#yes ik one is already my pfp i just wanted to post it
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rainblescake · 8 months ago
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cryinggonions · 1 month ago
Second character post except it's my main oc you'll see a lot!
Macein Treacymadder‼️
He is Based off the Mad Hatter
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Yes ik his purple & the mat Hatter is green😔 his just build different. But actually I did that to make him the "opposite" of the Mad hatters color pallet
The first part of his last name (Treacy) actually comes from an old famous hat maker! Sadly I don't remember her first name 😔. I added madder cause I wanted to :p
His unique magic? Tea time! ~
He is able to summon Any kind of tea in with in a tea pot ofc the pot varies in the size he wants to make. But be warned once the tea is summoned it is BOILING HOT! AND CAN CAUSE BURNS. Just wait for it to cool down before you pour yourself a cup still taste amazing after it cools form its boiling state
You also might have already noticed if you looked at my PFP that he is dancing with riddle well he is dancing with him because
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I SHIP THEM! oc x canon there ship name is Roseytophats and they are my sillys and they will get many post together so I'll explain them then ❤
Back to Macein his a very hard working person. To the point he constantly doesn't sleep (longest streak was 4 days) why does he do this? Well he has parties to plan ofc! He actually plans all the unbirthdays in heartslabyul himself. He also plans peoples birthdays & event parties not to forget he gets commission to plan other people's parties since he is so good at it! Do to his perfectionist in him he plans everything down to the exact color of the table cloth like color code number exact. He tends to always carry s planner and is almost always constantly writing plans and stuff for these parties. His actually taught himself how to write with both hands so if one hand gets tried he doesn't have to stop. He often passes out at his desk in his dorm seen in one of the arts above. Other then that his a very cheery guy sticks to the rules of heartslabyul pretty well as his listen to riddle Yap about them so many times his got them memorized too at this point. He has to count to 3 out loud before stating any number. His a great at multitasking. Form all the sketches he does in his party planners he has become a great artist. His very soft and understanding when need be his just overall a great guy
His best friends in twst are Kalim & jade why? Cause of the tea time hang outs ofc they have tea hangouts once in a while Macein obviously makes the tea and they just have a good time
Other then them his pretty good friends with Vil as they both share a liking for beauty products
Here is a relationship chart for all cause I can't give info on all of his friendships
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You may notice he doesn't hate anyone just dislikes rook & Floyd as they just both make him uncomfortable in ways.
Rare crowly knows a student moment he only knows him for 2 reasons 1.cause Macein basically plans a lot of events for him & 2 . His family curse
That's right his cursed. With that? The Spiral . It's a curse that only effects the males of the family and the cure to break the curse has be lost threw time. But what is it actually? Well it's a curse that makes someone go insane it can be in a snap or it could be a slow process the only identifier that the curse has started its path to making the person insane is a yellow spiral somewhere in there body. Maceins is in his eye sadly very noticeable.
He was originally meant to go to RSA but they thought his curse was to risky so NRC gladly took him instead.
More info soon ❤ my brain is currently mush form writing sm
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junoyourloveywoof · 2 months ago
Hihi! Hello!
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My name is Claire, and you may call me by She/They pronouns (I’m a demigirl). This is my blog, dedicated to all of my F/Os! This used to be just a random blog that I used to browse tumblr on, but ever since I happened across the F/O community, I realized that I fit right in <3
And so the rest is history! Here are the links to the list of all of them:
(yes ik there’s a lot-)
Now, I did want to inform you that not all of my F/Os are involved with me in a romantic relationship. I have some older F/Os, F/Os that are children, and animal/animalistic F/Os that I consider my adoptive family members, my adoptive siblings, and my pets. This does NOT make me an Oke-sen, pedophile, or zoophile. I’m better than that.
This blog will mainly focus on my Fictional Fiancé Giyu, my Fictional Boyfriends Tanjiro and Enmu, and also my Fictional Girlfriend Doreen Green (Squirrel Girl) because I am the closest with them <3
If you want to ask them or any of my other F/Os questions, just hmu in my asks! Make sure to put which character(s) you want to talk to (Maximum amount of characters to talk to in a single post is 4, remember that!).
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My blog’s mascot is Juno, from Beastars! Not only is she the namesake of my username and my pfp, she also represents my blog as a whole as she is a hopeless romantic just like me <3 She is not one of my F/Os to be clear, she is just my blog’s representative. Most of my non-F/O-related blogs will involve her alongside my words.
