#yes im still bitter about owl house
listen I know season one isn't even finished releasing yet but I would love to have season three already. I like sea of monsters as much as anyone but titans curse was soul crushing in the best way and will probably be my favorite season
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theworangetraveler · 1 year
Sorry If this sounds a bit bitter... and kinda spoiled the mood... but I have to say it now that it’s done:
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acaciapines · 8 months
absolutely self-indulgent owl language breakdown from my owl house daemon au bc i was having fun with it today:
so we have 'wings-across-night' which is what the owl beast/firefly calls herself in her own language. the sounds of this name are spelled out as 'grr-click-growl', which, bc i have a sounds-to-general-meaning dictionary, is this idea of like...
the 'grr' and 'growl' are these lasting sounds, longer, and somewhat low and dangerous, which get across the 'wings' and 'night' idea that posit firefly as a hunter, who hunts best in the night. then we have the 'click' for across which is sort of a joining-together, and all-together it comes across as this long rumbling sound, ie of an owl in flight across the sky.
and then we get to FIREFLY, which, man it took me a WHILE to get to firefly as the translated witch-language/english version of wings-across-night. its this idea that...wings-across-night is a hunter of the night, she is someone who is found and associated with darkness, but it ALSO has an implication of being seen: she flies across the night, and is thus illuminated by it.
and so FIREFLY. as these creatures who glow in the dark, who live there and make it their own with something bright inside of them and its just so FUN.
and we get!! other names too! like 'king' being 'puffs out chest' because it comes from that sorta arrogance of his youth, being an itty-bitty baby who saw himself as the king of demons, but then later on its also this idea of like, how one might puff up as a sort of way of saying im HERE, not in an arrogant way but in a claiming this place as their own sort of way, which king does: he might be a titan but hes also a CLAWTHORNE.
'one that hoards' is what 'the collector' translates to in owl, but firefly doesnt call him this for long...bc the thing she notices about them is how SCARED they can get, how hesitant they are, bc theyve had so much taken from them and theyre protective of what they do have, yes in a way that can be harmful (look at their relationship w king lol) but also like...reaches out scared...and so we get this translating to 'sraf' in witch-language because that's what it is all about, in the end: the collector who has reached, terrified, for this thing he was told to avoid, and made it his own, and made himself sraf.
sea-and-light for luzmari is one of the first owl-names i came up with and one im still so fond of...they're called sea-and (mari) or and-light (luz) separately but no matter what we get the AND in there, tying them together as a pair despite all else. 'light' is straightforward for luz but 'sea' is a bit less for mari, but it connects for both of them similar things--light being the glyph luz finds first, ice being the one mari did, but mari not being so cold despite it all, but a thing ice melts into. (also when i was picking names i saw that 'maritza' means something relating to the sea, tho this was Years ago n i dont know how true that is lol since i dont have the source anymore). mari being first because she has chosen to be first, flipping the human-first script on its tail, bc firefly is an owl, and why would she follow convention?
im still poking around at my names for hunter and amity...last night i came up with something like berrysharp or berry-click or berry-(click) for amity and alma--i know they get a name together because they are almost always holding on to one another, and 'berry' for this sort of idea of both the purple but also like, berries can be bitter, sweet, something inbetween, and amityalma have been A Lot Of Things. and then the sharpness being the idea of like, throughout the fic amity is sort of the first character to just be HERSELF, especially when compared to luzmari who spend nearly the entire series really struggling with this...dunno this one im still turning over lol. the 'click' part of things is just bc 'click' tends to mean like, combining two things, which seems fitting for a name that is amity and alma together.
i have Nothing yet for hunter. some ideas. ive been toying with hunter and flapjack's name being something, and then somethings shadow--ie whatever name one of them gets, the other gets the same name with shadow tacked on, which fits their Vibes, plus when firefly meets them, which is post-hollow mind when things are Bad. prooooobably it would go flapjack and then hunter is flapjack's shadow, which i think is fun...but we'll see i still need a NAME. something to do with palistrom trees?
dunno. just...owl language <3
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iraniq · 4 years
Birthdays be like...
# Thomas Andrew Felton:
/the scene happens in England/
- you woke up early to prepare breakfast
- barely slept the night from excitement
- half way through someome kissed your ear
- "woke up 2h ago to walk Willow, saw all, but thanks for trying"
- "go away, it's a surprise"
- "let me help in then, love!"
- "you can't help in your birthday surprise"
- "watch me"
- ends up helping in his birthday surprise.
- you singing 'ophelia'song to him, incapable to replace it with Tom and still spunds good
- he made thousand videos and pics of you stumbling with the song
- no pancake hit the floor!
- still officially forbidden of giving Willow secret not dog food
- talking about Willow, she came fast when she heard voices
- ending up making dog friendly pancake
- flipping it right on her face /was already cooled/
- Tom got it all on video
- "look now, oh hi Willow, catch"
- "did you just flipped the pancake to fall on her face?"
- before you can say yes, there was no physical memory of the pancake
- watching cartoons on the couch
- "looks like someone is sleepy"
- "nooooo"
- "well if you hadn't stayed till 2 in the morning last night..."
- "was excited for your birthday"
- "and you said it like thousand times"
- "i am excited for birthdays, and yours is a special one"
- forhead kissed
- he muttes something that endes with 'love', but tight hugs and stroking hair, is one way ticket to dreamland
- bonus: Willow is a warm pillow on your lap
- afternoon long walks
- laughter
- singing on the streets
- silly pics
- pillow fight at home
- Willow stole yet another one
- "Willow's pillow fortress is getying bigger"
- "because you can't say no to your child, and instead taking them from her, you keep on buying new ones"
- fancy, low key filthy sexy looking dress for dinner
- a comedy movie no one watched...
- ... because pillow war revange
- and somewome had to keep an eye on popcorn
- food thief detected
- sloberly kisses and yet another pillow missing
- "just jump in the pool with the dress, love"
- drying hairs in the midle of the night
- matching pajamas
- Willow at board
- "your child just stole my sock"
- "she is your child now too..." - halj asleep deep british voice
- "ok, then, our child, just stole my sock"
- more forhead kissed and love mumbles
- snuggles
- "will meet you im dreamland"
# Erich Blunt:
*Ok we have all seen the tik tok - "take your clothes off" and how the girl spits her drink, and we all reacted like that*
- after midnifgt visit at the big house
- you have a special 'multipass' key card
- wake him up at 12:02 with *coughs* love
- everywhere
- i mean everywhere
- possible
- in the house
- then maybe at 5 o'clock in the company
- the boss chair, that's unfortunately a super normal one, because he refused to have fancy cabibet
- in the virtual relity room
- junk food at the sunrise on a super random place
- naps in the big, too fancy for naps, bed
- mid afternoon flight to a dessert rave party
- yes... plain checked
- matching outfits at the party
- the looks he gives you
- yes... at some random spots in the crowd
- his poker face is out of this world
- stargazing and hand holding
- tents at feativals are not soun proof...
- both umable to human the next day, dozzing off in the plane
# Julian Albert Desmond:
- a workoholic, scientist, perfectionist... with a metahuman bad experience inside his head... He could tell by the air in the room, something was off...
- a surprise was way beyond imaginable
- imagine everybody's faces when you casualy dropped at the station, introducing yourself
- "she is a spy" - Cisco said
- "Julian mentioned he had a girldriend...but i thought it was just for the excuse" - Barry said
- "nope, alive and in the flesh"
- you announced his upcoming birthday in a week and asked for help
- they were all instantly in
- same day, Barry got 'late'
- the captain gave them a case in the far abandoned aide of town, Caitlin was in the car with him, non stop talking, how Ciaco and HR are unbarable. Iris and Barry...
- he wasn't paying attention at this point
- the building looked suapicious
- they entered, only to see the whole Team Flash, including Dr. Wells and Jessie, holding a cake, with this so familiar red sugar you have been buying lately
- he knew your surprise will pop up eventually
- you knew he was late after work, no more metahumans hate, but you nevwr poked the subject
- "no one told her" - Barry reasured
- "she is overworking today, and instructed us, quoting 'get his ass the cake, or i will end you!', she is scary for a librarian" - Iris noted
- "she certanly is"
- all laugh
- "candles blowing in abandoned and possibly dangeroys area, great"
- all laughing again
- *insert Julian's sarcastic remarcs*
- "people skills, Julian"
- A fot Ain't even trying at this point
- afterwork party at the park
- Julian being soft
- Caitlin being low key jealous
- romantic dances under the stars
- you wearing a long mid transparent nightgown and his "explorer hat"
- *insert adult content here*
# Logan Maine:
*AU where they woke up the passangers a week before artiving at Thea, notjing hit the ship*
/haven't yet finished the tv series, so some info might not be true/
- after Mia, Logan didn't plan on having friends, or being close to someone
- not that he planned to befrend Mia...
- aftee several days of you being sweet carring and maybe a bit rude, and an epileptic episode later, he was tolerating you
- maybe more than toleraring, but he wasn't gonna admit it
- he was astonishing cook to start with
- you tried making cake, when you found out
- failed!
- but the unhealthy ammount of chocolate syrop on it, fixed it
- him dipping fries in the chocilate...
