#yes queen i will help you get organised
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helianskies · 1 year ago
i have been tasked with helping my lecturer organise our mini-conferences (à la UN) for next term and i am genuinely thrilled to get to help with the logistics. i am making pretty spreadsheets to designate booths and teams and delegations and loving every second 💕
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gingiesworld · 5 months ago
Queen Of My Heart
Wanda Maximoff x GN! Reader
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Bittersweet Ending, Arranged Marriage. Death
Word Count: 3.8K+
Taglist : @mothertoall2 @natashamaximoff-69 @canvascoloredin @wizardofstories @louxbloom @wandanats-goodgirl @the-ox-fan20 @ladyqueenxoxo @aemilia19 @wandaromamoff69 @mfd-101 @dorabledewdroop @marvelogic @dopeyouth @karsonromanoff @reginassweetheart @machyishere @gemz5 @pawiie @duckiekong (If you want to be added to my taglist, please DM me or comment)
Wanda Maximoff was everyone’s dream girl, the woman who had the most beautiful eyes, a smile that could brighten even the darkest of days, and a kind heart. Every man wanted her to be their wife, leaving many suitors to keep approaching her father about her hand in marriage.
“There’s another one.” Pietro groaned as he joined Wanda behind the counter of the Apothecary that their parents had owned.
“Why can’t they all just leave me be.” Wanda sighed as Pietro shrugged. “I don’t want to be with any of them, and it’s stupid to think that asking father would help them.”
“I’m sorry, Wanda, but that’s just how it is. No one truly marries for love, they never have.” Pietro told her.
“But that is what I want, I want a partner who makes me smile so effortlessly, I want a connection that isn’t forced, it just flows naturally.” She told him as she organised some of the jars on the shelf, dusting them as she went along. “I want to be with someone who I see a future with, not just for financial gains. Someone who wouldn’t care what we had or didn’t have, I just want that type of love that makes everything in the world seem so superfluous.”
“You mean what you have with Y/N?” He questioned, earning a slap on the arm.
“Shush. Father can’t find out.” Wanda whispered. “He will kill both of us, but yes. I just want to be able to live with them on some farm and grow old with them.”
“Wanda, your mother needs your help in the kitchen.” Mr Maximoff approached the twins, a smile on his face. “We have guests coming over tonight, and a possible suitor for you.”
“Father, I don’t.” Wanda tried only to get cut off by him.
“I don’t care if you want this or not. This is what’s best for this family and your future family.” He told her firmly. “You need to learn to remember your place.” He told her before he left the shop.
“I guess this is it.” Wanda sighed as she gave Pietro the rag. “My life and dreams are officially over.”
“They aren’t.” Pietro tried as Wanda just shook her head before she disappeared towards the kitchen to help her mother.
“I’ve already laid out your best dress.” Mrs Maximoff beamed as she prepared the dough for her bread. “This is so exhilarating, you’re going to be a wife.”
“I don’t want to be a wife.” Wanda told her honestly. “Besides, I don’t know this man either.”
“I didn’t know your father, but I can’t say that I was against marrying him when he asked your grandparents.” Her mother spoke. “But, I can say that over the time I have spent with him, I learned to love him and we then had you and your brother.”
“I don’t want to learn to love. I want it to be natural, just feel it without even spending an unknown amount of uncomfortable time with someone who is only going to help keep father’s business afloat.” Wanda told her honestly.
“There isn’t a choice in this Wanda.” Mrs Maximoff spoke angrily. “You are a woman, this is your womanly duty to provide for a husband and build a family with him.” Wanda sighed and gave up fighting against her mother, knowing she won’t exactly see the situation as Wanda does.
The night soon fell, the Starks were a well respected family in the Westview, Mr and Mrs Stark had two children, Jarvis and Morgan Stark. Given there is a significant age gap between the two siblings, they both remained close. Jarvis being the protective older brother that his sister needed.
“Are you nervous, son?” Mr Stark asked as the carriage came to a stop before the Scarlet Apothecary.
“I am father.” He answered truthfully, having seen Wanda everyday since they were children, falling for her every time he saw her or heard her voice. He loved the sound of her laugh, although he hated that he was never the one who made her laugh. That only fueled his deep hatred for Y/N Rogers, the only one who has ever truly been extremely close to Wanda. Everyone in Westview saw both Wanda and Y/N as best friends, even one of the neighbors would joke saying that the two of them would fall in love and wed.
“It is going to be fine.” Mrs Stark reassured him, making him smile as they all left the carriage, the two gentlemen helping the ladies down the steps. “She would be stupid not to see such a fine man.”
As they approached Maximoff's residence, Wanda was too busy pacing her bedroom, soon moving as fast as she could when she heard her window open, locking her door before she saw Y/N climb inside.
“You know, you could always tell me you don’t need me anymore.” They smirked as Wanda sighed. “We had a date, and you never came and I got worried.” They told her truthfully.
“I’m sorry Y/N/N, but my father.” She tried before her eyes started to fill with tears. “He’s trying to marry me off to someone.”
“He can’t do that.” Y/N stepped closer to her, their arms soon wrapping around her, pulling her into their strong embrace. “That’s not.”
“He can do that.” Wanda sniffled. “It’s not like women have similar rights to men.”
“Well, you should.” They told her firmly. “Everyone is allowed to have the freedom of choice. It shouldn’t matter depending on your gender.”
“I just.” Wanda tried as Y/N ran their fingers through her brown locks.
“I will be here when you’re finished and I can hold you until you fall asleep.” They told her softly.
“But, what about your father?” She asked them, they just shrugged.
“I’m only going to be missing another talk on why I need to uphold the family name and join the military.” They told her, they gently kissed the top of her head before she left the room. As she approached the dining room, she could hear the voices of her father, Pietro and two other men, all of them laughing as the smell of whiskey and tobacco filled the air.
“Here she is.” Mr Maximoff beamed as she stood awkwardly in the doorway. “Wanda, dear, come on in and introduce yourself.”
“Hello.” She spoke quietly, doing a small curtsy before she caught sight of her twin's grin as he tried to hold in his laugh.
“It’s so nice to meet you, Wanda.” Mr Stark spoke as he took her hand in his, pressing a kiss upon her knuckles, she had to try to hide the uncomfortable feeling she had in the pit of her stomach. “Jarvis here has told his mother and myself an awful lot about you.”
“Jarvis?” She questioned as she looked at the tall man beside her twin. “I don’t think we have ever met, I’m sorry.”
“Wanda!” Mr Maximoff scolded her, causing her to flinch at the anger within his tone before Jarvis spoke up.
“It’s perfectly fine.” He told them both with a warm smile. “I know we have never uttered a single word to one another, but I have noticed you Wanda, I have noticed you everyday since you first moved here with your family.”
“Why have you never spoken to her?” Mr Stark questioned as Jarvis shrugged.
“Well, Y/N Rogers seems to always have her attention.” He answered as Mr Maximoff scoffed.
“I don’t care for that Rogers child.” He spoke bitterly. “They are just a military family, and soon enough Mr Rogers will have them shipped off into the next War and then who knows, we may never have to see them again.”
“Father.” Pietro stepped in, seeing how Mr Maximoff’s words had affected Wanda. “Y/N is an amazing friend and they have always been there for Wanda. Did you know they were also the one who had done all of my chores that time when I had broken my leg? I never asked them too, they noticed the amount of extra stress that you put on Wanda and they decided to help. They are always there for her when we are not.”
“Don’t you dare speak out of term to me, boy.” Mr Maximoff seethed as the sound of the slap had silenced the room. “You do not disrespect me in front of our guests, now get out of my sight.” With that, Pietro left the room in a hurry, holding his already bruising cheek.
“I’m going to check on my mother and dinner.” Wanda spoke quietly before she left the dining room. She had hoped that maybe some unfortunate circumstance would happen and they would cancel dinner, but just as she had entered the kitchen, her mother was already bringing out the food.
“We are going to feast like royalty tonight.” Mr Maximoff beamed as he took his seat at the head of the table, opposite Mr Stark. Everyone had soon settled in to take their seats, soon digging in and sharing small conversations.
“I know this may seem forward.” Jarvis spoke as he sat beside Wanda. “Would you like to accompany myself on a stroll through the park on Sunday, after church?”
“I don’t know, I have to help my mother with the shop.” Wanda tried as Mr Maximoff shook his head.
“I can help your mother, you should go on this date.” He told her sternly. “You may never find another fine young man like Jarvis again.” He turned to face Jarvis. “She will be there to accompany you, she will meet you at the park.”
“Thank you, sir.” Jarvis beamed, soon the rest of the evening passed by in a blur, Wanda soon finding herself helping her mother in the kitchen with the cleaning before they all had retired to their bedrooms.
“Hey.” Y/N whispered as Wanda entered her room. “How was it?” They asked as she sat on the edge of her bed after locking her door.
“Awful.” She sighed, running her hands over her face. “My father is all for it and what he said about you.” She stopped herself before she continued.
“I heard.” They told her. “Your father isn’t exactly tactful in trying to be silent about his distaste.”
“I’m sorry.” Wanda whispered as Y/N moved to sit beside her, wrapping their arms around her and pulling her into them.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, darling.” They told her, cupping her cheeks and wiping the tears that had threatened to fall. “I will always be here for you, however and whenever you need me.” Wanda looked into their eyes, seeing how the blue shone in the moonlight, she had always loved their eyes but seeing them in this lighting was something different, and she loved it. It was a sight she wanted to be able to see every night for the rest of her life. She soon leaned in and pressed her lips against theirs, their lips both moving in unison before she snapped back to reality.
“I’m so sorry.” She said as she moved away from them. “I didn’t.” She tried before Y/N cut her off, approaching her, taking her hands in theirs.
“It’s okay.” They gave her a soft smile. “Although, I have to be honest with you.” They sighed before continuing. “I have always wanted to kiss, I can’t quite recall in which moment I began to feel more for you, but I do.” Wanda shook her head in haste, pressing her fingers to their lips.
“Please don’t say it.” She whispered sadly. “As much as I want to hear you say it, I want it to feel amazing and in a moment that is special between the two of us, within a moment that solidifies that our union will be forever.” She moved her finger as she continued. “This isn’t that moment, if I hear you say those words I so desperately want to hear right now, it will shatter my already broken heart.”
“I’m sorry.” They told her before they stepped away from her slightly. “I uh, I should take my leave now.”
“Please stay.” Wanda pleaded as they moved towards her window. “I need you to hold me, just for tonight.” And that was indeed the start of the pair’s internal struggles. Y/N hated seeing Wanda accompanying Jarvis everywhere, ever since their stroll in the park, her father had urged her to go on more outings with her husband to be. She would even see as Y/N would pass her by in the street, her heart breaking little by little, just as theirs was breaking. Knowing that in this lifetime they will never have the life they had always dreamed about when they were just children.
“You can’t seriously think you can make a name for yourself with these knick knacks.” Mr Rogers scolded as he approached Y/N who was happily carving pieces for a new chess board.
“I don’t think that father.” They answered him. “This is merely something that brings me peace and tranquility.”
“I have arranged a meeting with my old Senior Officer.” He told them as he picked up a rook, looking at it between his fingers, a look of disdain on his face. “He will help with getting you set for joining the services.”
“I don’t.” Y/N told him, placing down their chisel and the King they were carving.
“I do not care what you do or don’t.” Mr Rogers seethed, throwing the rook far into the field before he gripped Y/N up to their feet by the scruff of their collar. “You have a family name to respect, we are a military family and you will follow the path that I have laid out for you.”
“Yes, sir.” Y/N spoke flatly, their eyes never leaving their father’s who then started to straighten out Y/N’s clothes.
“I will see you at supper.” He told them before he left, Y/N watching as he disappeared out of the field, not realizing that Wanda was approaching them.
“Y/N? Are you okay?” She questioned urgently as she approached them, watching as they soon turned to face her.
“I’m fine.” They grumbled as they sat back down in their spot, grabbing their tools to finish carving the King.
“I found this.” Wanda held out her hand, the rook in which Mr Rogers had just thrown.
“Thank you Wan.” They smiled at her, her own smile widening at the nickname she had missed so much. “How are things with Jarvis?” They asked her, an edge of bitterness in their tone.
“I don’t like him.” She told them honestly as she sat down beside them, watching as Y/N’s hands worked on the small wooden figurine. “I can see that he likes me, but I just, I don’t think I will ever like him in that way.”
“But, this is what your father wants for you and your family’s future.” Y/N reminded her as she just shook her head.
“My father only wants the financial benefactors that come with this arrangement, he couldn’t care less about the family.” Wanda told them, before she turned to watch their face as theY concentrated. “I just want to be able to be with the one person who I am truly in love with freely, without any judgment from my father.”
“And how do you suggest you do that?” Y/N questioned, their attention soon turning to her, their faces close as they could feel her breath on their lips.
“I don’t know.” Wanda whispered, her eyes flashing between both their eyes and their lips. That kiss they had both shared, never really left her mind since the night it happened. “I just, I know what I want, I know who I want but I just.”
“Have to live up to our parents' expectations of us.” Y/N finished for her, their faces had somehow moved closer, their noses brushing one another. “I understand that perfectly.” They whispered sadly. “I want nothing more than to be able to remain here, marry the one woman whom I have only ever seen within my future and start a family with her.”
“Then what’s stopping you?” Wanda questioned, not anticipating Y/N rising to their feet and stepping away from her, creating some distance.
“I think you know exactly what is stopping me.” They told her, Wanda soon followed suit and stood before them, taking a slow step closer.
“I want to hear it from you.” She told them firmly. “I want you to tell me.” She watched as Y/N closed their eyes, clenching their fists as they gathered themselves before they moved towards Wanda, faster than she had anticipated, she was pushed up against the tree.
“Because you are marrying another, and I’m clearly not worthy of such love nor a future with you.” They told her sadly, Wanda’s hand reaching up to cup their face. “It’s you, Wanda. It’s always been you.” They confessed, both of their hearts beating rapidly before Wanda soon pressed her lips against theirs, kissing them with such passion as Y/N pushed their body up against her own. Wanda moaned at the feeling of their tongue slipping through her parted lips, Y/N’s hand gripping the fabric of her dress, trying to steady themselves, trying to fight the urges they had. “We should stop.” Y/N whispered, after finding the strength to pull away. “This is wrong.”
“It doesn’t feel wrong.” Wanda whispered, Y/N’s head rested against hers as neither of them attempted to move away from the other. “This.” She held one of their hands in her own against her chest, allowing Y/N to feel how fast her heart was beating. “This is right, this is what it should be, but.”
“But you belong to another.” Y/N spoke sadly, their eyes glistening as they filled with tears.
“My heart is yours.” Wanda told them. “It doesn’t matter who I am with or wherever I am, my heart will always be yours. I’m just sorry that we couldn’t have the life we wanted in this lifetime.”
“I promise you that I will always find you in the lifetimes that shall follow this one.” Y/N told her confidently. “Maybe, in one of those lives, we will finally have our story written.”
“How can you be sure?” Wanda questioned, her eyes taking in Y/N’s for what she never knew would be the last time.
“My heart will beat as fast as it is now when it is in your presence.” They told her softly. “My heart will always know when it’s home. You are my home.” Wanda pressed a soft kiss to their lips before the two pulled away.
“But, what about now?” She asked them as they sighed.
“I want nothing more than to run away with you and start our story, but we both have our obligations here.” They reminded her. “You’re getting married, and Jarvis is a rather nice gentleman, he will look after you.”
“But, I want you.” Wanda tried, feeling disappointment as Y/N stepped away, feeling the loss of their warmth against her form.
“In the next life, we will have our happy ending.” They told her as they started to pick up their tools and chess carvings. “Besides, I have a family obligation I need to uphold.”
“Join the military and get yourself killed.” Wanda scoffed as Y/N sighed, observing Wanda as she wrapped her arms around herself, tears threatening to fall from her eyes.
“With every passing day we are dying, we are dying from the moment we were conceived.” Y/N told her. “It’s what we make of time we have that makes it count, and I can say that since the moment you came into my life, you made the sun shine brighter, the colours more vibrant than ever.” They continued before Wanda interrupted them.
“Don’t.” She spoke firmly, struggling to stop the emotions from falling through. “I am not going to say goodbye to you. I can’t ever say goodbye. Not to you.” She whispered as her tears slipped. “You aren’t leaving me. I won’t let you.” Y/N took a shaky breath before they approached her, only just within arms reach.
“We have to part ways, but I will always carry you in my heart.” They picked out the Queen and King in which they had carved. “You will always be the Queen of my heart. Always and forever.” They handed the small figurines to her, watching as she held them both close to her heart. “I will always remember you, Wanda and I will always hold you in my heart, until it stops beating.”
“I can’t.” She cried as Y/N pressed a lingering kiss to her head.
“You don’t have to say goodbye.” They told her softly. “Just promise me that you will continue to live your life, have a family of your own. I know Jarvis isn’t exactly the one you want to have a future with, but when you have your own children, that love you feel will be greater than any love story in history, because you will do anything for them, you will make sure they get to live the life they choose, they get to love whomever they fall in love with. Let them live the future neither of us had the chance to experience.” Wanda only nodded before she watched them leave, her sobs soon falling harder as they had disappeared. Wanda had never anticipated that that moment was the last moment she had ever shared with Y/N, especially on that night when they had returned home to find Mr Rogers drunk and hitting their mother. Y/N had jumped in to defend her, only to be beaten to death by their drunk father. Once the news had traveled about their death, Wanda had grieved for them, she had felt like her heart had been ripped from her chest, hoping that maybe if she had convinced them to sleep with her under the stars for one last time, they would still be here, but all she could do was honour their final wish they had had for her, to live her life and build a family of her own, giving her own children the opportunity of freedom, away from the family’s expectations. As much as she hated it, Y/N was right about Jarvis, he was a good man, a good husband and father to their children. It wasn’t exactly the life that she had envisioned for herself, but she was happy, she had built herself a family, taking away her own parents expectations of her own twins, allowing them to follow their dreams, something in which Wanda was never given the opportunity to do.
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canirove · 4 months ago
The invinsible princess | Chapter 9
Author’s note: And we've made it to the end! Thank you very much to everyone who has read this story, supported it, for all your nice words and messages (they mean a lot) and of course, thank you to the anon who inspired it all! 💜 Hope you like this last chapter, and hopefully seen you soon with more Pedri 😊
Chapter 8
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“Fuck the protocol”
“What did it do to you know?” I laugh.
“Making me wear this stupid suit and this stupid bow tie” Pedri says, struggling to tie it. “I hate it.”
“Then let me help… Shit.”
“Sofía, are you ok?” he says, quickly showing up at my side.
“I'm fine, don't worry. It's just that standing up at almost nine months pregnant isn't as easy as some people may think.”
“Ok, come here” he says, putting his arm around my waist and helping me get up from my chair.
“Thank you, Pedri.”
“Anything for you, my lady” he smiles.
“Now, let me see that bow tie.”
“It is a pain in the ass” he sighs. 
“A pain in the ass is having to wear high heels for hours. Or having to wear high heels while carrying a child inside you that is pushing against your bladder and making you want to pee every five minutes.”
“This is nothing compared to all that, true” he chuckles. “You women are amazing, you know? The world would go to hell without you.”
“Oh, we are very aware of that, trust me. Why are you smiling like that?” I say while struggling to make his bow tie look good.
“I was just thinking about something you said the day we met.”
“That I like men with interesting noses?”
“Nope, something else. It has to do with this thing in your head.”
“Your tiara. The day we met I asked you if didn't all princesses wear crowns, and you told me that if you were lucky maybe one day you would get to wear a tiara for a royal wedding or something like that, and here you are now. This is the first time I'm seeing you wearing one.”
“And probably the last since I only have one sister and this will hopefully be the only time she gets married.”
“What if I buy you one?”
“What?” I chuckle.
“I like the way it looks on you. It really suits you.”
“Because I am the queen of your heart?” I tease him.
“That too” he winks. “But I could get you a simple one that isn't one hundred years old and a family heirloom. Something you could wear if I organised you a fancy dinner at home or something like that.”
“Oh, it would look so nice with my pjs.”
“Of course it would. You can make anything look good, my lady” he smirks.
“You are such a flatterer, Pedri González” I laugh.
“And you love it.”
“A bit, yes. And this is done” I say when I finish with his bow tie. 
“How do I look?” he says, taking a step back and doing a twirl.
“Gorg… fuck!”
“Sofía! Sofía, are you ok? What is it? Is it the baby?” he says as he helps me sit down. 
“It was something like a cramp, but it has passed, I'm fine.”
“Sofia, you were in pain. What if something happened? What if…”
“What if what?”
“What if the baby is coming?” Pedri says.
“That's not possible. It is too soon and…”
“Let me go call Carlos.”
“Sofía, you are hurting. I can see it in your face and feel it on the way your nails are digging in my arm.”
“Sorry. I'm sorry” I say, letting go of him. “But I'm fine, don't call anyone.”
“Sofía, you may be in labour.”
“May be, exactly. We don't know for sure, and I'm actually starting to feel better.”
“It was a false alarm, Pedri. I'm feeling much better, I…”
“Sofía!” he says, catching me when I try to get up and suddenly start feeling dizzy. “That's it, I'm calling Carlos.”
“Pedri, I told you I'm fine.”
“You are not, Sofía. Stay there and don't move.”
“I can't! My sister is about to get married, I can't miss her wedding!” I say, trying to get up again.
“Sit down, Sofía” Pedri says, looking the most serious I've ever seen him.
“Urgh” I groan, doing as he asks. 
“The doctor is here, ma'am” Carlos says.
“You've called him for nothing, Pedri. I'm fine.”
“Sofía, can you please stop being so stubborn?” he says, rolling his eyes.
“It's the truth! I'm… I'm fine.”
“Of course you are.”
“Your royal highness” the doctor says when he walks into the room. “What happened?”
“Sofía may be in labour.”
“I'm not, Pedri. I'm fine. We should be on our way to the cathedral to see my sister get married instead of being here wasting everyone's time” I say, struggling to get up from the bed where Pedri had forced me to move after I got another really bad cramp.
“Doctor, can you please help me here?” Pedri sighs.
“Ma’am, you are almost nine months pregnant, you could be in labour. And your husband only worries about you and the baby, he wants you both to be safe.”
“I know.”
“Then let the doctor check you, Sofía” Pedri says, sitting on the bed next to me. “Please.”
“I… fine” I say, finally giving up. “I can't never say no to you when you are looking at me with those big brown eyes of yours and then add a pout.”
“A pout with my lips made to kiss and be kissed?” he smirks.
“And now you add that smile! You are using all my weaknesses against me, Pedri. That's cheating!”
“Sorry” he shrugs. “I just worry about you, Sofía. About both of you” he says, caressing my bump. “I love you.”
“I know. I love you too.”
“Sofía!” my mum says, storming into the room. “Sofía, are you alright? And the baby?”
“We are fine, mum.”
