#yes i am reusing the same drawing
saltysideblog · 3 months
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acrazyobsession · 4 months
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Matthijs at the Altar
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thewritingginger · 1 year
18+ Imagine Taiju Shiba...
& you having hate sex.
I finally got around to watching the 2nd season of TR I’ve read the entire manga but seeing my bae Taiju animated got the wheels in my head turnin’ 😩 
Fandom: Tokyo Revengers Pairing: Taiju Shiba x Fem! Reader Word count: 1.1k+ words Warnings: 18+, Established relationship, Argument, Dub-con, Dirty talk, Oral sex (M! receiving), Rough sex, Slight degrading, Spanking, Creampie, Poorly edited
Enjoy ~
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The two of you had been at each other's throats for the past hour and that’s not even including the car ride home and before. It’s been a while since the two of you had gotten this heated with each other. Taiju was already irritable from the moment he had woken up this morning and you knew better than to poke the bear when he is in one of his moods.
Shit had been going down with the staffing at his restaurant and to top it off there had been some family drama stirring up and the moment you tried to mediate you were in hot water since you first opened your mouth to now in your living room where the both of you are yelling over each other.
“How many times do I have to fucking tell you that it is Shiba family matters.  You have no place to stick your nose into it.” That got to you.
“Oh, I’m sorry I was under the impression that I was your family or does this ring on my finger mean nothing?”
“Don’t try to pull that shit, you know you had no business getting between me and my brother.” Back and forth you two go, like a broken record the same words keep getting reused and rehashed—making this mess into a disaster till you finally had enough.
“You know what, I don't have to deal with this,” you say, throwing your hands in the air, “I’m leaving!” Turning on your heel, grabbing your purse off the kitchen counter.
“No the fuck you’re not,” Taiju says, heavy footstep sounding behind you.
“Yes the fuck I am,” you counter but before your hand can touch the front door handle Taiju grabs your wrist and turns your back to the door, his towering figure looming over you.
“You’re not leaving this damn house.” Leaning over you till your noses are centimeters apart, you daringly cross the distance till they are touching.
“Or what?” you taunt, any sane person would know this to be a death wish but you’re too fired up with rage to care which only fans the fury burning behind your fiance’s amber eyes.
In a blink of an eye your body becomes weightless, Taiju lifts you up and slams your back against the door before he takes your lips with his. Limbs tightening, teeth clashing and hair pulling—the two of you become a tangled mess of hot breath and lust.
Sitting on the kitchen counter with articles of clothing falling off by the second, you feel Taiju’s hard cock grinding against you. A strangled cry falls from your lips when he pulls your head back by your hair, his strong hand firmly holding your roots, leaving you little room to move.
“I’m going to fuck you so hard you wont be able to walk out that damn door.”
“Bite me,” you say before he cuts you off with his hungry mouth, he takes you back to the living room where he unceremoniously tosses you onto the couch. You watch as he tears off his remaining clothes till he is standing completely naked, his powerful body on full display. Straddling your torso, Taiju yanks you up right by your hair once more and rubs his leaking cockhead against your mouth.
“Open,” he commands, “I’m going to fuck the smart ass right out of this fucking mouth of yours.” His other hand pries your mouth open just enough for him to sheath his thick length down your throat till you gag. You look pitiful with your mouth stretched wide, drool seeping from the corners of your lips and his balls smacking your chin as tears fall down your cheeks. Your hands grip his thighs for support, your nails digging into his muscle so hard you could draw blood.
“Such a good little cock slut. You think you’ve learned your lesson?” he asks, roughly pulling out of your mouth allowing you breath, spit falling from your lips as you gasp for air.
“Go to hell,” you spit. With nothing but a growl as his response Taiju quickly flips you over till you are holding onto the back of the couch. Pulling your work skirt up over your hips, Taiju’s strong hand comes down on your bare asscheek with a hard smack!
Pulling your panties to the side he stuffs his throbbing cock into your pussy and begins to pound into you with as much force as he can muster. Every harsh pump, an expression of his anger.
“Filthy little cunt already soaking wet for me. You like it when I’m rough with you, huh? Like talking back to me, knowing I’ll fuck the brat right out of you?” His taunts hiss between his gritted teeth, his hand spanking your ass over and over again till you cry out.
“Fuck!” you cry, your head hanging down before he pulls it back up till you’re looking at yourself in the reflection of the dark window, his mouth right next to your ear.
“Look at yourself as you take my cock—Shit!” he yells, standing back, one hand in your hair and the other pulling your hips back to him as he watches your greedy pussy swallow his thick length.
“Yes, Taiju! Fuck me like you mean it,” you moan, he laughs at your meager attempts at remaining mad at him but the truth is you love him and you love this. He makes your body feel on fire, the way he uses his strength against you is more powerful than any drug you can find.
“Always trying to act all big and bad but you’re nothing but putty in my hand—or should I say on my cock.” His voice is condescending and annoying but all that goes out the window when he releases your hip to scratch at your neglected clitoris, shooting you over the edge. Incoherent wails and words fall from your lips as he continues to piston his cock in your exhausted cunt and you can hear that your fiance isn’t far behind.
“Fuck, Baby, you’re squeezing my cock so tight,” he groans, releasing you entirely to pull your hips back with both hands, his pumps becoming stuttered and impatient for his end. “You want my cum, Baby? Want me to fill you nice and full?”
“Yes. Yes!” you cry, a second high drawing near. Reaching between your legs you rub your clitoris with quick circles as Taiju finally erupts within you, his hip still using you to milk every drop from his balls taking you over the edge with him one last time.
The two of you are hunched over the couch, heaving for breath, collecting yourselves from your heated joining. Your dazed thoughts are brought back when you feel Taiju’s lips pressing against your bare shoulder.
“I love you,” he grumbles in a low voice, much softer than he was moments before, “I’m sorry.” His apology is sincere, looking over your shoulder you give him a smile.
“I’m sorry too.” Pulling out of you, you were about to go to the bathroom to clean up but Tiaju throws you over his shoulder and heads towards the stairs. “Tai!”
“Sorry, Sweetheart but I still have some anger left to get out.”
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I hope you enjoyed it!
