and going digital is the easiest way to go green and cut down on paperwork.
6.   Great efficiency. Due to their high cost and 100% precision, smart contracts are very efficient and can process a lot of transactions per one unit of time. Again, that eliminates the need of third parties.
7.    Exceptional security. Automated digital contracts leverage the most advanced levels of encryption currently developed, and set the standard for modern cryptocurrencies. That turns smart contracts into one of the most reliable things on the web.
8.   Data integrity. Since every record in smart contracts contains details about transactions, this is a great solution for data storage and backup. Once you use some information in a smart contract, it is added forever and used for further records. In case of data damage or loss, it can be retrieved in a jiffy.
9.   It’s economically beneficial. What is smart contracts’ main advantage for institutional users? Automatic contracts exclude the need for middlemen, which results in lower expenses.
10.  It is trustworthy. Smart contracts are totally transparent because no information can be changed once it’s established. That excludes the risk of manipulations and errors. The parties agree to follow the contract’s rules and regulations – the rest is done by the code.
No drawbacks so far?
Like any innovation, smart contracts’ blockchain system isn’t devoid of disadvantages – the coin has two sides. Some of its benefits pose difficulties:
A smart contract is an innovative technology that addresses a wide range of problems.
→ Users are not familiar with the technology and are afraid of using it. Decentralized ledgers appear to be too complicated.
Once data is registered, records are irreversible.
→ If a user has suddenly changed his mind about contract conditions, it would be technically difficult to correct it. Besides, such changes pose the risk of mistakes and make the smart contract less safe.
Use of code excludes the risk of human errors.
→ But there is always the risk of errors at the stage of coding – the code is written by people. First, they can write the code to serve their malicious purposes. Secondly, eventual mistakes put the whole system in danger.
No need for third-party agents.
→ Middlemen don’t disappear entirely – they just need to change their role. For instance, there’s a need for IT-savvy lawyers. Programmers of smart contracts will also need to consult people.
Spheres of application
Smart contracts have enough potential to revolutionize many industries. Use cases are found in:
1.    Insurance. Companies automate their insurance policies by transforming them into smart contracts. Under certain events, the claims process is triggered immediately.
2.   Content & copyright. Smart contracts are used to register ownership of content (images, music, texts, video, etc) and transfer rights automatically. Fees and royalties for content usage are delivered instantly and transparently. That establishes trust in true ownership.
3.   IoT. Smart contracts help to store data obtained from devices, transfer it via the Internet, track delivery, record possession of devices, and so on.
4.   Banking. Cryptocurrency smart contracts allow for performing fast, cheap, and transparent transaction. That helps to cut back on transfer expenses.
Aside from that, smart contracts are being used in telecommunication, art, education, e-government, energy, and many other spheres.
Smart contract examples
Now with technology of smart contracts explained, you may wonder if it is being used anywhere already. Yes, smart contracts are gradually being implemented by some companies. The following examples prove that.
How do smart contracts work in particular cases?
AXA, the French airline, utilizes blockchain for flight insurance. In case of delays, users with the proprietary application are notified about compensation options. The amount of insurance and compensation depend on the triggering event.
Propy is a real estate agency that performs operations with digital contracts. It allows users to sell and purchase property offers and negotiate over them. Both parties can participate in the smart contract and buyers can reserve the properly by paying $5,000 to the escrow. Third-party payment processors can be involved to make transactions legitimate, and local authorities are present as well to make all protocols.
Populous uses digital contracts for invoice issuing. The role of technology is the elimination of risks, people’s mistakes, and document duplication. As soon as an invoice and its terms are settled in the system, users order it and transactions are performed via the digital contract.
DAO is another case in point. This project leverages the most complicated form of code – decentralized autonomous organizations. DAO serves to store and manage registries (documents, certificates, etc).
Ethereum smart contract: the backbone
Ethereum smart contracts are the most widespread. This code was invented by Vitalik Buterin in 2013, and published two years later. Turing-complete virtual machine runs the codes: it simulates a PC using its own logic. That makes the Ethereum contract way more advanced than Bitcoin, which uses simple mechanisms for transactions.
So, what is a smart contract Ethereum? This is a code written in the Solidity language. It’s close to JavaScript, the code executed in the Ethereum virtual machine for creating contracts.  
Why do companies trust Ethereum with their infrastructure?
●   It’s the most commonly used tech of its kind, the ancestor of other blockchain contracts.
●   Solidity is comprehensible and can be mastered by experienced programmers.
●   Ethereum leverages the ETH cryptocurrency, which is often used as an inner currency.
●   When it comes to the versatility of smart contracts, Ethereum is an absolute leader. It can be applied literally in any sphere without limitations.
●   Ethereum allows for creating decentralized applications (dApps) that make data safe and transparent.