“But they told me the doctor came to check on you!”
“He did.”
“And looks like the little one didn't want to miss auntie Leonor's wedding” I chuckle.
“I'm labour, mum.”
“Already? And what are you doing here? Why aren't you in the hospital?”
“Because it still is too soon.”
“Is it?” she asks, looking at Pedri.
“Sofía!” Leonor says, coming into the room just as my mum just did. “Oh my God, Sofía. Are you ok? And the baby?”
“We both are fine. But wow, Leonor. You look…. Wow” I say. Because she's showed up wearing her wedding dress, her tiara and everything else. “Max’s jaw is gonna be on the floor the moment he sees you” I smile, remembering what she and Irene had said about Pedri before our wedding.
“I hope so” she replies, also smiling. “But are you sure you are ok?”
“I'm fine. For now.”
“She's in labour” my mum says.
“Already? Isn't it too early?”
“My due date is in a couple of weeks, but the doctor said that there is no need to worry and that it can happen. I'm just so sad I'm gonna miss your wedding… I wanted to be there with you.”
“Don't worry about that now, you can always watch it on tv. What matters is that you both are ok.”
“We are. We will be.”
“I'll make sure of it” Pedri says.
“You both look so calm” Leonor laughs.
“We look calm now. Twenty minutes ago we were yelling at each other because your sister here is the most stubborn person I've ever met.”
“Yet you love me” I smile.
“With all my heart” he smiles back.
“Aww… cute” Leonor says. 
“Very cute, but you and mum should get going. I know it is usual for the bride to be late, but not this late, and I don't want poor Max thinking that you are leaving him standing in the altar.”
“She's right” our mum says. “I left your dad alone with your grandmother and he must be driving her crazy. Or vice versa. But Sofía, I can stay with you if you want.”
“Pedri's mum already is on her way, don't worry. I'll be in good hands until you can free yourself from your queen and mother of the bride duties.”
“I know you will, but... Are you sure?”
“I am. Now go, c'mon.”
“Ok, ok. No need to kick us like that” Leonor chuckles. “I love you, little sis” she says while hugging me. “You can do this.”
“Love you too, big sis. And you can also do this. Getting married in front of the whole world, I mean.”
“No pressure there, uh?” she sighs. “But thank you.”
“Keep us updated on everything, ok?” my mum says when it is her turn to hug me. “I'll leave as soon as I'm allowed to, and if the baby can't wait, I'll run away, I don't care.”
“Fuck the protocol?” I laugh.
“That wording is a bit offensive, but yes, that's basically it” she smiles. “I love you, Sofía.”
“Love you too, mum.”
“Well…” Pedri says, sitting down on the bed next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders while I rest my head on his. “It is happening.”
“It is, yes.”
“Are you scared?” he asks, kissing my head.
“A bit, yes. You?”
“I'm shitting myself.”
“Please tell me this time you aren't being literal like at our wedding” I laugh.
“Not yet.”
“Eww, Pedri!” I laugh again. 
“Sorry, I'm sorry. But even if I'm scared, I know you can do this, Sofía. I believe in you.”
“Thank… you.”
“Another contraction?”
“Yes” I nod. “And this one hurt a lot more than the last one.”
“Is there anything I can do to help? Maybe one of those massages they taught us?”
“That may be useful later. For now being like this is just enough” I say, curling up against him. 
“I can't believe we will be becoming parents in hopefully just a few hours” he says, his fingers caressing my arm, making me relax. “It feels like yesterday when we were talking in that corridor in Germany, shamelessly flirting with each other.”
“It does feel like it, doesn't it? But you know, if I got to relieve that moment, I would always choose to follow you outside the party.” 
“Because you couldn't wait to get rid of your dad and his friends telling the same anecdotes all over again?”
“That too” I chuckle. “But also because maybe, just maybe…” I say, lifting my head from his shoulder and looking at him. “I also had a little crush on you.”
“Wait, really? It wasn't just me?”
“I mean, you had a proper crush on me, Pedri. Mine was starting after watching you at the Euros, and it didn't stop until I fell head over heels in love with you. It hasn't stopped, to be honest.”
“Do I still make you feel butterflies in your stomach?” he smiles.
“Every single day. And I hope it never stops. I love you, Pedri.”
“I love you too… my lady” he says before kissing me. 
“Knock, knock. Can we come in?”
“Leonor?” I say when I see her at the door of my hospital room, Max standing behind her. “What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be resting after yesterday?”
“I should, yes. But turns out that my little sister also gave birth, and I couldn't wait to see her and meet my nephew” she says, coming to my bed and hugging me. “How are you, Sofía?”
“Good. Sore and tired, but good. And really happy. You?”
“Extremely hungover” she chuckles. “But tell me, how did it go? Is what mum told me true and he let you watch the wedding?”
“Yep” I nod. “During the ceremony everything was pretty smooth, but once it ended, he said: auntie Leonor already had her moment, now is my turn.”
After she and my mum left, things had been quite calm. Both Pedri and I had had time to get changed, eat something, chat, and in my case, bawl my eyes out while watching the wedding on tv. But the moment Max and Leonor got into the car and started saying hello to all the people gathered on the streets, everything changed. My contractions started to become more painful and frequent, and when the doctor came to check me again, he said it was time to go to the hospital, the little one joining us just a couple of hours later.
“How did he do?” Leonor asks me, nodding towards Pedri. He is standing next to the window, the baby in his arms. 
“He started crying the moment the doctor said the head was out, and then didn't stop. At one point his mum even worried he was going to end up dehydrated” I chuckle.
“I didn't cry that much, don't listen to her” he says.
“He did” I whisper. “But other than that, he's been amazing” I smile while looking at him caressing the baby's cheek and whispering something to him. 
I thought I couldn't love Pedri more than I already did, that it was impossible to fall in love with him more than I already was. But every time I see him with the baby, with our son, I actually do it. I fall even more in love with him, my heart feeling like it is about to burst out of happiness and love.
“You are the one who is amazing, Sofía. Look at him” he says, kissing the baby's head. “I can't believe he is real. That he is my son.”
“Can't you? Haven't you seen all that hair?” Max chuckles. 
“I haven't” Leonor says, getting up from my bed and moving to where they are standing. “Oh my God, Sofía. He is perfect! And definitely Pedri's son, yes” she smiles, caressing his head. 
“Do you want to hold him?” Pedri tells her. 
“I… I don't know. Babies aren't my thing.”
“C'mon, Leonor. You are his auntie and godmother, you have to get used to it” I say.
“Wait, his godmother? Me?”
“Yeah. Who else?” 
“I don't know… Irene, perhaps? You've always been super close.”
“We have. But she isn't my sister, you are. And since Fer is going to be his godfather…” I shrug.
“I… I don't know what to say, guys. Thank you.”
“You're welcome. Now put your hand here” Pedri says, helping her hold the baby. “There, perfect. Little one, meet your auntie Leonor. Leonor, meet your nephew Leo.”
“Wait, Leo? Aren't you naming him Carlos?” she says.
“That was a little white lie” I smile. “We wanted to surprise you.”
“Me? Why?”
“Because we've named him after you.”
“What?” she says, looking from me to Pedri, then at the baby in her arms, and then back at me.
“I mean, if you don't like it, we can always say we named him after Messi since he is my idol” Pedri shrugs.
“No, we won't!” I say.
“I was just teasing you, my lady” he winks. “That story we told everyone about naming the baby Carlos as some kind of homage to him because he had been key in our love story and we wouldn't be here without him, was just a lie because we wanted to surprise you and we didn't want anyone ruining it” Pedro smiles.
“But… but…” Leonor mumbles. “What about Fer? You could have named him after him too.”
“We already have two in the family, we don't need another one. Besides, how would we call him? F?” he chuckles. “Leo is perfect. And not because that's Messi’s name” he says, looking at me.
“I… I don't know what to say, I… Thank you, guys.”
“Aww, Leonor” Max says, wiping away her tears since her hands are busy holding Leo.
“This is the best wedding gift ever, guys. Thank you” she says, managing to free one arm to hug Pedri. “Thank you, Sofía” she says, coming to the bed to also hug me. “I love you.”
“I love you too” I reply, hugging her back.
“Ready, my lady?” Pedri says, giving my hand an encouraging squeeze. 
“Ready” I say, taking a deep breath before the hospital doors open and we walk outside, the reporters and photographers waiting for us already shouting.
“Your royal highness, how are you?” one of them asks me when we stop in front of them.
“I'm well, very happy. Thank you for asking” I smile.
“And the father? How is he feeling?”
“Also very happy” Pedri says.
“Why Leo?” another reporter asks.”It isn't a very royal name.”
“He is named after my sister Leonor” I explain. “So it is a royal name.”
“Awww…” a bunch of them say. 
“Who does he look like?”
“Everyone says he is a mini me” Pedri chuckles, moving the blanket I have wrapped around Leo so they can see him better.
“Oh, he definitely has your hair” the reporter says.
“He does, yes” he says, caressing Leo's head. “Though I think he's gotten his mother's character.”
“How so?”
“Well, he is just a couple of days old, and he is quite stubborn already. Like his mum.”
“Pedri!” I say, elbowing in the ribs while the reporters just laugh. 
“Do you think he may have gotten your talent? That we may have the first royal football player in history?”
“We actually do. You should have seen the way he kicked me before he was born” I laugh. 
“We should start getting his room ready at La Masía, then” one of the reporters says.
“He may already have it” Pedri smirks, making them all laugh again.
“Ma'am, we should get going” Carlos says behind me.
“Oh, yes. Thank you very much for coming, guys. And for all your good wishes too, it means a lot.”
“One last photo, ma'am. Ma'am!” the photographers say as we move towards our car, both Pedri and Carlos escorting me.
“We did it” Pedri says once we are inside the car.
“We did it, yes.”
“Ready for what is ahead, my lady?” he says, taking my hand on his and kissing it. “Now the hard work begins.”
“I know. But I also know I can do it. That we can do it. As long as we are together, we can do anything.”
“I mean, I managed to teach you how to dance without injuring me, didn't I? After that, everything is possible” he smirks.
“You are such an idiot, Pedri González” I say, hitting his arm.
“Yet you love me, my lady” he replies.
“More and more every day” I smile before resting my head on his shoulder as the car starts moving, the new chapter of our lives ahead of us. 
━━━━❃━━━━ FIN ━━━━❃━━━━
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mariswxt · 8 months ago
amoralism | four
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Summary: You and Dean Winchester are the top agents from Major Crimes. You’re also assigned as partners on the same case- a crime syndicate is running loose and buying out most of downtown New York. He hates you cause you hate him. You hate him cause you think he got in his position with his daddy’s influence. But this case is personal to one of you more than the other- and you may be getting too personal for comfort.
TW: So much sexual tension it’s illegal, Agent Dean Winchester (yes, he’s a warning in itself), mention of murder, Knights of Hell but they’re just murderous humans, fantasising, a mole in the FBI, thigh riding, Sam being the best friend everyone needed but no one asked for, failed professionalism, description of gore, torture and body desecration, inaccurate description of the FBI but we do it for the plot, Bela Talbot (she’s also a warning, yes), fantasies of seduction
Song Inspo: Liar by Camila Cabello
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A knock on your door had you looking up from your desk, from the notes you were taking on the video found on the necklace’s hard drive. The only face you could see on that necklace was Abaddon’s, which did give you the warrant to put her in the Florence Supermax, which honestly didn’t feel like enough when your own body felt like it was being slashed and burned and disembowelled in tandem with this poor investment banker.
Didn’t help that she took a hatchet to the body even after the life left him.
“Come in.” You sighed, rubbing your eyes. And in came… “Ah.” Yet another tired rub of your forehead. “Trainee Agents Tran and Harvelle. Come in.” You gestured for them to enter, wishing you were also a trainee agent.
It was so much more simple back in those days. Just getting coffee for the superiors. Just some damn coffee. Not being caught in a web of sexual tension, organised crime and some really nasty crap.
“How can I help you?” You asked, feigning genuine interest when you actually wanted to hurl from the videos you’d been watching.
“We wanted to get an update on the Knights of Hell case.” Tran got out, fiddling with his fingers. Suck ups, great. “For, uh, Agent Nick Garrison.” You rolled your eyes.
He’d come off fresh from the murder of his wife and baby, and it was bloody. He’d been trying to take cases, but Director Singer kept on insisting he take the desk job.
“Did he tell you he was working the case?” You clasped your hands in front of you, and you cut them off before they could start stammering. “No, I can’t give any information if you’re not working the case. It’s classified information, and Director Singer’s made that clear. I don’t wanna have to report to HR about breaching jurisdiction.”
“No, ma’am.” Harvelle bowed her head, then realised she wasn’t bowing to a queen and grabbed Tran’s hand, dragging him out. You groaned, closing your eyes and rubbing your forehead.
“That’s it. Take what you need.” Dean muttered, your back against his chest, legs spread and held in place by one hand gripping your thigh. Your head fell back against his shoulder, a myriad of sounds leaving your parted lips and slack jaw from his three fingers pumping in and out of your pussy. Stretching you. Breaking you. Wrecking you. Making you rock your hips in tandem with his movements and getting much needed friction on your clit from the rough palm of his hand. “Workin’ so hard, baby. I’m gonna release all your stress. Leave you so relaxed.”
God, you had half a mind to start touching yourself in the office to take the edge off. Right under your desk.
You’d do it. Damn the code of conduct.
“I need a change of panties.” You muttered, done with... “Everything else in my life, while I’m at it.”
“Five minutes, sweetheart. To take the edge off.”
Damn you for being an ass kisser. You could have taken the edge off with Dean Winchester.
Instead you’re here. At a desk. Watching someone be tortured to death and their corpse disembowelled.
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”You were left alone? With a shirtless Dean Winchester?” Andréa gasped, sipping a tall glass of wine, her lips stained red from it. “Details. Now.”
You swallowed, clearing your throat. “Dré, I don’t think there’s anything to tell-”
“Yes. There is.” She raised her eyebrows pointedly at you. “Either he railed you nasty, or you pulled the usual professionalism card but you still banged and now you’re fearful for your job.”
“I’m still fearful for my job, railing or not.” You scoffed lightly, taking a long sip of your own wine and holding your glass out for another. “Sorry to disappoint, Dré, but… no. Nothing happened.”
“WHAT?!” Andréa slammed down her wine glass. Eyes wide, auburn hair only slightly out of place. Jesus, she’s shook.
“I know!” You raised your hands in surrender, wine slopping onto the floor. You carefully put it aside; you might be getting a little tipsy with how much you drank trying to recover from the memory. “Look, it happened like I told you; Dean pulled me in, told me to keep my eyes on him… and then his phone rang. His dad called him, and he took the call.”
“I want to bust John Winchester’s balls.” She muttered.
“Do you think I care about class? I care about whether or not you can walk straight, and right now you should be wobbling from side to side, honey.” She took a very pointed sip of wine.
You sighed with a roll of your eyes, however affectionate it was. “That’s a very interesting notion.”
“It’s Dean Winchester!”
“I’m painfully aware that it is.”
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You walked into Dean’s office to find him nursing a bloody temple with a sterilising cloth, which had you raising an eyebrow. You didn’t peg Dean for the working hard type, more like the hardly working. Unless you counted when he was in bed with a woman. Still hot.
And both of your minds switching back to the night where Dean had you in his arms, his whiskey-tainted breath fanning over your lips. Fingers that were tapping the desk were previously curled around your chin, gravelly voice telling- ordering you to keep your eyes on him and by God, you’d say yes sir if he hadn’t taken your ability to speak words with those piercing green eyes. And he wasn’t even your superior.
“Well, don’t you look super.” You drawled sarcastically, throwing down a file on his desk. Eyes moving down to the hands which had held you in place. Fingers that had gripped your chin in a way that almost made your knees buckle and hands fly to undo the drawstring of his sweatpants.
“Knock knock - come in - and yeah, I do look handsome.” Dean responded dryly, but gave you a smirk/grin, a click of his tongue and a wink that had no right giving you that large of a needy jolt through your cunt, soaking your panties instantly. Again.
You cursed yourself for being an ass kisser. Again. When there was a perfectly good cock there that you could be riding.
“I was trying to figure out information on the Abaddon case, see if we could get some of her buddies’ names.” Dean shrugged, swiping his bottom lip with his thumb. “Came out with nada and a cheap shot to the head.”
You cleared your throat, willing yourself to stop feeling so desperate. You were better than this. No you weren’t, but you weren’t gonna admit that aloud. “Director Singer wanted us to check this out. Probably after your failed, sorry ass attempt to find answers.” You watched him open the file, turning the page with a lick of his finger. Had it been anyone else, you would have internally cringed.
But no, it’s Dean Winchester. You wanted to be his index finger.
“Since we’re doing this off books, we have to arrange off book methods.” You rubbed your neck. “Bela Talbot, she’s a freelancer. Occasionally thieves - at least, that’s theory because we’ve never been able to prove it. But Director Singer’s booked us a five star room and an appointment so we can find out what she knows, how she knows it and follow that lead.”
“You’re more snappy than usual, sweetheart.” Dean smirked, mossy eyes trailing- no, roving down- not even that; he was undressing you with his eyes.
And he didn’t miss the way your jaw ticked.
Sign number one.
How your eyes darted from him to the files to the random objects like you wanted to throw something.
Sign number two.
How you occasionally prodded your cheek with your tongue as if you had a Spanish insult that would definitely condemn someone’s mother to hell on the tip of it.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, was sign number three.
Dean Winchester had more than a GED and a give ‘em hell attitude. He had a college degree in criminology, a while spent in the academy and a penchant for figuring out when- “You’re stressed.” He muttered smoothly, and he had an inkling of why. He took hold of your wrist, and next thing you knew, you were pulled to his lap, straddling his thigh. Your heeled feet on either side. And clothed pussy right on powerful muscle.
Oh, boy.
“We haven’t talked about it.” Dean muttered, his eyes tracing your face (and dipping to check your blouse’s neckline, and it did not disappoint), calculating his next move, his hand splayed out on your lower back. “I know you better than you think. And you… are thinking about it.”
“I’m n-not.” You responded quickly and rather pathetically, especially as your words were negated by a whimper as his hand on your lower back slid down, down, down, cupping your ass, squeezing just right and using the purchase to pull you so your chest was flush against his. His nose bumping yours. The scent of a breath mint on your lips instead of whiskey.
Gee, the déjà vu was potent. When could you have possibly been in this situation before, hm? Totally not a few days ago. And five years before that.
“So, you don’t wanna talk about it.” He chuckled, tongue darting out to wet his lips as he looked you over- nope, banging you with his eyes this time. You could see it. He had you bent over the desk, railing the living daylights out of you with a hand over your mouth. “Let’s do about it.”
You swallowed, not protesting even as his fingers tangled in your hair. “That-That’s grammatically incorrect-”
His lips - god, his pillowy, sinful, criminal lips - crashed down onto yours, brow furrowed in concentration as the common sense went out of you.
Dean definitely had eaten a breath mint, and you could taste the coffee remnants on him. A kiss that was no less than filthy, needy and wanting. Smacking of lips on lips at a high frequency and temperature shooting far above the boiling point. Your hand threading in his hair. Other hand fisting the back of his shirt. His cologne your personally crafted aphrodisiac.
Dean was too far gone to care that anyone could walk in. His hand was gripping the soft strands of your hair in between his fingers, guiding your head how he liked it. Relishing your tinted, strawberry flavoured lip balm and how it flooded his tongue. Your perfume sending his hormones skyrocketing and making him zero in on you. Only you, always you. He’d missed out on his treasure all these goddamned five years.
Dean’s tongue licked at the seam of your swollen lips, demanding entrance, which you fought back and denied from him. Good that he’s skilled in getting what he wanted, because it didn’t take long to get you to allow him that access.
His hand came down in a sharp smack on your ass, which had a gasp falling from your lips which he caught with his own. Keeping both parted as his tongue tasted the jam and toast on yours, coaxing it into his mouth so he could suck on it and cloud your mind more than it already was fogged up.
“That’s it, open up for me.” Dean groaned into your mouth, pulling your kiss-swollen lips more apart with his thumb on your bottom lip. You felt his hand leave your ass, air hitting your previously skirt covered thighs and something sliding down your legs but you didn’t care when Dean was robbing you of professionalism.
Doing a thing with his tongue and teeth that had you throbbing and needy for him. Yeah, the Code of Conduct can go to hell.
His hand found home on your ass again, and just experimentally dragged you down and forward, drawn out and hard on the taut, deliciously clad muscle of his thigh.
Clit. Friction. Uh- pussy. Dripping.
Mind. Blown.
You had to actively pull him to you, lips more in a collision than a kiss to muffle the drawn out moan that came from your lips and those that spilled after while he simply hummed, grinding you on his thigh again and again until you were kissing him silly as well as rutting on his thigh like a desperate, horny teenager.
Not that either of you minded.
“Look so pretty, ridin’ my thigh.” Dean chuckled between hungry, heavenly kisses, now taking handfuls of your tit from shoving his hand (in a hot way) down the neckline of your blouse and rubbing your nipple over your bra with precise circles designed to make you go mad all while groping the flesh. “Makes a guy wonder how you’ll ride his co-o-oh, Jesus Christ, baby.”
For context, in retaliation, you’d started palming him over his slacks, grinding the heel of your palm in a way that had him rolling his hips forward so his cock could meet your hand for the first time ever through two thin barriers.
The slow movement of your hand and your hips that were dragging over his slacks a personified oxymoron of the way your lips would devour Dean’s and vice versa over and over again.
Every movement of yours synced to the way he’d toy with your tits and his hand would knead your ass under skilled goddamn fingers.
Swallowing every moan like second nature.
He definitely had some kind of qualification in the female body.
“Woah.” And both of you pulling away to see Sam at the door. Which incited pure chaos.
You jumping up. Fixing your skirt, your hair (your kiss-swollen lips were a gone case) as Dean manoeuvred his leg so you couldn’t see the obvious wet patch on his slacks.
Wet patches, if you count the pre-come stain that leaked through.
Ah, well, at least he’d pocketed your soaked panties. For… research purposes.
“Nothing’s happened.” Dean shrugged, trying to signal to Sam as if to say no, he did not want the news of him making out with his case co-head in his office, in FBI headquarters in DC.
Your mind was in a tizzy, especially as you hurried off before you could shake hands with embarrassment.
“I don’t know whether to say ‘finally’, ‘what the hell’ or bleach my eyes out.” Sam said to Dean with a light chuckle, folding his arms.
“How about you shut your mouth?” He scoffed back.
“I can’t just unsee that-”
“You were told to shut your mouth, not your eyes.” Dean grinned as if nothing was wrong, because nothing was wrong. That could just be one of his fantasies.
You were thinking the same thing. It could just be a vivid daydream. Or even a dream that you’ll wake up from at any moment.
