#yes hi i come late with coffee and donuts????
luveline · 7 months
hiiiiiiiii jade! <3
would you be willing to write a fic about girl dad!spencer x bombshell!reader? i can only imagine what an adorable riot their daughter would be!!!
ty for requesting!! mom!reader
Spencer always thought you were too beautiful for him. Too funny, too brave, too confident. For years he feared he’d never be anyone you could love; he was the opposite of all your best parts, he talked too much about the wrong things, he went red whenever you so much as looked at him, and he couldn’t flirt back, not for anything. 
But it’s been a very long time since he felt that way. What good is a father who doesn’t believe in being yourself? Amanda deserved to be loved from the moment she drew breath, and he shouldn’t have been any different. 
Now, though, he’s wondering if he shouldn’t be so accepting of all her whims. “I am not wearing that, daddy,” she says. 
She’s just old enough to put together sentences but young enough that the individual words sound like building blocks, chunky and clumsy on her little mouth. Her lips are yours, her smiles and frowns one hundred percent you. (Though you argue with him often that the quizzical pout she does is all his.)
“What do you mean, angel?” he asks, bent over her sock drawer looking for a matching pair. 
“This is pink, and this is purple.” She points. 
“Yes, and you like pink and purple!” 
“I like pink… and I like purple,” she says. 
“But not together?” he asks knowingly. “You want them at different times, is that it?” 
She runs for his legs, hugging them tightly. “Thank you.” 
“You’re so much like your mommy it’s scary,” he whispers playfully, leaning down to pat her small back. “Okay, angel. I’ll find you a different dress to wear. Or maybe the dungarees!”
She lifts her chin up to smile at him. “Y’okay.” 
“Spencer, Amy!” you call, voice carrying from the kitchen. “Are you guys ready? We have to go soon and you haven’t even eaten!” 
Spencer used to sit at his desk daydreaming about you. He’d drink five cups of tea a day to get to walk past you for the kitchenette, hoping you’d be making a coffee, that you’d flirt with him over corporate rewarded donuts. Now you’re making him breakfast as he persuades your daughter into jelly shoes because she wants tall shoes like mommy. They compromise —Any will wear the wrong shoes if Spencer agrees to carry her to the kitchen table. 
“Sorry,” Spencer says as he pushes open the door into the kitchen. He's trying to be the best dad he can be all the time, but he doesn’t have a knack for the mornings like you do. “We won’t be late.” 
“That depends on how agreeable my lovely girl is feeling today.” You pick up the pink plastic plate you’ve filled with eggs, toast, and a mix of washed berries. “What do you think, Amy? Looks nummy?”
“Chocolate chip?” she asks, eyes already widening. 
“It’s breakfast, honey,” you say, scooping her out of Spencer’s arm to carry her to the table. “Chocolate chips are for dinner.” 
“If you promise to be really super duper good at Uncle Derek’s, then yes, you can have some chocolate chips,” you say, tucking her chair in, and kissing her chubby cheek. “You want me to make you milk or juice, mm?”
Spencer spots the two plates you’ve made up for you and him on the counter and quickly brings them to the table, sliding yours in front of you with a long-pronged fork, his hand on your shoulder to keep you in your seat. “I’ll get it,” he says, ducking down to kiss you on the side of the mouth. 
You turn to Amy. “See that, sweetheart? See how nice and kind your daddy is to me? He’s soooo nice. This is why we love him so much, and we appreciate him so much.” 
Amy nods emphatically, blueberries tumbling off of her plastic fork. “So much,” she echoes, her voice like melting sugar. 
He has a weird moment by the fridge where he has to grip the handle. “You know I used to dream about making you a cup of coffee in the mornings?” he asks. 
“Spencer, come over here and kiss me again, please,” you say, sympathetic and fond.
“Me too!” Amy says through fruit. “Me first.” 
“Oh, gosh, this is one of the hardest decisions of my life,” he says, sweeping in to dot your cheeks with kisses, hers then yours, three apiece.
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Long Snake Moan 2
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My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Loki
Summary: your boss gives you a task you're not prepared for.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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Loki glowers at the people around him as you approach. You have to resist the urge to turn and run away. Thor helps in that. You know he won’t let you turn back. Not to mention the man who sent you. 
He looks over as Thor calls his name and slaps his arm, “told you, not very long at all.” 
“Mmm,” Loki narrows his eyes and his lips thin. He sends you a cursory sneer. “You came all this way for... Stark’s minion?” 
“I believe her title is Executive Assistant,” Thor corrects him. 
You give a helpless look. A pursing of your lips that must look painful. Loki doesn’t look at you again. His cheeks tauten and his eyes roll towards the ceiling. 
“Right, um, this isn’t very easy to say so... um, Mr...” You look at Thor and he just shrugs. “Loki, erm, alright. So the thing is--” 
“Oh, you know, there’s a cafe I’ve been wanting to try. Steve, you know Steve, he recommended it. Why don’t we sit down and discuss?” Thor claps your back and nudges his brother. You grimace and Loki looks less than impressed. 
“Be out with it.” 
“Oh brother, don’t be rude. Come. You could do with a bit of a treat. You’re in a foul mood.” Thor reproaches. 
“I wonder why that would be,” Loki hisses. 
“Well, as I was saying, I saw they have a special on. A turtle donut? Turtle on a donut? I’ve never heard of such a thing,” he rambles and drags you both across the lobby. 
“It’s not... well, doesn’t matter,” you let the murmur drift off. 
You don’t have much of a choice, or the strength to resist him. You’re ushered out of Stark Tower and towards the cafe you pass on your way in. You stopped in once for one of their holiday lattes but you don’t often get the time to have coffee outside the stale breakroom brew. 
Loki shakes off his brother and follows behind. Thor lets you in first and holds the door. He makes his brother go ahead of him and you join the queue around the counter. 
“What would you like?” Thor asks. 
You bob up and down as you search the cafe. You flinch as you realise he’s talking to you. “Oh, I’m fine--” 
“I insist. Now please, coffee or tea? A late?” 
“Latte,” Loki corrects him. 
“Yes, that.” Thor laughs at himself. 
“Well, I’ll just have a small tea. That’s fine. Um...” you look up at the menu, “Earl Grey is fine.” 
“Black tea, large,” Loki starts before you’re even done speaking. “Since you’re being generous.” 
Thor grins and leans over to look inside the display case. “No sweets?” 
“No thanks.” You answer. Loki doesn’t acknowledge the question, instead glaring at those who stop to stare at his brother. Several lenses are aimed in Thor’s ambivalent direction. 
“May as well find a seat,” Thor stands as the barista motions him up to the cashier, “I’ll find you.” 
You glance over at Loki as he ignores you, rather pointedly as he lifts his nose. You shuffle away and go to an empty table in the corner. You sit against the wall and twiddle your fingers over the table.  
To your surprise, Loki sits across from you. You fidget as your eyes continue to wander around him, never landing on him. He sighs and you chew your lip. 
“Get on with it. I am not in the mood for socializing, especially not with... whatever you are.” 
You tilt your head and your mouth. Right, this is not going to be fun. He has the right idea of it though. It’s best to just get it over with. 
“Okay, uh, right, Loki, sir,” you twist your hand around your finger. “Prince?” 
He blinks dully. You nod, egging yourself on. 
“Mr. Stark sent me to tell you something. And I’m very sorry to be the one to tell you this but--” 
“Tea.” Thor booms as he drops into the chair next to his brother, nearly dropping his armload.  
He doles out the cups and gleefully unwraps his donut. You’re sweltering as you notice the audience behind him, entranced by not only his size but his fame. Loki’s cheeks pinch in irritation as he peeks over his shoulder. 
“So let me just get it done with. Um, you... you...” you frown and your eye brows dip down then pop up. You struggle to find the right way to say it. There really isn’t on. “You cannot stay on earth.” 
Loki spins back to you, his chair scraping on the floor, and Thor chokes on his mouthful of chocolate, pecan, and dough. Both of them make confused noises. 
“You’re being deported. I... I’m sorry.” 
“Deported? Who says I cannot stay in Midgard? Who would make me leave?” Loki scoffs. 
“It... it wasn’t my decision. I was only sent the paperwork and I tried to give it to Mr. Stark--” 
“No doubt he had a hand in it. How can this be? I am a refugee. It was to my understanding that the status guarantees me safe harbour.” He blusters. 
“Brother, please, don’t be angry at the little one. She is merely the harbinger.” Thor coaxes. 
“I’m sorry,” you begin, squirming as your body’s encased in flame, “I understand it’s not ideal but--” 
“You understand?! You understand nothing. My home was destroyed.” He snarls. “How is it I am to be dejected and my brother is free to stay?” 
“I don’t know. I’m sorry, I wasn’t... I didn’t...” 
“Brother, please, she cannot be held responsible--” 
“Don’t tell me who or what!” Loki shoves him away. “Curse this planet and curse Stark.” 
A green flash has you flattened against the back of your chair and your vision speckles. You blink as only an empty chair remains next to Thor. He shakes his head at it and takes another bite. He looks at you and shrugs. 
“Let him have his tantrum. We’ll simply have to try again.” He breaks off a piece of his donut, “you must try this. It doesn’t even taste like turtle. Much sweeter.” 
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theresthesnitch · 6 months
Sirius woke up to the sound of heavy footsteps running up the stairs. He smiled, realizing it meant Harry was home, but it took Remus shifting in his arms to remember exactly what position they were about to be found in.
Remus lifted his head and seemed to realize what they were hearing a moment after Sirius, but Harry's footsteps were on the landing. They hadn't talked about what they were, much less what they were going to tell Harry, and he was about to find them naked in bed together. Sirius panicked and pushed Remus onto the floor on the far side of the bed just before Harry opened the door.
“Sirius!” Sirius turned around and pat the bed next to him. Harry hopped up and leaned into Sirius’s hug. “Sleeping in?”
“Um, yeah.” Sirius pulled the blanket tighter around his hips. “Remus and I were up late last night.” He hoped Harry didn’t ask questions about it.
Instead, Harry blushed. “Yeah, uh. I was too.”
Sirius laughed. “Oh, were you? Want to tell me about it?”
Harry smiled. “Sure, but can we wait for Remus too? Where is he? He wasn’t in his room.”
Sirius was sure that Harry would be able to tell that Remus was in the room by the way his heart rate changed. “Uh, maybe he is in the bathroom?”
"No, it was open."
"The kitchen?"
Harry shook his head. "I flooed into the kitchen."
Sirius pressed his lips together, thinking fast. "Maybe he went to pick up breakfast?"
Harry pulled back from the hug to look up at Sirius in confusion. "You think Remus woke up early to go get breakfast after you both were up late? Remus?"
"He knew you were coming!" Sirius covered quickly. "He might have set an alarm."
Harry stopped to consider that for a moment, then looked excited. "Do you think he's getting donuts? Cause I could really go for one now."
Sirius laughed. "You know, he might be!"
Harry scooted to the edge of the bed. "I'm going to go put my bag away and then make tea. I bet he'll want a cuppa by the time he gets here."
"You're probably right. Make me one too, Haz? I'm probably going to shower real quick."
Harry looked back with a smile. "Of course. I wouldn't forget you." Harry turned and walked out of the room.
Sirius scrambled to the far edge of the bed. “Remus? Oh Merlin, I’m so sorry.”
Remus peaked out from under the bed. “You know, I’ve had some pretty bad experiences the morning after hooking up with a guy, but I think shoved out of bed and forced into buying breakfast just might top all the rest.”
Sirius swallowed hard. “Sorry, it was just he was coming in, and I panicked. We hadn���t talked about us or what to tell Harry and–”
“And now I’m going out to get breakfast.” Remus slid out from under the bed fully now, and moved to start putting on clothes.
“I’m so sorry about that.” Sirius sat on the edge of the bed. “I’ll go if you want me to instead. You don’t have to.”
“And what, do you have some polyjuice sitting around so I can be you for the next hour?” Remus shook his head and pulled his trousers up. “It’s fine.”
Sirius bit his lip as he watched Remus dress. “I know we just talked last night about me fighting for you, but this is not me not fighting for you. It’s just–it’s Harry, and I’m–”
“Harry is your priority.” Remus looked at him with a smile, and Sirius felt his pulse settle a bit. “I’m not mad. He should be your priority. It was also kind of funny listening to you scramble for an explanation. I’ll go out and get breakfast now. Donuts, apparently.”
“I’ll pay for them. You can get some money out of my wallet.”
Remus snorted. “You’re damn right, you’re paying. I’m getting myself a coffee too.”
“Whatever you want. A breakfast roll, too. Or an extra donut.” Sirius grabbed his hand. “Are we alright?”
Remus stepped closer, legs pressed against Sirius’s knees over the edge of the bed. He cupped Sirius’s face, stroking his thumb over his cheekbone. “You still like me?”
Sirius bit back the retort that Remus used the wrong L word, and merely answered, “Yes.”
Remus leaned forward and brushed his lips against Sirius’s. “Then yes, we’re alright. We’ll talk about it later, when Harry is busy or whatever.”
“I’d really like that.”
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sinning5sos · 1 year
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Requested: Sorta kinda!
Word Count: ~2,000
Smut:  ya baby. Dirty talk, exhibitionism, oral, fingering, doggy style
“Thank you everyone for coming on time to the meeting, I know that it’s a lot to ask with everyone's schedules being chaotic but I appreciate it,” The president of the company’s voice droned on and you immediately lost interest in the meeting.
“Do you think there is going to be anything interesting from this?” You whispered as you leaned over to your favorite coworker and he chuckled as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Doubt it. Rumors floating around is that they finally found a new program director but I don't see the big deal. We’ve been running it just fine lately,” He muttered, disdain evident on his face.
“Oh, stop being grumpy. Less work for us.”
“I’ll let him introduce himself. Without further ado, I welcome Mr. Calum Hood to our team as the new director.
Fuck, was he hot. You couldn’t help but admire the way he filled out his suit so well, the way his biceps looked as if they were barely contained within the fabric. He was tall, with dark curls and tan skin.
“I’m going to fuck him,” You whispered to your coworker as he was taking a sip of his coffee, and struggled to contain your laugh as 
Mr. Hood made eye contact with you, a look of disdain on his face at first until you saw his eyes raked down your body. A smile formed on his lips, and you boldly winked at him as a blush crept across his cheeks. 
You were going to have fun with him.
“I’m definitely going to fuck him.”
* *
You waited until the meeting was done before approaching him, his eyes glancing between all the people leaving the conference room.
“Hi Mr. Hood,” You said, holding your hand out then introduced yourself. He smiled as he took your hand in his, his skin warm and soft. 
“What was so funny during the meeting earlier?” He murmured, and you laughed softly as you removed your hand from his. You brushed some hair behind your ear and glanced up at him.
“I was just making some plans,” You said innocently, grinning up at him and his eyes narrowed.
“Really, because I can read lips pretty well and I saw what you said.” He said, and you smiled at him.
“So then you know I was making plans? They are definitely some fun plans. I want you to be a part of them.” You continued with the innocent facade, and he chuckled.
“Definitely. Just let me know when and where,” He murmured, taking a step closer to you, his hands now in his pockets, “And we’ll make it happen.”
* * *
“Can I request some days off?” You asked, gently knocking on his door. He waved his hand and motioned for you to come in. You shut the door behind you and closed the blinds in the massive window before turning to him.
“No, of course not,” He murmured,a  slight smile on his face as he continued working, “Do you happen to have access to the new contract?”
“Yes, but it’ll cost you,” You said, grabbing the calendar from his desk and sitting across from him. He stopped focusing on his laptop and his gaze shifted to you instead. He leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest, his small smile stretching into a grin. You started marking off the days that you wanted to request off, eager to go on vacation soon.
“A coffee tomorrow? A large coffee? A large coffee with a donut from that coffee shop with the bakery in it that you told me about last week?” 
“Ding ding ding,” you interrupted him and he chuckled, “I’ll take you up on that tomorrow morning, bright and early. And when I get in for work, not when you get in.”
He shook his head but his smile remained. 
“Deal. Where are you going on vacation?” He asked.
“Arizona, I’ve got family out there and I miss home.”
“I wouldn’t have guessed that you were from there. You seem like you belong in the city. Do you have to? I’m going to miss my fuck buddy.” He said, leaning forward over his desk and taking the calendar back from you.
