#yes there will eventually be a part 3 don't worry y'all
peculiar-peculiars · 2 years
Right On Time| Enoch O’Connor X Fem! Reader Pt. 2
A/N: I know it’s been months y’all, I’m so sorry (writers block is a bitch and a half lol) but just recently, inspiration struck and now, part 2 is finally here and hopefully just as good as part 1 sdfghjkl.  Please enjoy!
(part 1 here)
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As the afternoon sun began to raise higher above the peculiar children's home, Enoch stood at the doorway to (Y/n)'s room as she rummaged around underneath her bed.
“Well, the jar’s not under here either, this is the last place that I could think of to search.”
"So, what do we do now? We've looked everywhere around the house and the jar is nowhere to be found. At this point, we're better off cutting our losses and going about our days." Shrugged Enoch as he picked at the chipping paint of the door.
"Yeah, I don't think so! You said you would help me find it, so that is exactly what you will do, no matter how long it takes."
"And what will you do if I don't? Destroy my room and the kitchen again like some kind of tornado?" Enoch smirked as he knelt down next to (Y/n).
"Haha, very funny! If I didn't need your help, I would absolutely be kicking your butt right now..." (Y/n) replied sarcastically as she got up from the floor to sit on her bed and put on her shoes.
"That doesn't answer my question, (L/n)."
"Must you be so annoying all the time?! You're always so impatient!"
"And I'll keep being impatient until we actually end up finding your heart! So where do we look now?!"
"Well, if its not anywhere around the house then that leaves just one place that it could be..."
"And that is?"
"Somewhere just outside the shop in town." (Y/n) sighed as she crossed her arms with a sputter of her lips.
"What? Why would it be there?" Asked Enoch with a confused expression.
"Sometimes, Hugh will take it and sell it to the shopkeepers son for money for candy. I told him not to do it again, but he never listens. I always get it back, of course, but it's frustrating when he does that."
"If that's the case, then should we start walking to town? If we want to get there and back before The Bird resets the loop, We'll have to go now."
"Ugh, I hate it when you're right... Let's go and get this over with, corpse-brain." Groaned (Y/n) as she pushed herself off of her mattress.
"After you, cuckoo's nest!"
As the pair quickly made their way out of the house and down the path to Cairnholm Village, the air was filled with nothing but the sound of small animals chittering and footsteps against gravel. Walking side by side, Enoch and (Y/n) tried to avoid any and all eye contact as they looked at the plants and hills they passed.
Eventually getting sick of the deafening emptiness growing between them, Enoch finally spoke as he rubbed the back of his head.
“So, why exactly is the heart so important to you? It isn’t like you need it anymore since you obviously have your clock in it’s place.”
(Y/n) scoffed as she spun her head to look at him with an slightly annoyed glint in her eyes.
“Why do you want to know so badly?”
“If I’m gonna be forced to help you find it, I might as well know why it means so much for you to still have it in your room.”
(Y/n) looked at the boy with with watchful eyes before sighing and glancing back down to her feet. With a shrug of her shoulders as she watched her shoes stamp against the pathway, she began to speak again.
“Honestly, I’m not entirely sure... I think part of it is that it’s the one thing that reminds me I’m still human. I mean, I’ve got a mechanical heart and have been living in an eternal loop for over half a century, so it’s hard not to feel like some kind of freak on occasion...”
Enoch stopped in place as he turned to look at the girl by his side. Without realizing what he was doing, he placed a hand on her shoulder to spin her towards him.
“Hey, you are not a freak. If anything, you’re the most boring ward at the house, and I mean that as a compliment.”
“That’s a weird way to compliment someone, O’Connor.”
“It’s the truth, though. Being boring is a good thing when it comes to peculiars like us. You’re able to live a simpler life than someone like Millard or Claire or even me. To be honest, I envy you at times.”
“Really? You, of all people, envy me?”
“Of course. I would give the world to be more like you. Your simple peculiarity is what makes you special, (L/n), whether you think so or not.”
“Well, thank you. I appreciate that.” (Y/n) smiled softly.
Enoch gently smiled and nodded his head in reply before the distant sound of a bell reached his ears.
Focusing back to what was ahead of them, the two peculiars looked back up to see a black roof pop over the edge of the hill they had been climbing. 
“Hey, look! We’re here!” (Y/n) announced, speeding up her walk as the edge of town had finally been spotted.
As they wandered through the village, people gave the two teens suspicious glances, but decided not to do anything as they passed by, opting to go back to whatever work they had been previously doing. Before too long, they approached an alleyway, where a small crowd parted revealing a teenaged boy showing his friends the jar with (Y/n)’s heart.
"There he is. Follow me!" (Y/n) said as she began to jog over to the red-haired boy.
As the two peculiars approached the shop-keep's son, he turned around to acknowledge their presence with a tilt of his head.
"Excuse us! I think you have something that belongs to us, so could we have it back please?" 
"No way, I worked long and hard to get this heart right here. I'm gonna sell it to a scientist, it's a fine specimen for analysis if I do say so m'self!"
"Ok, first off, I know that my friend Hugh sold it to you a few hours ago and second, it's mine anyway, so could you please just give it back?" (Y/n) requested as she pinched at the bridge of her nose.
"Well, what's in it for me, little missy?” The teenager smirked to his friends as he looked down upon her.
"How about you getting to keep all of your teeth, you little brat?!" Hissed (Y/n) as the ticking of her heart slowly grew faster and louder as she grew angrier.
When Enoch realized that the noise of the cuckoo clock chiming could get the both of them caught by the villagers and in big trouble with Miss Peregrine, he stepped in between the two to try and diffuse the situation.
(Y/n) huffed angrily as Enoch gave her a warning glimpse before pivoting back around to speak to the puzzled red-head.
"Ok, listen up, we don't have a lot of time or a lot of patience for this right now, so if you give us that jar, I’ll give you these in exchange."
Turning around to reach into his pocket to grab something, he pulled out a handful of tiny hearts, possibly taken from mice and small rabbits.
"Why do you have those in your pocket?” The boy asked with a slightly disgusted look on his face.
"C’mon, man, Are you gonna take them or not?!" Enoch urged angrily as he shoved his hand towards the boy.
Warily looking at the hearts in Enoch's hand for a moment, the boy shrugged before handing the jar to (Y/n) and taking the pile of miniscule organs. 
“Shame you have to leave so soon, that heart of yours is quite the beauty!” The teen teased (Y/n) before spinning around with a brash laugh.
As the boy departed with his friends, she scowled at them before sighing in relief as she held the jar up to inspect for any cracks or leaks. When she saw it was unharmed, she carefully placed it into one arm and pulled Enoch into an embrace with the other.
“Oh, thank you so much, Enoch! You have no idea how much this means to me!”
A fire-red blush arose on to Enoch’s face as he felt (Y/n)’s face grow wide with a smile. Hurriedly clearing his throat to dispel his nerves, he pulled away from the hug as he tried to hide his bashful expression.
“Ok, we’ve got it back, now let’s go.” Enoch grumbled, glaring angrily at the shopkeepers son before taking (Y/n)’s hand and pulling her back the way they came. 
As they traveled back down the roads to the children’s home, (Y/n) hummed joyfully as she talked to Enoch.
“I still can’t believe you did that for me! You needed those hearts for your homunculi, didn’t you?”
“Yeah, well, I figured today would be as good a day as any to give them up. That guy needed a heart that matched the size of his brain, so I figured I’d give him a few of them.” Quipped Enoch with a sly smile.
Seeing (Y/n) smile in his presence was rare for him, so when she started giggling softly at his joke, he found that his own heart matched the speed of her clocks ticking hands.
"You know, you're not so scary sometimes, O'Connor. When you come out of your shell, you can actually be kind of funny." Sighed (Y/n) as she kicked at a few pebbles on the ground.
"I can say the same about you yelling at me all the time. You're pretty nice for a cuckoo bird who won’t stop chirping in my face."
"Oh, you wound me, sir! And here I thought we were becoming friends!”
“Whoa, I never said that!” Enoch laughed as he held up his hands in surrender.
“You didn’t have to! I could tell just by looking at you that you want to be my very best friend!” Joked (Y/n) as they climbed an incline in the road.
“Ok, ok, we can be friends! Just be careful, you’re going to fall if you don’t watch where you’re stepping.” 
“Oh, please, I’m as careful as careful can-” (Y/n) began to claim before she yelped out a shrill shriek.
Not having paid attention to where she was going, (Y/n) had slipped on a pile of loose rocks, falling towards a ditch that ran along the side of the treelined path.
"(Y/n)!" Shouted Enoch as she stumble after she lost her footing.
Not wanting to break the jar by dropping it or falling on it, she hastily tried to move her body so that her back hit the grimy pit . Bracing herself for a rough landing, (Y/n) squeezed her eyes shut as she fell through the air. 
Expecting to come in contact with bumpy, jagged stones and wet dirt, (Y/n) was surprised when the only thing she could feel was the soft breeze in the air and something around her waist.
Opening her eyes again, she looked down to see a pair of arms circling around her middle. 
Cautiously bringing her head back up, (Y/n) held in a breath as she realized she was face to face with Enoch, who had caught her just before she had hit the rocky ground.
The two stood unmoving for a moment, looking into each others eyes before the boy decided to break the awkward silence that filled the air.
"Are you okay?..." Enoch questioned carefully.
"Yes, I- I think so... thank you for... catching me." (Y/n) responded as she timidly cast her eyes to the side.
"You're welcome..."
"Uh... you can let me go now..."
"Oh, yeah, sorry...” Enoch muttered, letting go of (Y/n) and smoothing out a wrinkle in his shirt.
With a mumble of appreciation, (Y/n) stood up straight and took a step back before shaking her head.
“Um, I think I’m gonna stay here for a minute. You know, just to make sure the jar didn’t break...”
“Are you sure? I can wait with you.” 
“I’ll be fine, you go on ahead. I might be a little while anyway, just make sure Miss Peregrine doesn’t realize I’m not there .”
“Alright, if you’re sure... See you back at home, then...”
Enoch waved half-heartedly before stuffing his hands in his pockets and continuing to hike his way back towards the house.
As (Y/n) watched him walk further down the path, a warm heat rose to her cheeks as she thought about the events from earlier.
Despite their constant arguments with each other, Enoch still offered to help her look for her heart and gave up some of his own collection to get it back, and not one minute ago, he caught her from falling when he could just as easily have let her hit the ground.
Even with their past fights, they would always try to make up later by giving each other small gifts or leaving dinner at each others door when they were late to eat.
Yes, she might have hated his guts earlier that day, but now? She wasn’t so sure that was the case.
As the quiet ticking of her heart started to pound in her ears, she froze in place as she came to a realization.
Even though they argued sometimes, she still cared about Enoch. 
A lot.
“Oh, no.” She whispered to herself.
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bug-is-snug · 9 months
inspired by @groguspicklejar (you are so good at atmosphere omgggg???)
Part two
plot: you're a zombie babe <3 put y'all seatbelts on CW: depictions of violence, depictions of obsession, gore, eventual self-cannibalism (stay safe besties), blood, gore, eventual smut banner by: @frostthecupcake (deactivated) and found by using "Find A Banner" A/N: This is my first time posting a fanfic of mine! Please be gentle with me ;-;
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'I am starving...' The words were so familiar to you that you barely registered that they echoed the moment you saw your Captain's exposed wrist. Captain John Price, a stern and loyal man. He always made you feel safe...he always made you... Hungry. You inhaled sharply as you looked up at your Captain, finally registering that he had been calling your name. "Are you alright, love?" His usual tone had taken one of concern as his eyes stared into your own. "Ah-" You smiled nervously as you nodded, "Yes, sir, I'm fine. Just...deep in thought, I guess! What were you asking me?" "I was asking if you had gotten your paperwork done yet. You look exhausted." He stood up straight, crossing his arms over his chest as his raised a brow. Perhaps your narrator should explain; it started around... Three months ago...
It was supposed to be a good Ol' typical hostage situation. Get the hostage, get a Medevac if needed, another easy adventure for our favorite Task Force! Right? Oh, how terribly wrong you were. Nothing could have prepared you for the moment you were slammed against a wall by the hostage no less! You had been sent in to grab the scientist! A scientist! Some little nerd working on bioweapons! Surely, they wouldn't be aggressive, right? The wind was knocked from your lungs as you tried your best to fend off your attacker. His snapping teeth dangerously close to your neck as you forced his head back with one hand, your arm shoving him away by his shoulder. Why did you have to be so stubborn? Why didn't you just let Soap help you? Why did you INSIST on going in alone?! Why couldn't you just accept help?! You couldn't contain your scream as the doctor sunk his teeth into your exposed wrist, the smell of rot and blood immediately clouding your brain and making you dizzy. The rest of that mission was fuzzy, really... You don't remember Soap immediately coming to your aid the moment he heard your scream from down the hall. You don't remember fainting. You don't remember a lot of that day after the attack... Back to the current day, "Y-yeah, yeah- no- uh.." You stumbled over your words as you rubbed your face, "I've just not been sleepin' too well. Sorry, Cap." A half-lie...you could tell Price didn't buy it either, but what else could you say? What were you supposed to do? Tell him how you've dreamt of sinking your teeth into his neck the night after catching him walking back from a workout? Tell him how your heart ached when imagining yourself sinking your teeth into your Lieutenant's arm every time he offered your paperwork to you? How it takes everything in your body to stop yourself from licking the blood from Gaz's wounds when he gets a bump or scrape when in the field? Or how the smell of Johnny's sweat makes your head swim with thoughts of ripping his ribs apart with your bare hands? Obviously, you can't just say that! Wh- who even-? No! Just, no! So, you lie. You lie and lie and lie until you can't keep track of your lies anymore. "I think I just need to go to bed...Would that be okay?" You gave your Captain a forced smile that almost felt like a grimace. He stared with eyes that seemed to look right through you, "...Well, I suppose it couldn't hurt. Go rest up, love. I'm sure I can handle the rest from here." You sighed in relief, standing up and organizing your papers for a moment before giving your Captain an appreciative nod before you left the room. You could feel his eyes boring into the back of your skull as you walked away, but you didn't falter. Don't worry, darling, your team has noticed the lies. They've noticed your change in behavior. And it's only a matter of time until you slip up...