DNI if you’re…
* A zoophile
* A proshipper (specifically those who condone or romanticize p3dophilia/M@PS, !nc3st, b3a$t!al!ty, r@pe, etc)
* Homophobic
* An antifur (yes, I am a furry, if you couldn’t tell already)
* Sexist
* Racist
* Overall just a mean person
I hope we can all be friends!~
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justalilpearlie · 6 months ago
Hey. I just want to put this here. It's... a little bit fucked up to try to force your partner to kin a character? Especially if they're a pyschological kin, which from your posts so far, I'm pretty they are, as I think you said they're a fictive in a past post. Which is also a little bit fucked up, because, like... you're trying to force somebody to form an fictive alter (alters are formed out of trauma. Not only is it unhealthy to try to force them to form, but literally the only way to form them is fucking trauma, and you said you're 'trying to make them kin', which?? Is implying you're traumatizing them???). Yeah. Just maybe... maybe think about that one a little bit. Maybe re-evalutate a few things there, pal. Even if they aren't a fictive, trying to force somebody to form a severe pyschological delusional attachement to a character is probably not the healthiest thing to do to anybody, let alone your partner.
1st of all you dont know my partner or me at all
second of all, he's a fictive yes, but he has one set source, im not forcing them to "form a fictive". my partner is a fictive already, that has nothing to do w anything.
third of all, my partner has both IRLs and Kins, I have nothing to do w either of them other than sometimes poiting out "oh this character is kinda you coded", sometimes he just identifies w them and puts it as ID, idk in what way he kins, ik some are psychological and some are unlabeled/he hasnt told me.
what we do in our friendgroup in general is just "kinassigning" which is fairly normal- i JOKE about "forcing him", but I've showed him my own artwork of majormoon and said "oh yes thats us", specially the unicorn hybrid scott takes.
we have a mc server recreating Last Life block by block. he willingly offered to do that with me/for me and spent time making a modpack so we could play together and he could get into Life Series. which mind you the only reason they havent yet is cause theyre already hyperfixed on other medias, its the same issue i had w outsiders for months til i finally decided to get into it and i LOVED it.
you got no idea abt my partner and i's relationship, we're just very likely to kin couples most of the time, I've gotten kins/attachments to his media partners, he's shown me new animes or games he gets into saying headfirst "this is me, and this is my partner, you!" and ive gone "yeah seems fair", EVEN if i dont end up getting attached to them cause it just makes him happy, just like it makes me happy
we already planned ahead to match majormoon pfps once he gets into life series cus he doesnt like having pfps of shows he doesnt personally know to not have those awkward "omg u like this??" "no i barely know abt it.." interactions
my partner and i have actually the most healthy relationship ive had in a long while, we've been going 9 months pretty strong and i aint forcing that man into anything, yet again why i try to CLARIFY every single time i make a joke of that kind.
also when i say "my partner", he's a fictive, not a whole system, he's part of a system. i think tahts where you got the "you're trying to force them to split" thing from. no, im not dating the whole system, my partner is only one member of the system.
you barely even know my partners name and their sys name, if you even do know that from my intro post. this is honestly baffling to me imma show em this on discord, specially my husband once he fronts again
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bookuya · 4 years ago
let's play a game! ship your moots with a character ! <3
OKOKOK LET'S GO!!! TY ANON I ALWAYS WANTED THIS ASK <33 also kinda small spoilers for characters?? from the new genshin update
@starglitterz + xiao + scaramouche : the first one is obvious cause it's a match made in heaven <33 but if not xiao then i think you would vibe good with scaramouche?? i would love to be a good thirdwheel and be bullied in a nice way by you guys LMAOO
@glazelilyy + kaeya + dainsleif : the first one is obvious because you guys would be hot together but let me explain my reasoning behind the latter: i think you and dain would TBH be a power couple BDWBOBFBF IDK HAHA
@booksandhoneymilktea + tartaglia (gi) + todoroki (mha) : OKAY EVER SINCE YOU HAD A YUKI SOHMA PFP I CAN'T STOP IMAGINING YOU AS YUKI 😭 anyways i think you would be with a energetic s/o like childe who would hype you up or todoroki for quiet study dates YK?
