#yes i use reddit
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yeehawfuckthelaw · 2 years ago
someone on r/pigeons keeps posting pictures of the pigeons they see on their balcony and it's life altering every time
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cybernetic-programming · 25 days ago
im thoroughly surprised that reddit enjoyed my nuziv kids. i thought i was gonna get devoured alive on that sub lmao
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lostsemicolon · 2 months ago
Accidentally did one of those firefox refreshes that deletes all your addons a little while ago. Forgot how unusable Reddit is without the Reddit Enhancement Suite.
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sauronism · 5 months ago
the entire season didn't establish what a shitty creature sauron really is only for you to conclude it's galadriel's fault for what happen to middle-earth.
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hanzajesthanza · 3 months ago
i read a take about the witcher online that i disagree with
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cringefighter · 4 months ago
conservative/libertarian trans people will never be not funny to me. like when the republicans will start "going" after trans people like banning hrt, legal name changing (or reversing them, i can imagine they will try it), they are going to be affected too. yeah they are still laughing at other trans people who are worrying about their futures, but their healthcare will be taken away too, it doesn't matter if they have "libertarian capitalist/righter" in their bio lmao
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extravagantliar · 3 months ago
I will admit announcing the calling being gone on Reddit is the funniest thing that could have actually happened
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thefreshprinceofjunes · 2 years ago
sometimes i remember they gave riku a purse in the first supergroupies collab and i just
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wow. beautiful. truly the gay-coded of all time.
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magnusbae · 2 months ago
I don't know who needs to hear this but if you share Instagram links it will tell people your name in a huge pop message in the middle of their screen. (You can test it out by pasting your own url into an incognito window without logging into ig). The only way to avoid it is to manually edit the urls you share and remove this entire portion of text and all that follows from your url: /?igsh=
Anyway, happy not doxxing yourselves 👏🏻👏🏻
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sevensoulmates · 1 year ago
When I think about what would be considered more interesting and ground breaking TV....
Is it two best guy friends who become close cuz they work closely together on a team and they become involved in each other's lives to a degree but only on the periphery because they each have their own girlfriends and families that they care more about than each other?
Or two men who start off as close friends because they work in high pressure situations on a team and they become so closely involved in each other's lives that no one, not blood family, not other love interests, can ever even hold a candle to how they feel about each other, and they start building an unconventional family together all of their own, learning what it means to be a father and a partner and a whole person and eventually learn that this love they've shared this whole time goes deeper than friendship, deeper than family, deeper than sexuality, deeper than romance and that no matter what challenges they face in life and in death they will always choose each other and the home they've built together?
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nothingweirdhere · 1 year ago
ok so i tried to comment on a post on r/adhd talking about some bullshit a psychiatrist told me about how she wouldn’t diagnose me with autism bc i had a fairly large group of friends and autistic people can’t have that many friends (yeah, what the fuck), despite the fact that basically that entire group was neurodivergent (and queer) and at least one person in it would eventually BE OFFICIALLY DIAGNOSED WITH AUTISM.
then i get this message
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imo this is wack. firstly, neurodivergent IS just a descriptor. full stop. and i don’t want to say “people with mental health disorders” or any bullshit like that. (especially since adhd & autism are neurodevelopmental disorders, not mental illnesses) it’s clunky and awkward and in my experience NOT HOW PEOPLE TALK. neurodivergent is an incredibly widespread term! there’s nothing wrong with it!
then i checked out the links, and here’s some of their “position on neurodiversity” post
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this is all bullshit? like i also disagree with framing neurodiversity as purely neutral differences in cognition—yes certain things would be much less disabling if society was more accommodating, but even in a perfect world things like adhd and autism would still be distressing/disabling for a large number of people. they’re using the beliefs of specific groups that also happen to use terms like neurodivergent (because it’s a descriptor and a lot of people use it!!!) to label everyone who uses those words as part of a specific “neurodiversity movement” and i don’t like that??
anyway i’d like to hear some other people’s opinions on this
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skunkes · 11 months ago
also that al birthday drawing made me realize he Would be a redditor
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morrigan-disapproves · 6 months ago
Need to buy a new gaming PC but zero idea where to look for recent advice on what's good and available in europe. Adding reddit to the end of my searches just takes me to threads where the only advice is to fully build it yourself and I simply won't do that. I have some money saved to throw at this problem but want to be smart about it? Also I'm insane about making a *big purchase* so have been putting this off for months but an important game deadline is approaching lmao. Do any gamer followers have any tips here
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katyspersonal · 5 months ago
Katy, would you or would you not give Queelign a haircut?