Today, over 1,300 dApps are created or being developed on the basis of this tech.
Ethereum smart contract examples include:
1.    IOST (The Internet of Services) – a byproduct of Ethereum that provides tools and the environment for the creation of decentralized applications. Being built on top of the Ether blockchain, it allows for excluding intermediaries.
2.   MEvU is a decentralized P2P betting software. No matter what you stake on – Ethereum makes users confident that their wagers are totally safe. This application was created to prevent unfair gaming.
3.   CryptoKitties is one of first apps using smart contract Ethereum technology. This game allowed using digital “collectibles” stored in the blockchain – users breed their kitties using Ether tokens to run a digital contract. Sound like nothing serious, but this app has shown the potency of Buterin’s creation.
Also, let’s not forget that Ethereum has a huge network of supporters who would potentially use the smart contracts. The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance unites some Fortune 500 enterprises, such as Intel and Microsoft, as well as numerous startups.
Bottom line
Now that you’re aware of what are smart contracts, you can imagine how much potential there is to be fulfilled. Digital contract technology has caused a stir in the crypto community and opened a legion of possibilities for small and large companies, regardless of their specification.
Smart contracts blockchain is in its infancy: not many companies understand what it is and realize its benefits. The number of enterprises actually implementing it is even lower. However, in the following decade, we are likely to see massive leveraging of this tech in various niches.
Source link http://bit.ly/2DHYMDq
0 notes
teiraymondmccoy78 · 6 years
Best Cryptocurrency Investment Strategy for 2019: Surviving the Bear Market Edition
Best Cryptocurrency Investment Strategy for 2019: Surviving the Bear Market Edition
Don’t know what smart contracts are? Learn about the nuts and bolts of smart contract technology: its origin, advantages, peculiarities and applications
Since blockchain was invented, it has served many useful purposes, including the creation of smart contracts. This is an outstanding technology, but not so many people understand what it is, and how it functions. Are you in the dark about the idea of a smart contract blockchain? This ultimate guide is a must-read.
Without further ado, let’s start.
What is a smart contract?
25 years ago, Nick Szabo, a crypto enthusiast, discovered that decentralized ledgers might serve for the implementation of so-called digital ‘smart contracts’. These contracts exist in the form of a computer code and can run over multiple nodes. Devices controlling the blockchain could be used to supervise a smart contract. Consequently, that would facilitate transactions, fund transfers, and the delivery of services and goods.
For better understanding, you could refer to the smart contract definition given by Wikipedia. Seem too complicated? In layman’s terms, blockchain smart contracts are pieces of computer code that include certain contractual clauses that can self-execute and self-enforce. Like any other decentralized ledger, smart contracts make data totally safe – it’s impossible to forge or change. Many cryptocurrencies started implementing this technology, and the most commonly used variation is the Ethereum smart contract.
How do smart contracts work?
A smart contract does not remind one of its paper analog. Yes, it can also be applied to order services and products, perform currency exchanges, or buy/sell property. However, unlike the stacks of traditional documents, a blockchain smart contract executes itself – it comes into force automatically as soon as particular conditions are met.
If you want smart contracts blockchain explained in clearer terms, check out this use case:
To comprehend the principle of how blockchain contracts function, imagine the function of a penny-in-the-slot machine. You decide to buy a cappuccino and insert coins into the slot. Once you press the corresponding button, the machine instantly performs your order. Blockchain contracts do a similar thing. They automatically execute some actions upon particular conditions triggering them.
Key benefits
Blockchain and smart contracts are revolutionary technologies that have brought about a myriad of opportunities and advantages. So, what exactly makes smart contracts useful for us? The list of benefits is mile-long:
1.    The accuracy of data. When people handle paper contracts, there’s always a risk of human error. Smart contracts ensure the accuracy of data: the details of the terms won’t be altered by mistake. The omission of conditions can cause transaction errors, but automatic contracts exclude this risk.
2.   Straightforward, clear communication. Smart contracts should be accurate and detailed – when everything is explicit, following conditions is simple. Therefore, smart contracts facilitate communication, and participants have a total understanding of conditions and events.
3.   Total transparency. Digital contracts’ details are displayed to all concerned participants. No conditions can be changed once such contract once it was activated. That excludes the threat of data forgery, and all operations are visible for concerned parties.
4.   Excellent speed. Since digital contracts run their code on the Internet, they can perform transactions with an exceptional speed, which saves hours or even days for businesses.
5.   It’s a paper-free process. Good news for haters of bureaucracy and lovers of nature. With smart contracts, there is no need for manual document processing. Businesses are getting more and more concerned about their environmental impact, and going digital is the easiest way to go green and cut down on paperwork.