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sidusvenari · 1 year
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤVAMPIRE .. !
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where you made a real big mistake, but Miles made the worst one look fine.
inspired by Oliva Rodrigo lyrics.
pairing: e42!aged up!Miles x reader
genre: angst, no comfort.
warnings: infidelity, both of them are 19, cursing, Miles being toxic
a.n: hi guys! i haven't posted day 2 of my writing challenge so here it is! i'll post twice today to make up to it, and i'm already working on it! love y'all, enjoy! xoxo.
taglist form
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you hadn't heard from Miles in days. sick worried, you had talked to all of his friends, and all of them would just shrug you off, and you knew something was wrong. you knew that it wasn't exam season at college, so why was he avoiding you? leaving you on delivered every day, not answering your calls, nothing. it was like you never met each other. until you got a text from an unknown number: a picture of Miles kissing another girl. the one girl that would always say how cute you two were together, the one girl that Miles told you not to worry about. you just couldn't believe that, after all of that you've done for him, you ended up being the fool. you texted him that same day.
you: we gotta talk.
mi vida <3: im omw
you: bet.
(delivered at 3pm)
he showed up at your window in his prowler suit at 2AM while you were writing your daily diary entry.
"hey." he called, making you look up from your notebook. "you good?"
"yeah, i'm good."
he looked at you, and you could see that he wanted to tell you something. you knew him better than he did, and that was the worst part of it.
"spill it."
"i… i fucked up, ma."
he mumbled out, and immediately you knew what he was talking about. why he was so distant. why his mother was avoiding you, why even his uncle, who was never even nice to you, asked if you were okay this morning when you ran into him.
"fuck yeah, you did."
"i'm sorry, y/n, i really am-"
"no you're fucking not. don't bullshit me, Miles Gonzales Morales."
"can you listen to me first?"
"no! no, i can't! God, i can't believe how stupid i was."
"ma, you're overreacting."
"am i? am i overreacting when some random number text me a picture of my fucking boyfriend kissing the one girl i was insecure about?"
"it was a one night stand, ma, i made a mistake! i love you!"
"no, Miles, i made a mistake. i made a real big one, and you made it look so fine!" you raised your voice, tears flooding your eyes. "and you can't love anyone, because that would mean you have a fucking heart!"
"c'mon, y/n, you're better than this. bet it was those crazy friends of yours that filled your head with that bullshit."
"don't you open your mouth to talk about them! they warned me! they told me you were bad news and you called them crazy like you did just now! God, i hate the way i called them crazy too…"
you leaned back, covering your face so he wouldn't see you crying. he walked to you, taking your hands and analyzing your face carefully.
"are you done? can i kiss you now?"
you scoffed, pushing him away
"is she better than me?" you mumbled, wiping the tears away.
"is she better than me, Miles?
"you can't ask me that-"
"yes or no?"
he was silent, but you felt the energy shift.
"no one is better than you."
"it's incredible how you lie without flinching."
"listen to me-"
"get out of my fucking house."
"woah, who do you think you're talking to?"
"a stranger." you looked into his eyes, and you knew he knew it was over. "i hope you're happy, Miles. i truly do. but we both know that you'll never have another me."
he started to walk away, ego as shattered as your heart.
"thank God for that."
you took the ring out of your finger, placing it on his hands.
"we'll see about that."
you watched as he walked away, giving you one last look before leaving through the window. as you set down on your bed taking the notebook to write that down, you felt your eyes tearing up, and soon teardrops were staining the black ink that covered the pages. you knew that, eventually, Miles would regret that, but it would be too late.
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this is so bad, i'm so sorry (⁠-⁠_⁠-⁠;⁠) i hope y'all like it and let me know if you want a part two !! love y'all, xoxo!!
taglist: @elusive-honeydew
edit: I'm working on a part 2 of this one!!!!please lemme know if y'all wanna be tagged!
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mechaknight-98 · 10 months
Gathering Rhystic Study
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Author's Note: End of part One for Gathering hope y'all enjoy
After retrieving Astrid going to sleep the next day was weird. everyone was avoiding me… well to the best of their ability since I was so integral to everything working for the event. The most annoying thing to come out of this was Dexter and Connor were also not talking to me about Carla. that was worrying because I needed to keep an eye on her in case things got bad. when I couldn't…Well, let's not think about it. So instead of thinking about the weird way I was being treated by everyone I just focused on my work. For the most part, I did swimingly I was able to stop 3 stalkers and a few other unsavory folks but I was also able to garner a more wholesome interaction. you see during one of the breaks a small little girl broke through the lines of people and ran to Yujin and Karina who were right next to each other at the time. she was not intending harm, or trying to be obnoxious (hopefully, but come on she was five at the most… She approached the girls and both hearts melted when they saw her. I approached to make sure no one was going to hurt the girl and let her talk to the two idols.
" Wow, you guys are so pretty! Are you princesses?" the girl asked
Karina and Yujin smiled and nodded as they bent down to get to eye level with the girl.
"Oh, I knew it. is he (the girl points at me.) your knight?" the girl asked
I was caught off guard by the hesitation of Karina and Yujin until Karina shook her head and talked to the girl. "Yeah, he is our knight." "Our strongest and kindest one," Yujin added. I smiled at their words before leading the little girl to her mom.
on the way, she said to me, "You know I hope you and the short-haired princess become a couple. You two would be so cute together." I laugh and say to the little girl
"I don't know but we'll see how it plays out." the small girl giggles as she runs back to her mom.
I walk back to the girls who look at me with guilty looks.
"What's wrong?" I ask
"We need to talk," Yujin says
this talking they needed to do translated to after filming dragging me to a small restaurant where they could begin their assault. (it wasn't actually a verbal assault it was more like they were both asking rapid-fire questions that would bounce off of each other
"We found out you work for BRIPE." Karina started
"We got scared and worried you were going to hurt us, but we should have talked to you." Yujin laments
"Yeah especially after that little interaction with that little werewolf girl we realized we should have talked to you about it instead of becoming standoffish and icy." Karina finishes
I rub my temples taking in everything that was just said to me. I hold my tongue as I try to find the right response before eventually caving and saying, "Well why did neither of you ask me or tell me what was going on?"
"Well BRIPE agents aren't known for their kindness," Yujin said meekly.
I couldn't argue with that so I changed tactics and asked another question. " So what changed y'all's mind?"
"Your kindness with that little werewolf girl."
"Well yeah, why would hurt a little girl I only hurt people who hurt me or hurt people I care about."
Karina laughs at that before they both say, "So how did you get wrapped up with BRIPE?"
"A vampire was feeding off my friends and I addressed it." I said plainly, "The BRIPE saw that and was both impressed and terrified." The two girls stared at me with surprise and shock.
"What type of vampire?" Karina asked
"It was an Empusa named Maya," I answered. The girls' eyes widened.
"You "addressed" an Elder Vampire?"Karina says in shock
"I guess. is that special?" I ask.
"Yes! Very. You are the first Human I have heard of to do so." Karina questions
"Well, I am not technically human but psionic," I explain
"Yeah but still not many even of your kind could take on an Elder Vampire especially one as old as her." Karina continues
"I mean I guess she has been the least of my worries, to be honest." I clarify
"Wait what?" Yujin interjects
"I have fought demons, Cryptids, Werepeople, Titans, Giants, and other things," I answer
"How have you managed this long." Karina interrogates
"I am really good with my powers," I respond
"Which are?" Yujin inquires
"Do y'all really want to know?" I ask
"Yes! We have been seeing and hearing you skirt around them so tell us." Karina exclaimed
Or show us." Yujin added with a mischievous smile.
I consider then relent "Fine but once I show you there's no going back."
"Wait why?" Karina asks
"It will be made clear as soon as I show you," I answer.
"Yeah" was Yujin's response. I pay for the meal and we head back to the hotel, on the way Wonyoung, Gaeul, and Winter see me with Karina and Yujin and decide to intervene.
"Hey, Unnie where are you going?" Winter asks
"Oh, Tj's is just going to show us his psionic powers," Yujin says with a bright smile
I facepalm while hearing the gasps escaping the group's mouth.
"What?" Yujin asks seeing the shock on all of her friends' faces
"So you're going with him to see his powers. Girls, can't you see he's going to kill you?" Gaeul interjects
"Um no I am not going to be killing anyone. That is not how I do things…well not in this context." Wonyoung stepped to me and eyed me. there was this weird tension that made me uncomfortable but also Wonyoung is extremely pretty and cute up close so my stoic expression broke and I said to her, "Oh my gosh you're even prettier up close. not more so the Yujin but jeez girl you are stunning…actually all of you are." I say unable to stop rambling. the girls begin to giggle as I try and fail to regain my composure. "One last warning though. If I go through this I will be putting you all in significant danger." I explained
Yujin looked at me confused and asked, "What do you mean by putting us in danger."
"My power is a Psionic with a capital P; meaning the more who know about it or are exposed to the stronger it becomes. This is because it feeds and amplifies on the residual psionic energy around it, but it can only do so when others know about it."
"That's weird, but wait why don't Dexter's and Connor's powers work like that?" Winter asked
"I don't know, but the best guess for me would be their powers are less connected and have done fewer "alterations" to them as individuals."
"What?" the girls all asked. I groaned and merely told them to follow me.
We arrived at the tennis room, and on the way more came to follow, (those more included Rei, Giselle, Chaewon, Siyeon, Sakura, Yunjin, and I think the rest of Izone minus Eunbi.)
As I went to open the door it opened by Dexter on the other side. I looked at him and saw the anger in his eyes.
I tried to diffuse the situation but before I could say anything he grabbed me and threw me into the tennis court. He brought out his spear and said, "You're the reason all my friends are dead." I looked at him confused which only fueled his anger further. "Desmond Algeirs, Jonah McDonald, Cameron Boone, Isabela Sumatra. All dead because of you in action" Dexter pointed his spear at me and a psionic bolt of energy arced towards me. it landed straight at my chest knocking the wind out of me. As I recovered he came barrelling towards me with more anger. "Maybe this will jog your memory," he said as he slammed my head into the ground. he brought me back up only to kick my face and shoot another bolt flying at me. Using that small window to recover I got up to my feet. I took a moment to fix my gaze which was blurry on him.
"I just want you to know that you chose this fight, and I am going to try to finish it with the least amount of damage to you but I make no promises you won't die," I said before digging into my face and tearing at the flesh. Once the pain threshold was reached my abilities kicked in. An intense aurora began to fluctuate around me. the atmosphere became charged with energy as my power began to work. Dexter realizing the threat attacked however this bolt was met by something he couldn't consider. his bolt was deflected by the first construct. Ancient dragon Dawnbreaker. the brachiasaurus-like creature lifted its long neck deflecting the bold which allowed the artillery housed on him to fire several zip mini rockets at Dexter. who watched in awe and terror. My gun turned into a staff inspired by Dawn Breaker. I ran to Dexter and launched him in the air before saying stampede, and Dawnbreaker released a full salvo of all its artillery. As he fell to the ground Dawnbreaker switched to Hammer Point the Pachycephalosaurus-inspired Ancient dragon which changed my staff to large gauntlets. when Dexter was within reach I returned the favor and began slamming him to the ground and pummeling him, but not for long as Yujin interceded for Dexter. by interposing herself in between him and I
"Tj that's enough." She said. my clenched fists opened, and I realized I had quite the crowd. their looks were all painted with terror. I breathed in and out for a moment. before relenting as I counted to ten. I lifted my hands and my weapon went back to its normal from a gun attached to my back. I backed off to the surprise of my audience. I left opposite the way I came because I'd rather not deal with explaining what just happened. It would have worked if I was not being followed by a rather persistent puppy. Yujin followed me asking repeatedly
"Tj what was that? Where did that come from? how long have you been able to do that? Why did you use it against Dexter? Why was Dexter mad at you?" I didn't really have good answers for any of this so I didn't answer
I pinched the bridge of my nose as I tried to figure out the easiest way to explain my powers. Yujin still stood in front of me as I tried to come up with something that didn’t sound ridiculous. Eventually, I decided on the most simple answer
“My power makes constructs.”
Yujin nodded, still harboring more questions, but I wasn't in the right frame of mind to answer them. Deciding to approach the situation differently, I gathered from her ramblings and said, "Let's play a game of Commander, and I'll tell you everything." Yujin looked at me skeptically until I added, "My powers are still active, and I can feel them burning my skin, so I need somewhere else to send this excess psionic energy. Let's play a game."
Relieved, Yujin's face eased, and she responded, "Okay, but I choose what you play." I nodded, and, of course, she picked Ellie and Alan. Resigned, we stopped by her room for her deck, then went to mine to start. As we sat down, my stomach rumbled, leading us to order Chinese food. Yujin joined in suggesting entrees, and we were ready to begin.