But then Dean saw the wet patch on his slacks again. The soaked panties that he’d stolen off you and you’d let him. His lips were swollen and still buzzing from the heated sensations, ego on an all time high from how many moans he’d ripped from you even though he’d done so little. If this is what he’d waited for all this time - for five years - the wait was damn worth it.
You could still feel Dean’s hands groping at you as if he had a degree in your body. His harsh breath against yours. Lips bruising as they met over and over again— his thigh pressed between yours.
Your thighs rubbed together and- god damn, he’d stolen your panties. You weren’t even mad at him for it.
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You were reeling from the - ahem - make out session display of professionalism. And Dean wasn’t making it any degree better.
“So, we’re not gonna talk about it?” He scoffed, folding his arms and quirking an eyebrow. “Five years, the time we actually break the Code of Conduct and we’re not gonna say a word of what went down?”
You gestured to him. “My point. We broke the Code of Conduct. Hell, we torched it!”
“It was just making out.”
“In your office.”
“Look,” Dean chuckled and ran his hand through his hair, “it ain’t my fault that your gorgeous ass is attracted to me. And it ain’t your fault that my handsome ass… is attracted to you. It’s a sexual thing.”
“It’s a sexual thing.” You repeated quietly, which didn’t help things, but hey- it’s the best he can do. “You have no regard for your job’s integrity.”
“You’re so uptight all the time.”
“And it’s better to be really damn loose?” Dean Winchester made your pussy drip leg bounce on the ball of your foot. It was a nervous tick. Or an angry tick. But you knew that you wanted to curse his bloodline in Spanish.
He could only offer you a scoff. “You know, this tough girl act is really unbecoming.”
“This tough boy act doesn’t cut you any favours.”
“Some may say it’s sexy.” A brunette slid into the seat next to him. Hair pulled up into a ponytail and threaded through a baseball cap that was pulled low over her brow- no doubt for disguise. Poorly orchestrated disguise, and Director Singer said she was a professional. Smug smile and manicured nails painted an eyebrow raising shade of rouge while she smelled strongly of Chanel.
Extending said manicured hand daintily towards Dean. “Bela Talbot.” She purred, playing up a sultry smile. “I’m your freelancer.”
“That Chanel or is it just me?” Dean shot back with a raise of his eyebrow. How did he know? He knew the notes of that perfume collection cause you’d worn it when you… made out with him and rode his thigh. Ahem.
“I’m a freelancer, but I’m not a savage. I indulge.” Bela replied before turning back to you and sliding a paper. “Knights of Hell. Hard bunch to track down, but I can tell you who they are and what they do. They’re like mercenaries. A secret service for an underground mafia ring. If you want a bloody death, the big boss will ring them up and then it’s bye-bye within a few hours. They play it like a game too. Whoever’s skill set meets the quota, that’s who they send out.”
“Abaddon.” You frowned, clasping your hands on the table. “Why was she sent out to that bank?”
“She plays with her food before she eats it.” Bela sighed, shaking her head. “Invades the mind of her enemy. If you don’t catch on quick enough, she doesn’t sing your tune, you sing hers. Like she’s Bach and you’re just his orchestra.”
“That’s colourful.” Dean muttered, sipping his coffee. “Who is this guy we’re about to talk to, by the way?” He was watching Bela carefully for any signs of deception.
Any at all and he had cuffs attached to his belt.
“His codename’s Cain.” Bela checked her nails with a pout. “But he was previously known as William Abernathy. He was the first Knight of Hell. For initiation he was made to kill his brother Cole Abernathy and had been trying to exit the gang since. Only got out a few months ago.”
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‘Cain’ himself was a grumpy-ass man who seemed to lounge with bottles of beer on the best days and hard vodka on the worst. He had pictures of who seemed to be Neil, his brother, and another woman. Young. Beautiful, with an innocent smile on her face.
You wondered if she had known what William had done.
You watched Cain sit down with a gruff grunt, and
“Being a Knight of Hell makes you bitter.” He swept a thumb over his bottom lip, scoffing and shaking his head slowly. “You do horrible things. To innocent people, too. Most of us enjoyed it. I didn’t. That’s why I ran.”
You rubbed your cheek, sharing a look with Dean, who looked both incredibly concerned and curious. Not only was this syndicate dangerous, they took inspiration off Bible lore, which was how they contracted their code names.
“And your code name was Cain?” You asked, gesturing to him with a raise of your eyebrow. “As in… Cain and Abel? And your real name is William Abernathy?”
“Abel was my brother’s supposed ‘codename’.” William, previously ‘Cain’, deadpanned, sipping some bourbon with a blank expression. “Gave it after his death. Thought it was funny. They thought the same for my beautiful Collette too.”
“Collette?” Dean pointed to a photo, of a smiling woman in Cain’s arms. In a wedding dress, looking as if all the problems were gone. “This her?”
“That’s her.” Cain nodded, his voice wavering a bit. “She looked every bit as beautiful on our wedding day even when she died. Bloody, but so beautiful. She still smiled even then.”
“I’m sorry, Mr Abernathy.” You gave him a look of sympathy, taking a deep breath. “For your loss. Could you give us the names of the other Knights?”
Cain nodded. “I’ll do it. I’ve give you them all.”
“You run the risk of being hunted down.” Dean added quickly. “We can place you under witness protection.”
“Witness protection can’t do crap.” Cain scoffed, a cynical bark of laughter leaving him. “It'll end how it always does. A blaze of glory and no survivors."
You could easily see the truth. You saw it in his body language; he wasn't defeated, he was tired. Tired of fighting rather than losing. Cain was a shell. Empty.
"You want them to find you." You murmured, running a hand through your hair in partial disbelief. "You want to die."
Cain nodded, pointing a gnarled finger at you with a nod, writing a list of names down on a sheet of paper before handing them to you. "You're good, Agent." He sniffed, averting his eyes, which welled up. "First they took Neil. Then my darling Collette. That Hell took everything from me. Might as well let them finish the job."
"No, hold on." Dean stepped in with a wave of his hand. "We have to take you into witness protection, to testify."
A violent shaking of your head put him off and made him worry that you were having an aneurism. "We can't. Code of Conduct, Article 53, Section A, Subsection Alpha, line 5, written in '79 after the assassination of Jakob Brierkevald on his transportation to unwillingly testify against Russia. Unless given autonomous permission, law enforcement and/or federal authorities do not have the jurisdiction to detain the subject to testify in court, which directly relates to the Treaty for Human rights... even if it concerns national safety."
Dean stared at you as if you'd grown three heads. "Did you swallow the textbook?!"
"You didn't?"
“A spot of advice.” Cain spoke up gruffly, looking between the two of you. “Have angry sex. That could solve everything.”
“No!” You threw your hands up, then turned to Dean. “He basically signed a DNR for himself by saying that. We can’t do anything.”
“Isn’t there some kind of overrule clause?” Dean asked, folding his arms. “Rack that pretty head.”
“Not that I know of.” You shrugged. “It could be in some weird ass phrasing but if the subject decides, that’s final.”
“Son of a-”
“We’re federal agents, keep it together!”
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“Hey, Bela.” You sighed, pacing slowly as you talked. “Thanks for the tip. We got a lot more to go off now, and turns out you weren’t as slimy as the FBI warned us you were.”
“Charming.” Bela quipped, hands in her jacket pocket with a smile, then she chuckled. “Happy to help. The Knights of Hell should be taken down a peg or two. Who better than the Fed’s finest agents?” Her eyes travelled to Dean tap dancing for fun a little way away, then back to you in amusement. “Or finest.”
“Yeah, he’s not the most professional one out there.” You chuckled, shaking your head.
"I didn't catch the traditionalist aspect from him." She shook her head, then caught how you were looking at Dean.
That was the most potent and obvious eye bang she'd ever seen.
"No, he's- ay, dios mío." The reason for your speech cutting off was Dean's succumbing to the heat and pouring a whole damn water bottle's contents over his face, making his shirt cling to his chest and wavering your focus.
One word. Muscle.
"Word of advice." Bela whispered in your ear. "You two really should have angry sex."
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“Mom.” You painfully kept your voice level. Not wanting to raise your voice at your own mother, because even if she was a nasty piece of work - in your eyes - she still carried you for nine months. “This is unreasonable.”
Understatement of the Year award goes to you. Hopefully, also the Daughter and Sister of the Year awards too.
“What I do in my household is none of your business, niña!” Eleanor snapped back, her fingers too for emphasis. You felt familiar anger bubbling, but you told it not today.
You scoffed at the notion, though, rubbing Cassie’s shoulder. “You’re practically starving her!” Still shoving down unadulterated fury. “And pressuring her to have kids. Hell, I haven’t. I’m not even married.”
“You should be!” She responded quickly. Does this lady not get the point? “You should be married, bringing honour to your family.”
“You’re delusional.”
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Like, comment or reblog! I’d love to hear your feedback. Comment if you want to be added to the taglist.
@goldngguk @sweetpeachbombshell @slut-for-stiles @staple-your-mouth @daddyscrimsstuff
@dob-4-life @marcis-mixtapez @nonoreas0n @gabrielasilva1510
@lucyholmes13 @pandadork-blog1 @nicolstancu @malusinhaaaa @dybalabandolero
@a-cup-of-nightshade @tomatoessoup @sh0rtcakee @fall-06 @mckaykay-fandoms
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@targaryenluvs @bucky-hydra-hoe-barnes @leigh70 @aintnowayboi @ripoffsteveharrington
@gleefulleve @sacrosankta
@riteofpassage77 @eevvvaa @thedevilortheangel @thorsballhair @barbienotdoll
@4e1h3r @wolfieblue03 @kianaleani @vicky199625 @sassyslut2003
@didisull @miwp @lastcallatrockysbar @rizlowwritessortof
@zepskies @angelbabyyy99
@yourgoldengirls @deansobsessedgirl @mrsjenniferwinchester
@aylacavebear @lailawinchesterr @brightlilith @arcanaa @hobby27
@lyarr24 @ximm19
@a-girl-who-loves-disney @jeneelsworld @deans-spinster-witch @deanspinsterwitchs-readinglist @kayleighwinchester
@k-slla @muhahaha303 @suckitands33
To be added to any character’s taglist of mine, find my form on my master list.
Like what I’ve written? Let me know!
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Why do we reblog/send in asks with feedback?
This tends to make the author more invested in writing their own series.
If they think ‘hey, people actually like what I’ve written and are writing small paragraphs/quoting my story and writing lengthy paragraphs on how they feel’ then they’re more likely to put more fics and chapters out for you.
I’d really appreciate it if y’all do that and the same goes for any other writer on here. Reblogs are worth a lot more than likes on here!
Anyone who does reblog/send me an ask with your thoughts, I can give you a shout out and/or a surprise profile pic design!
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spookygingerr · 6 months ago
this week's tag game came from the birthday queen @energievie !
thanks also to @deedala, @michellemisfit, @mybrainismelted, @sgtmickeyslaughter, @thepupperino, @sirrudo & @burninface for the tags <3
when is yours? 9th january
where were you born? in a hospital
how do you feel about your legal name? are you using it online and/or IRL? ice is in my name! i do like my name now but i didn't as a kid
how about your sign? do you feel it "fits"? 100%. i'm a capricorn and it really fits me
what's your earliest memory related to your birthday? for some reason used to get poorly a lot on my birthday? i had a princess and pirates party one year at this place near where i live and ended up being sick and just watching all my friends have fun
what's one of the best gifts you've ever received? one of those 'date with a book’s with a cute crochet book cover <3
how about one of the best you've given yourself? my new record player
what's your favourite cake flavour? cheesecake
how about your favourite flowers? idk but i did recently buy myself red roses so maybe that's it!
have your ever thrown a birthday party? If yes, tell us about your favourite one. i've never thrown one for myself but i've helped organise ones in the family!
what's the ultimate birthday song? every year i try and find a song about that age. if anyone has any suggestions for 25 i'm all ears
and last but not least, pick a celebrity with whom you share your birthday. Kate Middleton!
i'm tagging:
@gallapiech @roryonic @em-harlsnow @transmurderbug @ian-galagher
@jrooc @creepkinginc @sleepyfacetoughguy @celestialmickey @mickittotheman
@mickeym4ndy @sleepyheadgallavich @lee-ow @transmickey @transsexual-dandelions
@callivich @blue-disco-lights
@suzy-queued @doshiart @crossmydna
@the-rat-wins @bawlbrayker @pookiebearmick @kandyzee
@vintagelacerosette @gallavichsuperfan @stocious @iandarling @jademickian
@sam-loves-seb @especially-fuk-u @fendeavor @kiennilove @wehangout
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holdmytesseract · 2 years ago
The Tale of the Easter Bunny
Loki Laufeyson x fem!Reader
Summary: Loki's part he has to play on Tony's Easter party didn't go as planned; leaving its mark on you...
Warnings: Loki thirst, nakedness? suggestive smut/light smut, swear words, it's also a bit funny
Word Count: 2,7k
a/n: There we are! Time for my lil' Easter Special... Enjoy! 😁 And happy easter to everyone who is celebrating! 🐣
Also huge thanks to @lokisgoodgirl , who helped me along a bit and read through it, 'cause I was afraid that it's not good enough... 🙈
Divider by the wonderful @fictive-sl0th <3
Tagging: @lulubelle814 @km-ffluv @lokisgoodgirl @eleniblue @muddyorbs @loz-3 @vbecker10 @jennyggggrrr @lokisninerealms @mochie85 @chantsdemarins @peaches1958 @multifandom-worlds @fictive-sl0th @loki-laufeyson-1054 @theaudacitytowrite @lovingchoices14 @simping-for-marvel @stupidthoughtsinwriting @vanilla-daydreaming @lou12346789 @kimanne723 @linaax @coldnique @lady-rose-moon @evelyn-kingsley @the-princess-of-loki @acefeather2002 @aagn360 @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @iamlokisgloriouspurpose and a few peeps who I think would enjoy that... @buttercupcookies-blog @lunarnights95 @infinitystoner @liminalpebble @smolvenger @littlespaceyelf @joyful-enchantress
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Chairs screeched across the floor of the big, spacious room, after the 7 o'clock meeting was finally over. Everyone scrambled to get the hell outta here. It's been a long day and every member of the Avengers wanted to just go into bed and not stay longer than Steve 'forced' them to.
That had been the raven-haired God's plan as well - but he didn't even make it to round the large table, before a firm voice stopped him in his tracks. "Reindeer Games." It was Tony, of course, causing Loki to sigh. Spinning around on his heels, he faced the man with an annoyed, bored expression. "Stark." The billionaire nodded towards the back of the room. "For a word..." A low groan of disapproval rumbled through the God's chest as he complied; following Tony.
"What do you want?" Loki more or less snapped, crossing his arms over his chest. "Woah, slow down, princess. No need to turn into a diva..." Loki rolled his eyes, already hating this conversation. "I just meant to tell you that I've got the perfect job for you on my annual Easter garden party."
Oh, right... The Easter party... Tony organised a party on Easter every year, on which each team member was invited, but also had a little job to do - and this year, it was the first time Loki and his brother were a part of it. The Asgardian prince forgot about this already again - and to be honest, he didn't even know that much about those... festives. He knew it was important to the people here on Midgard, but to him?
"Which would be?" "You..." Tony pointed at him. "Are going to play the bunny." Loki blinked, looking quite confused at the billionaire. "I beg your pardon? The bunny?" Tony crossed his arms, now annoyed as well. "Yes, the bunny." No doubt, the God was very confused. "Why in all the nine realms a bunny, Stark? What am I supposed to do as this little, terrifying creature? If this is to humiliate me, I-" Tony interrupted him. "It's not, Reindeer Games. Calm down. For gosh sake, if I would've known that you'd be such a drama queen about this, I would've assigned Thor to do it." Loki rolled his eyes - again. "What am I supposed to do then?" Tony sighed, clearly having enough. "Just... wear that bunny costume. I'll tell you on the party." The God cursed internally; had actually no intentions to even join the party, but he clearly had to, in order to 'integrate into the group', as Fury put it. If he wanted to stay and not return to Asgard, he had to - as strange as it sounded - become an Avenger. If joining Stark's party as a bunny would help him, then by the Norns he'd do it.
"Fine." "There we go. Now was that so difficult?" Loki gritted his teeth; biting his tongue in order to prevent a snarky comment to leave his lips. "Hand me the costume, Stark, before I'm going to rethink my decision." Tony shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't have one. I-" He was cut off by the ringing of his phone. "You don't even have one?!" The God snarled, feeling his muscles tense. "Just get one! You are a big boy who can buy things himself, aren't you? Now if you'd excuse me, this is important." After those words Tony answered his call and walked away, out of the room - leaving Loki behind.
With the days passing and the party getting closer, Loki hadn't much time left to look for a costume. And therefore, that he didn't even know what kind of costume exactly he had to wear, he did the thing he learned here on Midgard... Googling. So, the Asgardian prince opened up Google and searched for a bunny costume. Unfortunately, he wasn't very... familiar with this foreign search engine, resulting in a rather big... misunderstanding. Loki did get a result, of course, but unbeknownst to him, a not particular Easter themed one... His eyes widened slightly as his gaze fell on the first thing that came up. Stark wants me to wear that? He asked himself. But after he gave the costume a second look, a mischievous, cheeky smile darted over his face. Alright.
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When you arrived at Tony's, was the garden party already in full swing. Everybody was chatting, laughing and having fun.
Natasha and Wanda sat at the small mini bar, chatting with Pepper. Tony stood behind the grill, already preparing barbecue. Bruce discussed vociferously something scientific with Vision, while Clint and Cap nursed two bottles of beer. And Thor and Scott? Well, they jumped around in Morgan's trampoline - who was at a friend's Easter children party today. The only one missing was Loki. At least you couldn't see him anywhere. Too bad, you thought.
Taking a deep breath, you walked over to your friends and wrapped your arms around both their shoulders from behind. "Hey guys." "Y/N, hey!" "Hey, sweetie." They both greeted you with a smile and slid over, so that you could sit between them on one of the bar stools. Sipping on the drink Pepper made you, you small-talked to the three women for a while, until two of them excused themselves to look after their husbands - leaving you and Nat on your own.
"Have you seen Loki, Nat?" You asked, checking your surroundings again. The Russian spy shook her head, red curls bobbing. "No, sorry, I haven't seen your lover boy, but I heard he's been assigned from Tony to play the Easter bunny." You frowned. "The Easter bun- Hey, he isn't my lover boy!" Natasha smirked. "But you wished he was. I know how you're looking at him, babe." "I... I don't look at him..." She giggled. "Fuck yes, you do. Literally undressing him with your eyes. You are so deep down; you don't even realise it." You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest. "Nat, I swear I'm not undre- Oh fucking hell..." You trailed off with your sentence, as the squeaky garden door announced another arrival. And it was not just somebody... It was the one and only God of Mischief and prince of Asgard - Loki. It wasn't the fact that he was here which threw you off track so suddenly and caused you to use words Cap wouldn't be pleased to hear, no... It was his outfit...
"N-Nat..." You mumbled, reaching blindly for your friend's arm, in order to tap her. "Yeah?" Her gaze was clued to the raven-haired God as well. Admittedly, everyone's eyes were on him. "That... That wasn't what Tony meant with a bunny costume, was it?" The Widow shook her head slowly. "I don't think so..." "Oh gods..." Loki was wearing a bunny costume, yes - but not the 'right' one. Or should you say the clean one, because... This... This was certainly X-rated.
He was nude - for the most part. The only piece of clothing which prevented him from entire nakedness, were the tight, scarce trunks he wore. The black leather shimmered in the warm sun, as it stretched itself deliciously tight over his hips, groin and crotch - leaving not much to imagination. Thick, juicy thighs were framing the trunks. Your eyes wandered, travelled down his ridiculously long legs, before they jumped up again to meet his bare upper body. You had never seen this man shirtless before, but oh boy was it a sight to behold. Your wide, Y/E/C orbs followed the dark, coarse hairs of his happy trail; starting at the hem of the skimpy trunks, all the way up until they kissed his belly button, which was surrounded by the tight muscles of his abs. Not too far from them were his defined pecs, decorated with black, fine hairs as well. Your eyes lingered, then travelled further up to jump from one broad shoulder to the other, before they met his delicious neck - which donned a white-black bow tie and only led you into the next thirst trap... His handsome face. Razor sharp cheekbones, a defined jawline, kissable lips and deep, mysterious blue eyes. And all that was surrounded by his long raven curls, which fell in gentle waves over his shoulders. The cherry on top (literally) were the black bunny ears. Well, shit.
He was perfect. Like carved out of marble. You blinked, tried desperately to stop yourself from staring, but you just couldn't. Loki - the most handsome man you ever met in a sexy playboy bunny costume was just too much to handle.
Loki knew of course that all eyes were directed on him - what he didn't understand at first, because Stark told him to dress up as bunny, didn't he? Anyways, the God wasn't stupid, so he quickly connected the dots. Wrong costume.
But when he noticed how much his attire affected his fellow teammates - especially the female section, including you, it was more than just a satisfaction for him. To witness you drooling all over him; and see you melt underneath his smouldering, sexy smile was worth everything. Perhaps this ridiculous garden party had its perks after all…
"Laufeyson!" Tony hissed, grabbing the prince's attention. He waved Loki over to him, visibly angry. "For heaven's sake! What are you doing?! That was certainly not what I meant, Reindeer Games! You were supposed to be the Easter bunny and not a wannabe playboy bunny!" Loki just shrugged his shoulders, didn't understand why Tony was making such a fuss. "That may be true, Stark, but you never explicitly told me the exact description of how this costume has to look. And besides..." Loki swiftly looked over his shoulders at you, catching you how you were still staring at him. "The ladies seem to enjoy it." He said, winking at the billionaire, who just rolled his eyes.
Loki had walked over to Tony by now, and was talking to him - giving you even more exposed skin to look at... His muscular back for example. Broad shoulder blades and defined hips, which led to the God's rounded and shaped bottom - perfectly accentuated by the tight leather trunks. That's Asgard's ass, you thought. Blinking and trying again to avoid your eyes, you swallowed hard. Why was it so hot all of a sudden?
"Are you now done staring holes into Laufeyson's body, or...?" Your best friend's amused voice suddenly urged to your ears. "I-I, uh..." Whoops. "I'm not the one to blame that he decided to wear such a revealing 'outfit'!" You desperately tried to defend yourself someway, somehow, but deep down you knew that you had already lost. Nat had a point. She giggled. "And you claim to not be into him. Girl, let me tell you, that is a lie. Our raven-haired Adonis has turned your head. But I can't blame you... He's a snack." The spy said, hopping off the bar stool elegantly, "Go eat him up." and winking at you, before she walked away. Your jaw dropped at Nat's words. Little minx.
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The later it got the more alcohol coursed through everybody's system, causing everything to escalate a bit. Actually, you didn't plan to drink as much alcohol as you did, but after Loki literally played the Easter bunny, hid some chocolate eggs and 'hopped around' to guide your search, you were in desperate need of another drink.