6.   Great efficiency. Due to their high cost and 100% precision, smart contracts are very efficient and can process a lot of transactions per one unit of time. Again, that eliminates the need of third parties.
7.    Exceptional security. Automated digital contracts leverage the most advanced levels of encryption currently developed, and set the standard for modern cryptocurrencies. That turns smart contracts into one of the most reliable things on the web.
8.   Data integrity. Since every record in smart contracts contains details about transactions, this is a great solution for data storage and backup. Once you use some information in a smart contract, it is added forever and used for further records. In case of data damage or loss, it can be retrieved in a jiffy.
9.   It’s economically beneficial. What is smart contracts’ main advantage for institutional users? Automatic contracts exclude the need for middlemen, which results in lower expenses.
10.  It is trustworthy. Smart contracts are totally transparent because no information can be changed once it’s established. That excludes the risk of manipulations and errors. The parties agree to follow the contract’s rules and regulations – the rest is done by the code.
No drawbacks so far?
Like any innovation, smart contracts’ blockchain system isn’t devoid of disadvantages – the coin has two sides. Some of its benefits pose difficulties:
A smart contract is an innovative technology that addresses a wide range of problems.
→ Users are not familiar with the technology and are afraid of using it. Decentralized ledgers appear to be too complicated.
Once data is registered, records are irreversible.
→ If a user has suddenly changed his mind about contract conditions, it would be technically difficult to correct it. Besides, such changes pose the risk of mistakes and make the smart contract less safe.
Use of code excludes the risk of human errors.
→ But there is always the risk of errors at the stage of coding – the code is written by people. First, they can write the code to serve their malicious purposes. Secondly, eventual mistakes put the whole system in danger.
No need for third-party agents.
→ Middlemen don’t disappear entirely – they just need to change their role. For instance, there’s a need for IT-savvy lawyers. Programmers of smart contracts will also need to consult people.
Spheres of application
Smart contracts have enough potential to revolutionize many industries. Use cases are found in:
1.    Insurance. Companies automate their insurance policies by transforming them into smart contracts. Under certain events, the claims process is triggered immediately.
2.   Content & copyright. Smart contracts are used to register ownership of content (images, music, texts, video, etc) and transfer rights automatically. Fees and royalties for content usage are delivered instantly and transparently. That establishes trust in true ownership.
3.   IoT. Smart contracts help to store data obtained from devices, transfer it via the Internet, track delivery, record possession of devices, and so on.
4.   Banking. Cryptocurrency smart contracts allow for performing fast, cheap, and transparent transaction. That helps to cut back on transfer expenses.
Aside from that, smart contracts are being used in telecommunication, art, education, e-government, energy, and many other spheres.
Smart contract examples
Now with technology of smart contracts explained, you may wonder if it is being used anywhere already. Yes, smart contracts are gradually being implemented by some companies. The following examples prove that.
How do smart contracts work in particular cases?
AXA, the French airline, utilizes blockchain for flight insurance. In case of delays, users with the proprietary application are notified about compensation options. The amount of insurance and compensation depend on the triggering event.
Propy is a real estate agency that performs operations with digital contracts. It allows users to sell and purchase property offers and negotiate over them. Both parties can participate in the smart contract and buyers can reserve the properly by paying $5,000 to the escrow. Third-party payment processors can be involved to make transactions legitimate, and local authorities are present as well to make all protocols.
Populous uses digital contracts for invoice issuing. The role of technology is the elimination of risks, people’s mistakes, and document duplication. As soon as an invoice and its terms are settled in the system, users order it and transactions are performed via the digital contract.
DAO is another case in point. This project leverages the most complicated form of code – decentralized autonomous organizations. DAO serves to store and manage registries (documents, certificates, etc).
Ethereum smart contract: the backbone
Ethereum smart contracts are the most widespread. This code was invented by Vitalik Buterin in 2013, and published two years later. Turing-complete virtual machine runs the codes: it simulates a PC using its own logic. That makes the Ethereum contract way more advanced than Bitcoin, which uses simple mechanisms for transactions.
So, what is a smart contract Ethereum? This is a code written in the Solidity language. It’s close to JavaScript, the code executed in the Ethereum virtual machine for creating contracts.  
Why do companies trust Ethereum with their infrastructure?
●   It’s the most commonly used tech of its kind, the ancestor of other blockchain contracts.
●   Solidity is comprehensible and can be mastered by experienced programmers.
●   Ethereum leverages the ETH cryptocurrency, which is often used as an inner currency.
●   When it comes to the versatility of smart contracts, Ethereum is an absolute leader. It can be applied literally in any sphere without limitations.
●   Ethereum allows for creating decentralized applications (dApps) that make data safe and transparent.
Today, over 1,300 dApps are created or being developed on the basis of this tech.