- *Logan what?!*
- walking around the 'garden'
- him pushing you towards the spraying water
- trying to name the plants only to end up with: "if it's not weed..." - he laughed
- "you are failing at being horrible"
- "trying to be, but that smile of yours isn't helping"
- marker writing on the station windows, connecting stars in odd shapes
- sneaking on others
- "is Baum a perv, or just a perv"
- "Shun and Lana are totally a thing"
- low key stealing extra pills for his epilepsy
- who'll suspect the cool sweet kid's teacher
- stealing food from your supervisor's cabim, after you went asking her, what Logan liked, so you can make a romantic dinner
- she didn't gave you much info, but the odd plastic half liquid sweets you stole definwtly tasted good
- "the A woman stealing? Your crush on me is ruining your good name"
- "maybe i am tired of a good name"
- "don't tell me you go to another planet to be a criminal"
- "lools like i might have the best teacher"
- "only om small crimes, like stealing a pretty girl's heart"
- his odd winks
- that smirk
- kisses in the dark
- he "found" some extra blankets
- 2 burritos on a way after midnight open space gazing
- Shun may have cought you drawing the odd funny shapes, but told no one - you were holding hands, giggling drawing one ovee another, was way too cute to tell on
# Draco Lucius Malfoy:
/Around 6th-ish year maybe.../
- how you pick a present for someone who has everything, literally everuthing
- bargins with Pansy for info
- Theo gives it all free
- Blaize asked for unknown favor
- no one actually gave you smth to work with
- Draco was bitter
- even the good fight with Potter didn't lift his spirit
- nor the -10 points
- you even owled Narcisaa, but nothing
- difficult problems require simple solution
- his favourire clothes of yours
- your Gucci pefulme on his scarf
- this beyond ordenary way you bite off from his green apple
- the thing with the shy eyes and devil smile you love pulling on him
- touching his hair
- scratching his hands with your long nails gives him the good chills
- changing in that gorgeous emerald green dress he bought you for the Christmas ball
- pinky hand holding
- getting cold, so he can give you his coat
- him and his long coat
- messy pearl hair
- stolen kissed under his tree
- brushing your nose in his cheek
- teasing each other
- in your own bubble in aftwenoon class
- again -10 points... each
- professor Lupin felt the pain of ceperating the lovely sight you were, so he can continue his lesson
- party at the boy's bedroom
- eating the cake his mom send you, instead of dinner
- whole friends group having pure childish fun, sharing silly stories
- levitating around in pretend swim manner
- cake
- *coughs* wine *cougs*
- late night walk to the astronomy tower
- him showing you the stars
- the Dragon again, because you can never place it right
- him knowing you pretend not to know, so he can have an excuse to give you silly shoulder kisses
- you tip toeing to reach him
- passionate kisses under the stars
@diyunho @lovermrjokerr @darthjokerisyourfather @littlebeautifly
Whoever enjoys it as well 😛
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cluttermind · 4 years
Without A Parachute (7/15) - Silver, Gold, and Secrets
Summary:  Emma worked tremendously hard to give herself a better chance. From group homes, to living in her car, to ivy league student, this English Major’s only solace was escaping her reality through books. One night, Emma comes home to find a small package with only her name on it written in beautiful calligraphy. The package contains a thick, brown leather journal. Emma soon learns that the fiction she writes in the journal eventually becomes reality. Will Emma learn to control this gift, or will she fall too fast into the temptation to change too much? With the help of her good friends August, Robin, and Elsa, and the mysterious, intriguing bartender of The Jolly Roger, Emma discovers just how easy it is to lose control, and how difficult it is to pick up the pieces.
Rating: M
Words: 31,139 total / 6,952 Ch 7
Read on ao3: Beginning | Current
A/N: Sorry again for the inconsistent posting schedule! I'm trying so hard to stay on track. Here's a LONG chapter with a whole lot happening to make up for it :) Enjoy some fluff, plot, and smut! 
Also the formatting is better on ao3 so I’d recommend reading there :)
I dreamt I saw you walking up a hillside in the snow
Casting shadows on the winter sky as you stood there counting crows
One for sorrow
Two for joy
Three for girls and four for boys
Five for silver
Six for gold and
Seven for a secret never to be told
- Counting Crows, Murder of One
Cold, Emma rolled over to snuggle closer to Killian. Instead she rolled flat onto her stomach. She blindly reached out, slapping the empty mattress next to her trying to find him. Groaning when she concluded he wasn’t next to her, Emma rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, checking the clock next to her. 9:30 am . Sighing, she dragged herself out of bed and made her way downstairs. Halfway down the stairs she spotted Killian in the kitchen. His phone was in his hand. His ear buds were in. And he was dancing . Like an idiot. In boxers and a t-shirt. His hair still messy from bed. God, he was awful. But fuck he was sexy.
He clearly didn’t notice her because he didn’t stop, only slowed a bit to fill the coffee maker with water. So Emma snuck up behind him and joined his ridiculous dancing. Eventually he turned around, saw her, and broke out into a fit of laughter.
“What’re we dancing to?” Emma yelled so he could hear her over his music. It was so loud she could hear it faintly from where she was in front of him. In response, Killian connected his phone to the bluetooth speaker on the counter and blasted Your Such A Mystery by Bleachers.
To anyone on the outside of their bubble they looked ridiculous. To Emma, it looked like what love should be. Or, at least, what she had always imagined it to be. Jumping around the kitchen at 9:30 in the morning in their pajamas, everything felt comfortable and wonderful. Maybe it was the endorphins talking but she felt like she was on cloud nine. And when Killian pulled her close to him to kiss her passionately, she believed that this must be the high people tried to chase with drugs. Who needs drugs when they have a Killian?
When the song ended, Killian pulled back. “Coffee, love?”
“That depends. It’s not the same crap you have at the pub, is it?” Emma teased. Killian lowered the music so they didn’t have to scream to have a conversation when they were standing in each other's personal space.
He chuckled. “I promise it’s not. It’s local and it’s sweet. You’ll like it.” Killian poured them each a mug of coffee. He was right, she did like it. There was a hit of chocolate that did, in fact, make the bitter drink a little sweeter. She hummed softly, enjoying the comfort of the warm mug in her hand as the coffee started to bring her back to reality.
“What is it?”
“Ithaca House Blend from Ithaca Coffee Company. It’s fair trade and organic.” He explained, taking a sip from his mug.
“Why don’t you serve this at the Jolly?”
“Because it’s not cheap and I spend money on alcohol. You and maybe 2 other people have ever ordered coffee there.”
“Maybe that’s because they know you serve shit coffee.”
Killian chuckled. “Maybe.” Emma hopped up to sit on the island while Killian leaned back against the counter across from her. They drank their coffee for a moment in comfortable silence, listening to the music coming softly through the speaker on the counter. “How are you this morning?” He asked, tentatively. Concern blanketed his words, silently asking whether he hurt her, whether she regretted it, whether she enjoyed it. He was familiar with the buzz that an orgasm left him in and the way it sometimes, or more recently the way it often, faded the following morning. That morning, however, he woke up happier than he had ever been. Killian, who was much more of a night owl than an early bird, nearly sprung out of bed dancing while he replayed every glorious moment of the previous night a little too graphically according to a certain part of him that was more awake than the rest of him. That’s how he ended up dancing alone in his kitchen. Partially because he was happy, partially because he needed to work off the stress that started to settle in his stomach when he remembered the countless nights he regretted the morning after and wondered if that was how Emma would feel.
Emma knew. She knew exactly what he was asking when he spoke. “Cold. I did wake up alone while someone was having a dance party without me.”
Killian chuckled, set his mug down and moved to wrap his arms around her. Emma’s legs wrapped around his waist and his arms around his neck. “Better?”
“Much,” she said, nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck.
“I have to pick up a few things from my apartment today and I assume you need some things from yours. I thought we could get that out of the way this morning, binge some Netflix or break out the DVD collection,” Killian’s voice dropped, “maybe jump in the hottub later?”
Emma sighed, heat pooling in her belly. “That sounds wonderful.”
They finished their coffee and made their way upstairs to get dressed during which Killian spent more time staring at Emma than actually pulling his own clothing on and Emma spent more time staring at Killian than actually pulling on her clothes and if it wasn’t for that lingering, delicious, ache between her legs reminding her of the previous night’s activity there likely would’ve been a repeat.
“Later,” Emma purred as she walked past him and out of the bedroom carrying her bag with her. Like a puppy, he followed her, hanging on each syllable that fell from her mouth.
They hopped in Killian’s car and drove back to Collegetown. In the daylight, the view from their drive was wonderful. Half the way back Emma could see the lake. She let her mind drift as she stared off into the distance, Killian tuning the radio to the local college modern rock station - WICB 91.7 FM. Emma’s eyes drifted to sleep from the soft vibrations of the car. Unfortunately her nap, which was more like sleep part 2 considering she had only been up for about an hour, was quickly interrupted by Killian gently shaking her shoulder. He had parked right outside the Jolly Roger.
“Swan, wake up, love.” He placed a kiss to her temple as if he was bribing her to open her eyes.
“Five more minutes,” Emma grumbled.
“You can go right back to sleep when we get back to the house but right now I need you to pack.” Emma groaned, refusing to open her eyes. “Or else.” Killain smirked
“Or else what?”
“Or else I’ll withhold sex from you all week.” He toyed.
Emma opened her eyes for the sole purpose of glaring at him. If looks could kill, Killian surely would’ve been dead in that moment. Then she closed her eyes again. “Okay goodnight.”
Killian scoffed. “Fine. Then I won’t buy you breakfast.”
Emma’s ears perked up and she instantly opened her eyes. “CTB?”
“If I say yes will you please go pack?”
“Then yes.”
Emma jumped out of the car, slamming the door a little too hard in her excitement. Killian mentally noted that she was significantly more food motivated than sex motivated and went to his apartment to pack his own things.
In her bedroom Emma stared at the handful of clothes she owned. She grabbed a few pairs of jeans and leggings and a pair of sweatpants, her favorite Cornell sweatshirt and long sleeve (which together may as well have cost her an entire week's pay), a nicer sweater, and some long sleeves. Remembering that Killian mentioned a hot tub, she tossed in the simple black bikini that Elsa made her buy back in September when the weather was still nice enough to go gorge jumping. But when it came to lingerie, Emma was stuck.
Emma Swan: When you’re back we need to go shopping.
Elsa Agnarr: FINALLY!
Elsa Agnarr: where?
Emma Swan: That mall in Syracuse you always try to get me to take you to?
Elsa Agnarr: really?! i mean im not complaining ;) why the sudden desire to take a shopping trip?
Emma Swan: Oh nothing. I just need some new bras.
Elsa Agnarr: and you felt the need to text me a week in advance to plan a shopping trip for just some new bras…
Emma Swan: I slept with Killian.
Emma’s phone rang and Elsa started speaking the second she answered the FaceTime call. “You did what?”
“I told you.”
“Were you safe?!”
“Elsa!” They laughed. They were the cautious two of the group, nearly mothering over August and Robin whenever they could. Of course Emma was safe.
“Was it good?”
“Oh my god.” Emma blushed furiously.
“Oooooo I knew he’d be good in bed.”
“Oh come on! Even though we don’t play for the same team, anyone with eyes would bet that Killian Jones is good in bed.”
Emma sighed, an unfamiliar green-eyed monster rearing its ugly head in Emma’s mind. “Don’t remind me.”
“So are you guys together?”
“I don’t know.” Emma admitted. She wanted to be. To call Killian Jones hers? That’s a dream Emma hadn’t allowed herself to have. No matter what, Killian had been there for her. To lose that, to lose her friend if none of this worked out, might kill her. He deserved someone better, someone less damaged . And the familiar spiral began tightening in her mind.
“Don’t overthink this Em. You deserve to be happy and he clearly makes you happy. I see the way you smile every time his name pops up on your phone.”
“I just don’t want to ruin what we have.”
“I think you ruined what you had when you slept with him. There’s no going back from that. You need to talk to him.”
“I know.”
“Elsa! Elsa!” Emma heard a familiar voice shouting on the other end of the line. Elsa giggled.
“Sorry I have to go. Anna’s been forcing me to help her make some pro/con lists for the college’s she’s been accepted to.”
“Well she can’t go to Harvard. That’s a given.”
“Can’t go to Penn either.”
“Guess it just has to be Cornell.”
