#yes im talking abt summer drift shut up
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i wonder if the people finding my stray art know. i wonder if they know just how gender he is. i wonder if they know i am he.

literally me
#stray.txt#in not tagging this arts bc it was a silly doodle bc i was in a mood drawing smth else#if i ever get around to finishing some things ill post them but#ive been too busy trying to do ranked zb bc i want the spray#ill take anything i can get at this point#and its not summer so i only really get that spray rn#yes im talking abt summer drift shut up
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Your blog is great I really enjoyed reading it xd How abt Jimin x Hobi teachers au? They obv look like they both have a thing for each other but don't rlly do anything abt it until...one day BAM! Again, love your works 🌻🌻🌻
yesss jihoppeeee. its not even my otp but im so here for it ?? then again i literally love all jimin ships
also tysm
“Okay guys, good work today, go get changed.”
Hoseok dismissed his class of thirteen to fourteen year olds, walkingto the corner of the room to turn off the generic rhythm music thatwas playing as the pitter patter of kids leaving filled the hall.This was the one time of the school day where he wasn’t thinkingabout kids or lesson plans because he was thinking about foodinstead. In around five minutes, the bell for lunch would soundthroughout the entire school and Hoseok was free to go and devour thefood he had packed for himself this morning before he left. Hoseokhad been a dance teacher at this high school for roughly two yearscome April, and it was the best job he’d ever had. He was doingwhat he loved still – dancing – but at the same time he was alsopassing on that same passion to younger people, and even if only twoout of fifteen people in a class began to love it just as much as hedid then he was doing something right. He pushed his black hairback, sighing as he stretched his back a little, he always preferredto put as much energy into his lessons as he expected the studentsto so he always ended up a little sweaty at the end. Not that heminded much.
“Hey, how was class?” He turned around to see afamiliar smiling face peeking around the double doors. The appearanceof the brunette man put a soft grin on his face, and he waved theother inside, shaking his head and ruffling his hair up so he lookeda little more presentable. “Hey Jimin.” Jiminwas a little shorter than him with chubbier cheeks that alwaysbunched up when he smiled or laughed and made his eyes look likecrescent moons, not that Hoseok always paid that much attention…“Yeah, it was good. There are a couple students in this class I’mpretty sure are going to sign up for the summer show.” He said,noting that Jimin had loosened his navy tie and unbuttoned the firsttwo buttons of his white blouse for comfort, knowing that he didn’tlike when things were too tight and stuffy. “Yeah?”Jimin’s voice was light and airy too, Hoseok found it pleasant tolisten to – it had this calming and relaxing effect on him that nomatter how tensed or riled up about something he was, all he had todo was simply talk and listen to Jimin and it was as though he waslistening to a lullaby and could momentarily push down those negativefeelings. “I think the show will be really good this year. I have acouple bands that are really serious about music who are going to doit.” So with a voice like that, it makes sense that he’s a musicteacher. The passion Hoseok has for dance is exactly how Jimin feltabout music and performing in general, though while Jimin wassomething of a dancer himself, he chose to focus more on music as acareer path and Hoseok was secretly glad. If he hadn’t, Jimin would neverhave applied for the music teacher position at this school and Hoseokwould never have met him. “Good.” Hoseok nodded,trying not to get too distracted by that little glint in the youngerman’s eye or the way he crossed his arms and jutted his hip out tostand comfortably. “You sound a little out ofbreath.” Jimin chuckled, teasing him a little but still sporting anunderstanding smile. “Just a tad.” There was apause after that, and they both looked down at the ground, unsure ofwhat to say. Jimin worried his bottom lip, playing with the fabric ofhis shirt before he cleared his throat. “Do youwant to get lunch?” He asked, and Hoseok wasn’t expecting thequestion, so he simply said the first thing that came to mind withoutmuch thought. “I brought my own today.” Which hethen realised made it sound like he didn’t want to get lunch withJimin. Which he did. He very much did. “Oh okay.”Jimin put on a smile, looking a little awkward. “Nevermind then.” “No, we can still…We can still eat together. If you want.” He tried to salvage thesituation. After all, any time he had with Jimin alone always endedup being a time that left butterflies in his stomach and made himforget that he was almost 26 years old. “It’salright, I should probably get some marking done anyway.” Jiminshrugged, putting his hands in his trouser pockets and clicking thepen that was left loose inside. “We could get lunchtomorrow?” Hoseok quickly interjected, knowing by the shuffle ofJimin’s feet that he was getting ready to leave. “It’s Saturday tomorrow, Hoseok.” Jimin scoffed, an endearinggrin on his face replacing the previous stiff one that was hidingdisappointment. “Yeah?” Hoseok wasn’t quitegetting what Jimin was insuating, not seeing the problem. “Well, we’re not at school on Saturdays...” Which is whyJimin’s explaination had his mouth gaping open in an ‘o’ shape. “You’re right, sorry.” He laughed, shaking hishead at himself and leaning his hands on the rail against the mirrorbehind him. “Monday then.” “Yeah, cool.Monday.” Jimin nodded his head in confirmation, smiling down at thefloor. Once again, they reverted into silence until Jimin’s footstepped backwards with a hesitant tap against the floor. “Erm.Well… I’ll see you around.” He said and Hoseok nodded his head,waving as Jimin eventually turned around to walk properly away. “Yep.” Hoseok whispered to himself, his hand droppingdown to his side with a sigh as the door swung closed behind theyounger man.