“I’m sure you’ll get along just fine. It’s not for another month anyway now, so plenty of fucking from now and then.” You whispered, and he chuckled.
“I’ll fuck you on my desk, right here, right now Princess, just say the word,” He murmured in your ear, his hand dragging up your leg to the hem of your skirt and you nodded eagerly. His hand dipped under your skirt and squeezed your thigh.
“I’ve been so desperate for even a taste of you while we’re at work,” He whispered.
“I know you have, but it’s so much more fun to tease you,” You whispered back, nipping at his ear and he groaned, “Plus I like it better when you can fuck me properly, in that massive bed of yours, with those comfy sheets. You know I look so pretty tangled up in them.”
“I know, but please Princess, I’ll beg on my hands and knees right now just for a taste of that pretty pussy.”
Your cheeks flushed at his words, how naughty they were at work. Since he was introduced in that meeting nearly a month ago, the two of you have got along quite well. That very first day, he invited you over and fucked you so well, you were late to work the next morning. Since then, it’s been multiple times a week and you couldn’t deny that you have been wanting to have some fun at work too. The thrill of being caught, of anyone walking in at any given moment, was extremely hot.
“Beg for me.” You said, and at first he was a little surprised but got down on his knees as he looked up at you. You sat on the edge of his desk, spreading your legs wide and he crawled forward. He trailed kisses up your calf, to your thigh and stopped just before your core. You tangled your fingers in his curls, pulling his head back to look up at you. He licked his lips, his eyes focused on yours.
“Let me taste you, please. Let me eat out that sweet cunt of yours and make you cum on my desk. I just want you on my lips.” He murmured, and you clenched at his words. You nodded, your fingers still tangled in his hair as you lifted your hips slightly and allowed him to take off your panties.
“So fucking gorgeous, and are you already dripping Princess?��
“What can I say, I love your mouth on me.” You whispered to him and he chuckled. He laid his tongue flat against your clit, using his one hand to spread you open and the other hand to go inside of you.  You moaned out slightly, the feeling of his mouth on you and his fingers inside of you so fucking good, you had to consciously prevent your thighs closing on his head. He curled his middle finger inside of you, lightly grazing a spot and your body jerked at the motion.
“Isn’t it insane that you are the director within this company and I have you absolutely wrapped around my finger? Your face is buried in my pussy, and you’re getting hard at this, aren’t you?” You muttered, your eyes closing at the pleasure from his mouth and he pulled back to chuckle. 
“I guess I’m your whore, aren’t I?” He answered. You nodded, then guided his head back down and he got back to eating you out. You felt yourself start to drip, knowing that your orgasm was near and you threw your head back as Calum inserted another finger inside of you.
“Fuck,” You whispered, your thighs clenching against his head as he started sucking on your clit, “I’m going to cum.”
He kept his three fingers inside of you, his thumb circling your clit as he licked up the mess you were making. You bit down on your lip to not fully moan out loud as you rode your orgasm out, your body clenching as you came.
He continued to lick up your juices after your thighs finally stopped shaking, your clit extremely sensitive now. With every brush of his tongue, your body jolted slightly and he chuckled as he pulled back.
“God, I’ve been wanting to do that for a while now, one of these days I want you to sit on my face.” He murmured, pushing up off of his knees and standing between your legs. He kissed you passionately, his hands coming up to support your jaw and you bit down on his lip slightly.
“Now can I fuck you on this desk too? I’ve dreamed of having you bent over it, your hands gripping the desk, the papers all pushed to the side, me pulling your hair as I fuck you so roughly.” 
You turned around in his arms, gathered your hair and tossed it over your shoulders as you slowly bent over his desk. You lifted your ass as he lifted your skirt and pushed it up over your back.
“Fuck, Princess, just like how I envisioned it,” He muttered. You heard his zipper go down, your body tensing at the anticipation of his cock filling you. You gripped his desk as his cock pushed into you, moaning at the feeling.
“God, you fit my cock so well.” He moaned, and you smiled to yourself. Your nails dug into the wood, the only sounds are yours and Calums moans mixed in with his thighs slapping up against yours. He changed his rhythm and pushed in deeply, stilling for a second at how deeply he was inside of you.
You pushed back against him, desperate for some movement and he chuckled. He wrapped one hand in your hair, pulling it harshly and your neck bent back, your throat now exposed.
“What do you want, baby?” He asked. His other hand rubbed over your ass cheek, gently caressing the area before he lifted his palm and slapped it. He spread your cheeks apart, and you turned back to see him admiring the view.
“I want you to keep fucking me Cal, I want you to keep pushing your cock in and out of me, right here at work.” You moaned out, and he groaned at your words. He gripped your hips again, pulling out only to push back in again. His thrusts became more aggressive, going for filling you more than just fucking you and you whimpered at the sensation.
“God, your pussy feels so good. Are you going to cum for me soon?” He murmured, and you whimpered out a yes as your body was clenching, “Go ahead Princess, cum right on my cock.” 
You whimpered again, between the orgasm from before and your orgasm now, you were extremely sensitive to the pleasure. You came quickly, your body all but collapsing onto his desk and he moaned as he slowed his pace down.
“Can I cum inside of you?” He begged, and you nodded as he thrust deeply inside, his body stilling as he came. He pulled out, and spread your cheeks apart again.
“That’s so fucking hot,” He murmured, admiring the view of his cum dripping from your sweet pussy. He slapped your ass again, and you caught your breath as you laid on his desk. He inserted a finger inside of you, his cum now dripping off of his finger and he brought it to your mouth. You sucked it clean off and swallowed, then his lips met yours. 
He kissed you for a moment before excusing himself to the bathroom,
“Perks of having a private office,” He mumbled, and returned with a washcloth. He helped clean you up quickly, before helping you turn over and you were now sitting on his desk.
“So fucking beautiful,” He murmured, running his fingers through your hair and you hummed lazily, “So are you coming over to mine after work?
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Sweet Caroline (Matt Murdock x fem!Reader)
Author’s Note: Hey everyone! Work has been super busy lately, but I got ahead of schedule this week and I listen to music at work and everything kind of fell together and I wrote this. It's not the best I mean TBH it's probably very crappy, I know that, but it's cute and sweet. I hope you enjoy! :)
Summary: The rivalry between Boston and New York is deep-seated and long-standing, but you're proud of where you come from—just smart enough to not announce it from the rooftops in Hell's Kitchen, or to your friends. Turns out, no matter what—through years of friendship, marriage, and everything that follows—there will always be the rivalry to some degree.
Suggested Listening: Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond
Warnings: Fluff, Boston vs. NYC rivalry, not proof read at all, really
Other Characters: Foggy Nelson, Karen Page
Word Count: 1,046
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Moving from Boston to New York City is a cardinal sin. It doesn’t matter that it was for law school: “You couldn’t get in to Harvard? Suffolk?” “Oh, too good for Boston, now, are ya?” The kind of comments go one and on, especially once you made the decision to stay, having met your two best friends and deciding to open up a law firm with them. You can just imagine the similar sort of comments you'd get in Manhattan if people heard that you're from Boston. Therefore, you keep that part of your background on a strictly need-to-know basis, only free to wear your Boston attire and drink your Dunks in the comfort of your own apartment. The first nice spring day in the city means that your Bostonian nature is out in full force in your home—some windows cracked, a pot of Dunkin’ Donuts coffee brewing, and your favorite hand-me-down Red Sox t-shirt you’ve had for years comfortably situated onto your body.
Your freeze when you register a knock on the door.
“Knock, knock!” you hear Foggy call through the old wood. “We’ve got pizza and case files!”
“Just a second!” you call, putting down your mug of coffee and making your way over to let them in.
“Traitor!” Foggy shouts almost immediately.
“What?” Matt asks, his face scrunched in utter confusion. 
“Oh, Fog, c’mon,” you say with a roll of your eyes. “You’re being dramatic.”
“I am being no such thing!” Foggy defends. “This is a proportionate reaction for the situation!”
“I think you’re both forgetting that one party in attendance is blind,” Matt chimes. “Can someone please fill in the details?”
“(Y/N)—if that’s even her real name—is wearing a Boston Red Sox shirt.”
“I will not accept Bostonian slander in my apartment, so if you boys—.”
“Wait, wait, wait!” Matt rushes, putting a hand on your closing door. “You’re from Boston?”
“Why’d you never mention it?”
“Never came up.”
“Lie,” Foggy interjects. “The day we met, we asked where you were from.”
“You said the city,” Matt adds. “We understood that as New York City.”
“That was a misinterpretation on your part. Boston is a city, and I did grow up there,” you clarify. “Hence, I’m from the city. You are at fault for not inquiring further.”
“It feels like I don’t even know you,” Foggy sighs.
“Okay, goodbye, drama kings,” you say, trying to close the door once more, only for both of your friends to slip in.
“Seriously, why’d you never just tell us?” Matt asks.
“You act like I told you I had a secret family or I was Daredevil or something!” Foggy has to help steady Matt—Matt's clumsiness is starting to get more concerning. “I didn’t tell you because I knew how you’d react as through and through New Yorkers. I’ve heard everything in the book about Boston while I’ve been here. I didn’t want to hear it from my friends, too.”
“(Y/N),” Matt says, the tips of his ears bright pink. “We don’t mean it like that.”
“Then how do you mean it? How else and I supposed to take it?”
“You blend so will with New York,” Foggy says.
“Now I’m insulted.”
“No—it’s just that you’re a natural, really. That’s why we’re shocked. That, and you don’t speak like—.”
“—like I want to park the car in Harvard Yard?” you question with an exaggerated accent, making them both laugh, albeit nervously.
“Yeah, something like that.”
“Well, sorry to disappoint.” You pick up your mug of coffee from the counter, taking a sip. “What case files did you bring?”
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“Sweetheart, she smells so good,” Matt hums in delight as you both rest with your newborn in the hospital room.
“I know, Matty,” you smile. "Or are you forgetting that pregnancy made me have super senses, too?”
“Yeah, but that’s nature at work.”
“Mm,” you hum, taking another sniff of her head. “She smells so new.”
“Is it weird we’re this enamored with sniffing our newborn?”
“No. We made her. We have the right to sniff.”
As you continue to fawn over your daughter, you hear a gentle knock on the door. You notice Foggy and Karen peeking their heads through the crevice, gifts and balloons in hand. 
“Is now a good time?” Karen asks.
“Well, you are interrupting our baby-sniffing time, but I guess an exception can be made  for you two,” you say.
“I’m gonna ignore the baby-sniffing comment because I’m too excited to meet my niece,” Foggy beams as they enter the room and get closer. “Oh, wow. That’s a cute baby. I mean, of course she is, look at the gene pool she got to swim in.”
“She’s precious,” Karen whispers in awe. “Great job, guys. More so to you, (Y/N).”
“Thanks,” you breathe, resting your head against Matt’s.
“Does she have a name yet? Or is she still Baby Girl Murdock for now?”
“Well, Matt had a suggestion,” you start.
“Caroline,” he finishes, smiling sweetly at your daughter.
“Aww. Caroline Murdock. It’s so pretty,” Karen hums. “She looks like a Caroline.”
“Caroline?” Foggy asks. “Like . . . Sweet Caroline?”
“Foggy, how long has it been since you found out that I’m from Boston and you’re still on this?” you chuckle. 
“No, it’s not that! It’s nice. It’s a real show of love for a New Yorker to name their kid after the anthem of the enemy city.”
You look down at your daughter, the picture of relaxation as she rests in your arms.
“Sweet Caroline, bum, bum bum,” you begin to sing. “Good times never seemed so good—.”
“So good! So good! So good!” Matt adds on.
“Traitor,” Foggy smirks.
“You’re gonna be my little cute Boston fan, aren’t you?” you say softly.
“I wouldn’t go that far,” Matt tries. 
“You don’t even like sports!”
“It’s the principle of the thing! And you don’t like sports, either.”
“It’s the principe of the thing,” you mock.
“Yeah, but I love her.”
“I do, too.”
“So, Caroline? Is it official?” Karen asks.
“How about Caroline Josie Murdock?” you offer. “She does need a middle name, after all.”
“It’s perfect,” Matt hums, kissing your temple.
“A perfect marriage of Boston and New York,” Foggy smiles. “Just like her parents.”
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Permanent Taglist: @majesticavenger​ @steampowerednightvaler​ @themusingsofmany @just-the-hiddles​ @toozmanykids​ @dangertoozmanykids101 @clints-worldavengers @theburningbookshop​ @itwasthereaminuteago​ @peter1ismybrother@hellskitchens-whore​​ @dpaccione​ @catnip987​
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warmaidensrevenge · 7 months
It's not a never
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Pairing: Eddie x friend!fem plus size reader
A/N: Hi! So I lied. This is gonna be a three part series. I was getting a little carried away with everything I wanted to put in this fic. So that pushed it out to one more part. Tonight's part is basically filler. Just a heads up this is a slow burn. So if you don't like that kind of fic, this one is not for you. Anyways, thanks for reading. As always love ya. Byyyyeeeee
I do not give permission for my work to be posted anywhere else. Please respect all creators. Also, all pictures and songs are from a Google search and found on Spotify. A credit to original posters and artists. Thank you for your work.
Word count: 3,230
Warnings: 18+ no minors please. Language, angst, pinning, slow burn, slight fluff and not proof read.
Summary: A trip to be remembered and a confession that leaves Eddie puzzled.
Part 2
Bags were packed and loaded. Snacks and drinks were bought. A Ziploc bag full with coins for tolls and a map were in Eddie's glove box. And hours of music were picked. All that was left was to wake up at the ass crack of dawn. 
This senior ditch day was going to be epic. Months and months of saving and scrimping was all going to be worth it. 3 days of total and complete freedom. The road trip of a lifetime. One last hurrah. Together. 
Only this was gonna be tough. Being in close quarters with you for 3 whole days. How was he gonna deal?
Lately he was doing pretty good at keeping his feelings at bay… well that wasn't true. You had left for a week after the senior outing to visit the college you got into.
He missed you more than ever. But over those few days, he reflected back on everything. Sure how he now felt about you came unexpectedly. Still, he never wanted to be with anyone more. Especially since he realized you were perfect for each other.
However if he decided to make a move, there was no certainty that you would be up for it. Also, what would it do to the friendship? You guys had been friends way too long. It would be awkward. 
So he chose to push all that he felt away and enjoy this last trip with his friends.
It was 4 am on Friday and everyone was ready to hit the road. You had just hopped in the passenger seat with a huge thermos of coffee. 
“ Sorry. Thy birth giver wanted to pray for safe travels and a safe return.”
Eddie smiled. “ Welp, hopefully one of the pagan gods heard her.”
You turned around and offered up some coffee and donuts to everyone. When you turned back, you pulled out the map.
“ Okay Eddie. Please for the love of all that is holy. Please don't kill us.”
He chuckled. “ Ye have little faith kid.”
You rolled your eyes and took a bite of a donut and pointed forward. “ Let's do this.”
Everyone whooped and hollard. “New York! Here we come!”
3 hours later
“Oh crap! Munson please!” Jeff whimpered.
Gareth backed away a little. “ Man oh man. I told you not to have that second cup of coffee.” 
Eddie shook his head while you were laughing your butt off.
“ Calm down.” He said. “ The next gas station in 3 miles out.”
“ I-I don't think I- I can hold it!” Jeff stammered.
“ YOU BETTER!” Grant yelled.
You turned around. “ Guy, guys guys!” It's gonna be fine. Jeffrey. 2 ½ minutes. You can do this. Just squeeze.” 
You looked back at Eddie and just grinned away. All he could think about was how nice your eyes looked. 
As soon as he pulled into the parking lot, Jeff kicked open the back door and ran into the store.
Once Eddie turned off the engine everyone sat there quietly for a few seconds before laughing like crazy.
When it died down you guys got off to move your legs around.
Eddie went to fill up while the other guys went to see about some real breakfast. 
He had just put in the gas nozzle and turned to find you doing toe touches.
He shouldn't have done it, but he did. He checked you out. Loving how your leggings hugged your round bottom. How beautifully wide your hips were.
When you stood back up you walked towards him.
“ Eddie? Can you pop my back?”
He nodded and took a step closer to you. “ Turn around and cross your arms around your chest.”
