#yes i used a pic from the opening because i couldnt be bothered to find an in game image of his hand specifically
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#hello world#bg3#yes i used a pic from the opening because i couldnt be bothered to find an in game image of his hand specifically#the emperor bg3
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HC: Mineta being a Pervert to the Boys S/o
@dekulover555: Hey could I request something with kamanari/bakugo/deku/kirishima when minnetas being a pervert to a fem s/o and like touching her up even after she’s asked him to stop please and thankyouxx
In which case MIneta can jump off a cliff
Pairings: Kaminari x reader | Bakugo x reader | Deku x reader | Kirishima x reader
Usually Kaminari is a pretty chill dude
Him and Mineta used to drool over girls all the time- including you
They had talked and made elaborate plans all the time to see if they could somehow get the girls to be shirtless or get to see them in their underwear- but none of their plans would ever work, they were more just like fantasies they would freak out over
When Kaminari started dating you, those talks kinda stopped- he had a girl now! He didn't need to talk about other girls- he had one he loved and cherished and who was already hot!
So Mineta had been pretty deprived of any type of NSFW talk (cause nobody else was willingly gonna deal with his horny ass)
One day, you were sparring with Bakugo in the gym, when his quirk accidentally lit your shirt on fire
You instantly shouted in surprise, ripping off your PE shirt before it could burn you
MIneta-Boob-Radar Activated
“What the hell Bakugo!” you stood there, your skin turning red from the heat so close to your skin
“Well- you should have dodged it dunce face!”
As Bakugo was red in the face trying not to make eye contact with you, Mineta literally latched onto your leg
“No wonder why Kaminari’s dating you- your chest is amazing!”
You tried shaking him off, but his grip was too strong- he started making grabbing motions towards your chest and you felt your cheeks get warm with anger
“Get off you of me little purple freak!”
Kaminari had been working with Kirishima, not noticing your dilemma until Bakugo had stomped over to tell him what was happening
Kaminari never got angry easily, but the sight of Mineta trying to crawl up your body made him erupt with rage
You were clearly uncomfortable as you tried to cover up your exposed top portion with a clingy MIneta on you
“Please! One touch, thats all!”
“Get the hell off of me Mineta!’
Kaminari ran over to you, yanking Mineta off your leg as Kirishima and Bakugo followed
your in Bakusquad if your dating Denki, its ride together or die together with this group
“What the hell are you doing dude?!” Kaminari yelled at Mineta who literally had tears in his eyes
This grape is way too damn horny oml
You instantly ran to Kaminari, hugging yourself against him- he always made you feel safe
Mineta trudged off, knowing full well he wasnt getting anything more with Bakugo and Kirishima glaring daggers at him
You hugged Denki, a soft smile gracing his face
“You okay babe?” he asked as he pulled away from you slightly, looking at your face
“Yeah, Im fine- I just need a new shirt, that’s all.”
Thats when it fully registered to him that you didnt have a shirt on- he then noticed how your slighty bare chest felt pressed against his chest, and then he looked down- and oh crap he probably almost had a boner right then and there
“I-uh-um-yeah, that’d probably be best!” he would stutter and giggle, feeling his quirk go into overdrive
“But you do kinda look nice like this though…”
“Denki I swear to god I will kick you.”
Does Mineta want to die?
This boy is POSSESSIVE
You are his girl, his s/o, his lover, his EVERYTHING
If anyone touches what is his he will MURDER them
He overreacts allottt
But this anger definitely comes in handy when you needed a certain pervy grape to get away from you
During a training session, you had the unfortunate fate of being paired with Mineta
It would have been fine, if only Mineta would stop drooling all over you like you were a piece of meat
“You ready, beautiful?” he’d ask before you started your training mission
You rolled your eyes, trying to ignore his eyes practically undressing you as you walked past him
Mineta knows full damn well that by you being Bakugo’s s/o, he would get pummeled for so much as thinking such lewd thoughts about you
But he had been eyeing you for so long, and if Bakugo wasn’t around, he thought he would be okay and not die if Bakugo wasnt near you
Oh how stupid that assumption was
As you two are walking, he just stares at your ass, keeping a few paces behind to watch it as you walk
“Can you not?” you ask, disgust in your voice
“What?” he asks as if he wasnt doing anything, “Im just walking.”