Hoseok wondered why he could never have a normal conversation withJimin. The two could talk for hours and hours about anything andeverything but by the end of it, it was always awkward. He didn’tknow if it was his fault or Jimin’s – most likely both of them –but whether it was conflicting plans or reluctant goodbyes, Hoseokalways felt that uncomfortable feeling in his chest that made himwant to scrunch his face up and sigh loudly in an attempt toalleviate said feeling. Maybe it wasn’t necessarily awkwardness butHoseok still found himself mulling over words he could have saiddifferent or things he could have done instead when it came to Jimin.Only when it came to Jimin.
“You’re hopeless.” Yet another recognisable voicedrifted into the dance hall; this time it made Hoseok roll hiseyes with a groan. “Yoongi, I swear you are alwayseavesdropping on me.” He huffed, pulling away from the mirror asYoongi walked over to him. “No, I came by to see ifyou were finished with your class and I heard you and Jimin talkingand I can’t pass up on anything that might give me a reason totease you.” The older maths teacher hummed, a mischievous grin onhis face as he popped a crisp in his mouth from the packet he washolding in his right hand. “And your plain awkwardness is enoughfor that.” “Oh shut up.” Hoseok frowned, notbothering to tell Yoongi that he couldn’t eat in here because theolder man would just continue anyway and tell him that he has tobecause he needs his sustenance. “You two confuseme.” Yoongi said, loud crunching following his words. “Youliterally turn into teenagers when you talk to each other. ‘ohum, sorry… I, I mean if you want. Oh’.”He pulled a face and mockedthe way Hoseok and Jimin had spoken with each other, definitely notacting his age and pulling yet another eye roll from the dancer. “Okay, I get it.”Hoseok started organisingthings, pulling the plug out of the wall and rolling the long wireup. “Why don’t youjust ask him out to dinner or something? You’re both grown adultswhat’s the worst that can happen?” Yoongishrugged, speaking with his mouth a little full and Hoseok let out along breath before replying. “He says no andwe have to live awkwardly avoiding each other which will beimpossible because not only are we co-workers but we work in the samedepartment and have to work together for the performing arts shows.”Yoongi looked at him with adead stare and Hoseok stared back with an equally blank gaze. “You’rehopeless.” Yoongideadpanned before he turned on his heel and walked away, leaning hishead back to tip the rest of his crisps into his mouth whilst Hoseokglared at his back.
It’s not as if Hoseok didn’twant to ask Jimin out. He definitely did. However, it had been solong since he realised he had feelings for the younger man that hewas worried he would ruin things between them if he tried to pursueanything further. In hismind, even though Jimin doesn’t give him any inclination that hewould say no, there was no explicit reason for a yes either and theuncertainty was Hoseok’s biggest problem in trying to find thecourage to finally ask…
So once again, Hoseok found himselfthinking of Jimin as he sat on his couch not watching the TV that wasplaying a show he didn’t recognise. Hetapped his fingers on the arm, puffing his cheeks in boredom.