Lost in thoughts, you didn't notice how said God sneaked up on you, when you sat alone at the bar, while everybody else was playing 'Truth or Dare' - on the trampoline. He had noticed. Of course, he had. Your eyes and body language told him more than your words probably ever could. He knew exactly what you wanted - and who was he to deny your wishes?
"You'd love to touch, don't you?" He whispered in your ear with his deep voice, causing you to jump. Spinning around on your chair, your eyes met a broad, muscular chest. Loki. You swallowed; eyes travelling upwards to meet his face. Your breath hitched in your throat as you realised how close he was to you. "W-What? What are you t-talking about?" A cheeky, mischievous smile darted over his face, before he wetted his lips. "I felt your eyes on me, darling. I know you want to." Your eyes widened at his words; completely overwhelmed by the situation you suddenly found yourself in. "I-I, n-no, I- Everyone was s-staring!" The God chuckled; making his abs clench deliciously. "That may be true, but... Unlike you, they were able to tear her gazes apart. But you, Y/N..." The way he rolled your name off his tongue sent a shiver down your spine. Like on instinct, you pressed your legs together. "You kept on staring at me; feasting upon my body with your hungry eyes." Heat crawled up into your cheeks, burning them up. "I-I'm sorry, Loki, I-" "No you are not. Don't deny it, darling. I never said that I didn't like your eyes on my body, did I? In fact... I quite enjoyed it." Loki purred, giving you that smouldering look again, which almost caused your legs to give in.
"You want to touch me?" He started, taking your small, delicate hand into his big one, "Then touch me." and pressed your palm against his abs. The moment your hot skin met his pleasantly cool skin, you lost the ability to breathe. Your hand was like frozen in motion as you felt his rippling muscles; gaze glued to your hand. Another chuckle rumbled through Loki's chest. "No, no, don't be shy now, darling." He tutted, engulfing your hand once again and slowly moving it upwards. "Go ahead. Enjoy yourself. I know you want to." Oh how right he was - but... Your eyes wandered over to the others. "W-What about the o-others? W-What if they s-see?" The prince smirked down on you and reached out his hand to gently cup your chin. "Don't worry, darling. They are way too occupied. They won't notice." You swallowed hard, taking a last look at your fellow friends - before you finally gave in. Biting your lip, you started to move your hand, mapping out Loki's godly body. From his abs, to his chest, shoulders and down to his hips again. Loki's skin was so soft and inviting, you just couldn't stop. "Enjoying yourself?" All you could do was nod, unable to form words - causing him to chuckle again. But the God was quite enjoying this as well...
Tracing the hem of his trunks, where his happy trail kissed the fabric, a soft hiss escaped his lips. "You are about to enter a danger zone, darling..." Realising with a shocked expression where your hand was, you quickly wanted to pull it away - but Loki was quicker and caught your wrist. "Dangerous doesn't mean forbidden. Just know that once you enter this zone, it's going to be really hard to leave it again... Your decision." Your decision. The words echoed through your head. Was there even something to decide? You asked yourself, but quickly realised that the answer was no. You wanted this, you started this and you definitely were going to finish this. You were anyways already too far gone to say no. So, you moved your palm again, letting it slowly, teasingly enter the 'danger zone'. "Wise decision," Loki breathed, words fading into a strangled moan.
There was no holding back now. Especially not for him. He angled your head upwards again, before leaning down and crashing his intoxicating lips onto yours; kissing you like nobody else kissed you before. He positively stole your breath, as your lips collided again and again and again. By now, you didn't even care that you were obscenely making out with the younger Asgardian prince, just a few feet away from where the others were completely caught up in playing their silly party games. All you could think of was Loki. All you could feel was Loki. All you could smell was Loki. He was everywhere; had thoroughly invaded you.
His lips left yours with a wet pop, dilated black irises meeting yours. "Want to get out of here, darling?" Loki asked, straightening his black-white bow tie. "With pleasure."
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earlgarden-archived · 1 year ago
Until I found you
"I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her"
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ft. Dazai Osamu, Fyodor Dostoevsky
synopsis. what would be their type?
warnings. These are just in my opinion and you might not agree, Fem!reader
a/n. I added some other fictional characters that I think are the type the character would like
his type: Makima from Chainsaw Man
°| listen, before you judge me, hear me out
°| obviously, this wouldn't be a good relationship if you were manipulative like the original Makima
°| but I'm like talking about her personality in general
°| I think he would like a person that would love and appreciate him
°| and with someone as nice and gentle as Makima, he would feel like he can be himself without feeling scared to
°| sure, you can be a bit scary, but he thinks that's what makes your charming
°| he can be quite scary too
°| but to be fair, dazai's also a red flag
°| also, I think he would really like someone of high intelligence
°| and we know that Makima is pretty smart so-
°| he honestly would love to do a mini IQ battle, to test each other's strengths
°| he's ALWAYS trying to tease you, he wants to see your mask crack and to see the real you (but also he wants to annoy the hell out of you)
°| but unfortunately, so far it's not working
°| you're so caring and loving to Dazai, that it makes him cry sometimes
°| he's never really had someone take care of him, and yet here you are making sure he is taking care of himself and having a healthy lifestyle
°| reminding him to wash his hair, clean his apartment, go to work on time
°| literally, Dazai goes to work on time for once so he can impress you (and so you can allow him to cuddle you at work)
°| it's your way on manipulating him (in a good way)
°| overall, Dazai would have a lot of fun when being with a Makima-like person, and he would be well taken care of
his type: Kirari Momobani from Kakegurui
°| ah yes, the psychopath couple
°| Fyodor would be VERY fascinated about your personality
°| you would have a facade of a refined and elegant lady, which fits into Fyodor's aesthetic
°| I can imagine Fyodor inviting you for tea as a date
°| and he gets increasingly more excited when he unravels the actual personality hidden underneath your facade
°| a self-centered, psychopath that enjoys making others' lives as miserable as possible
°| you have such a horrible personality, yet why could he feel himself getting more and more intrigued?
°| though the two of you have little regard for human life, you couldn't help but treat each other a differently to how you treat others
°| Fyodor kneeling down and kissing your hand while you sit on your chair like a queen 👑
°| The two of you having intellectual debates
°| insulting the people who dare question your opinion, yet complimenting Fyodor when he disagrees with your opinion
°| you help Fyodor evade getting arrested and charged for his crimes, though you knew he would get arrested sooner or later
°| if you were in a organisation that opposes Fyodor, you two would love to have a game of catching and outsmarting each other (similar to Dazai and Fyodor's rivalry)
°| but if you were in a organisation working with him, you two would be an unstoppable force, working together and outsmarting everyone
°| even Dazai's a little scared
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joejhang · 6 months ago
a deep dive into my issues with the rosewood chronicles
(pls read so i can discuss these books w more people. i have MANY thoughts)
ellie wolf has the most insane victim complex i have EVER read about; not only does she never do anything on her own to develop the plot or help other characters develop the plot and/or themselves, she spends half the series being all moody and emo and blaming herself for everything but then she does literally nothing about it. she spent a solid three books bitching and moaning abt how she ruined her friends' lives and then she did nothing abt it.
ellie treats her friends like SHIT; this goes mostly for jamie and lottie. firstly, jamie was wronged by literally everyone ever and i will never get over it. jamie spent his entire life in servitude to ellie and her family and he lost his identity, his birthright, his freedom and his childhood because of them and yeah, it was never ellie's fault, but she continuously makes his job more difficult as a way of "rebelling". there wouldn't be a problem w this bc i also hate the royal family, but she is the only character who has the luxury to rebel bc the repercussions of her actions always fall on jamie and not her. this is shown multiple times (the portrait thing, the end of undercover princess) where ellie fucks up and jamie is punished for it. yes, she has every right to resent her position, but in acting out she let jamie take her falls and she knew it and she hated her parents for it, but she still continued to act the way that she did and blamed her parents for the way jamie was punished, and not doing anything to change the way she was acting. also she just is never grateful towards him at all. also their "friendship" was fucked from the beginning bc they literally had a master-servant dynamic (see: the time in the first book where ellie literally ordered him to be nice to lottie, also the vow in pah). you can't be friends w someone who has power over you. despite jamie standing by her side through literally EVERYTHING, ellie chooses lottie over him time and time again. and even tho lottie means more to her than anything, ellie even treats her like shit. immediately after the princess thing gets out, ellie uses lottie as a way out and lottie immediately shoulders ellie's burdens and sees it as a blessing. ellie blames her parents for lottie's troubles, but if u recall she was the one who initiated the portman deal, not her parents. and she also didn't inform lottie about any of it until after the meeting w the king and queen. she immediately dispenses of her responsibilities onto lottie bc lottie supposedly "enjoys" them. this takes a toll on lottie from the beginning when she starts getting threats, she gets kidnapped, stalked by the media, bullied at school and targeted by a literal terrorist organisation in ellie's name, and ellie never revokes the portman deal bc she wants her own precious freedom. maturing is realising jamie was right, and lottie deserved to have a proper childhood, and ellie was also right, that she and her family were the problem that took away lottie AND jamie's childhoods.
lottie is honestly such a toxic character; she has never really wanted anything that hasn't been imposed on her by others or by what she thinks other people want. she worked her ass off to get into rosewood bc she thinks that's the one thing her mother wanted. she became ellie's portman to save ellie from the pressures of being a princess. she becomes so entrenched in her role as ellie's portman that she literally can't fathom her identity outside of her job. this is shown in pah a bit but i feel like ppl forget. being a portman is NOT good for lottie. like at all. from the first book, she's already losing sleep, receiving threats, borderline sexually assaulted, kidnapped and targeted by a terrorist group all bc she was acting as ellie. ollie was RIGHT when he said the job was too much for her. lottie looks at ellie and feels that she needs to protect ellie, and for some reason feels beholden to her, even tho by all rights lottie is the one w the worse lot in their relationship. her mother died of cancer, and her father left her and gambled away all of their money, marrying a woman not much older than lottie herself, she was raised by a stepmother that didn't care that much abt her and grew up pretty impoverished compared to the rest of the rosewood students and worked super hard to get into her dream school, but we're supposed to feel sorry for ellie bc she can't go out and party. like, i get it, ellie is isolated and caged bc of her role. it's true, but lottie has had it a LOT worse, and still she feels like she needs to shoulder ellie's burdens too. and she also deludes herself into thinking she enjoys them. i feel like these issues rlly aren't talked abt enough.
jamie was never treated right by anyone in his entire life ever; literally name a single character that ever treated jamie right. ellie, his childhood BEST FRIEND, was never grateful for him, got him in trouble all the time and chose lottie over him every time. lottie, his first love, used him as a bargaining chip in order to get information from their enemy, and literally allowed him to be manipulated, gaslit and literally groomed (i AM using this word bc no one can convince me this isn't what happened between jamie and haru) to receive scraps and clues in return. the royal family, who he devoted his life to serving, lied to him his whole life about his identity, and made him a servant when he should've been a prince. haru, the guy he trusted despite everything, spent all of their relationship manipulating and gaslighting him and literally grooming him. yes it was grooming. haru was 20 and jamie was 16 when they first met and it was pretty clear from the beginning that haru had romantic intentions towards him. and even in pah when he was like "i want to be closer to you" he was literally 21 and jamie was 17. and ykw it makes sense that jamie would trust and devote himself to haru and lottie like he did. it was literally a trauma response from being treated like a weapon and not a human his entire life. the royal family saw him as a servant and a weapon and his childhood best friend saw him as ammunition to use against her parents. ofc he fell in love with the only two people in his life who treated him like a human being. and of COURSE he joined leviathan after finding out he was LIED TO his entire life abt who he was and after finding out lottie sold him out after he devoted himself to protecting her. and the way everyone treated him like a villain in pea like...bro everyone lied to him. for some reason no one told him haru was leviathan even tho it was most prevalent to him. even tho he was responsible for protecting them, they didn't inform him at all. bro of course he joined leviathan, he was literally betrayed by the all the people he loved???? and not sayuri treating him like the villain and a betrayer in pea when she was the one who kept haru a secret from him. and the way lottie, ellie, binah, ani and saskia knew haru's identity and just allowed jamie to be used and manipulated by him is CRAZY. and no one even spoke up for him except saskia. and once. and then ellie forced him into that vow literally for no other reason than "if i can't have her no one can" bc bsfr jamie was never any harm to lottie, it was always ellie and her family. I DIGRESS.
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valaenatargaryensdragon · 2 years ago
Rhaenyra X Aemond
they are there for the drift mark succession and after the supper she goes to see if she can smooth things over or something idk but smut ensues and she isn’t currently pregnant but she does get pregnant from it and when she becomes queen she takes him as a second husband.
A/N: I hope you like it! I may have went overboard with this one.
pairing: Rhaenyra Targaryen x Aemond Targaryen x Daemon Targaryen
summary: they are there for the drift mark succession and after the supper she goes to see if she can smooth things over or something idk but smut ensues and she isn’t currently pregnant but she does get pregnant from it and when she becomes queen she takes him as a second husband.
Word count: 6,2K
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Smut, Male x Male, P in V, Anal sex, Fingering, double penetration, threesome, Incest, cunnilingus, Blowjob
Masterlist 1
Masterlist 2
"Where are you going?" Daemon asked. He was drinking wine beside the fireplace in the room he shared with Rhaenyra. Rhaenyra sighed turning to face him from beside the door.
"I have some business I need to attend to, do not wait for me" She tried giving him a smile but failed. The guilt was eating her from the inside out, it was her fault and Alicent's as well, if they had not fought for so much for so long it would have not projected down onto their children.
She left the room closing the door gently behind her minding the late hour and that many could be asleep. She knows her younger children would defiantly be asleep now, Aegon was only three name days and Viserys one. Rhaenyra had not grown pregnant ever since which did not concern her, she had five sons, she needed no more and Daemon had two daughters and two sons, they were in no hurry.
It took a lot of courage for Rhaenyra to change her course from Jacaerys' room and to Aemond's. She needed to speak with her brother and make things right. She still felt guilty for the Driftmark incident, how little justice Aemond got, yes she was against Luce getting his eye pulled out in exchange and she saw that maybe she could have punished him some other way. She took a deep breath before raising her hand and knocking, it was no shock that Aemond had no guards outside his room, from what she saw he needed none.
Her anxiety worsened when she was met with silence. It was a couple of seconds before the doors were pulled open harshly making her jump with surprise. However Aemond was more surprised to see her stood outside his door, twiddling with her fingers nervously.
"Sister, how may I help you?" Aemond asked. He crossed his arms in front of his body while eyeing her up and down.
"I came here to speak with you" She tried sounding strong, she was much better at pretending than showing her true feelings, she was nervous in Aemond's presence.
"Well?" he cocked up an eyebrow and leaned against the doorframe. Now Rhaenyra was wondering if he had someone in his room which is why he left her stood outside.
"May I come in?" She asked. She tried looking over his shoulder to see if her suspicions were right but that proved impossible when he was half a head taller than her. Aemond now watched amused as his older sister realised the size difference between them. Rhaenyra was not afraid of Aemond, she never was but she respected the idea that he was a man grown now.
"Of course, dear sister" Aemond was sarcastic but moved to the side either way. Rhaenyra gave a weak smile and stepped inside. His room was just as she had imagined, filled with books but she has never stepped into a room so well organised before.
"So what are you here for, sister?" Aemond moved to a table by his bed where a chalice with several cups around it. He picked up the chalice and poured some wine into two different cups.
"I know you remember that night many years ago-" Aemond snapped to look at her cutting her off. Rhaenyra was no idiot, she could see the maddened look in his eyes.
"Ah yes, when you wanted to question me when I was still covered in my own blood" Aemond laughed. He picked up the two cups he filled and moved over to stand in front of her. Rhaenyra closed her eyes at the memory, regressing saying that now, Aemond did not deserve that he was just a child after all.
"I apologise" She whispered. She grabbed the cup and downed the wine. Aemond watched her hand shake a little before the wine warmed her from the inside trying to relax her muscles.
"Apology not accepted sister. Your apology does not return my eye nor does it bring me justice" Aemond shook his head from side to side. Rhaenyra side stepped Aemond and walked over to the chalice, she poured even more wine in her cup and downed it in one go again.
"Would it bring you peace if I take Lucaerys' eye?" She asked turning to face him again. He was watching her closely, monetering her every move as he sipped on his wine.
"No" Aemond shook his head from side to side. He stepped closer to her, one step almost slower than the one before it, calm and cautious.
"What will?" Rhaenyra slammed the cup down on the table. Her hands fell by her sides defeated.
"What will bring me peace? That is a good question, princess" Aemond stopped only a breath away from Rhaenyra. She held her breath when he leaned closer but he was merely reaching behind her to place his still half full cup of wine.
"I am ready to do whatever it takes to stop this war from happening" Rhaenyra admitted. Aemond scoffed with a tiny hint of a smile on his lips. Rhaenyra could not stop herself when he was so close to her and reached up to touch his scarred cheek. Aemond flinched but she kept her hand over the irritated scar.
"May I see what my son's blade had subjected you to?" Her question was a mere whisper, Aemond thought it was as light as a breath. He watched her face, her eyes filling with sadness as she touched the maimed skin.
"Why? To rejoice?" His question was just as low. The only sound in the room was the cracking of the fire in the fireplace and the candles flickering from side to side.
"I would never rejoice in the pain of others, no matter who they were" She shook her head. She sighed when silence was his answer and moved to retract her hand. She jumped when his hand snapped around her wrist stopping her movement. He pulled her hand back up but higher this time until her fingertips touched the leather patch covering his left eye.
"Go on" He gave her his verbal permission. Rhaenyra slid her hand under the patch feeling his lashes quiver. She slowly pulled it off, she was so gently and slow that his hair was unaffected by the movement. Below she was welcome with a sapphire in place of his eye, she was half glad she was not greeted with an empty eye socket but at the same time she wished she was greeted by a healthy eye.
"Oh my dear boy" She whimpered shaking her head. If she had let Alicent get what she wanted this would be the sight she would be greeted by when looking at Lucaerys as well. Her hand froze when a sound close to a whimper escaped Aemond's lips. Her gaze moved to his other eye to find it filled with wanton.
"Did it hurt badly, dear boy?" She asked. She pushed herself to the tip of her toes placing her lips gently over his scar. She pursed them into a quick and soft kiss. Aemond's hands snapped to her hips keeping her in place, not like she was planning on moving back or away.
"The pain was nothing compared to the betrayal" Aemond responded. She moved her other hand to the back of his neck pushing him down so they were forehead to forehead.
"I am sorry, I am so very sorry" She knew what happened to Aemond was unfair. He was a little boy excited about getting a dragon after all the bullying he endured, from her own sons nonetheless.
"I do not want your pity" Aemond hissed pushing her away. He moved to sit on his bed only a foot away. With little movement she was sat beside him as well.
"I am not giving it, Aemond, as your sister I was proud of you for claiming a dragon as ancient as Vaghar. But as a mother I had to protect my children" She tried to justify.
"Was I worth that? What have I done to deserve that?" The question made Rhaenyra freeze. Was her brother worth the sacrifice?
"No, but my children were worth it, I know that I should ave at least given Lucaerys some kind of punishment" Rhaenyra admit. She saw how Aemond was slowly closing back on himself.
"Sweet boy, you made us proud, believe me" She placed a hand over his again. Aemond froze at the contact, turned to look at her in the eyes.
"Did I?" He tilted his head to the side. Rhaenyra leaned closer to place her other hand on his cheek, the unharmed one.
"You did, sweet boy" She could not hold back anymore. She pulled him down until their lips were a breath away from one another. She paused not wanting to overstep and waited, waited for him to make up his mind.
"Kiss me sister. Kiss away my pain that was caused by your sons" Aemond whispered. Rhaenyra took a shuddering breath before connecting their lips. Aemond's lips were soft and smaller than her own, he seemed to have minimum experience but she did not care. Their lips moved and moulded with one another. Aemond moved his hands to her hips tugging, trying to move her closer. Rhaenyra pulled back with a tiny bite to his lower lip.
"What do you want, little boy?" Rhaenyra asked. One of her hands ran through his hair undoing the tie holding half of it up. The other one touched the scar on his face.
"I want you to climb, uēpkta mandia" older sister. Aemond whimpered. Rhaenyra smiled softly, she pulled her dress up to show her legs, legs Aemond wished to touch. When she had room to move she climbed onto his lap making a seat out of it.
"What else, valonqar?" little brother. Rhaenyra asked, leaning down to place gentle kisses along his jawline. Her hands now both entangled into his hair tugging at it, forcing his head back so she can have enough space to kiss, show him how proud she is of him.
"I want you to love me" His respond shocked her. She pulled back to look at him. Both eyes were filled with tears much to her shock, she did not know that his maimed eye could still produce tears.
"Do you not get enough love, dōna lēkia" sweet brother. She felt herself growing wet when he moved one of his hands down to her behind pushing her down to feel his hard on. She rolled her hips against him earning a small moan from his lips.
"Not enough" he shook his head. She grinned at him. She leaned back down and kissed him straight on the lips. Aemond could not help but moan as their lips moved against one another. The way she grinded down on him, or the way her tongue massaged his own. Or the way her hands were so soft and gentle as they started unbuttoning the leather tunic.
"I will show you love you have never felt before, love no one else will get if you show me loyalty" Rhaenyra bit down on his earlobe. She moved to place kisses behind his ear again. She finally unbuttoned all the tunic and pushed it over his shoulder showing a white undershirt he wore. She bunched the shirt up and over his head showing his milky white skin.
"I will be loyal to you if you show me love, uēpkta mandia" Older sister. She loved the way he wanted to negotiated. She placed her hands on his chest pushing him down to lay on the bed.
"Is that so?" She cocked her eyebrow up teasingly. She moved to removed her own dress and corset leaving only her thin linen on. She grabbed both of Aemond's hands that were planted on the bed, fisting the sheets, and moved them to place them on her thighs. Aemond grabbed the flesh in a tight grip.
"Please mandia, show me mercy" sister. He tried pushing his hips up letting her feel how much he needed her, that only made her even more wet.
"Why don't you show me a reason to show you mercy?" She asked. Aemond wasted no time in rolling her over to lay on the bed instead. His lips attached themselves to her neck, kissing and sucking wanting to mark her.
"I will show you much more than a reason" He slid down until he was face to cunt with her. He whimpered when he saw that she was already wet. He moved the linen up to see her bare cunt more clearly. His forefinger pushed on her button earning a mewl.
"Aemond" She wiggled her hips. He slid his finger down to her hole and pushed it inside. She sighed at the friction. Her hands slowly pulled her linen up and off her body before throwing it somewhere int he room.
He leaned down wrapping his lips around her pearl. He had heard Aegon speak of such matters, he also read about it in many books as well. He sucked on her clitoris earning a moan from his sister. He pulled his finger out and back inside feeling her juices increase in amount. He pushed a second finger inside curling them inside of her. Rhaenyra cried grabbing his hand between her legs trying to make him increase his speed and he listened.
