#future family
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mikemorris1988 · 4 months ago
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Happy Thanksgiving!
Here's The Future Marsh Family
From Upper Left to Right
Shelly, Randy, Sharon, Stan, Wendy
From Lower Left to Right
Staley, Stan Jr, Wednesday
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filthy-mudeoki · 2 years ago
Little Star
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Another wish, another dream made upon the stars. Who knew little whispers of the heart could be so powerful. It’s promises made and wishes granted with a future brighter than either could have imagined. 
Tagging: @kairadiamond
These stories are now part of a series on AO3 called Slowly, then all at once
It's a been a while since the last fic! Of all the prompts I get, this one is the most requested. I hope in some way I have done it justice.
Thank you all for the wonderful response these stories have gotten.
Jiaxu is late again. It has been another late night at the office and he knows that Sang Zhi will understand. But he misses the routine of their nights together. This past week, he has come home to an unusually quiet house. Despite the lateness of his arrival, she is always waiting for him, more often than not dozing softly on the couch, but it makes him ache for the normality of their lives to return. Worse still, he knows Sang Zhi has not been feeling well, but she has made no fuss about this, not wanting to worry him. He feels terrible and promises that tonight will be the last late night for the foreseeable future. 
He has the phone to his ear, as he leaves the office. She answers on the second ring. 
He pauses. She doesn’t sound like her normal self. Tired, he notes and again the guilt rises. He’s all the more eager to get home now. 
“Sang Zhi, what’s wrong?” 
“Ah… nothing!” She tries to dissuade him but he knows her too well. 
“Zhizhi…” he sighs, knowing she will not want to burden him. But he can’t have it be like this. “I’ll be home soon. I promise. We just had to fix the error. It took longer than we initially realised. I promise, no more late nights. I know you haven’t been feeling well lately. You keep saying it’s nothing but I don’t believe you. I know you don’t want to worry me but I am your husband. I’m allowed to worry and  -”
“Jiaxu,” she chuckles softly and it gives him enough respite to stop his rambling. “I’m not angry. It’s okay.” She sounds hesitant but Jiaxu doesn’t interrupt. “There’s just … are you really leaving the office now?” 
“Yes. I’ll be home soon.” 
“Hmm. Okay.” He can almost picture her fiddling on the other end of the line. 
“Are you okay?” He’s hesitant to ask but he has to know. 
She’s silent for a moment and that scares him slightly. “Yes.” Her voice is a little stronger than before. He knows she’s not lying. “I’ll be waiting.” 
He can barely get the words out fast enough before she cuts the call. He doesn’t waste another moment and gets into his car. It’s a bit of a blur but he manages to get himself home in good time. His mind goes into overdrive thinking over what could have made his usually so confident Zhizhi sound so unsure of herself. 
He toes his shoes off the moment he arrives home. It takes him a moment longer to notice the change in the apartment. Sure enough, it’s still quiet but there is a new, softer ambience to the room, now that it’s decorated in delicate fairy lights and candles. Jiaxu smiles immediately trying to find Sang Zhi. He doesn’t see her. But he does notice the set up on the table and makes out what he thinks is a cake too. His mind races once more to try and figure out if he’s missed an anniversary of some kind. He knows he hasn’t missed their official anniversary. It’s impossible to miss that one as it shares a date with his birthday, which is more than two weeks away. Their wedding anniversary is not for another few months. The set up makes it feel like it’s a celebration of some kind. He’s just not sure what it is yet. Nevertheless, the scene settles some of his immediate panic and he allows himself a moment to catch his breath. 
Is this what caused Sang Zhi to sound so anxious over the phone? She’s always so good at planning little surprises like this, that Jiaxu has to wonder what is so special about this one that she should be so nervous. 
Dropping his bag, Jiaxu takes a step further into the apartment, closer to the table. He can’t deny it’s prettily decorated and his heart leaps as he takes in the effort his Zhizhi has put in for him. Despite the fact that he feels like he has been neglectful lately, she has gone the extra mile to make him feel loved. Though he has to wonder what she’s got up her sleeve. Because there on the table, is his (or rather her) orange plushie fox and the white bear he had once given her. It’s the sight of another familiar object that causes his gait to slow even more. 
The jar sits temptingly between the two plushies. He picks it up, inspecting it closely. He sees the few little stars they have added together, over the years. He notices there are two new stars in the jar. Jiaxu has yet to see Sang Zhi but he plays along, knowing she has done this purely for his sake. 
Opening the jar, he tips it until the two new stars land in his hand. It’s distinctly different from the others. One bright pink and the other a deep blue, that helps it stand out against the soft pastels of the other stars in the jar. They’re slightly larger in size too and Jiaxu wonders what secrets Sang Zhi has written on these this time. Oddly enough, these stars have the numbers one and two respectively on them, indicating the order in which they should be opened. 
Before he attempts to unfold the star, he looks around the apartment one more time, hoping to catch sight of her. But he doesn’t. Still, he doesn’t stop smiling as he adjusts his glasses, unfolds the blue star with the number one on it. Jiaxu brings it closer to read. He knows her hand writing to know this little star is one of her wishes. Nevertheless, it takes a moment for the words to sink in. 
‘For Duan Jiaxu to have a family of his own.’ 
Jiaxu stares at it for a moment, trying to decipher the meaning behind it. He brings the paper up closer for inspection and as he does so, a memory runs through his mind. It’s fuzzy and he’s not entirely sure if there is really a link between the star in his hand and that one moment. He turns the paper over in his hand as he thinks it over. Certainly, he has no complaints about the family he finds himself surrounded by. It’s more than he could have asked for. 
He wants to find Sang Zhi and ask her what she means by this little star. He almost puts down the star to go find her when he remembers the second one in his hand. His curiosity and eagerness win over as he turns to the second star. Jiaxu unfolds the pink star and he sucks in a surprised breath as he reads it. 
“Pópo, I am making good on my promise to you. I’m going to give Jiaxu the family he deserves.” 
It takes even longer for those words to sink in. Especially, now that the memory becomes clearer. He remembers, Sang Zhi saying these very words as they had knelt before his mother’s grave all those years ago in Yihe. Surely, he has this now. Sang Zhi and Sang Yan are undoubtedly his family. But so are her parents and the small smattering of friends they’ve managed to keep here in Nanwu.
This little wish was written from Sang Zhi to his mother and he can’t ignore what this could possibly mean. The new implications of her words echo in his mind and heart. Suddenly, the paper in his hand feels impossibly fragile. He’s vaguely aware that perhaps his hands are shaking. But he does not want to think on it too heavily, does not want to jump to the wrong conclusion. 
He needs to find his wife. He needs to know for certain what these little stars mean. 
When he looks up, Sang Zhi is standing in front of him. So lost in his thoughts, he has not heard her come in.  She looks so lovingly at him and he wants to reach out and hold her close. But first he needs answers.  Still, he does not ask, some part of him afraid that it is not what he thinks it is. What he now so desperately wants it to be. 
“Sang Zhi…?” 
She smiles at him and that gives him more hope than he could have imagined. But she doesn’t say anything. All Jiaxu can do is watch as she steps closer, taking his hand in hers. Turning it over, she places on more star in his hand. This star, red in colour makes his hand tremble once more. 
Carefully he unfolds it, releasing a shaky breath as the words written there finally register for him. He’s got tears in his eyes already as he reads it over and over again. 