Once you did as you were instructed, he stepped behind you and wrapped his arms around you. He then took a deep inhale in and caught a whiff of your shampoo. He instantly got goose flesh. 
Stop it! He told himself.
After lifting you up for a second, he quickly put you back down. Your bottom brushed his lower half in the process. 
His hands fell down to your hips. He mentally had to tell himself to not pull you to him.
“ W-was that okay?” He nervously asked.
You turned around and nodded. Bodies only inches apart.
“ So much better. Thank you.”
He stared at your lips as you spoke. Were they always so full? They definitely looked incredibly soft.
“ G-good.” He stuttered as he kept looking at your mouth and thinking.
“Eddie? You okay? Do I have something in my teeth?”
“ Hmm?” He met your gaze. “ Yeah. No. Yeah. You're good. I just ummm…sorry I was just trying to decide if I should take a leak.” 
“ Alright dude." You held up your hand. " Too much info. Go, I'll finish pumping.” 
With that said he practically ran away. Rushing into the first stall that was empty. While sighing deeply he cursed himself. He really wanted to kiss you.
His thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a god awful stench.
“ UGH! Jeff what the hell man?! Ever heard of a courtesy flush?”
“ S-sorry man.”
Eddie smiled when he saw the buildings in the distance. He looked at you and your eyes were so big. 
“ Guys look! We're almost there.” You said excitedly. 
Gareth moved between you and him. “ Awwwww yeah baby. Just think, in a couple of weeks we're moving here.”
Eddie caught a sad look on your face. He knew how bad you wanted to go to Columbia. To be close to them while they followed their dreams to be rockstars. But things didn't work out. Instead, you were going to a college on the west coast. 
It was a good school. Everyone knew that. It had a great biology and geology department. Something you were excited about. Still, you were scared because you didn't know anyone there. Everyone you knew and loved would be on the other side of the country.
That's why Eddie understood the sad face. He remembered conversations he had with you about it. He remembered wiping away your tears as you told him about your rejection from Columbia. And though he was the one to talk you into getting some California sun, he now realized he didn't want you to go either.
He tapped your knee and started writing.
‘ okay?’
You peered out the front windshield and slightly shook your head. Then you put your hand on his and squeezed it gently. Letting him know you would be fine. 
He knew you would be. You were awesome and you would make friends easily. It's just now he didn't know if he would be okay without you.
You put your finger against your lips.“ Shhhh! Guys I know you're freaking out, but I need you to trust me.”
Everyone was following you down these concrete hallways for a good 5 minutes now. After checking into the hotel and getting food, they had all found themselves sneaking into a building.
Jeff was the first to doubt you. But as soon as a security officer came close to catching you guys, everyone tried to convince you to turn back.
Eddie looked into your eyes and nodded. “ Okay.” He whispered. “ If we go to jail, it better be worth it.”
You held out your hand for him. “ It will be. I promise.”
Your hand was everything he thought it would be. Soft, warm and fit perfectly in his. He swore he would follow you anywhere if it meant that he could hold your hand. 
Once you guys were finally in the spot, you told them to stay put. When you let go of his hand, he now felt like a part of him was missing. 
You were only gone for a second. But in those few moments they had all realized where they snuck into.
Eddie was speechless. There were absolutely no words that could describe how he felt. 
A few spot lights turned on. Pointing directly in the middle of a huge stage.
You returned on top of it. “ So?”
“ Shit!” They all said in unison.
You gave them a huge smile. “ I know right? Obviously you guys can't perform or anything like that. But I wanted the first time you step foot in here, that it's with your biggest support. Cuz I know one day I'm going to be standing right there… screaming my head off.”
They looked at the spot where you pointed. It was right in front of the platform.
You locked eyes with him.“ So get up here and take it in.”
The guys looked at each other then ran to get up too. Once up there you asked for help getting down. You then watched them laugh and wrestle playfully.
“ Alright freaks!” You announced. “ Imagine this.  Every seat is full. And the floor is packed with bodies. All waiting for you.” 
They all stared at you after moving to their respective place. As if they're standing by their instruments.
“ The crowd is chanting. Corroded Coffin. Corroded Coffin….Then the lights go out. The ones that are sitting jump up and everyone screams in anticipation. But then... it goes silent…”
Eddie pictured everything. It was all him and the guys ever wanted.
“ Then they hear you.” You point at Gareth. “ Then you.” You looked at Jeff. “ Then of course you bud.” You nodded towards Grant. “ And finally the strum of a guitar along with oooooohhhhs and awwwws from you.”
Eddie finally had your eyes on him. And he knew right then and there that he was in love with you. It wasn't just a silly crush anymore. It was the real thing. The can't eat, can't sleep, the winning touchdown, the home run, the one in a lifetime love.
He loved you because you loved them. You believed in them. And the way you laid out the scene with so much conviction, it had him convinced that they were gonna make it too.
You smiled at him and continued. “ And while you blow off the roof of this place, the crowd sings and sways with you."
Later that night everyone settled into the shared room. Gareth and Jeff in one bed, Eddie and Grant on the sofa bed. And of course being the only female of the group they gave you your own bed.
Eddie has just come out of the shower to find everyone asleep. Except you. You weren't even in the room.
He looked at Grant who took up the whole bed and he sighed. Looked like he was gonna sleep on the floor. 
He waited a minute to see if you would come back but after about 5 minutes, he went to look for you.
You weren't far though. He found you sitting on the steps reading something.
“ Hey kid. Whatcha doin?”
You gave him a quick little smile before looking back at your book. “ Uhhhh nothing really. Just checking out courses.” 
He sat next to you and pulled out his pack of cigarettes. Before he could light one you plucked it from his mouth.
“ No you promised. No smoking on this trip.”
He gave you a thin lip before taking back the smoke and returning it to the carton.
“ You really should quit. I don't want to see you end up with an oxygen tank.”
He put the pack back in his pocket. “ One day. I promise.”
You flipped a page. “ I'll keep you to that.”
You guys sat quiet. Listen to the bustle of the city. Eddie was trying to gather the courage to tell you how he felt. But he was scared. What if he took a leap of faith and it turned ugly? What if you did like him the way he liked you and things didn't work out? Or what if his confession lead to you guys not being friends anymore?
Doubt filled his thoughts. But then a bit of hope shined on him. What if it did work out? What if you guys made it past the long distance thing and were truly happy together? What if this love was meant to be?
“ Eddie?”
His inner rambling came to a halt. “ Y-yeah?”
You closed your book and started fidgeting with the corners. “ You know you're my best friend right?”
He softly cleared his throat. “ Yeah.”
“ And we always tell each other everything.”
He nodded. “ Yeah.”
You sighed a little. “ So you know that I have family out here….well my uncle actually works as a security guard at the garden. He worked tonight…he knew we were coming and he did me a solid…we wouldn't have gotten in trouble if we got caught.”
For a second there his heart sank. He thought you were gonna say that you liked him too. But then he smiled and wrapped his arms around you. 
“ I'm really gonna miss you.” He said softly.
You hug his waist. “ I think I'll miss you more.”
The hug lasted a minute or so, but it was the best damn hug he had ever had. And when you tried pulled away he hugged you tighter. Making you giggle. 
When he finally loosen his grip, you stared deeply into his eyes. The way you sat there, it was like your eyes were trying to tell him something your mouth couldn't. It was almost as if you were asking him to kiss you.
He was gonna go for it. He was gonna take that leap. However the second he leaned in you yawned. Pulling completely away from him so you wouldn't do it in his face.
“ Wow I'm beat. We should get some sleep. Big day in Time's Square tomorrow."
He frowned at the fleeding moment that seemed to be fate. 
“ Yeah you're probably right.” He conceded to it. “ You think you could lend me a pillow and that blanket you brought?”
You looked at him and raised a brow. Silently asking why?
“ Gonna crash on the floor. Grant's a bed hog.”
You laughed lightly and yawned again. “ No. You can sleep with me.”
His breath hitched in his throat while asking a shaky. “ W-what?”
You grinned and stood up, holding out your hand. “ Like when we were kids. If you're worried that I'll get handsy then we can make a pillow barrier.”
He chuckled. “ Maybe I like handsy.”
He regretted it as soon as it came out.
The silence that followed his comment nearly made him shit a brick. You stood there with an almost visible question mark above your head.
Shit! He thought. Shouldn't have said that.
You then shook your head and laughed. “ Stop being weird and take my hand.”
He practically wiped his brow and said whew before grabbing your hand. Allowing you to lead him back.
He laid there for a while thinking about all that happened. He couldn't believe he was gonna kiss you before telling you how he felt. That wasn't the guy he was. He always made sure he got consent. And with you it would be no different. All he had to do was get some real alone time with you so he can finally say something.
When we get home. He said to himself. 
He heard you sigh and felt you move a bit. Then he felt your arm sliding across his stomach. Without thinking he lifted his arm and gently pulled you closer. Slipping his arm under your head. 
Both of you sank further into the bed. He smiled and his last thought before falling asleep was how much he loved you.
The next day and a half was the best in his life. Exploring the city, eating the best pizza and getting some information about playing at clubs when they moved there. It was fantastic. 
Now it was time to head home and finish up the school year.
The drive seemed longer this time. More quiet. And he knew why. In exactly 2 weeks things were going to be different. Everyone was going to graduate and their adult lives were going to start. For a long time he couldn't wait to get the hell out of Hawkins. So did his friends. But now that it was happening, it was so hard to see the next chapter. Well with this little monster of love inside him.
When it was time to switch off. Jeff and Grant traded places with you and him.
You guys crawled in the back with the sleeping Gareth and tried to catch some z's. 
You leaned your head on his shoulder and started to hum a familiar tune. He put his hand on your knee and started tapping to the beat. He caught a small smile from you. 
“ Hey Jeff? Could you drop me off first when we get into town?” you asked.
“No problem.”
You went back to humming and Eddie was trying to figure out what exactly he was gonna say. Before he knew it he was sound asleep with you. 
Until he heard the vans break squeak to a stop. 
He opened his eyes and saw they were in front of your house. You had just opened the door and hopped out. 
Though he wanted this to be a private moment, it was now or never.
He sat up and followed you. “ I need a minute man.” He said to Jeff. “ Hold up kid. I'll help you.”
You tried to refuse his help in carrying your duffle bag, but he could see you were too tired to try.
You stoped on at your doorstep and reached for your bag. “ Thanks Eddie.”
He handed you the bag and took a deep breath. Just as you turned to open the door he said your name.
“ Yeah?”
His eyes fell to the ground as he rubbed the back of his neck. “ Uhhhh nevermind. I'll tell you later.”
You cleared your throat gently and took a step towards him. “ I hate when you do that.”
His gaze shot up to yours. “ D-do what?”
You put your free hand on your hip. “ When you look like you have something important to say then just brush it off…Just tell me because I'm gonna be up all night wondering what you wanted to say.”
He looked away and stood quiet for a few seconds. “ I-I’ve been acting different lately.”
“ I know.”
He met your eyes again. “ Yeah?”
You didn't say anything, but he knew that you did.
“ So I-” he cut off. Suddenly his nerves were getting the best of him. “ I don't- ummm shit…I- well the reason…damn it! I cant- I don't know-”
You grabbed his hand and lightly squeezed it. Letting him know that it was okay. To calm down and take a breath.
He took a deep inhale and slowly let it out. “ I think possibly, maybe I’ve fallen for you.”
Your expression after that gave him a sinking feeling. You didn't feel the same.
Your frown said it all.
“ I'm sorry. I-I just needed to say something.”
You nodded but surprisingly you didn't let go of his hand. You were actually staring at his hand in yours.
“Eddie…I want to talk more about this. But I can't even think straight and my knees are about to give in.”
That wasn't what he was hoping for. 
“Right! Umm yeah. Sorry, just forget I said anything.” He said trying to walk away. 
But you held his hand firmly. Preventing him from taking a step further. “ No. Don't do that.”
He looked back at you and you had your eyes closed. 
“ Eddie, this is important. If it wasn't then you wouldn't have said anything at all…This deserves a real conversation that I can't give you right now. So please don't leave thinking that I don't feel the same way."
He was in disbelief. Did he hear that right?
You gave his hand one last squeeze before letting go and going inside.
He stood there staring at the door. Did he dream that? You like him too?
Gareth rolled down the window. “ Munson, let's go. I wanna go home!”
He sighed and smiled to himself. " Y-yeah. Okay."
@salenorona23 @browneyes528 @ohmeg @eddiesguitarskills @crookedcrone
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pudgewizard · 7 months
Sebastian and Tim
Chapter 1(?)
Sebastian wasn't anywhere near late for work. But he still ran so fast down the sidewalk, that the cold wind felt like needles poking his face. As he ran, he considered the bakery at the approaching corner. He had skipped breakfast, fearing that'd slow him down.
Sebastian’s stomach gave a disapproving groan as a reminder of his mistake. He rubbed his belly reassuringly. He had heard of this bakery once in a while from coworkers and passerbys. They would always talk about how the food was always warm and fresh from the oven. The pastries were soft and crumbly, so he'd heard. He made up his mind and went in.
As the door opened, the bell rang. The man behind the counter smiled warmly at Sebastian. He waved, though he tried to avoid eye contact. He wasn't one for socially interacting if he could help it.
“Welcome to Delicious Downtown, what can I get for you?” The man, with the name tag, Tim, greeted with a gleeful smile.
“Uhm..” Sebastian stuttered for a moment.
Oh no, he thought. He's cute.
He almost wanted to reach out and scratch his beard. Tim’s hair was so luscious and curly. His voice was smooth like caramel, yet had a hint of spice to it.
Sebastian quickly shook the thoughts away.
“I'd like…just a coffee.”
“One coffee? Anything else?”
Sebastian considered his offer, but he was worried the food would distract him from getting to work on time. A coffee was all he really needed to get himself started. Although a glazed donut could possibly help. Or maybe a cronut..a raspberry tart…blueberry muffins…cream cheese danish…
Sebastian felt a hot flash wash over his face. He held his plump middle, praying that Tim didn't hear his stomach gurgle in anticipation.
Though judging by Tim's face, he most certainly heard it.
Tim attempted to hide his giggle.
Goddamn it, Sebastian thought. Even his giggle is cute.
“You sound starved, poor thing,” Tim pouted, but in a playful way. “How about I throw in a muffin, half off? Just promise not to tell my boss.”
“Half off? Are you sure? I can totally buy it at a normal-”
Sebastian felt his belly ripple and shake impatiently. It's as if it was screaming, “Just take his offer!”.
“Can..can I have blueberry?”
“Absolutely! I'll be right back with your order.”
Tim walked to the kitchen as Sebastian finally had a chance to breathe for a second. His belly was always a noisy one. It would growl occasionally in public spaces, but no one really batted an eye.
His belly growled so loud it got the attention of a guy he just met.
Sebastian was positive his belly did that on purpose.
“Here's your order, sir!” Tim placed his order on the counter. “I uh, also couldn't help but notice that emblem on your jacket. Is that-”
“Yeah, I go to Wayward College.”
“No way! I do too! Maybe we'll stumble across each other in the new semester in a couple days!”
“Really? Gosh, small world. What classes do you have?”
“Culinary, Health, Math, Literature, Philosophy-”
“Philosophy with Mr. Smith?”
“Yes! I mean, neat! Well I look forward to seeing you, man!”
“You too! And um…thanks for the muffin!”
“Thank YOU! Come back anytime!”
Sebastian walked out, his heart a flutter. Usually he'd be exhausted from what just happened. But he felt…excited. He was excited to see this Tim guy again. He felt like it was fate…
He also felt his stomach shake from hunger again. He thoroughly enjoyed his muffin as he went to work.
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anamelessfool · 8 months
Do it. Describe a Ministry Dunkin run.
Anon came across my haunted Evil Dead Cabin Dunkin post I guess! Yes my HC (for planning purposes) sets the Ministry out in the wilderness of Western Massachusetts, and MA has more Dunkin than any other state. So....
Sunday CrackHC: Dunkin Donuts let's go
The closest town is about 45 minutes away, so a Dunkin run is a Day Off sort of luxury. Many have tried to make it there on their lunch break. Many have failed. If a Sibling comes into a meeting or mass late holding a Dunkin cup….Satan himself could not save you from Sister's wrath.
Cumulus can drive there and back in under an hour but she refuses to explain how. Dewdrop Ghoul once went with her on one of these adventures. He was shell shocked and trembling for hours afterwards.