@cursedraiden + raiden shogun + thoma : the first one would be a chaotic lovely one but i also think you and thoma would be another power couple!! like i could sit in inazuma and see you two walk around and think "damn they're hot" LMAON JOFBFBWOBF
@illuminer + tartaglia + kazuha : i can't stop thinking about how i thought your pfp was a duck for a long time ANYWAYS i think you and childe would be the most funniest couple ever ORRR kazuha taking care of you and keeping an eye on you before you do something chaotic HAHAS
@yanbub + kazuha + albedo : i think you and kazuha would be perfect (it gives me the trope opposites attract vibe HAHA) OR you and albedo wreaking havoc peacefully!!
@teyvatdreams + zhongli + eula : AAHHHHH i'm not sure why but both of these people with you give me mad power couple vibes?? tartaglia was a very close second cause you guys would probably have so much fun together and teucer would probs like you a lot
@bukojuiice + diluc (gi) + todoroki (mha) : MORE POWER COUPLE!! you and diluc give me vibes of beautiful and intelligent people BUT if not him then todoroki!! it would be so a calming and relaxing but also a relationship with so much giddy laughs!!
@tartagliaxx + tartaglia + beidou : IDC ABT YOUR RECENT POST YOU AND TARTAGLIA >>>>>>> LIKE?? you guys would be so cute togetherBUT if not him then i think you and beidou would be so HOTTTTT
@rosieposies-world + zhongli + thoma : OK LEMME EXPLAIN, YOU AND ZHONGLI GIVE ME SUCH SWEET COUPLE VIBES LIKE I WOULD WANT TO THIRDWHEEL YOU GUYS 😭 IF not him though, i think you and thoma would be the type of trope couple that no one expected was really a match made in heaven :))
@xiaophobic + diluc + gorou : yeah sorry guys it's another hot power couple <3 you and diluc would be just so magnificent together! but if not diluc then i think gorou and you would have so much sweet energetic vibes IDK WHY
@stellumi + kazuha + tartaglia : OKAY THIS ONE WAS KINDA DIFFICULT BUT IN THE END I GOT IT I THINK?? you and kazuha would be a peaceful strong couple but tartaglia would also be someone i think who would admire you so much!!
@seerie + kaeya + diluc : BROTHER RIVALRY FOR YOU IDK?? you with either would be so cool to see and couples i would literally sit in mondstadt and admire all day long HAHA
@constellarations + xiao + kaeya : okay i had to really think for the second lead (LMAO why did i call it that 😭) both would be so cool to see?? like especially xiao, i think that would be a very chaotic peaceful couple!! never in my life did i think i would put those two words in the same sentence
@love-impact + zhongli + thoma : ppppower couple IK I SAID THAT A LOT ALREADY SORRYY HAHSSHH but i really think you guys would be so pretty and smart and so hot overall (FOR BOTH ZHONGLI AND THOMAA)
@dilucbar + diluc + yoimiya : yoimiya cause i know you love her and it would be so cute!! and xiao was a close second place cause you love to torture people with your angst and diluc and xiao angst... yeah you know what i mean >:(( THEIR ANGST IS SO EASY TO WRITE FOR AND HITS HARD
@childeluv + tartaglia + ganyu : CUTE BUT STRONG AS HELL COUPLE!! and i think you and ganyu would be so sweet and keeping an eye out for each other so none of you guys overwork as much and take breaks <3
@abyssheart + xiao + hu tao : OPPOSITES ATTRACT TROPE WITH XIAO MAYBE?? i'm not sure but that would be so hot PLUS i think you and hu tao would have so much fun everyday together and the hugs would be so nice and warm!!
@help-wtf-am-i-even-doing + simeon (om) : you and simeon period. that's it and it would be so CUTE and firm believer he would let you wear his coat or whatever that thing is that he wears on his shoulders or elbows HAHA
@urujiako + kazuha + dainsleif : omg. this would truly be so COOL TO SEE? like a calm couples who literally could rule the world but won't cause why do that when you can admire the things in life? UGHHHHH YES
@eternism + yoimiya + thoma : KAZUHA WAS A CLOSE SECOND!! you and yoimiya would be literal amazing best friends and you and thoma would probably have the best pranks up your sleeves!!
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pixiecaps · 3 years ago
I remember like, the first time I saw you. I hadn’t recognized your pfp, and after seeing it a few times on my dash I decided to click. After scrolling a bit, I came to the realization I had followed you on accident (something that happens plenty to me). I usually would’ve unfollowed, but you seemed just interesting enough for me not too. A few months later, I’m surprised when you follow me back, especially since I don’t make original posts, and am not ranboo-centric.