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yukkoislost · 2 months
okay last magical girl au doodle for a while (maybe) cuz i have another idea and will be cooking up another storm (help)
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trying out a new eye style??? idk yet. anyway meet some of the side characters in this au !!
i was gonna draw J in too but then i ran outta space so she and some others gotta wait for a while sorry 😞🙏 it's a lil messy mb
more below cut 👍
aight so ill go w the one w more students rn
doll and V go to the same school,, it's a international/private school. V is older than doll and uzi so she's in a different grade and despite going to the same school, she and doll don't cross paths often.
i was half considering their race and then remembered that they're drones and don't really have a race but doll still speaks russian SO i might as well have fun w it !!!! V is italian.
cuz of their strict school rules, doll has to tie her hair up since she doesnt want to cut her hair,, V already has short hair. their uniforms is as u can see in the pic cuz I CANT DESCRIBE CLOTHES SORRY SOBS
V keeps her glasses !!!! in her normal drone form. how she sees as a magical girl?? uhm. chalk it up to cyn being able to do smt abt her vision, haven't decided yet,,
cant have doll without lizzy or V without her squad so lizzy and N and J are in the same sch too !! N and J are in the same grade as V ofc, J has more classes than N and V because.
lizzy and thad are siblings in this au (cuz it sits well w me idk its a fun thought) and they semi-share eye light colours 👍 lizzy went w her dad while thad stayed w the mom, so they grew up in different environments :)
thad and uzi are in the same school !! same grade etc. uzi's more of a loner student and she likes to eat her meals in the school washrooms (don't ask) but if thad invites her she'll eat in the cafetaria w him (as long as his other friends aren't around, she hates them)
uzi's school doesnt know exactly have uniforms?¿ it js came out when i drew her anyway tho 😭 her school is less strict on dress codes so they can wear whatever,, their school is a public one btw
V's full name is Guinevere
N's full name is Angelus
am i reusing names??? yes. yes i am.
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artfight · 1 month
Can I reuse the same poses for my attacks? Not using a base, I just have the tendency to draw the same poses as I'm not very experienced otherwise. This is my first year and I do not want to stress myself out trying to come up with unique poses for each attack I do but I will try to do some variety. I am very excited though! :)
Yes, that sounds fine - as long as you aren't using a base!
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falling-skyzz · 5 months
How. How does one make good character design and pleasant color palettes. How to make a color palette without reusing colors. How to make patterns or designs?? 😭🙏
cracks knuckles. you see theres but one trick i reuse over and over.
✨color theory✨
(well, at least i think it is. i never learned this stuff properly, so i dont have names for these things)
its gonna get a little long so ill put all of this below the cut, but tldr be aware of certain color combos relating to their positions on the color wheel + remember scales (??? they prob arent actually called that erm) + fuck it we ball with markings
OKAY SO im typing this at 1:21 am on my phone and my right eye is hurting so pls forgive any typos and mistakes, and if i sound like i know my stuff but i dont PLEASE point it out to me so i can correct myself ;;;;
first of all, color combos. yes, all the stuff u learned in grade 5 art class actually works.
take a look at this bad boy. (i use autodesk sketchbook to draw, not ibispaint, but its the same on both programs)
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color combos are always relationships between any given color with other colors based on their positions on the ring around the diamond.
for example, complementary colors are always opposite each other on the ring.
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i use this for opah (my oc)’s design, with her dark blue-green and orange.
(as far as i know color combos dont care about the diamond in the middle, just the ring, so the actual colors themselves are pretty flexible)
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(bonus auklet)
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theres a lot of other combos besides complementary but you can research that urself, ill just provide an example if i have one of the most common ones
ermm i actually dont use this one very much so im just gonna put a hilda (which is an AWESOME show that has INSANE color theory)
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(this isnt technically triadic but its the best example i have and vaguely in a triangle trio formation okay…….)
this is my FAVORITE combo ever, because it lets me stay in the strict wof tribe color range while still being interesting. honestly u could take any design of mine and 99% chance theres analogous in there
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if u wanna know more combos just google color theory schemes, theres more than i could ever remember and i dont really bother to use them all; for wof, i usually just stick with analogous and complementary.
uhm i dont know if tumblr has a word limit but i dont wanna make this too long so i shall reblog with part 2 soon !!!!!! (if u dont hear from me in the next hour i fell asleep)
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lunawings · 5 months
Just watched the new Pretty Series livestream. I read no one else's comments, I just woke up, watched the stream, and am posting now.
First impressions.
WOW. WOOOOW. Aikatsu is really deader than a doornail if they are allowed to do this...... (Aikatsu Friends Planet the Pretty Series anime). That's kinda sad.
Uhhhh first series with two protags? Did they really say that? EXCUSE ME!?!? L-I-E-S! Do they really expect us to forget that's exactly how they promoted Idol Time when it came out because they were afraid to just say Yui is the new protag?
The new arcade cabinet looks kinda familiar. Are they... Are they reusing a card fighting game cabinet for a rhythm game!? I don't really like that.... you're going to damage your cards.....
THE MACHINE JAMMED. ON THE LIVESTREAM. This is the most Pretty Series thing that has ever happened and I'm glad some things will never change.
Okay, it's not a rhythm game, really. It's like a draw a shape while a song plays game. I like the whole judging concept but otherwise not feeling too depressed I can't play this game. It doesn't even have coord change?
OOOOKAY here it is. AiPri Verse is the one I am depressed I can't play. But like. Aikatsu is gone, they have no one to compete with, so they're making two arcade games to compete with themselves!!?
(Ohhh you can use the same character on both so yes but no.)
Honestly though, PriMagi still looks like more fun. I really hope this means they'll just leave the PriMagi machines where they are until the upgrade!? Please please!!
(But, this also probably means Prism Stone will just upgrade their PriMagi machines when it starts, leaving none behind...)
(Uh ohhh........ she didn't read any comments. Haha I wonder if everyone else feels the same.)
In the anime trailer, Himari debuts but needs to keep it a secret from her longtime friend Mitsuki. But, clearly Mitsuki will do or already does AiPri too. I wonder if she's like already a big AiPri star and has been hiding it from Himari the whole time? Will the big reveal come in the beginning, middle, or end of the series... could be frustrating or fun!