You fight the urge to kick him
You just sigh, turning around- it would be a long class period being paired with him for a training exercise, but you could manage
Of course this little purple idiot begins to start staring at your rear again
Anger and dread bubbles in your stomach- could he just not be like this for one second??
You could easily pummel him into the ground- but you didnt want to waste your energy on somebody who didnt deserve to have your energy wasted on in the first place
So you continually took the anger that was caused by Mineta’s perverted staring
The icing on the cake though was when you felt a light squeeze on your rear, making you shoot around in shock
There he was, his hand in midair and this disgustingly blissful expression on his face
“Did you JUST-” you practically yelled out, rage and embarrassment making you begin to turn red
“I couldnt help it- it just looked so touchable-” he said, his hand about to touch you on your ass again
You took off in a run, Mineta making grabby hands behind you
You finally found Bakugo, who was paired with Yaomomo
“Katsuki!” you’d yell, running into his arms
He instantly noticed something was wrong- you were cuddled into his neck, giving a very pale looking Mineta a dirty look
“What the hell is going on?” he asked, his face harsh and serious
“He-he,” you gulped, the embarrasment rising, “he touch my, uh-”
Bakugo didnt need to hear anymore- he was concerned Mineta would do this, and now his fear became into reality
He internally kicked himself- he should have known Mineta would pull some pervy shit like that on you- he should have made sure you would have been okay
But that guilt quickly got overtaken by an incontrollable rage
“Did you just touch my girlfriend you fucking pervert?” he’d growl, his voice dangerously low
That meant shit was going down
Mineta gulped, his face paler than a sheet- Bakugo then grabbed him by the front of his shirt, dangling a terrified Mineta in the air
“Huh?” Mineta asked in fear
“Where the hell did you touch her you idiot?!”
“Her-uh-her-butt-but-” Mineta sqeuaked out, trying to form some sort of excuse
Welp that when Bakugo saw black
You and Momo had to restrain Bakugo as he started going on a rampage, screaming all kinds of profanities
“You fuckng extra!! Im going to kill you! Shes my girl- you have no fucking right to touch her! Do that one more time and Ill blow you ass up! You hear me?! You so much as look at her and your ass will be seven feet under in your own ashes!”
Yeah- Whenever Mineta now sees you he walks the other way, and he hasnt bothered you since
Deku is very oblivious to Mineta’s harassment
Like- he can’t be that bad right???
*cough cough YES HE CAN
But if you tell him he will be the first to stomp over and give him a piece of his mind
If he sees it- oh he will be so UPSET
Mina has somehow rounded you up into one of her personal projects, in which she was creating an all girl dance
It was you, Momo, Toru, and Mina learning the choreography to a really upbeat girl group song
Tasty Carrots by Shou
You had finally learned all the choreography, now switching into outfits so Mina could put it into her social media
This girl def has a Tik Tok
Mina has put you all in little skater skirts, yours being high waisted, pleated, and reaching just barely reaching your mid thigh
Mina was squealing- “You all look so cute!!! We are TOTALLY going viral!”
Right as Mina started the music, and you began to do a few practice runs, Mineta and Kaminari walking past
Mineta had spotted you all from like a mile away
His literal wet dream- a bunch of girls dancing in little skirts
None of you notice though- you just continued with the choreography, attracting a little group on onlookers from the blaring music-including Midoriya
Mineta had pulled out his phone half way through and instantly started taking pics
At one part of the dance you have a tiny duet part with Mina where you bend down slightly
This perv instantly got right under you and took a whole ass pic
You heard a flash and look between your legs, seeing the purple idiot
You screeched, your face red as you yanked your skirt down
Mina instantly started yelling at Mineta, trying to catch the little idiot while Kaminari tried to yank his phone away from him
Izuku was filled with raged-how dare he do that to you?!? He was about to give him a piece of your mind, but seeing your embarrassed face made him think otherwise
He ran over, wrapping you into a hug
You were feeling so dumb-you didn’t even notice the little group of onlookers forming, making you feel even more embarrassed
Midoriya then sees Mineta run past, and as if on instinct grabs him by the arm
Mineta squeaks, regret riding through his body-nobody has ever seen Midoriya look this mad
Izuku yanks Mineta’s phone out of his hand, quietly searching through his camera roll
He finds the picture and hi face turns a little red because geez you do look really hot-
He quickly (and permanently) deletes it, so Mineta can’t go into his recently deleted, and hands it back to him
“Don’t you ever, EVER do that again.” The threat seemed simple but the way Midoriya voice was full of ice and his eyes on fire made Mineta’s skin turn cold
sorry if this one seems longer than the rest!