"Take this game seriously or else I will demolish you," I warned.
"You don't have it within you," Yujin chided.
"You never know," I cheekily responded. As we began, Yujin asked the opener I was expecting.
"So why Robot Dinosaurs?" Yujin inquired as she played lands and two Moxen: Chrome (pitching Abrupt Decay) and Amber.
"Well, every psion's powers are a reflection of them, and I really love dinosaurs and robots, especially combined," I explained as I played Savannah, Mana Crypt, and an Arcane Signet, finishing up with an Esper Sentinel. I passed to Yujin, who drew and "Nature's Claimed" my Esper Sentinel without paying the one. I drew a card, and she played another land, then a Birds of Paradise, passing back to me.
"That makes a lot of sense, but I feel like you are more than just Mecha Dinos as a person," Yujin proposed.
"The dinosaurs are a physical representation of the power itself. In reality, the power is just raw psionic energy focused on something. That's why I named that portion 'Unblinking Eye,'" I explained as I played Jeweled Lotus, Commander, a land, and a Mystic Remora to finish the turn.
Yujin nodded and played her commander after playing a land, then a Sylvan Library. She asked, "Okay, that kind of makes sense, but what about that thing about telling people about your power makes it stronger?" before passing.
I pondered my next move. "Well, as I mentioned earlier, it feeds on psionic energy, especially ambient energy, and revealing it to 12 people made it exponentially stronger than it was before. I call that portion 'Unsatiated Maw' because it's constantly feeding and increasing in power." After explaining, I paid for the Remora, discovering a Mox Tantalite from my commander.
"Oh, I like that," Yujin purred.
"The explanation?"
"No, that play. That's super cool, and I didn't even consider that when I gave you the card. How did you know it would do that?" Yujin asked wide-eyed.
"I have played a lot of Cascade, which works extremely similarly to Explore," I responded. Yujin's eyes lit up with glee, then refocused.
"So why was Dexter so mad at you?" Yujin asked before attacking her commander. I killed it in response because I didn't have a way of dealing with flyers right now, so Swords to Plowshares was the answer for me. I had discarded my two big creatures the turn earlier.
"I don't know," I responded.
"TJ, I know you have some idea," Yujin asserted, annoyed.
"Well, if I were to assume, Mrs. Radames pointed out how I work with BRIPE and how it left him and Connor at the mercy of Astrid's siblings. If she was really smart, she also probably went with the 'he only cares about himself' angle, which isn't true."
As I played my next land for turn, Honored Hierarch, and paid for the Remora, Yujin asked why I didn't deal with Mrs. Radames or talk to them about it.
"Well, it's simple; they wouldn't have listened," I responded as I watched Yujin play a sac outlet, then Korvold, Fae-Cursed King. She sacked the Mox Amber.
"Why do you believe that?" Yujin asked as I played Mesmeric Orb and Chakram Retriever.
"Because good equals naive or dumb to them, Astrid, etc. So I play evil so they listen, but they only hate me instead." After I finished explaining, I demonstrated a semi-loop with my commander and Chakram Retriever, discovering my deck and milling until I hit Thassa's Oracle and Laboratory Maniac. Yujin smiled and said in response, "Well then stop playing evil and let your true colors fly because this (she gestured to the table and around) is definitely something and someone who must be respected. I want them to see you how I see you.”
"Oh, and how is that?" I asked.
"Nope, too early to say, but I am curious, though, about these lines that appeared on my skin after your powers were revealed."
"Oh, those are just the aura lines; it's basically how the residual spiritual and psionic energy moves through your body," I explained. Yujin nodded, then asked, "So why can I see them now?"
"Because my power lets you. It's a fair trade; you gain more power, in this case, Unblinking Eye of the Overlord, and my power gets stronger."
"But what if I don't want your attention or power?" Yujin teased. I laughed and said, "I did warn you numerous times along with Karina and everyone else."
As if on cue the door opened. In came Connor, Dexter, Eunbi, and Yunjin. Eunbi brings Dexter to me his black eye very apparent right now.
“Honey, do you have something to say to TJ?”
“I am sorry for attacking you and causing a scene. I didn’t know that you weren’t working with BRIPE until last year. So you wouldn’t have been able to help me or Connor with our outbreaks.”
It was hard not to laugh at Eunbi and Dexter’s interaction because the absurdity of the situation was absolutely hilarious to me fortunately I was saved by a call from Astrid.
“Yo, what’s up?” I say
“Oh thank god. Then, you’re safe. Zombies are everywhere. We are in a bunker where are you?”
I groaned for a moment then said, “In my hotel room…do we need to regroup because I can have everyone in LA within the hour.”
“Oh god yes, that would be so great. I’ll find out where everybody else is and text you their locations… bye.”
“Wait, Astrid.” I try to say before the phone clicks off. I stand silent for a moment then I turn to my friends.
“I need to go to the restroom really quick. Be back in a flash.”
I go in close the restroom and just yell all my frustrations. I resisted the temptation to absolutely destroy the room only barely because I was in a person’s place of business even if it was in the middle of another outbreak. I walk out and say to Connor and Dexter, “Hey so quick question. How did you handle the Mrs. Radames situation?”
“We let her go because…” Connor started but I stopped him
“Stop right there because nothing else you say will make sense to me. Don’t worry I’ll handle it.
After clearing most of the city of undead I head to the place where I knew Mrs Radames would be. I get to the trifle warehouse and it opens on its own. I walk into the building. Unfazed by the various monsters and test tubes I walk to where I assumed Mrs. Radames would be. She looks at me with a curious gaze.
“You come to my lair alone…”
Before she could really start monologuing I said “No stop. I don’t want a lecture about power and strength. all I came to do is ask politely that you delay your outbreak so me and my friends could film our little video and we go home in peace” Mrs Radames sat back in her chair confused by my statement. “Look I know this is probably not the response you were expecting but look please just leave and my friends out of this grand scheme you have.”
“And why should I?”
“I will have to kill you otherwise and I really don’t want to fight, for or about things I don’t really need to fight for.”
“Why should I believe you? Why should I trust you not to call BSSA and demolish all I’ve been plotting for the last few years?”
“Because I only care about the people I care about whatever nobodies you want to have beef with that's fine with me. If you want to hurt others I can’t really stop you but when you come after the people I care about I have to stop you. if I wanted to I could have just killed you when you revealed yourself and skipped this whole talk; like I usually do, but I figured everything you had in motion was going to happen with or without you so I didn’t. I’m just giving you a chance to keep it in check until my job is done.”
Mrs Radames stared at me with malicious curiosity,
“You aren't giving the response I thought you would," she said
"Well If I dealt with every situation that made me uncomfortable like it was the end of the world I would never be able to accomplish anything. Besides I can't afford to appear shaken or falter because the people who support me and are behind me need me," I reply calmly. Mrs Radames looks back at me surprised
"How are you not taking this seriously?" Mrs. Radames asked
"I am, you're just not a threat," I said
"Oh really? Why is that," Mrs. Radames asked
"you never stood a chance against me nor did you do your research on me. For that it's going to cost your life," I replied before getting into a fighting stance.
"You are certainly the most confident, vibrant, unique adversary I have faced," Mrs. Radames said
I looked at her and with a calm look responded, "I will also be your last."
"You sure about that," Mrs Radames asked.
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creampuffqueen · 8 months
Mal's Future Sukka Headcanon Timeline (Part 1)
hi guys, i'm currently in the middle of an atla rewatch so y'all know what that means: i'm being insane about sukka again. i've finally worked out my personal headcanon future for them after the events of atla and the comics, which i will be sharing here.
this post is basically just a bulleted list of events that happen. things they do, when they have their kids, more things that happen, all up until the events of tlok, which i tie in. (i currently have two different 'tie-ins', depending on how angsty i feel).
a few points before we start:
no, suki did not fucking die young
sokka is not suyin's father
i gave sokka and suki A Lot of kids. 12, to be exact. yes, you read that right. i will explain further in the post why they have so many and what allowed them to successfully raise such a large family
i've published a fic with sukka babies in it, however my timeline is now different from what i wrote then. that fic is of course still staying, because i love it, but it's no longer part of my 'personal canon', if you get what i mean
and finally, just remember this is my personal headcanon timeline for them. don't like it? go make your own headcanons. i'm sharing this because i love talking about sukka and their future together, i'm not trying to insist that This Is Definitely What Happened. it's all for fun!!
so, without further ado, let's into the timeline stuff <3
after the events of A:TLA, Sokka and Suki then spend the next few years helping out as Team Avatar. Suki splits her time between guarding Zuko in the FN and traveling with Aang, Katara, and Sokka
by the time they're 18, Sokka and Suki know that they've found 'the one'. they both know that they're endgame for each other. sure they're young, but why wait?
i like to imagine they elope on the battlefield. fighting some baddies or another, one of them is like 'hey, we should get married!' and the other is like 'i love that idea! aang, you're the avatar, you have the power to marry people, right?'
they get battlefield eloped, but end up having a 'proper' wedding with their friends and family when they're 19
they're ridiculously in love and very happy to be married
so, they weren't planning on having kids right away. they're very young, there's plenty of time for that in the future
however, life has some other plans for them
Suki gets pregnant very soon after the wedding. like, right after the wedding, honestly
at first she doesn't really want to believe it. but eventually she can no longer deny it, and it's time to face the music
i want to emphasize here how complex feelings can be about pregnancy. Suki wants kids, but she feels very thrown off by getting pregnant so quickly and so young
but she and Sokka make a wonderful team. although they're both worried about the future and what it will look like as a family of three, they begin to get excited about welcoming a baby
their first baby is a little girl they name Yuki, born on a warm spring night on Kyoshi island
and while in some ways their lives do change, it's much less than they expected
both Sokka and Suki take to parenting like fish in water
so now they're just continuing their regular jobs and adventures, but with a baby in tow
Sokka with a baby carrier lives rent free in my brain tbh
for a while things continue pretty normally. Suki is no longer in charge of guarding Zuko, as that's a bit more dangerous than she's comfortable with, she's still the leader of the Kyoshi warriors and all that entails
and then Suki finds herself pregnant again, when Yuki is about seven-eight months old
this sort of forces her and Sokka to reevaluate their plans
Yuki is a great baby. but soon enough she's going to be a toddler, and they'll have a second baby to take care of
when Suki is too pregnant to work anymore, they have to make some decisions
they love their kids. they love their family. they love their communities. they love their jobs
after some discussion with the rest of Team Avatar, Sokka and Suki elect to take a step back from all the Big World Peace missions
they want to raise their family
their next baby is born, another girl that they name Saya
everything starts to feel right
as much as they love helping out the entire world and bringing about world peace, they also love raising their little family together, being able to benefit from the peace they've helped create
nobody blames them for this, of course. they've done their part in saving the world. now they get to live their quiet life and raise their kids in a peaceful world
they still work, of course. Suki still leads the Kyoshi warriors, and Sokka is always in close contact with their friends, giving his advice wherever needed. he's just not traveling as much, staying home to look after his babies
now is a good time to point out that Sokka and Suki are amazing parents who take a very equal role in raising their kids
they also have a very close-knit community to help them out. Kyoshi island has such an emphasis on community. there's always someone to help out. their kids are taken care of in equal part by their parents and the larger island community
this strong community is a major reason why they end up with so many kids. they have the support system around them to do so
Suki gets pregnant again when the girls are 3 and 2, and has another little girl that they name Umari
time passes peacefully
Umari shows waterbending abilities right after her second birthday. a bit unexpected but not totally surprising
around this time Sokka and Suki decide to move to the southern water tribe for a time, to help Umari harness her waterbending
and at this point Suki decides it's time to hand over her mantel of leadership to another very capable warrior. she can't very well lead them if she's living in the south pole
it's a very bittersweet moment for her. she's adored leading the Kyoshi warriors. she'll always be a Kyoshi warrior, of course, just not the leader anymore. she's sad to leave them, but at the same time she's in a new phase of life at this point, and focused on being a mother
and before anyone says any kind of bullshit about Suki giving up her career for motherhood, i want to emphasize that that's not a bad thing, when it's the woman's choice. being a mother is important work. Suki was not forced to give up her career to be a mother; she was successful at being both for a while. but she chose to give up her position as leader for the benefit of her daughter learning waterbending in the SWT
and in the SWT she still works. there's always plenty to do
soon after their move she and Sokka welcome their fourth daughter, who is named Kyiasa
and then Hakoda decides he wants to retire as chief
Sokka, as his son, is technically next in line
and Sokka loves his tribe. he's happy to serve as their chief for a few years and help rebuild
so they stay in the SWT for a while
during this time they welcome two more babies, both girls. Akedi, born three years after Kyiasa, and Kanna, two years after Akedi
Gran-Gran Kanna passes away right before Kanna 2 is born, which is where she gets her name
Kanna also happens to be a waterbender as well! Oh yeah and Kyiasa is an earthbender, which absolutely nobody was expecting. Apparently Suki had some earthbending ancestry she never knew about
eventually though, Sokka decides to step down as chief as well. his family is still growing, and he wants to be present for their childhood
with the SWT more stable, the family decides to move back to Kyoshi
one of the first things they do when they get back? have another baby lol
they welcome their first son: baatar
at this point, with the kids getting older, it allows them to do more traveling
they spend time on Kyoshi, time in the SWT, time in the Fire Nation, time in Ba Sing Se, time in Republic City
the kiddos all love traveling
and of course, Sokka and Suki are still having more babies. they're wonderful parents, they love their kids, and Suki has a relatively easy time with pregnancy and childbirth. why not?
again, the emphasis on community. it's only through this supportive community they are able to have all these kids
they welcome more kids: Senna, Iknik, and Kio
at this point Sokka and Suki are in their late thirties. when Suki goes years without getting pregnant again, they assume they're done having kids, and get happily settled as a family of 12
life goes on
then, five years after Kio's birth, Suki finds herself unexpectedly pregnant again. wild
they happily prepare for their eleventh baby
but life has one last surprise for them
omfg i've run out of room. to be continued!!!!