‘Jiaxu + Sang Zhi = bàba & māma’
“Zhizhi …” 
There is a question to his voice because he cannot find the words beyond her name. Still, she understands and nods, her lips pressed tightly together as she tries to hold back her own tears. 
“You really are…?” he trails off looking at her with a new intensity. 
There is a teary chuckle that escapes her and she smiles, unable to hold back her joy any longer. She’s beyond overjoyed and has been planning the best way to share this news with Jiaxu since she found out. She chose tonight, simply because she could no longer keep the news to herself.
“I am … and you … we really…” he struggles to find the words, but his smile is bigger and brighter than she has ever seen it. 
She laughs again, nodding and Jiaxu immediately regains enough sense to pull her close. She wraps her arms around him as he buries his head into the crook of her neck. She can feel the evidence of his tears against her skin and it makes her hug him closer. 
Jiaxu holds tightly to his wife, his one hand still clutches the stars tightly, unable to let go of either. They stay like that for a while, the magnificence of the news taking its time to settle in his heart. 
When he pulls back, he sees that Sang Zhi has been crying too. He wipes her tears away. His words are still stuck in his throat. Sang Zhi leans into his touch and Jiaxu crouches a little to press a kiss to her forehead. Her hands fall to grasp his shirt loosely in her hands. 
“I still can’t believe this,” he finally whispers. 
“Me too,” she chuckles. 
“Are … are you happy with this?” 
She looks at his with a slightly furrowed brow. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?” 
“You’re at a great place in your career now. A baby will be a lot more for us both… I just …” 
“Jiaxu,” she says putting him out of his misery, “There is nothing more I want. I promise. You’re happy too, right?” 
“Unbelievably,” he says beaming down at her. 
He gently takes her face in his hands and she laughs. Jiaxu leans down and silences her laughter with a soft barely- there kiss. Then another and then at long last as his lips hover over hers, he looks down at her with nothing but pure love in his eyes. It’s enough to stop her heart. He kisses her, and every little piece of happiness that he feels, she feels too. 
When she pulls back, they’re both nearly breathless, not just from the kiss but all the emotions that pass between them. 
Jiaxu wraps an arm around Sang Zhi as he shifts the pieces of paper from one hand to the other. He’s still smiling as he holds them out in the small space between them. 
“I never knew these stars could carry such wonderful wishes.” He reads it again this time aloud, in something of an awed whisper. “Bàba & māma.” 
His fingers trace over the words and Sang Zhi notices he’s as awed by the notion as she is. It’s been a few days since she found out, but it still feels like an unbelievable dream.  
“Bàba & māma,” she repeats softly. 
He holds the pieces of paper out to her. “Will you fold it for me again?” 
She nods and takes the first one, folding it this way and that. He watches but doesn’t say a word until she’s almost done with the third star. 
“I’m going to keep these extra safe,” he tells her.  He looks at the now neatly folded stars in his hand and shakes his head a little disbelievingly. “These little stars … Zhizhi I can’t tell you what this means to me.” 
“I know.” 
And she does. More than anybody else, she does understand what this means to him. She knows that Jiaxu is going to be the best father to their baby. It’s why she’s not as scared as she thought she would be. Knowing she would be sharing this journey with him eased a lot of her own worries and fears. But she is also aware that Jiaxu has fears of his own. 
“You’re going to be the best bàba, Duan Jiaxu,” she tells him. Sang Zhi doesn’t leave room for argument as she cups his cheek. He does not look up from the stars in his hand, but she knows he’s got tears in his eyes again. “You really are.” 
He lets out a shaky little breath and slowly nods, before looking up at her. His brow furrows a little as he leaners in closer. “You’re doing it again,” he playfully accuses. 
“Doing what?” she frowns slightly. 
“Making all my dreams come true.” 
Sang Zhi blushes and smiles so broadly Jiaxu can only think how lovely she looks before kissing her once more. 
Jiaxu runs a hand down her back as they pull back. He gives the stars in his hand one last look before deciding they need to be kept away for safe keeping. Lucky enough the jar is not far out of reach and he opens it up again. They both watch as he gently tips the stars back into the jar. They fall in and settle with the rest. He closes the jar and holds it up for them both to see. The two new stars still stand out and he loves that the most. 
Sang Zhi laughs and he glances down at her with a raised brow. She’s got a playful twinkle in her eyes. “I was just wondering; do you know any lullabies?” 
“Ah… I guess I’ll have to learn a few,” he admits. Truthfully, he does not know much and he’s not entirely sure about his singing voice. He tells her as much. 
“I don’t think our baby will care how terrible your singing is, so long as it’s you.” 
His heart nearly leaps from his chest when he hears her words. Our baby. 
“Wait… I never said it was terrible.” 
Sang Zhi does her best to hide her smile. “Oh? Well, I thought…” 
“I was only saying it might not be the greatest. Terrible is Sang Yan,” he teases. She laughs, and he hugs her closer. 
Sang Zhi leans into his embrace and Jiaxu shifts them, taking a seat at the table. Sang Zhi ends up sitting in his lap, her back pressed to his front, the jar of stars now in her hand. 
They’re both looking at it, knowing everything will be different now. “We’ll have to tell them.” 
Jiaxu nods. “Hhm, whenever you’re ready to.” 
“Maybe … after we see the doctor,” she says thinking it over. 
There is so much to do before they are ready to tell their family. She wants this to be just for them for a little while longer. She knows this baby will be undeniably spoilt and she can’t wait for that. But she also wants it to be just the three of them for a little while longer. 
Jiaxu rests his chin on her shoulder as his hand wraps around hers and the jar she is still holding. He’s quiet for a long while and she wonders where his thoughts have taken him. 
“Xièxiè,” he whispers. 
Sang Zhi smiles shyly. “For this?” 
His hands leave the jar and come to rest over her stomach. It’s a gentle touch but it thrills her all the same. 
“Not just for this. For everything.” His voice is not as steady as he would like it but Jiaxu knows she will understand the weight of his words. Her fingers reach out to intertwine with his over her stomach. “And I’m sorry.” 
“For what?” He doesn’t have to see her face to know she’s furrowing her brow in that adorable way she does when she gets confused or flustered. 
“I’ve been neglecting you. All these late nights.” He says and can sense she is ready to counter that but he doesn’t let her. “I’m sorry. I know you have not been feeling well and I should have been here. I promise, I’ll better in the future.” 
Sang Zhi leans further into his embrace as she answers. “It’s okay. I am not angry. Besides, we now know why I wasn’t feeling well. It’s going to be a while before it stops.” She squeezes their intertwined fingers, hoping he will hear the sincerity in her voice. “I know you’ve been working so hard Jiaxu, to give me this wonderful life. Please don’t feel guilty because you haven’t been neglecting me. I only want you to promise me one thing.” 
“You’ll take good care of yourself, especially when you’re working so hard. So that no matter what, you can come home every night… to us.” 
His eyes fall shut as he lets that sink in. There is now one more person who will be waiting for him at home. Another reason for everything that he does. 
“Always,” Jiaxu promises. “Wǒ ài nǐ, Zhizhi.” 
“Wǒ ài nǐ,” she whispers as he presses a kiss to her temple. 
He glances down at the jar and suddenly an answer to the question she had asked earlier comes to mind. 
“I know a song,” he says so suddenly, it confuses Sang Zhi for second. “I mean I know a lullaby. I think I still remember some of the words too.” 
