ruhart06 · 1 year
A story to be told
After some years, moon was about the age of five . One day moon was playing with other kids of the village . A lady was watching them along with doing some chores. Suddenly the storm came and everyone was in panic because the storm doesn't seems normal to them and they were right about it. All the kids were gone missing in fraction of seconds when the storm came except moon. Moon was still standing there and that was not only thing which was abnormal to the people. When people of village start looking for there children. the lady who was watching them playing notice that the moon hair was growing so fast and she finds it strange but she didn't told anyone . Where everyone was trying to find children but that lady was clearly suspicious about moon so she was trying to stay close to moon and shyan notice that a lady is trying to find moon secrets . shyan then took moon to the home and told her to not come out unless he told her to come.
shyan goes back to find the children but he knows they are not going to come back to village like the other people who went missing earlier. In the night , all the villagers gathered and trying to find the solution of all this thing happening to them . So the lady who was suspicious about moon came forward and instigate people against moon and shyan . And villagers got convinced by her and immediately ran to the moon and shyan and told them to leave the village right now but shyan said that he's not going anywhere and he accidently told them even if he wants to leave he can't or else everyone is going to be missing like those children . After realizing that he have said something which he shouldn't . He slammed the door of his house and check on moon if she was listening to there conversation or not.
what's the secret of moon ? where was everyone going missing? why can't shyan leave ? what shyan knows that he's afraid to tell others? all these question were coming into the mind of villagers but nobody had the answers to these ques except shyan but he's not gonna tell anybody.
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ruhart06 · 1 year
A girl with golden hair
There's a place name malyana in south africa where people are enrich in culture and are very traditional . In malyan , people are truly bound to each other but a psycho live there whose personality was unimaginable . People doesn't like to talk to him. Nobody in the entire community knows his name , everyone call him shyan because it was written on his arm. In daytime ,shyan always go to jungle for hunting animals but comes with human blood and drink it.
One day ,as usual he goes to jungle but this time he came with a alive girl in his arm. Girl was toddler with very big eyes like a pearl and has a fair skin with golden hairs. Everyone in the town was shocked to see her and was confused and start asking him from where he got a baby girl but he doesn't even utter a word and start walking towards his house. when he entered his home, some bunch of man in the town goes to jungle in the evening to search girls parent and never came back. After that incident, people were scared to go to shyan . Everyone in the village thought that shyan had killed that girls parents.
After that girl came to shyan house ,he never leaves that girl alone and he doesn't even go to hunting . he start eating normal food which everyone else eat. He even named her . The girl was named moon becuase she was so pretty like a moon . Till now ,nobody knows from where moon had came but time goes by and that matter stop bothering them. Everything was back to normal, or you can say much more great than normal becuase people start talking to moon and shyan now everyone like them.
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