Nowadays, you’ve managed to become one of my favorite mutuals. I always get giddy when I see you in my notifications, and 90% of the time I make note to see what post you liked and/or reblogged. It’s the “I’m getting a good grade in reblogging, something that is both possible to achieve and normal to want.”
We aren’t close mutuals, though I definitely wouldn’t mind it. I’d love to send more asks, however I’m horrific at carrying conversations and also have some social anxiety that makes me nervous. I also don’t want to intrude, as previously mentioned we aren’t close mutuals, and I don’t want to be pushy or annoying, haha. And I would start by responding to some of the posts you make that expect responses, but I don’t refresh my dashboard enough to see them in time. And I don’t know if it’d be appropriate to ask for a discord, which I’m better at checking, because I know it’s usually used for friends.
All in all though, you are funny and witty, and I often to stop and read your posts when otherwise I’d scroll. I like your opinions when you do decide to get serious, and despite some non-common interests, you present them in such a way I can easily engage in anyways. I wish you lots of love and luck, take care of yourself, and keep your chin up, king!
(P.S. sorry for the rlly long message whoops, I hope I’m not too late to send this.)
helllooo anon i think this was for the ask game:0 im sorry i didnt see this hours ago im pretty sure you sent this around the time i went to sleep but yes hii hello!!
“interesting enough” LETS FUCKING GOOO. okay! i usually follow back people i’ve seen around a lot on dash or urls i recognize in my notifs!! i must have recognized you:)
thats so sweet thank you i appreciate it😭 also wanna thank you for sticking around the idea that you’ve grown to rlly be fond of me after accidentally following me is heartwarming
ah dude don’t worry about. look i started this blog because i had horrific social anxiety and my irls were encouraging me to make new friends!! so even though i was shaking and wanted to throw up (that bad ik) i started posting and slowly but surely it wasn’t as scary anymore. it takes time so you can take your time dont feel pressured to interact if you dont want to. that being said i don’t mind if people who arent “close mutuals” send an ask or dms me. you become a close mutual by doing these things ya know😭 oh!!!! you can ask for discord too!! all mutuals are allowed to :) i however suck at holding conversations too so be aware of that lmao
AW TY!! ehehe you like my takes🤭 genuinely though i try to stay away from discourse or serious topics cus it may come off intimidating and thats the last thing i want to come off as but im glad whenever i do make a few posts like that you found it easy to engage:) i will! i am trying my best to take care of myself and for u i shall hmmm i was gonna say go outside but i already have plans to do that so it’d be disingenuous. i’ll just drink a lot of water today 👍 omg have u ever noticed theres no water bottle emoji on ios. i wait every update to see if they added one but nope. i would use that emoji so much…
anon congrats on getting the award of longest ask ever sent BAHSJD i woke up and saw this and my eyes popped in a good way
( also adding this after i posted this. i know anons dont usually like their own asks to stay hidden so i need you to know you seem lovely:D )
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af1899 · 4 years ago
FEH - Finally got the first merge on Hoshidan Summer Micaiah + appreciation post
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With [Hall of Forms] now finished and all the rewards obtained, I can now rest at ease forgetting it, so I went to [Forging Bonds] and just got the last [Divine Codes: Ephemera 8] to give Micaiah her well earned merge, and here it is, her RES bane is no more.
While I don't see her often in [AR-D], I've come to understand why she's a good option here: she fills a very unique niche as a refresher with min-maxed attack and resistance that deals effective damage on armored and cavalry units, she aged really well as a unit despite her having one of the lowest BST values of her class but her refine will eventually come out and make her outstanding, I'll wait for it before I invest too much in her.
Anyway, this is not what I appreciate Micaiah, so I'll tell you a little story below and sum up my reasons, there'll be minor spoiler warnings and it's a tad too extensive but I hope you'll find it an interesting read if you do look on it.
I've known about her ever since I started to play Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn after I got my black Wii back in 2015 for my birthday and unlocked it to sideload USB games some time after, but it took me a little to feel like trying it and get it running, I used to be a guy that just trained whoever seemed likeable enough from looks so that I could get on, not as attentive with the plot of every game I play as I am now, but I've started to change that around the time I've started Final Fantasy VIII on the second half of 2019, a game that was truly legendary and emotional Imo.