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i-willstealyourtoes · 2 years
Hey 👋. It's so nice to see a fellow sleeping dogs fan! I was wondering if you had any headcanons for Wei, Jackie, and Winston?
Hi!! I agree, I was worried to think I was the only simp fan here! I apologise in advance for how out-of-character some of this might be, especially with Winston 😭
Also I feel like this turned into first date headcanons???? Mb lol-
Wei, Jackie and Winston and their s/o
- Okay I know its confirmed that Wei is a player so
- I think in the very start of y'all being flirty and stuff, he'd definitely still be 'in the market' or whatever
- Although, when he met you he definitely did keep back a little bit
- Not to put you on a pedestal, but he was quite charmed from the very beginning
- Anyways, I think he was most enchanted by either your sense of humour, your down to earth vibe or that laugh of yours
- Maybe all 3? Yeah, probably all 3
- We know Wei is incredibly good at flirting so he'd definitely have no issue at all trying to get close with you (the og rizz master)
- Though he might have felt a little nervous the more he became attached to you
- I mean, with all the others he just kind of... liked them and then he moved on??
- You though??? He became rather attached to you :)
- I mean, you're different !! You're so... you?
- It's hard to describe okay, he just likes you alot
- So when he asks you out he does feel a little anxious
- 'Hey, so uh- You wanna go somewhere together? Like a date, I mean.'
- Like, what if you declined and you stopped being friends altogether??? 😭
- Ofc his fear melted when you agreed to date
- He wanted the first date to be something more... casual?
- But also pretty cool ofc bc you deserve something rlly nice
- He decided he was just going to take you to like... this really picturesque spot that had a view of the sea/the city
- Yes, he did indeed plan it correctly so you guys could watch the sunset <333
- 'See? Told you it'd be worth the trip. Best view in Hong Kong, right?'
- Y'all are sitting on a picnic blanket, just holding each other as the sun goes down
- You guys are so cute omg
- Anyway, you definitely stay and watch the starts too
- Y'all be stargazing, lying in each others arms
- Wei definitely felt something then
- Like... not the usual 'they're cool I think I want them'
- He felt like 'omg I love them I want to stay like this please'
- It's quite late when you leave bc ig you lost all sense of time???
- (Same tbh I do this even if I'm not in some muscular guys arms)
- 'Aw shit, I didn't realise it was that late already. Should we go?'
- That last phrase was a question bc honestly, he didn't want to leave
- Okay okay but before y'all parted ways (he'd walk you home or something btw dw) he'd definitely ask you for another date
- 'So, how about this time next week then? If you're free, that is.'
- Eeee y'all are so cute
- Anyways, eventually you guys become partners and everything is great bc yessss
- Whether this is when he's a a triad member/red pole or a policeman, he still gets quite protective of you bc ofc
- Like, when he's a triad member, people don't like him
- When he's a red pole, people REALLY don't like him
- And when he reveals himself as a cop? ALOTTA PEOPLE REALLY REALLY DON'T LIKE HIM-
- This means people might go for you bc they know he likes you
- But then again, do they really wanna go against The Wei Shen??? It's Wei Shen dude, do you really wanna mess with him???
- Still, he worries. He definitely tries to keep an eye on you, or make sure you text him immediately if anything happens
- 'Text me alright? If anything happens, just call me.'
- He's just a little guy
- Okay he's not little
- He's just a protective guy
- He love you ok leave him be
- (The 'ily' can be portrayed as platonic or romantic tbh I just love him)
- He's just a little guy ok
- Anyway, I think he'd start kind of flirting with you bc he does that with everyone he meets that he's mildly attracted to???
- But once you guys actually hang out, he realises he actually likes you alot tbh
- I think it's either how nice you are to him or your laugh/smile
- He gets butterflies thinking about you :)
- That's why he stops flirting with the others, bc he kind of just wants you?
- You always play his flirting as just part of his personality rather than him actually being interested in you
- Which makes it a bit more difficult for him bc now he doesn't really know how to show you he actually wants to date you
- He definitely asks Wei about it when they're just hanging out
- 'You know that good-looking (hair colour), (Y/n)? Uh yeah, that one. I uh... I kind of really like them, but I don't really know how to.... ask them out. They always play off my flirts as a joke or something! I don't know what to do man, I really like them!'
- Wei suggested he just straight up tell you his intentions rather than hint at it
- That did make him a little nervous bc while he doesn't usually beat around the bush, he doesn't want you to like... make fun of him or something
- But eventually Wei convinced him that even if you rejected him, you wouldn't bully him or something
- So one day you two are in the car with Wei (he's driving) and he just gives Jackie a look
- 'Oh! Right... hey, (Y/n)? So uh... do you wanna... go on a date sometime?'
- '....sure.'
- Wei and Jackie share a look like '>:]' bc ofc
- I think he would try do something really fancy??? But then panic bc he can't afford it
- Yes, he texted Wei about it
- Yes, Wei threatened the owners to let you two go in if they saw you
- (Thanks Wei, you a real one fr)
- Anyway, he got you a bouquet as well bc UGH HE'S JUST SO NICE
- It ends up the fancy stuff didn't really fill you up, nor was it that worth so
- (Luckily you guys ended up not paying as much as usual bc of Wei)
- He feels kinda bad bc it wasn't really that good
- But it ends up going pretty good bc you end up getting ice cream and just go on a walk under the stars :)
- You guys end up sitting on some stairs, holding ice cream and stuff
- OK ok anyway after you two become official, I think he gets much more comfortable around you bc he knows you like him back
- PDA bc yes
- And when the whole... buried alive stuff happens, he kind of... clings to you
- He's much more emotional around you and hugs you tight whenever, especially when you're both sleeping together (not in the sexual way)
- He has nightmares often, and feels really bad when you wake up/stay up with him
- 'Man... I- I'm sorry (Y/n)... I don't know... I don't know what to do.... I'm scared, (Y/n).'
- He does these nightly confessions often tbh... he feels so guilty in the morning though
- He's just... he's just a lovely guy please protect him
- I'm ngl I think Winston will not beat around the bush
- At least, not for long
- When he first meets you, he thinks your cool
- He eventually gravitates towards you bc of how nice you are to him
- Like, he literally kills people everyday and here you are just going ':) hi'
- Like okay why don't you just kiss me already (probably Winston's thoughts)
- In the week where he decides to try date you, the others kind of tease him lol
- More specifically behind his back (even more specifically Conroy, Wei and Jackie)
- If he finds out they're dead 💀
- Anyway, one day he just calls you and asks bc yes :)
- 'Hey, (Y/n)? I was wondering if you wanted to go out?'
- 'Sure, looking forward to it!'
- 'Yeah? Alright, good. I'll pick you up.'
- He's happy :) yay dating time
- I feel like maybe you'd just do something chill??
- Idk like if you guys are already good friends you'd probably just chill somewhere like a restaurant like the Golden Koi
- Winston doesn't want you to meet his mom straight away bc uhhhh
- 'Eat more lah, you get so skinny ah...' (Mrs. Chu with literally anyone even if you're healthy)
- If you guys didn't know each other that well, he'd probably take you to a different restaurant??? Maybe BamBam???? idk man
- Yes he might feel a little nervous bc uhhh idk he's just babygirl he gets like that sometimes with pretty people
- He'd probably have to leave early bc you know.... he's a red pole he kinda has work all the time
- 'Now?! I have to go now!? I'm busy with- But- You- Ugh... fine! Fine, I'm leaving now.... fuck.'
- He looks at you and feels rlly bad bc :'( we were on a date
- 'I... uh, sorry, (Y/n). Work.'
- 'Ah, it's okay, I had fun with you anyway :)'
- He had fun while he was with you though, but he might be mad at whoever called him though bc yes
- Okay after y'all became official, he probably just let's you meet the others too
- Most of the time you'll be chilling at Golden Koi (Mrs. Chu approves of your existence now congrats)
- He likes this bc when he's finished with work he can come back to have good food, see his mom and you!!
- Life is preeeetty good for him
- And yes, when he comes back he picks you up/hugs you :)
- Yay hugs with babygirl
- He may be really soft with you, but as soon as someone teases him he just gives a death glare to the person
- He also likes you staying at the Golden Koi alot cuz then he knows where you are = easier to protect you
- OH also unrelated but he gets kinda jealous quick so uh
- Just kith the man and tell him your his
- Okay that sounds a bit possessive of him damn
- Dw, if he goes too far just tell his mom she'll beat his goofy ahh (not actually.... okay maybe....)
- 'OW- Hey- Ma I- OW- Okay!! I'm sorry!' (live footage of Winston being beaten up by his mom with a spoon or something)
- He definitely does get possessive actually... he's working on it (not)
- Like not in a horrible way ig? But if ur not into that just tell him or something ok
- He won't be mad, he almost never gets mad at you (I know, shocking given his usual demeanour)
- I think he's quite soft with you bc... well he can't be mad all the time
- Overall, I think he's pretty nice to you :)
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areseebee · 10 months
20 questions game for fic writers
tagged by @strideofpride!
1. How many works do you have on ao3? 9
2. What’s your total ao3 word count? 153,297
3. What fandoms do you write for? derry girls at the moment, though i do have one lonely bridgerton fic.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? an intervening suitor, smoke break, making moves, someday, personal space
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? yes, always. it means a lot to me when someone takes the time to comment and, as a commenter who likes when the author responds, i like to be the author that responds! there was a short period of time last fall after derry girls season 3 came out on netflix when i felt pretty overwhelmed by the engagement with my fic and i let myself take a break from responding then, but i'm more on top of it now.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? smoke break
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? i think i might be writing it now with someday, but of the fics i've completed, i think in their thirties has the happiest ending (sorry making moves, y'all are definitely breaking up in a couple of years).
8. Do you get hate on fics? nope.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind? not at the moment. writing good smut is a skill that i think i would need to spend a lot more time developing. that said, i'm in the very early stages of working on a WIP that has a pretty sex-heavy premise so maybe i'll give it a try soon.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve ever written? nope!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? i don't think so.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? not that i know of!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? i have collaborated significantly - making moves - but i've never actually co-written. that's also a skill i would need to develop. i worry i would end up being an asshole to someone i care about since i don't like to compromise on creative decisions if i have a specific vision in mind. that said, i have loved my experience developing fic plot and characters with friends (which imo is a type of co-writing), so maybe the next step is full on co-writing.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? my favorite ship to write is jerin, if that isn't obvious. i don't even know how to begin to decide what my favorite ship of all time is.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? if i publish something online, i'll finish it eventually. no WIP left behind. but there are definitely ideas/half-written fics in my gdocs that i don't know i'll ever get back around to. there's something new i just started working on and have already put on the back burner for someday and i'm already wondering if i’ll ever finish it even if the vibes are impeccable and i've written some stuff in it that hits so good. but who knows.
16. What are your writing strengths? i'm very good at writing exactly what i want to read. taste and skill don't always match up, but they do a lot (and increasingly more so, the more i write) and i find that really fun and gratifying.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? i am very impatient. i always underestimate how long something will take me to write, and then get frustrated with myself when it's taking too long or i think the writing should be moving faster. i think i've moved too quickly past parts that needed more work because of this, which is frustrating when i go back and re-read past chapters (i'm thinking specifically of someday which i am tempted to re-write almost constantly). but i'm getting better at it. maybe i'm not getting not less impatient, but at least more persistent.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? i mean if the fic called for it i could probably swing it in russian.
19. First fandom you ever wrote for? harry potter. my bad james/lily fic is now out there on ao3 after the site where i published in high school got archived a couple of years back, but i'll never claim it. i re-read something recently, though, and it was surprising how much i could recognize my current writing voice in it. the more things change the more they stay the same.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written? this changes, but right now it's smoke break. i just re-read it over the weekend and, while it's not perfect, it still scratches a very particular itch. i'm also very proud of in their thirties.
tagging: @private-bryan, @imstressedx
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thelioncourts · 1 year
Tbh I think you are the only white loustat fan Ive seen here who is actually interested in louis as a character and not just an extension of lestat? Once you realize most of the fandom only sees louis as part of lestat's story it makes sense why there's little to no loumand content.
Let me talk about Louis. Let. Me. Talk. About. Louis.
I have been a Louis fan since I read Interview for the first time. I was....15 (?), maybe 16, and had finally convinced myself I could read Iwtv. (For those that don't know, Iwtv has been part of my life since I was born; I was named after Kirsten Dunst in the movie (my parents were raging Tom Cruise fans in the '90s, this is how that all happened) and so my whole life was 'being named from some vampire movie.' Problem? I hated blood growing up; couldn't look at it on a screen, couldn't think about it, made me nauseous. So as cool as vampires were, it took me time to read and watch it because 🤢).
So I read Interview, and I don't just read it, I devour it. I was obsessed. My mom had me on a book-buying ban so I couldn't buy anymore of the series, so I just reread Interview over and over again.
2-3 years later, I'm in college and have a little bit of money of my own, and I buy TVL and QotD. And -- and it took me forever to read TVL. It wasn't anything against Lestat necessarily, but 1) anyone that has read these books knows it's kind of like whiplash when you go to TVL and Lestat's narration is...well, Lestat lol and 2) I had fallen in love, long ago, with Louis' way of speaking.