"Fuck yes, valonqar" little brother. She tried rolling her hips wanting to get whatever friction she can get. Aemond lapped at her cunt wanting please his sister.
"Is this good, dāria?" Queen. Aemond asked, letting the vibrations hit her pearl. Rhaenyra cried grabbing a fist full of his hair pushing his face closer to her cunt.
"Yes, dōna taoba" Sweet boy. Aemond moved his fingers faster and his tongue ached at the rhythm but he did not stop until he felt her release fill his mouth, until she clenched her legs around his head holding him in place, until she screamed his name for anyone to hear.
"Was I good, ñuha dāria?" My queen. Aemond pushed her legs to the side so he could rise up from there. Rhaenyra smiled at him pulling him up to lay on top of her.
"Perfect, dōna taoba" Sweet boy. She rolled him onto his back and climbed onto his lap again. Aemond smiled proudly holding onto her behind guiding her to move with him back until he was laying on the pillows, up face to face with her tits.
"Shall I put it inside? Or do you wish me to use my mouth?" She asked leaning down to kiss him on the lips. A moan escaped her lips when she tasted herself on his lips. She could not help but move her hips of his shaft wanting nothing more than to shove him inside of her cunt and fuck him like he deserves.
"Cunt" He begged against her lips. She moved one of her hands down grabbing his very hard cock and aligned it with her hole, slowly she pushed herself down onto his cock.
"Tight" He cried throwing his head back. "ñuha dāria, is so tight" My Queen. He whimpered. Rhaenyra grinned down at him, grabbing the back of his head pulling him closer to her chest, hugging him like a mother would to comfort her child.
"Shhh, taoba" Boy. She whispered running her fingers through his hair. He whimpered but did not utter another word. Rhaenyra rolled her hips back and forth with a gentle and slow rhythm once she had adjusted to his size. Aemond sighed in relief grabbing at the flesh of her behind so tight it will surely mark but she did not care.
"Quiet, taoba" boy. She ordered, authority in her voice. Aemond found one solution to quieten his whines and latched onto her nipple. Rhaenyra gasped in shock and wrapped her arms around his shoulders for balance. She moved her hips up and down, growing in speed, she needed relief, she needed release. Aemond whined, sounding on the verge of tears still sucking on her tit. His other hand moved to tweak the other nipple trying to bring her pleasure.
"Tell m-me boy, are you enjoying this?" Rhaenyra asked through her own moans of pleasure. Aemond pulled away with a pop, looking up at her with teary eyes.
"Please" He begged, voice low and quivering. Rhaenyra gulped at the sight of him so desperate.
"Go on boy" Rhaenyra gave him her permission. Aemond moved his hands down from her tits to her hips moving them to loosen some of the tension in them before finally moving his own hips up.
"Fuck, yes Aemond, fuck me" Rhaenyra closed her eyes, her pleasure was too great. Aemond obeyed slamming his hips up wanting to reach his own peak as well. Rhaenyra's head fell back, heart beating faster than ever, sweat building up her back and her tits bounced for him to suckle on.
"Fuck, so good, ñuha dāria" My Queen. Aemond rolled her over, needing more control. He hammered inside of her with her pleasure in mind. Rhaenyra threw her head back against the pillows, her arms pulling him closer letting him suck on her nipple, she has not have had someone suckle on them like this since she had Aegon.
"So good Aemond, come on brother, cum inside of me" She ran a hand through his hair trying to guide him towards his end. Aemond reached one of his hand down to play with her swollen pearl. Rhaenyra could not hold herself back cumming like there was no tomorrow. Aemond was close behind releasing his seed inside of her cunt, cock pulsing letting Rhaenyra feel his every vein on his cock twitch.
Aemond sighed relieved as he pulled out of her and moved to lay beside her. They both panted looking up at the celling letting the silence fall over them. Rhaenyra turned to look at Aemond trying to regain his breath. She rolled onto her side reaching over to push some of his sweat soaked hair back. He turned to look at her at the feeling of her fingers.
"My queen" He grabbed her hand and moved it back down to kiss the flesh delicately. Their moment was interrupted when someone pounded on the door making their bodies course with worry.
"Aemond!" It was Alicent's voice. Rhaenyra pushed her self up worriedly. Aemond moved to wrap a robe around his body and moved to open the door.
"What is it, mother?" Aemond asked, now voice strong and no longer quivering. The robe covering the marks Rhaenyra made on his chest and neck. His hair however was all over the place probably giving Alicent an idea of what was going on.
"Your father, Aemond, he is gone" Alicent explained. Rhaenyra moved off the bed grabbing her dress with as little sound as possible. She moved to hide behind a wooden screen.
"We cannot find Aegon, you must help us find him" Alicent moved into the room grabbing both of Aemond's arms. He turned to look at the bed and found it empty but he could still feel Rhaenyra's presence somewhere in the room.
"It is Rhaenyra's right" Aemond turned back to look at his mother. Alicent's eyes widened in shock and horror.
"What are you saying? You want to give the throne to those bastards? The bastards that took your eyes" Alicent's face turned red at the reminder of that incident. Aemond shuffled uncomfortable at the memory. Aemond guided his mother back out of the door.
"Leave mother" Aemond closed the door before she could say anything. Rhaenyra moved back out from behind the wooden screen showing herself now in her gown again but her linen and corset were somewhere in the room.
"You have to hurry and mount your throne" Aemond looked panicked. Rhaenyra walked over to him, placing a hand on his cheek.
"Good boy, wait here, will you" She pulled him down to kiss him on the lips. Aemond gulped but kissed her back either way.
"Go on, my queen" Aemond urged her. Rhaenyra kissed his cheek before leaving the room. Daemon unsurprisingly was still awake waiting for her by the fire. He had also heard the news but kept his composer.
"Welcome back wife" Daemon turned to look at her when she stepped into the room. He pushed himself to his feet and walked over to her.
"Daemon-" Before she could finish he was on his knees before her, pledging his loyalty.
"Do not fret, my queen, I am sure we both will enjoy my nephew" Daemon smirked looking up at her. Rhaenyra grinned at him, leaning down to kiss him.
"The queen intends on putting Aegon on the throne, I saw her visit Aemond for help to find Aegon who had fled. Aemond refused but I am sure other won't" Daemon stood back up onto his feet. He took a deep breath to calm himself down.
"Then we shall hurry" By the time the sun was up there were hundreds or maybe thousands of the smallfolk in-and outside the dragonpit, waiting for what was to come.
The royal family, including Alicent and Otto were on Dargonstone with a pyre a few feet away, Aegon was still nowhere to be found. Aemond had insisted Alicent ride with him on Vaghar and Otto with Helaena to make sure they do not do anything but the excuse was that so they do not spend days on the road.
"Dracarys, Syrax" Rhaenyra demands. Syrax let out a loud roar before opening her jaw and letting the flames engulf the pyre. Helaena was the only one to avert her gaze from the fire.
"Guards" Rhaenyra called earning the attention of the others. Daemon moved to grab the handle of Dark Sister as the guards stepped forward.
"Do grab the Queen dowager and the Lord Hand" The two looked at her wide eyed and confused.
"What is the meaning of this?" Otto asked trying to shrug the arms that grabbed at him. Alicent turned to Aemond for help but he refused to even look at her.
"The meaning of this is you trying to usurp my throne, Lord Hand" Rhaenyra smirked at him. The two were pulled away screaming and yelling at the guards. Rhaenyra was not an idiot and placed them in two different chambers, baring the doors so no one can go in or leave.
The blonde haired family flew back to the Red Keep on dragonback. The smallfolk watched wide eyed as the dragons landed one after the other and the family climbed down. Rhaenyra was in the front walking through the walk way made out of the golden cloaks. They held their swords up as she passed through. She climbed up the stairs where the Grand Maester was along with the High Septon.
"Are you ready, my queen?" The Grand maester asked once Rhaenyra was close enough.
"As ready as I'll ever be" Was her reply. Daemon pulled Aemond to follow him and stand by the throne. Helaena followed to stand by her brother. Rhaenyra was crowned with King Jaehaerys' crown in front of the masses, she was anointed in front of the masses, there was no going back now.
By nightfall Rhaenyra was sat on the throne in the great hall alone with her small council and her husband and siblings. The ravens of her urgent ascendance to the throne was sent out to the great houses so they can come and pledge their alliance once more to her.
"I have made up my mind" Rhaenyra said filling the silence. The men around her turned to look at her, in her magnificent red and black gown with the golden crown on her white-blonde hair.
"My Queen please-" The grand maester began but she held her hand up stopping him.
"I said I made up my mind, Prince Aemond shall be my second consort" Rhaenyra hissed. The grand maester took a step back fearing the new monarch.
"As you wish" He whimpered. Now that left one matter to attend, who will be the new hand?
"Prince Daemon shall serve as my hand until further notice" Rhaenyra stood up from the throne, feeling her bottom, back and legs starting to turn, numb from sitting on it for hours.
"Enough for today" She moved to leave before anyone can deny Daemon being a hand or the ending of the meeting. She pulled the crown off once out of the room and resumed walking to her new room.
She sat down by the fire where wine was already waiting for her. She poured a cup for herself and downed it in one go before pouring another. By the third cup the doors opened and two sets of feet stepped into the room. She turned watching as Daemon guided Aemond into the room.
"Well that was an unexpected turn of events" Daemon joked. Rhaenyra urged Aemond to sit beside her on the couch. Aemond obeyed with a little huff.
"Is our little prince tired?" Rhaenyra asked, her finger pushed some of his hair back over his shoulder. Daemon moved to stand behind Aemond, placed both his hands on Aemond's shoulders. Aemond tensed up at the feeling of his uncle so close by.
"I am worried for my family" Aemond admitted. Rhaenyra hummed shuffling closer to him. She leaned to leaned her chin on his shoulder so she could reach his neck, placing small kisses to relax his tense muscles.
"They will be alright, even Aegon will be alright, I promise" Rhaenyra whispered. Aemond sighed as Rhaenyra's hand reached over touching his thigh. Daemon massaged his shoulders being mindful of Rhaenyra who was placing kisses up and down Aemond's neck.
"Do you promise?" Aemond asked. His hand moved to rest on Rhaenyra's hip as she moved closer to him. Daemon moved to sit on Aemond's other side.
"I promise" Rhaenyra did not hesitate to answer. She moved to climb on Aemond's lap. He held her by the waist so she would not fall off his lap. Daemon moved to undo the laces of her gown as she was busy claiming Aemond's lips.
"I am all yours my queen" Aemond whimpered. Rhaenyra giggled moving her lips back down to his neck. Daemon pulled Rhaenyra's dress down her shoulders and her breasts leaving them exposed. Rhaenyra gasped at the sudden cold air hit her tits. Aemond wrapped his arms around her waist and stood up. Rhaenyra wrapped her legs around his waist although he held her weight with no problem.
Aemond eyed Daemon who nodded his head approvingly. Aemond moved to the bed laying Rhaenyra down on it. He pulled her dress the rest of the way down followed by her corset and linen leaving her naked.
"Good taoba' Boy. Daemon praised from behind Aemond. Daemon wrapped his arms around Aemond's waist pulling him closer.
"Is this okay, taoba?" Boy. Daemon asked. Rhaenyra moved away from the edge as she watched her husband reach to the front and begin unbuttoning Aemond's shirt.
"Yes, uncle" Aemond whispered, but it was still heard by both Rhaenyra and Daemon. Daemon smirked resuming his movement. Slowly Aemond was just as naked as Rhaenyra. Daemon latched his lips to Aemond's neck leaving his mark behind. His hands moved up and down his sides trying to get the younger man to get used to his touch before sliding his hand up Aemond's stomach feeling his abs from the training he does. Aemond's breath got caught in his throat when Daemon groped Aemond's muscled chest.
"Uncle" Aemond moaned, hips thrusting forward needy. Rhaenyra could not help but move her hands up to touch her own breast tweaking her nipple. Daemon did the same to Aemond's nipple making the younger man squeak shocked.
"shhh, boy" Daemon whispered in Aemond's ear. His other hand moved down to Aemond's half hard cock. Aemond gulped feeling Daemon's fingers wrapped around his cock. He could not help but pant watching as his sister's other hand moved down to her cunt. Her fingers rubbed her pearl slowly eyes stuck on the way Daemon moved his hand over Aemond's cock up and down as the flesh grew harder.
"Is this good, taoba?" boy. Daemond asked. Aemond nodded pushing his hips back grinding his behind to Daemon's front without noticing. Rhaenyra moaned pushing her fingers inside of her hole loving the way the two men pleasured each other. Daemon sighed at the friction of Aemond's plush behind.
"Shh, we will get there later" Daemon assured. Aemond did not register what Daemon said being too drunk with his own pleasure. His small whimpers filled the room along with Rhaenyra's. Rhaenyra picked up her pace along with daemon's hand now that Aemond was fully hard.
"Would you like a taste, ñuha dāria?" My Queen. Daemon cocked up an eyebrow. Rhaenyra nodded eagerly removing her hand from between her legs and crawled over to the edge of the bed. She looked up at Aemond awaiting his reaction.
"Please, mandia" Sister. Aemond whined. Rhaenyra wrapped her hand around his tip touching his tip with her thumb. Daemon retracted his hand giving his wife space to move her hand. She moved it up and down before leaning closer wrapping her lips around his tip. She took him inch by inch to not overwhelm him. Aemond's head fell back on Daemon's shoulder at the feeling of her tongue massaging his most sensitive muscle.
Rhaenyra bobbed her head up and down eagerly. Daemon chuckled darkly when Aemond's moans raised. Daemon licked his finger before moving his finger down to Aemond's hole trying to get him to reach his peak. Aemond gasped shocked at the feeling of Daemon's finger rubbing at his hole. Daemon pushed inside slowly curling it against Aemond's pillow walls.
"Please" Aemond whined moving his hips back and forth fucking Rhaenyra's mouth and against Daemon's walls. In no time he was shooting his seed inside of Rhaenyra's mouth. She grinned happily swallowing the fluid as if it was wine.
"There we go" Daemon chuckled. Daemon pulled his finger out of Aemond letting him moved to lay on the bed. Rhaenyra giggled placing a hand on Aemond's heaving chest.
"Come on love, let me taste you" Daemon begged. Rhaenyra laid back, opening her legs. Daemon grinned wickedly sliding to place his knees on the bed and bent down so he was face to cunt with Rhaenyra. The Queen beckoned him over with her fingers. Daemon rose to place a quick kiss on her lips before moving back down.
"Watch and learn, sweet boy" Rhaenyra turned to look at Aemond. He nodded his head eyes never leaving Daemon's figure. Daemon licked a strip up Rhaenyra's cunt gathering some of her release. Rhaenyra sighed content with having her two boys here with her.
Daemon flickered her pearl before moving his tongue down to her hole, moving his tongue expertly. His fingers followed his tongue knowing exactly what could bring Rhaenyra to her release. Aemond watched with wide eyes in concentration. He was making mental notes of what made Rhaenyra moan, what made her squirm. How she cried when Daemon put pressure on her clit, or how she pulled his face closer by his hair wanting his experienced tongue deeper inside of her.
"Aemond, come" Rhaenyra opened her free arm for him. Aemond moved closer letting her push him down and closer to the action. Aemond gasped a little at the sight of Daemon's finger inside of her cunt, two curling inside of her to touch her walls before pulling back out.
"Daemon" Rhaenyra moaned wiggling her hips from side to side. Daemon chuckled against her cunt much to her joy as the vibrations sent even more pleasure through her cunt. Aemond gulped feeling his cock rise again and he had to give himself some release, his hand slid down to palm at himself.
"Close" Rhaenyra whined, her pleasure from earlier still very present. Daemon hummed, he stuck his tongue inside alongside his fingers lapping at her. Rhaenyra let out a loud cry as she came, shaking from head to toes. Daemon pulled back grabbing the back of Aemond's head and pushed him closer to her cunt. Aemond did not hesitate to lap like Daemon did earlier, he lapped at her cunt like a hungry dog loving the taste of her release.
"yes fuck" Rhaenyra whined locking her legs behind Aemond's head riding his face, riding her orgasm out. Her muscles relaxed once she had nothing to give anymore. Aemond pulled back, chin and mouth glistening.
"Good boy" Daemon had moved to stand by the bed, cock out and hard with no shame, a man Aemond once admired and still did, he had a cup of wine in hand sipping on it with a grin.
"Uncle I-" Aemond began again but Daemon cut him off when he took a step closer, leaning down and claiming his lips. Rhaenyra giggled at the bewildered look in Aemond's eyes, that were wide open but slowly began closing and enjoy the way Daemon's tongue slipped into his mouth to play with his, feeling every inch of his mouth.
Rhaenyra moved closer to the pair leaning against Aemond's back placing kisses between his shoulder blades. Aemond could not help but moan in Daemon's mouth. Aemond pulled away from Daemon letting a string of spit connect their lips before it disconnected. He turned to look at Rhaenyra over his shoulder.
"I need your cocks, both of you" Rhaenyra whispered into Aemond's ear. Daemon grinned pulling her over Aemond's shoulder in for a kiss.
"Lay back, nephew" Daemon ordered and Aemond obeyed. Rhaenyra climbed his lap with her face to him, she slid him inside of her with a moan. Aemond leaned up to claim her lips. Daemon moved slowly behind Rhaenyra and over Aemond's knees. He moved his cock down her ass to her slit to gather some of her release, brushing his head with Aemond's girth earning a surprised moan from his nephew, he moved his cock back to her behind sliding it between her cheeks teasing her hole with the tip.
"Daemon" Rhaenyra warned. Daemon pushed the rest of his cock inside of her so they were chest to chest.
"Yes, my queen?" He teased. She rolled her head back over his shoulder gasping for breath. Aemond tried rolling his hips up, he could feel Daemon with the thin wall of skin in between.
"I can feel him, inside of you" Daemon chuckled. Rhaenyra smirked looking down at Aemond. His eyes were growing teary with need and they both were merciful. Daemon pulled out before slamming back in.
"Yes, such a pleasurable feeling" Rhaenyra rolled her hips to assist Daemon and to give Aemond some of the relief he was whining after.
"This is too much" Aemond whined. Daemon moving, Rhaenyra rolling he was on cloud nine. Rhaenyra leaned down letting him latch on her like a couple of nights ago. His lips were quick to litter kisses all over her chest, sucking and tweaking her nipples.
"It is like he is a babe" Daemon chuckled. He moved one of his hands to grab Aemond's hair pushing him even closer to Rhaenyra's chest. Rhaenyra started moving her hips at a faster pace, feeling her peak so close.
Daemon moved his hand from Aemond hair to the front of Rhaenyra, flicking at her pearl. Rhaenyra cried bouncing up and down on their cock, with Aemond's lips on her nipples along with his cock in her pussy, Daemon's cock in her ass she was a goner. She creamed around their cocks, shaking from head to toes but still every bit energetic.
In seconds Daemon had her on her hands and knees while Aemond fucked her from the back and he fucked her mouth. Her moans bringing him closer and closer to his peak along with her skilled tongue.
"Having fun back there, nephew?" Daemon asked teasingly. Aemond was whining almost as much as Rhaenyra, hips beginning to stutter, beginning for release.
"I'm cumming" Aemond warned. Daemon grabbed Rhaenyra's head pushing her closer to him as he shot his seed inside of her mouth and the sight was Aemond's end also shooting his seed inside of her cunt. By the time they all finished several times it was the beginning of another day.
It took months for Rhaenyra and Aemond to prepare for their wedding, it was going to be the biggest and the most luxurious wedding known to man. After their wedding Jacaerys' and Lucaerys' weddings were to take place as well.
By the time Aemond married Rhaenyra and Daemon much to the sock of everyone Rhaenyra was swollen with child, his child. According the Rhaenyra it was his child and she knew best, a mother always knows.
Then only weeks after the wedding came their daughter, a living and healthy baby girl they called Visenya, Visenya second of her name with her parents' hair and eyes, but she was her father's daughter, she looked so much like Aemond Rhaenyra usually joked that it was as if he created her on his own.
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gayuu-the-necromancer · 1 year ago
gayuu, I wanted to ask what the toxic aspects are in the relationships of ikemen villains, I ask why that is what they talked about when promoting the game cybird, which are loves that a heroine cannot save, I would like you to emphasize that so that I can distinguish better, since I get most of the information from the comments or translation, by the way, thank you very much for that
TW - I have made reference to serious topics and some major spoilers.
If you look at all Cybird games, they're all about unrealistic forbidden love that always have a happy ending. Like someone said, they develop these games to satisfy various unhinged kinks we players have. For example, no one wants to be in toxic relationship irl, but we all love the idea of being in a toxic relationship or seeing two people going through a toxic relationship just for the drama.
Ikemen villains is, if we exclude the 'romance' aspect, it's an insanely violent game that has scenes of bloody gore, we see people cutting their heads off, their organs getting ripped off, all kinds of trafficking, people getting injected with dangerous types of drug, child abuse, child rape, mental illness etc etc...Ikemen villain is a game about a girl being witness to an assassination committed by a secret organisation under the Queen. For her to not reveal the existence of this organisation to the outside world, she has to stay one month under their supervision so that they can make sure she can keep their secret. And while living with them if she happens to fall in love with one of these male leads a.k.a violent assassins, she can either choose to stay with them forever or forget her love and go back to her normal life. No one is asking her to save them from anything.
All the male leads in this game also has a sad history like any Ikemen game or any otome games. Even though their past has some impact on their current personality, they don't treat Kate (MC) badly. Instead they all want her to have a normal safe life. There has never been the case where Kate is like "Oh, you have a sad past? Don't worry, I will fix you with my love." Instead she more understanding of their trauma.
For example, El is a victim of rape ever since he was a little kid. Because of his beauty, people around him either treat him like an object in a museum or touch him inappropriately without his consent. When Kate met El, she did always think the El was beautiful but she never had any disgusting thoughts. Instead, when she sees people behaving inappropriately around him, she would try and help El so he can feel safe. She constantly reassures him that she won't do anything that would make him uncomfortable. Kate also asks El to call her immediately if anyone tries to approach him or do something inappropriate. There is never a case where Kate was cringy and telling things like "Oh my god...he has a traumatic past! I think I'm in loveee~" and shit.
Another thing that is going on in all Ikemen games recently is dubcons. I don't mind dubcons as long as the characters involved have chemistry and the scenes make sense. But some people don't like this trope at all and deems it unnecessary. In Ikemen villains, there are a lot of these scenes. Even in Alphonse route that is newly released, I only barely touched chapter 10 and I passed through a sex scene. The problem such scenes is that when there are too many sex scenes, its hard to see both the male lead and mc connecting emotionally. I also think a relationship that is build on such kind of foundation is also kinda toxic because outside of having sex....what do they like about each other? But that's okay, because cybird doesn't intend to have toxic relationships that is only build off of sex. They give enough scenes for both the male lead and mc to connect with each other.