“Really? Which one?” 
“Qīsèguāng zhī gē.” 
Sang Zhi tries to recall this one. The Song of the Sunlight.
“What is it about?” It sounds familiar but it’s been a while since she’s last thought about such things as a lullaby. They will both need to do some brushing up on that. 
“It’s about a promise of a bright tomorrow no matter what the day has brought.” His voice goes a little quieter as he admits, “My mother liked singing it.”  
She thinks it’s a pretty perfect lullaby for the baby and she tells him as much. 
Jiaxu relaxes into his seat as Sang Zhi falls against him too. He loves moments like this when it’s just the two of them but he quickly realises, it won’t be just the two of them any longer. Jiaxu is excited beyond measure for that. Sang Zhi has her eyes closed, but she’s idly playing with his fingers and it awakens a new part of him. He has always been protective of his Zhizhi but suddenly, that instinct feels like it might go into overdrive. His hand is now gently resting over her belly, and his fingers flex slightly at the thought of protecting them both. 
His Zhizhi and their little star – because that is what this baby is. A wish and a dream that he had never dared to speak out loud because truthfully, he has wanted it more than he was willing to admit. And yet here it was, now so tangible in his very hands. It feels impossibly wonderful. 
There is no doubt that Sang Zhi is more than just the one who hangs the moon and stars in his world. Although, Jiaxu thinks she is actually more like the sun, bringing such warmth and love into his life, giving him a thousand little stars to wish on every day. Especially after all the bad days, there is always love and happiness in all the spaces she occupies in his life. 
So, if his Zhizhi is the sun, the one that led him through the darkness and lights up the possibilities of all his dreams, handing it over one little star at a time. Then, undoubtedly their child will be one of those precious little stars - the embodiment of their love and dreams all wrapped into one little heart and soul.
There is only one thought that echoes through his heart as they sit quietly together. One thought that makes him inexplicably happy. 
‘His Zhizhi and their xiǎo xīngxīng.’ 
Wèi – Hi 
Pó po -  mother-in-law 
Xièxiè- thank you 
Wǒ ài nǐ – love you 
Qīsèguāng zhī gē – the Song of the Sunlight 
Xiǎo xīngxīng – little star ao3
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creampuffqueen · 1 year ago
Mal's Future Sukka Headcanon Timeline! (Masterpost)
howdy there, here's a quick post to get all my future sukka headcanon timeline posts all together!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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lonelypond · 1 year ago
Future Fears And Hope
NicoMaki, Love Live, 2.5K, 1/1
Summary: Nishikino Maki's plan to share a big piece of news with her parents goes awry. Maki ends up in a hospital. Will Nico fly back from Taipei?
Future Fears And Hope
All over the world, Nishikino Maki was making headlines, inspiring memes, inciting envy, and among her closest friends, activating the crisis text chat. Why? Let's set the scene.
Only Goddesses Chat
Nozomi: Way to go, Maki-chan. I knew you missed the spotlight.
Umi: Are you all right, Maki?
Nishikino Maki has left the chat.
Nz: What is going on?
Eli: Nozomi, don't push Maki. I'm sure she'll share when she's ready.
Nz: Where's Nico-chi?
Hanayo: 。。゛(ノ><)ノ Rin went to the hospital to pick her up
Ha: Maki, not Nico. Nico's in Taipei.
Hanayo: It wasn't her hospital. Maki's.
Honoka: We should bring her food ー(  ̄▽)_皿~~
U: That's very thoughtful, But we don't want to overwhelm her. Does anyone know what happened?
E: nozomi?
Nz: Hit on the head by protest sign. Looked bvery bloody.
Ha: She'd had a fight with her parents.
Kotori: It says she joined the protest. Great outfit too. Maiko Kurogouchi looks so good on her. the ombre shading on the pants. And that cashmere coat. I hope she didn't get blood on it.
E: Any news from Rin?
Ha: No. I'm getting worried.
U: Any word from @ nico
Ha: Nico had a fan meeting after the show.
Ho: What can we do? I want to help.
E; We should wait to hear from @ Rin
U: Eli is right.
Ho: I'm going to go downvote every meanie.
U: Ho…
U: Actually, that will do no harm. Proceed.
H: d(⌒ー⌒)
Nz: Nico's phone is off.
Ha: I'm sure she'll be back on line soon.
E; When is her next show?
Ha: Two days.
K: I'm making up a care package. Umi can deliver it.
E: Does Maki have her own lawyer? I have a friend who does criminal cases.
Nz: Ask Nico.
U: (ーー;) Ask Maki. Nico surely has her own list of things to handle.
Nz: Umi, you know as well as I do that we will get a quicker answer out of Nico. And that Maki just moved to the top of her to do list.
U: Language.
E; I'm sure Nico has a plan.
Ha: d(´▽`*)
E: So we'll wait.
Nico's phone had never had so many notifications, not even the night she swept the Grand Prizes at the MAMA Awards. Mentions of Maki's name, the constant messaging of the Muse group chat, but nothing from Rin since the message that Maki might have a concussion. Nothing from Maki. Nico wondered if she might have misplaced her phone somewhere. But Rin was there. Probably. If Maki had really not gone to the Nishikino hospital, there would be no special treatment. Maki was not good at ordinary, especially when angry. Nico sighed. Going to the hospital, especially when they'd kept their relationship private for 6 years, would blow up a carefully planned soft launch, set to happen next month, before…
Nico shook her head, hoping that activity would keep worry out. She would go to Maki's penthouse apartment. First she had to make a stop. Pulling up the collar on her coat, mask covering half her face, sunglasses to hide her eyes, and her hair in a ponytail under a ball cap, Nico hurried to meet her ride.
Nico opened the car door, pausing, surprised. "Mama? Cocoa said she'd meet me."
"She has class in the morning. And I wanted to talk to my baby. How's Maki?"
"Rin hasn't said. Maki hasn't called. I don't know."
"How are you?"
Nico felt the weary hit her. "Tired, mama. Nico is tired. Everyone's blowing up Nico's phone, wanting to know the plan."
"Is there a plan?"
"Get Maki home, pile covers on her, feed her something good for her and the baby, lock the door and turn off my phone."
"I brought food, enough for a few days. Cocoa said you wanted to pick some essentials up at National Azabu."
"Maki never keeps anything around. Nico knows that. And she loves Western food."
"Cotaro and I made lasagna."
"Mama." Nico'd been trying so hard not to cry.
"Just let it out, Nico. And you'll feel better when you see Maki-chan."
"Maki-chan." The worry slammed back.
"I have a few choice words for her parents."
"They don't know everything, Mama."
"I still…"
"Mama. Just drive. Please."
Inhale. Nico's mama getting her feelings under control. So many feelings out of control. Fear, worry, anger. What Nico needed right now was a few moments of calm.
"What can I do?"
"Just get Nico home."
"You should come home with me, Maki. I don't want to leave you and Rin, Jr, alone."
"I thought your baby was Rin, Jr."
"Nah, you'll want to name yours after your best friend. We'd get them confused."
Maki rolled her eyes, almost laughing. Rin was an expert at breaking up Maki's darker moods. "So are you naming yours after me?"
A huge, Rin hug engulfed Maki. "I knew we were besties. You always pretend to be so grumpy…."
After allowing a three second embrace, Maki pushed Rin off, a practiced move after six years, "I am grumpy. Just not at you."