It was the end of the year and Yaomomo had invited everyone to her house for a big summer celebration pool party!
Of course everyone was excited- Yaomomo was rich and her house was beautiful and massive! Also she was the best hostess anyone could imagine
Mineta was excited for another reason- he couldn’t wait to see all the girls in bathing suits of their own choice, not the dumb leotard-like ones the school made them wear
Secretly hoped they were as skimpy as possible
Momo had invited all the girls the night before to a massive sleepover- you all went shopping for new suits at a beach themed boutique
Of course it was super expensive, but the owners of the shop were friends of Yaomomo’s parents and gave you all a FAT discount
Everyone was super happy with their suits- yours was all red, with a strappy red top, the bottom also matched in color and were slightly high waisted and showed off the sides of your thighs
The next morning you all spent time getting ready and helping Momo prepare to when everyone else came
Everyone started trickling in and greeting each other, getting snacks supplied by Momo and swimming or dancing to the “Top 50 Songs” playlist blasting outisde
You were in the kitchen getting some punch with Mina when Kirishima and Bakugo came in
Bakugo looked like he would rather be anywhere but there, while Kirihsima was just excited to find you and have some fun!
When Kirihsima saw you- his mouth dropped- you looked seriously stunning and he couldnt make his heart stop pounding so hard
Also your wearing red- he can try to act as chivalrous as he wants but he cant deny that red on you makes him go CRAZY inside
“Kirishima!” you yell happily when you see him, running over to give him a hug
He instantly twirls you around and tells you how pretty you look
You go outside and everyone begins to hang out, playing some games, swimming, dancing, or just plain mingling
Mineta is of course on a mission- he is just sitting in a really dark corner of the party pratically trying to memorize how all the girls look and drooling like a perv, concocting a plan in his twisted head of his
The moment he hears Uraraka yell- “Who wants to play volleyball- Boys vs Girls!” He instantly jumps up- now was time to get his plan in action
You and Kirishima join Uraraka, Izuku, Kaminari, Mina, Bakugo, and Tsuyu in the game
What you all didnt notice was Mineta, who was waiting patiently to pounce on one of the girls- he unfortunately chose you as his victim
When you wadded towards the end of the pool to try and save the ball, Mineta had reached over and pulled at one of the straps of your top, easily detangling it from your chest
You felt something loosen- and then horror rippled throughout your body
You qiuckly ducked under the water, only your eyes visible as your face was on fire
Mineta at first was cheering, your top tangled in his grubby hands, but then everyone started screaming at him, Mina throwing every threat she could think of while Uraraka tried to block you from sight and Froppy got you a towel
What really terrified Mineta was Kirishima- he was desperately trying to crawl out of the pool, all the boys trying to restrain him because he was literally going to KILL Mineta
Nobody had ever seen Kirishima that mad- even Bakugo
Mineta ran off, still holding onto your top as Tsuyu wrapped you in a towel
Kirishima ran over to you, wrapping you in a hug
“You okay? Im so sorry that happened! I’ll get your top back- I promise!”
And this boy did-of course after he calmed down- while Bakugo followed suit
As much as Bakugo hates to admit it, he does like you and you being his best friend’s girl, he protects you as much as Eijirou does
They both found where Mineta was hiding, Bakugo grabbing the little grape while Kirishima rambled on about “how unmanly that was” and how Mineta needed to “respect women and be more chivalrous”
Also may or may have not have told him that if he ever did anything like that again he wouldnt hestitate to teach him a lesson
After that little stunt, Yaomomo kicked him out of the party, all the girls breathing a sigh of relief
Kirishima came back, all the girls sitting around you and giving support-but once they saw Kiri they’d knew you’d be okay and gave you some privacy
This boy cuddled the crap out of you for the rest of the day and didnt wanna let go
Requests open| Matchups closed!