Copia has lived a pretty sheltered life in the Ministry so it's hard to shake the mindset that Dunkin Donuts is not a fancy place to go. It's a special occasion for him. Marian is amused with how he formally invites her out for a date there. He spends most of the drive there planning what he's going to get, and usually changes his mind at the very last second. Some sort of seasonal super sweet foam latte concoction. Marian usually gets the exact same thing. They are the only ones that sit in the cafe area, chatting at the pink plastic table like they are visiting one of the great glamorous bistros in some far off Italian paradise.
Papa Emeritus III is a coffee snob. He refuses to drink anything there, except an espresso in a tiny paper cup that he will complain about on the whole way back. He doesn't even drive himself there, Omega does. But for some odd reason, he's always the one that asks Omega to go for coffee. Terzo does like to spoil his ghoul and foot the bill. Omega likes the sweet stuff. Extra large heavy cream five pumps of sugary seasonal flavors with whipped cream sweet stuff. Omega always brings back donuts for the rest of the ghouls. Anywhere from 50 to 100 in a couple boxes stacked high in the back. They use Copia's car for this and not the Papal car—Terzo doesn't want any sprinkles getting caught in the Italian leather seats.
Secondo and his family moved but still live where you can drive past five of them on the way to work. He usually orders a small black coffee. Nothing else.
Except sometimes, when he is alone, he orders a whole dozen donut box and solemnly eats all of them in his car in the parking lot. No one knows about this. No one will ever know.
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whump-town · 1 year
Rushing Home
Hotch doesn't get a "concussion" properly assessed, naturally, there's consequences.
(lots of nausea and one puke)
Word Count: 6500
Jack doesn’t really mind going to school, he likes it. Actually, Jack really likes school. But the weekends are still better. Breakfast is pop-tarts and they get to go do all the fun things. At the grocery store, they pick up chicken nuggets and frozen pizza. They walk to the park and like most weekends, Hotch carries Jack back when he’s too tired to walk. When they get home they watch movies and Scooby Doo. But on Monday they can’t do any of that. Pop-tarts are only for the weekend and that’s why Mondays are the worst days. 
“You like eggs,” Hotch reminds Jack, watching him pick and turn the scrambled eggs over with his fork. “You want something to dip it in?” 
Jack shakes his head.
“Alright.” Hotch pushes himself up and goes over to the counter. He glances back at Jack as he refills his mug. Reaching up, he opens the cabinet and pulls down a plate. He scoops up what remains of the scrambled eggs on the pan still sitting on the stove top. As he comes back, he takes the ketchup from the fridge, and another fork, and sits back down. In his peripheral Hotch can see that Jack is watching him. He puts a little ketchup on his plate and stabs a bit of egg. 
His stomach’s used to nothing but coffee until at least lunch time, and he got nauseous just cooking the eggs but he takes a big bite. He points to the ketchup with his fork, “you sure you don’t want any?” 
Jack hesitates for a moment, thinking it over. “Yes,” Jack pushes his plate forward, “please.” 
Hotch barely manages to swallow the bite but he smiles, stabbing more onto his fork. Jack’s still watching, timing his own bites with Hotch’s. His stomach does an ugly little twist, nausea rampant, but he cleans the plate, they both do. 
Hand against his rebelling stomach, Hotch leans on the sofa as he waits for Jack to come running back with his shoes. In his hands are not his school shoes but the lime green rainboots they fight over frequently. Hotch had gotten Jack real sneakers this year, big boy sneakers, with shoelaces and not velcro. And seeing them, Hotch begins to say something but then he thinks about having to lean over and tie those shoelaces and, instead, he just request Jack hurry up before they’re late.
Getting big boy shoes was supposed to mean that Jack tie his own shoes but it’s not that easy. On the mornings when Jack does tie his own shoes, it takes at least ten minutes. Other mornings he just throws his leg up on Hotch and waits expectantly for them to be tied for him. Shoes with the velcro straps were so much easier for mornings, but Jack had pleaded in the shoe store. 
“Daddy can you get coffee?” 
Prentiss had called while they were in the car and Jack had been silent in the back, Hotch had nearly forgotten he was back there. Hotch glances back rearview mirror, pulling the phone from his good ear, “I already made coffee, buddy.” He replies to phone, “yeah, driving him to school.” Hotch glances back int he mirror again, “Miss Emily says hi.” 
“Hi!” Jack shouts back, kicking his feet back and forth where they dangle. 
“No,” Hotch says, “he just wants a d-o-n-u-t.” He glances back but Jack’s watching the window, humming a song to himself. “We’re already late, Prentiss – He doesn't need— Alright, alright. Yeah fine.” 
They take the same route everyday and Jack notices immediately when they detour. “Coffee?” he asks, perking up and knowing wherever they’re going, it’s not to the school. 
“Yeah,” Hotch huffs, and glances back, “what kinda donut do you want?”
As much as Jack hates being wiped down with a baby wipe, he’s covered in icing and sticky, he doesn’t like that more. “When I get big,” Jack says, pausing as the baby wipe circles back around his mouth, “I’m gonna eat choc’late donuts everyday!”
“Everyday, huh?” Hotch tosses the dirty wipe back into the car and pulls out another, needing another to tackle the mess on Jack’s hands. “If you have it everyday then it’s not as fun when you get one.” 
“It’d be fun everyday.”
The last of the donut finally comes off and Hotch pushes off the car, standing. “Alright,” he pats Jack’s shoulder and leans back into the car, grabbing his bookbag. There’s not much of a point for this silly thing, it’s light as feather, but it is pretty cute. The bookbag is bigger than Jack is. “Here we go,” Hotch holds it and Jack slips his arms into the straps. “You want me to walk you in?”
“Yes!” Jack grabs Hotch’s hand and starts to pull.
“Alright.” His father had never walked him into school. If he had, Hotch doubts he would have grabbed his father’s hand so eagerly. It’s sort of strange, all of it is really. Half of him is certain that he has no idea what he’s doing, and the other half is bewildered that whatever he’s doing isn’t as bad as what was done to him. He has only the one reference, one thing to compare it to and it’s not very comparable. 
They get to the door and Jack lets go, running, “bye! Love you!”
“I love you.” 
Jack waves at the door and keeps going. 
Already knowing what’s waiting for him at the office, Hotch stands and watches Jack until he can’t see him any longer. He feels immense guilt everytime he leaves Jack but it’s not enough to stop him from going and he’s not sure what that means. If that makes him bad at all this. Bad at being a dad. 
Jack hates it. He thinks it’s really cool most of the time. He likes that his dad fights bad guys, he loves superheroes, but he’s coming to realize what that really entails. Now the superhero movies aren’t always that great. Superman gets beamed out of the sky. Batman collapses in an alleyway. Captain America is intombed in ice. The bad guys win sometimes, and Jack knows that, but the heroes, sometimes they die. They get up bloodied and limping, and sometimes they don’t get up at all. 
“He’s in Georgia,” Jess says, “he’ll be home in a few days.” 
Jack erases what he has down on his homework.
Jess watches him, “you’re going to end up with a hole in that paper if you keep erasing it like that.” 
Jack sighs, his head resting on his palm. His work isn’t wrong, Jack’s fairly certain he’s got the right answer, but it’s still not right. Not right enough. 
He hates Mondays. 
He hates when Jess picks him up from school because that means his dad’s already somewhere else. 
Tuesday somehow way worse than Monday. 
“You’re grumpy this morning,” Jess notes and Jack ignores her. She’s used to this treatment in the early morning. Hotch isn’t much of morning person either but more so, Jack just has better mornings with Hotch. He doesn’t want Jess to walk him in and even though she’s bargained a Pop-tart this morning in a small attempt to lift his mood, Jack sulks into the school. 
The PA system is very active and Jack hates it. The class falls to dead silence, fidgety excitement passed around while they cross their fingers in the hopes that it will be them who gets to go home early. But Jack’s heart pounds in his chest, terrified from the second that speaker dings with the incoming message. 
When his father is in Virginia, Jack anticipates along with his peers, joyously for the rush of being pulled from school early. If the chance presents itself, Hotch swings by to get Jack. Every year, at the very least twice, Hotch randomly pulls Jack out and they go to museums or the zoo or the park or wherever Jack’s been itching to go.
But if his dad isn’t in Virgina then there’s no good reason that Jack will be called to the office. He’s never been called to the office while Hotch isn’t in the state, but the day that he is, Jack knows it won’t be for the dentist or a doctor’s appointment like the other students. Maybe Uncle Dave would be there or maybe Miss Emily, but Aunt Jess would be. They’d meet him in the hall, the principal somber-faced, their eyes red from crying. And Jack will stand trapped, like the insects frozen in their amber shells lining his dresser. A mosquito, a beetle, and Jack – caught in their fossilized crystal moments. The day that their worlds cease movement, hazed over, and hardened. 
Jess’s phone pings on the counter and Jack looks up from his homework, watching Jessica’s face when she leans over from the pot she’s stirring on the stove to read it. “Dad says they’re on their way home,” she says. She turns over her shoulder to smile at Jack, “You finish up your homework and he might be here before you go to bed.” Jack doesn’t react so she tries to sweeten the bargain, “we can wait up for him.” 
Jack nods. He’d been too distracted to complete any of his work today. There was a vocab test today and Jack had only written down four of the ten words read out to him. The addition and subtraction worksheet slid in front of him liquified, black ink pooled to the surface, and floated around the page. It seemed every few seconds the class was being interrupted by the office calling down. Jack couldn’t think. He couldn’t breathe. All he could do was sit and stare down at the worksheets in front of him.
Jessica’s noticed something is off with Jack and she’s tried to worm it out of him, but he doesn’t seem very interested in having that conversation with her. Her imagination has taken hold of the situation just a bit, and she fears the issue is another bully. She’d grown up beside Hotch, she’d known him at the age that Jack now is. She seems to be the only one of them capable of seeing exactly how much Jack is like Hotch. He reminds her exactly of Hotch at this age, so quiet and observant. She’ll say something to Hotch when he gets home, he’s far more successful at working out what’s going on in Jack’s head. 
“Alright,” Jess announces, “this soup is just about done, I’m gonna–” Her phone cuts her off and Jess leans over, seeing who’s calling her. She picks the phone up and takes it with her, heading back towards the guest room as she tells Jack to finish his homework, and that she’ll be out in a moment. 
Jack knows this routine. 
Jess becomes suddenly elusive, distracted. She lets him play in the bathtub until he gets bored of it. The phone rings again and she leaves him to get dressed by himself. Jack doesn’t dry off, he steps right into his pajamas, and he sneaks his way back into the kitchen, crouching down behind the cabinets and listening to the phone call. 
“Why didn’t you go earlier?” Jess asks, her fingertips pressed to her mouth. “That’s serious Aaron–”
Jack’s own hand finds his mouth, his fingernails sucked inbetween sharp teeth as he starts to attempt to chew through. If Hotch were here he’d notice, he’d shoo Jack’s hand away. 
“You’re being stupid, what you’re saying is stupid. You can’t be an idiot like this anymore – ” Jess suddenly becomes conscious of Jack, and where he is. She thinks he’s in the bathroom but still close enough to hear. She takes a deep breath and pushes herself from where she’d sunken against the counter, letting granite bite into her back and hold her upright. “Jack thinks you’re coming home tonight–” Her face scrunches up, “no, no you should definitely stay there–” 
Jack presses his hands against his ears and tries his best to not hear anymore, but he can so he stands and walks into the kitchen. 
“Hey Jack,” Jess says loudly into the phone, jumping, as she pulls the phone away from her face. Her face relaxes a bit, or at least she tries to relax it.  “I’m on the phone with your dad, go get up in the bed and he’ll tell you goodnight alright?” The phone stays down and Jack’s itching to know what they’ll say when he’s gone. But Jess prods him along and he leaves. 
They stay on the phone forever – twenty minutes, Jack watches his alarm clock. Jess never brings him the phone.
Hotch doesn’t come home for another two hours, past Jack’s bedtime but he’s still awake. The front door opens and Jack sits up in bed, listening for who it is. He can hear Derek and Jess from his room, but not a word from his dad. Fear encourages Jack out of bed, carefully venturing to the door so he can press his ear to it. He holds his breath, trying to make as little noise as possible. His fear builds on itself in the silence, and as they begin moving towards the hall, closer to him, it suddenly occurs to him that they might be coming back to his room. And if they do it’s only to tell him that his father isn’t coming home at all.
He’s wrong. They continue past his room. The sound of feet dragging on the carpet as Derek and Jess’ hushed voices carry overtop one another. Jack hears the slow groan of his father’s mattress – a familiar sound. One that would wake Jack in the middle of the night, a small sign of life in the middle of the night. A safety coveted. 
The sound was a relief and yet a burden, a weight that settled stiff and hard across Jack’s shoulders. Made his nerves jumpy – a wrong feeling he couldn’t begin to convey. Though he’d tried to before and he would again. Complaining of a headache or stomach ache. Unsure of the remedy or even the ailment that was plaguing him. 
And it plagues him now, a strong curl of writhing unease as Jack pushes his bedroom door open. The hall is dark and Derek and Jess have taken their conversation back to the kitchen. Jack glances once over his shoulder at them and creeps down the hall towards his father’s room. 
There is none of the snoring that Jack’s familiar with coming from this room. Only soft breathing. Jack creeps around the bed, to the side of the mattress most frequently left empty. It is empty save for his father’s left hand stretched out from the rest of him, uncovered by the blanket. Jack pulls himself up onto the bed. Holds tight to the bedsheets and jumps, he’d learned that trick a long time ago. His mother’s death had hardened Hotch irreparably, but as far as the man Jack knows, he is still just as soft as before – he remains incapable of forcing Jack to go back to his own bed to sleep at night. 
Curling tight, Jack pulls his knees up to his chest, pressing himself into the terrible feeling taking over him. But the bed is soft, so much better than his own.
Jack jumps, startled by the sudden depth of the voice coming from what he had thought was his dad. He peeks up a little, just for visual confirmation, but it’s too dark.
Hotch pushes himself up on one arm, only able to combat the pain through the undeniable and just familiar enough feeling of knowing he’s going to be sick. Unaware of his audience, Hotch grunts, and whimpers, hanging onto the edge of the bed as everything sways and pitches forward with him. He pants for a moment, trying to gather himself enough to stand. His legs shake beneath him, and more than walking, Hotch lurches forward on momentum and gravity, falling heavily into the bathroom’s doorway, using it to keep himself upright. 
Jack can’t see through the dark but he can hear how hard Hotch hits the bathroom floor. The way his fingers miss and grapple with the toilet lit, until inevitably, and right on time, his stomach curls up tight, and he gags but is unable to bring anything up.
At first, frozen, Jack scrambles over the side of the bed. His legs get caught in the bedding and he lands with a thud on the ground, but he feels only a small ache over the panic ramping his heart back up. “Daddy!”
Hotch gags harshly into the toilet again and he raises his arm up uselessly, trying to shoo Jack away. He can see through the visible pulse now of his vision, which has tunneled in, darkened in spots, timed perfectly with the throb in his head, that Jack is still standing, watching. “Jack–” his voice is wrecked, nothing more than cracks. “Buddy,” Hotch tries again, “go get Jess.” 
Jack stands, shaking slightly with fear, trying to suck his tears back up.
Resting his head on the toilet, sinking to a new low, Hotch groans, a sound artfully echoed in the bowl. “Buddy,” Hotch coughs, “I need you to go get Jess.” His eyes close on their own accord and each breath is a manual thought, harshly pulled in through his open mouth, as drool spills down into the water below. “Please,” he rasps.
Blood rushes in his ears. He’s not sure what’s going to happen next but Hotch thinks this will kill him. The pain is certainly ramping up to a deadly point, like somethings burst and blood should be spilling out of his ears, or out his nose. Something’s got to give, and if it’ll stop this pain, Hotch doesn't care what it is. 
“Aaron?” He’s still leaning on the toilet and as Jess cuts on the bathroom light, he has no reaction. “Jack,” Jess crouches down in front of Hotch, and points Jack away. “Go get Uncle Morgan! Run! Go get him!” 
