#yes i made that banner just for this bc i am a hater sorry
homosexula · 2 months
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he is everything to me the character of all time
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dresupi · 6 years
MCU Movies Ranked
So like... I saw @anniemar‘s Marvel movie rankings and I really wanted to do one too.  I probably won’t finish this tonight because I have THOUGHTS and narrowing them down and nailing them down is going to be work.  BUT, I figured I’d give this a shot.  I’m going to start from the bottom and work my way down.  I’m basing this off the liklihood of me rewatching again soon or ever.  
Edit: I didn’t finish it last night, I had more thoughts than I thought.  :P
19. Iron Man 3 - I didn’t dislike this movie?  It was a little all over the place, but I adore the Pepper Potts character development and Rhodey is always a pleasure.  It just wasn’t my favorite and you can probably consider this one and the next two to be tied for last, I just picked this one at random to stick here at the very bottom.  
18.  The Incredible Hulk - I would have liked this more if it weren’t for Ed Norton.  I love Betty Ross and wish she was in more films.  But Ed freakin’ Norton man.  Sorry.  Not a fan of his casting.  I’m so glad Mark Ruffalo was recast in this role.  SO GLAD OMG.  
17.  Thor the Dark World - While this does have my main girl Darcy L AND Loki AND Thor, it’s not my favorite. Malekith just wasn’t scary or believable as a villain... there were some humorous parts, but not enough to make me actually sit through the entire movie again when I can just go watch the best parts on youtube.  
16.  Avengers: Age of Ultron - While my fave was introduced in this film, he was also killed in this film so meh.  Plus the whole too-long-Brucetasha debacle (I don’t hate the ship, but I deplore the way it’s depicted in the film, it could be SO MUCH BETTER and mehhhhhhhhhhh). I wish James Spader had been utilized more. It was just... meh.  And my fave got killed.  So nah.  Not a favorite, and I probably won’t rewatch it unless I’m just watching through the entire MCU for some reason.  
15.  Captain America: Civil War - This whole movie just... ugh.  Besides having one of my favorite villains of all time, and introducing one of my favorite characters (T’challa) ...I just... mehhhhhhh
14.  Iron Man - Again, nothing really wrong with this, but I probably wouldn’t watch it again unless I was doing a watch through of all the MCU movies.  
13.  Doctor Strange - I didn’t not like this movie.  In fact, I thought it was kind of well done.  But at the same time, there are things about it (casting things, etc) that have me placing it lower than I otherwise would.  I would watch it again, though.  It also holds the honor of being the only MCU film I didn’t see in the theater.  
12.  Iron Man 2 - Okay, this is where I start getting into my multiple rewatches and some of my favorite films in the franchise.  (In fact, my top 6 could be interchangable, I love them so much) I love this movie so much.  I feel like it was where they really started putting together the team, so to speak.  We get our first glimpse of the Black Widow, and she is spectacular.  Just everything about this movie is good and awesomesauce.  
11.  Captain America: The First Avenger - I love, love, love everything about this movie.  Peggy Carter? Yes please.  Steve Rogers being a little shit and getting into fights and using a trash can lid as a shield?  Yes please.  Bucky Barnes being a total science dork and wearing THE HELL out of that uniform?  Yes please.  *grabby hands*  Multiple rewatches and I will watch it A LOT MORE.
10. Thor - I have to stick this in here because a TON of my faves were introduced.  I love Darcy (Obvi).  I love Loki.  I love Thor.  Lady Sif.  Just YAS to all of it.  <3  I have watched this multiple times, and I will watch it many more times. It’s not the best Thor film by far, but it deserves a higher spot.  <3  
9.  Spiderman: Homecoming:  Okay, so mark this down as a WHOA.  Because listen to me.  I despise Spiderman.  I have NEVER liked him. Never ever ever.  I tried multiple times to like that little shit and I was never able to.  But hubby convinced me to go with him to see this bc he loves that little idiot so much.  So I did.  And I had SUCH A GOOD TIME YOU GUYS.  This movie was surprisingly good.  I love Tom Holland’s Peter Parker.  And for that reason, it gets a high spot.  For making me like a character I didn’t WANT TO LIKE.  
8.  Avengers: Infinity War:  Let me be clear.  This movie ruined me. I am devastated, heartbroken... but I also cannot stop thinking about it.  I can’t stop thinking about little bits and pieces of this film.  It is staying with me in a way that a movie hasn’t done since I first watched Titanic when I was 12 years old.  And listen.  Say what you will about Titanic, but it was a good movie.  It was well made, well-acted.  It was a good movie.  The same could be said of Infinity War. 
7.  Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol 2:  I didn’t like this one as much as the first one.  There were some poop jokes and dick jokes that I felt were unnecessary, considering that the first one did fine without them.  But the soundtrack was great. The villain, also great.  The cast, amazing.  Definitely a rewatchable film. 
(Okay, after this, I’m just listing the movies, because I love ALL of these movies equally and I couldn’t pick a favorite if I tried) 
6.  Ant-Man - BREAK OUT OMG.  I watched this on a whim because we had tickets to Jurassic World and had two hours to kill, so we went and watched Ant-Man too.  I absolutely loved it.  Loved all the characters, loved the narrative, loved absolutely everything about this movie.  And I had NO OPINIONS of Ant Man before I watched this movie, you guys.  I went from having NO OPINIONS to having FEELINGS and omg.  
5.  Guardians of the Galaxy - ABSOLUTELY LOVED EVERY MINUTE.  Perfect writing, perfect cast, perfect soundtrack, perfect, perfect, perfect.  
4.  Captain America: The Winter Soldier - First Marvel movie I saw on the day it premiered.  This film is amazing.  Just awesome from start to finish.  Say what you will about the Russos, but they KNOW how to make a film flow.  They did it with every single one they’ve directed, and it all started with TWS.  Amazing, and just... gahhhhhh omg.  
3.  The Avengers - Nothing will ever compare to the feeling I got when I saw Earth’s Mightiest Heroes assembled for the first time.  I still tear up everytime I watch it, okay?
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2.  Black Panther:  OH MY GOD.  I AM STILL NOT OVER THIS MOVIE YOU GUYS.  PERFECT.  Just.  This movie is everything, you guys.  Talk about tears.  Talk about grinning like a fool the whole time I watched.  It was AMAZING.  I don’t have to tell anyone that this movie is amazing, but omg, it’s amazing and gahhhhhhhhhhh.  PERFECTION.  I saw this twice in the theater and I can’t wait for the DVD to be released so I can watch it more at home!
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1.  Thor: Ragnarok: I have watched this movie every day since I bought the DVD.  I watch the commentary with Taika Waititi.  I watch the deleted scenes.  I watch this movie every day and I am not ashamed of how I spend my time.  I love Thor.  I love him.  This Thor is a good Thor, okay?  Bruce Banner.  *bursts into flames*.  FUCKING VALKYRIE???? OMG????  LOKI MY BABE.  FUCKING JEFF GOLDBLUM?  Can Taika make every movie from now on?  Not just Marvel, but EVERY FUCKING MOVIE. He has RUINED me for all other filmmakers.  Like, I love this movie so much, I am not even bothered by the haters.  Hate all you want, this movie is amazing.  Revamped an entire superhero.  Made the actor feel rejuvinated enough to talk about making a fourth Thor film. Made me LOVE THIS particular part of the franchise SO FREAKING MUCH OMG.  
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Anywho, y’all should totes do your own and tag me so I can see themmmmmmm.  <3 <3 <3  This was fun and cathartic.   
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