This is more or less how I've come to known her, but I want to share what sparked interest on me for her:
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It took me exactly two weeks to realize I wanted her so badly, it helped that when Lilina was announced, I'd need a [Feh Pass] subscription for just this month, and I got it with help from a friend, to date, I'm still grateful to that user for the support and for us to continue upholding a strong bond.
In any case, when the time came, I realized how charming this skin was, it's one of the best we've gotten, the Hel thematic looks wonderful on her (what a delightful blend of colors and precise styling by Sachie, same person that made the art for Legendary Julia and Sara, yes, more favs 💜) and the art is overall just too good but the best piece out of the four is the normal one I think, and I'll explain why while covering my favorite part of character talking: personality.
Micaiah is a kind and caring girl towards those she holds dear, specially the people of the country she eventually leads as a queen: Daein, located in the Tellius continent.
«I don't really like crowds. Sometimes, I sneak off to the forest to catch a break. I'm guessing the guiding hand of this army might need a break, too!»
— Micaiah: Priestess of Dawn, Fire Emblem Heroes.
She also has a bit of a bitter side but that's not how she normally comes off, yet, this doesn't come out without a reason, she was born a Branded (a human born from a human and laguz unity that end up getting a special power and an irremovable brand somewhere in their body, highly discriminated in Tellius), she had to hide her brand to anyone but her closest friends like Sothe so that she's not mistreated.
She's highly capable of selflessness, symbolized through that power she's gotten: [Sacrifice], it heals the target's wounds at the cost of her life force, she can recover just fine, but it exhausts her in return. This has allowed her to heal without staves and get the recognition from her people in Daein, like when she was first fleeing Begnion forces in Nevassa (capital city of Daein) while repelling bandit attacks, the citizens blocked the path when Micaiah and the Dawn Brigade (it's a group she leads to liberate her country) flee, but before she could escape, she sensed danger, and spotted a young guy being hurt from an arrow a Begnion soldier shot to a child named Nico, who would remember Micaiah's act of kindness for nursing him back to health almost instantly.
There were some times in which Micaiah also had to make really tough decisions, for example: Ike's army was tasked by Apostle Sanaki of Begnion to escort her to her country as they were trying to uncover the vile senate's acts, they had to pass through Daein territory, but because of a [Blood Pact] (a contract that enforces its signer's obedience to avoid a greater catastrophe) that Pelleas (that's the former king of Daein's son) signed under the false pretention that was a peace treaty the senate proposed. Micaiah had to hinder Ike's army advancement to see if she can trick the Begnion senate so she sent her soldiers to fight for that... she wanted to give time to Pelleas so that he could find a way to remove the effects from the [Blood Pact], as they couldn't just be removed normally. She had to make those sacrifices all because of a contract, and she couldn't even just tell Ike that she was forced to follow orders, the attacks from Daein forces didn't make much sense to him naturally. It was her people or her soldiers, so she had to make such decisions that tested her willpower, yet she's strong at heart and carried out with the orders she was given.
In Fire Emblem Heroes, she doesn't talk much about those events, but that's because she wishes to be free from the chains of past days, even if for a moment, she shows a friendly personality towards the Summoner and still being herself. She became queen of Daein and led her people to an age of prosperity, welcoming both laguz and human alike.
Now, all this and more things you'd learn as you play Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (or may remember from your playthroughs) show how strongly developed and compelling she is as a character, there's a lot going in her life and she lived many difficult moments, yet she got through and grew into a kind and strong-willed woman, she truly impressed me, and I think she's truly pretty, like, I mean:
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(Artwork from Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Memorial Book Tellius Recollection: The Second Volume)
I won't deny that the Resplendent skin is magnificent and gave me the last push-up to play her home game after a long time and learn more about her, but I could see what kind of character she is and what makes her truly special... true, she's not my "best girl" (see PFP) but I still hold her dear as if she was almost high up there. And it's said that "nothing beats the original", so I certainly love her original design.
Here's a little showcase of the other two variants of her I have, I'm missing only her Bridal alt and the possible Legendary one coming later in this month, but here are them:
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I love all her official art and how it manages to bring out her friendliness and tender side.
I'm so glad that so far, I've lucked out well with her IVs save her Hoshidan Summer alt, and she appeared randomly when pulling for others most of the time, so it's great to have her now, even as-is.