#bnha#bnha hc#bnha x reader#bnha bakugo x reader#bnha katsuki x reader#mha#mha x reader#mha kaminari#mha katsuki x reader#mha izuku x reader#kachan#Kaminari Denki#kaminari denki x reader#kaminari x reader#kam#denki x reader#bnha denki x reader#bnha denki x y/n#izuku x reader#izuku midoriya x reader#izuku hc#bnha izuku x reader#midoriya x reader#midoriya x you#bnha midoriya x reader#bnha izuku midoriya x reader#deku x reader#bnha deku x reader#deku hc#deku
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meeting the parents: karmelle
(this is so long hhhh)
karma met the (step)mom first
he already sorta met her in the summer trip since she was one of the assassins in the hotel
but they properly met when he comes over anielle’s house after school
as anielle unlocks the door karmas ready for her little siblings running up to her and welcoming her home and saying hi to him
but to his surprise its a woman with her arms crossed thats there when they walk in
wowie ! its arime kiriya !
anielle seems unbothered and ignores that her mom looks mad as shes taking off her shoes
“didnt know youd be home today”
“daichi says you skipped training for a week again.”
“daichi says a lot of things especially about me, probably to stray you from the fact hes failing one of his classes”
theres a screech from the kitchen
arime just sighs, shaking her head
meanwhile karmas standing there like …?? um ok
as hes taking his shoes off, arime notices him
“oh, the boyfriend.”
ani: um??? no??? hes not??? my boyfriend???
“this is karma,,,”
“is he staying for dinner??”
karmas kinda panicking and his Respecful Mode is ON
hes not really intimidated, she just seems like a ‘normal’ mom to him but at the same time ..
this .. arime kiriya might be a pro assassin but before that she’s still anielle’s mom
he doesn’t really care about first impressions
so he has no idea why hes worrying now
“i usually do, unless you don’t want me to??”
“oh no no i would have insisted you stay if you said no”
anielle grabs karmas wrist
“call us down when foods ready”
shes dragging him up the stairs
she lets go of his wrist when they got in her room and shes like
“yeah um,, thats my mom,, i didnt know she would be home”
“shes different from what i expected?? from the trip she seemed more intimidating”
“oh shes actually pretty nice ?? we get in playful arguments sometimes but yeah even though shes not always at home she tries her best”
dinner time !
anielle said they werent together but arime could tell that even tho they werent tgt yet there was something there
arime asks karma a few questions as they’re eating and when karma answers, his tone’s polite and tame
anielle notices this
she finds it a little amusing, but honestly cute more than anything
when karma goes home arime says
“he seems like a good kid. you like him?”
ani, blushing: ?!??!!?! n-no
arime: ok sure
after that karma sees arime whenever shes home
he usually comes over anielles house so
but on the times that ani doesnt come home with karma, arime invites him for dinner
he says yes every time
arime always refers to him as the boyfriend though
not your boyfriend, but THE boyfriend
“you gonna invite the boyfriend over?” “how’s the boyfriend?” “ask the boyfriend if he wants to eat dinner with us”
anielles like please stop calling him that (1) he isnt my bf and (2) even if he was it sounds so weird and lame
(when karmelle start officially dating though she refers to him as karma)
karma eventually gets comfortable that he drops the Timid Tone and starts talking like himself
arimes not shocked at the change
HHH she looked thru the poor kid’s records and looked him up after they met because she has to know abt him if hes gonna end up with her daughter so she knew abt his personality and was waiting for it to show
arime’s honestly amused by him but she likes him and still thinks hes a good kid
he gets invited to their training sometimes
and sometimes gets to spar with arime he almost beat her once
as for ani’s (birth) mom, karma goes with anielle to the cemetery whenever she asks for mental support because sometimes it gets a little too much for her
the first time he went was after the incident with shiro
anielle wasnt planning on bringing him, but he insisted
he couldnt leave her alone, not after the emotional torture shiro put her through
when she broke down in his arms, he knew coming with her was the best decision, even if she didnt like the idea at first
the dad .. he met him three months after arime
karma knew that he was in the ministry of defense and is friends with karasuma, but was dealing with things overseas
thats all he really knew, he was expecting someone like karasuma
karma and ani were just playing a game tgt
then they hear the doorknob rattling ?!??!?!
out of instinct, anielle grabs the gun she keeps under the sofa hjgfhjksd
shes walking slowly towards the door gun in hand
the door opens
“i swear to god yuto i told you to stop doing that.. stop trying to scare the kids and open the door anielles gonna accidentally shoot you one of these days” arime scolds him as they walk in
yuto just laughs
anielle drops the gun and runs to hug her dad,, she hasnt seen him in months
“see! she had a damn gun ready!” arime sighs, pulling their luggage in
she sees karma “oh hi karma!! how you been?”
