#yes if you were wondering Sirius's braid is like Rapunzel's
bimoonphases · 6 months
@wolfstarmicrofic March 20 – prompt 20: Manegro Potion – word count 482
Manegro Potion - Causes hair on drinker's head to grow out rapidly
“You look stunning, domina mea,” Peter bowed with a flourish as the door to the Head Girl bedroom opened.
“You’re not so bad yourself, Senator,” Cornelia smiled, bending down to kiss him.
They walked hand in hand to the portrait hole at the entrance of Gryffindor Tower and stopped a couple of minutes to rearrange both their togas and the laurel crowns Peter had made by hand that afternoon.
“My last Gryffindor costume party,” Cornelia sighed. “I can’t believe it.”
“Don’t think about it, baby,” Peter kissed her. “Let’s just enjoy ourselves tonight.”
The Common Room was packed with people, all busy drinking, chatting, dancing and trying to guess who other people were dressed as. Marlene was in the middle of the dance floor, dressed as David Bowie, while Dorcas, dressed as Morgan Le Fay, was ogling her from the corner. Lily and Mary, both in full ABBA getup, were sharing a bowl of popcorn near the fireplace and giggling.
“Is your friend… Dressed up as your other friend?”
Peter followed Cornelia’s gaze and snorted at the sight of James, in heavy boots, tight jeans, a Bowie tank top and black leather jacket, sitting on the couch next to a very puzzled Regulus Black. James’s hair was longer as well, and he had pulled it back in a bun with his wand through it like Sirius often did.
“So that’s where the Manegro Potion we brew in Potions last week went,” Peter chuckled. “Drink?”
Cornelia nodded and he quickly went and got a couple of Butterbeers from the table by the window, but as he was handing Cornelia hers he saw her mouth fall open as her eyes looked over his head.
“Merlin and Morgana both,” she breathed.
Peter turned around to see Remus walk in the room from the stairs to their dorm. He was dressed in deep blue velvet with silver embroidering, tight trousers shaping his long legs and a cape hanging from his shoulders.
“Prince Charming exists then,” Cornelia said.
“Definitely,” Peter agreed.
“You know I love you, but if he so much as smiles to me tonight you’ll give me a pass,” she added, taking a sip from her Butterbeer.
“As long as you do the same if he smiles at me instead,” Peter added.
He was still staring at Moony’s legs when Sirius’s voice echoed from the stairs.
“My prince! Wherefore art thou?”
A couple of seconds later, Sirius made his entrance, the back of one hand on his forehead and the other keeping the hem of a floor-length silver dress away from his feet.
“Here, beloved,” Remus smiled, kissing Sirius’s hand and twirling him around.
Peter noticed only then that Sirius’s usually luscious hair was way longer than usual, gathered in a complicated braid that fell past his waist, interlaced with flowers.
“I stand corrected,” he said. “That’s where all the Manegro Potion we brew went.”
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