“ Far above Cayuga’s waters - ” Elsa started singing loudly so Anna could hear the alma mater every Cornell student knew by heart by the end of their first semester.
“ With it’s waves of blue-” Emma joined in. “ Stands our noble Alma Mater, glorious to view. LIFT the chorus, speed it onward, loud her praises tell, hail to thee our Alma Mater - ”
In the background Anna groaned. “Not again.”
“ HAIL, ALL HAIL, CORNELL! ” They screamed, bursting out laughing.
“I’m going to Harvard if you don’t stop.” Anna threatened.
“No you’re not.” Elsa turned her attention back to Emma. “I’ll talk to you later?”
“Talk to you later.” They hung up. Emma’s lingerie problem, however, will have to wait another week. She shoved the nicest things she owned into the duffle bag she packed, stuffed her laptop and her journal into her backpack, and finally left her apartment to meet Killian at the car.
He was sitting against the edge of his open trunk, reading something on his phone when she reached him.
“Reading anything interesting?” She asked to get his attention.
“Nope. Just doing some online shopping, love.” Killian kissed her cheek as he took her bag from her and placed it in the trunk. He had a black backpack and his guitar secured in its case. “Breakfast?”
“Please.” Emma was starving and entirely unprepared for the way he took her hand in his after he closed the trunk of his car, nonchalantly, as if this was their normal, their comfortable, their them .
They walked to CollegeTown Bagels, their joined hands swinging gently between them. When they arrived, they got on line as Killian told her a story about one Summer he spent with his grandparents as a kid. His thumb rubbed softly over the back of her hand, engrossed in his own story. Emma, however, wasn't paying any attention.
At the front of the cafe, there was a brunette, a ghost from Emma’s past. Or, at least, she looked like a ghost from Emma’s past. Emma couldn’t quite make out the girl’s face. She was looking down at her phone, her hair blocking Emma’s view. Suddenly her past was flashing before her eyes, unfolding like a horror story where the victim runs into the house and the audience screams stop. But there’s no stopping the spiral Emma’s mind falls into.
A security guard was at the end of the aisle, clearly noticing the PopTart box Emma was shoving under her sweatshirt. The guard cleared her throat when Emma noticed her.
“Are you going to pay for that miss?”
Emma was panicking. She couldn’t pay for it. She didn’t have money. All she had were a few hand-me-down clothes in a backpack and a bruise on her cheek from her last foster home she was trying to escape from.
Thankfully, a brunette around her age came to stand beside her and held up a credit card. “Yes, ma’am. Our Dad’s in the car just outside.” The guard nodded and left them to be. The girl turned to Emma. “The key is swiping one of these.”
Emma nodded. “Thank you.”
“I’m just like you, you know. Trying to get away. I’m Lilly.”
Emma’s grip on Killian’s hand tightened like a vice grip.
“Swan?” KIllian asked, concern blanketing his voice. “Are you alright, love?
But Emma didn’t hear a word he said.
Emma and Lilly shopped for a bit. They became fast friends. When they checked out and left, however, a car not too far away started honking and driving after them. Emma figured this was the man Lilly swiped the card from. So they ran.
They lost the car and Lilly led her to a beautiful lake house that was empty for the season. And they promised to be friends forever, no matter what. Emma told her everything about her life, about moving between foster homes, about the abusive man that ran the last group home she was in, about how alone she felt all the time.
And Lilly pretended to understand. Because, in fact, Lilly couldn’t truly understand what Emma was going through. Because when they were caught later that night, it was Lilly’s father who caught them. Because this was Lilly’s family’s summer home.
Killian’s hand was starting to hurt under Emma’s grasp. It was their turn to place their order and Killian stepped up to the register, taking Emma with him.
The brunette looked up when she stood to throw away her empty coffee cup. It had to be Lilly. But what was she doing in Ithaca? Emma nearly started hyperventilating, wanting to call out to her but being unable to find her voice.
“Swan, what do you want for breakfast?”
Emma watched the girl she assumed to be Lilly leave. “I’m actually not hungry anymore. I think I’ll just meet you outside,” She said, without turning to look at him. Emma let go of Killian’s hand and dashed out of the cafe.
There was already distance between them. Emma just stood there, shocked. She didn’t know what to say or whether to say anything or whether Lilly still hated her. And even though Emma was standing alone, now nowhere near Lilly, she was working herself up to a panic attack. Her entire body was shaking. Killian followed shortly after.
“Emma?” He quickly noticed her panicked state and pulled her into his arms, placing a comforting kiss to her forehead. “Come on, love. Let’s go.”
Back at the house, Killian made tea for Emma and opened a package of PopTarts to put on a plate. From the kitchen he felt the weight of Emma’s thoughts, but she hadn’t said a word to him since the cafe. Something happened there, but he couldn’t figure out what. Was it him? Was it another guy? Was she having second thoughts? Was she starting to regret what they did? Was she starting to regret what they were, what they had become, what was so strong between them?
She was curled up on the couch, staring at the TV which was turned to the local news channel. It was Ithaca. It was grey, cold, probably some form of precipitation was expected at some point in the day, some local business was probably doing something for charity, the university students were probably protesting or petitioning something, and there was probably news about music or theatrical performances. Every now and again something major happened at one of the colleges and that was actually newsworthy. All of this to say that if you need something mindless to watch, local news in central New York was the place to turn.
Killian brought the tea and plate over to Emma who graciously accepted the mug but ignored the plate. Killian sat next to her, keeping some distance between them in case he was the reason she was upset. “Talk to me, love,” he urged her, gently.
Emma took a sip of tea. “It’s nothing, Killian.”
“Swan, you’re clearly upset about something. You’re an open book to me.” He sighed. “Did I do something? Do you regret last night?”
Emma looked at him, wide-eyed like a deer in headlights. “What?! No! Killian, no.” She set the mug down and laid down, resting her head in his lap. He stroked her hair, playing with his softly. Instantly she felt relaxed, her heart fluttering slightly, her entire body tingling in bliss from the feeling of Killian’s fingers running through her hair.
“You know you can tell me anything, love.”
Emma sighed. “I thought I saw an old friend. I guess she’s more like a former friend. I’m not really sure anymore, to be honest.” Killian stopped his motions and looked at her. “Don’t stop,” Emma nearly whimpered.
Killian chuckled and resumed playing with Emma’s hair. “What happened?”
“Lilly and I met when she saved my ass while I was trying to steal PopTarts from a convenience store.”
“Ah the shoplifting PopTarts story.”
Emma looked up at him. “You remember that?”
Killian blushed. “Aye.”
Emma could’ve kissed him senseless in that moment. Finally, for what felt like the first time in her life, someone genuinely listened to her. And this wasn’t the first time Emma had this realization about Killian. She noticed every time he heard her answers to how her day was. She noticed every time she ranted about school or told him what she learned. But something about this time meant a little more to her.
“Yeah. The shoplifting PopTarts story. Anyway, she made me feel like she was like me. Like she was also a foster kid, bouncing around from home to home. It was a particularly bad time. I was running away from a home that didn’t treat any of the kids right. There was always a reason for the guy running it to hit us, always something we did wrong, something we did to aggravate him. So I ran and I was hungry and I was about to get caught and Lilly stepped in with a credit card and said that our dad was waiting for us outside. She told me she swiped the card from some stranger, that she was also running from the system and brought me to this empty lake house which, by the way, was her family’s lake house because she wasn’t running from the system because she was never in the system and she tricked me into thinking she understood but she couldn’t understand. No one could understand what it’s like to constantly be running as a child, to not have a home, to sometimes have a roof over your head but never be at peace and never feel safe. No one could understand what it’s like to want to get the fuck out so fucking bad that you spend two and a half years living in a car you worked overtime to be able to buy just to have consistency in your fucking transcript so ivy leagues don’t immediately reject you. No one could understand unless they fucking experienced it.”
Emma was screaming by the time she finished. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she bared part of her soul to a man she realized she didn’t want to live without, a man that made her feel loved and at peace and at home, a man who would stand so fiercely beside her through anything life threw at her.
And in that same moment of realization for Emma, Killian fell in love with her.
“Emma . . .” Killian whispered, silently making promises to himself that he dared not speak out loud for fear that she’d run from the sheer intensity of the way he felt for her. No longer would he ever allow her to be hit or hurt. No longer would he ever allow her to feel alone or hungry. No longer would he ever allow her to not have a home or someone she would call family or someone she could turn to when everything was crashing down around her or simply getting too much for one person to carry. No longer would he ever allow her to feel unloved.
He didn’t want her to ever have to run from something again. He wanted to be what she ran to.
“There’s more. I’ll tell you the rest another day.” Emma sat up so that she could curl up against Killian’s side as he engulfed her in his arms. He held her tightly against him and they sat silently for a while. Eventually, they both fell asleep.
They were sitting on the floor on either side of the coffee table in the living room, Emma’s back against the couch as she lost yet another game of chess to Killian who broke out his grandfather’s marble chess set. He had even tried to let her win on multiple occasions but Emma was too distracted by his deep blue eyes to pay any mind to the game in front of her. She missed easy takes and fell easily into his traps. Fitting, really, considering how easily she fell for, fell into, him .
“Alright, alright, I surrender.” Emma tapped her foot against Killian’s thigh. “I believe that you promised me a dip in a hot tub?” She asked, smirking at him.
If it were possible to undress someone with your eyes, Killian would’ve been naked in an instant with the look Emma was giving him. He waggled his eyebrows at her, entirely up to play this game she started. “Did you bring your swimsuit, love?"
“Do I need one, Captain?” Emma teased.
“You little minx.” Killian growled, his cock already starting to harden simply at the words falling off her tongue, and the image they created in his mind. “You go change, or strip, either works wonders for me, love, and grab some towels from upstairs.”
Emma giggled and bounded up the stairs to change into her black bikini. She pulled her hair up into a bun on the top of her head, grabbed some towels, and rummaged through the dresser drawers to find a pair of Killian’s swim trunks for him.
She found him in the kitchen, pouring two glasses of red wine. Killian was nothing if not a romantic.
“I hope one of those is for me,” she toyed, wanting to get his attention and catch him off guard while she wore nothing but her bathing suit.
The second he saw her, Killian’s eyebrows shot up. “Wow,” was about all he could manage.
Emma threw his swim trunks at him. “I brought you these.” He caught them, easily.
He handed her a glass and kissed her softly. “Outside on the left end of the deck. I’ll meet you there, my love.”
The cold air nipped at Emma’s skin as she quickly walked towards the hot water, careful not to spill her wine. It was a long day that tested all of her emotions. Quite frankly, she was exhausted and stressed. Killian tried all day to keep her mind busy, tried to help her relax. As graceful as we were for him, none of it worked. Her past with Lilly kept replaying over and over like a broken record or a film on loop. Sinking into the warm bubbly water, her back against a few of the jets, finally she felt herself relaxing. The jets felt so good against her back she was nearly moaning by the time Killian joined her. She actually didn’t even notice him slipping into the tub across from her until he chuckled.