But I eventually power through (and I love TVL. Arguably the best book of the series (???)). But then. Then I start getting into TotBT. And it's great! Lestat and Louis have some amazing moments and I adored so many parts of it, and it may be the general funniest book of the series. But also David is introduced and I could feel myself worrying.
Anyway, to make my relationship with book-Louis shorter, I struggled tremendously to read the rest of the series. Louis started getting mentioned less and less and less, and it became obvious for a time that he and Lestat were just. On different paths, as it seemed, and wouldn't really cross again and I was heartbroken and devastated. I missed Louis. I missed his outlooks and the way he and Lestat spoke to one another and his beauty and the way Lestat talked about him. The final "trilogy" of Prince Lestat was a godsend for me, personally, because it brought Louis back, it brought Louis and Lestat back, and it felt better, felt complete.
But! Show Louis.
So I followed the production of IwtV religiously for a while. Anne sold rights in 2016 and it seemed like it was happening! Then there was nothing for some time. I remember a vague 2019 article about it and, at that point, I was just in the "I'll believe it when I see it" category.
All of a sudden, it's happening before I even know it. And casting is announced. And I was -- so hesitant at both Sam and Jacob's casting. Sam because Lestat is such a character that I really was just like, "Can this man embody Lestat in the way Lestat should exist in this world?" (The answer is a resounding yes, x336548483929299485577838291038475747372272884) and with Jacob, I hadn't known of the time change yet and I was like....what are y'all doing?
Then I learned of the time change and I got nervous all over again because change is, y'know, sometimes scary when you know things. And Louis is everything to me and I was like, "Please do justice by him."
Oh. My. God.
There are a couple of things to mention here, namely the writing and Jacob's acting.
When it comes to the writing, I want to kiss anyone and everyone involved in developing Louis' story the way they did. Everything -- from his profession to his relationship with Paul and religion and sexuality and his mother and Grace and just -- everything, is so nuanced and beautiful and complex and having multiple episodes that showcase what all Louis really went through (both before and after being a vampire) and what he lost through all of it is just stunning. And it's one of those things that Louis' race, in particular, has made him such a better character because of what his struggles bring to the table. He is a queer black man, something that is not shown a ton in media, and he is a queer black man born into Jim Crow America, making a name for himself in a world that doesn't want him to succeed in any capacity. And he pushes and works because he's doing what's best by his family, even if they don't see it that way sometimes, and he endures because it's the only way to survive, and when vampirism comes in this box of a beautiful man promising him the world, he takes it, and yet he still tries to do good by his name, he still tries to be what he considers to be morally good. And he may be misguided on what good is, and he may be doing the wrong thing sometimes, but he is always trying. And I just think he's beautiful; both physically and emotionally beautiful.
I've found myself thinking so long and so hard on Louis' past; what his dad may have been like, what it was like being the oldest sibling and knowing he was one of the only ones that truly saw Paul and loved him, knowing that he could never be himself because queer and black and godly don't go together and just ! What was the Pointe du Lac household like when Louis started working in Storyville? What exact experiences, beyond Jonah, did Louis have with men? How many were good, were bad, were scary perhaps? Did he ever come close to an actual relationship or was he too busy saving his family and trying not to disappoint a god that wasn't there for him? What was it like when Paul was in the hospital in Jackson? Did Louis go see him and read to him, like when they were kids? And now, in Louis' vampirism, how is he going to come to terms with his blood drinking? How exactly to we go from, what we can imagine to be, absolute suicidal devastation and emptiness after losing Claudia to the flirty enigmatic boy at the bar in the 1970s flashback? When will 2022!Louis fully break, and show us that LDPDL is still very much in there and full of that specific fight that drew Lestat to him in the first place?
And JACOB. I could never have asked for a better person to play Louis. He brings everything anyone could want to the table. He's Louis' beauty, he's Louis' quiet rage, he's Louis' tenderness, he's Louis' bookishness, he's Louis' love, he's Louis in every possible way. He brings such a complexity to Louis and, most importantly, he brings him to life. I cannot think of Louis now in any other capacity than Jacob Anderson. I am so grateful for him and for the work he's put in and the way his entire heart is in this role.
So, yes. I love Louis. I love Louis as a character all on his own because he's, quite literally, everything to me.
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ominous-feychild · 2 months
✦ OC In Three Tag 7 ✦
Me, making the previous Rising From the Ashes "OC in three"s: "there's absolutely no way this can go wrong! I mean, I know I won't be using these characters for a long, long time, but there should be no problem with sharing them with the world, right?" 😁 Inbox: YOU HAVE TWO ASKS ABOUT THE RFtA CHARACTERS! Me:
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So, because I'm a very smart person who learns from their mistakes... here's some more characters that you won't see for a long, long, long time! EXCEPT THESE GUYS ARE EVEN FURTHER IN THE FUTURE THAN THE RFtA CAST!!! 😄😄😄
(Btw, don't worry, Honey. I'll definitely get to your ask eventually. 😅)
Also!!! I found out if I hard ctrl+v on the computer, I can include more than 10 pictures in one post! So y'all get 5 characters here! 😎
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So I just mentioned Anabelle in a post not too long ago, haha, so y'all actually can see some of where I come from in the making of these tiny little aesthetic moodboards. Besides that!
These characters are FAR in the future of my writing! In the original timeline, the Arcane Rifts took place in the 900s of the world's timeline... while these guys existed in the 1400s. So, yeah, far.
On that note! Most of them are in STEM fields, working on advancing society with magitech stuff! I wrote very little of them back in the day, so I miss them, haha. They all shared my love in learning! And were all so obsessed with their little bubbles/field(s) of study!
But/so. I call the story these guys take place in... "Epilogue."
For... no particular reason. 👀
OC In Threes: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 Part 6 | Part 6.5 | Part 7 | Part 8
Taglist: @honeybewrites (ask and ye shall be added)
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Part 3 - Chapter 45 - No Man Is An Island
Blank Canvas Part 3
AO3 - here
Fanfiction.net - here
Heyo! A little later than usual but having work does that. :P Just had to wrap up last minute editing and now we're here! The Kamino fight is officially over. All Might won and All For One is down. Now for the aftermath.
There is a, um, particular development this chapter that I am a little worried about readers' reactions. Just remember that I have reasons for everything that will be revealed in time. Take it with a grain of salt if you will. And remember this is all in good fun. :)
Let's go!
Linktree to all the things!
End notes for the chapter are under the line.
PLEASE DON'T HATE IZUKU FOR SAYING YES!!! Like I said above and say again and again, I have reasons for him doing so. And while he did say yes, I still consider this a quirkless au and you'll see why eventually. So please, please, please be kind in the comments. We're just adding more spice into the mix. ;)
I did my best with trying to describe what All Might was feeling with OFA, but I am absolutely no expert. Relying on google here so if it's wrong so sorry.
Got a little moment with Edgeshot! Someone commented about Edge being close to Edgeshot and wondered how the hero would react. I don’t remember who exactly and there are way too many comments for me to find it, but here ya go! :D
Oh look! A wild Overhaul appeared. Yup, he's still out there in the background. What a creeper though with, to Chisaki, good intentions. Dear oh dear. The villains aren't done with you yet, green bean.
Alrighty, I'll let y'all stew over this newest development. Coming up we're back to the rescue kiddos and their regrets. More angst to come! Later gators!
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drarrymylove · 2 years
Do y'all remember when you were younger and making friends still felt like falling in love?
Like now, you're all "let's meet for brunch on a Sunday" even though you hate leaving the house on Sundays but it's the only day you both have off work and your have to pick out your outfit that says something between "I'm not poor and this outfit is definitely not 6 years old... unless you think it's cool, then it's absolutely 6 years old and I got it from a thrift store when it was already 5 years old and definitely didn't buy it from some fast fashion website or old navy and yes, the hole in my shirt only happened this morning when I was rescuing a puppy from a busy intersection and not the result of years of overuse" and "this is the nicest shirt I own, please don't judge me for being overdressed. It's not at all appropriate for the venue but I want you to think I'm effortlessly pretty like I think you are. Also, we can't hang out again after this for at least 3 paychecks so I can keep this up."
You're not in the same boat like you were before. We were all in school, the same level of inexperienced, similar expectations, similar ages and experiences and when you find someone you clicked with, you saw them all the time, have class together, lunch together, they were constant. And you had time to live for the moments you had together without worrying about making time to seek them out, to coordinate schedules or pick a venue. You just knew they'd be there.
And good god is it horrible to find new friends when you're an adult. Especially when you don't go to church or play sports or do the parent group stuff or whatever it is that makes parents be friends with each other.
Being older is so insanely lonely and I can't believe people don't talk about it. I haven't made a new friend in years. I'll hang out with someone for a few months and realize I'm playing a character the whole time trying to make sure they like me and it's so easy to drift out of people's lives with practically no resistance. No one chases you down and says "I have missed you". And the older you get, the fewer people you find with similar life experiences... even in the same work environment.
Like, you can have one ex-con who sells drugs or of his car, an early-thirties woman with a teenage child, a 25-year-old student working on a masters degree, a 17-year old who has never worked or lived outside her home town that has a population of >5k until 3 weeks ago, and a part-time sex worker all working at the same place. How do you make friends that really *get* you like your childhood or school-age friends?
And eventually you have to understand that you'll never make friends like you did when you were younger. Your old friends are still there. But one is on their second child 2,000 miles away and the other just bought a house in the hometown you fought so hard to leave and works 2nd shift so your free time doesn't even overlap for a phone call. They are still there but it's different. And it's terrifying because what if they don't miss you in the heartbreaking way you miss them?
And when you were the most important people in each other's lives... it really did feel like falling in love. Such a deep and profound platonic love that faded and changed to the point you know you'll grieve the loss/change of it for the rest of your life.
How are we ever supposed to recover from that?
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riceacc · 3 years
How to Teambuild on ARB And Score the Highest
Yes, even if you can’t read Japanese because I can’t either
Hey y’all, it’s Picklesz and here I am for a post I don’t think has been made yet! Although I can find some translations I don’t think anybody has made a guide on how to score the highest in this game, and with the advent of tiering — or you just want to high score contest all the songs — I think this may be helpful for newcomers or people who simply don’t know what the card skills mean (it took me a while to memorize them all too). And has someone who has played the game since day one, I know my way around things :)
Disclaimer that this is based on my own research from playing the game for over a year and figuring out what's good myself although I think I am right
Anyways, on with the guide!
What Actually Matters?
In ARB, there are a few things that matter when you build a team, some way more important than others. Namely, there are three things. In order of most importance:
1. Leader Skill
This is clearly the most important. Leader skill determines how much of a stat boost you will get, and some of them won't apply unless you meet certain criteria (but more on that later).
2. Auto Skill
Auto Skill determines what boost you get while playing a song. These can either make passing the song easier or increase your score: obviously you want increasing your score if you want to score the highest.
3. Stat Synergy with the Leader Skill
The least important but should at least be mentioned. Leader skills can boost one, two, or three stats (though there's only two cards in the game that I know of that increase three stats). If you get late game, you'll want to have all your cards in your team to have their highest stat/stats be the one that the leader increases.
I will be going over all these in depth! So lets start with the most important one.
Leader Skills
Leader skills are the first thing you need to think about when building your team. Generally, there are only two leader skills that you want when building your team: multi-division and division only. These skills, however, have specific requirements; if you don't meet them, your skill will not activate. Multi-division requires that the cards on your team be from three or more divisions, while division only requires that all your cards be from the same division.
These skills are the best skills because they have a higher boost than all up and division up (division only and division up are different). If your leader skill is maxed, multi-division and division only will boost your stats by 120% while all up and division up will only be 90%. Even their level one are better, so unless you have a maxed all up card and not a multi-division/division only, you should always be using one of those two skills.
Examples of the skills:
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The text on the right side of the slash signifies what type of leader skill it is, this one multi-division. Notice how the text below has 120% in it...
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While this card only has 90%. This skill is all up, and as stated earlier is less than either multi-division or division only adds up to.
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So when it comes to division up and division only, how can you tell the difference? This card is an MTC only card. Notice how it has character after MTC...
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While this one does not. This one is simple division only, division being MTC on this one. These type of cards will all have their division abbreviation to tell you which one it is (BB, MTC, FP, M, BAT, and DH).
So, how do you upgrade these cards to get to the 120% percent? Well, there's two ways: star pieces and leader skill tokens.
Star pieces you can use on any card! You can get them from tiering in events and in the biscuit shop once a month. However, you can only get the gold biscuits to buy them from selling SSRs and SRs, so I recommend selling dupes from the event box that you don't want to get these and use them on cards you do want.
Leader skill tokens you can also use on any card but there is no way to actually get them. You have to wait until ARB decides to give them out, usually on half-anniversary or anniversary - that's the only time we've got them in the past.
One last thing: in the long run, you want a leader skill that increases one stat only. This is because the boost stacks much better when it increase one stat by 120% rather than two stats by 60% (all stats doesn't exist on any multi-division or division only card so don't worry about it). You can tell if it increases one or two stats, because one stat will say 120% in the description while two stats will say 60%. However it's really not a big deal unless you really need those few thousand extra points and you have like. Ten maxed cards so you can afford to be picky.
Auto Skills
The bread and butter of your team. While you only need one card to have a good leader skill, ideally every member of your team will have a good auto skill that boosts your score (from here on out, I will be referring to score boosts as simply boosts).