So yeah. The whole "secret" concept is interesting. Teaching kids they need to keep their AiPri debut a secret from their friends may not be the best marketing? But for an adult who plays kids games, I love it hahah...
What I am not sure if I like, is that the Pri in AiPri is for Princess? Idol Princess?
Aikatsu meets Go Princess Precure the Pretty Series anime.
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11/13/2023: Everyone, please meet Camilla Hect!
Camilla here was originally Just Like You #62. I was absolutely dead-set on finding this exact doll for Cam because of the following logic: I personally use the actress Ariela Barer as a drawing reference for Cam. Ariela Barer, coincidentally, played Sonali in the American Girl movie Chrissa Stands Strong. While the Sonali mold is used by a variety of dolls, #62 is much closer to Ariela Barer's actual skin tone (and the skin tone a lot of fan art uses for Camilla) than the Sonali doll proper (and Sonali is extremely hard to find for prices I'd pay, especially for a doll I'm modding). #62 also has what are described as "amber-brown" eyes, but look passably grey-brown in person, so I'm not going to have to eye-swap her!
#62, however, came with some beautiful, glossy, very un-Camilla hair.
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Lovely, right? But very not her.
(Also, look at her face, she is so cute. All of the dolls are cute, but I am particularly delighted by the Sonali mold dolls, I think because that was one of the molds that wasn't released until after my original childhood dolls phase so it's new to me.)
Luckily, this provided a very convenient solution for another problem here at Saint Alecto's: Abigail's poor coiffure.
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As you can see, the hair our dear Lady Pent came to us with has seen better days. To say nothing of the frizziness (which we would gladly treat if that were the only problem!) there's that inconvenient case of back-of-head bangs she had going there.
As I have done several times now, I set about removing the girls' wigs. (I get my advice, as I'm sure many of us do, from @desertdollranch's rewigging post.) This is a significantly more stressful process when you're trying to maintain the integrity of one of the wigs you're working with! (And okay, Gideon's wig actually came on Harrow's doll so I have reused before... but it didn't matter if Gideon's hair got a little messed up in the process. It adds character.)
My beloved wife and fellow... uh, guardian (I guess? God, we're not their moms, that would be so weird!) of the dolls @incomprehensiblelentils was, as often she is, ready with the Magic Eraser for sudden trouble spots; she also provided support (literally: holding the girls as I worked) and company.
And lo and behold!
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Abigail Pent now has a beautiful new hairdo! (And I am more convinced than ever that she's going to need some lipstick. Nothing crazy, just a bit of color. That's for another day.)
More importantly, Camilla now has her trademark bob, as seen above. It's the Hoshi in chocolate brown by PurplePlumWigs (and yes, it is kind of gay* that Cam and Dulcie's wigs came from the same shop! This is part of why we can't be their moms: so many of these kids are in lesbians* with each other!) Her overalls are by StarBriteDoll on Etsy; the boots and tank top are harvested from eBay outfits.
(Abigail's outfit is also from eBay: glasses, sweater, skirt, shoes.)
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risingblackmoon · 11 months
OK. It's not PERFECT, but it's... Good enough. I'll cope.
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I'll have a full breakdown under the cut bc I don't like my handwriting HFNFHG also I didn't. Have enough space... BUT YEA HERE THEY ARE!!! MY BOYS!!
First thing I want to note is that their heads aren't THAT oval.. I just already had the face down and it looked good, so I went with it. The Sun doodle is actually more accurate! Here's two(three?) more examples of their "real" face shape
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Also yes I did retrace their hands for the palm reference, and I did reuse the stars for Moon's hat and pants. I am...not good at drawing hands or stars.... And I wanted this reference to look decent at least..
With that out of the way, here's the actual breakdown!
You could say both attendants have a rather bland face, having only a simple two-toned faceplate with swirls of the opposing color on each side. That being said, they still need to emote (my art relies HEAVILY on facial expressions), which is where it gets a little interesting! When expressing anything other than neutrality, they get EYEBROWS!!! Every time these appear, the right eyebrow will have a swirl at the end facing either up or down depending on the emotion being conveyed- a homage to the swirl symbol above this eye in the game! Speaking of their eyes, yea, they have different colored eyes. Sun's are pure white, as is the LED behind them! When his face is being shadowed, or he's in a dark room, these LED pupils are more clear. Moon's, however, are clearly different- but but but, there's a reason for that! See, my Moon was made to look scary in order to "scare the monsters and nightmares away"! So he loops back around to being comforting. That's why his "teeth" are sharp and angular as opposed to Sun's straight and square ones (of which I really only draw his tooth gap)! The last thing I want to talk about in regards to their face area is Sun's rays and Moon's cap. It may LOOK like Sun has 5 rays, but that's not entirely true. He actually has two smaller ones on either side of his neck, but they're hidden behind his collar, making 7! Technically, he has 4 more too, but he never has those out... He thinks they're too sharp. For Moon's nightcap, I wanted to have the brim be extra fluffy! Depending on which way he's facing, that's where the fluff will be (unless he's facing the front, in which it defaults to the right). The tail end of his night cap almost always sticks out in the opposite direction of his fluff, but it's not mandatory.
Now, onto their clothes. Instead of ruffles, I gave them butterfly bows! There's no real in-world reason for this like a lot of my other design features, I just can't draw ruffles and I thought the bows looked neat. They do add a nice separation between their high collars and their chest, I suppose. Speaking of, their high collar and sleeves are secured inside their chest piece and are completely removable! As are their pants and ribbons. The high collar prevents children from gripping at their metal "neck", while the soft sleeves and pants are simply more cuddly than plastic casing. The sleeves are also inspired by Shandzii's Sun and Moon designs!! I could be mistaken, but I think their Sun and Moon are what dragged me into the depths of the DCA fandom!! Go check them out if you haven't already. Back to the design breakdown, the sleeves and collar are colored with the same colors present on their chests. The sleeves on both attendants differ in design, though, just like their arms beneath them. I wanted to switch the colors on each sleeve in correlation to the side they're on, but I also wanted to keep their canon design elements.. So I gave Sun solid-colored sleeves, and Moon gradients! Beneath the sleeves, Moon and Sun have the same patterns they do in security breach (except the gray on Sun is replaced with the warmer yellow on his chest/sleeves). Their leg casings share this as well.