Ethereum smart contract examples include:
1.    IOST (The Internet of Services) – a byproduct of Ethereum that provides tools and the environment for the creation of decentralized applications. Being built on top of the Ether blockchain, it allows for excluding intermediaries.
2.   MEvU is a decentralized P2P betting software. No matter what you stake on – Ethereum makes users confident that their wagers are totally safe. This application was created to prevent unfair gaming.
3.   CryptoKitties is one of first apps using smart contract Ethereum technology. This game allowed using digital “collectibles” stored in the blockchain – users breed their kitties using Ether tokens to run a digital contract. Sound like nothing serious, but this app has shown the potency of Buterin’s creation.
Also, let’s not forget that Ethereum has a huge network of supporters who would potentially use the smart contracts. The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance unites some Fortune 500 enterprises, such as Intel and Microsoft, as well as numerous startups.
Bottom line
Now that you’re aware of what are smart contracts, you can imagine how much potential there is to be fulfilled. Digital contract technology has caused a stir in the crypto community and opened a legion of possibilities for small and large companies, regardless of their specification.
Smart contracts blockchain is in its infancy: not many companies understand what it is and realize its benefits. The number of enterprises actually implementing it is even lower. However, in the following decade, we are likely to see massive leveraging of this tech in various niches.
Source link http://bit.ly/2DHYMDq
0 notes
Best Cryptocurrency Investment Strategy for 2019: Surviving the Bear Market Edition
Best Cryptocurrency Investment Strategy for 2019: Surviving the Bear Market Edition
Don’t know what smart contracts are? Learn about the nuts and bolts of smart contract technology: its origin, advantages, peculiarities and applications
Since blockchain was invented, it has served many useful purposes, including the creation of smart contracts. This is an outstanding technology, but not so many people understand what it is, and how it functions. Are you in the dark about the idea of a smart contract blockchain? This ultimate guide is a must-read.
Without further ado, let’s start.
What is a smart contract?
25 years ago, Nick Szabo, a crypto enthusiast, discovered that decentralized ledgers might serve for the implementation of so-called digital ‘smart contracts’. These contracts exist in the form of a computer code and can run over multiple nodes. Devices controlling the blockchain could be used to supervise a smart contract. Consequently, that would facilitate transactions, fund transfers, and the delivery of services and goods.
For better understanding, you could refer to the smart contract definition given by Wikipedia. Seem too complicated? In layman’s terms, blockchain smart contracts are pieces of computer code that include certain contractual clauses that can self-execute and self-enforce. Like any other decentralized ledger, smart contracts make data totally safe – it’s impossible to forge or change. Many cryptocurrencies started implementing this technology, and the most commonly used variation is the Ethereum smart contract.
How do smart contracts work?
A smart contract does not remind one of its paper analog. Yes, it can also be applied to order services and products, perform currency exchanges, or buy/sell property. However, unlike the stacks of traditional documents, a blockchain smart contract executes itself – it comes into force automatically as soon as particular conditions are met.
If you want smart contracts blockchain explained in clearer terms, check out this use case:
To comprehend the principle of how blockchain contracts function, imagine the function of a penny-in-the-slot machine. You decide to buy a cappuccino and insert coins into the slot. Once you press the corresponding button, the machine instantly performs your order. Blockchain contracts do a similar thing. They automatically execute some actions upon particular conditions triggering them.
Key benefits
Blockchain and smart contracts are revolutionary technologies that have brought about a myriad of opportunities and advantages. So, what exactly makes smart contracts useful for us? The list of benefits is mile-long:
1.    The accuracy of data. When people handle paper contracts, there’s always a risk of human error. Smart contracts ensure the accuracy of data: the details of the terms won’t be altered by mistake. The omission of conditions can cause transaction errors, but automatic contracts exclude this risk.
2.   Straightforward, clear communication. Smart contracts should be accurate and detailed – when everything is explicit, following conditions is simple. Therefore, smart contracts facilitate communication, and participants have a total understanding of conditions and events.
3.   Total transparency. Digital contracts’ details are displayed to all concerned participants. No conditions can be changed once such contract once it was activated. That excludes the threat of data forgery, and all operations are visible for concerned parties.
4.   Excellent speed. Since digital contracts run their code on the Internet, they can perform transactions with an exceptional speed, which saves hours or even days for businesses.
5.   It’s a paper-free process. Good news for haters of bureaucracy and lovers of nature. With smart contracts, there is no need for manual document processing. Businesses are getting more and more concerned about their environmental impact, and going digital is the easiest way to go green and cut down on paperwork.
6.   Great efficiency. Due to their high cost and 100% precision, smart contracts are very efficient and can process a lot of transactions per one unit of time. Again, that eliminates the need of third parties.