"What'd your parents do?"
Did Rin want the list? Sure. Maki still had a whole lot of anger to fuel a rant aimed directly at the elder Nishikinos. "The protestors were spoiled, Nico is vapid…"
"ooh, that's bad."
"Shut up, Rin. Don't interrupt me."
Rin made a zipper gesture across her mouth.
"Nico is dating three dancers, Nico wastes money, the protestors are too young to know what the world is like, their parents should intervene, big events draw attention to charities, screaming and chanting and obscene signs kill support, Japan has to lock down to keep catastrophic change from destabilizing our society, we have always relied on each other, why stop now, I'm immature, if Nico were serious, she would have married me…
"But you a…
"Do you want me to keep talking or…"
The elevator slid open to the foyer in front of Maki's penthouse apartment.
"If I'm going to use my money, I ought not to side with criminals. Nishikinos have always led quiet lives, helping others, staying out of the news except for spending millions throwing huge parties, laughing with their richy richy friends while…"
Rin called Maki's attention to the door she was about to pound on in frustration. Maki tapped in the security passcode instead.
"I just want to lie down, put up my feet, and stare at the skyline."
"You shouldn't be alone."
"You need to go home to Hanayo."
The door opened and suddenly the air was full of a deliciously familiar smell, Maki's favorite tomato sauce, fennel, basil, some of the sharpness of oregano. Maki felt like she was moving from a cold, damp fog into welcome.
"Nico-chan?" Not full voiced, not a whisper, a breathed hope.
"Maki-chan." Nico popped into the center of the room with a grand bow. "Mama and Cotoro made us dinner."
"Nico-chan." Rin rushed to hug Nico.
"Don't crush Nico. Nico needs those ribs in two days."
"Maki's got a concussion almost. The doctor says she'll be fine but you should keep an eye on her. She was maybe lying about her symptoms. Her eyes awfully twitchy."
"Your eyes ARE awfully twitchy." Maki glared.
Nico wiggled out of Rin's arms, moving to pull Maki into hers. "Hey you. Nico was super worried. You didn't even text."
"Neither did you."
"Not true."
"You had your phone off, Maki."
"See Nico-chan. She's confused. And LYING about symptoms."
"You can't lie about dilated pupils, Rin. I don't have them."
"You wince at car headlights."
"Whoa, whoa…" Nico held out a hand, "I'm sure Maki knows how she feels." Nico made sure to turn toward Rin so Maki couldn't see her and mouth, "I'll watch her."
Rin nodded. "I'm gonna go home and tell Kayo-chin our little nibling is all right. And Nico's taking care of Maki." Rin stepped closer, "Take good care of Maki-chan, Nico."
Maki had slumped a little on Nico's shoulder.
"Yeah, Nico's got this."
"Rin?" Maki snapped.
"Maki?" Rin snapped back.
"What are besties for? Go to sleep soon. Nothing..." Rin wagged a finger, contorting her face. "shameless."
"Go home to your wife." Nico growled.
Rin grinned. "Already out the door." And with gold medal winning speed, she was.
Maki giggled, "We have silly friends."
"The silliest. Nico wouldn't trade 'em for anyone."
"So what did your parents do?"
Nico: Nico has landed ∠(`∪´)
E: I knew you'd be there. Is Maki all right?
N: Tired, hungry, probable concussion.
R: Told ya.
Nz: Tell Maki-chan, we love her ( ⌯◞◟⌯)♡
Nz: And to get back in the chat.
Ho: Yeah d(⌒ー⌒)
N: She's not really in a talking mood.
K: Tell her I finished the sketches and I'll send her a pdf. That'll cheer her up.
U: Let us know if you need anything.
Nz: Yeah, we know Maki doesn't keep food around.
N: Mama and Cotaro went shopping.
N: Maki's getting out of the bath.
N: :*:°・☆ヾ(δ_δ。)
Nico has left the chat.
Nz: Before I could even type some advice (ಥ﹏ಥ)
E: I suspect the timing was deliberate.
Nz: Eli-chi. WHose' side are you on?
E: ✌三✌('ω')✌三✌
R: ✧(σ๑˃̶̀ꇴ˂̶́)σ
Ho: ✧(σ๑˃̶̀ꇴ˂̶́)σ ✧(σ๑˃̶̀ꇴ˂̶́)σ
K: I'm sure Maki will be better after she gets some sleep.
U: We all will be. I'm sure Nico will be in a more open mood in the morning.
E: And if not, we'll stop by.
Ho: Good idea, Eli-chan.
R: Bad idea. Maki has one day with Nico.
E: Oh right. Nico's got more concerts.
Ha: So we'll see her Monday.
Nz: Brunch break in.
Ho: ✧(σ๑˃̶̀ꇴ˂̶́)σ Bacon break in
R: ✧(σ๑˃̶̀ꇴ˂̶́)σ✧(σ๑˃̶̀ꇴ˂̶́)σ
U: Come to bed, Honoka.
Nz: Oh my, Mz. SOnoda, how bold.
Umi has left the chat.
Ho: :-Þ
K: (இ﹏இ`。)
Ha: Good night.
R: : ҉*( ‘ω’ )/*҉
E: had enough fun, love?
Nz: (੭ ˃̣̣̥ ��˂̣̣̥)੭ु No
E: Come to bed.
Nz: For fun ♡(ŐωŐ人)
E: Da
Somehow, Maki still had energy. Or adrenaline. Pacing back and forth, arms flying, fluffy bathrobe occasionally falling open. Nico had arranged lanterns, placing them on the stairs leading to the piano loft and in a large circle around the bed and seating area. The only other light was nightime Tokyo, the golden spike of the Tokyo Tower as bright as a candle flame.
"Maki-chan?" Nico threw back the covers, "Come here."
Maki stopped, staring.
"You need to rest."
"I told you, I'm fine."
"Nico heard." Nico got up, grabbed Maki's hands and dragged her to their bed, "Lie down. Rant at Nico all you want, But do it in bed."
"You're sexy when you're mad."
"You're not mad at Nico." A wink and Nico dropped them both onto the mattress.
"I could be."
"Nico's too cute. And I know you missed me." A quick kiss on Maki's nose and then Nico leaned over to kiss her abdomen, "And I know someone else missed Nico's lullabies."
"Nico-chan." Maki's voice softened.
"How is Nico's newest, tiniest favorite person to be?" Nico stretched out on her stomach, next to Maki, her head still at belly level.
Maki blushed, brushing a hand through Nico's hair. "They're still so tiny, so fragile." A groan. "It's terrifying."
Nico kicked up her legs, meeting Maki's worried gaze. "Nico's scared too. But we're doing this together."
"But is it the right thing to do? Start a family? With everything that's happening now? What kind of world will they be growing up into? Will people like my parents ever start listening?"
"Maybe when they know why you were so upset."
"I couldn't tell them. It…ugh, Nico-chan, it was so frustrating, hearing them talk over everyone, calling the police so their friends didn't stress or take back their donations. I can't believe…"
Maki shook her head; Nico didn't press. Nico reached out a hand, her attention on the new life Maki carried, "Nico promises to take good care of your mother. And your mother and I will help make changes so you have a planet to live on."
"Can we make a difference, Nico-chan?"
"We're going to. People need hope. Nico is good at hope."
Maki smiled, "You are."