Sun and Moon's hands diverge from canon just a tad bit. Their fingers share the same color as the darker side of their faceplates, because I didn't want to abandon those colors!! But the most interesting part has to be their paw pads. I saw some people do it, and I just couldn't resist! Paws!!! They're soft AND squeakable! They're also present on the soles of their feet, too! Squeak squeak squeak... I also gave them retractable claws sharing the same color as their paw pads, which borrow the colors of Sun's rays and Moon's ribbons. They're there to assist in security and their general acrobatics across the daycare! After getting struck with the virus, Moon not only has them out all the time, but has sharpened them as well... Not cool, Moonie. Your claws were blunt for a REASON!!!
There's not much to say about their ribbons aside from the fact the ribbon around their middle ties into a lovely bow in the back! Oh, and they ALL change color, unlike in the main game. That's not a dig at the canon design, Moon looks stunning in red! I just wanted to keep a consistent color scheme for both attendants..
That's about it! Thanks for making it this far! Here's a sketch of my current design of Eclipse as a treat! They're messy, but that's on purpose.
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steelthroat · 2 months
8 and 5 for the art questions?
Hiiii and thanks for the ask!
5. Do you practice other styles/have you tried other styles in the past?
Yeah I mean it would be more accurate to say I am deep in Mt experimental phase... I don't have a style, I'm trying new things, so yeah definitely.
Hm like these are 3 works by me in the same month:
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(<- the last one was the project for my sculpture. Which fun fact I started last yeat, then completed in 10/12 hours of work and painted this year because the school year was over)
8. What is your favourite piece that you have done?
So... although I like drawing in a more stylized/comic way... but I'm much better at sculpting and realistic paintings.
Which is- ironic in a painful way.
But 2 works that left me genuinely happy about the outcome are this one:
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"War poets"
Did these (+ the other drawings of the project i won't post) in 18 hours total. The bas-relief (is that the word?) was made in less than 2 hours and it's my personal record.
Now, it doesn't exist anymore because it was a school thing (a trial exam or something), and it was destroyed to reuse the clay. Yes, I'm still sour about it, but now I know I can redo it and better.
I like it because I took a risk experimenting and it came out good. For once I was fast and i didn't falter under all that pressure, also it was faithful to the vision I had in mind and I like the style I used so yay.
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sirendeepity · 2 years
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[ Gwynriel one-shot ]
A/N: the cake header didn't win in the end, but I kinda liked it so watch out because I might reuse it in the future. Anywaay Idk how to classify this, because it's many things and nothing at all, so- Enjoy?
P.s.: for all my Nessian lovers at heart, yes, this one-shot was originally meant for them, and only recently I chose violence and made it Gwynriel <3
P.p.s.: keep in mind that I was too lazy to do serious medical research on a fictional creature's anatomy, so if anything I said here makes no sense, just roll with it
P.p.p.s.: it's been more than a year since I first published this and the damn cake header- SO here it is. The infamous cake header. I love it so much, it's not even funny. If you're reading this now and have no idea what all of this is about, just know that the loser is now the winner, make of that what you wish
W/C: 2.7k
T/W: depiction of injury, blood
Gwyn closed her book with a loud thud, the sound echoing through the empty library down to its darkest corners.
“What is it?” She asked, running low on patience. Something was clearly bothering the young priestess, and that “something” had a name, a face, and even a title. Multiple titles, actually. Or nicknames, depending on who you ask.
Namely: Kingslayer (she was fine with it, so long as you addressed the other kingslayer the same way), Goddess of Death (“I am no such thing”), Princess of Decay (not her best, if Gwyn had to be honest, but she could live with it), Lady Death (this one, in particular, she enjoyed more than she let on, and Cassian’s personal favorite), Queen of Queens (so much for her pride and ego, as if Nesta didn’t have enough of them already), Valkyrie, General, Oristian (the one and only cause of many, many heated quarrels between the two of them. Take a bet, you’d be wrong anyway), and on and forward with mighty and frightening titles like Archeron, Sweetheart, Nes.
The latter, specifically, was the cause of the discomfort in the House of Wind. The sentiment, well, it belonged to its owner and creator, but it mattered little since it reflected on the building as a whole, and therefore anyone who currently resided in it.
“Nesta,” the redhead urged, drawing back the attention to the present moment, “what’s wrong? You’ve been uneasy and anxious all afternoon. And that damned knee-”
Nesta Archeron stopped her bouncing knee at once.
“Nothing’s wrong,” Nesta replied, burying her nose back into her book. The priestess knew her friend was not reading a single word since she hasn’t flipped a page once in the past half hour.
Gwyn just stared at her pointedly, waiting for the other to just give up any pretense and confess the cause of her distress, blurting out whatever was worrying both her mind and her heart. Normally, it would’ve taken a lot more than just a look to tear Nesta Archeron’s defenses down, but normally she wouldn’t have been in such a state in the first place.
With a loud huff of defeat, Nesta closed her book as well. “It’s Cassian,” she admitted.
“Yes, that I already knew,” replied Gwyn, not surprised in the least. “The real question is why? I mean, you’ve known each other for quite some time now, it’s not like this is the first mission he took part in.”
“Leading, actually,” Nesta corrected, “but that’s not the point, is it?”
The priestess shook her head, just a little, and gave her friend pause to find the right words to express herself. She was aware of the struggles Nesta still faced whenever she had to open her heart, to laid it bare for the world to wound. But Gwyn also knew that she was trying her best, fighting against her own mind, the old bad habits screaming at her to tear apart any threat with bared teeth because cowering—failing—was not an option. She just needed some time to rummage through her vocabulary, making sure she used the right words, so she wouldn’t end up being misunderstood and then had to find different words to repeat herself. Gods knew how Nesta despised saying the same thing twice.
“I know he’s been a part of many missions already, but this one is different,” Nesta said. “This one is big, and secretive. It’s a serious thing—more than the others, I mean. Azriel is the ‘secretive’ one, not Cassian.” Her index and middle finger curled in the air, stating her point. “Contacts of any kind have been banned between us, and…”
“And?” Gwyn prompted once the silence stretched on. Letting Nesta stay inside her head for too long was not wise, not while she was in these conditions: eaten alive by nerves and anxiety and doubts. You name it.