7.    Exceptional security. Automated digital contracts leverage the most advanced levels of encryption currently developed, and set the standard for modern cryptocurrencies. That turns smart contracts into one of the most reliable things on the web.
8.   Data integrity. Since every record in smart contracts contains details about transactions, this is a great solution for data storage and backup. Once you use some information in a smart contract, it is added forever and used for further records. In case of data damage or loss, it can be retrieved in a jiffy.
9.   It’s economically beneficial. What is smart contracts’ main advantage for institutional users? Automatic contracts exclude the need for middlemen, which results in lower expenses.
10.  It is trustworthy. Smart contracts are totally transparent because no information can be changed once it’s established. That excludes the risk of manipulations and errors. The parties agree to follow the contract’s rules and regulations – the rest is done by the code.
No drawbacks so far?
Like any innovation, smart contracts’ blockchain system isn’t devoid of disadvantages – the coin has two sides. Some of its benefits pose difficulties:
A smart contract is an innovative technology that addresses a wide range of problems.
→ Users are not familiar with the technology and are afraid of using it. Decentralized ledgers appear to be too complicated.
Once data is registered, records are irreversible.
→ If a user has suddenly changed his mind about contract conditions, it would be technically difficult to correct it. Besides, such changes pose the risk of mistakes and make the smart contract less safe.
Use of code excludes the risk of human errors.
→ But there is always the risk of errors at the stage of coding – the code is written by people. First, they can write the code to serve their malicious purposes. Secondly, eventual mistakes put the whole system in danger.
No need for third-party agents.
→ Middlemen don’t disappear entirely – they just need to change their role. For instance, there’s a need for IT-savvy lawyers. Programmers of smart contracts will also need to consult people.
Spheres of application
Smart contracts have enough potential to revolutionize many industries. Use cases are found in:
1.    Insurance. Companies automate their insurance policies by transforming them into smart contracts. Under certain events, the claims process is triggered immediately.
2.   Content & copyright. Smart contracts are used to register ownership of content (images, music, texts, video, etc) and transfer rights automatically. Fees and royalties for content usage are delivered instantly and transparently. That establishes trust in true ownership.
3.   IoT. Smart contracts help to store data obtained from devices, transfer it via the Internet, track delivery, record possession of devices, and so on.
4.   Banking. Cryptocurrency smart contracts allow for performing fast, cheap, and transparent transaction. That helps to cut back on transfer expenses.
Aside from that, smart contracts are being used in telecommunication, art, education, e-government, energy, and many other spheres.
Smart contract examples
Now with technology of smart contracts explained, you may wonder if it is being used anywhere already. Yes, smart contracts are gradually being implemented by some companies. The following examples prove that.
How do smart contracts work in particular cases?
AXA, the French airline, utilizes blockchain for flight insurance. In case of delays, users with the proprietary application are notified about compensation options. The amount of insurance and compensation depend on the triggering event.
Propy is a real estate agency that performs operations with digital contracts. It allows users to sell and purchase property offers and negotiate over them. Both parties can participate in the smart contract and buyers can reserve the properly by paying $5,000 to the escrow. Third-party payment processors can be involved to make transactions legitimate, and local authorities are present as well to make all protocols.
Populous uses digital contracts for invoice issuing. The role of technology is the elimination of risks, people’s mistakes, and document duplication. As soon as an invoice and its terms are settled in the system, users order it and transactions are performed via the digital contract.
DAO is another case in point. This project leverages the most complicated form of code – decentralized autonomous organizations. DAO serves to store and manage registries (documents, certificates, etc).
Ethereum smart contract: the backbone
Ethereum smart contracts are the most widespread. This code was invented by Vitalik Buterin in 2013, and published two years later. Turing-complete virtual machine runs the codes: it simulates a PC using its own logic. That makes the Ethereum contract way more advanced than Bitcoin, which uses simple mechanisms for transactions.
So, what is a smart contract Ethereum? This is a code written in the Solidity language. It’s close to JavaScript, the code executed in the Ethereum virtual machine for creating contracts.  
Why do companies trust Ethereum with their infrastructure?
●   It’s the most commonly used tech of its kind, the ancestor of other blockchain contracts.
●   Solidity is comprehensible and can be mastered by experienced programmers.
●   Ethereum leverages the ETH cryptocurrency, which is often used as an inner currency.
●   When it comes to the versatility of smart contracts, Ethereum is an absolute leader. It can be applied literally in any sphere without limitations.
●   Ethereum allows for creating decentralized applications (dApps) that make data safe and transparent.
Today, over 1,300 dApps are created or being developed on the basis of this tech.
Ethereum smart contract examples include:
1.    IOST (The Internet of Services) – a byproduct of Ethereum that provides tools and the environment for the creation of decentralized applications. Being built on top of the Ether blockchain, it allows for excluding intermediaries.