All in all it's a pretty good game. Yes, there are unhinged BDSM scenes but like someone said, it's just to satisfy people's kinks.
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halfbakedideas · 10 months ago
nail polish
Aziraphale paints Crowley’s nails.
This was originally posted on ao3, I only just realised I never crossposred on here.
read on ao3
Goldnova apparently flung me back into this fandom?? Not complaining though.
The patter of hailstones against the roof provided a nice white noise in the background of the ‘Best of Queen’ album that was playing softly from the record player.
Aziraphale was pottering around his bookshop, organising for the most part but occasionally dusting when he found a spot that hadn’t seen the feather duster in a long time. Crowley, on the other hand, was alternating between watching him from their spot on the sofa and harassing humans through their phone. At some point, the demon had pulled out a bottle of nail polish from somewhere.
They were trying to paint their nails with little to show for it. In the last fifteen minutes they had only successfully done their thumb.
Aziraphale was watching as he works, when he can see Crowley’s hands through the gaps in the bookshelves.
They tried to paint the rest of their nails but kept messing up. Either from getting too much polish on the surrounding skin from the way that their hand shook at the worst time, or the brush refusing to behave as it should. The cycle repeated over and over: botch the attempt, miracle the mess away, and start again, only to botch it once more. This had been going on for the last fifteen minutes.
A plume of smoke curled from Crowley’s mouth as they miracled away the polish once again. If they kept going like this then they would use up all of the nail polish in the bottle before they managed to get all of their nails painted.
Aziraphale set down his feather duster on a shelf and approached his demon.
“Can I help?” he asked. Crowley looked up.
“Dunno how you’d ‘help’ me with painting my nails,” they commented before shuffling over slightly so that he could sit down.
“I could do them for you?” Aziraphale offered. “Then you wouldn’t waste as much polish?”
They looked down at the brush-top that they were still holding in their hand, at their fingernails, then back up at Aziraphale again.
“Sure,” Crowley agreed and put the brush-top back in the bottle before handing it over to him.
They held out their hand, the one with the painted thumbnail, Aziraphale took it and placed it on his leg. The two of them readjusted so that they were angled more towards each other.
Aziraphale pulled out the brush-top again and was pleased to find that there was the perfect amount of polish on it, just as he expected there to be. The bottle floated lazily by his side at exactly the spot he needed it to be.
The angel continued to hold their hand so that he could angle it as he needed while he painted careful coats of polish over the nail of Crowley’s index finger.
Unlike the demon’s attempts earlier, the polish stayed on the nails and didn’t glob up anywhere. And it went on in even coats.
“You didn’t need to do it for me; I would’ve managed in the end,” they said after a few minutes of silence passed. “Or just have waited for another day when my hands aren’t as shakey,”
Aziraphale was just about finished painting the nail of the ring finger of that hand.
“No, I didn’t,” he agreed. “But doing it for you saves you from wasting any of this perfectly good polish,” the angel said.
The currently human-shaped serpent made a sound of agreement. He was right.
By the time Aziraphale had started on their other hand, the hail had eased off so much that it was just raining now.
“Angel?” Crowley called out later, looking up from examining their nails. The angel was standing over by the bookcases again and had been reaching for a book.
“Yes, my dear?”
“There are sparkles on my nails,”
“Yes, I suppose there is,”
“That polish doesn’t have any glitter in it,” they said. “I’m sure of it. This is your doing?”
“Look at them under the lamp light,” Aziraphale suggested instead of directly answering them.
Crowley was too busy doing as he suggested to see the smile that graced their angel’s face.
Under the more direct lamp light, they were able to see the blue, red, and gold glitter that was over the top of the black polish better. Before that, they could only see the gold ones, which reminded them of the polish on Aziraphale’s own nails.
I own both of those colours of nail polish :D they’re both very nice (don’t wear the gold very much though).
This was nice (and very short) but pain will be coming soon.
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Dieter Bravo and the Sundance Queen
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(Dieter x horror loving female)
Words: 3, 064
Summary: you go to Sundance where Dieter is promoting the film where you two met
(This is early in their relationship so check out the masterlist to figure out the timeline)
Warnings: mild swearing, so much pining for each other, Dieter gets drunk and does adorably silly stuff
“Fuck it’s cold.”
“It’s not that cold.”
“I think my snot has turned into icicles.”
The snow was gathering around you, picturesque in the town of Park City, Utah. You were here for the Sundance Film Festival. Dieter was here to promote Sap of Justice while you were just along to watch some films you had your eye on, most of them horror of course. He arrived a few days earlier to do all the usual promotion stuff required of an actor. You managed to get the Friday off but and the flight was at a reasonable hour of the morning, but you still slept badly the night before and the traffic was terrible and then the flight was delayed. You only managed to nap once you actually got on the plane so by the time you got there you were somewhat tired and hungry.
Dieter had a nice room booked and offered to share it with you, knowing you would probably not get a better choice of accommodation. He told you he would book the room with your name as well as one his pseudonyms which you should be able to recognise. At the desk, you gave your name to the receptionist and after a few tense seconds, they said “Yes, you’re staying with Abraham DeLacey.” You nodded and received your room key. Dieter opened the door as soon as you knocked.
“Thomas O’Malley, I presume?”
“You got my reference?”
“Well, you sing the song all the time.”
He led you into the room, taking your small bag. It had a rustic lodge feel, the fireplace definitely adding to the cosy feeling. And the huge bed was very inviting in its plush warmth.
“I’m sorry but there’s only one bed but I can take the couch if you want?”
“We can share, it’s big enough.”
“Are you sure?”
“Well, it’ll get cold at night, so we’ll have to snuggle together for warmth.”
“The hotel has central heating, and the fireplace gets pretty warm and…oh.” He pulled you into a hug, “You’re fine sharing? I’m a bit of a cuddler.”
“Really? I haven’t noticed.” You would have stayed in his embrace for eternity, but your stomach said otherwise.
“When did you last eat?”
“Well,” you paused for remembrance. “I get this waiting anxiety thing at airports, so I managed a sandwich at some point.”
He sighed lovingly, “Someone needs feeding. I happened to have organised a nice surprise for you.”
He took you down to the hotel’s restaurant and led you through a cosy private booth all set up.
“Is that cheese?” you were staring into a pool of melted cheese, “Is this all for me?”
“Well the fondue is meant to be for two-“ but you had already speared a piece of bread, dipped it into the cheese and shoved the melty goodness into your eager mouth. You bounced up and down, almost dancing with the happiness you were feeling.
“So it’s good?”
“I’m so happy I could cry!”
He couldn’t help but smile and took a piece of cheese dipped bread that you handed out to him. He wasn’t as bouncy as you but could definitely agree that it was heavenly in taste.
“Your hair has grown out.”
Dieter ran a hand through his hair. It had been a while since the two of you saw each other.
“Yeah it probably looks messy.”
“No, I like the curls,” you really wanted to run your hands where his were. “I bet you looked adorable as a baby with those curls.”
“Probably,” he sighed. “I’m pretty sure curls run in the family.”
“I bet if you had babies, they would have the most adorable curls.”
“Maybe.” He was imagining you having those babies of his and he felt a strange new warmth within him.
Exhaustion came and punched you in the face unexpectedly, so you were wanting an early night. The warmth of the bed was helping you fall asleep, but Dieter seemed wide awake next to you.
“Are you okay Dieter?”
“Oh no, I’m keeping you awake, aren’t I?”
“Just a little bit.”
“Sorry, I’m just worried about this Q & A tomorrow.”
“I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
“Yeah, it’ll just be on my mind all night.”
“You just need a distraction.”
“Does it involve kissing?”
“It won’t occupy you all night. No, what I���m thinking is you need a question so difficult to answer you’ll be thinking about it all night.”
“Okay, I’m intrigued.”
You got up a little to deliver the question, “What is the better adaptation? Muppets Treasure Island or Treasure Planet?”
“Muppets Treasure Island or Treasure Planet?” he emphasised the ‘or’, “Or? OR?! Why would you make me choose between two masterpieces? Oh, it’s working.”
He snuggled up next to you, kissed your cheek good night and the both of you went to sleep.
Dieter woke up suddenly feeling like the life was getting squeezed out of him. He could work out that you were clinging to him very tightly. He shuffled across the bed which managed to loosen the death grip you had on him. It worked for only two seconds as you clung tightly to him again. He moved over again but again you gripped him tightly and soon he ran out of bed. You were awoken by a muffled yell and thud and reached out to turn on the light to find out but could feel only bed. You reached to the other side of the bed and turned on the light and found Dieter lying on the ground with his legs still tangled in the sheets.
“Are you okay?”
A very tentative’ yeah’ came from the floor. He managed to untangle himself and got himself back into bed.
“Did I kick you out?”
“No, you sort of squished me.” Your confused expression needed more of an explanation, so he continued. “You were sort of aggressively cuddling me.”
You covered your mouth in shock “I’m so sorry, I’ve never done that before.”
“It’s okay.”
“I’ve never wanted to cuddle with anyone before. You’re just so soft and warm my subconscious must’ve, I really didn’t mean to.” You were almost on the verge of tears in embarrassment. Dieter gently held your arms and kissed your forehead.
“Hey, it’s fine. It’s kind of adorable really.”
“No, it’s-“ he interrupted you with a hug.
“It is. We just need to work on less of a death grip.”
“I’m the anaconda.”
“Well, you haven’t tried to eat me so that’s a good thing.” That brought a laugh out of you. “Maybe I should try being the big spoon?”
You nodded so you both shuffled in bed until Dieter was holding you from behind. He kissed the back of your neck which tickled from his scruffy beard. This happy comfortable arrangement helped the two of you drift off into sleep.
Dieter woke up but it was not from being squished, it was just normal consciousness from morning.  His arms were still wrapped around you, and he was very much enjoying everything about it. He could definitely get used to this. The only thing upsetting the cosy atmosphere was a certain part of Dieter’s anatomy. Let’s just say it was very happy this morning, would you believe it? He hadn’t woken up with one in a while and it was probably the lovely smell of your hair that may have set him off. You shifted in your sleep, pushing yourself further into Dieter and he was growing more uncomfortable. He really didn’t want you to wake up and feel him pressed up against you. He gently removed himself from you and quietly got out of bed. Maybe some cold air would help.
You awoke to an empty bed. The bed was still warm but there was a certain softness lacking and it wasn’t until your turned around to find that there was no boyfriend next to you. You didn’t have to worry long as Dieter came through the door a few minutes later. You got out of bed to greet him.
“Morning, honey cakes.”
“Morning Dieter.”
You noticed he placed a few bags on the table.
“When did you get up?”
“I’m not sure. I felt like a walk and decided to get breakfast. There’s hot chocolate or some juice thing and…”
“Did I squish you again last night?”
“Because I’m still sorry about that.”
He reassured you with a hug, “And I’m still saying it’s fine. Now, do you want a breakfast sandwich or one of these several pastries?”
“You’re making me choose? Is this some kind of revenge for that question I gave you last night?”
“That question which is possibly the most evil question in existence? Maybe.”
You both just started laughing and you kissed his cheek, “I’m probably going to have to take these to go. My first film starts soon.”
Dieter’s face dropped in sadness at that but did his best not to show it. “I can pack you a bag?”
“That would be lovely!” you kissed his nose and then hopped to the bathroom to change. His nose was kissed again before leaving. “I’ll be there for your Q & A.” All he could do was nod.
The room was packed, the heat becoming more stifling. Dieter played with his collar and hoped his sweaty face wasn’t obvious. He kept scanning the crowd, hoping to see your face but it was only at the last second did he see you. You had managed to get through the door at the last possible second and gave him a little wave which made him smile.
It turns out a lot of people really enjoyed Sap of Justice and only had good things to say. This eased the tension knotted up in Dieter, but he still didn’t enjoy the questions coming at him.
The next person was handed the microphone and asked, “I was wondering about the scene where a piece of your skin came off and it was all bloody sap. Just wondering if that was a practical or special effect?”
“It was all practical.”
“Do you know how it was done?”
“Our make-up artist is in the audience if you’d like to ask her.”
You felt eyes upon you as you walked upon the stage. Dieter gave you his seat and microphone and you spent the next few minutes answering questions about the special effects makeup you did for the film. The unobservant didn’t notice that Dieter was off to the side looking both proud and very in love.
You couldn’t stay for very long afterwards as you had your next film screening to go to. Dieter’s face dropped into sadness. The rest of his day was busy with all his promotional work and various photoshoots but eventually he was let go and he went straight back to his room. He was cosied up on the couch with the remains of room service when you came through the door.
“Hi,” you immediately snuggled up to him on the couch.
“Hi,” he kissed your cheek.
“How was the rest of your day?”
“Oh, it wasn’t bad. All the usual actor stuff. I was given some nibbles to nibble on, but I was still hungry, so I got room service. There’re leftovers if you’d like them.”
You approached them with delight and happily devoured them.
“So, how were all the films?” he asked.
You put down your fork, “Really good. The first one was amazing and set too high a standard for the others. The second one was based on a short film and really didn’t quite work in the long form. The third one was predictable in a good way.”
You were too excited to notice that Dieter had his classic puppy dog eyes on you.
“The first film I saw was Sap of Justice.”
He did and internal double take, “What?”
“Yeah, it was really good. You’re a really good actor.”
“Wait, have you not seen any of my films before?”
You shook your head, “You haven’t done any horror films so…no.”
The silence would have been awkward but you both started laughing.
“Should I watch your other films?”
“I wouldn’t. I never watch my films.”
“You don’t?”
“Nope, just wipe and flush.”
Again, you both started laughing.
The rest of the evening was spent in simple act of domesticity. This hint at a regular happy life brought about in Dieter a desire he didn’t realise he was wanting his whole life.
Consciousness slowly nudged at Dieter. As he blinked his eyes awake, he realised he wasn’t being cuddled to death. He was once again being the big spoon so he could breathe in your scent. His bladder tore him away from you and your lovely smell. He very gently sneaked out of bed and made his way to the bathroom, not even flushing for fear it would wake you. Crawling back into bed, he noticed you had shifted slightly so he just watched you sleep. Not in a creepy way the way a serial killer in a slasher film would. This was him watching you sleep because he knew he was definitely falling in love with you. Suddenly you shifted in your sleep, your arm hitting Dieter on the chest. The soft snort you gave out while moving was probably the most adorable thing Dieter had ever heard and he knew for certain that he was in love with you.
You slowly stretched as you woke up, the warmth was too tempting to bring you back into slumber. As your eyes adjusted, you noticed that Dieter was doing his best not to look like he was watching you sleep.
“Morning,” you said.
“Morning honey cakes,” he nudged his nose close, silently asking permission to kiss you which you allowed.
The two of you just ley together in bed, your lips gently touching. Dieter revelled in this tenderness, and you felt safe in his arms. The kissing went on for longer than it had before, and you wanted more. Your fingers finally ran through his curly hair, pulling him closer. This was as physically close you had been with him and none of it felt wrong and you weren’t afraid if it went further.
But there was a knock at the door, but Dieter ignored it. Until the knocking became louder.
“Can’t a man kiss his girlfriend in peace?” He angrily got out of bed and opened the door with his usual gruffness.
It was his manager. “Bravo. Some producers were impressed with your film and want to talk to you about future projects.”
“Now,” he said it like it was obvious. “Say goodbye to your random hookup and be downstairs in five.”
“Can I have twenty minutes?”
“You’ve got ten.”
Dieter closed the door without saying goodbye. He immediately wrapped himself around you.
“You’re not some random hookup.”
“I know.”
“You’re so much more than that.”
You spent what must have been five minutes just staring at each other, knowing you soon would part. He felt the tug of obligation pulling him from the bed and quickly cleaned himself off in the bathroom. Coming back into the room, he pulled off his shirt, throwing it onto the bed and put on a clean one. He was contemplating which sweater to put on.
It was the first time you had properly seen him shirtless and you had to admit you were enjoying the view. His broadness of his back was so inviting it was begging to be kissed.
“I’d go for the green one,” you pointed.
“Really really. The colour looks good one you.”
He put it on and sat next to you on the bed. “So can I see you later?”
“Oh sorry, I’ve got a film to go to and then I have to get my plane.”
He was struggling to find the words. “Um, you can order room service if you want. Order anything.”
“Okay,” you were struggling to find words.
He kissed you and spent way too long parting from your lips.
“I’ll…miss you.”
“I’ll miss you, Dieter.”
The flight back was probably worse than the one out to Sundance. The anxiety was now filled with longing. By the time you got home it was night.
The night brought with it darkness and sadness. You felt so empty now. Empty of the warmth you felt from protective arms. An agony was aching in your chest, and you weren’t sure if you wanted to cry or not. You moved over to your bag and pulled out something. It was the shirt that Dieter carelessly threw onto the bed back at the hotel. You weren’t sure if he would notice its disappearance, but you didn’t care. You breathed in his scent, missing him so much. You fell asleep trying to imagine he was next to you.
Dieter walked into his hotel room and noticed you weren’t there. He was slightly buzzed as champagne was handed out in celebration so he couldn’t help but have a glass or two. He was offered many lucrative parts in upcoming jobs but you weren’t around so his happiness was just a façade.
He fell onto the bed and rolled over to what was your side of the bed. He sniffed your pillow, but no familiar scent graced his nose and he whined, swatting at the pillow like a puppy. He couldn’t smell you and it made him sad. You weren’t here and it made him sad. You were home and he missed you.
He wondered if you’d be home yet. He looked around for his phone and somehow, he managed to find it in his drunken state. He listened to the dull ringing but instead of hearing your voice, it was just that annoying voice saying that the call couldn’t be taken at this time. There was no harm in leaving a message he decided.
“Hey…it’s me…are you there? Oh wait, you’d be asleep, sorry. You’re so pretty when you sleep. I like watching you sleep. Not in a creepy way, in a…not creepy way. I wish you were here, no…I wish I was there because you’re there. Oh, I love you. Love you, love you, love you. And I wish I was there watching you sleep in a not creepy way. I should let you sleep now, okay? Love you…it’s Dieter by the way…”
Lovingly tagging @boliv-jenta @simpingcowboy @ellenmunn @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibi @chaithetics @myloveistoolittle @cevans-is-classic @glshmbl @cupcakehp @gswizzsstuff
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sakustars · 2 years ago
yuuji itadori x gn!reader
sfw; fuff; royal au
a/n: while yuuji and choso’s kingdom is obviously based on japan, the reader’s kingdom and culture is stuff i made up — the names, location, clothing etc. hold no significance to real life. any similarities to irl cultures is purely coincidental :)
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the sleigh rumbled through the woods, covered by furs held up by a wooden frame, two kings laughing loudly at the exposed bow, their greatest treasures sheltered in the bed.
just behind them, trying (and failing) to play dice, cubes of painted bone bouncing against the tremors of the sleigh, were their respective first borns. choso, with cheeks pink from the cold, peering out into the frosty wilds, and len, clutching the dice in one hand, and his in her other.
hunkered down in the very back, sat two queens dressed in elegant furs and gloves, with their two toddlers bundled up in their laps.
you were just shy of four years old, this first time you met yuuji. you barely remembered it.
a tiny pink-haired boy, with a red nose and flecks of ice in his left eyebrow. he was pouting, unused to the cold, and the heavy furs he was bundled in. you had reached out with mittened hands, and squished his cheeks between them, and your mother laughed, looking upon the two of you fondly.
by the time the reindeer had turned the sleigh around, directed back towards the large stone castle you called home, the kings had come to an agreement. len would marry into choso’s family, and yuuji into yours. at that time, you had had no idea the face you were messing with was that of your betrothed.
the second time, you were seven.
his family had come to your kingdom once again, to be draped in furs and inundated with hot mulled wine and bask in front of large carved fireplaces at the heart of the stone fortress.
the first night of their stay, len and yourself had been sent to choso and yuuji with the purpose of helping them with their unfamiliar clothing. such a task could have easily been completed by a maid, but your parents grasped at the opportunity for the two couples to interact.
when choso called through the door that you could enter, you set about organising the many layers in order of which should go on first. yuuji stood awkwardly before you, dressed only in a base layer of thin cotton trousers and shirt, shivering from the draught blowing through the room.
you glanced at him as you approached with the first garment, a pair of thick woollen trousers. “make conversation,” your mother had told you.
you helped the pink-haired boy into the trousers, belted his waist, then plucked at the shirt he was wearing. “cotton doesn’t grow up here. we import it from your kingdom,” you muttered shyly, grasping at straws for a conversation topic.
yuuji shifted on his feet, blinking owlishly and turning his warm amber eyes to choso for assistance. “we get meat from your kingdom; weaponry too,” his brother supplied as he helped len pull a rich purple tunic over his head.
this seemed to spark something in yuuji as he turned to you excitedly, padding after you as you returned to the bench where his clothes were laid out. “yes! ven-i-son,” he sounded the word out carefully. “and hare. my father says you hunt it all yourselves.”
you nodded proudly. “yep. we’re good at hunting here, and my father’s the best, because he’s the king. i’m going to be the best when i’m queen, though. lift your arms.”
he did as instructed and you tugged on his tunic, choso and len giggling with each other at your bold declaration. as you set about pulling on shawls and furs, buckling and toggling, the conversation turned to other hobbies, then food, then animals, and by the time he was fully clothed, you felt like you could build a factfile on him.
when you were nine, you travelled to his kindom for the first time. boldly embroidered animal hide and stiff boots were traded for softly patterned yukatas and large, pleated trousers; simple sandals on your feet.
the days were spent lazing with yuuji on the engawa of the large estate, gorging yourself on meats that weren’t plain and salty, but instead served with tangy sauces and fresh garnishes.
yuuji had introduced you to to his friends megumi and nobara. they served at the estate, but personal to yuuji, so the three had grown close. megumi had grumpily allowed you to pet his two guard dogs, and blushed as yuuji garbled on about how he was going to be his personal guard when he was older.
when the evenings encroached, your parents would find you all sprawled out on the floor, deep in sleep, tired out from golden days of playing dice and chasing the koi fish in the grounds’ lake.
after this visit, the event would become annual, alternating which kingdom would host, and each visit would be spent in childlike bliss, growing closer with and exploring the other.
however this easy contentment could not last forever. as you grew older and wiser, taking the turn from child to teen, you had the bitter realisation of your lack of choice in life.
on your fourteenth year, you had spent most of yuuji’s visit locked away in your room, ignoring him and yet frustrating yourself over not seeing him. you were well aware that your anger was misdirected, but the only solution your teenage brain could come up with was to let your feeling run their course, and make reparations afterwards.
the night after yuuji and choso departed, len found you curled up in the mound of furs and wool blankets on your overly large bed. she called your name and you grunted under the blanket hiding your face. “if mother sent you, tell her i’m sorry or something to placate her.”
she must be furious, pacing the grand dining hall lamenting to your father about your stand-offish behaviour. you would apologise later, but right now you needed a moment to wallow in your own guilt. you could barely think of your mother’s stress when the fear of yuuji hating you encompassed all corners of your mind.
the bed dipped as len sat next to you. a soft hand reached and squeezing what shoulder she could reach through your coverings. “she did not send me. i wanted to talk to you myself.”
a beat of silence.
then you lifted the corner of your blanket, a silent invitation. she crawled under, laying forehead to forehead next to you. she wiped away the shining tears pooled at the corner of your eye, then pulled you into a tight hug.