So what is a good auto skill? Well, if you're just starting out, it's any skill that scores, but if you want to score the highest there are four specific skills you want: critical tap, combo boost, perfect boost, and tap boost. Don't worry, I will actually be at least briefly going over every auto skill because there are a LOT and being able to recognize the text for each one is important (although unfortunately due to the ten image limit I can only show pictures of the best ones 😭). So in order of best to worst, here are all the auto skills!
Critical Tap
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Look for 4% in the auto skill description!
Easily the best auto skill. It gives you a 4% boost on all notes, with the caveat of being the timing on notes gets stricter. You can disregard that because it literally does not matter if you get a perfect or not when you are getting a 4% boost on every note you tap and if you're reading this guide you're probably getting full combo anyways. This the the highest boost you can get on every single note so having at least one of these is amazing.
Combo Boost
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Look for 3% in the auto skill description!
Basically a poor mans critical tap. You get a 3% boost on all notes as you as you keep your combo. Again, most of y'all are probably getting full combo anyways and if not you can always use the autoplay cassettes!
Perfect Boost
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Look for the word "perfect" and 3% in the description!
A poor mans combo boost (see the pattern here?). You get a 3% boost on all notes as long as they are perfects. You probably shouldn't use this with critical tap if you don't get a lot of perfects as the timing gets harder but it still is the third best auto skill.
Tap Boost
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Look for 1% followed by 3% in the description!
Lastly, the poor mans perfect boost. You get a 1% boost on all notes except tap notes; you get a 3% boost on tap notes. As the overwhelming majority of notes are tap notes, you can essentially disregard the 1% part unless you are playing Ore Ga Ichiro which I swear has a flick note every other note.
Those are the best auto skills in the game, however there are many others. I'll go over them all briefly here :)
Scratch Note Boost
Look for 2% followed by 6% in the description!
You get a 2% boost on all notes except scratch notes; you get a 6% boost on scratch notes. The 6% boost sounds nice except you rarely have scratch notes so uh. 2% boost on all notes is not very good.
btw the green notes are scratch notes if you didn't know
Long Note Boost
Look for 2% followed by 3% in the description!
You get a 2% boost on all notes except long notes; you get a 3% boost on long notes. This doesn't even have a niche because you can literally get a 3% boost on every note with combo or perfect and a 4% boost with critical tap. Literally what were they thinking when they made this skill. Don’t use it.
Flick Note Boost
Look for 2% followed by 15% in the description!
You get a 2% boost on all notes except flick notes; you get a 15% boost on flick notes. That sounds nice until you again remember you rarely have flick notes except when playing Ore Ga Ichiro Part A. In fact, some songs like Sensenfunkuukou Part A (god I hope I spelled that right, Jiro's first solo if I didn't) don't have a single flick note in it despite the fact they give this skill to every Buster Bro event card I swear. So really just stay away from this one too.
Perfect Up
Don't look for anything this skill sucks 😭 but for real this skill will simply have the word "perfect" in the description.
PLESE DO NOT USE THIS SKILL UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. This skill makes all of your notes perfects. It does NOT score at all. If you are aiming to score obviously you do not want a skill that doesn't not score. I am so sorry if you rerolled for ARB Riou or Dice back in the day because they both have this skill and it SUCKS and does NOTHING.
Um. Anyways. Here're info on how to upgrade skills and what they do!
You can upgrade your skills with either skill tokens or rainbow auto skill tokens. Upgrading your auto skill makes your skill last for longer whenever it activates and will have a shorter time in between activations, so you definitely want to upgrade them.
You can buy skill tokens in the event shop, biscuit shop, or coin shop. You need three mic tokens and ten attribute tokens for every level, and once you hit level 5, you need specific division tokens as well. It is pretty expensive but it does get easier over time to stockpile.
The rainbow auto skill token you can only get either when they give them out OR you completely empty the event box of the rate up card. Once you do that, they replace the rate up card with the rainbow auto skill token. You have to either be ridiculously lucky in the box or spend every minute in the game or both to do this, but it is possible.
Now that that long section is over, on to the last part of this guide!
Stat Synergy with Your Leader Skill
As alluded to earlier, you eventually want all your cards highest stats to be the stat your leader skill boosts. Honestly, you should NOT worry about this until you have several maxed auto skill cards and a maxed leader skill to use it with. But for those who are at that point, here's an example of the stat synergy I am talking about.
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These teams technically have the same skills (the Jyuto and Riou card I switched have the same auto skills). In fact, on paper the second team should score higher because I've upgraded the Jyuto card's leader skill so his power score is higher than Riou's. But because their stats are different, the Riou card actually works better on this team because it works better in line with the leader skill and leads to the teams ultimate power score being 2,000 points higher, a pretty noticeable difference.
The case is not always so clear cut, because, well, not all cards have the same auto skill. But if you want to score the highest, especially if you are tiering, you will want to keep this in mind.
So how do you figure out the trade-off between stats and skill when the cards you are switching don't have the same auto skill? Honestly, you just have to play a no attribute song twice and find out :( I don't have a surefire way to track this. In my experience if you are debating between two cards and one of them is Riou the Riou card always scores higher. I do not know why and that is probably just me because I own all of his event cards but uh. Put Riou card on your team :)
Anyways! To increase your stats you actually have to enhance the leader skill of your card. Those ways were outlined earlier, but this part of the guide is why I actually recommend you enhance event cards of characters with good auto skills that you KNOW you are going to use. If they have a good auto skill you can get a max card with maxed stats for free! Again I would not do this unless they have auto skill and you WILL use them since it takes a lot of time but it is totally worth it.
That's all for my teambuilding guide! If you guys would like to see more guides on ARB I am more than happy to make more! Feel free to send my any questions through my ask or reblog and ask :) Take care!
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dazaithefirst · 4 years
AtsuLucy & AtsuKyou
I do not hate any of the characters, except Fukuchi Ochi, and I respect every ship BSD has. If I could marry every single one of 'em, I would. This is a post of my opinions about AtsuLucy and AtsuKyou. Also, there are manga spoilers here so I hope you wouldn't mind. I hope I won't get canceled here like how I got in Facebook because I ship AtsuLucy and not AtsuKyou/Shin Soukoku. As I've said earlier, I respect all the goddamn ships and I just want somebody to here my opinions or I just want to simply say it here. If I've said a wrong thing, please notify me. Thank you and take your time reading it!
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I am a big AtsuLucy shipper. To be honest, I like how they look out for each other. Here are some of my insights and why do I ship them:
They experienced the same type of abuse (not that I wanted to be abused lol) so there might be times that only the two of them can know what's this and that (okay, is head canons alrighty? I hope so);
Atsushi is a good guy. In fact, he is a cute adorable fluffy little angel but we all know that he doesn't like his enemies like the Port Mafia and The Guild. But when they defeated Lucy's Anne of Abyssal Red, he felt sorry and said that he understands what she feels;
The way Atsushi sympathizes with her despite knowing just a part of her past, I love it. I need more of it. It makes my heart flutter;
Also, the way he approached Lucy after losing to him, is so cute, awkward and soft all in one. Imagine your enemy asking if they can do anything for you, damn Lucy is one lucky girl;
Manga Spoiler, when the ADA was accused of being the nation's terrorist, Lucy made a rallied outside the government just to say that "Atsushi is not evil" and "The Detective Agency is innocent", oh how I wished she worked in the ADA even as a part time (it was Ango who spilled that Lucy did it and maybe the latter didn't expect that);
Atsushi was certain that he saw Lucy after the Three Way War and said that he hopes Lucy isn't teaming up with the criminal organizations (Port Mafia's one of the organizations I guess) to take revenge on them. And please, notice how Atsushi was straight looking at the paper he was holding and then BAM! he saw Lucy, I mean if it's the tiger's ability then otay, I'm not gonna be delulu anymore *sniffs*;
Lucy gave Atsushi the parachute she was saving for her own escape. She let him escape Moby Dick through her ability and Atsushi was worried about her safety for she's gonna be trapped there. He even promised to save her there and he was going to went he infiltrated Moby Dick but sadly, Shin Soukoku suddenly sailed so even I have forgotten that Atsushi promised that he was going to save Lucy. It was funny for me when they got a chance to have a little casual talk when they've retrieved Kyouka's parents' documents;
Manga Spoiler, lastly, Lucy was a great asset when AtsuKyou are heading next to the Sky Casino, where Sigma is. After some events happened in the Sky Casino, Sigma fell on the sky and Atsushi jumps out of the Sky Casino and catches him but he eventually let go of Atsushi. Nathaniel's ability hits Atsushi's tail, which is his support, and he was knocked out. Then my girl Lucy saw it and jumps off the Sky Casino too (like it wouldn't cost her life), she reached out for Atsushi's hand and then voila! Welcome to Anne's room;
Another one is Lucy calls Atsushi by the name "Toraneko" which means tabby cat like how Akutagaw calls Atsushi "jinko." And then I just realized that Kyouka never called Atsushi's name or maybe it's just me?
Anyways, I am itching for Bungou Stray Dogs Season 4 ackk!!
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Yes. I did shipped AtsuKyou at the beginning of the series. Okay, lemme just share some of my insights about this ship:
I shipped them when I literally thought she was 16 but it turned out that she's 14. It's the first red flag for me. I know that Atsushi is a baby but Kyouka is literally a minor.
At first I thought it's was fine 'cause they only have 4 years of gap;
But had anyone never thought that Kyouka's behavior towards Atsushi is like Akutagawa's behavior towards Dazai;
Remember that one scene in season 2 where Atsushi was finally caught by The Guild and Kyouka just stood there crying and just said, "Why? Why did you show me the light? Why did you give me hope? Goodbye. Please don't give me anymore light."
Okay, I admit. That was very pathetic. But as I think about it, she had trauma and was literally abused for three years or so, so I really can't blame her. Kyouka was told that she is more suited in the dark and all she knew that time is that she killed her parents with her ability. What a sad life, bub;
When I've read the manga, I've read it after season 2 'cause I was growing impatient for season 3, there were so many changes to the anime like the second picture of AtsuKyou up there. Atsushi was supposed to land on Kyouka's shoulders and not in her lap;
The scene where Atsushi asked Kyouka how's the bathwater was so cute. They looked like a couple to me and it just reminded me that I'm gonna be single forever;
And when Kyouka passed the entrance exam, I was so happy (of course who wouldn't). I dunno why but I saw a platonic relationship in my laptop's screen. (Their "Welcome home", "I'm home" of them looks like they're a married couple tho). But when Kunikida scolded the both of them, I saw siblings. ISTG THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH MY EYES!
To be straight to the point, I think she's either unhealthy attached to Atsushi because he showed her light or she's just overprotective of him (seriously, a 14 y.o girl protecting a 18 y.o baby? otay).
Kyouka is one the characters with a great character development. Some say her character is boring and I can't blame y'all 'cause she have a lil bit of Sasuke's aura, like that one quiet kid sitting beside the window with the face saying that her clan was murded (Kurapika is now drowning in an indescribable emptiness) but Kyouka has a visible soft side so she cute, otay? Tho I wonder where did she learn to drove that car on Dead Apple at the age of 14 'cause my 14 y.o ass can't even step on the gas and brake without shaking in fear. Long story short, despite everything happening on BSD, I'm still a AtsuLucy shipper. I'm still rooting for Shin Soukoku, but AtsuLucy is my heaven.
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survivor-ingary · 3 years
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At the tribal, Ping was voted out of the Pendragon Tribe nearly unamimously. Tribal immunity for this round is Pictionary.
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I bet all these bitches know i voted for Keith and now they are going to come kill me in my sleep if i die i blame dylan
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yass round 2 i either think im in the best position on this tribe or theyre all secretly coming for me thats all
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Tribal went as well as I expected it to go. No major drama. It seems like Keith is in real trouble if we do go to tribal again though which would put me in a very tricky spot. For now, though, I will be trying my best in the upcoming challenge. The problem is, however, timezones and schedules. Jon is going to be our drawer, but he can only do it tonight or in the early afternoon tomorrow which I will not be there for. Additionally, Keith is asleep so we have no idea what his schedule is going to be so we basically had to schedule the challenge without him. And Nya could only do right before the deadline tomorrow which Jon cannot do. I hate this for us, truly. I just hope that Moth and I can rub our brain cells together for this one so that we can pull out a win. OR somehow the other tribes fail horribly. On the bright side, I am finally starting to catch up on Duolingo exercises. They're a lot easier than I thought, but it is still going to be tedious af to save up enough coins for some of the higher end products at the shop. As a final note, I am going to work with Nya in the long term as we promised each other to. Hopefully that actually works out. Time to actually be loyal and be a hero this time around. Need to try something different.
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If we lose this challenge, I will be very upset. We went so hard on this challenge!!! I believe that we can at least get second place, but I don't know how crazy the other tribes are. So, let's see what goes on
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Ayyyyy soooooooo looks like the four, Colin, me, Ava, and Brayden are officially in an alliance!? I’m really hyped to be working with everybody and already have sights on who should go if we have to go to tribal 👀 but like I’m gonna feel so bad if we go to tribal and I orchestrate a whole plan to take someone out I gotta do it when I’m not in my feels and the planets aren’t fucking with my emotions too heavy. But go alliance ! This means I’ll be able to stay safe until hopefully a merge and hopefully we can avoid a tribe swap till then which I get those vibe from it !! But I’ll be here to survive two more tribals just in case which is pretty rad. Other then that hopefully me offering to draw doesn’t end us up in the bottom and we can keep killing ! But anyways that is it as off know hopefully I have a lot more coins tomorrow morning and I get hit the hat shop bright and motherfucking early.