“And he shut me out. His end of the mating bond… It is not there. I can reach up to the very same point, and then nothing. It’s like walking on a bridge and at some point, it just stops. Or it goes on, but you wouldn’t know because there’s a wall of mist blocking you from reaching the other end. This is what is killing me. I feel nothing from it—from him. He could be injured or dying or already dead and I wouldn’t even know!”
Gwyn met her friend’s troubles with sympathy in her eyes and logic in her mind—there was space for only one kind of sentimentalism here, and it wasn’t hers. She couldn’t say she understood what Nesta was going through, exactly, but maybe one day she would. If it were up to her, there would be two of them worrying over their mates’ wellbeing and safety, but since it wasn’t up to her and her only, she could do nothing but wait and try and hope that he just opened his eyes and— Gwyn shook her head. Focus on Nesta, she thought. She needs you most.
“That’s not true, Nesta,” the priestess started, comforting words pouring out of her like water. “Even if he tries to block his end of the bond to prevent it from reaching out to you, there is just so much he can do. If something, anything, worth of serious notice happened to him, you would still know it. You would feel it. That’s one of the wonders of a mating bond. The same soul in two different bodies.”
Nesta rolled her eyes at the cheesy words, and Gwyn couldn’t help her own giggle.
You can pretend all you want, Archeron. I know you’re a romantic at heart.
The youngest covered her face, groaning into her hands. The sound came out muffled, just like her words. “It doesn’t sound so funny when you’re in my situation. I can’t even fucking function like a normal person. All I can do is walk around the House like an angry gremlin, biting everyone’s head off. I think I accidentally made one of the new acolytes cry a few days ago.”
“You do look like a bundle of nerves and pure evil.”
Gwyn laughed again. “Come on, we just need some cuddles and self-care.” Also known as cakes and bubble baths. They’d always worked wonders. She rose from her seat, the book forgotten, and extended a hand in her friend’s direction. Nesta eyed it for a moment longer before pushing the pillows aside and interlacing their fingers.
“We could call Emerie, too. Code Purple. I’m sure she would close down the shop and come her running on her own two feet if we only asked—”
The door of the private library opened, banging against the wall on its way, cutting Gwyn off. Both females turned toward the source of the disturbance, guards raised and brows furrowed.
Gwyn relaxed first. Speaking of the devil…
“We were just talking about you,” the priestess said in way of greetings, but her relief didn’t live long. Something was alarming the Illyrian, who bounced her brown eyes between pairs of teal and silver.
Something’s wrong.
As if on cue, Emerie took a shallow breath and voiced what was unsettling them all, “The guys are back. They’re not okay.”
One moment, Nesta was there. The next, she was gone, fleeing out of the room so fast that even Gwyn’s sharp reflexes needed their sweet time to register what has just happened. Only she and Emerie were left in the library now, their alarmed stares mirroring each other.
“How bad is he?” Asked Gwyn, needing to know what was coming her way if she wanted to help Nesta in any useful way.
Emerie just looked at her for a long moment, her dark eyebrows tipping upward. From concern to sympathy. No, commiseration.
“It’s not Cassian,” she said at last.
Gwyn’s heart dropped, free-falling to the ground. No. No, no, no, no. Her feet moved on their own accord, pushing past Emerie and toward the doors. To go where she didn’t know. She just needed to go. She felt the faint presence of her friend at her heels, saying something to her—of that Gwyn was almost sure—but she couldn’t hear a word over the high-pitched sound filling her head. It reminded her of that one time when Azriel flew them so high above the clouds her teeth started clattering from the frigid air and her ears popped. She threw it right back at him, screaming at the top of her lungs when he stilled his wings and hold her tight to him as they pummeled back toward the green of the mountains. The adrenaline rush left her so dizzy she couldn’t even stand on her own once Azriel got them both back to safety. She remembered throwing up her breakfast and then asking the Shadowsinger for a second round. She would laugh at the memory now if she hadn’t come to a stop in front of an open doorway, her eyes swiftly scanning the room. Not him, not him, not—
She registered the High Lord and his second, keeping themselves out of the way on the side of the room, following everyone’s movements like hawks, and not far from them stood Morrigan. Concern lined her usually soft features, yet she was still too much of a coward to just— Stop. Not now. She stepped further into the room, finding Nesta’s eyes next: she was glued to her mate’s side, trying to reign in her relief. She tipped her head toward the other side of the room, where her sisters stood around—
“Azriel,” Gwyn breathed, her voice no more than a strangled whisper.
He was on his knees, eyes closed, his chest barely rising enough for air to fill his lungs. His armor had already been discarded, left in a puddle of dark metal on the carpet, and the shirt—torn open on the back—was dripping with blood. His blood.
Elain’s hands were cupping his face, mumbling sweet nothings to him as he failed to contain his pained grunts whenever Feyre, on the other end of him, worked her healing magic. Or tried to, if her slightly panicked expression was of any indication.
Normally, seeing the Seer anywhere close to him made her see red. Now she could not see nor hear anything but him. The odd angle of his bent wings, the sweat crowning his brow, the trembles of his closed fists, so tight the knuckles were white as sheets, and the slow hiss escaping through clenched teeth as he tried not to show his friends the full extent of the pain he was in. Gwyn could feel all of it—that blinding pain. Almost like it was her own. The shadows, his loyal companions, were nowhere to be seen. They’re feeling it too, Gwyn thought. But they’re scared. And she knew why.
She set his jaw and steeled her spine, pushing her own concerns aside and locking them in the back of her mind, where they couldn’t distract her anymore, and walked as close to him as she could without stepping on the middle Archeron.
“What happened,” she demanded no one in particular.
It was Cassian who answered, his voice drifting toward her, dripping with guilt, “They were onto us, a stray arrow got stuck in the wrong part of his wings. I had to fly both the hell out of there while one of us still had wings to do so.”
Gwyn willed the High Lady’s attention on her. It always left her startled—the similarity: Feyre and Nesta’s eyes were like two drops of water, yet it was impossible to mistake one for the other. The same, but different.