2.   MEvU is a decentralized P2P betting software. No matter what you stake on – Ethereum makes users confident that their wagers are totally safe. This application was created to prevent unfair gaming.
3.   CryptoKitties is one of first apps using smart contract Ethereum technology. This game allowed using digital “collectibles” stored in the blockchain – users breed their kitties using Ether tokens to run a digital contract. Sound like nothing serious, but this app has shown the potency of Buterin’s creation.
Also, let’s not forget that Ethereum has a huge network of supporters who would potentially use the smart contracts. The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance unites some Fortune 500 enterprises, such as Intel and Microsoft, as well as numerous startups.
Bottom line
Now that you’re aware of what are smart contracts, you can imagine how much potential there is to be fulfilled. Digital contract technology has caused a stir in the crypto community and opened a legion of possibilities for small and large companies, regardless of their specification.
Smart contracts blockchain is in its infancy: not many companies understand what it is and realize its benefits. The number of enterprises actually implementing it is even lower. However, in the following decade, we are likely to see massive leveraging of this tech in various niches.
Source link http://bit.ly/2DHYMDq
0 notes
soukacatv · 6 years
What is the difference between digital signal and analog signal? | Soukacatv.com
Differences between analog signal and digital signal are given below : • Analog signal is a continuous signal whereas Digital signal is discrete time signal. • Analog signal is denoted by sin waves whereas Digital signal is denoted by square waves. • Analog signal has high noise whereas Digital signal has less noise. • Analog signal is stored in the form of wave signal whereas Digital signal is stored in the form of binary bit. • Analog signal has less cost whereas Digital signal has high cost. • Analog signal example is - Human voice whereas Digital signal example is Computer system.
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Purely digital signals exist as a sequence of samples. These samples might be stored somewhere or digitally processed. They are both discrete in time and quantized in amplitude. Analog signals are the physical signals that propagate through some medium i.e. a circuit, cable, the air, etc. They are continuous in both time and amplitude. The reason I started by talking about “purely” digital signals is because that’s really an abstraction. The reality is that everything in this world is analog. When we talk about a digital circuit which reads/writes a byte of data, the reality is that the circuit operates on analog inputs and outputs. But by intelligently designing the circuit we can abstract away these details and just think about the digital signals. A wireless transmission that contains digital information still ultimately uses an analog signal to propagate through the air. Analog signal: (continues signals ) 1.analog signal is continues signals which represents physical measurements . 2.wave : denoted by sine wave 3. Example : Human voice in air, analog electronic devices. 4.Representation:Uses continuous range of values to represent information 5.Data transmissions :Subjected to deterioration by noise during transmission and write/read cycle. 6. Uses : Can be used in analog devices only. Best suited for audio and video transmission. Digital Signals 1.Digital signals are discrete time signals generated by digital modulation. 2.wave : denoted by square wave 3.Examples :Computers, CDs, DVDs, and other digital electronic devices. 4. Representation: Uses discrete or discontinuous values to represent information 5.Data Transmission: Can be noise-immune without deterioration during transmission and write/read cycle. 6.Uses :Best suited for Computing and digital electronic. The following graph is more clear in understanding there signals..
Main difference you get between analog and digital signals is that analog real time Signals and digital signals that are performed within the system it's basically your voice my voice and everyone else's voice is analogue because suppose you are speaking a sentence you are going to spell it till the end Undertaker instead of time I can measure a certain DB of noise coming from your mouth so this noise is introduced into the transducer which converts it into voltage signals now the signals are analog in nature the main thing which we get defect is analogue parts has many losses and also the computational time is pretty high compared to the digital so we use an analogto digital converter to convert these analog signals into digital signals by the help of sampling that is we take the values of the signal at every small instant of time this small instant of time is very small and it has to follow nyquist criterion I am not going into the details of this criterion about it in the later stages but the sampling is basically we are taking the values of this signal at every small instant of time such that will get a large value of the data of the original signal. These data are converted into zeros and ones and processes in the system which are digital in nature and finally after all the computations it is converted do analog
To understand this difference, let us go back a bit and start with the very basics: Q: What is a signal? - A signal is a plot of the value of a physical quantity/parameter with respect to time. In other words, a signal carries information about the change in the value of a quantity/parameter over a period of time. The physical quantity could be anything that we are trying to measure, like temperature, speech, light intensity etc. NOTE- If the physical quantity being measured is an electrical parameter, like Voltage or Current, then the signal is called an electrical signal.