“Enjoying yourself, love?”
“This might be better than sex.”
Killian threw his head back and laughed. He could have come up with a cheeky line, but he knew she needed this. He knew she needed to really relax, to turn her mind off for a second. He’d follow her lead on where this went.
“Come here, Swan.” He took a sip of his wine and set it down on the ledge behind him. Emma moved to sit between Killian’s legs. He placed a sensual kiss on her shoulder and his hands trailed up her arms to rub her shoulders, working at the knots that had formed there likely from stress.
Emma moaned softly. “That feels nice.”
“All I want is to make you feel good.” Killian whispered against her ear, nipping teasingly at her lobe.
“Mmm you’re succeeding.”
He trailed kisses slowly down her neck, stopping at her pulse point to suck gently at her skin. His fingertips ghosted down her sides, tracing the curves of her breasts and her waist. “I’ve wanted you since the day I met you, Swan.”
His words sent a shiver down her spine as he spoke in that timbre she learned was reserved for only the sultriest of remarks, the dirtiest of phrases, the sexiest of sayings.
“Well now you have me . . . And I’m all yours, Killian.” Emma’s hands rested on Killian’s thighs. As much as she wanted to turn to face him, to straddle his legs and grind into him, to tell him to take shed them of the few clothes creating a barrier between them, Emma was quite enjoying this teasing game.
“And I, yours, love.” Killian pulled her back against him so she could feel the effect her words had on him. “Just hearing you say that is enough to turn me on.”
Emma wiggled her ass back against him which elicited a hiss from Killian behind her. “I quite enjoy having this effect on you, Captain.”
“Oh do you now?”
“Aye,” Emma said, mocking his accent.
Killian chuckled. “You think you’re funny?”
“Aye,” she mocked again, a devilish grin plastered on her face.
In response, Killian nipped at her pulse point, dragging his teeth teasingly over her skin, sucking to leave his mark on her. Not expecting how incredible that would feel, Emma gasped. “Not so funny anymore, are you, my love?”
Taking a deep breath to attempt to calm her racing heart, Emma hummed softly. “It’s hard to think straight when you’re doing such salacious things to me.”
Killian trailed his fingertips underwater over her stomach, whispering in a sultry tone against her neck between wet kisses, “Close your eyes, Swan.”
“Do you trust me?”
Emma closed her eyes. “With all my heart.” She let her head fall back against Killian’s shoulder.
“Imagine I’m kissing down your body,” Killian whispered, trailing his hand between her breasts and down her stomach to the waistband of her bikini bottoms. Emma hummed in response. “Teasing just above where I know you want me.”
Dancing his fingers over her skin, he turned his attention to her breast. “You’re wearing far too much clothing, love.”
Emma reached behind her neck and untied the top while Killian untied the back, tossing the material to the ground beside the tub. “Better?” She teased.
“Much,” Killian smirked, cupping her breasts in his hands, massaging gently.
Emma moaned, heat pooling in the pit of her stomach. “Killian . . .”
“Does that feel good love?” He purred.
“Fuck, Killian. Yes,” Emma groaned, arching her back as if her body was begging for more of his touch, more of his voice, more of his everything.
He placed a kiss on her shoulder. “You’re so beautiful, Emma.”
Emma hummed softly. “Don’t stop.”
“Don’t stop what? Talking?” Killian teased.
“Don’t stop talking,” Emma affirmed, the simple way each word teasingly fell off his tongue sending chills down her spine.
“As you wish, my love.” One of his hands grazed over a sensitive spot on her side.
Emma broke out into a fit of giggles. “Killian! Stop!"
Killian chuckled, purposely tickling her. “Stop?”
“I’m ticklish!” Emma nearly bucked back against him, her laughter uncontrollable. Killian grins, the carefree nature of her genuine laugh warmed his heart. For once today, after a long, stressful day, it looked like Emma was relaxed. But he stopped, lifting both of his hands off of her body, complying with her request.
“Wait, no,” Emma whimpered.
“Come back.” She reached back and grabbed one of his wrists, bringing his hand back to rest on her stomach.
“I’m here, Swan. Wherever you need me.” He lowered his lips back to her neck, over the mark he had left earlier. Once again, his hands were roaming her torso, dancing over her stomach, careful to avoid her ticklish sides, caressing her breasts beneath the water, teasing her nipples.
Emma groaned, his name slipping effortlessly from her lips as her eyes close and her head resettles against his shoulder. “More,” she whispers, as if saving that word only for him.
“How about,” Killians hands trailed down her body to her thighs, “here?”
Emma inhales sharply, his fingers dangerously close to where she so desperately needs him. “More,” she repeats. “Killian, please.”
She can feel him smile against her throat, grinning like a madman.
“Where?” He asked, as if he didn’t already know, as if he didn’t already know where she was aching for his touch, as if he wasn’t aching to give her everything she needed, everything she wanted.
Emma rested her hand over his, guiding him to rest above where she needed him over her bikini bottoms. He strummed his fingers over her clit. “Oh god.”
“Killian will do just fine, love,” he joked, chuckling as he continued his teasing.
If Emma could do anything other than moan she might’ve - would’ve - rolled her eyes at him. Instead, she played along, giving him exactly what he asked for. “Oh Killian.”
He hummed softly. “I love the way you moan my name, letting the world know who’s turning you on, who’s making you feel this good.”
Grinding her hips into his hand, Emma was reaching the point of begging. “Killian,” she pleaded, “more.”
Killian grinned, having found the perfect opportunity to mention one of the ridiculous pickup lines he had spent hours looking for on the internet after they had first met when she was studying for economics. “Are your legs available for some open market operations, Swan?”
Emma’s eyes shot open and she turned around to playfully hit his chest.
“What? Not up for a conversation about open markets, Swan? I thought you’d be an expert after all that studying you’ve been doing.” He smirked, clearly enjoying this game they’ve been playing.
Emma glared pointedly at him, a smile tugging at the edges of her lips. “You almost ruined the mood.”
“Almost?” Killian raised an eyebrow at her.
Emma shifts to straddle his legs, now facing him, finally able to see the storm in his eyes. Killian dragged his nails down her bare back, scratching gently. Her hands tangled in the hair at the nape of his neck and her lips captured his in a passionate kiss she had been longing for since this dance began. His tongue slipped between her lips, finding hers as he held her close to her. Instinctively, Killian groaned into her mouth as her hips rolled over his straining cock.
Emma grinned against his lips. “You like that, Captain?”
Killian hummed, his hands now resting on her hips, edging her down harder on him as she resisted. “More, Emma,” Killian pleaded.
“My, my, how the tables have turned.”  Emma listed her hips off him entirely, eliciting a groan from the man beneath her.
“You’re killing me, love.” His hands ran over her ass, squeezing.
“Hmmmm maybe I’m feeling a sense of sympathy,” Emma teased, her hands toying with his hair, “for those swim trunks.” While her eyes portrayed the utmost innocence, her words insinuated that her intentions were anything but.
Killian smirked, waggling his eyebrows at her. “A growing sense?”
Emma giggled. “Well something’s growing.” She ran her hands down his chest until her fingers were brushing along his waistband. Killian leaned back, giving her the room she needed, groaning and laughing softly at the utter bliss rippling through his body at every brush of her fingertips.
Her hands grazed over his cock, clearly hard and ready for her. “Why don’t we move this into the bedroom?” She whispered salaciously against his lips.
“Swan, you read my mind.” She left him with a quick kiss, hopping out of the tub and wrapping a towel around her as she raced towards the back door to escape the cold, Ithaca night, with Killian following closely behind.
The past few days had been more than Emma ever could have dreamed of. Falling asleep wrapped in Killians arms holding her closely against her, waking up to freshly made cups of coffee, spending days playing games and reading and telling nonsensical stories, spending evening curled up on the couch watching whatever seemed interesting on Netflix, and spending nights making out on the couch like hormonal teenagers was simply perfect.
It was Wednesday. Spring break was halfway over and Emma dreaded having to go back to the reality of classes and studying and being apart from Killian. Her eyes fluttered open, sighing as Killian trailed butterfly kisses down her body. He had pushed the covers away, needing to see her face for cues. They hadn’t bothered getting dressed from the night before and had fallen asleep shortly after cleaning up from a delightful rendezvous.
She gripped the pillowcase with one hand while her other ran through his messy hair. A sleepy moan escaped her lips when he kissed her inner thigh. “Well this is a nice way to wake up,” Emma purred.
Killian grinned against her thigh, his stubble scratching gently against her only turned her on more. Unfortunately any endeavour he had planned for that morning was interrupted by Emma’s phone. He groaned, resting his cheek against her thigh, looking up at her with pleading, piercing blue eyes. “Please don’t answer that,” Killian begged. He’d been wanting to taste her all week, but they always seemed to get a little caught up in the moment.
Emma checked her phone, thinking it might be Belle asking her to come in a day or two to help out this week. “It’s August,” she said, confused. August never called her. His preferred method of annoying her was sending a million and a half text messages in a row until she answered. She gently swatted Killians face away from her, a move that was met with an even louder groan as he flopped onto his back. Emma answered the phone. “August?”
“Ems, I don’t fucking know what I’m going to fucking do,” August said, his voice sounding absolutely wrecked on the other end of the line.
“What happened? What’s wrong?” Emma asked, concern so clearly blanketing each word that Killian was no longer pouting like an incessant child and instead tossing her his t-shirt from the floor before grabbing a clean pair of boxers from the dresser for himself.
“I can’t fucking believe this is happening. Everything is falling apart.” It sounded like August, someone who had been her rock through the stress of their first semester, was crying. Emma quickly pulled Killian’s shirt on.
“August you have to talk to me. What happened?”
“I didn’t get the fucking internship.”
“The one with the publishing house in New York? I thought the final interview went well! The HR rep basically told you that you got the job.”
“Don’t you think I fucking know that?!” August screamed. Emma winced. “Fuck, Ems I’m sorry.”
“What happened?” Emma asked softly.
August sighed. “I have no idea. I got great feedback after every round and they basically handed me the job after the last round but I must’ve fucked up something because I got a rejection email this morning.” He choked on a sob. This was his dream internship. He had worked his entire life for the chance to be at this publishing house. He spent countless hours prepping and forcing Emma to ask him interview questions he had complied from random internet sources and previous interns he connected with on LinkedIn.
“August, I’m so sorry. You have that other interview right?”
“I turned it down. I turned it down after the empty promises HR made.”
Emma’s heart broke for her friend. “Fuck August. I’m so sorry.” Killian came out of the bathroom after brushing his teeth and flopped back into bed, throwing his arm over his eyes. Emma reached over to play with his hair with her free hand.