However, his boredom wasn’t goingto last very long as there was faint knock at his door. At first, hethought he was just hearing things as it was so quiet but then itrepeated, much louder but still hesitant sounding. With a confusedpout, he stood up and pulled his shirt down a little, making his waypast the kitchen and through the hall to the front door. He had noidea who was knocking at his door at 7pm, it definitely wasn’tYoongi because Yoongi didn’t leave his house for anything but workor to go to a pub and if it was going to be anyone else, theywouldn’t come unannounced. Without any expectations, he reached hishand out and enclosed it around the cold handle, turning the lockwith his other hand. “Oh, Jimin. Hey.”Hoseok opened the door to seethe slightly wind blushed face of the music teacher, hands in his coat pocketwith a scarf wrapped around his neck and touching the bottom of hislip. He looked bundled up despite the dashes of pink acrosshis cheeks and nose. “Hoseok.” Jiminsmiled, bowing his head a little and sniffling. “What are youdoing?” Hoseok asked, alittle confused and slightly concerned at how cold Jimin was lookingand sounding. Jimin looked down at his feet, rocking back and forth alittle. “Well, I justwanted to take a walk and I guess my feet just took me here.” Hesaid with a shrug, glad that he could hide his blush behind the coldthat had been nipping at his face. “I’m surprisedyou remember where I live.” Hoseokchuckled, stepping out of the way to let the younger man in, noddingat the small utter of a ‘thank you’ sent his way. “Well, I’vebeen here enough.” Jimin said, unwrapping his scarf and taking his coat off, slightlytaken aback when Hoseok took them off of him to hang up. “What’s up?”He asked, doing a good job athiding the fact he was slightly nervous Jimin was currently in hishouse for the fifth time but it was the first time he had come completely out of his own volition. “Erm, nothing…Like I said - just took a walk.” Thebrunette said with pursed lips, clasping his hands together in frontof him and swaying a little on his feet. Avoiding Hoseok’s eyes forsome reason. “You came herethough. You could have gone anywhere else.” Hoseoktook a teasing tone, walking to the kitchen with Jimin trailing behindhim. “I guess I justwanted to see you.” Jiminsighed, smiling and leaning on the counter as Hoseok took a glass outof the cupboard. “Even if Ididn’t realise it.” “I’mflattered.” ThankfullyHoseok had his back to the younger, so the heat colouring his facewasn’t on show and he could pass his comment off as a joke. “Shut up.”Jimin chuckled, watching asHoseok moved around the room. “Do you want adrink or anything?” “You actually havedrinks? Other than water and alcohol?” Jiminmock gasped, pretending to be shocked because he knew exactly whatHoseok was going to say next. “No, I havewater… And alcohol.” Theolder pouted, holding up the glass and staring at the tap in thesink. “Never change.”Jimin shook his head,grinning endearingly. “I’lljust have water.” “On a Friday? You’rea riot.” Hoseok quipped,pouring Jimin a drink and then getting himself the same. “I don’t wantto end up saying or doing anything stupid tonight thanks.” Jiminreplied quietly, taking the cup and looking down at the water insideof it as he talked rather than at Hoseok. “Like what?” “Nothing...”Jimin shrugged, flushing andwondering why he had even said anything in the first place. “Do you want towatch a movie?” Hoseokasked, noting Jimin’s sudden change in demeanour and not wantinghim to feel uncomfortable even if he wasn’t sure whyexactly he felt uncomfortable. “Yeah, sure...”
Theyboth settled on the couch andplaced their drinks on the coffee table,each sat on either end with a space left between them, as Hoseokflicked through the channels until he found the only movie that wasclose to have started to watch. It was some coming of age movie thatHoseok is pretty sure he was made to watch in high school but Jiminseemed interested so he went with it. The silence soon washed over them asHoseok vaguely remembered the plot, he knew sometime soon that therewas going to be some big dramatic reveal that the main character’sfather was dead and that would, in turn, kick start the plot.
