#yes im still alive i just suck at maintaining blogs
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i put eyeball stitch stoppers on my new hat project and accidentally turned it into some kind of creature

so then naturally i had to make it in spore

#okay listen i am not a spore expert#spore#knitting#my projects#yes im still alive i just suck at maintaining blogs
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Why I fell in love with the fitness industry, and why I now despise it.
First of all welcome to my first ever blog post. This is something that I have always wanted to do for a while but never really got round to it.
I really appreciate you taking the time to read my views and thoughts and if you like what you read then please follow my blog. You can also follow me on Instagram @raw_natty_strength or email me at [email protected]
So let’s get into this, why did I fall in love with the fitness industry? Well at the age of 21 I was a rather large bloke. 20 stone of large bloke and not in a good way. I was 39%bf and clinically obese. So what changed? I remember seeing a picture of me on a night out, with a cigarette hanging out of my mouth. I just looked at it and thought something had to change. So I started on a mission to lose some weight.
I signed up with my local leisure centre gym and started with simple things like incline walking on the treadmill and the cross trainer. I realised that I could do exercise whilst still watching my favourite programmes on the tv, but the biggest change was I didn’t have food or drink in my hand. I spent 1-2 hours every night at the gym doing low impact steady state cardio. Yes it was hard. Yes I felt like giving up, but there was one thing that I saw that was making me push through. Results. I quickly lost 21lbs and felt like there was no stopping me.
I started buying magazines like Men’s Health and Flex and notice all the males in there with ripped six packs, defined shoulders, massive quads and like any naive novice got sucked into the marketing. I must have the next big supplement guaranteed to add 10lbs of mass. I wanted this. I wanted to look like the men in the magazines.
I spent thousands on supplements over the years and guess what. They don’t add 10lbs of mass of get you a six pack. You know what does. Hard work, dedication and consistency. Once I realised this I quickly started noticing something. You only ever saw a handful of pictures of the men in the magazines. Even now as I flick through Instagram I see bodybuiders and fitness models selling their supplements or coaching/workout plans using the same few pictures of themselves year after year.
This is why I now despise it. It’s all one big marketing scam. Yes these people do get into that sort of shape but they don’t stay in that shape all year round. They diet like crazy for a show or photo shoot then it’s back to reality. However new gym members don’t see this and this is exactly what happened to me. I trained my star off for 7 years to finally get down to my current weight where I have maintained it roughly depending on how close I am to a powerlifting meet. But that’s another story.
I became addicted to the gym lifestyle. I was so obsessed with my nutrition, that I would not go out. I didn’t see family or friends, I didn’t go to parties, meals or out for drinks. I wouldn’t eat anything unless it was on my plan. I carried on for another two years until I competed im my first bodybuilding show. 16 weeks of pure hell. Hours of cardio, very limited diet and working away from home for most of it.
What I hadn’t realised was I had turned into a self obsessed prick. I was more worried about what other people saw when the looked at me rather than actually having a life and being happy. If I’m truly being honest it probably drove me to an eating disorder. I would literally weight everything that I ate or drank, and I mean everything. Thankfully I saw the light and managed to pull myself out of it. I still weigh most of my food today but I’m in more control of it.
So what has changed? Well I found strength sports. I realised that having a six pack means F**k all. No one will think any less of you if you don’t have one and if they do get them out of your life NOW. I realised that eating a healthy balanced diet is more important.
So basically to bring my first blog to end I would like to say. Please get into fitness for the right reason. To be a better version of yourself, not to please anyone but yourself, and definitely not to look like the models in the magazines. Men it’s ok to have alive handles and women you don’t have to be a size six. Pick up the weights, eat healthy a look great.
Never judge anyone on how they look, just on how much they bench 😉 ONLY KIDDING.
See you all next time. I hope you have enjoyed the read. If you like what you have read please follow me as I’m aiming to add content a couple of time a week. If you would like me to discuss any topics then please get in contact
Thanks again for taking time to read this blog. I really do appreciate it.