Jack freezes for only a moment before bolting, he runs as fast as his legs can carry him. He throws the door open and looks both ways down the hall before running towards the main entrance. He’s barefoot and it’s strange, he’s never been allowed to run down the hall, and he’s always wanted to, it’s not as fun this way. “Uncle Morgan!” Jack yells, he can see the older man on the other side of the building’s door, he’s just stepped out. “ Wait! Please, wait! Uncle Morgan!”
Morgan turns and when he sees Jack running towards him, he immediately turns back around, meeting the boy halfway. Jack grabs his wrist and starts pulling him back. “Something’s wrong with daddy,” he rushes, out of breath. “Jess said to come get you ‘cause –.”
Morgan takes off running, Jack somewhere close behind. He doesn’t bother looking back, going straight through the living room and shouting, “Jess?” Her calls from down the hall and Morgan follows, running through Hotch’s room to the bathroom. “What is it?”
Jess stands and moves back, “he passed out. I can’t wake him up.” 
Morgan moves quickly, stepping over Hotch and getting behind him. He slips his arm behind Hotch’s back, gently moving his head back, crouhcing lower, Morgan looks back up. “Go get the kid some shoes, I’ll get Hotch in the car.” With a grunt, he starts to lift Hotch from the floor, painfully careful of his head as Morgan tries not to jostle him. 
Over Jess’ shoulder, where she’s bent down shoving Jack’s feet into his sneakers, Jack watches Morgan carry Hotch out of the apartment. One of his arms is on the other side of Morgan’s back, limp and rocking with the motion of Morgan’s quick pace. 
“Is he dead?” Jack asks. He stands beside Jess as she grabs her own shoes, waiting for her to grab him too and lug him out of the door. 
“No.” This answer comes a little too quickly, not assuring, just positive. Unwilling. Hotch isn’t dead because Jess won’t let him. So, no. He’s not and he won’t until he’s good and old and Jess decides she’s done with him. 
Jack climbs into the backseat and Jess reaches over to buckle him in, before sliding into the middle seat and sitting up between Morgan and Hotch. Who looks dead, Jack thinks. He’s not exactly sure what that would look like, but Hotch isn’t moving. His head remains tipped back in the space between the door and the headrest. He’s not sitting up, he’s tilted and shoved into the chair the way that Morgan had left him. He doesn’t have his seatbelt on either and he doesn’t look back to check for himself that Jack’s buckled in.  
Morgan speeds and Jack watches the dark world outside whip by. 
What does happen if Hotch dies? Jack doesn’t like the idea. He can hardly remember now how his mother died, and though he knows it’s something that happens, he can’t imagine it could happen again. 
Jess scoops him out of his carseat and Jack lets her hold him. Over her shoulder, he watches Morgan throw open the passenger seat and stick his arms underneath Hotch’s knees and behind his shoulders. It’s not impressive, Jack can’t understand it, really. It doesn’t feel like this is real, or that the man limply held in Morgan’s arms is his father. He’s certainly someone, but… Jack’s dad? He’s not really sure how it’s possible at all. 
Jess runs straight through the doors, towards the first nurse that she sees. “My brother,” she says, turning back and watching the automatic slide shut. Morgan’s still in the parking lot. “He’s a federal agent, he was in an accident, he hit his head and he passed out–” 
The nurse sees Morgan, he sees the man being carried through the parking lot. 
Jess steps back and away, a stretcher procured and now being pulled to meet them as they come through the door. Jack turns with her, his eyes never leave Morgan, never leaving his father. There’s not a thing he can do to help but looking, being witness, feels important. He feels unable to look away, like he shouldn’t, so he can’t. 
“What’re they doing?” he asks, and he’s suddenly anxious, his brain putting together what happens next before he really knows. He tries to pull himself up over Jess’ shoulder, trying to see. “Aunt Jess, what’re they doing? Where’s daddy going?” Jack tries to push himself back, worm back out of Jess’ arms. He becomes suddenly frantic watching as Morgan meets the stretcher, not thinking twice as other men and women surround them. “No!” Jack shouts, “no, daddy! Get away from him! No!” He twists and jerks, trying to throw himself out of Jessica’s arms. “No!”
Hotch’s hand jerks on the stretcher and the elelastic of the oxygen mask slips over his head, the plastic fogging and muffling the weak but present sound that Hotch makes. A nurse comes around to his side, flashing a light, and again he emits the sound, his hand jerking up from the stretcher. “Sir? Can you hear me?” 
Hotch tries to sit up and Jack yells louder for him, only encouraging him further. Morgan steps inbetween them, taking Jack from where Jess can hardly hold him, pinning his arms down as he blindly throws his fist in any direction, trying to jerk, hit, and kick his way back to his father. “You can’t go back there,” Morgan says, but Jack keeps yelling, twisting his shoulders but unable to free his arms. He can see them pushing the stretcher back into a room, he can see his father’s head lifting, turning. “The doctor’s are going to take care of him, Jack. You can’t go back there.”
The door shuts and Jack continues crying but he slumps, smacking his head against Morgan’s shoulder. His face pressed into the fabric of Morgan’s shirt he sobs, his fist gathering handfuls of shirt. The fighting eventually subsides, more violent sobs take over and Jack screams, he cries as loudly as he can into Morgan’s shoulder. 
He cries himself to sleep in Morgan’s arms. 
“What the hell happened?” Jess whispers. She’s managed to wipe the tears from her face, and dislodged the ache in her throat, but her chest is still tight. A band of tension across her ribs. “How did this happen?”
Morgan looks down at Jack. His nose stuffy from crying, his face still wet and eyes puffy. He shakes his head, “I can’t–”
It’s well past her bedtime. This medical emergency is impeding on the sleep she needs to be the fun, cool aunt. No sleep means the jolly good Aunt Jess is not in the building. “Derek, I promise you, if you try and pull some ‘FBI secrets’ on me, I’ll punch you.”
Morgan huffs and moves his arm up, rubbing his fingers over his mouth. “Alright,” Morgan sighs. He distracts himself by rubbing Jack’s back, even though his shoulder is growing progressively wetter from drool, and tears. “In Georgia–”
“I know you were in Georgia.”
Derek cocks an eyebrow up, “you gonna let me finish?” He sighs and licks his lip, “our vehicle was hit. I was driving and his side… His side took the brunt of the hit.” He looks at Jessica, “I could hardly get him to sit still for the EMTs. I let him – I mean, he’s Hotch, you know, you can’t make him do nothing he don’t want to. So we left, we left the ambulance, and I tried to get him to go to the hospital, after – after we got the guy, but he’s stubborn. He was more worried that Prentiss got checked out, and she did, but the EMT said it was just a concussion so he didn’t think it was that bad.” Morgan shakes his head, sighing, “I took him to the hospital, had to trick him for that, but I couldn’t make him stay. So…”
Jess curses softly, leaning down and placing her head in her hands. After a moment, she sits back up, pushing her hair back up out of her face. She looks at Derek with the heat earlier dissipating, slowly being replaced by something sadder. “Tell me that he was at least… I don’t know, that there was a good reason or something.”
Morgan shakes his head, “no, he’s just…”
“A stubborn asshole?” Jess giggles and Morgan huffs, nodding, and chuckling along with her.
“A very stubborn asshole,” he agrees. Jack shifts, sighing in his sleep and adjusting his head on Morgan’s shoulder, and Morgan’s face falls. He clears his throat. “We were… The victim, the victims, they were… just little kids. When we crashed, we were chasing the unsub.” Morgan looks back over at Jess, “he had a boy in the car. Seven. Hotch, he lost consciousness for only a minute, and he got right back up. He was – he wasn’t gonna let that son of bitch kill that kid.” 
Jess nods, looking down at the floor. “Did you get him?”
Morgan nods, and his smile half tugs up. “Hotch did. Cuffed him himself.” 
It was good. When it happened it felt good, things felt over, it felt like a win. Prentiss needed a few stitches but she was fine enough to be angry with Hotch too. Morgan hadn’t pushed that hard for Hotch to get really checked out. He was exhausted, and by the time he and Hotch got to the hospital, Prentiss was done, waiting for discharge papers, and at that point if Morgan really pushed for it, they all would have been stuck in that hospital for several more hours. 
“I should have made him get checked out.”
Jess shrugs, “you said it, you know? He won’t do anything he doesn’t want to.” 
“Yeah, I guess.” Holding Jack does nothing for his guilt. Morgan should have picked a fight, he’s never shied away from confrontation with Hotch before. But today he didn’t. “He just wanted to get home.”
They sit in the waiting room with nothing more to say. The hours of the night tick by and Morgan only grows more frustrated with himself. He’d skipped out on something important to rush home, and now he’s sitting in a hospital anyway. If he hadn’t been in such a rush, if he hadn’t let his exhaustion guide him, he wouldn’t have been so careless. 
It’s late, early morning by then, when a doctor comes out. Jess is resting her eyes and Morgan’s no longer tired. They peel themselves up from the chairs and follow where they’re directed. After being seated out in the waiting room for so long, they sludge back to room, relieved to at least be reunited. 
“Hey,” Jess goes right to the bed, watching Hotch’s half-lidded eyes track them. He blinks languidly and she smiles down at him, kissing the top of his head. “You scared me.”
“Mmm,” his head rocks over, “wasn’t thinkin’ straight, ‘m sorry.” 
She frowns at him but he can feel her cold fingers over his wrist as she gently picks up his hand. She sighs and rolls her eyes, “stop looking at me with your stupid eyes.” She tries to frown but it only maintains for a few seconds, “ I mean it. I’m mad at you.” 
The right half of his lip twitches up and he slowly rolls his head over to the left, “Jack?”
Morgan turns, showing Hotch the boy still out like light in his arms. “Kid’s slobered down my back,” he smirks, coming closer to the edge of the bed. 
Hotch’s hand trembles as he raises it up, the IV on the back of his hand preventing it from coming any higher off the bed. “Let me see him,” he asks, and he watches Morgan’s eyes dart over him, to Jessica he presumes. “Please, Morgan.” 
They’d raced home for this little boy and the please cracks right through to his heart. “I’m gonna lay him down here,” Morgan says. Unwrapping Jack’s arms from around him, Morgan leans down and gently lays Jack down on the end of the bed. Hotch inhales sharply as Morgan lays Jack down, the tips of his fingers grazing the ends of Jack’s hair. “Is that okay? You okay?”
“I’m fine,” Hotch sighs but any ice in his tone decipates, as Jack stretches and rolls onto his side, wrapping his arm over Hotch’s leg, and pressing his face into Hotch’s knee. 
“You’re not fine,” Jess says. “You were in a car accident, you fractured your skull. You have broken ribs.”
“Cracked,” Hotch rasps and he means to turn to look at her but pain spikes through his head. “They’re just cracked,” he whispers, through clenched teeth. He presses his lips tightly together and tries to contain himself but it only increases, like a great pressure, a weight laid on his head. 
“I’m gonna–” Morgan stands, and motions to the door. 
Jess nods her encouragement for his unspoken train of thought, scooting closer to the bed, and holding firmer onto Hotch’s hand. “Are you in pain?” she asks.
Hotch releases the breath he’d been holding, pulling in laborious breathes a little too quickly. “A little,” he relents.
“A little? You look like you’re gonna pass out.”
“I think I might.”
Jessica squeezes his hand, “Morgan’s getting nurse. Just hold on, okay?”
He tries to tell her that he heard that, he definitely understood, but his reply is cut short. Words are jumbled and all that comes out of his mouth a moan, a groan that deepens and is cut off breathily. His head tips to the side and Jess stands, leaning over him. “Aaron?” she can see his eyelashes move, “the nurse is coming.”
“I know,” he rasps, “my head–”
A nurse steps in, Morgan hot on his heels. “Morning, Agent Hotchner,” he greets, “I was just on my way to you.” He smiles down at the sleeping boy on the bed, “good to see you with some visitors. This the little guy you were worried about last night?” The nurse steps to the head of the bed, eyes flicking around, his attention eventually narrows to the IVs leading down. “Can you rate your pain, Agent? On a scale of one to ten?”
Hotch grunts, trying and failing to lift his head from the pillows. It listly slides to the side, his face has gone ashy, “seven.”
“Defintiely not an seven,” Jess says, she’s moved back from the bed, crossed her arms. “He said he felt like he was going to pass out.” 
“Thought,” Hotch grunts, his voice is a harsh whisper, “and I said might.” 
The nurse glances between them and continues with the task he started. 
“He has a high tolerance for pain,” Jess adds, “and a tendency to embellish the truth when it comes to… these things.”
Morgan nods from the corner, “he’s definitely lying. He’s stubborn.”
Hotch grunts but he can’t think to speak, he can hardly think to hear. Cold, gloved fingers touch him but something colder starts to creep up his arm, and then quickly he feels warm, very warm. “Nnm,” he rasps, his head feels less like something’s splitting it open, and more like hallow space between his ears, a vast, empty hallow place.  
“There really shouldn’t be so many people back here,” the nurse says. Pain treated, he can move on to the other things. “Can you step out for a moment into the hall, for a moment? I’ll collect you when I’m done.”
Eyes closed, breathing evened out, Hotch’s hand twitches. He drags his eyes open, trying to force focus out of his blurry eyes. “They can stay,” his speech has slowed, his voice softened. “Hm,” he turns slightly, “not Morgan.” He squints at who he’s fairly certain is Morgan and grumbles, “traitor.”
“What?” Morgan huffs, “Man– Nah, nevermind, you know what, I don’t wanna see you in your skivvies anyway.” 
Hotch smirks, “don’t think I’m wearing any.” He points to the nurse, “you take ‘em?”
The nurse chuckles, “I didn’t and you’re not.” 
Morgan leaves quickly, not eager to find out anymore than he’s already been told. 
Jess steps back away, stuck in a middle ground between watching what the nurse does and looking away to avoid seeing what she doesn’t want to. The nurse presses around his ribs and Hotch gasps, grunting – it’s not pain, but his body is still somehow aware this pressure isn’t right, that is should be painful. Somehow it’s still equally unpleasant. He jerks, his leg moving with it, and Jack immediately sits up. Sleep clings to the corners of his eye and as his tired brain process the information before him, Jess steps around, lifting Jack from the bed and moving him to the side. 
She tries to move herself between them. Hotch’s gown is open, the blanket across his lap preserves modesty, but doesn’t do much hide the scars across his chest, certainly doesn’t cover the black and blue bruises up his side. But Jack rubs his eyes, and stretches, pushing himself down out of the chair. “Daddy?”
Hotch bats the nurses hand away, turning his head and pushing his hand off the side of the bed. “Hey buddy,” his eyes are getting harder to force open. 
Jack ignores Jess’ request for him to come sit down, taking Hotch’s hand and folding himself up over the bed, lifting up on the top of his toes. He lays his head down and Hotch brushes his fingers through Jack’s hair, trying to tame the unruly strands. Jack reaches up, turning Hotch’s hand over and inspecting the IV taped down. “Are you okay?” 
Hotch tries to think of something but the mush inbetween his ears procures not a single intelligible thing. Reflexively, his hand goes back to Jack’s to hair, something else, not located in his head, guiding him back. 
“You remember what I said about wearing a helmet?” Jess asks, she stands behind him. 
Jack turns his head to look at Jess and puts his hand ontop of Hotch’s, “helmets are to protect my head. So I don’t crack it open.” 
“Yeah,” she agrees, “daddy wasn’t wearing his helmet–”
Jack stands, and with grave concern he asks, “did your brain come out of your ear?”
Hotch cocks an eyebrow up and looks over at the nurse. 
“No,” he says once he realizes the questions been deferred to him. “Your dad’s brain is still sitting snug where it should be.”
Jack narrows his eyes and looks over to Jess, “but Uncle Morgan said that’s what would happen. How come then?”
“Well,” Jess struggles for a moment. 
“Uncle Morgan’s not a doctor,” Hotch mumbles, “neither is your Uncle Reid but he’s always trying to argue otherwise.” 
“But he is a doctor,” Jack argues and he stands back up on his toes to lean back into Hotch’s hand. “Uncle Reid is a real doctor, he told me so.” 
“Mm-mm,” Hotch’s eyes close, and it takes him a long moment to force them back open, “math, chemistry and engineering.” He counts them off with his fingers and then they fall back to rest on Jack’s head. “No, ugh, biology? Anatomy? Whatever doctor’s study.” He glances at the nurse from the corner of his eye, and slurs, “’m a lawyer.”