Nope. Let him have his cursed hair.
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rosenlied · 11 months ago
I think I’ll start putting my bad memes here as well
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rigelmejo · 8 months ago
I was looking up "how many words to learn to read japanese" and oh my was there a surprising result. The various reddit posts seemed to say at least 10,000 words as that is what is on N1, while also saying it may just be the beginning of reading at 10,000 words and you'll still be looking up many words per page.
I am a bit confused by this answer, and still looking for a possibly truer one. Im looking for: how many words must a person learn in japanese to start reading materials for native speakers, if they look up a word every few sentences? Or even 1-3 words per sentence to start. So this would be maybe 80-90% reading comprehension (and with word lookup they'd boost that to 90% or more), with some simpler materials (like say Yotsuba or Ranma or School Rumble mangas) being 90% comprehensible before word lookup (and 95% or more comprehensible after word lookup).
For comparison: in French the number of words to start reasing was 1000-2000 (at least what I personally experienced), with 1000 being when I could read if i looked up 1 word per sentence or a a few words a paragraph. Chinese was also 1000-2000, the average webnovel felt more comfortable once learning 2000 words (at which point looking up 1-3 words or less a sentence or paragraph became doable), and for novels for children and some manhua just knowing 1000 words was enough to read while looking words up (for example, 秃秃大王 would be very readable with a 1000 vocabulary you know and looking up a word every sentence or so, and if your vocabulary is higher you may only look up words once every few paragraphs). For both french and chinese, once i learned lets estimate around 3000 french words or 3000 chinese hanzi (which is ultimately over 3000 words they can combine into which you can guess the meaning of... maybe by several thousand more), then there were at least SOME reading materials that could be read extensively with NO word lookups and using only context to guess the meaning of everything. In short: french and chinese basically matched up to what most "learn to read in a language" articles suggest you learn, which is around 2000 words to start reading with the aid of dictionary/translation word lookup, and then eventually work your way toward a goal of ~9000 words to read most materials comfortably. And along the path from 2000-9000 words, you'll find some materials that become readable to you aa you learn more words - without any dictionary/translation aids.
With Japanese reddit learners (as thats the forums i could browse): Refold learning plan used to suggest learning Tango N5 and N4 and 1000 basic kanji, so around 1000-2000 words, then to immerse with reading (sometimes at first just japanese show subtitles). The older Mass Immersion Approach (same overall study methods) used to do the 2,000 Core Japanese deck, or a personally made variant, and then around the end of that suggest people start including practicing reading. Sometimes people used the Core 6000 Japanese anki deck (more words), or used the nukemarine Lets Learn Japanese deck (i did this... it had 6000 words, around 2000 kanji, and tae kims grammar guide in it, and then later on some additional vocabulary from specific shows... i only learned about 1000 kanji and 2000 words from this deck before stopping). So for MIA and Refold learners, at least SOME of them started reading with word lookups around 2000-6000 words learned.
My question is: when did YOU feel comfortable starting to read Japanese reading materials for native speakers, with the use of word lookup tools (translation/dictionary)? When do you see some people got comfortable starting to read with word lookups? Did some people do something like Satori Reader (graded reading app) when they'd learned X words, until they'd increased their vocabulary to Y words? What was the vocabulary level at which they started to read japanese with word lookups? I think that for a lot of people, the point when they started reading materials for native speakers (with the help of word lookup tools) was Before they had learned 10,000 words.
(Ignore grammar knowledge, yes that greatly effects reasing comprehension. Id just like to focus on number of words a person knows when they start reading with word lookups).
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