Wanting to get comfortable, he movedfurther down the couch to pull his legs up, arm laying on the back ofthe couch so that his torso wasn’t awkwardly trying to stayupright. He was closer to Jimin in this position however and he sawthe younger man shift his eyes to look at him, shuffling a little inhis seat and clearing his throat, the tips of his ear turning red.Hoseok tried not to thinkanything of it, and he especially tried not to look at the way thelight of the television highlighted Jimin’s face, from the wisps ofhis eyelashes to the tip of his nose and the outline of his plumplips that were slightly pouted in concentration. Instead, he tore hisgaze back to the movie and tried to look interested. He also tried toactually be interested but he was finding it difficult. The movie wasactually boring him and he wasn’t sure if the heaviness of his eyeswas just a random sensation or if he was slowly falling asleep… Hisblinks grew slower and slower and his limbs weighed down on him moreand more until his eyes wereclosed longer each time he blinked. He tried but eventually his eyelids just stayedshut…
“Hoseok?” WhenHoseok finally woke up, not even realising he had fallen alseep, hewas greeted with the sight of everything appearing horizontal. He heard Jimincall his name but he didn’t respond as he tried to make sense ofwhat position he was in. He figured it out when he felt a hand in hishair and saw the edges of Jimin’s kneesin front of him. In his sleep, he must have started to fall over onthe couch and had ended up in Jimin’slap. If that wasn’t enough for his poor heart, the younger had also started to play with his hair at some point in his sleep (a sleep that waslong enough for whatever movie they were watching to have finishedand gone to advertisements). “Areyou awake?” Jiminasked but yet again, he didn’t respond. Rather, he wanted to relishin the moment for a second because he could just about believe it. Hewould have expected Jimin to push him off or at least lay him down onthe couch or something but instead he decided to twirl his fingersaround the black locks of hair as though it was the most naturalthing to do… He could barely believe it. He closed his eyes,planning on enjoying the feeling for a little while longer. He didn’texpect any more than this. This was enough. This was more thanenough. However, Jimin didn’t want to stop there it seemed as hecould soon feel the brunette leaning down and his heartbeat picked upin anticipation, though he wasn’t entirely sure what he wasanticipating. Then he felt something soft press against his templeand linger there. It soon clicked that Jimin was kissing him. He waskissing the side of his head. This is where Hoseok was sure his heartwas going to stop and he almost held his breath but Jimin didn’tlinger for long, soon sitting back up and also removing his hand fromHoseok’s hair. “Iwish we could do this every day...”Jiminwhispered with a sigh and Hoseok could no longer pretend. “Jimin...”Hebegan, pushing himself off of the comfortable lap and turning to face the other man who was now staring at him with wide, scared looking eyes. “You were awake?”Jimin gaped, hands coming upto cover his mouth in disbelief. “Ohmy god, I’m so sorry.” Hebegan to panic and Hoseok reached out to try and calm himdown. “Jimin, no -.” “I have to go.”Before his fingers could evenreach Jimin however, the younger man was bolting upright to a stand,brushing his hair back and looking around in a fluster, as though hewasn’t sure what to do with himself – which in all honesty, hedidn’t. “Jimin, wait.”He said before the othercould walk off, effectively grabbing his attention. “Wait,sit down.” Jimin did justthat, a guilty look on his face that made Hoseok feel bad even thoughhe had nothing to feel bad about. This wasn’t a bad thing. “Hoseok, I’mreally sorry. I thought you were asleep and I just. I don’t know.”Jimin couldn’t even look athim and Hoseok could only smile understandingly. “It’s okay.” “You’renot mad?” Hoseok shook hishead, unable to stop the little breathy chuckle that tumbled out fromhis lips. “Why would I be?In fact, I’m… I’m actually happy.” Hesaid, rubbing the back of his neck. “Youjust did something I’ve wished I could do to you.” Fora second, Jimin looked surprised but that surprise soon melted downinto relief, and then there was soft grin on his face as his entirebody relaxed. The trust he already had in Hoseok telling him that this wasn’t a joke, Hoseok was being serious. “Why didn’tyou?” Jimin asked, his voicewas quiet and near a whisper but yet loud enough for Hoseok to hear himloud and clear. “I was worriedyou would reject me.” Heanswered honestly, unconsciously moving closer to Jimin, their kneestouching. “So we’ve beenthinking the same thing this entire time?” Jiminhuffed, tilting his head and feeling rather silly as he buried his face in his hands with an embarrassed groan. “I guess so.”Hoseok hummed with a nod ofhis head, the tips of his fingers brushing against the fabric of Jimin’strousers as his eyes looked down. “We’rehopeless...” Jimin let his hands fall down onto his lap, somehow managing to both pout and smile at the same time. “I guess we are… Neverthought I would agree with Yoongi.” Hoseokscoffed, thinking back to what Yoongi had said to him earlier thatday that he had primarily refuted. “What?” “Nothing,nevermind.” Hoseok shookhis head, just now realising that he hadn’t stopped smiling sinceJimin had sat back down. “Sois it safe to assume our feelings our mutual?” Jiminasked hesitantly and Hoseok could only find it endearingly adorablethat even in this obvious situation, he was still nervouslyuncertain. Although, he could understand. “Mostdefinitely.” He said, theirhands finding each other without looking, fingers naturallyintertwining on top of their laps. Jimin bit his lip as though he wastrying to suppress a smile – though it didn’t work. “So can I kissyou again?” “Also a most definitely...”Hoseok leaned forward, and sodid Jimin, their heads tilting. For a second they stayed there, as though they were waiting for the other to make that final move and Hoseok was more than happy to be the one to do it. With one hand holding Jimin’s and the other resting atop the younger man’s thigh, he pressed their lips together together and ifHoseok thought Jimin’s lips were soft when they were touching his head thenhe had no idea what soft felt like… The kiss was warm and more than hehad ever dreamed about (and he’d dreamt about it a lot).