“You’re a profiler,” Jess corrects. 
“Mm,” Hotch agrees, his eyes closed, “yeah, a profiler.” 
“You’re silly, daddy,” Jack giggles.
Hotch smirks and he manages to crack his eyes open to slivers, “you think so?”
“Uh-huh.” Jack turns back to Jess, “can I get up?”
“Yeah,” Hotch rasps.
Jess sighs and looks to the nurse, he nods his head. “I’m done here, for now. If you need anything, use the call button.” 
She’s adamant about it, but Jack kicks his foot up on bed, trying to get up himself. So she picks him up and puts him back on the bed. “Gentle,” she reminds him and Jack carefully crawls up closer and lays down. 
He curls onto his side, reaches up, “you've got scratchies.” Jack rubs the side of Hotch’s face, frowning at the feeling of his unshaved skin. “I don’t like it.”
Hotch turns his head towards Jack, his chin over the top of his head. “ ‘m sorry.”
Jess leans over, smoothing down some of Jack’s hair, “dad needs to get some sleep, alright?”
Jack nods.
“ ‘m not.” 
“You are,” Jess softy says. “Stop fighting it, just rest.”
Jack moves a little closer and falls still, but between his fingers he rubs the material of the gown now closed back over Hotch’s chest. 
Hotch tries to fight it but there’s not much fighting to it. At least his head doesn’t hurt, and he’s home. More or less. He’d rather be home but Jack’s here, and Jack’s safe, and nothing else matters.
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conflictandscotchblog · 3 months
When It Was Just Called Joe
We used to live in simpler times when you could waltz into a diner, drop a quarter on the counter, and say...
“Coffee, please.”
Or, “Give me a cup of Mud.”
Or, “Cup of Joe.”
Even in the old movies, when a group of people worked late into the night, or early in the morning, someone would eventually say (usually to an underling), “Go get black coffee and sandwiches.”
Nobody alters that request for gluten-free bread, or almond milk.
You got coffee and sandwiches.
Then there is my brother. At his house, he asks me if I want coffee, and I say yes, he asks me how I want it.
“I’ll take cream and sugar.”
His reply?
“Oh,” he’d mock, “so you don’t like coffee?”
But now, how times have changed.
The other day, while on a walk with my friend and her dog, we stopped at Starbucks.
Let me make something clear, normally I would never go into a Starbucks. The only exception is when I’m with my friend and her dog. Her dog is such a sweet girl, so on hot days we would go into Starbucks to cool off, and get a treat for her dog.
Her treat?
A Puppuccino (whipped cream in a cup).
I ordered something I never ordered before, a Chocolate Cream Cold Brew (cream on top, coffee on bottom). It looked good on the menu.
Editors Note: What follows may not be accurate since I don’t speak Starbucks.
After taking my order, the barista (and when did that happen? Do you need a degree from Starbucks University to make drinks?) asked my friend what she would like to drink.
“I would like an iced decaf, sugar-free, vanilla soy latte, please.”
The barista replied, “Sorry, but the Starbucks Corporation does not do decaf iced lattes.”
My friend responded she had one last time she was here.
“I’m sorry,” the barista replied, “perhaps you had an Iced Americano, because the Starbucks Corporation does not do decaf iced lattes.”
This back-and-forth continued for longer than expected. It went on so long that a blind man, whom we helped earlier in the day find a Dunkin’ Donuts (about two blocks away), walked by with his iced coffee in hand (probably a decaf) going in the opposite direction.
It shouldn’t have been that difficult. My friend listed exactly what she ordered before. Meanwhile, the barista spouted the steps necessary to create a cold fusion nuclear reaction.
Plus, once when said, ‘Starbucks Corporation’, I swear I heard Starfleet Command come out of his mouth.
Eventually, I walked away. Later, in a conversation with my friend, she thought I walked away because she made a scene. I told her I walked away because I started to laugh.
“Oh,” she was surprised, “I thought it was because of the diner incident.”
We once had a diner incident.
Months before, while having dinner at a diner, my friend’s order did not come out correctly. I suggested she just eat it the way it was. Our waiter was definitely an asshole with an attitude, and god knows what he might do to her food if returned. She looked at me, called me a name I won’t repeat here, and made the waiter correct her order.
I’m not one for confrontations, but this time it was just that I didn’t want to laugh in their faces.
From what I could hear over my stifled laughter, the barista explained the difference between espresso and brewed. Decaf coffee and iced with milk, Americano, espresso with water and milk, and every other possible combination to fulfill her order.
Starfleet would be proud.
Eventually, they landed on a compromise (not sure what it was), but he assured her if she did not like it, he would make something else.
We took our table, then worried, that with these unknown drinks, we won’t be able to tell them apart.
“Well,” I said, “I got a Grande, and you got a medium, they should not be the same size.”
Spoiler alert: They were the same size.
Although, mine looked distinctly different, with cream on top.
Mine was delicious, however hers, not so much.
Not sure what the barista did, but by the look on her face on the first sip, he missed his mark.
She walked back to the counter, drink in hand.
Before she handed the coffee back to him, she said, “I am never coming back here again.”
She didn’t mean she wasn’t coming back because he was a bad employee. No, she meant it in the way you say, ‘It’s not you, it’s me’ when you break up with someone.
Apparently, (I think) he added water and milk to a brewed decaf espresso, and poured over ice.
He made her another drink. Although not what she wanted when we walked in (what felt like hours ago), she kept it.
I had my own problems. A two-toned coffee sat in front of me.
Do I mix it?
Do I just drink it, as is?
Went back to the counter to ask the young woman barista, what I should do.
“Well,” she said, “that is my favorite coffee, and I just drink it, let the cream settle to the bottom.”
Where have you been all my life? Finally, someone taught me how to drink fancy coffee.
Refreshed, and thoroughly confused, we finished our drinks, and left.
I’m not sure of our return to this particular Starbucks. However, when we do, I fully expect the barista, upon seeing us at the front door, turns into a full-blown version of the Soup Nazi, and shouts:
“No coffee for you!”
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salt-pepper-jolex · 2 months
Powdered Donuts, Princess Crowns, and Bubbles
In which Jo announces something to Alex (unintentionally with the help of Luna); Inspired by the powdered donut scene in the closet.
A/N: This is my first published fanfic, so pleeease be nice. That being said, enjoy, and comments, prompt suggestions, and reviews are always welcome in the comments or in the 'ask me anything' box.
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Side note: I'm partially ignoring canon with this fic, bc Jolex is my OTP and Grey's writers damaged me with Alex's exit.
"Here. I'm sorry for how I've been with you lately." Jo said apologetically to Alex, her voice fragile as she handed him an envelope with a box attached.
She'd been mad at Alex for reasons he didn't understand, and to be perfectly honest, she didn't understand them either...until she found out about this.
"Hey, don't worry about it. It's okay. What's this?" His voice was soft, and curious, and his eyes were gentle.
"Open it." Her face flickered with a ghost of a smile, but her eyes were nervous.
Alex's face lit up as he opened the box to find powdered donuts, but that expression quickly turned into a confused one, then finally one of worry. "Babe, did I miss an anniversary or something?"
"No, Alex, I promise you didn't miss anything. Just open the envelope," she said, sipping Alex's coffee and biting a donut.
Before Alex makes a move to steal a bite from Jo, Luna waltzes in, wearing a princess crown and blowing bubbles. "Moonshine, why're you wearing a crown?"
"Because, Daddy. Mommy's your princess. And that means I'm both of your princesses." Luna responds, very matter-of-factly, putting the bubble wand back into the container.
"Yes, you are, Luna-bug," Jo says, scooping her up, making Luna giggle.
"Mommy, that tickles!" Luna squeals before stopping to point at the envelope. "What's that, mama?"
"I don't know, Luna, why don't we let Daddy tell us?" She winked to Luna before smiling at Alex.
He opens the envelope, his face puzzled before morphing into one of pure joy. The envelope read, "Congrats!" signed by Mer, Bailey, Webber, April, Maggie, Amelia, Jackson, Owen, Arizona, Callie, Cristina, Aaron, Amber, and Helen.
"Jo, what is this?" Alex asks, in awe of what it might turn out to be.
"Well, how would you feel if I told you we're having another baby?"
"Jo, you better not be joking. Are you pregnant?"
She smiles, her eyes sparkling with unshed tears as she nods.
"Alex Karev, we're having a baby," she holds up a positive pregnancy test, the two pink lines obvious and almost too dark.
"Baby!" Luna cheers, blowing bubbles from Jo's arms as Alex leans in to sweetly kiss Jo on her lips before grabbing the donut in Jo's hand and bit into it.
"Baby, I love you, but I think I love donuts more," Alex said playfully as Jo softly swatted his hand away.
"Hey! What about me?" Luna said, both Jo and Alex laughing at her reaction.
"We love you too, princess. Now come on, we have donuts to finish!" Jo says, excitement filling Luna's eyes.
"Donuts!" Luna's remark had shown them just how ready Jo and Alex were to give their little girl a baby sister of brother.
"Do you think we're ready for it?" Alex asked as he saw his daughter's face light with happiness at the donuts.
"Mhmm, they'll love you just as much as you love them and Luna." Jo nodded, planting a kiss on Alex's lips, letting herself linger.
"And powdered donuts," he teases, kissing her back.
"Speaking of which, your daughter got into. You're putting her to bed tonight." Jo giggled, a sound that filled the room and Alex's heart.
"Always, baby. Always." He said, his voice filled with a conviction that resonated in both of them.
P.S; In this AU, Jo is both a General Surgery Attending & OB resident. Alex is Chief/Head? of Peds and a General Surgery Attending.
Thanks so much for reading! Hope I did canon-divergent Jolex fans justice! Lemme know what you think in the comments, and feel free to give prompts for them too!
xo, Nikki
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softsnzstuff · 2 years
Surprise!!! New AU Drop!
I said I’d do it when I hit 200 followers! I’m a little bit late, but I didn’t forget. I’d like to introduce you all to my new Radio Show AU!
The Fruity Four are cohosts of a radio show on 198.6 FM, of which Jonathan and Chrissy are producers. It’s hinted at the fact that some of the kids like Max, Dustin and Will are interns at the Tower.
As always, ask box is open for questions about the AU. Annnnnd here’s a little intro fic to tide you over. (Word Count: 1.6k) 🤍KB
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Eddie yawned as he reached over and turned off his alarm that had been beeping for the last two minutes. He glanced over at the clock ~ 3:47 am.
The 28 year old was not a morning person by any means, but he loved his job and this is what the job called for. He pulled some jeans on over his boxers and made his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth and try to tame his hair. He’d find a shirt afterwards.
The smell of bitter coffee cut through the air of his apartment kitchen. ‘Thank god for coffee timers.’ He thought as he poured some into his Metallica travel mug. Despite everyone assuming he’d like his coffee black, Eddie was very much an “oat milk and two sugars” kind of guy.
His watch told him it was almost 4:15 am. He had to hit the road if he was going to be on time. He threw on his leather jacket and grabbed the denim vest off the back of his sofa. Keys and coffee in hand, he headed for the van.
The drive to the Hawkins Radio Tower was about 30 minutes. A little longer than he would have liked, but at least it was decently scenic. With some music in the background, he usually took the time to collect his thoughts as he sipped his coffee on the way over.
He pulled into his usual parking spot right out front. He recognized the Toyota Corolla parked next to him as Steve’s. The brunette was a year younger than Eddie, and one of three of Eddie’s cohosts on the 189.6 morning show.
Eddie got out of his van, standing on the curb in front of Steve’s car. Steve’s door opened and Eddie grinned. “Morning, Princess!”
“H’iiGTSHew!” Steve sneezed to the side, a light mist visible under the streetlights.
Eddie jumped back over dramatically, “Yuck!” He teased.
“Sorry,” Steve sniffled against his wrist, “Morning.”
“Nancy and Robin already here?” Eddie asked.
Steve looked over his shoulder, spotting the cranberry mom-van in the parking lot, “Looks like it!”
As they entered the studio, they were hit with the smell of donuts. they followed the scent until they almost ran into the blonde coming out of the kitchen.
“Oh geez! You guys scared me!” She laughed.
“Chrissy, you did not get us donuts.” Eddie’s eyes widened.
She blushed, “I did. Happy Monday! Saved you a Maple Bar, Steve!”
“You didn’t happen to get -”
“Old fashioned with sprinkles, yes. You think I don’t know you after fifteen years Eddie?” She playfully punched his arm, “I’m going to help Jonathan set up for the show. Be in the studio in five?”
“We’ll be there in three!” Eddie called after her, “Thanks Chrissy!!”
The two boys collected their donuts of choice and ate them as they walked to the recording studio. Nancy and Robin were already sitting at their chairs around the round table and talking amongst themselves.
The setup was fairly simple. A round table in a brightly colored room. Four microphones came down from the ceiling and had headphones next to them for each of the cohosts. There was a window on one side that led to the production booth where Jonathan and Chrissy basically lived.
“Morning ladies.” Eddie greeted.
“Hey guys! You alright Steve? You look a little worn.” Nancy asked.
“M’fine.” Steve offered a gentle smile and took his seat at the table, Eddie following suit.
A knock on the glass made them all look up. Chrissy signed a 3-0 at them, letting them know they had thirty seconds before they were live on air. Eddie shot her a thumbs up and the four put on their headsets, getting ready.
Eddie cleared his throat as he Looked up at the light above the door where they came in. After a few seconds it lit up. “ON AIR”.
The long haired man leaned into the microphone, bursting with energy he didn’t know he had, “Good morning Indiana! You’re listening to 198.6! Today is Monday and you know what that means-”
“iiGSHew! H’eTSHuhew!” the brunette tried to turn away from the mic, but he was certain he could be heard on the broadcast.
“-Bless you Steve. Today’s Monday which means we’re going to be reading some Missed Connections from Craigslist!”
Robin chuckled and leaned into her mic, looking speaking to Eddie, “I’ve got a good one today, I don’t know about you guys.”
“She’s right. I read it earlier. It’s good.” Nancy added.
“Alright then girl boss, why don’t you start us off.” Eddie offered, gesturing that the floor was hers.
“Okay then,” Robin tapped her card on the table for effect, “To the blonde babe in aisle seven of Whole Foods…”
“Jesus Christ…” Steve muttered under his breath.
“You looked gorgeous from your head to your toes. I especially like the way your arms flexed as you picked up your hand basket of hot dogs and Graham crackers. Judging by the Hershey's bar you also picked out, I assume you are going camping. If you’re looking for a lifelong camping partner, here I am. You looked so graceful picking out a chocolate. So why don’t you take a chance on this here SweeTart?”
Eddie made a fake gagging sound, “THAT WAS SO BAD!”
“Am I wrong or did he compliment the way she bicep curled her hand basket?” Nancy laughed.
“No he totally did. And is NO ONE going to mention that terrible pun at the end???” Steve threw his hands up in the air.
“Alright killer, your turn.” Robin smirked at Eddie.
The older man picked up his own paper and put on his most dramatic voice - the one he usually saved for the nights he hosted DnD for the interns.
“We met at Jason’s Halloween party. I was the one dressed as a sexy vampire. You were a witch. Though I could not see your face, I could tell you were beautiful. I asked Jason who you were but he was too drunk to remember. If you’re out there please call me.”
“Wow. That guy is really hoping to find luck when they dressed as the two most cliche Halloween costumes … of all time???”
“Nance is right. ‘Sexy vampire’?? Eddie weren’t you a vampire this year too?” Robin asked.
“Ha ha, very funny.” Eddie said sarcastically.
“Wanna go next, Steve?” Nancy offered.
The 27 year old looked up, “Oh uh sure!” The tickle in his nose has blossomed once more and he was desperately trying to will it away.
“Snf it’s not too long. Wednesday morning I was working my shift at the movie theaters. You SNF you had tickets for the matinee re-screening of Lord of thehh Rings hiCHMPshh!”
Steve turned and sneezed into his elbow, sniffling as he moved back towards the microphone.
“Bless you.” Came the replies from his cohosts.
“snfsnff I like a girl who knows her lehhh lore. If you were the girl in seat twehhhnty six D, you can reach me here-”
The tail end of his sentence was rushed as he once again swiveled away from the microphone, pulling the collar of his shirt up over his face.
“ItsCHEW! HaESSH! H’EKSHuhew!”