“I don’t know what to do.” August whispered.
“We’ll figure this out. There are still applications open and great publishing houses to start at. Check Nashville. If you’re feeling adventurous check London.” Emma paused. “We’ll figure this out, August.”
“I just wish I knew what I did wrong.”
“So send an email. You had a good relationship with that guy in HR, send him an email and ask for some feedback so that you can come back next year and do better.”
“Yeah. You’re right.” August sighed heavily. “Thanks Ems. I better go. Sorry for bothering you.”
“I’m always here for you, Gus.”
August snorted. “I hate you.”
“Aw, I love you too!”
Killian smiled next to her, partially because it felt damn good when she ran her hand through his hair like she was doing and partially because it warmed his heart to hear how much she cared about her friends. And he would have been lying if he didn’t admit that he was imagining what it would be like to be on the receiving end of her “I love you.”
Emma hung up the phone after saying goodbye and sighed.
Killian uncovered his eyes to look up at her. “Everything alright, Swan?”
“Yeah. Something happened with August’s internship and he’s back at square one.”
Killian rolled onto his side, propping himself up on his elbow. “Why do I sense there’s something else? You forget you’re an open book to me, love.”
“I just . . . I haven't even thought about what I was going to do this summer.”
Suddenly, Killian’s heart was in his throat, realizing that Emma might choose to spend the Summer in a glamorous city working for an incredible publishing house . . . away from him.
“What do you want to do?” He asked, tentatively but ready to fully support whatever dreams and goals she had. If only she knew how deeply he was in this thing that they started, how fiercely he’d stand beside her no matter what, how no matter where in the world she was he’d either wait for her or follow her. Killian, he was realizing this week, would follow her to the end of the world, or time, if that’s what it took to be with her.
Emma smiled down at him, shifting so she was no longer sitting up next to him but laying down facing him. “I want to write. I really want to write.”
Writing . Writing was something she could do anywhere. Writing was something she could do in Ithaca. Writing was something she didn’t have to leave him to accomplish. Killian grinned before showering her face in kisses.
Emma giggled, rolling onto her back so that Killian was taking his place atop her. “What's all this for?” She asked between fits of giggles, pretending like she didn’t know why Killian was happy - ecstatic really. Her whole life she wanted to be a writer, to tell stories like the ones that got her through the worst moments of her life, the ones that provided her an escape even when she was too tired to run, the ones that gave her hope and showed her love and captured her wildest imaginations. Writing suddenly had an added benefit. She could write wherever she wanted to write. She could write from Ithaca. She could stay near Killian. Emma didn’t need to give up her heart to follow her dreams.
“I just -” Killian paused, his heart racing as he smiled down at Emma beneath him.
“What, Killian?”
His heart skipped a beat when she said his name. Granted, there was nothing he adored more than the way Emma said his name. This time, however, she spoke his name as if she was claiming him as her own. “I just really didn’t want you to be away from me.”
“I think you’re stuck with me.” Emma pulled him close to her. “If you’ll have me, that is.”
“Emma, I am always yours.”
Neither of them could imagine, in that moment, a life without each other. And so they didn’t.
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pea-milk · 6 years
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Get to know me tag 🌙
I was tagged by the lovely @fourfinefreshfishforyou and @rosymiel . Thank you!
I tag @dafadolly  @early-grape  @simulationcowboy @bratsims @obi-uhie@crescentcrustacean @cupidlet @ridgeport @faaeish @herbalbrew and anyone else who would like to do it. (Also you dont have to do this if ya dont wanna. It’s a lot of questions lmao)
1. WHAT IS YOUR FULL NAME? Eliav somethin somethin
2. WHAT IS YOUR NICKNAME? Eli...?? I sometimes go by ben
3. BIRTHDAY? 1st of September
6. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR? Toni Morrison or David Sedaris
7. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE RADIO STATION? NPR or this one french music station once awhile. 
8. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FLAVOR OF ANYTHING? Ah either spicy anything or a nice fruity flavor with vanilla
10. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT FAVORITE SONG? Railroad Bill - Andrew Bird or Sabor a Mi - Kali Uchis
11. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WORD? Orke / Gide or anythin with hard “ch” 
12. WHAT WAS THE LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO? You Are The Light - Jens Lekman
13. WHAT TV SHOW WOULD YOU RECOMMEND FOR EVERYBODY TO WATCH? Uh Dark! I recently watched it and it was good!
15. DO YOU PLAY VIDEO GAMES? Yes. But not like...hardcore? I dont like online multi player just like casual games. I will however become a hardcore gamer once I get my lil goblin hands on Red Dead Redemption 2. Yeehaw.
16. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? Idk why but I think it’s bad luck to name your fears out loud. 
18. WHAT IS YOUR WORST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? I lack...empathy ...and have a very hard time relating to people
22. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU MISS FROM YOUR CHILDHOOD? Being able to just be...loose? Just not have to worry about things.
23. WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? I’d like to say my highschool “bestfriends” but we havent talked in a hot while.
28. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU THINK ABOUT OFTEN? Not a specific individual but just...people who’ve left my life? People I dont talk to or see. Just wonderin how life goes for them.
29. ARE YOU CURRENTLY EXCITED ABOUT/FOR SOMETHING? Uh, not in a longterm sense, but just being in the apartment alone and going to work.
31. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW AS A CHILD? Courage the Cowardly Dog, Hey, Arnold or Country Mouse City Mouse.
37. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? Calypso - David Sedaris
38. WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? Ballad of Buster Scruggs. 
39. WHAT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? I used to play violin and clarinet.
41. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP 5 FAVORITE TUMBLR BLOGS THAT YOU FOLLOW? I like just sorta weird aesthetic blogs or overall blogs with no general direction.
42. WHAT SUPERPOWER DO YOU WISH YOU HAD? Shape-shifting or just like bein immortal but the kind where, if for example, my head were to be chopped off from my body, I’d just be a conscious, bastard head.
43. WHEN AND WHERE DO YOU FEEL MOST AT PEACE? In my room or a quiet cafe while it rains outside.
44. WHAT MAKES YOU SMILE? Small things. Nothin real specific
45. WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? I used to do track and lacrosse. I hated both.
46. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DRINK? Lavender Lemonade or a Cappuccino. 
47. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WROTE A HAND-WRITTEN LETTER OR NOTE TO SOMEBODY? Yesterday. I write post-cards to a ceramic teacher that I still keep in touch with. He’s a very funny man. 
49. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? Sloppiness. Just general disorganization. (Also loud chewing)
51. ARE YOU VEGAN/VEGETARIAN? I dont generally eat heavy meats. Especially red because I vomit if I do. I eat a lot of fish though.
52. WHEN YOU WERE LITTLE, WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GREW UP? An Undertaker. I met one at a friends funeral, she was very interesting.
53. WHAT FICTIONAL WORLD WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE IN? Hmm. Maybe a rural-ized time locked town? Or a cabin in the middle of a foggy evergreen wood, not really fantasy I suppose.
56. DO YOU LIKE TO SING? If it’s a rock ballad in the middle a long road trip with friends, yes, but mostly I sing when alone.
58. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE ON THE PLANET? I’ve tiny places, or just moments that I enjoy.
59. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE? A lot of places. Mostly rural.
60. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? Two Dogs. Zelda and Charlie.
67. WHO IS YOUR HERO? ...No one
68. DO YOU READ COMIC BOOKS? Not recently.
70. DO YOU PREFER TO READ ON AN ELECTRONIC DEVICE OR WITH A REAL BOOK? Physical copies are nice. I like the smell.
71. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? I’m not in school but uh Math. Art.
74. HOW TALL ARE YOU? 179cm
75. CAN YOU COOK? Yes. I bake for a living. I make a mean puff pastry.
76. WHAT ARE THREE FOUR THINGS THAT YOU LOVE? Smelling spices, like cinnamon, red peppers, hard rain, when my dog snores.
77. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU HATE? Sweat, being yelled at, alcohol
78. DO YOU HAVE MORE FEMALE FRIENDS OR MORE MALE FRIENDS? More male identifying friends.
79. WHAT IS YOUR SEXUAL ORIENTATION? Bi. More lenient towards male identifying individuals.
83. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE YOUTUBER? None really. Just the weird video once awhile. Like “will it blend.”
86. WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR PARENT(S) LIKE? I get along with my mother when I can. Father could be dead for all I care.
89. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE NUMBER? I like 8 I suppose
91. ARE YOU RELIGIOUS? I was raised under a Jewish household, but as I’ve gotten older and more bitter, I’ve grown out of faith. However, I still identify as Jewish.
97. HOW OFTEN DO YOU ADMIT THAT YOU WERE WRONG ABOUT SOMETHING? If I act wrongly to someone I apologize right away.
102. DO YOU TALK TO YOURSELF? Once awhile.
104. DO YOU KEEP A JOURNAL/DIARY? Not anymore.
105. DO YOU BELIEVE IN SECOND CHANCES? Yes and No. If its absolutely awful, then I’m quick to cut ties.
106. IF YOU FOUND A WALLET FULL OF MONEY ON THE GROUND, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? If there’s cash, take it. Return everything else. Sorry. 
107. DO YOU BELIEVE THAT PEOPLE ARE CAPABLE OF CHANGE? Yes. As long as they keep accountability for there actions. 
108. ARE YOU TICKLISH? In certain areas, but hardly.
110. DO YOU HAVE ANY PIERCINGS? I did, but they closed up.
116. DO YOU WANT CHILDREN? Probably.
117. WHO IS THE SMARTEST PERSON YOU KNOW? The best friends I havent talked to in a while.
120. WHAT COLOR ARE MOST OF YOU CLOTHES? Black. Earth tones. Problem Patterns.
123. HOW OLD ARE YOU? 19
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bbykpoper · 6 years
Bitter Sweet Symphony
part 5 - diffindo
words: 1.8k
A/N: note that the story takes place before Harry came to Hogwarts. And most professors of the class mention below are unknown before his time hence why I will be using a random idol or maybe even an unknown person as the professor!
The fact that the students from both the 5th and 6th year had to assemble in the training grounds just as the professor for Defence Against the Dark Arts (D.A.D.A.) class walked towards them along with professor Snape didn't seem to amuse Y/N. She sat on the grass beside Sunmi as both Ravenclaw's absently stared into the direction of the two professors.
"I'm not amused by this setting." Y/N spoke as she caught the glare of the skinny blond boy in the green robes. "Plus, why the hell is Snape here?"
"That is a question I ask myself as well." Sunmi commented.
The rest of the Ravenclaw's began quietly whispering as boy in red robes walked over to the two girls and smiled down at them. He was followed by one more young boy in yellow robes. A Gryffindor and Hufflepuff was not an unusual sight to mingle with the Ravenclaw's, but both Park Sungjin and Kang Younghyun were quite the unusual appearance. These two usually hung out with only one Ravenclaw since they first entered Hogwarts.