- An analog signal is continuous with respect to time; meaning its value changes continuously with time. In other words, an analog signal will have a value at any given instant of time. For example, the value of an analog signal can be extracted at 0s, 1.5s, 4.908675s etc. - All real world signals are analog in nature. Q: What are signals used for? - There are three things that can be done with a signal: 1.Store the signal for later use 2.Process the signal (convert it to some other form, perform some operations on the signal etc) 3.Transmit the signal to some other destination to be used there. - Now, since analog signals are continuous, it will have infinite number of values considering the value at each instant of time. Therefore, storing such a signal requires large amount of memory; processing requires large processing power or more time; transmitting requires a large bandwidth. Q: So, is there an easy way to handle signals? - YES. Instead of measuring/considering the signal value at every instant of time, lets take the signal value only at desired instances of time. In other words, we consider signal "samples" at specific instances of time.
- Above picture shows an analog signal sampled at specific time instances (t1 - t10). Such a signal is called as a "discrete time signal", since the signal values are represented at discrete time units. In technical terms, the signal values are called as "samples" and this process is called as "sampling". Closer these samples are, more accurate will be the signal representation. The number of samples to be considered is determined by the "sampling rate" of the system. - With discrete time signal, there's a problem. The amplitude of the samples can be real numbers (5.38239, 13.57236 etc) representing which may become tedious. To overcome this, just like we divided the x-axis at discrete intervals, let us also divide the y-axis at discrete intervals.
- If the signal amplitude falls between 0 and L1, let us round it off to 0. If the signal amplitude falls between L1 and L2, we round it off to L1 and so on. Again, the closer these levels are, more accurate will be the signal representation. - This process is called as "quantization" and the resulting quantized signal is called a "Digital Signal". - Most digital systems today make use of only two signal levels, Level0 and Level1. - These signal levels have different names in the world of digital electronics; Level0 or Logic0/OFF/False/Absent Level1 or Logic1/ON/True/Present - That is, at any given instant of time the signal is either present or it is absent. If it is present, we call it Logic1, or simply 1, and if it is absent we call it Logic0, or simply 0. - Analog signals are converted into digital signals, processed in digital form and converted back to analog on need basis, because it is easier to handle/work with digital signals. - we cannot completely do away with analog signals, so at the earliest possible time we take the analog signal and if the signal is very weak, we amplify it to a desirable level and convert it into a digital signal.
Let me try to answer your question in most easiest way. In text book B.P. Lathi of analog and digital communication system, signals are defined of four types based on which axis (time or amplitude) is sampled: 1. Continuous time and continuous amplitude signal: this type of signal is continuous in both axis and neither of the axis is sampled. These type of signals are also called analog signal. 2. Continuous time and discrete amplitude signal: As name suggests, these signals are continuous in time but discrete in amplitude i.e. signal is sampled in amplitude only. 3. Discrete time and continuous amplitude signal: These signals are sampled only on time axis and amplitude is continuous. These signals are also most commonly called just discrete signals. 4. Discrete time and discrete amplitude signal: These signals are sampled in both axises i.e. both time and amplitude axises are sampled. These signals are also called digital signals.
If you have understood all above 4 definitions, then by now you can understand the difference between analog and digital signal. In analog signal both the axises are continuous whereas in digital signals, both the axises are sampled or discrete. Analog signal is a continuous signal with infinite time and magnitude resolution. Real world signals are analog signals, sound, light, radio waves, etc. Take that real world signal and digitize it with discrete time steps and finite magnitude resolution, you get digital signals. Sound file and digital pictures are examples of digital signal. The key concept for converting between digital and analog signals is the sampling theorem. In simple terms, a signal digitized at twice the highest frequency content of an analog signal can be perfectly reconverted back to analog. For example, we deem 8kHz sampling rate is good enough to cover the highest pitch female voice, whereas 44kHz was acceptable for CD recording of a piece of music. However, there are always some outliers who can or claim they can hear well about 22kHz tones. Digital audio is technology that can be used to record, store, generate, manipulate, and reproduce sound using audio signals that have been encoded in digital form. Following significant advances in digital audio technology during the 1970s, it gradually replaced analog audio technology in many areas of sound production, sound recording (tape systems were replaced with digital recording systems), sound engineering and telecommunications in the 1990s and 2000s.
A microphone converts sound to an analog electrical signal, then an analog-to-digital converter (ADC)—typically using pulse-code modulation—converts the analog signal into a digital signal. This digital signal can then be recorded, edited and modified using digital audio tools. When the sound engineer wishes to listen to the recording on headphones or loudspeakers (or when a consumer wishes to listen to a digital sound file of a song), a digital-to-analog converter performs the reverse process, converting a digital signal back into an analog signal, which analog circuits amplify and send to a loudspeaker.
Digital audio systems may include compression, storage, processing and transmission components. Conversion to a digital format allows convenient manipulation, storage, transmission and retrieval of an audio signal. Unlike analog audio, in which making copies of a recording leads to degradation of the signal quality, when using digital audio, an infinite number of copies can be made without any degradation of signal quality.