“Bless you! Jesus…” Eddie placed a gentle hand on Steve’s back while he sniffled helplessly against his wrist.
“Snlrff sorry I have to blow m’by n’dose.”
Steve got up and walked out of the recording room, not something any of them usually do. There was a brief downbeat of silence until Eddie realized the girls were looking at him to say something witty.
“You know what I love about a story?” Eddie asked. “Specificity. Seat 26D huh?”
The girls chuckled and they continued with the on-air banter.
Steve had gone to the bathroom to clean himself up and wash his hands before returning to the production room. When he got there, his fellow cohosts were getting up from the table and walking towards the door. Steve could see them through the window Chrissy and Jonathan looked through.
“Twenty minute song break.” Robin explained as she jogged past Steve, “I have to pee so bad!”
Nancy followed, but held up her water bottle. “I’m gonna refill. Be back in a sec.”
By the time Eddie walked in, Chrissy and Jonathan were busy talking amongst themselves about different tools they could use for some future segment editing.
“Hey dude, what happened? Are you okay?”
“Ugh god that was so embarrassing…” Steve rubbed at his eyes. Eddie frowned at the way his consonants were rounded with congestion.
“Are you not feeling well Stevie?”
“I felt it coming on this weekend, but it really hit me today.”
“Well listen, you’ve got three cohosts for a reason. If you wanna go home we’d understand. Or…”
Eddie paused, thinking he might be overstepping.
“Or?” Steve questioned.
Shit, so he did hear him. Eddie rubbed at the back of his neck trying to play cool.
“Or… if you wanted to wait for me and just rest on Jonathan’s couch in here… I could uh pick up some soup or medicine or whatever and bring it to you?”
He bit his lip, preparing for the rejection he was certain he’d face.
“I’d like that a lot actually.”
The answer shocked Eddie to the core, “Really?”
“Yeah! Jonathan can I lie down in here while they finish the show?”
The man looked up from his smorgasbord of editing tools. “Yeah man go ahead.”
“Cool,” Eddie joked, glancing at his watch, “Just hang tight for about three more hours.”
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In the Way
Word Count: 3600
Based on the Reaction #12: Password is Related their EX
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It had been a rather great day in the grand scheme of how it all started.  Even though you woke up with some sort of sixth sense of some doom about to happen, you still got your morning wake up kiss from your boyfriend before he ran off to his bakery at 5:00 AM.  You still got up at your normal time, had your coffee, did your YouTube work out routine.  You even got to work just a bit earlier than normal and was able to grab one of the donuts you normally missed.  The day had just been too good.  So you weren’t all that surprised when you walked into Yixing’s bakery to find him sitting alone with a woman.  A beautiful woman, one who looks like one of the runway beauties.  
For a second Yixing didn’t look up, his eyes were just so intent on the woman in front of him, a sort of pained look almost.  When you took a step forward, he glanced up, and a slight panic came over him.  You didn’t know why, he was so panicked about you coming into the shop, you always did after work.  
“___!  You are here early.”  He tried to fake a smile, one you recognize as his customer smile.  
“I’m actually late.  I got caught in traffic.”  The woman stood up, her height was more equal to his, than yours ever has been.  She seemed to match his beauty while he complimented hers.  
“Yixing, who is this lovely lady?”  the way she said lovely, seemed to be too sweet to be nice.  
“My girlfriend.  ____. This is Fiona, we…um…”  He rubbed the back of his neck, an awkwardness that came over him.  
“We used to be engaged.”  Fiona put in for him.  She held out her hand, one you took softly.  
“Engaged?”  You questioned, looking up at Yixing who couldn’t quite meet your eyes.  He never told you about the engagement before.  
“It was a short one.  I kind…well it was complicated.  I just got back to town and wanted to see him again, just how he was doing.”  
“It’s nice to meet you.”  You smile, letting go of her hand.  You tried to keep your own panic down, your grip on your purse tightening just slightly.  
“Yes, well I should get going.  We kind of lost track of time, you know memory lane and all that.”  She leaned in to give Yixing a half hug, one he returned.  “It was good to catch up, Yixing.”  She left with a smile on her face, and Yixing’s eyes following her out the door.  You stood there, waiting for his attention to snap back towards you, but it didn’t for a few seconds too long.  He seemed to have been in trance almost.  
“I..uh…”  You thought for a second whether you should talk about her, mention the meeting that just occurred, but then you knew you wouldn’t without crying.  “I was going to make you Italian tonight.  With meatballs and all that, does that sound good?”  You pleaded with him to not say anything.  Yixing looked at you, the smile on your face, you didn’t know if he could read the hurt in your eyes, the pain you felt just now but you tried your best to ignore it, if only to get you out of the shop faster.  
“That sounds good.”  You nodded.  
“I’ll see you at home then.”  You left the shop without even giving him a hug.  Yixing had never liked public displays of affection, so the most you normally would do to say goodbye is give his hand a squeeze, yet this time you left without even a ‘see you later’.
A week later, you were sitting in a cafe on the other side of town.  You knew Yixing would be at the bakery all day today, a special wedding cake order had come in and he would devote most of the time to make that up.  You normally would try to get her second, but your anxiety at meeting her again, on a one-on-one basis made you come ten minutes too early.  It didn’t help that she was ten minutes late as well.  She came in like a model and held herself with such regality that made you feel smaller than normal in a way.  So insignificant, probably to her, you were.  
“Hello, sorry I’m late.  My uber driver dropped me off two blocks away.”  She ordered an iced-americano from the waiter, before completely relaxing in her seat.  You both sat there in silence for a bit before her drink arrived, she seemed to have patience, to you, you didn’t know if she was enjoying this little game she had set up.  
“____, was it?”  She asked your name.  You knew she knew it, how else did she find you on instagram to private message you.  
“What do you want?”  
“Very direct, I like it.  I wanted to talk a little more, with you that is.  Yixing didn’t say much about you really when I came to the bakery.  In fact, until he said he had a girlfriend, I didn't know you existed at all.”  She smiled into her drink.  “To be quite frank, I am still in love with Yixing.  We broke up because my parents had arranged for me to marry someone else about two and half years ago.”  
Your mind began to do math.  You’ve been together for two years.  He started to date you after he broke up with his ex.  You remembered you were a frequent customer at his shop, usually having a peach item when one day he sat across from you asked why you kept coming.  You said the treat made your day better, a few weeks later after he kept talking to you, he asked you out.  You realized you were supposed to be his rebound girl, the one he dated before he moved on and dated other people or went back to her.  
“Yixing doesn’t post pictures on instagram unless they are at the bakery.”  You couldn’t remember the last time he posted one with you in it at all.  
“He used to post a lot with me.”  She kind of muttered, yet made sure it was loud enough for you to hear.  
“What do you want me to do?”  You 
“I want you to step aside.  Yixing and I were always meant to be together.  It took me two years to get my parents to agree to drop the arrangement.  There's nothing standing in our way anymore, well expect one little thing.”  
“I’m not an obstacle.  If you have feelings for Yixing, you should tell him.  He’s a grown man and can make his own decisions.” 
“I thought I would save the dignity of not getting dumped.”  Fiona smiled into her coffee. 
“What makes you think he would?”  You knew you regretted the question the moment you said it.  
“My nickname was strawberry.  I ate so many strawberries when we were together. He even got me earrings with it.  I guess it’s an ongoing joke with him, to name girlfriends after fruit.  It started with me, you know, I grew up on a strawberry farm.  The ones he gets are from my family's farm.  He never has truly left me.  What does he call you?”  
It had been two weeks since your conversation with Fiona.  Things with Yixing have been slightly tense, at least off recently.  He’s been more distant and each day you wonder if today was going to be the day he was going to say something, to talk to you about her, to talk about the situation yet each day nothing.  He still wakes you up with a kiss to the forehead, still makes you a personal dessert, for you when you get back from work.  
Today you came into the store to find Yixing not there, but his one manager, Baekhyun.  
“Hey ___!  You’re here early.”  
“I got out of work earlier than expected.  Is Yixing here?” 
“He just stepped out to go grab some more flour.  We ran out.”  You nodded.  
“Can you grab me my normal treat while I plug my phone in?”  
“Um… sorry ____, Yixing didn’t make any peach tarts today.”  He rubbed the back of his neck.  You paused looking at the display to see no peach dessert of any kind there.  
“Oh…Okay, um…could you just get me my usual tea then and a chocolate chip cookie?”  You walk into the back, heading to his private office.  You found his phone there, still on the charger at a good present.  Plugging your own phone in, you couldn’t help but look at his screensaver.  You never were one to snoop, it had never been your thing.  You trusted him, yet when you looked at the lock screen to see the strawberry shortcake he had made the other day, your heart broke.  Opening his phone and going to his instagram, you looked at his archival pictures, ones you never had seen before.  You found the photos Fiona had mentioned.  Two years ago, she was all over his instagram, kissing photos, date photos, ones you wish you could post on your own.  Yixing had been working towards making this bakery so successful you rarely had time to go on dates.  If he wasn’t here, he was home watching recipes, writing out what he needed for the next day.  You always chalked it up to him being a workaholic nothing more.  For the first time you truly believed he just didn’t want to spend time with you.  When you went to exit the app, you saw her name on the recent DM’s.  The message read ‘seen’ next to her name.  He had sent her something, yet you knew you couldn’t open it.  Closing the app and putting his phone down, you walked back into the kitchen.  You smelled sugary peaches, the smell that you loved so dearly.  Looking over at the trashcan, you found thrown away peach tarts.  Turning around you unplugged your phone and put his back on the charger. 
“Baekhyun, I’m actually going to head home.”  You said coming out of the back. The shop was mostly empty with few people here at this time of day.  
“Okay, do you want to make a cup?”  
“No…no, you can have my cookie and stuff.  I’m suddenly not in the mood for sweets.”  You smiled, grabbing your stuff you dropped off.  “Oh, and um…don’t tell Yixing I stopped by…please.”  You asked, trying not to cry.  Baekhyun looked at you slightly concerned but nodded.  You left the store heading home to figure out what you were going to do.  You couldn’t keep living like this.  
When Yixing got home, you had already made up your mind.  Sometime in the afternoon you had called your mother to see if you could stay for a few days, just to see her mostly, using the excuse of not seeing her for a while.  You wouldn’t be gone for more than four days or so, work couldn’t allow you to miss more than two.  Your bag was packed in the closet waiting for the next morning when you already booked your train ticket.  You would be leaving at the same time as he would have to go open the bakery.   When Yixing got home, you had dinner already made, including a few extra meals over the days you wouldn’t here.  
“What's with all the food?”  He asked, coming up from behind you.  He gave you a hug, his chin resting on your shoulder.  
“I am…my mother called.  I haven't visited her in a while, so I’m going to go stay with her for a few days.  Just for four days is all, so I made you food for the weekend.”  
“Four days in the apartment by myself? Wow, that hasn’t happened in a while.  Maybe I’ll invite the guys over or something.”  For a second, you thought he would also invite Fiona over.  You felt guilty for thinking he would do something like that.  Yixing had never been cruel.  “When do you leave?”  He asked, pulling away. 
“Tomorrow morning.”  He scrunched his eyebrows together.  
“So soon?  I can take you to the train station.”  
“No, my train leaves when you have to get the bakery set up.  It’s fine, I’m just leaving the house when you do.”  You smiled, placing the food on the table for dinner for that night.  
“Really, I can call Baek and he can-” 
“I’m fine, Yixing.  I can get myself to the train station.”  You cut him off, sitting down to eat.  Yixing sat across from you eating his own.  After a few minutes of silence, he put his fork down.  
“What’s wrong, Peaches?”  At the nickname, you felt tears come to your eyes.  
“Strawberry.”  You mumbled, picking at your food.  
“What?”  Yixing generally looked confused.  
“Strawberry.  Your password for your computer at work is strawberry.  You have strawberry decorations all around the shop, the bakery is currently only selling strawberry desserts, barely anything else.  I’m pretty sure since you've been open, strawberries have been your main desert trait.” 
“Peach I’m confused-” 
“I met with Fiona two weeks ago.  After that time I walked in on you two talking.”  
“___, why didn't you say anything?”  He went to reach for your hand but you brought it away.  A look of hurt came over him, but you pushed away the feeling of soothing his pain.  You needed to embrace yours.  
“She said you used to call her Strawberry.  She left you to get married to a guy her family wanted her to marry instead.  Were those false?”  Yixing sat back in his chair, looking at you before looking at the table. 
“No.”  You nodded, leaning back in your chair.  
“She also told me, she didn’t even know you were dating anyone.  Your instagram is missing me throughout except for a couple of pictures where I look like I`m your employee or a frequent flyer at the bakery…which I looked at and she's right.  I…I looked back at your archive photos on your instagram-I know I shouldn’t have done it, but she said how she was always in your photos.   She was, you never deleted them.  I just…I didn’t read the messages you were DMing her, I just saw you were.” 
“I need to say what I need to say Yixing.  She wants you back.  I told her to tell you that, but I can’t just keep pretending your ex hasn’t come back into your life in some way.  In fact, to me, the more I look at it, she never left.  You loved her enough to…you were going to marry her Yixing.  I can’t ignore that.  Whatever obstacles that were in your way two and half years ago, are gone for her.  She’s not married, at least that’s what she told me.  And I’m…I’m just the rebound that never went away.  Just some peaches in a trash can that weren't enough to be put on display.”  
“You are not a rebound ___.  I love you-” 
“I’m not blind Yixing.  You still have some sort of feelings for her.  I…I need some time to think, and you need some time to think.  I will…I respect whatever decision you will make, whether it be me or her.  But I will not be anyone’s compilation prize.  I won’t be with someone who still wishes they would know what it was like to get the dream girl.  I would rather be single and alone, than be with someone who wishes I was someone else.”  You stand up from the table unable to bear to stay there any longer.  
Yixing didn’t come to bed that night.  The morning your alarm went over, was the first time you woke up without a forehead kiss or a goodbye since moving in a year ago.  You texted him that you got on the train safely and that you would be back in four days.  He just wrote back okay, with no other words or farewells.  
It was good for you to see your mom, it had been a while and she really helped lift your spirits a little.   After two days there you got a message from one of the workers at the bakery, who sent you a photo of Yixing and Fiona in his kitchen at the bakery.  They were just talking in the photo, and she said that's all they did that she saw.  By the time you got back to your shared apartment, you stood outside the door, expecting to find it empty of his things.  For four days he had been radio silence, very stoic like how he used to be in the beginning of your relationship.  Squaring your shoulders you opened the front door and walked in, taking off your shoes in the entrance way.  Just around the first doorway you spotted his suitcase packed and ready to go, along with two other bags.  You put a hand over your mouth and turn facing the door, tears rushing out.  You felt your knees grow weak, your strength evaporating with the simple sight of losing the one you love.  
“Welcome home.”  Yixing voice echoed through you.  Trying to straighten your back you kept your head held up.  Willing the tears to stop at least.  You were going to be strong enough for this, you had to be.  Turning you looked at the floor where his feet were knowing you couldn’t look at his face.  
“I-”  You swallowed, taking in a breath.  “I hope your life will be happy.” You watched him take a few steps closer, his hand coming to lift your chin.  
“I will be, because I’ll have my peach.”  His voice never wavered, yet it sounded hoarse.  Your bottom lip trembled, when he leaned down to kiss you.  
“What?”  You began to cry while he wiped the tears away as they fell.  
“I’m not leaving you ___.  The bags are for a trip, I’m taking you on.  I already settled everything with your boss, so work won’t be an issue.”  
“Trip?”  You looked at him confused.  Four days ago you left thinking he wasn’t going to be with you and now he wants to jet you away somewhere.  “But the bakery-” 
“I closed it for a few days while it’s getting repainted.  Baekhyun is overseeing the work and will open it back up once it’s done.  My old classmate Minseok, is back in town for a while and he’s helping out so they won’t be out a baker.  I wanted to surprise you, I’ve been planning this trip for the past 6 months.”  He pulled out two plane tickets from his jacket pocket.  You looked at the destination blinking back tears.  
“You always wanted to see English castles.  Made me watch that documentary series at least four or five times.”  
“I thought you weren’t paying attention.”  You  blinked up at him.  
“I always pay attention to you, Peach.  This past month, you’ve been so distant, I thought you were going to break up with me.  I just didn’t know why.  
