#yes my parents love hatari
thisaintatumblelog · 5 years
My dad when Iceland comes:
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laalaaangel · 2 years
ESC 2022 Ranking + Comments
alrighttttt watching this with my parents is a pain in the ass because they’re painfully straight and it’s showing
i did not watch the semi finals but i wish latvia had qualified
mika is hot ngl
pls don’t question this, idk either, i think a lot of these could be a few places higher up or down depending on my mood -> feel free to comment your own favs!
overall last years esc was better
behold my ranking!
1. Finland yesssss!! i love u finland! @ the guitarist… i’m free tomorrow at 8 <3
2. France this is… yes. i love it. fuck. i don’t want to like france
3. Spain bi panic BIIII PANICCCC
4. Romania fruityyyyy
5. Ukraine it’s good, i like everything about this, but nothing can beat SHUM imo
6. Norway what the fuck but in a good way
7. Moldova yess! turn it up! major après ski vibes!
8. Estonia i like the western vibes ok
9. Serbia I’m not sure what that was or what it was about but it was interesting and i too think hygiene is important
10. Czech Republic idk if i like her voice but the song catchy enough
11. Australia my fav ballad so far, i like his voice and i love his outfit
12. Italy what is this… i was so excited for mahmood but alas i prefer both zitti e buoni and soldi. the tension tho!
13. United Kingdom wow this doesn’t suck!
14. Switzerland listen ik it’s a ballad and i usually don’t like the ballads too much but this one was actually not too bad, i like his voice and i like the message, and yeah maybe i’m a bit biased bc i’m swiss but i expected something a lot worse. just for once i’d like to see a swiss artist singing in swiss german tho
15. Germany it’s not as bad as usual and i actually really liked the rap part but it reminds me a lot of tøp? it just lacks something
16. Sweden it’s not bad ok but i feel like sweden is always the same and i would love to see something new
17. Iceland i like your vibes you beautiful humans <3 but please bring hatari back, this was too boring for eurovision
18. Belgium i like his voice, i like the vibes but it’s not the most interesting entry
19. Lithuania i don’t vibe with this for some reason
20. Poland i will not remember this song tomorrow
21. Azerbajian this is… anti climatic
22. The Netherlands ban ballads already
23. Armenia i’m not a fan tbh sorry, i feel like i heard this before tho
24. Greece another ballad???? come on, you’re better than that greece
25. Portugal it’s boring and gives cult vibes
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hatari-translations · 4 years
Klemens interview about his furniture, 24.5.20
On May 24th, an interview with Klemens about the furniture he’s made was published on mbl.is. It’s a pretty interesting one, as he mentions having ADHD, talks a lot about his thoughts on art in a way more elaborate manner than any previous interview, and makes some quirky jokes such as declaring that one of his favorite things to do at home is picking his nose.
Below is a bullet point translation of what's said in the interview (not a word-for-word translation of the entire thing, but everything new said in it is there, and there are a lot of full quotes).
(Content warning: bodily fluids mention.)
The intro explains that Klemens thinks visually and contributes stylistically both to Hatari and his home. He learned carpentry before he joined a band, and he's worked on designing furniture alongside his composing.
"I learned furniture building at the Technical College Reykjavík and then went into product design at the Academy of the Arts, but found my passions lay elsewhere. I needed a broader spectrum to create and found an outlet for my ADHD in visual art. My wife Ronja Mogensen and I are classmates at the Academy of the Arts."
Klemens has always been creating things, for as long as he can remember. "I've always found joy in creating, and nothing is as creative as a childlike nature. After all, you lose your innocence somewhere on an abandoned playground and then spend most of your life trying to find it again. Creativity makes the world go round endlessly in our heads and sparks our imagination, which lets us have the most magnificent adventures, express and cope with loss, grief, fear, disappointment, joy, hope, the entire spectrum of emotions that are often so difficult to spit out. I've always sought out music as an outlet for that, but also carpentry and visual art, whether it's making cucumbers out of mud, making sculptures out of semen and hair, or making chairs out of wood."