Digital audio technologies in the 2010s are used in the recording, manipulation, mass-production, and distribution of sound, including recordings of songs, instrumental pieces, podcasts, sound effects, and other sounds. Modern online music distribution depends on digital recording and data compression. The availability of music as data files, rather than as physical objects, has significantly reduced the costs of distribution.
Before digital audio, the music industry distributed and sold music by selling physical copies in the form of records and cassette tapes. With digital audio and online distribution systems such as iTunes, companies sell digital sound files to consumers, which the consumer receives over the Internet. This digital audio/Internet distribution model is much less expensive than producing physical copies of recordings, packaging them and shipping them to stores.
An analog audio system captures sounds, and converts their physical waveforms into electrical representations of those waveforms by use of a transducer, such as a microphone. The sounds are then stored, as on tape, or transmitted. The process is reversed for playback: the audio signal is amplified and then converted back into physical waveforms via a loudspeaker. Analog audio retains its fundamental wave-like characteristics throughout its storage, transformation, duplication, and amplification.
Analog audio signals are susceptible to noise and distortion, due to the innate characteristics of electronic circuits and associated devices. Disturbances in a digital system do not result in error unless the disturbance is so large as to result in a symbol being misinterpreted as another symbol or disturb the sequence of symbols. It is therefore generally possible to have an entirely error-free digital audio system in which no noise or distortion is introduced between conversion to digital format, and conversion back to analog.
A digital audio signal may be encoded for correction of any errors that might occur in the storage or transmission of the signal, but this is not strictly part of the digital audio process. This technique, known as "channel coding", is essential for broadcast or recorded digital systems to maintain bit accuracy. The discrete time and level of the binary signal allow a decoder to recreate the analog signal upon replay. Eight to Fourteen Bit Modulation is a channel code used in the audio Compact Disc (CD).
Conversion process
The lifecycle of sound as it happens usually is from its source, through an ADC, digital processing, a DAC, and finally as sound again.
A digital audio system starts with an ADC that converts an analog signal to a digital signal.
The ADC runs at a specified sampling rate and converts at a known bit resolution. CD audio, for example, has a sampling rate of 44.1 kHz (44,100 samples per second), and has 16-bit resolution for each stereo channel. Analog signals that have not already been bandlimited must be passed through an anti-aliasing filter before conversion, to prevent the distortion that is caused by audio signals with frequencies higher than the Nyquist frequency, which is half of the system's sampling rate.
A digital audio signal may be stored or transmitted. Digital audio can be stored on a CD, a digital audio player, a hard drive, a USB flash drive, or any other digital data storage device. The digital signal may then be altered through digital signal processing, where it may be filtered or have effects applied. Audio data compression techniques, such as MP3, Advanced Audio Coding, Ogg Vorbis, or FLAC, are commonly employed to reduce the file size. Digital audio can be streamed to other devices.
For playback, digital audio must be converted back to an analog signal with a DAC. DACs run at a specific sampling rate and bit resolution, but may use oversampling, upsampling or downsampling to convert signals that have been encoded with a different sampling
What is the difference between analogue and digital transmission? When we talk about analogue or digital, we are referring to the type of transmission of a signal. There are a number of key differences between analogue and digital signal transmission. Analogue Transmission An analogue signal (otherwise known as a wave form) is characterised by being continuously variable along both amplitude and frequency. In the case of telephony, when we speak into a handset, our voice is converted into current, or voltage fluctuations. Those fluctuations in current are an analogue transmission of the actual voice pattern. To transmit an analogue signal effectively, we need to define the frequency in which is operates. In telephony, the usable voice frequency band ranges from approximately 300 Hz to 3400 Hz, and so the network provider (phone company) will allocate a bandwidth of around 4,000Hz for voice transmission. Because of the limited bandwidth analogue facilities have, they cannot support high-speed data transmission. Digital Transmission Digital signals are much simpler than analogue signals. Instead of a continuous wave form, analogue signals are made up of a series of pulses that represent either one bit or zero bits. Each computer system uses a coding scheme which defines what combinations of ones and zeros make up all the characters in the character set. The data (ones and zeros) are carried throughout the network depending on whether it is an electrical or optical transmission system. Electrical Transmitting digital signals over an electrical system essentially means that the ones are represented by high voltage and zero bits are represented as low voltage (or nothing at all). Optical In optical networks, the ones are represented as the presence of light and zeros as the absence of light. Established in 2000, the Soukacatv.com (DSW) main products are modulators both in digital and analog modulators, amplifier and combiner. We are the leading communication supplier in manufacturing the headend system in China. Our 16 in 1 and 24 in 1 now are the most popular products all over the world. For more, please access to https://www.soukacatv.com/.
Source https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-digital-signal-and-analog-signal
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