"And our child will be good at friends. Nobody should be alone."
"But we're not good at friends, I'm not good at…"
"Maki, Nico's phone practlcally blew up with 7 friends who were begging to do something for you, anything, because they care about you. Maybe we started out bad at friends, you and me, Maki-chan, but we learned, we reached out, we cared, we helped each other, struggled together with them, miracles happened, and both our lives changed. Muse has always been there for each other, and that's what we're going to raise our children to believe in: friendship."
"Not love?" Maki leaned back, blinking, energy lessening.
"There's all kinds of love, Maki-chan. Nico and her fans, family love, friend love….the world runs on love."
Maki was pouting.
Nico raised an eyebrow, "Maki is feeling neglected?"
"No." Hand to curl, twist. Nico almost laughed.
"Nico is very glad for one very special kind of love."
Maki waited. Nico pushed up and crawled next to Maki, leaning in, "Nico missed Maki."
"Don't go away then."
"Come with me." A quick kiss. "Nico can be very persuasive."
A yawn, a headshake, and a grimace.
"When do I win?"
"Touring with Nico isn't a win? I'll get a piano."
"You just want private concerts."
"Just want you." Nico yawned as she kissed Maki's shoulder.
"We'll talk about it in the morning." Maki realized sleep was about to drop. Nico was so warm and soft and near, one arm wrapping around Maki's waist. It was an irresistible comfort. Maki could feel herself relaxing. Two weeks without Nico had been stressful. Without that stress, Maki suddenlly realized how weary she was, tired of being alone and independently brave, how much she just wanted to fall sleep in Nico's arms, to feel loved and secure, to be taken care of, to know Nico would do everything she could for her, for their baby. Trust was still hard for Maki, but Nico had earned it. So maybe Maki could trust that Nico's hopes were not thin winter ice, that there was a future solid enough for a family.
"C'mon, Maki-chan, cuddle," Nico mumbled, pulling Maki closer..
"All right." Maki pushed tight against Nico, "Just for a minute."
"uh huh."
"I'm not tired."
"uh huh."
Yawn. BIg yawn. "Tokyo at night is incandescent."
"Maki-chan's incandescent. Now close your eyes."
'''kay" Eyelids fluttered shut.
"Gotcha." Nico whispered. "Good night, pretty girl."
"'night, Nico-chan."
Nico would be there when Maki woke up. That was more hope than yesterday.
A/N: Pygmalion finished well and I'm still recovering from not feeling well by watching ambient music videos and seeing luxury apartments Maki might own. So this happened. Next up, back to the not so luxurious West.
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dc-multiverse-week · 1 year ago
Earth-8: This Earth is home to the Future Family, the G-Men, and The Retaliators
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demaparbat-hp · 3 months ago
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I had a vision in shades of sacrifice.
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tears-that-heal · 6 months ago
AMEN!!! 💍🩷⛪️
Some say the worst prison in the world is a home without peace. Pray for discernment about who to marry or fall in love with.
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lazylittledragon · 7 months ago
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enrichment for the baby rogue
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prlssprfctn · 2 months ago
Bruce: I never got to see Dick's first reaction to the alcohol, because he tried it before as a kid. Same with Jason, he drank it without me being around. Tim got on his first party with alcohol behind my back.
Bruce: But at least I have Damian. Can't wait for his 21st birthday.
Dick: Yeah, I bet he would have a funny reaction, too!
Jason, sweating nervously, because he made little Damian sip on beer back when they were in the LoA: Y-yeah. C-can't wait.
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loejonny · 11 months ago
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Nothing but love feelings 🥰
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beatheprincess · 1 year ago
My weekend was fine, met family again today after 6months and my niece is so damn cute she gave me mega baby fever ♡... I cant wait to have a small human of my own who loves me🥺 my mom thinks I'm crazy- but its valid😤 the longest I had baby fever was like 3months (no joke) saw my gma n auntie who is very healthy now ! Glad to see everyone alive n doin well..I cant wait to get there myself 😔 my mindset has really been getting to me and I may have bdd, I have been goin thru this since early adolescence and it's been rlly bad at certain ages n I look bck n be like why tf was I that insecure? I hate being obsessed w how I look or feel unsatisfied w myself like ik nothings wrong w me but my brain is smth else sadly :/ compliments calms my anxiety but it's only a matter of time..I hope this isn't dumping but I like being as authentic as I can to help other ppl too yk ? I gotta place boundaries w my younger brothers bcus they gotta get themselves together- n I want the best for all my siblings even if I'm struggling myself and my head goes a mile a minute, hope this week is better for us lovelies <3
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mikemorris1988 · 11 months ago
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Future Marsh Family
Children From Left to Right
Wednesday Maria Marsh
Stan R.W Marsh Jr
Staley Rhianna Marsh
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filthy-mudeoki · 1 year ago
Little gift
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It's the most magnificent news they've ever received; this little star of theirs. Sang Zhi and Duan Jiaxu decide it's time to share the excitement with their family ... but first they're going to have a little fun with it.
Tagging: @kairadiamond .... it's been a while bestie! Hope you enjoy this one!
No jokes though it has been some time since I last posted a story. I hope you all enjoy this one. Thank you all for the wonderful response to all these stories!
You can read the others stories that fall part of the series on AO3 called Slowly, then all at once
Thud. Thud. Thud. 
The tiny little sound fills the room and for a moment neither Jiaxu or Sang Zhi can breathe. He looks at his wife, her eyes wide in surprise with a hand over her mouth as she muffles her gasp. 
“Is that ...” he’s scared to ask. Worried that the beautiful little sound will go away. 
The doctor smiles kindly. “Yes. That’s your baby’s heartbeat. And this,” she says swivelling the screen around and points to something he cannot make out, “is your baby.” 
Both Jiaxu and Sang Zhi lean forward. It takes a while before he sees it. But when he does, his heart stops for a moment. There it is, a tiny blip of a thing. Their baby.
They sit pressed together for the longest time. The doctor kindly leaves them for a bit. Jiaxu has Sang Zhi engulfed in his embrace as they stare at the tiny blob on the screen. 
“Can you believe?” Sang Zhi asks. Her voice is a soft whisper in the room, but it carries all the awe and wonder they both feel. 
“No.” He presses a kiss to her hair and smiles. It still very much feels like a dream. 
She chuckles. “I think we can tell our family now.” 
“Are you ready for that?” 
“Hm… yes. I want them to know. Are you okay with that?” 
“Of course.” He can’t wait to share this utterly wonderful news and he knows their family will be beyond happy. 
They leave the doctor’s room with three copies of the ultrasound picture. Their baby is only a little blob on the picture and more than once Sang Zhi has lost it as she stares at it. Jiaxu only chuckles softly and kindly points it out to her again. When they get home, Sang Zhi takes their copy of the scan and draws a heart around their baby. She sticks it to the mirror at their vanity, so that they can see it every morning as they get ready. 
They decide to tell Sang Yan first. There is no true reason beyond they fact that they don’t think they’ll be able to keep it a secret from him much longer. He’s almost always at their house, Sang Zhi is surprised they haven’t let it spill yet. 
Sang Zhi and Jiaxu decide to tease him a little over it too. Sang Zhi places the ultrasound photo with two other objects she’s gotten in a big box and wraps it up, adding a bow too. She leaves it out, knowing Sang Yan in all his curiosity will find it sooner or later. Atop the box she fixes a tag that simply says: 
To Sang Yan 
From X 
It’s enough to drive him crazy she knows. The message inside the box contains a little more information and Sang Zhi can’t wait to see her brother’s face when he reads it. 