The interviewer asks what makes a good home in his mind. "They say that home is where your family is, and there's a lot to that. Some years ago I might not have said that, and would never have imagined being a father of two and engaged in a passionate relationship, but the home and love go hand in hand, and you need to decide on where you want to live and die, so I see the home as more of a state of mind. A good home is a decently healthy mind, but if I were to imagine my dream home as a physical place, it's a house in the countryside with a workshop, a place to make music, some chickens and maybe a goat called Old Túbal, a brook that we can wade into naked, a vegetable garden and a greenhouse with fruit, a giant treehouse castle that we can climb in, and we built the house and everything in it ourselves."
He first discovered carpentry in a woodworking class in primary school; as far as he can remember, the first thing he made was a lamp for his parents with a face carved into it, though he's not sure if it was meant to be a self-portrait. He also made a baseball bat, which was subsequently stolen. The first proper furniture he did was for the Technical College when he was nineteen, a chair and a cabinet in a 70s-esque style with a modern touch. He found joy in creating a unique, useful object that you could carry with you throughout your life and perhaps even longer.
The interviewer says she heard his graduation project was sold on the spot. He corrects her and says he actually made a second copy to interior designer Thelma Friðriksdóttir's specifications, because he wanted to let his grandkids inherit the original.
Klemens recites a poem that he wrote with Matthías to encompass the core of Klemens' art sensibilities. It reads thus: I am a naivist perfectionist. I take making a fool of myself very seriously. I contemplate my own navel with humility. I'm willing to do the work of pitying myself. I capitulate to art. I want to have perfect control over my art.
"I notice that when I myself am in frame, it takes on a different tone than when the painting, the sculpture, the furniture, the evidence get to speak for themselves. On the one hand, I myself take on the role of the artist and the subject, comment on the medium through the medium and poke fun at myself while I'm at it. The artist Klemens creates a photo series that parodies the concept of photo series and simultaneously parodies Klemens. When Klemens takes on the role of 'pop star in a political supergroup' it means a radical staging where he embodies the sexy porn boy, a perverted narcissist in the depths of self-pity. Even if you use humour as a shield, you have to face that in the end, art comes from yourself. Thus, you're always vulnerable before art. It becomes an endless navel-gazing at the same time as I hope it encompasses some wider context - is bigger than my own personal experiences. When I step out of frame you see a totally different tone, like with the cabinet or the sculptures. I'm more humble before my creation and I seek a texture that could simultaneously be called naivistic, expressionistic but also formalistic and colored by a palate-driven compulsion. Unrestrained figures emerge and take on a life of their own without being commentary on the medium of painting and parodying the one who paints it."
When the interviewer asks about his studies at the Academy of the Arts, he admits he was on paternity leave for a year and also missed the second half of the first year because of Hatari's ESC journey, but it was fun and he's looking forward to continuing in the fall.
What can you tell me about the furniture you've made for your home? "It gives the house a certain character and I'm proud of it."
During the COVID-19 epidemic, he made a set of bookshelves for his parents, which he says was mostly them wanting to support a poor unemployed artist in a difficult time. Originally he was going to do something very simple from existing components but then he just kind of unthinkingly started making it all from scratch without even drawing up more than a rough sketch, and he was as excited as his parents to see how it'd turn out.
How would you describe your home? "Muy grandioso!"
Who lives in your home and do you and your fiancée have the same tastes? "The pillar of the household is my wife Ronja, and then we share it with our daughters Valkyrja and Aþena, 'V-kay and A-J'. Aþena doesn't have much in the way of taste yet as she's only ten months old, two-year-old Valkyrja admires everything and thinks everything is art, so she's not picky except when it comes to precisely how you dunk Graham crackers into a glass of milk. Ronja and I may not have similar tastes, but her strengths make up for my weaknesses and she's very patient with my perfectionism."
What's your favorite thing to do at home? "Watching the kids laugh and cry, watering the plants, picking my nose and passing time."
Klemens doesn't currently have his own workshop, but the owners of a small furniture business have kindly given him access to their workshop, and the Academy of the Arts has a good one as well.
As far as Klemens is concerned he's already living the dream, asked if there's anything he'd do with nothing holding him back.
Klemens will mix together furniture he's received for free or bought used and tries to make it work. He tries to avoid mass-produced furniture even though it can be beautiful; what he loves most is uniqueness. He wants to build as much himself as he can.
What time periods in furniture design appeal to you most? "Mid-century modern and slick."
When you look for ideas, where do you look? "Into the depths of my subconscious and to Foucault."
Is a garden or outside area important when you have kids? "Oh yes. The new trampoline, admittedly mass-produced, has really delivered."