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Just got asked to be apart of an alliance <33333 the besties in the group trust me which maybe ain't the right move but for now we gotta love the bonding. exciting!!!
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YAY FOR ROUND 2! Okay, so I meet once again with the Hat Shop and... third times the charm! Except,,, the charm is getting nothing AGAIN lmao I'm not complaining though, still got that extra vote :P I stayed up at 1 AM for this challenge, and I honestly think our team popped off. Anastasia was guessing a ton, and Riley was amazing at drawing real quick! I have a relatively good feeling about our performance, so I hope I wake up to the news of our tribe being immune :D
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so yesterday I set myself on a mission to get an alliance. I wanted Ava + Brayden + Toph + me as a majority alliance. it was our day off from tribal so I thought it was the perfect day to do it!! I talked to Brayden about it first because he's the person I feel the most comfortable with, and then after a lot of coordination and careful communication I was able to pull it together!! I think the most important thing when making alliances is making everyone feel like they're a big part in it. So I was careful to ask each person how they feel about the others, about the game, and made a point to say that I wanted to work with them specifically. Some may call that a little manipulative, but I wanna make sure that I'm an essential part of the alliance!! i need everyone to feel like they need/want me there.
all of this happening so soon into the game is a testament to how aggressive I'm playing this time around. I usually like to lay low and just rely solely on my social game in the start, but I'm trying this out to establish myself early on! I wanted to play the tribe leader and I think I'm doing that in a smart and subtle way!!
so yes now we have a 4 person majority alliance named "duolingo owl hate club" because fuck that guy. I think we're the 4 most active and present people on the tribe so it's only natural for us to work together, but I think it's definitely worth noting that I was the one that was pulling the strings here.
We just did the pictionary challenge, I have a good feeling about it!! Toph was an amazing artist, and if we win, all credit rightfully goes to him!! I think the guessers also did great of course, but like come on, the artist has to be the mvp. I'm really hoping we pull through!! I don't mind going to tribal, but I genuinely don't wanna vote anyone out yet. I'm fine just playing the game in a precautionary way. I know I'm in a great position if we do go to tribal, but it's always preferred that we don't go.
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Everyone else on my tribe: doing the challenge and kicking ass
Me: I’m sleep
Riley (Tumblr has once again chosen violence so only the first 10 get banners 🥲)
I think our challenge went pretty well! My team were good guessers. Feeling like I've established some Integrity now. Hope it keeps me safe later!
Toph Soooooo we finished the challenge with 32 points and like wig !! I was a quick as drawer for 32pts expect when my internet lagged, but still ! I think we whooped some ass and if we do go to tribal I know it won’t be me going, thanks to Duolingo owl hate club but I’m also worried same could have and advantage because they seem pretty kean on learning a lot in like 3 hours and then tried to cover that statement to not seem so threatening but like babs s a huge threat too apparently they love Duolingo and know 5 laugnes ? This is from brayden but If so go babs ! That’s absolutely iconic for real Life but fucking scary in this game ! I gotta be buddy buddy with them so hopefully if they do have something it won’t be them going home first and it will be Ava. But I’m thinking we might get second place again unless someone is a fucking wizard at this.
Dennis hmm i think we did well enough in the challenge to not see tribal tomorrow but who knows i guess we shall find out tn
the way ellie was so on top of stuff yesterday only to oversleep the challenge makes me giggle maybe shes freaking out about it which makes me also giggle but i dont think its really a big deal
anastasia asked me to call yesterday and i was like sure lets talk but it is damn near impossible to hold a conversation with her idk i tried BUT she did tell me “yeah i just got off a call with ellie” im like i see. she says shes down to work with ellie but that quickly switched from ellie being ~experienced~ but good to know ellie is also playing hard. anastasia also mentioned that she talks to riley a fair amount who i still have yet to connect to well. but dat makes me think ellie is def talking to riley too miss debate team is definitely a talker. but good on her for the social game i guess
kenneth keeps being like haha we’re the same person and im like yeah👁 i bet we are👁
i just wanna win and not think about tribal just keep it slow and chill for now keep learnin my welsh i guess
Ava Second challenge was Pictionary and I had a ton of fun playing. The tea is: toph did a great job. He was pretty vocal about not being a great artist but really I think he did great. However, Babs was super inactive yesterday and ~too late~ said they were a great artist and should've been picked to draw. It was kind of like.... k babs thanks for the belated "help". They did do great guessing which scored a point in my book. Brayden was supposed to play but last minute logged off without saying anything so we did the challenge without him :/ sorta a bummer. Anyway the lack of participation from Sam is kind of popping off so we'll see where that leads them... Overall a fun game and fingers crossed we did well!
Moth I think we did okay at the challenge. Today I am dying from the heatwave so I’m not thinking too straight! Stay cool everyone
Ellie So yesterday Anastasia and I called for about an hour!!! I’d say we’re definitely way closer, she’s someone I really wanna work with although the idea of her and Brayden eventually being on the same tribe is kinda scary cause I know how close they are. Still she’s so fun to talk to and I just love her energy so much!
Pictionary challenge results: Jenkins Tribe wins with Penadragon second, Hatter Tribe has to go to tribal council on the following day.
Ava Well well well seems our bob ross, toph, didn't pull through (y'all think babs would've pulled it out for us or slept through our challenge like they said they almost did?) I can't wait for tribal. I'm in it for the drama. I'm hashtag voting Sam off - didn't even bother to be apart of our challenge and not too sure they've even been online for a full 24 hours. Weed out the weak.....
Brayden https://imgur.com/n60Lz0c
guys i dont know what to do someone help me out
Dennis i hope damn brayden gets the boot
Raffy Woo! We don't have to go to tribal again! We stan!
Ellie So I figured I’d go idol hunting today cause the shop was about to close and I just wanted to see what had been bought and what possible hats there were, I see that there’s a hat I have enough for that hasn’t been bought and I decide fuck it let’s get it
Sam Well you see. I like all my tribe people. And I think we did real good on that music video! So, I think rather than voting anyone else off, I think I should just vote myself off if that is possible! Ahhh
Babs So sad to see Sam not only go but go through what they're going through :( same w Toph :( they all seem so lovely
Keith Not sure if i submitted a confession after the last tribal. But if I didnt here it is.
Happy I made it out of that tribal. I had raffy backing me with whom I played. Last time we played. We were at odds. We didnt work together but whats worse that we were against each other. It was either him or me goin out. Hopefully thats the past n we can work together. I jus need to keep things calm n show that Im not here itching to make big moves. So they dont feel threatened by me. N its easy cause right now. I havnt made that kind og bond with anyone on my tribe. To even think of such moves. Lets see what round two holds for me.
Colin so uh
we lost! :(
I was really bummed tbh. Like I thought we did well but circumstances with the challenge were just really unfortunate, from conflict about who wanted to be the artist to people disappearing the moment the challenge started, I think we did well despite all of that. Except we did kinda get stomped anyway. Oh well!! The game moves on. Tribal has to happen.
Initially I was gonna push for Babs, just because I feel like I don't wanna attach myself to them too early on. I've seen how much of a bitter player they can be, and lets just say I'm not the most loyal ally to have. however! 9 minutes after we lost, Ava announces to our alliance that she's voting Sam. I wasn't surprised, Sam has been the one not really pulling their weight. But I had some good connections with her!! we both did colorguard and shes so sweet and easy to talk to. I was really conflicted for a little bit, debating on whether or not to actually push for Babs. I think brayden sensed my hesitance but we both knew there was nothing really I could do to stop Sam from being the vote. At first tribal, the initial name always spreads like wildfire.
However, my mess was stopped abruptly by Sam asking to be voted out. welp!! okay then!! babs stays i guess!! i'm not too bothered. I'll never turn down an easy vote hehe.
Pretty sure there's a swap tonight. I'm kinda scared of that
i almost forgot to upload this but dont worry i just remembered
Colin screams
Toph So we’re going to tribal in 20 and all I have to say right now is if there is a tribe swap after I’m gonna so scared but I ducking called I had a vibe and it was right that’s what is gonna win me this game trusting my intuition. I’m holding on now and gonna be the biggest comp beast next challenge in case I get fucked on this swap !!!! Or at least if it is a swap 🤔
Riley I don't know what this announcement's gonna be I'm worriedddd... Ginny said it probably means we're swapping teams but I don't wannaaaa I like our team.
Toph Sam self sacrificing made this the easiest vote ever and me being safe is a plus I guess 😎
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Y'all getting tortured too..I lost it. I couldn't handle it
I got germ x on a cotton round and started washing my face.
I got more body parts to literally scrub
After my grandpa died of cancer -- well. Denise killed him but they said it was the cancer...
I took a shower and scrubbed my body every day. I got a new toothbrush weekly.
I used a scouring pad from the kitchen and I didn't ever turn the cold water knob but just a tiny stream.
The water was all the way on full blast hot.
I scoured my skin off.
My Uncle Dad took me to the hospital when he finally came home from the ship. It finally docked.
Doctor asked had I burned myself. "No I just took shower and it just didn't feel clean.. It never feels clean"
"How hot is the shower?"
"Oh will the way hot. I turn the cold on slightly about midway to do the final rinse"
"How long do you shower for and how many times do you perform a "rinse"?"
"Well the shower stays on... I'd say 3 - 4 times when it's all the way hot then at least twice, so about 6.. Sometimes 10.. 12... 45 one day"
I heard my uncle dad sob from the corner. I looked st him perplexed. Cause I was doing right. I was keeping the germs off me.
"I just gotta stay clean dad" as he raised his head he sucked in air through his nose. And i saw a man in misery and guilt
"I'm so sorry sorry i thought you could handle the cancer. I thought you'd be okay and i just had ti fo to work but she...."
"I can handle the cancer dad. I just gotta stay clean and keep the germs off of me"
"What kind of products do you use. SOS pads... Denise doesn't buy a lot of Shampoo so i try to keep,that for my hair... So I'll use dish soap or sometimes even laundry. Bleach is good but she doesn't buy that one slot either. I don't like the amoniea. The smell bothers me but I had to use it 3 or 4 times because I didn't have anything else but that was when i found the SOS pads under the sink. Lo and behold they have soap in them already. So, i quiet using extra except when i wash my face with them. Soften the skin up a little bit more than so I don't get wrinkles"
I looked dead into his eyes and told something I didn't tell any other adult about what i did. I told my friends... But not in a way that it was me. "You know someone i heard of was...." Not I did this. But someone did.
My dad according to my DNA4U although there's,a story about that...
He was in the corner crying the whole time I was talking. "No she needs help. I need help for her."
The doctor said they had received a phone call he thought it was from the FBI. But he looked at his notepad and said "Nope the CIA."
"I just have to keep the germs off me tell them that. They need to, too"
"I'm calling them Billy don't you worry"
"Yeah" he said into the phone "i got a situation here. I'm gonna need you to come in and take her. ... Mental ward"
Son of a bitch. I attacked him. I wasn't crazy. I needed to be germ free.
And i beat that poor doctor in the head and back wirh that phone until it fell apart and nothing was left.
"And that's how I kill germs" I told his dead body.
My dad just sat there as i beat the doctor to death m his eyes and jaw open as wide as can be.
"You understand right? I'm not here to hurt you but This place it's so dirty but i came here with you. Because i trust you to keep me safe. But he wouldn't. Not. The dirtiest place in the world he would send me to and i just can't have that. I'll push the panic button to get you some help that you need"
It was right by the door. So these big ass mother fucking dudes came me in started grabbing me to hold me down and strap me to the bed. Big mother fuckers HUGE. Body builders and shit. "ARE YOU GERM FREE!! DONT GET A HOLD OF ME!! LET ME GO. GODDAMINIT!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I killed all 3. "Now i gotta wash my hands and arms. They fucking touched my face and every thing. Stuck thier fingers in my mouth and all. I need to,start with bleach. Can you get me some?"
My dad was in shock.
"Maybe later. I'll ask you again when your nervous system calms down" I washed my face and elbows.
It was 1992 Christmas was a few weeks away. My lie age I was 12. My real age I was only 8.
Finally the CIA came in "are you here to help or force me to wash my hands again?"
He put his arms up as he walked by me and sat next to my dad "well i know Gaberiel and Calvin can help. Gaberial goes to school with her and he said she looks alright but seems to be in a trance like state most of the time. But they will know what to do. Do not worry. Sabrina you cannot keep killing doctors like that"
"I'm not going!! The backwoods motel where they put the strange and i tell you none of them know how to,wash their hands!!"
"You look like a witch!!"
"At least im a clean one fuck y'all shit"
This whole team of huge CIA dudes... They all washed their hands no less than 3 minutes up their elbows for an additional two while I watched.
This big one said "she's not alright you know that. I never washed my hands this much in my life"
I warned him i would kill him if he didn't get off the team "oh no it's refreshing I don't have a problem. My face too here i come"
When he lifted his face he saw mine. "There's nothing wrong with me sir. This world is unclean"
"That's that transelike state. Her voice gets hollow and the carries. Did she kill the others like that Bill?"
"No I didn't. He made me upset while i waited for th3 help I supposed to be needing. Like no one knows,l they can poison me any second"
I knew but i didn't know Denise injected medicine into my grandpa's vein.
I COULDN'T handle this guy at the sink. He wanted to teach me like he could do it better. Like i had something wrong with me. And he didnt like it"
"Out. Just get the fuck out of here. I'll give you a chance to live."