But first they have fun with it. 
Sang Yan comes around for dinner every other day and it does not take him long to find the prettily wrapped box. 
“Ya, little demon! Why are you hiding this?” he frowns holding up the box for closer inspection. 
Sang Zhi rushes to him and tries to reach for it. “It’s not for you!” 
Sang Yan immediately objects. “What do you mean? It’s got my name right there.” He points to it on the envelope. “Who is X? When did you get this?” 
Sang Zhi makes a show of rolling her eyes and sounding exasperated. “It’s not for you! Not yet at least.” 
“What do you mean?” 
She sneakily steals back the box with his attention diverted. “It’s not ready yet. You have to wait before you can receive this gift.” 
“That’s nonsense! I want to see it now! Give it back little demon,” he demands, trying to take the box back. 
Sang Zhi squeals and jumps away. Jiaxu has to resist the urge to tell her to be more careful. He’s been extra attentive on everything that his wife does. But he knows if he says something, it will give away their little game. So, he pouts and turns his back on the siblings so he does not see all the new ways his wife will cause him to have a little heart attack. He can still hear them arguing and laughs. 
“Sang Zhi, my name is on the box. It belongs to me!” 
“Not yet! You have to wait gēge!” She huffs and puts the box back on the shelf. “It’s not time yet. You’ll just have to be patient!” 
Sang Yan scowls. “Fine! But at least tell me who it is from.” 
Sang Zhi gives her brother a sweet smile. “No.” 
“Little demon!” 
“Silly dog!” 
Jiaxu laughs as he comes back into the room, carrying the last of the food. “Come on you two. Let’s eat.” 
“Ya! Jiaxu! You know who it’s from. Tell me,” Sang Yan whines. “What is it?” 
Jiaxu shakes his head. “I don’t know anything.” 
Sang Yan narrows his eyes at his best friend. “Liar.” 
Jiaxu only laughs as they start eating. Throughout dinner, Sang Yan looks longingly at the box. It takes everything Jiaxu and Sang Zhi have not to burst out laughing. 
“Zhizhi, tell me,” Sang Yan tries to coax over dessert. “Please … just a little clue. You don’t have to tell me what’s in it. Just who it’s from.” 
Sang Zhi only smiles and shakes her head. Sang Yan leaves their home that night with a mighty pout and Jiaxu knows Sang Zhi has won the first round. 
It does not take long for Sang Yan to start round two. He takes to hounding her, now that he can’t find the box. (She’s hidden it away knowing Sang Yan’s curiosity will likely cause him to rip the box open.) 
“Where is it?” he frowns one night as they settle for a movie and drinks. 
Sang Zhi smiles innocently and Jiaxu hides his smirk behind his drink. “Where is what?” 
Sang Yan does not buy it, pursing his lips at his sister. “Is this supposed to be some kind of treasure hunt? Am I supposed to go looking for it?” 
“Don’t you dare go trifling through my drawers you silly dog!” 
Sang Yan smirks. “Maybe I will. Scared I’ll find it?” 
Not one to be beaten so easily, Jiaxu watches as his Zhizhi tosses her hair over her shoulders, fixing her brother with a smirk. 
“You really want to go through my things, Sang Yan? Aren’t you afraid of what you might find?” 
Jiaxu chokes on his drink as a slight pink tinge over takes his cheeks. The subtle implication of her words not lost on any of them. Sang Yan squirms in his seat, his face settling into another aggrieved scowl. 
Point Zhizhi.
They settle in for the movie and Sang Yan does not mention the box until he leaves. 
“Just tell me who X is.” 
Sang Zhi shakes her head and tries to playfully push him out the door. Sang Yan pushes back and Jiaxu has to close his eyes again as he watches the siblings. Sang Yan does not know it yet, but Jiaxu has been extra careful around Sang Zhi. He knows it’s going to drive his wife crazy sooner or later but he can’t quite help it yet. 
“Bye gēge! Maybe if you’re kind to me next time I’ll tell you!” She laughs as she closes the door. 
Jiaxu comes around, laughing as he hugs his wife close. “How much longer are you going to torture him?” 
She wrinkles her nose and he places a kiss on it because it’s utterly adorable when she does that. He wonders for a moment if their child will do the same. He’s been having a lot of those kind of thoughts lately. 
Jiaxu wonders all kinds of things. At the moment its mostly what will their baby look like. He’s not overly particular about it being a girl or a boy, so long as it is healthy. At least that is what he had thought first. Now that they’ve had more time to think about it, he hopes that maybe it will be a girl. He won’t mind it either way, but there is something about having a mini version of Sang Zhi that sets his heart high. He can just picture the two of them in his mind. He’s lost himself to that daydream on more than one occasion so far. 
It makes him giddy with excitement that he almost always forgets how nervous he actually is about having a baby. 
“Maybe I’ll take pity on him and tell him next time.” She laughs and Jiaxu kisses her. 
“Speaking of which, you nearly gave me a heart attack. Jumping around like that Zhizhi,” Jiaxu says softly. 
“Ah, sorry.” She winces. “But I’m okay.” 
“I now… it’s just …” he sighs not knowing how to explain just how nervous he is about all this. 
He doesn’t have to. She cups his cheek, pulling his closer. “I know. I’ll be more careful, Jiaxu.” 
“You promise?” 
“I promise.” 
He smiles down at her, kissing her cheeks, then her nose and then at last pulls her even closer as his lips finds hers. 
They don’t have to wait long for Sang Yan to come around again. He comes bearing a delicious chocolate cake that is a favourite of Sang Zhi’s. He’s hoping to bribe his way to the truth. It’s a bribe that is not really needed as this time she purposely does a poor job of hiding the wrapped box near the couch. Sang Yan finds it not long after he arrives and begins to pester Sang Zhi. 
“Come on! Just tell me!” 
“But it’s got my name on it!” 
“So? It’s not ready yet. You have to wait a little longer.” 
“What does that even mean? Are you making it? Is it something I can eat? Or … Is it is a new game?” 
Sang Zhi looks thoughtful. “I suppose in time it could be something you could play with. But you’d have to be very careful with it.” 
“Is it delicate?” 
“Very,” Jiaxu immediately answers. 
Sang Yan’s eyes grow wide and he leaps over the couch, marching over to his friend. “You do know! Tell me! Tell me now!” 
“No!” Jiaxu laughs, backing up. But there isn’t much room left for him to run. “You have to wait. But trust me, dàjiùzi it’s worth the wait.” 
Sang Yan does not look appeased. He huffs before turning back to his sister. “Ya, little demon, just tell me or I’ll open the box now.” 
“You will not!” she immediately scolds. 
Sang Yan smirks and lunges for the box that has been sitting on the table. Sang Zhi copies his action and Jiaxu winces and them both. His heart in his stomach and before he knows it, he’s reaching for his wife. One hand grabs the box while the other wraps around her waist, pulling her close to him. She stalls her movements as he looks at her with an amused look and a raised brow. 
She’s somewhat sheepish as she suddenly remembers. 
Huffing, she looks at her brother then over to her husband. They share a knowing smile and it’s enough to drive Sang Yan crazy. 
Jiaxu takes pity on his friend. “Shall we tell him?” 