“But You’re ex- you-” 
“I don’t care about my ex.  I mean I do wish she wouldn’t be miserable, but I don’t love her.  I love you ___.  I’m sorry I made you feel like I didn’t.”  
“Strawberries are in season right now.  Baekhyun said you came over the other time but didn’t want me to know.  He said you were upset about your favorite tarts not being made, but I went to the store to buy more peaches.  The ones I had weren't ripe, they're just in season yet so the good ones aren’t easy to find.  With the instagram photos, I archive my past relationship with Fiona because it’s not something I regret.  I was young and in puppy love.  You're in every one of my photos on instagram, just no one knows.  Why do you think I have you hold all my baked goods?”  He opens up his phone to show you his photos, all the pictures of the pastry on instagram, were actually cropped of ones he had of you.  Hundreds of photos, of both of you, even a couple of you sleeping.  “I don’t want to share you with anyone.  But if you want to start posting couple of photos we can.  I know whenever you like photos posted it's because you’re in control.  Remember when we first started going out, you had a panic attack after Baekhyun posted the photo of you eating one of the treats.”  You had forgotten about that.
“But what about the password?”
“I usually keep the fruit in season so that Baekhyun doesn’t forget.  It's just bad timing with Fiona coming at this moment.  I change it every season.”  Yixing lifted you to look at him again, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close.  
“When I first opened the bakery, I wasn’t in a good place. I had just broken off my engagement, my business was just starting, and I honestly didn’t think I was a great baker.  But I just kept having this beautiful customer keep coming in everyday.  Finally when I got brave enough to ask, she said the words that changed my life.”  
“Your sweets make my day better.”  You whispered.  
“You’re the best part of my day, peach.  You’re the one who makes my days better.”  With that Yixing leaned down and kissed you.  His kisses were always the sweetest part of the deal anyway.  
Scenario Masterlist
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x3kristax3 · 2 years
Invaded by The Past
A/N: have some tissues ready! Also this chapter was probably my hardest to write! Sorry it took so long but its finally exactly where I wanted it to move this story along. But just going to go crawl in my corner because it's finally posted.
Chapter 7
I wake up to the kids jumping on me yelling "MOMMY!" I regret my choices of whiskey last night but I pull both kids into each side of me for a hug as I know they are gonna be an emotional day for them, especially Lucas.
We lay in bed for what feels like forever but I don't always get these mornings with Lucas being eight so I gladly take his moments when he wants to cuddle. 
My mind drifts back to last night and I can't help but smile. My heart never stopped loving Jake but he managed to make me fall in love with him even more. It was like these last five years didn't happen and we picked up right where we left off. I think about outside the door and how we both didn't want to stop the kisses and holding each other. I know for certain if it wasn't for the kids he would have woken up next to me this morning. 
I finally sayI it's time for us all to get up and get ready for the day. I get them up and out into the kitchen for a donut and Lucas puts on a cartoon Lauren has been loving lately. The big brother he's becoming makes me so happy. I head into the bedroom to shower and get ready.
I put on a pair of jeans and I grab one of Jake's shirts that I've pulled from storage over the years and tuck it in. I put on just a tad bit of makeup and some jewelry. I look in the mirror and can't help but smile.
My mind goes back to last night again. Oh how I missed that smile, the laugh, his touch. Those eyes staring into my soul for ages, and lord those kisses of his. I shake my head and go to make myself a cup of coffee. Both kids come back into the kitchen asking for some milk which I get them. 
"Lucas, Lauren can you two sit in here. There is something I need to tell you" as I look at the clock and see it's 9:30 already. They both do and I take a sip of coffee as I stand between them.
"I want you both to know I love you very much. I also want to let you know we have someone coming over in a little bit that has been wanting to see you both for a long time."
"Grandma?" They yell together.
I smile "not grandma. However Lucas you do know him. Last night when I went to Aunt Jessy your father was there. He misses you Lucas and me and wants to meet you Lauren for the first time." I sigh unsure how they are going to react.
'Wait, did I really see him yesterday at the park then?" Lucas asks.
"Yes but he didn't want to step in because it's been five years. He wants to come home as he's able too now." I hold them both close and Lauren looks so happy to finally meet him but Lucas, oh Lucas.
I see the look in his eyes, he thought he was dead. I tried to correct him but I guess it's been easier. I also see a glimmer of hope though too and I realize he's missed him too.
"Let's go watch some cartoons until he shows up okay?" I grab myself a donut and some fresh fruit with my coffee as we head out into the living room. 
I'm sitting on the couch and Lauren is curled up next to me and Lucas is laying on the floor watching tv. After we finish the show the doorbell goes off and they both look shocked.
I manage to get up and head to the door. I open it and he's standing there with a bag, coffee, and a small bunch of sunflowers. I look at him in shock as he leans in and kisses my cheek.
I can't help but smile at him as I know he's just as nervous as I am. I kiss him softly and as I pull away I bite my bottom lip. "Good morning '' I say, grabbing the coffee and sunflowers as I move so he can enter.
"Good morning, I figured coffee was needed," he chuckles.
"Coffee is always needed." I look into the living room and they are right where I left them staring at us. I put the flowers down and grab his hand. I take him onto the couch and we sit down. Lauren is right next to me and she's looking at him but not saying anything.
"Lucas, Lauren this is your father" I feel a lump in my throat and Jake draws circles on my hand.
Lucas gets up and comes in front of us and all of a sudden wraps his arms around Jake. He lets go of my hand and hugs him back "I'm sorry Lucas' ' he says, holding him tight.
I hear him crying into Jake and Lauren looks unsure. Jake takes one of his hands away from Lucas and opens for Lauren. She joins in on the hug and I can't help but smile.
I was worried for nothing. I knew Jake was an amazing father but after everything we had been through I was unsure how they were going to handle this all.
He sees me staring, "are you going to join this family hug or not?" His smile makes me melt and I join in.
We finally pull all away and I look at the kids still in their pajamas "okay go get dressed we're going out the four of us today" I say with the biggest smile on my face as they run to their rooms.
Jake pulls me close and kisses me deep and I melt into his arms. I finally pull away "let's go put those flowers in a vase" I get up and he follows me into the kitchen. I know he's watching my every move as he drinks his coffee and my body shivers. I spin around and I see Lucas standing there watching us. 
"Mom you look more happy with Dad then I've seen in a long time" says Lucas as he grabs a donut from the bag Jake brought.
"Because besides you and your sister he's also my home" I say looking into Jake's eyes as I say that and I know he feels the same.
"Mom, I need to ask you something," Lucas says and I can tell he's struggling knowing what to feel by his voice.
I look at him and put him on the bar stool in front of me. "What is it sweetie?" 
"Why did Dad take so long to come back?" 
I sigh,  I knew this question was going to come up specially from him. "Remember when I was kidnapped?" I look in his blue eyes and he shakes his head yes. "The man that took me only let me go because your Dad pretty much made a trade deal with him. He tried to come back but it took him until now. He did ask for photos of you and your sister. He's safe now though and wants to stay in our lives if you two will let him." I say hoping I didn't just ruin Jake's chances of coming back.
"I want him back, Mom. I know Lauren's been asking a lot about him too lately." I hug him tight and I feel Jake join us.
As we pull away Jake gets to his level and my heart melts at this. "I never wanted to leave you and her. However, I'm here now and I love you all. I want to make this family work day in and day out." 
He says that and I feel the tears falling down and he looks at me and pulls me towards him. At this moment I know he has no desire to ever leave us and he really wants to make this work again.
We wait for Lauren and head out into the city.
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hushroomloser · 2 years
Chris Evans short story part 4
Pairing: ReaderxChrisEvans 
Request: Meeeee 
Prompt: “I’m sorry I thought you were somebody else”
Warning(s): I’m a first-time writer
Word count: 1460 words
A/N: Hey online strangers, I wrote the first part a while back and have the rest of the story in my drive but have never posted it. This story I wrote way back in 2019 :'(. I will be posting at random times if you stay and read it thank you so much. Enjoy xoxox - I have no idea how many parts this story and technically I haven’t an ending yet. 
“2 medium french vanilla, one with extra sweetener and one with extra wipe cream, hmm two croissants, one donut. 2 large black coffees, one double double and one with hazelnut syrup..please. Yes, everything to go”, She smiled at the barista thanking her again after paying. She stepped to the side allowing the next customer to order, she had scanned to room a few many times since she had arrived. It’s packed today, she thought, her chest rose and fell rapidly with disappointment. Not only was she going to be late but she actually had a bit of hope. 
She shocked her head, “this is not a hallmark movie”. 
He woke up suddenly, and with a headache. Two hours before his alarm clock is scheduled to ring. He dug his face deeper into his pillows and groaned, “Waking up early on days I start late”. He irritatingly said to no one in the room, might as well get up now, he thought. Looking at Dodger asleep next to him, lucky he signed. Finally pushing himself up. 
After completing his usual bathroom business he finally looked at his ghostly and tired face. He was exhausted, to say the least.
Tired, drained and exhausted. A real triple threat.
Not just from the shooting and the extensive dialogue he had to learn but from her. Why call him last night? Why give him a tiny bit of hope? He hated her for that, she would always do that when they were dating. And always blame it on the way she is. She did not want a man to hold her back. In disbelief when he heard her say it the first time, he would never be that type of man. He would never dare and yet she accused him of something he had never done. Why would he hold her back? 
Was it their previous conversation about building a family? He always wondered what made her think he wanted her to be someone else. He knew what she meant by holding her back, she did not want to be the typical non-actress stay-at-home wife/mom. He had loved her, more than he had ever admitted to anyone. He wanted to give her the world, and if that world meant having a family they would find a solution to accommodate both of their schedules. Even if it meant sacrificing his own career and taking in fewer projects. 
He wanted her, and he was ready. Their romance was a unique one. It did come out of nowhere. He shook his head, the more he thought about it the more questions he needed answered. Did she not love him enough? Were all those late nights talking about them and their future lies? Was it just an excuse to leave him quickly? They broke up before he moved here which made it hard for any type of closer when she lived halfway across the country. 
No good in dwelling in the past, he quickly washed his face and cursed at himself. Amelia was going to kill him later for the lack of sleep. Shivering at the talk he was going to have to listen to. Amelia was a fierce and talented makeup artist. 
He looked at the clock, it is still early, grabbing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt he headed towards the door with his trusty baseball cap and headphone. Might as well go for a run to clear my head. 
She shook her head, “You are a physicist… snap out of it”, she slowly cursed herself, fake smiling at the old man staring at her patheticness. 
“Miss, your order”, Thanking the barista once again she looked down at the number of things she would have to carry back. A 20-ish min walk, mentally facepalming herself and all the things sweet and good in the world. 
She walked towards the front door and using her backside she slowly push the door as her hands were occupied…
The morning felt crisp and fresh, the sun had slowly gone up in the sky and the darkness slowly dissipated with it. He was getting a bit hungry and tired. As disgusting and sweaty as he felt, he needed something in his stomach: the blackest, strongest coffee ever. 
Reaching for his phone in his pocket, he quickly googled a nearby cafe. Two min walk, that’s not bad, stretching himself before starting in his mini jog to the coffee shop. 
He felt weird, an unusual uneasiness if you could call it that. Like déjà vu, without the déjà part. Or is it without the vu part… He quickly dismissed his thought as he jogged past these very familiar buildings towards the coffee place… 
He took a look at his phone, “have I been here”, questioning himself. He approached the door with confusion.
We always seem to recall our worse days, those days that we wished we could somehow delete from our brains. 
Today is one of those bad, horrible, terrible days. 
She had knocked down whoever was trying to pull the door of the coffee shop with her sweet derrière. Technically the door knock them over but her derrière did do the motion, she cried in her head. How did she not see this person? 
Tip-toeing near the half-conscious man, she approached him slowly thinking he wouldn’t notice her. She wished he didn’t. Unlike half the coffee shop inside who all had their eyes glued on the situation. 
She slowly tried to bend down, while holding her coffee and pastries.
“Uhmmm sir, are you okay?”
No sign of life. 
She got closer. 
“Excuse me, sir, are you okkay?” 
Even closer, “I am soooo sorry, my friend is a doctor she can help”. 
She squinted a little to be able to see who she hit, the first time she had laid her eyes on him she was confused. He looked familiar, too familiar for her liking. But his cap hid half of his face. 
This morning is starting to look more and more annoying than she had initially thought. Her and her thinking, why would she go to this coffee shop in the first place? Her usual one knew her order, knew her and always gave her extra chocolatine. 
The mystery man finally realized what had happened to him, “I should stop looking at my phone when I walk.” He half giggled or more like an anxious laugh. “I hope no one sees my face.”He said under his breath. All this was relative, he has been hearing this beautiful voice for a while, “She smells nice”, he thought before slowly but painfully acknowledging the situation at hand. 
He had tilted his head a little which allowed his cap to move up and let the stranger in front of him finally see his face.
If he had stayed in bed a bit longer this morning, he thought. He should stop going on morning runs, they always seem to lead to the weirdness encounters. 
“Hi, no thank you I am okay, thanks” trying his hardest to escape politely. “You should really come with me I work at the hospital and my friend is the ER doctor on call today. It’ll take you less than 2 seconds for her to check you.” He had not yet looked at her and she was trying her hardness not only to be nice but to run away as well. At least if she forces him to come with her she’ll feel less awkward about the whole thing. 
“I insist, I’ll call a taxi”, she picked up her phone from her pocket without spilling any of the drinks or her pastries, He finally looked at her when she was on the phone with what he guessed was her friend doctor. 
His heart stopped. Which seemed like it has been doing so a lot these days. He maybe really should go see a doctor. 
It was her, the girl. He couldn’t believe it she was the one to hit him. 
Is it cliche or ironic? He wondered. She really did strike him. 
“Hi, uhmm, the taxi is here” Finally getting the chance to look at the mysterious man that she hurt. She recognized him. A tiny voice in the back of her head was thanking everyone but especially her booty for allowing this to happen and the rest of the reasonable and rational part was cursing everything and especially her booty. 
She gave him a warm smile and helped him to the taxi, which was parked on the other side of the street. 
Even injured, he remained a gentleman, opening the door for her. 
And just like that a new beginning had started where two seminally broken people not realizing right now that they are made for each other.
I wrote this instead of studying for my midterms lol, I am the queen of procrastinating 😭😭😭😭
Anyways, hope you enjoy.
constructive criticism is very much appreciated, thank you. 
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The Cheat Sheet
Sarah Adams
Book Description:
Is it ever too late to leave the friend-zone?
Hi, my name is Bree Camden, and I’m hopelessly in love with my best friend and star quarterback Nathan Donelson (so is half of America, judging by the tabloids and how much the guy dates). The first step is admitting, right? Except, I can never admit it to him because he clearly doesn’t see me that way, and the last thing I want is for things to get weird between us.
Nothing but good old-fashioned, no-touching-the-sexiest-man-alive, platonic friendship for us! Everything is exactly how I like it! Yes. Good. (I’m not crying, I’m just peeling an onion.)
Our friendship is going swimmingly until I accidentally spill my beans to a reporter over too much tequila, and now the world seems to think me and Nathan belong together. Oh, and did I mention we have to date publicly for three weeks until after the Super Bowl because we signed a contract with...oops, forgot I can’t tell anyone about that!
Bottom line is, now my best friend is smudging all the lines and acting very un-platonic, and I’m just trying to keep my body from bursting into flames every time he touches me.
How am I going to make it through three weeks of fake dating Nathan without anything changing between us? Especially when it almost-sort-a-kinda seems like he’s fighting for a completely different outcome?
Send help.
XO Bree
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Bree & Nathan
“Mmmm, do I smell coffee and donuts? That must mean Bree Cheese is here.”
I force my face to soften and form a smile. “Not mad in the least.” I step forward, taking a deep breath as I pull her into my chest. She wraps her arms around my waist and squeezes.
Smashed up against my chest, she looks up to catch my eyes. Hers are the color of coffee with a splash of cream. Just the way I take mine. “You’re sure?”
“I’m sure. How could I be mad knowing you were just trying to make everyone aware that my ding-a-ling is no one’s business?”
She groans and buries her face in my shirt, gripping it dramatically like she wants to claw her way inside it and die. “I did call it that, didn’t I? Pleeeease forget you ever heard that word come out of my mouth.”
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