There was no difference in the concern filling them now. “The wound’s not clean. The tip cut through the tendon, leaving the nerves exposed and on the brink of snapping. It’s hard to proceed now—he’s lost so much blood already, and the arrows must’ve been dipped in poisons of some kind because it’s like his body is fighting against me.” Feyre exhaled, backing her bloodied hands away from the torn skin. She shook her head slowly, “It’s such a mess.”
“Let me try.”
Silence fell. Gwyn’s voice sounded foreign to her own ears, but she repeated herself nonetheless, more security lacing her words this time around. “Let me try.”
The youngest sister exchanged wary looks with the other members of the family, the only people currently crowding the room.
“Gwyn,” Nesta said, probably trying to talk her out of it.
“Let. Me. Try.” Her sharp tone left no room for debate, one Gwyn had no intention of having right then. They could scream at her about her irreverence all they wanted once Azriel didn’t look like the ghost of himself anymore.
With a nod from the High Lady, Elain rose from the floor, stepping back and out of the way. As soon as she had enough room for movement, Gwyn took a deep breath and fell to her knees in front of the Illyrian warrior. He flinched slightly, muscles tensing, but kept his eyes closed and his head bent toward the ground. One hand slipped inside her pocket, gripping the cold stone she kept carrying around without fail and placed it on his chest. Blue stone against blue stone.
“Look at me,” she whispered against Azriel’s arched ear. When she received no response, she pressed her palm against his dark cheek, prompting him to raise his head. “Look at me, Azriel,” she said again.
He did, slowly opening his eyes to meet hers. She could barely make out the colors of his irises, glossed over and covered by black lashes. In the state he was in, even the tiniest action was a struggle. Gwyn didn’t waste any more time as she gradually drifted her fingers to his neck and down his back, ignoring the raging need growing inside her chest at the slick wetness meeting her fingertips, clawing her insides and screaming protect, protect, protect.
Gwyn didn’t blink once as her hand found its way toward the bleeding wound. She was glad she didn’t see the full damage of the injury or may the Gods have mercy on whoever did this to him because she would be out for blood. She knew she reached her target when Azriel’s scarred hand shot up and closed around her arm in a bone-shattering grip, startling her.
After a calming breath and various failed attempts, she managed to let the words past the lump clogging her throat. “Let me try,” she said, hopefully for the last time. “Please,” Gwyn begged, voice breaking. She leaned forward until their brows met, keeping them pressed one against the other as she waited for Azriel to accept her help—or deny it.
He let out a deep breath, the movement causing a bolt of pain to stiffen his crunching form, before unfolding the fingers from around her arm.
“Make it stop.”
It was all Azriel said before she felt him give in and give up to the agony, letting the weight of his body fall on hers as he hid his face in the crook of her neck. Gwyn closed her eyes, allowing herself to bask in the feeling of him as relief poured out of her lungs. And with it, she got back to work. With a grounding breath to calm her wild heart, she opened up to the healing power of the Invoking Stone. It flew through his Siphon, restoring from the inside, and run through her veins, using her body as a conductor, making her skin lit up. That earned her a couple of gasps, making Gwyn acutely aware of the eyes now burning holes in her back. Only Nesta and Emerie had ever seen her like that—shining like one of the many stars in the sky. Still, she couldn’t bring herself to care. Willing the stone’s power—the Mother’s power—to stitch him up for good, Gwyn buried her nose in his hair and inhaled his scent until she choked on it, just as his shadows shyly showed themselves again, wrapping around their embracing bodies like a dark blanket.
Mate. Oh, how she wished she could say those words out loud, screaming them for everyone to hear. The Spymaster of the Night Court is my mate.
She healed Azriel’s bleeding wings, but who would heal her bleeding heart?
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howl-of-the-blood · 1 year
15 questions (writer edition) tag game
I was tagged by @dotr-rose-love @pheita and @bloodlessheirbyjacques and I got a request for a character too so let's see what Lalik has to say:
1. Are you named after anyone?
I am apparently named after my father's grandfather. Which is a common practice in the Kohanov family - we reuse 4 male and 4 female names for generations. My father's name is Kohan Kohanov after the forefather of our small dynasty. Yes, I get often confused, too.
2. When was the last time you cried?
From pain, this morning when I hit my little finger against the door. From mental pain... last week when my mother wrote a particularly delightful letter to me.
3. Do you have kids?
Me? I wouldn't know how to make them haha... I mean, I would but I can't. I mean I can but... *sigh* No, I don't have any kids.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Yes, but not as often as people think.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Do they have dandruff or not... I am not jesting. I actually like people's hairs and I the first thing I notice is how healthy and clean their hair is. I don't know why.
6. What's your eye color?
Vivid blue. Deep blue. Sapphire blue. I'm not sure. It depends.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Both actually. I love movies. Maybe I lean a little bit more toward happy endings.
8. Any special talents?
I can sometimes talk with animals. Not a lot of magicians have that ability, I've been told. What else... I'm an excellent prankster and I can make some sweet puns, too.
9. Where were you born?
In my father's residence, about 100 kilometers from Volkobran.
10. What are your hobbies?
Does planning out pranks count? I do love thinking about people's weaknesses, how to exploit them, the time, the place. If I can prank two people at the same time that would bring me joy for a month. Aside from that, I love collecting unusual toys or interesting chess pieces... And yes, I love playing with them *blushes*. Oh and I can draw a little bit.
11. Have you any pets?
I really can't be responsible for another being. Can I be someone's pet?... Wait...
12. What sports do you play/have played?
I'm truly pathetic at any sports, especially team sports. I'm good at running, though. Especially from my responsibilities.
13. How tall are you?
194 cm. 195 when I stop slouching.
14. Favorite subject in school?
I was mediocre at everything. But I did like math and art.
15. Dream job?
Hmm... Anything without too much responsibilities and human interaction. Maybe making video games?
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sciralta · 2 years
I really liked Untameable but one thing that really bothered me was the sprites were in neutral most of the time, especially during 💎30 scenes.
Like, the characters would be having an orgasm and going 'Oh, yes, yes!' while their faces are 😐. No smiles or surprised reactions, just a straight face for the majority.
It really bothered me and I felt like it undercut the impact of the scenes (I say 'impact' because I don't know how else to describe it and 'excitement' sounds like something else).