I ended up killing the whole line of people but this one little yellow Asian man.
He was surrounded by dead bodies. 5. They took the 3 guard nurses and the doctor out already.
"Do i wash my hands now? Is it my turn?"
"SIR!!" i said pissed off. I looked around me. My poor dad "well what do you think about your surroundings?"
"You look good. Able to kill real easily. Looks like I need some more training. But I'm just here to wash my hands as i was told to"
He told me the times he needed to wash.
"Well no one else is in line so I suppose that yes it's your turn now"
I laid down on the little check up table bed and fell to sleep. I was exhausted. Killed 9 people. Because they were aliens. And i would let someone live. 3 people in total. Out of 12..
It could be a good day after all, as long as i didn't go to Baywood Inn Acres.. I'd been there before. I escaped and let all the mental patients out. Well maybe if i went I could do that again I thought as I drifted off to sleep. I could still do it. I'd killed 9 today in just seconds.. I could let the rest escape.
Snoop put me on time restrictions. I bit him. I kicked him. I punched him in the stomach. He would walk in with a shield from SWAT to tell me to stop washing at the sink.
It was all scuffed up and I had to clean it. Germs get in them scratches and cracks...
Before he knew it it was all soaped up and If he exposed, his face he would get soaped too. Bar of soap.
Oh boy he was pissed off at me. "You need to kill the right people!!" Him and Alex Laughlin both said
"Then let me use the soap for as long as I want to"
I was a horrror show star. Like a doll. Like poltergeist. There's that doll that turns it's head all creepy. My eyes be glassy I walked around like I was dead.
I was. I was so dead inside. I KNEW my grandpa would die for no fucking reason. I knew and there wss nothing I could do to save that Old man!!!!
And i KNEW i was going get cancer, too!!!
Just wash it all off. Wash it down the drain.,that is I what i would say.
This video to some. But I used to do that.
2 years later I did get cancer in my throat just like I knew I would. I wrote about it.
So I handle death a lot better. Losing one. Germs.
If I know a person doesn't wash their hands and their hands are warm. I freak the fuck out.
"Don't fucking touch me" and I get filled with violent rage.
Some people think it's cool to make fun of me. A violent assassin. To this date with my bare hands no magic included in the last 35 years I've killed 22,489,601,427 people.
So y'all need to learn to wash your mother fucking hands. 35 seconds i recommend.
CDC says it's good in 20... Don't underestimate the power of germs. Scrub faster and go for long term use of that soap you just squirted on you. Go up to the elbows!
Eventually I got okay. To be okay I had to kill people. 862 thousand.
All aliens in stolen bodies. Then i was okay again.
But until then i would sleep walk to the sink wash,me up then hit the streets in a trance.
So they got a kid to live with me... Anton. From Queer Eye... Him...
"No what are you gonna do? He's got germs on him and he's our only kid!" Alex would bark at me.
"Then you kill him" i would tell him. He never did.
So i posted a video earlier. Poor child. "Wash your hands" "wash your hands!" In the video I shared that he shared. Poor child, "Now you gotta wash both hands although only one is dirty. The other might get jealous. Up to your elbows if you want to but definitely up to your wrists"
He played in the dirt a lot. If he didn't Snoop would pour it on him. "Now what are you gonna do?!?"
I smelled him make sure the cat didn't piss on it
Man Snoop did a hard fight. "Its fucking dirt snoop shut the fuck up!!:
I let that boy teach me about dirt. Is it clean? Does it feel fresh? Or smell bad?"
I let him choose whether to wash or not.
Somethings he HAD to wash after touching "raw meat" we had a list of things that could harm us if it was left on our hands.
I had to wash after uncooked hot dogs. Had to. Kid goddam creeped me out because he didn't
I'd just look at him like he was a leeper to give me leprosy from an uncooked hot dog.
"Uh anuh he touched a raw hot dog and he didn't wash. Uncooked meat!! Its on there check the goddam list in a hurry" he was like a monster under my bed.
"It says raw meats baby."
"Uncooked is raw"
That little boy. Sweet precious angel he is. He said "i didn't agree because i wanted to go out side and play but now I see i take the hot dog containments into the dirt if I don't wash. So i would like to wash please"
I earned a kiss from Alex who was going by Gaberiel. At the time.
It shocked me with surprise. I did something right for the first time in weeks i wasn't yelled at by an adult. I put my head down on the arm of the chair and wept and wailed and cried.
I spent so much time fighting with who was supposed to be my friends. That it made me calm and feel normal. Ever since that day my grandpa died. I had so much built in my chest like a wall. Filled my body so.
Snoop finally understood under all that muscle mass and need to assassinate... I was still there.
"Lets go get some ice cream it's on the list for,being,human and you get sprinkles for crying."
"Lets go ma then I wanna play in the dirt.
I wasn't sure i could leave the house. I felt really wobbly... To go outside and not kill... It was dangerous. I tried to go back in like 14 times. But Alex kept stopping me. Or snoop or the baby Antony.
"Took us 15 minutes to go get us a dam treat,jist from the door to the car. When we go killing shes flying down the steps and first one to the car. Ain't no one gonna know what's wrong with her! Ain't no one!"
"I do! You just need to wash your hands! Wash Your hands!!" I had a sweet little boy next to me... I looked out the window of that white Cadillac and I sure did hope i could figure out how to,keep the world safe. They played and teased and made,him laugh.,all every one,in the car laughing with joy.
I just wanted to open the car door, jump out and die.
Later I finally told. Some movie reminded me of my grandpa... The only one I ever had. The one that allowed me to kill Denise. A prison guard.
"He died from something out side of him. Not inside out side. I can't handle it. It went down his arm.. Pink. It was something pink"
Snoop on his knees. "What was it poision?"
"Watch. Into here down this way to his pinkie then back up and then down around his heart and through his legs and up the other side and to his brain then he could smell the medicine cold cough syrup. And she kept doing it until the full bottle was,in,his body. It didn't work tho. The next day and the next. 3 more,days than,that. Then he was,dead. 2 bottles each day. Of cold medicine to kill tiny germs"
Alex's face,was,in terrified horror. Snoop still as a statue.
"Where do they live at?" Asked snoop.
"Texas. Redway lane"
"That is where you live at".
"That is what i am telling you. And i was in Texas and i didn't go to Arizona"
Snoop began to throw up in his hand and,ran,from the room.
Alex and Anthony looked at me all "why did you have to tell the truth?!"
"I'm trying to watch the movie here!!" Said Anthony "and tomorrow I wanna play in dirt"
"That's ok baby That's what you can do with Uncle Snoop. We'll be quiet now so you can watch the movie."
If you don't get germs on you. You don't get sick. Then you don't get murdered.
Stay Clean.
Corona. I'm telling you. It ain't no different.
Except I was told something worse than eating Vicks Vapo Rub would happen to me from Denise.
I had to kill 981,602,375 people like Denise until I felt satisfied the world was safer.
Until I could breathe again.
I felt my grandpa die. I was with him. I felt his whole body. When his left lung collapsed...
And he was begging "no Denise don't do it. It won't make me better. No Denise I don't want none. Dont put it in my IV. I don't have no cough or cold. I have cancer and I'm going to beat it"
And that Old man died. And I tried so hard. To keep his body alive. Just stay with him.
And his body was so riddled with cancer. He couldn't take being filled with the thick cough syrup.
After a million kills. Grandpa said I could stop the world would get better then. "If I do two more grandpa then it would get allot better"
We killed 6 million predators. By hand. We picked them from prisons.
Death Row and life sentences. They could die early if they wanted. They understood they would die. They signed contracts. And we filled them in gas chambers. And filled the air with a non toxic cough syrup smelling gas that made them relax. Laughing gas. Then we used rat poision gas. Until they died. We had some other gases too. I didnt care.
We did right by our promise and they choked end coughed choked on a white foam frothing from,their mouths. And,died.. And we watched them through a little window with gas masks on our faces.
"You know you could used a little more nitrous" would say Alex
"Only half choke to death. Most of them lay down peacefully to die."
Oddly white men were more often to fight Than the black man.
"Either the black men are innocent or they know,what to do in a poison situation"
One man. Black. Should been,dead. But he was crawling around checking on,the others. In pain he was.
I ran,from the control booth. Dodging people trying to stop me. I swung open the door against policy. Grabbed him up under his shoulders "why did you sign the paper if you didn't have any thing to do with the crime?$?!" I yelled through my gas mask
"All these are all dead i want to,know why I'm not!!: he was crying he was scared. "I didn't sign the paper because i wanted the hell out. I knew if i died I would go to Heaven!: he was sobbing. In a gas chamber. Filled with poison.
Alex held up a gas mask in,the Window I pointed my head towards my direction.
And I held the black man while he was on his knees in a room full of gas. Alex put the gas mask to protect from,gas on his face.
"Lets go you got to get out. You only have half a,mask"
"I can't"
"You got to,get out now"
He chose his fate. No one else. He would tell me when he was ready to live and i would hold him on his knees until he did. I just stared into Alex's eyes. While he said over and over "you got to, get out" like in case i forgot.
"I wanna get out! Can you help me??" I reached down and grabbed him by his waist. Hoisted him up to my hip and carried him out like a toddler. A nice grown man.
This poor man was a mess.
No one mentioned i was covered in cyanide. For 3 hours until when my skin began to itch "you need,to shower"
"When you finally get covered in killer germs you don't care Because you found someone more important, more desperate. Someone more in a bad situation.,then you don't even notice"
"You trained me not to. Could I at least get an SOS pads for my bath?"
Every one wore a gas mask around me. Even the kid. For three days Anthony did.
"Snoop said you can't go in his car covered in,gas,like,that so we got a rental car"
"You gonna drive in that gas mask?"
"Yeah. Sounds fun. We have to roll down the Windows for you to breathe. I know downtown LA but... And also we got you w hotel. You are covered in cyanide!! No on wants you home. But i do"
I think... It was the first time in my life any one ever gave me a bath while wearing a gas mask.
We had to,change,3 hotel rooms. So i wouldn't pollute the place up.
"See? You yelled at me and you're all jist as bad,and,won't even let,me,see my kid"
"Yeah well you trained us to be extra careful. More cautious than sorry"
Gaberiel. Alex Laughlin slept in bed next to me. In a gas,mask.
Sometimes I couldn't sleep. Thinkin about that man and my grandpa.
And I'd look down at the man next,to me. Pased out. Looking like an innocent kid himself.
I adored him. I felt so much love that a person would be in,danger for me. I shook his gas,mask gently
"What you woke me up what do you want? It was on purpose, too"
"Do you think that man knowed i cared? That I might love someone other than myself?"
"We treat you as though you are selfish because you sre using self harm and you don't understand it. No one is supposed to gargle with bleach? What If you swallowed it?"
"It burns my nostrils any way"
"That's not the point but baby doll. You could kill yourself and we wouldn't have you no more. That is,the point.,that is why we called you selfish. Your addiction to cleanliness could,kill you snd no one,wants that to happen. But look what you do. Go,in a gas,chamber FULL of gas with only a half mask on. You're lucky you don't go blind. But look st it this way. We pushed too hard and in the wrong way and you did drink bleach on purpose in desperation to be clean. It was undiluted, too. I know. I watched you. And you Didjt say anything. Just smiled and said "i feel" i wanted to,slap you then for not listening. But when you pushed me back so you could leave,tje room through the door i was blocking. You didnt act like nothing happened. You felt like nothing happened. And I realized we were doing something wrong then two,weeks later you tell us why it was so,important to be kept clean and germs off of you. And i wanted to die for the way snoop and I had been mistreating you. And that is why I started the gas chambers of criminals to honor Yoir grandpa for working at the prison to keep,them in line. End,it for your grandpa and avenge his death with revenge. It would be what healed you both. And next time call the police when someone is being poisoned."
"She did it when i,was asleep. I would fall asleep all kinds of times of days to be with him. I promised when i was a young kid that i wouldn't let him die alone. Not by her. And when i woke up I was too groggy to remember what was going on. I thought it was a dream a bad one i hoped it wasn't real but it was and i can't get over this feeling this fear.. That had me at constant companion"
"What does that mean my love?"
"Evil. My grandpa said"
So y'all in,this world of 2020
It is,gonna be okay.
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docheros · 3 years
(Okay last ask don't worry) So I know you said you'd prefer stuff other than Dochero, but I am thinking about the guys. Jackie 100% picks at his scabs whenever he gets hurt, which bugs Henrik a lot. So to combat this, Henrik is always carrying around some bandaids and puts them on when he sees Jackie with another mark. Also, Henrik loves collecting old kid's movies and watching them, and eventually Jackie joins him. They'll cuddle up together and watch The Little Mermaid or 101 Dalmatians.
aah it's fine!! i just wanted other shipps because i felt you (all of you) might not really interact sm because i center myself in only 2 shipps too much- just wanted to let y'all know i'm fine with others too :]
anyways enough rambling. yes think more about them it's part of my trap *evil laughing* and also because i love them 😔
lkskalf jackie!!!! stop picking on your scabs!!! ooh henrik's bandaids for him are probably all colorful, because jackie thinks they are cute :D
(imagine you're someone who goes at the same gym as jackie, and you always thought he was an ex-militar or something because of the scars, so probably a serious and angry person, just to see him covered with pink and blue and hello kitty bandaids LFJSJAKF)
also yes!!!! they'll cuddle watching The Little Mermaid!!!! it's their film!!!! >:D and henrik collecting old kid's movies is adorable, i love your interprations of the egos :3
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