Her Brave variant from 2019 should be getting a refine next month or any time for the remainder of 2021, I know it'll be good but I would already love to know what it'll do before I give her anything else.
And here ends my appreciation post and optional read, if you've made it this far, thank you so much for reading, it means a lot to me if you've come to enjoy it.
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yourstype · 4 years ago
tagged by : @kuraioshiro WHY DID YOU CHOOSE YOUR URL?
✦ tbh, the original url I wanted was - yourtype- , but it was already taken. so I just added “s” to it and it became yourstype.  so the type - stands for gulf (he’s character in tharntype - I bet none of you knew that) and there’s another meaning (double meaning) but 🤫 it’s secret . 
✦ oh WOW , I have too many!!  THIS ONE @yourstype is a sideblog , but i have others , let’s just say I’m a theme freak XD I don’t like to mix up, most of my sidebloges are one theme blogs.  ....ohh, all of them(my sideblog) are active 🤭🤣 (i wil name 4 of them including this blog I have one for treasure, khiphop and for Mino&B.I)
✦ since 2011 , damn.... way to long. 
✦nope , I tried it but it’s not for me? so I just reblog when I'm online
✦ this blog tnx to covid 🤣, I used to post mewgulf in my main bg and I found my self giffing more often, I decided to open a side blog dedicated to BL.  
✦ usually I choose my icon based on a pic I liked and design my header and theme based on the color (yes, I love to matched colors). but this pfp.. I wanted to change so I just choose one of the pfp I already used before. (gulf is my baby and all, but that’s the truth. )
✦ just used a header I made for my blog theme before, just like my pfp. (if it was 2 month ago my answer would’ve been different, I'm in a phase were I just don’t want to touch my blog or my theme XD)  
✦ I have no idea.. I think it post related to bright? I stopped checking the notes (since it’s been a while since I post a gif/set here)  I just reblog. 
✦how can you even check that?🤣  since this is a sideblog 🤷🏾‍♀️
✦on this blog    2,6k + , tbh I feel sorry 😭 ik I don't post like I used to , but thank you for following me 😭❤💖❤💛💚💖 
HOW MANY PEOPLE DO YOU FOLLOW? ✦ I just did a cleaning (unfollowed an inactive blogs) 
HAVE YOU EVER MADE A SHITPOST? ✦ I think , tbh I don't remember 
HOW OFTEN DO YOU USE TUMBLR EACH DAY? ✦ daily? but most of time is to check something on certain sideblog and it is for 5-10 min. but for reblogging or posting so every 3-5 days. 
✦ lol , nope.  I don't even have time to make friend here , so fighting?! plus why waste my time and energy on negative things, when I can use it be more productive. 
✦ well , it depends.  
✦ oh, I do! it takes me time to reply since lately I'm not here often . but if some of you want to tag me ,you can tag me 😊
DO YOU LIKE ASK GAMES? ✦ I do , but again it depends on what kind of asking. 
WHICH OF YOUR MUTUALS DO YOU THINK IS TUMBLR FAMOUS? ✦ have no idea! I'm not the type to check other blogs often , if I see post I like I just reblog 😆 but congrats to all of them .💙 
✦ mutual? I have 2 🤣 one is the double to my B and the other is my Yosh to my Hyunsukkie 🤣💖(platonically)
TAGGING: @ortali and anyone who wants,  I saw that most of you already have done it so if some of u didn't, feel free to u can say I tag you  😊💜
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puukkolesbo · 4 years ago
got tagged by @lesbiankiliel thanks erina ❤
1. why did you choose your url?
- i wanted to change from my old one, euseevius, bc back then it was also my instagram handle & ao3 nick, and i was just..... growing uncomfortably aware of how easily one could just google my ig and accidentally stumble upon everything else. this was at that time when all tumblr lesbians were changing their urls were like Xlesbian or lesbianX. i was jealous that knifelesbian was already taken when i had a galaxy brain realisation and discovered that puukkolesbo was still free
2. any side-blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
i have euseevius saved so that no one misuses it aaaaaaaaaaaand then i have @lesbianghostposting which i made back when i was coming to terms with my own lesbianism. it still regurlarly gets new followers even tho its been such a long time since i last updated it..... i’ll get back to it again i promise! i always do
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
uhhhhhhhh, since....2010 i think?