What's your favorite kind of wood to build out of? "Oak."
What's your favorite color to paint your walls? "That depends completely on the context of the room, the lighting and the shape of it, but I love really bright colors and want a lot of those."
Is there anything you're good at at home that nobody knows about? "I'm naturally very limber."
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everymovie2020 · 4 years
Hatari! (1962)
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Date watched: 9 April 2020
This movie was a big deal in the 60s and I'm the only person I know, aside from my parents, who have seen it and like it.
Looking at it through 2020 eyes, it's a big eeeek on some of the things (animal collecting), but honestly… the movie came out 60 years ago, like, I'm not going to be mad that things were different. I'm just going to enjoy the movie.
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John Wayne is a guy who "collects" animals and sells them to zoos.  Already you're like, hmmm, seems cruel.  Also – I'm pretty sure zoos don't operate like this anymore; that animals aren't taken from the wild to populate the zoos.  My understanding is that all the animals are now bred in captivity and wouldn't survive in the wild.  I'm not going to be all hard on zoos, is what I'm saying.  In modern day times, zoos do a lot of good things.
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But in the 60s they were still "collecting" animals in Africa and shipping them to zoos, so that's what this movie is about.  They aren't cruel to the animals, if that helps?
John Wayne is the big star, and Red Buttons is the comedic sidekick (you know, Red Buttons from The Poseidon Adventure). The cast is pretty international, in that it's not all Americans – the other main blonde guy is German, there's a hot French guy, one of the women is Italian and the other is French, and the other older male character is meant to be Native American – and they call him "Indian" affectionately – but I don't know how accurate that is.
Honestly, I'm going to give this movie a pass on a lot of things because it's literally 1962 and I feel like it could be worse.
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I'm also pretty sure some of this was shot in Africa, some of the scenes are clearly on a backdrop/early green screen kind of a deal, but then there's footage that I'm pretty sure must have actually been filmed in Africa.  And yes, I've just googled it and they filmed this in Tanzania so there you go!
Also some other interesting facts (to me, because nobody else has seen this):
The actors did all their own stunts (i.e. wrangling the animals) – I actually wondered that when I watched the movie;
The ranch they stayed in was actually owned by the German actor in the movie (Hardy Kruger);
The French actress who played Brandy taught herself English on the set (and sadly killed herself at the age of 36, which was a sad fact to discover);
All of the animals were untrained and wild, and caught for the purposes of the film;
John Wayne is really sitting on the front of the car during the chase scenes;
They had real encounters with the wildlife while they were filming in Africa.
So the plot is basically this – they're enlisted by the zoos to "collect" animals and ship them around the world. They've got this big ranch sort of a thing where they all live, and it's surrounded by animal pens.  A lady photographer turns up to take photos of them in action, and John Wayne reckons she's a bit of all right.
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Basically most of the movie follows them doing their jobs – the plot is more "here's how we catch animals" with a side of romance – and in the middle of the movie Dallas, the photographer, rescues a baby elephant and unwittingly becomes mother to it.  She then stumbles across another one, and then a third one, and by this time John Wayne is smitten with her but remaining aloof and at a distance. He's a man, you know.  Can't have too many feelings.
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The other love quadrangle going on is between the German guy, the hot French guy, Red Buttons and Brandy, the other female character, whose father originally operated the animal collecting business. I personally felt like the German and the French guy had more chemistry with each other than they did with anyone else, and at the end of the movie they leave together, so I'm choosing to believe that they fell in love and spent their lives travelling the world before retiring in a quaint French chateau overlooking a vineyard.
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It's kind of a long, sprawling movie with more of a meandering storyline.  Brandy hooks up with Red Buttons in the end, the French and the German guy get married in Bordeaux (that's not technically in the film), John Wayne ends up with the fiery Italian, mother of the elephants.
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In terms of how the film treats the local tribespeople – I feel like it could be worse?  The white people aren't cruel; they employ a bunch of native people at the ranch and they have respect for the local tribespeople.  It's less imperialism and more "hey we all get along with each other".  There's no racism or derogatory language or anything like that, which, considering the time period, is a good thing.