Everythinghe’d wanted to say for the past year, he poured into the kiss, andwhen Jimin’s hand came up to cup the side of his face, hecould say for certain thatthis was probably the happiest he had ever felt. Not even dancing couldcompare.
run era was iconic tbh
hope you liked it!
#jihope#jimin#hoseok#god i love jihope.#like not to be traitor to yoonmin#but jihope man#thats some good sh*t#over 3k#prompt#fluff#teacher au
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THIS CHAPTER: First time, handjob, premature ejaculation.
=Chapter 9
Bowling was a lot of fun for the whole family. Of course, that was only because the parents didn’t notice Ruby teasing Yang and trying to make her smell her bowling shoes, but that was only briefly annoying. The rest of the time was a lot of fun, competing against each other, scarfing down pizza and sodas from the snack stand and generally goofing around.
By the end of it, Yang was even starting to feel less weird around Summer. Her brain still twisted the knife by flashing the memories of her nude body at her once in awhile, but it was becoming less frequent and she could easily tolerate that much. Besides, remembering Ruby’s body helped a lot with that.
On the way home, they stopped for frozen yogurt and chatted and laughed. Everything was on the mend; their dad definitely didn’t look put out about Yang skipping fishing now that they had some quality father-daughter time in, and they were all talking as normal. Even the occasional guilty look in Summer’s eyes didn’t bring down the evening; after all, they hadn’t really done anything wrong. Just didn’t volunteer an embarrassing story that would have probably made poor Taiyang a little green around the gills. In time, they would forget all about it, other than an occasional wet dream Yang might have when her subconscious mind decided to be an asshole.
By the time they got back, Tai, Ruby and Summer were all pretty tired. After about an hour of TV, they one by one drifted off to bed, Summer the last.
“This has been… a day,” she offered to Yang with a pained smile.
“A pretty good one.” Yang made sure to grin, and without any awkwardness; she wanted her to know that it was already no big deal to her. She noticed her relax, even if only slightly. “See you tomorrow.”
The woman came over to sit on the edge of the couch where Yang was reclining. Irrationally, she felt tense and wanted to worry about what might happen, but she made herself breathe and remain calm.
“Listen… again, I’m very sorry for what hap-”
“Don’t. I got a free show, and you got a tan. That’s it. Nothing else has to be said; we’re cool.”
“Alright,” she breathed with a small smile. Her hand raised, as if she were going to pet Yang’s hair or a similar show of affection, then drew away again as she thought better of it. “Don’t stay up too late.”
“I won’t.”
Once she was alone, she flipped through channels for a while. There was nothing very interesting on, but she found some reruns of an old sitcom that she used to love, and killed some time watching that. Then she got a text message…
BLAKEYWAKEY : Hey hows it goin down there? n_n
Another grin split Yang’s face. She didn’t think her teammate would care enough to message! Rolling over onto her back, she sat up just enough to make it easier to flash her thumbs over the letters.
ME : P good hbu?
BLAKEYWAKEY : Not baaad just chillin w fam c: BLAKEYWAKEY : Is it awk w ur stepmom? Is she being a bitch or
ME : Oh… if only u knew lmaooo
So she told her. There were a lot of “WHAT”s and “R U SRS”es from Blake along the way, but she mostly just let the story unfold until it was over.