And also, their bestest friend chicken little also known as Park Jaehyung, was standing opposite them glaring at Y/N.
"Hey girls." Sungjin addressed them with a smile. "What do you think this is all about?"
"My bet is we're going to be duelling." Sunmi said with a sigh. "By the way, why are you guys here? I thought you were friends with Jae on the other side..."
"Jae's being a meany so we decided to befriend the girl who keeps calling him out on social media." Younghyun smiled.
Y/N looked up at him with a raised eyebrow but didn't say anything. Sungjin joined them on the grass while Younghyun smirked at Jae on the other side.
"Alright listen up kids!" The professor spoke up to catch the attention of his students. "I have called together both years to have a practical class in which a few of you will demonstrate the spells we've learned throughout the past school years. Now I know that pairing a 6th and 5th year student will be difficult seeing as the older kids know more spells, but if a student wishes to duel a younger one, or vice versa, I will not oppose it and neither will professor Snape."
Jae looked straight at Y/N who was silently going through some type of journal in her lap.
"Now then, my duelling pupil Sungjin and Seung Cheol shall be the first to duel."
Sungjin went up front followed by another Gryffindor and both took their stances. They smiled at each other and went forth to take a few paces from each other and the duel began. It was harmless, with a few basic duelling spells learned from professor Flitwick as well as ones learned in D.A.D.A. through the years.
Sungjin came out victorious.
"Well done boys. Now then moving on towards the 6th years... Miss Nayeon and Miss Wheein, you're up next."
A very cheerful and bubbly Gryffindor skipped up to take Sungjin's place while and elegant looking Slytherin walked up to take Seung Cheol's. This duel was a bit more heated and the dislike between the two houses was evident.
Wheein came out as the winner in this duel.
"Exceptional curse casting Miss Wheein. Now then next will be Mister Jaehyung and-"
"Sir, I'd like to choose my own opponent." Jae spoke up and both professors raised their eyebrows.
"Yes, of course." The professor spoke up.
"Hey Wonpil's girl." Sunmi nudged Y/N when she didn't budge from her quidditch notes. "Let's see how well you do with those spells of yours."
Jae stepped up in place of Wheein as Y/N looked confused with the speech he threw at her.
"Well now Miss Jeong don't just sit around." Professor Snape snapped at her. "Get up and take Miss Im's place on the field."
Y/N gave her notebook to Sunmi as she took her wand and replaced Nayeon on the field. The Gryffindor wished her luck and Y/N only nodded, not understanding what this was all about but she sure wasn't complaining. Maybe this was the perfect time and place to shut Jae's mouth.
Both of them bowed at each other and took up their stances, Jae's being a bit more aggressive in nature while Y/N's was more cold and stoic.
"One..." The professor began his countdown. "Two..." Sunmi, Sungjin and Younghyun were not expecting this to happen and the boys were quick to inform the other two, being bombarded with Wonpil's worry. "Three-"
"Expulso!" Jae screamed and waved his wand before the countdown reached three normally.
"Protego!" Y/N reacted faster and a transparent shield of soft blue hues spread before her deflecting the explosion and spreading a screen of smoke on the field. She was quick to counter attack while Jae couldn't see her movements in the smoke. "Everte Statum!"
Jae was hit by the spell and sent spinning in the air as he landed a few feet in the distance. He was angry now as his glasses fell next to him.
"Flipendo!" Jae's spell knocked down Y/N and she groaned at the impact it had on her body. "Incendio!"
A gush of fire rushed towards Y/N and all the students went quiet with horror as it rapidly approached the knocked down girl.
"Aguamenti!" She countered with a water jet and the fire seemed ti burst into smoke as her breathing became shallow and raged from the scare of being burned alive.
"You're good Y/N, well I'd say decent for a mudblood." Jae spoke as he walked up to her.
"Oh, so now we're calling each other names?" Y/N stood up, clearly angry at his words. "So what if I'm a child of a human and a wizard I can't be good at casting spells or quidditch? Wow Jae, never knew that you'd be calling me names because you suck at spell casting."
"Oh keep you mouth shut you dirty blooded bird! You're no better than a pureblood just because you're smart so stop acting all high and mighty. You should just keep that beak quiet and mingle with less wizards so you don't spread the disease among us." Jae was enraged and both Sungjin and Younghyun didn't understand how he could be so insulting.
They've never heard or seen this side of the young blond.
"Legilimens." Jae cast the mindreading charm on her, trying to mess with her emotions.
"Protego Horribilis." Y/N whispered out and the spell bounced off the transparent shield which enveloped her.
"A protection charm again, really? Is this all you know? You're a disgrace even to mudbloods." Jae mocked her and tried both flipendo and expeliarmus on the girl but without any results. "This is a damn duel Y/N not a fucking pitty party where you hide behind a shield of magic. Fight me like you mean it!"
"Okay, if that's what you really want." She gripped her wand tightly turning her knuckles white with anger. As she looked up at him her dark eyes seemed to turn black with sheer animosity as the protective shield suddenly disappeared around her.
"Alarte Ascendare." Jae was shot up into the air and screamed out as his body began falling down quickly approaching the hard ground. "Diffindo."
Jae screamed out as a burst of cuts appeared on his body bleeding heavily as he kept on falling down. It was followed by a loud noise of breaking bones and tearing of the muscles as suddenly both professor Snape and the professor of D.A.D.A. stepped in to stop the duel.
"Descendo!" The professor yelled as Snape quickly caught an unconscious Jae. "Miss Jeong Y/N what has gotten into you?! You could have killed Mister Park with both spells!"
"Vulnera Sanentur." Snape said as he healed the cuts and gashes on Jae's body. "I'm taking Mister Park to the hospital wing. Miss Jeong, I will make sure professor Flitwick hears about this."
Both professor left as they dismissed the class. All of the students stood staring at Y/N who was still angrily clutching her wand and biting her lip to the point it bled.
"Alright!" Sunmi yelled out. "Get lost you dweebs, nothing to see here!"
The students suddenly scurried off into all directions as Sunmi walked up to her friend and patted her on the shoulder.
"Come on Y/N, let's get some nice relaxing tea and Momo to cheer you up shall we?" She began pushing the girl in the direction of the castle, but stopped to look back at the two dumbfounded boys. "I'd advise you to check on Jae later on. Those were some dangerous spells casted on him."
And with that they left.
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Later that evening Sunmi, Momo and Y/N were sitting in the Astronomy tower, drinking tea and eating some of Momo's home baked peach muffins. The two girls were animatedly chatting with each other as Y/N kept staring out the tower into the cold starless night.
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It wasn't her fault her parents fell in love. Before today she didn't really care for the fact her father was a wizard and her mother was a muggle. They loved each other, they loved her, her family was quite accepting of the wizarding world even though her older brother was a muggle and stayed a muggle. Why was it so wrong to be a half-blood?
Her thoughts were cut short when an owl landed on the open window and handed her a letter.
"What is it?" Momo asked.
"A howler..." Y/N answered.
"From professor Flitwick?" Sunmi asked.
"No... from my father..." She sighed and opened it, ready for what was to come.
"JEONG ROSEMARY Y/N! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF TODAY'S DUEL WITH THE SLYTHERIN BOY? YOUR MOTHER AND I HAVE TAUGHT YOU BETTER THAN TO BLINDLY CAST DANGEROUS SPELLS ON YOUNG WIZARDS IN YOUR STATE OF ANGER! I AM VERY DISAPPOINTED IN YOU AND YOUR ACTIONS TODAY! NEXT HOLIDAY YOU COME HOME YOU WILL GET AN EARFULL FROM ME YOUNG LADY! PROFESSOR FLITWICK PERSONALLY SENT AN OWL TO ADRESS YOUR BEHAVIOUR TODAY AND IT ALMOST MADE YOUR MOTHER CRY! LEARN HOW TO BEHAVE YOURSELF AND FOCUS ON YOUR STUDIES MORE!" There was a short pause as the girls stared wide eyed at the letter. "I know the boy must've said some very insulting things to you my little rose but it still doesn't justify this type of behaviour. I can only hope you will learn from this experience and tred your battles carefully. Professor Flitwick said he'd talk to you first thing tomorrow morning, so I expect you to accept your punishment with dignity. I did not teach you those spells for your anger but for you to defend yourself if need be. Be sure to visit your mother and I on your next holiday, and write a letter or two for your older brother so he knows your alive at least. Love dad."
Y/N sighed as the letter tore itself up and fell into the lap...
'Well done Y/N, now all you gotta do is go and talk to your brother who hates you because of your father. Easy-peasy.'
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modernlcve · 6 years
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*  —  stats —   rory hanna !
* — basics !
full name:   aurora catherine hanna. nickname(s):   answers exclusively to rory. age:   twenty-one. date of birth:   august twenty-fifth. place of birth:   carina bay,   north carolina gender:   female. pronouns:   she / her. sexual orientation:   bisexual. level of education:   high school graduate. pursuing a degree in journalism and political science.
* — physical !
tattoos:   she’s genuinely one bad day away from getting a grl pwr tattoo but for now.  none. piercings:   ears pierced twice. notable features:   she got a cute lil nose. weakness(es):  restless legs. scar(s):   one in her hairline on the center of her forehead.
* — domestic !
occupation:   student.   residence:  she lives in the house with mr. hanna. social class:   solidly middle class. parents:   she’s closer with mr. hanna,   she always felt more pressured to be a High Achiever by their mother and it kinda screwed stuff up for them. siblings:   she considers austin one of her Best Friends even if she’d never say it to his face.   she’s more apt to make fun of aubrey but ultimately does really like having a dorkass big sister. extended family:   i should ask what u think but.   nah.
* — personality !
positive traits:   quick-witted.   driven.   confident. negative traits:   snide.   bitter.   obstinate. myers-briggs ( x ):   istj;   the logistician. temperament:   choleric. moral alignment:   neutral good. horoscope:   virgo,   the virgin. hogwarts house:  ravenclaw.
* — favorites !
movie:   beetlejuice. tv show:   orange is the new black. book:   pride & prejudice. drink:   vanilla chai latte. food:   sour gummy worms. animal:   cats. color:   red. song:   landslide by fleetwood mac. artist:   lorde. celebrity crush:   hozier.
* — impressions !
first impression:  she’s purposely a little off putting.   she’s dry and sarcastic,   and,   as we been know,   doesn’t crack a smile for just anyone.   the big exception to this is in a more professional setting.   at school,   she’s much better at small talk and forcing a smile.   it’s why she’s sure to keep the two worlds separate. self impression:   she knows that ultimately,   she’s smart and capable and handling her shit.   but she’s still a person,   and one with very high expectations for herself,   which every now and then takes a toll on her. lover impression:   she keeps her circle small,   but if you get in - especially this far in - she’ll ride or die for you.   she’s not the type for big romantic gestures or getting too mushy,   but all the same,   she’s dedicated to people that show up for her.
