#yes it is talked about but i think there shoud be at least an international outrage about shit like this
uramitashi · 10 days
dominique pelicot frequently upskirted young women. he tried to rape a 19 years old girl when he was 28 and is now charged with rape and murder of Sophie Narme. he was training another man to make his wife be sexually abused by tons of men - him included (he raped her a lot of times). he also took naked photos of his daughters-in-law and of his own daughter. all this without counting the fact that he carefully crafted a rape ring around his drugged, 70 years old wife for 10 years, with 70 different men. he gaslit her and you know what? the only thing he said is that " he did nothing wrong, he drugged her because he did not want her to suffer". he does not see the rape ring he created as immoral.
theres AT LEAST 90 men IN THE ZONE GISELE PELICOT LIVES who would rape a 70 years old woman if they could. those men are ordinary. you can not recognize them as outwardly bad. they are nurses, truck drivers, firefighters, fathers, boyfriends, husbands.
it blows my mind everytime i think of it. i cant wrap my head around it. dominque pelicot could be my father. could be my brother. my uncle can be part of a rape ring association and i could never know about it. how many of the men i pass on the street would rape someone the age of my mother, if they could? it makes me vomit. there is no rehabilitation. why isnt it the most important topic on the news? is it because they can't find ways to blame the woman?
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dev129 · 5 years
Here is what I have learned in the first class of my intership under india's no. one digital marketer sir deepak kanakarju
Hey guys, Devendra Tripathi here and this is an article about my experience of the first class of digital marketing internship under India’s leading digital marketer Deepak sir. So I am following Deepak sir for 4 months. I read his e-mails and also I have listened to him in digital master’s conferences in Mumbai. I have read his book called the edge of sanity which I think every one shoud read. So now lets come to the experience of my first class and what I have learned in my first class. there are so many things I have learned like some basics about digital marketing and what is personal branding, niche, and many more things which are very informative. So without wasting time let me share my thought about that class.
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1 — Digital marketing — I have learned some basics about marketing and sales and got to know that marketing is everything. without good marketing nothing is possible. sometimes people hate marketers and people have some negative images in their minds when they hear marketing word but if we want to become successful in any field then we have to be a good marketer. just imagine in a company everything is ready like products or service and the products and service is world-class but there is no marketing strategy and no data of the market and no market research then tell me how much turnover and revenue company get. in the end, sales are what give company profit and everything is in momentum. that’s why all goes well when you sell sell sell.
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2 — Personal branding — I have learned about personal branding and its future. And also I have learned why we should build our brand on social media. If we built our brand then we get more opportunities In so many ways which opens more doors.
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3 — Key basic skill — I have learned how much communication skill is important to become a good digital marketer, for becoming a good marketer we have to communicate with so many people, like some time we have to communicate with clients, sometimes we have to speak in front of camera, So to become a good marketer we should learn communication skills.
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4 — Be an expert in any one thing — when we enter in digital marketing career there is a huge diversion in that diversion if we want to be successful then we have to be skilled and build a brand in any one things that can be SEO, affiliate marketing, video marketing, social media marketing, etc.
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5 — Finding gold — we all know there is already gold is in the market we just have to understand where the gold is and how we get that gold. So for that in this section, sir has shown some bulb on data and create aha moment which I think creates smiles on every intern face.
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6- Fun during learning — During the class, we get a chance to met special and beautiful massy which is two years old she came to say hi to all interns and give wishes for becoming a better marketer.
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7- Niche — I have learned about niche and how many niches are there in market like fashion, cooking, health, travel, money, relationship and then I have also learned about sub-niche, Sub-niche is when we go on one step deep in any niche, for example, I am in health niche and I am specialist as how to lose weight. So here how to lose weight is my sub-niche. Every niche has a sub-niche. So for becoming successful in any niche gain knowledge and be master in that particular area.
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8 — The beauty of passion — We all are doing work in the form of something, I don’t think anyone is there who just sit and analysis. But you see some people are 24 hours happy and they are so energetic they always have a smile on their face but some people are so irritating and they always talk about so many things accept their work, Ultimately they not enjoy whatever they do. the reason behind that is simple one person is doing the things that he is passionate about and others are just doing for doing. So the lesson i have learned is that do what you love and in that way, you produce more result and this will help both for you and society as well.
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9 — Some tactics to improve communication skills- As we know this is one skill which plays a very important role in our life but also we know this is very hard to learn. So I have learned some tactics for improving communication skill and those are read at least 30-minute per day, write one or two pages daily because when we write we slow down our thought process, and also we remember more what we write, listen to podcasts. So these are somethings I have learned to improve communication skills.
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10 — Own more space on the internet — In this section sir has compared data or digital assets with real estate. for example, if we have money to invest on real estate then we have limited opportunity to invest but when it comes to digital real estate or data then we don’t have a limit, Here we can invest as more as we want here we just have to produce more content which takes our energy. And that’s why it very important to produce content in the form of videos or text on the internet and try to own as more space as we can.
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11 — Why this is the best time to learn digital marketing — In this section, I am going to share key learning and that is why this is the best time to learn digital marketing. there was the time when designing and animation in demand and then for some time any other skills were in demand but for now, digital marketing skills are most in-demand and the reason behind that is the internet and social media. and it will grow just because of the internet.
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12- Marketing will never end — Last but not least and that is marketing is never going to die, people can stop anything but they never stop buying things and that`s why marketing is never going to die. yes, the way and method will change according to time like earlier there were radio, T.V was there and now there is social media and in future may be some another medium but the psychology of buying behavior will be the same.
So these are some things I have learned in my first class which is really very helpful for me.
thank you so much for this class sir I am glad to be part of this internship program.
thank you.
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