BLAKEYWAKEY : Did u see BUSH?!?!
BLAKEYWAKEY : Omfg u saw ur stepmoms bush im kinkshaming
ME : Ughhhhhh I wanna die
BLAKEYWAKEY : Hey question BLAKEYWAKEY : I thought u didn’t like girls
ME : Well ME : I didnt really know but now I think im bi? ME : Just never had any real dates soooooo
BLAKEYWAKEY : Omg but BLAKEYWAKEY : I showed u mine BLAKEYWAKEY : Oh man I didn’t mean to like freak u out
ME : Dude pls don’t ME : I feel weird enough abt shit here ME : We both know u like dick so don’t act like u weren’t perving
BLAKEYWAKEY : ...no comment BLAKEYWAKEY : OKAY FINE if it wasn’t on u I’d be all over it
BLAKEYWAKEY : U KNOW WHAT I MEANNNN shhh BLAKEYWAKEY : Maybe I’ll let u fwb me up if I get antsy
ME : …bad Blake down kitty
ME : Anyway… yeah maybe I thought she was hot but shes my dads wife ME : It’s not right
BLAKEYWAKEY : Yeahhh BLAKEYWAKEY : Hey im sorry for making it awk BLAKEYWAKEY : Ur probably feeling really messed up abt this BLAKEYWAKEY : Im sorry I’ll shut up
ME : Not really but a little yeah ME : And then there’s… ME : Nvm
Yang really did think about it, but there was no way she could bring herself to tell Blake about her illicit affair with her half-sister. Not over text. Maybe she’d confess to her when she got back for Fall classes.
ME : Anyway tell me about Maine lol do u eat lobster every day
BLAKEYWAKEY : God I wish BLAKEYWAKEY : And do u really think this subject is over?!? What a bad segue
BLAKEYWAKEY : IT KIND OF IS?? For u anyway BLAKEYWAKEY : how big were her boobs
ME : …
By the time Yang was done texting and bingewatching, she felt tired enough to try to go to sleep. Or at least, to lay down and hope that it happened. Worse come to worst, her phone had Netflix.
She poked her head in to check on Ruby once she was all washed up and changed. She was asleep and snoring quietly; it was such a gentle noise that she couldn’t believe Ruby had once acted like it would bother Yang. Smiling, she tiptoed over and leaned down to kiss her forehead.
“Shhhh. Goodnight.”
“Hey,” Ruby breathed, smiling up at her. “Um… stay here?”
“Stay. Sleep here.” She nipped her sheets open for emphasis.
“Nah,” she whispered back with a grin. “It’s okay, I can survive until morning.”
But then Ruby pouted, and she knew she was lost. Rolling her eyes, she walked back to ease the door shut, then slid into the bed next to her sister.
“You’re really warm,” Yang whispered to her.
“Your legs are cold.” They both giggled. “But they’ll be warm, too, in a minute.”
“Whiny brat.”
Pulling Yang’s arms more tightly around her middle, Ruby whispered, “You wanted to.”
“How do you know?”
“Because you did it. And you didn’t even act that grumpy first.”
Dead to rights. Again. Grinning into Ruby’s neck, she said, “I feel so good next to you like this.”
“Oh…” Yang had thought that was it, until she heard a little sniffle half a minute later.
Swallowing hard, she clutched at Yang’s arms tighter. When nothing further transpired for a few seconds, and Yang was still waiting for an answer, tense now instead of relaxed, she spoke up… and it became clear why she was so quiet before.
“I love you so much. I… kinda forget it, until y-you say something like that… s-sorry, I don’t m-mean to get so… to get all sappy about…”
“Ruby… I love you, too.”
After a few seconds, Ruby rolled to face her, eyes dark from the low lighting in the room gazing up at her. They didn’t speak for a while; just looked at each other and knew things that no one else would ever know. Then they kissed, chaste at first, more robust after a minute or two. No words.
When Yang felt a pink little tongue poking its way into her mouth, she withdrew and whispered, “Ruby… what are you doing? It’s late…”
“I want this…”
“What?” Another lick along her bottom lip, making Yang shiver. “You have me here already.”
“But I want you to be with me. I… I want…”
So that’s what she meant. Gulping, Yang reached up to pet along Ruby’s back through her tank. “There’s no rush, though.”