“Hhm…” Sang Zhi looks at her brother, and he’s trying to glare at them but it loses all its real power as he stares at the box in Jiaxu’s hand. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to wait, gēge?” 
“Sang Zhi!” her brother whines. 
She laughs, taking the box from Jiaxu. “Fine! But I still think you’d appreciate this … little gift if you waited a little longer.” 
He shakes his head in disagreement but argues no further when Sang Zhi holds the box out to him. He raises a brow, sceptical for a moment, but quickly takes it from her before she can change her mind. 
The bow is quickly cast aside as is the wrapping. Sang Zhi is giggling and Jiaxu presses a kiss to her head, the nervousness in his stomach rising once more. He’s excited about this. Hasn’t stop thinking about it since Sang Zhi told him and he hopes with all his heart that Sang Yan will be just as happy. 
“What …?” Sang Yan asks confused as he looks inside the box. 
He pulls out two similar pair of whacky sunglasses. Reminiscent of the ones Sang Zhi had once bought for him. Except these are a little more … extra. 
“Is this supposed to be for me?” he asks holding up one pair. 
Sang Zhi nods, a brilliant beaming smile on her face. 
He laughs, and wastes no time placing the glasses on his face. “And this one?” he holds out the other pair. They match his except they’re much smaller in size. A kiddie size if Sang Yan were to guess. 
“Look again gēge,” Sag Zhi prompts. 
Sang Yan does and finally notices the ultrasound photo at the bottom of the box. He lifts it’s, a confused frown on his face. He looks between the photo and them. 
“Turn it over, dàjiùzi,” Jiaxu offers. 
Sang Yan turns it over, and his eyes go wide as he reads the message Sang Zhi has left for him on the back. 
For my favourite jiù jiu. I can’t wait to meet you. From Baby Duan.
“Jiù jiu …b-baby Duan…?” he stumbles over the words looking at them in disbelief. Sang Yan looks at his two-favourite people in the world with shock and awe. “Zhizhi… are you really pregnant?” 
She smiles so wide; she does have the mind for words. Nodding only as she looks at her brother. He stumbles back, holding the note tightly in his hand. 
“Really? I’m going to be an uncle?” 
“Yes. You’re going to be a jiù jiu.” 
Sang Yan takes in a shaky breath before he grins at them both. “Ya! Little demon! I’m going to be a jiù jiu!” 
Sang Zhi laughs and Jiaxu lets go as Sang Yan comes over to hug her. Her brother hugs her tightly and they don’t need words between them for her to know how excited and thrilled Sang Yan is for them. 
“I can’t believe you two are going to be parents.” Sang Yan says. He’s the most sincere Jiaxu has seen in a while when he pulls Jiaxu in for a hug. “Congrats brother,” he whispers to Jiaxu. 
Sang Zhi wipes the tears from her face and rushes to get something to celebrate the moment with. She returns with sparkling cider and Sang Yan is so happy he doesn’t even blink an eye when Jiaxu pours him a glass too. 
They toast to the new addition and Sang Yan can’t help but look at his sister and brother-in-law with new awe. He’s also unbelievably happy. He can’t think of anybody that deserves it more. He’s already more than confident that they will make the best parents to this little baby. This little gift that he can’t wait to meet. 
“The baby won’t be here for another seven or so months,” Sang Zhi tells him. 
They’re all sitting in the living room now. Jiaxu’s put on music and Sang Yan insisted on being the one to organise their snacks. Sang Zhi had rolled her eyes, suddenly realising it was not just an overprotective Jiaxu she would have to deal with now. 
“Have you told māma and bàba yet?” 
“No. I will tell them soon,” Sang Zhi says. “Will you be there when we do?” 
“Of course. If that is what you want. But you know, they’re going to be so happy.” Sang Yan looks at his sister and brother-in-law, “I am happy for you both. You’re going to make great parents.” 
“Thank you,” Jiaxu replies. 
Sang Yan sniffles back his tears and raises his glass. He looks at his sister as she sits with Jiaxu, both their hands placed gently over her stomach. “To our little gift. I can’t wait to meet you.” 
Sang Zhi and Jiaxu chuckle, raising their glasses as they echo his sentiments. Seven months suddenly seems far too long a wait for them. 
jiù jiu – uncle 
gēge – brother 
māma – mum 
bàba - dad
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creampuffqueen · 1 year ago
Mal's Future Sukka Headcanon Timeline (Part 1)
hi guys, i'm currently in the middle of an atla rewatch so y'all know what that means: i'm being insane about sukka again. i've finally worked out my personal headcanon future for them after the events of atla and the comics, which i will be sharing here.
this post is basically just a bulleted list of events that happen. things they do, when they have their kids, more things that happen, all up until the events of tlok, which i tie in. (i currently have two different 'tie-ins', depending on how angsty i feel).
a few points before we start:
no, suki did not fucking die young
sokka is not suyin's father
i gave sokka and suki A Lot of kids. 12, to be exact. yes, you read that right. i will explain further in the post why they have so many and what allowed them to successfully raise such a large family
i've published a fic with sukka babies in it, however my timeline is now different from what i wrote then. that fic is of course still staying, because i love it, but it's no longer part of my 'personal canon', if you get what i mean
and finally, just remember this is my personal headcanon timeline for them. don't like it? go make your own headcanons. i'm sharing this because i love talking about sukka and their future together, i'm not trying to insist that This Is Definitely What Happened. it's all for fun!!
so, without further ado, let's into the timeline stuff <3
after the events of A:TLA, Sokka and Suki then spend the next few years helping out as Team Avatar. Suki splits her time between guarding Zuko in the FN and traveling with Aang, Katara, and Sokka
by the time they're 18, Sokka and Suki know that they've found 'the one'. they both know that they're endgame for each other. sure they're young, but why wait?
i like to imagine they elope on the battlefield. fighting some baddies or another, one of them is like 'hey, we should get married!' and the other is like 'i love that idea! aang, you're the avatar, you have the power to marry people, right?'