“so you’re karma? are you gonna join us for lunch?”
karmas like this is like meeting arime all over again
man he never thought his Respectful and Polite Mode would make a comeback but here he is
HHH karma: no fear
yuto: hi
karma: one fear
“yes sir”
anielles trying so hard not to laugh,, she cant believe karma just called her dad SIR HRKHHKJJKH
she and arime are silently snickering together while karma sits there as yuto studies him
“i’ll go start making the food,,” arime heads to the kitchen
“elly, go help your mom”
karma and anielle knew it was to get karma alone with him,, ani doesnt argue and goes to the kitchen
“arime and karasuma told me a lot about you.”
yuto asks karma questions, but they arent Extra ykno
hes not Overly Protective, but hes more protective of ani because out of the two oldest, he knows anielle was affected by their mothers death most and took longest to get over it
he just wants to get to know karma
after arime karma was expecting the dad to be like her except more strict and intimidating but
for arime, it took two months for him to drop the timid tone
for yuto, it took an hour
hes still answering politely, but now hes including some snarky remarks as a joke and is talking in his usual tone
arime calls them for lunch
they all talk while eating and karma could tell the dad likes him too
hes just happy he got both of anis parents to like him
anielle met karmas parents like two weeks after graduation,, meaning karmelle are tgt now
she decided to tag along when karma went to the airport when they were coming back from a trip
he said they were coming back for a bit to spend time with him and to congratulate him for graduating
anielle didnt really know what to expect
shes looking at her phone when she hears a “karma!!!!”
she looks up and sees a woman waving at karma and a man beside her
as they’re approaching, his mom notices anielle beside him
“oh you came with... your girlfriend?”
“hi, i’m anielle!” ani greets. “i hope i’m not being a bother by being here?”
“not at all! i didn’t know our karma had a girlfriend?? since when??”
“we haven’t been together for long, but we met during our second year,,”
his mom turns to karma, “you dont tell your folks anything nowadays”
karma just shrugs
anielle shares brief greetings and conversations with his dad, the mom talks more
they dropped off their things and anielle stays for an hour and leaves so they can settle in
she gets invited to eat out with them the next day
(bruh all of these involve eatinf i am so original)
she gets to really talk with his parents
karmas mom jokes around like “our problem child managed to get himself a girl!!! he’s a real handful, isn’t he?”
anielle laughs it off, “hes tiring to deal with sometimes, but i manage. you learn to have patience with him”
karma: Bruh
ani came over sometimes, and she got to know the parents better (and vice versa, they just dont know shes a hitman)
they really like her, she keeps karma in check and they think she brings out the best in him,, shes reckless and chaotic just like karma but if she needs to, shes able to stop karma from doing stupid things and he actually listens so
his parents arent the kind that are like “wanna see karmas baby pics” to embarass him hes thankful
after a month they leave again
ani got their numbers, and the mom texts her from time to time to check up on karma (and her !!)
(karma doesnt know this)
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A Winter CSF Leak Update
I’ve received many very similar emails and DMs during the last few days.
“Jodi…?” the messages start out. “I don’t want to bother you but it has been a long time since you posted, and I’m really starting to worry.”
“Jodi: blink twice if you’re ok?”
“Jodi, here is a llama walking into an optometrist’s office in France. I thought of you! Also, ARE YOU OK?”
In a world of easy access to people’s inboxes, readers have only been a pleasure, a virtual cloud of warmth and never a burden. And when so many of you ping at once, I know I am due for an update. In this slow bedrest state, life feels like a woozy Groundhog Day. I love the filaments that connect me to so many of you, reminding me not to lose track of time entirely. I am so humbled by your care.
When I was a kid, my mother said my first word was a word. Instead of continuing along those lines, apparently the next thing I started said was a sentence, “see car go by.”
“And then,” my family jokes, “she never stopped talking!”
Being at a loss for words is not a problem I normally have. But yes, I have been very lax at updating because it’s been hard to find words for what I’m feeling.
A Leaky Anniversary
January 26 was the one year anniversary of the patch that sealed me last year. I had a really rough and heart-wrenching time reckoning with where I am on this anniversary. Instead of scaffolding off the slow and arduous recovery that followed the anaphylaxis and procedure, I am in bed.
For many months.
If you’re just tuning in, the CSF leak that sealed up and was healing reopened because I sat on the ground. Gingerly. Not even enthusiastically. I went from 4-5km walks a day, to no walking in record time.