“Yeah, but there is. We only have a couple more weeks! And you’ll be gone! So… so I want to start now, I want to do as much as we can!”
The urgency alone threatened to make Yang give in. However, she was made of tougher stuff. Reaching up and grasping her bicep, she managed to catch Ruby’s eyes.
“Why? It’s… I like what we’re already doing.”
“But I want to do everything with you.” Swallowing, she glanced away, then up at Yang again. “I want you to f-feel… feel how wet I am…”
At that little turn of phrase, Yang almost fell out of the bed. “You what?!”
“SHH!” Ruby warned, though neither of them were loud enough to be heard, even by someone sitting right outside the door. Then she followed up with, “Kissing you… it makes my body heat up, my brain go fuzzy. I kinda love it, even while it makes me worried… but none of that’s the point. The point is, I’m so close to you, and I want to be even closer!”
“Ruby…” That was certainly making her own situation no better. While just kissing, her body had only responded a little, but now that her half-sister had revealed her own situation, she couldn’t stop thinking about it long enough to make it go away. Quite the opposite.
A shaky little laugh passed out of Ruby when she felt it. “O-oh, there you are. A little late to the party!” But she didn’t spend much time on that. Again, her lips were mashing into Yang’s as they kissed, bodies sliding over each other a little in their eagerness to feel more, to experience.
After some time, when she felt her own shorts being forced downward, Yang whispered, “This isn’t okay.”
“I know,” Ruby breathed. “But it’s okay with us. ”
“I…” How could she argue with the truth?
Feeling Ruby’s hand directly around her was far different than feeling it through her shorts. If she hadn’t finished herself off so much the past days, she might have succumbed easily… but instead, she merely put up with the teasing, exploring hand, the fingers poking into her flesh slightly as they glided up and down along the throbbing mass.
“It’s so hard,” Ruby told her with an earnest tone. “You’re so hard. Is this for me?”
“U-uh-huh,” she managed before swallowing. “Yes.”
“I, um… I got us a little something. Yesterday. Call me a ‘plan ahead’ kinda girl.”
Reaching behind them into her table, she brought out a little pack of condoms. There weren’t very many, but it was an entire pack’s-worth more than Yang expected to see.
“Oh my god… really? You seriously thought we… but we’re related! This isn’t just messing around and kissing, that’s a whole other-”
“I know, okay? But… no more hiding from it. I love you, and you love me, and this is… kinda part of that. Just dumb not to at least be ready for if it happens.”
As Ruby opened the box, Yang tried to ignore how badly her body was trying to get her to take Ruby up on her offer and failed. Not even the cute and amusing sight of her struggling with the box was enough; she still wanted to be with her in that way. Still liked everything that Ruby was.
“There we go,” she breathed at last, holding up the shiny packet. Her eyebrows waggled, and Yang rolled her eyes, which only earned her a laugh.
“Like you know how to put one of those on.”
“I do! We did it to bananas in health class. Here, I’ll prove it to you.”
“What’s- whoa, you’re…”
Ruby had shimmied down to hover with her face just over Yang’s crotch, a face amongst a pool of blankets. She looked a bit distracted by how close she was to the object of her interest… but she managed to push the desire back for long enough to rip open the packet and pull out the little ring of latex.
“Mmm,” she breathed as she pushed a kiss into Yang’s head… and she felt her mind go blank. Ruby wasn’t just touching her tonight, it seemed. There was so much more in store! “So good…”
Rolling her eyes, she muttered, “You can’t be serious. One kiss on my dick is ‘so good’?”
“Yeah.” Bald honesty shone in her voice.
“O-oh? Really?” Another loving peck along her warm shaft, probably purely to prove herself. “You’re pretty… convincing…”
“I love this dick,” she confessed easily. “It kinda got us talking about us , weird as it is.” Then she began to roll the latex downward…
And all of a sudden, Yang realised she had a real problem. She wasn’t just ready for sex; she was ready to finish. Ruby was doing too good a job! Every movement intended to move the latex protection a little further along her member was one that made it ready to shoot. That early on, she was already biting her lip and writhing back and forth, hoping to resist.
“Ooh, someone’s eager.” Grasping the base, she pumped her hand a few times, causing Yang to gasp out. “Nice!”
“Ruby… y-you gotta stop!”