Have you or anyone else here noticed that as well? Am I overthinking it or misremembering the amount of expressions used in these scenes in other books?
Sign the petition to add a 6th expression to the character assets: O face.
Some of the expressions are a bit… bad, to be honest. I wish they’d put a bit more effort into them but I also understand how much of a pain it is.
I’ve always thought Choices should have more dynamic sprites. The reason they don’t is because it makes it easier to reuse the same assets in other stories. I don’t personally like that because you can really tell when they’ve pasted the head onto a a body, some of the musculature looks a bit weird and at least on some bodies the anatomy particularly around the hips and legs is a bit off.
All of which I am now less likely to complain about after having to do it myself because it really is a pain in the ass to have to draw a whole new body, but still come on girl get it together. I mean I’m probably still gonna complain I’m just gonna be less mean about it lol.
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avulleonastick · 2 years
what abt S and T?
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
Oh hummmmmmm. I'm not sure I super have headcanons, tbh? Like... I sometimes take ideas and build fics and stuff around them, and sometimes I reuse those a lot, but I don't feel super attached to them? Maybe that's what a headcanon is?
For Naruto, I have "all ninjas are bi and poly" from the fic I never stop talking about and "orochimaru, tsunade and jiraiya were a triad before everything went to shit".
For RWBY, I have "Ruby is trans" because like 90% of the RWBY fic I've ever read was trans-Ruby fanfic and it's actually the greatest idea.
For Supergirl, I have... "Supergirl is transfemme" because like... it makes the shows everything so much more interesting! Like, the girl is so Rah Rah Girl Power, which I've personally found to be moderately poison as a trans woman. Like, how does being "Supergirl" make Kara feel? Like, the skirt and lipstick and the Everything Everything of that? Does she feel she needs to do that to not be subsumed into her (male) cousins shadow? Does she like those things? She is so Strong Strong Strong which is such a male-coded thing, and I feel like the show really leans into the Girl Power aspect of that but if Kara is trans than maybe she has weird feelings about that? She eventually switches to pants and ends up in basically the same suit as Superman, which is so very something! The way everyone in the fandom (and probably also in-universe, lbr) Thirsts for her arms and shoulders is also something that I think she would feel ways about! I could really go on forever >.>
Misc: "Chloe is important to Adrien because she was his first friend",
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
Hmmm. Does "Shadow Weaver abused Adora, too" count? Because I have some Strong feelings on that.
"Ruby RWBY is trans" and "Catilyn Arcane is trans" I consider mostly canon and will read every RWBY and Arcane fic from that lens unless I am provided with extremely strong evidence counter to that. (The joke is that there is no evidence strong enough to dissuade me from these points.)
Oh, I know! "Catra has a horrible cat tongue, and her body is completely covered in fur." I will fight people on this. I have been known to (internally) call people cowards for not drawing/writing her furry.
Yes, let's go with that last one.
Pay attention to me!
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snowsheba · 2 years
ALSO not to steal ur ask but at first i also wanted to ask you as many as you wanted to answer but your tags seemed so contemplative i didn't want to pry LOL but your ask has emboldened me so... any extras you haven't answered that you particularly want to share!
i love talking about myself. LOL. under cut to spare your dashboards
1. what's the fic you're most proud of?
"thanks dad, love hana" was a HUGE undertaking. kind of wild how far i went and how well i made it work looking back.
that said: i am most fond of my grand theft auto/aveyond crossover au. it's the exact brand of controlled chaos full of fun and angst and random shit that i crave, LOL.
2. what's a fic that took you to an emotional/dark/hard place?
3. what fic are you emotionally attached to?
4. what fic of your own do you read for comfort?
i wouldn't call them "fics," but i do have some long-form fic starring original characters that i wrote and read back pretty consistently because they are honestly excellent. i haven't posted them anywhere because they are super niche, but i can if people are curious.
5. what fic of your own won't you read?
LOL... the ones that remained buried in my external hard drive... they can stay there.
6. what's the hardest part of the writing process for you?
probably starting? this is why i start with writing the summary, because otherwise it gets weird when i start out. oftentimes i have like three or four false starts before i get into a groove that i like. (i save all the false starts, too! they often get reused and recycled later on in the story.)
7. how does receiving or not receiving feedback/support impact you?
tdlh's success kind of ruined the whole thing for me in some ways. on the one hand, you get accustomed to HUGE amounts of interaction, so having no interaction feels weird. on the other hand, there is so much interaction that it is overwhelming, and it's not good when responding to engagement becomes a chore.
before i wrote tdlh i craved feedback and support because mental eelness and whatever. afterwards... it really put into perspective who i was writing for. most often i wasn't writing for me, i was writing for others. now that i'm writing for myself, i don't need feedback or support in the same way.
i mean let's be clear though i still LOVE to get engagement in general. it feels good when people like the stuff i write!!
8. does anyone in your personal life know you write fic? if not, would you tell anyone?
my immediate family does, in the sense that they know i write it (i don't share it with them lol). my partner does as well! but otherwise very, VERY rarely do i let irl people know i write fic.
9. what's your writing process like?
10. how has writing positively impacted your mental health or overall mood?
writing saved my life! this is undoubtedly true. i would not be here if i hadn't started writing when i did for as long as i have.
these days it's less of a coping mechanism and more of a fun hobby, and i always feel good when i finish something off and post it. the satisfaction of a story well-written is wonderful.
11. Has a fic you’ve written ever caused issues/controversy?
BOY. OH YES. i learned a lot from the experience, too.
essentially: overwatch has two characters, one is [finger wiggles] hispanic and the other is white, the man of color is demonized and becomes this evil terrible terrorist (real original, blizzard) while the white dude becomes this righteous rogue vigilante. i kept these roles in the fic i wrote them in and people started talking about the racist implications of this. rightfully so because it IS racist. this isn't the only big thing, but this is the one that was focused on because people shipped these two pretty hard back in the day.
it draws an interesting line though - as a fic writer, i can change the canon and do whatever i want. but i didn't do that, because i wanted to stay true to canon. if you had asked me back then, i would have said that's a good reason to let it be, but these days, i would have if not addressed it directly then changed it as needed to both suit my purposes and also... not have racism baked in if possible...
it's tough when your source material is already problematic enough and its parent company is a literal shitshow of issues (here's a pretty good summary of events). i take responsibility for the harm that my particular rendition did, but i would be remiss if i didn't acknowledge that actively writing a fic that attempts to remain consistent with canon (i.e. i would change story beats 30 chapters down the line when new lore came out) is bound to be as problematic as the source material itself.