At first, I was in extreme denial that something so small, so inhibited could blow out the scar tissue that had months to form. But one by one, each symptom I had in 2017 came back. I keep detailed daily logs of every symptom, supplement or mediation, and food. I couldn’t deny what I was experiencing.
Then, the grief. The anger. The deep sadness, the kind that suffocates all hope.
We learn about the “stages of grief” in popular culture, but what happens when they just cycle over and over? When you think you’ve come out the other side and can breathe again, when you tilt your face up at a brighter-than-you-remembered sun, only to find that you’re back in the dark?
My body, when I releaked, was in far better shape than the initial leak in 2017. Labs last summer showed improvements and lower inflammatory markers. I tried to stay positive. My friends and family came to visit. My inbox overflowed with llama photos.
As fall turned to winter, I saw some wonderful improvements. I stopped having the “brain sag” of my brain smushing into my spine due to low pressure. I moved into “high pressure” again, which is usually a symptom of the leak starting to seal over — the extra CSF produced while leaking backs up against the hole now tentatively closed. I started on the meds to lower intracranial pressure to prevent the fragile seal from bursting due to pressure. I felt cautiously optimistic.
And then a few weeks later in mid-December, I had an awful nightmare in my sleep. I remember it perfectly. And I also remember what woke me up: the excruciating pain in my back.
After an epidural blood patch to seal a CSF leak, the discharge instructions note that there’s to be no bending, lifting, or twisting for many weeks, but also that coughing or sneezing can blow out the patch due to intrathecal pressure. Many fellow leakers have blown out their patches — a clot or glue covering the leak temporarily while your own body can heal with scar tissue underneath — from constipation (pushing), sneezing, coughing, laughing.
Suspend your humanness while you can, the unsaid instructions whisper. Don’t do anything that can compromise this seal.
In my case, this nightmare I had blew out the seal and I was back to square one.
The Roller-Coaster of Ups and Downs
It is difficult for me to express the crazy-making nature of this condition.
No imaging sensitive enough to show a leak in many cases, including where it is located in the spine. Many people are chronically misdiagnosed because their imaging is normal. Normal imaging, the leak experts have learned, does not exclude a leak.
So the best way to know if you are leaking is via your symptoms, which only exacerbates your anxiety about what may or may not be happening in your body. It is a very tough, very exhausting dance to undertake. I have struggled the most with this balance of attempting to stay in touch with my body while also uncurling my clenched hands from the eventual outcome. Science tells us that focusing ad nauseum on our pain can magnify it in our minds, hence the usefulness of mindfulness and other meditation.
When your condition requires a focus on pain, and you also know you need to stay equanimous to heal effectively? That is a total mindfuck.
In mid-December, a close family member took a turn for the very worse. The funeral was around Christmas. I was too unwell to attend. Combined with the Re-Re-leak, I spiralled pretty solidly into a very bleak place.
If I’ve learned anything in this madness, it’s that staying in the black hole of despair is not how you heal. With the crutches of visits and calls from close friends, someone to talk with who specializes in grief, and the tools I’ve drawn on at the worst of times, I was able to wrench myself to a better place.
But still, I am not sealed and healed.
I put off Duke when I re-leaked because of what happened during the last round of patching. There is a lesson about anxiety in that procedure too: in my most creative of nightmares, I never imagined anaphylaxis as part of what could go wrong.
But it did, and while they will not use fibrin glue again (suspecting that was the cause for anaphylaxis), I’ve written about how my body seems to be stuck in that very reactive, anaphylax-y place. My mast cells degranulated all over the place and LOVED it. They seem to enjoy doing so again and again since, not only to foods but also smells – and even hot showers.
Given how pear-shaped things went last time, I wanted to give my body a long chance to seal before committing to another procedure. When I did seemingly seal up in November, I was so thrilled. It didn’t (and doesn’t) matter to me if it takes a long time, though my parents have the patience of saints. If slow and steady was the way, I was ok with that as long as I sealed up.
I will be honest: my turbulent December and January have tested the limits of my capacity for grace and patience and hope. I have been on bedrest for quite a few months. While I’m not bored, the pain levels are pretty unconscionable and keeping my spirit up has been a mighty challenge.
From my own calculus: if I do need to go back to Duke, I want to know I gave my body a full shot.
That way, if – IF – things go awry again during a procedure, I won’t be able to look back and say, “should have given it a bit more time.”