they get battlefield eloped, but end up having a 'proper' wedding with their friends and family when they're 19
they're ridiculously in love and very happy to be married
so, they weren't planning on having kids right away. they're very young, there's plenty of time for that in the future
however, life has some other plans for them
Suki gets pregnant very soon after the wedding. like, right after the wedding, honestly
at first she doesn't really want to believe it. but eventually she can no longer deny it, and it's time to face the music
i want to emphasize here how complex feelings can be about pregnancy. Suki wants kids, but she feels very thrown off by getting pregnant so quickly and so young
but she and Sokka make a wonderful team. although they're both worried about the future and what it will look like as a family of three, they begin to get excited about welcoming a baby
their first baby is a little girl they name Yuki, born on a warm spring night on Kyoshi island
and while in some ways their lives do change, it's much less than they expected
both Sokka and Suki take to parenting like fish in water
so now they're just continuing their regular jobs and adventures, but with a baby in tow
Sokka with a baby carrier lives rent free in my brain tbh
for a while things continue pretty normally. Suki is no longer in charge of guarding Zuko, as that's a bit more dangerous than she's comfortable with, she's still the leader of the Kyoshi warriors and all that entails
and then Suki finds herself pregnant again, when Yuki is about seven-eight months old
this sort of forces her and Sokka to reevaluate their plans
Yuki is a great baby. but soon enough she's going to be a toddler, and they'll have a second baby to take care of
when Suki is too pregnant to work anymore, they have to make some decisions
they love their kids. they love their family. they love their communities. they love their jobs
after some discussion with the rest of Team Avatar, Sokka and Suki elect to take a step back from all the Big World Peace missions
they want to raise their family
their next baby is born, another girl that they name Saya
everything starts to feel right
as much as they love helping out the entire world and bringing about world peace, they also love raising their little family together, being able to benefit from the peace they've helped create
nobody blames them for this, of course. they've done their part in saving the world. now they get to live their quiet life and raise their kids in a peaceful world
they still work, of course. Suki still leads the Kyoshi warriors, and Sokka is always in close contact with their friends, giving his advice wherever needed. he's just not traveling as much, staying home to look after his babies
now is a good time to point out that Sokka and Suki are amazing parents who take a very equal role in raising their kids
they also have a very close-knit community to help them out. Kyoshi island has such an emphasis on community. there's always someone to help out. their kids are taken care of in equal part by their parents and the larger island community
this strong community is a major reason why they end up with so many kids. they have the support system around them to do so
Suki gets pregnant again when the girls are 3 and 2, and has another little girl that they name Umari
time passes peacefully
Umari shows waterbending abilities right after her second birthday. a bit unexpected but not totally surprising
around this time Sokka and Suki decide to move to the southern water tribe for a time, to help Umari harness her waterbending
and at this point Suki decides it's time to hand over her mantel of leadership to another very capable warrior. she can't very well lead them if she's living in the south pole
it's a very bittersweet moment for her. she's adored leading the Kyoshi warriors. she'll always be a Kyoshi warrior, of course, just not the leader anymore. she's sad to leave them, but at the same time she's in a new phase of life at this point, and focused on being a mother
and before anyone says any kind of bullshit about Suki giving up her career for motherhood, i want to emphasize that that's not a bad thing, when it's the woman's choice. being a mother is important work. Suki was not forced to give up her career to be a mother; she was successful at being both for a while. but she chose to give up her position as leader for the benefit of her daughter learning waterbending in the SWT
and in the SWT she still works. there's always plenty to do
soon after their move she and Sokka welcome their fourth daughter, who is named Kyiasa
and then Hakoda decides he wants to retire as chief
Sokka, as his son, is technically next in line
and Sokka loves his tribe. he's happy to serve as their chief for a few years and help rebuild
so they stay in the SWT for a while
during this time they welcome two more babies, both girls. Akedi, born three years after Kyiasa, and Kanna, two years after Akedi
Gran-Gran Kanna passes away right before Kanna 2 is born, which is where she gets her name
Kanna also happens to be a waterbender as well! Oh yeah and Kyiasa is an earthbender, which absolutely nobody was expecting. Apparently Suki had some earthbending ancestry she never knew about
eventually though, Sokka decides to step down as chief as well. his family is still growing, and he wants to be present for their childhood
with the SWT more stable, the family decides to move back to Kyoshi
one of the first things they do when they get back? have another baby lol
they welcome their first son: baatar
at this point, with the kids getting older, it allows them to do more traveling
they spend time on Kyoshi, time in the SWT, time in the Fire Nation, time in Ba Sing Se, time in Republic City
the kiddos all love traveling
and of course, Sokka and Suki are still having more babies. they're wonderful parents, they love their kids, and Suki has a relatively easy time with pregnancy and childbirth. why not?
again, the emphasis on community. it's only through this supportive community they are able to have all these kids
they welcome more kids: Senna, Iknik, and Kio
at this point Sokka and Suki are in their late thirties. when Suki goes years without getting pregnant again, they assume they're done having kids, and get happily settled as a family of 12
life goes on
then, five years after Kio's birth, Suki finds herself unexpectedly pregnant again. wild
they happily prepare for their eleventh baby
but life has one last surprise for them
omfg i've run out of room. to be continued!!!!
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dillyt · 2 years ago
Great news for uninsured adults in the USA who want a COVID-19 booster! It now appears that ALL CVS locations are now active participants in the Bridge Access Program. The Bridge Access Program gives out free Covid-19 vaccinations to 18+ adults who otherwise can't afford one, so if you have a CVS near you, please go get one! For others who don't have a CVS near them, please go to vaccines.gov, click on "Find Covid-19 vaccines", fill out which vaccines you prefer (you can mix different vaccines if you have to so i reccomend just marking all of them for the age groups you need), and when the next page loads mark the "Bridge Access Program Participant" option to see only locations that are Bridge Access Program participants. Hopefully, other places that aren't CVS will start participating soon, so just check back every so often to see if there are any updates. The CDC Bridge Access Program website also has more details on what locations will be participating, but only CVS is appearing as an active participant on the vaccines.gov location finder at the moment.
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daraoakwise · 2 years ago
150 years ago, a boy was born to my great-great grandmother. And that was the last time that happened anywhere on my maternal line until my son was born in 2016. This is a story about intersex people.
For 150 years, the women of my family kept having daughters, who either also had daughters, or they were oddly unable to have children. Strange quirk, we assumed. No boys.
In the late 1970s, my mother’s sister had a daughter with Down Syndrome. Genetic testing was done, and it was discovered that although she looked female, she actually possessed the male XY chromosome combination. Her sister was born three years later. And because of that genetic concern, her genes were checked. And she possessed … the XY chromosomes. A third daughter, born a few years later, possessed the usual XX.
Keeping in the tradition, my mother had two daughters. Because of our cousins’ genetic conditions, my sister and I were both checked. Both of us appeared typically XX. And so for more than thirty years, it was dismissed as a quirk, and no one said the word intersex because that wasn’t a thing in 1980.
In 2014 I had a son, breaking the chain of girls. It was an interesting story! I then had two daughters, and didn’t bother to do any genetic checking.
And then in 2020 my sister became pregnant. Early genetic testing said boy, XY. Twenty week anatomy scan said girl. Definitely 100% girl. Uhhh?! As expected, she*** was born genetically male, possessing only male gonads in the form of undescended testes, but female external genitalia.
It was Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, a genetic mutation carried on the X chromosome. See, all bodies start female. Then, when the hormonal influence of the Y chromosome kicks in, instructions on the X are supposed to detect the testosterone and create male genitalia. Except a person with AIS is non-reactive to testosterone, and the body stays, at least superficially, female. Genetic check would say boy. Presence of testes says boy. Pants check says girl. Making the question of sex (sex. Gender is something else, ok?) distinctly complicated.
If someone has a mother who is a carrier of AIS, there are 4 possibilities. Unaffected XY, and so genetically and structurally male. Affected XY, and so intersex. Affected XX, and so a female carrier. Unaffected XX female and entirely unaffected.
My grandmother was a carrier. My aunt and mother are carriers. My sister is a carrier. When my niece was born, my single non-intersex cousin and I did genetic testing. And we are both carriers as well. My son is an unaffected XY male. My niece is affected XY intersex. Both my cousin and I also have 2 daughters each. And, because it is medically and psychologically relevant, we had them tested. All XX.****
And I was ready to check one more thing: are my daughters carriers? There is a 50/50 chance. And then I stopped, because they are preschoolers, and that is their reproductive decision. They know three intersex people. And if they care, someday they can check their genes and the odds that my grandchildren will be intersex. The intersex people they know will, I hope, be able to talk to them about the beauty of their lives as one of the wonderful variations of humanity.
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