“i’m going to apologise to him next year,” you whispered into her shoulder. “do… do you think he’s angry?” you choked out the question, so terrified of her answer.
“of course not,” she murmured, rubbing your back “i think he might be hurt, though. but he’s a kind boy. if you explain, he will understand. i went through the same thing myself, but choso understood. it will be okay.”
you sniffled crackly the pulled back to rest your forehead against hers once more. “you’re getting married next summer. you won’t be here anymore.” the thought broke your heart. you would start hunting soon, and she wouldn’t be there to see you. she wouldn’t sing you to sleep by the fire, or tease you at the dinner table.
“it will be okay,” she said again.
and, “it will be okay,” you repeated back to her.
the next year you did apologise. and it was okay. yuuji had forgiven you instantly, tugging you close to him and engulfing you in a huge hug, pressing a soft kiss to your temple that had your heart running out your chest, before excitedly pulling you down the emerald lawn to see the new flora that had bloomed in your absence.
he had always been slightly awkward, but so kind and so soft, carrying an undeniable charm that affected you much too greatly and that he was probably unaware of even possessing.
so when you came back to your room after hunting, greeted by a taller, stronger, more confident yuuji, you were unprepared.
unprepared for his rush forward, for his strong arms wrapping around your waist, laughing brightly as a crystal-clear brook as he picked you up and swung you around. unprepared for his undeniably gorgeous face so close to yours as he set you down, his cheeks dusted pink and honey eyes lit up with joy.
you breathed heavily against his chest, gripping his biceps and letting out a choked laugh of your own.
he looked at you with stars in his eyes and you looked at him as though he had hung the moon. shared adoration for one another was choked up in shy teenage throats, building and swelling, to inevitably burst out at any moment.
this moment was not to happen yet. not the next day, when you instructed him in archery, your bodies pressed tight together, your breath rolling against his neck as you positioned his arms. not even the next, as you sat together secretly in front of a kitchen stove, bundled in animal hide, sharing doughy bread loaves, and mead from the same cup.
this moment came an entire year later. the summer you visited yuuji, at seventeen years old, just one year shy of coming of age, and your betrothed’s kingdom was throwing a celebration to commemorate his youth.
you had been dressed by nobara, and an older lady named nitta. the yukata was patterned intricately, a mix of different blues making waves, interspersed with white clouds and pink flowers.
when you stepped into the main hall of the estate, your eyes widened. flower petals, streamers, other people in colourful yukatas moved around the room in some sort of organised hurricane, but throughout the chaos, your gaze was fixed to one person. he hadn’t noticed you yet, looking anxious as he spoke hurriedly to megumi, who was dressed in cranes on a dark blue background.
he stood to the side, leaving enough room for people to pass by him, and he looked a vision. instead of his usual red and yellow coloured clothing, his yukata was light blue, beautifully contrasting the carefully embroidered tigers on his sleeves and back. his hair was the same endearing mess as usual, and his cheeks and the tips of his ears were tinged adorably pink in the hot summer evening.
you gave one last thanks to nobara and nitta, before making a beeline straight towards him. he noticed you as you were ten paces away, his face relaxing as he dashed forwards to meet you.
he gathered you in his arms, pressing a kiss to your cheek before burying his face in your neck, inhaling the scent of your freshly-washed hair. you turned pinker than yuuji was as he kissed your cheek again and gently yet excitedly tugged you towards the dance floor.
you shared many dances with him, taking breaks occasionally where he insisted you sat down, fanned you if he thought you looked too warm, and made megumi bring you water, not wanting to leave your side for even a second.
you danced for some time with nobara, managed to pull megumi in for one dance before he got away, and had a few circle dances with len and choso. he really seemed like a wonderful man, and you were delighted when she told you about how happy she was with him when you sat down together to talk.
but after twenty or so minutes, yuuji started to become antsy, so you bid farewell with promises to continue writing, before taking his hand in yours and leading him along the engawa then down into the gardens. it seemed you came at the perfect time, because as you settled on the bench at the edge of the koi pond, the fireworks started.
other partygoers were dotted around the gardens, but your attention was fixed to the sky, and yuuji’s on you.
your focus was broken as you heard him call your name gently. you turned your head towards him, eyes widening as soft lips landed on your own. it took you a few seconds to gather yourself, by which time he had pulled away confused, a wrinkle in between his brows. you hastily took his face in your hands, kissed it away, then rejoined your lips.
he made a muffled sound of surprise, before returning the kiss with enthusiasm to spare, curling his hands around your waist and nipping at your bottom lip as you one of your hands through his hair.
you pulled away with your chest heaving, though finally you felt like you could breathe. your love for him was no longer festering in your throat, now moved to warm the hearth of his heart, and his love warmed yours.
🪐 a/n: reblogs, likes and comments r very appreciated <3
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darklydeliciousdesires · 6 months ago
Sky Full of Stars - Chapter Twenty Four.
Apologies for missing last week's update, guys! Thanks as ever for your continued support. You are all beautiful people :)
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Previous chapters - One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty Twenty One Twenty Two Twenty Three
Tag list - In the comments
Words - 3,595
Warnings - 18+ content throughout. Minors DNI!
Monsters of Rock, Moscow, 1991. It had been one of the largest ever live music festivals to date, with a staggering estimated 1.6 million rock fans descending on the Tushino airfield in Moscow. The year two thousand and sixteen heralded its return, but with a slightly smaller audience.  
This time around, the organisers were arranging a push of eight hundred thousand tickets, all of which had virtually sold out by April, the performance due to take place on July seventeenth. Bands such as Motionless in White, Queens of the Stone Age, Lamb of God, Machine Head, Slipknot, Korn, Sepultura and Marilyn Manson had been signed on to perform on the day. 
The headliners? Seventh Gate. 
For one Sunni Balakrishnan, this meant stress. A lot of it.  
“Right, before we start filling our faces, let’s get down to the details, ladies,” their powerhouse tour manager spoke, sitting with the five in a restaurant in the SoHo area of Manhattan. “Now, we all know that Russia is a volatile climate to play in. We’ve toured there before, but Monsters of Rock is an entirely different animal. There’ll be no contracted security for a start. The entire event will be overseen by the police and Russian miliary, and I am saying this to you all now, and fucking clearly. There will be no fucking around and finding out.  
“They will likely get heavy with the fans, baton use, pepper spray. If you see it, you will not intervene, or you will be arrested. Katie I am specifically looking right at you here,” he spoke, pointing a finger at the guitarist. She didn’t even bother trying to look innocent, her grin spreading devilishly. “There will be none of you opening a can of Brooklyn whoop ass. None. You will be clubbed; you will be cuffed, and you will be thrown into a cell I likely won’t be able to negotiate you being released from.  
“Jade, you will spout absolutely no propaganda, feminist, religious or otherwise while you are on that fucking stage, or you will be arrested. You cannot play Holy War, Kill your Masters, Fallen God, Temple of the Whore or Rise Up. You will be arrested.” 
“What the fuck?” Jade spluttered, Sunni begging to gesture with his hand wildly, eyes almost out on stalks. 
“You bloody, bloody, bloody won’t do it! It’ll be seen as defiance, or incitement, and Russia do not mess around there!” And people said Jade could be wound tighter than a watch spring when under duress.  
“But we near enough always close our set with Kill your Masters! It’s one of our most famous songs!” 
“Yes, because it’s basically one long battle cry against oppressors, of which the Russian fucking government very much are! For fucks sake, the music video alone showed you personally beheading an overload, holding up said severed head and instructing thousands of enslaved people to break their chains and do the same! Shall we talk about how many countries it was banned in?” 
Jen couldn’t help herself, snickering into her hand. “Sunni, that vein in your head is popping hard, homeslice.” 
“Jennifer, I feel like I’m on the verge of a heart attack and we haven’t even landed on Russian soil yet!” The wild gesturing continued; his arm flung around as he pointed at all of them. “Trying to manage you lot is like attempting to herd wild lions! Please, just work with me and bloody behave yourselves!”  
“I don’t enjoy being censored,” Jade muttered, Sunni’s eyes fixing upon her sharply. 
The finger was pointed, waving, his brow beading with sweat. “You. Will. Not. Do. It. I am not even going to risk it, because you know Russia doesn’t play. As I have plainly stated, if you fuck around, you will find out. There will be no provocations, no lewd gestures, no inciting of riots, and for the love of god will you please tell me that Adrien will be accompanying you, because if there’s one man you’ll behave for, it’s your husband!”  
Her smirk had the girls falling into mild fits. “Not all of the time.” Oh, their poor, dear Sunni. He honestly looked like he was about to birth his own spleen out of sheer stress. “Yes, Adrien is coming with me. He’ll be there for the other five festival dates, too.”  
With no album release that year, their only touring obligations were to six open air shows, one in the UK, two in Germany, one in Sweden and one in France all prior to Monsters of Rock. It was shaping up to be a nice, sedate year. Both she and Adrien had little in the way of work, deciding to take a very well-earned break from filming commitments, the latter only just home again after leaving her almost straight after the Oscars for a month-long stint in Bulgaria, shooting his only movie that year. 
As it would turn out, both would discover that the timing of their break was orchestrated quite perfectly.  
After eating, Jade used the restroom, ready to head back to their apartment, Jen already having to leave on account of her and Nick getting ready to take a two-week vacation back to Scotland to visit with his family, Jess out the door rapidly to meet up with her new boyfriend, leaving just her, Katie and Charlotte after Sunni had also departed.   
“I need a favour from one of you,” she spoke, sitting back down at the table, her girls looking at her with curiosity. “Can one of you head into the drugstore down the street and buy me a pregnancy test, please? Obviously, I don’t want even a sniff of this leaking to the press or general public, and if I get pictured buying it, it’ll be all over the fucking media before I’ve even had chance to piss on the damned thing.”  
The faces before her lit up, Charlotte gently flapping her hands in exclamation. “Oh my god, yes! Do you really think you might be, then?” 
Sipping her sparkling water, she nodded. “My period is now nine days late, and that never happens with me, as you both know.”  
Katie squeaked quietly, bouncing in her seat. “You are. I can feel it.” Turning then to her wife (she and Charlotte had finally gotten hitched two years before on their eighteenth anniversary) her eyes widened. “We’re gonna be aunties!”  
“Shhh, walls have ears!” Jade shushed her with gently, putting her arms around her and kissing her cheek. “But yes, I think you might be.” With one clandestine rush to the drugstore four blocks away, Charlotte reached beneath the table to slip the paper bag containing the rest into Jade’s hand with a wink, the latter tucking it into her large, slouchy boho style leather bag before getting up to hug them both warmly before leaving, deciding to take the twenty-minute walk back to her apartment rather than jump in a cab.  
On the way back, she collected a loaf of fresh sourdough from the local artisan baker, an armful of flowers and some tomatoes she intended to snack on with the large ball of fresh mozzarella in the fridge for lunch, a bunch of basil purchased, too. All the way home, the test seemed to burn in her bag, her excitement reaching overload by the time she stepped foot in her apartment.  
“Bug, where are you?” she called, Adrien appearing from the kitchen and pointing to the phone in his hand, moving to give her a quick kiss before absconding again, taking the bags from her with a smile and a wink. She quickly steered herself in there to fill four vases with water, leaving him to it and arranging the flowers she’d bought. The calla lilies went on the table in the hallway, the roses and stargazer lilies on the coffee table, and the peonies into the remaining two vases at opposite ends of the lounge.  
Once done, she grabbed the test, heading down to the bathroom. While she knew that for accuracy, it was best to take a it in the morning, she’d asked Charlotte to buy two. The waiting would likely kill her, so one would be taken right away and the other in the morning to be certain. One quick pee onto a stick later and she was pacing a circle, her heart thundering as she waited the required time. Was this it? Had it happened for them? Reaching for the test, she saw the definite answer right there on the display. 
Clasping her hands over her mouth, the test was dropped into the sink with a small clatter, Jade jumping up and down as she squealed quietly. She had to be quiet, as on her way home she’d thought of the most adorable way to tell her husband if she did happen to get a positive result, wrapping the rest in a heap of tissue and stuffing it into the bin before hiding the second one.  
Come 7am the following morning, the display read the same again. She was elated.  
And so began her little plan to tell Adrien, calling up Amazon on her phone and ordering exactly what she needed in order to let him know he was doing to be a daddy in just over eight months' time. It wouldn’t arrive until the following day, and it almost killed her to keep the news a secret. The poor Amazon delivery guy almost had his arm ripped off in her haste to grab the package with thanks, shutting the door and scurrying into the kitchen, opening the boxes to pull out the gift as well as the sheet of wrapping paper she packaged it in. 
Walking into the lounge, she placed her phone against one of the vases of flowers, already recording so that they had the moment he found out immortalised forever. “Honey, here. A little gift,” she spoke, handing it to him where he sat in the corner armchair, placing down the book he’d been reading. 
His face was a picture of curious as he took it from her. “Thanks, Moo. What is it?” 
“Open it and find out, silly!”  
Tearing the paper with a smile, he wondered what on earth occupied the small, rainbow paper wrapped square, pulling out a tiny t shirt and reading the slogan printed across the front. His heart all but jolted into his throat. ‘If you think I’m cute, you should see my dad.’ 
“You’re fucking kidding,” he spoke, his face stunned as his eyes began to well up. “Really? You really are?” 
“Yep,” she grinned, watching him shake his head. 
“I’m gonna be a dad?” 
“You are, baby.” 
“Oh my god.” Placing the t shirt down, they were both in tears as he stood to lift her into his arms, hugging her tightly. “Oh my god!” Happy laughter filled the space, Jade wrapping her legs around him as they hugged, kissed and cried, stroking his face, her heart bursting. “I’m so happy, and stunned, and shit, if that wasn’t the cutest way you could have told me!” 
“I’ve been bloody bursting for the last day and a half! I found out when I came back from the band meeting, but I wanted to be sure, so took another test yesterday morning but then had to wait until today for the t shirt to be delivered!” 
His eyes widened a little. “Shit, that’s some restraint right there, not caving in the meantime. Who are you and what have you done with my wife?”  
Placing her back down, he gave her another kiss, Jade racing to retrieve her phone, explaining she’d recorded it. He thought that was just as lovely, too. “I really don’t know how the hell I didn’t crack, or that you didn’t notice that the alleged Jack Daniel’s I drank yesterday was actually iced tea! I had to bloody think fast, there!” 
Sitting back down in the armchair, he pulled her onto his lap with a look of comic trepidation. “Oh god, you without alcohol for the next nine months. I’m scared.”  
Barking a laugh, she stroked his chest, resting her cheek against his head. “I hereby promise to try not to be living hell.” She thought a little longer. “Oh fuck, I can’t have coffee either! I’m going to be resigned to shitting decaf!” 
“Okay, I’m moving out for the duration. I’ll stay here, you go back upstate,” he joked, guffawing at the narrowed eyes he received. She then looked thoughtful for a few moments, hand still idling circling over the centre of his chest. 
“I have to bring my performance A game while being just over four months’ pregnant. That’ll be interesting,” she mused, Adrien nodding.  
“You still going ahead with that, then?” 
“Gotta do it, innit? We’re contracted in, and as long as I’m completely healthy still, it shouldn’t be a problem. My life can’t just stand still because I’m pregnant, but seriously, how well did we time this break we’re taking from work?” 
“Perfectly. I have psychic sperm, evidently.”  
His words had her in soft fits, hauling herself up to go and prepare some lunch while he went back to his book. He didn’t remain long. 
“Excuse me, Mr. B,” she spoke, Adrien wrapping his arms around her as she sliced tomatoes. “You are hampering my making of salad caprese.”  
His hands moved to her tummy, stroking it lovingly. “There’s a baby in here.”  
Oh, he was so adorable. “It’s probably only about the size of a peanut right now, Bug,” she spoke, finishing her slicing, slapping his hand when he stole a piece. “No stealing! She needs to be marinated!” 
He shrugged. “To use a Jade-ism, calm your tits.” he was elbowed away, but it didn’t keep him from once again wrapping her in his arms. “And I don’t care how big it is, it’s my peanut. I’m fucking thrilled. God, my ma is gonna howl. Full on ugly cry when we tell her. And yours will probably deafen us. You definitely get your volume from her.” He paused then, Jade feeling him shaking with laughter. “What if this child inherits their mother’s lungs? Oh man, we’re screwed.” 
“You, you,” she began, turning to wave her finger at him. “You’re just adamant to piss me off today, aren’t you? Fucking wanker.” 
“But I’m not wrong,” he chuckled, his abs hurting from her spluttered reaction. 
Her lips tightened, softly kicking his leg. “Get the fuck out of my kitchen!”   
“No, I have things to ask you,” he spoke, batting away her foot, “like when are we gonna tell people? Twelve-week scan, is that when they say you should?” 
“Hmm, well since Charlotte and Katie know of what my suspicions were – it was Charlotte who went to buy the test for me, save I be photographed – we might have to tell them and swear them to secrecy.” She then looked conflicted. “But that means leaving Jen and Jess out, and I don’t feel comfortable about that. Then if we tell them, of course I want to tell our parents. Aw, hell. I think we should wait, though. Not to jinx anything, but when I’ve been pregnant before and sadly lost it, I want to double make sure that everything is okay this time around.”  
He hadn’t even thought of that, his features softening as he reached to stroke her cheek. “I think Jen will understand, given the circumstances. Same as everybody else. And try not to think about what happened before, even though I know you will. Doesn’t mean it’ll happen this time, does it?” 
It didn’t, but just as he predicted, it was on her mind right up until the moment the sonographer told them everything was fine twelve weeks on from them, both overjoyed to see the small smudge that was their first child and hear its rapid heartbeat for the first time. Armed with a few of the sonogram pictures, they then put the cute idea on how to reveal it to their mothers into action, heading over to Queens first... 
Lois was in the middle of wiping down her kitchen when she heard her doorbell buzz, the dogs doing their usual routine of dancing and barking. “Move it, boys, lounge!” she spoke, Ginsberg and Bukowski scampering off at speed, poking their heads up at the front window. Opening the door, she was puzzled for a few seconds to see nobody there, until her attention was caught by a large bouquet of sunflowers, her favourite blooms sitting there on the step.  
“Open this before you go into the house.” she read aloud, pulling the card from the little holder and opening up the small envelope. Reading what was inside, coupled with a sonograph picture, her jaw practically unhinged.  
‘Congratulations on becoming a grandma!’ 
“Mother of pearl! Oh, my goodness!” she cried, her eyes then caught by her son and daughter-in-law popping up from behind her car where they’d been hiding. “Are you fucking serious, Adrien Nicholas Brody? Doing this to me on the doorstep!!” 
They doubled over with laughter, making their way up to the house, a very tearful Lois pulling them both into a hug. “I am thrilled for you both! Oh my god, this is wonderful. Wonderful!” she exclaimed, kissing their cheeks in turn as she continued to shed a storm of happy tears, ushering them both inside. Patrick was home, too, and of course had some unique words upon hearing he was going to be a grandfather. 
“Well, this is exceptional news. It’s been six years; I was almost certain you were firing blanks.” Adrien was about to admonish him for such, but couldn’t, seeing his dad swiftly remove his glasses, pinching the bridge of his nose as his eyes welled. “I’m so damned happy for you, son.” Pulling him into a huge hug, he kissed his cheek, clapping his hand upon his back a few times. “It’ll be the best thing you ever do. Trust me on that, because it was for me.”  
Those tender words from his father had him choked up, Adrien kissing his forehead fondly. They spent a little time there at the house before jumping into a cab and heading to Harlem, phase two of their plan put into action. As a chronic hay fever sufferer, the only flowers allowed within Gemma’s home were of the faux variety, Jade having the perfect idea how to surprise her after visiting a small giftshop.  
Opening the door to her brownstone, Gemma was confused at the sight of a pile of helium balloons there in a little arrangement, a note affixed to one of them that instructed, ‘pop me before you go back into the house.’ There was a pin sellotaped to the note that she carefully unpicked, bemusedly doing at instructed. It sprayed confetti everywhere, as well as a little card that had been carefully placed into the balloon prior to it being filled, with the same message as the one that had greeted Lois. 
“I’m... oh!!” Instantly she began to cry, her eyes scanning the immediate surroundings of the frontage of her home. “Jade Lucia!” she boomed, clasping her hands over her mouth for a moment, “come out from wherever the hell you’re hiding!”  
Up she and Adrien popped from behind the wall at the front of the house, ready for round two of the joy they felt at finally being able to share the news with their parents. “Get up here right now and let me hug you both! Oh my god, I am shocked to my bloody bones, buba!” Gemma’s joy in life were her grandchildren, and now she had a third on the way, she couldn’t have been happier. As was Steven, who luckily wasn’t on shift. Yes, Jade had checked in a clandestine way earlier in the week after phoning her mother.  
“Well, would you look at that?” he spoke, holding the sonograph picture, his other arms wrapped around his daughter as he laid a kiss upon her head. “First you get the little gold fella, and now a little baby. I’m absolutely thrilled for you, monkey.” 
They stayed for dinner there before heading back to their apartment, content to curl up on the couch and watch a film before going to bed. The next day, Jade visited both Jen and Jess to tell them her news, calling her brother and sister too before they boarded a flight home. With a few more close friends told later that day, as well as their management teams to field off the likely incoming median questioning reaching out for comment when Jade inevitably began showing, they’d told everyone they were ever going to.  
There would be no “official” announcement made, the pair not the kind of people to make statements about their private life in such a way. Their baby was their business, and they loved every second of their journey into parenthood.  
“Baby, quick. Come see this,” Jade called softly, Adrien entering the lounge to a heartwarming sight. Usually, Juno would only curl up with him, very much his cat, but on that evening, the big puddle of pale grey fur was lying contentedly with his wife, her paws softly kneading against the tiny swell of her tummy. “She knows! Look at her!”  
Crouching by her knees, his smile crinkled his eyes, rubbing Juno’s head. The cat purred and drooled, her tail swishing contently, continuing her kneading. They weren’t the only ones excited that in just over six months, there’d be a brand-new member of the family arriving, it seemed.  
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grimowled · 8 months ago
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i present to you ... grimm's very many and messy thoughts on the latest ep.!