So where are we now? It’s February, and almost at my favourite holiday in the world: Vietnamese lunar new year or Tet. An amazing reader named Wendy just sent me a pic of lamp in my name from her family’s temple in Malaysia, a New Year wish of health and prosperity. Lunar new year was a time for reflection and cleaning and cleansing for my years in Asia, and I’ve kept that spirit during my return to Mexico and Canada. New Year starts in a few days, and with it I hope a better climate for healing.
I have seen such progress since the re-leak, progress I didn’t see when first in bed in 2017. I keep flipping into high pressure as it starts to seal, then unsealing. It may be that I need intervention after all, but I still have hope that the JodiDura-that-could comes through this winter. I’m eating a strict and healthy diet, meditating, visualizing, consistently working to bring my mind into a better space.
If I can’t seal during the winter, it certainly won’t be because I didn’t try.
Learning to be the Tortoise
There once was a speedy hare who bragged about how fast he could run. Tired of hearing him boast, Slow and Steady, the tortoise, challenged him to a race. All the animals in the forest gathered to watch. Hare ran down the road for a while and then and paused to rest. He looked back at Slow and Steady and cried out, “How do you expect to win this race when you are walking along at your slow, slow pace?” Hare stretched himself out alongside the road and fell asleep, thinking, “There is plenty of time to relax.” Slow and Steady walked and walked. He never, ever stopped until he came to the finish line. The animals who were watching cheered so loudly for Tortoise, they woke up Hare. Hare stretched and yawned and began to run again, but it was too late. Tortoise was over the line. After that, Hare always reminded himself, “Don’t brag about your lightning pace, for Slow and Steady won the race!”
The moral lesson of the Aesop’s “Tortoise and the Hare” fable is that sometimes you can be more successful by doing things slowly and steadily than by rash action. The race (of life) isn’t necessarily won by the fastest or strongest animal, but by those who persist in the face of obstacles – including the obstacle of time.
I undertook my life in the stubborn spirit of the hare.
I went to law school straight from grade 13 (CEGEP, in Quebec) because someone bet me I couldn’t get in. I took a job in NYC because on my first day of law school, someone said, “you don’t deserve to be here. Go back to high school where you belong. And don’t bother getting a job in New York City – you’ll never succeed.” When I quit my law job, it wasn’t for a two month trip, it was for an open jaw adventure to Siberia that unfurled into a glorious and food-filled new career.
My identity for years was the lawyer who quit her job to eat soup. As I’ve laid in bed on and off since 2017, I’ve watched the travel industry and my fellow writers move on with their lives. Mine feels very stuck. I am very unused to not being able to solve problems by DOING, and it is a monumental shift in my mindset. Above and beyond the leak, my health will require a different way of approaching work.
Apparently it’s time to be the tortoise.
Tortoise pic from one of the first adventures in my round-the-world trip: the Galapagos Islands in Ecuador
I’m still feeling around the edges of what that means for me. Sealing and healing will require me to change a lot about how I approach work and achievement, because excessive doing is a surefire way to undo my progress. There’s a lot here I hope to write about in the future, about learning to get under your mind and into your heart.
About listening to your body before it’s too late.
About not necessarily taking every bet that comes your way as a life challenge.
For now, though, I don’t know what I will redefine life “as.” I trust that it will unfold in its own way. While mourning the life I had, I also feel curious about what comes next.
But first: this leak in my spine needs to be firmly sealed for me to get walking again.
Thank you all as always for the caring notes, the questions, and the overwhelming support and love. I am extraordinarily lucky to have such a robust army of cheerleaders around the world.
Many of you have dedicated your meditation practices to my health, and for that I am grateful. I do plan to restart the group meditations next week, on Sunday February 10th. If you are interested in joining, the first 7 weeks are here, and you can enjoy any of the meditations as the tracks are all on that post.
I have been meditating alone here, but with all that unfolded I couldn’t manage the group ones during the holidays. I appreciate how many emails I’ve received asking when they’ll restart, and I am so glad many of you find them helpful and a source of light.
I haven’t written publicly in a long time, but typing this post out with my thumbs felt very good. I missed it. And though I would still be writing if no one was reading, I’m glad to go through this very tough journey with a community like you to help make things better along the way.
The post A Winter CSF Leak Update appeared first on Legal Nomads.
A Winter CSF Leak Update published first on https://oceandreamblog.tumblr.com/
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