12. What’s your perfect environment to create/write?
13. Do you take pride in your writing, or does it embarrass you? Why?
i DO take pride in my writing. it also embarrasses me immensely.
i don't want to show my ass too much, but i grew up in a household where if i wasn't working on school stuff i'd get punished, so obviously my parents hated how much time i spent writing. there was a lot of shame that went along with it because of the whole "why does it even matter? it's not original fiction" thing as well, so i am very protective of my fanworks and don't advertise them at all irl. because it's embarrassing to explain myself over and over again to people who really don't care, LOL.
of course, these days my parents love to fawn about how good of a writer i am and make me write the yearly christmas newsletters and whatever, but that's parents for you!
14. Do you compare yourself to other writers? In a positive or negative way?
i think i used to, in the way that every kid aspires to be like a particular role model. these days, not at all - there's no point in it. i know my strengths!
15. How do you think your writing as improved over time?
i stopped using ellipses so much, for one. LOL.
in general, reading lots of books and being exposed to lots of different writing mediums has given me a lot of perspective. that's more valuable than anything else, imo. having more experiences to fall back on, more knowledge of the world around me, and a better understanding of people means that my written works have more depth and scope. i think in terms of technical skill i've plateaued to a point that i'm happy with, but when it comes to the actual content and its presentation (i guess rhetoric is the term here), there is ALWAYS more to learn. i've definitely gotten better at rhetoric over the years.
16. Do you re-read old fics? Is there a time in your writing you won’t go back to?
17. What’s the best engagement/interaction/feedback you’ve received from someone who’s read your work?
18. Do you only write when you’re inspired, or do you try and sit down at specific times and write no matter what?
these days i only really do write when i feel inspired to, but that's not because i don't think writing regularly is boring. i mentioned this in another post somewhere, but the majority of my high-volume writing output was during a time of deep depression - writing was an escape, and now that i don't need to escape anymore, it's hard to resume my previous schedule. moreoever, i don't want to, because that schedule was symptomatic of other issues for me. so just when i'm inspired! it helps that when i open a file and look at it, i often feel compelled to write a bit more as the ideals percolate in my brain.
19. If you could write an ideal fic, what would it include?
this changes day by day, but i looooooove a good banter. (what a shocker, i know.) i also love huge explosive emotions and the fallout from them. if a fic can answer the question of what it means to be human in some way, then it's ideal for me.
20. What’s the greatest gift you’ve gotten from your writing?
friends! i've met so many cool people through writing and i continue to keep meeting cool people as i continue to write. it's a gift that never stops giving 🥰
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meandmyechoes · 2 years
look look… i know it's my bad to expect doll standards from an action figure but lord honestly the sideshow ani and obi are so disappointing??!??!! I would’ve been okay if there’s NO basis for comparisons (anyhow there’s still the show) now I would’ve been less frustrated if it can be taken apart and reused. Like, the one saving grace is that their body has a couple more joints than an mtm and you can’t even reuse it because EVERYTHING is stuck permanently, which I would’ve been okay with if it came RESEMBLING THE PROTOTYPE but ugh. 
it’s just that, I’ve seen the same level of painting on a koto 1/10 statue and they are half the price, while the only gimmick for SS’s IS the headscupt. and SS’s isn’t even ACCURATE! You think you’re B*ndai?? You’re selling model kits now?? NO because model kits has customability that YOU DO NOT! Heck M*ttel B*rbie can beat you with a quarter of your pricing at the same trash quality! (and if they do a 5POA with regular doll fabrics, a tenth!) NO YOU KNOW WHAT. FORCES OF D*STINY ANAKIN BEAT YOURS. You must’ve unlocked some secret protal and made him from another timeline. I just don’t think that product belongs in 2022, 2002 maybe.You better draw him with anime eyes so it does it its intended purpose of standing next to my FODka.
but like, i've had three figures so far and honestly it feels so much more boring than a doll release :( they are put on a pedestal of "high-end collectibles" that people don't do much with it in fear of damaging (along with the acutally-not-made-to-endure-play clothing). And there's kind of an elitism with creating photos with them, that if your figures are not backed by cool lighting or ps magic, they are just standing stiffly there.
and yes, the sane thing for me to do right now is just quit the figure fad and put my money to better use but if they’d just release GENERAL KENOBI (usually i’m pretty face-blind but somehow TWO obi-wans revealed yesterday looks NOTHING like himself in a row, to the extent where I am puzzled)
but I think, it isn’t that I’m mad with Sideshow churning out overpriced products of poor quality. They’re kind of notorius for that in the sixth scale figure department. I’m mad that I, after deliberation, at the full knowledge I would never be satisfied with any action figure clothes, fully knowing they do NOT deserve the price, after being handed ‘not-technically-mine’ money, didn’t listen to myself and went and order them. Grievous reissue was RIGHT there and I didn’t listen. There was completely no reason I should do this except ‘I want them’ - and there’re a lot more things that I want, and at a greater need, that would make me much happier.
now I’m exaggerating here, I probably won’t be getting them for another two months or so. maybe our luck’s just about to change. and best case scenario, I should be able to resell at least Obi-wan if I wanted an Anakin for Ahsoka. I don’t know if Sideshow is still gonna make an animated Ahsoka anymore, or that I want theirs. At any rate, it’d be another two-year wait. i would still want to laught at it, at least. Honestly thinking seriously about getting the Koto ‘Soka if I so want. Idk, I do, but also don’t, in the sense that I know it’s not gonna be ‘perfect’. I also don’t have an ideal body type in mind for her. All I want right now is a concept art ‘Soka on an azone with cute hand poses. I have no idea how to make the lekku though. At S1 length I don’t mind them being all stiff so maybe polymer clay should do. and I said that knowing full well I wouldn’t have time to work on that until next Feburary. sigh
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