Peace ✌🏻
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long time no see huh? yeah it would be fair to at least to give u an excuse for abandoning this blog well it is my blog i fill it whenever i please and i abandon it whenever i wish to right? hehehe it is funny that i feel even my way of writing has changed since last time u see? i read mostly english books which upgrade only my english creativity in writing and shuts down everything else well it does not have to do all that however u better know me at this level or u perhaps don’t it does not strike me honestly i might feel moved but hmmmm i think I'm worth being impressed by hehehe idk maybe in my own world im my own hero well let’s get to the heart to it yes it been what 5 or 6 months since i wrote something fairly long yes i agree but let me inform u that this was not in my attention i like to write and share ideas ALL THE TIME and those who know me very well would say the same however there are multiple reasons why i didn’t typed anything the last days well as u might know I'm engineering student yes i do numbers and yeah i think my sight is weaken a little bit now I'm writing this w font that’s bigger than my heart and clearer than my future heheheheh just because I'm not wearing my glasses okay friend let’s talk about everything i didn’t share w u last months i read some books i wouldn’t say many how ever i read some that are useful and i halfway kept my word also I'm watching best documentaries series rn and i’d love to recommend them to u plus i have been listening to some VERY MEGA GOOD MUISC i’ll share this too i’ll tell u some stories in the end okay i think now we outlined this post let’s get to the bone heheheh okay first i’ll tell u about books bc you now what’s better than books to cuddle or to speak w or to be inspired by? i can’t imagine doing all these things w one person or from one thing first book is
How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life BY Scott Adam
this book id written by cartoonist telling you how to learn for many failures in ur life and use them in your advantage also he tells many stories about his career life and how to maintain and habit successful people’s life style i really enjoyed this book very much and learned useful things there is very important thing i’d like to point out here about what he said i think it is very true he said that having unfixable schedule might kill your creativity and desire to create things or accomplish anything really i can see that for example when i have to study or work on project i literally hate when im entailed to do something i just don’t like to be told what i should do or not this is really bugs me and stresses me very much this lead me to avoid any work that would push me to follow orders or just to what I'm told to do this makes me offended actually and kills my ideas i hate to be limited by anything this maybe explain my grades at school hehehehe anyhow READ IT it is like hearing useful tips from someone who is older and much experienced i always think that old people are really treasure u can take shortcuts and finding meaning and wisdom just by listening to those who lived before u. now let’s head to next book which i have read a long time ago but re-read it idk why i just forgot what’s was about also i was fool and young i couldn’t just understand. second book is
Tuesdays with Morrie By Mitch Albom
it is a book about a dying teacher and student and meaning of life this book is v emotional and very easy and short to read i felt like Morrie is was my teacher too and i cried this let me recommend to you also another book about dying professor too and his massage to his children which isThe Last Lecture BY Randy Pausch I read it last year i believe it is very good book i apologize in advance for the tears u will be pouring after reading these two hehehehe let’s move on i read also first book of raven boys check it out now im in process of reading the second one. that all what i read. now let me tell you about some good documentaries i have watched first if u are a person like me who always searching about what does it mean to have a passion on making certain things like drawing or writing or programming or designing what is that thing that let people work like crazy w/o limitations or get tried of it u must watch
Chife’s Table
it is a series about chiefs from around the world talking about one this passion of cooking and art. i can’t tell you much u just have to watch rn. the other series is also about Art and artists it is also fun to watch and get some energy fromsome times before i go to school i watch one ep to energize me up i like watching or reading about people doing what they love
Abstarct: The art of Design
every episode is about a different designer and his or her way of thinking about things in order to make them alive i can’t tell you more u have to watch it and tell me what u think. the other movie which is documentary also is
The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness
it is about Hayao Miyazaki if u don’t know how is Miyazaki im really ashamed of youjust kidding hehehehehe look it up friend.
now my favorite ending let’s talk about music i just realize how much i appreciate Art and music i can’t tell you how much of my life is around this area i don’t consider myself a writer pre say tbh honest although i like expressing thoughts no matter if they are cheerful or depressing i just like to see words is that what u like me to tell you?yeah i know my writing is sucks but i just like hitting this keyboard avoiding interactions w other humans i just like to praise my thoughts hehehehe idk honestly i just feel i have to see my thoughts in physical way to respect them more i can’t tell you about what im experiencing bc u will never understand me and this is not bc of u personally oh no friend it is bc of me im really odd person as u might noticed i built a relationship here w u just by calling u my dear reader a friend truth to be told i appreciate anyone reading my posts no matter what even if they don’t know me or me don’t know them it is enough for me to know that someone out there took time and effort to read this very bad post this bc of that i thought to myself that l have to treat those who are interested in my ideas in special way than others just let me clarify i only assume that u are interested in this im not positive u could be reading this for any reason but i like to think that u are my dear reader are intersected because that keep me happy heheheheh anyhow music yes music is the background of all u see here music is the soul of my day i listen to music everyday i learned many things from music currently im strongly into twenty one pilots aka a constant heart attack just pick any song by them and listen to it u will be cursed forever w fondness of them. end of post be productive be alert to opportunities and remember dark hours and essential for meaningful life!!!!!!
im sorry that i didn’t make any room for my personal stories if u like me to tel u just tell me and i i’ll make sure to make another post. For now bye.
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