That seemed to catch her by surprise. Pumping her fist up and down furiously for a second, she smirked and whispered, “Nah. I wanna make sure you stay ready for me.”
“B-but if you- if- NNHHHH!!!”
The last part was somehow growled into the pillow at the last second, instead of the room at large. As much as she was convulsing and gasping out, she knew Ruby would probably figure out soon enough what was going on… but for the time being, she was still being stroked and loving every second.
Then the younger half-sister did start, glancing between the end of the balloon entrapping her sex and Yang’s face, stretched wide in release.
“Oh shit… did you- did we really just-”
“I’m so sorry, dude,” Yang half-wheezed, eyes closing in distant pleasure from the hand still wrapped around her. “Seriously… you were all about this, doing so much, and then, I… I suck! Obviously!”
Smiling gently, Ruby patted her thigh, releasing her spent length in the process. “I’m sorry! God, I really didn’t think you were that close to- I wasn’t trying- WOW, you came just from that?!”
Her face burned with embarrassment. This was even worse than the fact that they were crossing societal lines to be together; she couldn’t even seem to handle that “together” part without losing control way, way too early. She wanted to crawl into a hole and disappear.
“Oh… awww, Yang, it’s okay,” Ruby cooed when she finally realised how much this was affecting her. Her arms circled around her back. “Hey…”
“That was p-pathetic!” she snapped into the pillow. “God, after yesterday, I thought I could hold out longer!”
“Yang, I don’t care about that! I’m… it makes me happy that felt so good that you couldn’t wait.” Her smiling face pushed in closer to Yang’s, and she kissed both of her cheeks. “You did tell me to slow down and I… I should have listened. I’m really sorry. Um, I just didn’t want you to go soft while I was putting it on?”
Finally, she began to calm down, little by little. When she could talk again, she let out a long sigh and whispered, “Thanks, Ruby. I, um… I think you really wanted this to be… like, our first time? And… now it can’t be.”
“Y-yeah, I um, I’ve heard that… people with dicks can’t go again when they’re done.” To her credit, she did remember not to say “guys” that time. “But it’s cool! You finished, and I’m happy to help. Oh, and speaking of which…”
As Yang watched, fascinated and still embarrassed, Ruby pulled the condom off and threw it and the wrapper away, then wiped her hands on a tissue and tossed that before returning to the bed. In the meantime, Yang pulled her shorts back up; she didn’t want Ruby’s first real look at her anatomy being when it was freshly-milked and half-hard, coated in leftover lube and her own juices.
“Awww,” Ruby cooed as she returned to the bed. “I wanted to play with that.”
“Not tonight,” Yang said with a half-smile. “Maybe… I can do something for you?”
But when her hands fell to Ruby’s waist, the girl looked down with a self-conscious giggle. “N-nah. I m-mean, I, um… I don’t think I’m…” Then she cleared her throat. “I thought I was ready to go there with you, I guess, but like, just you doing it for me is different somehow. That’s probably really dumb.”
Wrapping her arms around Ruby’s back instead, she simply laid next to her for a long moment. Then, once they were a little more comfortable, she spoke.
“It’s not dumb. It’s… sweet, in a way. But I think… I think I’d be okay playing with you now. And I know, I was kinda weird about it at first, because of the sister thing. But by now I think we’re kind of past that, I guess. So… if you change your mind, I could try a hand, at least. O-or something.”
“Listen to us,” Ruby giggled quietly. “Both pretty nervous. I, um… I think it’s kind of more fun with you being my sister. No, wait!” she squeaked when Yang drew back in shock. “You know, because we’re kind of, like… destined to be together, because we’re related? I know, I’m crazy, but it’s weirdly romantic to me.”
Shaking her head, she pushed her face into her sister’s neck. “You think too much. But… maybe, yeah. And…” She’d been worrying about this for a long time. “And I kind of deserve this, for being such a jerk when you were little. Telling you that you were ‘dumb’ or whatever, and that I didn't like you. Like, what makes more karmic sense than for me to fall in love with you and have to eat my own words?”
“So you think of this as a punishment? Me jerking you off is a punishment?”
“What? Oh! Shit, no, that totally isn’t-” But Ruby’s laughter cut her off, and she grunted, “You butt…”
“Yeah, you like my butt.”
“All of you is on the list, and all of you is a butt,” she sighed as she snuggled against her even more closely. “Big, ridonk badonkadonk.”
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