* — et cetera !
turn ons:   confidence.   intelligence.   spontaneity. turn offs:   arrogance.   spinelessness.   condescending tones. drink/drugs/smoke:   yes/weed/no. dominant hand:   right. clean or messy:   clean. early bird or night owl:   night owl. hobbies or special talents:   yeah she learned how to skateboard and longboard in her pursuit of being a Cool Girl.
01. where was your character born? what brought them to carina? what do they like most about the town?
rory was born in carina.   she’s planning her escape,   but she’s not really in a huge hurry to get out of town.   if anything,   she’s scared to leave.   she likes being a big fish in a little pond.   she likes feeling in control of a familiar environment.   the idea of leaving the nest and failing is terrifying to her. 
02. who are your character’s friends and family? who do they surround themselves with? who are the people your character is closest to?
rory’s relationship with her family has changed in the past year or so.   she’s always been close to austin and that much hasn’t changed.   she used to be closer to their mom,   even if their relationship was a little messed up,   but with everything that’s happen,   she’s taken the opportunity to be a little shit to her.   she’s more defensive of their dad now than ever,   having watched him work through all this.   she’s trying to reconnect with aubrey,   and rely on her as the Big Feminine Influence in her life,   but it’s a process.   she hangs out with The Crew,   but is notably close with the parrish twins.   she’s probably closest with Austin but seth is a close second.
03. what is your character’s biggest fear? who have they told this to? who would they never tell this to? why?
again rory’s biggest fear is that she’s just like.   a really cool girl for carina but when she gets into the real world she’s not gonna be worth shit.   she wants to ditch the idea of law school and pursue journalism full time,   she wants to get out there and live and write and be someone,   but there’s a nagging fear that it’s not the big smart plan her and her mom made when she was a freshman in high school and she’s gonna fail and be useless.   if she’s told this to anyone,   it’d probably be seth,   but i don’t think they’re the type to dwell on stuff like that.   it’s more like spewing random Red Flag bullshit and then moving on forever?
04. has your character ever been in love? had a broken heart?
rory has been Aggressively telling herself that she wasn’t actually in love with seth since he turned her down.   but regardless of if she was or not,   he definitely broke her heart for a hot minute there.   she really felt like she was putting herself out on a limb there but,   deep down,   part of her really expected things to work out.   she’s repressed it all pretty well by now,   but for a while,   it just stung and she was embarrassed to have poured her heart out like that only to be rejected.  it’s why she spent some time so gung ho on getting out there and dating around and trying to find a new path,   but nothing really took.   she’s currently sworn off relationships,   at least until she graduates,   but again,   there’s just one little part of her that would break that rule,   under the right circumstances.
06. it’s saturday at noon. what is your character doing? give details.
she’s probably holed up in her room.   maybe studying,   maybe just being around the house and goofing off.   she funnels a lot of her free time into school work,   but likes to take a chunk of time off on the weekends to decompress.   she either spends it watching something on netflix or hanging out with her Pals.
07. what is one strong memory that has stuck with your character since childhood?
rory really vividly remembers a day when she was in elementary school and she got to sit in on a couple of her mom’s classes because no one could Watch her one afternoon not because the classes were amazing but because,   even if it was just in a small talky way,   she bragged on her,   in a way that made her feel so competent and grown up like.   hell yeah i read at an 8th grade level and kick ass at brainteasers :nailcare:   close second would b the time in middle school some Prep called her one fucked up biotch at lunch and seth threatened 2 kick his ass for her honor that meant a Lot
09. what is something that upsets your character? where do they go when they’re upset?
rory gets overwhelmed thinking about school and her life beyond it.   when she’s upset,   she’s probably got some lame spot around the cove on some little hillside where she can sit and watch the ocean and just Decompress for a minute or alternatively face the other way and watch all the tourists on the beach just enjoying a special day.   it helps her zone out and avoid things just long enough to move on.
10. when your character thinks of their childhood kitchen, what smell do they associate with it? why?
yeah i thought the pizza night thing was really cute so im just going to Echo that.   while she’s always been the Rebel of the family she does lowkey miss when things were Easier and the biggest conflict between them was whether or not sausage was a valid topping to spring for.
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cuccosneverdie · 7 years
hnngh ok here we go
1. do you have any recurring dreams? what are they? lmao i havent had a dream in like 2 years
2. what is your favourite kind of fruit? the fruity ones
3. sweet or savoury? savoury
4. what is your smallest/pettiest fear? uhh idk man,, when i open a door if i dont go fast its gonna crush me?/ hmm idk 
5. what is your least favourite vegetable? nobody likes you, kale
6. what is your favourite art movement? pppfff idk
7. do you drink milk? not on its own ew
8. what was the last line of the last book you read? my memory is bad lads
9. do you like bitter food? uh depends
10. what is the most significant event in your life so far? uhh i dunno thats too hard
11. what is one thing ( a book, movie, etc ) that has greatly affected you? hmm majoras mask made me realise how little time we have to live ??/ does that count
12. what is your favourite breed of dog or cat? i like chihuahuas (mostly cause i have one         but)
13. list your top 5 favourite turtle names. Raquel, Sheldon, Sam, Shoe, Kai
14. what job would you have if you could have it without going through all of the school or experience that is required? probably a judge 
15. are there any names that you dislike so much that you would dislike the person with the name? what are those names? nah i dont care what your name is we can be buds either way
16. what is your favourite letter? K
17. are there any instruments you wished you played? trumpet was really fun for the six months i played it so 
18. list your best friends. no 
19. would you rather be a skeleton or a ghost? ghost
20. do you prefer fish or lizards/snakes? (as pets) lizards are d0pe id take a lizard over a fish any day
21. art or music? art 
22. what is your favourite type of flower? i have no idea
23. soup or salad? soup, i hate salad
24. are you good at keeping plants alive? lol no, better then my step dad at least
25. do animals tend to like you? no
26. what is the worst book you've ever read? hippos go berserk
27. do you collect anything? i used to collect rocks, now i dont collect anything
28. how many pillows do you sleep with? one
29. whats the latest you've ever woken up? 6 pm
30. how many pictures are on your walls? i have like 2 zelda posters and 2 owl paintings at my moms, at my dads i have an octopus painting and a picture of me and my little brother
31. what age did you stop keeping stuffed animals on your bed? bro i still keep stuffed animals on my bed
32. what is your favourite candy? werther’s hard caramels 
33. what is your favourite baked good? i like mexican sweet bread
34. do you have a camera? if so, what kind? my phone is my camera 👀
35. do you wear jewelry? naw
36. sunrise or sunset? sunset, ive only seen a sunrise like,,, once
37. do you like to listen to music with headphones or no headphones? headphones
38. what was your favourite show as a child? probably caillou haha
39. describe your favourite spot in your house. the pantry for my moms house, my desk with my springy chair for my dads
40. do you like to be warm or cold? warm
41. the best joke you have. why did the chicken cross the road???
42. whats the weirdest thing that you've seen happen in a public place? i dunno i see a lotta weird shit where i live
43. CD or digital? both
44. who do you miss right now? my oldest brother
45. if you could combine two places in the world, which two places would you choose? croatia and italy idkkkk what does this question mean
46. describe the worst substitute teacher you've ever had. they kept telling me to get back to work when i          was doing my work and they wouldn’t answer kids questions and then we’d ask our classmates for help and they’d tell us to stop talking idk i havent had a really bad substitute teacher
47. do you believe horoscopes? nope
48.  are you spiritual? nnnope
49. describe your pets ( or family if you dont have pets ) i have a chihuahua and hes p cool. right now hes having problems with his breathing we had to take em to the vet im worried tbh he’s old
50. are you good at getting over mistakes? ehhh if its small yes, if its a big mistake ill usually think about it for a while 
thank frick that took me a while you better appreciate these answers
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jeonwrit · 8 years
Mornings Without Good Coffee
originally based off this (but really i veered off course) jungkook x reader genre: fluff + not-a-morning-person/rich asshole!jeon word count: 2799 warnings: none, but the fluff thoooo, im disgusted by myself
Jungkook knows that when his marimba alarm rings in the AM, he has to get up. He can’t revel in the silk of his bed after a week of late nights that have succeeded in draining his energy to a lowly poor amount, and he most certainly can’t take his goddamn time with getting up. He’s given his personal assistant the week off (something about his father being sick) so no wake up call, no suit ready and waiting on his hangar, no hand-crushed coffee beans in his coffee. This means, not only does he have to make his own fucking coffee, he has to pick out his own goddamn suit, and his own goddamn cufflinks, and this is so goddamn stupid. Though Jungkook can’t quite remember the last time he put his cufflinks on by himself, he’s sure that it can’t be that difficult. He’s wrong. Terribly wrong. At least he managed to pack for himself. At least he knows how to drive to the airport. And if he can’t drive, then he’s sure he can get a helicopter to pick him up from the house.
The coffee tastes horrible, he tried to crush his own coffee beans, but when they fell into a mess all over the floor, some pieces crushed like pecans and others smashed into fine dust that looked like cumin powder, he gave up.
The black BMW he drives waits for him outside, the setting moon before the dawn shining on it’s perfect surface. He looks at the immaculate paint job and smiles. At least something is going right this morning, other than his really fucking impeccable alarm. On the way to Incheon, he picks up a espresso from a fast-food restaurant. It tastes like shit also to his freshly-grounded-coffee beans taste buds.
When Jungkook walks into Incheon Airport on Monday morning (actually it’s not so much morning as it is really fucking late night, at least for Jungkook) at 3:10 AM, he expects it to be empty, at least of all those perky vacationers, who usually leave on Fridays. He expects it to be quiet, only the low hum of the conveyor belt and maybe the occasional rumble of a half-empty airplane taking off overhead. He expects it to be peaceful, only a cup of black coffee, a no sugar, no cream americano to be exact, in his hands and a black Tumi bag that he can store carry-on.
His shoes, freshly polished, scuff against the floor, and he’s missing a cuff link to his new suit. Without an assistant this morning, he’s falling apart, from the seams of his jacket to the tie that doesn’t match or suit the business meeting that he’s supposed to be attending. Jungkook scowls.
He gets in line to get his boarding pass (the electronic machines don’t make much sense, and what’s the use in that when there are people for a reason to help a person) behind a woman. She also carries a black Tumi bag, and in her black pumps and pencil skirt, she looks like she is leaving town for a business meeting.