4. do you have a queue tag?
not anymore. sorry, yall just have to guess when im online and when its my queue
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
this one i started bc i had had a little tumblr break and was getting into the hobbit movies real hard & wanted to join the fandom. originally tho i joined to connect with the ace community since that was back when i identified as asexual
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
tuutikki is the og puukkolesbo
7. why did you choose your header?
idk funny black and white gay aesthetic i guess?
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
that fucking “was no one going to tell me” meme about 2010s ending
9. how many mutuals do you have?
i have absolutely no idea
10. how many followers do you have?
atm its 1,405
11. how many people do you follow?
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
hahaha of course. i’ve been shitposting since before it was called shitposting
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
hmmm i dont actually think i use it every day anymore? instagram and twitter (ik, ugh) take too much of my time nowadays, especially during our municipal elections
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
iiiiiiiiiii dont think so?? i got my shipping war days done out on the good ol’ forums
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
this is a guilt trip free zone, mot reblogging any of those. im here to relax. that’s why i pretty rarely reblog anything political either - i do my social media activism elsewhere. tumblr is just for shits and giggles and haha blue void goes brrrr when i yell about fictional characters
16. do you like tag games?
17. do you like ask games?
also yes!! i love getting any asks, even if sometimes i think about a good answer for way too long & then am too embarrassed to answer super late
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
uhhhhh i dont think anyone is? or idk what the definition of tumblr famous these days anyways
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
........yes (✿◡‿◡)(¬‿¬)
20. tags?
i’m lazy and just tagging the usual dnd gang @riotbrrrd ​ @yachaer ​ @ourdragonsarebetter ​ @dragonsingondolin ​ @thehoveringbrain ​ ✨
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fluffyhunnie · 4 years ago
check in tag!
tagged by a few friends hehe thank you guys (mar, lia, twee, elena, rina, aine, and gaëlle) ˙˚ʚ(´◡`)ɞ˚˙
1. why did you choose your url? cause sehun is a very fluffy and precious human being!! i've thought about changing it but idk what to ><
2. any side blogs? yes i do, a few are familiar with it. it's my multi fandom blog!! @/heart4jaewin
3. how long have you been on tumblr? i think i've been here for a little more than a decade???? IK it's been a long time. tumblr has literally been my rock ever since i was in middle school lol
4. do you have a queue tag? it's #trying to make toben sit for a treat & my old queue tag was #crying over sehun and uni. there was a good chunk of time where i got too lazy to use my q tag so you could never tell if i was actually on here or if it was my queue asfjasfj
5. why did you start your blog in the first place? i didnt want my original (old) aesthetic blog to be filled with kpop even though it already was LMFAO. so in 2016 i decided to have another blog dedicated to just exo! literally the best idea of my life hehe
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp? sehun's teasers for dftf came out so amazing i was like..how could i not change my icon??/
7. why did you choose your header? now this is where it gets complicated (not really)....in a moment of weakness due to yeol's teasers i had to make him my header. the photos were too good not too, esp the color scheme i love it so much !!!!
8. what’s your post with the most notes? i have made some basic bday edits for 2 members but idk what the notes were on that because uhhhh im not a content creator LOL. i just spam people with exo and my tags 😌
9. how many mutuals do you have? quite a few!!! everyone is very sweet and precious ily guys :((
10. how many followers do you have? 597
11. how many people do you follow? 178, i recently cleaned my following since many are not as active anymore :/
12. have you ever made a shitpost? i dont even know what that means but im pretty sure i havent lmfao
13. how often do you use tumblr each day? it honestly depends on what mood im in/how busy i am. there are some days where i spend quite a few hours on here, but there are times when i reblog only here and there every 2 weeks or every other week.
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? nah, but i do get some anons sometimes that make me wanna bang my head against a wall. i dont like drama so most of the time i respond back in a calm manner. if i do respond back irritated or sarcastic then you really did it lmfaooo
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts? honestly people, aka me, will reblog what they want so that's a no from me bro
16. do you like tag games? sometimes i do them right away but other times i get distracted and draft them which causes me to forget about them asfjnanjkasn. nonetheless i love them !!!!
17. do you like ask games? yes yes^^ i appreciate the people who do send in an ask for ask games *sniffles*
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? they're all famous wdym?!?!!?!
19. do you have a crush on a mutual? literally everyone because i havent met one person who i dont wanna give my love to :(
tagging: @untouchabyeolman @kyoonqs @xsweetjuncotton @neocityz @suhotly @hunshines @bambiss (if you want to!)
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