Would I recommend this movie?  Look… it has moments of greatness.  The baby elephants racing through the town searching for Dallas while the Baby Elephant Walk plays is great.  John Wayne is very likeable in this role.  There's a budding gay romance (THEY LEFT TOGETHER IN THE END.  YOU WILL NOT CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE).  If you're a fan of older movies, then sure, give this one a go.  It's kind of a sprawling epic, if that makes sense.  There's not a lot of constant action but there are sequences that are really great.
I grew up with this movie so I love it, but YMMV, and that's okay.
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borisbubbles · 5 years
Eurovision  2010s: 25 - 20
25. Francesca Michelin - “No degree of separation” Italy 2016
Man, we’re deep into the endgame and at this point every elimination starts to mentally hurt. 
“Nessun grado di separazione” is a fantastic song. it is a moody, melodic, genuinely touching showcase of palpable social anxiety, brightened up by frivolous jiggles and Animal Crossing-inspired staging. 😍 Its lyrics tackle the subject of “falling in love” with disarming accuracy and poetic justice. When you fall in love with somebody, it really is a question of resistance, of trying to stay level-headed and rational, of trying to not speak from the mind, not the heart, and then flare of emotion lights up from the inside, carving a path in your chest, until
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Hands down my favourite language shift ever. Each time Francesca delivers it, time stands still, as you take in the expanse of the universe, the beauty of love and the profoundness of life. 
Naturalmente, Francesca is also a fantastic performer for me. It really pains me that she was less good in the Grand Final, because her SF performance was genuinely worthy of a top five spot on this ranking. Yet, at the same time, Francesca is clearly upset at herself that she was worse and god my overthinking, underachieving perfectionist-with-a-crippingly-fear-of-not-being-good-enough self can RELATE SO HARD to that. 😭
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*YOU* ARE PRECIOUS, Francesca. Grazie.
Easily the best entry Italy have ever brought at Eurovision...
24. Mahmood - “Soldi” Italy 2019
...until “Soldi”. Alessandro is mah MOOD
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What a delight “Soldi” was. Shame on me though. Between, all the madness of Hatari’s assholery, Serhat’s qualification, ZalaGasper’s interview gold, Bilal’s revamp, Michela & Miki’s staging miracles, Sergey’s struggles to keep his homosexuality under wraps, Duncan’s staging disaster, Jurij’s bedroom eyes and 2019: A Kate Oddyssey, I had completely forgotten about Mahmood.
Which made the rediscovery of “Soldi” all the greater. 😍 THIS 👏 SONG 👏 FUCKING 👏 SLAPS. 👏 even the B-material things such as the snappy camerawork, the arabic middle-eight and rhyming “Ramadan” with “Jackie Chan” are mindblowingly awesome. 
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It hard to pick a favourite aspect though. The backdrop, the beat, the dancing, Mahmood’s vocals and miming all come together in a song that is supereffective in getting the pain across while also simultaneously remaining fun, addictive and highly energetic. Mahmood completely DISMANTLES bad parenting while also clowning the xenophobic pieces of shit that tried to bully him off Eurovision. It’s that combination of genuine emotional pulling, righteous ownage and let’s face it, a fucking amazing song that makes coming back to Mahmood for another listen the easiest decision ever. *CLAP*CLAP*, motherfuckers. 👏
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23. Lea Sirk - “Hvala, ne!” Slovenia 2018
[2018 Review here] (shared with ZiBBZ)
Best moment of 2018: Lea Sirk becomes the best shock qualifier of ALL TIMES. Honestly, a trash fairy with a trap song that she wrote in under two hours has NO BUSINESS being this good, but it is. 😍
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 Remember the Israeli’s that cheered for Hatari? “Hvale, ne!” is the jury equivalent to that. It’s a song that righteously calls out the FAKENESS of the music industry <3 THAT WAS ALSO LIKED BY THE JURIES <333332456 😍😍😍
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Besides this “Hvala, ne!” is a wild ride taking us to lands of cotton candy braids and trashbag couture with an impeccable, show-stopping choreography, an earworm of a beat and just general kick ass energy. Lea operates on a near-inhuman level of pure CONTENT. Every second she delivers something of value, be it choreography or a snarky note or a hilarious facial expression “Hvala ne!” is riddled with little nuggets like that, which are hard to list in text, so here are a  couple of gifs:
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and yes, of course, the “break”. 😍
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Being able to pull that off not ONCE, but TWICE and STILL making it look fresh and novel <3 “Hvala, ne!” is effortlessly sleek, unapolegetically non-conformist, shamelessly gimmicky and 100% pure awesomeness. Slovenia may be a tiny country geographically but they burst with raw TALENT. Obrigado sim! 
