#yes i am vagueposting
stupidjewishwhiteboy · 3 months
“I know that I’m usually always promoting nuance and looking at stuff through its historical context, but this situation is actually quite simple”
May I humbly suggest that if you’re having this thought process, you take it as a sign that you need to reassess? Methinks your belief in yourself as an unbiased nuanced thinker is allowing you to hide your own biases from yourself
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GCs will be like “All kink is misogynistic and rape!” and then you bring up like piss kink or hair kink or voice kink or leather kink or literally any kink and then they’re like “Ok well I think it’s weird so therefore it’s bad and you shouldn’t like it.”
And then they’re confused when people assume they’re homophobic. Girl you are literally parroting conservative talking points word for word…
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rotisseries · 2 years
y'all ever find out you're blocked by someone you've barely interacted with beyond the occasional reblog and you wanna log out and send them an anon ask to find out why but you don't wanna be annoying but also you GOTTA know what's wrong with you?
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okami-zero · 1 year
Brain hurt
Wow. First time being curious about something led me to an introspective, well-thought out and rather tough to argue against critical analysis of a piece of beloved media that 1.) Kind of makes me feel bad for liking a character; 2.) Makes me wonder if I am mentally deficient, or was just failed by schooling that did not teach me how to critically analyze media/assumed I already knew how to do such; and 3.) Once again has me pondering why I find it very difficult, (if not undoable) to not engage with entertainment media in a fashion other than "this is a cool story/show/game" without a good deal of assistance (in most cases).
Number 1 has implications for some of my writing, as well. >_<
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little-escapist · 1 year
Fuck being 30 and a teenager at the same time.
I am too old for this. I should know better. And yet...
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What I think : Uhmmm I want you, I want to feed you strawberries romantically and kiss you and live my life with you.
What I say : “Do you want this plushie I have been designing of myself.”
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dianartemiss · 5 months
if you're a popular blogger and make a huge divisive post you're gonna get people with bad takes on it. full stop. blowing up at the different people who are respectfully disagreeing and reacting like a giant bitch whilst loudly screaming "well ACTUALLY" is not the way to deal with it??? like i know you're frustrated but holy misdirected anger batman!
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lizziebobizzie · 6 months
Godspeed beloved mutual, it is for the best o7
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the-deli-delicatessen · 6 months
ok but why are tired <30 y/os in fandom who are actually chill and have very specific typing patterns genuinely The nicest people on earth and objectively superior to blood relatives (fight me) (and also how the hell have i synced my period with all three of them despite having never encountered them in the physical space ever)
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goingnearlyinsane · 10 months
if we had a "find Tumblr from email contacts" feature y'all would be dead dead
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peachesnbees · 1 year
Full offense, some people take fandom way too seriously and it bothers me so much. I want to have a good time and then you have people who are like “you don’t understand the character the way I do, you are stupid and blah blah blah…”. As if interpretation doesn’t exist?
Look… I am here to interact with people who want to have a good time. Do I disagree with people? Absolutely! But I don’t try to act like I’m a better person because I think my headcanon and interpretation is better. It’s a fictional thing not a fucking contest.
Curate your own experiences and enjoy it. I think to keep in mind is that if you constantly berate fandom and the people in it, it probably isn’t for you…. For me personally, I love all types of interpretations of characters, ships, etc. Seeing people happy about something I enjoy is so awesome!
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vamp-moment · 1 year
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with discovering new music through an artist you already like and I think it’s super weird to be judgy about. Also so many of these blogs I keep seeing on my dash have a very clear superiority complex and its really making the whole tumblr band thing a lot less enjoyable. btw.
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ququoquaw · 1 year
I get where ur coming from but I don’t think ppl interested in coding watch long videos on coding ad entertainment, more likely they probably just… code
I mean it’s totally possible that they watch something in the background, but just the way u phrased it is vry off
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amaritheartist · 1 year
The best way to get yourself to actually write something is by making up a fake consequence for not writing it.
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transmasc-totoro · 2 years
Oh my god I’m so afraid what if I fuck it up what if I’m lying what if I’m fooling her into believing I’m someone I’m not what if I get annoying what if she wants more of me than I can give what if I’m not capable of being what she wants or needs what if my fear turns her away maybe I’m just afraid that she does love me and I have to find a way to deal with that, with someone wanting me
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zinziinziiin · 2 years
genuinely, I love reading essays about things I don’t understand from people I follow. contextless knowledge is fun to have, especially to go back to when I do get the context
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