QUEEN VEROSIKA MAYDAY. she unquestionably ruled over this episode, even though it was mostly blitz focused. other than just being effin' fabulous, gorgeous, just slaying and owning every scene she appears in, her growth is just a joy to see - and though it may be shitty to organise a blitzø hate fest, how I see it is that in some way, she is helping people who have been spurned / abandoned / experienced heartbreak by growing them into a community, giving them what they need: a way to hash out their feelings, cry, dance, drink, make out, get together and relate, and move on. like some kind of blitzø anonymous community.
verosika inviting stolas to the party as the latest ex to have his heart broken? how did she know ? did stolas make it public ? I love this little detail. let me know the theories !!
verosika greeting stolas with a smooch and just being so lovely to him, offering him support without prejudice??
I liked that she didn't kick blitz out but gave him a chance to see it all. it showed maturity on her part and a will to find understanding between them.
their little chat - kicked me hard in the feels, especially at the end. for both points of view. closure for vero, and new beginnings for blitz, a path to romantic redemption and introspection. I am so happy for verosika, getting the apology and the feelings catharsis she deserved, whilst helping others cope.
the 80s retro synth vibes?? the purple hues? the VIBESSSS
the tunes in this one !! fantastic lyrics and great interpretation from the voice actors.
the cameos and background characters!! the designs just rocked. I want and need to see more of them, like a spin-off series for each and every one of them. if you make rp accounts, please send them my way I will adore them.
that sexy imp dancing and making out with stolas. unf
look at the variety of smokin' hot ppl blitz's been with, even pulling celebs like vero and royalty like stolas. the sheer gorgeousness in one room ... he may be an incorrigible heartrob but this is just a testament to the charming and handsome KING he is.
blitz's stages of his breakup grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance) his feelings ... lil jealous fit at the end as he watches stolas enjoy himself with another guy, then the resignation ... just everything blitz this ep killed me. I love him so much, I want him to heal and be happy but also I love that he's a mess and a disaster. I am a slut for toxic ships
stolitz - blitz seeking stolas out was pleasantly unexpected for me. starting the ep off with him still trying to pursue stolas despite having obtained a legal way to travel to earth without his grimoire and being thrown out--telling him he needs to EARN it -a blatant excuse to keep seeing him, not accepting stolas is the one to break it off. it broke my heart.
STOLAS. his arc, his growth, him continuously serving cunt in that posh lil robe and being tall and leggy and just royally stunning.
his tiny slutty waist.
THE SONG!! he owned it. I love that he is a songbird and the performance was so emotional it messed me up good.
stolas being a cute messy af drunk.
stolas being SUMMONED-- YES my canons, my heart. needless to say, MY stolas portrayal greatly enjoys those summoning parties but he does like cake with his sacrifices lmao.
more to come ...
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backtothefanfiction · 1 year ago
The Angel In The Garden of Evil | Chapter Six: He's Got A Soul As Sweet As Blood Red Jam
Summary: Peter may seem like a big tough gangster to the rest of the world but he's still that soft boy from Queens underneath it all.
Warnings: 18+ Only, eventual smut (like real soon), slight fluff and jokes, this is mostly plot, character and world building
Word Count: 4.4K
A/N: This is basically just world building and further character development but still does a lot to bridge the gap between our lovers with their one to one dinner date. Expect some more name dropping and greater universe references and a lot of links back to our initial prologue and Peter's origins of friendly neighbourhood super hero to mob boss. Also title comes from the second verse of Lana Del Rey's Off To The Races, wanted to use both lines but it would have been too long. Anyway enjoy!
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Peter had organised Miguel to drop the two of them off at F.E.A.S.T an hour later. The acronym stood for food, emergency, aid, shelter, training. It was a community outreach hub for the homeless or those in need. They had set multiple buildings up across the city under the banner when Peter first switched from being the friendly neighbourhood crime fighting vigilante to being a criminal in his own right. He still wasn’t like all those other guys though. Guys like her Father, Dr Octavious or even Quentin Beck. Whereas all those guys were solely out for themselves, Peter had never forgotten his roots or his mission to help his community. No, he was more like a Robin Hood figure. At least 50% of his annual profit always went back to the people.
And she had been there with him to set the whole thing up. After that first conversation they’d had all those years ago in the darkness of her college dorm room, they went back and forth for hours about what the people really need. Thus F.E.A.S.T was born.
They climbed out of the car and Miles quickly went round to open the trunk, to a mass of pink cake boxes. They quickly began to unload them from the car. Miles held out his arms and Angel stacked one box on top of the other until they were up to his eyeline. She took the final box out of the trunk before closing the boot. She shot a quick look of thanks Miguel’s way before her and Mile’s made their way to the door.
Her fingers quickly rooted around in her blazer pocket for the set of keys Peter had given her, her fingers holding a fob up to the side door of the building. There was a low buzz as the door unlocked and they shuffled their way inside with the boxes.
“Hey Karen.” Angel said, greeting a strawberry blonde woman as she made her way towards the same door her and Mile’s had just come through.
“Hey!” Karen beamed upon seeing her, an arm quickly raising to wrap around Angel’s shoulder. “Where have you been? I haven’t seen you in ages.”
“It’s complicated.” Angel briefly responded. “How’s Matt?” 
“Oh, you know how he is, always takes on too many clients and never leaves himself enough time.”
“We’ll have to catch up properly soon.” Angel beamed.
“Yes. We definitely will. Look I’ve gotta run, I’ve gotta get some paperwork over to city hall before they close, but it was great seeing you.” Karen spoke joyfully as she wrapped Angel into her arms once more.
“Yeah, and you.” Angel concluded their conversation as Karen began to make her way to the door, buzzing herself out.
“Okay… so where are we putting these?” Miles asked, motioning to the boxes he was beginning to get frustrated with holding, after all, pink was not his colour.
She rolled her eyes before saying, “This way.” as she began to walk through the familiar halls. 
Not much had changed since the last time she had been there. Maybe some of the faces, but she was still surprised to see so many familiar ones. Particular Nurses who saw patients with doctors in special designated consultation rooms, all paid for by the Benjamin Parker foundation, little kids who enjoy coming and hanging out in the rec rooms recognising her, smiling and waving as she passed them.
“Hi, Angel.”
“Hi.” she’d say back.
“Hi, Angel.”
“Hi!” It was like that all the way down to the food hall. A large canteen that served regular hot meals for anyone in need, whether you were living on the streets, struggling for money or simply had no idea how to cook. It was a bustling hub of life and community. Mothers talking over cups of coffee as their kids bonded and played together. Newly divorced men looking for someone to talk to and sharing a table with those who called the streets their home as they swapped life stories. It was her favourite place in the world and her proudest achievement in life.
They set the boxes down on a free table along the back wall, opening them up to display the fresh goods. There was a sudden thud to her side as a small girl collided with her thigh, her small arms reaching to wrap around her waist. 
“Angel!” the girl beamed, “You came back.”
Angel recognised the young girl immediately. She had grown a fair bit since she had last seen her at the shelter. “Of course I did.” Angel beamed as her arms instinctively wrapped around her. “Look how much you’ve grown.” Angel commented.
“Look, I’ve got a loose tooth.” The girl said proudly as she used her fingers to pull down her lower lip and show it off.
“Oh wow. You make sure you take good care of it and that it gets to the tooth fairy okay, yeah?”
“I will.” she beamed before she ran off back towards her mother who politely smiled and waved in her direction from her seat at one of the tables.
“Wow, you really know everyone here.” Miles interjected as she continued to watch the young girl as she joined another little girl at a smaller coloring table.
“Believe it or not Miles, this used to be my livelihood. I used to come down and spend so many of my days here helping out. Veronica was actually born here.” She said motioning to the little girl who kept looking back and smiling at her.
“You don’t say.” Miles said with a smile as he finally began to relax.
“It’s my favourite place in the world.” she said fondly. “Come on, I’ll give you the proper tour.”
They walked around the halls together as she gave him the grand tour of all three floors. As well as the already mentioned doctor’s rooms, cafeteria, common rooms and childrens playrooms, there were counselling suites and consultation rooms for legal advice. The second floor had a community hall with regular classes from toddler groups to self defence lessons. The whole top floor was dedicated to the homeless project that provided emergency beds for those rough sleeping whether on site there at the hub or being relocated to one of the apartment buildings they had bought out as temporary accommodation until they could get their feet back on the ground.
They sat and talked to people in the communities, helped out staff where they could and overall tried to inject some light into people's lives amongst the darkness.
“Hey.” a familiar voice said behind her as Veronica, who had just come and given her a picture she had drawn for her, ran back to the coloring table.
“Heeyy!” she beamed softly as she turned around to find her husband.
His hand tenderly braced itself against her lower back and she couldn’t help but melt into his warm touch. She had become so wrapped up in what she was doing, she had almost completely forgotten everything else that had come to pass. The way that everyone had opened their arms to her made her feel like the last three years had never happened, let alone the last 4 hours she had spent there.
“I went back to May’s apartment but you weren’t there.”
“No.” she smiled fondly.
The whole moment felt so domestic, reminding him of days gone by where he would pick her up on Friday afternoons, a moment for him to show his own face and see all of the hard work that was continuing to be carried out with his money. He turned his head around the room looking for Miles, only to find him sitting on a tiny chair next to a little boy on a purple bean bag, playing with the new playstation that had recently been acquired.
“I’m assuming all of the baked goods are gone?” he asked, attempting to keep civil conversation and find good ground between them.
“Actually I think there might be a cupcake or two still in there if you want one.”
They smiled fondly at one another. He had to admit, despite all of the shit he ended up being involved with on a day to day basis, whenever he came back here, seeing families and communities thrive, it made it all worth it,
“You ready to get out of here and go for that dinner?” He asked softly.
She silently nodded as she found herself suddenly drowning in his honey brown eyes. Those soft eyes. The ones he used to look at her with back when they first met. Back when he would sneak into her dorm room. His gaze would soften like molten honey, a sickly sweet sensation always pulling her in as he told her how beautiful she was, his Angel. “Yes.” she finally said slowly, finding her voice. It was barely audible above the noise of the room, but she knew he heard it.
“Yo, Miles!” Peter hollered across the room to him, causing the younger gentleman’s ears to prick up, his head turning slightly, but his eyes never left the screen. “You’re free, man, go home.”
“Yeah, okay, just a minute!” he called back, “I just gotta win this race.”
“Nu uh.” the young boy next to him replied before Miles playfully bumped the kids shoulder with his own.
Angel couldn’t help but let out a small giggle at the exchange as she grabbed her blazer off the back of a chair as they left.
When they got out onto the street Angel had expected to find Miguel outside waiting for them, but instead her eyes came to rest on a black Maserati she recognised from her quick glance across the garage in their rush the night before. “Where’s Miguel?” she asked as Peter began to make his way towards the car, opening the passenger door for her. 
“I’ve got him out running an errand with Harry.” he replied as she stepped past him to slide herself into the passenger seat. “Plus, I want tonight to be just about us.” He said, his head bending down to look at her through the door frame.
“Okay, duly noted.” she replied with a curt smile before he closed the door on her. “So does that mean we’re gonna get through a whole evening without interruptions?” She asked when he climbed into the driver's seat on the other side.
He shuffled slightly in his seat before reaching into the inside pocket of his blazer for his phone making a show of putting it on aeroplane mode before handing it to her for safe keeping. She pursed her lips, attempting to keep a straight face as she looked down at the phone now turning around in her fingertips, trying not to let on how big of a deal that was for the two of them.
“So where are we going?” she asked as he clicked his seatbelt into place before starting the car up with a loud rev of the engine for good measure. She had no doubt he was showboating, trying to impress.
“Oh, now that would ruin the surprise.” he said as he quickly revved the car and sped away.
They arrived 10 minutes later outside a restaurant on the upper east side called the Lemon Grove. The whole front of the building was lit with fairy lights and vines filled with fake lemons. They got out of the car and Peter tossed his keys to a waiting valet before his now free hand rested comfortably at the small of her back as he guided her to the restaurant door.
“Hi, good evening, welcome to the Lemon Grove, do you have a booking with us this evening?” a gentleman, who looked to be nearing his forties asked.
“Yes, there should be a table for two under Parker.” Peter said.
The maître d' scanned his list before saying “ahh yes, here it is. If you’d like to follow me this way.” he encouraged them as he held out a hand for them to follow him.
He led them through the bustling restaurant and over to a table tucked away to the back. He moved to pull out a chair for Angel but Peter quickly cut him off, “It’s okay, I’ve got it.” he said, wanting to make a show of putting in the effort with her after their fight earlier on he was still trying to make up for.
“Okay.” the maître d' said as he took a step back.
When Peter had stepped back around to the other side of the table and began taking his seat the maître d' stepped forward again to place the menus on either side of the table in front of them.
“Thank you.” Angel smiled, as Peter tucked his chair in.
“Can I get either of you a drink? Or would you like to take a moment to look at the wine list?” The maître d' asked, motioning to the smaller menu already on the table.
Before she had had a chance to say anything Peter hastily grabbed the wine list, scanning it over, before ordering them a bottle of an Italian Cabernet from Tuscany. 
“Coming right up, sir.” The maître d' said before walking away and leaving them to their table.
“You still love Italian food right?” Peter asked her as they both reached for their menus to start gazing over the cuisine. 
“Would you hate me if I actually said I’d gone off it.” she deadpanned from behind her menu, causing him to freeze. “I mean, living in Italy for just over two years…” she continued, seeing how far she could push him and make him squirm. She watched over the top of her menu as he swallowed uneasily. “I’m kidding Pete.” she quickly said as he met her eyes, a smile creeping across her face.
“Don’t do that.” he quickly shook his head at her, but he couldn’t hide from her the small quirk in the corner of his lip at realising he’d been had. “No.” he continued, trying to brush it off. 
“What? Spider boy can’t take a joke anymore?” she teased as she fought with the grin that wanted to take over her whole face.
“Oh no, I can take a joke.” he quickly interjects, looking to cover himself.
“Yes, of course.” she mockingly nods as he continues to get a hold of himself.
“It’s just, not often that I am the victim to them.”
“Okay.” she smirked as she continued to nod, her eyes turning back to the menu in front of her as she scanned the list of foods.
It was at that point she realised she hadn’t really eaten since their breakfast meeting this morning.
“What is it?” he quickly asked, noticing the sudden furrow to her brow, an air of concern taking over his whole body.
“Nothing, it’s nothing.” She hastily responded, not wanting him to stress or feel like matters were worse than they were, as if either of them still weren’t somewhat on alert after the events of the past 24 hours, an unconscious paranoia just waiting to take over. “I just realised I haven’t eaten since breakfast.”
“Oh.” he interjected quietly as he began to settle again.
They sat in silence for a moment as they continued to scan the menu, that unspoken paranoia sitting heavily in the middle of the table between them after his reaction that neither was sure how to shift.
“So do you know what you want?” he asked, clearing his throat slightly and breaking up the silence between them.
He watched for a moment as she flicked back and forth between pages. “Yes… no… maybe?” He can’t help but be warmed by the small questioning look on her face, one eyebrow twitching higher than the other, her head tipping slightly as she muddled over the different options in her head. It was the same look she used to get when he would watch her study for a test or when she was struggling to work something out for her thesis, back when she was still at college.
A waiter came over with their drinks and it made Peter smile when she didn’t even look up from the menu, but still reached for the glass the moment it had been sat down, swiftly bringing it to her lips and taking a sip. 
“Do we know what we’d like to order this evening?” The waiter asked as he stood patiently next to the table. 
Peter was about to ask for him to give them another moment when she closed the menu and sat it down in front of her. There was a pause as if to check she really was ready, when she said. “Off you go.” tipping her head to encourage Peter to place his order, as she once again brought her wine glass coily to her lips.
“Are we doing starters?” Peter quickly questioned her, an old habit suddenly popping into his head.
“Peter, just order.” she replied, but he could see the quirk of her lip and recognised the sudden dark gaze to her eye and knew she was up to something.
“Okay…” he hesitantly said, his head turning towards the waiter. “We’ll take the calamari and a portion of arancini to share for starters.” he began, his eyes quickly glancing back to his date for confirmation she was okay with this. She merely raised her eyebrows as she sank back in her seat, wine glass still poised in her hand, the tiniest tilt to her head encouraging him on. “Then for mains, I’ll take the sea bass…” he paused, flashing her another glance and her eyebrows rose higher still, encouraging him to surprise her and order for her. He quickly scanned back over the menu before him, re-familiarising himself with it. He smiled to himself. “She’ll have the parmigiana di melanzane, a portion of bruschetta and a small caprese salad on the side.” He said with perfect pronunciation as he ordered her a selection of their starters for her to pick and choose from like an Italian version of tapas. Once she had laid down the gauntlet he had felt her tense slightly, worrying whether or not he’d order the right thing, but upon making the order, he could feel her energy begin to relax, a smile forming on her lips again.
“Is that everything, sir?” the waiter asked.
“Yes, I think it is.” Peter said with a smile dismissing the waiter who quickly took their menus from them before heading to the kitchen with their order.
There was a pause between them as Peter took a sip of his wine and they tried to work out what to talk about. 
“How’s your shoulder?” Peter asked her as she folded her hands into her lap.
“It’s okay. A little tender but, it’s fine.” Her fingers automatically reached for the shoulder in question but quickly lowered her hand back into her lap.
“How bad was the house?” she asked. Peter noticed there was a slight hesitancy to her question, as if it pained her to think about.
“It’s gonna take a bit of work but-”
“Do you think we’ll be able to go back there, or will we need to sell it?”
Her question seemed to answer her previous hesitancy. It had been their house, their home. The place they had picked out together, decorated together. Lived in together. They’d always seen it as their forever home. The place to raise kids one day. Maybe get a dog. Hold large family events in the backyard. They’d tried so hard to keep it separate from everything else and now that privacy had been violated.
He was silent for a moment as he considered his response. “I won’t lie… it might have to be a possibility.” He watched her closely as she exhaled the breath she had been holding, the usual twinkle in her eye fading as the reality of their situation took over once more. “But until-”
“I know.” she said, not needing him to finish his sentence, her own mind already completing it for her. ‘Until the Vulture had been taken care of, they wouldn’t even be able to consider the house safe enough to go home.’
“So what do we do?” she asked. “I mean we can’t very well keep staying at May’s.” she noted.
Peter was silent for a moment as he looked down at the table in front of him. He had that face on him, she noted, the one where he had something planned but didn’t want to let on that he in fact had a plan.
He was saved by the arrival of their starters, the food being placed down in the middle of the table for them both to pick at.
“Thank you.” Angel said politely to the waiter as he quickly made his retreat, leaving them alone once more.
“Oh my god.” she sighed as she took a bite out of one of the arancini balls with a groan of satisfaction. “That’s amazing.”
Peter’s face changed to one of pleasant surprise as he placed one into his mouth and confirmed his wife's reaction by having a similar one, his own humm of satisfaction vibrating his lips as he chewed.
“So is it as good as the stuff in the actual country or…?” he asked as they moved on to the calamari.
“Not bad.” she confirmed as she finished her mouthful. “I made friends with this lovely old woman who lived down the road from the house and she used to make the best meatballs I have ever tasted. She had just that right ratio of tomato and garlic and she’d slow cook them so they just melted in your mouth.” Angel gushed.
“Now I’m glad I didn’t order the meatballs.” Peter smiled. “With a description like that I don’t think they could have compared and I would have spent the whole meal feeling disappointed with my food, dreaming about these mouthwatering, slow cooked-”
She giggled, a blush forming on her cheeks as she took another sip of wine as he jokingly continued to use as many adjectives as he knew to describe a plate of meatballs he would never ultimately have.
“Oh no, I’m serious.” he continued with a smirk, “I’m gonna call Miguel right now, get him to tell them to get a jet ready so we can fly to Italy to this mysterious magical Nona who cooks the best meatballs and we will do nothing else until-”
“How are you gonna do that, when I have your phone?” she teased back.
“Fine then, you call Miguel.”
“Peter.” she giggled and chastised. He loved it when he could make her blush. Make her forget about everything else. Take them back to their youth. Quiet rainy afternoons, wrapped up in each other's arms on that small single bed.
“Okay, okay.” he conceded with a smile.
“What do you wanna do about your Father’s house?” he asked her as their main courses arrived, her three smaller plates being laid out strategically in front of her by the waiter. Peter watched as she quietly thanked him before switching the order of the plates once the waiter's back was turned. It made Peter’s stomach turn, a sickly sweet feeling that sent tingles to the joins of his jaw that made him quickly turn his head to his own plate before him, inner conflict returning as his brain remembered the question he’d just asked and all of their recent history began to drive a wedge between them once more.
“Sell it.” 
“You sure?” he questioned. It had been the home she had grown up in.
“There’s nothing left for me there.” she said as she lifted a fork full of salad into her mouth.
“Did you wanna go back and sort through anything?”
“No.” she adamantly shook her head.
“Okay.” he silently nodded and agreed. “We can put all the money back into the foundation if you want. Maybe set up another hub in the city?” he asked, trying to chip away at the wall she seemed to just put up at the mention of her Father.
She paused as she lowered her cutlery. “Peter, can I ask you something?” Peter’s own hands froze either side of his plate as he gave her his full attention. “Do you ever wonder if you made the right choice?”
“What do you-”
“I mean all this.” she gestured with her hand between them. “If you hadn’t given up the suit and the mask… do you think things would have been different?”
“I think…” he paused as he tried to comprehend her question. To think of the life they would have had if he had continued to be the Spider-Man, not whatever he was today, “I think we wouldn’t have much money. I think we’d have ended up living in a shoe box apartment somewhere in Queens, still sneaking around behind your father’s back.” She quietly sipped on her wine as she listened to his thoughts. “I think a lot of people's lives would be harder because they wouldn’t have the hubs to go to when they are in need.”
“That’s not what I mean.” she quietly said as her arms came to rest on the table, her fingers reaching out to him.
“You mean, do you think he would have let you stay?”
There was silence between them. Peter watched as she slowly removed her hand from where it had reached out across the table towards him. Reached out for him, to bridge that gap that had grown between them. But he couldn’t do it. Couldn’t touch her. Couldn’t be reminded what it felt like to feel her soft skin against his.
The two of them remained silent, unable to finish their food. The weight of everything that had been or even could have been already enough for their brains to process, let alone the last of their food in front of them.
When the waiter asked if they’d like to look at the dessert menu, Peter waved him off. He instead quickly settled the bill with a generous tip and they both left.
They waited quietly side by side at the edge of the street for the car to be brought around.
“I’m sorry.” she finally blurted out as her arms closed tightly around her with the evening chill. “I shouldn’t have said anything.” she added more quietly as the car revved to a stop in front of them.
The driver quickly got out, handing Peter the keys before stepping towards the passenger door to open it.
“Get in the car.” Peter instructed softer than she expected. “There’s something I want to show you.”
New chapters go live on Wednesdays and Fridays! If you want to be added to the tag list make sure you put it in writing for me. Also if you are enjoying the story don’t forget to tip me like you would your waiter by reblogging and leaving feedback and letting me know what you think!
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