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ps: Slovenia reportedly hating Lea now because she was trashtalking ZalaGasper’s victory over RAIVEN <3  lmfao Lea <3 ANGELS <3
22. Who See - “Igranka” Montenegro 2013
💃 Vodim te na IGRANKU 💃 💃 Na na na na  IGRANKU 💃 💃 Ku ku ku ku IGRANKU 💃 💃 Vodim te na IGRANKU 💃
I should not get ahead of myself, but jesus fuck, what a TRIP. 
So anyway, are Who See dressed like austronauts to signal that “Igranka” isn’t of this fucking planet, or? “Igranka” a fun party song, in which Who See tramp about dressed like Armstrong and Lightyear, flanked by 2013′s ubiquitous dubstep. Good? Sure.🤔 Funny? Certainly. 😁 However, nothing superexciting so far.
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Who See go from a weird heteronormative rap effort that is lowkey fun to an utterly unhinged acid trip the SECOND Nina Zizic is lifted onto the stage by a dumbwaiter and then proceeds to collect every scalp in the gaylaxy. Remember how I said 2013 had EPIC female entrances? This is a top five entrance probably in the history of live performances. SLAIN, DECEASED, EVAPORATED every single time. 
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Europe’s cyborg seraph.
and I mean, you’d think this one-time gimmick would get stale over time, but “Ingranka” actually gets better with every listen. I’m at the point where I can NO LONGER resist the ululating siren call to don a visor and a pair of pvc wings, and make overdramatic shouty entrances everywhere just like Nina the few times I choose to leave my mother’s basement. VODIM TE NA IGRANKU. 
21. Cleo - “My Slowianie”  Poland 2014
CLEO... Donatan?
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Is this Donatan shade for not being there? GOOD! We at BorisBubbles (so basically, I) believe in gender equality and since the wymyn do all of the work here, I’ve decided to not credit him. 🤭
Anyway, let’s just JUMP right in because dammit “My Slowianie” is such a RIDE. It’s entire objective appears to be... to convince everyone that ~Slavic Women~ are better, at everything than non-slavic women and, well, being slavic myself this message speaks to me. Not to mention that Cleo teaches us this paramount interculteral lesson in the most hilariously blunt fashion ever. 
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and dammit Cleo doesn’t underdeliver, doesn’t she? Three minutes of loud in your face SUPERIORITY. 😍 One could argue that “My slowianie” is SOCIALLY REPRESSING WOMEN, like many terfs did but like... get over you -- Sophie Ellis-Bextor, BorisBubbles. I don’t think any of us have the right to tell (other) women what they can or can’t do because of their breasts and oestrogen. These ladies agreed to do this song/act and are completely facetious while doing it. It’s a spoof. Laugh. or don’t laugh, I don’t care, really. Be a humourless non-slavic frump if you must. As far as I am concerned, “My slowianie” is a thing of CHARMING BEAUTY :shakes what his momma gave him:/ :claps his hands to this music:
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and in this update we say goodbye to Italy, Montenegro and Poland. Read my thoughts on them below:
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Italy before their return is one of the biggest snoozefests in Eurovision and now look at that chart. They were near impeccable in this decade and hopefully can win a third time soon (honestly the fact that they came so close to winning four times in this decade and still didn’t is one of the biggest mysteries of 2010s Eurovision imo.)
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Montenegro are the Georgia of the Balkans: they often go for experimental shit, just cuz they can. Unfortunately, their shit often is just that: shit. 
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Poland at Eurovision is a big ball of meh, mostly because they can’t, at all, select songs or entrants that sound good. Cleo and Michal are forever though, so it’s not completely without merit. 
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emwritesfootball · 3 years
Oh fuck yes. Thanks @midnghtlver 💜
Top 7 comfort movies in no particular order
1. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (always 1)
2. That Awkward Moment
3. Hatari
4. She’s The Man
5. Father Goose
6. Bedknobs and Broomsticks
7. Die Hard
(Yes I’m aware that most of these movies are pre-2000s but I got my movie taste from my parents and my mother loves Cary Grant and my dad loves John Wayne what can I say 💀)
Tagging anyone who wants to do it 😘
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