But then she opens her mouth. “Hi, I’m going to Busan,” she says. And yes, if Jungkook were a romantic he would describe her voice as a fairy’s, not unlike his best friend Jimin’s, all tinkling bells that don’t fail to light up the air around her and lullabies that seem to reflect all the moonlight keeping the world awake at night. But Jungkook’s not a romantic, so he doesn’t think that (yes, he does), and her cheerful voice, just like every other cheerful, perky-ass voice, sets his teeth on edge. It doesn’t help that he’s going to Busan too, and it’s quite likely that he will be on the same flight as her. He mumbles an excuse me, pushing past her to get to the other kiosk, where another official dressed in blue and white airplane color awaits him.
And the girl turns, opens her mouth to say sorry, most likely, but then stops. She probably sees the expression of ultimate distress and distrust and disgust on his face because her mouth arranges itself into a scowl and she frowns. Jungkook wishes she would stop because, unfortunately for his sanity, pretty girls with frowns make up some of the parts of his brain that file away most annoying people in the world.
But instead of the probably insincere, habitual sorry that Jungkook expects, she spits, “Yes, excuse you.” Jungkook has enough to control to prevent his face from turning red, but he knows the tips of ring-clad ears are burning like hell. Her face is pretty, and he wants to reach out to touch the tips of her hair that looks too soft to be real. Her eyelashes are long and they dust across her cheekbones with every blink of eyes that Jungkook is sure belong with stars. He wishes he had enough courage to stay around and talk, but his body betrays him and he spins on his heel to talk to the noticeably male flight attendant.
After attaining his boarding pass, Jungkook walks through the long halls corridors of the airport. The intercom calls for flights 712, 713, and 256, in its staticy female voice, the epitome of computerized feeling.
His gate enters his field of vision, but he stops to get another cup of coffee that will keep away the sleep, like a ward against evil. He almost chokes on the tasteless nastiness of the black bitter coffee. Yes, Jungkook has resigned himself to this type of coffee, but he doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to it, no matter how many times he tells himself he needs it. But he doesn’t and as a night owl by nature, he’s sure coffee doesn’t help him any. He sips away, already used to the horrid taste, like a first-time smoker gets used to his cigarette.
He gives his boarding pass to the attendee who stands patiently waiting. She’s taken aback by Jungkook’s hostile expression, but Jungkook’s knows this look by now, in fact he’s intimately familiar with it.
“Sir,” she says, pointedly staring at the cup of coffee in his hands. “You’ll have to throw that away.”
“Why?” he asks her, as nice as is possible for him right now, but it still comes off as mean.
“We do not allow food or drink on domestic flights, sir,” she patiently says.
“And when did you change the policies?” Jungkook inquires.
“I do not know, sir, I believe this has always been our policy.”
Jungkook doesn’t look away from the woman as he throws away the cup in the trash that stands next to her.
Jungkook walks into the plane, with his Tumi bag, and his black shoes, and his tailored jacket, in a huff.
His seat is annoying too, the pillow and the blanket that are usually customary in flights this early in the morning are both missing, and Jungkook wants to sleep. He wishes he didn’t get the coffee because he can feel the jitters buzzing through his veins, his brain struggling to find fatigue and finding none. He slumps in his seat, wishing for the business class ticket he usually gets.
He’s finally staring contentedly outside the window, when she walks towards him. She doesn’t carry anything but a small brown leather backpack, and a phone, into which she is speaking rapid-fire Korean. The Tumi bag is gone, obviously checked in. He stares at the graceful curve of her neck (it’s actually a bit like a swan’s, but, you know, without the white feather down) for a few seconds, watching the pulse flutter at the top of her collarbone, and she flushes when she catches his unrelenting staring.
The phone clicks off, and she takes out what is obviously her airplane ticket from the brown leather bag, forehead creasing. Jungkook tries not to think about the fact that she looks incredibly cute, the skin between her eyebrows furrowing, and bright eyes squinting so that he can’t see what color they are anymore.
“So,” she says, annoyed, and though Jungkook does wonder what has piqued her annoyance, he is more curious about her herself. Her eyebrow raises. “You seem to have taken my seat.”
“No.” Jungkook is bristling, because who does she think she is. He pulls out his own ticket from his wallet in his back pocket. “I do not believe I have. You see my ticket here, says 9...” Jungkook trails off.
There is silence as she waits for him to continue.
“Does it say A or B?” she inquires, that note of patient annoyance in her voice. Really Jungkook thinks it is condescension.
“B. I suppose I read it wrong,” Jungkook says, the apology in his voice noticeably missing. He gets up into the aisle, leaning into her as he does so. She steps back.
Jungkook tries to get more comfortable again (but comfort obviously doesn’t exist in economy), but he finds himself staring at her, her profile much more interesting than the small window on her right. She reads a SkyMall magazine, and Jungkook finds himself much more entranced than he would like.
The plane rumbles as it takes off, the vibrations making Jungkook sick, he’s always hated the sound and the stale air of the plane. But quickly he finds himself falling asleep with headphones in his ears and the sweet sound of Dean melting honey upon his eardrums.
When Jungkook wakes up, he smells mango and mint, a fruit cocktail in the air, and he’s swallowing hair, the strands stuck in his mouth and in his nose. It’s not bad precisely, the luscious locks smooth and silky, but there is a weight on his chest that he can’t say was there before, a weight that’s actually quite nice, Jungkook smiles. Maybe the morning never fucking happened and it was all a nightmare. Yes, nightmares tend to be actually scary, not incredibly boring, but who knows.
He opens his eyes, the blurry lines of the airplane coming into sharp awareness, and Jungkook becomes painfully aware of the vibration of the airplane, he can tell from a quick glance at the window that they are still in the air. And another quick glance tells him that it’s–
Her. She’s sleeping on his chest, little wisps of hair blowing out of her space with every breath, light snores that sound like a lullaby Jungkook could fall asleep to, her sweet face unmarred by annoyed scowls. If he thought she was pretty before, with her glares of dislike, she’s beautiful now, all peaceful and still and so, so relaxed. He can’t deny that he’s attracted to her. He lets her sleep, lets her stay lost in the land of dreams, in the land of beauty and horrors. Really though, it’s for his own benefit, he could stay here smelling the orange and green scent of her hair forever, letting it wash over him like a tidal wave, too much and altogether too little, the waves pulling him under and over; he’s unable to stop himself from falling into the chasm of her, though he knows little about her, not even able to let the sweet taste of her name grace his lips. Though only this morning he hated her and all the cheeriness she represented. He’s been pulled so deep that he lets her pull him into dreamland with her, and his breath slows and deepens.
She’s staring at him: he can tell from the prickling feeling of his face, the piercing of her eyes, noticeable even with his own eyes closed. Jungkook’s mind wants to leap to conclusions (What if they have a connection?), but he forces himself to stop.
“I can feel your glare,” he smirks and opens his eyes. “I don’t think I’ve ever been hated so intensely by someone I don’t know.”
She blushes, the pretty pink shading her face like a painting, and Jungkook’s hand itches to touch her pink cheeks, or maybe draw it. He would do it in pastels, wine, and sunset, and rose gray.
“I’m sorry.” Then to Jungkook’s extreme disappointment, she turns and looks outside the window. But Jungkook can’t help himself from teasing her.
“So,” he drawls, “Did you sleep well?”
“Fine,” she mutters.
“Yes,” he announces, “I’m sure my chest was incredibly comfortable.”
And she blushes again, but this time his mind jumps to white sheets and long nights and her coral cheeks against his silk duvet.
“I’m sorry about that, too,” she says.
“Don’t be.” She swallows at his words and turns to look at Busan; from the air, the sea-city is beautiful, but the plane circles the city for the third time now, and Jungkook knows it can’t be that interesting. He keeps hoping for her to turn and look at him, with those eyes as deep as oceans, just as full of emotion, ever changing, ever beautiful. Maybe she’ll talk to him. And maybe she won’t. But maybe she’ll say–
“Hey.” There is an apologetic look on her face, all wide eyes and downturned puckered mouth that Jungkook wants to kiss. He wonders if tastes like the strawberries it looks like. He wonders if he will be given a chance to smooth the remorseful look that shadows her face. “I’m sorry. About earlier I mean. I just– I was really stressed, and I’m not a morning person, and I’m incredibly sorry.”
Jungkook can’t help the grin that stretches his mouth, her pout is just so cute, and so fucking adorable. He doesn’t know what has made him take a complete 360, but the girl is cute, so why the hell not forgive her.
“It’s okay. I can’t deny it, I was a bit of an ass, too.”
Her eyes of galaxies widen, “A bit?” she choruses, in a tone that tells him she thinks his assholery was much more than a bit.
“You know, a smidgen.”
“Definitely more than a smidgen.”
“You think?” he asks, and the grin has definitely been permanently etched onto his face. He doesn’t ever want to stop grinning like this, so wide it hurts. Probably a bit belatedly, he wonders if there is anything on his teeth. But that thought stays in the recesses of his mind because he realizes she is grinning just as wide at him, pearly whites stark against the natural red of her lips, the angles of her face beautiful and elegant. Jungkook can feel his heart fluttering a bit, as she leans into whisper into his ear.
“I think so, yeah,” she says, lips brushing against the cuff his ear. Maybe it’s just him that feels the electricity of their proximity. Maybe it’s the both of them, but either way Jungkook finds himself, in this two-sentence conversation that they’ve just, that he likes her.
“So,” Jungkook smiles, taking a chance here, heart in his throat, pounding and fluttering so much that he can barely hear his voice. He only stares at stars that make up her eyes, at the soft curves of her face, and then he continues, “Maybe I can make it up to you by buying you breakfast when we get to Busan?”
He can see her hesitance, just by the way her eyes close, the waves of emotion in her eyes unavailable to him.
“There’s a beautiful cafe on the beach,” he cajoles. He knows that the way his eyes widen and his bunny teeth stick out that no one can resist. He doesn’t prove to be wrong.
She blinks and smiles. “Okay,” she agrees.
“I’m Jungkook, by the way,” he remembers.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been asked on a date before I got a name.”
His mouth tries to smile, before he realizes he’s smiling as wide as he can. “Was I going to get a name?” he asks. “I don’t think I’ve ever been on a date before without getting a name first.”
“Well, unfortunately,” she is smiling too, and Jungkook wants to see that smile as they walk on the beach, wants to remember it as he sits to the droning of people at his business meetings, wants kiss it when he gets home. “I don’t think that today is the day. I’m Y/N.”
He laughs as the plane lands in Busan; the captain’s speaking, but he cares about the way that she laughs back, the way it sounds like the tinkle of bells, the sound effect that seems to come with magic. And it is magic, when she speaks to him and his heart flutter like a giddy school girl’s. And Jungkook realizes, after breakfast, after he’s attained her number, that sometimes mornings on which you have to wake up at 3 AM without any good coffee aren’t all that bad.
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